techniktagebuch · 5 months
24. November 2023
Da hat so ein Staat schon Verantwortung
Als ich letzte Woche in der Schweiz war, hat man mir die ersten Minuten einer Serie aus dem öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehen der Schweiz gezeigt, die sehr, sehr gut anfing. "Tschugger" heißt die Serie. Ich habe es gleich für nicht sehr wahrscheinlich gehalten, dass ich sie sehen kann. Als ich es auf der Heimfahrt im Zug kurz nach der Grenzüberquerung teste, sagt die SRF-Seite auch wie erwartet:
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"Dieser Inhalt ist ausserhalb der Schweiz nicht verfügbar."
Ich habe seit Sommer 2020 ein für mehrere Jahre im Voraus bezahltes VPN. Nur habe ich es seit dem Umstieg auf Linux noch nie gebraucht. Jetzt versuche ich herauszufinden, ob und wie das gehen könnte. Ich google Anleitungen. Ich tue, diesen Anleitungen folgend, Dinge auf der Kommandozeile. Es geht nicht. Ich google weiter. Nach einer halben Stunde Basteln habe ich immer noch kein funktionierendes VPN.
Ich lese, dass es dieses VPN auch als Browser-Plugin gibt. Das würde reichen, ich will den Film ja auch nur im Browser sehen. Ich installiere das Plugin und gebe mich als Mensch in der Schweiz aus.
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Es geht immer noch nicht, jetzt aber mit einer leicht veränderten Fehlermeldung: "Der Inhalt kann nicht abgespielt werden."
Ich sehe bei YouTube nach. Dort gibt es fast nichts aus der Serie.
Ich würde ja gern dafür bezahlen, die Leute sollen nicht umsonst an der guten Serie gearbeitet haben! Bei Amazon könnte ich Staffel 1 auf DVD kaufen. Ich weiß nicht mehr, seit wann ich keinen DVD-Player mehr habe und ob ich überhaupt je einen hatte. Aber falls ich mal einen hatte, ist das mindestens zehn Jahre her. Außerdem gibt es drei Staffeln, und Amazon hat nur die eine.
Ich lese nach, wie Alina Smithee vor drei Jahren ein ähnliches Problem gelöst hat. Das hilft mir aber nicht weiter, weil Alina ihr Vorgehen nicht genau genug beschrieben hat, weil sich die Filesharingwelt seitdem mehrmals geändert hat und weil ich im Unterschied zu Alina keinen Mac habe.
Im Redaktionschat empfiehlt man mir Nord VPN und das kostenpflichtige Mozilla VPN. Nord VPN habe angeblich viele Server in der Schweiz.
(Ergänzungen von Kirsten Schelper: "Vergleichstest Nord VPN und Mozilla VPN (Bezahlversion) geht wohl zugunsten Mozilla aus. Ich kann problemlos geogeblockte Medien gucken. Mozilla VPN ist dabei still und unaufdringlich, man muss nur ein Knöpfchen aktivieren und alles ist gut. Nord VPN macht viel mehr Drama ('den besten Server suchen' etc.), hat angeblich unendlich viele Server, ist aber gleichzeitig wenig informativ wenn es hängt. Es hängt regelmäßig und nervt ständig mit Upselling. Mozilla ist teurer, sitzt aber dafür nicht in Panama. Der Kontrast vom hampeligen, ständig rumquasselnden Nord VPN zum stillen Ein-Button-VPN von Mozilla ist eindrucksvoll. Ich wusste gar nicht, dass man VPN so lautlos machen kann. Ausserdem wird man von Mozilla nicht gerügt, wenn man wieder unverantwortlicherweise ein paar Tage 'ohne Schutz' unterwegs war. Auch schön.")
Mia Culpa weist darauf hin, dass es die Serie laut werstreamt.es bei WOW geben müsste. Ich hatte das zwar vorher schon gesehen, aber noch nie von WOW gehört und nach etwas ratlosem Herumklicken gedacht "wird wohl so ein Bestandteil von Sky TV sein, was ich nicht habe und wofür man vielleicht irgendwie einen Fernseher braucht".
Ich schließe ein kostenpflichtiges WOW-Abo für einen Monat ab (7,99 Euro). Danach geht es immer noch nicht:
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Es liegt wahrscheinlich an diesem Satz: "Du kannst WOW in allen modernen Browsern (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari) auf deinem Windows-PC oder Mac streamen." Also nicht unter Linux. Ich wusste bis heute gar nicht, dass es das gibt: Dinge im Browser, die trotzdem nur mit manchen Betriebssystemen funktionieren. Bisher dachte ich, das sei so die Hauptidee, dass Dinge im Browser unabhängig vom Betriebssystem überall gehen. Ich kündige mein WOW-Abo sofort wieder, bekomme die 7,99 aber nicht zurück.
Oliver Laumann schreibt noch: "Ich dachte auch, es gäbe seit einigen Jahren eine EU-Verordnung, die [Geoblocking] verhindert. Eventuell gibt es sie ja wirklich, aber sie ist in der Schweiz und in UK (BBC-iPlayer) nicht anwendbar (weil nicht EU-Mitglieder). www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Fachthemen/Digitalisierung/Internet/Geoblocking/start.html (Verordnung gilt seit 2018)."
Korrektur: Wie Alexander Svensson bei Mastodon anmerkt, ist es anders: "Die EU-Geoblocking-Verordnung gilt übrigens gerade nicht für audiovisuelle Dienstleistungen wie Streamingdienste, da geht es um Diskriminierung im Handel." Kirsten Schelper hatte das im Redaktionschat auch schon eingewendet, aber ich war zu faul zum Nachforschen. Bin ich immer noch, aber jetzt sagen es schon zwei, also wird es wohl stimmen.
Gerade will ich mich dazu aufraffen, zu recherchieren, was man alles braucht, um auch unter Linux Filesharing betreiben zu können, da werde ich von einer Schweizer Freundin gerettet. Sie gibt mir ihre Zugangsdaten für ein Streamingangebot der SRG SSR, das ausdrücklich auch im (europäischen) Ausland funktioniert.
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"Eröffnen Sie ein Benutzerkonto, um: (...) Unsere Angebote und Dienstleistungen in der Europäischen Union nutzen zu können (optional)"
Es ist also wieder so wie schon bei Twint: Damit man es benutzen darf, muss man Freunde oder Verwandte in der Schweiz haben.
Wenn ich mich mit diesen Zugangsdaten einlogge, gelange ich zu einem Angebot namens playsuisse.ch, und dort darf ich die Serie endlich sehen.
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Ich möchte abschließend auch der SRG danken und sagen, dass ich ihr wirklich gern mein Geld für die Serie gegeben hätte. Ich habe es jetzt stattdessen einer gemeinnützigen Organisation in der Schweiz gespendet und hoffe, dass das die Abnutzung der gebührenfinanzierten Serie durch meine ausländischen Augäpfel ausgleicht.
(Kathrin Passig)
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thateurosite · 10 months
🇨🇭 Switzerland confirms Eurovision 2024 participation
🇨🇭 Another country is joining the #Eurovision 2024 lineup as #Switzerland's broadcasters' union have confirmed the country's participation in #Sweden next year! Who would you like to see represent the Swiss next year? #ESC2024
With preparations for next year’s Eurovision Song Contest underway, Switzerland’s national broadcasting union SRG SSR has confirmed the country will be participating at Eurovision 2024. No selection method chosen for Switzerland act In an email responding to That Eurovision Site, Swiss German broadcaster SRF confirmed that Switzerland would participate. This now adds one more country confirmed…
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escinsight · 2 months
Eurovision Chat Over Coffee, with Eurovision Reference Group Chair Bakel Walden
Eurovision Chat Over Coffee, with Eurovision Reference Group Chair Bakel Walden. The Eurovision Song Contest's Reference Group guides the Contest, overseeing its development and format, financing, brand awareness, and, of course, the Contest alongside the host broadcaster and the core team at the EBU. In 2023, Dr Frank-Dieter Freiling retired as Chair after thirteen years, and Bakel Walden was voted to take his place at the head of the Reference Group. With two decades of experience in broadcasting, he is currently the Director of Development and Offering at Swiss EBU Member SSR SRG. The Reference Group is one of the less visible parts of the management of the Song Contest, but one that has a significant say in the course of our Contest. On a recent trip to Malmö, Ewan Spence sat down with Bakel to talk about the role of the Reference Group, his television career, and how he sees Eurovision evolving over the next few years.
The Eurovision Song Contest’s Reference Group guides the Contest, overseeing its development and format, financing, brand awareness, and, of course, the Contest alongside the host broadcaster and the core team at the EBU. In 2023, Dr Frank-Dieter Freiling retired as Chair after thirteen years, and Bakel Walden was voted to take his place at the head of the Reference Group. With two decades of…
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patrice-rullier · 3 months
Découvrez la série digitale Dans sa bulle que je réalise depuis 2021 pour RTS Culture en collaboration avec societe-ecran media. “Dans sa bulle”, c'est une immersion dans l'univers et le processus de création des jeunes auteur-e-s de BD et illustrateurs·trices suisses romands. Il·elle·s nous parlent de leur technique, de leur environnement de travail, de leur dernière parution, de leur dernier projet.
Concept, réalisation, montage : Patrice Rullier et Alexandre Bugnon Image : Alexandre Bugnon, Eva Hugi Motion design : René Zumstein Musique : Thomatome Production : RTS Production exécutive : societe-ecran media ©RTS Radio Télévision Suisse SRG/SSR
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eurovision-revisited · 3 months
Eurovision 2002 - Number 19 - Matì - "Via dal buio"
This is one of those picks.
I don't have the lyrics. I don't know who the singer is. But I like it. And I may be the only one.
What I do know is that this was written by Matteo Mazza - a drummer and occasional vocalist with a song-writing hobby. This was one of 154 songs submitted to SRG SSR, the Swiss broadcaster and it ended up being first on stage. Switzerland had just come back from relegation and was straight back into holding a national final to select their entrant in what was becoming (unfortunately) a biannual event. Most of the performances aren't available, so here I am with the unlisted YouTube audio of the studio version that's found its way onto Eurovisionworld.
Via dal buio (Away from the darkness) is an upbeat song that indulges in a truly ad hoc mixture of sounds and instrumentation from what used to be called World Music. There are eastern strings, African chants, some scratching and Western drum, bass and pop. . This mash-up of textures and mood feels very 1980s, which is probably why it appeals to me so much. The vocal is more speak-singing with the occasional burst of melody. The numerous layers of vocals and instrumentation overlay and weave across each other into something that threatens to become cacophonous, but never does.
This is a world away from what I'd imagine Switzerland ever choosing. Unsurprisingly it finished last, accruing just 1.6% of the televote. Being first on can't have helped, but even with a better draw I feel this would have alienated a traditional Eurovision audience despite its happiness and inoffensiveness.
As I don't know who Matì is or was, or even if she's actually a nom-de-plume for Matteo the rhythmic song-writer, I don't know what happened next. None of them tried again for Eurovision selection. To me this was an opportunity to break out of the box and like most of those opportunities, it wasn't taken. Luckily it's found a fan in me 21 years after the fact.
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omysubs · 4 months
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©stories ag ©srg ssr
the pressure game – im herzen der schweizer nati
translation & subtitles
italian & swiss german > german
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realpeterabell · 8 months
Day for Democracy
A special event for Scotland's Day of Democracy. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/day-for-democracy-tickets-708484003727
Bruno Kaufmann Growing up in Switzerland in the 1970s Bruno Kaufmann developed an interest in people power which has led to him becoming one of the world’s most respected champions of direct democracy and citizen participation. Now living with his family in Arboga, Sweden, Bruno Kaufmann is the Global Democracy Correspondent of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SRG SSR). As well as being…
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peterabell · 8 months
Day for Democracy
A special event for Scotland's Day of Democracy. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/day-for-democracy-tickets-708484003727
Bruno Kaufmann Growing up in Switzerland in the 1970s Bruno Kaufmann developed an interest in people power which has led to him becoming one of the world’s most respected champions of direct democracy and citizen participation. Now living with his family in Arboga, Sweden, Bruno Kaufmann is the Global Democracy Correspondent of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SRG SSR). As well as being…
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zirhlikuzgun · 9 months
January's classic experience: A classic saga of January's good-old adventures (prior to the Pokémon experience) - Part 50 = {Driving Ib and Ib - Part 50 🠊 The Triss team's sitcom show - Part 50 🠊 Parody adventures with Luffe and Sjanne - Part 50 🠊 The Angora guys by night - Part 50 🠊 Fritz and Poul (ft. Split) records their livestream commentary for "January and co.'s hero-brave sad-to-fab quest thru their hero-brave journey from sad to fab" - Part 50} ▶ [Mr. Müller's audio/video commentary for "January and co.'s hero-brave sad-to-fab quest thru their hero-brave journey from sad to fab"] January's hero-brave journey from sad to fab - Part 50 = [Mr. Schüster's audio commentary for "January and co.'s pre-historic quest"] January and co.'s pre-historic quest - Part 50 = January and co. engages some funny signs - Part 35: January and co. gets rushed by yet decennovence again another more funny sign crisis ⁄ January and co. blows up outta here with those funny signs ⁄ January and co. expects the fire of those unknown funny signs ⁄ January and co. stands together, though being united, by may them fall those funny signs / January and co. prepares theirself to become hero-brave, famous and fabulous - Part 1: January and co. works their hero-brave skills
And now, back to the show.
3605.3605.3605.January and co. gets those annoying peery funny signs
3606.3606.3606.January and co. gets trolled by those annoying funny signs
3607.3607.3607.January and co. gets those annoying m-stachioy funny signs
3608.3608.3608.January and co. gets those annoying jyllipyni funny signs
3609.3609.3609.January and co. gets those annoying lousy-failing funny signs
3610.3610.3610.January and co. makes an incredible funny sign escape
We're continuing where we had left off.
After too much hard labour of too many funny signs, January and co. are finally making it outta here, as they successfully free theirselves by rejoicing back together, and hence with that, they're about to get ready to become hero-brave, as well as famous and fabulous. So for now, their adventure are about to continue.
And we'll continue on...
3611.3611.3611.January and co. gets ready to become hero-brave
3612.3612.3612.January and co. works smarter by making it brave (in the style of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (from 9 June 1948 to 31 August 2001))
3613.3613.3613.January and co. collects some braveness, so that they can become hero-brave heroes (in the style of official broadcasts from: RTP (from May 1930 to 19 February 1993), RTÉ (from 1 January 1926 to 19 September 1998), RÚV (from 20 December 1930 to 8 October 1986), RTBF (from 18 June 1930 to 11 September 1987), SRG SSR (from 30 September 1922 to 30 August 2006), RAI (from 8 February 1923 to 23 September 1974), RTVE (from 19 January 1937 to 24 January 1990), BBC (from 18 October 1922 to 1 November 1982), YLE (from April 1923 to 31 December 1992), GRF (from June 1884 to 5 April 1987), NRK (from 1 November 1922 to 4 September 1992), DR (from 1 April 1925 to 30 September 1988), VRT (from 18 June 1930 to 24 August 2000), NPO (from 6 November 1989 to 31 August 1995), SRT (from 21 March 1924 to 14 September 2007), and ARD and ORF (from March 1892 to 31 December 1983))
3614.3614.3614.January and co. assembles a lot of hero-brave style so that they can make it awesome of becoming hero-brave heroes (in the style of official broadcasts from: HTV (from 14 January 1958 to 31 December 1992), Yorkshire (from 22 September 1955 to 20 October 1996), Tyne Tees (from 15 January 1959 to 1 September 1996), Granada (from 22 September 1995 to 31 December 1994), Central (from 22 September 1955 to 5 September 1999), Westward/TSW (from 29 April 1961 to 31 December 1992), Southern/TVS (from 30 August 1958 to 31 December 1992), and Thames (from 22 September 1955 to 31 December 1992))
3615.3615.3615.January and co. trains their workout of becoming hero-brave (in the style of classic Ragdoll Productions episodes prior to 1993 (from the first "Puzzle Party" in 1977 to "1992: Year in Review" on 31 December 1992) (including the old TV-am (from 1 February 1983 to 31 December 1992)))
3616.3616.3616.January and co. makes their best of becoming hero-brave (in the style of Daneboe's classic videos prior to 1 January 2011 (from "Pugzilla" to "Annoying Orange: Wishful Thinking"), Davemadson's classic videos prior to 7 October 2011 (from dnm728's early videos to "The Adventures of Microsoft Sam and Friends - Episode 2: Broadcast News" (alongside some classic TTS-produced video uploads from the early Windows 3.0 beta build 1.11 to 6 October 2011 (including some random-shitting Funny Signs accents of various videos from Daneboe's video archive (from "Pugzilla" to "Annoying Orange: Fake N' Bacon")))))
3617.3617.3617.January and co. trains their hero-braveness from bad mood to good mood as well as from sad to fab
3618.3618.3618.January and co. keeps moving forward on training their carrier
3619.3619.3619.January and co. trains on making it hero-brave thru becoming brave and bold
3620.3620.3620.January and co. can always make it smart
3621.3621.3621.January and co. can always be so proud of getting so much time to sphere
3622.3622.3622.January and co. collects a lots of awesomeness
3623.3623.3623.January and co. reassembles their experience
3624.3624.3624.January and co. relaunches their new look
3625.3625.3625.January and co. receives some new style
3626.3626.3626.January and co. gets an slightly refreshed routine
3627.3627.3627.January and co. revamps their career
3628.3628.3628.January and co. continues on training their workout
3629.3629.3629.January and co. resurrects their hero-bravery of hero-braveness
3630.3630.3630.January and co. continues with smoothing it up on training from bad mood to good mood, by making it fabulous from sad to fab
3631.3631.3631.January and co. are always making it hero-brave of becoming brave and bold
3632.3632.3632.January and co. are always making it frenzy
3633.3633.3633.January and co. are always 1000% lucky to boost it up pretty good
3634.3634.3634.January and co. boots up and upgrades their awesomeness
3635.3635.3635.January and co. returns back and gets it going, by continuing back to business, thru getting ready to go for it
3636.3636.3636.January and co. refixes their bravery
3637.3637.3637.January and co. redesigns their style from sad to fab
3638.3638.3638.January and co. revamps their fabulous style
3639.3639.3639.January and co. trains their style of becoming fabulous
3640.3640.3640.January and co. collects some fabulousness
3641.3641.3641.January and co. trains some extreme fabulous workout
3642.3642.3642.January and co. requires an rivalry of becoming fabulous
3643.3643.3643.January and co. keeps on with training to become famous and fabulous
3644.3644.3644.January and co. boosts it higher up thru redesigning the extreme fabulous style
3645.3645.3645.January and co. smooths it up of making it famous and fabulous
3646.3646.3646.January and co. boosts it up and upgrades it up to make it famous and fabulous
3647.3647.3647.January and co. makes it cheeky of becoming famous and fabulous
3648.3648.3648.January and co. reassembles some hero-bravery of becoming famous and fabulous
3649.3649.3649.January and co. works it 1000% awesomer of becoming famous and fabulous
3650.3650.3650.January and co. redesigns their skills of becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3651.3651.3651.January and co. smooths it higher up of making it hero-brave of becoming famous and fabulous
3652.3652.3652.January and co. makes it 1000% awesome, flawless, and spectacular of becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3653.3653.3653.January and co. becomes very excited of becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3654.3654.3654.January and co. becomes miraculously excited to become hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3655.3655.3655.January and co. pumps it higher up of becoming famous and fabulous
3656.3656.3656.January and co. are always getting a good time of becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3657.3657.3657.January and co. are seriously smarter of becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3658.3658.3658.January and co. are seriously making it 1000% awesome, fantastic, flawless, and spectacular of becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3659.3659.3659.January and co. boosts some pretty awesome style of becoming famous and fabulous
3660.3660.3660.January and co. are suddenly becoming hero-brave to become famous and fabulous
3661.3661.3661.January and co. collects some money to become famous and fabulous
3662.3662.3662.January and co. becomes rich to become famous and fabulous
3663.3663.3663.January and co. gets so much good time of becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3664.3664.3664.January and co. are successfully becoming hero-brave to become famous and fabulous
We'll be right back after the break...
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dezbee2008 · 1 year
EUROVISION 2023 REVIEW: Switzerland
As promised, I will be reviewing each Eurovision entry in the most inconsistent way possible. The entries will be reviewed in a random order using my personal wheel on the Wheel of Names website. Next is Switzerland. They are sending Remo Forrer with Watergun Date chosen: February 20, 2023 (artist); March 7, 2023 (song) Method: Remo was chosen internally by Swiss TV station SRG SSR on February…
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gunvewor · 2 years
Sanwa super vortex type d setup
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SSR mode can be used only by SRG series servo.Digital servo (SRG series, Digital ERG series, SDX series) can be used both for NOR mode and SHR mode. (So before we get started i have to mention that this setup applies to those that have either an MT4s or M12 combined with the RX-472 receiver and are particularly running a complete Sanwa setup including the SUPER VORTEX TYPE D/ZERO esc with a SGS-01D/-01C gyro.If analog servo is used for SHR mode or SSR mode, the servo will be broken and will not work. Please do not use Analog Servo for SHR mode or SSR mode.Sanwa's Excellent Telemetry System has no response speed reduction.However, SANWA Original Data Processing and Algorithm Design makes Telemetry possible without response speed reduction. The compatible equipment can be set by transmitter. 2 SSL (SANWA SYNCHRONIZED LINK)-COMPATIBLE. It is often said that telemetry system reduce response speed. CAR TYPE(8 MODEL TYPES) CAN BE SET EASILY.Since the setting can be done without the stop of car, the detailed adjustment in accordance with Race conditions is available without interruption of Intervals and the change of machine conditions.by Transmitter is available through SSL functions while driving. When used with compatible RX-472, RX-482, Super Vortex Series, SV-Plus Series, the setting of ESC etc.NOTE: SSL (Sanwa Synchronized Link) System Since the setting can be done without the stop of car, the detailed adjustment in accordance with Race conditions is available without interruption of Intervals. MOA Mixing (FRONT-WHEEL-DRIVE/4WD/REAR-WHEEL-DRIVE ) sanwa ssl system When used with compatible RX-472, RX-482, Super Vortex Series, SV-Plus Series, the setting of ESC etc.
Code Aux (Compatible with SUPER VORTEX ZERO & TYPE-D MENU).
SSL (Sanwa Synchronized Link) compatible - mode set through CODE AUX functions (Compatible equipment: SUPER VORTEX SERIES, SV-PLUS SERIES, SGS-01C (Gain Adjustment) d/r epa high 100 100 100 5s curve th type h arc point h 50 rate h 50 100 brake speed h forward h return h point high brake remarks ver.
Most versatile radio system in its class.
The Sanwa MT-S FH4/FH3 4-Channel 2.4GHz Telemetry Radio System is the most feature packed radio in its class.
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thateurosite · 9 months
🇨🇭 Switzerland confirms Internal Selection for Eurovision 2024
🇨🇭 Following its confirmation of participation, #Switzerland will once again internally select its #Eurovision 2024 representative, with submissions set to open on Thursday, August 10. #ESC2024
After revealing that they will be participating at Eurovision 2024, Switzerland’s SRF has revealed that it will once again internally select its representative for Malmö. Switzerland’s plan for Eurovision 2024 already underway Whilst revealing their plans for next year’s competition, SRG SSR published guidelines for their eventual strategy for Eurovision 2024. Switzerland will once again be…
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logosai · 3 years
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@movingbrands . @playsuisse digital branding. Playsuisse is a nationwide streaming platform launched by Swiss pubcaster SRG SSR. #DigitalProduct #DigitalDesign #StreamingServices #TV #Entertainment #SwissMade #PlaySuisse #SRGSSR https://www.instagram.com/p/CIw6J0vDaIR/?igshid=eij5v6zqyrlz
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escunited · 6 years
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Switzerland: 2019 slowly kicking off
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eurovision · 5 years
Luca Hänni representará a Suiza en Eurovision 2019 con “She got me”
Mediante selección interna de la SRG SSR (asociación de televisiones públicas suizas, SRF, RTS y RSI) ha sido escogido su representante para el festival de este año en Tel Aviv con “She got me”.
Recordemos que Suiza participará en la Segunda Semifinal de Eurovision 2019 el próximo 16 de mayo en Tel Aviv.
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clyde420-69-666 · 2 years
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