#tw; body image
sixpennydame · 9 months
“11. “Louder. Let me hear you.”
Lourdes, my love, I hope you like this. ;-)
Make You Feel My Love
Husband!Levi x Fem!Reader
C/W: NSFW, Minors do not interact! softdom!Levi, caring Levi (but he has a mouth on him, haha), body worship, oral (fem receiving), reader has body issues
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You had a hard time loving yourself.
Every flaw and and imperfection felt ten-fold, your inadequacies in a constant loop in your head: not pretty enough, not smart enough, not strong enough. You could tear yourself apart better than any titan could.
Levi, on the other hand, loved everything about you. And it pained him when he saw you succumb to one of these negative spirals.
He could tell you were having one of those mornings; the way you were throwing every outfit you tried onto the floor, how your eyebrows knit into a scowl every time you looked in a mirror.
You pace the bedroom in your underwear until Levi grabs your hand and pulls you toward him. “Hey…what’s wrong?”
“Just…nothing looks good. I hate my body.”
He wraps his arms around your waist as he stands behind you. “That’s ridiculous. You’re beautiful.”
You scoff. “You have to say that. You’re married to me.”
“I don’t have to do anything.” He starts kissing your shoulder. “Nobody makes me do anything unless I want to.” His hands move from your waist to your breasts. “And right now, I want to fuck my beautiful wife.”
“Levi…I have to get ready for wor..” your comment is cut short when he slides his fingers in your underwear and starts rubbing your clit.
“Do you know how much you turn me on every goddamn day? It’s embarrassing how much I think about you.” He rubs your clit in circles, then eases his finger inside you. “I could barely concentrate in a meeting the other day with Erwin because I was thinking of touching your body…grabbing this ass..” His free hand quickly unclasps your bra and it falls to the ground. He kisses your neck and shoulder, his hands moving down to your buttocks.
Your eyes are closed, refusing to look in the full-length mirror that is in front of you. “Open your eyes,” he coaxes. Levi has his hands all over you as he speaks softly in your ear. “Look at how beautiful you are.”
You shake your head, then nuzzle into his neck. “Oh Levi..”
“Listen to me,” he says, changing his strategy as he lays you on the bed, caging your head on either side with his arms. He kisses you deeply, and he can already feel you relaxing into the moment. “I love your body - every curve…every dip…”
Levi's never been good with words, but he wants you to know how much he loves and desires you.
He starts kissing down your neck, stopping at the dip between your neck and collarbone. "This...I love this part..." his tongue licks you there and your breath hitches. "..so sensitive.."
He then moves down to your chest and takes one of your breast into his mouth, while his hand massages the other. He sucks on your sensitive nipple, the arousal causing them to point erect. "Your fucking breasts..they're perfect."
You drape your arm over your eyes, a blush growing over your cheeks from the praise and from your arousal. "Levi, I'm not.."
He sucks hard on the underside of your breast, causing you to gasp. "I don't want to hear any of that right now. You're gonna listen to me."
His mouth continues its journey down your body, praising each part. He lifts up your leg and drapes it on his shoulder, his hands caressing your thigh. "You're so soft. I never understood how anyone could be this fucking soft." His lips meet your inner thigh, your breath speeding up as he nips and kisses on the sensitive flesh. By the time his mouth gets to your sex, you're already wet and throbbing. Just the sight is enough to make Levi cum.
"You're like a goddamn work of art."
He starts licking up the slick between your folds, and your back immediately arches. The friction of his tongue against your clit makes you moan, and when he starts sucking the delicate area, your hands fist the sheets below you. He knows you like the back of his hand - every twitch of your muscles, every moan and sigh; he knows you're getting close.
So he stops. Your head shoots up to look at him. "Do you understand now, how beautiful you are?"
"Yes..." you breathlessly whisper.
He dives back down between your legs, his finger pushing inside you while his tongue sucks on your clit once more. "Louder. Let me hear you," he stops to say, but his finger keeps going.
"I-I'm beautiful..." you acknowledge, louder and more confidently this time, "you make me feel beautiful."
"That's my girl." He lifts up to kiss you, his eyes shining with love and adoration for you - a look only you know.
Your hands move down to the waist band of his pants. "I might need some more encouragement, though."
He smirks as he pulls off his pants. "I think I can manage that."
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@notsaelty @mrsackermannx @youre-ackermine @leviismybby @kokosmiles @littlerequiem @searriously @deepestcatpatrol
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terrence-silver · 7 months
What do you think terry would do if he found his beloved crying in the mirror because they didn’t like the way they looked??
What's his reaction? Crinkled nose of anger. 👇🏻
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Might just get straight into his beloved's face, trespassing the personal bubble to lecture them about it, pissed off as he would be. I mean, look at this --- it's in his habit, after all.
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He likes how they look --- adores how they look, in fact.
And his opinion is just about the only one that matters and should matter.
But, fact is, Terry Silver's openly offended on beloved's behalf, and he is very likely to just downright...hotheadedly argue them that they're so very wrong and that he wont stand for this, lack of a better word, bullshit. Because that's what it is to him. It's bullshit. Did someone say something to them? Should he ensure someone's teeth gets kicked in? Who should he fire? Retaliate against? Should he be here concocting revenge? Against how many people? One? Two? Ten? Should he have his people track someone down? Set their house on fire as payback? Should he have every mirror in the mansion smashed with his own two fists? Should he do the opposite and have even more ordered and brought in so beloved has no choice but to, quite literally, face themselves everywhere they turn? Terry's willing to create an enemy out of this, purely to have who and what to decimate for beloved, hoping that in doing so, they'll see what he sees in them and nothing else, because that's the only accurate point of view to have --- but if this enemy simply stems from beloved's own mind and internal insecurity and no place else, he takes on the approach of a Sensei and coaches and wears them down with some very adamant pep talks and counsel, aggressively at that, until they pretty much have to capitulate and accept they're beautiful because Terry Silver's a difficult person when he wants to be and he wont let this issue go until they do. He won't let this issue go until he wins.
Until their thoughts, outlook and views match his.
Man's gonna force motivation on beloved, whether they like it or not.
Might even come off as a bit insensitive with how he tackles the problem initially, but that's merely because Terry's likely to be so infuriated that beloved thinks they're ugly or in some way lacking (and by extension, insulting themselves and him through it as well --- insulting his good taste and ability to choose only the best) that he can't exactly approach the issue in a tremendously gentle manner, because he doesn't approach stupid conclusions in a gentle manner. This is an issue that beloved has to let him burry and burn if they don't want it spiraling out of control.
Not to mention --- it's downright dangerous for beloved to do anything but.
Because someone might just innocently get hurt seeing as how Terry absolutely won't sit down until he doesn't find and discover who or what is responsible for making beloved feel this way and might even wrongly someone's that they've been disrespecting his beloved and giving them wry looks continuously to have resulted in this complex purely so he could take his anger out somewhere --- anywhere. Safe to say Terry Silver takes beloved belittling themselves in any way extremely to heart and he feels more impassioned on the subject than beloved themselves.
Beloved tears ain't for free. Very expensive, in fact.
Someone's gotta pay dearly for them.
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the-milk-anon · 1 year
it’s self-love day every day! if you receive this in your inbox, list 5 things you love about yourself and send this to 5 of your favorite blogs! 💌
(you don't have to do it unless you wanna, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you! 💕)
hi sky :3
ngl this took me a while but since it's self-love day every day that shouldn't be an issue hehe
ok here we go 😅
first and foremost my green hair lmao it was a rly spontaneous decision but i keep falling in love with it more and more over time def gave me a lot more confidence 😎
still feels a little weird to say but my body it's always been a huge insecurity of mine since ppl always made/make comments about it sometimes since it doesn't exactly fit the beauty standard i'm still working on learning to appreciate it more but i've come a long way already and feel a lot more comfortable in my own skin than i used to 💕
i like how dedicated i am to things if i rly like something i put a lot of effort into getting good at it mostly video games tbh xD
i'm pretty resilient mentally a lot of shit happened to me so far and most things hit pretty hard ngl :') i still kept going despite wanting to give up multiple times on various things but here i am and i'm still going xD as much as it sucks that i keep getting triggered all the time it doesn't stop me from coming back to tumblr (the biggest source of my triggers sadly) which takes a lot of effort usually 😕
i love that i'm confident about being different according to stories my mom told me i've been quite different from other ppl since i was a toddler lmao others always made comments about it and tried to bully me for it but they stopped after while bc it didn't bother me in the slightest and i just kept doing what i wanted to do hehe
- 🥛
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ajokeformur-ray · 2 years
“Mum how do I tone down thigh cellulite? I don’t wanna lose weight and I don’t wanna change my body, I just wanna tone down some of the fat stores.”
“Stop eating so much pasta and garlic bread and within a few months you’ll lose some of the cellulite.”
“You know what, never mind.”
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stillgrxwing · 2 years
@drunkcnsunlight​ // dacey & janei
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Janei gasped, from where she had been busying herself in the kitchen. She could see Dacey on the outside of the cabin as she knocked on the window gesturing her in. While she waited for her partner to enter the cabin, she stood there hand resting on her stomach. She had felt their babies kick on more than one occasion but it had never been strong enough where she could fully identify them as kicks and not little flutters. And the one thing she wanted was to share this moment with the love of her life. “In the kitchen still!” She called out to Dacey as she heard the door open, and when she spotted the women she waved her over. “Come here, one of the is kicking.” She breathed out, placing her partners hand on her swollen stomach.
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ravenkings · 1 year
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if you hate this Thing, then the Thing you hate is actually just the female form
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jenderenvy985 · 11 months
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egosdeaths · 6 months
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llsadgirl · 7 months
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-from Pinterest
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incognitopolls · 2 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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duckydrawsart · 11 months
I feel like I've reposted and deleted these several times already lol but this time they're staying !! anyways, Shane x Liv sketches from a few years ago that I still like
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terrence-silver · 11 months
Does Terry teases beloved about the height difference between them? I’m sure almost everyone he knows is shorter than him cause, you know, men is a walking tree, but if beloved and him was a big height difference cause beloved is short in general, does Terry teases her about not being able to reach certain things that are on higher shelves and how he’s so huge compare to her? 
I can see him being amused seeing beloved getting mad with the jokes he does about her height 
I think it is quite the opposite.
Of course Terry relishes being tall. Statuesque. Fit, for lack of a better word. Of course he internally beams with delight whenever someone is but an inch shorter than him and he makes a petty, self-apprising, triumphant mental note of it, taking delight each and every time he's the biggest man in the room all while casually flaunting it, making it pretty impossible to ignore even when he doesn't, feeling it is a personal victory of his, simply because it is just another silent power move, another way to have the upper hand, because it feeds his ego among a great many other things and because it is a way to be the apparent alpha and a way to control the environment, but controversial opinion, he's smarter than to be awfully brash, cocky and open about it, even when he actually is, deep down.
Terry Silver's long con is that he always appears humble. About everything. We all know he isn't, far from, but the people he deals with do not (for the most part?) because Terry ensures that is the case. Remains the case, if he can help it and he always can, one way or another. Because he's a chameleon. Because he doesn't really wear his actual opinions on his sleeve like that. He is seemingly humble about his accomplishments, his wealth, his connections and yes, even all the way down to things such as height.
In fact, rather than teasing anyone outright about anything, beloved or not, he might just appear the noble guru and he'd go as far as encourage them concerning their shortness, whoever this 'they' might be --- could be anyone ranging from a student, to a friend, to a loved one, to an enemy. It doesn't exactly matter. Whether it is done in an environment such as a dojo; where he could easily say any body has the potential to be a deadly weapon if honed properly --- and both mean it and not, depending how foul or fair his end goals are. Whether it is between business associates, at some corporate, say, cocktail, or wherever the rich mingle, where Terry Silver seems downright egalitarian for show praising all these body types which aren't quite like his, and the whole room coos at just how kindly Mr. Silver is (not realizing how easy it is to act all-inclusive when you're on top where ableness is concerned), or if he is oddly enough, encouraging an enemy he wants to do more harm to than good that yes, going up against a foe twice one's height without preparation totally won't decimate them in combat and have them beaten up. All's possible if you only believe. Just go for it! Honesty, compassion and fairplay! It will be just like the story of David and Goliath.
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Often, Terry Silver's intentions are utterly dishonest. Sweet-sounding and fake.
Neatly packed as good intentions (paving the road to high hell).
And very rarely, they're genuine, with the right people.
But, regardless, seldom are his tendencies to tease, mock and prod that apparent or crudely transparent. They're hidden. Beneath layers of meaning, double entandres, posturing, wordplay and good publicity. Even if Terry Silver did make fun of someone's height, the jab (both malicious and benevolent alike) would be so slickly and well concealed that it would almost seem like an uplifting comment initially. A couple of years later, once the charm offensive wears off, one realizes Terry Silver's been making fun of them and hitting them with backhanded remarks the whole time.
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ladyimaginarium · 2 years
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𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐨.
This was made for our& system in mind — as plural people. Singlets can reblog but don't clown. Okay to reblog as fandom. Do not reblog this as headcanons, aesthetics, kins, or D/A's.
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hinamie · 2 months
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the same flame that burns you; birthed you first
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I like the "Hua Cheng is actually an eldritch abomination and Xie Lian is just wearing rose-coloured glasses" joke as a joke. I love all the memes and the art it inspired. I don't think it's actually true, and I think it's important to Hua Cheng's character that for all his power and for all his facade of confidence, he has -1000 self esteem and it's his own view of himself that's skewed, not Xie Lian's.
ALL THAT SAID. I also think it'd be adorable if Hua Cheng's true form has """imperfections""" in a very normal way. He's got slightly crooked teeth, and one dimple so his smile is kind of asymmetrical, his nose was broken once and his true form still has the bend to it, and he's got a few random moles. And even though he's objectively gorgeous and those are all just everyday human features, he fixates on those perceived """flaws""" and hates them. Meanwhile, Xie Lian adores every single one of them because he knows that when he's seeing those little asymmetries and quirks, he's seeing the real San Lang.
*excess quotation marks to indicate that I am not saying these things are actually flaws.
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cursedimagedump · 7 months
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