#Ruriko Tsumura
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I feel like we now have two looks for Mephisto so that the more Metal books don't have to draw him in his silly little collar when he shows up...
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bonesandbrimstone · 3 years
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Ghost Rider edition, featuring some of my obscure favorites.
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It is very difficult to care about the Steel sisters... not gonna lie.
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God, everything about this is SO very 90s...
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Boy howdy are things just... really rapidly falling apart for the carnival folk...
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Huh... they introduce us to the carnival's super scientist dude, and then just... promptly kill him off... I guess?.
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Welp... Steel Vengence didn't last very long...
Anyway, we see there is some mysterious figure who is gunning for Johnny and Danny... also there is some evil surgeon guy with a pet robo monkey? Look some things are better not being worried about...
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bonesandbrimstone · 3 years
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bonesandbrimstone · 3 years
A Johnny Blaze x Steel Wind Fic
Part 1 of ?
A/N: I said I’d get around to doing this rare pair fic eventually, so tonight’s good a night as any! This is ABSOLUTELY ignoring her later appearance during Rob Williams run.
I was originally going to do this as a one off...but  i’m gonna do this as a series of drabbles.
If you’re unfamiliar with Steel Wind, here’s a brief rundown.
It was so easy to lose track of time whenever Johnny worked on his bike, Hours trickled away, thoughts drifting as he set about the comforting, familiar task. Hence  why when he first heard the rumble of a bike approaching, it took him a moment to register that he had company. It wasn’t Danny...wasn’t Alejandra, no, he knew their bikes almost as well as he knew his own. Whoever pulled up behind him was driving a beast of a machine, going by the growl of its engine.
He went about calmly cleaning his hands, wiping away the grease and grime from his palms with a towel he kept close.
“I went looking for the carnival.”
It was a voice he recognized, one that he hadn’t heard in years...one that gave him pause. Slowly, he turned to face his visitor.
Steel Wind. An enemy, once...in what felt like a life time ago.
She looked just as he remembered. Metal and flesh, her one good eye peering back at him from behind a chrome half mask.  Pink...pink still seemed to be her favorite color, judging by her matching jacket, boots, and gloves.
“It’s gone. Been gone a long time now.”
“So I’ve been told.” She replied, her voice softer than he remembered. Johnny watched her but not out of fear or distrust.
“What are you doing here, Ruriko?” a genuine question. She shifted uncomfortably on her motorcycle, lifting a hand to run her fingers through her pink and white hair. 
“You fear for your safety, Blaze?”
“No.” he replied, shaking his head. “If you wanted to hurt me, would have done it by now. You were never one to mince words.”
A small grin graced her lips at his comment, disappearing almost as quickly as it had arrived. Growth, Johnny silently mused. The Steel Wind he remembered never smiled.
“You still haven’t answered my question.” he said as he made his way towards the mini fridge he kept in the corner of the garage. Johnny pulled a beer from it and offered it to his guest. Ruriko shook her head in decline.
“Truthfully?...I’m...I’m not entirely sure myself.” She sighed, arms crossing her chest as she stepped from her cycle, moving closer towards the biker. “Been on my own ever since...you know...”
“ Centurious?” Johnny finished her sentence, earning a small nod in return from the cyborg.
An uncomfortable hush fell over the duo, Ruriko silently trying to find the words to answer his question.
“I hated you, Blaze.” she blurted out. “From the moment we met...I hated you. I hated you because you got in my way. I hated you for protecting the people I was sent to hurt...I...”
“Let me finish.” she said, snapping her gaze towards the gruff blonde. “I blamed you because you were the easy target, never the men who used me as a pawn. I despised you...even when I knew it wasn’t right. I hurt you...I hurt your friends, I tried to hurt your family.”
Johnny sighed as she spilled her guts to him. He took a sip of the beer, deciding that if she wasn’t going to drink, than he might as well.
“I gave you every reason in the world to hate me right back...and yet, when I was at my lowest...” she drifted off, an involuntary shudder at the memory...taken apart, stripped of her cybernetic limbs, waiting to die on an operating table.
All for failing Centurious.
“...you helped me. You saved me, took me in.” she paused. “You gave me a second chance when all I ever did was cause you pain. You were kind to me and I...”
“You don’t have to say it.” he whispered, reaching a hand to squeeze her shoulder. He felt her tense at her touch, relax, and lean into it. Silently he slid an arm around her, pulling her into a hug.
Gloved hands gripped the back of his shirt, face buried against his chest. Ruriko readily embraced the man she once hated more than anything, fighting back tears.
“I have nothing left, Johnny.” she whispered. “You’re the only decent memory from my old life. I’m tired, Blaze...I’m just...I’m tired.”
“Don’t got much left myself these days either.” he murmured, holding her just as tight, face nuzzled against her windswept hair. He pulled back after a moment, hands resting on her shoulders as he flashed a warm smile.
“If you promise not to try and kill me...I don’t see why you can’t stick around for a bit? Maybe have some dinner...give me a hand with this here Harley...”
The cyborg chuckled.
“Mh...dinner with my sworn nemesis?” she replied, coyly, lifting a hand to wipe her tears. “You’re on, Blaze.”
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Ghost Rider is going in a weird direction in its final death throes
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