#Sammy Robinson
nevalizona · 27 days
Thinking about the Robinsons this Mother's Day! I wonder what the boys did for Perla! Personally, Sammy and Perla give off early bird vibes to me, so I don't think the boys would have been able to make her breakfast in bed, but I definitely could see them making some for her so she could relax and enjoy a cup of coffee.
I can also see Ellis and Lincoln putting together a couple of dollars or so go get her something. Like some candy she likes or maybe even some flowers. Of course, when they were younger, they just gave her the art projects they made in school, but as they got older, they had to come up with something and they didn't want Sammy to get them everything. They, especially Ellis, really wanted to make sure they got her something nice.
Both are awkward when it comes to filling out cards, but both try to say something genuinely nice. They love seeing Perla smile, how her eyes crinkle when she does, and the warm hug she gives when she thanks them. Even if the breakfast isn't perfect, Perla can see how much her boys care about her.
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fresh-cards · 2 years
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dropped-the-soap · 2 years
Rating “the forties”
SPOILERS FOR MAFIA 2 and MAFIA 3, in a way
Just having fun and dragging some asses.
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1) SAMMY ROBINSON: 49 (in 1968)
- oldest of them all but looks the best
2) HENRY TOMASINO: 40 (in 1951)
- dumb of ass but catches up in looks I suppose, I did think he was younger but only like
“I thought you were younger”
“Thank you”
“Because how the FUCK have you survived so long” (*gets shot*)
3) EDDIE SCARPA: 43 (in 1951)
- for someone who presumably lives only on booze (”and pussy”, he would add), he looks kinda good
- still I thought he was in his fifties, if he went somewhere on a beach after the game, hope he got some sunscreen
4) CARLO FALCONE: 46 (in 1951)
- looks older to me but comfortable in his age and his body
- the attitude does it, it’s simply years I can see on him, not the bad sleep, the booze diet or guilty conscience (speaks volumes)
5) JOE BARBARO: 43 (in 1968)
- yes, I think it’s him (LEAVE ME ALONE)
- also I can’t see shit
- he gets minus points for not having his fuckin’ clown suit, this one makes him look older
6) VITO SCALETTA: 43 (in 1968)
- baby, what have they done to you
- The Picture of Dorian Gray. the stress and guilt and loneliness ages him up.
- still looks pretty as hell, still the winner, but my man the years are not kind to you
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mafia-iii · 1 year
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The Home Fires Burn || New Bordeaux - Feb 20, 1968
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janaethom96 · 1 year
my fiction The Mighty Trio is up now on AO3
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dalekofchaos · 5 months
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elitehanitje · 4 months
Which real-life couple should be portrayed as a pair on TV and become the AEW Power Couple?
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kelcemenow · 1 year
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raynbowclown · 2 years
Robin And The 7 Hoods
Robin And The 7 Hoods
Robin And The 7 Hoods (1964) starring Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Bing Crosby, Peter Falk Synopsis of Robin And The 7 Hoods It’s The Rat Pack meets Robin Hood in this sly Runyonesque musical revision of the Robin Hood legend, done up Chicago gangland style. Frank Sinatra stars as Robbo, caught up in a gang war with rival mobster Guy Gisborne (Peter Falk) after mob chieftain Big…
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filosofablogger · 2 months
♫ Mr. Bojangles ♫ (Redux)
I initially thought to make this week another of my week-long artist tributes, as suggested by my friend Jerry, but I just couldn’t seem to get into the mode, so maybe next week.  No, I won’t tell you who, for it’s a surprise!  So, I was rather at loose ends for what song to play tonight when I received an email from our dear friend Keith with three song suggestions!  All three are songs I like a…
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nevalizona · 10 months
Thinking about the Robinsons loading into the car and going to mass. Lincoln and Ellis dressed up, all neat and orderly. Ellis is being reminded to behave himself. Lincoln and Ellis sliding onto the pew while Sammy (maybe even Perla depending on how young you want to think about!) chat with the other attendees. Sammy is charismatic and friendly. He's easy to approach and even easier to talk to. Both Ellis and Lincoln are talked to on occasion. The typical "How are you guys?" And "how's school?" Questions being asked. The boys are polite and respectful but make jokes as soon as the adults leave.
When service starts, and everyone is seated, the boys stay quiet as expected. They do whatever vocal queues are normal. At some point though, Ellis gets bored. Starts whispering jokes and obscenities to Lincoln to make him laugh. This doesn't go on too long before they are hushed and reprimanded by Sammy, who nudges Ellis softly reminding him to "behave himself".
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hotvintagepoll · 4 months
Congrats to the ultimate winner of the Hot & Vintage Movie Men Tournament, Mr. Toshiro Mifune! May he live happily and well where the sun always shines, enjoying the glories of a battle hard fought.
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A loving farewell to all of our previous contestants, who are now banished to the shadow realm and all its dark joys and whispered horrors—I hear there's a picnic on the village green today. If you want to remember the fallen heroes, you can find them all beneath the cut.
What happens next? I'll be taking a break of two weeks to rest from this and prep for the Hot & Vintage Ladies Tournament. I'll still be around but only minimally, posting a few last odes to the hot men before transitioning into a little early ladies content, just like I did with this last tournament. The submission form for the Hot & Vintage Ladies tournament will remain up for one more week (closing February 21st), so get your submissions in for that asap! Once the form closes, there will be one more week of break. The first round of the Hot & Vintage Ladies Tournament will be posted on February 29th, as Leap Year Day seems like a fitting allusion to leaping into these ladies' arms.
Thanks for being here! Enjoy the two weeks off, and send me some great propaganda.
In order of the last round they survived—
Richard Burton
Tony Curtis
Red Skelton
Keir Dullea
Jack Lemmon
Kirk Douglas
Marcello Mastroianni
Jean-Pierre Cassel
Robert Wagner
James Garner
James Coburn
Rex Harrison
George Chakiris
Dean Martin
Sean Connery
Tab Hunter
Howard Keel
James Mason
Steve McQueen
George Peppard
Elvis Presley
Rudolph Valentino
Joseph Schildkraut
Ray Milland
Claude Rains
John Wayne
William Holden
Douglas Fairbanks Sr.
Harold Lloyd
Charlie Chaplin
John Gilbert
Ramon Novarro
Slim Thompson
John Barrymore
Edward G. Robinson
William Powell
Leslie Howard
Peter Lawford
Mel Ferrer
Joseph Cotten
Keye Luke
Ivan Mosjoukine
Spencer Tracy
Felix Bressart
Ronald Reagan (here to be dunked on)
Peter Lorre
Bob Hope
Paul Muni
Cornel Wilde
John Garfield
Henry Fonda
Robert Mitchum
Van Johnson
José Ferrer
Robert Preston
Jack Benny
Fredric March
Gene Autry
Alec Guinness
Fayard Nicholas
Ray Bolger
Orson Welles
Mickey Rooney
Glenn Ford
James Cagney
Dick Van Dyke
James Edwards
Sammy Davis Jr.
Alain Delon
Peter O'Toole
Robert Redford
Charlton Heston
Cesar Romero
Noble Johnson
Lex Barker
David Niven
Robert Earl Jones
Turhan Bey
Bela Lugosi
Donald O'Connor
Carman Newsome
Oscar Micheaux
Benson Fong
Clint Eastwood
Sabu Dastagir
Rex Ingram
Burt Lancaster
Paul Newman
Montgomery Clift
Fred Astaire
Boris Karloff
Gilbert Roland
Peter Cushing
Frank Sinatra
Harold Nicholas
Guy Madison
Danny Kaye
John Carradine
Ricardo Montalbán
Bing Crosby
Marlon Brando
Anthony Perkins
Michael Redgrave
Gary Cooper
Conrad Veidt
Ronald Colman
Rock Hudson
Basil Rathbone
Laurence Olivier
Christopher Plummer
Johnny Weismuller
Clark Gable
Fernando Lamas
Errol Flynn
Tyrone Power
Humphrey Bogart
James Dean
Cary Grant
Gregory Peck
Sessue Hayakawa
Harry Belafonte
James Stewart
Gene Kelly
Peter Falk
Jeremy Brett
Vincent Price
James Shigeta
Buster Keaton
Omar Sharif
Paul Robeson
Sidney Poitier
Toshiro Mifune
and ok, sure, here's the shadow-bracket-style winner's portrait of Toshiro Mifune.
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kenttsterling · 2 years
Frank Reich breaks two key rules in #Colts loss! DeForest Buckner - bad game, great analysis! #iufb undefeated after OT win
Frank Reich breaks two key rules in #Colts loss! DeForest Buckner – bad game, great analysis! #iufb undefeated after OT win
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multiverserift · 2 months
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An often overlooked aspect of character and relationship building is the question: "How do the characters adress each other?"
It's a surprisingly interesting facet of DS9. I think Worf not once calls Quark by his name, it's always "the Ferengi".
Rom calls him only "Quark", I think, once or twice in the whole run of DS9. Otherwise it's always "Brother" or "my Brother". While Quark uses "my Brother" mostly derogatively, but when things get ugly, he says "Rom!"
[For all people reading this not familiar with Star Trek, another example: When Dean Winchester says "Sammy" you know things are escalating horribly.]
If someone knows an instance where Worf calls Quark by his name, let me know. I am looking for this for years. Maybe I heard it in the german translation.
Sisko is always called "Ben" by colleagues, which looks like an intimate name. Until you realize that he is called "Benjamin" only by his most intimate familiar, Dax. And mockingly and twisted, by Dukat. His full name is his pet name, while the abbreviated version is his more distanced, regular used name. Awesome detail.
Odo even mocks Kira for being interested in Chief O'Brien. Excuse me, I mean "Miles" 😉 In my own comic (not Star Trek related, I'm not brave enough for that), I, as the time of writing this, have only three characters on screen. And I put a lot of thought into the question: How do they adress each other? And even made a bit of fun of it.
Why am I telling you all this? Because Garak and Bashir have a very interesting dynamic. Firstly, there is not one instance of Bashir calling Garak "Elim". Garak calls him "Doctor Bashir" or the classic "my dear Doctor".
Now when we imagine Garak telling Julian how he actually doesn't like him (at all!) and then he says "ok bye. Julian. wink wink 😉" I don't really know if it would feel out of character for Garak. Damn, somebody get Andrew Robinson on the phone and pay him to say it.
If Garak does it slowly with a thick, chocolady sarcastic tone and smirk, I think it would work. But it would also make him VERY vulnerable, no matter how he tries to overplay it. Which would be an interesting scene, to say the least. So it would have the need to feel earned.
It would also be an interesting callback to early twink Bashir, hopelessly in need of human(oid) connection. He forcefeeds Kira the "HEY KIRA I'M JULIAN CALL ME JULIAN! SAY IT!!! JUUUUUUUUULIAN!" stuff very early on. At the end of the Julian and the Federation Ambassadors-Episode, they respect him and call him Julian.
So Garak denying him that indulgence is an interesting trait. And if you're still reading this with me, maybe you agree on that. It's important to notice how our characters adress each other.
Garak denies Julian the un-formality of the first name (what Julian desperately craves), and would propably be shocked or even angry in return, if Julian himself called him "Elim".
What I'm saying it, it would be a big deal. Closing a speech with "Julian" could break that delicate balance and dynamic. Maybe it would work. Maybe it wouldn't.
I would love to hear what Siddig or Andrew think about the question. Or anyone other than the voices debating this in my head. Do you have other examples for this?
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markwatnae · 5 months
Masterpost of Hot Old Man Round 1 Polls
Paul Newman v Richard Burton
Omar Sharif v Tony Curtis
Red Skelton v Burt Lancaster
Christopher Plummer v Keir Dullea
Anthony Perkins vJack Lemmon
Kirk Douglas v Alain Delon
James Dean v Marcello Mastroianni
Harry Belafonte v Jean-Pierre Cassel
Marlon Brando v Robert Wagner
Sammy Davis Jr. v James Garner
James Coburn v Rock Hudson
Peter Cushing v Rex Harrison
George Chakiris v Sidney Poitier
Dean Martin v Sean Connery v Jeremy Brett
Tab Hunter v Toshiro Mifune
Howard Keel v Peter O'Toole
Robert Redford v James Mason
Steve McQueen v Charlton Heston
Dick Van Dyke v George Peppard
Elvis Presley v Peter Falk
Oscar Micheaux v Rudolph Valentino
Joseph Schildkraut v Buster Keaton
Jimmy Stewart v Ray Milland
Cary Grant v Claude Rains
John Wayne v Errol Flynn
Clint Eastwood v William Holden
Douglas Fairbanks Sr. v Sessue Hayakawa
Carman Newsome v Harold Lloyd
Noble Johnson v Charlie Chaplin
John Gilbert v Conrad Veidt
Ramon Novarro v Robert Earl Jones
Slim Thompson v Gary Cooper
John Barrymore v Paul Robeson
Edward G. Robinson v Clark Gable
Humphrey Bogart v William Powell
Leslie Howard v Ronald Colman
Peter Lawford v Vincent Price
Harold Nicholas v Mel Ferrer
Joseph Cotten v Danny Kaye
John Carradine v Keye Luke
Ivan Mosjoukine v Gilbert Roland
Benson Fong v Spencer Tracy
Guy Madison v Felix Bressart
James Shigeta v Ronald Reagan
Montgomery Clift v Ricardo Montalbon
Peter Lorre v Frank Sinatra
Bob Hope v Gregory Peck
Fred Astaire v Paul Muni
Bela Lugosi v Cornel Wilde
Cesar Romero v John Garfield
Basil Rathbone v Cantinflas
Henry Fonda v Turhan Bey
Boris Karloff v Robert Mitchum
David Niven v Van Johnson
Gene Kelly v José Ferrer
Robert Preston v Tyrone Power
Jack Benny v Donald O'Connor
Fredric March v Lex Barker
Michael Redgrave v Gene Autry
James Edwards v Alec Guinness
Fayard Nicholas v Fernando Lamas
Ray Bolger v Johnny Weismuller
Orson Welles v Sabu Dastigir
Mickey Rooney v Laurence Olivier
Rex Ingram v Glenn Ford
Bing Crosby v James Cagney
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foxeia · 1 month
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Sammy Robinson
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