#Silent Hill 3 is So Good
mumpsetc · 2 years
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I Know the Holes Will Still Remain
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psygull · 1 month
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happy late birthday <3
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH...this is absolutely wonderful!!!!!!! silent hill municipal skate park REAL AND TRUE and there are PONIES there AAAAAA
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babeypigeon · 7 months
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cheryl mason u are the girl ever ❤️‍🔥
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skleech · 5 months
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i couldn't control myself so here's a fully coloured version of the previous image i posted from this post
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sealrock · 11 months
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A letter to my future self, am I still happy, I began Have I grown up pretty, is Daddy still a good man? Am I still friends with Colleen, I'm sure that I'm still laughing Aren't I... aren't I?
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bleaksqueak · 1 year
Curious. I'm a huge horror fan, and I'm in a big mood for some reason or another (... probably the whole RE4 remake thing. Something something.)
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rocksinmuffin · 1 year
Y-You know Valtiel? From Silent Hill 3? Freaky little vault man? I am so starved of smut for him that I'll take anything, even a shitpost. I assume he's the creepy stalker type, what do you think he'd do if some poor sap caught his eye?
Anyway, have a good day. 🤍
You’ve started to consider the creature following you as your friend.
You know the thought is deranged but you can’t quite help it. You haven’t been in your right mind since you’ve got here. Since you’ve been trapped here. Wherever here is. You’re still not sure if this is real or a nightmare or an afterlife you’ve damned yourself to.
The creature, though? This twisted, faceless thing you find scurrying around in vents and turning valves and following you around? It’s the only thing here that hasn’t actively tried to kill you. Maybe that’s the bare minimum of human decency but, one, whatever that thing is it isn’t human and, two, the bar for that here is low.
Besides, there’s no one else around and you need someone to talk to. You’d lose your sanity if you didn’t have that and, these days, you have very little of it to spare.
“Hey there,” you call to where it hides in a nearby vent, just loud enough to hear your voice over the crackle of static of your radio. “Just got back from a snack run. You hungry?”
Its head vibrates violently in all directions. You decide to interpret this as a yes.
“Found some health drinks while I was out hunting for supplies,” you say, placing the drink down by the vent opening. “And guess what else I found.”
You kneel down to hold your find out where the creature can see. It continues shaking, head twitching unnaturally and neck bending at odd angles.
“It’s bread,” you answer proudly, breaking off a piece and holding it out towards the creature. It makes no move to grab for it but it does not make any attempts to stop you when you press a piece in through the narrow slots of the vent cover. You don’t know if this thing can eat—it doesn’t have a mouth as far as you are aware—but you like to think it appreciates the sentiment. It hasn’t killed you yet, at least, so you must be doing something right.
You edge the health drink a little closer to the vent before standing up. You should get going. It’s never wise to stay in one place too long, especially when the world shifts and rots and rusts all around you.
“Well, I should go. See ya around?” you ask but it’s not really a question. You know you will. It always finds its way to you eventually.
It doesn’t follow you. Not right away, at least. You know because the static of your radio dies down with every step you take. When you look back, the health drink you left behind is gone. Satisfied that your gift has been accepted, you continue onward.
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crowrelli · 9 months
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iiota · 10 months
bought neon white because i find it so fascinating how a game can have such cool gameplay and mechanics and yet have the most ass story known to man
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ask-heathermason · 1 year
How much more bread have you found just lying around, and have you found the ultimate bread?
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... I'll keep you posted on the "ultimate bread".
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thisgodwontforgiveyou · 3 months
man i wish re3 remake had just leaned like 1% more into being re6 2 like at the time i was white knuckle gripping my desk out of fear but i think it would have been funny as fuck and actually provided a legitimate thematic connection for nemesis turning into a dog
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feline-evil · 4 months
Being into some game series's is a constant cycle of going 'ok, ok maybe this'll be the one we'll be so back on, maybe THIS time it'll be good' and getting hit in the face w how joever it is hard enough to make your ears ring every time
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vanillabat99 · 7 months
Do you have any horror film recommendations? I want to get into the genre more. I'm fine with most things except for holes (trypophobia), and I'm not interested in slasher films. I hope you're doing ok 🦇
The horror movies that I have seen have all been ones that have had characters appear in Dead By Daylight (themed movie nights in my wife's discord server) and they have been okay!! I don't remember them very well, so I can't say much about the quality. My wife will be able to help you more than I am!! @meteoriteskies. One I do remember enjoying was the Saw movie :3
I do have a small list of movies that I would love to watch sometime!!
There are a few I can't remember the titles of, but generally I enjoy surrealist and body horror!!
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one-winged-dreams · 10 months
Not to gain MULTIPLE different f/os at a time but
I'm promoting Val from the crush list to the official f/o list and also adding Vincent as a romantic and Heather as a platonic.
I've been heart eyes over Vincent since before I even played the GAME, he is so handsome and charming.
And in the background, I have a specific connection with God's attendant. No one knows what it is, me included.
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poemistic · 1 year
can we talk about silent hill 3 again please i know im late to the game but its all im thinkin abt right now
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butchvamp · 1 year
genuinely cannot believe bloober team is making a silent hill game
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