#Sabias QUE?
Sabias QUE?
Congo: genocidio silenciado
¿Diez millones de vidas segadas, siete millones de personas desplazadas, y un millón de mujeres violadas y secuestradas, y apenas si susurran sobre ello en las noticias? No, esto no puede ser real.
No podemos permitirnos cerrar los ojos ante tal nivel de sufrimiento y desesperación. ¿Dónde está la humanidad en todo esto? ¿Dónde está la indignación global? Es abominable. Estamos hablando de millones de vidas destrozadas, de familias enteras arrancadas de sus hogares y arrojadas a la miseria y al dolor, y el mundo sigue como si nada.
¿Coltan? ¿Cobalto? ¿Son estas las vidas por las que estamos dispuestos a sacrificar, solo para mantener nuestro insaciable apetito por la tecnología y el consumismo? Es repugnante. Y no nos engañemos, esto va más allá de simples recursos naturales. Esto es sobre poder, sobre dominio, sobre la explotación despiadada de los más vulnerables para alimentar nuestro estilo de vida privilegiado.
Es hora de despertar, de levantarnos en solidaridad con el pueblo congoleño. Es hora de boicotear a las marcas y empresas cómplices de esta masacre. Es hora de exigir justicia, de exigir un Congo libre de opresión y violencia.
No podemos quedarnos en silencio.
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realidadposts · 1 year
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kobr4z · 21 days
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lol what am I supposed to say someone help me I don't know how I got to this
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diamondsheep · 7 months
Okay okay pero Así es la Vida de Elefante, la rolita de Zoro cuando Sanji esta en WCI 👀👀👀🌱
NOOOO al pobre le robaron el novio, le rompieron el corazón y ahora esta en un bar en Wano sufriendo y ahogando sus penas
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asdfkls eso me recordó que desde que vi WCI siempre me imagine a Sanji con GATA BAJO LA LLUVIAAAA así bien dramático
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ASDFJSKA lo siento tenia que dibujar el ZoSan Angst con esas canciones ( Así es la vida - Gata Bajo la lluvia )
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des-vanecido · 2 months
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— Mi Instagram
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sasha042 · 6 months
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irismaebe · 7 months
SB: hey other me, Did you know that ladybugs are cannibals?
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En mi mente estaba mejor la idea jajsbsksba
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rhiezus · 3 months
“ are you going to kiss me again, or do i have to do it myself? “ // bowen x vince
this night like any other night before this one for the past few months had been extraordinary at best. he could almost use the word magical, but he never really liked using other world aspects to describe real feelings because he had to believe this was real and it was happening to him. vince had given up most of his hope of success for his career so this was living in his wildest imagination. sometimes he would still wish for someone to pinch him or drop a bucket of cold water on his head so he could wake up and start facing reality again. this is reality, he would often remind himself. this is reality and it's time to live it all, to its fullest. which means not holding back your feelings anymore 'cause apparently luck is on his side and he is going to cherish it in order of it never letting him go.
he often pops up the question on his mind — while he is getting ready in the morning and then sits up for breakfast in the hotel or gets to the studio on time and waits for the other to arrive — he gets one look at him and thinks if luck is not a superstition but instead a person. could it be him who's been missing in his life this entire time? not just for making this band a real thing, for putting them on every radio, creating a chance for every possible award but for also making his heart alive. the blood in his veins pulsates insanely whenever he gets this feeling as if he is the most brilliant person in that room. he feels his heart race beating along the instrumental of each song, earning for it. this urge to live this dream with him, to make him see the starts that he sees whenever his vision goes blurry when he can finally touch him that night and kiss every surface of his skin that is just as hot as his own. no one has ever craved for someone as much as vince does bowen every night, every morning, and every moment they are together.
tonight after another glorious performance in a foreign city with the certainty that they were made for that state and for those crowds, at least they are almost in their hotel suites for a due rest. although that's pretty much the last damn thing on their minds. they couldn't keep their hands off each other ever since they got off stage, bowen put his finger in the hem of the jeans just slightly to push him towards him which sent vince in a spiral. they still had to take pictures for social media, talk to some famous locals who came to their show, and survive the twenty-minute ride from the venue to the hotel but they made it in one piece, and once they finally had no more eyes on them in the elevator they gave up all decorum and anguish — not that they ever have much. vince wanted to make a run for it, grab his hand, and push him towards his suite without thinking twice. however, he did. his hesitation in doing so didn't go unnoticed by bowen and thank god it didn't because he wasn't ready to spend the night alone. "you know much better than to beg for me to kiss you." vince had his eyes closed when he said that, yet he could still picture every detail from bowen's face and also the expression he would make when he opened his eyes again. this was part of their proximity, knowing so well each other's do's and don't's, it was almost engraved on his mind like a tattoo. bowen was unforgettable if only he knew — if only vince could show him.
he was drenched in so much affection with an air that again felt almost mystical. swearing he didn't touch any alcohol that night, not like on the first night he kissed him, but it always felt as though bowen's presence made him drunk and out of touch with reality. maybe that's why they made so much good music together, they wanted that excitement to be perceived by their listeners thinking perhaps they would be just as lucky as they were. with his confidence back and his core irregularly beating up his soul, he opened his eyes again to find that exact expression he had already projected on bowen's face — a smile, mischievous and devious just as he intended to be. the elevator opened at the same time as he grabbed vince's pulse out of there and instead of making that run for it, he walked them slowly out of it with a newfound trust in his senses. then he grabbed his waist back when he tried to bolt for the door of his suite and forced his attention on his lips without needing to close it with his yet. "whenever you want, yeah. you should do it. kiss me yourself, kiss me anywhere, everywhere, all the time. fuck it, just do it." and then he breathed him in, his glamorous scent and diamond eyes but without doing what vince wanted him most because that was his to take it whenever he wanted and right now seemed as if they wanted more than ever.
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susie-dreemurr · 7 months
By the way, I’m always gonna think about this. Peak catharsis moment, genuinely people should draw it forever, THEY WERE BOTH CRYINH—
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dana--07 · 16 days
No es la canción, si no a quien te recuerda
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realidadposts · 1 year
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cestacruz · 4 months
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Guardo tan bellos recuerdos que no olvidaré
Yoshitsune and Shizuka in traditional paraguayan clothes because I needed it
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nekirorgen · 7 months
Me saben más atractivas las letras cuando llevan el sabor de la melancolía.
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flancelot · 2 months
Parece que las universidades públicas no llegan a mayo pero mepa que el presiduende tampoco
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quemirabobo · 2 months
Che gente de 26 o menos que no tenga la vacuna del HPV, ahora alargaron el calendario de vacunación para incluir a las personas de entre 21 y 26 (inclusive) años, si pueden acercarse a una salita u hospital pregunten si la están dando y aprovechen
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