chao-mp3 · 30 days
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sunnixsunshine · 9 months
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Hehehehe San Marino my beloved 🇸🇲
Decided to revisit her character and put more depth into her personality! :)
Republic of San Marino // Repubblica di San Marino
Natalina Stefanelli • she/her • September 3, 301 AD • 1,722 years old (19 human years)
Founded by Marinus of Rab, a Christain stonemason, who fled from the Roman Empire in an attempt to evade religious persecution by Emperor Diocletian. She’s an enclave microstate located in North-central Italy atop Mount Titano, the closest Italian city being Rimini, which is also the only access point by bus. The capital of San Marino is the City of San Marino. San Marino is the 5th smallest country in the world.
Although her boarders are open to anyone with a valid visa for Italy without any necessary boarder checks needed, she’s a fairly closed off person— well, she opens up a little bit with her family or selected friends around. But she prefers her own company over others the most. She’s very fond of old fashioned aesthetics and likes to keep things fairly the same. San Marino doesn’t get out often, but when she does it’s usually by force of Vatican City trying to make her socialize with someone other than her favorite barista, her next door neighbor, and mailman. She’s very welcoming to tourists and will interact with them when she feels like it. Veneziano visits her more than forces her out of the house. Sometimes he paints the pottery she makes. Romano and Seborga don’t visit much, they mainly interact during the family dinners Vatican City forces San Marino to come to once a year.
When she does open up, she’s a kind and inviting person who tends to talk a lot about the historical aspects of her home. She’s more than happy to bake you a special treat known as Torta Tre Monti— Cake of the Three Moutains/Towers. She prides herself on being the oldest sovereign state.
Being an enclave has made San Marino so used to limited space that she prefers it to having a big space. But it is nice to get out and go to the beach every once in awhile, by her choice of course. The Rimini beaches are her favorite to visit because it’s the closet.
She has three moles which represent the three towers of Mount Titano; the first mole by her mouth is the Cesta, the highest tower on the summit. The bigger mole on her neck is the Guaita, the oldest and most famous of the three. Lastly is the Montale, the smallest tower. The single stray curl in her straightened hair is a reference to her relation with the Roman Empire.
Pottery making
People watching
Stamp collecting
Little note :)
I focused more on the fact that she’s land locked by Italy and translated that in her being an ambivert— she prefers having time to herself, but she’s willing to spend time with others— sparingly that is. I dunno. I just thought it’d be a nice contrast to Veneziano, Romano, and Seborga’s personalities! She’s the one with the untreated social anxiety in the family :) /j but fr, I just thought having another bubbly freak or a grumpy boo would be way too overwhelming and would cause the characters to clash so I kind of settled in between that— depression! :DDD /j also I kind of wrote her with having the role of aunt for the Italy brothers. I remember debating on making her the big sister or aunt and landed on aunt for specific reasons I barely remember lol. But I really liked the idea so I ran with it. She and Vatican City are brother and sister. I wanted to add quite a bit of historical facts in this little character profile thing to kind of explain how she reacted in those situations but it’d be way too long if I did that lmao. But with what I did add, please feel free to correct me if it is wrong. I don’t care, just let loose and correct, fuck me up if you have to lmao. Also it was her birthday yesterday, September 3rd! Wish her a belated birthday :)
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random-blep · 2 years
I usually don't think about hetalia anymore but I just had the funniest dream where it got rebooted and like all the characters were less stereotypes and like 75% more chill and I'm certain like at least half of them smoked weed now.
Anyways the dream basically revolved around Romano who is like kinda just an ass his his friends and family but when in front of a total strangers he does a complete 180 and is like a totally nice and normal guy. So like Italy and Prussia wanted to try something and they like just took Seborga and like put him undercover as like somebody coming to help clean Romanos horde pile. And like Romano doesn't recognize him and is just like a totally chill guy the whole time, he even fucking smiles and shit. And I just remember an off screen Italy screaming like "What do you mean? Who the hell is that?! That's not my Romano!!"
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thatsamericano · 3 years
Honestly, at the rate this fic is going, the Romerica reveal to FrUKSpa, which was mostly intended for Antonio, might happen sooner than I planned and in a different way. FrUK might stew a little over Alfred spending too much money on Savino for Christmas (especially Arthur, because I think Francis might be a little more charitable about the Christmas thing since everyone did get nice but noticeably less expensive Christmas presents from him), and depending on the blackmail for Marcello and when he pays for that (probably when they’re back in the US when Alfred can screw around with his bank account more), they will confront him on his strange and very irresponsible spending habits. If they confront him alone, without Savino around, Alfred might crack and say something like “Because I’m fucking in love with him, okay?!” If he has enough presence of mind to try to protect his boyfriend (which he might, since thinking of him was the one thing that kept Alfred from breaking and confessing in a recent scene I wrote), he’ll try to pass it off as a completely one-sided thing and Savino having no clue how he feels. FrUK will not buy this (or, oof, might believe Savino is using poor naive Alfred for sex, which could make the full confrontation scene really nasty when they do it later). Antonio would probably hear about this if he’s not there, feel sorry for Alfred because he believes him, but want him to spend money more wisely than he did with Marcello’s blackmail present (which everyone thinks is something Alfred helped Savino pay for, if it’s the Vespa I planned for).
(Additional note on the Vespa: Alfred is 16 and his parents gave him his debit card a few months ago. Same with Savino, though he’s had his for longer if we go with canon Hetalia birthdays. There are payment plans available that could get Marcello the Vespa from what I can find online, but I doubt Alfred or Savino have built up enough credit history to qualify. Even if they could qualify, they’re so desperate and this shit is too hard to figure out, so they probably just dip into college savings knowing that their parents will notice and get pissed at them for it because they see no other option. Alfred is especially desperate, and he offers to just pay for the Vespa entirely until Savino is like Jesus fucking Christ we can at least split the cost of this shit, okay?)
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bitchapalooza · 3 years
I got a little carried away with names today. Started with Sweden then went all over the place lmao. I'd like your guys' opinions on the names I've chosen before I ever use them in published works.
Sorry for the long read in advance ^^
Sweden: Berthold— I just like it. Not 100% sold on it though. He still has his canon surname as, as far as I know, there are no issues with it.
Denmark: Mikkel Hanssen— I just like it lol.
Ladonia: Oscar(or Oskar)— Its pretty sweet which is why I'm pretty sure Sweden would have chosen it for him. Not sure which spelling I like better. Shares a surname with Sweden.
Liechenstien: Lotta Vogal— I like em both. Not super sure how correct in origin or popular Lotta is as I keep getting mixed results, often talking about Scandinavian origin and bringing up the name Lottie and how popular that is in America. But it does mention how its used in German speaking countries.
South Italy: Lorenzo— Its from both Italy and Spain so I think it fits Romano well. The meaning not so much but Romano probably picked it because that's how he'd like to see himself one day??
Rome: Gaius Vergilius Crispus— The praenomen Gaius comes from the same root as gaudere, which means to rejoyce, happy which fits Rome to a T. His nomen is Virgilius as a reference to poet Publius Vergilius Maro(Virgil). Crispus as his cognomen because of his curly hair. I wanted Romulus to be his praenomen, however Romulus is not a praenomen whatsoever. It seems to be a nomen. I'm quite fond of Virgilius though to be honest. I actually had to deep dive this one to make sure everything was correct(meaning and order). The praenomen are the given names and those weren't normally used outside of the family(meaning only Romano and Italy would call Rome Gaius). Rather it was either their nomen or cognomen used freely. So I had to keep the importance of each name in mind; I couldn't really find the meaning behind Virgilius except that it is the latinized version of the english Virgil.
Seborga: Alonzo— Finally found a name for Seborga that I think fits better than Romeo! Well I'm still not sure of it for the long run but it does fit better than Romeo at least(in my opinion).
Italies' surname: Russo— Not super sure of this one. Its Sicilan/Southern Italian in origin but quick google searches repeatedly tell me that it has spread to other regions due to internal migration. It's also the second most popular surname in Italy(or that's at least what several sites have told me). I'm not sure if Russo is a good name for all three of the Italy brothers, but I do think its at least a plausible one for Romano. And as Romano is the older brother, perhaps Veneziano just took it some time after unification? Maybe to try and feel closer to the brother he barely grew up with?
Greece's surname: Katsaros— I dunno about this one still. But curly-haired is at least better than being a watermelon. Might change later, might not.
Cyprus: Demetris Georgiou— Not super sure about his name as a whole. Nicos is an alternative given name. Not sure about an alternative surname.
America's middle name: Fitzgerald— Its speculated that the F in his name is a reference to John F. Kennedy(or its Freedom). John F. Kennedy's middle name is Fitzgerald. There you have it. Actually, I honestly didn't know JFK's middle name was Fitzgerald beforehand, I kinda just really liked Fitzgerald as America's middle name already. Then I went into looking up the name's origin and meaning and google just handed this fact to me kinda randomly. Either way, I really do like the ring Alfred Fitzgerald Jones has.
Australia: Kyle King— I just like the name Kyle for him. It sounds nice. No deep reason for choosing Kyle. King, however, I feel like he might have chosen to like say fuck you to England after abandoning him? Like I'm the King now?? I'm in control?? From what I've seen on a few sites, King is a fairly common surname. Also considering Martin or Walker as alternative options.
New Zealand: James Brown— He looks like a James so he is a James. According forebears.io, Brown is the 4th most common surname in New Zealand. I'm not super sold on this surname yet but I do quite like the combination of it with James.
Wy: Charlotte "Charlie"— She gives off a lot of tomboyish vibes to me so I wanted to give her a kinda "boyish" nickname that Australia most likely started. Well it just so happens that Charlotte is a pretty popular name in Australia! She shares Australia's surname.
Hutt River: David— He just looks like a David. Plain and simple. Shares a surname with Australia. Despite being dissolved, I still like his character(and design) so I refuse to acknowledge him being dead lmao.
Molossia: Maximilian "Max" Theodore Jones— I picked a kinda flashy name for him because I tried to think like him while choosing it. He looks up to America. America is often flashy and exaggerated. What better way than to get your mentor's attention than by a name like Maximilian?? And I simply thought Theodore would be a good correlation to the middle name I gave America; they're both references to US presidents(Theodore Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy).
Kugelmugel: Tobias— No super deep reason. Its common in Austria in the year(or close to) when was he founded. I think Austria isn't super creative when naming things or people so he picked something common. Kugel probably does not care.
Osaka: Honda Tetsuya— I think he'd share Japan's surname rather than having his own. As for his given name, I chose something pretty common in Japan as a whole. I'm not sure about this choice, however.
Niko Niko Republic: Takahashi Shigeru— Again, picked common names. I didn't think he'd share Japan's surname, especially after dissolving. I thought maybe he'd like his very own name as he chooses his very own life to live out into old age y'know? Not totally confident in these name choices, however.
Monaco: Jules— I'm debating whether I personally like her having the same surname as France or not. I haven't found any alternative surnames yet as I'm not really dwelling on it. Jules, however, I think fits her pretty well.
Holy Roman Empire: Otto— Reference to Otto I, the Holy Roman Emperor, as well as Otto von Bismarck to kinda correlate the Germany-HRE theory(whether I 100% believe it not).
I'm honestly considering giving Germany a different surname than Beilschmidt since he was never given one by Hima in the first place(even stated there was a reason for that). I'm not sure if I will or not because I'm still looking into surnames for HRE, which I'm having a hard time doing so if I'm honest. Its harder than picking Rome's tria nomina lol.
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-Romano to Veneziano and Seborga about the world cup.
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ask-hetalia-godau · 2 years
I really like this Au, like it's fucking Art. Anyway, can i know from wich gods Romano and Feli (and Seborga) are based from? I know that they are based from Roman/greek gods, i just want to know from wich (specific) gods they're based on
Im glad you like it!! It makes me really happy that people are enjoying this au im really putting effort in.
So with Romano he is based off of both Thanatos(Mors) and Hades(Pluto). Thanatos is the god of death and Hades being the god of the dead/underworld. (For those who didnt know lol tho Thanatos isn’t really as well known)
Romano has a lot more Hades inspiration tho
I wont lie I have more knowledge about Greek mythos rather than roman so the italy brothers have more greek gods inspiration than roman. (Tho its clear Roman kinda just stole from the greeks and changed stuff)
With Italy and Seborga they actually aren’t really based off gods- tho with Italy i was thinking a lot about Persephone when it came to what he could do. And his relationship with Germany in a way.
And with Seborga it just made sense to have him be related to life and death as his brothers are, so Rebirth just fit. Though when looking if greek and roman had any gods of rebirth i see Adonis mentioned a lot.
So yeah-
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arsonaetcuh · 3 years
Hetalia incorrect quotes part 2/?
America: Did you eat my doughnut? Belarus: No America: Then what's that stain on your jeans? I know it's jam Belarus: ummmm no it's blood America: .....I can't tell if you're joking or not
[At a sleepover] Kugelmugel, to Seborga: What time is it? Seborga: I don't know, can you pass me that recorder? Kugelmugel: Wha- Seborga: You'll see. *loudly plays recorder* Molossia and Ladonia simultaneously, from the other room: who THE FUCK is playing the RECORDER at 4 IN THE MORNING?
Portugal: Uh, you love me right? Netherlands: Normally I would say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don't like it.
England: I told you to stop doing that with the knives. America, with knives taped to his hands: But Wolverine has– England: I said stop.
Romania: Hungary? Hungary: Yes? Romania: Why do you have a playlist called "for when I take over the world"? Romania: And why is it just the high school musical 2 soundtrack?
Link to part 1
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frestoniia · 2 years
▹ Incorrect quotes because I’m bored and have no self-control.
Fannar: You’re my best friend, I would do anything for you. Craig: I want you to eat 3 meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Fannar: Absolutely not.
Fannar: You use humor to deflect your trauma. Craig: Awww, thanks- Fannar: That’s not a good thing. Craig: All I’m hearing is that you think I’m funny.
Fannar: Here are two pictures. one of them is your room, and the other is the garbage dump. Craig: *points at a picture* That one is the dump. Fannar: THEY'RE BOTH YOUR ROOM!
Craig: How do tall people people possibly sleep at night when the blanket can't possibly cover you? Carlino: Craig, it's four o'clock in the morning. Craig: So, you can't sleep, huh? Is it because of the blanket?
Carlino: Everything will be ok. You can not stop it. Carlino: Everything will be fine. You have no choice. Craig: What the fuck kind of pep talk is that? Carlino: Ominous positivity.
Craig: We need a plan to beat them. Carlino: Okay, listen up. First, we fill their shoes with wet cat food. Craig: Carlino: Judge me all you want, I get results.
Carlino: The clock is ticking! We don't have time for this asinine tomfoolery! Fannar: This unmitigated poppycock? Craig: Extravagant hogwash! Carlino: Okay, stop.
Craig: HELP! I TOLD CARLINO I'D COOK DINNER TONIGHT BUT I CAN'T COOK! Fannar, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
Carlino: Fannar, what does IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean? Fannar: I don’t know, I love you, talk to you later. Carlino: Alright, I love you too, I'll ask Craig. Fannar: Wait- Carlino, no-
@islandiis​ / @seborga
Craig: Anyone d- Dodo: Depressed? Tila: Drained? Sofa: Dumb? Remi: Disliked? Craig: -done with their work... what is wrong with you people...
Craig: What does “take out” mean? Sofa: Food. Remi: Dating. Tila: Murder. Dodo: It can be all three if you’re brave enough.
Craig: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? Tila: Several traffic violations. Dodo: Three counts of resisting arrest. Remi: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. Sofa: Also, that’s not our car.
Craig: I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing them under the moonlight. Charles: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther? Craig, already taking off their clothes: God, Charles, you’re so fucking stupid.
Charles: Why don't humans have a specific noise that means "there are bees here, let's leave immediately." Why are elephants more advanced than us. Craig: We do have a specific noise for it. It sounds like this: Craig: "There are bees here, let's leave immediately."
Charles: *nudges Craig at 3am* Pretty fucked up that we depict the moon as a girl and the sun as a boy. They're just floating rocks in space. Craig? Wake up, Craig! Listen! They're sexless! Craig: The sun isn't a rock, go back to sleep.
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aph-edits · 4 years
kidnapper: we kidnapped your family.
lithuania, in the background: zero fucking consideration!
kidnapper: sir, you made latvia cry.
bonus (italy version):
kidnapper: we kidnapped your favourite brother.
romano, in the background: HE IS NOT EVEN YOUR FUCKING BROTHER!
kidnapper: sir, you made seborga cry.
another bonus (nordic version)
kidnapper: we kidnapped your favourite sibling.
norway: denmark, stop calling me to say this everytime you go out with iceland.
guess what? bonus (russia version)
kidnapper: we kidnapped your favourite sister.
kidnapper: ...we have belarus.
russia: oh.
russia: you don't have belarus, she has you.
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unpeeled-shrimp · 3 years
Incorrect quotes part two 'cus I'm bored.
2p!Siberia: You fuckers don’t know about my knife stick. It’s a knife taped to a stick and it’s the ultimate weapon. Siberia, not looking up from their book: Spear. 2p!Siberia: BLOCKED.
Siberia, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him Russia: You did WHAT– France: William Snakepeare
Wy, about Siberia: Apparently we’re getting someone new in the group. Sealand: Are we stealing them? Seborga: New or used? Wy: Wonderful responses, both of you.
2p!Siberia: What doesn't kill me should run because now I'm fucking pissed.
Seborga: Ok, maybe playing ‘whose family is most dysfunctional’ wasn’t the best idea we’ve had. Siberia's been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can’t get them out...
*The squad is having dinner together* Nyo!Siberia: Nico, can you pass the salt? Siberia: *Throws 2p!Siberia across the table*
Russia: You love me, right, France? France: Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it.
Seborga: Why are you on the floor? Siberia: I'm depressed. Siberia: Also I was stabbed, can you get Russia, please?
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hetaliareposts · 4 years
( They make NO SENSE. This is my opinion don’t come after me.)
Austria is about 5′8 according to most people in the fandom. Look at this picture.
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He is estimated to be 5′9 according to most people. I have no fucking clue. It’s either Rod is wearing like heels according to them but he looks like 5′5 to me if Seborga’s 5′9. Or Seborga would be 6′1 or over according to my logic. My problem is, Latvia and Sealand look like they are the same height. 
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I can see. Latvia’s 15 Though. He is 4′5. Sealand is estimated to me 4′2. Pardon me but it looks like Sealand is taller TO MOST of us. But like.. LATVIA IS 15. Do you think pressing on someone’s head could make them THAT SHORT. The esitmated height for a 12 year old is 5′2. Sealand is literally 1 foot smaller than the average height. Wy is even shorter.
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Ok she cute and all but HER ESTIMATE IS 4′1. She looks like that height but I have no clue. Are they THAT short? But you know what really bothers me. The fact that England and France are the SAME HEIGHT.
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rumor has it france never FUCKING GROWS. IT SURELY LOOKS LIKE IN THIS OFFICIAL ART FRANE IS WAY TALLER THAN ENGLAND MAYBE BY ONE TO TWO FEET. I Estimate the correct height for France would be 5′10 - 5′11.  England first looked like he was 5′5 - 5′7 to me. But if It was canonically like this I guess he’d stay 5′9. They are Both canonically 5′9 according to most fans. 
I usually saw Sweden, Russia, Turkey, Greece, Germany as really tall. Not because they’re bulky or anything -sweat- but because they seem tall. Sweden is 5′9. Russia and Germany are 5′11. Turkey and Greece are 5′10. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. I thought they would be like 6 feet or over BUT APPRENTLY NOT.
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I mean.. This is the only Full image I could find with literally their full bodies please don’t take me down tumblr
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I still can’t believe he’s 5′11. I thought he’d be SUPER TALL.
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ABOUT FINLAND. Finland is 5′7. They have a HUGE gap between height. If I said Sweden would be 6′1 would Finland be taller? Or Shorter? You Decide not me.
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cruentu-s · 3 years
// 9, 17, & 18!
9. what’s your character preference?
[ i am a sucker for one very particular character type... it isn't even a personality thing tbh the four main characters i rp are all extremely different in personality but its their state of being that i love, i guess? i always call it the "lonely ghost" trope. characters that due to either tragic or self imposed circumstances are isolated from the world and have a kind of quality that makes them seem just a little further away than a regular human. Red, Carlino (Seborga from APH), Kaworu (NGE), and Alphonse (FMA) are my main muses and id say all exhibit those characteristics. my preference is absolutely almost-ghosts, individuals that are hard to pin down and get to know and even better if theyre cute boys ]
17. what’s your least favorite trope?
[ love triangles. it makes me feral everyone just fuck each other im BEGGING ]
18. what’s your favorite trope?
[ soulmates ;;;;; nothing on planet earth will kill me more than the whole "theres no one else in the world but you, ill live and die by you" kind of absolute love. would it be codependent in real life MAYBE does it make me insane in fics? yes. i want my OTPs to be able to crawl into a nest together and exist in a blissful lovey state forever cause theyre all the other will ever need. ]
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Okay I just finished rewatching the Dreamtalia playthrough that Kyokyo866 and Lubo recorded. (Part 8 to be specific) In which America’s neck gets snapped by Reve after attempting to snap Canada out of his trance. This is one of the three bad endings of the first Dreamtalia game that I can think of right of the top of my head. The others being Germany cutting England off at the start of the game which causes no one to believe him so Reve is left unchallenged and able to do as he pleases. And the other being at the end of the game where you as Veneziano have to choose between staying with Reve or fighting him. One of which results in a bad ending.
In these two aforementioned bad endings we get cut scenes and in one case a whole game to figure out what happens next.
But with the Neck Snap ending (that’s what I’ll be calling it henceforth) we don’t get any extra information. We just get left on the note of a horrifying image of Reve covered in Devil’s blood holding America by the throat and head coving his mouth with his hand. The screen goes black and we hear the sound of America’s neck being snapped. And that’s it. We don’t get any more information about what happened.
That ambiguity got plot bunnies running through my head. Here’s what I think would happen.
When Reve drops America’s lifeless corpse to the ground he takes a moment to gloat while the nations there are stunned speechless. Reve’s gloating allows England the precious time he needs to get over his shock as his thoughts go along something like this:
“America is dead. The obnoxious little brat that bested me is dead. America was murdered, my colony was murdered, that bastered murdered him, THAT WASTREL OF A MONSTER MURDED HIM! HE MURDERED MY SON!”
Cue England going ballistic. As you can see by the quote above I head canon that England sees America as his son. Their relationship could use some work but we see this fleshed out in the rest of the story.
England launches himself at Reve throwing all the spells he knows at him. Knocking back the dream reaper catching him off guard. The illusion that made his appearance match America’s dissipates and we get a glimpse of who he is under it. This snaps Canada out of his stupor as he realizes that America his brother is dead Reve killed him and HE told Reve to kill him.
France manages to grab Canada and snap everyone else out of their stupor shouldering the burden of responsibility now that England is out for blood.
As for Reve he ends up with England managing to land several good hits on him. Reve is forced to flee but ends up with the fear of death put in him. Or specifically the fear of England.
France manages to gather everyone and Devil gives his power to Russia who uses Kolkutz to get them out of the collapsing lake that ended up more like a crater. They managed to take America’s body with and his body is buried on the edge of the lake.
From here several roles are changed England is the one chomping at the bit to get to Reve and kick his ass six ways into the next century. Germany ends up trying to unsuccessfully reign him in. Japan is not put through the ringer several times over. That ‘reward’ is given to Canada. France ends up taking up the mantle as leader and voice of reason. I’m still working out the other parts.
As for direct consequences they immediately go back and grab Finland since Reve just killed America one of the world’s superpowers. He could kill any of the rest of them just as easy.
Reve also since he narrowly avoids getting maimed by England beefs up the monsters that the party fights.
The next kingdom is still China’s as Hanged Man. Russia still gets stabbed since due to the shock of America dying and England going apeshit China’s disappearance was forgotten about. And the massacre happens but instead of Reve it’s World using America’s modern appearance to fuck with Canada’s head. Often saying things like “you could have saved me!” “You killed me!” World usually tilts his head in the direction America’s neck was snapped making it seem like it’s America’s corpse that dug it’s way out of the shallow grave they dug just to haunt them.
The aftermath of Hanged Man’s kingdom includes the nations setting up a system that allows them to make sure that allows them to check if a nation is Reve or not using really obscure references to Hetalia Canon or real world history. Since I doubt that Reve has enough knowledge of human history to be able to masquerade as one of the nations for an extended period of time.
The second major change is that everything and everyone is much more serious. Everyone is much more serious and guarded then they are in Regular Dreamtalia. Most comedic moments are cut since everyone has realized that they can’t fuck around willy nilly. The only one who was taking things even the slightest bit more seriously was Japan since he got the short end of the stick.
The changes also ripple over to the ones in the waking world since Prussia gets a front row seat to America’s neck snapping violently to the side. Prussia just immediately after that happens checks his vitals. And after confirming that America is in fact dead sends call after call to nations all over the world making sure everyone knows this.
“The United States of America is dead. The Fauchereve killed him. All hands on Deck,”
This emergency message brings several more nations into the picture Norway and Romania brew more of the potion to allow more people to join the nations in their attack. The nations that end up taking the potion and joining in are: Prussia, Hungary, Seborga, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Ukraine, Norway and Taiwan.
Some other things change as well. Sealand isn’t the star Belarus is. Her kingdom is a world where she and Russia are married so she has become his one and only Star. (This gives Russia nightmares for months.)
The relationship between arcana and the nations is also rockier since any of them could be Reve in disguise. And due to England’s paranoia and anger their relationship with Death, Priestess, Justice, and the Wheel of Fortune is much more professional. Japan doesn’t really get all that touchy-feely with Justice. The scenes with Priestess are cut down. The wheel of fortune are barely in the game just a bunch of bosses who get their asses kicked. And the only reason Death wasn’t smited by England is A) that England was genuinely caught off guard by the fact that Death could bring someone back from the dead. And B) Death had already brought Germany back.
The events surrounding Germany’s temporary death is much different then Regular Dreamtalia. Being that when you finnaly confront Reve England launches himself at the poor bastard before anyone can get a word out. He ends up being backed up by France, Finland, and Sweden. All of whom are parental figures.
The rest of the nations have to fight off monsters which are summoned by Reve in desperation. You cycle through battles of different nations grouping up and fighting them off. If you lose a battle in this sequence it’s a game over with all of the nations present being slaughtered.
If you win all of the battles you then fight Reve as the EFFS group. If you lose same bad ending. When you win you get a cutscene of Reve firing an attack off at Sweden. Sweden dodges it, the attack hits Germany he dies Death resurrects him.
The player is now in control of Veneziano who then in disbelief and anger ends up yelling in tears. About how this needs to stop. Reve seeing Veneziano yelling about how everything needs to stop. Pushes him to the edge he charges up a big attack. And just like in regular Dreamtalia you have to decide on fighting Reve or choosing to stay.
The bad ending from Italy’s choice remains roughly the same Italy remains asleep and Germany gets taken by Reve. But with the addition is that England is also taken but is somewhat separate in a world where he gets to spend the rest of his days with his son America.
In the good ending it’s a Pyrrhic victory Reve swears on the souls of all his victims that he will never bring another soul to the dreamworld and leaves for unknown worlds. Italy wakes up. But America stays dead. Canada takes over America’s job and acts for his brother. Which forces him to be noticed as he now acts for one of the world’s superpowers. In the end he ended up being noticed and appreciated but with his brother paying the ultimate price.
That’s all of the real bones I’ve got for the Neck Snap. I’ll make more posts of the things that are kinda side bits. Details, ideas’s for how Dreamtalia 2: A New World Order would go in the Neck Snap timeline of events.
I dunno. Also I started writing this around 2:30 AM it’s now 5:30 AM. Christ on a bike I need to sleep.
Also credit where credit is Due Dreamtalia was created by people who are not me. This is just a ridiculously large plot bunny.
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thatsamericano · 3 years
Foreshadowing Plus Sappiness
Giorgio: [Tells Alfred that Marcello mentioned he’d like it if Savino had a Vespa so he could take him out on rides too.]
Alfred, nonchalant: [Goes over the practical reasons Savino got a car at sixteen instead of a Vespa, which make sense to Giorgio. Talks about how Vinny might consider asking for a Vespa as a high school graduation present and says Vinny would take his little brother out on rides as much as he can since he knows how much Marcello loves Vespas.]
Alfred, the huge sap he is: [Imagines Savino driving him around on the Vespa, thinks about how he’d have to hold onto his boyfriend for “more than just safety reasons,” giggling and blushing as he pictures the scene with Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday as him and Vinny.]
Giorgio, internally:
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bitchapalooza · 3 years
Im not sure why but Molossia having a tiktok account where he mostly dresses up nice or does quick makeup tutorials(you KNOW that fool wears makeup don't lie). Maybe he lipsyncs to music while dressed up? Probably does occational gardening tips too. Anyway, no one, not even America, knows about this account. Its not like hes keeping it a secret though. He doesnt hide the app into a folder, its just up there on his home screen for everyone who looks at his phone to see. He saves his best/fav videos onto his phone as backup. But it comes to a shock to everyone when they find out.
Like maybe it was Seborga who found it on the for you page. It was a video of Mol's that blew up, just him telling a story about America doing something stupid and it garnered A LOT of attention. Seb doesn't believe it because there's no way this is Molossia. He's freely laughly and smiling instead of cursing. He's so casual looking when most of the time he's tense as hell because of the walls he keeps up. Seborga sends the video to everyone he knows and next thing Molossia knows he's getting phone calls from people he doesn't normally get phone calls from. And thats it. Mol wants to delete his fucking account. He's fine with everyone knowing, that's not the issue here. What he isn't fine with is America getting an account for the soul purpose of liking and commenting on all his videos like some embarassing overly enthusiastic dad. Thats it. Hes done. He cant do this. Not with his brother suffocating him with neverending support.
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