#Reader x Milo
queeniesrose · 1 year
Happy Holidays y'all! Hope you have a wonderful holiday season. Each drabble will be SFW! Hope you enjoy!
Master Post
Christmas Special - Pokemon
Rika: Mistletoe
The weather outside was nice, not too cold. There was a nice, fresh layer of snow on the ground and you were out shopping with Rika. Christmas shopping for others was always a struggle for you; especially if they were one of those that have everything, or they buy everything that they want. Rika was one of the people that you struggled to shop for, she has everything that she has ever wanted, and doesn't want for much.
Rika pulls you along to a bookstore, entering the warmth of the building. She soon drags you over to the romance section of the store, she stops short as she goes to walk through the doorway, "Well, would you look at that! Those sneaky employees, putting up mistletoe in the romance section!"
Your cheeks start to heat up as she mentions that, looking up to see it for yourself. "I guess we have to kiss then." You say, as you quickly pull her in for a quick peck on the lips. Your cheeks brighten up as you pull back. "It was smart of them to put the mistletoe here."
Raihan: Christmas Tree
Perks of having a giant for a boyfriend, means that he is able to reach the top of the tree. After arriving home with the tree and getting decorations for it, you were excited to decorate. This year, you had decided to get a tall tree, about 7 to 8ft tall. Deciding the best way to decorate was to direct your boyfriend.
As you turned towards Raihan, you picked up a string of lights and ribbon, batting your eyelashes at him. "Ready for the first step Rai?" You asked, handing him the lights, not waiting for an answer. "We'll start at the top the tree." You took a few steps back so you could direct him and not be in the way as he put them up. Once he had finished putting up the lights and ribbon, it was time for the ornaments.
Raihan had decided it was time for you to take over, opened up the boxes. "C'mon Love, it's your turn to start putting things onto the tree." He rifles through the multiple boxes you had, "What colors did you want to do this year? Gold and white, green and red, random?" He asked, pulling a few different ornaments out as he mentioned the different colors.
Leon: Hot Chocolate
You couldn't think of something better to drink, than a mug of hot chocolate after a day out in the snow. You and Leon had taken Hop snowboarding, before dropping him off at their mother's house. Once the two of you got home, Leon immediately sent you to go change as he started to heat up the milk for the hot chocolate.
As you made your way into the kitchen, you saw Leon mixing the cocoa mixture and milk together. He had turned on a Christmas playlist, and he was humming along to "Santa is Coming to Town". You wrapped your arms around his waist, as you approached him, "It smells amazing Lee. Do I smell some cinnamon in it?" You ask, looking up at him.
He sets down the spoon, before twisting in your embrace and wrapping his arms around you. He smiles down at you, "You, my love, have a very good sense of smell. Yes, there is some cinnamon in it. Along with some marshmallows. Just how you like it." He says, placing a kiss on your head. He hands you a mug, holding the other one in his hand. "Cheers Love."
Milo: Dancing to Christmas Music
After a long day of work, all you wanted to do was eat and enjoy some down time with your boyfriend. And that is exactly what you intended to do. As Milo arrived back to your place, he could faintly hear the song, "All I Want For Christmas is You" playing and smell different spices from the kitchen. He let is team out to relax, as he made his way into the kitchen. He paused at the door, leaning against the frame, as soon as he saw you dancing around the island.
It took you a few minutes to realize that he was watching you dance around. Once you did, you held your hand out to him. "Come dance with me Milo!" You yelled. Setting down the spoon on counter and turning down the stove, before you belted out the next line, "I just want you for my own. More than you can ever know! Make my wish come truueeee!" As you sang this, you pranced around the kitchen with Milo in tow.
Milo laughed, as you both terribly danced around and sang the rest of the song. As the song was coming to an end, he wrapped you up in his arms, and softly sang the last few lines into your ear, "All I want for Christmas, is you baby." He kissed you on the temple, "Well, we can make your wish come true love."
Larry: Holiday Photoshoot
It was a Christmas miracle that you got gym leaders to agree to doing a holiday photoshoot. What made it even better, was the fact that Larry agreed to wear a Christmas sweater. What wasn't surprising about it was that it was a gray and black sweater. He had his signature look of stressed, depressed, and ready for death. The photographers paired the leaders and elite four up with each other, or with a champion.
Luckily for Larry, he got paired up with his favorite champion, you. As you walked up to set, you linked your arm with Larry's. Looking over at him, you smiled, chuckling at how uninterested he looked compared to everyone else. "Cheer up old man! Tis the season to be cheery and rejoice in the Christmas joy!" You say, jostling him a little bit. "This will be fun, look lively a little bit for me, please."
Larry looks down at you, and smiles softly. He places a kiss on your temple, "For you, my lovely champion, I will try to enjoy this more." He says, as you arrive at the set. He drags you along, as he follows the directions that the photographer gives him. He unhooks your arm from his, before wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you in and posing. "Now, why don't you help an 'old man' look more lively?"
Sycamore: Christmas Lights
Every year in Lumiose City, there's a light show that happens in the city center. You have been bugging Sycamore ever since you move to the city and met him, that you wanted to go see it with him. The entire city was decked out with Christmas decorations and lights. This was the year, that you finally got him to agree to take you.
As much as he would love to say that you don't have him wrapped around your finger, you do. The two of you were matching head to toe. You had white long sleeves, dark gray pants, black boots, and gray overcoats on. You spun around to look at him, as the two of you walked towards the city center, grinning up at him. "You look so snazzy tonight, Mister Sycamore." You say, drawling out your accent as you say his name. You had your rotomphone out, taking pictures of you and the lights.
Sycamore's cheeks heat up a little bit, at your compliment. "Well, every snazzy looking man, needs an equally snazzy looking partner." He says, as he catches up to you, spinning you around. Right in time too, as the lights on the tower begin to twinkle. He hears you gasp at the sight, taking in all the different colors twinkling. "I think this exceeds your expectations love?"
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Applin Of My Eye Ch1 The Apple Shaped Heart Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree (plus story summary)
Part 5 of the Galar Soulmate Series spin off of Love Doesn't Do Encores/A Champion Time For The Heart and side parody of Dragon's Treasure/Diamond In The Rough (This story will be much shorter than the others but I didn't want to leave out the last guy. This will also be the final installment of the Galar Soulmate Series.) Everything was fine now. Eternatus was defeated. The bad guys caught. No more things to worry about...Or at least for Y/n. A small encounter with a certain farmer has made him realize that he never apologized for bowling her over with a wooloo. So when the woman who helped save Galar shows up on his doorstep with an injured wooloo he may realize that maybe he had some secret feelings he never expressed to her in the beginning.
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(Before we begin keep in mind that I do not know the actual name of Milo's little brother so his name is only cannon for this story, and his backstory is also not cannon and just for the story.)
It was a funny thing how crushes often worked you see.
You couldn't really control when cupid would shoot you with his arsenal of arrows through your heart and piercing your brain with that fuzzy feeling that made you all warm inside. However he felt as if he might've been hit with a whole sledgehammer. He still remembered the first time he saw her there. Last year pretty early in the year too actually. It was when he was getting his wooloo ready for the Gym Challenge but unfortunately one of the little rascals had slipped out and started running all over the gym with him chasing right after. Eventually it was able to escape right out of the gym and rolled faster than a tumble weed in a tornado out of his gym and right up the dirt road leading right out of town. Well he went chasing right after it one hand holding his sun hat. To his horror the pokemon was heading right towards two women walking their way down the dirt road chatting oblivious to the danger. Unfortunately speed was never his strong point, he was more of a strength guy himself.
Gloria smiled and pointed to it as the two of you walked down hill on the path. "Look! See? I told ya it was a good idea to take the short cut."
You looked down at her deadpanned, the baaing becoming louder the farther you two walked. "Uh huh. And those people chasing us in the beginning was part of the 'good idea'?"
You two didn't see the thing coming towards you from down the path or the man giving chase to it. "Oh come on! It wasn't that bad. We got here faster and now we can rest up and see 'bout that gym.
"Oh yes. And battling someone inside a mine is a good idea too-"
"Nonono! Miss! Watch out-''
Something hard rammed into your legs and they went flying back, sending your front shooting forward and in an instant you faceplanted the dirt road hard. A resounding 'THUMP!' sound echoing out as whatever rammed into you just as suddenly disappeared. It was like a your legs were pins and you just got ran over by a bowling ball. Stunned your body just sat there face first on the ground with your sobble thrown from your shoulder a couple feet away. You didn't move even as a gasp reached your ears, along with baaing and running footsteps. Your sobble chirping in annoyance upon being flung sat itself up and shook itself off, but scurried away and burried itself under your limp noodle of an arm when someone bigger nearly ran it over. Still you laid there stunned.
"OH NO! OH NO!!" A man's worried voice reached your ears just as your brain finally started to register you had been knocked over. "I AM SO SORRY!! MISS!? ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?"
"Y/N!!" Gloria shouted and you felt her shake you frantically. "NO! This can't be how you die! Bowled over by a wooloo isn't a good way to die so please get up!!"
....You coughed. And groaned. Your vision blurry as your now dirty face slowly lifted itself from the ground and looked up. Blinking at the two faces before you. Gloria who was obviously concerned, but the other was a man one hand clutching a hat on his head as he looked you over with worry. "What was-"
"I am SO sorry, Ma'am!" The man you assumed kneeled down letting you get a better look at his freckled face. "My...Are you ok!? You took that tackle head on!"
"What happened?," you mumbled and your answer was being easily lifted by the man by strong hands grabbing your shoulders.
"One of my wooloo! I'm so very, very sorry! She keeps running away everytime someone leaves a door open and I need her for the gym so I keep having to chase her down and bring her back!," the man quickly stated holding you up on wobbly legs as you shook your head as your poor sobble refused to let go of your arm. Hanging onto it like a koala bear would. Hands dusted you off. "Oh no. You're all a mess because of me. I hope you're not hurt, Ma'am."
You waved him off. "It's fine. Wouldn't be the first time I had to deal with troublesome wooloo," you grumbled remembering the Slumbering Weild incident. "I feel fine. Just a few dirt stains aren't gonna hurt."
The man sighed in relief. "Oh thank goodness. I was really worried when you fell so suddenly." His face quickly snapped with a frown to the wooloo who baaed at him. "And you! What did I tell you about running off like that!? This time you did hurt someone!" It baaed louder at him. "Don't you talk back to me! You're in big trouble young lady!......Hm?" He looked to Gloria who was currently staring at him in surprise before he suddenly smiled at her. "Oh. You must be one of the Gym Challengers, right?"
"I- W-Who me!?" She sputtered before nodding quickly. "Y-Yes, Sir! I am!"
"Ah! I thought so." His polite smile widened. "I saw you at the Opening Ceremony earlier this week! My name's Milo. It's nice to meet you."
"I know! AH! I mean!" Gloria sputtered holding up her hands. "I s-saw you too with everyone else! I'm so sorry!"
held up his hands. "Oh no. If anything I should be the one apologizing to you and your friend here for the trouble I put you through."
"Milo?," you asked confused gaining his attention.
He nodded. "I'm a Gym leader here and partial to Grass Type pokemon. And if I'm not mistaken your friend here is one of the ones Leon keeps going on about. I've been itching to see just how good the Champion endorsed Gym Challengers are..." he sighed moving his hands to his hips. "But I'm afraid you might have to wait your turn."
"Huh?" Gloria blinked.
"I know usually my gym's the first one trainers pass by on their trip, but I didn't expect so so many to come here right after the ceremony. I've been completely swamped and I still have three trainers waiting for their turns with me right now. And it doesn't help this one keeps running off the first chance she gets."
You mean I gotta wait until you have more time off just to fight me?" She groaned with a pout. "Maybe we should've taken the train to get here faster after all."
"Hey. The man's busy" You patted her back with a frown. "And obviously he's having a hard time right now. You said we had what?....A whole year until those finals come up? It hasn't even been a whole week yet. We can wait a lil bit longer and let Mr. Milo here sort himself out."
Milo gave you a surprised look and Gloria sighed before nodding. "You're right. We're here and that's the most important thing! I can wait a few more days if I have too."
You smiled. "That's the spirit!"
Even Milo eventually smiled. "Well then. Let me find out at the Gym Stadium when you're ready." He pointed behind him. "Just head on down this route and you'll run right into my stadium. See you there!" He then turned to the wooloo. "Come on now. Back to the stadium with you too. We can't keep the Gym Challengers waiting." It baaed at him in protest but didn't give too much of a fight when it started to follow him as he turned and gave one wave back to you two. "Again sorry for the trouble! Hope to see you soon!"
With a sigh you brought your arm up and your sobble blinked at you...before grabbing your cheek with a questioning chirp. "I'm fine. Just a little sore."
He thought that would've been it. You see he wasn't expecting to see her again. He thought he saw her the next day when he battled her friend in the stadium, but that was that. He lost, congratulated the young girl who looked about the same age as his little brother and off she went. He thought that would be it until he saw the next challenger. But he was surprised when night fell and he stepped out for a few moments to himself.
The night was peaceful. The night was quiet. It was one of the times he could actually get a bit of breathing room to himself and he always gave one last look around anyways. The wooloo were all snug back in their barn. The gym was cleaned up and closed. And most of the farm's chores were already done. All that was left was to do one last look around before bed. The night was pretty. The sun had just started going down over the horizon leaving sn assortment of yellows and oranges and pinks to be chased away by a dark blanket of black filled with millions of tiny stars. It was beautiful among the silent fields. Although he was never expecting to run into another person. Quite literally. He was just walking around the side of his barn when he almost ran face first into a woman. A woman with a sobble clinging to her shoulder. The sudden face to face encounter had her jumping back with a yelp jumping back and the sobble terrified ducking behind her head with a chirp. He himself took a step or two back from the sight as the two of them just...blinked at one another for a good second. Who was-
"Milo?," The woman asked with a blink. "What are you doing out here?"
He blinked. Why did she look familiar? "I...I own this farm? And who are you?"
"I'm Y/n." He still stared. "Your wooloo bowled me over the other day."
It all clicked in an instant. "Oh! You're that woman!" He remembered now. "What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?"
"Camping." She gestured behind her towards the back fields and when looked over her, he noticed there was two tents set up right in the middle of one of his fields. "My friends and I are camping out here before we leave tomorrow morning, but we had no idea this place belonged to you. I heard someone walking around out here so I came to check it out." It was then she held up her hands and apologized. "But we don't want to cause any trouble. If it's a bother, I'll have them move our tents somewhere else. I'm sorry."
"Oh no. It's no trouble at all," he insisted with a smile. "As long as you all don't litter, I don't mind at all. "
"Oh. That's actually really nice of you. Thank you so much. That battle you had with Gloria today was great!"
He paused all of a sudden caught off guard by what she had said. "Pardon me?"
She smiled at him. "I said your battle with Gloria was really fun to watch. You put up a good fight out there today. No wonder you're a gym leader!"
And in that moment he paused. She was complimenting him? HIM?! He had to look around real quick to make sure that there wasn't anyone else there for her to speak too even though he knew there really. He then looked back to her with that perplexed took. By now the small sobble had timidly poked his head from behind hers.
He pointed at himself. "You mean me?"
"Of course I mean you! You're the only gym leader in Turrffield. Who else would I be talking to?" She rose a brow.
"Oh. I-I meant no offense, Ma'am. It's just...well I'm not used to compliments actually." A hand reached up as an embarrassed smile graced his features. "I don't get a whole lot of them outside my friends and little brother."
"Really? I'm surprised. You put up such a good fight against Gloria." Ah. That must be her friend's name. The young girl who he battled today in fact. "You're also the first official gym leader I've met so far."
He blinked in surprise. "Really?"
She nodded. "You see. I'm uh... Visiting Galar. It's my first time ever being in this region. So today was my first time ever seeing a live gym battle and you're the first ever gym leader I've spoken too....Ever actually."
"Huh? You mean you've literally never met another gym leader before me? Like ever?" 
"Nope! First time ever today. Or night as it happens to be now." ...She smiled again. "But I'm glad it was you. You're really kind, I could tell by how you treated your Pokemon during the battle." She then turned and waved a hand good bye. "Well it was nice meeting you Mr. Milo. Sorry again for the trespassing. Have a good night."
"Uh...Good night."
That was it. He didn't see the strange woman again when he went to inspect the fields the next morning. The tents and people were gone, if he didn't find the small holes in the ground from the tent spikes, he would've believed he'd just dreamt up the whole thing. Oh well. She was kind though! It made him happy to be complimented for once but he soon forgotten about the whole thing when he just got on with his life. A lot of wool was harvested from him wooloo and so many crops were harvested from the fields this year! In fact this might've been the most plentiful harvest Turrffield has ever had. 
His little brother was making his way through the gym challenge as well! He was so proud of him! He really grew from a bud to a giant blossom this year. He was so proud watching Felix battle his way through the gym leaders one after another and make his way through the gym challenge. He always knew Felix was a much more stronger and capable trainer than he ever was. He'd grown so much than he'd ever could, one day when he was older he'd make an even better gym leader! If Ma and Pa could see him now, they'd think the same thing he was sure of it! So it came to no surprise when months passed and he saw Felix again sometime in August. The biggest smile on his face when he busted through the door of their home, almost scaring Milo into dropping the giant sake of potatoes he was handling,  and with a confident smile presented his full badge circle with all eight badges. 
"Milo! I'm competing in the semifinals this year!"
He  was then given the biggest hug and welcome Milo could ever give. His own little brother was going to be in the semifinals this December.  And it was then that he saw her again. When he and his brother traveled down to Wyndon city near Christmas time. Felix was getting ready to battle the other three finalists and he was patiently waiting for it all to start from the V.I.P lounge with most of the other gym leaders. But they couldn't until Leon showed back up, which was sooner than he expected when the door opened and the smiling Champion came walking in-
With one mighty push, Leon pushed the door open and walked right in. "Hey, Everyone." He called back into the room. "Sorry I'm late!"
"Leon. Don't tell me you got lost again! I thought one of us were gonna have to rescue you like last time.," came a woman's voice that sounded familiar from the inside, "I swear sometimes you're more confusing than a spinda."
You both slowly shuffled in as Leon chuckled a bit embarrassed. "C'mon, Nessa. That's a bit harsh." Shaking his head he smiled behind him as you brought up the rear. "I got a bit distracted on the way here and invited some friends over."
You stepped in and blinked at what you saw. The room you were all in was almost as big as Gloria's hotel room but less fancy. Warm thankfully, with some couches, a table with a few chairs, a big flat screen TV, and over in one corner was some kitchen stuff. By kitchen stuff there was a counter with a few cabinets, a sink, full sized fridge, microwave, and a coffee maker. And within the room around you was all ten gym leaders!! Ms. Opal was sitting at the table with a cup of presumed tea with Kabu who seemed to be meditating or asleep by the way he was just sitting there eyes closed and arms crossed. Gordie had been standing by the fridge leaning against the wall, but looked up from his drink when the door opened. Melony standing with him. Nessa sitting on the couch next to Bea, and across from them on the other couch was Raihan glancing at you with a surprised look with Alister sitting next to him on the opposite side of the couch. Milo was the closest one standing to you all looking to have been in the middle of eating some kind of doughnut in his hand when you walked in, and last but not least there was Piers. He had been the only one visibly standing and looking out the window as the stadium was filling up with people, but had side glanced over his shoulder just seeing Leon before turning back to the window before he could see you walk in behind him. Disinterested in whoever Leon brought with him. Oh if only he knew. And...HEY! It was the three trainers of Raihans. Sebastian, Camilla, and Aria. The triplets were encircled around the fridge most likely getting something to eat also.
Good morning," Victor greeted politely and a bit more confidently than you as he waved. "It's really nice to meet all of you."
You were going to say hi as well. Most probably to Nessa since you've spoken to her before or maybe Ms. Opal and ask how Bede was doing. Or....maybe Raihan if you were feeling a bit more brave. But it was one soft voice that interrupted all thoughts.
A lot of everyone around you (you included-) looked surprised as ALLISTER of all people spoke out and you watched in surprise as he slowly scooted himself off the couch until his feet hit the floor. With a turn of his head towards you he slowly walked towards you...and you smiled. 'y/n. Milo instantly paused, His emerald green eyes going wide all of sudden, and the doughnut he was holding nearly dropped. And his brows instantly shot up upon seeing YOU of all people standing there next to Leon.....YOU!? HERE!? WHAT WERE YOU DOING BACK HERE?! WITH LEON!? HUH-
"Hey, Allister." You greeted and to everyone's surprise you instantly lowered yourself to sit on your knees finally placing Silver down to your side to be eye to eye with Allister. This seemed to make him more comfortable to talk with you as he slowly walked up to you now being closer to his height. "Wow. You look great! Did you grow taller from the last time I saw you?"
He instantly nodded his hands into fists in front of his chest. "Uh huh. L-Leon s-s-said I grew three inches this year!"
You gave a small gasp. "No! That's so cool! You're growing up fast. Soon you're going to be even taller than him."
"Y-You think so?"
You nodded again smiling wide. "Oh yeah. A big strong person like you? I bet you'll be the tallest person I know!"
That seemed to make him happy as he smiled from behind his mask at you before reaching around to his pokeballs. You watched patiently as he fumbled before holding up a pokeball. "I-I made a new f-f-f-friend! W-Would you like to meet him?"
Still smiling you nodded. "I would love to meet your friend, Allister." You gestured to Silver next to you who chirped when you acknowledged him. "I want you to meet my friend too. Allister this is Silver. He's been with me for a while now. Say hello, Sil."
In response Silver have off some kind of noise towards Allister who stared for a moment. "H-Hello..." Before turning back excitedly to you. "H-Here! Y-You're gonna really like him!" You knew that you would either way. Everyone was now staring at you two in surprise. Even Kabu had opened his eyes to peer over at what was going on. A flash of bright light from Allister gave way to something white, floating, and very pretty. And you smiled wider realizing what exactly what it was. Floating there by Allister in all it's white glory, was a Froslass. "I m-m-met him w-w-when it snowed by the stadium. He really likes playing hide and s-seek with us."
"Ooh. He's absolutely beautiful." You turned to the pokemon, and as if he was another human, you greeted him. "How do you do? It's very nice to meet you, Sir."
The pokemon blinked at you seeming to be taken a back a bit but made some noises while smiling proudly at itself. Allister slowly pointed at him. "H-He s-says you're v-very polite and i-it's n-nice to see s-s-someone recognize h-h-his looks."
You chuckled. "Well thank you! I'm glad he thinks so." Slowly you stood back up to stretch your legs still smiling. "I'm glad to see you're making new friends to play with. Are you here to watch the semifinals too?"
Allister nodded again before pointing over to the couch. "B-Bea's going to take me to the h-h-haunted houses in the c-c-city for Christmas."
You glanced from him to her and smiled. "Well doesn't that sound great!" You waved to her. "Hi. I don't think we've met. Or seen each other really."
Bea seemed to still be staring at you totally bewildered but it was nessa who spoke up next. "Oh yeah. I remember you." More surprised glances were sent between her and you as she gestured towards you. "You were Sonia's friend with the sobble! Er.." She glanced between you and Silver who shook off snowflakes. "Well, it looks like he's not too much of a sobble anymore."
You gave couple laughs before reaching over to pat Silver's head. "Nope. My lil guy's practically all grown up now. Takes a lot of love and care and food, but Silver's worth it." You waved a hand to her. "But it's good to see you too Nessa. Hope things been well. My friend showed me your new line in the ads." You added remembering Gloria showing you a magazine with an article of her. "I really like the 'Sea Emerald Delight' dress."
She smiled your way before turning her gaze to Raihan who blinked at her. "I told you. Green dresses will look good on anyone all year round." the Dragon Gym leader rolled his eyes in response and stood up.
You also shook your head...but paused feelings eyes on you. And it wasn't just the others around the room. Your head turned over towards the windows and you paused seeing Milo staring right back at you cheeks stuffed with a doughnut , brows raised at you. You both stared at one another for a moment before you went back to smiling, crossed your arms, and rose a brow back.
"Hello there Milo! It's nice to see you again too!" Finally a familiar friendly face besides Lee. "You're here to cheer on your brother right? I believe he's going to be competing against my friends."
He still stared at you as you smiled back patiently before swallowing down the food in his mouth and forcing a smile. "Y-Yeah! Felix is going to be fighting out there an-and I don't want to miss it when it happens."
Ah." You nodded. "I'd expect nothing less from you all. It's real sweet of you to be here to support him!" You smiled wider. That just makes you a good big brother! I knew you were sweet !"
He nearly choked on his doughnut as his face blossomed a bright pink.
You chuckled and you would've said something back if a voice didn't startle you. "Nice to see you too.~" You jumped with a yelp and backed away from the taller guy that walked up to you two. Raihan smiled that fanged grin of his as you blinked at him. "You didn't even say hi to me.~ I'm wounded.~" His gaze shifted from Milo to you as you blinked. "Hey there, Sassy.~ Wasn't expecting you to come rolling up here with Lee! You have a knack for hanging out with famous people?"
You blinked a moment before raising a brow. "Not really. Leon just offered to be nice and I didn't want my water type out in the freezing weather."
"Aw. And here I thought you came all the way to see me.~" He faked sadness making you roll your eyes. Milo glancing between you both. "Y'know if you're free sometime that dinner date's still up for the taking!"
"No thanks."
You never really gave it a thought? Really?" Raihan asked blinking surprised for a moment as you shook your head no before he smiled and leaned down closer to you making you lean back. "Well that's a first I've heard. Usually I'm something people can't get off their minds.~ You've certainly been on my mind for a while.~"
.......You reached for a nearby magazine. "Uh huh. I'm ....flattered I guess but dude. You might as well be flirting with a rock."
Behind you all Nessa gave a small snort which Bea slapped her shoulder. "Aw. I guess you're right. But you are cute.~" He gave that smirk that could've made anyone swoon. You raised your magazine. "You're like a short cute firecracker making my heart explo-HMPH!?"
Milo yelped when you all of a sudden you grabbed his arm and pulled him in front of you. With you now half hiding behind him now, you brandished your rolled up magazine like a sword....A harmless sword but something to ward him off non the less. Raiham blinked having been bonked harmlessly by you. You scowled using your Milo-Shield and Magazine-Sword to swing at him a couple times. Piers blinked wide eyed at you not sure what was going on. The doughnut all but forgotten about, what was left of the poor food dropping to the floor as his face blossomed an even thicker red.
"Bad Gym Leader! Down!,'' you firmly said scowling swinging at him, "Go to h0rny jail!"
"Wha- Jail??" He asked but held up his arms from your harmless magazine attack. "H-Hey! I was joking, Sassy! Seize fire there!"
"Silver help!!"
Raihan's eyes suddenly went wide before snapping his head when he heard a loud chirp and stumbled back when Silver eye narrowed starting walking towards you. "Hold it hold it hold it!!" Raihan held up his hands to Silver and ended up having to literally jump over the couch he was previously sitting on and stood in front of the lady gym leaders to avoid Silver who now stood between you and Milo and the couch. He narrowed his eyes at Raihan and gave a loud chirp. "Geez. You weren't kidding when you said he was protective."
Piers ended up giving a loud bout of rare laughter at the sight of the display and Leon was able to pry her off of him to let him recover from the sudden jolt. If he wasn't so flustered by the sudden action. Oh well. They parted ways and he soon forgot about it when the semifinals actually started. Felix sadly lost first round but that was ok. He was proud of him and he came farther than so many other people in the gym challenge. He didn't really think he'd see her again after that but again he was sadly mistaken when Christmas came around. It was that wonderful time of year when the spirits were high and the laughter was everywhere. And after all what better way to spend time with his little brother on Christmas than to take him to the Festival? Milo wasn't expecting to see her yet again but here he was, just waiting for his little brother to get off a ride when she just walked right up to him.
The park was actually beautiful this time of year. A slightly frosty patch mostly cleared went through the quiet parts of the park lit up by the faint lights of the festival and a perfect full moon above you. It was starting to snow again now, not too much, only enough for it to look really pretty and fluffy falling from the otherwise clear skies. The smells of the parks pine trees filled the air with the faint scents of foods from the festival, giving it a balanced mixture of nature and dinner time. The snow on the ground shined reflecting the moon light from the darkened sky making it look like a forest of glitter against the cold. 
He shivered from the cold, rubbing his hands together from the cold and sinking further into his coat. It was always chilly out this season. He'd be glad when he was able to get back to their hotel room. It would just be after the parade after all. The gym leader was so wrapped up in his own worlds he didn't notice the woman walk up to him or the footsteps crunching through the snow until they were right next to him.
"Gah!" He practically jumped out of his skin and whirled around to the woman next to him who blinked and held a few objects in her hands. "Wha-...Oh. I -Its you. *Sigh* Please don't do that."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you...Again. That's just another thing I need to apologize to you for while I'm here."
Her answer was to just hold up the objects in her hands. Which was two small bags and a cardboard cup holder holding two cups of hot chocolate, he could tell from how they smelt. "Seeing you the other day made me realize that I didn't apologize for all the inconveniences I gave you. So I'm sorry we trespassed on your farm. And I'm sorry for scaring you..Twice. And I'm sorry for using you to get away from Raihan. And I'm also sorry for making you drop your food. Here." You held out the food at him. "I got you and your little brother some replacement food as an apology gift." He opened stared at her, before looking at the food, then back to her, then opening his mouth- "Take it. My drizzlie would only eat it if I took it with me. And I have no place for it anyways."
....He slowly took the objects handed over to him with an unsure expression on his face...before giving a small smile. "I-...Thank you. Wow. Doughnuts and hot coco. Heh. Not a bad Christmas gift."
"Oh. That reminds me. I do have something for you." He again looked surprised when she dug into her coat pocket and pulled out two small metal keychains shaped like wooloo. They shined in the light as she held them out with a smile. "Here. Merry Christmas."
He could only stare at them. "A...gift? For me?"
"And your little brother. I got all my friends some and I figured you'd guys like one too."
...He took a moment longer to stare at them more before shifting the food into one arm to reach a free hand over to take them from her. A... Christmas gift? For him? But...he never got any Christmas gifts except from his few friends and little brother. He certainly didn't have that many fans so all the unexpected kindness was...So sudden. But...not unpleasant. In fact..the gesture struck something in his which made his heart pick up a beat and his face turned a darker pink than his hair.
"Well I'll see you later. Good luck in the Champion Cup tomorrow,  Milo. Merry Christmas."
And then she turned and left, leaving him to look on after her red faced as her eyes glittered in the Christmas lights, the snow gathering prettily on her f/c hair, and the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen on her face.
He nearly crushed the cups of coco as he felt his heart place a beat and his face burnt.
"O-O sweet wooloo knitted sweaters."
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pokenimagines · 2 years
Aight here me out. Milo trying his hand at pickup lines and throwing out, "What's your favorite silverware? Cause I like to spoon!" And it is just so fucking funny but it somehow works
Discord (16+) - Request Information - Event Post 
Warning: This is NSFW so if you’re under the legal age or uncomfortable with content like this, please skip over this one! This piece is for an event that’s linked above with the other information!
Milo - “What's you favorite silverware?”:
"Hey...what's your favorite silverware?" Milo asked, getting into bed next to you. You gave him a confused look, locking your phone and putting it on your bedside. Before you could ask him to elaborate, he finished, "Cause I like to spoon." It was almost a whisper as he looked at you.
You chuckled at his bashful nature, him scratching the back of his neck as he went bright red at his own horrible pick-up line. "Which one though, the little or big spoons?" You asked, scootching closer to him on the bed.
"Depends on the day...today I prefer big." He said, leaning over and kissing your cheek. You giggled and sighed, rolling over to your side so he could wrap his arms around your waist. Once you two were snuggled, you couldn't help but feel something prodding your ass.
"You sure all you wanted to do was spoon, Milo?" You asked as he move to begin kissing the back of your neck. He hummed, rolling his hips lazily into you. You smirked, knowing what this would be and more than happy to go along with it.
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Applin Of My Eye Ch10 Epilogue
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(Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this far and liked my story enough to read it to it's end. I had a lot of fun writing it and it makes me happy knowing some people loved it enough to read it fully. If you liked this consider checking out my other works. Thanks to everyone for reading this, faving it, or leaving a nice comment. And thank you to Nintendo and Game Freak for creating such wonderful characters and giving me the opportunity to make this wonderful story.)
"What do you mean he went off somewhere again?''
Felix shrugged. "He left a good number of days ago. I thought ya already knew that. Didn't my big bro tell you anything before he left?"
You shook your head wide eyed. "No. I didn't even have any idea he was gone! How long has he been missing?"
"About two weeks ago. Said he had to take a quick trip over somewhere to pick up somethin' after Sonia told him about it. Not sure what tho. But I'm sure he'll be back soon."
"And how do you know that?"
"He called me this mornin'. Said he'll back by tomorrow noon."
That was strange. You hadn't seen Milo for almost two weeks by now because you both had been so busy lately. You just assumed he was spending time with Felix. You'd been busy yourself seeing about setting up your new home and bakery. So you hadn't seen Milo lately but only assumed that was because he was busy with everything. But..he had left without telling you? That was very much unlike him. Where did he go? Why didn't he tell you? Maybe he's been so busy and stressed that he had just forgotten? You'd just stop by to see if he wanted to join you for lunch that day and was hit with the news when Felix answered the door. Well you'd soon find out what he was doing anyways since he was returning tomorrow. The next day came faster than expected and you were in the middle of work too. Your were in the front restocking some of your kitchen shelves when a man of pink hair and a smile on his face walked in and you paused in your tracks, eyes widened, as none other than Milo himself walked through the door.
"Y/n!," he said with a smile on his face turning towards your wide eyed look. "I'm home!"
"Where have you been!?," you asked turning from the shelf and frowning at him. "You took off for two weeks without telling me!"
He held up an empty hand. "I know. I know. But I promise I can explain. Can I talk to you outside for a sec?"
..You rose a brow. "Alright. I can finish stocking up in a minute."
Well that settled it. With that being a yes you went ahead and followed Milo back outside on your porch. Once outside he stopped and looked at you silently smiling for a moment however you were still confused. It was only after another second or two you opened your mouth, but was stopped when he held up his other hand. You weren't sure how you didn't notice but the entire time he was holding something, that something happened to be a simple pokeball wrapped in a red ribbon. You stared at him, then at him, then back at the ball, and after a moment of silently staring at it, slowly it from him to which he then lowered his hand back.
"...What's this?"
"It's a pokemon."
"I-..W-Well yeah. Obviously. But why?"
"J-Just open it," he stammered hand shakily reaching up to rub the back of his neck. "I w-went through the trouble of getting it for you."
You still stared at him for a moment before looking back down at it. Milo..got you a pokemon? Well that was an unexpected gift but not a bad one! That's actually really sweet of him to do so! With a smile you immediately pulled off the red ribbon and gave the small red and white ball a toss to summon out whatever it was inside. A bright white light popped out from it and the small critter came forth but the sight of it made you pause. It was a pokemon alright and one you HAD seen before...But by accident. When Gloria accidentally gave it to Hop so long ago. The small pokemon had the small body of an apple with eyes poking out at the top where the stem would be and a small green tail behind it. It blinked before looking around and stopping at you. Giving a curious peep towards yourself.
IT WAS AN APPLIN!! A FREAKING CUTE LITTLE APPLIN!! MILO HAD GIVEN YOU AN APPLIN!! you continued to stare at the small pokemon for a silent wide eyed moment for a moment before looking at Milo.
"W-What's all this about?"
He gave the shakiest most nervous sounding sigh you had ever heard him say. "Y-Yeah...Look. I jus'-....*ahem* I-I-....*sigh* I didn't know how else to ask. Alright?" His head rolled to the side as he nervously rubbed his neck. "I-...I know we h-haven't really t-talked about being together-together or anything official or nothing...So I-...I-I remembered what your mate said about the Isle of Armor. I talked to Sonia about it and found out there was a ton of these lil guys living over t-there in secret. So I just..." He sighed again closing his eyes gesturing to the small apple pokemon who made a peeping sound. "I wanted to get you one and ask-..W-Well it-it's only natural I'd a-ask and make it o-official at least. I-I MEAN! Only if ya want to. W-What I'm asking is....Y-Y/n. W-W-Would y-you m-mind..being m-my..p-partner-" His body flinched feeling a touch on his hand and he snapped his eyes up towards you.
He got his answer when you wrapped your hand around his own and smiled. "Yes."
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euaphora · 7 days
Do you have twt links of the girl ridding the guy and the guy being a moaning mess ???
most are just guided masturbation, hope you enjoy regardless!
one | two | three | four|five| six |seven |eight | nine| ten |eleven| twelve | thirteen |fourteen |fifteen
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johnnys-breastmilk · 5 months
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mans said “i have no ass and a dream”
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drewsephrry · 3 months
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everybody moved on, help im still at the restaurant
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My ancestors are disappointed in me BUT DAMN AREN'T THEY FINE!?
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manheimsmuse · 6 months
wally clark that’s a little very obsessed with his girlfriend. wally clark that gives off pure golden retriever energy until someone looks at you a few seconds too long and suddenly he’s all over you, gripping your waist from behind and burying his face in your neck. wally clark that can’t keep his hands off you at the best of times, his hands finding their home on your hips in particular or the back pocket of your jeans.
wally clark that gazes down at you with a grin when you’re trapped between him and the mattress, that goddamn gold chain dangling in front of your face. “you look so fucking pretty under me, baby”. wally clark that’s like a completely different man behind the safety of a locked bedroom door, fingers leaving marks on your waist from his tight grip, mouth staining any part of you he can reach a dark purple. “what’re you gonna tell your friends when they ask what happened?” “gonna say it was you” “you’re fucking right you will, baby”
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shuichiakainx · 7 months
Matt is too adorable in this photo 🥺🧡
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cozymaples · 7 months
(tags under the cut !)
ryan, who makes sure to bump into any guy who happens to hold their gaze on you for too long as you’re walking past. ryan who glances back at them with a smug grin, making sure they know it wasn’t an accident. ryan who didn’t need to bump into them that hard, but nearly knocked them off their feet.
ryan who has his mouth latched to your pussy, pulling you closer to him each time you try to writhe away from the overstimulation. his arms are hooked under your legs, holding you by the top of your thighs. he takes a moment to part from your aching clit, puffy and swollen, to revisit the situation. “looking at my fuckin’ girl,” he tsks. “what a world we live in! i mean,” he laughs with disbelief, “i should’ve knocked his fuckin’ head off his shoulders, baby-i’m serious.” it’s almost sadist, but he knows how bad you get off on it-pussy dripping every time he defends you. you’re panting above him, looking down as your head cranes gently forward. “i..” you respond through a whine, but you can’t manage anything else. your flesh is warm, hot all over with a thin layer of sweat. stray hairs stick to your face, your cheeks flushed from the amount of times you’ve orgasmed.
“my pretty baby. can’t talk, s’alright. s’right where i want you, hon.” he says, palms tapping your thighs with encouragement. “don’t think i forgot why we’re here,” he says, and you gasp as he slides two thick fingers inside of you, curving to brush up against your g-spot. “next time anyone looks at you, they’re only gonna see how fuckin’ good i made you feel. and only me.” a satisfactory hum leaves you, dizzy with lust as he tugs you towards him once more. kneeling at the foot of your bed, his cock strains in his jeans, knowing it’s true-that you’re all his. “look at me.” he instructs, and you oblige, looking down once more. “one more,” he says, inches from your pussy, “then you’re done.”
tags : @dat-crazy-fangirl , @barbie-munson , @citrinedream , @sweatycashranchmuffin , @sunlightaste , @miwagila , @wilwaren , @manheimdaily , @ludhayyy , @cb-02
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queeniesrose · 1 year
Happy New Year's y'all. I will also be having each character's drabble in its own post! 
Master Post
Warning: This is NSFW so if you’re under the legal age or uncomfortable with content like this, please skip over this one!
New Years - Pokémon
Milo: I can't get enough of you.
Being in a relationship with a farmer and gym leader wasn’t always the easiest. When you actually got the time to be intimate, have a date, or go out with friends, you took advantage of it. With most of your friends and family out of town for New Years, Milo decided to surprise you with a date from home. After a delicious dinner, Milo wrapped the two of you up onto the couch, with a movie playing in the background.
As you looked at the strawberry haired man, you help but have an enamored look upon your face. Shifting yourself so you were sitting on his lap, you rested your hands on his shoulders. Leaning in to whisper into his ear, “You know Milo, we haven’t had any… Fun… recently. Why don’t we do something to fix that?” You say, nipping at his ear, leaving a few kisses along his jawline. As you did this, you felt him buck his hips into yours; his dick was already starting to harden. “Aww, someone ready for some action?”
Milo’s face started to heat up, as he let out a small moan. He grabbed your hips, holding them down, so he could cause some more friction as he bucked up into you. “You know love. I can’t get enough of you.” He says, pulling you into a heated kiss. Breaking away, only to get a much needed breath of air. He shoves his hands up your shirt, moving to get it off of you. “And yes my love, I am ready for action.” As he finishes talking, he flips you over so he’s on top. He pulls your bottoms off, before turning his attention to your crotch. 
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Applin Of My Eye Ch2 An Unexpected Reunion
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Warning: The wooloo is in bad condition but they are ok. Feel free to suggest a name for the new wooloo you'll get later.
The most perfect small town of memories and happiness you've come to know and adore. Filled with friends- ...No . Family. And experiences you'd never forget even after you'd be long gone. In ways that would change you for the better forever. You'd happily call this place your permanent home. Your REAL home that you've never had before you had tumbled out of the sky and met your friends and they became your family. You'd happily stay here forever if you could. And you would. Stay in Galar you mean. This was your home now. You had no desire to leave it or your new family behind in this wonderful region, but you did have a desire to spread your wings and live independently, which was why you broke the news to your friends and land lady that morning.
"What?! But couldn't you just find somewhere in Postwick to live? I'm sure there's somewhere if you looked."
You expected this reaction from Hop. The purple haired boy would be sad to see his friend go considering Gloria was currently being trained by Kabu. Beside him Victor seemed just as surprised looking at you too. Everyone seemed to be surprised by your words when you announced it but held up a hand to calm them all down.
"I'm not leaving yet, Hop. I haven't even found a place to move too, but I don't want to rent your mom's basement forever either. I love it here and I really like being around you guys, but there's no where available in Postwick to live, and soon I'd really like my own place to stay. I just wanted to let everyone know in advance."
"Well you're not going anywhere far right?'
"Like I said I haven't decided yet. But you shouldn't worry about it. When Im ready,  you'll be the first people I'll be telling." 
The two teen boys didn't look too convinced but luckily Mrs. L came in to your rescue. "Now boys. You shouldn't expect Y/n to live in our basement forever." She spoke calmly. "She's a young woman with her own life to live just like Leon and everyone else. You should be understanding for her." Both instantly dialed back and relaxed. At least you didn't wait until last minute to tell them. "Have you gotten any idea of where you'll be going?"
You blinked at her. "Huh? Oh. No. Not yet. But I was hoping for somewhere quiet." You sighed. "After all I've been through, it would be a nice change to just have a little peace and quiet for once."
"I understand that. If you need help with finding anyplace, I can make a few calls to some friends I have in the country side to see if they know anyone selling."
"That'd be great! Thanks!" You smiled. 
"In the meantime, would you run an errand for me?" Mrs. L asked holding up a small piece of paper. "I have to clean out the shed today. Would you run out and get the groceries while I'm busy?"
"Oh sure!" You smiled and took the list from her. At the mention of getting food, Silver perked up from the floor. "I'd be happy to help!"
Mrs. L nodded.  "Maybe the boys could go with you too? Get out of the house for a bit."
"And why would I want to get groceries?," Hop asked.
"Because that would just leave you to help me clean out the shed."
Immediately Hop jumped up. "Oh hey! Look at the time! C'mon Y/n. Those stores won't stay open all day!"
Victor just groaned and rolled his eyes but you just chuckled. Typical day with Hop, and you wouldn't change him for the world. Nonetheless you followed him out with Victor and Silver trailing behind you probably most interested in the food you'd  be buying for Mrs. L. So out into the sunny outside you went  up the road to the local general store, it'd be a twenty minute trip at most with the store being so close. But with two easily curious teenagers and a constantly hungry pokemon at your heels, it'd be more like an hour long trip. Sigh. Oh well. You didn't mind too much. It was on the way back however that would be strange. And it all started right after you all left the store with two giant paper bags in your arms with Hop and Victor following you by your sides. 
"I can't believe there was all these oran berries on sale. Can you believe that?" Hop held up the small bag of blue berries. "They're Dubwool's favorite snack! Not only are they good for him, they're incredibly sweet! I'm sure they'll love it!"
You all were just crossing the small bridge back up the path towards Hop's home. No doubt Mrs. L would still be working by the time you all got back there. Unknowns to all of you that there would be something slowly creeping towards the lot of you. Slowly. Weakly. Hungry. Attracted by the smell of sweet berries. As you all passed over the bridge it crept ever closer. 
"I'm pretty sure that dubwool of yours would eat any food if you let it."
"Hey! That's not true! Sides that's more of Y/n's drizzlie, Mate."
"Ouch. Now who's pointing fingers?" You all just got over the bridge and walked along the dirt road right next to some tall grass. Right when Silver paused and looked over at some grass moving. Before a head suddenly popped itself out of the tall grass startling the water type. In an instant Silver gave a loud chirp and ran back to you. "AH!! HEY!" You nearly toppled over when Silver suddenly tackled your leg in fright. "Silver! What's gotten into you?''
The water type chirped before wildly pointed at the tall grass and tugged on your pants leg insistently. "What is it boy?"
Victor's question was answered when your heads all turned at the sound of rustling grass all the way over to the left side of the road where you all clearly saw some of the tall grass moving, and then a foot stepped out. Followed by a head. Followed by wild curly hair. Until whatever it was stepped out into the road weakly, looked at all of you, and let out the most pathetic baa you had ever heard. 
"HOLY ARCEUS!!", Hop shouted hands flying to his head in surprise eyes wide as plates, "IT'S A SHINY WOOLOO!!"
Standing there, as plain as the purple in Hops hair, was a shiny wooloo. The small wooloo was a white instead of the usual black and instead of it's wool being that pure white you were so used to seeing, it was a brown. The only thing that was the same as a regular wooloo was the grey braid like strands by its ears. It was certainly a really rare, surprising, and exciting sight to see...But-
"Hey. Why does it look so roughed up for?"
The small wooloo looked terrible! It's was all dull from an intense amount of dirt on it, it's wool looked all knitted with sticks and leaves clinging to it, and if you were seeing right it looked skinnier than a normal wooloo. It stood there lightly shaking staring at you all pathetically before baaing again. You all stood there stunned for a moment, before Hop was the first to respond. 
"Hey there little guy," he softly spoke before kneeling where he stood with a small smile. "Aw. Look at how pretty you are. But you're so thin. Are you hungry?" Immediately the wooloo"s head perked up at the question especially more so when Hop held up the bag of oran berries. "Is this what you want? Look." Reaching one hand inside the bag, he quickly plucked one of the blue berries out before popping it into his mouth. "Mmm. Tasty. You want one?" Another baa. "Well come on. Come mere and get some."
The wooloo hesitated for a moment before slowly creeping towards Hop's outstretched hand, sniffing it a few times... before going straight to the bag. Hop just simply turned the bag upside down and let all the berries fall to the ground. The wooloo egarly diving to eat them up. 
"Oi. The wee thing looks terrible," Victor commented watching the wooloo quickly eat, "Arceus. When 's the last time someone fed the lil 'mon?"
"I'm not sure but it does look in bad shape...But what's a shiny wooloo doing out here in the open?" Your eyes scanned around yourself but you didn't see any trainers around. Usually a rare shiny would've been captured by now wouldn't it? "Do you think it could belong to one of the farmers around here?" Maybe someone's wooloo escaped. "I doubt it's a wild one in a town full of wooloo farmers."
Hop hummed eyeing the thing before he lifted a hand to pet the poor thing. "Maybe. Hm?" But stopped when it hand ran over something that wasn't wool around its neck. "Hang on. What's this?" His hands wrapped around the thing and tugged on it before he was able to dislodge a large metal rectangle charm from it's wool, and his eyes widened. "Hey. It's got a collar on! I've got one of these for Dubwool."
"A collar?!" This wooloo had a call or? That was good! A collar meant dog tags, and dog tags usually meant an address. And an address meant an owner! "What does it say?"
Hop looked at the rectangle tag closer. "Felix Wooloo Lane Turrffield zero zero zero one B eight." He looked back up to you. "That's an address."
"Yeah. One all the way 'n bloody Turrffield! What's a wooloo from Turrffield doin' all the way 'ere in Postwick for?"
"Is there a phone number anywhere? Maybe we can call them?"
Hop looked again flipping the large tag over...before shaking his head. "Nope. Just an address."
"Well we can't just leave the poor thing here. Not like that." 
"You're right, Mate." The wooloo suddenly based as Hop just grabbed it into his arms. "Let's get it home and clean it up first. I know how to detangle wooloo wool so fixing this shouldn't be a problem."
That's how the rest of your day went. Mrs. L and Hop's grandparents were surprised when Hop showed up with a poorly looking shiny wooloo squirming in his arms, but after briefly explaining explaining everything seemed alright with Hop taking the poor thing upstairs to wash it in the bathtub. Meanwhile you had dropped off the paper bags of groceries to Hop's grandmother and proceeded to wait with Victor for Hop to finish. Once and a while you could hear a panicked baa or two from upstairs, maybe a splash of water, a yell from Hop, and then the frantic sounds of a loud pair of scissors and blow dryer being ran. Three hours of waiting and waiting and waiting later, Hop finally returned triumphantly with a perfectly groomed wooloo in his arms which he proudly held up.
"There!" He breathed relieved. "He's all better now!"
The Wooloo baaed ...And Victor snickered at the sight of Hop. His clothes were a little wet from where the wooloo must've splashed him with random fluffs of brown wooloo wool sticking to his body. He did look a bit silly, but you had to admit he did a great job. The wooloo looked completely clean, and it's pretty brown wool looked just as fluffy and detangled as it should be. But it did look a bit smaller than before.
"It looks so small."
"Actually this is the common size for a wooloo," Hop explained, "But I had to sheer some of the wool off in order to get it in better shape. If my calculations are right, then nobody's groomed this wooloo for around three months."
"Three months?!" Your eyes widened. That would explain why it looked so bad.
Hop nodded before turning back to the nearby kitchen. "We better get this little guy something to eat. I bet you're still hungry arentcha?" Another baa. "I thought so. I should have some leftover wooloo food from when Dubwool was still one." 
He then walked into the kitchen followed by you and Victor. You both watch as Hop dug through the cabinets for a small bag of pokemon food and a bowl to feed it. Mrs. L had already returned from cleaning out the shed to watch her son feed this new wooloo and cook dinner, but paused seeing her son.
"Hop, honey. You're a mess." The spoon in her hand was pointed at him. "I hope you're not planning on coming to dinner like that."
Hop groaned. "Jeez Ma. Cut me some slack. I'm just feeding the lil guy here." He gestured to the small wooloo. 
"Well be sure you wash up before dinner. Have you figured out who the poor thing belongs to?"
"Someone in Turrffield. Which...is pretty fair away-"
"Hop, you're not keeping it. If it belongs to someone else then it has to be returned." 
He groaned again. "I know, I know. It just stings a bit y'know? My first time seeing a shiny wooloo and it's not even up for grabs."
"I'm sure whoever it belongs to will be really greatful to you once I take it back Hop." 
In the middle of pouring the food into the bowl, Hop blinked surprised at you. "Wha-... You're returning it? By yourself?"
"Well...Yes. You and Victor still have a lot of schooling to catch up on since you took an entire year out of school to do the gym challenge and you can't expect your mom or anyone else to do it." You'd as already made up your mind about this choice during the three hours it took Hop to finish up cleaning the wooloo. As much as you DIDN'T want to travel anymore, there was a trainer somewhere out there missing his wooloo, and it wouldn't be right to not return it. You shrugged as the bowl began to overflow. "I don't have anything holding me down like that, so I can go return it before coming back here. I know the way there anyways since I traveled there last year. That is if your mom doesn't mind me running out and coming right back here."
Mrs. L smiled. "That's very considerate of you Y/n. Of course I don't mind. Just let me know when you'd be leaving. ...Hm. You kids also might want to have Nurse Joy look over the poor thing just in case. Hop."
"You're overflowing the food bowl, honey."
Hop blinked and looked down, blinking as he noticed that the bowl was over filled with food leaking out onto the floor. Not that the wooloo minded as it just buried it's face into the food and quickly began eating all of it. "...I think we already have a clean up crew for that." 
You had waited two days before you decided to travel. Wanting to make sure the wooloo was alright and well fed before putting it through any travel. It seemed to eat a lot at first but mellowed out to a more normal amount of food as time went on, until you finally took it to Nurse Joy at the resident pokemon center. To your relief the wooloo was completely fine other than it being about a pound and a half underweight. But no worries. She assured you a steady diet would have it back to it's normal weight in no time! That was a relief. Another day or two and you figured it was put off long enough, and it would be best to make your way to Turrffield. So early one morning, you packed all your belongings and with Silver and the wooloo walked to the train station early in the morning to catch the morning train to Motostoke. Mrs. L was kind enough to escort you to the station where she gifted you a bag of none perishable food for your trip over. 
"Do you remember the way there?"
You nodded. "Turffield is to the west of Motostoke along Route Three. I've been there before so I know where I'll be going. Don't worry."
"Are you sure you don't want to take a flying taxi there?"
"Nnnooo. No thank you. I've flown enough in my life. I'll gladly take the train and my own two feet."
"*Zzzzt* Attention passengers. The morning train from Wedgeherst Station will be leaving in five minutes. Please enter or exit the train within that time."
You blinked behind you at the train, before quickly bidding a quick goodbye to Mrs. L and rushing to hurry the two shiny Pokemon onto the train quickly paying the til your ticket from the station master and getting onto the train. The familiar seats greeting you as you took a seat just as the train took off again. With a sigh you just watched through the window as the world went by. Here you go again.
"*Zzzzt* Ladies and Gentlemen. The afternoon train is arriving now at Motostoke Station. Please be sure to have all your bags before departing. The afternoon train from Motostoke will leave in twenty minutes. That is all." 
Ah. Motostoke. This is where Kabu lived and trained and where Gloria would be soon training afterwards as well although you probably wouldn't see her here. Both pokemon followed you as you got off the train and breathed a sigh of relief that you wouldn't have to ride the train again for a little while. The very first thing you did was buy yourself a good meal at the cafe in Motostoke before moving onto one of the dirt roads leading out into the country side. Route Three. You remembered this. It would take two to four days traveling on foot to reach Turrffield from here but it would be better than flying. So with a sigh, you began walking. You needed to put all the distance you could before it got too dark to travel. 
....On an off thought, you wondered if Milo would be there. After all Motostoke was the very first place you saw him in person during the Entrance Ceremony and he was the first gym leader you met in Galar. You still remembered what Gloria said about him too-
"So you're challenging this Mr. Milo right? Any idea what he's like?," you asked her.
She waved a hand. "Eeehh. Sorta? I don't know that much about him like I do Leon who's my friend and Raihan who basically posts all of his life online. But I heard he's the nicest out of all of the Gym Leaders and he runs his own farm alongside the gym. In fact I believe most of wool you can buy from Truffield's is from his farm. But I'm not sure. I've only heard a few things, and yesterday was the first time I really met any of them face to face."
You blinked. "You didn't get to talk with any of them?"
She shook her head. "Nuh uh. Only Mr. Rose and Lee of course but only a little bit. They're both pretty busy right now with the Gym Challenge just starting out and all."
"Well that makes sense I guess. This sounds like a big job for only a couple people. What exactly does a Champion do outside of being challenged and joining the pokemon league?"
"You don't have your own Pokemon League in Kanto?"
You mentally slapped yourself and stuttered. "Uh....W-Well...I was just curious about this region's League is all."
"Oh I see. I keep forgetting you're not from around here. Basically he helps make all kind of descisions concerning The League's rules and regulations and making sure things are kept fair until the next Gym Challege. On top of that he's also responsible for making sure the ten Gym Leaders take their responsibilities of keeping the Gyms in Shape."
"Really? That's all?" You looked at her. It sounded so easy.
She huffed. "That's just what comes out of mouth. It's more harder to do as Lee said. There's health and safety regulations, even more for our gyms because unlike others 'round the world they're bigger and built more sturdier to accomodate dynamaxing while keeping everyone safe. It's not easy to keep the fields in shape after every battle and keeping it cleaned up to health codes. Did ya forget how big Motostoke Stadium alone was?"
....Oh.....Well when she put it like that you guessed it WAS a HUGE responsibility to be in charge of that. Not to mention Leon being in charge of all of them technically as well-
"And then there's the employees-"
She gave you a look like you grew a beard all of a sudden. "Did you really think that one person cleans and regulates a GIANT stadium and the field by themselves? The gyms in Kanto must be really different than ours. Of COURSE EMPLOYEES!! One person can't just take care of a stadium that big by themselves! They also got people they pay to clean up everythin' n' help 'em!"
"......Oh-" Of course they'd have to hire people. You kept forgetting this was a real world outside the game, at least for now.
"So not only are they bosses on top o' that, but they also have to keep up with training, public appearances, and they're also in charge of training the next gym leader who'll take over for 'em. Not to mention some o' them have jobs outside of being Gym Leaders too. Like Milo. There's a reason he's called 'The Fighting Farmer'."
He sounded like a nice man when she spoke about him and he really was the few times you spoke to him. But you wouldn't bother him if you didn't have to, he probably would've been really busy anyways.  The first day of traveling was mostly uneventful. It was just you walking down the road and occasionally passing by another traveler heading the opposite direction or camping out, or a country folks' farm but otherwise there wasn't anyone around besides the two pokemon and you. You stopped every so often and rested under the shade of a random tree before getting up to travel again. Once or twice stopping and digging into your bags to pull out some of the camping foods Mrs. L had given you and eating what was essential granola bars and dried foods before starting to walk again.  The next day went by rather slower than usual. You repacked up the tent and started walking again. By Now Motostoke wasn't visible if you looked back, and by luck you found a couple berry trees you furiously shook until it dropped a couple of them, although your drizzlie seemed more than happy to do a little tree climbing to get his full before continuing on. You were rather content with seeing the large stretches of country side and forests tho. You barely got to do anything like this back home. You were lucky if you had a weekend go by without working or your mother pushing you to study and get better grades. The nature around you was filled with wild ani-...uh pokemon that scattered usually when they first saw you. The nature and fresh air was a very good change of scenery as you inhaled in a breath- And then coughed at the smell of smoke. .....SMOKE!? You coughed and shook your head as you looked up towards the sky and were surprised to see the distant remains of smoke in the sky. What the?! Was there a fire somewhere!? Then you came across it. Next to some rocks off the path and a roped off pathway leading away from the larger pathway towards something. You learnt what when you got close enough to look past the rocks off the dirt road, you noticed the smoke and the smokey smell was coming from what looked like a coal factory or oil rig a far distance from the trail. This is where you met Sonia once. That plant turned mined up ore into energy for Galar, guess it was still operating. But this was good! That meant you were half way there already. Almost there to Turrffield.
For the third day in a row the you walked down the road eating what was in your packs for food until you stumbled across more giant rocks and another path going up to what looked like a man made tunnel and right outside the tunnel was some heavy duty equipment like what you'd see at a construction sight. This must be the dig sight you and Gloria passed along Route 3. As you two approached  you noticed a wooden sign along the road. It read: Galar Mine Lie Ahead. Along with a 'no trespassing' sign. Not that you would do so anyways. Last time Gloria had the great idea of trespassing through there and getting you both chased by angry workers. It was also in there that she had her first battle with Bede. While Gloria WAS right that it was a short cut and it DID save you both a whole day of traveling last time you went along this path, you decided to just take the long way around. It would be longer but you'd rather not have the trouble.  So around you went traveling all day until the dark forced you to set up camp. It wasn't until tomorrow afternoon that you finally came across it. LOTS of rolling hills and brick fences with yellow plants that took you a moment to realize what was most likely wheat or corn. A couple houses could be seen which you assumed were farm houses, and as you and trudged up the hill to where in went down into a valley, you could clearly see it. A GYM STADIUM!! It's shiny metal exterier shone bright in the sun light and surrounding it was a very small but manageable village. Not too much bigger than Postwick it looked like. As you walked looking around the area, you pasted a sign that read: Route 4 upon it. This must've been where Route three ended and Route 4 began. And you knew you were here. This was Turrffield. So peaceful so quiet and very very nice. you finished going down the hill's path and looked up at the stadium. It was similar in size to the gigantic one in Motostoke. You stopped where the path branched off into three parts towards the giant stadium, Pokemon Center, and a path that started off with a fence made from rope and wooden posts like the one by that factory you passed by two days ago. That's where the geoglyh and stone carvings were. Turrffield's tourist attractions you supposed. But now that you were finally here, you could finally get down to business. Now the only problem was to figure out where to go next from here.
"I don't suppose you know where that address is?," You asked the small wooloo that baaed back at you in response. "Yeah. I didn't think so either." You sighed. "This might be a problem." Looking around, you had no idea where to start or which house you should ask first. For all you knew, this address could belong to any house here. It was then that you noticed a man walking near you in stereotypical farmer attire carrying a giant basket of potatoes somewhere. You should ask a local. Surely he knew where this address was right? "Hey! Excuse me, Sir!" The man stopped and looked at you as you jogged up to him, pokemon in tow. "Hey there! I'm sorry for bothering you, but I'm lost."
The man blinked as you stopped in front of him. "Lost?"
"Uh huh." The wooloo belated out in protest as you quickly scooped them up into your arms and fumbled for the collar. "I'm trying to find the address on this wooloo's collar. Could you please tell me where that is?" 
You were finally able to dig the tag from the wooloo's thick wool and pulled it out for him to see. The man blinked at you again, but he did look at the tag....and then smiled. "Oh sure. I know exactly where that is."
"You do?!"
He nodded back towards the stadium. "Wooloo Lane is just down behind the stadium. But the specific address you're looking for is the second farm on that pathway. You can't miss it. It's the biggest farm in Turrffield and chalk full of wooloo."
You smiled. The biggest farm just behind the stadium and down the path. That was way closer than you thought. "That's great! Thanks!"
The man just nodded to you and you quickly turned to drop the wooloo back on its feet before continuing on. You were quick to make your way around the giant stadium and sure enough there was a dirt road. As quick as a scorbunny, you bounded down the road pokemon in tow and quickly came across a small farm and a typical looking house with a 'For Sale' sign stuck in the front lawn. First farm. You wanted the second one, and you found it alright. A GIANT farm house on the very end of the path, with GIANT fenced in fields, and some GIANT barns some ways from the house...Huh. Why did this place look familiar to you? You stopped right in front of the house looking up at it. Well this was the place. Should you just knock on the door? Just then Silver tugged on your leg gaining your attention. You looked at him, he chirped and pointed a pink hand towards a field, and you looked. In the fenced in field was tons of wooloo, baaing and eating grass in a herd,  but there was also two other figures that weren't wooloo mixed with them. Humans. Two of them and one shorter than the other. The owners of the house maybe? Slowly you made your way over to the fence, paused, and then spoke.
"Excuse me! You in the field!," You shouted and both figures stopped hauling what looked like hay bails, "I think I found your missing wooloo!"
Both looked over and you paused. The smaller figure was a boy Hop's age with Pink hair and green eyes that blinked at you curiously, but it was the much taller figure that made you pause. Emerald green eyes blinked at you under a hat full of pink hair and freckled face. It was instantly recognizable to you.
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pokenimagines · 2 years
Milo - You’ll be glad to hear that I’m not wearing underwear today.
Discord (16+) - Request Information - Event Post 
Warning: This is NSFW so if you’re under the legal age or uncomfortable with content like this, please skip over this one! This piece is for an event that’s linked above with the other information!
Milo - "You'll be glad to hear...":
Milo had all but busted the door down as he came home, panting heavily and immediately noticing you. He stalked closer to you with a bright but needy smile on his face. He grabbed you from under your thighs and pinned you against the wall.
His lips crashed into your own as he grinded his cock over your clothed sex. You couldn't help the little moan coming from your mouth as you parted.
"I've been needing you ever since you started sending me all those photos. You know I was at work, right? Do you know how hard it is to hide my phone at work?" He asked as you bucked into his hips and he groaned, "I need you now."
"You'll be glad to hear that I'm not wearing underwear today..." You trailed off and Milo's eyes widened as he looked upon at you. He was completely whipped.
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Applin Of My Eye Ch9 The End
(This is it folks. Just one more left after this which will be the epilogue. The place where reader meets Arceus is based off the Legends of Arceus post game fight. Link below.
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"Get some sleep," he spoke softly, forehead pressed against yours, a few happy tears falling down his face, and two soft hands holding your cheeks. Perfect smile on his features. "I wanna spend more time with ya too but it's late. Get some sleep."  Followed by another kiss to your forehead.
You did whine at the loss but your urge to sleep overtook any other emotion. So you stumbled your way inside after a few more moments. Silver and the others were both happy and anxious to see you after so long but sleep still won out over everything. You were already so exhausted you hardly even noticed you going through the routine of taking a shower, brushing your teeth, and getting into your favorite pair of fuzzy pjs before just collasping into your bed. Eyelids heavy and darkness consuming you as you fell into a fast deep sleep. The darkness of your dream was interrupted however in the most strangest ways. Because you woke up. Or at least...you thought you did-
"At last...Thou haveth been found. Divine childe from thine differ plain of being.''
Cold..It was so cold. Like winter had come early and seeped into your blankets, except you weren't covered by anything except for the clothes on your back. And you weren't laying on any soft cozy mattress like when you first went to best. It felt..cold and glasslike the ground under you. Like you just decided to fall asleep on a giant pane of glass in the middle of winter. It was the cold that beckoned f/c eyes to open above you, shivering and teeth clattering together from the cold feeling. And what was above the young woman made her gasp at the holy sight above. It-...It was almost as if the universe itself was in front of you, swirling shades of purple and black swam before you in the shape of the galaxy with some invisible force holding it above you. Silence fading in and out as twinkling stars shown around you with the beautiful sight of the fully moon lighting it all. The moon looked so close and so far at the same time. What the-...Where were you? Were you dreaming? This felt too real to be just a dream. Were you seeing some kind of old game footage like the first time you arrived in this world??..Had you died? Is this the afterlife? No..No that wasn't it. Before you could get too far into your questioning, you slowly, body shaking and teeth now clattering together from how cold it was, stood on legs more wobbly than a newborn deer. Your hands came up to rub your arms in a failed attempt to warm you up looking around. Black...EVERYWHERE WAS BLACK!! Like eternal night other than the endless night stars and full moon above you. Nothing anywhere. Spinning in a complete circle, you still found yourself completely alone. Right. Alone. This MUST have been some crazy dream right?
"H-Hello?!," You called out tentatively finding your voice trembling and throat dry from the cold croaking. Like a creepy tunnel your voice echoed into the dark abyss. ...No answer came back to you. "I-I-Is an-nyone there!?"
Dead silence.
Ok. Obviously this wasn't a dream. This was a freaking NIGHTMARE!! You felt dread creeping in on you and you would've started panicking if it wasn't for a voice. One you thought you heard before, One so feeble and far you almost thought you had imagined it. Then you heard it again.
"This way.''
The words- That voice came from behind you and you snapped behind you seeing no one.
"H-HELLO!? HEY! THIS ISN'T FUNNY!? C-C-C-C'mon! Ju-Just s-s-show yourselves al-al-laread-dy!"
"This way," the voice repeated only now you were facing the direction it came from.
This person-..thing...It couldn't be serious right? Your mind was playing tricks on you surely!...But..you had no other choice but to follow it huh? Sigh. You sighed, looked around you one more time, again saw nothing, and then turned forward to behind walking. To be honest it felt like walking on a treadmill. Never leaving the place you stood except you didn't feel the ground move under your feet or the stars go past you, maybe your feet were just too cold. Then, after a short while of walking you saw it. A small dull light coming from in front of you. You grew more excited and your pace quickened. That was it! The exit! At this point you were all but running, excited to leave this place wherever it is was you were. You'd probably wake up once you reach the end. Boy Milo would think this one would be a doozy to hear. Probably get a laugh outta it too. The closer you got the more blinding the light became. Up until you had to close your eyes against the harsh glare. Still you continued on and while the light gave you hope it also took away your sight until with many blinks and your hands rubbing your eyelids, they slower adjusted to the light and it wasn't as bright as you initially thought it was. And your eyes blinked down once your leg bumped into something almost making you trip over and blink at it. Until your eyes fully adjusted. And widened as you realized you were staring at....Uh..Well you were staring at..The light was coming from...
A floating rectangle???
Yes. Before you floating just a foot above the ground was a stop sign sized rectangle that was glowing a white with a slight blue-green tint to it. Your f/c eyes followed it up to another one just like it. And then another. And another. And another. All one foot apart and starting to head upwards like some kind of stairs...Wait..WERE these stairs?? You kept staring at it totally bewildered-
"Up, Young One. Ascend."
You flinched. There it was. That voice again. It sounded male in gender and echoed both inside and outside your skull like a drumroll. Wait. Did that thing say up? You blinked at the apparent stairs again. It wanted you to go up? Seriously!? A long flight of stairs?! Your mind couldn't have dreamt up an elevator at least?...You sighed but followed the strange voice's instructions and began to climb the glowing staircase upwards. Step after step you took moving upwards in a seemingly never ending stairway of glowing floating rectangles. After a while you got to a point where you couldn't tell where you began or where it ended, as if you weren't even going anywhere again like when you were walking, but there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Er. Stairs I mean. Because when you looked up, you saw something at last that made you give pause once again. Upwards above you was a GIANT circular platform surrounded by faint purple lights resembling the aurora borealis. Was that where you were supposed to go? Looking around there was nothing and no where else to go. You couldn't even see the bottom of the stairs anymore as they faded into the darkness below. Guess there was only one way out of this mess. Looking back upwards you continued your climb all the way up until finally at last you were standing on the strange floating platform. The platform was about as big as half your standard large parking lot and strange circle patterns were glowing in it's floor. You stopped when you were about half way in the middle of it and looked around. And still nothing although you didn't feel so cold anymore now.
"HELLO!?," you hollered out again your voice echoing around as you looked around for any sign of life. "Hey! I'm here already! Where are you!? Show yourself!"
"Be Not Afraid!"
That voice again. Echoing. It sounded like it came from everywhere and no where at once leaving you looking any which way to find it. Up at the stairs. Down at your feet. Around and around at all sides seeing absolutely no one. Then it happened. Something blocked the light from you making you freeze as a long shadow fell over you. ...You felt yourself gulp feeling a VERY massive presence behind you eyes boring into the back of your skull. And then you slowly turned around. And you saw it. Irises shrinking and jaw dropping. White blinded your vision as red and green eyes bore down at you from four stories high and feet across. The thing a monster above you-
"AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Your body moved on it's own. Peddling backwards and making you crash onto your backside flashbacks of the giant corviknight when you first showed up flashing before your eyes. Making the giant pokemon blink and wince.
"I sayeth be not afraid."
"HOLY ARCEUS!!," You cried out staring at this...this..thing wide eyed scooting backwards and pointing at the thing towering over you. "What the heck are you!?"
"Oh..Thou hast already answered thine question," it answered you tilting it's head at you. "It hast taken me many a moon to find thee."
You paused. Staring at the giant thing in front of you like a goldfish before lowering it's head. "....What?"
It looked eye level at you now as if trying not to frighten you again. "Thoust tis gazing upon thy god of this realm."
God?...Wait. This thing was a god?? Not any god you could think of like Thor or Hercules. Wait. Did the pokemon franchise even have a god? Well there were legendary pokemon which were like demigods and the strongest among them was-....Was-...Your eyes widened more as a glass breaking sound went off in your head again and the thing chuckled at your expression.
"Thee one and only."
"I haveth summoned thee to correct the mistake of mine children."
"Wa-..Y-Y-Your children!?"
It nodded before lifting it's head back up and you stumble/wobbled back onto your foot. "I'm afraid the fault of thou's arrival to this plain of existance would be none other than my own children. Perhaps thou knowest thy children of time and space?"
You continued to stare at him before raising a brow. "Are-...A-Are you talking about Dialgia and Palkia?"
Arceus nodded. "Indeed."
"Wha-...H-How the heck?! What did they do to me!?"
"It seems that not too long ago now mine two children had gotten into a rather terrible spat. The worst one in nearly a millennia. Twas the fighting so passionate that they had opened up portals to your world. Resulting in many a person crossing over."
You still stared at him....before you scowled. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. WAIT A MINUTE!!" You pointed at him. "Are you telling me that the only reason I'm here is because I fell through a portal two legendary pokemon made!?"
Arceus looked a bit more embarrassed now. "When down to it..yes. Tis what happened. And thoust was not thee only one. I had toldest thine children to fix their mistake."
"....And did they?"
"Yes...Well. Mostly. I hast seen them mend the rifts and heal thine wounds towards one another but send the humans they did not. Instead they deemed it worthy to bend space and time to thine will and make thee a part of thine new world."
Make you a part of this world-...THE ID CARD!! Your eyes widened as you realized. THE OLD BAG SONIA DISCOVERED AT THE CRASH SIGHT!! That was them!? It must've been them! That was the only way to explain it! Things were starting to make so much sense now.
"So Dialgia and Palkia fought and during that fight managed to open portals between this plain of existence that they exist and somewhere where they only exist in video games and anime?....That....actually makes sense in a really, really weird way. But that still doesn't explain why you're here."
"With mine children not doing so I hast taken it up in mineself to right thine wrongs and return thine human children to their rightful home."
Your eyes widened. "You can do that?"
He nodded. "I apologize on behalf on my children for thou's troubles and thee's wait for mine arrival. For there was a many humans which fell and I hadst to prioritized the ones who would cause more trouble than though."
"You can...really send me back? Just how many were there!?"
"A plenty but do not be alarmed. Every human was sent back happily, some more forced than others. However thy childe is thy last to return home and thus thou shalt get to chose thy fate."
"You mean...I can chose whether I can leave or stay?"
"Correct. Thou hast shown bravery and compassion where others shant. I commend thee and thy good deeds. Therefore shalt get my reward here. Chose. Stay in this new world or return home from wince ye came."
You...could go back? You could go back home!? Back to your mother and old home and life. You could ...you could go and make a new life for yourself. You could leave and get your own life and job and chose your own college since you had the guts to never listen to her! And she still must be worried about you. And...that was your goal in the beginning r-right? To get back home. But...you did and have so much here. You had friends. A job. A home. Pets- Er. Pokemon. And you and Milo-...You'd have to start all over again if you went back, and Dialgia and Palkia made you an identity here. You now existed in both worlds. But you could only chose one.
"What...happens if I go back? T-T-To my old world."
"Nothing. It would be like if thou never left at all."
"Thou would be sent back to the exact time they disappeared. You'dst be wearing the clothes thou wore when you disappeared. Thou's age would be the same before you left. It would be if thou never ever even left for a second...But. Be warned. If thou shalt pick this path, you shall never be able to return here again. And everyone here shall forget you." Your brows shot up! "Every evidence of you even being here would fade away. Photos. Memories...Everything. Your friends would forget about you."
They ...Would forget you? All of them. The journey you made with your friends? The way you raised Silver? Milo and your feelings?
"W-What about my Mom?! In my own world I mean? W-What would happen to her?"
"Thine same scenario. In fact thoust hast been here for so long thy mother hast most likely forgotten as your existence hast most like already faded from there as well. But fear not Human Child. It shalt all be fixed once I send ye back."
You stared at him. She....had already forgotten about you? But all of it would be fixed once he sent you back..If you decided to take him up on his offer to send you back. But would that be the best thing? Yes you missed her but...There was so much more here. And your world didn't have Funny Leon or Smart Sonia or always hungry Silver or ambitious Postwick twins....Or..Milo. ..It was decided. You inhaled a shaky breath stealing your nerves before looking back up at Arceus who still stayed ever patiently.
"Hast thou decided?"
You nodded. "I have. I-...I-I'd like to stay if that's possible."
"Art thou sure? I will only make this offer once and if thee choses to stay.." He shook his head. "Thine choice is final. I shalt not make this offer again nor will I send thee back to your old home. Think carefully before thou gives me their final answer."
"I'm already sure. And I'd like to stay."
"Tis that thine final answer?" You nodded and he hummed. "....So be it. As thou walkest onward upon thine own path, upon thee and upon this creation where thou now dwellest, I bestow my blessing. Take heed upon thine new life and tell not a soul of our meeting. Fair thee well, Human Childe Y/n of thy different world."
With that your vision began to fuzz and blur. The darkness shifted and spun around you like you were drunk and dizzy. Faster and faster everything spend up as the double vision of Arceus faded...And you woke up. Shot straight up from your cozy bed in your own little house in the dark. It....It must've still been night time! Milo walked you home only a few hours ago. After a moment you slowly laid yourself back down and stared at the ceiling for what must've been ten minutes or so processing what had just happened....Before you again smiled.
"...I'm home."
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bippiti · 6 months
wally clark dating a theater ghost! reader hc
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- spending hours up on the stage, he loved watching you fix the lights and helping you tighten the ropes; he said he wanted to make sure they were fully secured, definitely not an excuse to be closer to you. he could stare at you for hours, the way the light reflected off your face made him lose his breath
- every night when everyone else had slunken off to some corner of the school, you both would dance on the stage. he always swept you off your feet, but he could do it literally these times
- him knowing you read any play you could get your hands on, so he went to the library and got you romeo and juliet. you spent the next month acting it out together and analyzing it with him. watching your eyes light up was something he would give anything to keep seeing
- getting ready for homecoming together, going through all the old costumes together before finding the one. even though it was probably older than both of you and smelled like moth balls, it was perfect
-dancing with him at homecoming; you swore he couldn’t get any more beautiful as then he was the year before, but he always proved you wrong. after the dance you both ran up to the roof to stare at the night sky. leaning your head on his shoulder you looked up to the stars. if it meant staying with him, being at split river high for eternity was worth it
an sorry if this is a bit short, idk much about theater so sorry for the inaccuracies. i’ll prob add onto this more later🫶
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