#Social Media Tips for Young Creators
qbopublishing · 6 months
Nicolas Bahamon, 11 year-old author
Click, Post, Succeed Social Media and Digital Marketing for Kids.
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Nicolas Bahamon is a talented and well-rounded individual. Writing a book at such a young age is a remarkable accomplishment, and it's even more impressive that it's about social media and digital marketing. It's not often we see kids taking an interest in these topics. 
Being a soccer player, a violinist, and practicing jiujitsu, Nicolas seems to have an adventurous and diverse set of interests. It's wonderful to see someone exploring multiple areas of interest and developing a wide range of skills. Soccer requires physical agility, teamwork, and perseverance, while playing the violin demands discipline, dedication, and musical ability. Jiu-jitsu, on the other hand, requires mental and physical strength, flexibility, and strategic thinking.
Nicolas is shaping up to be a true renaissance kid! It's exciting to think about the path he might take in the future, perhaps even combining his different passions or exploring new ones.
With its release on November 24, 2023, 'Click, Post, Succeed: Social Media and Digital Marketing for Kids' is now available for purchase. Youcan find the book on Amazon, where readers can embark on this enlightening journey and gain insights into the world of social media and digital marketing. 
Click, Post, Succeed Social Media and Digital Marketing for Kids https://a.co/d/9dYTyGF
Connect with Nicolas Bahamon
www.chainzd360.com www.book.chainzd360.com www.youtube.com/@chainZd www.instagram.com/chainZd360 www.facebook.com/chainZd360
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hermajestyimher · 2 years
The Dangers of LinkedIn and How to Best Navigate this Toxic Platform:
I've been thinking of starting a post series for young professionals to discuss the struggles of life after/in-between school and the corporate world and how to better navigate through adulthood. This series is titled Surviving Our 20s.
In this first post, I will do a small rant followed by what my takeaway is in regards to LinkedIn.
LinkedIn doesn't get enough flack for how toxic and pathetic of a platform it is. So let's talk about it.
It is common to hear people speak of how bad Instagram is for our mental health thanks to the exposure to others' lifestyle highlights reals. But the catch is that for the vast majority of us, choosing to be active on Instagram is not de facto mandatory and we can carefully curate what sort of content creators we choose to follow. LinkedIn, on the other hand, has become crucial for people to succeed in their professional lives as a means of acquiring jobs and documenting their professional history and achievements.
LinkedIn is, in my opinion, one of the most damaging social media platforms for people's mental sanity. It's nothing but a never-ending circle-jerk of performative wokeness and "humble" brags designed to boost the egos of already privileged narcissists. LinkedIn is used by people who come from backgrounds of wealth (but not necessarily old money types) or who have very strong family support/structures that others lack to brag about their "accomplishments" - that they would've otherwise not been able to acquire had they been born in different circumstances - in a tone-deaf manner. This is in lieu of expecting to receive accolades from strangers online to boost their already gigantic egos.
Corporations with very toxic workplace cultures utilize superficially crafted "highlights" to paint a favorable picture that vastly differs from the way in which they treat their employees in day-to-day life. HR people creating false stories and scenarios to paint themselves as the saviors of the little privileged, often times copying and pasting the same sob stories expecting others won't catch them in the act, despite not doing anything meaningful in their real life to help those truly in need.
PR is everything, and this manufactured culture of false pretend is particularly harmful because it makes marginalized groups and people who have to work harder to reach similar levels of success feel inadequate and often not worthy of it by virtue of comparison with those who pretend to be doing better than them.
One of the most bizarre things I've seen on LinkedIn is "influencers" on that platform taking advantage of the discomfort of people, especially young people in the workforce, to say all the things they want to hear in an attempt to provide a service to "help them", but only if they buy their $500 course to land a job that is not guaranteed. It's incredibly predatory.
In addition to all the issues with corporate flexing culture and fake PR, LinkedIn exposes individuals to breaches in their privacy by displaying their educational and work history to the world to see. This puts victims of harassment at risk because others can easily track them down, and it makes our private lives and information readily available to anyone who wishes to access it. IMO, this is worse than the information someone may be able to gather from Instagram and other social media platforms, as sensitive details from our personal and professional lives are not required to be shared.
If LinkedIn is a platform that you must use for professional advancements, I recommend setting digital boundaries on it like you would any other social media platform. Here are some tips that I've integrated for a healthier usage of the platform:
Only use the platform on desktop and with Google Chrome specifically, this is because you can find feed-blocking extensions that will effectively hide the news feed on the page each time you log on, so you won't have to be exposed to the cringefest that is posted there and that may lead you down a path of unnecessary comparisons and feelings of inadequacy.
Delete the app from your phone and only reinstall it if you attend networking events where connecting with important people may be relevant, then delete it again.
Keep your professional and educational background as private as possible. Make sure you have a skeleton of the timeline of positions and degrees you've completed but try not to go into details as to what you did; that is something that should be left for your resume that only select people will have access to.
Set your privacy settings to keep your photo and other information inaccessible to people who do not have an account on the platform.
Be mindful of the posts you interact with. Something as simple as liking a comment will show on your activity and will display to your network's feed. So only interact with the content you'd want others to relate you with and do not engage in arguments or other kinds of unhinged behavior with other people.
LinkedIn is a necessary evil for many of us, and in my opinion, the most toxic social media platform there is. But with proper use and boundary setting, we can derive good benefits out of it and minimize potential risks to our safety and mental health.
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namshyeee · 5 months
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Lynn Yamada Davis, a TikTok creator who entertained millions of people with her zany style and cooking tips on her account, Cooking With Lynja, died on Jan. 1 in Red Bank, N.J. She was 67.
The cause of death, in Riverview Medical Center, was esophageal cancer, her daughter Hannah Mariko Shofet said. Ms. Davis lived in Holmdel, N.J.
Ms. Davis began creating the wholesome Cooking With Lynja videos in 2020 with her youngest child, Tim Davis, to help keep up his cinematography skills during the pandemic lockdown.
Her social media accounts have remained active after her death, because she had asked him to post videos that had already been edited. One such video shows the two of them looking for truffles in Italy.
“My mom was like my partner in crime,” Mr. Davis, 27, who edited the TikTok account, said in a phone interview.
Something else she requested, Mr. Davis said, was that he post a few older videos that they had made together about a decade ago.
Those early versions of what would later become an international TikTok sensation known for their lightheartedness were a way for Mr. Davis to learn how to make the food his mother cooked “as well as have a time capsule,” he said.
After the last Cooking With Lynja videos are uploaded the account will stop posting, he said.
Cooking With Lynja began in 2020 and gained wide attention with a video in which the 5-foot-tall Ms. Davis makes a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich while showing off some quirky dance moves. Soon, about one million people were following her offbeat content. (Today, the account has more than 17 million followers.) Potential sponsors noted the videos’ success and started contacting her.
More than three years later, the Cooking With Lynja YouTube account has nearly 10 million subscribers, and Ms. Davis’s Instagram account has more than two million followers.
In 2022, Forbes included Ms. Davis on its annual “50 over 50” list, which pays tribute to successful women over 50 years old. And she won Streamy Awards, honoring online videos, in the editing and food categories. In 2023, she attended the Forbes Women’s Summit in Abu Dhabi, where she spoke on a panel.
Lynn Yamada Davis was born on July 31, 1956, in New York City and lived most of her early life in Fort Lee, N.J. Her father, Tadao Yamada, was a businessman, and her mother, Mabel Fujisake Yamada, ran the household.
She graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1977 with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and earned a master’s degree in business administration as well as public health from the Columbia University Business School.
Ms. Davis worked for Bell Labs (now AT&T Labs) and had a long career in telecommunications before her unexpected TikTok fame, Ms. Shofet, her daughter, said.
“She had this whole chapter as a groundbreaking female engineer, and she was very proud of that,” she added.
As a TikTok star Ms. Davis would get recognized around the world, including in Japan and Italy, where she traveled with her youngest son, Tim. Sean Davis, her other son, is a professional soccer player who used to be a midfielder for the New York Red Bulls and now plays for the Nashville Soccer Club.
“She was my first coach,” he said. When she would visit him in Nashville, he said, she’d get recognized in the street, often by young people who use TikTok a lot.
“That’s how I realized how famous she was,” Sean Davis said. “People would ask for pictures, and I would take the picture.”
Most of all, Cooking With Lynja provided Ms. Davis with much fun, Tim Davis said. With special effects that have tiny versions of Ms. Davis flying across the screen and quotes like “Lynja’s got that dope!” her videos appealed to several generations of viewers. In her videos she is seen preparing all kinds of foods, heard sinking her teeth into crispy sandwiches or potatoes, and shown karate-chopping Ramen noodles and much more.
Ms. Davis was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2019, which affected her voice. Two years later she was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. In one video, Ms. Davis bakes cookies for the medical workers who treated her.
In addition to her daughter Hannah and her sons, Ms. Davis is survived by her second husband, Keith Davis; another daughter, Becky Steinberg; two siblings, Jay Yamada and Karen Dolce Yamada; and two grandchildren. Her first marriage, to Hank Steinberg, ended in divorce.
In her final years Ms. Davis got to travel around the world, meet people as well as cook and eat amazing food, Sean Davis said. He added, “I just think her final chapter was exactly how she would have wanted it to be written.”
A correction was made on Jan. 12, 2024: An earlier version of a picture caption with this article misstated the surname of Lynn Yamada Davis’s brother. He is Jay Yamada, not Jay Davis.
Article by: Claire Moses
Related link: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/11/dining/lynja-davis-cooking-tiktok-dead.html%23:~:text%3DLynn%2520Yamada%2520Davis%252C%2520a%2520TikTok,daughter%2520Hannah%2520Mariko%2520Shofet%2520said.&ved=2ahUKEwj54vHkmNmDAxUCwjgGHcmJD4IQFnoECBAQBQ&usg=AOvVaw3LVu4CRgXFfh9eWXrv6Yhy
Namo, Julius
Sarmiento, Jizel Chinnji
Salamanca, Amalia
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Hi, we're The Study Group!
“The Study Group” is a quartet of university students brought together to create a space for solidarity, community, and relief for young adults living out of home for the first time and tertiary students alike. Using anecdotes from our own lives, passing along helpful tips and tricks of surviving in these crazy times, and gathering insight from our peers, we plan to start a ‘zine and social media platform entitled "A University Student's Survival Guide", which will become a community of support for young students across Australia... And beyond!
Collective creation and community as at the core of this project, and we endeavour for this guide to expand and grow and change beyond this blog and beyond the four original creators.
To submit your own thoughts, queries, anecdotes and/or feedback, write to this email [email protected] or DM us here on Tumblr, over on tiktok, or Instagram, all of which are available through our <a href="https://linktr.ee/the_study_group">Linktree</a>!
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runthepockets · 8 months
Last night Liz was talking to me about how they like smelling dudes' armpits after a long day, and because they more or less navigate the heterosexual world in the same way I do (and I've met a couple straight trans girls who've said the same), it got me thinking about how people would clown on people back in the day for getting excited at M/F ships where like, the girl would ask the guy out instead of the other way around. I know a lot of people are jaded after years of seeing nothing but unfulfilling and hamfisted depictions of heterosexual media their whole life, especially on the gay website. People are justified in feeling like they've seen it all. But this is so far from true. Like it'd be kinda huge if a straight woman in media were depicted is being into her boyfriend's armpits, or a straight guy into the scent of his girlfriend's balls, or if a girl went to make the first move in the bedroom and a guy went for an "I'm actually not in the mood, can we just cuddle?" and it wasn't seen as a dig at his masculinity or the tipping point for a weird, prolonged rape joke, or for a guy to fall in love with a fat chick and have it portrayed as something beautiful and earnest rather than a weird, prolonged misogynist / fatphobic joke at her expense. Maybe not as big as an onscreen kiss between two guys, but still!
Heterosexuality in media really is just that dire, a lot of the time. The majority of it exists for (cis) straight guys to either live vicarously through or to get their jollies off to, and very little inbetween. There's a reason Hollywood keeps pushing for all knowing and all powerful strongmen with dehydrated 6 packs and one dimensional women with flat tummies and big tits. And I'm saying all this as a guy who actually likes action movies and romcoms and stupid goofy college guy sex romps.
Part of the reason Worst Person In The World was one of my favorite movies of 2021 is because there were a lot of little moments where a straight woman got to talk about her sexuality and express intimacy for her male partners in a way I'd never really seen before. She tells a guy at a party she likes soft dicks more than hard ones, because she being the one to make it hard feels empowering for her. She kinda has a thing for groping and biting the butts of her male partners. The film opens with her doing photography and asking the male models to get into savory poses before making out with them. And it was really enlightening and affirming for me. The music video for When You Were Young by The Killers is one of my favorites in the world because it follows a working class Mexican couple in their religious hometown; it's a tribute to romantic passion and betrayal as well as a love letter to a non eurocentric depiction of heterosexuality. People were crazy about shows like Roseanne (before the weird reboot and the creator going Mask Off) and Malcolm in the Middle because they depicted divisive social topics through the lenses of zany, disheveled, gritty, and realistic working class heterosexual couples (the former also being overweight without their weight being the target of any jokes) and their offspring that weren't usually portrayed onscreen. This is the kinda stuff I'm starving for and I didn't realize until I was shown it. Heterosexuality has been the pop culture zeitgeist for at least a century now and it's still barely scraping the surface of potential.
This isn't me complaining about people voicing greviences with their oppressors, or anything. No one should be forced to put a ton of thought into things they don't really care about, but damn. Imagine how much more fun people would have engaging with and analyzing straight media if everything wasn't Skinny White People Being Dicks To Each Other For 2 Hours.
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ramblersaccount · 8 months
In 2020, like much of the world, I experienced a lot of change. However, it felt somewhat less disruptive for me personally than for many others. Yes, the global pandemic turned our world upside down in a matter of days, but it was also the year I turned 18 and was supposed to transition into a young adult – Aaliah, version 2.0, with newfound independence and cooler vibes. I had anticipated a grand transformation in the way people perceived and treated me. I imagined myself becoming more sociable, attending parties, and embracing a more carefree lifestyle, no longer reliant on my parents for permission. Well, as it turned out, that's not quite how things played out. *Cue the sad trombone*
But that's perfectly okay; I could undertake the "Aaliah transformation" right from the comfort of my own home. TikTok had already gained considerable popularity as a social media platform before the pandemic, and I had recently created an account. The platform was rampant with self-proclaimed "self-care" gurus offering advice on how to take care of yourself during lockdown. They covered everything from skincare routines and dietary tips to picking up new hobbies. These content creators were there to both entertain and educate the masses. I found myself saving videos on the best recipes for weight loss, effective at-home skincare remedies, and guides on discovering my personal "aesthetic." Before I knew it, I was comparing myself to the people I saw on the app, wondering why I couldn't look more like them. Unfortunately, this remains a habit I struggle with to this day.
At that time, I weighed 115 pounds and really only had one proper meal a day. Even before the pandemic, I rarely had breakfast or dinner but would grab a sandwich or a snack after school and before my sports practices. Now that I was spending my entire day at home, my eating habits started to change, and I developed a fear of becoming "too big." I was a self-conscious teenager, plagued by worries about whether I was good enough.
My school was relatively small and predominantly Hispanic. In my grade, I could only recall about seven Black students, with me and one of the boys having the darkest skin tones. I also had a bit of a tomboyish style. This combination of factors made me feel somewhat less attractive than my peers. Additionally, I sometimes felt as though I was pigeonholed into the category of the "angry dark-skinned social justice warrior." 
I had never been in a relationship, and it seemed like no one had ever shown genuine interest in me, so I felt the need to reinvent myself. Despite my best efforts, I began gaining weight, and to my surprise, I actually liked it. I had always had curves, but now they were more pronounced, making me appear older and healthier, and I thought it suited me. I started experimenting with makeup and trying out new hairstyles and clothing, and I had mixed feelings about the whole process. Each new style I tried seemed to meet with resistance from my parents, making me feel like nothing ever looked quite right on me.
My excitement soared when I received acceptance to Lincoln University. Located in Pennsylvania, it meant I would be on my own, and being an HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) meant I'd finally get to experience being around more Black people than I ever had in my previous schools, truly immersing myself in American Black culture. I knew I'd never fully grasp it, coming from a West Indian household, but I was thrilled to be around people who looked like me.
When I moved into my dorm, the pandemic was still ongoing, so we had to quarantine for about a week. But after that initial period, college life began to unfold just as I had envisioned, at least for the first week. I hung out with a random group of people initially, only to never talk to them again, as it turned out. However, I embraced the clothing I wanted to wear and felt confident, albeit with a sense of artificial confidence. Strangely, every time I stepped out of my room, I felt a subtle tightness in my chest. Were my hand movements awkward? Why did I make eye contact with that person? They probably think I look out of place. These thoughts weighed on me with every step I took.
In time, I found myself leaving my room only to eat and occasionally get some fresh air. Surprisingly my anxiety about people had nothing to do with COVID and everything to do with my self-esteem. Luckily my room never felt like a prison; it was simply my sanctuary. I oddly never felt lonely, even though I spent most of my time by myself. I would read, watch TikToks, practice my dancing, paint, and do anything I wanted. I even tried out new recipes using a little toaster I definitely wasn't supposed to have. I felt free and content in my self-imposed solitude.
The only thing missing was my family, the food I loved, and the familiarity of my city. Lincoln was in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by farms. There were only fake Italian restaurants and Domino's for dining options. The cafeteria's ethnic food could only hold me over for so long. I missed my mom's pelau and the ability to buy doubles. I longed for visits to the deli and taking the train. Living by myself made me happy, but I wished I could do it back home. 
Reflecting on it now, I regret missing out on the opportunity to socialize, but I am grateful for the time I had to be with myself. In hindsight, I see that it was essential for my personal growth. During that time alone, I discovered a deeper understanding of myself and learned to appreciate the journey of self-discovery. In moments of self-reflection and solitude, we often uncover our true selves, which can grow and flourish as we become more self-aware. Life's paradox is that while we seek connections with others, we must also connect with our inner selves. This inner journey helps us become more complete and better at forming meaningful connections with the world. 
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astra-galaxie · 10 months
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Ariel Pond
Biographical information
Full Name: Ariel Pond
Gender: Genderqueer (she/her & they/them)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Status: Alive
Age: 28 (season 3)
Birth: 1987
Race: Human
Nationality: Danish
Origin: Copenhagen, Denmark
Burbank, California, USA
Copenhagen, Denmark (formerly)
Profession(s): Travel Blogger
Height: 5'1" Age: 28 (season 3) Weight: 127lbs Eyes: blue Blood: B+
A girl longing to travel the world, Ariel has long, wavy red hair reaching her mid-back, fair skin splattered with freckles, and bright blue eyes. She wears a frilly purple crop top, green leggings, and short brown boots. For accessories, she has seashell-themed jewelry in the form of a necklace and matching pearl earrings.
As per her suspect appearance in Beauty is Dead, it is known that Ariel eats Dunder Salts, gets manicures, and drinks coffee.
Ariel was a suspect in the murder of Bell Beauty. She is a blogger and world traveller who gives her fans travel tips and destination advice based on her experiences. She has loved travelling ever since she was young and is happy to share her knowledge with others.
She met Bell a few years ago on a trip to Paris. They had both attended a fashion show, and their seats ended up being beside each other. And while Bell wasn't very talkative, Ariel's extroverted personality made up for that. By the show's end, they had swapped numbers, and Ariel offered to give Bell travel tips anytime the beauty influencer needed them.
They remained friends online through social media, and when Ariel had the opportunity to travel to Norway, she thought Bell might like to come. Bell accepted the invitation and joined Ariel on the trip, bringing her cameraman Casey Wood as a plus one.
But the trip wasn't as smooth sailing as Ariel hoped it would be. Bell tried to invoice Ariel for her room charges and "service" fees. But Ariel reminded Bell that it wasn't a free trip and that she never said she would be paying for Bell's travel expenses. Bell argued that the trip was a business deal and that the redhead would pay for Bell's portion of the trip in exchange for her making posts to promote Ariel.
Ariel refused, as they had never talked about this being a business trip. It had always been a trip for two friends to explore Norway. Bell was furious and stormed off, claiming Ariel was using her for fame. Ariel spent the next hours searching for Bell, and when she eventually made it to Vigeland Park, she discovered that her friend had been murdered.
While she had been angry at Bell, she never wished for her to die. Ariel had no idea how horrible Bell had been to Liv and her sister in the past, and she couldn't fault the Norwegian for seeking revenge… Maybe if Bell's personality had been as beautiful as her name, she might have been a better person. Unfortunately, even though Bell was beautiful on the outside, she was a hideous monster on the inside.
Story Information
First appeared: Beauty is Dead
She is based on Ariel from The Little Mermaid
She has travelled across Europe and has visited at least three countries on every continent
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
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rabbitcruiser · 11 months
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National Hydration Day
With summer starting, it's crucial to be extra conscious about  hydration. Although everyone must stay hydrated, National Hydration Day  is particularly geared towards athletes, who must put in additional  effort to maintain hydration while training. Athletes must be hydrated  before a workout, drink fluids during it, and continue hydrating  following it. Water is the essential hydrating drink, but athletes may  benefit from sports drinks with electrolytes like magnesium, potassium,  sodium, and calcium, that replenish those lost during perspiration.
National Hydration Day was founded by the SafeTGuard Corporation, the  makers of FuelGard™ Mouthguard and Electrolyte Tablets. This mouthguard  not only protects athletes but provides them with electrolytes to help  them maintain hydration during training. The day was founded in honor of  Coach Victor Hawkins, the creator of this mouthguard,  who passed away on June 23, 2012. It honors Hawkins' "contributions to  athlete health, safety, and success" and "increase[s] awareness of the  importance of proper hydration to athletes everywhere."
Hydration assists in regulating body temperature, revitalizing skin,  lubricating and cushioning joints, protecting the spinal cord and other  tissues, and removing waste by helping with perspiration, urination, and  bowel movements. Dehydration can lead to kidney stones, fatigue,  overheating, unclear thinking, and mood changes. In extreme  circumstances, it can cause heatstroke and death.
Monitoring hydration is particularly important when in a hot climate,  when being more physically active, and when experiencing fever,  diarrhea, or vomiting. Older people, infants, and young children, and  those with chronic illnesses that cause them to urinate or sweat more,  or who take medicines that cause them to do the same, are at a higher  risk of dehydration. Water and other fluids like milk, kombucha, and  smoothies are beneficial for hydrating, while sweetened drinks, alcohol,  and highly caffeinated drinks are not. Salad greens and other fresh  vegetables are full of water, as are fruits, and are also helpful for  maintaining hydration.
How to Observe National Hydration Day
Athletes  and non-athletes alike should stay hydrated today and on the hot summer  days to come. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids as part of your daily  routine. Remind others to do the same by sharing #NationalHydrationDay  on social media.
Indicators that you may be dehydrated:
Dry mouth.
Urinating and sweating less than usual.
Dark-colored urine.
More severe dehydration symptoms like rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, and fainting require immediate medical attention.
Tips to stay hydrated:
Carry a reusable water bottle with you.
Drink water before, during, and after workouts.
Drink water with meals at home and at restaurants.
Infuse water with lemons, limes, oranges, berries, cucumbers, or mint.
Drink seltzer water, milk, kombucha, smoothies, and 100% fruit or vegetable juices.
If drinking sports drinks, make sure they don't have a lot of added  sugar or other sweeteners. Avoid sweetened drinks like soda and energy  drinks in general, as well as alcohol and drinks high in calories and  caffeine.
Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit.
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trialbystory · 1 year
On Death of the Author
So there's a, to use the marketing jargon, 'highly-anticipated' game about a certain fictional school of magic that's also been getting a bunch of negative press that is, depending on who you ask, either blown out of proportion, wholly misplaced, or completely damning. And since it comes out in roughly a week, here's what I think about the question of whether or not it's okay to like things that were created by bad people. Y'know, if you're interested in my personal take.
So Hogwarts Legacy, amirite? A game set to finally deliver on the long-held fantasy of so many kids from my generation of not only being a Witch or Wizard, but going to Hogwarts and getting to use your magic to be the Big Damn Hero. But also a game pretty heavily surrounded by controversy; the original lead designer left/was removed after outrage over his social media posts and his involvement in an anti-SJW youtube channel, the game's story appears to revolve around putting down the in-universe historic rebellion of a certain class of magical creatures that in the books' modern era are just kind of casually oppressed, and one particular element of the story drew comparisons from some to literal Nazi propaganda. Oh, and the whole fact that one J.K. Rowling turns out to be pretty hostile to trans folks. And yet this game is still at or near the top of a lot of people's must-play lists for this year. Is it okay to still want the game? I mean, buying it supports the devs, right? But I guess the devs got their paycheck for doing their job, J.K.'s the one who'll be getting sales-based royalties. But at this point she's a multimedia duchess, not buying a copy of this one game is a drop in the bucket to her. And round and round it goes. All aboard the logic train, Choo Choo!
Ultimately, from where I'm standing, there's not a strict answer. Everyone's gotta find their own line in the sand. And it's going to vary from situation to situation. I haven't felt the desire to watch FireFly since all the stuff came out about Joss Whedon harassing people on set and being 'casually cruel' to the women he worked with. I refuse to watch the several PPVs each year WWE holds in Saudi Arabia, but I still watch their normal product.
Roosterteeth turns out to have been a kind of terrible company, with scandals or awful people or both having come out of pretty much all their outward-facing departments at this point, but I still love RWBY.
And yeah, I've been a Harry Potter fan nearly all my life (though if we're being honest I personally think the Circle of Magic books by Tamora Pierce are the better story about magically-inclined children and young adults), but when it came out that J.K. was an utter shitbird I pretty much stopped engaging with the official media at all. I like the world and I enjoy reading various fanfics, but I haven't gone back to reread the actual books, or revisited any of the movies, and I don't really have the same enthusiasm for this game that a lot of people seem to.
I've always been a proponent of the idea that the creator is separate to their creation, but sometimes there's stuff that I can't ignore. And yeah, what that tipping point is for me may not exactly be consistent, but to me it just makes sense that it should be taken on a case-by-case basis. There's too many moving parts to generalize it.
At the end of the day, all of us make our own bargain with the grim realities of consumption. I won't be buying Hogwarts Legacy. I have a friend who's on the fence but probably will be. This won't kill our friendship, we've just come to different decisions on where the line is, and we understand each other's reasoning. Next time I do one of these walls of text I promise it won't be such a downer.
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qbopublishing · 5 months
How Kids can be Safe Online
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Ensuring the online safety of kids is crucial in today's digital age. Here are some tips for parents and caregivers to help children stay safe online: 👀
Open Communication: Establish open communication with your child about their online activities. Encourage them to talk to you if they come across anything that makes them uncomfortable.
Educate About Online Risks: Teach your child about potential online risks, such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content, scams, and the importance of protecting personal information.
Set Age-Appropriate Boundaries: Determine age-appropriate limits on the types of websites, apps, and games your child can access. Use parental controls to restrict access to inappropriate content.
Supervise Online Activities: Monitor your child's online activities regularly. Be aware of the websites they visit, the people they interact with, and the content they consume.
Teach Privacy Protection: Instruct your child not to share personal information online, such as their full name, address, school name, phone number, or any other sensitive details.
Encourage Strong Passwords: Teach your child the importance of using strong, unique passwords for each online account. Ensure they understand not to share passwords with anyone, even friends.
Be Wary of Strangers: Emphasize the importance of not communicating with strangers online. Teach your child not to accept friend requests or engage in conversations with people they don't know in real life.
Check Privacy Settings: Adjust the privacy settings on social media accounts and other online platforms to limit the sharing of personal information. Regularly review and update these settings.
Use Parental Control Software: Consider using parental control software to help manage and monitor your child's online activities. These tools can assist in blocking inappropriate content and managing screen time.
Teach Critical Thinking: Help your child develop critical thinking skills to evaluate the credibility of online information. Teach them to question and verify information before accepting it as true.
Promote Healthy Screen Time: Set reasonable limits on screen time and encourage a balance between online and offline activities. Encourage physical activities, hobbies, and face-to-face interactions.
Model Good Behavior: Be a positive role model for your child by demonstrating responsible online behavior. Show them how to use technology responsibly and respectfully.
By combining these strategies, you can create a safer online environment for your child and empower them to make informed decisions when navigating the digital world. Keep the lines of communication open, stay involved, and adapt your approach as your child grows and gains more independence, for more information visit https://book.chainzd360.com/ or buy Click, Post, Succeed Social Media and Digital Marketing for Kids on Amazon. 👀
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fancallindia · 1 month
Why Personalized Connection with YouTubers Matter to Fans?
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Imagine this: you’re scrolling through YouTube, catching up on your favorite channels. Suddenly, you see a comment you left and get a reply. But it’s not just any reply — it’s from the YouTuber themselves! They acknowledge you, maybe even answer your question or mention your artwork. In that moment, your day is probably made.
This isn’t just a lucky dream.Personalized connections with YouTubers can have a real impact on fans. Here’s why that shoutout, reply, or even a simple hello holds so much weight:
Feeling Like You Belong:
YouTube can feel like a giant world, with millions of viewers and a handful of creators. A personal interaction, even a small one, bridges that gap. It shows you’re not just a username — you’re a real person the YouTuber recognizes. This feeling of belonging to a community around a shared interest is powerful.
Validation and Encouragement:
Getting a response from someone you admire can be incredibly validating. It shows they saw your comment, your artwork, or your question, and they took the time to acknowledge it. This can be a huge boost of confidence, especially for young fans or aspiring creators themselves.
A Deeper Connection with the Content:
YouTubers often feel like friends you watch every day. A personalized interaction takes that connection to a new level. It shows the YouTuber isn’t just a character on a screen; they’re a real person who interacts with their audience. This deeper connection can make their content even more meaningful.
Learning and Inspiration:
Sometimes, a quick exchange with a YouTuber can lead to valuable insights or inspiration. Maybe they offer advice on a topic you’re interested in, or point you towards another creator you might enjoy. These unexpected learning moments can be a real perk of connecting with YouTubers.
How to Increase Your Chances of a Personalized Connection
So, how do you go from viewer to someone who gets noticed by your favorite YouTuber? Here are some tips:
Be Genuine and Respectful: Nobody likes spam or negativity. Be polite, show genuine interest in their content, and avoid making demands.
Offer Something of Value: Do you have a unique perspective on their work? Are you a talented artist who wants to share fanart? Offering something of value can make your message stand out.
Keep it Short and Sweet: YouTubers get tons of messages. Make yours concise and to the point, focusing on the reason you’re reaching out.
Engage with Their Content: Leave thoughtful comments, participate in discussions, and show you’re a dedicated fan. Consistency can help you get noticed.
Use the Right Platform: For casual messages, try DMs on social media. For more serious inquiries, check their channel’s “About” section for a business email.
It’s Not All About You (But It Can Be a Little!)
While personalized connections benefit fans greatly, it’s important to remember YouTubers are busy people. They can’t reply to everyone. But even if you don’t get a direct response, reaching out shows your support and helps build a stronger community around their channel.
For YouTubers who want to connect with their fans on a more personal level, platforms like Fancall offer a great solution. These platforms provide a safe and structured environment for creators and fans to interact, allowing for more meaningful connections beyond comments and likes.
Q. Can personalized connections with YouTubers really make a difference?
Absolutely! A simple interaction can make a fan feel valued, inspired, and part of a community.
Q. What should I avoid when trying to connect with YouTubers?
Spam, negativity, and making demands are all turn-offs. Be respectful and offer something of value.
Q. How can I contact YouTubers?
You can use DMs on social media, email them directly (if their address is available), or leave thoughtful comments on their videos.
Q. What can I do to increase my chances of getting noticed?
Be genuine, respectful, and offer something of value. Engage with their content consistently and keep your messages short and sweet.
Article Source : https://medium.com/@fancall/why-personalized-connection-with-youtubers-matter-to-fans-8997a2c1bc16
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healthy-minds30 · 3 months
Social Media and Its Effects on Life.
Positive Consequence of Democratization
Successful Journey from Street Stand to Famous Chef
Mr. Rizwan Chaudhary
Mr. Rizwan Chaudhary is a middle-aged age, uneducated man who belongs to a poor-status family and sells food on a small stand to manage day-to-day expenses (Khan, 2023) and (Salim, 2023). When in 2018, he moved to another city (Multan to Narowal) with his family, there his selling stand didn’t generate sufficient money that fulfill their expenses (Khan, 2023). Mr. Rizwan with a broken heart closed the hawker stand and started working at the dhaba (small restaurant). However, his son – an intermediate student, also took a brave step and joined a pizza shop to earn money. In 2019, after one year of disappointment, discouragement, and failure situations their moral percentage reached zero, but Ramish Rizwan– son of Mr. Rizwan convinced his father to launch a YouTube channel because as a young youth, he knew it was a digital era and it’s a time to test their fortune (Salim, 2023). He recorded the first video for their channel named ‘BaBa Foods RRC’ on a simple phone, and his successful fame journey started with no proper kitchen, cooking utensils, or high-tech electronic gadgets to record a video.
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This channel booms the internet market within four years and earns 4 million subscribers on YouTube and 1.5 million followers on TikTok. They also received the ‘Top Food Creator’ award in 2022 from the TikTok social media platform. Presently, Chef Rizwan's family is living in a mansion, and owns luxurious cars, and his son Ramish moved to New Zealand.
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The fame of the YouTube channel ‘BaBa Food RRC’ is largely based on the “democratization of web” concept. Chef Mr. Rizwan's innocent style of explanation and appealing video titles– people like it and vote his appreciation in the form of subscribing (Khan, 2023), honesty (sharing real authentic commercial recipes for everyone) – people thumb up and praise him by subscribing, cooking hacks and tips (how to make your food tastier or store food) – people like it and motivate him by subscribing), beauty tips/creams (women loves it and thank him by subscribing), or herbal remedies – people like it and shows happiness by subscribing). He introduces a variety of topics under one roof that attracts the audience with simplicity and hard work (Salim, 2023) and (Khan, 2023). However, with the same strategy, they succeeded in achieving “online democratization” on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and X effectively (Salim, 2023). 
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Globally, social media apps or sites promote the ‘democratization of the web’ and allow the audience to vote for the video or post as per their liking or disliking. Internet-positive fame achieved by the YouTube channel ‘BaBa Food RRC’ in a short period is impossible without the “democratization” of social media. They still succeed in engaging the audience through their different topic videos and honest enthusiasm.
Khan, N. (February 3, 2023). From street vendor to ‘Top Food Creator’: Pakistani BaBa Jee’s
journey to online stardom. Arab News.
Salim, Y. (January 22, 2023). Baba’s on cam and he is cooking. Tribune Magazine.
BaBa Food RRC. (October 16, 2023). Awards. Facebook [Photograph].
BaBa Food RRC. (January, 2024). Success story of BaBa Food RRC Chef Rizwan with
Online Earning [Photograph].
Ramish Rizwan (December 11, 2022). TikTok Award. Instagram [Photograph].
Ramish Rizwan (May 4, 2023). Four Million Subscribers. Instagram [Photograph].
Ramish Rizwan (December 4, 2022). YouTube Fifth Biggest Creator Award. Instagram
Negative Consequence of Democratization
Showbiz Person to Religious Person
Rabi Pirzada
Former - Pakistani Singer, Television Host, and Actress
Present - Artist, Social Worker and YouTuber
In 2019, Rabi Pirzada officially announced quitting from showbiz industry in both the singing and acting sectors due to her private videos/pictures going viral on social media (Daily Sun, 2019) and (Afzal, 2019). The flood of negative and positive responses was trolling on X against the leaking materials within a few hours (IANS, 2019). Controversy over who was the culprit roaming aloud all over the country, but helpless to find a suitable exact answer because it’s a mysterious digital world (Zubair, 2019). People utilize social media apps anonymously for revenge, jealousy, or to destroy someone’s career.  
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In the same year, Rabi Pirzada also faced criticism internationally and nationally over two videos (terrorist clothing and wild animals [snakes, alligator, and pythons]) she recorded against Indian Prime Minister “Narendra Modi” (Times of India, 2019) and (BolNews,2019). She got deeply disheartened, depressed, disappointed, and ashamed after her private videos leaked.  She just requested mercy from the audience, asked forgiveness from God, and left the showbiz forever.
After leaving showbiz, Rabi Pirzada re-entered the social media world as a calligraphy artist, religious speaker, and founder of NGO (social working). She utterly changed her dress, attitude, and working field.
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Last year 2023, Rabi Pirzada exposed in her various interviews that one female living with her leaked private videos and pictures to whom she trusts a lot.  Moreover, she also accepted that her bold (negative or taunted) past remarks for other female actresses and always considered herself a sinless personality – my proudness and fearlessness behavior are the main factors of her career falling (Duniya News, 2023), (Sarkar, 2023) and (Bol News, 2023). In one YouTube interview, she also unfolded that “Negative publicity is the strongest publicity in this world”, and its damages are huge than anything (Sarkar, 2023).
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Rabi Pirzada's singing career was affected by the “democratization” of social media, which shows the power of the audience. The most positive stand she took after that misfortune was to come back with more strength to face the world and start a new journey on social media.
Sun Online Desk (November 5, 2019). Pakistani singer Rabi Pirzada quits showbiz. Daily Sun.
Afzal, A. (November 4, 2019). Rabi Pirzada quits showbiz days after her private videos
 leaked online. Business Recorder. https://www.brecorder.com/news/540667
Web Desk (January 23, 2023). Rabi Pirzada blames ‘her arrogance’ for leakage of scandalous
videos. Duniya News.https://dunyanews.tv/en/Entertainment/692617-Rabi-Pirzada-blames-her-arrogance-for-leakage-of-scandalous-videos
IANS (November 4, 2019). Pakistani Singer Rabi Pirzada quits showbiz over leaked private
 photos. Khaleej Times. https://www.khaleejtimes.com/article/pakistani-singer-rabi-pirzada-quits-showbiz-over-leaked-private-photos
Web Desk (January 22, 2023). Rabi Pirzada explains how her arrogance led her to downfall.
Bol News. https://www.bolnews.com/latest/2023/01/rabi-pirzada-explains-how-her-arrogance-led-her-to-downfall/
NA (October 24, 2019). Watch: Pakistani singer Rabi Pirzada threatens PM Modi again, this
time with suicide attack. Times of India. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/viral-news/watch-pakistan-singer-rabi-pirzada-threatens-pm-modi-again-this-time-with-suicide-attack/articleshow/71718977.cms
Zubair, M. (2019). Private data of Rabi Pirzada leaked. Bol News.
Sarkar, G. (2023). Rabi Pirzada got emotional talking about how her videos got leaked by
    someone she trusts. [Photograph]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_VWIPiEYPg
24 News HD. (2020). Rabi Pirzada emotional video message after leak videos. [photograph].
GNN (2023). Why did leave showbiz world? Rabi Pirzada’s disclosure. [photograph].
Facebook (2023). Rabi Pirzada. [photograph].  
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roseglazedlens · 4 months
Hi! Your writing is amazing and I was wondering if you had any tips and tricks for new writers that wanna start on Tumblr?
ohhhh sweetheart thank you so so much!
I don't have any tips on being Tumblr famous but maybe these tips will curate your creating journey and make it more fun 💜💜 Read more since it's a lil long!
Interact with other creators abt their works! That's actually how I became close friends with peeps on Tumblr, by sending asks and leaving comments. Friends always make the writing journey more fun! Plus, we just like talking abt our favourite characters after all ☺️☺️☺️
Write for yourself! Because you're the only audience that matters tbh. People will gravitate to you if they like your works, but more importantly, who you are through the representation of your works!
The Block button is your friend! Social media should be your safe space, and to do so you need to curate it. Don't like a trope? Block the tag. Hate anon in your ask? Don't like a certain type of energy on your dash? Seriously bad take? Too young to be on your blog? Block them. If it gives you a peace of mind, go ahead and block freely!
- Rose
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californianedgeworth · 7 months
I love to post random opinions that come to my mind on my tumblr blog. i'm not going to tag it anything other than personal tags so it's not going to reach anywhere. so it's like a diary but a few of my followers might see it but likely won't engage with it. that's what tumblr's kinda for ig
anyways, I'm always put off by those social media writing tip lists that are like "10 ideas for traumatic backstories to give your character" (literally just came here from seeing an insta post that says "character trauma ideas" but op's posting theme is like curly font with pink clouds in the background). like there's one instagrammer who's always putting out posts that are just lists of dark topics to put in your books and I have parasocial beef with them for that. bcus the impression these always give me is you can pick and choose from the list of dark subject matter for your writing projects. but it's my belief that as a writer, if you're going to put sensitive material, it should be handled with deliberation, not picked on a whim. like you should be going into dealing that subject with intention, not finding it from a list
I doubt many writers are actually picking out subject matters from these lists though. and I get why they're posted. these list posters are probably pretty young, and they run writing accounts where they expect themselves to post daily. they just put a lot of stuff out. I really feel like at a certain point those writer tip accounts just do not help me at all as a writer. they can be good for beginners, but I never find anything useful there. though I still scroll through them and side eye them for my own amusement though lol. no hard feelings to the post creators though, except for the one I have parasocial beef with
also I've kind of seen the point that in writer/oc artist spaces that people are fixated on giving all their characters "traumatic backstories", which is a sentiment I understand. you can make characters with happy childhoods that turn out interesting too lol. but also there's some kind of catharsis in giving a character an especially harrowing backstory. the writer pushes their negative emotions and experiences to the extreme by reflecting it in the character. + the interest of storytelling comes from conflict, so make your character go through as much as conflict as possible and maximize storytelling! I definitely fall into that trap where all my main characters have at least one major, tragic point in their life. but sometimes you will read a person's oc's bio and it's excessive with the amount of hardship their blorbo has gone through. sometimes to the point it feels like maybe a little insensitive to people who have gone through those real world experiences? but also I get that the creator probably uses a character as an exercise for creativity or an emotional outlet, so they have the right to go hog wild
anyways whoops didn't realize I had enough thoughts about this one specific topic to write an essay. funny cat reaction image end post
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qbopublishing · 5 months
How to Talk About Social Media To Kids
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Click, Post, Succeed Social Media and Digital Marketing for Kids
Talking to kids about social media is important to help them navigate the digital world responsibly. Here are some tips on how to approach the conversation:
Start Early: Introduce the concept of social media early, even before they express interest. This allows you to establish open communication from the beginning.
Use Age-Appropriate Language: Tailor your language to the child's age and level of understanding. Avoid using jargon they might not be familiar with.
Be Informed: Stay informed about popular social media platforms, apps, and trends. This enables you to guide them effectively and answer any questions they might have.
Discuss Positives and Negatives: Talk about the positive aspects of social media, such as staying connected with friends and family, but also discuss potential negatives like cyberbullying and the importance of privacy.
Teach Online Etiquette: Emphasize the importance of being respectful, kind, and responsible online. Teach them about the potential consequences of their online actions.
Set Limits: Establish rules and time limits for social media usage. Help them understand the importance of balancing online activities with other aspects of life.
Privacy Matters: Discuss the concept of privacy and help them understand what information is appropriate to share online. Encourage them to be cautious about sharing personal details.
Cyberbullying Awareness: Talk about the impact of cyberbullying and explain what to do if they encounter such situations. Encourage them to report any incidents and seek help if needed.
Model Responsible Behavior: Children often learn by observing. Model responsible social media behavior yourself, demonstrating how to interact positively and thoughtfully online.
Encourage Questions: Let them know they can come to you with any questions or concerns about social media. Create an open and non-judgmental space for discussion.
Monitor Their Activity: Keep an eye on their social media activity, especially if they are younger. This doesn't mean invading their privacy but rather ensuring their safety.
Stay Engaged: Regularly check in with them about their online experiences. Ask about their friends, what they're sharing, and who they are interacting with.
Explain the Permanence of Online Content: Help them understand that what they post online can have a lasting impact. Discuss the importance of thinking before sharing and the potential consequences of sharing inappropriate content.
Remember, open communication is key. Establishing trust and providing guidance will help children make informed decisions about their online presence. For more information you can buy Click, Post, Succeed Social Media and Digital Marketing for kids. on Amazon. https://book.chainzd360.com/
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