#Seladon best girl
internet-goblin · 11 months
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thanatasia · 2 years
Great Con-Junction 2022
This past weekend was very busy but a lot of fun!
It was so nice to be able to be in the same room as so many people who made TDC:AoR and the original TDC film. So much so that it was a bit overwhelming lol
I believe my rambling became the star of the show when talking to fellow artists and people involved with the film and series. My best friend @yellowtribalwolf and I were lucky to get tickets to the lot party and tour. I'll share this gem because I've got this song stuck in my head. Maybe I'll share some more photos. Maybe stuff from the Henson Lot and Creature Shop
I was so lucky enough to meet @sifanjewel and I was so so much fun talking with you and going to different panels and the workshop! I still can't believe we got to hang out out there lol
One of those panels was a quiz where whoever got the last question right would win a Stone-in-the-wood prop- my head heard a question related to the Trial by Stone Podcast where they spoke with one of the writers who spoke of a scraped scene where there was going to be a fight on Rek'yr's Sandskimmer with SkekMal. This scene was replaced with Seladon's Gothic transformation. In my head I heard, flight and Seladon and- got the question wrong. The funny thing is they gave me a second chance, I got tongue tied and almost said; Flight of Passage 🤣 I was close to owning a prop but it's a funny story I'll get a kick out of lol
I got to meet Beccy Henderson! She said my Elf/Gelfling outfit was lovely. She also recognized my artwork because I gave her a Stonegrot sticker. I felt so happy! I will die happy getting complimented by her. I even got an autograph from her...but my dad who also went along but explored on his own lost my autograph before my friend and I got to the Henson Lot party
Gelfling are TINY! I always knew they were small but they are literally the height of a young child lol
I couldn't take pictures but while at the Creature Shop I saw the SkekTek prototype puppet used for the initial idea of puppet Skeksis and CGI Gelflings. There was also a Podling head sculpt that was nicknamed, Stoned, I thought that was hilarious.
Continuing from the Creature Shop tour I saw a prop used for the deleted scene of the Emperor's Funeral in the original film, as well as Crawlies. I think everyone who watched the TDC documentary that's included in the bonus features of the DVD knows the Crawlies were basically wind-up toys; I couldn't tell what they were beforehand but they were very flakey and delicate
My friend and I got to puppeteer an animal tail. It was both weird but mesmerizing seeing it move to how you moved the handles
I got my artwork reviewed by TOBY FROUD?!?! I wish I had original art but 1) I haven't completed any 2) most of whatever original art I make is depressing. Regardless, he said my art was, "very lovely" and that I should consider storyboarding
I wanna make another post regarding the drawing workshop with the amazing artist, Cory Godbey. That Mystic I drew came out pretty good...profile views are all we'll see from me. Hearing his input about his experience in art and getting work was very informative. He has a nice calming voice which made the workshop relaxing. My only criticism of the workshop is that it was a paid activity but the event organizers didn't provide paper and pencils. Excluding that it was a great class!
Lisa Maxwell had a fun time talking to my best friend and I because we share the same name but there's one letter in our names that are spelled different. She called us, Clever Girls and I will die happy being complimented by her
A buddy of mine couldn't attend so while passing her art to Stephen Garlick (Jen), Lisa Maxwell (Kira) and Victor Yerrid (Hup), I had some sweet conversations. I even got a picture with Stephen Garlick. Victor Yerrid said my online name was really cool. Again, I will die happy getting complimented for my interesting art name.
I got to meet @feusus , @candythemew and another artist named R0b0crazylady (IG, please correct me if she does have a Tumblr) at their art tables. It's still surreal I got to have conversations with you all. Albeit I was rambling way too much (or maybe I'm too hard on myself) I hope you all had made a great profit. Tbh I think I was more excited matching faces to online profile pictures. You all are very sweet people and I'm so happy to have met you
TDC museum they installed was lovely! SkekSil and SkekOk were there in all their Skeksis glory. Which surprised me- mostly SkekSil I did not expect to see him. If we include the lot party I met my sister's favorite Skeksis, SkekEkt.
At the end I had gotten a picture with Lisa and Cheryl Henson. Mostly for my mom's sake because she would've figurativly killed me if I didn't. I also wanted to, I mean now I can say I got to meet the daughters of Jim Henson who helped keep TDC alive and helped get AoR running
The ending ceremony was an experience. Reciting the Gelfling prophecy was a fantastic end to a great TDC convention. I truly hope there is something again in celebration for AoR
I could probably write more but I'm drawing a blank, and maybe I'm rambling lol
Idk if Thames Con has a Tumblr but thank you for setting this event up. Thank you Trial by Stone Podcast for the coverage and amazing episodes to your Podcast, I was too shy to say hello lol
My only regret is not mingling/networking during the Henson Lot party. I had gotten about 3 hrs of sleep the night prior because I was excited like a child on Christmas Eve. So by 8pm I was getting sleepy lol
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Tides of the Dark Crystal liveblog pt 19
Tides of the Dark Crystal because I want to know if they’ll be able to save a tree! I’m arboreally invested!
Last times on book: Amri and co are on a quest to unite all the Gelfling clans against the Skeksis. They’ve managed with the Sifa and they’re trying with the Dousan at the Wellspring gathering place now. Periss, their guide to the Wellspring, did a hostage situation to get the team educated about the plight of dying giant trees in the area. Amri, Naia, and Tavra dove down down down to the bottom of the lake where the tree once was and found a spark of life. But it needs the Dousan to heal and it’s going to be hard to get them to the bottom of the lake. They’ve only got one Naia to go around.
Chapter 19
Team Naia and the Dousan heal the tree, more plot arrives in a silver bound scroll
Okay. So the solution to how to get all the Dousan underwater is to not do that. Its just not feasible. Amri suggests getting the Dousan to the cave since the water from the Wellspring is going to the cave too and Naia says it’ll have to be good enough.
Their lips met, and she filled his lungs with air, more warmly than before, then thrust him away. He held the feeling in his heart, letting it buoy him toward the surface so far above.
Is giving someone oxygen underwater a ship tease? Because it seems to be leaning that way.
Amri bobs to the surface and is pulled out of the water by good ol’ Periss. The Dousan are all still meditating as their camp is torn to pieces by the wind. Can’t say they’re not determined.
The Grottan guy tells Periss (and Erimon who is still hanging around) that the tree is still alive, just, and that it needs the Dousan’s song for Naia to heal it.
Periss turned on Erimon, eyes wide with hope.
“Our people meditate, send thoughts and dreams into the universe, trusting Thra to send providence. But they won’t take action -- won’t even lift a finger to save the gifts Thra has already provided! If they won’t, then I will.”
Periss runs off to put the nearest Dousan. To put them in a headlock and drag them to the cave, presumably.
“You say you saw it? The tree truly lives?”
“And can save us yet, if you’ll believe in it!”
Like the living spot of the tree in all the dead, a spark of light flickered in Erimon’s countenance. Like a wall breaking, like he was waking from a dream that he had been dreaming too long.
Maybe if the tree had sent dreams to the rest of the Dousan, this would have gotten resolved faster. I do wonder why it only sent dream nightmares to Periss.
Anyway, Erimon pulls a horn from his belt and just holds it up to the wind, which makes me laugh a little at the effort saving a desert storm can provide. The blaaaaat, presumably, of the horn rouses the Dousan and Erimon tells them to get themselves to the cave.
When Erimon, Periss, and Amri get to the cave, Erimon jams the horn into a crevice so it’ll keep blowing and guide the Dousan there.
Inside, Kylan has climbed into a little nook that I guess has great acoustics and is still playing his firca. Amri tells Erimon and Periss to get to singing without waiting for the rest of the Dousan.
A neat touch is that Dousan singing is a sort of humming that reminds Amri a lot of the Mystics but also Aughra’s chant and the song of Thra. Given who the Dousan based their culture on, it makes a lot of sense. And is probably the best possible singing for this situation.
Amri asks Onica how they’ll know this is all working and she says “If it works, the tree will rise and break the storm wall,” Onica said. “And if doesn’t, we may be the only ones that survive this trial.”
No pressure. Except all the pressure. Geez, the weather is pissed off.
Some more Dousan start finding their way into the cave, caked in sand, and confused how things have gotten so bad and whether buried in sand forever is the answer Thra is giving them.
Even entering the cave and seeing Periss and Erimon singing to Kylan’s playing the Dousan just kind of. Silently watch. They need a bit of a nudge.
“Thra has already given you an answer. To the darkening, to the Skeksis, to all the corruption that seeps into our world. Believe in the way Thra has shown us all along, even if it seems hopeless. In the tree. In the Gelfling. In each other!”
Amri held out his hands as the storm threw itself against the mountain, a monster knocking on the door. To his surprise, a Dousan stepped forward and took his hand.
“I will believe,” she said.
Another followed her. Amri didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
I would also like to see this portrayed in puppets. It wouldn’t be as technically impressive as the dive into the forever deep spring but it would make me feel feelings.
The Dousan join hands and hum sing so loudly it drones out the storm.
Amri sees a dreamfast, presumably with all the present Dousan or with the tree?, of the tree in its prime and the Dousan coming and going from the oasis.
He thinks he hears Naia’s voice so looks outside the cave where the darkness has lifted.
Amri stepped outside of the cave and gasped.
Still growing, at an impossible and rapid speed, a tree was unfurling from within the lake. Its spiraled shoot jetted into the sky, thick boughs with huge succulent fronds blooming like a storm of another kind.
The storm wall broke as the tree pierced it, scattering the lightning and wind. The clouds parted in a ripple, dissipating. Behind the black of the storm, the sky was light with morning.
HEYYYY wow. They kept saying that the tree could stop the storm but I thought it was like. Magic. Not that the tree would grow so big that it would explode the storm.
These Great Trees are. Pretty great.
In the center of the still-chanting Dousan, the same rainbow light appears and dream-etches the story of the Sifa and now the Dousan joining the resistance.
Very helpful to have a ‘quest completed’ indicator. And very cool.
Amri also sees a vision in the fire of Maudra Ethri at Cera-Na receiving a scroll tied with silver twine.
Huh. Plot hook?
And similar to the dream Naia had of her mother receiving a scroll in the swamp.
Huuuuh. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.
Speaking of Naia...
The tree’s bark was made of woody, layered diamonds like the scales of a lizard, pointing upward to capture what meager rain fell in the desert. Cradled in one of the shelves made of the bark, resting in a nest of lake weeds, was the Drenchen girl. Amri splashed through the water and climbed up the tree to where she lay.
“Oof,” she groaned when he reached her.
“You did it. Naia, you did it.”
She gave an exhausted chuckle. “It wasn’t me. When I was down there, I could hear you. Through the water and the river. I heard Kylan’s firca. I heard the Dousan singing the song of life.” She looked at the palms of her hands. “I became one with the tree, in that moment. I felt as if my heart had grown wings. And then this miracle...”
Together, they looked up through the morning suns as they came through the tree’s fronds, sparkling with the water that still dripped in pristine rain from so high above. Naia smiled and put her hand against the tree’s bark.
“Oszah-Staba,” she said. “The Wellspring Tree. Its tears have always filled the lake. But now they can be tears of joy instead of loneliness.”
I hope they all feel very accomplished! That’s two whole clans convinced and a tree saved.
Uh, so why is there still 80 some pages left. Are there more tides?
Despite stopping the storm, it managed to destroy pretty much the entire Dousan camp first. The Crystal Skimmers at least dig themselves out of the sand.
Erimon tries to apologize to Periss but Periss just tells him that his sand skiff (the one that Periss stole?) will be a good apology.
Everyone is basically feeling good and accomplished right now, despite 80 some pages left.
Even Tavra spoke kindly into his ear.
“You did very well, Shadowling,” she said.
“And how are you, spiderling?” he replied.
In the past, her short answers had always seemed aloof, as if she didn’t want to speak to him any more than she had to. But this time he heard something else. Not sadness, not reluctance; just exactly what she’d said. Tiredness.
With a start, he realized maybe this was just the way she was: not cold, but reserved.
Also, I have to imagine that being the middlest child had a lot to do with it. Brea and Seladon are a lot more than Tavra is. Just a lot more. And they seem to constantly put her in the middle of it. Where she has to be very diplomatic.
Amri asks if there’s anything he can do for Tavra but she says nothing more than he already has.
Maudra Seethi’s Crystal Skimmer arrives in rough shape, deck in ruins and Skimmer covered in wounds from the storm. But there’s no Maudra Seethi aboard.
Wait, that’s it! That’s what’s missing! Surely I get to meet Maudra Seethi in this book where half the plot has been the Dousan! I’ve met all the other Maudra!
Sandmaster Rek’yr is aboard. Hi show character, Rek’yr!
He tells the protagonists that Seethi’s Skimmer was caught by the storm wall on the way to the Wellspring and had to back off hoping for it to break. But while they waited a message came from Ha’rar and Maudra Seethi had to leave immediately.
Rek’yr coughed again and groaned, producing a scroll tied with a piece of silver twine. He passed it to Erimon as proof. Amri waited while he read it, though with a horrible dread, he felt he knew what words would come from the sandmaster’s mouth next.
“The maudra have been summoned to Ha’rar by Princess Seladon,” he said. “All-Maudra Mayrin is dead.”
Oh nerts.
Huh. Three books only takes us up to the equivalent of episode 5 or 6?
Dang, Naia’s team is good at squeezing in a lot of plot in a short amount of time.
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theglasscat · 4 years
Dark Crytal/Age of Resistance Human/High School AU
HEAR ME OUT Thorn Hill Ridge Academy (THRA) 
PTA moms:
Mayrin Vapra (PTA head, connections to the School Board)
Fara Stonewood
Argot Grot (Deet’s grandma)
Laesid Drenchen (a doctor)
Mera Spriton (Kylan’s aunt)
Seethi Dousan
Ethri Sifa (teen mom who thinks she needs to go to these meetings as she’s a parent now)
Ordon is a cop doing a teen outreach program or a school security guard, haven’t decided which The kids:
The Vapra Sisters: 
Seladon- Prep, senior, class president, debate team, preparing to be valedictorian, secretly enjoys metal
Tavra- Prep/jock, junior, on several sports teams, skater by day but still gets top grades, has a secret girlfriend, hangs out with different kids at school than her home life suggests
Brea- Prep/nerd, freshman, excited to be at school and spend her time reading books her reading level, makes friends with the librarian.
Ordon’s Son:
Rian- Oldest of three. Jock. Junior. On several sports teams.  Expected to go into army after and then be a cop like his father. Would rather just make out with people and go to college. Goes out with Mira when she’s not going out with Gurjin. Best friend is Gurjin.  They are NOT gay, they only kissed two times and he’s only touched his dick once!  They’re just really close friends man! Probably the best friends in the whole world, man! It’s not wrong to love your best friend!
Mira- Jock. Junior. On several sports teams.  Slacks at school but it’s fine cause she’s going to join the army anyway.  Family has higher expectations of her.  Can’t decide if she should go out with Rian or Gurjin and the social drama she brings so she can date both (but never at the same time that would be, like, mean) is legendary.
The Drenchen Siblings:
Naia- Junior. Jock. On the swim team. Parents want her to go to medical school, twin sister to Gurjin. Best friends since elementary with Kylan.
Gurjin- Junior. Jock. On all the sports teams as Rian. Parents want him to attend police academy after graduation and he is considering it but he might want to go to college too. Goes out with Mira when Rian isn’t. Best bros with Rian and bro it’s not gay to cherish your best friend and think he’s hot and kiss him when you’re alone right? They’re just bros.
Two younger sisters in middle school.
The Sifa Family is a large family with lots of cousins and second cousins and siblings.  They include:
Onica- Junior. Tavra’s secret girlfriend. Skater. Sometimes stoner. Likes to read tarot cards and palms. Witch-core af.
Tae- Junior. Jock. Onica’s best friend. On same sports teams as Tavra. Believes in Onica’s prophecies.
Ethri- Senior. Had a baby with Staya and now she’s a parent? Which is why she’s too busy for school work so why don’t teachers understand that? And isn’t the PTA supposed to be like, so Parents and Teachers can talk to each other? Not like, these weird conversations with these judgy moms?
Staya- Unrelated but Ethri’s baby daddy. 18 year old drop out who has a van.
Freshly transferred to the school is:
Deet- Sophmore.  Homeschooled/”Unschooled” by her two dads on a farm on edge of town until recently.  Very bright so it wasn’t just her Grandma being a teacher and on the PTA that got her in.  Would love to make some new friends because she really likes talking to people, but doesn’t get why everyone needs to split up into cliques and be so mean to one another.  Makes friends with the janitor.
There is also: 
Kylan: Junior. Band geek. Naia’s best friend since elementary school.  Really into comic books and drawing potential covers for his potential folk metal band’s first album, that is if he can gather enough people who know what folk metal is first.
Amri: Junior. Not trying to be in any clique.  Deet’s cousin. Wants to be a doctor like Naia but a homeopathic one and because of this they butt heads in science class a lot.
Principal: Aughra
At least one of the teachers is: Argot
Teachers: Mystics (Mr. Su, Mr. Sol Mr. Swim Coach San, Archery Coach Va, etc.)
The janitor: Hup  
School Board Committee:
The Skeksis: Seemingly ancient and wealthy patrons of the school but are *record scratch* still aliens. Still sucking the souls out of teens. One day Rian is skipping practice to makeout with MIra but she’s not there to meet him at their usual spot and when he sees her going somewhere else he follows her to the detention room, which is fair enough, she probably just didn’t have the chance to tell him she had detention, until he peeks through the window (you know the sort with criss cross over the glass) and sees the members of the board sucking out Mira’s soul. Now it’s up to Rian to convince his fellow students and their parents to what the board is up to.  But with everyone separated into different cliques and family ties, how will they ever unite to save themselves and their school?
The Garthim: Security guards approved by the board to quell the rumors that are spreading around the school.  Actually robots.
Years later:
Jen is a teenager living on the edge of a big empty town.  One day he finds out his math tutor being put into an ambulance and on his dying breath tells Jen to go to Aughra and get the key to the old abandoned high school to save the world.  Aughra gives him the key and Jen goes poking around the abandoned high school.
There he meets Kira, a girl his age, and her dog, Fizzgizz who explore the building with him.  Together they escape the clutches of the barely hanging in there school board and their still operating robot security guards.  The key Aughra gave Jen was also the key to the spaceship that is also the central campus building.  The remaining Mystic teachers and their school board counterparts fuse and thank Jen and Kira for helping them and then activate their spaceship home.  Jen and Kira run out of the campus and watch the school blast off into space from the overgrown football field.
Roll credits
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lilac-city-skylines · 4 years
Can we have some Pregnant!DeetxRian headcanons (The reveal, the Birth and the First few days as New parents)
Of course! I broke this up into the sections that you specified, I hope that you don’t mind! 
More Pregnant Deet x Rian Headcanons for Your Reading Pleasure!
The Reveal 
It wasn’t exactly planned
But it wasn’t unplanned either
Deet just thought it’d be super nice to have a baby 
They did the thing and thus Jen was created 
It wasn’t obvious at first 
Deet was getting super irritable for no reason 
She’d check herself and apologize before quickly going off to cool down 
Her wings got droopy and she wasn’t able to sleep through the night 
At first, Rian thought she had some kind of illness
Maybe Grottan just weren’t used to topside illnesses? 
When he figured that out, he sprinted to Maudra Argot 
She sat him down for a bit of tea and moss and let him yell 
He literally yelled 
Going on and on about how worried he was about Deet and how he needed her help 
Argot could tell what was going on with Deet within seconds of his description 
But she let him rant all he wanted until he finally calmed down 
“I think I know the cure for what ails her if you really want the answer.” 
Rian begs her to tell him. 
“I’d suggest you find a Spriton and ask them to make you a crib. A nice one too.” 
He didn’t speak for about three minutes, just staring at Argot 
While this took place, Deet went to seek the counsel of her fathers
They sat calmly and listened to her 
She said how irritable she was, even when she didn’t want to be
She showed them her wings and told them how she couldn’t ever seem to sleep 
They let her finish before asking her if it was harder to fly 
It was
If she had strange cravings
She did 
It took her a second to work it out for herself, but she thanked them quickly and ran out of their home and straight to find Rian
At around this time, he was also running around to find her
They slammed into each other in the middle of the village center 
A lot of yelling and sputtering and falling over words 
When they finally sorted it out, they hugged for a long time 
Rian did go out for a drink with Gurjin later that week, celebrating the new father and all that 
The Birth 
Rian made it very clear that Deet didn’t have to follow Stonewood tradition if she didn’t want to 
Stonewood tradition usually asks that the mother avoid any work or stress and just go collecting herbs that will make pain-soothing remedies for labor 
Deet understood how dangerous her position was
Grottan were easily killed in labor and it was almost always the pain and the blood loss that took them out 
She didn’t want to do any strenuous work 
Stonewood babies were larger than Grottan babies, so her risk of death was fairly high 
Brea came over often, they read books on medicine and names to calm Deet’s nerves 
Naia helped Deet collect herbs when her belly became too big for her to bend over without a struggle 
Rian had to balance being a soldier with now being a father
He wanted more than anything for his father to be alive, to ask his advice 
Shoni was more than willing to give him gentle advice on how a father should behave 
He even asked the Stonewood midwives to collaborate with Maudra Argot, who insisted on being there
She’d delivered every successful Grottan baby and she wasn’t going to stop 
Deet and Rian had a rather long discussion on the topic, and Rian felt it was appropriate that he at least follow the Stonewood tradition of sharpening a sword outside the home during the labor 
It was something his father did and something his grandfather did 
Deet was fine with it
After all, Maudra Argot and all those midwives would be there to keep her company 
She was secretly grateful he wouldn’t be in the room, just on the off chance that she miscarried or died herself 
She went into labor unexpectedly 
Rian was in charge of getting her safely to the bed before alerting Maudra Argot and the midwives 
There were two midwives carrying Maudra Argot who was already yelling orders around 
Rian felt a lot of indecision about whether or not he should stay on the stops of his home
Eventually, once Gurjin and Kylan came to sit with him, he relented and sat down 
It was when Deet started screaming that it became really difficult 
Gurjin had to hold him in his place on the steps “Rian, you promised her you wouldn’t go in there. You promised.” 
The labor lasted all morning, all afternoon, and well into the night 
Passing friends would nod and congratulate Rian, who was miserably sharpening a sword 
Kylan brought food for him to eat and the three sat 
They talked about all the different aspects of fatherhood that seemed so strange to them 
Suppose it was a girl? Or a boy? 
Eventually, Kylan resorted to telling stories about his favorite hero, Jarra-Jen, to calm everyone down 
When Argot finally let Rian into the house he was more scared than he’d ever been in his whole life 
But there was Deet, covered in blood and sweat, but more beautiful than she’d ever been before 
In her arms was, in his opinion, a very tiny baby 
In Deet’s eyes, this was a fairly large child 
Paler than the average Stonewood and dark hair just barely sprouting out of his tiny head 
The baby’s eyes were screwed shut and he was sleeping peacefully 
Argot made a point to hit at Rian’s legs with her new walking stick and complain about Stonewood genetics and how he needed to be a good father in return for all the trouble Deet went through 
Deet was the one to tell him that the child was a boy, carefully showing Rian how to hold a newborn
He cried harder than he had in years, holding his baby boy close to his heart 
Kylan and Gurjin meandered in when they heard the crying stop 
Both of them were immediately taken with the child and congratulated Deet on the safe delivery 
Naia and Brea were quick to follow, each with traditional gifts to give a new child 
Brea had brought silk to wrap the child in for formal occasions and Naia brought little beads for his hair 
The First Few Days as Parents 
Of course, there was a NewLife celebration 
Rian and Deet told Shoni and Deet’s fathers the child’s name first 
A huge bonfire was made in the center of the town 
Since the Stonewood lacked a Maudra, Seladon was asked to fill in 
She was hesitant at first, she was All-Maudra, not a midwife! 
But when they explained the traditional Stonewood blessings and how important it was to Deet and Rian, she relented 
The day after the birth, Deet and Rian took Jen to Seladon for blessings 
Seladon was immediately in love with the baby and, once she held him, demanded that Jen call her “Auntie” from that day on 
She kissed Jen’s forehead and gave him both Stonewood and Vapra blessings 
She also gave Rian and Deet the Vapra blessings as it was “only proper” 
The bonfire that night was insane 
Jen was the first baby born during the revolution
And to the leader no less! 
Gelfling were practically falling over themselves to see the new baby 
Kylan was particularly lucky, in the Jen loved listening to his firca 
Deet sat between Rian and Kylan, resting her head on Rian’s shoulder for most of the party and letting Jen giggle and reach for the firca 
Jen was actually an insanely easy baby 
He loved to sleep and eat, growing fairly quickly 
Rian lovingly called him “my little soldier” but Deet had the feeling that this child wasn’t going to be involved in too much fighting 
She could tell in the way all gelfling mothers can tell things about their children 
It was in the way he giggled and never pulled on hair 
How he only cried when he really needed something 
How he never threw or hurt his toys, always cradling them and playing gently 
His favorite toys were from Brea and Kylan 
Brea gave him a tiny journal for when he learned to write, partly filled in with colorful paintings and drawings that she’d made just for him 
Kylan had made him a firca out of the smoothest wood he could find 
They both admitted later that maybe those weren’t the best toys for a baby but he loved them all the same 
He would cuddle the firca while staring at the pages of the colored journal for hours 
Deet loved telling him stories until he fell asleep, which was very common 
Rian would sometimes take Jen to work with him, proudly showing off his son to anyone who would look 
He would point out his Stonewood and Grottan traits with pride 
Specifically, his hair and skin and eyes 
“See that? Just a little paler than me? That’s his mother. Those eyes too. Look at how big and dark they are. All his mother, just perfect. That hair is mine though.” 
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simplysparrow14 · 4 years
Dark Crystal Book Recommendations!
So, I’ve had this thought for a while now, and since half the world is in quarantine right now, I figured now would be a good time as ever to post this. 
Here are the books that I have personally read that I feel represents these characters best. 
Deet --> The Reader by Traci Chee 
Sefia knows what it means to survive. After her father is brutally murdered, she flees into the wilderness with her aunt Nin, who teaches her to hunt, track, and steal. But when Nin is kidnapped, leaving Sefia completely alone, none of her survival skills can help her discover where Nin’s been taken, or if she’s even alive. The only clue to both her aunt’s disappearance and her father’s murder is the odd rectangular object her father left behind, an object she comes to realize is a book—a marvelous item unheard of in her otherwise illiterate society. With the help of this book, and the aid of a mysterious stranger with dark secrets of his own, Sefia sets out to rescue her aunt and find out what really happened the day her father was killed—and punish the people responsible.
Brea --> The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima 
Times are hard in the mountain city of Fellsmarch. Reformed thief Han Alister will do almost anything to eke out a living for his family. The only thing of value he has is something he can't sell—the thick silver cuffs he's worn since birth. They're clearly magicked—as he grows, they grow, and he's never been able to get them off. One day, Han and his clan friend, Dancer, confront three young wizards setting fire to the sacred mountain of Hanalea. Han takes an amulet from Micah Bayar, son of the High Wizard, to keep him from using it against them. Soon Han learns that the amulet has an evil history—it once belonged to the Demon King, the wizard who nearly destroyed the world a millennium ago. With a magical piece that powerful at stake, Han knows that the Bayars will stop at nothing to get it back. Meanwhile, Raisa ana'Marianna, princess heir of the Fells, has her own battles to fight. She's just returned to court after three years of freedom in the mountains—riding, hunting, and working the famous clan markets. Raisa wants to be more than an ornament in a glittering cage. She aspires to be like Hanalea—the legendary warrior queen who killed the Demon King and saved the world. But her mother has other plans for her...
Rian --> Red Rising by Peirce Brown
"I live for the dream that my children will be born free," she says. "That they will be what they like. That they will own the land their father gave them." "I live for you," I say sadly. Eo kisses my cheek. "Then you must live for more." Darrow is a Red, a member of the lowest caste in the color-coded society of the future. Like his fellow Reds, he works all day, believing that he and his people are making the surface of Mars livable for future generations. Yet he spends his life willingly, knowing that his blood and sweat will one day result in a better world for his children. But Darrow and his kind have been betrayed. Soon he discovers that humanity already reached the surface generations ago. Vast cities and sprawling parks spread across the planet. Darrow—and Reds like him—are nothing more than slaves to a decadent ruling class. Inspired by a longing for justice, and driven by the memory of lost love, Darrow sacrifices everything to infiltrate the legendary Institute, a proving ground for the dominant Gold caste, where the next generation of humanity's overlords struggle for power. He will be forced to compete for his life and the very future of civilization against the best and most brutal of Society's ruling class. There, he will stop at nothing to bring down his enemies... even if it means he has to become one of them to do so
Seladon  --> Heartless by Marrisa Meyer 
Catherine may be one of the most desired girls in Wonderland, and a favorite of the unmarried King of Hearts, but her interests lie elsewhere. A talented baker, all she wants is to open a shop with her best friend. But according to her mother, such a goal is unthinkable for the young woman who could be the next queen. Then Cath meets Jest, the handsome and mysterious court joker. For the first time, she feels the pull of true attraction. At the risk of offending the king and infuriating her parents, she and Jest enter into an intense, secret courtship. Cath is determined to define her own destiny and fall in love on her terms. But in a land thriving with magic, madness, and monsters, fate has other plans
Naia --> Dread Nation by Justina Ireland 
Jane McKeene was born two days before the dead began to walk the battlefields of Gettysburg and Chancellorsville—derailing the War Between the States and changing America forever. In this new nation, safety for all depends on the work of a few, and laws like the Native and Negro Reeducation Act require certain children attend combat schools to learn to put down the dead. But there are also opportunities—and Jane is studying to become an Attendant, trained in both weaponry and etiquette to protect the well-to-do. It’s a chance for a better life for Negro girls like Jane. After all, not even being the daughter of a wealthy white Southern woman could save her from society’s expectations. But that’s not a life Jane wants. Almost finished with her education at Miss Preston’s School of Combat in Baltimore, Jane is set on returning to her Kentucky home and doesn’t pay much mind to the politics of the eastern cities, with their talk of returning America to the glory of its days before the dead rose. But when families around Baltimore County begin to go missing, Jane is caught in the middle of a conspiracy, one that finds her in a desperate fight for her life against some powerful enemies. And the restless dead, it would seem, are the least of her problems.
Gurjin and Kylan  --> The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater 
@Jenskira would be happy to see her raven sons on this list. 
“There are only two reasons a non-seer would see a spirit on St. Mark’s Eve,” Neeve said. “Either you’re his true love . . . or you killed him.” It is freezing in the churchyard, even before the dead arrive. Every year, Blue Sargent stands next to her clairvoyant mother as the soon-to-be dead walk past. Blue herself never sees them—not until this year, when a boy emerges from the dark and speaks directly to her. His name is Gansey, and Blue soon discovers that he is a rich student at Aglionby, the local private school. Blue has a policy of staying away from Aglionby boys. Known as Raven Boys, they can only mean trouble. But Blue is drawn to Gansey, in a way she can’t entirely explain. He has it all—family money, good looks, devoted friends—but he’s looking for much more than that. He is on a quest that has encompassed three other Raven Boys: Adam, the scholarship student who resents all the privilege around him; Ronan, the fierce soul who ranges from anger to despair; and Noah, the taciturn watcher of the four, who notices many things but says very little. For as long as she can remember, Blue has been warned that she will cause her true love to die. She never thought this would be a problem. But now, as her life becomes caught up in the strange and sinister world of the Raven Boys, she’s not so sure anymore.
Tavra and Onica --> Seafire by Natalie C Parker. 
After her family is killed by corrupt warlord Aric Athair and his bloodthirsty army of Bullets, Caledonia Styx is left to chart her own course on the dangerous and deadly seas. She captains her ship, the Mors Navis, with a crew of girls and women just like her, who have lost their families and homes because of Aric and his men. The crew has one mission: stay alive, and take down Aric's armed and armored fleet. But when Caledonia's best friend and second-in-command barely survives an attack thanks to help from a Bullet looking to defect, Caledonia finds herself questioning whether to let him join their crew. Is this boy the key to taking down Aric Athair once and for all . . . or will he threaten everything the women of the Mors Navis have worked for?
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aughraseye · 4 years
Character ask: Deet
@glow-moss Thanks for the ask!!
Why I like them
I pretty much like everything about Deet. From the first moment she comes on screen we get a chance to experience Thra through her. Her character is so in touch with nature, so tuned in to the animal and plant life, as a viewer I always wanted more of her scenes so we could better glimpse this other world.
She’s incredibly caring and her kindness just strengthens her convictions and actions. I like this because in some stories kindness is portrayed as weakness, but AOR is definitely grounded in the ideas of interconnectedness and the bonds of community. Deet is also open minded, smart, and always willing to approach others with good intentions and in good faith.
She is a precious baby. But she’s also not afraid to throw down when the other options have been exhausted. I love her.
Why I don’t
I don’t like that Deet is related to Bobb’n. He’s evil and makes me love Deet less just by virtue of existing.
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
I really liked when she and Hup go to Stone in the Wood. It really spoke volumes how wiling she was to see the best in others when presented with so much evidence to the contrary. I also love her little rant when she’s trying to get in to see Maudra Fara. And I LOVE when she busts Hup out of jail. Remember folks, good people break bad laws.
Favorite line
I can’t really pick out any one line from her that I liked above the others. I will say though that she has a tendency to babble and anytime she does it I die.
Favorite outfit
Really liked her Vapra disguise.
Also her blindfold was pretty cool and a nice way for her clothing to communicate part of her story.
Stonegrot feels inevitable so that? Plus I really don’t ship her with anyone other than Rian.
Deet and Hup.
Her friendship with Hup was my favorite of all her relationships. Sorry Rian.
Head Canon
This is less a head canon and more something I don’t see discussed often, but Deet gets away with a lot of crazy shit because she comes off as ‘sweet’ and ‘gentle.’ In reality, she’s actually pretty wild and reckless. We have in-canon evidence of this with her dressing up to go save Hup, making the bombs, harnessing the darkening, etc.
I like to think that this is a trait that long preceded her forays above ground. Maudra Argot probably even encouraged it just for kicks while her fathers struggled to reign in Deet’s predisposition for chaos. While she probably doesn’t see her behavior as anything TOO extreme she’s definitely done stuff that would make Rian and Mira’s antics in the castle look like child’s play.
Unpopular opinion
I do not want Deet and Rian to become a canon couple until someone at least tells her who Mira is. At the end of season 1 Mira was never brought up around Deet, and we’re kind of left to assume that she doesn’t know who Mira is. That bugs me because Mira was literally the catalyst for Rian betraying the skeksis and starting the resistance. She’s a hugely important character plot wise and to Rian so I really feel like Deet needs to at least know her name before she and Rian become official.
A wish
I would really like Deet and Seladon to talk again. The last time went so badly, but was so close to being something great. I’d also like more Brea and Deet scenes and more Hup and Deet scenes.
I’d also love for her to not be a literal vessel for the darkening that’s killing Thra, but you know...can’t always get what we want.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
I’ll literally die if Deet is destroyed by the darkening.
5 words to best describe them
Sorry Aughra but gentle is not a word I would use to describe Deet. This girl is badass, strong, kindhearted, protective, and adorable af.
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So Seladon and SkekUng are your favourite characters? :D
yes!  it is impossible to choose WHILE I’m watching, because then it’s literally whoever is on screen, but like
skekUng has some kind of wings that the other skeksis don’t have, he’s fit, he’s got a grudge, he’s a good general and a terrible emperor, he dips his meat into his drink, and I just love when he loses it on skekSil when they are fighting over the sceptor and he says “chamberlaaaAAAIIIIIINNNN” and rises his tone and you can just hear the thousands of years of angst.  plus like, he gives a bizarrely ranged performance for a dude who just yells all the time?
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and seladon!
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my girl is one of three daughters, like me, and she gets THREE outfits, one of which is traumatically torn from her in a way which mirrors That Scene with Chamberlain in the original 1982 movie BUT it liike actually means something morre because she’s from an Actually disenfranchised group and like the girl hates meetings but is the best leader the damn gelfling can get and also she kind of loves the skeksis aesthetic and has trouble believing these gorgeous goths could be bad, especially when they offer her a promotion at a time of trauma, which i can relate too and like her arcs with tavra, brea, and maudra fara are amazingg like woomen x women relationships on all scales YES THANK YOU bechdel test and also omg the gurjin hug and also tthat fire funeral scene liike i have sooo been angry enough at my mother before to deny an afterlife - it’s a bad choice but like, i get it girl omg in this essay i will
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mrsarnasdelicious · 5 years
Character Drabbles - Gelfling College AU
She’s always drawing. There is ink on her fingers and she coloured in one of her nails. She has a messy braid and little make up, her outfits are pastel coloured, ankle boots and denim. She sometimes wears a bun with paint brushes shoved through. She’s waiting on Rek’yr because he has theater practise. She sits in a windowcil and looks at him from across the room, trying and, in her own opinion, failing to capture his beauty in her drawings. She hangs out with her sisters. Tavra might be the fun one, but Seladon know a lot of underhanded hokes that always make her laugh the loudest. Deet and Rian are her best friend in the whole world and she texts them good morning and good night every single day.
A bundel of joy, really. She has no concept of personal space and tends to sit too close to people, or plops down on their laps rather unexpectedly. Plays with people’s hair a lot and carries the weirdest shit in her pockets. The weather has changed in a matter of minutes. Rian offers her his flimsy cardigan, which he had best keep on himself. Gurjin shrugs out of his hoody and drapes it around her. She is about to protest, but one shake of the Drenchen’s head silences her. And if she were to admit, Gurjin’s hoody makes her feel warm and protected. She shares a dormroom with Brea. It is full of drawings and paintings and potted plants and there is a terrarium with crawlies in it on the large desk, where the girls do their homework. They drink tea and gossip and giggle until midnight. 
A true gentle giant. Everyone’s friend and caretaker of the hard core. He is a surprising good cook and all the gettogethers are held at his and Rian’s dorm. He can be quite messy, but that is because he is thinking of a lot of things at the same time.  He hands Rian a bottle of water after rugby practise. “Stay hydrated.” He says gently. He tosses his clothes into his locker and pads into the shower. His throat is the first under the water, his gills opening to get hydrated. He sleeps in, Rian and Deet tucked against his sides. He snores a little bit, turns his head and noses at Rian’s fragrant hair. His grip on Deet’s waist sometimes relaxes, sometimes tightens. He is dreaming of chasing his sister around Great Smert.
A straight up geek. He wears those thick rimmed glasses unironically. And he is in band. He plays all sorts of flutes and kicks ass at it. He is one of the smartest students of the campus. He is a straight A student and still has time to party it up with the center group. Kylan sometimes wonders how he managed to land himself in this group. These are the popular people. In High School, the jocks used to pick on him, but here, they not only treat him as one of their own, but like he invented sliced bread.  He shares a room with his best friend Naia. If anyone ever dares to pick on him, they will have to deal with her. He loves her to bits, but in a very platonic way. Maybe someday soon he will find himself a special gelfling to play his songs for.
He is in the Rugby team, like Gurjin and Rian. He is a very good player and also a good student. He is mostly rule abiding, but is most certainly not above attending the main group’s parties. He is sociable, but also takes a while to open up about himself. He carries Selandon’s bag while they walk to class, hand in hand. He smiles indulgent at her, while she vents about whatever vexes her. He brings her hand to his lips and kisses her knuckles. He says she is cute when she is angry and she huffs, but her ears fluster all the same. This makes him laugh softly. He rooms with Rek’yr. They don’t always see eye to eye, but they agree on one thing, Madame Mayrin’s daughters are hella fine. They have a good symbioses going and keep their dorm very clean. 
A cybergoth, like her twin brother. She is on the track team and everyone bites her dust. She is with Rian’s ex Mira and the two are positively the most kick ass couple on campus. She does not take shit from anyone, especially not from her brother. She has given Gurjin noogies in spades. She waits outside Mira’s class, leaned against the wall with her hood up. She laughs and swats when Gurjin comes by and yanks playfully at one of her dreads. She promises she will be there tonight, to watch the game. He says he will watch her next training. She is laid back and as easy to get on with as her brother. But if you cross her, she will make your life hell. She is very high key about her passions and is she does not like something she will not put any effort in it. 
She is leather jackets and sow on patches of her favourite bands. She has one of them hell machine bikes that scares the hell out of the good kids, but she knows Tavra loves it. She is quite an astute mechanic and can fix whatever breaks down in the house. She throws her arm around Tavra’s shoulder and talks just a bit too loud. Tavra jabs her between the ribs. They share a look and burst out in a gale of loud laughter. Then Tavra leans in and kisses her on her nose. They are so in love. Tavra and Onice share a room as well. It is their little love nest, with candles as well posters of leather clad women on large motorcycles. They do their coursework together and have very good grades. 
Is a theater goth. Leans very much to dark blue and bordeaux red colours. Still wears a manbun half of the time tho. Very ornamental earpiercings and bone necklaces. Very poetry, much romantic. Puts pens behind his ears and is reading over scripts and musical plans half of the time. He knows Brea is drawing him, so he puff out his shoulders a little, brushing his hair out of his face for her to have a better view of his face. There is this secret smile on his face. He quite likes when Brea is watching him when she thinks he does not notice. He does not get along with everyone, quite a few think he is weird and rather stuck up. His main friends are Kylan and Onica. He gets along very well with Seladon and Tavra though, for which Brea is especially happy.  
A hipster, with his beanies and his latte and his checkered flanels. He twiddles his pencil when he does not know an answer on a test. There is blue in his soothy hair that sparkles when the sun shines on it. He is quick to fluster, but just as quick to tease back. He leans into Gurjin’s side and pulls Deet on his lap. Deet giggles and stretches her legs on Gurjin’s lap. Rian looks up at Gurjin and the two share a smile. Rian could not wish for anything better. He noses at Deet’s hair, inhaling the scent of her flowery shampoo, probably something Brea recommended. He is on the Rugby team, one of the star players in fact. He is very popular, but doesn’t revel in it. He is sociable to everyone he meets and such a kind heart. He is a teacher’s son, so he sometimes he feels like he has to live up to that. Maybe that is why he gets in so much trouble.
Always on top of the latest fashion. Pencil skirts and pretty pumps with heels that could crush a gelling’s nuts. She struts the halls like they are her personal catwalk. All the gellings crane their necks when she comes by. But it is Maurix at her arm. She waits for her sisters in the cafetaria. Maurix strolls down to her and kisses her cheek gently. There is a small smile on Seladon’s lips, a smile she always saves just for him. Brea and Tavra come over as well. The sisters hug each other. In her last year and sometimes a little surperior to others. Fortunately Maurix is there to keep her down to earth. She is the oldest of the main gang, but not always the wisest. She does her best to care, but it does not always come out right.
Has a lock of Onica’s hair braided into hers. She always looks out for both her sisters, texting them to remember not to fight. She wears a bracelet with Onica’s name and gave Onica one with hers. She is one for wearing practical fashion, but likes boots with killer heels. She finds Onica waiting by her motorcycle. They share a kiss before heading out into town. They sit in the back of the pub, close against each other and just vent about the day. They make a spot of homework and drink virgin colada. Tarva is on the fence team and will kick anyone’s arse. She does not back away from any dare and that sometimes got her into some trouble. She is an amazing friend, though, even to both of her sisters, especially to both of her sisters.
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marzipan-moon · 5 years
Silk on Silk on Silk
Fandom: Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Ship: Seladon / skekSo Summary: What if Emperor had said 'Yes' to her, just once?  Seladon shares an uncomfortable meal at the Skesis table.  AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21036080/chapters/50035253
It was not the first time she had been invited to sit at the dining table, but it was the first that she had accepted.
She hid beneath her crown, her head tipped so that the spirals of deep black claw and tooth could be presented to the world. Her eyes cast downwards, shadowed into dark slits beneath her heavy lashes. There was no reason for her to act this way - downtrodden, ashamed, a poor girl overwhelmed by what was only her duty - these were guises that had long been exorcised from her body. However, at this dinner table... all the rules she had once learned were turned on their head. It was not that she was afraid, she told herself, it was that this posture was the one expected of her.
Shrieking filled her ears from all sides. A cacophony that would never have been permitted at her mother’s- no, the previous All Maudra’s - no, that turncoat’s court. Feculent language spewed from mouths suited to the sewer - but this was no sewer, this was the highest table in all the land. And no matter what she thought of it, it was their right to behave in whatever way they so desired. In whatever way he permitted.
And he sat by her side. She saw only his fingers - flexing on the table, curling into a fist and banging with joviality at some joke or another, occasionally picking at food, though, it seemed his appetite was quite restrained. Not unlike hers, she supposed - as she stared back down at her meagre pickings of some fruit that the Gourmand had not bothered to name.
But as much as he laughed - his voice just one dark shadow cast in a sea of confusing shapes - she would not engage in such frivolities. No, not at this occasion - her head kept so perfectly still, her body sitting on a chair that swayed embarrassingly as it perched precariously on whatever thick tomes the Scroll Keeper resentfully parted with. No, on this outing, she would keep herself in... her place. Out of the conversation, not drawing attention to herself, holding herself with grace and... dignity, a precious, prized ornament - the very best role she could hope for.
And as her chest swelled at the thought, at the hope that - yes, she could do this, that this - all of this - would be worth it in the end... the shrieking grew louder, his body began to sway, long fingers tipped with dinner claws unfurling - excitement visible in the tremble of his finger. She dared cast a glance upwards, and to her surprise and with gasp only barley contained in her throat, his face loomed down towards her. His expression was unreadable, but then - the tremble in his fingers, the way his face loomed closer...
“Yes, bring the Princess some!”
His laughter - sharp, yapping, raspy - imprinted on her face, and she failed to see the humour in any of this. Still, her face contorted pleasantly, shaped itself just as it was meant to, and she said, “Of course, anything you give me is received with my humblest gratitude. This fruit, it is...” She trailed off as he stopped paying attention to her, his silver of his beak a slash in the air as a cry of protest rose from the other end of the table.
“We can’t waste precious essence on a GELFLING!”
She followed the direction of his beak - pointing like a silver arrow, like a knife - straight towards General. The other Skesis chattered and murmured, though none seemed to make up their mind enough to agree.
“Well... if it is truly precious, my most pragmatic Emperor, then ... There is no need to spare such resource on me...”
Her voice pined, her eyes cast sliding back to him. General... her guts squirmed, she supposed she should be thankful to him, no matter his thoughts on her. He was the reason she took this chair so young, after all.
She held her breath as well as her tongue. After all, she had been made more than used to this kind of humiliation. How often had mother simply sat back and let officials knit-pick at her posture, tease her awkward wording - or worse, share in the joke with her, swap a gaze or a smile of held-back, patronising laughter whenever she braved herself enough to speak her tongue.
But this was not her mother’s court.
“This is not any Gelfling, General. She is the All Maudra,” Emperor laughed and she felt the way his tongue played with her title, like it was a plaything in his mouth. “An All Maudra who plays Skesis, who sits at our table, who sits by my side.”
General snorted, though she could only imagine the state of his face. The Skesis shuffled in their seats, the laughter that had once infected the air now turned soured and heavy. “But, Emperor...” Scientist remarked - his voice even dimmer as it scratched from the far-side of the table. “We do not know the effects it would have on her body - she is of Thra, so...” They... was he really insisting...? Her gaze widened, then - eyes wide like hope but in slipped fear. The rumours were true, then. They drained Gelfling, and... “You, afraid of an experiment, Scientist?”
Emperor guffawed, his fingers now tapping on the table.
They drained Gelfling and drank their essence. This much was true. This much was true, but...
“No, Emperor - I...”
“It is wasted on her! Wouldn’t it be worse if it worked?” General boomed, and Emperor’s gaze once again slit the air.
Yes. They drained them, but what other dark secrets did she not know? What secrets did the commoners only dream of, while they wore their taxed jewels round their necks, wedding veils round their heads?
“... Worse?”
She heard the bite in his voice, saw the cold narrowing his eye.
“She may rule a hundred trine, a thousand with me!”
(She would see him, later, and know this could not be true. Not for her own body, that felt more alive than it had ever been - but because she heard him in the dead of night, retching. He thought he was alone in this - she made sure of that, not because she was afraid of his embarrassment, but because she knew what it was like to be caught by a pitiful gaze when she was busy trying to ebb out her soul into the night, red eyed and filled with sorrow meant only for herself. He was quiet, so forcibly quiet, in his wheezing, in his weeping.) The Skesis laughed at this, howling, even. General baulked, feathers on his head flailing, but as he leaned his weight over the table, mouth open and prepared to speak - Emperor rose to his full height, a black mass of silk on silk rising skyward. “Stop! No more of this!” The room went silent. “Bring. The Princess. Essence. NOW.” She hid her head again as Scientist scrambled out of the room, his heavy feet and cloth scraping along the floor. He.. He was embarrassing himself. For her?
Spoke of a - what did he mean, a hundred trine, a thousand? Her face flushed - was it so that she could be his joke, his talking point, his gilded toy forever?
(Later, she would learn just what she represented. When he held her face in his gnarled hands, his skin full of potholes that her soft flesh tried to fill, when he gazed at her a whitehot gaze she learned was full of jealousy. How he wanted her skin, all that skin, all that youthful beauty. Before he would drag her down into silks upon silks upon silks, an undulating sea of fabric where she could finally - finally - slip free and let loose herself.)
Of course, he had lifespans upon lifespans braided into his layers, into his skin. Those clothes he wore.. they must have dwarfed her lifespan. And though she had been present to the forging of her own crown - he, too, must have been for his - crafted from materials so rare she was not even sure it existed in the earth anymore. That was what Brea had taught her, after all... among many things, none of which really mattered here. A thousand trine... she was nothing but a blip, a scratch of chalk on a long, dark blackboard. How many memories did he have coiled in the curves of his mind? How many versions of her - terrified, scared, bitter little girls did he keep in there? “Get out.” He snapped, sitting down and running nail over nail, patiently waiting as General struggled to get out of his seat. “GO!” None, of course.
Because those would not be worth remembering. And he did not see her as a terrified, scared, bitter little girl.
He saw her as a Princess.
She smiled at him, her gaze defiant through her own mixed emotions.
He gazed back at her, eyes narrowing into what might have been a smile.
He’d fought for her.
Her gaze lifted, and she gazed round that table. Every Skesis refused to meet her eyes - cowered away from it, in fact. Glancing between themselves, towards Emperor. Her smile split into the thinnest of grins.
This was power she’d never had. Power her mother had never given her.
He lifted a hand and placed it, heavy, on her head.
She closed her eyes as he lifted the glass to her mouth, fingers in her hair straining to keep her in place. But he did not have to restrain her. He did not have to force her.
She slid her eyes open as the liquid bubbled at her lips, as his command rippled through her skin.
And drank.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Netflix's Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Cast & Character Guide
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The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance sports an absolutely massive cast, employing a diverse group of actors and puppeteers to bring the many creatures of Thra to life. Netflix's Age of Resistance is a prequel to 1982's The Dark Crystal, a dark fantasy film directed by Jim Henson and Frank Oz that still impresses with its incredible puppetry and practical effects.
Set years before the events of the original film, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance sees three Gelfling uncover a horrible secret about their ruling lords, the Skeksis. The events of the Netflix series directly set up The Dark Crystal, and fans of that film will undoubtedly enjoy recognizing all that ways in which the movie is referenced. However, unlike the original Dark Crystal, Age of Resistance is a much longer and more thorough exploration of Thra, with a cast of over 30 characters brought to life with 20 principle puppets and an additional 90 supporting characters. Simply put, Age of Resistance is a massive production.
Related: Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance World, Creature & Terminology Guide
Building the world of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance by introducing so many characters at one time requires a truly stellar cast. Thankfully, Age of Resistance is employing some of the best in business. Here's the full cast of actors and puppeteers for Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance.
The Gelflings
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Taron Egerton as Rian (puppeteer: Neil Sterenberg) - Taron Egerton is voicing Rian, a Gelfling of the Stonewood Clan who also serves as a castle guard. Egerton most recently starred as Elton John in Rocketman, and has previously held lead roles in Kingsman and Eddie the Eagle.
Nathalie Emmanuel as Deet (puppeteers: Beccy Henderson, Katherine Smee) - Fresh off her work on HBO's Game of Thrones as Missandei, Nathalie Emmanuel voices Deet, a Gelfling of the Grottan Clan who cares deeply for the animals of Thra. Emmanuel can next be seen in 2020's Fast & Furious 9. In addition to puppeteering, Beccy Henderson has also appeared as Aisling on Derry Girls, while Katherine Smee has also puppeteered for films like Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Muppets Most Wanted.
Anya Taylor-Joy as Brea (puppeteer: Alice Dinnean) - Anya Taylor-Joy is voicing Brea, a Gelfling princess of the Vapra Clan and daughter of the All-Maudra. Joy rose to prominence with roles in The Witch, Split, and Glass and is slated to appear as Illyana Rasputin/Magik in The New Mutants.
Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Seladon (puppeteer: Helena Smee) - Gugu Mbatha-Raw voices Seladon, Brea's older sister and princess of the Vapra Clan. Mbatha-Raw's breakout role came as the lead in Belle. She's also appeared in Beauty and the Beast, Fast Color, and A Wrinkle in Time. Helena Smee is the sister of Katherine Smee and has previously worked for The Jim Henson Company on productions like Muppets Most Wanted and Solo: A Star Wars Story.
Caitriona Balfe as Tavra (puppeteer: Neil Sterenberg) - Caitriona Balfe is voicing Tavra, another of Brea's sisters and a warrior for the Vapra Clan. Most will recognize Balfe from her lead role as Claire on Outlander, but she has also appeared in films like Super 8 and Now You See Me.
Helena Bonham Carter as Maudra Mayrin/The All-Maudra (puppeteer: Louise Gold) - No stranger to dark fantasy, Helena Bonham Carter voices the All-Maudra, leader of the Vapra Clan and the head of all Gelfling clans. Known for playing Bellatrix Lestrange in Harry Potter and collaborations with Tim Burton, Bonham Carter most recently appeared in Ocean's 8 and she'll play Princess Margaret in the upcoming season of Netflix's The Crown.
Lena Headey as Maudra Fara/The Rock Singer (puppeteers: Alice Dinnean, Louise Gold) - Another Game of Thrones alum, Lena Heady (Cersei Lannister) trades one crown for another by voicing Maudra Fara, the leader of the Stonewood Clan. Headey will next appear in the action flick, Gunpowder Milkshake.
Harris Dickinson as Gurjin (puppeteer: Dave Chapman) - Harris Dickinson is voicing Gurjin, Rian's best friend and a Gelfling of the Drenchen Clan. He also serves as a castle guard. Dickinson is a relatively new talent, appearing next as Prince Phillip in Maleficent: Mistress of Evil and as the lead in The King's Man. Dave Chapman, however, should be familiar to Star Wars fans as one of the two puppeteers responsible for bringing BB-8 to life.
Shazad Latif as Kylan (puppeteer: Victor Yerrid) - Shazad Latif voices Kylan, a Gelfling of the Spriton Clan and friend to Rian and Gurjin. Latif is best known for his role as Lieutenant Ash Tyler/Voq on Star Trek: Discovery.
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Hannah John-Kamen as Naia (puppeteer: Beccy Henderson) - Hannah John-Kamen voices Naia, a Gelfling of the Drenchen Clan and Gurjin's twin sister. John-Kamen recently had roles in Ready Player One and Ant-Man and The Wasp, in which she played Ava Starr/Ghost.
Eddie Izzard as Cadia (puppeteer: Olly Taylor) - Eddie Izzard is voicing Cadia, a Gelfling soothsayer from the Sifa Clan. Izzard is a comedian and actor, starring in FX's The Riches and most recently appearing in Victoria & Abdul. Olly Taylor has puppeteered for Muppets Most Wanted and Star Wars: The Force Awakens, among other films.
Alicia Vikander as Mira (puppeteer: Helena Smee) - Alicia Vikander voices Mira, a Vapra Gelfling who is Rian's girlfiend as well as a castle guard. Vikander has starred in films like Ex Machina, The Man From U.N.C.L.E., and most recently in Tomb Raider as Lara Croft.
Toby Jones as The Librarian (puppeteer: Kevin Clash) - Toby Jones lends his voice to the Vapra Clan's librarian. Jones had his breakthrough role playing Truman Capote in Infamous, and most recently appeared in Out of the Blue. Jones also portrays Armin Zola in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Kevin Clash is a veteran puppeteer best known for portraying Elmo on Sesame Street until 2012. He was also the subject of the documentary, Being Elmo: A Puppeteer's Journey.
Natalie Dormer as Onica (puppeteer: Louise Gold) - Yet another Game of Thrones cast member involved is Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell), who voices Onica, Tavra's girlfriend and a Gelfling of the Sifa Clan. Dormer is next appearing in the spinoff series Penny Dreadful: City of Angels.
Mark Strong as Ordon (puppeteer: Dave Chapman) - Continuing the connection with the Kingsman franchise, Mark Strong voices Ordon, Rian's father and a warrior from the Stonewood Clan. Strong played Merlin in both Kingsman: The Secret Service and Kingsman: The Golden Circle. He also played Dr. Thadeus Sivana in Shazam!
Theo James as Rek'yr (puppeteer: Olly Taylor) - Theo James is voicing Rek'yr, a Gelfling of the Dousan Clan. James is best known for his role as "Four" Tobias Eaton in the Divergent series.
Louise Gold as Maudra Argot/The Shadow Bender (puppeteer: Louise Gold) - Louise Gold is another veteran of The Jim Henson Company and the only puppeteer reprising their role (as skekAyuk The Gourmand) from the original Dark Crystal film. In Age of Resistance, she is also voicing and puppeteering Maudra Argot, the leader of Grottan Clan in addition to puppeteering the All-Maudra, Onica, and The Gourmand.
Kemi-Bo Jacobs as Maudra Seethi/The Skin Painter - Kemi-Bo Jacobs is voicing Maudra Seethi, leader of the Dousan Clan. Jacobs has appeared in London Has Fallen, McMafia, and Doctor Who.
The Skeksis
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Jason Isaacs as skekSo/The Emperor (puppeteer: Dave Chapman) - Hollywood's go-to actor for baddies, Jason Isaacs' latest villainous role is that of the Skeksis emperor, skekSo, the ruler of Thra. Isaacs portrayed Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter series and most recently Captain Gabriel Lorca on Star Trek: Discovery.
Simon Pegg as skekSil/The Chamberlain (puppeteer: Katherine Smee, Warrick Brownlow-Pike) - Simon Pegg has perhaps the most difficult task in voicing skekSil, The Chamberlain, seeing as Barry Dennen's portrayal in The Dark Crystal is downright iconic, but Pegg proves well-suited. Most viewers will be familiar with Pegg from his and Edgar Wright's Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy as well as his work in the Mission Impossible and Star Trek films. Warrick Brownlow-Pike regularly works on such Jim Henson Company productions as Sesame Street.
Awkwafina as skekLach/The Collector (puppeteer: Helena Smee) - Actress and rapper, Awkwafina voices skekLach, The Collector, a Skeksis who as their name suggests loves to collect things, particularly other creatures. Awkwafina gained prominence with parts in Ocean's 8 and Crazy Rich Asians.
Benedict Wong as skekUng/The General (puppeteers: Katherine Smee, Kevin Clash) - Benedict Wong is another MCU alum in the mix, here voicing skekUng, The General and commander of the Skeksis' army. Wong played Master of the Mystic Arts Wong in Doctor Strange and reprised the role for both Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame.
Harvey Fierstein as skekAyuk/The Gourmand (puppeteer: Louise Gold) - Harvey Fierstein voices skekAyuk, The Gourmand, the Skeksis who prepares their many feasts. Fierstein is a prolific actor of the stage and is probably best known to moviegoers for his roles in Mrs. Doubtfire and Independence Day.
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Andy Samberg as The Heretic (puppeteer: Damian Farrell) - Andy Samberg is voicing a Skeksis known simply as The Heretic, having been exiled by his fellow Skeksis. Samberg is a member of The Lonely Island and currently stars in the NBC (originally FOX) sitcom, Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Damian Farrell frequently works as a creature and droid puppeteer in the Star Wars films.
Ralph Ineson as skekMal/The Hunter (puppeteer: Kevin Clash) - The final Game of Thrones actor involved in The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance is Ralph Ineson (Dagmar Cleftjaw) and he is voicing skekMal, The Hunter, the most viscious of all the Skeksis. Ineson has also appeared in the Harry Potter series and Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
Alice Dinnean as skekEkt/The Ornamentalist (puppeteer: Alice Dinnean) - Alice Dinnean is a veteran puppeteer for The Jim Henson Company and here she is both puppeteering and voicing skekEkt, The Ornamentalist, the Skeksis who designs their flamboyant outfits. Dinnean has also puppeteered roles for The Muppets, Sesame Street, and even that one Community episode where the characters become puppets.
Keegan-Michael Key as skekZok/The Ritual-Master (puppeteer: Victor Yerrid) - Keegan-Michael Key voices skekZok, The Ritual-Master, who is responsible for rituals like the Ceremony of the Sun. Key is best known for being one half of Key & Peele with Jordan Peele, also starring with Peele in Keanu, and most recently voicing characters in Toy Story 4 and The Lion King (2019).
Mark Hamill as skekTek/The Scientist (puppeteer: Olly Taylor) - No stranger at all to voice work, Mark Hamill is voicing skekTek, The Scientist, the Skeksis who begins experimenting on the Dark Crystal. Hamill is, obviously, best known for portraying Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars films and voicing The Joker in several DC Comics animated projects.
Neil Sterenberg as skekOk/The Scroll-Keeper (puppeteer: Neil Sterenberg) - Neil Sterenberg is another veteran puppeteer who here is both puppeteering and voicing, skekOk, The Scroll-Keeper, who serves as the castle's historian. Sterenberg is also puppeteering the Gelfling Rian and Tavra.
Aughra, The Mystics & More
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Donna Kimball as Aughra (puppeteers: Katherine Smee, Kevin Clash) - Donna Kimball is voicing Aughra, a character who is the embodiment of the planet Thra. Kimball is also a puppeteer for The Jim Henson Company, previously working on such projects as The Happytime Murders.
Ólafur Darri Ólafsson as urVa/The Archer (puppeteer: Olly Taylor) - Ólafur Darri Ólafsson voices one of only two urRu to appear in The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, urVa, The Archer, who as their name suggests is a skilled archer among the Mystics. Ólafsson has appeared in the surreal Netflix comedy, Lady Dynamite, and is currently in AMC's NOS4A2.
Bill Hader as urGoh/The Wanderer (puppeteer: Olly Taylor) - Bill Hader is voicing the other urRu, The Wanderer, a Mystic who, well, wanders. Hader is an actor and comedian currently starring in HBO's Barry as well as the impending horror film, It Chapter Two.
Victor Yerrid as Hup (puppeteer: Victor Yerrid, Katherine Smee) - Victor Yerrid provides the voice of Hup, a Podling who befriends Deet on her journey, in addition to puppeteering the character with Katherine Smee. Yerrid is also puppeteering for Kylan and skekZok. He's previously worked on such shows as Greg the Bunny, Crank Yankers, and more.
Sigourney Weaver as The Myth Speaker - As one of only two characters that isn't a puppet, Sigourney Weaver lends her voice to the narrator for the series, here called The Myth Speaker. She begins The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance by retelling a brief history of Thra. Weaver is an accomplished actress best know for Alien and will next appear in the still untitled Avatar 2 and Avatar 3.
Dave Goelz as Baffi - Dave Goelz is responsible for the vocal work (and presumably the puppeteering though that's unconfirmed) of Baffi, Maudra Fara's eyepatch-wearing Fizzgig. Goelz is veteran puppeteer for The Jim Henson Company, originating the role of Gonzo.
Theo Ogundipe as Vliste-Staba/The Sanctuary Tree - Another non-puppet character, Theo Ogundipe voices The Sanctuary Tree, Vliste-Staba, a wise tree that grows on the mountains above Grot. Ogundipe is largely a stage actor, appearing with the Royal Shakespeare Company, but he has also worked on Eastenders and Doctors.
Next: Netflix: The Best TV Shows & Movies This Weekend
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance season 1 is now available on Netflix.
source https://screenrant.com/dark-crystal-age-resistance-cast-character-guide/
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aughraseye · 4 years
For the ‘give me a character’ thing: Naia
Thanks @schyrsivochter! I love Naia!
Why I like them
Naia is a badass. In the books and the show she just exudes this idgaf energy, I’m on a mission so get tf out of my way. I love that.
But she’s also a secret softy. She’s got a tender heart full of love for her family, her friends, and for Thra and all its inhabitants. While we don’t see much of this in the show, it’s obvious how much she cares for Kylan and Gurjin and she’s not afraid to do what she has to in order to keep them safe.
Plus just look at her - she’s awesome, she has a knife, and she has a willingness to kick ass anytime.
Why I don’t them
I don’t like that book Naia and show Naia sometimes feel like totally different characters. I like each of them, but when I read the first book I struggled to connect that Naia to the character I had seen in AOR. I’d love to see the show Naia developed/fleshed out a little more so they seemed more similar.
I also don’t like how few scenes we got of her in the show. I wanted much much more. 
In the books, SPOILERS, I didn’t love that she could heal the darkening. It felt a little too convenient for me. Though I understand they are YA novels and her powers worked with the story J.M. Lee was telling, as a plot device I felt it was weak and undid a lot of the narrative tension. I’m glad they seemed to have gone a different direction in the show.
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
Love that scene where she and Gurjin rescue Rian. It’s shot really well and gives such life to all their puppets. Plus this is the only scene we get to really see Naia in action.
Favorite season/movie
Season 1.
And while the question isn’t worded for this, I also really loved her character in Song and Flames of the Dark Crystal.
Favorite line
I just love when she glares at the other characters instead of wasting her breath telling them how stupid and wrong they are.
Favorite outfit
Pretty sure she only gets the one in the show, but in Shadow of the Dark Crystal I loved when she made herself shoes out of tree bark and vines.
It’s such an iconic moment. She gets to Sami Thicket and it’s like watching a 14 year old girl wear the wrong thing the first day of eighth grade. The spriton are making fun of her, and I’m just like smh. Those are designer honey…Naia just designed them 5 minutes ago.
I’d feel bad but they end up giving her nice shoes and she keeps wearing the shitty ones out of spite.
I don’t have super strong feelings about them as a couple, but they still cute.
KYLAN. Their friendship is so important and good. I’d really love to see more of it in the show.
Head Canon
I actually think this is a pretty popular head canon, but Naia is bi. Though I’m in the camp that gelfling gender identity and sexual orientation is not the same as contemporary human conceptions of those things, Naia still gives off powerful wlw energy.
Unpopular opinion
Naia and Tavra’s first meeting in the show was out of character for both of them. This is obviously based on the books and the rest of their characterization moments in the show, but Tavra would NEVER have introduced herself as princess unless it was 100% necessary. As for Naia, while she is the type to respond to aggression with more aggression, she’s not the childling she was in Shadow or Song. She’s smarter than to respond to such an obvious provocation especially when she and Kylan are supposed to be traveling discreetly. This interaction did such a disservice to their friendship in the books. And while I can enjoy it for what it is, I really think that it ultimately undermined who they both are supposed to be.
A wish
Right now I’d really just love to see more of her. She was the protagonist in the books and re-watching the show I miss how prominent a role she played. It would also be really nice to show more of her interactions with the other characters, particularly those she didn’t have a chance to interact with in the books like Seladon or Deet.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
I actually can’t think of a plausible worst case scenario for Naia. I guess they could kill her onscreen but I doubt that this would ever happen. Plus I see Naia as the type to face death down calmly and resolutely.
It would fuck me up if we have to see her watch Kylan or Gurjin or Amri die.
5 words to best describe them
FIERCE, tough, stoic, kindhearted, guarded.
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mrsarnasdelicious · 5 years
Gurjin headcanons
Very ffing good with childlings
He takes them on his arm and just wraps them up in his warmth and enthousiasm
Would be an A class dad
A loyal ass dude
Once he has attached himself to someone, he will not let go
He is the type of person that without hesitation would give his life for his family and mates
A lot of his life he spend with the awareness that if Naia were to be in grave danger, he would give his life to save hers. She is to be Maudra after their mother, he is simply the son
Is a better hunter than he is a fighter
Especially in the swamp land, he is extremely stealthy, which is a kind of odd considering his bulk and size
His braids are either done by Rian and Deet or Naia
He would 100% be naked all the time if he could
When in the Great Smerth, he wears as little as possible
Bc wet clothes is just so not Gurjin’s thing
A lover, not a fighter
Main battle strategy, just barrel into his opponent, the likelyhood of them falling over bc of how much larger Gurjin is, is very high
Leasid imbued him with a very high sense of justice
He will stand up for those weaker than him, always
Not above getting into a fight if holier than thou gelfling pick on podlings
Does not stand for the mistreatment of animals!
If he hunts down a prey, he always end them painlessly and thanks Thra for their sacrifice. He never hunts if he is not going to eat the prey.
A good hunter also makes a good cook
No one expects this, but Gurjin just makes it work
Yeah he is the kind of guy that could survive in the wild
He is such a lover tho
He has had a girl and a guy of every clan
From half of the clans more than one, much more in case of the Drenchen
Rian is his absolute favourite Stonewood 
None can replace him in Gurjin’s heart
Gurjin grew up knowing the children of the other Maudra’s
Laesid always took him and Naia along when she went round to the other Maudra’s
He’s always tried his best to befriend the other kids
He, at one time in his teenling years was close to Seladon
Before she cracked under Mayrin’s preasure
He might have given her a kiss or two
She oft thought him rather uncooth, but also very easy to get along with
Because Gurjin was perfectly fine with just sitting and hearing her out
He’d just go along with what she’d want
Or he’d go with Brea to the library and listen to her ramble on about what she knows
Which is why Gurjin can be oddly knowledgeable at times
Bc he does not forget what people tell him
He can read and read and it will leak out of his brain
But if someone tells him something, he will never forget
Has three puncture scars on each shoulder, from his stay with the scientist, indents just below the shoulder blades of which the skin is a sensitive sort of pink
Suffered little mental scarring from his imprisonment, save for the fact that he is even more determined to fight for his people
And he would still lay his life on the line for Rian, maybe even more now
Very good with spear and sword, but SUCKS with bow and arrow
Actually a conflict avoider
He don’t actually wana fight
I mean, he will if he has to
Especially in defense of his family and friend
But if we can talk this out as grown ass gelfling, he most certainly will
The softest snuggler you will ever find
He will take every opportunity to cuddle
Free hugs from Gurjin!!!
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simplysparrow14 · 4 years
Regarding your theory about Deet being the true All-Maudra, I never thought of it from the angle of the Bone comics before. Interesting. Do you mind sharing the reason why you think Maudra Argot might have hid Deet's parentage from her? I strongly agree that Seladon isn't your stereotypical mean girl (hence my comment about her being a play on the mean stepsister trope). How do think their conflict will be resolved going forward?
Oh absolutely! I think the ultimate big reason why Maudra Argot, and personality anyone would hide someone’s secrets heritage, is to keep them safe. Revealing such a big revelation to someone is always more aggravating then it needs to be. It’s mostly due to how the person will react, weither they will fully accept it or fully go against it.
“Well, why not tell her when she’s younger? That way, when she’s older, she has a better mindset?” That’s even worse. Children are fickle little gremlins. You don’t know what the hell their tiny little mouths are going to see half-the-time they are awake. Chosing to wait until she’s old enough to fully concious thoughts on her own is ultimately the best option.
Deets and Seladon conflict ultimately boils down too “this was not suppose to happen.” Both of them are stunned at the fact that their entire lifestyles and pasts have just been unearthed and dismantled. I think the best way for Seladon and Deet to work through this is if Seladon puts her foot down and helps guide Deet through this very dramatic change. She can see the young Grotton still struggling, now as the used-to-be All-Maudra, it’s her duty to train and guide the new one to take the throne.
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mrsarnasdelicious · 5 years
Modern!Poly!Family AU
I was inspired to do this by @sassheliosazuras
Seladon is the new CEO of Vapra inc
Tavra and Brea are both board members and shareholders in the same company
Naia is soon to be CEO of Drenchen inc
Gurjin is shareholder, but very uniterested in running the company with her. He is a stay at home dad and coaches little league over the weekends.
Kylan is a cook at a child friendly restaurant
Rian is vice-CEO at Stonewood inc, having been elected to be so over his father
Deet is a vet
Freckles is in charge of Vapra inc’s security
Onica is a board member of the Sifa shipping company
Rek’yr is a directer in theater productions
Gurjin sires children with Rian, Kylan, Deet and Seladon
Naia sires children with Onica and Tavra
Kylan sires children with Brea and Rian
Rek’yr sires children with only Brea
Freckles sires children with only Seladon
Rian sires children with Deet and Brea
Deet has children by Gurjin and Rian
Brea has children by Rek’yr, Kylan and Rian
Tavra has a child by Naia
Seladon has children by Freckles and Gurjin
Onica has a child by Naia
Rian has children by Gurjin and Kylan
Kylan has a child by Gurjin
There are a lot of children running around in this house
With a lot of loving grand parents coming over often
Laesid is everyone’s favourite Nana
Bellanji and Ordon rival over being the best granddads
Ordon takes it a bit too seriously, much to Bellanji’s amusement
There are also three loving aunts that come over to play with the kids a lot
All kids refer to the men in the house as their fathers
But Gurjin is dad 
Rian is papa 
Kylan is dada 
Rek’yr is father 
And Freckles is pops
Likewise all the women are mother
But Seladon is the only one actually called this
Deet is mommy
Brea is mama
Tavra is ma
Naia is mommah
And Onica is mom
They call Rian’s mentor, Fara, Grandmama Fara
She loves the kids as dearly as Mera and Laesid do
Gods, they adore their uncle Bobb’N
Daddy Gurjin Jungle Gym!!!!
That guy is so resilient
These kids can climb him, hang on him, dangle from his arms, ect ect
He can handle it
And makes sure they don’t hurt themselves while doing so
Kylan is the one, of course, who makes them the healthiest but most delicious snacks
The kids never have to be told to eat their vedgies
Kylan knows how to prepare them well
If a childling is fussy and can’t sleep, he will play his firca and they will nod off soundly
The kids love to sing with him!
Just Kylan sitting with all the Kiddo’s in a circle and playing his firca while the kids sing happy lil songs
The other parents slowly form a second circle around the kids and start singing along
Rian is by far the softest dad
He is the dad who will crawl into bed with the kid when they have a nightmare or an ache
Carries the kids on his shoulders on on his hips all the time
Gurjin does this too
But when Gurjin does it, it is one giant pile
Rian takes napes with individual children
Especially the fussy one’s
They fall asleep on his chest in no time
Rek’yr is defo the strictest of the dads
But he is also very good at talking a kid up
The ‘you go get em tiger’ type of dad
He raises the kids to always show respect and to be descent to other living creatures
He is so supportive of his childlings perusing their passion
The dad that drives the kids to their non sport hobbies
Bc Gurjin and Freckles are the sports dads
Freckles will defend his kids against everyone
Even against the other moms and dads
The kids usually hide behind him when Gurjin is chasing them around the house
Freckles play wrestled with the kids
And really tried to get them to be better at it, giving them tips and all
Girls as much as boys
Seladon is most certainly in charge in the house
She picks the furniture and she picks the outfits
She spoils her kids
She barely ever tells her kids no
The kids cling to her
Deet is of course the softest mom
Gathering all the kids in her bed and making sure they are all comfortable
She will be uncomfy as fuck, but as long as her babies are well, she is fine
Puts the kids first then herself
Lullabies galore
Brea is of course the one that reads to the kids
And helps them with their homework later on
The mom that always has a camera with her to document mile stones
Hand drew portraits of all her kids
Tavra is of course the fun mom
She always knows what toys are the best and the most fun for the kids
Makes up fun games
But she also makes sure the kids can defend themselves if need be
She is also a playfighter
Naia is definitely the coolest mom
Makes sure her kiddo’s are dressed well and dressed cool
Knows first aid! 
Always takes care of her kiddo’s when they are sick
Onica is the outdoorsie mom
She takes the kids hiking and out on her boat
She is the one that teaches the kids how to cycle
And to swim
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mrsarnasdelicious · 5 years
Main Hogwarts AU Headcanons
Gryffindor: Rian, Tavra, Hup Hufflepuff: Deet, Gurjin, Kylan Ravenclaw: Brea, Onica, Tolyn, Rek’yr Slytherin: Naia, Seladon, Freckles, Mira
Rian is seeker for the Gryffindor quidditch team
Gurjin is beater for the Hufflepuff team
Mira is chaser for the Slytherin team
DADA Teacher Skekgra
Divination Teacher urGoh
Everybody knows they are dating
Kylan’s best subject is of course potions
‘Because potions is exactly like cooking’
Tavra is the head of the dueling club
Tolyn and Seladon are headboy and girl
As prefect, Seladon used to be a tattletale, but she grew some sense
Tolyn still rats everybody out to the teachers
Mira convinces Rian and Gurjin into getting in trouble all the ffing time
This eventually causes her and Rian to break up
Like, I get that you wana have fun girl, but my dad will actually flay me if I flunk my education
Deet is an exchange student from Ilvermorny
She is a total Pugwudgy
Her dads moved to the UK for business, ya feel
Gurjin takes her under his wing, showing her around and stuff
Taking her to Hogsmead
Where they meet Rian
And Rian is just star struck
At first he is so afraid Deet and Gurjin will just skip off into the sunset together
Bc Deet sticks to Gurjin like glue, mainly bc she has to get used to Hogwarts and Gurjin is a big protector
But she opens up slowly
Befriending Brea and Kylan
And making Care of Magical Creatures her actual bitch
Even though Professor Raunip is a total weirdo
Rian eventually works the guts to ask Deet out tho
Gurjin even encourages her to say yes
‘But you are dating right?’
‘Yeah so?’
Deet says yet tho
Because she does need to get to know Rian better and they both already know Gurjin well
The three of them are very happy together
Mira moves on pretty easily
Not that she didn’t feel for Rian, but she is not the type to sit still
She starts flirting with Naia
And soon they are a steady thing
They are a pranking dream team
No one is safe from them and they barely get caught
Off to Brea, shall we
The clever girl who gets high marks in all her subjects
But who also sneaks into the boys dorms to snog Rek’yr
Oh they have such a romance
They study together all the time
Dates in the library
Or that tacky teashop in Hogsmead
Hold Hands Everywhere!!!
Dance in the Ravenclaw commonroom 
Seladon and Freckles tho!
The Slytherin Power Couple!
Tavra and Onica hold hands to all their classes
Tavra sits at the Ravenclaw table half the flipping time
Professor Skekgra once tried to take points from Ravenclaw bc Tavra said something rude
Tavra might have worn Onica’s clothes that day
Onica started out studying at Hogwarts, but he parents tended to move around
So she has a year Beauxbatton, Durmstrang and Ilvermorny under her belt as well.
At Ilvermorny she was a Horned Serpent
She is very worldwise
Tavra loves hearing her tell about the other schools
Third years Hup
Idolising Deet
He would fight Professor Skekmal for her
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