#Sun Touched
abalonetea · 2 years
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“Bloody Hell, put that thing down?” Amal scowls from his spot on the edge of the little cot, one leg pulled up so he can try and work the ill fitting boots off. “Giving me hives at this point.”
“Aye dunnae think it’s m’rosary that’s given ye the hives,” says Isaac, twisting the red crystal covered beads of the rosary tighter around his fingers. The tainted goddess stones catch in the wane light of the candles, fire and blood and stone all in one. 
“Put it down, or go elsewhere. You ain’t gettin’ in this bed with that on.” The boot hits the floor with a thump. A second thump follows a moment later, and then the springs creak as he shifts backwards. 
The tainted goddess stones growing from Amal’s skin glints in the wane light of the candles, too.
Isaac kisses the sun-cross at the end of the beads and tucks it into his trunk, just for the night.
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strayingsocks · 3 months
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okey goodnight shadowpeach nation
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socksandbuttons · 19 days
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Heyyy Solar Flare buddy pal how you doin- After idk months its DONE. Solar Flare's introduction to the plot (even tho everyone already knew he was in this au) But basically how Eclipse finds out our buddy's been in there the whole time and he's Handling It. Oh boy does he handle it. To Bloodmoon tho it looks like he's mumbling to his reflection. Normal sibling behavior. Dont worry.
But also a look into the mindscape here! Thru very... long comic post.
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Hey these guys are okay if you are wondering
Just a RLGL au outing at the market
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cipher-the-sidhe · 14 days
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Moon also requires his mandatory hugs, but he’s a little more insistent and needy about it. Luckily, you have a good rebreather, because he’s probably gonna keep you wrapped up for awhile…
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cacaocheri · 3 months
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ohhhh mann it's been a while since I've done anything traditional..... but sun has me YEARNING in class so I have no other choice
ramble undercut because it's yearning hours for me
I like to imagine that sun is a TOUCHY bastard. I think he just likes the feel of your skin on his sensors. He likes to hold your hands, your wrists, your waist.... the list goes on. It's a different and new sensory experience for him and he adores it!!!! He just wants you Near whenever he does something. To hold hands while he cleans. To play with your hair while you work. Okay I thought I could ramble more about this but I'm getting flustered already and I want to scream so I'm just leaving it here you get the idea. Dude is a physical touch bitch
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sinnabee · 5 months
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Congratulations on your new semi-permanent experimental position as the Official Daycare Assistant and Attendant Handler!
Now, you may have heard from a few of your coworkers that the Daycare Attendant can get a little... overeager, at times. But we can assure you that these are merely rumors, and should promptly be ignored - after all, the Daycare Attendant is always excited to start the day off with a smile!
Welcome to the Fazbear Family! We're sure you'll love your time with us!
And remember: you have nothing to worry about.
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mellytunee · 5 months
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AHHHHH- i've been having so much fun exploring different aus and @head-in-the-icloud Royal jesters AU has been so cool to discover!! The y/n is so real cause I too would very much try my luck conversing with the fun looking jesters than the princes
ABSOLUTELY cant wait to see where this au goes!! They have written a chapter for it on their A03 here so do check it out if you haven't already!! 🤲🤍🤍🤍
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paper-lilypie · 1 year
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abalonetea · 1 year
taking up @ladyazulina’s open tag !
Rules: Describe the main romance of your WIP in a 1-4 sentence snippet.
Isaac thinks on it for a moment. Tilts his head to the side and grins with his teeth, all half closed eyes and wet-damp hair. “Ay would do most anything ye asked of me, Amal. Ay would think ye’d know that by now.”
I love them your honor 
And I’ll tag @calicojackofficial @writinginslowmotion and @bardicbeetle
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angeltiddies · 29 days
do you think, before the deal, castiel used to stand outside and close his eyes and tilt his face up to the sun? before the empty said "someday, when the sun shines down on your face, when you are truly happy, that's when i'll come?" do you think dean noticed him staying inside more, after? tried to encourage him to go out and garden? tried to invite him out to fish or walk or have a picnic? do you think dean saw it as a slight? except then, at night, castiel would join him on the hill above the bunker to stargaze, or sit beside him in his recliner in the deancave to binge a show and he'd think "maybe he's okay. maybe we're okay." do you think castiel started warming in the reflection of the sun, in the glow of the moon, because at least he could have that? at least he could have dean, sometimes, in secret, in the dark? a reflection of the light, so muted that it couldn't hurt him?
so it's ironic, then, that he'd be taken away underground, in a windowless room. that the only sources of light would be his own fading grace, the bulb of dean's soul, the sparks of a scythe scraping along the walls. that the sun would be long gone. that it would have been a metaphor.
how curious, to expect an angel to understand, when he understands so little.
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semisolidmind · 1 year
Wait so wukong just carrys reader around? Does this mean that there can be sack of potatoes jokes when he tosses reader over his shoulder. But also I present smol wukong carrying reader with like this almost "I have a jar of dirt" memey joy
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this is less "sack of potatoes" and more "he got real excited and picked her up without thinking and she's a lil too used to this" idk
(i wasn't gonna render this, but it was so cute i kinda had to)
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nounaarts · 11 months
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Sketch I was too lazy to colour
Idk what I'm doing anymore lol
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ryu sun-jae, a certified adult loser and baek in-hyuk, putting up with his shit for god knows how long
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thegoodmorningman · 1 month
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They're always calling me "Bird Brain". Good Morning!!!
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