#Shuang Luo You Shi Jun
kdram-chjh · 1 year
ENG SUB 【霜落又识君 My Poison Lover】 合集版 Full Version 萌甜少女如何拿下孤傲王爷,开挂逆袭独占君心?(郑楠...
Cdrama: My Poison Lover (2022)
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejnRcQubcbg
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douqi7s · 6 months
Top 10+ notable baihe authors currently working today
1. Jun Sola
Jun Sola (君sola)'s claim to fame rests on her tomb-raiding epic Exploring an Empty Tomb (探虚陵), which she began serialising in 2010. It is now approximately 4 million words long and still ongoing. The epic tells of the adventures of sheltered but intelligent cultivator Shi Qingyi and the mysterious Luo Shen across multiple historical periods and into modern times.
A partial (8 out of 300 chapters) fan translation of the novel (historical section) can be found here.
A partial fan translation of the audio drama adaptation for the modern section of the novel can be found here.
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2. Ning Yuan
Ning Yuan (宁远), baihe's own multi-genre queen, has been writing steadily since 2008. Her titles range from historical court epic At Her Mercy (我为鱼肉), sci-fi thriller The Creator's Grace (造物的恩宠), VR-themed novel Middle-Aged Love Patch (中年恋爱补丁), and showbiz romance The Show Must Go On (逢场入戏) For 2024, she has promised a historical cyberpunk baihe novel.
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3. Ruo Hua Ci Shu
Ruo Hua Ci Shu (若花辞树), who has been writing in the genre since 2012. She is probably best known for her historical novels, of which the most popular is Minister Xie (谢相). Billed (by me) as The Goblin Emperor meets Sha Po Lang, Minister Xie tells the tale of teenage female emperor Liu Zao's indefatigable efforts to turn her (significantly older) prime minister Xie Yi into her wife while trying to get to grips with ruling an empire.
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4. Jiu Nuan Chun Shen
Jiu Nuan Chun Shen (酒暖春深) shot to dizzying levels of fame on the strength of the action thriller Miss Forensics (我亲爱的法医小姐). The novel features a push-pull relationship between a forensic pathologist on a one-woman crusade of vengeance and justice with a self-destructive streak a mile wide and a police detective whose stubbornness is a match for hers. Its popularity is such that it even has some degree of mainstream awareness.
A partial (5 out of 144 chapters) fan translation of the novel can be found here.
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5. Qi Xiao Huang Shu
Qi Xiao Huang Shu (七小皇叔) had been toiling unnoticed in the word mines for a few years before earning acclaim with her Republican Era tomb-raiding novel Reading the Remnants (问棺). The novel focuses on the adventures of five tomb-raiders: Li Shiyi (a veteran of the trade), Song Shijiu (a creepy fast-growing baby found in a tomb), A-Yin (a tomb-raider turned courtesan), A-Luo (the Overseer of Hell), and Tu Layao (a small-time hustler).
A partial (8 out of 115 chapters) fan translation of the novel can be found here. A second partial (10 out of 115 chapters) fan translation of the novel can be found here.
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The author has since released a trio of contemporary romances — Pat Me on the Back (帮我拍拍), Evening Tide (晚潮) and Kissing a Gardenia (都什么年代了啊) — set in audio drama production and acting circles.
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6. Min Ran
Min Ran (闵然) specialises in contemporary romances, all of which have been popular enough to attract print publication and audio drama (and sometimes manhua) adaptations. Her two most notable works are the contemporary age gap romance For the Rest of Our Lives (余生为期) and the showbiz novel (with a dash of rebirth) Waiting for You (余情可待).
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7. Yu Shuang
Yu Shuang (鱼霜) writes primarily contemporary romances, and is particularly known for her showbiz novels. Notable works include the showbiz novels The Light (微光) and Those Long Divided Must Soon Be United (分久必合)
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8. Yi Zhan Ye Deng
Yi Zhan Ye Deng (一盏夜灯) is another specialist in contemporary romances. Her best known work is probably the age gap romance Feelings Speak for Themselves (桃李不言), which has been adapted into both an audio drama and a manhua.
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9. Qing Tang Shuan Xiang Cai
Qing Tang Shuan Xiang Cai (清汤涮香菜, literally: Clear Soup with Coriander) is known for her mostly-fluffy, slice of life contemporary romances. Her best known work is Fascinating (入迷).
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10. Shi Wei Yue Shang
Shi Wei Yue Shang (时微月上) she came to the attention of the wider baihe audience with her 2021 infinite flow novel Players, Please Be On Standby (玩家请就位), followed by the transmigration xianxia novel Incantation for Subduing a Dragon (降龙诀).
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Honourable mention #1: Tai Yang Jun 
Tai Yang Jun (太阳菌) is a favourite among fans of the wuxia subgenre, which is under-represented within baihe. She is probably best known for the two wuxia novels Jianghu Demolition Squad (江湖拆迁队) and Song of Everlasting Regret (长恨歌), as well as the xianxia novel The Dragon (见龙).
Honourable mention #2: Misterande
Your one-stop shop for dark deranged toxic lesbians, Misterande's best-known work is the dark thriller I'm More Dangerous Than You (我比你危险), featuring a cat-and-mouse game between a serial killer and a writer of suspense novels. The manhua adaptation has an official English translation, which can be read here.
Honourable mention #3: Xiao Bao
Xiao Bao (晓暴), known affectionately as 'CEO Bao' to her fans, has written upwards of 20 novels, most of them featuring high levels of explicit sexual content. Her titles include Bait (诱饵), an omegaverse novel featuring a mostly consensual poly relationship, and A Young Girl's Fancy is as Lovely as a Poem (少女情怀总是诗), featuring a daughter/mother relationship with (at least initial) noncon/dubcon.
For a fuller version of this post, see the DW entry here.
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reinaka42 · 5 months
Wang Chuan Feng Hua Lu (忘川风华录) Masterpost
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Wang Chuan Feng Hua Lu (忘川风华录) is a Vocal synth (Vocaloid and SynthV) music project. It consists of songs themed around different figures throughout Chinese history. The project is a collaboration between different artists and creatives, with music and videos featuring prominent traditional Chinese elements. The project's title translates to "The Records of Magnificence of the Wangchuan" - In Chinese mythology, "Wangchuan" (or River of Forgetting) is a river in the Underworld that can rid one of their past life's memories, similar to the river Lethe.
A mobile game adaptation has also been developed by NetEast. Unfortunately, I haven't played it so I can't give much insight on it. However, I assume that its premise is similar to that of the idea behind the project as a whole: all these historical figures meeting each other in the Underworld after they died. Maybe.
You can find all the songs on Bilibili. The official Weibo can be found here. The game's website, which includes all characters appearing so far in the game, can be found here, and its Weibo can be found here.
(If you prefer YouTube, I've also put together a handy playlist. Please know that most of these videos are reposts though, so please watch the original Bilibili MVs if you can!)
This blog is where I will be posting everything I feel like I need to say about the songs in this project. A lot of it is lifted from my Twitter account but will be in much more detail. Note that I probably won't touch collab songs, or songs that don't focus solely on the project's own characters.
Disclaimer: I do not speak Chinese, nor am I an expert on Chinese history. Therefore, I cannot reliably translate the lyrics to these songs, nor my words should be taken as gospel. I am merely a nerd gushing about my hyperfixation.
多情岸 【Duo Qing An】 ➼ B link
洛阳怀 【Luo Yang Huai】 ➼ B link
易水诀 【Yi Shui Jue】 ➼ B link
山河令 【Shan He Ling】 ➼ B link
簪花人间 【Zhan Hua Ren Jian】 ➼ B link
栖凰 【Qi Huang】 ➼ B link
心上秋 【Xin Shang Qiu】 ➼ B link
祖龙吟 【Zu Long Yin】 ➼ B link
如见青山 【Ru Jian Qing Shan】 ➼ B link
竹林间 【Zhu Lin Jian】 ➼ B link
天下局 【Tian Xia Ju】 ➼ B link
青鸟衔风 【Qing Niao Xian Feng】 ➼ B link
木兰行 【Mu Lan Xing】 ➼ B link
好字唯之 【Hao Zi Wei Zhi】 ➼ B link
不可道 【Bu Ke Dao】 ➼ B link
水叙湖风 【Shui Xu Hu Feng】 (collab) ➼ B link
是非 【Shi Fei】 ➼ B link
风起甘露 【Feng Qi Gan Lu】 (collab) ➼ B link
谓剑 【Wei Jian】 ➼ B link
万象霜天 【Wan Xiang Shuang Tian】 (New Year event song) ➼ B link
千秋梦 【Qian Qiu Meng】 ➼ B link
易安难安 【Yi An Nan An】 ➼ B link
惊鹊 【Jing Que】 ➼ B link
高歌破阵 【Gao Ge Po Zhen】 (collab) ➼ B link
不赴 【Bu Fu】 ➼ B link
西行 【Xi Xing】 ➼ B link
大航海家 【Da Hang Hai Jia】 ➼ B link
牡丹乱 【Mu Dan Luan】 (collab) ➼ B link
倾国 【Qing Guo】 (collab) ➼ B link
相虎 【Xiang Hu】 ➼ B link
补天裂 【Bu Tian Lie】 ➼ B link
此期盈期 【Ci Qi Ying Qi】 (1st anniversary song) ➼ B link
破云来 【Po Yun Lai】 ➼ B link
归钓吟 【Gui Diao Yin】 ➼ B link
始见千秋 【Shi Jian Qian Qiu】 ➼ B link
临川浮梦 【Lin Chuan Fu Meng】 ➼ B link
将军行 【Jiang Jun Xing】 ➼ B link
妄语人间 【Wang Yu Ren Jian】 ➼ B link
数风流 【Shu Feng Liu】 (2nd anniversary song) ➼ B link
问剑春秋 【Wen Jian Chun Qiu】 ➼ B link
起战令 【Qi Zhan Ling】 ➼ B link
人间应又雪 【Ren Jian Ying You Xue】 ➼ B link
旷古回响 【Kuang Gu Hui Xiang】 ➼ B link
墨隐侠声 【Mo Yin Xia Sheng】 ➼ B link
桃源故人 【Tao Yuan Gu Ren】 (3rd anniversary song) ➼ B link
*Note: The anniversary songs are probably for the game's anniversaries, as the project itself is more than 5 years old.
Vol 1: 溯洄 【Su Hui】 Includes character songs from Duo Qing An to Zhu Lin Jian. Features human vocals.
Vol 2: 踏浪 【Ta Lang】 Includes character songs from Tian Xia Ju to Jing Que.
Vol 3: 数风流 【Shu Feng Liu】 Includes character songs from Bu Fu to Wang Yu Ren Jian, an unreleased song titled 燕双归 【Yan Shuang Gui】, and the two anniversary songs.
Visual character guide:
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shookethdev · 1 year
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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eyenaku · 1 year
Ji ji fu ji ji
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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vm4vm0 · 3 years
Production | Rigend film
Director | Rima Yoon, Doungju Jang Writer | Lay Zhang Producer | Alex Bell Roh AD | Eunah Kim, Sunhyu Lee, Eunjeong Choi, Eunji Koo
Local Producer | Lai Xu (Dong Yang Xu Cheng Film Produce Company) Local Synergy Company | Hengdian World Studio Dong Yang Zhongyouyihe Film Culture Produce Company Local Synergy manager | He Xiao Jian Local Production Crew | Lu Tian Hong, He Zu, Zhao Jia Xin, Zhang Li Jian Local Director Crew | Sun Wen Zhi, He Zhi Tao
D.O.P | Inmo Yun(ATOD) Youngchae Lim, Jaehwan Ryu, Kwangmo Kim Jimmy Jib | Youngjung Kim Hyunin Kim Local Camera Crew | Shi Wen Hui, Li Shao Bo, Wei Cheng Jun, Liu Chang Chun, Jing Hui, Luo Zhen Dong, Zhu Rong Ji, Li Zhu, Ma Jing Wei, Zheng Pi Chen, Liu Bin, Ma Yong Hao, Song Yu
Aerial Photography | Hong Jian Aerial Photography Making Photography | KIM DAUN@STUDIO DAUN, ZHANGYIXING STUDIO
Gaffer | Junhee Park (TEAM JJUN) Gangmin Jeong, Deokyeon Park Local Lighting Crew | Yan Zhi Yu, Yan Xin Lei, Hu Ming, Yi Xi Ma Xiu Bin, Zhou Zhong Yuan, Jian Dan, Wang Rui Peng Gao Shan, Chen Xu, Wang Jiang Fan
Art | Gwiock Shin (A:WE) Heeju Park, Gyeongryeon Dong, Minzy Kang Local Art Team | Lou Yue Cheng, Chen Wei, Ren Hua Jie, Kou Ming
Key Staylist | Sungsig Lee Assistant | Jisun Oh, Zhou Wen Li, Liu Cheng Kai, Dong Yu Jie, Yan Fa Bao
Key Make-up | Juha Kim Assistant | Liu Chun Jing, Liu Yao Rong, Liu Chun Shuang, Wang Yue, Chen Jun Fei
Key Hair stylist | Hochan Son Cast Visual Director | May Kim Cast Make-up Artist | Hyunji Kim
Translator | Hu Wei Qing, Na Na, Zheng Wan Lin, Zhao Chao Lin
Martial Art Team | Sun Wen Jing, Liu Zhen Sheng, Yuan Kai Li Hou Yi, Wei Qi, Hou Yu Shen Zhou Jie, Ma Qing Yuan, Guan Wei Zhou, Zhu Jin Peng
Local Field Team | Wu zhu, Wu Song, Liu Wen Bo Wang Lu Xun, Han Lin, Zheng Xu Liu Jie, Xiao Rui Yi, Wang Chao Xing Li Fei, Zhang Yu Lin
Transport Team | He Jian Guo, Jiang Yi Hui, Jiang Hai Lei Zhang Jun, Zhang Li Jian, Zhao Jian Lu Chang Liang, Zhao Wan Tian, Pan Zhi Wu Xiao, Bai Zhi Jun, Li Jin Cheng Wang Zhen Ping, Wang Yin Zhong, Lu Zhou Bao Han Kun, Wang Chuang Ming, Jiang Yi
Graphic Design | Sebyeol Moon, Hanwoong Yoon
Edit | Rima Yoon (Rigend film)
2D | Eunah Kim, Sunhyu Lee, Eunjeong Choi, Eunji Koo
2D | COMMA Seungin Park, Hyungil Choi, Yeojin Seo, Seungjin Kim
VFX | NEVV Jaeyoung Kim, Seho park, Sangyeop Baek, Seungseon Yu
VFX | DEXTER STUDIO VFX Supervisor | Yonggu Song Executive VFX Director | Jongik Kang Executive VFX Department Director | Seockhee Joung CG Supervisor | Daeseok Chae Asset Supervisor | Youngsu Lim Matchmove Supervisor | Dongho Cha Animation Supervisor | Sungoh Moon Rigging & Simulation Supervisor | Taehoon Kim Lighting & Rendering Supervisor | Taeseob Kim FX Supervisor | Jaegu Ha Comp Supervisor | Jihyung Jung VFX Producer | Goeun Seo, Sungwoo Ha VFX Line Producer | Mijin Jang VFX Coordinator | Younae Hong Concept Art Lead | Heewan Kim Concept Art Artist | Jinha Kwon Asset Lead | Yuna Kim Asset Artist | Jin Lee. Dayoung Lee, Juri Park, Hyemin Yuk Animator | Yeojin Jung, Gyoungmin Lee, Jihyang Yoon Crowd Artist | Hyena Jang, Yongseok Kim, Eunbin You, Yeju Jeong Mocap Artist | Jonghun Kim, Eunhee Seo Rigging & Simulation Lead | Minho Lee Rigging & Simulation Artist | Hee Yun, Youngmin Lee Taewoo Lim, Sungryoung Park, Hansaem Jang, Soyoung Seo Lighting & Render Lead | Seungmyeong Choi Lighting & Render Artist | Hansang Kim, Hyeji Eom FX Lead | Hyejeong Kim FX Artist | Saegyeol Lee, Jeongwook Han Lead Compositor | Cheong Kim Compositor | Yeseul Park, Yeonji Park, Sarah Jang, Sihyun Youn Matte Painting Lead | Soojung Huh Matte Painting Artist| Yumin Oh
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the-archlich · 4 years
DW Potential Additions Tier List
So I made some spreadsheets but decided I was putting in too much work so here’s a quick summary.
I was grading on a scale of 1-5. 1 was characters I really don’t htink would add anything good, but who I thought some might suggest (like Cao Zhi, Jia Nanfeng, Pan Zhang, Zhao Guang, Zhang Ren, etc.) 2 is people who could maybe work under very specific circumstances, like a big narrative shift or a lot of related characters being added, or who might be fine but aren’t nearly as good as some other options (like Cheng Yu, Cao Xi, Wu Jing, Mi Zhu, or Gao Gan). These don’t really make the cut for discussion, so if you don’t see a name you’re expecting, I probably put them in one of those tiers for some reason.
Tier 3 are characters who would be fine. Just fine. They either did enough to make themselves noteworthy, or have enough of a connecting to existing narrative and cast that they’d probably add something worthwhile. Not the ones I’d be most excited about, but the ones I couldn’t make too many complaints over.
Tier 4 are great adds. Characters I really want to see, who could really expand the cast in worthwhile ways.
Tier 5 are characters I forget aren’t in these games already because why are they not here?
I’m not going to explain every decision here because I’m sure there will be followup questions. Yes, I’m aware that Jin is overrepresented, because it’s the smallest of the main factions.
Lady Bian (Wei)
Zhang Xiu (Wei; previously Dong Zhuo, Liu Biao)
Zang Ba (Wei, previously Tao Qian, Lü Bu)
Cao Zhen (Wei)
Zhong Yao (Wei)
Xiahou Xuan (Jin)
Xun Yi (Jin)
Chen Tai (Jin)
Guanqiu Jian (Jin)
Wen Qin (Jin)
Yang Huiyu (Jin)
Hu Lie (Jin)
Hu Fen (Jin)
Lady Wu (Wu)
Zhang Zhao (Wu)
Zhuge Jin (Wu)
Lü Ju (Wu)
Zhu Yi (Wu)
Zhuge Ke (Wu)
Zhuge Zhan (Shu)
Jian Yong (Shu)
Zhang Ni (Shu)
Fei Yi (Shu)
Liu Biao (Other: Liu Biao)
Wen Pin (Wei; previously Liu Biao)
Xiahou Shang (Wei)
Cao Hong (Wei)
Jiang Ji (Wei)
Zhu Ling (Wei; previously Yuan Shao)
Dowager Guo (Jin)
Cao Shuang (Jin)
He Yan (Jin)
Pei Xiu (Jin)
Sima Fu (Jin)
Fu Jia/Gu (Jin)
Wang Ji (Jin)
Wang Ling (Jin)
Du Yu (Jin)
Sima (Gaoling) (Jin)
Sima Wang (Jin)
Shi Bao (Jin)
Sun Luban (Wu)
Sun Ben (Wu)
Sun/Yu He (Wu)
Jiang Qin (Wu)
Lü Fan (Wu)
Zhu Huan (Wu)
He Qi (Wu)
Quan Zong/Cong (Wu)
Zhuge Jing (Wu)
Tao Huang (Wu)
Wu Yan (Wu)
Lady Gan (Shu)
Liu Feng (Shu)
Ma Zhong (Shu)
Wang Ping (Shu)
Yuan Tan (Other: Yuan Shao)
Qu Yi (Other: Yuan Shao)
Tadun (Other: Yuan Shao, Wuhuan)
Shen Pei (Other: Yuan Shao)
Xu Rong (Other: Dong Zhuo)
Gao Shun (Other: Dong Zhuo, Lü Bu)
Gongsun Zan (Other: Gongsun Zan)
Cao Rui (Wei)
Guo (Nuwang) (Wei)
Chen Deng (Wei; previously Tao Qian, Lü Bu)
Zhang Changpu (Wei)
Wang Lang (Wei; previously Tao Qian, Liu Yao)
Sima Lang (Wei)
Jia Kui (Wei)
Du Xi (Wei)
Li Tong (Wei)
Cao Zhang (Wei)
Zhao Yan (Wei)
Cao Jie (Wei) 
Li Feng (Jin)
Zhong Yu (Jin)
Qin Lang (Jin)
Wang Chang (Jin)
Sima Liang (Jin)
Sima Zhou (Jin)
Sima Jun (Jin)
Yang Hu (Jin)
Sima Yan (Jin)
Wei Guan (Jin)
Zhang Hua (Jin)
Tang Bin (Jin)
Jiang Ban (Jin)
Hu Zun (Jin)
Pan Shu (Wu)
Sun Luyu (Wu)
Sun Jing  (Wu)
Sun Yu  (Wu)
Sun Jiao  (Wu)
Sun Shao (Bohai)  (Wu)
Widow Xu  (Wu)
Gu Yong  (Wu)
Gu Tan  (Wu)
Bu Zhi  (Wu)
Chen Wu  (Wu)
Dong Xi  (Wu)
Zhu Zhi  (Wu)
Zhu/Shi Ji  (Wu)
Yu Fan  (Wu; previously Liu Yao)
Lu Kang  (Wu)
Lü Dai  (Wu)
Pan Jun (Wu; previously Liu Biao, Shu)
Lu Kai  (Wu)
Teng Yin  (Wu)
Sun Jun  (Wu)
Zhang Ti  (Wu)
Wu Yi  (Shu; previously Liu Zhang)
Wu Ban (Shu; previously Liu Zhang)
Zhang Shao (Shu)
Lady Ma (Shu; previously Liang Warlords)
Mi Fang (Shu; previously Tao Qian)
Lady Mi (Shu; previously Tao Qian)
Dong Yun (Shu)
Ma Liang (Shu)
Ma Su (Shu)
Chen Zhi (Shu; previously Liu Zhang)
Huo Jun (Shu; previously Liu Biao)
Huo Yi (Shu)
Luo Xian (Shu)
Yang Yi (Shu)
Li Hui (Shu; previously Liu Zhang)
Jiang Wan (Shu)
Deng Zhi (Shu)
Zhang Yi (Bogong) (Shu)
Liao Hua (Shu)
Lady Liu (Other: Yuan Shao)
Yuan Shang (Other: Yuan Shao)
Tian Feng (Other: Yuan Shao)
Ju Shou (Other: Yuan Shao)
Li Jue (Other: Dong Zhuo)
Cai Yong (Other: Dong Zhuo)
Liu Qi (Other: Liu Biao)
Cai Mao (Other: Liu Biao)
Lady Cai (Other: Liu Biao)
Kuai Yue (Other: Liu Biao)
Huang Zu (Other: Liu Biao)
Gongsun Yuan (Other: Yan)
Yong Kai (Other: Nanman)
Gaoding (Other: Nanman)
Liuzhou (Other: Nanman)
Liu Yao (Other: Liu Yao)
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writinggeisha · 5 years
Really helpful website to find nickames for characters.
Cute Chinese Nicknames for Guys
Calling a guy by a cute nickname is a great way to express love and praise his attributes. So, if you need cute Chinese nicknames for a guy, try any of the following popular names:
萌宝 (Meng Bao) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Cute baby,” which makes it a great nickname for a cute guy.
乐乐 (Le Le) – It literally means “Happy-Happy.”
喜洋洋 (Xi Yang Yang) – Originated from a Chinese popular animated series Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, a great nickname for an outgoing and righteous guy.
大宝 (Da Bao) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Big treasure.”
二宝 (Er Bao) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Second treasure.”
来福 (Lai Fu) –  A Chinese phrase meaning “Luck comes.”
牛牛 (Niu Niu) – “牛” means “Bull,” for a cute, strong and energetic guy.
小汤圆 (Xiao Tang Yuan) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Little Dumpling.”
麦兜 (Mai Dou) – Originated from a Hong Kong cartoon character who is a cute little piggy.
呆头 (Dai Tou) –  For a guy who is clumsy in a cute way.
球球 (Qiu Qiu) – It literally means “Ball-Ball,” an intimate nickname for a cute guy who is a little fatty.
肉肉 (RouRou) – It literally means “Meat-Meat,” an intimate nickname for a cute guy who is a little fatty.
正太 (Zheng Tai) – Originated from Japanese manga, for a guy who looks like 12 years old.
小鲜肉 (Xiao XianRou) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Little Fresh Meat.” Boy, you are delicious!
男神 (Nan Shen) – For a God-like guy.
笨笨 (Ben Ben) – It literally means “Clumsy-Clumsy.”
绵绵 (Mian Mian) – For a boy who is docile like a sheep.
暖男 (Nuan Nan) – For a boy who can melt your heart.
尖头闷 (Jian TouMen) – It is homophonic to “gentleman” and is used to nickname a guy who is a gentleman.
校草 (Xiao Cao) – It literally means “Grass Of School” and is awarded to the cutest guy in a school.
音痴 (Yin Chi) – For a cute guy who has a bad sense of lyrics and tones in songs.
小胖 (Xiao Pang) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Little Fatty.”
大胖 (Da Pang) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Big Fatty.”
高富帅 (Gao FuShuai) – Tall, rich and cute.
佛系男 (Fo XiNan) – A Chinese phrase meaning “A Buddhist Guy,” for a cute guy who is ok with everything.
Chinese Nicknames for Boyfriend
One of the cutest ways to show your boyfriend you love him is to call him nickname that tells him just how much he means to you. The following are popular Chinese nicknames for boyfriends.
老公 (Lao Gong) – It literally means “Old Husband.” Chinese couples tend to call each other husband and wife before marriage. They call their partner’s name directly after marriage.
老头 (Lao Tou)/老头儿(Lao Tou’Er) – It literally means “Old Head.”
亲爱的 (Qin AiDe) – A Chinese phrase meaning “My Darling.”
相公 (Xiang Gong) – An ancient term for “Husband” in Chinese, which makes it a high-profile and romantic nickname for boyfriend.
当家的 (Dang JiaDe) – It literally means “Master of this home”.
小美男 (Xiao MeiNan) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Little Beauty Boy.”
小亲亲 (Xiao QingQing) – It literally means “Little Kiss-Kiss.”
小可爱 (Xiao KeAi) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Little Cute Thing.”
夫君 (Fu Jun) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Gentle Husband.”
小绵羊 (Xiao MianYang) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Little Sheep.”
嫩宝宝 (Nen BaoBao) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Young baby.”
小嫩肉 (Xiao NenRou) – It literally means “Little Fresh Meat.”
傻瓜 (Sha Gua) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Silly Pumpkin.”
笨蛋 (Ben Dan) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Clumsy egg.”
小弱智 (Xuai Ruozhi) – Little silly head!
宠儿 – The guy you cherish.
大郎 – A Chinese phrase meaning “ Big Guy.”
君仔 – A Chinese phrase meaning “ Gentle Puppy.”
囝囝 (Jian Jian) – “Kiddy-Kiddy”, usually used by Cantonese and Wu Chinese. A similar term for girlfriend will be “囡囡 (Nan Nan).”
官人 (Guan Ren) – An ancient Chinese that meant bureaucrats, now becomes a seductive nickname for girlfriend calling her boyfriend.
外子 (Wai Zi) – The person who is responsible for work outside the home.
宝爸 (Bao Ba) – It literally means “Dad of future babies.”
良人 (Liang Ren) – It literally means “Good Person.”
老流氓 (Lao LiuMang) – You old hentai!
蓝票(Lan Piao) – A homophone to 男朋友(Nan PengYou, meaning boyfriend). Its literal translation means “Blue Ticket.”
傻帽 (Sha Mao) – A Chinese phrase meaning “My silly hat.”
死鬼 (Si Gui) – A Chinese phrase meaning “My little ghost.”
总裁 (Zong Cai) – The chief executive officer.
魔王 (Mo Wang) – A Chinese phrase meaning “My Demon King.”
皇上/陛下 (Huang Shang/Bi Xia) – A Chinese phrase meaning “My emperor”
小东西 (Xiao DongXi) – My little east and west.
哥哥 (Ge Ge) – It means “Brother”. Calling your boyfriend “brother” is to treat him like a family member.
爸爸 (Ba Ba) – Yes… You can also call your boyfriend “爸爸 (daddy)”.
大爷 (Da Ye) – It literally means “Old Grandpa.”
蜀黍 (Shu Xi) – A cute way of saying “叔叔(uncle)”. Also, a common nickname for boyfriend…
小心肝 (Xiao XinGan) – It means “Little Heart and Liver”, and makes a great pair with “小宝贝(Xiao BaoBei, meaning my little precious stone)”.
皇阿玛 (Huang Amma) – It means “Royal Amma”, a royal title when emperor’s kids called their dad in Qing Dynasty. It makes an exact pair with “太后 (Tai Hou, meaning queen)”. It’s a great nickname if you and your girlfriend want to try some royal family fantasy.
土匪/土贼 (Tu Fei/Tu Zei) – It literally means “Bandit”. A great nickname if your boyfriend is hungry for sex.
莫须有 (Mao XuYou) – It came from one of the most known ancient poets. Usually for a sweet-talking boyfriend.
笑傲江湖 (XiaoAo JiangHu) – It came from the most popular Martial arts novel of all time “The Legend of The Condor Heroes”. The boyfriend will be called “笑傲江湖”, who is the main male character, and the girlfriend will be called “东方不败 (DongFang BuBai)”, who is the main female character.
Funny Chinese Nicknames for Guys
The following are funny Chinese nicknames for a guy:
(Bei Ye) – A man who is as strong as Bear Grylls (a Northern Irish adventurer).
左撇子 (Zuo PieZi) – For a guy who is left-handed.
小平头 (Xiao PingTou) – For a guy who has a buzzcut hair.
独眼龙 (Du YanLong) – It literally means “Single-Eye Dragon,” for a pirate-looking guy.
极客 (Ji Ke) – A tech geek.
大侠 (Da Xia) – For a guy who loves to help people. An example of “大侠(DaXia)” will be Robin Hood.
低头族 (Di TouZu) – For a guy who always plays on his phone.
肌肉男 (Ji RouNan) – For a well-fitted and masculine guy.
和尚 (He Shang) – “和尚” means monk in Chinese. For a guy with a bald hair.
书呆 (Shu Dai) – Does he spend all of his free time reading?
金针菇 (Jin ZhenGu) – He is so slim, like a tiger lily bud!
老铁 (Lao Tie) – Our friendship/relationship is as strong as iron!
化肥 (Hua Fei) – A chemistry nerd.
老王 (Lao Wang) – The guy who lives in your next door. Although he is not Mr.Wang, we call him Mr.Wang.
纯爷们 (Chun YeMen) – A Chinese phrase meaning “A Pure Man,” for a brave and righteous guy.
唐僧 (Tang Seng) – We all have a friend who always talks.
老大 (Lao Da) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Old Big,” for the guy who leads your team.
牙擦苏 (Ya CaSu) – For a guy with big buck teeth.
眼镜 (Yan Jing) – It is granted to the first glass-wearing guy in a class.
宅男 (Zhai Nan) – Same as otaku, for a guy who barely participates in social activities.
技术宅 (Ji ShuZhai) – Not only an otaku but also a tech geek!
叶良辰 (Ye LiangChen) – Originated from a screenshot of WeChat dialog. The guy called “叶良辰” behaved arrogantly to a girl. Since then, it to refers to a guy is behaving overbearingly.
龙傲天 (Long  AoTian) – For a guy who is perfect in any sense.
老好人 (LaoHaoRen) – Chinese girls usually say “You are a good guy” when rejecting a guy’s proposal. The guy who always gets rejected is called “老好人.”
绅士 (Shen Shi) – It literally means “gentleman” but is now used to nickname a guy who is a hentai.
特困生 (Te KunSheng) – We always have one guy in class who falls asleep immediately when class starts.
妻管严 (Qi GuanYan) – For a guy takes a subordinate role in a relationship.
Cute Chinese Nicknames for Girls
If you need nicknames that express affection for a lady, try the following cute Chinese nicknames for girls:
倾国 (Qing Guo) – It literally means “Flip a country.” For a girl who is world-changing cute.
倾城 (Qing Cheng) – It literally means “Flip a city.” For a girl who is world-changing cute.
萌妹 (Meng Mei) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Cute Sister.”
郡主 (Jun Zhu) – Originated from the title of a royal-born girl in ancient China, we now nickname it to a girl who is cute and precious.
咩咩 (Mie Mie) – An onomatopoeia of sheep bleating, for a girl who is docile like sheep.
教主 (Jiao Zhu) – It literally means “hierarchy,” for an outstanding girl who leads people
丫头 (Ya Tou) – Very commonly used by Cantonese and Wu Chinese, for a cute and naughty girl
小仙女 (Xiao XianNv) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Little Fairy Girl.”
美眉 (Mei Mei) – Ms. Beautiful.
MM (Mei Mei) – An acronym of “美眉,” same meaning.
点点 (Dian Dian) – It literally means “Dot-Dot.”
豆豆 (Dou Dou) – It literally means “Bean-Bean.”
双马尾 (Shuang MaWei) – For a girl who has a beautiful double-tail hair
呆毛 (Dai Mao) – For a girl who has a protruding branch of hair (a symbol of cuteness).
电波女 (Dian BoNv) – For a girl who is nerdy in a cute way.
女青年 (Nv QingNian) – For a teenager girl who is very literal.
大小姐 (Da XiaoJie) – For a girl from a well-known family.
千金 (Qian Jin) – It literally means “A thousand golds,” for a girl from a wealthy family.
女王 (Nv Wang) – It literally means “Queen,” we nickname it to a dominant girl.
媚娘 (Mei Niang) – For a grown woman, who is charismatic.
麻花 (Ma Hua) – For a girl with a braided pigtail hair.
校花 (Xiao Hua) – It literally means “Flower of School” and is awarded to the cutest girl in a school.
女神 (Nv Shen) – For a Goddess-like girl.
御姐 (Yu Jie) – For a grown but young woman who is protective, confident, and knowledgeable.
萝莉 (Luo Li) – Originated from a Russian book published in 1955, for a girl who is mature but looks like 12 years old.
贝贝 (BeiBei) – A Reduplication of 贝 (“宝贝(baby)”), it is a great nickname for a precious girl.
宝宝 (BaoBao) – A Reduplication of 宝 (“宝贝(baby)”), it is an excellent nickname for a precious girl
Chinese Nicknames for Girlfriend
A cute way to show your girlfriend you love her is to call her a cute name. The following are cute names you can call your girlfriend in Chinese.
囡囡 (Nan Nan) – “Kiddy-Kiddy”, usually used by Cantonese and Wu Chinese. A similar term for boyfriend will be “囝囝 (Jian Jian).”
可可 (Ke Ke)/可儿 (Ke Er) – “可” in Chinese represents cute (“可爱(cute)”).
雪儿 (Xue Er) – For a girl who is as pure as snow.
灵儿 (Ling Er) – For a girl who is spiritual.
多多 (Duo Duo) – It literally means “More-More”, with a wish of having more luck and fortune in life
天天 (TianTian) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Day-Day.”, with a good wish of having a good mood every single day.
鱼儿 (Yu Er)/小鱼(Xiao Yu) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Little Fish.”
小金鱼 (Xiao JinYu) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Little Golden Fish.”
静儿 (Jing Er)/小静(Xiao Jing) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Little Patience” In China, patience is viewed as a good character for girls.
猪猪 (Zhu Zhu) – It literally means “Piggy-Piggy.”
糖糖 (Tang Tang) – It literally means “Sugar-Sugar.”
小琴 (Xiao Qin) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Little Piano”, we nickname a girl “小琴” to grant our wish that she would be skillful.
小凤 (Xiao Feng) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Little Phoenix”, we nickname a girl “小凤” to grant our wish that she would be strong and independent.
婷婷 (Ting Ting)/小婷 (Xiao Ting) – “婷(Ting)” is a very common first name in China. A great nickname if your friends’ names are Christine, Christina, Tina, or Tiffany.
宜宜 (Yi Yi)/小宜 (Xiao Yi) – “宜(Yi)” is a very common first name in China. A great nickname if your friends’ names are Joey, Zoey, or Yvonne.
娜娜 (Na Na)/小娜 (Xiao Na) – “娜(Na)” is a very common first name in China. A great nickname if your friends’ names are Anna, Nina, Joanna, or Hannah.
妮妮 (Ni Ni)/小妮(Xiao Ni) – “妮(Ni)” is a very common first name in China. A great nickname if your friends’ names are Cindy, Nina, Jenny or Wenny.
丽丽 (Li Li) – It literally means “Beauty-Beauty.”
蓉蓉 (Rong Rong) – Hibiscus, viewed as a beautiful flower in China.
小花 (Xiao Hua) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Little Flower.”
甜甜 (Tian Tian) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Sweet-Sweet.”
太后(Tai Hou) – It literally means “Queen”.
爱妃(Ai Fei) – My beloved consort.
领导(Ling Dao) – My supervisor.
妞妞(Niu Niu) – It literally means “girl-girl”. The reduplication adds an extra cuteness to this nickname.
老婆 (Lao Po) – It literally means “Old Wife.” Chinese couples tend to call each other husband and wife before marriage. They call their partner’s name directly after marriage.
媳妇 (Xi Fu) – Same as the last one.
爱人 (Ai Ren) – An Chinese phrase meaning “My beloved one.”
夫人(Fu Ren) – It means “A person of the husband”.
内子 (Nei Zi) – The person who is responsible for work in the home.
妹妹 (Mei Mei) – It means “Sister”. Calling your girlfriend “sister” is to treat her like a family member.
娘子 (Niang Zi) – An ancient saying of “Wife”, which now is a romantic nickname for a girlfriend.
小跟班 (Xiao GenBan) – A Chinese nickname meaning “My Little Follower”.
小甜心 (Xiao TianXin) – A Chinese nickname meaning “My Sweetheart”.
小妖精 (Xiao YaoJing) – A Chinese phrase meaning “My Little Ghost”.
小美人 (Xiao MeiRen) – A Chinese phrase meaning “My Little Beauty”.
小祖宗 (Xiao ZuZong) – A Chinese phrase meaning “My Little Ancestor” (P.S. Chinese people respect their ancestors and think they will bless them from above).
小天使 (Xiao TianShi) – A Chinese phrase meaning “My Little Angel.”
小崽子 (Xiao ZaiZi) – A Chinese phrase meaning “My Little Puppy.”
小考拉 (Xiao KaoLa) – A Chinese phrase meaning “My Little Koala.”
小阿狸 (Xiao ALi) – A Chinese phrase meaning “My Little ALi (A popular animated fox).”
小娇妻 (Xiao JiaoQi) – A Chinese phrase meaning “My Little Wife.”
小瓜皮 (Xiao GuaPi) – A Chinese phrase meaning “My Little Melon Rind.”
小淘气 (Xiao TaoQi) – A Chinese phrase meaning “My Little Naughty.”
小捣蛋 (Xiao DaoDan) – A Chinese phrase meaning “My Little Naughty.”
小笨蛋 (Xiao BenDan) – It literally means “My Little Clumsy Egg.”
小坏蛋 (Xiao HuaiDan) – It literally means “My Little Bad Egg.”
小呆萌 (Xiao DaiMeng) – Clumsy as well as cute.
宝宝(Bao Bao)/贝贝(Bei Bei) – Both words come from “宝贝 (baby)” and make a perfect matching pair for a couple. You can take one for your own and call your girlfriend the other!
小宝贝 (Xiao BaoBei) – It means “My little precious stone”, and makes a great pair with “小心肝(Xiao XinGan, meaning my little heart and liver)”.
太后(Tai Hou) – It means “Queen”. It makes an exact pair with “皇阿玛 (Huang Amma, meaning queen)”. It’s a great nickname if you and your boyfriend want to try some royal family fantasy.
东方不败(DongFang BuBai) – It came from the most popular Martial arts novel of all time “The Legend of The Condor Heroes”. The girlfriend will be called “东方不败”, who is the main female character, and the boyfriend will be called “笑傲江湖 (XiaoAo JiangHu)”, who is the main male character.
Funny Chinese Nicknames for Girls
The following are among the most popular funniest nicknames for girls in Chinese:
白富美 (Bai FuMei) – It literally means “White, rich and Beautiful.”
辣妹 (La Mei) – Girl, you are hot!
毛毛虫 (Mao MaoChong) – A Chinese phrase meaning “Fury & Fury Worm.”
大嘴 (Da Zui) – For a girl who always talks.
某爷 (Mou Ye) – For a manly girl, “爷” means “lord” in Chinese.
巾帼 (Jin Guo) – For a legendary girl, usually referred as a national heroine (e.g., Hua Mulan).
红娘 (Hong Niang) – For a girl who loves to help matchmaking couples, although she herself doesn’t involve in any relationship.
姬友 (Ji You) – For an intimate and trustworthy female friend, who you can share all those secrets that you won’t even tell your mom. Usually between boy and girl.
闺蜜 (Gui Mi) – For an intimate and trustworthy female friend, who you can share all those secrets that you won’t even tell your mom. Usually between girl and girl.
学姐 (Xue Jie) – A general Chinese nickname for a girl in your school who is older than you.
学妹 (Xue Mei) – A general nickname for a girl in your school who is younger than you.
女汉子 (Nv HanZi) – For a girl who is strong and masculine.
毛妹 (Mao Mei) – For a girl comes from Russia, commonly viewed as independent and powerful (e.g., Zarya in Overwatch)
拜金女 (Bai JinNv) – For a gold digger.
迷妹 (Mi Mei) – A mysterious girl whose ways are difficult to comprehend.
玛丽苏 (Ma LiSu) – Came from a female character called “Mary Sue” in a Star Trek fan fiction and is used to nickname a girl who is so perfect as to be annoying.
青梅竹马 (QingMei ZhuMa) – A guy’s best childhood friend who is female.
花痴 (Hua Chi) – A funny Chinese nickname for a girl who is boy crazy.
路痴 (Lu Chi) – For a girl who has a bad sense of direction.
家里蹲 (Jia LiDun) – For an otaku who always stays at home.
傲娇 (Ao Jiao) – For a girl who is initially cold and sometimes even hostile, but gradually showing a warmer, friendlier side over time.
元气 (Yuan Qi) – For a girl who is full of 气(Chi), always brings happiness to friends around her.
戏精 (Xi Jing) – A dramatic girl.
冰美人 (Bing MeiRen) – For a cold-looking girl who is beautiful inside.
暴力女 (Bao LiNv) – The girl who fights better than any men in your neighborhood.
猫奴 (Mao Nu) – It literally means “Cat Servant,” for a passionate cat lover, usually referred to as female.
玻璃心 (Bo LiXin) – For a girl who is easy to get heartbreaking.
醋缸 (Cu Gang) – It literally means “Vinegar Gallon Bucket,” for a girl who is easy to get envy on someone or something.
爸宝 (Ba Bao) – For a girl who is intimate with her dad. Vice versa, “妈宝” means a boy who is intimate with his mom.
小姐姐 (Xiao JieJie) – A Chinese nickname meaning “Little sister,” to phrase a girl’s everlasting youth.
河东狮 (HeDongShi) – We nickname a girl “河东狮(East River Lion)” who screams really loud as if she masters the legendary Kungfu technique “河东狮吼.”
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bookofjin · 6 years
Drought Portents 1
[Yang is dry and masculine and an excess of yang leads to drought. Hence droughts are the results of an excess of masculine activities such as warfare or officials usurping authority. From JS028.]
Numerous manifestation of persistent yang, Liu Xiang considers this to be the Spring and Autumn's great droughts. Thus the summer droughts, and sacrifices for rain. The Rites speaks of its great sacrifices for rain. Not wounding twice the grain it speaks of it not raining [?]. Jing Fang's Commentaries to the Changes says:
To desire virtue but not using [it], this is called stretching. Its calamity and desolation is drought. Thus drought is when the yin clouds do not rain, changing then red, because of that the four boundaries. When the host sets out beyond its time this is called broad, thus a drought and it does not grow. When above and below all shelter this is called diverging. Thus a drought and the sky is red [for] three months. At the time there is hail killing the flying birds. When the above [the ruler] hems to seeking a wife this is called usurping. Thus drought for three months and great warmth destroying the clouds. The lord at the lofty towers and offices this is called violating yin and invading yang [?], thus drought and the ten thousand things are eradicated and dies. Several times there are calamities of fire. When numerous ranks exceeds the moderate this is to be usurping, thus drought and the marsh creatures drying out, they are injured by fire.
[The above introduction copied from the HS.]
Emperor Ming of Wei's 2nd Year of Taihe, 5th Month [10 June – 8 July 228], a great drought. In the 1st Year [227], due to response in coming to honour the broad palaces and offices. Also that Spring Emperor Xuan to the south seized Meng Da and set up two commanderies. Zhang He to the west routed Zhuge Liang, and slew Ma Su. Excessive yang from the greatness, also its response.
5th Year of Taihe, 3rd Month [20 April – 18 May 231], from the past Winter, 10th Month [23 November – 22 December 230] to this Month it did not rain. On xinsi [28 April] a great sacrifice for rain.
The King of Qi's 1st Year of Zhengshi, 2nd Month [11 March – 8 April 240], from the past Winter, 12th Month [12 January – 9 February 240] to this Month it did not rain. In the 1st Month of the past year [22 – 20 February 239], Emperor Ming expired. In the 2nd Month [21 February – 21 March 239], Cao Shuang himself inherited the rule, and moved Emperor Xuan to be Grand Tutor. On the outside he displayed respect and reverence, but on the inside he fully desired to make affairs first come from himself [?]. At that time Emperor Xuan's achievements sheltered the Wei court. The response to desiring virtue but not carrying it out.
The Duke of Gaogui district's 3rd Year of Ganlu, 1st Month [10 February – 10 March 258], from the past Autumn [29 July – 24 October 257] to this Month a drought. At this time Emperor Wen besieged Zhuge Dan. The response to the multitudes setting out beyond its time. Earlier in Shouchun, during autumn and summer regular rain drowned the city, and then this drought for the remaining of the year until the city was captured, then a great rain. All considered Dan to have been destroyed by Heaven.
Sun Liang of Wu's 2nd Year of Wufeng [255 AD], a great drought. The hundred families starved. This years troubles of conquest service arose, the army soldiers were resentful and rebellious. This was excessive yang from the greatness, the punishment of labour and service neglecting the multitudes [?]. This service filled the year, for that reason the drought was likewise all year.
Sun Hao's 1st Year of Baoding [266 AD]. In Summer and Autumn [21 May – 14 November], drought. At the time Sun Hao shifted the capital [to] Wuchang. The response to labour and service moving the multitudes.
Emperor Wu's 7th Year of Taishi, 5th Month [and?] Intercalary Month [26 May – 23 July 271], drought. A great sacrifice for rain.
8th Year, 5th Month [13 June – 12 July 272], drought. At that time the Emperor accepted Xun Xu's malefic advise, and stopped Jia Chong [so he] did not return to the western headquarters. And Ren Kai was gradually neglected. The response to above and below all sheltering. Reaching Li Xi, Lu Zhi, Li Yin and others all were in scattered duties, it speaks of nearby virtue not carried out.
9th Year, from the 1st Month [5 February – 5 March 273] a drought, reaching to the 6th Month [2 July – 31 July]. Prayers to the Ancestral Temple, the Altars of Soil and Grain, the mountains and streams. On guiwei [18 July], rain.
10th Year, 4th Month [23 May – 21 June 274], drought. In the past Year's Autumn and Winter [1 August 273 – 24 January 274], gathered and selected the daughters of the ministers and officers, Zhuge Chong and others. This Spring [25 January – 22 April], more than 50 people entered the hall for a simple selection. Also the daughters of captives and lesser generals and magistrates [?], several tens of people. Mothers and children shouted and cried within the palace, the sound was heard from the outside, and made people sorrowful and pained. This was the dangerous accumulating of yin giving birth to yang. The response to the sovereign hemming to seeking a wife.
2nd Year of Xianning, 5th Month [30 May – 28 June 276], drought. A great sacrifice for rain. Arriving at the 6th Month [29 June – 27 July], then timely rain.
2nd Year of Taikang [281] drought, from the past  Winter [9 November 280 – 5 February 281], the drought lasted to this Spring [6 February – 5 May].
3rd Year, 4th Month [25 April – 24 May 282], drought. On yiyou [3 June?]. Decreed the Minister of Works, the King of Qi, You, together with the Master of Writing, Chief Commandant and Intendant of Henan to record examinations of bound prisoners [?], the affair followed rescinding pardons [?].
5th Year, 6th Month [30 June – 29 July 284], drought. In the 1st Month of this year [4 February – 3 March], the sky was in shadows, they loosened and again gathered. Liu Yi sent up a missive which said:
There surely are officials of a pandering faction who are treacherous when thereby serving the Lord [?]. [We] must execute [them] and not pardon [them].
The Emperor did not reply. At that time, Xun Xu and Feng Dan usurped making power and favour. Chaos at court was particularly extensive.
6th Year, 3rd Month [22 April – 20 May 285], drought in the commanderies and states of Qing, Liang#, You and Ji [provinces].
6th Month [19 July – 17 August], drought in Jiyin and Wuling, damaging the wheat/barley [mai麥].
7th Year, Summer [11 May – 6 August 286], great drought in 13 commanderies and states.
8th Year, 4th Month [30 April – 28 May], drought in Ji province.
9th Year, Summer [18 May – 13 August 288], drought in 33 commanderies and states. Drought in Fufeng, Shiping, Jingzhao and Anding, damaging the wheat/barley.
10th Year, 2nd Month [9 March – 7 April 289], drought.
1st Year of Taixi, 2nd Month [26 February – 27 March 290], drought. From the end of Taikang [280 -289] and afterwards, even though proper people filled the court, they were not favoured and relied upon. And yet Jia Chong [d. 282], Xun Xu [d. 289], Yang Jun [d. 291], Feng Dan [d. 286] and others frequently had posts of critical importance. Hence there were no years without drought. [They] desired virtue but did not carry it out, above and below all sheltered. The punishment of the numerous ranks exceeding moderation.
Emperor Hui's 7th Year of Yuankang, 7th Month [5 August – 3 September 297], great drought in Qin and Yong provinces, illness and plague, and starvation in Guanzhong. A hu of hulled grain [cost] 10 000 cash. Because of this the Di and Qiang turned to rebellion. The Inspector of Yong province, Xie Xi achieved defeat. Then starvation and plague came again and again, the Rong and Jin were equally hard-pressed. The Imperial Court was not able to exert itself, the decree heeded buying and selling [to?] each other [?].
That 9th Month [3 October – 1 November], drought in 5 commanderies and states.
1st Year of Yongning, from Summer [24 May – 20 August 301] reaching Autumn [21 August – 16 November 301], drought in Qing, Xu, You and Bing provinces.
12th Month [15 January – 13 February 302] again drought in 12 commanderies and states. Spring that year [26 January – 23 May 301], the Three Kings punished the King of Zhao, Lun. Within 60 days there were several tens of battles. The dead were more than 100 000 people.
Emperor Huai's 3rd Year of Yongjia, 5th Month [24 June – 23 July 309], great drought. In Xiangping county the Liang river's Dan pool was exhausted [?]. The He, Luo, Jiang and Han all could be waded across. That Year's 3rd Month [28 March – 25 April], Sima Yue returned to the Imperial Capital, dispatched troops to enter the palace, gathered the Prefect of the Palace Writers, Miao Bo and others, 9 people, and killed them. Everything the punishment of usurpation and transgression. Also of the various vassals of the Four Regions many in their breasts had no hearts for the Lord. The followers of Liu Yuanhai, Shi Le, Wang Mi and Li Xiong traitorously murdered the hundred families, the flowing blood were completely black-stained [?], also a response to this.
5th Year [311 AD], from the past Winter [8 November 310 – 4 February 311], a drought until this Spring [5 February – 4 May]. In the past year's 11th Month [8 December 310 – 5 January 311], Sima Yue used the acting government to accompany himself, and scolded and dismissed the palace guard, no moderation of lords and subjects.
Emperor Yuan's 1st Year of Jianwu, 6th Month [26 June – 24 July 317], drought in Yang province. In the past year's 12th Month [31 December 316 – 28 January 317], Chunyu Bo unjustly died. This year  there was immediately drought. And in the 1st Year of Taixing, 6th Month [15 July – 12 August], also drought. When Gan Bao say: “After killing Chunyu Bo, drought for 3 years”, it is this. To punish and penalize foolish promotion, the crowd's yin not adhering, then the air of yang prevails, then the punishment of the air of yang prevailing.
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