amaia is a national treasure <3
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helix-studios117 · 1 month
Halo Reloaded: Pie
John-117 and Linda-058 strolled up to an urban apartment complex that looked like it had seen better days, with its faded paint and the drone of city life buzzing around it like an old fridge. They were both decked out in their civvies, which for super-soldiers like them, meant trying to look unassuming—John in a plain tee that stretched a bit at the shoulders, and Linda, a touch taller, in a simple sweater that did nothing to hide her towering frame.
As they reached Corporal Perez's apartment, the door flung open as if by some telepathic anticipation. Maria, Perez's mom, stood there, her eyes lighting up at the sight of her unexpected giant guests. The smell of cooking that rolled out of the apartment was almost physically overwhelming, rich with the scents of cumin and fried onions.
"¡Bienvenidos!" Maria greeted them with a grin that could light up the dark side of any moon. "Come on in before the neighborhood notices I've got Spartans at my door!"
Linda’s stomach growled audibly, a sound that seemed to echo down the hallway. John gave her a sidelong look and chuckled. "Looks like someone skipped breakfast."
"Very funny," Linda shot back, her cheeks reddening just a bit. Maria laughed heartily as she ushered them inside, her eyes briefly scanning Linda with a mix of awe and amusement. "I hope you brought appetites," she said, leading them into a dining room that looked ready to host a small army.
The table was a cornucopia of Mexican delights, but it was the pie that caught Linda's eyes instantly. It sat there on the counter, looking like a golden treasure chest of calories. The butterscotch pie was a masterpiece, with crumbles of cinnamon strewn across its whipped topping like tiny, edible boulders. The caramel syrup was drizzled with an artist's touch, glistening under the kitchen lights, beckoning Linda with its siren call.
"Oh, man," Linda muttered, half to herself, her gaze fixed on the pie with the intensity of a targeting system. "That should be illegal."
Maria noticed, her grin widening. "That, my dear, is butterscotch pie—Perez family secret. You burn calories by just looking at it. You'll love it."
John raised an eyebrow, his grin teasing. "I'm not sure the pie will survive long enough around Linda to be loved by anyone else."
Dinner unfolded with Maria regaling them with tales from the neighborhood, each story more embellished than the last, while she kept piling food onto their plates like a culinary Santa Claus. Linda, for her part, dove into the meal with the gusto of someone who'd just completed a marathon in the desert. Her earlier embarrassment forgotten, she demolished her servings with a ferocity that was mildly terrifying.
John, ever the stoic, ate more slowly, though his occasional smirks at Linda’s antics spoke volumes. Between bites, he shared a story or two about their less classified exploits, carefully edited for civilian ears, each tale delivered with the deadpan delivery of someone who found jumping off spaceships less exciting than most people found a tax return.
As they moved on to dessert, Linda’s attack on the pie was something to behold. She savored each bite with a look of bliss that suggested she was having a religious experience. The cinnamon crumbles crunched satisfyingly with every bite, the cool whip and caramel providing a creamy, sweet dance of flavors that nearly drew a moan from her."Is it as good as it looks?" Maria asked, eyes twinkling with mischief.
Linda, mouth full, could only nod vigorously, her usual poise drowned out by the symphony of butterscotch.As they wrapped up the evening, Maria packed up some leftovers with a knowing smile. "For the road, because who knows when you’ll find butterscotch pie in space, right?"
Stepping out into the night, John and Linda felt a lightness that only a good meal and better company could provide.
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firstfrightzine · 1 year
Welcome Contributors!!
The guests have arrived. This feast can now begin. ✨🩸
Please welcome our talented contributors! 
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💚Illustration Artists 💚
Kelestial / @kelestialart
0limpai / Twitter: @01impai
Lorin Parker / @littleshinymoth
Loup! / Twitter: @Loup______
Emory Kjelsberg / Twitter: @emory_kjelsberg
Erin / @erisperitas
Apsa / Tumblr: @appsa
Lemon / Twitter: @lem0nicecream
Boo / Lottie / @booaue
Andrea / @chromaherder
Foslo / Twitter: @fosloart
Rayne / @raynecreates
Marlo Musa / @marloart
Amanda / Twitter: @Winterellle
Lydia / Coyoteprince / @coyoteprince
💚 Merch Artists 💚
Niko / @_actionpilot
Victor Hannibal / @vinegarhannibal
Gid! / @gidmoji
Eldritchtoast / @Eldritch_Toast
Kiiyame / @kiiyame
💚 Comic Artist 💚
Steaf / Instagram: @steaf_art
MouseHands / Maria / Twitter: @tacticalanxiety
Saintcircus / @saintcircus 
Hermi / Twitter: @MaycenHermesYap
electrica / Eli / Instagram: electricaaaaa
Aveloka / @avelokadrawsguts
💚 Writers 💚
E.V. Smith / Twitter: @IcelandicRain
Jester / @eye-dandy
Jude Chaney / @judaciously
Hua / @gutouhua
Quill / @xochitai
Nol / Twitter: @nocteal
Luka / wtp / @wtpthedemon
💚 Mods 💚
ZombieGaby / Instagram: @ZombieGaby
E.V. Smith / Twitter: @IcelandicRain
Kelestial / @kelestialart
Reblogs are appreciated! @zinesunlimited @zinefeed @zine-scene  @zineforall  @faneventshub @anizines @atozines @zinesunlimited @all-zine-apps @zineapps @zinefans
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thegroovywitch · 1 year
I: Do you have any favorite American guitarists?
Jimmy: “Well, let’s see, we’ve lost the best guitarist any of us ever had and that was Hendrix. The other guitarist I started to get into died also, Clarence White. He was absolutely brilliant. Gosh. On a totally different style — the control, the guy who played on the Maria Muldaur single, “Midnight at the Oasis.” Amos Garrett. He’s Les Paul oriented and Les Paul is the one, really. We wouldn’t be anywhere if he hadn't invented the eclectic guitar. Another one is Elliot Randall, the guy who guested on the first Steely Dan album. He’s great. Band-wise, Little Feat is my favorite American group.
The only term I won’t accept is “genius.” The term “genius” gets used far too loosely in rock & roll. When you hear the melodic structures of what classical musicians put together and you compare it to that of a rock & roll record, there’s a hell of a long way rock & roll has to go. There’s a certain standard in classical music that allows the application of the word “genius,” but you’re treading on thin ice if you start applying it to rock & rollers. The way I see it, rock & roll is folk music. Street music. It isn’t taught in school. It has to be picked up. You don’t find geniuses in street musicians, but that doesn’t mean to say you can’t be really good. You get as much out of rock & roll artistically as you put into it. There’s nobody who can teach you. You’re on your own and that’s what I find so fascinating about it.”
— By Cameron Crowe for Rolling Stone, March 13, 1975
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lgbtqreads · 11 months
New Releases: June 27, 2023
Molly’s Tuxedo by Vicki Johnson Buy it: Manslaughter Park by Tirzah Price This is the third book in the Jane Austen Murder Mysteries series, and the first with a queer (bi) protag. Aspiring artist Fanny Price is an unwelcome guest at her uncle Sir Thomas Bertram’s estate. It’s his affection for Fanny that’s keeping her from being forced out by her cousins Tom and Maria and nasty Aunt Norris, back…
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michaelgruberfan · 4 months
"Broadway song-and-dance man hits PCPA"
Quintin Cushner / Life & Times Writer Jun 15, 2003 (X)
Before Michael Gruber sang on Broadway, he was an NCAA All-American diver at the University of Michigan.
"I was diving during the Greg Louganis era," said Gruber, 38, referring to the prolific American athlete who medaled in three separate Olympics. "There was really only one more space after his on the team. After the 1984 Olympic trials came and went, I needed to make a choice about whether I wanted to train another four years (for the Olympics)."
Gruber, who performed in high-school musicals, opted to leave competitive diving to focus on becoming a song-and-dance man. He transferred to the College Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati, where he honed his performance skills.
He then moved to New York City and earned roles in the musicals "A Chorus Line," "Miss Saigon," "Kiss Me, Kate" and "Swing." His most prominent Broadway role to date was as Munkustrap in "Cats."
Through July 20, Gruber is starring as Bobby Child in PCPA/s revival of the comic musical "Crazy for You." When not belting out a classic Gershwin brother/s tune, Gruber (as Child) spends most of the play trying to win the hand of local beauty Polly Baker (Melinda Ann Parrett). Guess whether he gets her.
Audience and media reactions to Gruber/s performance indicate that competitive diving/s loss has become the Central Coast/s gain.
A Times review of the play raved that Gruber "gives a performance that recalls musical idols of the Silver Screen, who literally swept their ladies off their feet with graceful dancing."
Starting Friday, Gruber and the "Crazy for You" cast will move south to Solvang to perform in that town/s open air Festival Theater.
"Michael is one of the rare breed of triple-threat performers who sing, dance and act 77 all first-rate quality," said Craig Shafer, PCPA spokesman. "His presence strengthens an already strong cast of resident and guest professional artists and interns on and off stage."
Recently the Times caught up with Gruber via telephone to talk about his life in the arts.
Times: So, do you miss New York?
Michael Gruber: We had two weeks off after the Santa Maria shows and before we moved down to Solvang, so I went home to New York. To be honest, it was like major culture shock. I was used to this mellow environment (on the Central Coast), so I was a little fried when I went to Manhattan. I was very happy to get out here again.
Times: Have you seen much of the Central Coast?
MG: I/m living in Santa Maria right now. I/ve also gone to Pismo Beach and the Avila Valley Hot Springs. They/re great. I/ve gone up to San Luis Obispo and down to Santa Barbara. I/ll have Mondays and Tuesdays off soon, so I hope to do more traveling. It/s so beautiful out here.
Times: Do you mind doing shows outside of New York?
MG: I/m happy to fill in the gaps between Broadway shows by going out of town. I like to get a break from the manicness of New York. Regional theater often has more interesting projects.
Times: After performing in melodramatic Andrew Lloyd Webber shows like "Cats," how do you approach something lighter like the Gershwin-inspired "Crazy for You?"
MG: The audience really informs you of what you can get away with in something like "Crazy for You." They sort of construct your performance by their reactions.
You really have to extend yourself when you/re doing farce, and take some chances. There/s a lot of slapstick, tripping and falling. The audience sort of constructs your performance. A show like this is so fun, but you have to be brave. And so far the audiences have been great. Everybody/s really enjoying themselves.
Times: Do you see any parallels between diving and theater?
MG: I guess being in the zone, and having that kind of concentration is very similar. And both are a kind of performing.
Both diving and acting involve judging. There/s a lot of bias and politics to both. If you/re competing against Louganis, and you did a dive comparable to one he did, he would still likely get the higher score. In theater, it/s the same way 77 a lot of it is mystique.
Times: Do you still have to audition for shows?
MG: Sometimes I/m just offered parts; that/s really what I prefer. Sometimes, if they don/t know you, you have to audition, but I never have to go to cattle calls anymore. They do what are called agent-submissions, where you/ll go to a private audition. Each show is something slightly different.
Times: Do you have any interest in doing television or movies?
MG: They/re such different industries. So much of (filmed) work is by who you know and who knows you. I don/t have any kind of network in the industry. And I/m much more broadly skilled in theater craft.
Times: Is it difficult to have relationships when you/re on the road so much?
MG: I/m not a big relationship person. I have my friends, but I/ve never really dated that much. It/s very hard to pursue relationships in this business. I/ve actually sort of been dealing with that right now, because as I get older I/m starting to want a more serious relationship.
Times: What would you do if you didn/t make your living as an actor?
MG: I/ve been working with a partner on composing some (musical theater) pieces. We/ve done three pieces together and we/re writing the fourth one right now. It takes place in 1975 and it/s called "Vegas Organic."
I/m totally addicted to The Beach (a Central Coast radio station), because that/s the era of music we/re writing for. I love Heart, Steve Perry from Journey, Freddie Mercury and Queen, Pink Floyd, Aerosmith … classic hard rock.
Times: So, I read that you were into psychotherapy? Are we talking Freud?
MG: No, classical analysis didn/t really work for me. I found it too one-sided. And from what I/ve read, classical therapy has not been that successful. It/s not necessarily practical.
The therapist I have now uses gestalt therapy. It/s great. He collaborates with me. We have a dialogue. It involves more problem-solving and is more immediate. But when I/m on the road, I take a break. I don/t want to become too obsessive about it.
Times: What kind of foods have you been eating in Santa Maria?
MG: It/s total In-N-Out and Taco Bell. When I/m late for rehearsal it/s McDonald/s drive-through. It/s bad because my metabolism isn/t as fast as it once was.
Times: What have you been doing for fun around here?
MG: I went out last night to a friend/s house. We watched TV and laughed and talked, drank a few beers and ate a pizza. College student-type stuff. It was a lot of fun.
Times: What/s the future of the Broadway musical?
MG: It/s tough to say, because the economy isn/t so great right now, and people are more careful about how they spend their money. In this type of an economy, and when a Broadway ticket is ,90, people are gonna want to see "The Producers" or "Phantom (of the Opera)." Or maybe they/ll see "Chicago" because the movie was so successful. Those shows will always make a killing.
Producers want a market value. Unless you/re Stephen Sondheim, it/s very hard to get a different kind of musical produced. And even his shows don/t have longevity because they/re not going to bring in tourists.
"Long Day/s Journey into Night," by Eugene O/Neill, would never be produced on Broadway now if it didn/t have Brian Dennehy, Vanessa Redgrave, Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Robert Sean Leonard, who are all movie actors. It/s all about the economy. Once the economy improves and rich people start spending more money again, there might be more risky productions.
Times: What role do you really want to play?
MG: I/d like to play George in "Sunday in the Park with George." It/s beautifully written and I relate to its themes, which involve the isolation of an artist.
Times: Are you looking forward to moving down to Solvang?
MG: It/ll be cool. We/re doing five shows a week with no matinees. It/s a cool town and it/s always great to work outside.
Times: What/s your favorite part of doing the show?
MG: I enjoy the contrast of doing the romantic side of Bobby Child and the wacky silliness of Bela Zangler 77 that whole level of being in disguise.
(For part of the play, Child disguises himself as the wealthy Bela Zangler)
There/s a song in the show, "Embraceable You," and it/s the first time Bobby realizes that Polly/s falling in love with him and not Bella. It/s the turning point. He doesn/t tell her who he is because he doesn/t want to lose her.
And he/s realizing where the journey is going, and he doesn/t know how to handle it.
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heavenboy09 · 2 months
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To 1 Of The Legendary & Iconic Daughter Of The Greatest Martial Artist & Movie Star 🌟 That Ever Lived
Shannon was born on April 19, 1969, at UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center in Santa Monica, California. She is the youngest child and only daughter of martial arts film star Bruce Lee and Linda Emery. In her youth she studied Jeet Kune Do, the martial art created by her father, under Richard Bustillo, one of her father's students.
She is an American actress and businesswoman. She is the only living child of martial artist Bruce Lee and retired martial arts teacher Linda Lee Cadwell, and is the younger sister of actor Brandon Lee. Through Bruce Lee she is a granddaughter of Cantonese opera singer Lee Hoi-chuen.
In 1993, Lee made a cameo appearance as a party singer performing "California Dreamin'", in her father's biopic Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story. This was followed by supporting roles in the films Cage II (1994), with Lou Ferrigno and High Voltage (1998).
In 1998, Lee played her first leading role in the Hong Kong action film Enter the Eagles, directed by Corey Yuen, co-starring Michael Wong and Anita Yuen. In the film, Lee had a fight scene with Benny Urquidez, who went on to teach her kickboxing. That same year, she guest-starred in an episode of the television series Martial Law alongside Sammo Hung.
She was the executive producer of the 2008 television series The Legend of Bruce Lee, based on her father's life, and the 2009 documentary film How Bruce Lee Changed the World.
In 2015, Perfect Storm Entertainment and Shannon Lee announced that the series Warrior, based on an original idea by Bruce Lee, would be produced and air on Cinemax. Filmmaker Justin Lin was chosen to direct the series, which debuted April 5, 2019.
In 2023, Lee guest starred in Season 3, episode 6 of Warrior, which marked her return to acting after 20 years. 
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#ShannonLee #DaughterOfTheDragon #BruceLee #BrandonLee #LindaLeeCadwell #ErinWren #TheLeeFamily  #BeLikeWater
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leftistteendrama · 5 months
Leftist Teen Drama Season 3 Round-Up - Thank YOU!!
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It’s time for a big THANK YOU to everyone involved in Leftist Teen Drama Season 3, now that it’s our first Sunday without a new episode. Thank you to producer Jeff McHale, artist Charles O’Leary, and all our amazing guests. Thank you to our listeners for tuning in to our niche lil political teen drama podcast! And thank you for your patience as we head into another hiatus! As I said on the Season 3 finale, we have many ideas percolating and are hoping to cook up a special episode or two during our hiatus. And of course, we will return with Season 4 later in 2024. Happy New Year, may your teen dramas be filled with mean girls turned activists and student sit-in movements. Amen. -Maria
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skyler10fic · 1 year
To Have and to Hold: Ch. 12 Ceremonial
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Summary: It’s Daisy and Carol’s wedding ceremony time, and they have a whole crew to help them get ready and celebrate their big day! Plus, a special guest shows up for Carol.  
Here is a playlist for these last two chapters, starting with the ceremony (linked there too).
Read on Ao3
June broke in with warm, sunny relief from a rainy, hectic May. Even Memorial Weekend, usually full of lazy days at a lake or festivals in the nearby city park was crowded with last-minute planning details for Daisy and Carol and their wedding party. But the calendar turned and the planning turned to action. The marriage license had been acquired. The honeymoon bags were packed and ready to go. Deke the deejay had a final, approved playlist. Their mani-pedi day with the bridal party provided a needed respite from the busyness, and the hairstylist and makeup artist Bobbi recommended was kind, professional, and talented during their test run. Daisy had Carol’s gift in the form of a secret thumb drive and small photo album hiding in her suitcase, and Carol had a gift for Daisy hidden in hers as well. Bobbi had sent them back a few photos from their bridal shoot to use on their wedding website and some prints they framed to put on the guest book table, cake table, and gift table.  
They’d been able to have the rehearsal in the empty space the night before their wedding day, but only after the traditional rehearsal dinner since there had been another wedding and set of vendors who needed time to get the place back into pristine condition before it was Carol and Daisy’s turn. The bridal party ate at a nearby restaurant and caravaned over to the park for the ceremony walk-through. Someone asked if they were planning on spending the night apart to avoid seeing each other before the ceremony, but they replied that they had decided it was pragmatically easier not to and they were fine with breaking more traditions and superstitions. In reality, they knew they needed each other to sleep, especially on such an emotionally charged night. The last thing they needed tonight would be to stay apart. In the hustle and bustle of the last month, they had hardly had a moment to themselves that wasn’t about details or needing to rest from all the activity. They’d stayed at the venue late into the night talking with their friends and family, so by the time they did get home and ready for bed, they only had energy for a sleepy goodnight kiss.  
On the day of the ceremony, Bobbi, Hunter, the florist, Delights Catering, and their respective employees arrived early to get the venue ready for the ceremony and reception. Vans full of flowers, decorations, fabric, lighting, food, enough alcohol for a full bar, and a beautiful unity candle set were unloaded and set up where another wedding’s had been the day before. Jemma and Maria met up at the venue to supervise that all was going according to plan before heading to Carol and Daisy’s to pick them up for their hair and makeup appointments. 
Jemma texted Daisy when they left the park and were on their way to get coffee. She asked if Daisy and Carol wanted anything special. 
Daisy would never admit it to Jemma, but it was the sound of the text that finally woke Daisy up enough to stop snoozing her alarm. 
“Hm?” Carol asked, still half-asleep. 
“Jemma wants to know if we want special coffee?” Daisy mumbled, eyes squinting at the brightness of her phone. It took another second, but then her brain caught up. “It’s today!” 
Carol was distracted, cuddling close to Daisy’s soft, warm body. “Mmm and it is a very good today.”
Daisy giggled and kissed Carol’s forehead. “No, I mean, it’s today. It’s our wedding day, babe.” 
Carol opened her eyes and matched Daisy’s smile. She sat up and looked out the window to see the blue sky and sunshine, just as the weather app had predicted. “Yes! How much time do we have?”
“Not much,” Daisy reminded her. “Jemma wants to know our coffee order.” 
“Shit,  just an Americano. I will get breakfast ready if you want to get in the shower first and then we’ll switch.” 
“Sounds like a plan.” They scrambled out of bed to get ready so they could pretend like Jemma’s text hadn’t woken them up by the time their bridesmaids arrived. Daisy stopped Carol just before she walked out of the bedroom. “Hey, fiancee!” 
Carol turned back and knew what was missing. She came back over and pecked a kiss to Daisy’s lips. 
“That’s better,” Daisy affirmed and sent her on her way. “And don’t forget, we shouldn’t wash our hair today. She said it is easier to style when it’s not clean.” 
“Got it!” Carol called, already on her way to the kitchen for a bowl of her usual granola, berries, and yogurt. 
They were miraculously both dressed in button-up shirts (so they didn’t ruin their hair and makeup by taking off a shirt over their heads) by the time Jemma and Maria arrived, but only just. Their dresses, shoes, accessories, the marriage license, and the ring boxes were all ready to go and had been for days, but Daisy kept thinking of travel things they might need on the honeymoon and Carol debated how many water bottles they would need for the day and quizzed Jemma and Maria on emergency kit items (sewing kit with safety pins? Band-aids? Phone charger? Protein bars?). 
“Carol.” Jemma gently took the bride by the arms. “We love you. But I am literally a trauma unit physician. And Maria’s an Air Force flying ace. I promise. We are prepared.” 
Maria called to the bedroom, “Daisy May Coulson, you’ve got 10 seconds!”
“Coming!” she shouted back, mentally running through her checklist with her hands to her head. She gathered the last remaining items for the wedding and zipped the bag for the honeymoon. They would stop by on their way from the reception to the hotel downtown to grab their luggage. 
Maria cleared her throat. “Did you know there is a hot blonde lesbian in your living room who wants to marry you, preferably today?” 
Daisy appeared on cue. “Well, you should have mentioned that earlier.” 
Finally ready, they carried everything they needed for the wedding to the car and headed to the salon. 
The salon was bustling with activity. Normal customers and the other stylists chatted away until they saw the bridal party grow and so many women around one chair or hanging around. 
“Let’s start with the brides. Daisy, come on up.” The stylist, Carla, gestured to the chair. 
As soon as Daisy sat down, the shop turned its attention to Carla’s customers. 
“Ooo, brides?” asked one older woman. “Who is getting married here?” 
Carol raised her hand and then gestured between herself and Daisy. “We are!”
Jemma spoke up, “We’re the bridesmaids, violinist, and mother of the bride.” She pointed to Maria, Elena, and Melinda. 
Congratulations and questions continued throughout the hair appointment, making the time go faster. 
Carla’s coworker Shanae did the bridesmaids’ hair, then Elena and Melinda, while Daisy and Carol were with Carla. In the end, Daisy’s hair was pulled back in a low bun with a few loose curls framing her face. Carol’s was down in full elegant curls, pulled back to one side by the silver and gold swirl barrette they each had. Daisy’s went above her bun, Jemma’s accented the side of an updo, Elena’s covered the tiny elastic band at the convergence of her half-braided/half-down style, and Maria’s and Melinda’s were pinned to the side.   
The hairspray cloud and shop full of chattering women were in full swing by the time the door opened to reveal Carol’s aunts. 
“I’m here for the wedding,” Aunt Wendy told the receptionist and pointed with her folded aviator sunglasses to the gang around Carla and Shanae’s chairs. Aunt Victoria followed in amusement as Carol turned her attention from discussions of where to clip her hair accessory to see who had walked in. 
“Aunt Wendy!” She jumped up and threw her arms around her. Though they had spent comparatively little time in person together, it just felt right to hug today, especially after others in the shop had asked about the “other” mother of the bride in cautious and diplomatic curiosity.  
Carol introduced Wendy and Victoria to the rest of the shop, feeling by now like she knew the other customers and stylists as friends. Eventually, they returned Carol to her task, and Aunt Wendy leaned in behind Carol to help. Their eyes met in the mirror as Wendy clipped the barrette into place. 
“There,” Wendy said simply. 
“Exactly,” Carol confirmed. Her heart swelled at the motherly placement of Aunt Wendy’s hands on her shoulders and the proud look in those piercing Lawson family eyes in the mirror. On Carol’s mother, they had been calculating, a tool to appear innocent and sincere, but always with an agenda behind them. On Aunt Wendy, they were fae-like, as if she could see right through to Carol’s heart and dare her to courage and hope. On today of all days, especially. 
Shanae styled Victoria’s dark hair and red streaks into loose waves. They rested on her blazer lapels with grace and dignity. Wendy’s wild silver and white short hair, in contrast, was tamed into an orderly style except for one side-swept lock that fell in defiance across her forehead. 
When they were done and moving over to the makeup tables, Daisy poked Carol and pointed in Wendy’s direction. Wendy was back thanking the stylists and conversing with the other customers still, with her hands casually in her pockets, just the way Carol always stood. 
“They say women become their mothers,” Daisy said, “but I think I already know which family member you’ll be like.”
Melinda leaned in. “The mother thing is true for other people though.” 
“Oh yeah?” Daisy asked with a twinkle in her eye. “Know anyone that might apply to?” 
Melinda sent her a silent raised eyebrow. 
“Good,” Daisy confirmed. Melinda’s telling look melted into pride. 
Carol started to comment on how Daisy’s silent looks were a perfect mirror of Melinda’s, but the stylists were set up for makeup time. At tables usually used for manicures sat colorful rows and rows of powders and creams and sticks and brushes for each skin tone and style. And they had plenty to factor in. 
Shanae made the comment, “Y’all look like a whole diversity panel or somethin’. I love it. We get to use a lot of these beautiful shades today.”
Jemma laughed. “We are a bit of a walking professional women’s summit as well. I’m a medical doctor, and we’ve got an Air Force pilot, a cybersecurity expert, a spacecraft engineer, an attorney, and a university track and field coach.”
Victoria added, “And a fuel systems engineer and a CFO. I’ll let you guess which of us is which.” 
“Damn.” Shanae nodded, impressed. “So I’ll call y’all when my daughter has a career day at school.” 
“Anytime,” Maria confirmed. “My daughter, Monica, likes me to come for science week and bring my gear and a remote control drone for them to fly around.” 
Carla and Shanae realized the other stylists and customers had followed them over to the makeup tables and were staying around even after their appointments were done. 
“Hey girls,” Carla proposed, “what if we get out the wine from the breakroom and give these ladies a toast for their wedding day?” 
The other stylists enthusiastically agreed. Once all the makeup was done and hair was confirmed to be holding in place, they poured little clear plastic cups for all in the shop with enough wine for a proper toast. 
“May your love last forever,” Shanae started. 
“And may you always know joy. To Daisy and Carol! Cheers!” Carla finished. The rest repeated the “cheers” and clinked their plastic cups together before they drank. 
Jemma noted it was time to get to the chapel. They paid out and said their goodbyes before piling into a caravan of vehicles. Maria made sure everyone had a ride as Jemma checked that all the drivers had the address, and they were off to the venue.
Nadia had a quick lunch ready for them, which they ate in a hurry before Bobbi’s call times for various group photos. When they were finished eating, the dresses were up next on the agenda. Bobbi shot a few photos of the bridal gowns hanging side by side in the dressing room built for bridal parties like this. She stayed out of the way as they swapped their street clothes for their formal wear and picked back up her camera again when they were nearly done, getting photos of Melinda zipping up Daisy’s dress and of Wendy zipping up Carol’s. While the older women helped the brides put on their heels, Bobbi also got shots of the others applying their lipstick in the mirror and helping each other put on the finishing touches. 
When they were all ready, they met up with the men. In the other dressing room, Mack, Phil, and Fitz had been donning their suits and dress shoes. 
Mack and Fitz smiled as they saw their wives dressed up, and Elena and Jemma returned their compliments to see their husbands so handsome. The florist’s assistant brought over their flowers, and the wives pinned boutonnieres on their husbands’ lapels before taking their own bouquets from the assistant’s cart. 
Phil, though, teared up seeing his baby girl in her full bridal beauty. Melinda shook her head at his sentimentality but soothed her hand across his back.
“You can’t cry,” Daisy urged, “or you’ll set me off before we even start the ceremony!” 
Phil laughed and took her hands. “I want to hug you, but I’m afraid to mess up your makeup or hair or something. You look so grown up. When did that happen?”
Daisy smiled softly. Their moment was interrupted by Hunter, urging everyone to move out of the lobby and into the chapel before guests started to arrive, and then they would get a few outdoors on the back side of the building near the pond, trees, and flowers. Lian and William May arrived just in time for some family photos, and it tugged at Daisy’s heart that she was so lucky to have them. Carol had no surviving grandparents due to a series of tragedies taking them too young, and Phil’s father had died when he was only nine. Daisy barely remembered Phil’s mother who had passed when Daisy was in kindergarten. Grandma Lian and Grandpa William had become all the more influential and important in their lives as a result, and Daisy knew even as they took these photos that she’d treasure the precious results of Bobbi’s work for the rest of her life. 
“Wait for meeee,” came a small girl’s voice. Monica ran from her dad’s car to her mom’s side. Her fluffy lavender dress bounced in time with her natural tight curls. Maria hugged her and fixed her lavender bow, and Bobbi shot photos of just the two of them and then everyone together, with Monica as part of the wedding party with her little basket that the florist would soon fill with flower petals.
They ended up not spending much time outside since it was a warm afternoon, and they didn’t want to get sweaty before the ceremony, but they had enough to preserve the memories and Bobbi was efficient at managing their time. They returned to their dressing rooms for water, time to freshen up, and a final mirror check. 
Mack knocked on the open door of the women’s dressing room to check in with the brides. 
“How are we doing? All ready?” he asked. 
“So ready,” Carol exhaled and took Daisy’s hand. 
“Yeah,” Daisy said as she looked around at everyone, “I actually think we are. Everyone else?” 
A chorus of agreement rose from behind her. 
“Let’s do this,” Daisy confirmed. She beamed and squeezed Carol’s hand. 
“Do you still want to sign the license as part of the ceremony?” Mack asked. 
“Oh, you’ll need this,” Jemma said as she found the manila envelope with the license in Daisy and Carol’s pile of stuff and handed it to Mack. He opened the envelope and slid out the license to ensure all was in order. Jemma supplied him with three identical navy and gold pens, fitting of a formal ceremony. “We tested them all and they should work, but just in case, it’s always wise to have a backup or two.” 
“Thanks,” Daisy said and turned back to Mack who read the license and looked to Carol.
“Carol Coulson, huh?” he read. “You know, it—”
“Has a ring to it, I know,” Carol finished. “It’s true, but also a good wedding pun.” 
“I was going to say it fits you.” Mack slid the license back in the envelope and put the pens in his inner jacket pocket. “See you ladies at the altar.” 
He looked over their heads to wink at Elena, who was warming up on her violin in the corner. She winked and blew a kiss back. She’d practiced the song with Fitz earlier in the day, so she felt prepared, but it was good to get focused before they got started. She left the dressing room to place her instrument at her place at the front of the chapel, and when she returned, she reported back that the seats were nearly full. Her mother-in-law arrived at the dressing room and handed off Alfie, dressed in his tiny toddler tuxedo. 
“There’s the ring buddy,” Daisy greeted him and tickled his tummy, making him giggle. 
“Ready to go?” Carol asked him and picked up the engraved wooden ring box from where it was waiting on a table with their stuff. “You and your mom are going to take these to the front of the chapel for us, remember?” 
He nodded and extended his hands for the box, which held their wedding bands. 
“Uh,” Elena interjected. “I’ll take those for now.” 
Alfie frowned but didn’t throw a fit. They all knew he’d be plotting to steal the box at the first opportunity.    
“You can hold it when we walk down the aisle,” she promised. 
And he didn’t have to wait long. The entry music from their playlist—“Beautiful in White” covered by a female artist—began over the sound system, and they left the dressing room to line up at the entrance to the chapel in the lobby. All except Aunt Victoria, who snuck in the side door to take her seat inside. She opened her camera app to ensure they had a few photos to post today, since Bobbi’s and Hunter’s would take a while for them to edit and process.
One of Bobbi’s assistants ensured the members of the wedding party were standing in order, had their flowers, and remembered to walk sloooowly, especially emphasizing this to Monica, who was excitedly twirling and having to put the fallen petals back in her basket. It took all of Maria’s patience to get her quiet and still before the assistants opened the chapel doors. 
Meanwhile, Melinda urged her parents to get to the front of the line. They had been having a conversation with Fitz and Phil in the lobby after the photo session and, earlier, greeting guests as they arrived. When they were in place and ready to go, the assistants opened the double doors at once, starting off the traditional pageantry of the wedding ceremony. William, dashing in his suit and boutonniere, walked down the aisle with the always-noble Lian on one arm and Melinda on the other. When they neared the front, Melinda showed them their assigned seats next to spots for herself and Phil.  
Next came little Alfie holding the wood ring box high for the guests to see, closely followed by Elena and Mack. As Mack took his place front and center, Elena showed Alfie to a small pile of soft toys next to his grandmother to keep him entertained and quiet during the ceremony. 
Next came Monica and her flower petals, elegantly distributed down the aisle. The guests smiled at how seriously she took her job, but she took the positive attention as approval and held her head as high as a princess on parade, giving a royal wave when she was finished, and plopped down onto the first row. Maria followed her daughter in loving amusement and took her place to the right. Jemma and Fitz followed, arm in arm, and Jemma mirrored Maria’s position to the left as Fitz took his place at the piano. 
With everyone else in place, the recorded music stopped, and Fitz took a centering breath and gave his fingers a final stretch. The chapel full of guests settled into anticipatory silence. He glanced to the open doorway at the end of the aisle, and Carol and Wendy nodded the go-ahead. He positioned his hands and began to play the wedding march with all its ceremonial pomp and flourishes. All the guests stood on cue and turned to face the back, watching Carol and her aunt walk down the aisle, arm-in-arm. With all eyes in the room on her, Carol gripped her bouquet with sweaty palms and kept her focus on getting to the front without tripping. Mack smiled softly, and it helped calm her racing pulse. At the end of the aisle, Wendy patted Carol’s arm in reassurance as she let go and took her spot standing by Maria. 
While Wendy escorted Carol, Phil whispered to Daisy, “I am so proud of you.”
“I love you,” Daisy whispered back, tears already welling up. 
“I love you, sweetheart,” he whispered back. He held out his arm and Daisy looped her arm under it and over in proper form. They stood up straighter as they stepped up to the entrance and the crowd’s attention turned their way. It was their turn to go.
Daisy caught the eyes of several long-time friends as she surveyed the crowd. But it only took a few seconds for her to lock on to Carol’s worshipful gaze. Her heart pounded as they drew closer. After what seemed like an eternity, despite the chapel’s small size in reality, they were face to face once more, and Phil stepped off to the side by Jemma.  
“Breathe,” Carol quietly reminded Daisy, and they inhaled and exhaled a shaky breath together. They both seemed to glow with the fairytale bliss of bridal radiance.
When the song ended, Mack gestured to Melinda and Victoria to join their spouses in front of him and the brides. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Carol and Daisy in wedded matrimony. Who stands as witnesses with these brides today?” 
“We do,” the parents, aunts, and bridesmaids said in unison. It was Carol’s turn to tear up at the love surrounding them.
“Do you pledge to support this couple in their newly wedded life, continuing to stand beside them as they enter their marriage, growing in love as friends and family?” 
“We do.” 
“Thank you,” Mack said, signaling to them that the parents and aunts could return to their seats. “Carol and Daisy, you are embarking on a new journey together, but you are not alone. Your love will flourish and endure, rooted in the love of all of these witnesses surrounding you.” 
Mack continued, speaking to the mutuality of partnerships, how they would be each other’s home no matter where they went, and how their marriage would be a beacon of love into the world. He urged them on to virtues like patience and forgiveness, trust and fidelity, gentleness and generosity, and strength and courage. 
Then it was time for their part. 
Mack said, “I believe you have each prepared a statement of commitment to each other?” 
Carol handed her bouquet to Maria and pulled a folded piece of paper out of her dress pocket. 
“My darling, my Daisy.” She had to pause and swallow back the emotion that overtook her as she looked up from the paper into Daisy’s teary, adoring eyes. “An old joke compares marriage to a ball and chain, but you are my freedom. It couldn’t have been anyone else for me but you. You have given me not just yourself but a way for me to be fully myself. I love and pledge myself to every piece of you, all you have been and will become. Until my last breath, I have, I do, and I will.”
When she was done, she stored her paper in her pocket again. It took everything in her not to kiss Daisy too soon.
Daisy handed her flowers to Jemma and dabbed at her tears carefully with her fingertips. She retrieved her paper from her dress pocket and unfolded it. 
“Ohhh, my Carol,” she began, with voice trembling. She took a breath and started again. “My Carol. I am in awe of you every day. You make me a better person, and it is an honor to be yours forever. You have already loved me beyond my wildest dreams. I love and pledge myself to every version of you—the incredible person you have been and everything you will become. Until my last breath, I have, I do, and I will.” 
Daisy returned her paper to her pocket and took Carol’s hands without any prompting from Mack. They steadied each other emotionally, which they needed to get through the vows. 
Mack cleared his throat softly before beginning and they realized he had gotten teary as well. 
“Repeat after me: I, Carol Jane Danvers,” Mack prompted. 
“I, Carol Jane Danvers,” she repeated.
“Take thee, Daisy May Coulson, to be my lawfully wedded wife. ” 
“Take thee, Daisy May Coulson, to be my lawfully wedded wife.”
“To have and to hold, from this day forward…”
“To have and to hold, from this day forward…”
“For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, so long as we both shall live.”
“For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, so long as we both shall live.”
At Mack’s instruction, Daisy repeated the same vows.
“And may we have the rings?” Mack beckoned to his son, and Daisy and Carol stepped apart. Alfie started to run up but remembered the ring box and turned around, grabbed the box in both tiny hands, and ran to his dad between the brides. Mack leaned down and whispered, “Thank you,” but Alfie grabbed on tight to his dad’s legs until Elena coaxed him back to his seat. The comedic relief was perfectly timed. 
Mack stood up and opened the ring box with the two bands. 
“Daisy, please place the ring on Carol’s finger and repeat after me.” 
Daisy carefully pulled out Carol’s wedding band and took Carol’s left hand. She slid it down to Carol’s engagement ring and kept her fingers there as she repeated the promise.
“I give you this ring as a token of my love, that I will honor and cherish you each day we are given. With this ring, I thee wed.”   
Carol’s hand was steady in Daisy’s, but the rest of her ached to hold her tight. She had to stay focused for a little while longer. 
“Carol,” Mack turned to her and the brides switched hands. “Please place the ring on Daisy’s finger and repeat after me.” 
Carol took Daisy’s wedding band from the box and slid it to wrap around Daisy’s engagement ring. It hadn’t looked incomplete before, but seeing the set together on her finger seemed more complete now. She supposed that was like marriage. They had already been complete as partners and individuals, but now as a married couple, there was another kind of complete-ness to it somehow. Later, she’d think about it as the poetry of physics, but for now, she was supposed to be saying something aloud. 
“I give you this ring as a token of my love, that I will honor and cherish you each day we are given. With this ring, I thee wed.”    
Mack stepped over to the antique polished wood table with their candles, and the brides followed. A thin lavender candle and a thin navy candle stood burning on each side of an unlit thick white candle swirled with silver and gold. Daisy picked up the lavender candle in front of her and Carol followed suit with the navy one. 
Mack explained, “Carol and Daisy have chosen these candles to represent their union. They each bring unique strengths, gifts, and personalities as individuals. Those identities will not be erased by their marriage, but their marriage will help them shine brighter together.” 
He nodded and the brides took that as their cue to light the candle in the middle. They tilted their individual burning candles to the wick of the larger one and it caught flame. Daisy sent Carol a subtle eyebrow raise that said, “Remember not to blow it out.” And Carol gave the tiniest nod back. They set their candles on the table as Fitz and Elena began to play their piano and violin duet of “She Keeps Me Warm” by Mary Lambert.
Carol took in the crowd for the first time. She’d been so focused on Daisy and on getting her lines right that she’d hardly noticed the rest of the full house beyond the wedding party. Friends and colleagues from every season of her life and Daisy’s had come. She remembered being a teenager in her bedroom, hating everything about herself, just knowing that she was unlovable and alone in the world. But here was not only her bride and found family and aunts and goddaughter, but a whole room of loved ones celebrating her marriage to the woman of her dreams. 
One face in particular, though, stopped her heart. He came. Her quiet, intensely introverted brother was sitting in the back near the door. He gave a little wave. 
She tried to subtly wave back and mouthed, “Hi.” A few people noticed and turned around, which sent him staring at the ground for a few seconds until they faced the front again, but she knew from his calm, relaxed posture that he’d stay and wasn’t itching to run out the door.
Aunt Wendy noticed the exchange and winked at Carol when they caught each other’s attention. Wendy would catch him after the ceremony and make sure Carol got a chance to say hello. 
The song ended and Mack laid the marriage license and pens out on the table. 
“Could I have the bridesmaids join us, please, to sign as witnesses?” Mack invited. Maria and Jemma joined the three of them at the table. “With the signing of this paper, the state officially recognizes your marriage, and with this ceremony, your community witnesses and celebrates it.” 
They took turns signing as Fitz started playing Pachelbel’s Canon in D on the piano. Out of everyone in the room, only Daisy knew that Carol had been practicing her new signature. Daisy had caught her one day doodling it on a Post-It in her office instead of working and had surprised her with brightly colored pens for them to play with at home, writing their new titles and names over and over in every color like schoolgirls—at first on paper, and then on each other. 
When everyone had signed, they returned to the center of the stage area in front of the aisle. 
Mack smiled as he said in conclusion, “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Mrs. and Mrs. Coulson. You may now kiss your bride.” He stepped aside and applauded along with the crowd.
Carol’s hands grabbed Daisy’s hips as Daisy’s hands flew to Carol’s upper arm on the crowd side (that Bobbi was shooting photos from) and Carol’s cheek on the other. Later, Carol marveled that Daisy had had the foresight to not block the view of their kiss from the camera, but Daisy admitted she’d had to think about it strategically to keep from kissing Carol throughout the ceremony. 
In the moment, though, they kissed as long as decorum in front of all their loved ones would allow. Carol started to pull away, but Daisy couldn’t help but extend it a second longer, causing some in the crowd to whoop and laugh. Daisy blushed deep pink as they parted and faced their guests. 
Mack spoke up once more. “The newlywedded couple invites you to join them for dinner and dancing in the reception hall. As you exit, take a left, and go through the double doors. Seating is not assigned at any of the round tables. And yes, there will be cake.”
The crowd chuckled. 
Mack held up a hand in benediction. “As you each leave from this place, may you remember the love you have witnessed here today and the love you have been given in your own lives. May you bring that love with you as you go out into the world. Go in peace.” 
Their playlist resumed through the speakers with “I’d Be Your Wife,” another Mary Lambert song, but this one with a more playful tone. 
The brides practically ran back up the aisle (as best they could in their heels), giggling hand in hand and forgetting to get their bouquets back from their bridesmaids before exiting.  
The rest of the bridal party followed. Back in the dressing room, they had a bit of time to breathe, rest, and refresh as guests made their way over to the reception room. 
Monica hopped over to where Daisy and Carol sat on a floral faux-Victorian couch. “Did you like how I did the flowers?” She mimed tossing them out of her now-empty basket. 
“You were wonderful, Lieutenant Trouble,” Carol teased and swooped her into her lap. 
“You did a really good job,” Daisy said sincerely. “Thank you so much.” 
Monica beamed proudly and Daisy booped her little nose. Monica caught her finger and kissed her fingertip. “That’s from me to you.” She placed Daisy’s finger on Daisy’s cheek. 
“Aww,” Daisy and Carol laughed. 
Monica tilted her head, “Auntie Daisy, are you my godmother too now that you married Auntie Carol?”  
Daisy smiled. “If you want me to be.”
“Yes,” Monica said with her finger to her jaw in consideration. “I think that will do nicely.” 
The women all laughed at her precociousness, but it was time to head to the reception. Maria, Monica, Elena, Mack, and Alfie left first. Fitz knocked on the door, and Jemma checked with the brides to see if they needed anything else. Just as she and Fitz left, Melinda, Phil, Wendy, and Victoria showed up with Bobbi not far behind. Bobbi squeezed in past them all and pulled out a bottle of champagne she’d nicked from the bar when they were setting up in the reception hall. 
She passed around plastic champagne flutes and photographed them toasting, chatting, and embracing.
“It was perfect,” Wendy sighed. She turned to Carol. “Steve said he will stay for the dance, and…” 
A knock interrupted them. The man in question peeked through the open doorway. 
“Steve!” Carol put down her champagne, ran to her brother, and threw her arms around him. He froze for a moment and then hugged her back. She realized Phil and Melinda had never met him, at least not formally. She pulled away and made introductions. “And you know Daisy,” she concluded. 
He smiled and the family resemblance was striking. “I remember back when you were the cute girl in her dorm she was afraid to talk to.”
“Oh c’mon,” Carol groaned. 
“Ooo, you had a crush on me,” Daisy teased. 
“We’re literally married!” Carol replied and they all laughed. 
“Hey.” Steve placed a gentle hand on Carol’s shoulder. “I have a question for you.” He tilted his head to the doorway. 
Carol agreed and stepped out, with a glance to Daisy. “I’ll be right back.” 
Daisy and the family drank their champagne and chatted as they waited. 
Out in the hall, Steve had more courage. “I know I haven’t really been there for you.” 
“No, hey, I get it,” Carol interrupted. 
“Just…” Steve closed his eyes and opened them slowly. “Just let me say sorry. I couldn’t stay, not with Dad like that… you know how we were. I had to get out. I thought it was best for everyone. And I didn’t really know, I didn’t want to know, how they would react…” 
“When I came out,” Carol finished, understanding what he meant. She’d had to go through her teen years so alone without him as the buffer between her and her parents, and she’d resented his ability to leave, but now with reflection, she remembered clearer how bad things had been for him at home. He wasn’t just her buffer. He was a more acceptable punching bag. That had been metaphorical for Carol, but now, as an adult, she realized it had been literal for him. He’d hid it and protected her as best he could, but she couldn’t blame him for running at the first opportunity and not looking back. He’d come home for Christmas when he could, but the rest of the year was spent missing him deeply. 
“If I could change anything,” he continued, “I wish I could have taken you with me. I wish we would have known about Aunt Wendy. I could have called more or something, just to make sure you were okay at home with them. When you asked me to invite them here and they cut off contact for real, I guess I woke up.” He shrugged and ran a hand through his hair, the same dark blonde as hers. 
Carol’s heart broke that he couldn’t even bear to call “them” their parents. “Honestly, I would have done the same. I was so jealous, but only because I wanted out too.” 
Steve frowned. “Aren’t there father-daughter dances at weddings? I know I don’t deserve it, but would you want to dance with me instead?” 
He looked away, ashamed to even be asking. 
She reached up to brush his hair back into place from where he’d mussed it with his anxious habit. 
“We already have the first one planned with Aunt Wendy, but there’s a second one where Daisy is going to dance with her grandpa and maybe you and I could dance for that one?” 
He met her eyes again. “I can do that.” 
“See you over there?” Carol asked. She could practically see his body relax at not only her acceptance of his apology but that fewer eyes would be on them for the second family dance song. In some ways, he had changed so much, so mature and direct, but in other ways, he was still the same. 
“See you there,” he promised. He left for the reception and Carol stepped back into the dressing room to tell Daisy and their family members the plan for their dance.
This is the second to last chapter. Next week will be the reception and send off because this one got so long. Then, up next, a whole new honeymoon fic!
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noloveforned · 4 months
no love for ned is all set for our friday night slot on wlur from 8pm until midnight. join us live if you get the chance or catch up with last week's show on mixcloud any time you'd like!
no love for ned on wlur – january 19th, 2024 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label allo, darlin' // kiss your lips // allo, darlin' // fortuna pop! soft covers // the ballad of ricki tarr // soft serve // little lunch special friend // bête // wait until the flames come rushing in // skep wax maria t // wind down // (bandcamp mp3) // (unreleased) marty brass // meet me outside // painted glass cassette // just because the yawns // i win // the yawns // records records records sleater-kinney // untidy creature // little rope // loma vista bar italia // glory hunter // the twits // matador mali obomsawin and magdalena abrego // believer // greatest hits // (self-released) acetone // come on // cindy // new west meernaa // as many birds flying // so far so good // keeled scales titanic // te evite // vidrio // unheard of hope elkhorn // guinnevere // lagniappe sessions // (self-released) evan parker // from saxophone and trombone four // from saxophone and trombone // otoroku alex cunningham, patrick shiroishi, jessica ackerley and damon smith // slick with slime // five lines indecipherable cassette // profane illuminations mary halvorson // incarnadine // cloudward // nonesuch sun ra arkestra // astro black // live in roma, 1980 // holidays o.c. // time's up // word...life // wild pitch blu and nottz featuring shad and quelle chris // marcus garvey // afrika // nature sounds ego ella may // take it easy (miles' song) // field notes, part iii ep // (self-released) b. cool-aid featuring ladybug mecca // chalk round it (talk abt it) // leather boulevard // lex j. raise, jr and alijaa featuring mick jenkins // don't sweat it // call for you // universal (italy) julia mcfarlane's reality guest // precious boy // whoopee // night school tenniscoats // i am you are me // chippi tyoppi // majikick linda smith // salad days // nothing else matters // captured tracks grade school // i wish i looked as good as you do // how to make wooden planes // kingfisher bluez the siddeleys // when i grow up i'll be a god // slum clearance // matinée
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hueberryshortcake · 10 months
Music asks!!
6 - a song that makes you want to dance
okay I never listen to this song of my own free will but every time Party In The USA comes on all of my 15 years of classical ballet training and all of my discipline and dignity go out the window and I am possessed by the ghost of a 16th century French peasant who died during the dancing plague and I dance so hard I give myself whiplash
10 - a song that makes you sad
recently it's been Crow Song by Max García Conover and Haley Heynderickx. that song makes me want to eat drywall
11 - a song that you never get tired of
The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel is a no-skip. I will always always listen to it. My mom makes me get out my guitar and perform it for her guests every time she has someone over. Best song ever written.
28 - a song by an artist with a voice that you love
I love the Smothers Brothers cover of They Call the Wind Maria. they have such gorgeous voices that I am so jealous of and they work together so well.
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senoramadofuentes · 2 years
Amado Ch. 2
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In NO WAY am I romanticizing the actual Amado Carillo Fuentes, this is all based on the Netflix Character played by Jose Maria Yazpik. 
 Minors DNI!
The story starts right before Felix got arrested by the DEA
Amado Ch. 1
It had been a month since you had last seen or heard from Amado. It stung even more when Valeria would come to you and ask you if you had spoken to him. He was busy was all the explanation she could offer, a lie she heard from Vicente you guess. You rack your brains thinking of what could have happened from the time you met him to the time you fell asleep in his bed. Yes you had left early in the morning but you also left a note explaining why. Maybe you were too uptight, Valeria did tell you to let loose and not be soo strict on yourself or any potential lovers. Maybe that rubbed him off and the many women you assumed he was flirting with during his birthday party were better suitors. It did suck having to be this way, but you couldn’t let yourself get into the same situation that you found yourself in with your ex husband. 
However this weekend, you were going to enjoy your time. Valeria was asked to sing at a launch for a new museum show in the city and you were one of her plus ones. You had stopped asking her about Amado after the second week and assumed the man wouldn’t be in attendance but Vici would be. The outcome was good, there were a lot of people, not so much that you couldn’t see the other side of the room, but a nice crowd. You smile when you hear Valeria’s voice through the speakers as you at art pieces. You look down at your watch to get the time, Vicente had yet to arrive and you hoped he would soon because the museum was set to close within the next 2 hours. 
When you move from the paintings to the sculpture exhibit, the room was relatively empty because most of the guests were listening to a panel of the artists speak. You hold your breath when you hear that familiar gait walking up towards you. You don’t even move a muscle pretending to be really into the roman like sculpture that you were currently looking at. When he stopped right next to you, the cologne confirmed that it was him. Just as you were getting him out of your system here he comes sauntering back into your life like he had a right to be there. You secretly thank yourself for the hairstyle you chose to wear, big curls that cover your peripheral line of sight, easy for you to pretend you don’t really know anyone is near you. You went for an old Hollywood glam look, long gown, red lips, and big hair. Both of you say nothing and you side step pretending to circle the sculpture. 
“Y/N” he calls your name softly. It was music to your ears and ugh, you hated it. 
You turn around and fake surprise “Amado!” You smile. He smiles back and God did you miss that smile. He wore all black with his leather jacket. “Como estas?” 
“Estoy bien, ¿y tu?” 
“Bien” you respond curtly, turning your attention back to the sculpture. 
He felt a prick in his heart, when you didn’t open your arms for a hug but he knew he could smooth things over. For the month that he had been m.i.a he was simply doing a background check on you. Making sure the things that you told him matched up. He was able to find court records of your divorce that explicitly went into detail about the abuse you experienced at the hands of your then husband. Your ex husband was indeed a low ranking PRI member at the time that easily got dismissed after the scandal of your divorce got to high ranking members. In retaliation he did burn down your house which ended him in jail for 2 years. You had to work your way up, taking buses, working low paying jobs until you could finally get on your feet. Currently you work as a manager at an American company based in Mexico city. You did speak 3 languages (Spanish, French, and English) and you were not just telling him phrases you learned. As well as being a part time language  tutor for American families. However the most interesting was your family ties. You definitely didn’t talk to your family at all, and Amado was in sort of a business relationship with your dad. You mentioned him but in more of a you guys don’t talk about falling out due to the divorce thing. All the other details came from Valeria, he was mad that you were divorcing your husband, somehow he managed to rub shoulders with the PRI members and gain benefits from them. Yes you kind of  were a nepotism baby but not as much as your older brother. Your dad got him a job at a firm from his connections, but he got fired from that job, and your dad found him another, however he was constantly in and out of jail, drunk driving, fighting, drugs, you name it he was always in trouble. Still living with your parents expecting them to bail him out which they always did. So your resentment of being born a woman was not something he could fault you for. 
“You look nice” you compliment him
He looked down at his attire “thanks” but you really meant his slicked back hair. You smiled and moved onto the next sculpture with him close behind. When he didn’t say anything you turned to face him. “Why are you here?” 
“He venido a apoyar a Vali (I came to support Vali)” You nod accepting his explanation. No way were you going to read more into that, if it was Vali that he was here to support then so be it. 
You were just as beautiful as he could remember and he was determined to make you his and make it known to you just how much he cared for you. But as he was standing in front of you trying to come up with a reason he had basically disappeared from you for a month, he couldn’t think of anything that would suffice, that wouldn’t raise your concerns for why he was spying on you even though he was confident about what he was going to say to you. 
He hated how you could always have him tongue tied. “¿Qué vas a hacer después de esto? (What are you doing after this?)” He blurts out after moments of silence. 
You turn to look at him “Vali y yo vamos a cenar. (Vali and I are going to dinner)” You say moving around the exhibit
Now he had to figure out a way to separate you two, because not only was Vicente going to be there but his other sicarios as well. 
You give him a look, if you didn’t know better he looked nervous and that was odd. Amado was always calm, cool and collected. He did look calm, cool and collected now, just seemed like he was thinking about a million things at once. 
Before you could stop yourself you ask “Did you have something in mind?” Why did you do that? You could kick yourself into next year for extending an olive branch. He smiled and you can almost see the relief in his shoulders as they dropped a little. “En realidad quería llevarte a cenar (I actually wanted to take you out to dinner)” 
You offer a smile and go into the next exhibit. He doesn’t say much else, making small comments about the exhibits, till you both end up in the back of a crowd where people were listening to Valeria. You both grab a flute of champagne and raise your glasses as a toast to each other. When Valeria stopped you had walked away talking to one of the artists. 
“Thank you for coming Amado” She spoke as she hugged him 
“I told you I would be here” “Almost got me in trouble with Y/N” she pinched his arm
“AY!” Amado squeaked moving away from her
“Did you like it Vici?” 
“Suenas como un ángel (you sound like an angel)” He complimented 
“¿Has visto el cuadro de Y/N? (Have you seen Y/N’s painting)” she asked looking at you to make sure you weren’t privy to what she was doing. That was your little secret, the other way you made money. 
“El cuadro?” “Si!” she grabbed the pamphlet from Amado and pointed to a painting. Amado thinks back to how he watched you from afar, how you had taken your time to look at each painting carefully but this one you just walked by quickly. 
“No es de extrañar que Vici os llame los artistas de Juárez (No wonder Vici calls you two the artists of Juarez)” 
She grabbed the pamphlet “put it away she’s coming!” 
“You did great!” you say while hugging her “Thanks, Amado is here!”  She says joyfully motioning towards him in a ‘tada’ type of manner. 
You give her a look indicating you knew she was lying “Yo se” 
She grabbed your shoulders “¡Amado, ella estaba preocupada por ti! Dónde está amado? Estoy preocupado! (Amado, she was worried about you, Where is Amado? I am worried!)” 
You roll your eyes “ella está mintiendo (she’s lying)” Amado smirks and looks you up and down and you turn to look away not wanting him to see you blush. 
At dinner you both sit across from each other, you drinking wine while he drinks whisky. “I’ve been thinking about what you said” “What did I say?” you ask
“You want me” 
You shrug “Oh, if it’s too much of an ask then don’t worry about it” 
“That’s not it Y/N” “So what is the issue?” He leans in, “Why did you ask for me?” “What am I supposed to ask for?” He remained silent thinking for an answer “Most women would ask for some money, purse, shoes, clothes” he waved his hand “That type of thing” “Amado no soy la mayoría de las mujeres (Amado, I am not most women)” He smirks “Yo se” “If I wanted power and status, I would have gone out with the many PRI deputies who keep trying to date me.” He rubbed his temple. “What are you worried about?” He opened his mouth to respond but closed it right away. “Más excusas? (anymore excuses?)” 
He shook his head and scoffed 
“Amado no te pido que descifres jeroglíficos. Mi petición es simple todo lo que quiero es a ti, el casi siempre bueno, a veces malo, raramente peor, tú. (Amado I’m not asking you to decipher hieroglyphics. My ask is simple all I want is you, the mostly good, sometimes bad, rarely worse, you.)” you say getting frustrated with his excuses. 
“Yo se” “¿Cuál es tu problema? (What is the problem?)” “Are you sure that’s all you want?” “Yes! Do you want me to be with you for material things or just you?” He smiled “Me” You sigh and take a sip of your drink “It’s okay, if you feel like I am asking for a lot I get it I won’t hold that against you”
“Quiero estar contigo Y/N”  he leans over and grabs your hand to caress. You take a deep breath and let him speak. “Este mes lejos de ti, sólo me hizo extrañarte más, más de lo que admitiré (This month away from you only made me miss you more, more than I will admit.)”  you smile at him, and place your other hand into his. Maybe Amado was like you, in a way that he had a hard time letting go of control and letting the pieces fall where they may. 
“Amado, El amor es difícil, pero puede ser lo más gratificante de experimentar. (Amado love is hard, but it can be the most rewarding thing to experience)” “I know” 
“What’s holding you back?” “I don’t want to hurt you” he speaks thinking of his ex wife and daughter, people he had yet to tell you about.
You give him a sympathetic look “Then do everything in your power to not do so” 
He smiled and leaned back in his chair. Food came and you both ate in silence, both of you absentmindedly thinking of everything that has transpired between you two. 
“¿Quieres un postre?” the waiter asked as he took the dinner plates from you . 
“Si!” you answer 
“Si sólo me quieres a mí, entonces te daré a mí (if it’s only me that you want, then I will give you me)” he smiles after he finishes his statement. The joy that takes over your face is all that he needs to see to know he made the right decision. He extends his hand for you to shake “Trato?” 
You look down at the hand and back at him “No soy tu socio comercial (I am not your business partner)” 
He smirks and rubs the back of your hand. You smile at him as you tease him with how you lick the ice cream off the spoon. 
“Tienes que mudarte conmigo para mantenerte segura (You have to move in with me, to keep you safe)” 
“Pero mi apartamento (But my apartment)” He interrupts you “but your apartment will always be there your safety is now my number one priority” When he notices your reservation he tells you to think about it and get back to him soon. The rest of the night he showers you with compliments and love phrases. During your ride home, you stop to think about what you actually get yourself into. Dating a drug trafficker?  Of course you had to move in with him! Things were getting more violent. It was impossible for you to be safe in your apartment. 
The car stopped at your apartment building, bringing you back to reality. Amado softly grabbed your face and leaned in for a soft kiss, always ending it with butterfly kisses. When you pull away you look up at him, you have that drunken smile that he loved to look at. 
“Dime, nena” 
“Necesito dos días” he was confused for a second before he smiled, you agreed. “Y dile a tus conductores que no lleguen tarde (and tell your drivers to not be late)” you open the door 
“Sólo ropa y documentos importantes (only clothes and important documents)” You giggle and step out “Buenas noches Amado” “Sólo ropa y documentos importantes!” He insisted You blow him a kiss and sashay your way into the building. 
He chuckles as he watches you walk in “Esta maldita mujer sera mi muerte (this woman will be the death of me)” 
A/N: Please tell me what you think. 
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mariacallous · 6 months
Russia’s crusaders for traditional values have found a new battle, and nudity of all kinds is at stake. The real headline-grabber was rapper Vacio (Nikolai Vasiliev), who wore nothing but socks on his feet and penis. Still, fellow celebrities Filipp Kirkorov, Lolita Milyavskaya, Ksenia Sobchak, and others gave Vacio a run for his money, wearing transparent bodysuits that teased nipples, navels, and buttcracks. 
This was the scene at Moscow’s “Mutabor” nightclub on Wednesday, December 20, where blogger and TV presenter Nastya Ivleeva hosted the “Almost Naked” party. A ticket for the evening reportedly cost a cool million rubles ($10,770). Before the bacchanalia was even done, footage from the event started appearing in tabloids and spreading rapidly across social media. 
As Internet users gawked and gossiped, there was immediate outrage from conservative activists and pundits, several of whom began lobbying for a police response. Representatives of radical traditionalist groups like “Sorok Sorokov,” “Call of the People,” and the “Federal Project for Security and Anti-Corruption” (FPBK) soon appealed to the Prosecutor General’s Office and other law-enforcement agencies, calling the “Almost Naked” party an “immoral” celebration of the “dark arts” and asking the authorities to investigate its organizers for propagating drug culture and “the gay lifestyle.” 
Some have called for administrative charges, while others want a full-on criminal investigation. One of the recurring complaints is that Ivleeva’s festivities come at a time when Russia is busy invading Ukraine, ostensibly in defense of “traditional values” against the onslaught of Western decadence and progressivism. 
Ekaterina Mizulina, the head of the Safe Internet League, has campaigned aggressively to purge Russian popular culture of drug references and other unholy cravings. Her objections to “dangerous content” often lead to real consequences for the artists responsible, such as police charges against musician Oxxxymiron and the deportation of rapper Nekoglai. On December 21, Mizulina urged a boycott “at the state level” of the celebrities who attended the “Almost Naked” party. “Our soldiers at the front definitely aren’t fighting for this,” she said. “These raves are like firing a bullet into the foot of the entire policy implemented by the state.”
Other conservatives found the party’s supposed “LGBT” overtones most alarming. Maria Butina is a former gun rights activist who became a television propagandist and federal lawmaker after serving 14 months behind bars in the United States, where she pleaded guilty to felony charges of conspiracy to act as an unregistered foreign agent of the Russian state. On Thursday, writing on official State Duma letterhead in her capacity as a deputy, Butina appealed to the Internal Affairs Ministry, the Cultural Ministry, and Russia’s media regulator, requesting inquiries into the “Almost Naked” party to see if it violated Russia’s ban on “LGBT propaganda” and a November 2022 presidential decree on preserving and strengthening “traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.”
“Listen, they all have children. What kind of example are they setting for their children? All the truest LGBT people gathered there,” moaned FPBK director Vitaly Borodin. “What were they thinking? There’s a special military operation underway. Our society is at a loss.” Borodin also asked Internal Affairs Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev and Moscow Chief of Police Oleg Baranov to dispatch officers to the “Mutabor” nightclub on December 21 to prevent a planned second night of festivities. 
When Thursday evening came, the police arrived at Mutabor ahead of most guests, but the authorities didn’t stick around. “Officers collected what materials they needed and left,” said the radio station Govorit Moskva. Round two of the party eventually rolled into action, this time open to the general public at an admission fee of just 2,500 rubles ($27). At the time of this writing, organizer Nastya Ivleeva was absent from the celebration. The Telegram channel Shot reported that the nightclub’s security guards were now asking guests to don additional clothing if their outfits revealed too much skin.
Hours earlier, on Thursday morning (apparently before realizing the scale of conservatives’ outrage and the involvement of law enforcement), Nastya Ivleeva taunted her critics on social media, writing (in a comment that’s since disappeared) that she loves getting hate for staging risque events: 
We look at the West and see these beautiful, slim models come out, and we say, “Damn, they’re so beautiful, they’re so cool.” And now our own beautiful, trim artists come out, and everyone’s like, “Fuck, look at this shit. Pop is dead.” God, I love it so much. May it never end.
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Episode 9: A Casual Day!
You must be wondering: Who was this guest artist?
It was our very skilled artist friend Maria! Maria decided to help Jo out when they were in VERY dire need of some help. Thank you Maria! You’re amazing!
Why not show Maria some love by checking out her social media? She actually has a Tumblr! Say hi on Maria’s Tumblr blog: @a-stars-art-blog!
Maria’s Instagram!
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Lead single off upcoming album 'GODMODE'
In This Moment have been playing two new songs on their current co-headlining tour with Motionless in White: "Sacrifice" and "The Purge." Today (July 18th), the band finally released the studio version of the latter along with a striking music video, directed by Jensen Noen, that finds singer Maria Brink and her masked backup dancers raising hell in a gothic church. Watch and listen above.
"We are thrilled to unveil "The Purge" to everyone," Brink commented. "I am so grateful for how everything flowed to bring this song to life, both sonically and visually. [Producer] Kane Churko and Jensen Noen helped to create this musical and cinematic experience with us and we could not have done it without them. The underlying message of the song is to not fall too deeply into the rabbit hole, everything is about finding balance. I had a lot of emotions building within me when I approached the song for the first time and after years of holding it all in I finally got to let it out! Enjoy."
"The Purge" is the lead single off In This Moment's highly anticipated eighth album, GODMODE, the follow-up to 2020's Mother. In addition to announcing the new record, Brink and Co. have also announced a month-long fall tour with Ice Nine Kills, whose frontman Spencer Charnas guests on the GODMODE song "Damaged." Dubbed the Kiss of Death Tour, the trek is set to kick off November 3rd and wrap December 2nd, with Avatar and New Years Day playing in support.
Tickets for the Kiss of Death Tour will be available starting with Citi and Artist pre-sales beginning today at 12 p.m. ET. Additional pre-sales will run throughout the week ahead of the general on-sale beginning Friday, July 21st at 10 a.m. local time at livenation.com.
GODMODE is due October 27th via BMG and available for pre-order on vinyl and CD at Revolver's shop.
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captainpuffin1 · 11 months
Tainy - DATA
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Of all the popular Reggaeton producers, Tainy has always stood out to me the most. He has my favorite production style in Reggaeton, and has created tons of fantastic beats for Reggaeton artists, including Bad Bunny, J. Balvin, Rauw Alejandro, and plenty more. So the idea of an album from Tainy was something that did have a lot of promise to it, and "DATA" thankfully managed to mostly do good on those promises by being a pretty great album.
Tainy's production on here is of course, great. His style of Reggaeton takes cues from mainly Dance-Pop and Alternative R&B on here, and it works really well for this particular album. The beats can slap on here a whole lot, and Tainy can give himself space to show off some of his creative muscles on a few of the songs here with how he tends to expand his sound on here, like on "Lo Sent BB:/", "Sci-Fi" and "VOLVER" Tainy continues to show us on this album that he can be a great producer who isn't afraid to expand his creative horizons when he feels like it, and all to mostly great success.
The guests on here are also great. Bad Bunny, Raw Alejandro, Kris Floyd, Judeline, Arca (in her very brief part on "PASIEMPRE"), The Marias, Daddy Yankee, Sech, Feid, and so many more give some great performances on here. While not every verse and hook written on here happens to be a winner, there are a ton of great bits of lyricism that pop up throughout I'd say 85 - 90% of the album. Hell, even the guest producers like Skrillex and Four Tet manage to be great contributions on "VOLVER" A lot of the guests really bring a lot onto the songs they show up on, and manage to work mostly well next to Tainy's great beats.
"DATA" manages to be a great album from Tainy, who brings together some of the most popular names in Reggaeton (along with a small chunk of Electronic artists as well) to help create a really great album that both continues to show how talented of a producer Tainy is, and features some great writing and performances from a ton of the album's guests. If you want an album that shows Reggaeton at some of it's best moments, then give this album a listen.
BEST: si preguntas mor mi (with Kris Floyd & Judeline), Lo Siento BB:/ (with Bad Bunny & Julieta Venegas), Sci-Fi (with Rauw Alejandro), SACRIFICIO (with Xantos), LA BABY (feat. Sech, with Daddy Yankee & Feid), BUENOS AIRES (with Mora & Zion), Todavía (with Wisin & Yandel)
WORST: 11 Y ONCE (with Sech & E*Vax)
Strong 9/10
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