#Sell a Business in New Jersey
inbargroupinc · 2 years
What Kinds of Professionals Assist with the Process of Purchasing a Business?
When it comes time to buy or sell a business in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Maine, Vermont, Pennsylvania, or Massachusetts, you’ll need to enlist the assistance of various professionals including business brokers, attorneys, accountants and other advisors. But what will these advisors do and why are they necessary? Let’s take a closer look.
An accountant or CPA is tremendously beneficial during the sale of a business. They will review a seller’s financial statements including past tax returns and statements. If there are any inaccuracies, they will help you correct them. They can also assist sellers to prepare for due diligence. Further, they can give you input on the tax implications.
If you’re looking to sell, it’s important to find an accountant who has specific experience with buying and selling businesses. When you work with an accountant in advance, this will give you far more flexibility when it comes to maximizing revenues after the sale of the business. If you are looking for recommendations for an accountant to assist you, your Inbar Group business broker in New York City, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maine and/or Massachusetts can provide guidance.
An attorney can also assist with advance preparation. In many transactions, a buyer can bring in a team to help conduct due diligence. Your attorney can help you with questions that come up during this process and also with negotiating. He or she will review all the transaction documents to ensure you’re fully protected. This can include everything from reviewing your NDA or preparing or reviewing the letter of intent and purchase agreement.
In the case of a large business being sold, the buyer’s legal team will often prepare the purchase agreement. Your attorney will help you review and negotiate terms of this agreement. Further, if land is involved in the transaction, a lawyer will assist to prepare and review these documents. This list just scratches the surface of the various ways attorneys are involved during the sales process.
Business Brokers
Are you looking to buy or sell a business in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Maine, Vermont, Pennsylvania, or Massachusetts? At Inbar Group, our business brokers handle a wide variety of aspects, and they will work with you from start to finish. Their tasks include everything from conducting an initial valuation to determine the fair market price for your business, assist with the due diligence process to assisting with negotiations between buyers and sellers.
In the case of selling a business, they also help confidentially market and advertise the sale of the business. Your business broker will also help ensure that the transaction is a win-win for both sides. He or she will help streamline the entire process so that business owners can focus on successfully completing their day-to-day responsibilities. When it comes to buyers, business brokers will help buyers narrow down the choices and find businesses that the best choice for their budget and unique situation.
Business brokers can assist you to find other trusted professionals and necessary advisors to help with the legal and accounting side of a transaction. If you would like to discuss this topic further with Inbar Group business broker in New York City, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maine and/or Massachusetts, please contact us today.
Source Link: https://inbargroup.com/what-kinds-of-professionals-assist-with-the-process-of-purchasing-a-business/
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batshit-auspol · 6 months
With the sudden collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, many of the former empire's resources were sold off to the highest bidder, and their $14 billion space shuttle program was no exception.
Seeking to recoup some of that eyewatering spend, in 1998, the "Buran" (Russia's answer to the American Space Shuttle) was offered up for sale on eBay for $10 million.
No serious offers were received - with most people assuming the listing to be a joke, until the New York Post confirmed the sale, with Russian authorities stating they "actually have two" if anyone is interested.
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(Pictured: A later auction of a smaller scale Buran in 2005)
Sensing an opportunity, a group of Aussie entrepreneurs including Australia's first astronaut and the lawyer for Prime Minister Paul Keating offer to lease the shuttle from Russia, to put it on display in Australia during the Sydney Olympics.
After gaining permission from the Kremlin for the lease, in 1999 the Russian military briefly stops bombing Chechnya in order to dismantle the Buran, and it is placed on a barge to be shipped to Sydney on the (soon to be infamous for other reasons) Tampa shipping vessel at a cost of $5 million.
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Once in Sydney, after a disastrous few months on display where crowds failed to flock to the shuttle exhibition featuring such compelling educational offerings as "activities is to assist in the development of issues of nutrition and hygiene at home" (an actual quote from their website) - the leasing company declared bankruptcy and washed their hands of the space shuttle completely.
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The Buran Gift shop where you could buy soviet space ship themed football jerseys, in case you needed one of those
One of four people listed on the lease, described as a business partner of the Prime Minister, also claims he never knew he was a director of the company, which went on to cause a lot more problems.
This whole debacle presented a slight issue for the cash strapped Russian authorities, who had now only been paid $100,000 for the 9 year lease of the shuttle instead of the $600,000 they were owed. Eventually the decision was made to abandon the once $1 billion Soviet pride and joy in a Sydney carpark, where it resided for a year under a small tarpaulin.
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Failed attempts to be rid of the shuttle included a 12 day auction hosted by an LA radio station, where listeners were offered the chance to buy the shuttle for $6 million, however all bids turned out to be pranks and the shuttle remained.
Multiple attempts were also made to sell the shuttle to Tom Cruise, with the exacerbated movie star's representatives repeatedly telling the insistent traders that he was not interested in owning a Russian spaceship.
Eventually a Singaporean group dismantled the shuttle and shipped it overseas, however Russian authorities soon reported they once again had been failed to be paid for the lease. Singaporean representatives responded that they definitely had paid for the shuttle, and that they simply couldn't remember when or how much was paid.
Representing the Russian government, Lawyer Suhaila Turani told the Wall Street Journal “I feel sorry for the Russians. They’re good in space, but they’re very naive in business.”
For a time the shuttle was abandoned in the storage yard of event company Pico, with the company owner telling the Wall Street Journal "I just want this thing out of my life" after three years of being stuck with it.
A few years later the shuttle was found by German journalists dismantled in a junkyard, and it was then bought and shipped to Germany to be put on display a museum, so all's well that ends well (except they dropped it from a crane while trying to set it up, but it polished up okay).
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businesslawcorner · 1 year
Securing Your Business Secrets: 5 Steps to Take Before Signing an NDA
Before signing an NDA, you and your business lawyer should take these five steps to safeguard your interests while allowing you to maintain business operations and explore opportunities.
As a business owner, you may be asked to share confidential information with third parties. To protect yourself and your business’s trade secrets, a nondisclosure agreement (NDA) is often used. Before signing an NDA, you and your business lawyer should take these five steps to safeguard your interests while allowing you to maintain business operations and opportunities: 5 Steps Read the…
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Call Up II
Hardersson x Teen!Reader
Part of the Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Zećira and Frido's reactions
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You sit out the front of Millie's house, staring down at your phone.
Zećira's smiling contact picture looks back at you. Your finger hovers over the call button. You're not too sure how to start this off. You can see Morsa pacing up and down the road, as she talks to moster Frido and you look back down at Zećira's picture.
"Hey," She says when the call is picked up," What's up? You never call."
You laugh a little awkwardly. "I..er..." You definitely didn't think this far ahead. "I actually have some news."
You can practically hear Zećira's eye roll. "Don't tell me your mothers are doing something stupid again. I can only take so much of Magda falling out of trees."
"It's about me, actually."
You could hear the moment Zećira went serious. There's some rustling on her side of the phone as she moves about.
"What is it? What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong," You say, biting at your lip," I was just wondering if you want to come watch me play."
"For Arsenal? Sorry, y/n, I know the derby is tomorrow but I'm busy until lunch. I won't be able to make it."
"No," You say," During the international break."
"Oh, then yeah, I'm free. So long as you get Pernille to send me directions. I'm telling you the roads in Denmark aren't natural. They-"
"In Sweden, actually," You cut her off," With the senior team."
There's silence for a moment and then an odd little squeaking sound.
"For our senior team? For Sweden?"
"Yeah, for Sweden."
Silence again.
"You got called up?! When?!"
"A few minutes ago," You reply," There's three friendlies. One for each keeper so I'm actually going to get game time."
"Are you serious?"
"Would I lie?"
"You sort me out with tickets, do you hear me? And...And...You're going to be wearing a Sweden shirt?"
"No more wearing yours," You laugh.
"When do you go back home? After the derby? I'll send you something. I don't know what but I'll send you something, okay? Have you told Frido yet?"
"Morsa's calling her now."
"Okay...okay..." She takes several deep breaths. "Video call me tonight so I can sort everything out, alright? God, I'm so proud of you."
You had just dropped the call when Morsa comes hurrying over. She shoves her phone into your ear.
"Thanks, moster."
"I called it," Moster Frido boasts," I said to your mothers that we'd see you in a Sweden jersey one day. I love being right."
You laugh a little bit in disbelief. "You can't have known."
"I did," Frido insists," Although, I did assume it would be as a forward."
You roll your eyes. "But you're fine with it being as a keeper?"
"Well," Frido says with a laugh," So long as when your kids are named Frido, we have enough to fill all positions, I'm happy with you as a keeper."
You huff in amusement. "Bold of you to assume they'd be named after you."
"Bold of you to assume that I won't be front row watching you next month."
You perk up. "You're coming?"
"You think I'd miss your first game on the senior team?" Frido asks back," I don't know if they'll be selling your shirts yet. I'll have to DIY my own."
Your cheeks go a little red at that. You hadn't thought about people selling your shirt. They didn't sell shirts at the youth level. It had never really crossed your mind.
But you also knew what moster Frido was like. You knew how embarrassing she was.
"Please don't."
"I will," She promises," Just you wait."
Momma pops her head out the door. "Millie said dinner's ready."
"I have to go," You say to Frido," I've got a match tomorrow. I need to eat."
"Alright," Frido says," I'll see you soon, alright? Front row."
"Front row," You confirm," Love you, moster Frido."
"Love you too, little monster."
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restwellsoon · 1 month
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Minors and ageless blogs do not interact (liking/reblogging) or follow! You will be blocked!
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Pairing: Jason Todd x F!Reader
Summary: The Red Hood decides to confront you after work regarding a curious rumor you started as an informant. 
/ “You know what I do to bad guys, but what I do to bad girls is even worse.”
Warnings: dubcon, crime lord!Jason Todd/ Red Hood, degradation and humiliation, toys, daddy kink, being called princess, mention of drugs (for the plot)
Scrubbing at your arms to get some kind of warmth, you huffed impatiently. The informant was late. Sure, it was understandable why the Bat would want all contact to be verbal; both of you–well, mainly you–would go down if you were caught. Everyone knew what Cobblepot was capable of. The shorter list of convictions compared to other Gotham criminals didn’t mean that he was less capable, and working for the corporate and legal end of his business meant that you were privy to the real reasons behind the sudden company reorgs.
You shivered before deciding to pace around your office. It wasn’t like the informant to be late. Were they caught? Were you busted? Maybe you should just go home. You spent too many hours working overtime anyway.
The goosebumps weren’t going away. The office A/C that you cherished in the sticky and humid summers of Jersey was now a frigid hell. You weren’t sure of who was punishing you–the Batman or the Penguin.
With the creak of your door, you snapped, “About fuckin’–”
The last word fell into the nylon carpet as you stared into the glowing eyes of the Red Hood. The door slammed shut, and he left it unlocked. It didn’t matter. You knew you wouldn’t be able to get past him anyway. Instead, you froze in front of your desk.
“Yeah, let’s talk about getting fucked.” The robotic drawl of your full name in perfect pronunciation made you grimace as he stepped towards you. Any thoughts of him walking into the wrong office and getting the wrong person were gone. “That was pretty ballsy of you to drop my name in your conversations with the Bat.”
You couldn’t even deny his accusation. You thought you were being clever, that maybe you could do some of that double-crossing shit that the vigilantes and villains played so easily. It seemed easy because you were an amateur; maybe you were fucking up this entire time. All you remembered were the extra zeros in your bank account as you played Batman and your boss.
“Mr. Cobblepot has an image to maintain,” you told the informant–Spanky? Or was it Matches? Either way the name was ridiculous–“so he wouldn’t intentionally let this new drug hit his clubs.”
The latest street drug in Gotham had a similar chemical compound to drugs like buprenorphine and chlordiazepoxide. They eased the symptoms of withdrawal, making a more tolerable and safer transition into sobriety.
“So you’re saying that sobering up his clients isn’t in his best interest?” His mustache twitched, and you wondered if it was glued on or real.
“Exactly. His regular clients would seek out other dealers to get the high they’re used to. They don’t go to the Iceberg Lounge for the atmosphere. They go because it’s one of the safer options to get snowed. Who knows what sort of diabolical shit is mixed into the Black Mask’s supply?”
His mustache wiggled as he hummed. “Well, if it isn’t the Penguin, who else would put this on the streets?”
The informant paid close attention to your words as you paused to give him a new lead. 
“Well, if you're looking for the name of a cartel or gang, I wouldn’t be able to tell you. I don’t know much about its manufacturing or distribution. I work in communications, so…” 
Crossing your arms, you blew some air as you tried to think of a name to distract the Bat and keep your wallet fat. “The only crime lord that would benefit from this is the Red Hood, don’t you think?”
Ever since he first showed up on the scene, he’d been adamant about cleaning up the underbelly of Gotham. His strict rules against selling to kids made the areas he controlled safer. Commissioning this drug and letting it hit the Gotham market was a way to help addiction-addled neighborhoods rebuild. 
His expression was unreadable behind his dark glasses. The only way you knew that he was satisfied with your answer was when you heard your bank app ding with the agreement that you’d meet again in two weeks.
At the time, you thought that mentioning the Red Hood was ingenious. Compared to other criminals, the Red Hood seemed to be less vicious towards women. Since his rise to power, there hadn’t been any reports or news about him or his henchmen attacking them. If the informant wanted you to name drop someone, you were going to choose someone who would maybe spare your life. Yet seeing him up close gave you some doubt.
You swallowed your nervousness as you edged to the desk. Your hands blindly reached for something that could do some damage, but alas, your laptop was packed away and your pens were in their drawer.
“Look,” he sighed, “if you’re gonna play dirty, you gotta make sure your opponent can’t find dirt on you.” It was a roundabout way of calling you a dumbass.
You half turned to watch him circle round your desk, kneeling to dial in the combo to your locked drawer. Stupidly, you got closer when you heard the click that told you he opened it successfully. Using your birthday backwards as the combo was enough to deter nosy co-workers but clearly wasn’t not secure enough to deter a crime lord with a vendetta. If you made it out alive, you promised yourself that you’d change all of your passwords to something with stronger security–you’d even make sure that you didn’t repeat them on several accounts.
“Jesus,” the Red Hood laughed through his modulator, “you got the rechargeable one too? I’m not sure if Cobblefield ain’t paying you shit, batteries are expensive, you’re environmentally-conscious,, or it’s some combination of the above.” 
The sight of a cross-armed Red Hood with your rabbit vibe in his hands was something you’d never imagine in your wildest dreams.
“Your little toy isn’t the only thing I found out about you.” 
Oh god, what else did he find? Your face felt hot from embarrassment.
“Did you know that the sites you go on and the things you search can still be tracked by an establishment’s WiFi network log?” 
He was grinning beneath the mask, you just knew it. Bastard. 
“Yeah, even if you use your phone on private browsing… Crazy, right?”
All you could muster was a choked ‘yeah’ as you tried to recall everything you looked up in the past week. It was highly likely that the Red Hood looked back at least a month. Now what did you search for that wasn’t related to work?
You didn’t have to recall. He listed it out for you in a painfully slow and enunciated manner.
“Red Hood shirtless, Red Hood legs spread, Red Hood dick size, mask or helmet kink, intro to BDSM, what is a service top… And this was just within the past two weeks, goddamn.” He shook his head in judgment. “Should I continue?”
You couldn’t show fear to these types of people, you learned early on in your career. That’s what they got off on.
“What’s wrong with a woman having a healthy sexual appetite?” You asked defensively. “You some kind of prude or what?” That seemed to get a genuine laugh out of him.
“See, here’s the thing,” he told you, helping himself to your luxury office chair, leaning back as his boots settled on the desk. “Everyone thinks that I’m a bad guy, that I just blindly use violence to punish even badder guys. ‘There aren’t any brains under that hood! He’s just some beefy bastard with a fat cock! An idiot! A dunce!’” If he was speaking in some high-pitched mocking tone, his modulator didn’t catch it. It stayed in that robotic monotone.
Jason paused for a second to see if you’d agree, forgetting that a normal reaction was to be scared shitless and mute. When you didn’t make an indication of anything, those combat boots of his hit the carpet with a thud, chair screeching and lurching forward to see your face. Your toy laid forgotten on the desk.
Audibly you swallowed as you looked at him–well, not really him but the mask that he wore, the bright white of his eyes a stark contrast to the cherry red of his helmet. It was the mystery of what he looked like beneath it that drove your imagination wild. What color were his eyes? His hair? How full were his lips? Did he have scars?
As if knowing that you wanted a better angle, he tilted your chin to comply with your unspoken wish. It wasn’t as if it changed anything; you still knew nothing of his looks, but the cool leather of his glove made you more aware of how starved you were of any kind of touch. That healthy sexual appetite you claimed to have suddenly turned into hunger pangs.
“There was a lot of thought put into this plan, sweetheart,” the Red Hood chided.
His glove left your face to press on some hidden panel close to his jaw. There was a soft click that loosened his helmet.
Then you heard him–somewhat muffled and low and incredibly human. 
“See, I’m giving you a pretty sick deal. You get to live out one of your fantasies in exchange for recanting your statement to the Bat. Even if I have nothing to hide, I hate whenever the old man comes sniffing around. Don’t worry. I’ll even promise my protection too in the event of retaliation–from him or Cobblepot. Do we have a deal or not?”
Your voice came out breathier than you realized. “And if I say no?”
He made a show of taking off his helmet, and to your surprise, a red domino mask covered his eyes. Tousling his dark curls, he pursed those perfect lips, “Well, shit. When I was searching through those logs, I figured that you’d be so horny for me that refusing wouldn’t even cross your mind.”
It was starting to make sense why Cobblepot was always irritated after dealing with the Red Hood. You laughed. “Look Hood, the quips were cute at first, but they’re getting old fast. You’re so full of yourself. Now tell me what happens if I refuse.”
“One, if you say yes, you could be full of me too.” You imagined that if he took the domino off that he’d punctuate that sentence with a wink. “And two…”
You could hear the smile in his voice along with something devious. When did he get so close? He was slotted between your legs as you sat on the edge of your desk. The cool feel of his gloves pulled your arms back and held your wrists there, leaving you captive to whatever he had to say.
“You know what I do to bad guys, but what I do to bad girls is even worse.”
“Oh yeah?” you breathed out. Fine, you’d admit it. That was fucking hot. “Then show me.”
“Show you what?”
His thigh nudged your center, pushing your dress skirt up with the motion.
“What you do to bad girls,” you said through gritted teeth. His hold on your wrists kept your upper body in place.
“Say it for me first.”
But that didn’t mean that you couldn’t use your leg to drag him closer. You hooked one leg behind him. Now you could feel his length against you though he wouldn’t budge otherwise.
“Daddy, please.”
“You can be obedient when you want to be, huh? Fuckin’ brat.” Jason found amusement in your frustration. “Sorry, but those aren’t the right words. Do we have a deal?”
“Yes what?”
“Yes, we have a fuckin’ deal.”
Finally that thick thigh was back to putting sweet pressure on your clit, the Red Hood’s slight movements providing teasing friction that kept you slick.
“Atta girl, princess. ‘Fraid I gotta shut you up for a few though. I know your performance reviews say that you’re well-spoken, but they made no mention of you being so damn chatty.”
Before you could talk about the irony of his comment, Jason let your wrists go and stepped back, using his free hands to unzip his pants and pull out his cock and balls. Your mouth hung open at the sight.
Giving it a stroke upwards, his balls followed the movement. Jason smeared his precum over the shaft, giving it a nice shine before ordering you to lay flat on your desk with your head hanging from the edge. His sack looked heavy and full.
“So this is what you meant–”
“Less talking, more sucking,” he grunted, taking the opportunity to shove the tip into your mouth.
The girth was unexpected as your jaw stretched to accommodate his size. You gave it a suck before relaxing your throat to take more of him. Jason eased into you slowly, watching as you swallowed as many inches as you could before pulling out and smearing his spit-laden cock across your mouth. You jerked him while gently sucking on his nuts, thinking about the reward you’d get if you could edge him long enough. The thought of him filling you up with a big, hot load made your center ache.
So focused on your thoughts, you hardly noticed that Jason replaced himself with your toy, watching as your drool frothed and dribbled down your chin while you gagged.
“Be patient with me, princess,” he murmured as he leaned across your body, vibe in hand, to push your panties aside, cock pressing against your cheek. You tried to move your head to take his length but the Red Hood’s weight made it difficult to do so.
Jason wasted no time shoving the entirety of the toy inside you, making you gasp. If you wanted him as desperately as he thought, then he had to prep you well so you could take him.
“Patience,” he lightly scolded you. “Damn, if I knew you were this needy for Daddy’s cock, I would have come earlier so the fun could last longer.” He placed himself back in your throat.
Slow deep breaths through your nose, you reminded yourself. It was difficult though when he was facefucking you in sync with your toy. There was little room for your moans and sighs to escape.
He most definitely understood your muffled ‘FUCK’ when he turned on the toy though, both shaft and rabbit ears vibrating. Your knuckles were white from desperately clutching at whatever you could; you needed something to keep you grounded from the assault on your clit, toy shaped perfectly to hit your G-spot.
The vibe kept making you moan, making your throat squeeze in ways that would make Jason cum early. “That’s it for now,” he said to deaf ears, pulling out to focus on playing with your pussy. He repositioned himself so one hand controlled the toy and the other held you down.
“Is this all you got?” You taunted, sweat catching the neon lights from the window. Your hair was disheveled and stuck to your forehead. Your legs quivered. You looked pathetic. 
The Red Hood laughed, and you weren’t sure of what you wanted more of–that mocking robotic modulator or the rich tones of his real voice.
“The way your lips are wrapped around that toy tells me that’s more than enough. If you want this,” his cock was still perfectly hard and this angle highlighted the thick veins that lined his shaft, “then we need to take our time. Luckily for you, I have the patience of a saint.”
“Well, I don’t. Sit down, so I can fuck you.”
He was used to more demure requests to ride him, so your brazen words lit something inside Jason. Fuck it, he thought. He was still annoyed at you mentioning his name to Bruce. It wouldn’t be the end of the world if he watched you struggle to take him.
The toy came out with a yank, your pussy aching. The emptiness was only temporary though. There was something more filling, waiting for it.
Seeing that slight look of surprise on his mouth was worth it as you pushed him onto the chair, spitting on his cock before straddling him. Your panties were lost in some dark corner along with your bra. Your disheveled office wear struggled to maintain your modesty with loose buttons and crumpled fabric.
Your nails dug into the Red Hood’s shoulders as you tried to find your pace. You had about halfway more to go.
“Told ya,” he said smugly, reaching beneath your dress to squeeze your ass. He buried his face in your tits, sucking on whatever flesh he could. You gasped when he finally reached your nipple, his tender suction making you shiver.
“Big motherfucker,” you grumbled, bouncing up and down on what you could with his help.
“Damn, you feel good,” Jason sighed. 
Lately he’d been so focused on the complicated aspects of his line of work; it seemed like he could never just chill and do something for himself. Isn’t that what all the experts say? That self-care was important?
So when one of his informants told him that Bruce and his band of bat brats were poking around his turf, Jason’s first thought was to dispose of whoever Bruce paid off. When the informant said that the rat was the Iceberg Lounge’s hot publicist, he considered his first reaction too harsh, that perhaps it’d be best if he investigated this personally. Oh, he was so fucking glad that he did.
With each bounce, he pushed you lower on his length, and he’d go by half-inches if it meant reaching heaven. Fucking you with the toy first was a brilliant idea. Even though you didn’t say it, he knew you came. That’s why you were struggling on his cock. That cute little cunt of yours was still spasming from your first orgasm. How could anyone be so tight and wet, he thought, and for him.
He sat back and watched as you kept riding him with frustration. Your sweet pussy nectar was pooling at the base, and the lewd sounds it made was music to his ears. But the sound of his balls slapping your cheeks would be even nicer.
“Good effort, princess, but you’re starting to look pathetic and needy and desperate. What?” He laughed, swiping his thumb along your pout. “It’s cute. Daddy’ll take care of you.”
He hoisted you off him with ease, giving you another reason to make your pussy throb. A part of you wanted to ask him to fuck you while standing or maybe against the wall. No! A small rational voice told you. Let’s see what he does first.
Laying you on the ground, he pushed your legs back with your ankles on his shoulders, exposing your cunt to cool air. It was slick and puffy from all the work you put in. Taking two fingers, Jason spread your lips so he could tease your clit. Each little movement made you twitch. 
Perfect, he thought. He knew how to get you where he wanted. The feeling of his thick, heavy tip rubbing your most sensitive spot made your toes curl as you huffed and moaned at his touch. Your hips pressed up in a weak attempt to slip it in. Your heels were nearly dangling off your feet from the movement.
“Since you want this cock so badly, I’ll give it to you, princess, but we’re doing it my way.”
Eagerly, you nodded. Your way, his way. It didn’t matter as long as he was in you.
Yet quickly you found out that you shouldn’t have agreed so readily. He moved impossibly slow.
“It’s a shame,” he tried to make small talk, one gloved hand carefully keeping the distance between you and his cock while the other balanced his weight above you, “that you chose to work for Cobblepot. How bout you work for me instead? Name your salary–I’ll double it. As a bonus, we can even fuck whenever you want.”
“You act as if I need your cock.” 
Ignoring your tone, Jason stated the obvious. You did. Your body practically melted in the carpet when he went completely in.
“Look how full you are. You think you can go back to your toys or another man’s cock after this? I ruined you, princess.” Instead of sounding remorseful, he was proud. “I bet in the days after, you’ll be thinkin’ ‘bout how empty you feel without me.”
You didn’t want him to have the satisfaction of being right–his cock felt so good once you got through that first bit of discomfort–but there was no point in being stubborn. The Red Hood didn’t intend on having you hear him out. He was going to show you.
He fucked you as roughly as you imagined, using long strokes that left both of you breathless. There was something erotic about the sudden silence. There was only heavy breathing and moans, slick sounds and pounding.
And when you came, it was like the lights cut out, eyes squeezed shut for total darkness. The only electricity existed in his touch, sparking waves of pleasure throughout your body.
Uncertain if you actually dozed off or not, you woke up to a familiar mechanic hum. He had his helmet back on, his clothes back to their baseline level of grunge. Perhaps it was because of the intimacy you shared, but the Red Hood seemed far less threatening now compared to the start of the night.
“Don’t forget about the deal we made,” he told you, standing near your feet.
Like him, going back to how you normally were was easy now that lust no longer clouded your actions.
“And what if I don’t?” you asked, standing slowly from sore muscles. “Like you said earlier, I am a bad girl.”
“I’ve already planned for that.”
You tried to fix your dress to the best of your abilities. It was no use though. It was a poor victim of your decisions.
“Well, if that’s the case, expect another visit.” 
You stalled, letting the fabric fall as you tried to decipher his meaning behind the modulator. Was that a threat or a promise?
“And next time, I’m coming during office hours.”
You let the warm sensation of his cum sliding down your thighs decide for you.
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ignoremyworld · 4 months
Remember me?
Eddie is a metal star living in New York and needed a bite to eat. It doesn’t get awkward until he runs into his past
The streets of New York City were busy. Even at night. Of course the thousands of people taking pictures weren’t helping.
Eddie had just gotten done with his gig at Webster hall and decided to take a late night walk to get fresh air after being stuck, sweaty and gross on a stage for three hours. He was still wearing his outfit from the show, a pair of baggy cargo pants with his bandana tucked into his back pocket and his cuffs hanging off one of his belt loops, a cropped re designed version of the hellfire logo, a fishnet shirt under that and his hair up in a bun to get the sweat off his neck.
Even if the streets were busy he didn’t mind. Walking past shop after shop he’d look through the windows to see what kind of stuff they were selling. A sports memorabilia store selling sport cards and merch like hats and jerseys. A little yarn shop filled with different textures and colors. A subway shop that he desperately wanted to stop into and he would if he hadn’t forgotten his wallet.
Staring through the subway window he saw the cashier making their customer the desired sandwich. He watched as he, somewhat, skillfully put the cheese and meat onto the bread, taking some bacon and putting it in their weird microwave. Eddie’s stomach growled and as it did he remembered about Apple Pay. He had about $73 dollars left on there so he walked in and hoped they took tap.
Waiting in line he heard the door ring signaling someone had entered. Hearing their footsteps stomp behind him and a sharp breath was taken. As the line slowly moved forward, Eddie could hear the aforementioned guy behind him put his phone up to his ear as the ringing became muffled.
He heard the guy start to whisper to the recipient on the phone, curious but not enough to eavesdrop on their conversation. The few people in front of him had came and left and it was soon his turn. He wrapped up his order with a foot long, a cookie, chips and a drink. The took his phone out and got Apple Pay ready when the man that was behind him, now next to him, spoke.
“I’ll pay for it man” a deep voice had spoken up beside him.
The sound of gravelly morning voice made Eddie jolt. Taking him back to Hawkins. Laying in bed with…
“Steve” he said softly, his heart beating ten times faster than it was.
He turned his head to meet Steve’s eyes. Still brown like firewood after the flames have been put out. His hair had changed. What was once tall and fluffy, helped by Farrah fawcet spray, was now laying beside his cheeks with the tips dyed blue. He had gotten more freckles since the last time he saw him.
The last time Eddie had seen anyone really. He had left in the middle of the night to go with his band mates to start his dream job. No one knew he was gonna leave, he knew they’d make a big fuss about it and a part of him couldn’t stand the look that would have been on Steve’s face when he said he’d be leaving.
The cashier broke the long silence between them “so, which one of you is going to pay? There’s a line forming”
Steve walked up to the register and handed the man his card, not taking his eyes off Eddie.
“Been a bit hasn’t it” Steve said. Finally tearing his eyes away from Eddie to look literally anywhere else.
“Yeah. A bit” Eddie replied, a wave of guilt washing over him
“Seven years is a long time” Steve whispered, taking his card back from the cashier “and you never called” he said before walking out.
Eddie chased after him and caught his arm. Pulling him back
“I wanted to call! I really did but I knew you’d be mad at me. Just like you are now! I’m so so sorry Stevie.” He said feeling tears well in his eyes.
“Don’t call me that” Steve snapped “you lost that privilege when you left and didn’t say anything. Not even a note Eddie! You have no clue how hurt and worried I was about you. It wasn’t until rob had said she saw you on television that I knew you had left us. That you had left me” tears had started to slip from Steve’s eyes and Eddie desperately wanted to place his hand on steves cheek like he used to and kiss them away.
“I know stevi- Steve. I know. And I’m so incredibly sorry. I wish there was some way I could make it up to you.” Eddie had sighed and let go of Steve’s arm “but unless you let me, there’s no way I can fix what I did”
There was a silence. The sound of cars rushing by was the only thing that was heard between the two.
Steve broke the silence and said “you can start by coming home with me”
WELL that took such a long time. I want to start making longer stories and maybe continuous parts. Should I make a second part
And please any advice on writing or tips are appreciated as I’m still new to this.
Hope you liked it!
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eregyrn-falls-art · 2 years
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Stan and Ford and the Cornstalk Men - an update!
The Cornstalk Men are a fall tradition that I've missed seeing in person for the past couple of years. I first did this sequence where Stan and Ford encounter these New Jersey... beings? cryptids? creatures?... back on Halloween of 2017. Decided on the spur of the moment to update them; 5 years is a long time in art evolution! Below is some of the original text and other links.
In October of 2017, I first posted about encountering these giant cornstalk men while driving on a minor highway through New Jersey farmland.  Although I didn’t go into it at the time, I was driving on a really grey day with fog persisting through the morning, turning the surrounding fields and distant trees into ethereal vistas.   Which made coming upon these faceless giants all the more eerie, despite it being a busy highway (and them basically being roadside advertising for a garden center.)
Some folks commented suggesting that these were propitious figures, forest spirits (or… spirits of the field, I guess?) or otherwordly sacrifices for a good harvest.   Sure!  Why not. As I said before, this seems like some major Over the Garden Wall shit happening right here.
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(As noted in the original post, these things are gigantic. Those are novelty giant Adirondack chairs, They've got to be at least 10 feet tall, even sitting down.)
It seemed like just the kind of thing that Ford would insist they go investigate!  
Though, he and Stan were never very familiar with the more farm-oriented parts of New Jersey.  Stan is obviously dubious about the whole thing; including after the Cornstalk Men show up.  As it turns out, they’re perfectly friendly, if a bit inscrutable, and happy to at least try to answer Ford’s questions before whatever fate awaits them on All Hallow’s Eve. (The original version was posted on Halloween.)
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(Stan has already fucked off across the road to a farm stand where they are selling five different types of pie. He is less interested in witnessing eldritch harvest rituals, and more interested in making sure he keeps them both on schedule for the Skype call later to see what the niblings have dressed up as this year.)
I did eventually do a sequel, in GF style, in which they do bring Dipper and Mabel to meet the Cornstalk Men. (That was posted on Thanksgiving 2018, which is why I now associate these posts with Tgiving.) And here is the original version, from 2017.
Anyway -- hope everyone's day has been as good as it can be. I know the holidays can be stressful for a lot of people. I'm about to heat up some dinner, and begin my now-annual rewatch of Over the Garden Wall.
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comradekatara · 6 months
So… in the modern AU, does Hahn exist? Does he have a role? Is he some random jerk at their school who wanted Yue? Mushy’s gotta know.
when it comes to modern aus, the trick is merging contemporary tropes with the implications of the source material. for instance, in a modern high school setting, hahn is of course the arrogant meathead jock (quarterback of the football team or whatever) who feels entitled to any girl he wants. yue is the most beautiful girl in his class, and he wants her. he thinks that she's much to good for sokka, and makes that opinion known. this is pretty obvious stuff. but then theres the fact that hahn is in an arranged marriage with yue. i imagine arnook to be some kind of titan of industry (chief of the northern water tribe versus chief executive officer) who is in a business alliance (i know that's probably not the correct term) with hahn's father, and ever since they were children, there's been this tacit agreement that once they reached a certain age, they would marry. because hahn marrying yue isn't just an arranged marriage, but a political marriage. so in modern au, hahn wouldn't just feel entitled to yue out of arrogance, but genuinely feels as if they are fated to marry, and resents sokka for swooping in and stealing something from him that is rightfully his. now, arnook likes sokka a lot, but he also likes his money, and knows that giving to yue to hahn is more lucrative and strategic. but because it's 21st century new jersey, he can't just sell his daughter off for power. he has to try to convince her to change her mind, even though any idiot can see that sokka is far better suited to her than hahn. so while yue doesn't actually have any legal obligation to marry hahn, she still has to suffer through many tedious, torturous dinners with hahn's family (although thankfully they have phones in this world, which means that yue can text sokka amusing little updates under the table), and with hahn's incessant flirtation, not to mention his snide, classist remarks to sokka during class (which he mostly ignores except for that one time he talked about yue like she was a piece of meat. katara filmed the whole fight it was the greatest day of her life btw). after yue dies, hahn starts a rumor that sokka killed her, but it sort of has the opposite effect as intended, since hahn is saying that and hahn is always wrong (e.g., he thought the capital of new jersey was new york), so it actually helps to alleviate some of sokka's guilt. not much, granted, but still. thanks hahn.
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laf-outloud · 5 months
You and your self-important, European anon, may pretend to have inside info to make your Jared look better, but Kim's post should make it clear to everyone why Jared is no longer wanted at most creation cons. He just doesn't bring in enough money anymore. His overpriced demands are disproportionate to his sales. While Jensen's photos are always sold out immediately, as are JenMish, Jared's are usually available until the very end. Not to mention Mishalecki. So to say that Jared no longer wants to work with creation or Jensen, it is much more likely that creation no longer wants to work with Jared. Jensen is worth every penny. Jared is only good for a few cheap comic cons.
LMAO! Thanks for the laugh, anon! Kim's post only proves that she's unemployed and not that popular. I don't see Jared out there begging for conventions. In fact, he's charging the most at general conventions and still selling out.
But sure, anon. that's also why Creation was selling Jared-less cons at half-price before Christmas, and why the only sold-out sections next year are at cons with Jared.
The only reason Jensen and Misha's tickets go for more is because idiots like yourself are willing to go into debt to overbid on them. But those are only a small part of Creation's sales. They also need stars to attract people to the convention in general. It's why they added JDM to Burbank. And yet, Burbank only 3 months away still has 186 Sunday seat tickets available (out of 448) (59% sold) and New Jersey, which Jared is attending, only has 127 Sunday seats available (out of 679) (81% sold).
Also, no one ever said Jensen wasn't popular. We're just saying that Jared is looking to expand his reach beyond Supernatural and Creation, and that it's a good business move. If Jensen and Misha and their fans want to stick with Creation, great! No one's stopping them. But if you think Creation is the one that let Jared go, you're the one mistaken because the facts don't lie.
You can keep telling yourself Jared's not popular while he sells out on a frequent basis at general comic cons (even while charging the highest prices at those cons) and he and Gen nearly fill a 5,000 seat hall all on their own.
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nescaveckwriter · 6 months
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Paintbrushes and Romance
Part One 🥰
Dean x reader
A/N: this is my first ever written piece on here, so let me know what y'all think, much love my little twinkies💞
Warnings: Talking of killing, swearing, police case, not sure what else.
The smell of freshly grounded coffee beans fills the cozy little coffee shop. There's about six or seven tables in the middle, but you always choose the little corner seat, mostly everyday you sit there, watching people, listening conversations, finding inspiration.
No one except the waitress ever notices you, though that's the way you like it, sitting there admiring the way autumn takes over the leaves, its always been your favourite season ever since you were that little girl, running around, playing with the leaves, your parents would get so mad at you, for messing up the garden, a smile tugs at the corner of your lips, your thoughts get inturupted by the waitress, need a fill up? Ah! Yes please Julie, I'd appreciate that, not getting much work done today, saying with a smile. Sure, Julie said, you'll get there, one day I'll know what you do for a living I guess... You laugh a little, yeah one day.
It's not that your in the secret service or something, its just, you are a very private person, despite the fact that you're a social media influencer, and an author of three best selling books. You're actually busy working on a new book right now, but its going slow, you need inspiration of the male character, but just can't seem to find one, hell you can't even think of one, and since its one of those spicy romance books, you can't exactly base the character loosely on your brother, that'll be damn weird. Deep in thought, you hear the bell of the door, chime, welcoming a new customer. You look up from your laptop and see its two men , one man looks like a freaking giant, brownish hair, kinda messy looking, hanging over his ears, the other one a bit shorter but still tall, with his dark blondish hair, neatly spiking in the air, with a little stubble beard enhancing the already amazing, sharp jaw line, pink rose plump lips forming a smile when he excitedly said, with a kinda gruffy voice, look Sammy, they've got pecan pie. Yeah okay! Let's take a seat, and try to behave said the taller one.
You can't help it, you are drawn too him, like a moth to a flame, you quickly look in your flower tote bag, grabbing your sketch book and favourite pencil, and with out waisting anymore time , you pick up the pencil and start sketching the outline, of his nearly perfect face, getting swept away in the aroma of the coffee, the outline of his face, the way his savouring every single bite of the pie, you just have to sketch this man, maybe you can loosely base your books character on him, damn he sure is good-looking you think sketching away.
Damn Sammy, this pie is just what I needed, Dean said. How is it possible that we never came to this coffee shop, Dean said, looking over at Sam eating his salad, dude he said, live a little, try some pie! I'm fine, thanks man, you know I prefer healthy choices Sam said with a not amused look on his face. Yeah well, whatever, I prefer living a little, we can die at anytime with our line of work Dean said.
Dean can hear a sort of muddled sound of his brother's telling him something, but can't really focus, in the corner, is a woman sitting with black jeans and a black top with a long mustard yellow jersey, with flat shoes matching the black, the light coming through, shining on one side, making her appear like an angel, with a messy hair bun and loose pieces of hair framing hair face, she's wearing glasses with a purplish frame, complimenting her pale, white skin, she's biting her lip, while focussing on something, not quite sure what it is. She is medium built, definitely not the type of women he goes for with their sleek long legs and high heels, but damn she was beautiful, a kind of beautiful Dean had rarely seen!
Dean! Hey! Dude! Snap out of it, Sam said while hitting Dean on the shoulder! What! Is your problem Sam, Dean said frustration clearly in his voice. What the hell man, I've been talking for the past few minutes, and then I just lost you. Bite me, Dean said. Clearly confused Sam taking a bite of his salad, you okay Dean, is it this case that has you all worked up? Yeah maybe! We need to get this guy before he kills anyone else, Dean said frown visible taking another bite of pie, keeping an eye on you in the distance, thinking you take his breath away without even saying a single word...
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lovelyxhorrors · 2 years
Painful Memories: A Brotherly Duo || Closed RP
After the events of Iron Titan incident, everything has been calmed down.
 Well almost everything. There is another problem brewing in Yokohoma which got the fraction the Lovely Horrors to arrive and to try to find for one of their own.
Cobin Razor.
Unlike other Horrors, he is the considered the weakest as he has no strength but he is considered the most intelligent since his quirk allows him to possess machinery in spirit form. Because of that, he turns to engineering so he can build  killer machinery to make up his strength. For example, his proud work, Killer Mark II. A killer animatronic that is designed to killing, a walking tank. Using his quirk, he possess his animatronic to wreak havoc.
He join the Lovely Horrors when his machine got destroyed by the fraction and he joined just to get stronger.
But now? Cobin disappeared after the battle of New Jersey against the DBT. Then following a year later Lovely Horrors watched the battle between the DBT and Iron Titan and later DBT against the Japanese pro-heroes. Cobin appeared and was overheated saying they should go to Japan. Of course, the loyal followers reported to Sid about it but the fraction didn't take action until Cobin took Lex, a fellow Horror and a few HYDE freaks, and a large amount of HYDE pills. They didn't know Cobin was selling HYDE pills in Japan. 
That's when they heard news of monsters wreaking havoc along with a leak that Cobin might be in Japan which confirms it.
Matt wants to go because Sid said that he is causing a bigger mess for all of them plus he wants to see what kind of prey are in Japan. And that's where he met his rival Ryunosuke Akutagawa and well..the rest is history.
As for Pete Gnat. Pete is happy for Matt that he found someone. S
o right now, while he's busy with Ryunosuke. 
During his free for the night, Pete dressed up in his bug suit and goes out to explore Yokohoma at night. Pete became bored because he wasn’t sure what he can do in Yokohoma. Little did he know, he ends up bumping into the child. The child that Pete met at the field for the first. He forgot the child’s name. What was it? 
But better question is....what he is doing here? Is he going shopping or doing something else? 
Pete finds @the-silver-peahen-residence ( Q )
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inbargroupinc · 2 years
Preparing Your Business for Sale
Preparing your business for sale may feel overwhelming at first. But this process is very important as it will help ensure that you receive a reasonable rate when you sell your business in New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, New York, Connecticut, Vermont and Maine. You can rest assured that all the work that you put into preparation will pay off in the long run. Let’s take a look at some of the most important areas to focus on.
Establishing Optimal Processes
Your buyer will want to feel confident that the business can be run in your absence. They will also know that they can use it with their employees to ensure things run smoothly. Anything that you can show can be automated will benefit you. Be sure to establish operation manuals and employee guidelines. Speaking of your staff members, focus on cultivating a strong team. When your staff members are happy, it will help bring stability to your business.
Accounting Records
When you sell a business in Philadelphia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, New York, Connecticut, Vermont or Maine, you’ll be expected to provide detailed accounting records.
Clearly, you’ll want to prepare and share this information. Otherwise, a perspective buyer will find it difficult to assess your value. On a very practical level, they will also want to use your accounting data to figure out the direction your business is header. For example, are expenses increasing? Is your company accumulating more debt? They will want records from at least three years. It’s good if you have accounting in the cloud. You’ll want to ensure everything is in its proper category and all accounts are reconciled.
When you report your taxes from now on, it’s important to remember that your earnings will be taken into account when you sell. Even if you report more and pay more in taxes now, it will be worth it later. Try to boost profitability and consider how you might add revenue streams or reduce costs.
List Assets
All of your assets can be valuable when you’re selling. This includes assess that are intangible like customer relationships, marketing and social media, contracts, and intellectual property. You might want to start highlighting big wins in press release and newsletters so there is a track record of good news.
It’s valuable to consult with advisors so you can also see things from an outside perspective. Getting ready to sell is all about a good strategic plan.
Put Yourself in the Buyer’s Shoes
Pretend you’re the buyer for a moment. What else would you want to see? Think about your strengths and weaknesses and what could be done now to reduce any signs of weakness.
In general, the farther in advance you can prepare, the better. But there is no need to go it alone. You will also want to put together your deal of trusted advisors including business brokers, accountants and lawyers. For example, you will want to work with a CPA who has experience buying and selling businesses. Inbar Group can help refer someone to help you.
When you’re looking to buy or sell your business in New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, New York, Connecticut, Vermont and Maine, reach out to us at 212-473-5000.
Source Link: https://inbargroup.com/preparing-your-business-for-sale/
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turtle-steverogers · 11 months
Okay so I've have this idea ever since I watched Endgame and I can't figure out how to make it work pothole wise but I have to share with you.
So you know the part where Tony and Steve go back in time to the 1970s? Ever since I watched that I was like "What if something goes wrong and they accidentally end up in Steve's childhood instead??" I know you like A+ parenting from Joseph Rogers and I can't stop thinking about Steve and Tony's tumbling on top of a scene between little Steve and angry Joe Rogers.
Just imagine, first they're simply standing in front of like, a run-down building and they're both kind of confused of why they're there but then they see this little tiny kid playing with marbles or something next to the street. And Tony is busy processing the fact that they're in the wrong year and that the kid looks like Steve and that he looks so small and thin.
So he doesn't realize that Steve tenses up when they hear a shout from the building. And they look up to see a burly man come out looking mad and maybe a little bit drunk and little Steve scrambled to pick up his marbles but Joe grab him first and is yelling at him with his fingers in a vice grip around his arm.
And Tony looks at Steve and Steve is pale as a sheet and doing that thing where you revert back to how you were in that time because you haven't processed any of the feelings you had then, and Tony figures out what's going on in a horrifying abrupt flash of realization.
(And then maybe Tony steps into confront the dad, despite knowing it's going to influence the timeline. I don't know about that though because it will just cause more problems for little Steve once they leave so maybe he tries and then big Steve is like no don't! And then they have to talk about it.)
Like I said I can't figure out how to write this scene because it doesn't make any sense for both of them to somehow land in the 1920s and also how on Earth are they going to get to the '70s if they run out of Pym particles etc but I don't care because I want to see it so bad.
Oh god, logistics be damned, because i’m just picturing the scene
“Ah, shit--”
“What the hell?”
It happens so fast that Steve loses his footing, crashing backwards and nearly bringing both him and Tony down as he’s yanked bodily into an alleyway. He stumbles, straightens, blinking hard against the blood rushing from his head before Tony’s grip on his arm tightens hard enough that Steve winces. 
“We’re in the wrong place,” Tony says.
“What?” Steve is certain he must have heard him wrong. He must have, because the city is loud around them and cars are whirring by in what has to be afternoon traffic, children yelling down the street, some kid hawking papers and kicking up a flock of pigeons as he shouts, “Paper! Getcha paper! Family dies in horrific car accident, went straight offa the Bridge! Two cents!”
And it’s a lie. Steve knows it’s a lie, because he used to lie to sell papers for the entire two years he hawked them back in ‘25, because his dad was blowing all their money on whiskey and gin and they needed to eat. 
“Oh god.” He turns, head on a slow swivel, looking around. 
He knows this alleyway. He knows this street, the buildings, tall and laden with clotheslines, running from fire escape to fire escape like veins bleeding life into the city. 
They’re in the wrong place. They’re in the wrong time. 
He looks at Tony, who looks just as stricken as he looks back. 
“We messed up,” Tony says. “Big time. Except we totally didn’t mess up, because I am positively certain that we put in the right date and time and this isn’t New Jersey, this definitely isn’t New Jersey.”
“No, it’s not,” Steve agrees, and he looks at the street. Dares to look, because he knows if he angles himself just right, he’ll see his old building. The one he lived in with his ma and dad, then just his ma, then eventually Bucky and--
He squeezes his eyes shut. He needs to think. About the mission, about the Pym Particles that were evidently wasted when someone or something sent them to the wrong place and time. Not about the familiar smell of the city street. Dust and motor oil and the faint scent of boiled corn. Not about ghosts that are drifting around him. Not about the fact that if he cranes his neck just so…
“We need to-- I don’t know what we need to do, but we need to do something. Fuck, what year is it even? We’re-- where are we? I don’t even know where we--”
“Brooklyn,” Steve says, opening his eyes. He can’t quite breathe, the reality of the situation settling in. Tugging at his ribcage. He’s going to vomit, he thinks. Maybe. “I don’t know when, but we’re in Brooklyn. Sometime around my time.”
“Okay, so this is definitely targeted, because that is way too specific to be a random mistaken coincidence,” Tony rambles, tapping frantically on his Time-Space GPS. 
It’s no use. Steve knows it’s no use, because they’re out of Pym Particles. Collectively. And there’s no way of letting the others know about their predicament. 
They’re stuck. They’re well and truly stuck. 
Steve should feel more panicked, he knows that, but he’s stuck, incapable of moving. Of feeling anything other than abject horror as he finally gives into the urge to shift his gaze, lean slightly to the side, and look around toward his old building.
Kneeling on the front steps is a little boy, knobbly knees folded on the ground as he leans over, rolling some marbles around on the ground with great focus. His blond hair is dirty, falling in front of his eyes, which he reaches up to push out of the way, and Steve recognizes his clothes-- the brown, wool shorts he liked to wear and a ratty gray button up pulled out of the waistband. He’s barefoot, because it’s warm out, and it never mattered if he was wearing shoes or not when it was warm out. In fact, it made his leg braces easier to wear, which are fastened around his legs at an uncomfortable angle.
“1924,” he says.
Tony stops his rambling, and Steve realizes he's been talking to him. 
“It’s 1924.”
Tony frowns, looking at him. “How do you know?” He follows Steve’s gaze, then freezes next to him. “Oh my god, that’s not-- is that--”
“Yeah,” Steve says, feeling like he might pass out as he watches his little self shift around, tugging at the straps of his leg braces, trying to stop them from digging into his calves so hard. His fingers flex at his side, and he can almost still feel the dull ache in his knees. “That’s me. Fuck. Oh my god.”
And he remembers this. Remembers the way the marbles felt in his hand, remembers being sad because Bucky had been out of town with his family that week, so he had no one to play with. Remembers what’s about to happen next--
“Fuck, there you are, boy!” 
Steve can just make out the words over the throng of the city, knows people are looking, but it’s not out of the ordinary for the time, so no one is stopping. No one in the city ever stops. Not for business that isn’t theirs. 
“Oh my god,” Tony says next to him, and Steve’s eyes are glued on the scene as a man comes barreling out of the building, burly and tall and looming, going straight for the little boy on the steps. The stuff of Steve’s nightmares, all wild eyed and sweaty. He’d been real mean that week. Work had laid him off when he failed to show up for the millionth time, too drunk to know up from down, and Steve and his marbles had paid the price. “Is that-- who’s that?”
Steve swallows, tastes biles, makes his throat work.
“My dad.”
There’s a pause. They’re both still watching as his dad yanks on his little self’s arm. The marbles slip out of his grip. He starts crying as a few tumble down the drain, and he tries to yank himself away, tries to go after them, but he’s too little. 
“I thought he died in the war.”
Steve sways. He doesn’t know how he’s still standing. All the blood has rushed away from his head, pooling in his stomach, making it churn. He hasn’t thought about his dad in years. Hasn’t let himself.
“Yeah,” he says. “He might as well have.”
His dad is dragging him up the steps, slapping him hard across the face when he starts to wail.
“That fucker,” Tony spits next to him, taking a few steps forward, and he sounds angrier than Steve has heard in a while. It startles him, and he reaches out, grabs Tony’s bicep.
“Tony, wait-- what are you--”
“Shit, I can’t just let him--”
They tussle for a moment as Steve manages to drag Tony back. He can’t let him go out there, can’t let him mess up the timeline.
“You’re gonna fuck this up worse for us if you go out there,” Steve says, backing them both further into the alleyway. 
He doesn’t need to look to know he’s gone deadweight, crying on his way up the steps, his dad wrestling with him to stand up, quit crying, quit being a goddamn sissy.
Tony’s expression is stricken, eyes wide and tight and Steve kicks himself, remembering that Howard had not been kind either. At least from what he’s gathered. He has never considered him and Tony to be much the same in any sense, but maybe they share more pain than he thought. 
“Besides, if you go out there and try to help, he’s only going to-- he’s gonna--” Steve stops talking, mouth too dry. 
He remembers the time George Barnes had tried to intervene after Bucky had told him that Steve’s dad hit him sometimes. The beating he’d gotten that night for messing with his dad’s reputation had been debilitating. He’d had to miss school for two days, and Bucky had cried when he saw him next, apologizing for getting him hurt.
Steve had hugged him, and they’d been okay. But no one had ever tried to intervene again.
Tony studies his face, and Steve can’t look him in the eye. Abruptly, he lets go of Tony’s arm, lungs compressing. He never wanted anyone to know, and it feels like his entire soul is on display, all old pains and exposed skin. Hand-shaped bruises and cigarette burns on the ghost of himself.
He’s told himself it’s fine. War had been worse, watching his home get ravaged by aliens had been worse. But he’s learning that there is no worse. No quantifying pain. Not when it raised him.
“Okay,” Tony says, his tone quiet. Understanding. “Okay. I’m sorry.”
Steve shifts, looks down at the ground. 
“It’s fine,” he says, then clears his throat. He needs to focus. They need to focus. “We need to figure out how to get the fuck out of here.”
Tony shakes himself, even though he still looks deeply disturbed. 
“Right,” he says, looking down at the Time-Space GPS. “Okay, right, okay.”
Steve turns, casting one last glance to the stoop of the rundown building. It’s empty now, and he closes his eyes, letting the tears well. He’s scared, he realizes. As scared as he was in that moment, confused why his dad hates him and sad that he lost his marbles. He wants to cry for that little boy. He wants to pull him into a hug and tell him that he’s not dirty or bad. That the pain will wane, then wax again. 
That he will survive, and keep going, just like he always does. 
They find the glitch in the system, the diversion sent from some future version of evil to throw them off the scent of the Pym Particles. It’s easy enough to maneuver their way through Camp Lehigh and get more, once they make it there, then the world ends again and Steve watches his friends nearly die and his shield breaks.
It’s hell. Concentrated, fast moving hell.
And then the world is still again.
He’s tired, he thinks as he sits on Tony’s dock. The rest of the team are inside, celebrating another win. Celebrating him passing a new shield off to Sam-- one Tony had graciously crafted him once they made it back home. 
He’d slipped away some time after toasts were being made, waving Bucky away when he tried to follow. He needs to be alone, just for a bit. He needs to breathe, to watch the water ripple beneath his feet and listen to dragonflies buzz over the water.
It isn’t often that he’s taken the time to slow down. To breathe, and appreciate the world as it is, whole and teeming with life. He thinks maybe now that he’s retired, he ought to do that more.
Maybe he’ll take up hiking. Or something. Maybe Bucky will join him, always being one for adventure himself. Rolling up his jeans to wade out into the waters of Coney Island, just so he can feel the sand between his toes, Becca on his back, kicking the water and splashing Steve, who’d been following close behind. 
“Spangles, I thought I’d find you out here, looking all morose and contemplative.”
Steve looks over to see Tony approaching him, limping, his arm still in a sling. It had been a near catastrophic feat, using his own gauntlet to snap Thanos out of existence, but he’d done it and made it out alive.
“Yup, that’s me, morose and contemplative Steve.” He shifts over, letting Tony sit. 
It feels final in a way. Like they’re finally past whatever barrier kept them at odds for so many years. It seems that this time, the world ending had finally cemented their trust in each other. 
“Saw you slip away from the party,” Tony says. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just needed some quiet,” Steve says. They’re sitting close enough that Steve can hear Tony’s heartbeat with his enhanced hearing. It’s a comfort. “How’s your arm?”
“Oh, you know, a little achy, a little crisp. I still haven’t been able to truly wash it, aside from sponge baths, so it’s definitely a little ripe, too, but it’s getting there.”
Steve snorts, long since used to Tony’s chronic oversharing.
“Well, I’m glad it doesn’t hurt too bad?”
“Not too bad, no,” Tony says. It’s quiet for a moment, and they watch a gray heron land on a log. Steve takes a mental picture of it to draw later. “Can I ask you something?”
“Was your dad like that a lot?”
Steve sighs. He’s been wondering when this would come up. They didn’t talk about it after the fact-- there hadn’t been any time-- but the space between them has felt thick with the unsaid, even with everything going on.
“Shit.” He hears the shake in Tony’s voice, and looks at him. “How old were you when we were there?”
“Six,” Steve says. “It was three days before my birthday.”
“I’m sorry,” Tony says. “Did anyone know?”
“Bucky did, but no one else. He died when I was nine, and I told everyone after that that he’d died in the war. It messed him up good.” 
“Damn,” Tony says. “Look, I know we’ve had our moments. Like, really tough moments, but I care about you, yeah? I give a damn, even if I’m still learning the correct ways to show that.” He shakes his head, licks his lips. Steve watches him, holding his breath. “Just… I’m here for you, okay? I know what it’s like having a shitty dad, and mine never-- never hurt me like that, but he messed me up plenty good in other ways. So if you ever, I don’t know, want to talk about it, or just need someone who you don’t have to explain yourself to, I’m here.”
It’s the most vulnerable they’ve voluntarily been around each other, and Steve reaches out, placing his hand over Tony’s on the pier. The one that isn’t injured. His skin is warm. They’re both here, broken parts of a whole. With an exhale, Steve feels like they’ve finished a chapter, ready to start a new one, on the same page.
“Thank you, Tony. I’m here, too.”
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businesslawcorner · 1 year
Purchasing a Business in New York or New Jersey: Tips for Conducting Effective Due Diligence
Check out this blog post discussing things to consider in due diligence when buying a business in New York or New Jersey.
Are you looking to buy a business in New York or New Jersey? Conducting due diligence is a crucial step to ensure that you make a smart investment. Here are five things to carefully examine during due diligence: Financial records: Review the company’s financial records to gain an understanding of its financial health. Verify the accuracy of these records by reviewing bank statements, tax…
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
Multinational conglomerate Unilever, the owner of some 400 brands, announced Tuesday it is spinning off its ice cream business — including major names like Ben & Jerry's, Breyers, Magnum, Popsicle and Klondike — after more than a century.
The consumer goods giant said the move was part of a growth strategy that would create a leaner business. At the same time, by shedding Ben & Jerry's, Unilever is ridding itself of a longtime headache.
Since its founding in 1978, Ben & Jerry's has been known for its left-leaning advocacy, and the Vermont-based ice cream maker was able to maintain an independent board of directors to continue its progressive activism even after it sold to Unilever in 2000.
But in recent years, the unique structure of the deal that allowed Ben & Jerry's to wade into controversial issues without interference has pulled Unilever into the fray, too.
The biggest lightening rod began in July 2021, when Ben & Jerry’s announced it would no longer sell its products to Israelis in the West Bank, which the company refers to as Occupied Palestinian Territory.
The move sparked outrage from both sides of the political aisle amid accusations that the company was boycotting Israel as part of the boycott, divest, sanctions (BDS) movement, which Ben & Jerry's denied. Israel threatened to take action against Unilever over the move, and U.S. lawmakers called on the Securities and Exchange Commission to launch a probe into the parent company.
Unilever — which has repeatedly distanced itself from Ben & Jerry's political takes and said it has never supported the BDS movement — sold the Ben & Jerry’s ice cream operations in Israel in June 2022 in an attempt to stem the controversy, but its subsidiary's activism has continued to tarnish the brand and drag Unilever with it.
Ben & Jerry's was also hit with its own boycott threat last year after the company angered some Americans on Independence Day with a post on Twitter (now X) that read, "This 4th of July, it's high time we recognize that the US exists on stolen Indigenous land and commit to returning it."
Several U.S. states have divested their public employee retirement funds from Unilever over Ben & Jerry's ending sales of its products in parts of Israel, including Arizona, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Texas and most recently North Carolina.
North Carolina State Treasurer Dale Folwell, a Republican, told FOX Business in an interview earlier this year that it’s not likely Unilever anticipated allowing Ben & Jerry's to have its own board would lead to so many problems.
"I don’t know the people at Ben & Jerry’s. I respect their entrepreneurship. I think when they signed the contract, Ben & Jerry’s anticipated something like this," said Folwell, also a 2024 candidate for governor. 
"Unilever didn’t anticipate anything like this," he continued. "Generally, when a parent tells a kid not to do something, they expect them to listen."
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lizzardthing · 5 months
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In 1997 Willy “Boss” Murderface would open the infamous pizza joint, Willy’s Neopolitan Pies, in Union City. Despite the over saturated New York/New Jersey pizza market, Willy’s quickly shot to fame for their excellent pizza, terrible service, and of course their iconic debut special item- Baked Beans Pizza.
Despite the staffs horrible attitude and the questionable health and safety kitchen situation, Willy’s became beloved by locals and tourists alike. Boss terrorized both staff and customers, being recounted by one visitor as “the worst possible man to own a restaurant. Or possibly do anything.” For over 20 years, Willy’s was known far and wide as a must-stop for travelers through the area. The pizza was burnt, cheese questionable, and “secret” sauce “unlike anything I’ve ever tasted. Like a gas station in your mouth.”
Willy’s made Boss a millionaire, and he was on track to become one of the most successful self-made business owners in the country. Until, of course, tragedy struck.
In 2008 world famous band Dethklok visited Willy’s and liked their pizza so much, they tried to strike a deal with Boss, and that’s when it all went downhill. Refusing to sell, Boss found himself in a lawsuit with Dethklok he couldn’t afford to win and couldn’t fathom losing, and the ensuing investigation from Dethkloks’ far more powerful lawyers resulted in Willy’s making headlines for all the wrong reasons; human fecal matter in the sauce, mainly. Boss was forced to shut down his restaurant and move away, often being hunted down as he moved to smaller and smaller apartments and getting “bean sauced”- former customers and fanatics term for throwing their own feces at his house, car, and sometimes himself.
Boss eventually moved to El Paso, where he’s rumored to run a small manure and fertilizer ranch, although after the Dethklok fiasco it’s been nearly impossible to catch photos of him. Wherever you are Boss, we hope you know- whatever was in it, that pizza was delicious.
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