#Smut Scribbles
sixpennydame · 2 months
Hi Sailor I hope you are doing good
May I request prompt no 15 from smut dialogue for Levi?
Thank you!
Hi San! Thanks for your patience with this. You are my last Smut Scribbles request, so I hope you enjoy.
15. I can’t get enough of you
NSFW - Minors, do not interact
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Levi Ackerman loves your ass.
He’d never admit it out loud, but it was the first thing he’d noticed about you. Now, as you lie naked on his bed, the light of the early morning casting lines along your curves as you lay on your stomach, he can’t help but touch you. His fingers run down the bumps of your spine, then his lips, touching and kissing until he reaches your soft, round bottom.
He lifts your hips and positions himself behind you, your ass on full display and a sight he never gets tired of seeing. Sometimes, it’s a hard slap of his hand against your raw flesh as his cock thrusts into you; other times, it’s his face buried between your cheeks, caring little about breathing when his tongue is plunging deep inside you.
But the adoration of your body doesn’t stop there. He loves the feeling of digging his fingers in the meat of your thighs. He bites and sucks, knowing that he’s the only one that can mark the tender skin leading to your center. His nose brushes the course hairs of your bush; it’s musky smell so undeniably and irresistibly you, it’s impossible for him not to want to taste the sweet nectar that lies underneath.
“I can’t get enough of you,” he says, and he means it.
And you’re just so damn soft, he can’t take his hands off you. They move from your hips to the curve of your waist as you ride his cock into oblivion. Your beautiful breasts bounce in rhythm with your bodies: yours soft and curvaceous and his muscular and angular, muscles tense and contract as you both climax.
He’s never understood or appreciated the nude sculptures or portraits in the great museums, but when he looks at you - your curves, your lines -
—he gets it.
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dont-f-with-moogles · 8 months
Hey girl.
Number 5 for the smutty prompts. You up for another Levi x reader for me? 😏
Smut Scribbles 5. “Tell me what you want.”
Before Dawn (NSFW) Characters: Underground!Levi x Reader  Word Count: 1147 words
Not moonlight - but an artificial glare pierced half-closed shutters. Between the open slats beads of condensation had gathered upon the surface of the glass. Outside amongst the roar of distant traffic and the yellow lights which burned in high towers above, the city thrived. Within your building little lives played out; some slept whilst others stared about the darkening walls of their tiny dwellings. It was the deepest part of the night, the lost hours before dawn, which belonged to you and Levi. 
Damp, crumpled sheets clung to your hot skin. Your head sank back into the pillow; body arched against him; thighs wrapped around Levi’s waist. Moist palms almost slipped from his shoulders as his hips rocked into you. Sometimes he preferred to fuck you lazily like this; on those occasions when the scent of whiskey lay upon his breath. Or when he awoke beside you, disorientated; another night that he had not made it home. He would turn, shift your legs apart with his knee and, for one hour more, you would be his. 
The movements of Levi’s body were slow, fluid, deep. Fingertips buried into your skin as he drew your hips higher. Later, incriminating bruises would confess to the exploits of the previous night. For now, pain mingled with pleasure. A dangerous cocktail, and one you savoured all too recklessly. With the heat of you clenched around him, Levi’s breath caught noisily in his throat. An incoherent curse escaped him, drowning out the far-off sounds of the city. 
“You good?” It didn’t matter that his face was buried in your neck, where he could not see your smile. The teasing lilt of your breathless voice was unmissable. 
Levi stopped mid-motion. Damp hair brushed your cheek as he lifted his head. The fingers of his right hand were splayed out, bearing his weight. The other - his left - was clamping down the loose strands of your hair which were fanned across the bed. As Levi withdrew he yanked them, sending white hot pain shooting across your roots.
With a small gasp, your head jerked sideways. Then you felt him pulling out of you. Levi hadn’t been rough - not yet - but the stinging sensation he had inflicted was climbing to an unbearable peak. You had heard the rumours; that darkness swirled through his veins. To someone like him it was nothing but instinct; to love as violently as he lived.
His kiss was pressed to your throat. A promise or a threat, you could not tell. Levi drew back, his warm palm trailing pinpricks of heat over your skin. With one deft movement, he tugged your forearm sideways, forcing you onto your stomach.
Pain tensed across your scalp. Levi was winding your tousled hair around his fingers. Tighter. Beneath you, his other hand snaked down between the bedclothes and your bare stomach. Panting, you longed for his touch just below where his hand lingered. Then, dipping lower, his fingers trailed over your clit. With a wild spasm, your body curled into his touch. His fingertip danced over you, igniting sparks. He knew exactly how to play you; how to make you his. An artist’s hand arcing circles sensuously. Levi read it in the motion of your hips; the involuntary jolt of your ankle; the half-stifled sigh which escaped you. You were helpless. His.
He wove your hair around his whitened knuckles like a coil of rope. Fiercely, Levi jerked your head upwards. Deaf to your moans, the movements of his other hand continued. He relished the feel of you; hot and wet against his fingertips. Oh how it turned his impatience to hunger. Levi’s whisper ghosted over the shell of your ear.
“Tell me what you want…” 
Hot breath stirred the hairs on the back of your neck. His teeth scraped the sensitive patch of skin behind your ear. Blood lust dredged up from the shadows of his past. 
With your head sunk against his shoulder, you uttered nothing more than the faintest whisper of his name. Levi’s fingers teased you closer. A bead of sweat rolled down your heaving chest. It wasn’t enough. Your body was crying out for his hands to seize your hips again. You wanted him where he had already left his mark. You needed him to fuck you until you were raw; until you were insensible to all feeling. 
“Want me to stop?” A note of derision; the strained undertone of desire which it failed to mask.
Weakly, your head rolled back; a victim to his lips. Sharpened kisses were nicked like tiny wounds into your skin; counted then tossed amongst the mound of his sins. 
Behind you, the bed creaked as Levi’s foot nudged your leg open impatiently. A hand clamped down on your hip as he slid inside you again. You could hardly draw breath; almost lost to the sudden heat which flooded to your core. A delicious ache spread as he filled you; stretched you to fit him. 
With fingers still entangled in your hair, Levi wrenched your head up so that his mouth was on yours. Beneath him, the rest of your body was pressed into the mattress. With a clunk the bedframe struck into the wall. He knew exactly how to reach the deepest part of you. You were aflame, lost to the effortless twist of his fingers, whilst every movement of his body sent white-hot waves breaking through you. 
But you could tell that he was getting close now too. Levi pulled on the twine of your hair, bringing your face around to meet his. Your cheek was half-submerged by pillow as his kisses fell hard and clumsily upon the corner of your mouth. Levi’s ragged breath clouded you; threatened to pull you under with him. His thrusts were quickening and erratic; the knocking of your bed’s wooden frame only grew louder. His arm lay crushed beneath you; fingers working hastily, without care or precision. Sex without emotion. It was what you had come to expect from a man like him.
Then again, it never mattered that you could not look upon him in his most vulnerable state. Nor did it matter that the motions of Levi’s body were wild and ravenous. You were retreating; abandoning one another to chase your own highs. Lava pooled below; one moment you were afloat and then - you drowned against his lips. You were undone, powerless to a sudden burst of scalding intensity. Your choked cry was muffled by the pillowcase, its cotton drenched with sweat.
Behind you, Levi’s chest heaved against your back. He groaned your name longingly into your neck. As he withdrew, slipping out of you, your thighs were left hot and slick. Beneath him your body lay aching, spent. Levi laid his head between your heaving shoulder blades; hair soaked against your burning skin; arms wrapped around your waist. In that moment, helpless. Fleetingly, yours. 
Back with the ol' smut.
Anyone who's enjoying these and is partial to a little not-so-safe-for-work drabble, choose from the Wheel of Prompts here! 👉 Smut Scribbles
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scribbledghost · 6 days
the way you write Simon is so beautiful and true to his character. I was wondering if you’d be open to writing simon who breaks reader’s bed because he’s feeling so good and doesn’t realise his strength 🫶
Simon tends to lose himself when he's buried inside of you. The world around you ceases to exist; anything outside your bedroom door now relegated to an afterthought in the recesses of his brain.
How can he focus on anything else when you're soft and pliant in his arms? When your core pulses around him as you breathe his name against his lips?
It would take the end of the world to take Simon away from you in this moment.
At least, that's what he thinks.
Just before hearing an audible crack and feeling your bedframe dip beneath him unnaturally.
Simon instinctively grips you tighter as the bed drops slightly, holding you close as he freezes. He hears nothing other than your deep, shared breaths.
"What's th'matter?" you ask, words slurred as your brain attempts to form them against the bliss permeating through your body.
He pauses for a moment longer.
"Nothin', love," he murmurs with a kiss to your lips. "Must jus' be the mattress settlin'."
With that, he returns to his ministrations, rolling his hips against you until he builds back up to the speed and force he was at before the interruption.
He doesn't stay in that state for long.
As soon as he lifts himself from you just enough to reach up and grip the headboard, he hears another crack.
This time, louder.
And followed by the mattress dropping to the floor.
Just before he reacts, he briefly registers the wooden headboard snapping in his grip. Simon wraps you in his arms as you yelp, cradling your head as both of you drop safely.
The world freezes again. Differently this time. Before, it was suspended in warm, desperate heat. Now, it's frozen in confusion and mild panic.
"Alright?" he asks you.
"M'fine," you answer. The short fall seems to have sobered your pleasure-fueled haze. "The hell just happened?"
He looks up, noticing the cracked headboard.
"Think I broke your bed."
Another pause. This time, however, the quiet is broken by laughter bubbling up from your lungs.
It's laughter he adds to with his own.
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devildomcrybaby · 4 months
Unconcerned about whatever activity you might be occupied with, Tomura carefully grabs your wrist and leisurely lifts your shirt to press a kiss to your belly. He can be careless, letting his knuckles brush against your breasts in doing so, his other hand gripping your hip slightly pulling down your shorts exposing the side of your panties.
It's an astounding notion, being able to touch you to his heart's content. All of his life never once has he allowed himself to touch anything so freely. Anything he didn't want to slip through his fingers in ashes. Destroying is different. It's easy. It's what he was born for. But to caress? He hardly ever knew tender touches. He's not sure that he's able to do it right, either. It feels clumsy, like it's not meant to him. But you always let him. You trust that he won't tear, bruise, shatter. There must be something deeply wrong with you, he thinks. Maybe you're like those who skydive or swim with sharks just to have adrenaline running through their veins. Maybe risking your life gets you off. Relinquishing control to him. Maybe it makes you feel safe, at ease, to know that it's someone else deciding whether you live or die. You can't really be blamed for the consequences of your actions if no choice is up to you. Does his deadly touch makes you feel free? He's being ridiculous and he knows it as you run your fingers through his hair and slide your nails up his exposed arm. You're gentle.
It's a terrifying thought that you could let him because you want to. That you seek to be touched just as much as he seeks to touch you. That you might...It can't be. He can't afford the luxury of entertaining the thought.
Doesn't matter now. Just lie still against him like this.
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nanamiscocksleeve · 7 days
“i want to feel you inside” w/ nanami plz
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"Kento please..." You whine. He spanks your clit in response.
"Please what?"
"I need to feel you inside."
"Why?" he asks in a gravelly tone. "What happens when I'm inside you?"
"It feels good."
"Yeah? You just want your pussy stuffed? Is that all?"
"Mm hmm," you whimper, trying to spread your legs and show him your needy hole.
"Such a desperate little slut. You just need to be fucked till you're full, right?"
You nod hastily, eyes begging for him to take action. You almost cry in relief when he gives you his cock, that feeling of being stretched out so delicious and satisfying. "Look at how she's taking me...damn...so tight..."
His hips snap forward roughly, cock rubbing against your sweet spot as he fucks into you. "Like that?" he asks, pistoning in and out of you. Your eyes are closed from pleasure, staying still and letting him use your hole just as you'd hoped. You hum in agreement, letting him slide in and out, moaning as you feel all the veins against your inner walls.
"Yeah...fuck...like that Kento..."
He drives you to a fast, intense, orgasm that has you moaning his name against the pillow as he empties himself into you, cum slipping down the backs of your thighs as he pulls out.
"Don't think you're done. You're going to stay in that pose until I stay otherwise. And I'm going to fuck all that leaking cum back into you."
Send me a prompt!
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suotea · 2 years
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pairings : law, luffy, sanji, zoro x f!reader
content : fem!reader, smut, soft / needy sex, praise, dry humping, thigh riding, kissing, cunninglingus
info : 2,000 words. minors / ageless blogs do not interact. reblogs are greatly appreciated!
completed requests : one! sorry for the wait :’)
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𝐋𝐀𝐖 — established relationship, fingering, kissing, licking his fingers (both you and him)
law’s hand tilts your head to the side, angled up for him to dip down and meet your lips with his. little moans slip out from your mouth as he slots his lips against yours, palm gently cupping your cheek.
he’s always gentle with you, other hand roaming your body to feel your curves against his fingers, a silent and subtle reminder that he thinks you’re the prettiest person he’s ever laid eyes on.
when the two of you are left completely breathless, he pulls away, a thin trail of saliva connecting you to him as he takes in the view of you trembling beneath his touch. “law,” you murmur, leaning into his palm, “i want it today.”
your cheeks fill with heat when he hums deeply, tilting your head back to pepper your neck with soft kisses. “are you sure?” he asks, voice tickling your skin. “please.”
“i really want it,” you continue, letting him pull you up onto his lap, his arms wrapping around your waist to seat you on his growing bulge. “i can tell. i’ll take care of it.”
you know he will. your captain is a dependable one, after all. night after night, you go to him for the best heated makeout session of your life, so you know by now— he always makes you feel loved, makes you feel like you’re sitting on top of clouds. law has a habit of kissing you just to see the ways your knee buckle by the time he breaks away, and tonight is no different.
his fingers dip down into your shorts, running up and down your dripping folds, his fingers picking up your slick as you sigh breathlessly.
“that feels good..” you sigh, back leaning into his chest as you peer up at your captain through lidded eyes. “of course it does.”
“i know your body like the back of my hand.”
you exhale shakily when he pushes his fingers inside, slowly curling against your walls. you think this is the best treatment you could get, his fingers moving perfectly against your needy cunt, giving you exactly what you need. “c-cuz..you’re a doctor?”
“maybe,” he responds flatly. “i pay extra attention to you.”
“to me..? ah—!” you choke out a moan when law picks up the pace, your cunt squelching around his fingers as he curls them against that sensitive spot inside deep inside you.
“yeah— you. you’re troublesome,” he grunts, hand wrapping around your chest to cup your tits. “have to keep an eye on you,”
“make sure you don’t go off and make a mess of yourself without help.”
your mind flashes back to the events of yesterday, your poor attempt at making yourself cum resulting in you waking him up at odd hours of the night, shyly asking for help. you let him rock you back and forth on his thighs, finishing with your slick soaked through your shorts. “you know to come to me when you’re ready for more,” he reminded you, and you definitely felt ready now.
his lips tug into a snarky grin when your thighs instinctively slam shut, body squirming around from the foreign feeling— undeniable orgasm quickly approaching with the way he’s focused his fingers on one spot inside you.
your gaze shifts to his arm, the muscles of his forearm flexing with each movement of his fingers, and trails down to his tattoos, seeing ‘A’ and ‘T’ coated in a shiny layer of your slick. “l-law, it’s coming,” you cry out, head falling back against his chest.
“don’t fight it,” he responds, angling his arm to curl his fingers into you with more force. you’re so close, so close to finishing that all it takes is for his fingers gently roll against your nipples just right, fingers reaching deep inside of you to finally push you over the edge. you yelp as your hips tremble, law holding you back against him with his free arm to keep you still.
“too much!” you cry out, grasping onto his arm to pry him off of you. his fingers slip out of you with a squelch, his hand dripping in your slick as your face burns. “open,” he commands, two fingers moving to prod at your bottom lip.
he grins when you suck obediently, eyes slammed shut from the embarrassment of how wet he’s gotten you— not even touching you with his dick yet. “law,” your words come out slurred from the way you’re licking up his fingers, “can we do more?”
“yeah,” he pulls his hand out, bringing it to his face to lick up his palm, eyes darkening when heat returns to your face at the sight. “we have all night. we can put that time to use— come closer.”
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𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅𝐘 — making out, dry humping, praise
“pretty” is all luffy says before smashing his lips against yours, tongue prodding deep inside your mouth while he lifts you onto the counter.
he groans loudly when you suck on his tongue, your fingers knotting in his hair to pull his body between your thighs. with a stumble, luffy falls forward, his hands slamming down on either side of you to catch himself.
“f-feels good,” he mutters against your lips, bulge now pressed firmly against your shorts as he gasps into the kiss. what luffy doesn’t expect is for you to boldly cup his cock with your hand, rubbing up and down the thickness as he chokes out moans straight into your mouth.
“luffy,” you pull away from the kiss, “i wanna do more today.”
“like what?” his voice is just above a growl, strained from how good your hand feels wrapped around his length. “like..whatever’s on your mind.”
“can i?” he asks, voice laced with urgency. as soon as you nod, he’s rutting his hips into yours, hands coming to cup your tits. there’s an air of desperation with the way he moves against you, mind reduced to acting on pure instinct now that you’ve asked for it.
“you’re so pretty,” he growls, eyes locked on the faces you’re making for him. you think it’s cute, the way your body is sprawled out and open for him, just to have him stare at your face anyways. “so pretty.”
“captain,” you sigh into his touch, fingers tugging at his hair to pull him closer to you. his hands come to cup your ass, lifting you up to let you latch onto him. “can’t wait anymore,” he groans, moving you up and down his hardened length. “wait! our clothes are still on…”
luffy wasn’t exactly known for his patience. regardless, he was always respectful of your boundaries, making it a habit to ask you if something was okay before he touched you. as soon as you let him know it was okay though, he’s pouncing on you in an instant, all thoughts leaving his head as he lets his mind fill with you and how soft you feel instead.
“doesn’t matter,” his voice is strained with desperation, “it’ll work out. just need to feel you.”
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𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈 — thigh riding, dry humping, “princess,” “love,” “angel”
“you’re so pretty,” sanji mumbles against your lips. his hands are latched onto your waist, rocking you back and forth on the muscle of his leg, groaning at the way your cunt drags along his quad. he can feel everything so well— your throbbing cunt down to the slicked folds rubbing against him.
his lips tug into a gentle smile when you wrap your arms around his neck, burying your face into his shoulder to hide your embarrassment. sanji flexes his thigh, cock twitching in his pants when you give him the prettiest moan directly beside his ear. “you feeling good, my princess?”
“mhm…” you nod, “feels good sanji…want more.”
he raises his leg slightly, moving your hips faster against him. “are you sure you’re ready for more?”
“yes! i want more.”
with a hum, he pulls you flush against his lap, letting your throbbing cunt feel the bulge against his pants. your eyes widen at the size, and he thinks your look of nervousness is endearing. “are you still sure, love?”
a low groan slips out when you begin to rock your hips against his, hands balling up against his chest as you huff. “i’m sure. you never let me make you feel good.”
you wrap your fingers around his wrist, a cute (but futile) effort to keep him from touching you as you hump his clothed cock. “i wanna do something for you too!”
he looks pretty when he’s caught off guard, lips slightly parted and eyebrows raised as he processes what you’re saying. his smile returns soon after, lovesick cook easily wrapping an arm around you to gently set you down on your back. “you don’t understand,” he says through half lidded eyes.
your face burns with heat when he presses his cock against your cunt, lowering himself on his elbows to fluster you further. “all this,” he pushes further against your pussy, delighting in the cute little noise you make, “is because of you.”
you can smell his cologne with how close he is to you, face directly beside yours now. he tilts his head to whisper into your ear, “you don’t even have to do anything for me to feel like i’m in heaven.”
“but if you want it, i’ll give you it. anything for you, my angel.”
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𝐙𝐎𝐑𝐎 — cunninglingus, hair tugging
“are you sure you want this?”
your embrace around your pillow tightens, eyes barely peeking above the fluff to watch as zoro settles between your legs. “mhm,” you nod, curiously watching him pry your thighs further apart.
he looks up at you, maybe to check for hesitation, but is faced with the sight of you watching him intently— heat rising to his cheeks at the attention. “you don’t need to look so hard!”
“there’s nothing else to look at!” your eyebrows furrow while your gaze angrily shifts the wall behind him instead.
without warning, his warm tongue licks a stripe up your folds, not paying attention to the way you jolt from the sudden stimulation. zoro gives one, two, three testing licks around your cunt before he dives in, tongue moving around your clit with fervor when he catches onto your reactions.
his eyes narrow up at you when he finds you watching him again, cheeks tinging with pink as he closes his eyes to focus with a grunt, tongue lapping at your pussy until you’re soaking wet for him. “t-that feels good,” you mumble into your pillow, thighs started to squeeze against his head as he eats you out.
“guide me,” he grunts, blush deepening when your cunt jolts from the vibrations of his voice. your fingers come to tangle in his hair, unknowingly pulling him roughly against your cunt.
his eyes widen, tongue stuffed inside you in one swift moment. “z-zoro!” you cry out, head falling back as you accidentally pull him deeper. he groans loudly, vibrations of his voice getting stronger with each noise he makes.
zoro pulls back, gasping for air once before he buries his face back into you, tongue learning which spot makes you crumble the fastest. you squeeze your pillow with all your might, moaning into the fabric with your eyes slammed shut, but he wasn’t having any of it.
“if you’re gonna watch, then watch me all the way through.”
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luxxid · 1 year
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"come on pretty girl, keep going," he said into your ears, his words reverberating in your head. Everything was going pink and black in your eyes.
his digits never ceased scissoring your sticky cunt, the way your cunt drank from his fingers like it was an open invitation. He couldn't seem to get enough of you.
it was too good for you to handle, the euphoria of hedonism and overall happiness got you high for even the simple touch of your husband.
"i c-can't take i-it anymore'!" your wordless remark was interrupted short by a hand that wrapped around your lips, gently extracting from your cunt.
"I don't think I ever gave you permission to talk, darling girl." The echo behind you sounded dangerous. You knew better than to defy your husband, didn't you?
"if you're going to keep up that attitude dear, I'll be the one that gets to decide if you get to cum tonight."
you knew very well he wouldn't go easy on you tonight
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sixpennydame · 9 months
“11. “Louder. Let me hear you.”
Lourdes, my love, I hope you like this. ;-)
Make You Feel My Love
Husband!Levi x Fem!Reader
C/W: NSFW, Minors do not interact! softdom!Levi, caring Levi (but he has a mouth on him, haha), body worship, oral (fem receiving), reader has body issues
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You had a hard time loving yourself.
Every flaw and and imperfection felt ten-fold, your inadequacies in a constant loop in your head: not pretty enough, not smart enough, not strong enough. You could tear yourself apart better than any titan could.
Levi, on the other hand, loved everything about you. And it pained him when he saw you succumb to one of these negative spirals.
He could tell you were having one of those mornings; the way you were throwing every outfit you tried onto the floor, how your eyebrows knit into a scowl every time you looked in a mirror.
You pace the bedroom in your underwear until Levi grabs your hand and pulls you toward him. “Hey…what’s wrong?”
“Just…nothing looks good. I hate my body.”
He wraps his arms around your waist as he stands behind you. “That’s ridiculous. You’re beautiful.”
You scoff. “You have to say that. You’re married to me.”
“I don’t have to do anything.” He starts kissing your shoulder. “Nobody makes me do anything unless I want to.” His hands move from your waist to your breasts. “And right now, I want to fuck my beautiful wife.”
“Levi…I have to get ready for wor..” your comment is cut short when he slides his fingers in your underwear and starts rubbing your clit.
“Do you know how much you turn me on every goddamn day? It’s embarrassing how much I think about you.” He rubs your clit in circles, then eases his finger inside you. “I could barely concentrate in a meeting the other day with Erwin because I was thinking of touching your body…grabbing this ass..” His free hand quickly unclasps your bra and it falls to the ground. He kisses your neck and shoulder, his hands moving down to your buttocks.
Your eyes are closed, refusing to look in the full-length mirror that is in front of you. “Open your eyes,” he coaxes. Levi has his hands all over you as he speaks softly in your ear. “Look at how beautiful you are.”
You shake your head, then nuzzle into his neck. “Oh Levi..”
“Listen to me,” he says, changing his strategy as he lays you on the bed, caging your head on either side with his arms. He kisses you deeply, and he can already feel you relaxing into the moment. “I love your body - every curve…every dip…”
Levi's never been good with words, but he wants you to know how much he loves and desires you.
He starts kissing down your neck, stopping at the dip between your neck and collarbone. "This...I love this part..." his tongue licks you there and your breath hitches. "..so sensitive.."
He then moves down to your chest and takes one of your breast into his mouth, while his hand massages the other. He sucks on your sensitive nipple, the arousal causing them to point erect. "Your fucking breasts..they're perfect."
You drape your arm over your eyes, a blush growing over your cheeks from the praise and from your arousal. "Levi, I'm not.."
He sucks hard on the underside of your breast, causing you to gasp. "I don't want to hear any of that right now. You're gonna listen to me."
His mouth continues its journey down your body, praising each part. He lifts up your leg and drapes it on his shoulder, his hands caressing your thigh. "You're so soft. I never understood how anyone could be this fucking soft." His lips meet your inner thigh, your breath speeding up as he nips and kisses on the sensitive flesh. By the time his mouth gets to your sex, you're already wet and throbbing. Just the sight is enough to make Levi cum.
"You're like a goddamn work of art."
He starts licking up the slick between your folds, and your back immediately arches. The friction of his tongue against your clit makes you moan, and when he starts sucking the delicate area, your hands fist the sheets below you. He knows you like the back of his hand - every twitch of your muscles, every moan and sigh; he knows you're getting close.
So he stops. Your head shoots up to look at him. "Do you understand now, how beautiful you are?"
"Yes..." you breathlessly whisper.
He dives back down between your legs, his finger pushing inside you while his tongue sucks on your clit once more. "Louder. Let me hear you," he stops to say, but his finger keeps going.
"I-I'm beautiful..." you acknowledge, louder and more confidently this time, "you make me feel beautiful."
"That's my girl." He lifts up to kiss you, his eyes shining with love and adoration for you - a look only you know.
Your hands move down to the waist band of his pants. "I might need some more encouragement, though."
He smirks as he pulls off his pants. "I think I can manage that."
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dont-f-with-moogles · 10 months
Alright. For your NSFW requests. Can you do something with Levi, where you’re having a really shit day and all you want is for Levi to fuck the life out of you? That’s all I got at the moment. I’m a sucker for “I’m mad so fuck me” sex.
Smut Scribbles 26: "I want you to ruin me."
Bad Habit (NSFW) Characters: Levi x Reader Word Count: 775 words
Fiercely, Levi yanked your leg to his heaving chest, lifting your hips up so that he could sink his weight into you. Beneath him, your head was thrown back against the pillows, his name escaping you in strangled gasp. Insatiable, Levi pushed deeper, more insistently into you. Strangely, he found he was no longer concerned about the noise you were both making.
You hadn’t been expecting company that night. It seemed as though hours had passed as you had sat upon the lounge chair in your room, eyes glazed. You had been too exhausted to cry any more bitter tears. You stared at nothing; your body bowed forward so that one elbow rested upon your knee. Fretfully, you gnawed upon a bitten-down nail. One ugly thought surfaced, then another rose to take its place. Increasingly dark contemplations were emerging, leaping over one another; giving persistent chase around your mind. 
A sharp knock had brought you back to your surroundings. Hastily rubbing your face, you approached the door. There was Levi, concern tightening his expression as his eyes searched your face. Of course, he had heard about what had happened today. Yet, the last thing you sought was his kindness. It was far worse than his contempt. You glanced over his shoulder first one way, then the other up the darkened corridor.
“Did anyone see you?” 
“No…” Levi raised his eyebrows. He folded his arms, but did not cross the threshold. You turned your back to the doorway. There came the sound of a click.
“I’m not in the mood to talk about it.”
You coughed out a tearless sigh as Levi dropped his arms to his sides. He offered a half-shrug. You returned to your chair. Hesitantly, Levi made a brief motion as though he was about to leave again. Instead, with a gentle thud, he kicked off his boots by the door and took a seat beside you.
“No one’s making you talk.”
Exhausted, you sank against him. Your cheek rested on the collar of his jacket.
“This fucking day has been…” Your voice was hoarse. You gestured uselessly, buckled under the weight of such weariness. "I just want to forget it."
“I know,” came Levi’s reply, filled with doubtless reassurance. Beside you, he was real and solid and warm. For a moment, your pain wasn’t entirely insurmountable. Shifting slightly against him, your forehead rested against Levi’s chin. You could feel the rise and fall of his chest. 
“Want me to stay?”
As his fingers tucked your hair away from your neck, you released your breath slowly. Levi had remained still then. You turned your head towards him. He did not move away. Then you gently brushed your lips against his.
"Tell me." His fingers traced your chin, his breath lingering on your mouth.
“I..." You gazed at him, your heart beating with such fervour that you could feel its pulse in your throat.
"...I want you to fuck me. Right here. I want you to ruin me, Levi.”
You were both still learning each other’s patterns, rhythms, inclinations but, increasingly, your bodies were no longer strangers to one another. It was becoming easy to undress each other; safe to lose yourselves completely. It was becoming a habit.
Now your head was pressed into the pillows scattered upon your bed. Your legs were draped over Levi’s shoulders, so slick with sweat that they were slipping out of place. Levi’s hand clutched your ankle firmly. You were lost to an all-engrossing heat; one that was building so sharply, so agonising close. You hardly noticed when Levi’s fingers threaded through your own, gripping your hands as his thrusts became more desperate. 
Your whole body rocked on a wave of ecstasy. As the sensation crested to its peak, you choked out a few incoherent words between sobs. Heat flared within you. Every muscle in your body clenched. And then, the sting of pleasure was ebbing away. 
Levi’s movements were slowing. His eyes were closed; brow slightly furrowed in concentration; his cheeks flushed. Dark hair stood up, uncharacteristically unruly. Your chest pulled tight. You slid your hands up Levi’s back and into his dishevelled hair. Breathless words left you in a sigh. Levi’s body tensed. He drew back enough to look down at where you lay beneath him. Your eyes were half-closed; lips parted.
You knew he would not answer. Not until he was sure of what he had heard. Both of you shared the same secret but were too afraid to reveal it.
You took Levi’s warm face in your hands. Your lips met silently, softly. You held him there, and Levi showed no inclination to draw himself away, or to continue moving against you.  He was still inside you; stomachs pressed together; skin warming one another, as he kissed you again. Your bodies moulded naturally, as though they were made for only this. As though they could remain this way for the rest of your days.   ... Thanks for this, Bee! Because I’m such Levihan trash I’ve also written a Levi x Hange version here.
I’m taking NSFW head canons, so fill me up! 👉 Smut Scribbles 
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scribbledghost · 6 months
Simon having sex with reader on the Thanksgiving dinner table? Maybe he comes home from work really late to a table full of food and reader looking pretty as ever, and he decides to show his gratitude.🥴😏
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Welcome Home
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader (no y/n)
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,009
Warnings: oral (F receiving), table sex, dirty talk, praise, use of "good girl", tongue clicks from Simon
Note: Everyone say "Thank you @sillylittlereader " for fueling my feral Scribs-brained behavior (Also everyone say "thank you anon" bc that addition made me literally lol). Gonna combine these two cause I caaaaaan. Happy Wanksgiving all! Hopefully yall enjoy my first attempt at full smut after many, many moons.
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As soon as Simon opens the front door and steps inside, he knows he's in for a good evening.
The smell of food hits him immediately, the house warmer than usual from where you'd been cooking. He discards his boots and follows the scent into the kitchen, where he finds you milling about and putting another dish onto the counter. It joins several others, and he's quick to notice at least a couple of his favorites.
"Now what's all this?" He says with a grin. You look back at him with a matching look.
"Dinner," you say simply. "I know doing day work and training on-base isn't your favorite, so I figured I'd make a nice, big meal for you. Everything's on the counter, table's cleaned off, so all you have to do is make your plate and eat."
A warm feeling constricts Simon's chest, and he finds himself unable to resist striding towards you and pulling you in for a kiss.
And another.
And another.
As he parts from you, hands on your hips as you look at him with a lidded gaze, he realizes there's one thing he wants before he enjoys the work you've put into welcoming him home.
"I know it's technically bad form, love," he rumbles, guiding you by the hips back towards the table, "but maybe you could let me have dessert first, yeah?"
"Oh, I suppose I can allow it. Just this once," you reply with a sly grin that he matches.
With that, he hefts you up onto the table and takes a seat between your legs. 
He wastes little time lifting your shirt just enough to press a few hot, open-mouthed kisses to your stomach. From there, he helps you quickly divest yourself of your pants and underwear, grabbing both and helping you lift yourself from the table just long enough for him to pull both off in one fluid motion. 
When the garments land on the floor, Simon hooks his arms beneath your legs, pulls you closer to him, and buries his face in you.
If there is one thing Simon does well when he's not in the field, it's eating. He devours you like a man starved, like he'll never get another chance to taste you. He dips his tongue into you before sliding it up to your clit, kissing and sucking and lapping at you in a practiced manner he knows works. As much as he knows he should give you a few of his fingers to help stretch you open for what is to come, he can't help but forgo the courtesy, too invested in tasting your slick to waste any.
"Taste so fucking good, baby," he moans, "can't get enough of this cunt. Never get enough of you."
He's telling the truth. He could spend hours with his head buried between your thighs. In fact, he has before. He wonders if you'll be so kind as to let him do it again tomorrow morning; have him wake you with his tongue and continue like that until you start pushing him away.
But that's a thought for later. For now, he's got much more important matters to attend to.
He feels your hand grab his hair, a low groan tearing from his lungs as you pull him deeper into you. The hands on your skin tighten their grip, his brows knit together in concentration.
"That's it love," he says, voice muffled by your cunt, "take what you want from me."
Your hips buck against him and he follows, cock hard and twitching in his pants as you moan for him. He knows you're close by the way your thighs shake in his grasp, and he's determined to all but drag you over the edge.
Your breathing gets shallower, interspersed with staccato moans and whines. You breathe his name into the air, and Simon growls against your heat.
"That's it love," he encourages again, "be good and cum for me, yeah?"
With that, he returns to his task at hand, laser-focused on getting what he wants.
And what he wants is for you to smother him. What he wants is for you to envelop him, make it so nothing else so much as touches any of his senses.
He wants - no, needs - to make you feel good. To help you fall from the precipice and lose yourself to what he's giving you.
And fall you do.
With a sharp cry of his name, he feels your sex clench and twitch against his mouth as you come undone beneath him. He helps you through it, moaning soft, affirmative "mhm"s as you ride your orgasm to its end.
When you slump against him, muscles finally relaxing, he gives you one last lick with the flat of his tongue before moving to kiss your thighs.
"Good girl," he says softly, "so, so good for me."
He begins a slow ascent, nudging his nose against the hem of your shirt and pushing it upwards so he can mouth at the skin just beneath it.
After pressing a few more kisses to your abdomen and stomach, he stands, removing his shirt and using it to somewhat dry his face before discarding it. 
"Look so fuckin' pretty when you cum," he says as he leans in to kiss you properly. "Never gonna get tired of watchin' you."
Simon's hips rut against you as his tongue dips into your mouth, a light hum leaving him as he hears you whine softly.
"I know, baby," he murmurs apologetically against your lips, "I know you're still sensitive. Jus' can't help it, yeah? Wanna make sure you're nice and wet before I take you."
It's an excuse, and both of you know it. Simon knows you're plenty ready for him, especially after one orgasm, but he's allowing himself to be selfish. To give himself a taste of you before he devours you again in another way. In the depths of his brain, he wonders if some of your slick will coat his belt. Wonders if it will dry there, where he will carry it with him the next time he wears it to base. An invisible mark of ownership.
He could keep going, keep grinding against you until he comes undone without ever even removing his own pants.
But that simply will not do. Not for Simon. And after you whine again against his mouth, the overstimulation on your clit no doubt bordering on painful, he gives you mercy.
At least, that's what he tells himself as he unbuckles his belt and undoes his pants, pushing them just far down enough with his briefs to release his cock from its confines.
"See what you do to me, love?" he says lowly as he slides gently against your heat, coating himself in a mix of your spend and his precum. 
Then, deciding he's had enough teasing for one afternoon, Simon begins the slow push into you.
He's not a small man, and he knows it. Saying so doesn't come from a place of inflated ego, but rather from real, practical experience, both with you and past lovers. He guides himself into you as gently as he's able, not wanting the pressure he knows you must feel to turn into pain.
But then, as his hips are about halfway to you, he notices something.
You've closed your eyes.
And, again, that simply will not do.
"Hey. Hey," he says gruffly before he clicks his tongue twice at you, "eyes open, love. Want you to look at me while I stuff you full."
You give him a bleary look, eyelids just barely obeying his command as he continues to push deeper into you. 
The pair of you erupt in joint moans when the front of his thighs meet your body. Simon leans forward to rest his forehead against yours as he catches his breath.
"Fuck, love, you feel so fucking good," he breathes into the space between you. 
"So do you," you answer in an equally breathless tone. 
Simon surges forward to kiss you, keeping his lips on yours as he begins to roll his hips. Your arms wrap around his neck, bringing him impossibly closer to you. 
As much as he wants to draw this out, as much as he wants to start slowly and build up until you're both tense and begging for release, he simply can't find it in himself to wait any longer. His hips seem to move of their own accord, snapping into you and punching moans from your lungs. 
When he pulls back for a moment to stand and watch your body, he notices that your eyes are once again closed as you're lost to the pleasure he's giving you.
"Show me those pretty eyes, love," he says softly. When you only whine in response, he reluctantly stills his thrusts.
"Hey, eyes on me," he says more harshly, once again clicking his tongue at you. "You open those eyes and look at me."
You slowly obey, and he feels you clench around him when he clicks his tongue. When he's satisfied that you're watching, he begins his thrusts again.
"There she is," he says breathlessly with a grin. "There's my girl."
He holds your gaze as he continues, fucking into you at an increasing pace. He is enraptured by you. By your voice, by your body, by your gaze. He chases his high, but quickly realizes there's something important that he's forgotten.
"Reach down and touch yourself for me, love," he commands. "Want you to give me one more before I fill you."
To your credit, you do as he asks, reaching a hand down to rub at your clit as he continues to thrust into you. The action catapults Simon impossibly closer to his peak, though by some grace he manages to hold himself together as you chase another orgasm.
It doesn't take as long as Simon assumes it will for you to come again. Or perhaps it does. Time has long since become an abstract concept to Simon, just as it always does when he's inside of you like this. Nevertheless, he feels your walls flutter around him as you sigh his name.
"Good girl," he croons to you as you come, "good girl."
Once you come down, he throws his self-restraint to the wind and surges towards his own orgasm in earnest. 
"Gonna cum, love," he says, leaning in to touch his forehead to yours again. "Gonna fill you up, make you mine."
You don't respond in words, but he feels a hand grab the back of his head as you pull his lips to yours. 
A groan rips through his body as Simon comes, stilling inside of you as his cock twitches. He moans out some approximation of your name against your lips as he loses himself.
An indeterminate amount of time later, when the two of you part and begin to catch your breath, you lock eyes.
And you both laugh.
A light, beautiful sound.
"Well, can't say I was expecting that," you say.
"Had to thank you somehow, love," he quips. 
He helps you to sit up, tucking himself back into his pants as he leaves his shirt on the floor and his belt unbuckled. He aids you in putting your pants and underwear back on, softly promising to help you shower after you both eat.
"After all," he says as he kisses you, "it'd be a tragedy to let all this food get any colder than it is already."
You laugh softly at him.
"And whose fault would that be, Mr. Riley?"
"Yours," he says with a teasing nip to your shoulder, "not my fault you looked good enough to eat."
The soft, good-natured groan you give him as you lightly shove him from you warms his heart. On the field, he prides himself on being cold, calculated, and for leaving little room for anything else. But here, in his home, with you by his side, he feels like the battlefield is a thousand years away.
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devildomcrybaby · 5 months
Boyfriend!Tomura touches you so deliberately, with an ease that one only uses with himself. It could be him moving your hair out of your face as they fall from your shoulder while you're reading a book or a manga. Lifting up the thigh highs that slid down your thighs as you move. Fixing your headphones when he sees you struggling to put them in the right position. Reaching out to caress your face when he spaces out lost in the grace of your features to have you look back at him with gleaming eyes and a soft smile.
But it's also undoing a few buttons of your shirt when he feels that he isn't seeing enough of your skin. He undoes enough to expose your bra, then slips two fingers inside your shirt and moves them up until he reaches the fabric on your shoulder to slide it down. Your shirt looks better like this, he thinks. And you have such a cute look on your face, all shy and embarrassed that he did that while the League was sitting around at the bar.
And it's putting a hand on your thigh as you sit, up enough to allow him to brush your panties with his pinky. He usually doesn't go any further, just likes to tease you a bit. See you squirming and look up at him with that disheartened face of yours. He knows you ache to beg him to touch you further. You'd never dare, not in public. But you wouldn't stop him if he did it on his own accord, would you?
It's resting a hand on your butt and squeezing when you bend over the counter to sip your drink and pinching or spanking your cheek hard whenever you fake giving too much attention to Kurogiri just to spite him.
It's biting your cheek, your shoulder, your arm, your butt, your thigh, anything your clothes leave exposed. He just wants to taste your skin.
It's rubbing his thumb over your breast whenever he notices you're not wearing a bra just to see your nipples show through your shirt right after. And if you are wearing one he just squeezes your tits harder, just enough so that he can still feel them through the fabric and you can feel his fingers touching you properly too.
It's sneaking a hand down your panties while hugging you from behind as you're making a smoothie. He rubs your clit in circles slowly and sniffs your hair, then he checks if you're wet enough to slide a finger inside you and he does. You protest a bit and wriggle in his arms and then he kisses your neck and lets go of you.
He owns you. And you can rest assured that he'll act like he does any chance he gets. He always makes sure he gets plenty chances. Enough so that you won't forget it.
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nanamiscocksleeve · 4 days
15 with SatoSugu x Reader?
Slightly modified
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You watch Satoru and Suguru kiss each other, their tongues delving deep into each other's mouths, leaving strings of spittle between each other as they back away.
As the scene unfolds, the eroticism of it makes you wet as you touch your nipples. There was something so incredibly hot about watching these two getting intimate and you're glad they asked you to be part of the fun.
You crawl over to them and they break apart to make room for you, allowing you to nestle in between them. One of Satoru's long fingers slides teasingly up your moistened slit as Suguru suckles your nipple.
"Aw, my poor babies, do you want me to take care of this for you?" You pump both their cocks teasingly with your hands giggling and Satoru parts your folds, rubbing your wetness onto your clit.
"What do you think Suguru? Mouth or pussy?" Satoru asks him as he expertly rubs your clit, making you pant. Suguru lets go of your nipple with a wet plop and considers.
"Pussy. I like feeling how tight it is before it's all stretched out by another cock."
Satoru's fingers are relentless and you arch your hips as the beginning of an orgasm begins to grip you. You cum hard and fast, clit throbbing in delight before they lay you down your back. Suguru positions himself at your entrance and pushes in, groaning.
"Fuck...that's a nice, tight pussy..." He starts sliding in and out of you.
"Open up princess," Satoru coos and lets his cock invade your mouth.
Consumed with pleasure, you lay back in a daze, and let them use you over and over until you're filled with both their cum in both your holes.
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Empty offices and creeky desks
leon kennedy x bimbo reseptionist reader
Summary : your the new receptionist and you desperately want and need to get dicked down by leon (reader kinda manipulates things I think??) (The apocalypse didn't happen in this au?)
(MINORS DNI) Warnings: reader is a tease , dom leon , oral ( m receiving) , fingering rough/degradation , daddy/sir kink , nipple play?, spit 💀, p in v, public sex? Creampie slightly pussy slappingLet me know if any other warnings I missed and I'm sorry lmao
Not bata read
You remember your first day as receptionist. you were sat at the front desk applying your peach lip gloss in your compact when he walked up to your desk.tall , handsome and muscley you had to stop yourself from drooling but you could tell by the dark look in his eyes he thought you were hot in your short pencil skirt and Button up shirt not fully done up.
"Hi I'm y/n welcome how can I help you today, can i get your name to sign you into the system" you looked at him through your lashes as you spoke.
"Leon kennedy" he spoke his voice rough his eyes raked over your body eyes staying a little to long on your chest.
"Okay Mr Kennedy" you giggled softly as you bit your pen before writing down his name in your book of who had come in and at what time.
"All done" you giggled as he gave you a short nod as you handed him his files for the day.
You had one thought as he walked away you need to desperately get fucked by that man, you had a plan to get him, your gonna dress even more slutty and act even more dumb I mean that usually works.
You stood up from your desk applying more sparkling white eyeshadow to your lids grabbing some more files.
Heels clicked against the floor as you moved to find Leon's desk making sure to look lost and dumb.
Pulling down your skirt wiggling your hips as you did you walked up to leon leaning over to tap his shoulder making sure to bend over more than needed to give him a clear view if your cleavage
"Um excuse me Mr Kennedy" you say innocently despite your intentions
His dark grey eyes looked up to you and trailed down your face to your chest where they stayed.
"Do you know where officer Smith went" you softly battery your eyelashes
Leon gulped his eyes reluctantly moving back to your face as he pointed towards the opposite direction you came
"he went that way" his tone soft with a darker edge creeping in as his eyes glued to your plump lips
You quickly said thanks before walking away swaying your hips setting your plan to get railed by the hot blond officer.
So here you sat tight light pink shirt the buttons straining to keep shut the top buttons undone, a shot black pencil skirt that you had to keep pulling down to cover the top of your stocking working graveyard shift just because you knew he was working.
You took a sip from your iced coffee not doing work like you were supposed to
When you heard the entrance of the rcpd open and close but you were to bored to pay any attention to it until you heard a deep voice clearing their throat
You look up through your eyelashes "Oh hi leon!" You giggled as his eyes slowly raked over you his Adams apple bobbed
"Hey....aren't you supposed to be working" he teases his tone dripping with something dark like molasses
You batter you lashes giving him your best doe eyes "I'm way to pretty to work" you write his name down before standing walking over to your filing cabinet purposeful bending down low knowing your skirt would ride up showing him your black lace panties.
"Fuck" he breathed before clearing his throat feeling his pants tighten at the sight
You stand back up turning to him innocently like you didn't just show him your panties "you okay hon you look flushed" you smiled sweetly handing him his files to work on
He stutterd clearing his throat eyes blown wide with lust "I'm just peachy sweetheart" he roughly said walking towards his desk quickly
You smirked sitting at your desk sipping your coffee watching him walk away your plan is working.
You spent the next hour looking over to a frustrated looking leon trying to work you groan as you stand deciding not to pull your skirt down even as it was basically I micro skirt at this point not caring knowing only you and leon where in the main office
You walk over to him your heels clicking on the marble floor you sway your hips as you tie you hair into a messy pony tail.
"Hi leon!" You say bubbly placing yourself on his desk
"You seem fustrated" you giggled softly leaning forward towards him
"I wonder why" he darkly whisperd eyes dark looking at you like he wanted to eat you hole he rubbed his hand over his face his bicep bulging as he did
"You know exactly what your doing huh?" He groaned pushing your legs apart to scoot himself between your legs.
"What do you mean leon" you faked innocents causing the man to darkly chuckle his hands sliding up your legs causing your chest to quicken
"You know exactly what I mean don't you" he growled his thick ands moving further up your thighs moving closer and closer to you lace coverd clit.
You bit your lip shaking your head quickly
"Oh don't lie now baby don't act like you haven't been dressing like a whore for weeks" he growled his finger grazing over your clit softly.
You gasp closing your eyes
"You like that don't you" he laughed repeating his actions you nodded again causing him to grab your chin forcefully causing you to look at him "use your words baby tell daddy what you want" he spoke in a low growl.
he pushed your panties to the side running his finger from your entrance to your swolen nub, collecting your wetness.
"Fuck! Daddy I love it" you whimpered as he grinned slowly circling your clit causing you to arch into him.
"Look at you"he moaned plunging his ring finger and middle finger into your dripping hole causing you to gasp "daddy!"
"Sh sh baby you don't want anyone to hear you" he darkly smirked now standing as he moved and curled his fingers inside you roughly hitting a spot that made you grab his wrist quickly.
He moved his fingers in and out of your entrance quickly, you gripped his arm whining at the feeling of his thick fingers abusing your gummy walls hitting the same spot over and over putting you on edge as his thumb brushed your clit making you see stars.
You panted letting out a high pitched whine as he pulled his fingers out of you leaving you achingly empty
"Daddy please please" you say bordering on a sob
"Look how wet you are my little slut and I haven't even started" he groaned happily bringing his fingers up to his mouth sucking your slick from his fingers the sight was enough to make you cum .
He pulled his fingers out of his mouth with a pop. He grabbed you jawy roughly opening your mouth you happily complied opening your mouth as he smirked at you and spat in your mouth closing your jaw letting you savour the tastes of yourself and his spit
"Such a dirty girl" he growled bordering on a moan
He grabbed your hips pulling you off his desk causing the wood to groan he pulled you into him by the back of your neck foceing you to kiss him you both panted into the rough kiss before he pulled away whispering
"your gonna suck my dick okay?"
"Yes sir" you happily say pushing him to sit on his desk chair you sank you your knees, you quickly moved unzipping his pants as he's raised his hips letting you pull his boxsers and pants down his thighs.
His dick sprang free hitting his stomach you bit your lip as you looked at his dick it was a pretty shade of pink a thick vain running down the underside up to his tip.
"You okay baby" he asked softly smirking as you seemed mesmerised
You didn't reply instead you moves forward giving him an experimental lick from his base to tip causing him to pant and buck up into the air.
You smirked spitting onto his dick wrapping one of your hands round his base giving a gentle squeeze you leaned forward taking his tip into your mouth
"God fuck" he breathed his hand going to your hair.
You moved your hands slowly on his lengly using your toung to tease his tip pre cum coating your toung his hand in your hair foceing you to take more of him into your mouth, you began to bob your head quickly
"God your such a good little slut taking daddy's cock " he breathed as you sped up taking more and more of him into your mouth foceing down a gag breathing through your nose.
"I'm gonna come if you don't slow down" he whined his stomach muscles twitching as he pulled your hair moving you off his dick with a pop
"Fuck your so good" he said pulling you into a kiss as you both stood he moved your hips back to his creeky desk causing it Goan.
He lay you on his desk ripping open your tight pink shirt causing buttons to fling across the marble floor
He pulled your bra down revealing your boobs
He leaned forward taking your nipple into his mouth grazing it with his teeth
"Ahh aa d-daddy" you stutterd pulling his hair at the feeling of him smirking his lips wrapped round your nipple
He pulled back his chest heaving his eyes raked slowly over you your face flushed bare chest raceing and your legs shaking in anticipation dumb look on your face
"Look at you my dumb little baby"
He pulled your short skirt higher then pulled your black lace panties down your legs stuffing them in his pocket
He stepped back slightly admiring your dripping pussy before he gently slapped your clit causing you to squeel.
"Shhhhh" he darkly laughed leaning down spitting onto your pussy causing you to moan as he used his tip to spread his spit from your clit to your entrance.
"Daddy" you wine
"What do you want baby" he breathed his tip at your entrance
"Fuck me please" you say eyes watering
He smirked quickly bottoming out into you as you both moaned at the feeling.
"Your taking me so well ,so fucking tight" he babbled rocking his hips slowly you both enjoyed the feeling of his dick dragging against your walls deliciously slow
Your unable to speak only gasp and moan as he began to move faster leaning forward kissing and sucking at your tits your unable to think or speak barely able to breath all you know is him the feeling of him stuffing you.
His movements get rough his hands clawing at your hips with bruising strength.
"Fuck fuck look at you gon all dumb on daddy's cock" he laughed cut off by the feeling of your walls squeezing him.
He brought his thumb down slowly circling your clit causing your walls to spasm round him as you loudly moan your body curling up as he continued his fast rough pace as your overstimulated pussy dripped and squelchd as his balls slapped against your ass as his pace got faster and he whined "where do you want it" he said getting close.
"Im me please -daddy d-da-daddy please fill me" you shout not caring if anyone heard you
His balls tighten and his dick twitched as you shouted he moaned kissing your chest.
His cum flood you as he pulled his softening dick out of your twitching overworked cunt
His cum began to leak from your hole dripping down onto his desk he moaned softly sitting in his chair.
"We definitely have to do that again" he huffed admiring the way you leaked onto his desk and work unable to speak.
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suotea · 2 years
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pairings : luffy, marco, sanji, robin, zoro x f!reader
info : smut. 3,800 word count. minors and ageless blogs do not interact. reblogs appreciated! tell me ur favorite so that i can include them in future works . .
content : heavy overstimulation & dumbification, cunninglingus, exhibitionism, teasing, mating press, squirting, creampie, fingering, check individual tags!
filled requests : one // two // three
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𝐙𝐎𝐑𝐎 — mating press, creampie, fingering
zoro’s thighs push down against yours, forcing you into a mating press as he watches his cock move in and out of your hole— dragging against your walls with each movement of his hips.
he’s always liked pushing you to your limit, watching your faces and taking you like this, fucking you until you’ve lost your coherency and let him have his way with you.
but today, he’s mad. you can tell. each thrust is harder than usual, your body rocking back and forth from the intensity of each thrust, balls slapping against you when he bottoms out.
he’s grunting loudly above you, jaw clenching every time your walls spasm against him. he’s close to cumming, thrusts becoming messy as he tries his best to resist it— but it’s too much. he wants to make you cum, to see you gush all around his cock again, and he definitely doesn’t want to cum first.
your eyes are fixated on the sight of his fat cock pummeling your spot with pure strength, walls stretching to accommodate his size. he feels so good today, the roughness only pushing you closer to the edge as desperate moans slip from your mouth.
you squeal at a particularly rough thrust, arms wrapping around him to tug him closer to you, legs wrapping around his to keep him close to you. your eyes are slammed shut, completely oblivious to the way you’ve pushed him even deeper inside of you.
zoro’s eyes suddenly widen at the tightness, hands slamming down beside you to catch himself from falling on your chest. “w-wait, stop— don’t do that!”
but it’s too much for him. he was trying his best to hold back earlier— but he can’t with you clinging onto him for dear life, your tight hole greedily keeping his cock buried inside of you.
“shit, shit, stop— you,” he growls, hips stuttering into yours as he gasps loudly— trying to pull back, but you won’t let him, clinging onto him tightly as you moan his name over and over. his cock is desperate to cum inside of you despite his best attempts at resisting it, and he gives you one last thrust before his throbbing cock stills inside you, spitting ropes of cum against your cervix as you tighten your embrace around him.
he lets out a shaky breath— one he didn’t even know he was holding— and digs his fingers deeper into your thighs, watching the way your juices and his cum seep out of your cunt and down his cock. his head dips down, panting beside you as he comes down from his high, cock still throbbing against your walls from the intensity.
“you little fucking minx,” he growls between breaths, hand coming to squeeze your cheeks together and tilt your head up. you look so irresistible to him, innocent eyes staring up into his as you tilt your head in confusion, watching the way he glares down at you with clenched teeth, sharply inhaling through his nose.
“first,” he starts slowly, “you fake it. and then now…. you pull another stunt.” his scowl deepens when he sees your lips turn down into a cute pout, prompting him to grab your ankle and pull you closer. “you know what— c’mere.”
his arm easily holds both of your thighs up against your chest, leaving you wide open for him to stuff three thick fingers into your cunt, fucking his cum deeper into you. “gonna ruin this cunt,” he grunts, loving the way your body is so reactive for him no matter what he gives you.
“z-zoro!” you cry out, reaching down to grasp at his forearms, but he doesn’t stop his movements, roughly fucking you with his fingers as he narrows his eyes. “move your fucking hand.”
his voice is low and stern, arms not budging an inch even when you have two hands wrapped around his wrist. part of you wants to see more of this zoro— the one fully in control of your body and your reactions, so you listen, shyly gripping onto your own thighs to hold yourself open for him.
his fingers are thick, curling against the spot that has you gasping, mouth parting open from the heavy stimulation. he perks up at your reaction, lips tugging into a grin.
“yeah? you like that?”
you nod quickly, eyes slamming shut when he uses his other hand to rub at your clit, drawing rough circles into it as you clench harder around his fingers. “‘m gonna cum, z-zoro!”
his grin widens, eyes fixated on the way your hole greedily eats up whatever he gives it, squeezing around his fingers to keep them inside of you. “then cum,” he grunts, rubbing harder at your poor nub. his cum is seeping out of your hole, mixed with your own slick and squelching loudly around his fingers with each movement.
his fingers hit a particularly sensitive spot inside of you, and you choke out a sob. “w-wait, that’s—“ you blurt out, eyes widening at the foreign feeling building up. “finally,” he grins.
“that your spot?”
you nod again, jaw dropping from the stimulation, and you dig your fingers into your thighs, trying your best to keep them open despite their best efforts to slam shut around his arms.
he hums in response. “i’ll fuck you till you can’t walk if you’re lying.”
the threat does nothing but fluster you further, thighs shaking from the stimulation. you’re so close, so close to cumming—
“you tightened when i said that. that what you want anyways?”
you whisper out a please for him, a cute plea to let you cum before he rubs your clit just right, grin widening into a toothy smile when you gush all over his fingers, body trembling in his hold as your head falls back.
“so that one was real,” he admits to himself. he slides his fingers out of your cunt, bringing them to your mouth to show you the way his cum drips from his fingertips. “open,” he commands, delighting in the way you loll your tongue out for him so obediently. his fingers move around in your mouth, letting you suck every bit of his cum.
zoro takes his fingers out, pulling you up into his lap. “there’s more things i wanna try,” he rasps, voice deep and low. “you can handle it, can’t you?”
“i think— i can try,” you mumble, crawling off his lap. you’re not even off his thigh before he’s roughly yanking you back into him, hardened cock already prodding at your hole. “hey, where the hell do you think you’re going?”
“think i’ll let you off easy after the shit you pulled? sit still, i’m taking you like this next.”
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𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅𝐘 — overstimulation, dumbification, creampie
luffy’s hands slam down beside your shoulders, hissing at how good your cunt feels around his cock, so tight and wet, walls wrapping perfectly around his length as he snaps his hips against you.
“more,” he growls, words coming out unsteady from the way he’s slamming his cock into you. “more, more.”
he hits a sensitive spot in your cunt, groaning loudly when your walls clench around him in response, dropping down to hold himself up with his elbows. he moans your name into your neck, messily kissing and nipping at the skin. “i knew it,” he pants, “this isn’t good.”
“h-huh?“ you choke out, too dumb to even comprehend what he’s saying, half lidded eyes still focused on the strong arms beside your head and the way his muscles are gently flexing and tensing.
“not good,” he starts, voice heavy and slurred. “i- i can’t stop myself—feels so good. i can’t….need more.” he exhales shakily before sucking at your neck again, inhaling sharply through his nose as he slams his cock into you. “that okay? it’s okay right?”
his voice is urgent, almost begging you to let him frantically bury his cock into you. he’s so desperate to hold you down, stuff his dick into you until he’s satisfied, but he wants to make sure you’re okay with it, distracting his desire by planting sloppy kisses down your neck.
he’s so rough that you can occasionally feel his teeth nudge against the skin, only to be replaced by his tongue sliding across your neck moments later. he’s so hungry for you, so desperate to be closer and deeper inside of you.
as soon as you nod, murmuring a “please,” his pace quickens to one more frenzied, using his strength to fuck you even harder, make you feel good too. he’s drunk on the feeling you give him, and he wishes he could stay inside you like this forever.
luffy growls loudly into your neck, gasping every time your cunt flutters against his cock, slick even squelching around him with the roughness he’s giving you.
you can barely even catch your breath, his full weight on top of yours as he moves relentlessly. you can’t help but choke out a moan at the way each drag of his cock stretches your walls out so perfectly, his desperation alone enough to bring you close to the edge.
“you always feel so good,” he groans into your neck, “so wet, and so h-hot. fuck—”
he buries his face deeper into your neck, arms wrapping around your body to pull you closer to him. “it’s tight, squeezing me! ahh…i can’t—” he groans, eyes shut tight to focus on making you cum.
he still wants you to cum first, gush around his cock before he empties his load into you. his dick is so heavy, painfully hard and on the edge of finishing— but he fights it.
“luffy, ‘m gonna cum!” you cry, returning his embrace to keep you grounded from the bruising pace he set against you. “please,” he groans, voice muffled as he sucks at your neck. there’s an air of desperation in his voice, thrusts growing sloppier as he tries not to finish before you.
and you do exactly as he wishes, eyes fluttering shut as the knot in your stomach snaps, cunt squeezing hard around his dick as you gush around his cock. he groans loudly against your ear, not slowing down for a second. “i knew it,” he mumbles, “the last one was fake, wasn’t it?”
luffy’s hips snap against yours a couple more times before he moans loudly, cock stilling inside you as it spits ropes of cum against your cervix. he’s panting above you, body slick with sweat as he catches his breath. “again,” he mumbles, voice desperate. “this isn’t enough, i need it again.”
he places a kiss on the fresh hickies bruising on your neck. “i can give you a lot more, so don’t fake it anymore.”
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𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈 — cunninglingus, overstimulation, squirting
sanji’s face is buried in your cunt, fingers curling deep inside you as his tongue flicks against your clit. he’s getting off to you feeling good from his mouth alone, dick throbbing even harder with each moan that slips out of your mouth.
but it’s different. your last orgasm was different, and he knows.
“you’re usually….much louder,” he groans into your cunt, not missing the way the vibrations from his voice make your thighs squeeze around his head. sanji always prides himself in how well he knows your body, from knowing what face you’ll make with each touch, to where you feel best…..which is why he has to make sure you haven’t been faking it this whole time.
to give you orgasm after orgasm until he’s sure he knows how to make you forget everything but the knot snapping in your core. his tongue laps harder at your clit, fingers curling perfectly against your spot as you tighten your embrace around the pillow, moaning loudly into it. “sanji….t-too much…!”
he can feel his dick twitch at your voice, feeling hard and heavy— leaking with precum. he wants to shove his dick into you so fucking bad, have you against the wall so you can moan his name directly into his ear— but not yet. instead, he grinds himself down into the mattress, cock rubbing desperately against the covers to relieve the burning ache he has. he’s groaning directly into your cunt now, eating you out with fervor as your eyes roll back, moans muffled by the pillow you’re clutching onto for dear life.
he sneaks a glance at you, his own cheeks heating up at the sight of your face, cute noises escaping your mouth as your nails dig into the pillow. his patience is running thin, wishing that he was that pillow instead, thinking about how your nails could scratch into his back like that, but not yet.
“when i touch you here,” he grunts, thick fingers reaching deeper into your cunt to focus on the spot that has you gasping— “you’ll make the prettiest noises for me. won’t you, pretty girl?”
and you do, crying out his name as your thighs squeeze hard and tremble against his head, walls fluttering so cutely around his fingers. your eyes widen when you realize this feels differently than usual, orgasm not settling down in the slightest.
sanji picks up on your response, not stopping the fingers on your cunt until your second orgasm is ripped from you in an instant, squealing into the pillow and squirting around his fingers as he laps hungrily at your clit. he places a hand on your stomach, keeping you down so that you don’t ruin your own orgasm, fingers still rubbing at your spot until you’ve stilled, body shaking weakly from the intensity.
you’re too tired to notice the way his eyes darken at the sight of you trembling and panting, now hovering over you with a hunger he can’t quite satiate no matter how long he spends between your legs.
“h-how did you..!”
your voice is so cute to him, and he leans down, pressing gentle kisses along the side of your neck with a proud grin. “i know your body like the back of my hand, angel.”
it does nothing but bring heat to your cheeks, walls clenching around nothing as you finally seem to notice it. his dick is hard, tip flushed pink with desire, and it’s leaking with precum as he slowly rubs it up and down your folds.
you realize that he’s still trying to hold back, still prioritizing how to make you feel good instead of himself, and you want to push him. just a little bit.
you innocently peer up at him through your lashes, wrapping your arms around him to pull his face closer to yours. “sanji,” you coo, “you don’t need to hold back.”
the way his jaw clenches doesn’t go unnoticed to you, his breaths coming out short as his hand gently wraps around your wrists, pinning them above your head. his eyes are darkened with lust, so desperate to bring you to your limit, make you cum over and over until you can’t feel your orgasms anymore..
“you’re sure?”
his voice is just above a growl, tip of his cock already sheathed inside your cunt as you nod, cutely smiling at him. “i can take it, give me all of it.”
his breath hitches in his throat at the offer. “say blue to stop me,” he says in a low whisper, stuffing your cunt in one swift movement. “otherwise,” he mumbles against your lips, “i’m gonna show you heaven, angel.”
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𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐎 — exhibitionism, his wings don’t hurt you, squirting, riding him
if anyone were to walk by the two of you, it would be nothing out of the ordinary. you cuddling with marco as usual, his large wings wrapped around your frame to keep you warm— at least, that’s what it looks like.
marco’s hands are cupping your ass, bouncing you up and down his cock, slowly and intentionally, thrusts that bump your cervix each time your ass smacks against his thighs. the pace is so slow, but it’s got you worked up more than usual, and you can feel everything so vividly, down to the prominent vein on the underside of his cock dragging along your walls.
your head is buried in his chest, your weak attempt to hide your teary eyes and pants as he grips the globes of your ass harder. it feels so good, little moans occasionally slipping from your mouth— causing you to worriedly look to the side. you think someone might be watching, but you don’t get to check, marco hooking a finger under your chin to redirect your focus to him in an instant.
“hey, eyes on me,” he coos in your ear. “don’t pay attention to them. only me.”
you really should have known marco would do something like this, take you in front of the others to ensure all your reactions are real this time.
you squeal when he slams you down harder, a subtle warning to keep your focus on him only.“but, w-what if they see?” you ask, your hands come to wrap around his middle, looking up at him with a pout.
“doesn’t matter if they see. you’re mine anyways, we can put on a show for them,” he smiles, “can’t we?”
he chuckles when you hide your face in his chest again, face filling with heat at the thought of someone catching you with your commander’s cock buried deep inside your cunt. the thought alone has you spasming around his cock, growing wetter at the idea.
“m-marco…i’m gonna cum,” you whisper, eyes fluttering close as you bite your lips. “that right?” he coos, almost disinterested. “mm—i can’t hold it in— marco!” you plead, and he hums, prodding at your lips with his thumb.
you part your mouth obediently, letting him stick three of his fingers into it as you suck on them dutifully. “you know,” he starts. “you’re cute when you’re tryna run away from it,” he whispers into your ear, “but i won’t let you.” “cum on my dick and do it now, before someone comes.”
his other hand grabs a fistful of your ass, bouncing you up and down on his cock at the angle that has his tip pounding at the right spot, your cunt already starting to flutter around him before a loud stomp grabs your attention.
marco pushes you down in one swift movement, full length stuffed inside you as you’re forced to sit still, thighs trembling hard as the fullness.
“ah— ace, you need something?”
his voice is casual, so casual that it almost sounds like he just woke up from a nap. you’re frozen in place, cunt pathetically dripping down his length as your orgasm starts to fade.
“is y/n with you?” ace asks. your eyes widen, balling his shirt in your hands.
he nods, giving your ass a tight squeeze as a silent warning not to move. “yeah, she’s right here.”
he quickly takes his fingers out of your mouth, swiping over the trail of saliva running down your chin as he lowers his wing slightly, just so ace could get a look at your face. you’re immediately panicking, cheeks filled with heat as you quickly bury your face into his chest.
“whoa— is she okay? why the hell are you covering her whole body like that?”
“she’s got a fever,” he says flatly, as if his cock wasn’t throbbing inside of you from the thrill of getting caught with you like this. “keepin’ her warm. she’ll be fine,” he emphasizes the last word, squeezing your ass when he feels you tighten against him.
his smile falters when you slowly rock yourself on his cock, trying your best to get some of the stimulation before your orgasm fully fades. you can’t even pay attention to them anymore, not even noticing that ace had left until marco’s hand hooks under your chin, tilting your head up.
“you’re worse than feverish,” he chuckles, helping you bounce up and down his cock. “humping yourself on my cock when ace is right there…”
“you gonna die if i don’t fuck you for five seconds?”
his lips are tugged into a wide grin, shifting his balance before he’s thrusting his hips back up into yours as you whine into his chest. “please….i’m almost..!”
“no need to rush, i got you.”
and you know he does. his cock is such a good stretch, his huge body enveloping yours as you helplessly bounce of his cock, greedy hole taking all of him. you squeal when he slams you down on his length once more, knot inside you finally snapping as you gush around his cock.
you lean into his chest, panting and shaking from the intensity, and you lift yourself off his cock— only for marco to pull you back down on it. “where are you going? we aren’t finished here.”
“you faked one earlier, didn’t you?” “did you think i wouldn’t notice?”
“on my desk next.”
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𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐍 — fingering, teasing
you should have figured out that robin would catch on to your little act as soon as it happened. your head falls back on her shoulder, one of her hands cupping your tit as her other arm dips lower.
“oh dear,” she chuckles, fingers rubbing harshly at your clit as you bite your lip, trying to mask your expressions as she brings you closer to the edge. “that wasn’t it, my love,” she hums, watching the way your half lidded eyes avoid hers like the plague.
“why are you running from it?”
she can tell you’re really close, painfully close to finishing, but you’re fighting it with everything in you, eyes clenched shut even when your dripping cunt is squelching around her fingers.
“it’s embarrassing….the face i’ll make!” you blurt out, cheeks feeling hot.
her fingers don’t slow down, still working at your clit while her other hand cups your tits. “your face?” robin muses, a tinge of curiosity laced in her voice. “show me it. i want to see.”
“b-but..” you stutter, eyes locked on her fingers working at your cunt. her eyes are only on you, watching your every reaction to her touch. “will you show me it?”
your cheeks only heat up further.
“you’re so cute, my love,” she coos, fingers leaving your tits to dip down to your cunt, slowly fucking them in and out of your walls. “w-wait, robin,” you cry, reaching down to grasp at her wrists.
it does nothing to stop her, and your thighs clench around her hands, unable to relieve the tightness in your core as you reach the edge. “are you feeling good? you made my hands so wet, look,” she smiles, chuckling at the way you flush at the sight of your slick covering her fingers.
your face falls back when she resumes, fingers curling against your walls. “cum properly, okay?” she coos, rubbing harshly at your clit until you cum hard, shaking around her fingers as she gets a good look at you.
you hide your face in your hands, legs trembling around hers. “i told you,” robin whispers, hands running up and down your sides, “i want to see all of your faces. let me try again.”
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part 1 : ace, law, lucci, mihawk
part 3 : kid, killer, nami
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6K notes · View notes
greycaelum · 2 years
i just read the alpha satoru (w/ pregnant so) and i NEED A MORE ELABORATED ONE 😭 like what was his reaction when he found out that his mate is pregnant then how was he during the process and when his mate was giving birth and first few months of his pups 😭😭
this is probably (most likely) a long request so answer it at your own pace !! you made me crave alpha satoru so much 😭 ily grey 😁
Jujutsu Kaisen: Alpha CEO Gojo Satoru X Pregnant Wife Reader
The closing piece for Gentle Affection Collections!
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[Notes & Warning: NSFW, non-curse AU breeding kink, a/b/o dynamics, knotting, creampies, pregnancy kink & stages, domestic life, hurt-comfort themes, arguing, childbirth, protective and possessive Satoru, post-partum mentions, child-rearing, soft family themes, Satoru is horny and a softy dadda, EXPLICIT SMUT will welcome you the moment you push that 'keep reading button', YOURSELF, YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, you are not obliged to read this stuff if you don't want to and uncomfortable with such themes. Word Count: 5.6k not proofread]
"This genre is my to-go when I'm stressed, it's one of my top comforts, thank you and I did take my time HAHAHAHA sending you my hugs and lots of love! I had to stop writing or else it will be too long~ Thank you for joining me on this journey, GAC Event is finally drawing it's curtains, XOXO." —Grey,
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Your body quivered from the sweet and hard pounding of the man above you who is as breathless and burning in the heat. A hot tongue licked the tears dribbling down your cheeks as Satoru constantly release his calming sandalwood-scented pheromone to soothe your hazy senses while he urgently filled your moist and abused cervix.
At this point, you cannot distinguish if it's your juices or Satoru's cum oozing and being pushed in and out of you by his thick and rigid shaft. Your tender walls have memorized every vein and the bulbous head of his member kissing the deepest corner of your womanhood. Every time Satoru pulls out your hot core spasm, your walls are begging him to fill your already stuffed passage with his hot baby batter.
"S-Satoru," Your slurred scream accompanied by your nails digging so deliciously into the expanse of your mate's back made him ache for you so much more.
"Hmmm?" He chuckled and wipe the tears dribbling down your eye corners.
"Too f-full," loud stuttering whimpers were accompanied by coquettish mewls when his tip hit your spots, the walls of your sore mounds gripped him too tight, wrapping around his flesh like a vice driving him to a frenzy. "I can't-" you cried between your slurred whimpers. "'s too b-big Alpha."
Satoru chuckled at your blabbering. How cute. His little mate reduce to a puddle while he fucks you over and over.
No matter how many times Satoru enters you, the sheer massive girth of his member stretching you open, rearranging your guts never failed to knock the oxygen out your lungs.
"It has to be full or else how am I gonna put my pup in you? Hmm?" Satoru grunted, at your salacious moans, pulling your leg to hook it above his shoulder granting him deeper access to your recess so that he could feel his seed escaping your folds. "You're gonna be a great mother, Sweetheart," Fuck, his hot seed should be crammed inside your womb, how could he knock you up if his cum keep seeping out of you? Not like this. He snarled and feel the root of his hot rod throb uncontrollably. "Cum," growling in your ear, Satoru desperately chased after his high, driving fast and hard in your spasming heat
"W-wan'," you nod in your exhausted state, eyes half-lidded and a daze while staring at Satoru's body. "Want i-inside me," you gasp in between his powerful thrust. "C-cum inside, please!"
A harsh curse followed by a guttural groan filled your ears and his unbearable girth entered your womanhood. Satoru's hand found its place above your stomach where his pup will grow, the thought of seeing your belly swell with his child inside made Satoru's heart soar so hard. Your leaky nipples making sweet milk and seeing you waddle around, heavily pregnant because of him. That ought to declare to anyone who dares to eye you who made you pregnant and whose pup you're carrying. Just the image of you holding your swelling belly made him preen.
"You're gonna make me a Daddy yeah?" He moaned, savoring the last of his powerful thrust, feeling his release coming anytime. He's in his most potent phase, he's gonna put that seed in your fertile womb. "You're gonna so pretty, waddling around our home." He bucked into you almost stuttering at how tight you were clenching around him. "Fuck Sweetheart!"
"Y-yeah," your head threw back with his, eyes wide and sweet shivers of climax crawling up your spine. Your arms and legs jerk in shuddering spasms as you let go and cum around his member triggering Satoru's release. With one last push, he shoved his rod fully inside up to the root of his knot.
Your mewls and whimpers of Satoru's name made him shiver and his member pulsed inside you, thick splurts bathed your weeping core until you feel dizzy and so full, milking down his every worth straight into your fertile womb, the thickness of his bulbous knot plugged you up keeping his hot sticky seeds from escaping from you.
Your Alpha breeding you deeply, as the streams of his cum gradually tide down but the knot remains hard with no signs of deflating anytime soon.
Your breaths slow down gradually to soft whines and purring. Breathing still ragged but no more sobs. Gaining back his senses Satoru found you passed out and spent but completely fine. But when he stared down your bloated belly, ounces of pride poked his heart, surely he knocked you up with that, if not, the two of you can always try as many times as needed.
"Just grow inside there little guy, your Dad needs to take care of Mom here." Rubbing your stomach, Satoru shifts to his side to cradle you in his arms.
A pang of guilt hit him seeing your tired and worn out sleeping face, the tears on your cheeks that have dried up squeeze some ounces of curses on himself for always pushing you off your limits.
"I'll make it up to you mate." His nose nuzzles your sweat gland, soaking you with his scent until you're covered with the same sandalwood scent as him.
Cute purrs and sighs filtered out of your lips as your body subconsciously curl into Satoru's arms, laying your cheeks on his sweaty chest with his knot still inside of you. He pulls the blanket up above your shoulders, pressing a kiss full of adoration against your nape, his arm protectively resting above the curve of your hip, a palm cradling your tummy where his pup is about to be conceived. You smell so heavenly soaking in his smell as Satoru scented you over and over until he's fully satisfied with your sweet blissful scent.
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"Are you okay? You've been sleeping throughout the day." Shoko extended you a bottle of water.
"I dunno but for some reason, I'm sleepy these past few days, SAD must be getting me." You slumped to the table. "Spring always gives me the chills."
"Seasonal Affective Disorder, huh?" Shoko sized you up, her eyes landed on your stomach. "Are you hungry?"
"Uhm, do we have natto in the cafeteria? I wanna eat natto."
You missed the look of disgust on Shoko's face at the mention of the fermented sticky soybeans.
You have to get that natto at once.
"There's my hoodie thief," Satoru emerged from the closet with only his boxers on, strutting in all his naked glory.
Your eyed him with caution and hug yourself, wearing his oversized comfy hoodie and slid down the covers in denial of your mate's accusations.
"You want my shirts pretty girl?" Satoru chuckled, pushing you into the bed so he could squeeze in. You curl into him with your back against Satoru's chest while his arm rest on your hip, his hand finding it's way to cradle your belly in the warmth of his callous palm.
"I want some natto, do something Gojo," you grumbled.
"You're also a Gojo," he scoff and pinched your cheeks. You smell so nice that it lulls Satoru to a peaceful state. You smell like vanilla and lemon, mixed with his scent sticking faintly but all over you. The tip of his nose found the space of your neck, unable to resist nosing his way up and down followed by his thumb drawing circles on your belly.
"Uhmm" Fluttering butterflies dance in the pool of your stomach rendering you purring for more of your Alpha's soothing touch.
"Have you notice anything unusual these past few days?"
"Huh?" You breathe, burying your head in the crook of his neck.
You're too daze to focus as Satoru's teeth bite and tug the shell of your ear while you're cage between his legs. Lately you've been feeling more hotter, like there's a flicker of heat burning steadily in your core.
"I'm hot," you hummed, twisting your body around, straddling Satoru, and push your hands against his shoulders, your knees on his side while you hover dangerously above his pelvis.
"Hmmm, yes my Sweetheart is hot," he agreed in a low voice, languidly tucking the hanging strand of hair behind your ear.
Fuck, you could feel yourself throb listening to Satoru's deep voice, his lips curve to a smirk and you could almost taste how sweet they were whenever he kiss you.
"It's not that," you shook your head and lay your body on top of him, snuggling your face against his hard pectoral muscles, taking in his cool eucalyptus mint and masculine musk with a hint of aftershave. "I have this mushy feeling that won't go away. My stomach feels like burning and... Ugh!" You bit your lips, confused on how to explain yourself.
Satoru's eyes wandered down your exposed belly. His hand rubbed your skin and smiled.
"Wanna get a test?"
Test? You frowned and shook your head.
"Pregnancy test? I wasn't fertile at that time." Your heat was a week after Satoru's rut. Is that possible? Your heart raced at the thought.
"It won't hurt to try." Satoru kissed your head and nudge your temples. You nod. Satoru gathered you in his arms and walk to the toilet.
"Get out," you stare at his body leaning on the wall while you retrieve pregnancy kits from the cabinet.
"Why? I'm happy here. Go on."
You pout watching his face morph into an excited one.
Squirming in your feet you went in the toilet and use the kit. Satoru watched you the whole process, catching you just in time when you almost slip from your nervousness. After using it you went out and lay the thing in the sink counter while Satoru hug your back, peppering your shoulders with kisses. Never letting you have a moment of wavering that he doesn't want you to get pregnant.
"If it's negative..."
"Practice makes perfect," he drawled sexily and rubbed your belly. You don't know, but he can smell it, the changes in your smell that kept him more insistent in clinging around you. And the second-
He smirked when you check the kit and almost drop it in shock if not for his hand supporting you.
"See, I told you." He turned you around and cup your face, delving down to capture your lips in a sweet passionate kiss.
-and the second heartbeat beating inside you. His little pup he's going to welcome home nine months later with you.
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In your prenatal checkup, Satoru almost picked a fight when it was a male who tried to conduct your ultrasound. The beta immediately backed away with an understanding look and called your OB-GYN. Clearly, it wasn't his first time to meet a territorial Alpha over his pregnant mate.
"Petty," you snickered at his direction while you both wait in the clinic. Satoru scoffed, uncaring of your teasing. His hand protectively sprawled on your flat belly. Easing your little fear and replacing it of your excitement to finally meet the little bun inside you.
Your obstetrician came and started the session seeing how eager your mate is.
"It's a very healthy fetus." Your doctor smiled as she held the transducer on your stomach and a loud beat echoed in the room. "That's your baby's heartbeat."
The thumping heartbeat from the machine grasp all your attention that everything around seem to fade away and it's the only thing you could hear. That's your baby. Yours and Satoru's pup.
Satoru felt like he's in love for the first time as he watch the unknown pea size blip formed in fetal position, snug and comfy inside you, his heartbeat rivalring the fast thumps of his little bun. It's like cold water was poured on him while his chest is burning so hot taking away his ability to speak. It was the confirmation that, this is real. Squeezing your hand, Satoru pressed a kiss on your temples and chuckled. "That's our Little Bun, Sweetheart." He chuckled in a raspy voice.
"There's nothing wrong with your baby, it's growing healthy. Are you experiencing any difficulty?"
You don't really know what was going on. Your eyes completely taken and mesmerized by your Baby. Satoru did all the talking while holding your hand.
"She's sleeping all day and night, is that normal?"
The doctor kept talking about progesterone with Satoru while you sat there, dazed.
"I suggest that you do some light exercise, and be careful since the first trimester is the most risky stage. Also you didn't mention about morning sickness, which is great but just look out for it, some women never experience it or start late of the first trimester." The doctor smiled and pointed out foods that should be minimized. "And by the second trimester your sex drive will also return by then."
Oh? You look at a smug looking Satoru.
We're you not supposed to like sex at the first trimester?
Your face heat up remembering the shower just this morning. Unexpectedly Satoru kept a straight face, questioning the doctor as much as possible regarding your needs.
When you watch the morning sickness in dramas you thought they were just exaggerating.
Satoru rub your back and down while you emptied whatever you have in your stomach from last night, it's starting to get so hard that you're tearing up in the sink. Your scent filled with anxiety and stress makes him worry so much as he cannot stop releasing calming pheromones because that's all that he can do to help you and your awful state.
The towel in Satoru's hand wipe your sweat and tears while holding your hair up. After rinsing the bitter bile from your palate, Satoru catch your slumping body and hoisted you up the sink to lean your head into his shoulders.
"W-we should go to the doctor." He moved to grab his phone but you pulled him back in a faint laugh.
Satoru is well-built but seeing what you want he let you tug him back still looking lost in what he should do. His arms circled around you protectively
"It was normal 'Toru," you sighed and soak in his calming scent.
"I don't think so, we need to get a check up in the hospital, what if our baby is allergic to the sandwich we ate last night?" He frowned. The instinctual urge to protect you and his pup is deeply rooted in his brain.
You burst into laughter at his reasoning.
"The doctor will laugh at you." You giggled but it only made your Alpha's frown darker.
"I don't care." He drawled menacingly.
Does he know that he looks so ruthless and hot when he frown? It only made you swoon harder while staring at the crease of his forehead.
"I'm fine, really." You reassured him with a smile. He looks like he got everything in control with his serious face but deep down he's also rattling huh? It only made you pinch his cheeks and cooed him.
"We're going to the hospital if you feel nauseous again." He grumbled.
From then on he learned to have some dried crackers and water nearby.
Along the months Satoru has develop the habit of keeping his hand on your belly of simply leaning his head against your stomach almost to the point of obsession
He says it's his therapy after the long day. To hold you and his little bubby. It ignites a sense of fulfillment and calm in Satoru to bask in your sweet presence.
"Satoru the doctor said it would be around the 4th to 6th month until the baby starts kicking." You rub the peak of your still flat stomach. While Satoru kept his ear against it.
"Didn't you hear the doctor say that forming a close bond with my pup while still inside Mommy's tummy is important. We're just having our father-child talk for today. Right Bubs?" Satoru poked your side and smother his face in your stomach. "Your Mommy is bullying me," he pouted.
"I'm not," you yawned and lean on the headboard. "Can you pass me the biscuits 'Toru?"
Now it was his turn to frown.
"You just told me minutes ago it tastes bad."
"Shut up and get the damn biscuits."
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Satoru, half-asleep almost stumbled down the stairs and walk like a zombie to the kitchen. Retrieving the pack of marinated chicken and put oil in the pan to fry them.
"I'm sorry," with your hair in a mess and his shirt covering your body, you joined him in the kitchen with a sullen look of guilt.
Satoru groaned and beckoned you, hoisting you up his lap and nuzzle your temples. A sleepy smile curve up his lips and kiss your temples.
"Just a minute, it's still frying." He yawned and sigh when you snuggled against him and started scenting him. "Bubs, you can't be greedy like this," Satoru place his hand above your belly that has popped and started talking. "Day is okay, but at night... Mom and Dad sleep. Got that Bubs?"
You chuckled and hug him. "I'll think about it Daddy, our baby said."
Satoru laughed and pat you to go down, your fried chicken ready to be served. You happily ate the three pieces while Satoru put the TV on and ice cream on his hand. By the time you're finished with the crisp and crumb Satoru handed you tea and converted the sofa to a bed and gave you the throw pillows. "G'morning, g'night," he bid and shut his eyes.
"G'night Love."
To say that your Alpha is overbearing doesn't cut it. Satoru has made it a mission to be all over you to the point you're starting to get sick with his face.
"I can get my own jam!" You snarled when he move to get your jar of orange jam from the pantry. The snarl made him narrow his eyes but let it go immediately as he see the reason of his disapproval.
"But you have to climb that flimsy stair to reach it," he shot a dissatisfied look on the small stairs you bought in the thrift store so you could reach the pantry designed for Satoru's height. You could slip and hurt yourself, and his little pup growing in you. Satoru won't take any chances.
"I don't want jam. I want fried chicken." You scoff and raise your chin defiantly. Turning your head sideway, crossing your arms.
Satoru shrug and opened the fridge. Patience isn't his good point yet, he overlooks and bends things here and there for you.
"Can we have chicken nuggets for now? You need to eat breakfast first then I'll buy your fried chicken later." He waved the packet of frozen nuggets and got the air fryer ready.
"I want the ones in Family Mart."
"Hmmm, want me to add some ice cream to that?"
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Satoru clears his throat as he tries to slip a hand over your waist and tug you between his open thighs.
"Stop," you hissed, swatting your Alpha's hand and walking out of the kitchen with your bowl of ice cream.
Satoru resists the urge to growl at your standoffish demeanor that he has been observing for days now. He's trying to understand that carrying a heavy-growing pup in you can be extremely taxing and frustrating. But must you be so mean?
Satoru carded his hand through the seams of his hair and rub his undercut. Following you to the living room, you barely acknowledge his quick kiss on your nape before pulling away to the corner of the couch. The Alpha inside Satoru is starting to reach the tips of his patience as he sits on the other corner of the couch with his arms crossed and a deep frown on his face.
The bitter scent of his anger lingered around the room making you wince and further bury yourself on the couch, hugging the pillow over your body. Satoru rarely makes you submit forcibly with his pheromones. And it's distressing you whenever he asserts his dominance when you're not in the best capability to answer him.
Satoru immediately noticed the beading tear on the corner of your eyes, accompanied by your glassy eyes looking away from him. Fuck, he almost got out of control. Satoru walks away from the couch to open the sliding door and let the fresh air inside. The angry scent eventually diminished, making you tired and falling asleep from the exhausting encounter.
When you woke up you were already in bed and Satoru was sitting in the far corner of the bedroom, staring at you with a sad look, uncharacteristic of your laid-back Alpha. You could sense his upsetness from the simple flicker of his eyes.
"Talk to me Sweetheart," he groaned hoarsely. "How can I understand if you keep avoiding me?"
You heard the breaking in Satoru's voice that only poked your heart and broke it as well.
The first whimper that spilled from your lips sent Satoru to the side of your bed in worry. He cradles you into his arms, running soothing rubs over your back, instructing you to breathe as you cry between gasps. Your scent and pheromones are all over the place and it's making it hard for Satoru to stop himself from using his pheromones to make you submit. He wants to make you submit, to make you understand he's your Alpha, that he's your provider, your man and you're safe with him.
But if he does that, he's afraid that you'll never tell him what is it that's bothering you. He wants to hear your sweet voice talk to him.
"Shhh, breathe Sweetheart." Satoru coos, pressing gentle kisses on the crown of your head while rocking your quivering body.
"I don't know Satoru," you cried. "Everything feels so wrong!"
You threw weak punches into his shoulders feeling so immature and stupid in your mess. Why does it have to be you to get back pains? The mood swings, and nausea when someone uses the damn shower gel you used to like.
"Why can't you put just three cubes in my juice? I hate your smell. I hate that you can't get your own biscuits!" You exhaled with tears glossing your vision whilst Satoru rub your back shushing you down.
"I feel so heavy! I'm so tired I can't even sleep at night without getting out the bed every 20 minutes to pee."
Satoru felt his heart twinge for you when all he could do is rub your back and hold you tightly. He knows you're needing an extra hand, but he was too busy with work and too obsessed with giving you attention.
After you've exhausted yourself from all the punching. Your breathing calm down and from time to time sniffled in Satoru's wide chest until you fell asleep in your Alpha's hold. Your scent is filled with bitterness that Satoru could taste your distress making him desperate and helpless and could only cajole you in his crooning and stroking your back in sleep.
Later you wake up in the same position with lazy fingers stroking the back of your ear. It made your heart break thinking of what you did earlier. Satoru made no move despite seeing your drowsily opened eyes.
"Alpha..." You keened softly with eyes set on your fidgeting fingers.
Satoru remained silent. He watches your next move but found nothing except your nervous fiddling thumb and you never met his gaze. His throat constricted at your hesitance to look at him. He wrapped his arm around your waist and press his face against your head, the corner of his lips faintly pressed on your temples
A soft touch kissed your forehead followed by light nuzzling. You could feel him cradling you in comfort and assurance with his trace and scent despite not spilling a word. You sighed as Satoru's palm found its way to your belly, stroking your navel up to the peak, rubbing lazy circles until you felt better and ready to raise your eyes.
The tip of his nose trace the bridge of yours in assurance until your sniffles faded into calm breaths.
"I'm sorry 'Toru," you mumbled, squeezing yourself into his arms as if his chest on your back is not enough. Your eyes gaze up into your Alpha's. "For lashing out at you like that."
"You and our child are the most important persons in my life. Don't ever doubt that."
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Two weeks before your due you could feel how tense and vigilant Satoru has been. You barely did any chores or even packed your extra hospital bag. You do strolls around the neighborhood or the mall for some light exercise and sunlight. Satoru is working and there's nothing much to do in the house aside from eating or watching TV.
The nursery is designed and ready to use. The baby supplies have also been stocked and organized in the cabinet. You've also made your nest, a pillow galore with all blankets you could find. It's so cozy and you just have the best mate for simply letting you lounge in the forts of pillows and clothes.
Your brother—being busy as the Prime Minister—still didn't forget to tear off Satoru's ear in making sure you're healthy and ready for the babe's birth. 
You have to hide the phone from Satoru who is ready to jump to call your OB-GYN with one grunt from you.
It's cute but at the same time, you worry for his sanity. The man barely slept for the past week and you fear for the grueling months to come for him. He has rushed all work he could to be with you before your due week. He's everything in a reliable Alpha you could ever wish for. But often times he needs to slow down too...
Last night was a wild ride when your contractions started and you were rushed to the hospital and did an internal exam. It was so painful. But your cervix was still in a posterior position which means you're not yet gonna give birth. But the doctor advised you to go home where you're more comfortable until your water breaks. Satoru was about to object but you agreed that home will make you feel better than the sterile room of the hospital which will only give you more anxiety.
"Aren't you going to work?" You watch your Alpha work his way through the kitchen with white cotton pants and a messily done knot to bind the apron over his naked top.
"Dad's gonna do the work for the time being in the company." He replied while coating the pork cutlet in breadcrumbs.
You asked him tonkatsu for dinner. Novice as he is in the kitchen but with your directions, you find your husband an adequate cook. A sexy cook...
You leered at the perfect lines and ridges of his back that flex when he moves around. At this rate, you might as well have another dinner.
"Shoko told me most women in their first pregnancy delivers late."
His back tensed up. You almost feel sorry for torturing his already battered mind. He turned around, his face pale that you instantly regret it.
"I'd still take care of you. Early or late," he cleared his throat and returned to his work, but from the way, he almost dipped the eggshell in the oil you knew he was a little frazzled.
"Awww, I'm only joking," you coo. And like a spell, something warm trailed down your legs. "Or not..."
Satoru turned around. You look at him queasily.
"I think my water just broke."
"Are you in pain?" He turned the stove off and calmly walk over to hold your elbows. Anticipation, cold sweat, and calmness all mixed together in his eyes.  "Do you need to sit? I'll call the doctor." He was more than ready to jump on the phone and you swear he has been waiting for this moment all his life.
"Can we have breakfast first? I'm so hungry." You grunt and scrunch your nose, and a tinge of uncomfortable pain hit you.
"We'll go to the hospital. I promise I'll get you food there." Satoru hung up the call and the verdict. The rest is a whirlwind.
On the way to the hospital, Satoru retained a look of hardness. He dealt with everything in a quick manner and you are soon walking to the private room with your contractions starting to pick up so badly. Your contractions are so bad you wanna cry at how cold and strange you are feeling.
Satoru's thumb rubs your teary eyes while he rocks you about on his lap. Your whines and cries are in hiccups from the pain that feels like it'll tear you apart. You fear what you'll have to do in the delivery room. But all you want is for the babe to be out of you.
You hissed from the spike of pain that comes and go and turns into a very long stretch. Did every mom go through this pain? If so, women are damn miracles to survive this dying sensation of being helpless and vulnerable from the racking amount of pain.
Your only source of strength and comfort is by leaning on Satoru's chest and groaning out the torturous ache of labor pains. The soft whispers of promises and coos of tender soothing. He feels so sorry seeing you writhe and tear up while he can't do anything to share the pain.
"Let's get you an epidural? We can't get one if you're far too dilated." Satoru is close to pleading.
"I don't wanna move." You fussed, gripping the collar of his shirt in your fist, and inhaled a hefty amount of air.
"It'll be quick I promise."
Satoru however almost snarled when he saw how long of a needle the anesthesiologist is gonna inject into your spine. That length was illegal, but it did soothe the pain. You were curling and gnashing from the pain and now it's not as painful as it is.
"Just give birth, after that I'll handle everything. I promise. The diaper, the milk, the feeding, I'll take care of them all." He prayed like a litany while you are wheeled into the delivery room. He doubts he ever wants to see you give birth again.
One is already too much.
Satoru is not a man that gets his beliefs shaken. But that thought came tumbling down when he first heard the piercing cry of his son. The little stranger covered with blood whose crying mix with your relieved and exhausted sobs.
Satoru's heart just melted when his little baby's nose scrunched up and tried to snuggle closer to him, searching for warmth. He looks like a potato, a little red and soft in the bundle of white cloth. So tiny, so precious as Satoru awkwardly accepted his son from the nurse and walk to the edge of your bed.
"Hi Dadda," you cooed as Satoru held your baby boy. "Hello, my love..." You breathe in a whisper. Awed by the little human that has taken up your heart the very second you knew he was growing inside you.
Satoru's heart was too full and all he could do is promised to be a good Alpha, a better father, your best husband.
"Kazuki" 椛月
"What does that mean?" You looked up.
Satoru remembered the place you said 'yes' to him.
"a maple and the moon."
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Being a father, a husband, and a CEO is heavy, and no one told him that. But it was something Satoru cannot handle. Not when he sees you slowly healing, his son day by day growing.
"You have hair like Momma huh?" Satoru cooed as he rocks Kazuki as his little son suckled on the bottle. It's 1 in the morning and he woke up just in time Kazuki was about to fuss up for his feeding. He took his son out of the bedroom so he won't wake you up and move to the nursery next door.
Bright blue eyes blinked up drowsily on Satoru's eyes. It opened and closed slowly as Kazuki wipes his tiny nose and grunted.
"It's kinda strange coz you look so much like me, don't you?" Satoru yawned and move to sit on the rocking chair. "Your Momma told me you keep crying this afternoon. Did you miss Dadda? Should Dadda bring you with me to the office tomorrow?"
Kazuki grunted, unlatching from the nipple of the bottle and that was the call for burping.
"Why don't we ask Momma to go with me tomorrow to work? I'll make you a nursery so you can stay with Dadda. Hmmm?"
"Mnn," Kazuki reached for Dadda's thumb and yawned, ready to get back to sleep.
Satoru smiled and sighed. He wishes his son stays this behaved and keeps you from stressing so much when he's away from home.
"You're getting the hang of this Baby." You chuckled from the door frame, clad in your nightgown and silk robe you slowly tiptoed and kissed Satoru's forehead. Your Alpha easily purred and reached for your lips in a sweet, lazy kiss.
"Hi," you grinned at Satoru and move to your baby who woke up. "Are you awake My Love? Did Momma wake you up?"
You took Kazuki from Satoru's arms and sat on your Alpha's lap in exchange. The tip of Satoru's nose naturally found your neck, scenting you until the two of you are purring in each other's presence. Kazuki also snuggled into your bosom. Sleepy and sated in the scent and warmth of his Momma and Dadda.
"He's so chubby," you smelled your baby's neck and giggled at his milky scent, so soft and precious. 
"'n you're so pretty." Satoru chuckled, kissing your shoulder and putting your head into his neck, cajoling you to rest and nuzzle into him.
"Hmmm, love you." You kissed him one last time before he lifted you with Kazuki in your arms to move back into the bedroom.
He gently kissed your forehead and laid Kazuki in the bassinet. Pulling over the covers up your chest, he moves in with you and pulls you into his arms.
"I love you too Sweetheart..."
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned image(s) and song(s) used belongs to their respective owner(s)
General Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gumidreams @tender-rosiey
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sixpennydame · 10 months
Hey Sailor! I hope you're doing well!💞
How about number 5 with Levi? You can choose the scenario :)
Hi Klara! I hope you enjoy this little drabble I wrote for you. ^_^
Please (Me)
5. Tell me what you want
Levi x fem!reader
C/W: NSFW, Minors do not interact! arranged marriage, loss of virginity, oral (fem receiving)
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Freedom. To choose what you want, where to go, who to love.
These were luxuries you’d never been given, your family made sure of that. You lived to serve them and now that you were of marriageable age, you would serve a new master - a husband chosen by your father.
Levi Ackerman.
You’d only met him a few times before the ceremony; handsome, but quiet and stoic. His eyes were piercing, as if he could see right through you, but there was something else there..you just couldn’t put a finger on it. Your family teased that you wouldn’t last a week with him - his fierceness was that well-known.
The first night, you sat nervously on the bed, your sheer white nightgown hanging loosely off your body. Levi sat next to you and when he reached out to touch your cheek, you flinched. You didn’t mean to…it was just habit.
Levi sighs, then lays down and pulls the covers over him.
“Are we not..” you can’t even finish the sentence.
He turns to look at you. “I won’t force myself on you. I want you to come to me of your own accord.” He blows out the candle next to him. “Goodnight.”
You spend the subsequent days learning the rules and manners of your new home as well as your new husband. You discover that although he is strict, he treats everyone with respect; he takes you to town to buy you new clothes, that you get to choose yourself. No one had ever done that for you before; in fact, he asks your opinion on a great number of things, encouraging you to be more confident. Like a budding flower, you open up more and more every day, and every evening, when you sleep beside him, he never lays a hand on you.
But oh, how you want him to now.
You wait for him in the bedroom and as he enters, you stand up and unlace the tie of your nightgown, letting it fall to the ground and revealing your naked body before him.
“What’s this?” He asks as his eyes move up to meet yours.
“I…I’m ready..” you answer meekly. You’ve never been touched by a man but even the thought of it now - of being touched by him - sends a heat through your body you’ve never known.
He moves toward you and cups your flushed cheek. This time, you don’t flinch. He kisses you, gently at first, but when you open your mouth his tongue eases its way inside, mingling with yours. His hands move over your body: cupping your breasts then moving down to your hips, and you feel like every part of you is on fire. You fumble with the buttons of his shirt but before you can take it off, he’s lifted you up and carried you to the bed. He hovers over you as he pulls his shirt off, then begins to kiss your neck, moving up to you ear.
“Tell me what you want.” His voice is like velvet, “I want to hear you say it.”
“I want you.” Your answer barely a whisper. “I want you to make love to me, Levi.”
Levi smirks as he kisses down your neck. “I will..” he growls as his mouth moves over your body, marking you along the way, “but first, I want to taste my wife.”
He moves down between your legs and you feel his hot breath. “Beautiful..” is all he utters before he starts licking your folds softly. You’ve never experienced such sensations, and you immediately feel your body reacting to him. He sucks on your clit and you arch your back; without thinking, your hand goes to grip his hair, but you let go quickly.
“I’m sorry..”
He stops to look at you. “If you want to pull my hair, then pull it. Don’t apologize for taking what you want.” He dives back between your legs, his tongue lapping and flicking at such a speed, your mind can barely process the amount of pleasure you’re receiving. Both hands go down to his head and grips his hair tight, your legs pressing tighter around him only seems to urge him on. Suddenly, you feel a pulsing sensation growing more and more from your core and spreading throughout your entire body.
“Levi..” you whimper, as your climax rises and falls. Levi continues to lap up your juices, stimulating you even more. When he raises his head, his mouth is glistening and he wipes with the back of his hand. He takes off his trousers and you see your husband naked for the first time: toned muscles leading to his erection.
“Do you want my cock?” He asks as he positions himself on top of you. You bite you lower lip and shake your head, but that’s not enough for Levi. “Use your words - tell me.”
“I-I want your cock. I want you inside me…please.”
He eases himself inside you slowly and watches your face for any pain or discomfort. “Relax…breathe…” he instructs as he moves his cock further in, then pulling out slightly. Your head caged in by his arms, he kisses you as moans escape your lips. The initial discomfort subsides, and what is left is utter pleasure; each thrust a little harder, a little deeper.
“Faster, Levi,” you whisper, your hunger for him growing. He responds by snapping his hips against you. “That’s my girl, telling me her desires.” He lifts up and pushes you knees into your chest, his cock disappearing inside of you and hitting a spot that sends a wave of euphoria through you each time. You feel light headed, intoxicated by the look in his eyes, the feel of his body against yours. If your first orgasm was a pulsing then your second is an explosion - the shockwaves spread through you and you scream out his name. “Levi! Don’t stop!”
He follows your command, but when he feels you tighten around him, his steady pace falters and he cums inside you, finally collapsing on your chest.
You wrap your arms around him and kiss him. “Can we do that again?”
He smiles. “I’ll do anything you want. All you have to do is ask.”
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