#Return to Regalia
averagecygnet-blog · 6 months
bartholomew of sandwich, carving the genocide prophecy into the kids' room instead of the prophecy room: in 400 years this is gonna fuck em up soooo bad lmao
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overandunderland · 4 months
"Look at the color of his skin Clawfang, dark and rich! You know what they say about the taste of those from above?"
Owen's mind reeled, not just at the danger he faced but also at the Rat's casual bigotry. It was absurd and terrifying all at once, a nightmare conversation he never could have imagined.
"True, Snarltooth. A rare delicacy this one." Clawfang agreed–his yellow teeth bared in a grotesque grin.
"–We should eat quickly though, can't risk more of his kind coming after us."
Greetings Overlanders!
What's up y'all, W.P.P here, (He/Him) and I'm currently looking for Beta Readers/Editors/Fans of The Underland Chronicles by Suzanne Collins. To read/engage with and possibly even shoot some feedback on My Fan Novel/Fic.
It's a canon compliant Sequel-Boot of sorts and follows after Code Of Claw.
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Ok, pretty cover but what is it about?
Three years (gotta get our boys in that Classic High school setting huh?) After The War of Bane. Fragile peace exists in the Underland. But as is The Underland, one knows peace never lasts. Especially built on deception. When a conspiracy is exposed and the ghosts of beliefs thought lost to Time pervert the ideas of coexistince. Prophecy calls yet again for its Salvation. When you ignore and attempt to reject fate, it tends to mess back. Now, calling for The Seeker. A being who's destiny is forever tied to Bartholomew's hand of war and tribulation, to return The Warrior to The Underland, to save the realm together. However, there maybe key players, manipulating destiny from the shadows. One that will change Gregor's entire view of Prophecy, Regalia and Owen's life forever.
Woah, OC Alert 🚨 Who's Owen?
Here comes the ✨Boy✨ 🎹
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Meet you: Owen. "The Seeker"
15 year old Bronx native. A boxer, thanks to his dad. And quite the cook, thanks to his mother. It was their deaths, and the way the police handled them, that killed any respect for authority the boy had left. Owen is a resilient and resourceful teenager thrust into the extraordinary world of the Underland, where he faces trials that challenge his courage and determination. Despite his initial reluctance, Owen demonstrates a strong sense of compassion for others and a willingness to confront his fears head-on, although it takes him A MINUTE to get there. He possesses a sharp wit and a penchant for sarcasm, which often serves as a coping mechanism in the face of adversity. He's also 🏳️‍🌈 Queer 🏳️‍🌈.
let's talk Virtues and Vices?
Determination: Owen demonstrates a strong sense of determination, as evidenced by his resolve to survive and navigate the challenges presented to him in the Underland.
Courage: Despite facing daunting and unfamiliar situations, Owen exhibits courage by confronting his fears and taking action to protect himself and others. Albeit not without some coercing.
Compassion: Owen shows compassion towards others, such as when he expresses concern for the citizens of Regalia and reflects on the consequences of his actions on innocent lives.
Adaptability: Owen demonstrates adaptability by adjusting to his surroundings and learning to navigate the unfamiliar environment of the Underland.
And his vices?
Impulsiveness: Owen's impulsiveness is hinted at through his sarcastic remarks and tendency to act without fully considering the consequences of his actions. This impulsiveness could potentially lead him into trouble or exacerbate conflicts. It is this that sets off the entire Prophecy to begin with.
Self-Doubt: At times, Owen exhibits self-doubt, particularly when he questions his ability to fulfill the expectations placed upon him or doubts his capacity to make a difference in the face of overwhelming challenges.
Guilt: Owen struggles with feelings of guilt, especially regarding the unintended consequences of his actions, such as the destruction of the Prophecy of Time in the Underland. The source of his guilt extends from not being in the car when his parents died. Survivors guilt.
Owen definitely suffers from bouts of Imposter Syndrome and feelings of inadequacy, especially when comparing his experiences to Gregor's.
Oh God, it's not OC X Canon, is it?
Hey now! I'm not throwing any shade at OC X Canon shippers, I have a few ships in other fandoms that are essentially that. But no, Gregor & Luxa's Relationship while will be rocky in it's rekindling, are endgame. Also Gregor isn't remotely Owens type. No, Owen will have his own Underlander romantic interest. In fact, Meet you:
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Aiden: Luxa's personal guard, Archer, confidant, and best friend.
16, (what the hell are they feeding them nowadays down there, he's a brick house.) Aiden is Queen Luxa's personal body guard and closest friend. During the years after The War of Bane. When he discovers his family had planned a coup d'etat against the royal family, including catching his father about to kill Luxa, he draws his bow, taking his life and testifying against his family's quest for power. He's jailed for a time before Lord Vikus takes him in admiring his loyalty to the current crown and grooms him to protect Luxa, and to be there for her for when he eventually passes. He's arrogant, showboaty at times, and abrasive, especially when it comes to The Overland Boys. More specifically "The Mouthy Imp" known to him as Owen. He and Luxa are fairly close, to where rumors amongst Regalian council, and teen girls, are suggesting they are to be wed. Yeah, good luck with that ladies. 💅🏽
Oh so he's like Henry?
Some pretty decent comparisons and contrasting elements can be made between the two of them.
Both of them are/Were close to Luxa
Both of them can be described as Arrogant.
Both of them technically betrayed their families and believed they did so for a good reason.
Where as Henry was desperate for power, Aidens only motivation is to maintain peace for the Royal family and the Kingdom Of Regalia.
Personally, I don't believe Henry came up with his idea of Allying with King Gorger on his own. Nor do I think he's the only one after him who thinks that way. Listening to the Return to Regalia Podcast has helped provide some really dope questions about the landscape, geopolitical or otherwise, that are like alluded to, but never really expanded upon. That I wanna use this book to answer. Oona and the Gang have been a godsend for fic writers who are fans of the series.
If *insert character* isn't in it, I'm not reading it. 🤬
Guys, Of course Ripred is gonna be in the bo- Look, it's Canon Compliant alright 😅. Ive been listening to the series on Audiobook on loop for the last few weeks as I've been writing. I want to make sure I'm not misunderstanding each characters voices, and how they think and speak. Remembering who was where when this or that happened. But Let's discuss some returning characters!
Boots: Now 6 years old, Boots has become quite the little person! Her affinity for taking animals hasnt gone anywhere, her most recent hyper fixation being a show about Australian talking dogs. A show Gregor has to admit, has it's moments.
Temp: The gangs back together! Thanks to his association with The Princess, Temp has become highly regarded amongst Crawlers. You and Boots will love the Set piece the Crawlers built in her honor.
Hazard: Now as old as Gregor was when he first arrived, The Halflander has been elevated to a role of diplomacy and interpretor liaison for dialogue between Underland Inhabitants. He carries a sword, for defensive combat. A sign of unavoidable circumstances, even with his fathers dying wish. A rebellious streak may in fact land him in potentially fatal trouble.
Howard:Luxa's Cousin and medical prodigy, makes him one of the most skilled Healers of all in Regalia. He's made it a personal mission to learn to Heal every species known to them in the Underland. As of late, he finds himself frequenting visits and courting with one of Regalias nanny's in the Nursery.
Dulcet: Dulcet is one of the nannies that works in Regalia's palace. She was the one that took care of Gregor's sister, Boots whenever they came to the Underland. She was one of Gregor's favorite Regalians. Sweet but embarrasses easily. Nowadays, especially around a certain Regalian healer. She isn't too sure, but he's been quite sweet to her as of late.
Mareth: Mareth has a good heart. He never stopped caring for those under his protection, and even for those that weren't. After his leg was removed, he still maintains his humor and kindness. He'll stick knock you out if you wild out too much. He and Perdita saw Aiden's training through in it's entirety. He's moved emotionally to see Gregor Return, however bittersweet it may be. Designated to be a bit more hands off, he still finds time to train the young soldiers of Regalia. His improved prosthetic affords much more mobility since his last interaction with Gregor.
Luxa: Hardened by her assassination attempt, the loss of her family and Gregor. Luxa is finally approaching the full cusps of uncontested power in Regalia. Her actions such as memorializing a controversial figure, as well as her Bond with Ripred has caused much dissenting opinions amongst factions of power in Regalia. There is a particular fear from her grandfather that she may be doomed to repeat history. Will Gregors return, spawn a change in Luxa? And is it safe to even find out?
The rest of Gregor's Family also make an appearance! Lizzie, Grace and Gregor's Dad. (Going with Dr.Elliot/Eli for short) all come back and influence the story in some Capacity.
Why is Gregor White/White Passing?
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Gonna level with y'all, I didn't really know about Tumblr like that. I'm a mixed race poc myself, and definitely lack Eurocentric features. I just was honestly basing his look off of what I've seen in the covers and alt editions of the series. Hell, Homie is even BLONDE in the Russian edition. Me and my partner also are a little too far into the story to match him up with the Headcanon of Tumblr. That being said, I do love POC Gregor, and will be maintaining that his dad is a person of color as well. Just have Gregor as yt passing presenting. It could also provide a bit of conflict between He and Owen. As Gregor's first descent is a lot more welcoming, Than what Owen goes through his first time down, starting from his initial fall.
So do The Warrior & The Seeker immediately hit it off?
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Yeaaaaahhhhhhh-no. Wouldn't be much of a story if the two became immediate besties. I couldn't imagine being too thrilled with the guy who's fault it is that you're even in this mess at all. Now who exactly I mean by that is what makes it fun. They need each other to make it through the quest. Over time however, they learn about each other, and how they can truly help one another. Eventually becoming close as their journey reaches its end and inklings of a new ones raises it's head. That being said, when he learns of Gregor and Luxa's relationship, or their past together. Is full team Gregor and Luxa. With Owens dating pool being non existent above and below (so he thinks) ground. He becomes invested in the possibility of Love blossoming at all, mostly to see Luxa pull the stick from out- know what, it's better to read it.
But the video though, what's that about?
For Nostalgia sake, as well as Accessibility reasons, I've been screening several actors and VA actors who would be down to do an audiobook! So it will be releasing as audiobook as well!
Hobbies aren't cheap but I love the series so much that I don't see why not 🤷🏽. I fell in love with the audiobooks so it'd be pretty cool to see it again.
In the same manner as Star Wars novels, where not every book is written by the same author-
I want readers to feel as if the baton was passed from Suzanne to yours truly 😅.
So Overlanders! Fans! If you're looking to beta read, I'm looking for Beta Readers ✨
Hope to hear from you all!
Fly you high! 🦇
Breezy Edit: Hey y'all, it's Breezy again, Just want to let y'all know, according to some of y'all what we're looking for are "alpha" readers. But beta readers still apply 🫰🏽💙
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returntoregalia · 1 month
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In tomorrow's episode of Return to the Regalia, Oona and Audie analyze chapters twenty-three and twenty-four of The Curse of the Warmbloods, in which the questers battle the cutters and unravel the Prophecy of Blood.
Find all our social media and merch links at returntoregalia.carrd.co.
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quohotos · 6 months
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It's MANY weeks late, but I finally got some fanart for @prophecyofgray's appearance on the Return to Regalia Podcast. It was a very good episode.
Also, bonus content: Here's just a standalone export of just Audie:
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and the original paint 3d sketch before I vectorized it:
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I love vectors but there is always something lost in translation in between the different steps
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prophecyofgray · 6 months
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hello TUC community and merry christmas to all who celebrate <3 got a new TUC book for my collection (a signed/stamped advance copy of gto!!! my mom very generously purchased for me from someone off ebay lol) as well as a @returntoregalia Ares and the Fliers shirt 😎🥳
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Im going to try my best to keep this chronological, but it might bounce around some.
We need to talk about Hamnet.
Hamnet, a classic example of a Middle child, who only escapes Middle child Syndrome by being the only son.
Hamnet, a twin who ultimately abandons everything to prioritize himself.
This is a man, who had he kept on the path of the warrior, would not only surpass his Mother, The canonical Greatest (Human) Warrior of her Time, but would Rival Ripred, a Rager. To elaborate, we know that Hamnet was commanding armies before 25 (rough estimate), and we know the Regalians are a Meritocracy to a degree so that has weight. He survives in the Deadlands and the Jungle for 10 years. I his first encounter with Humans in a decade, He displays incredible feats of strength. He disarms and disables one guard, throwing a sword hard enough to embed it in stone, and has a substantial vertical leap, high enough to give him the leverage to drag the other guard off his bat, and pinning him to the ground.
These guards by the way, were Solovets personal guard, most likely Horatio and Marcus, who are skilled enough to be trusted to guard Gregor, a Rager.
He routinely displays reflexes to match Ripred in speed, and when finally forced to fight, he holds the line until the Cutters pass. He ultimately falls, but he saw it through.
Which brings me to the main point.
"I do no more Harm."
Hamnet lasts a full Month in Solovets Dungeon before breaking.
After he breaks, he leads the attack on the Garden. Its only once the rats begin to turn the tide, does he resort to opening the dam, and its only the years of Neglect that the Dam crumbles under the pressure, resulting in the massacre, and the destruction of the garden.
Even in his darkest moment, Hamnet still fights to save as many lives as he can, regardless of species, at the cost of his Bond, and he would continue to fight until Mareth would literally knock him unconscious to bring him home.
Hamareth. After a decade, hearing Mareths name is enough to send Hamnet into emotional turmoil. Later, when asked about Hamnet, Mareth responds similarly, whether they were close friends who experience the brotherhood of War, or more, their bond is undeniable.
In closing, while he is only in half the book, Hamnet is one of the most complicated, deep, and impactful characters in a series full of them.
Put respect on his name, and support the Hamareth Agenda.
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unorthodoxiguana · 10 months
Y'all ever think about how fucked up it was that Nevee was executed, but Solovet was put under house arrest?
It's fucked up, but it fits in with the repeated theme of scapegoats in TUC. Gregor, Nevee, and even the Bane are all arguably scapegoats and political pawns for the people pulling the strings (Sandwich, Solovet, Twirltounge), who are used and thrown under the bus when no longer of any use or when they need a scapegoat. None of them really seemed to understand what they were doing or who they were fighting for. Gregor didn't know about the whole "killer" thing until book 4, Nevee was just following orders, and the Bane was basically an insane 1 year old. Sure, some people might care about these guys, but at the end of the day, they're just tools to the people in charge. Even Luxa and Ripred aren't above just assuming Gregor will side with them because "they're right and the other guys are wrong". And I've probably missed half of the pawns in this series.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
ffxv ost is still one of my favs mwah mwah 🤍
#🌙.rambles#[ final fantasy. ]#very special to me too#oh my god listening to cerberus rn n it just makes me smile >.> & moonlit melodies has always been especially important to me w the#noctis & luna themes in it T_T the piano n violin's like. they're playing together yk?#off-topic rq but apollo just showed me a short vid w nagisa enstars w an ibara plush or smth n he made it wave.... so cute 😭#moonlit melodies for me is like on a similar level w night in the brume & voice of no return & yonah piano & not alone & dearly beloved &#tifa's theme & the promise & cyrus the scholar & waltz for the moon & suteki da ne & melodies of life & theme of love & price of freedom#WAIT I'M LOOKING THROUGH OSTS RN N FUCK. FUCK I JUST REALIZED INTERGRADE IS ON SPOTIFY? I'M#I'M SMILING SO MUCH THIS IS SO NOSTALGIC SOB (but. trying to calm down it's 1 am)#^ those osts i mentioned up there tho have been like incredibly important to me for vv long! comfort songs! just some tho bcs there's a lot#games that mean a lot to me like anything final fantasy & drakenier & kingdom hearts#i love listening to music so much i really can't emphasize it enough.#ffxiii for one i rmb. i still remember a bit from way back when i played it on our (now broken) ps3#n then in ffxv i'd love to listen to ffxiii in the regalia or in dungeons! lightning's theme made me less scared of the dark back then 💀#oh dear don't forget ffviii with eyes on me :< i remember when i listened to all the songs in ffviii#one thought from then. two years back. i remember noticing how i liked a lot in ffviii#the top ff i wna play honestly. bcs. squall & rinoa n the themes in-game. time. & i think rinoa's gna really be special to me#gna steal her away from squall >:c /lh#oh don't forget ffx i know the ending but i still get emotional. i rlly shld continue playing it#i rmb this year when i started over i got emotional in the start. tidus n yuna rlly were love at first sight but i think they did it well#i am taking a trip down the memory lane hang on i love final fantasy so much T_T ffvi! ffiv! ffiv! some of my other favs#don't get me started on ffix oh my god 😭 & the others ones i didn't mention r still very important to me too#uematsu's such a legend goddamn i appreciate how yk the opera in ffvi really is. an opera. it follows stuff n all#i love how the. waltz osts sound so much. there's smth about the beat/tempo n its elegance that i really really love#eulmore!!!! thinking abt ffxiv i love eulmore's vibe n ost so much. fucking top tier.#oh dear my mind won't shut up abt final fantasy there's rlly sm i can & want to write. i love the series sm. music & stories in general 🥹#& gives me so much inspo n motivation in general it fills me w so much life n hope n i feel so at peace n like myself rn c:#i want to write grrr. imagine wtvr. thinking of it n ff rlly did influence me so much w the themes n vibes n aesthetic n everything 🥹
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orcelito · 1 year
ok ykno what ive been thinking about how everyone can just automatically tell that shionne and dohalim are renan by just looking at them & it's like. how?? theyre just people ultimately. but maybe it's the way the dress, or MAYBE it's bc shionne has bright pink hair and dohalim has bright red hair. none of the dahnans we know have such bright hair colors (tho alphen's grey hair is kinda weird but he's just weird in general so lol)
literally so used to anime hair colors that it didnt register. but kisara, law, and rinwell all have pretty natural hair colors, So
#speculation nation#alphen is the only dahnan ive met that has an odd hair color. but also grey is technically naturally achievable#i'd believe it if it was caused by stress bc Lol#overall the renan npcs we meet all have pretty normal hair colors too so i wouldnt say All renans have odd hair#but maybe it's just smth that's seen only in renans. even if it's not all renans.#then again i'd believe it if it were the way they were dressed lol. shionne makes it a POINT early on#we go to some ruins SPECIFICALLY so she can get a nice renan dress. bc at that point she cared quite a bit about that#and dohalim looks like nobility so much it is Painful#he has no reason to hide it. full lord regalia no matter where he goes#anyways the only definite difference between the two peoples are the way renans eyes glow when doing magic#surface-level differences and all. the access to different magic is certainly a more intrinsic difference#idk im so engaged with this world by this point lskdjflsdjkf and much of it centers around dohalim ngl#i was rambling endlessly about his motivations and desires re: lordship earlier#how he never wanted to be a lord and probably wouldnt want to be longterm#but he genuinely wants what's best for his people. so he likely would return to his post if they wanted him to#and they sure seem to. no one shuts up about him when i visit his land (tho honestly I Get It lmao)#oughhh thinking about where he started off and where he is now. oh i gots Emotiosn#my mind is just mostly made up of dohalim this past week lol and i think that's very reasonable of me
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A man who helped return a 140-year-old Tlingit robe to the British Columbia First Nation where it was created says it’s as if the regalia called out to its people and they are bringing it home. The intricately woven Chilkat robe, made of mountain goat wool and yellow cedar bark, was purchased by the Taku River Tlingit First Nation in northwestern B.C. for almost $40,000 after it went up for sale online by a Toronto-based auction house last year. The robe arrived in Whitehorse Wednesday and will travel 175 kilometres south to the First Nation’s traditional territory in Atlin, B.C., where it’s expected to go on display and may be used in future ceremonies. While the community celebrates the return of a piece of its heritage, the First Nation said Indigenous people should not be forced to buy back regalia that was stolen from them. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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cryptotheism · 10 months
The Hollywood executives gather around the base of the water tower on Warner Brothers studios. They utter prayers as they walk up the ten thousand steps to where the Oracle sleeps.
Lo! It is Dot Warner! In her regalia as The Oracle of Studio City!
Executive: "O Oracle, the studio system is failing! We are fat upon our merchandising rights, and struggle under the weight of the writer strike. What can we do?"
The Oracle: "Look to the past ye ingrates! Thou hast forgotten the bearings of thine forefathers!Remember the studio crash of the 60s! Remember what ponderous budgets and lackluster production do to the foundations of our nation!"
Executive: "What the, is the path, O Oracle?"
And the Oracle paused, channeling the muse and hallowed Apollo. And the Oracle spake:
The Oracle: "Schlock."
Executives: "But it was banished! Bound to the time prison of 1988, and sealed within the earth! We cannot allow the B Studio system to return!"
The Oracle: "Schlock! I say! Let there be Schlock! The wheel turns! The light of heaven shines upon low-budget watchbait!"
Executives: "I cannot be!"
The Oracle: "Let streaming services collapse at their knees! Let a new generation of directors be forged in the fires of independent cinema! Now is the time of the hidden gem! The cult classic! Let there be unwatchable tripe! Let there be Schlock!"
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averagecygnet-blog · 6 months
you have two wolves inside you. one recognizes that the point of the hero's journey is to go on the journey and return having changed, and therefore respects suzanne collins for having gregor leave the underland behind him forever. the other really wants gregor to go back to the underland and stay there and marry luxa and be king of regalia in a time of lasting peace. you are gay
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overandunderland · 3 months
"Name 5 songs right now."
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I'm bout to rock this shit everywhere. Ordering babe his hoodie ❤️💙
Absolutely fire quality, Overlanders! Make sure y'all go click the link and cop yourself some dope ass Gregor-Inspired Merch!
(Not Affiliated, just a huge fan) S/O @returntoregalia
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returntoregalia · 4 months
Ripred's always so proud when Gregor gets salty with others. Like. "Hell yeah, that's my boy." Bro gets so joyous and warm fuzzy when the 12 year old bitches back at Lapblood and Solavet or Luxa. He laughs and backs him up. I just love that detail with Red so much and it's so funny that he's this middle aged war vet with an elementary schooler. Like teaching a sixth Grader to say 'fuck the police' in your old hard years. It's just "AWWWWWWW that's so precious. Lookit my lil' baby."
YES I love when Ripred admires Gregor's attitude! Those are the best scenes. Like when Gregor talks back to Luxa and Henry in Book 1 and Ripred is like "Tell them, boy! Tell them your country fought a war so they didn't have to answer to kings and queens." Great times
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quohotos · 3 months
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@paksenarrion-dorthansdotter got me this for my birthday. Not posting it on my birthday of course, gotta maintain my anonymousnessityness
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prophecyofgray · 3 months
HELLO! a while ago i composed an extended version of the @returntoregalia intro/outro music, which i posted here, and have now (finally) made some edits to!!! i mostly just bulked up the viola part + made some general changes to dynamics and such. there's a lot more i could tweak buuuut i probably won't lol, and i am happy enough with this to call this a finished product! fly you high and all that jazz >:D
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