#Resident evil spoilers
stdismas · 9 months
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Ada Wong & Luis Serra in Separate Ways (2023)  
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hurrakka · 1 year
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Ngl, this was how the entire fight felt
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umbrylcrow · 1 year
Luis showed up, served copious amounts of cunt, and died. Legend.
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hamartia-grander · 10 months
Putting Jill and Leon in the same room repeatedly was so funny of capcom. These two are the rulers of dumb-yet-endearing-one-liners and they actually found each other funny because of it. No one else thinks they're funny except each other. It's brilliant.
Edit: stop tagging as ship this is a friendship post and you'll be blocked
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leon s. kennedy cuntalicious bi moment (insp)
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clairexleon · 1 year
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arte-ax · 1 year
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moments before disaster
this gifset is doing things to me, I couldn't resist
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 2 years
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Ngl I was so happy when Ethan appeared and had his moments with Rose. They were so heartbreaking and yet beautiful, it almost made me cry.
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piracytheorist · 2 years
good night imma go to sleep with the thought that Ethan’s death in the main game was him all alone in fear and in pain and without any proper goodbyes and broken by the thought he’d never watch his daughter grow up, the daughter for whose safety he was dying in the first place
and his “death” in Shadows of Rose was him being held in Rose’s arms, not only seeing Rose grown up but also seeing how she grew from uncertainty and hate for herself into confidence and self-love, being able to express his love and pride for her, hearing Rose tell him she loves him, staying by his side and holding him close, and even though he was still in pain he was not alone. He could smile, and be happy, and be proud. He could be at peace.
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schmooplesboop · 2 years
I love how Capcom said Shadows of Rose would wrap up the Winters’ story... and then just casually drops the fact that Rose, a 16 year old, hasn’t seen her mother in ages. That’s not wrapping things up. Where is Mia then? Why hasn’t her teenage daughter seen her in so long? I thought they’d been living together this entire time with Chris helicoptering over them.
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stdismas · 9 months
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Luis Serra in Separate Ways (2023)  
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mortalsyzoth · 1 year
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Leon and Ashley (Resident Evil 4 Remake)
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mooseonahunt · 8 months
I am bummed out that we didn’t get a goodbye between Luis and Ada, but I do find it kind of funny that she looked away when Leon held Luis’s hands. Like gross you two get a room
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hamartia-grander · 10 months
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This was like the equivalent of an injured puppy lying next to their dying owner I'm laughing
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arklayraven · 10 months
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Rebecca, my beloved 💕
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 11 months
My thoughts on Resident Evil Death Island: spoilers ahead!!!!
I made a spoiler-free post on my page talking about my opinions on Death island, but here’s my spoiler-filled summary and thoughts on the whole movie!!!!!! This isn’t a one-to-one summary/explanation of what happens in the movie, if that’s what you want, you can find it on @highball66 ‘s page!!!!
Spoilers ahead under cut!!!
When people said this was Jills movie and she was THE main character i didint really believe them. But they were RIGHT. She IS THE MOMENT. SHES THE REAL STAR OF THIS MOVIE. She goes off H A R D
Ok first off. THE BEGINNING????????? I went absolutely F E R A L when I saw we were seeing the POV of umbrella soldiers during the initial Racoon City Outbreak oh my GOD IT WAS SO STRESSFUL. The harsh cut from the two dudes talking in the car, fighting back against civilians to having to isolate their friends after they got infected inside of a meat fridge(???) it was SO INTENSE I WAS GOING ABSOLUTELY FERAL. Basically the main villain was an Umbrella solider named Dylan and was working alongside his best friend JJ, and they were sent to Raccoon City to deal with people trying to break out, but it cuts to all their team members hiding in a meat fridge all having been infected while him and his best friend are the only ones who’re ok, and when they asked for backup to figure out what to do with their infected teammates, the comms come back telling them to lock them in a room and kill them all. The main villain is BEGGING his friend not to and all hell breaks loose as his friend kills all of them, because once they turn into zombies they manage to break out of the room and attack him, and Dylan is literally on the ground screaming for his friend not to and for all of it to stop and it’s PAINFULL. HES LITERALLY CURLED UP CRYING BEHIND A TABLE BEGGING HIS FRIEND TO STOP. T H E N his FRIEND (who is TOTALLY HIS GAY LOVER BY THE WAY. THEY WERE D E F I N I T E L Y GAY) gets infected and he’s FORCED TO KILL HIM OH MY GOD IT WAS SO AHANDHDNXHXNX IT WAS SO GENUIENLY TENSE
Also the Villains motivations were actually really decent??????? It wasn’t his intention to kill random innocent people like Glenn Arias, he specifically made T-Virus filled mosquitos he able to be controlled by his command so he could pick out and specify who to kill, and he wanted to kill SPECIFICALLY people in power or in governments or the BSAA/Terrasave etc etc etc, and he even bought up a few REALLY good points, like how they in the end don’t actually help innocent civilians and how it’s just a big money-making venture for them. Of all the RE villains, this guy was actually really compelling and interesting and genuinely intimidating
He has this repeated thing he does throughout the movie where he’ll get his gun, unload the bullets, point it to his head and pull the trigger just to get that feeling cuz he feels so guilty for killing his “””best friend””” (Totally his boyfriend) and it was s o unnerving to watch.
Also, Dr Taylor’s back!!! And there’s this one REALLY genuinely tense scene where he’s being forced to finish making the weird mosquito thingies, and as the villain (his named Dylan) is congratulating him he’s also pointing a gun to his head and it’s set up in such a way that’s so tense my friend next to me was audibly holding her breath in fright chsnxhsnxjns
Anyways,, LEON ON HIS MOTORCYCLE!!!!!! AND HUNNIGAN IS THERE!!! We never see her face but we hear her voice heaps!!!!!!! He chases after Glenn Arias’ daughter Maria but in classic Leon fashion, he is DESTROYED by her choke-slamming him with her thighs and he crashes the bike. Classic silly goose Leon
Also when Claire goes onto the beach to investigate the orcas, the locals are hesitant of her once she tells them she’s from Terrasave which is a reoccurring theme in the movie
There’s this REALLY AWESOME super tense scene that’s probably the only truly scary scene in the movie where Jills investigating a house for survivors after a zombie attack, and a zombie jumpscares her and she smashed it into a table (which is where the scene from the trailer comes from,) and Chris breaks in with us team and tries to tell her off for going in on her own and being reckless
Later on, Chris is talking with Rebecca and he’s like “I’m making Jill do the mission report for this mission cuz she went in recklessly >:((“ and Rebecca was like “oooooh. Punishment :)” and Chris was like “huh??? Whuh?? No!!” Which made me crack up laughing HCNDHDNDISN but then Rebecca tries to explain that she’s probably struggling with what happened when Wesker brainwashed her, and how she was probably taking that anger out on herself. Chris obviously goes to comfort her at the shooting range, and there’s this cute moment where he walks in covering his ears going 🥺 cuz she’s shooting, and he tries to comfort her and tell her about how he was planning for PIERS NIVANS TO TAKE OVER AND HOW HE FEELS GUILTY FOR HIS DEATH WAAAHHHHH and he tries to tell her that in their line of work death is inevitable, and that it’s worth it to keep going, and Jill opens up about how awful it was to be under Weskers control, and that she felt like she wanted nothing more than to kill them all. She opened up about how all she wanted to do was save innocent lives but now after everything she’s seen she just feels numb, which was SUCH an impactful scene for her, and Chris tried to tell her it’s not worth becoming numb because that’s how you loose your humanity, but she ignores him to keep shooting.
Spoilers, her trauma is never really truly resolved by the end of the movie, which is a real shame; but it’s nice to see it being acknowledged at all, and the scene was really sweet (also while Chris watches her wistfully shooting while ignoring him this time he d o e s n t cover his ears??? You’re gonna go deaf old man!!)
Next, Chris, Claire and Jill are all hanging out in Rebecca’s office talking about life and how boring having to beat up bad guys is over coffee and it’s SO CUTE AND DOMESTIC RAGH and then they all go to meet up with Claire and talk about how the T-Virus is infecting people only on Alcatraz and how more cases are spreading blah blah blah plot stuff but next scene they arrive on a boat to Alcatraz DISGUISED AS TOURISTS AND CHRIS HAS THE FULL HAWAIIAN SHIRT GOIN ON ITS SO CUTE AAAAAAA and Jill has this cute lil cardigan on meanwhile Claire didint even bother trying to disguise herself???
There’s this scene where this YouTuber dude is being recorded and he’s being all loud and annoying and it FEELS like an obvious dig at Mr Beast and it was SO FUNNY my friend and I were SHITTING ourself laughing the whole time, and then booyah everyone gets infected from mosquitoes and turns into zombies except for the three main guys, and they CLIMB AROUND THE PRISON LIKE FUCKING MONKEYS????? IT WAS S O SILLY AND FUNNY I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD and as Chris and Claire are mowing down the zombies Jill gets seperated from them and falls into the sewers, where she gets lost and runs into Leon- she thinks he’s a zombie at first so they have this really cool mini fight-scene before they finally meet eye-to-eye and she’s like “:00 Leon??” And he responds “Well whaddya know. It’s Jill Valentine!” And it was SO CUTE WAH and he tells her that he’s been looking for the one and only Doctor Taylor and in his words says “he’s wanted by the US-Of-A” oh my god I love this man so much he’s so goofy and these weird marine lickers come out of the water and they have to stay quiet and there’s this one moment where the lickers tongue slides up Jill’s body and my friend and I were looking at each other like 😀 the whole time HCNSHDNSUD before Leon eventually shoots it and summons more.
Their dynamic is S O GOOD I CANT EXPRESS ENOUGH HOW GREAT THEIR DYNAMIC IS Leon asks if Jill has a gun and she says she lost it, so he does this funky lil gun trip and twirls it before giving it to her and she’s like “thanks :)” and as more Lickers arrive she immediately tells him to DUCK and he just leaps in the opposite y direction, and as they’re running away from them Jill asks;
“How many are there?!”
And Leon responds
“I ain’t stoppin’ to count em’!”
And my friend and I were S H I T T I N G OURSELVES LAUGJING and when they FINALLY manage to blow them up Leon goes
“You asked how many there were. Zero, now :)” HES SO GOOFY I WANNA MARRY HIM
Their dynamic is SO GOOD
Then, Chris and Claire find Dr Taylor hiding in a little box, who introduces himself with a fake name and is CLEARLY pretending to be a good guy. Claire tells him she’s with Terrasave and his first reaction IS TO CALL HER A TERRORIST AND SAY TERRASAVE WAS BEHIND HARVARDVILLE?????? Claire obviously CHEWS HIM OUT and Chris stops them but goddamn I think homegirl deserved to destroy him. Claire tends to his wounds anyways, and she and Chris tells him they’d help him even if he was one of the bad guys and in that moment my friend turned to me and I’m a really goofy voice said “I am the bad guy” and I shit myself laughing
Then Chris and Claire are bit by the T-Virus mosquitoes, and they’re officially out of service for a good portion of the movie. One of my only VERY VERY FEW negatives abt this movie is that Claire and Chris were thrown away for the better part of the middle half, but it’s ABSOLUTELY made up for by the fact that we get to see Jill kick ass and the fact that we get to see Claire and Chris on seen hanging out together just in general
Jill and Leon are still stuck in the sewers and Leon uses his air bender powers to feel a draft, pushes a brick and reveals a secret passageway oooooOOoOoOoo, but Jill is hesitant to go inside and Leon’s like “Hey don’t worry, it’ll be just like a prison break :)” AND I WAS JUST AGAGSGDHXUSH
As they’re crawling on their hands and knees through the passageway Jill says something sarcastic that made me laugh (I don’t remember what it was grrrr) and Leon does this little half giggle and a smile and just :))) ARGAGAGAGAGAH
Then the two of them find the big main Lab, and Leon’s like “this must be where they’re making the virus” and Jill in THE MOST SARCASTIC VOICE EVER goes “Woah, really? You think??” IT MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD and Jill IMMEDIATELY suggests that they simply just. Blow it up. And Leon agrees. God I love them. Then Dylan talks over the speaker teasing them to come rescue their friends like Teehehehe Hohoho :)))) it was so silly
Then. Hooooooooo boy. It was THE ship scene of ALL TIME.
Claire and Chris are in seperate cells and find out their are slowly mutating, Claire quicker than Chris, and Dr Taylor is stuck inside with her. Jill immediately runs to Chris’ bars to hold his hand aaaawwwee and Leon isn’t far behind her, and Dylan reveals his evil secret plan to unleash the Mosquitoes ro specifically kill people he wants to turn into zombies. Dylan infects Leon, but spares Jill from it. Dylan then teases her, talking about how he wants her to experience the same pain he felt during Raccoon City and he SPECIFICALLY teases her need to save innocent people by tRYING TO FORCE HER TO KILL CLAIRE AND SAVE DR TAYLOR and she’s getting flashbacks to when she was brainwashed by Wesker and was gonna kill everyone and UGH IT WAS SO GOOD JILLS TRAUMA IS ACTUALLY TALKED ABOUT but ofc Jill refuses (because they’re lesbian girlfriends and in love actually) so Dylan kills Dr Taylor and Claire’s heartstrings are ALSO played on when he thanks her for showing him mercy, and says that she is actually helping people and that she needs to keep doing what she’s doing ARGH IT WAS SO SWEET WAH. And the whole thing with Jill not killing Claire?????? Gay. Gay gay gay
T H E N Leon and Chris have this LONG HEART-TO-HEART WHILE SITTING BACK TO BACK about how the world is fucked, but Chris reassures Leon that they’re doing the right thing, and Leon says that they can’t save the world by killing it, and it’s SUCH a sweet wholesome call back to Leon’s state in Vendetta and he’s clearly doing a lot better now :))
THEN as Dr Taylor’s dying and Claire is having her own emotional scene, he asks them all how they’re staying so positive, and Leon responds;
“We’ve got Jill :)”
Dylan then explains how he wants to force the group to experience the same pain of having to kill his best friend (gay lover) in Raccoon City like he did, and he specifically makes snide comments to Claire about how Terrasave just puts a bandage over the metaphorical wound and doesn’t actually help innocent people, how Leon just works for corrupt government officials- and Leon just replies with “Yeah just makin’ a livin’ out of it sarcastically while literally dying LEON YOU'RE SO GOOFY STOP BEING SO UNSERIOUS- and then Dylan goes off at Chris for how he throws his teammates into danger and how so many of them die and he still keeps going which OUCH?????? HELLO??? RIP PIERS AND ETHAN IG
Dylan ACTUALLY HAD GOOD POINTS and was a really compelling villain!!!!!! Like his motivations made sense!!!!!!!!!! His sense of vengeance and feeling that the group were a bunch of hypocrites was understandable and compelling!! Especially with his backstory in RC!!!!!!! IT WAS SO GOOD!!
Dylan also goes specifically teases them about how they’re all Pawns for their respective organisations, and hones in on Leon specifically about how he’s a weapon, and them all being ‘Pawns’ is repeated quite a bit throughout the beginning of the movie and the credits which makes me think that may come into play in the future more???? People have theorised that Leon being treated as a government weapon will come back as a plot point in a future game, but with Dylan making actually decent arguments about their respective organisations and the emphasis on all of them being pawns makes me wonder if it’s intentional and will be a big plot point in a future game or something
Also, Leon tries to ask how he’s connected to Glenn Arias, and Dylan just says he was “good friends with him” and that’s how Maria’s there?????? Ok random plot hole but whatever I’m gonna assume they were also gay lovers. Leon then throws a flash Grenade at Maria so Jill has time to escape and kick ass
Meanwhile, Rebecca gets a call from Hunnigan explaining what’s been going on and Rebecca picks up the vaccine and travels to Alcatraz with a squad, but they ALL somehow get killed by the big marine lickers?????? And Rebecca just,,, somehow survives???????? Again, my only negative with this movie is that AGAIN Rebecca has almost no role. I’m S O glad she was there so the whole gang could be in a movie together but it was like her role was reversed from Vendetta but not in a good way. She just,, randomly shows up to save the day, give them the virus, and do nothing else. Capcom WHY do you butcher my baby so badly WHY
Rebecca arrives with her vaccine and heals everybody in a very cute scene and Leon is immediately gone- like bro just teleports- and Chris, Claire and Rebecca have this little shot that screams “Besties…… attack !!!!!!!”
Then Leon runs into Maria, and it’s THAT SCENE. They have a fight and Maria is dodging around like she’s Albert Wesker or something and she CHOKES LEON WITH HER THIGHS AND LEON RESPONDS BY SHOVING HIS NOSE IN HER PUSSY. EVERYONES SEEN THAT SCENE and when she’s like “You killed my father. Prepare to die” he’s like “yeah well,,,,, your dad was kind of a dick” Leon said absolutely Z E R O serious lines in this movie. I genuinely think that all of his lines in this film had at least ONE quippy little quote it’s so good. Then he kills her by stabbing her with a pole lawl
Jill and Dylan then have a stand off at the main entrance, and Dylan does the callback to that reoccurring thing he’s been doing the whole movie where he points his own gun to his head, but this time he shouts himself and he falls into the water in slo-mo in a shot that’s actually really cool, and then a BIG MARINE LICKER CREATURE JUST COMES UP AND EATS HIM????? IT WAS SO GOOFY MY FRIEND AND I WERE LAIGHING SO HARD and then he turns INTO A GIANT FUCKING BOW.
He had this human face with these horse hoof hands and everytime there was a closeup of his weirdly human teeth I could help but shit myself laighing it was way too funny
Then the whole group gangs up together, and they have an avengers endgame moment where they all team up to take down the beast in a big group shot. Claire and Rebecca go back fo the lab to stop the mosquitoes from escaping, Leon rams a car into the beast, Jill and Chris run away and Chris says “that is one tough cookie” while handing Jill a giant bazooka to kill it with, and Leon hangs upside down from the ceiling like a monkey for a lil bit before leaping off of his car, then Jill and Claire get seperated cuz they get FLUNG ACROSS THE ROOM AND SOMEHOW SURVIVE and Leon teams up with Chris to make an EXTRA LARGE BAZOOKA THAT NEEDS TWO SETS OF HANDS AND THEYRE STANDING BACK TO BACK WHILE FIRING IT AND AGSGXHSSB SO GAY
Jill then distracts the beast by grabbing a lighter as a VERY obvious reference to Jurassic park and yells “COME HERE UGLY COME CATCH ME” and runs away for it to follow her, again, VERY obvious Jurassic park reference, while Leon drives a car with Chris and his GIANT BAZOOKA on top (that looks SUSPICIOUSLY like the one Carlos uses in re3) and Leon says “definitely going on vacation after this” WHILE YOU CAN J U S T BARELY SEE HIS TINY LIL HEAD OVER THE STEERING WHEEL AGSHDHSHDHXU and then JILL gets a GIANT ELECTRIC ROCKET LAUNCHED, A G A IN JUST LIKE IN RE3 (pleasently suprised by all the re3 and re2 references in this movie!!) and it’s not enough to kill it BUT it does fall into the water, dragging Jill in with it in this REALLY goofy scene where you can see a closeup of its teeth, and the gang shuts the Alcatraz doors on it to finally kill it. Rebecca and Claire even have this cute little high-five moment in the lab :)))
The movie ends with the gang all standing outside Alcatraz, watching as rescue helicopters come in, and Leon says “after this, I definitely hate prison tours” WHICH,, KING STOP BEING SO SILLY CHSNSJDN and Chris and Jill have this one last sweet moment where he says “I’m glad you’re back :)” and gives her a fist bump which made me CRY.
Also, completely forgot to mention, but when Dylan inevitably has to kill JJ, JJ first tries to pry his own gun to kill himself out of Dylan’s hands, but Dylan fights him back refusing to kill him until he fully turns into a zombie and Dylan has to SMASH HIS SKULL OPEN WITH HIS HEAVY MEDICAL BAG. IT IS S O BRUTAL OH MY G O D
My overall thoughts;
I’ve said this already but again, I wish Rebecca had a more active role. It felt exactly like what happened with her in Vendetta, but in reverse where she just randomly showed up to save everybody. She was barely in this movie for all the important bits
Also, again, the Redfield siblings kinda dissapeared during the middle of the movie but so does Leon I guess.
Jill was truly the star of this movie, it felt like it was her moment to shine and it was GREAT. She popped off like crazy and I couldn’t ask for any more
Also, as awesome and really cool as it was to see everyone’s traumas being directly addressed, it never gets resolved; Jill’s kinda does, as her final words to Dylan are “GET OVER IT” (referring to how he projects his issues onto everybody) and she has that neat fist bump with Chris (But I think they’re saving that fully fleshed out trauma exploration for a future game)
Again, Dylan was also really the star of the movie. He’s easily one of the best villains in RE, and his backstory in Raccoon City was SUCH a cool callback and a realistic motivation. All the references to the games was just cool in general. And he was SCARY, too. Like all the stuff with his guns and the threatening??? It was spooky!!!!
I do wish that this movie ended on a cliffanger and we got to see a sequel, though. I would’ve LOVED to see what would’ve happened if the mosquitoes got out and infected the BSAA, Terrasave and the Governemt like Dylan wanted (again, he actually had a good point in hating all those organisations)
Also, speaking of, the whole reoccurring thing of the gang being called ‘Pawns’ was REALLY interesting??? Like Leon was called the governments secret weapon a lot, Claire was often berated for being apart of Terrasave, etc etc, which makes me think that that might be an important plot point in a future game???? Like maybe they all realise their respective originations are also evil somehow and they’ve all been pawns in a big game????? I’m REALLY excited to see if that goes anywhere
Lastly, man, this movie lived up to its expectations with all the cool character interactions. Ranging from domestic to heartfelt to gay to awesome, it was so neat- Jill and Leon had amazing back-and-fourth chemistry that was SO FUNNY, Chris and Claire FINALLY had some screen time together, Jill + Claire and Leon + Chris had their own adorable gay moments, EVERYTHING with Chris and Jill was PERFECT, Rebecca absolutely teasing everybody and anybody in their little gang- chefs kiss. Mwuah. Couldn’t ask for anything better. Capcom PLEASE put all of your characters together like this again this movie was SO GOOD I LOVED seeing them all interact so much
Also, Dylan and JJ were absolutely gay lovers. That is a hill I will unironically die on
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