#Tadashi Yamaguchi x reader
uravitypng · 3 months
yamaguchi loves his chubby girlfriend so much!! yamaguchi loves missionary!! nothing is better to him than having you underneath him as he's fucking you gently. before he met you sex to him was a lot less sweet and affectionate, only having short relationships and flings, but then he met you and now he takes his time treating you like the queen he says you are.
he gets to see your pretty eyes sparkle as you look up at him, eyes watery.
you look good in everything, lingerie, regular clothes, fancy clothes you look perfect in everything but to tadashi what's best is when you're completely naked during sex because he can see everything move and jiggle with each thrust without the constrictions of clothes. he loves seeing your breasts move freely and the cute stretch marks that decorate your skin.
he always wants the lights on, he likes to see you all of you laid out for him. he spent the majority of his youth feeling self conscious, constantly being teased for things like his freckles but every day since you were introduced you tell him how adorable you think they are and how it's one of his best features.
he wants to do the same to you, if you're ever feeling self conscious he wants to be there to lift you up. he understands if you really don't want the lights on but then he suggests opening the curtains and he loves that just as much because then the moonlight lights your whole body.
tadashi loves kissing you and marking you up, leaving hickeys in his wake. he'll start at your squishy tummy and work his way up to your breasts until he reaches your neck. he kisses your neck all the time, even when you're both just going about your day he'll come up to you and wrap his arms around your plush waist leaving kisses on your neck and soft jaw.
yamaguchi loves missionary because he can cherish you. he can lovingly gaze at all of you while he makes you feel good, and every single time you detect the hunger for you hidden under that gaze.
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genshin-obsessed · 11 months
When Someone Flirts with You | Haikyuu [Karasuno]
Ok, so I debated on this for a while because this has already ben posted. However, its on a blog I don't/can't go on anymore. Since this is my writing (idea and all), I'm gonna repost it here. I did debate on reblogging the fic here, but it's my works and I want them with me, on this blog. Basically, if you've seen this exact fic posted two years ago, it was me. That blog has my name and everything if you need proof. I just don't want to draw attention to it. I did reuse tags lol cuz I don't know them too well yet
Characters: Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, Kei Tsukishima, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Ryunosuke Tanaka, Yu Nishinoya, Asahi Azumane, Koshi Sugawara, Daichi Sawamura
Extra: they're all aged up btw
COME ONE! COME ALL! See what happens when someone flirts with you in front of your mans!
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➺ Shoyo Hinata
He’s kinda scared of PDA? Not scared, but he gets embarrassed easily. So there’s not much touching in public, aside from hand holding. This leads people to not know you’re taken and so you’re fair game.
This boy is NOT scary. He’s quite the opposite unless he has his MOMENT which is rare and fizzles out really fast. At first, he’ll let you handle the situation and ONLY jump in when he’s positive you require help. He’s not a helicopter boyfriend, you’re an adult. You can handle yourself. So, he’ll usually come up and tell the person that you’re uncomfortable and that they should go away.
That’s never worked before. Ever. Not one time. Hinata just looks CUTE and he’s not the tallest. Even as an adult, he’s still about 172cm (5’7). So there’s a chance the person is taller than him and if they are, they won’t take him seriously. The whole “under 6ft is not a man” bs. They’ll just shove him aside to get to you.
He hates that. There’s one thing to tease him and bully him but YOU? Oh that’s a whole nother ball game. Hinata doesn’t like seeing you upset/uncomfortable. He does everything in his power to keep you smiling so when he sees someone directly causing you discomfort… God help them.
The next method would depend on the situation. If he has a ball with him, he will throw it (this happened once at practice when you came to watch and someone wouldn’t leave you alone). But he can also jump to their height and punch/slap them. Hinata has gotten much stronger since his high school days. He will defend you at all costs.
His little jump attack? 10/10 it works EVERY SINGLE TIME and they’re GONE. Or you know… unconscious. Usually the area would go dead silent and all you can hear is Hinata huff. He’ll take your hand as gently as he can and lead you out of the establishment. Once you have fresh air, he’ll gently take your shoulders and ask if you’re ok. Reassurance is especially important here.
“They’ll never bother you again, (n/n). Are you ok?”
➺ Tobio Kageyama
Tobio isn’t one to flaunt your relationship because he’s a pretty private person. So not EVERYONE knows you’re together. Which is completely fine and acceptable, it’s just how he is. The thing is, this leads to situations where people think you’re single. If he walks away or you’re alone, people will take their chance.
 You get hit on when you’re alone, usually. So, you’ll always try to find Tobio when you’re in that situation. He’ll spot you in seconds. He’s always got an eye on you (cuz you’re hot and he can’t help it).   You’ll get the person to see Tobio and he’ll just GLARE. Usually, about 9 times outta 10, his death glare makes everyone go away. It’s pretty scary, especially if he’s like two feet away from them.
But there’s always one person it doesn’t work on. The one who decides to push it and try to physically touch you. This has only happened once, but the person rolled their eyes, pushed Tobio away, and pushed you against the wall.
Oh boy. Tobio doesn’t care if people bother HIM but someone who makes you uncomfortable tries to touch you? Their funeral. Especially this dirtbag. Your eyes widened in pure fear and panic when your back roughly hit the wall. The person’s face was inches away from your own and you couldn’t see Tobio anymore. You’d frozen up completely.
It only lasted a second before the person was on the floor. You’d barely had time to blink before Tobio DRAGGED them and roughly threw them to the side. The person glared and sat up, ready to curse him out when Tobio kicked him in the chest. This is usually how it would go. He takes them by surprise and throws them to the ground, all while barely breaking a sweat.
10/10 they’re probably unconscious or too terrified to move. He’ll just glare at them before slowly walking over to you. Tobio will give you a minute and will often try to hide you from the crowd that is undoubtedly staring at you. If your other friends are there, they'll hide you from view until you’re calm enough to where Tobio can take you away.
“Are you ok? It’s ok, take a deep breath. No one will ever do that to you again… I swear.”
➺ Kei Tsukishima
If you’re dating Tsukishima, you’ve gotta be tough on SOME LEVEL. There’s no way you can’t handle him but got close enough to start dating him. Then again… he doesn’t mind a cute, soft, shy partner. That just means he’ll need to be your shield more often than not. And let’s be honest, he likes protecting you. Tsuki’s not big on PDA. Like Kageyama, the entire world doesn’t need to know your business. So people can think you’re single. And you, lil pretty thang, you attract people.
You try to stick next to your boyfriend when you’re out in a public place or somewhere with lots of people. But if he does leave for a minute or you do, people will swoop in. Tsuki knows IMMEDIATELY. He just does, he’s psychic like that. He’ll see if you need help and if you do, he’ll come stand by. Tsuki’s height alone is enough to deter people, but of course, he’s pretty lanky (like… where’s the muscle?). So, most people wouldn’t be too deterred. 5/10.
See, Tsuki gets it, you’re hot. Of course people wanna flirt with you but they should learn to take a hint. Especially when you tell them you’re not interested. They usually kinda just ignore him or push him out of the way or even try to take you away. Like hell Tsuki’s gonna let that happen. Bitch please. Anyone who underestimates Tsuki is in for a treat. He can and will destroy someone’s self esteem through words. Who needs to fight? Not him. He will roast tf outta some until they’re no longer confident in themselves.
That’s the good thing about Tsuki, he doesn’t need muscle to chase people off. He’s not that weak either though, so worse comes to worse, he can defend you. But worry not, there’s no need for violence with that mouth of his. There is ONE more thing Tsuki will do that will ALWAYS get rid of people. He does this rarely because it scares you a little, but it's effective.
Tsuki will come up to you and then… he’ll punch the wall above your head and glared down at the person. No one stays after that! So 10/10! Would recommend. After that, Tsuki sighs and lets his hand fall on your head, breaking you out of your trance.
“Your face looks weird. Come on, it’s fine now. Let’s go somewhere else though.”
➺ Tadashi Yamaguchi
Oh boy… 
He HATES confrontation, but for you, he’ll step right in. Usually, Tadashi likes to get in between you and the offender. He’ll try to tell them to stop bothering you. He really crosses his fingers and hopes it’ll work.
2/10, sadly, he’s just too cute to be scary. So, usually, people just brush past him or even shove him away. This kinda does put a damper on his mood. He wishes every single time he was as scary as Tsukishima (who wouldn’t want to be?) so he could scare people off. When you see that though… ooh.
This usually causes you to get VERY upset! You don’t like it when people treat Tadashi like crap so you become quite aggressive. That works BUT sometimes you’ll get those creeps that like “feisty” people. So they’ll often just pin you to a wall. This usually sparks something in Tadashi. He just… loses it. Sorry, Tsukishima who?
Since their backs are turned to him, he’ll just come up behind them, grab their hair and pull so hard they fall to the ground. If they’re bald then he’ll do the same but with their shirt. You’ll take your chance to hide behind Tadashi, who’s just death glaring at the person on the floor.
69/10! Works EVERY SINGLE TIME! Tadashi doesn’t understand it, where the hell did that come from?! But it’s very effective because the person is always gone. He just hopes no one stands up to fight him because he’ll 100% lose. He’ll realize that he might’ve been really scary and slowly turns around to face you.
“A-are you ok? I-I’m sorry if I scared you.”
➺ Ryunosuke Tanaka
Everyone and their grandmothers have to know you two are together! He’s usually all over you but you don’t hate it. It’s nice when you’re in a place with creeps around. But sometimes one of the creeps doesn’t see him or does see him but doesn’t care. They’ll saunter over to you and just shamelessly start flirting.
He’ll join them! Literally. He’ll swing his arm around the person and just lean in and start complimenting you. “You’re right, they’re hot! Hey baby! You here by yourself?” It’s odd, but you always feel better when he’s nearby in situations like this.
Usually, the person gets weirded out. They don’t know Tanaka (unless they saw him) and so they’ll either claim you’re theirs or just ask Tanaka what he’s doing. Usually, it works. If they recognize him, they’ll just quickly leave but sometimes they don’t. They’ll shove him off and try to regain your attention.
Tanaka takes it as a compliment. He’s not one to just start getting aggressively possessive. No. You’re HOT. DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! He takes it as a compliment when people flirt with you BUT to an extent. If they make you uncomfortable he goes nuts. Yeah, you’re ridiculously attractive but that doesn’t mean you don’t have feelings.
His next method is usually shoving them back. He’ll make it clear that you’re his partner and you’re not comfortable. Sometimes this makes people go away but there’s always one. For that, Tanaka just punches them. It only takes one. They’re either knocked out or just too scared to stay.
10/10. Unconscious or gone. He’ll smirk proudly, then hug you immediately. If you’re super scared or just really anxious, he’ll take a second before touching you. He prefers to reassure first before getting too into your space.
“It’s ok, they’re gone. Come on, let’s go somewhere else.”
➺ Yu Nishinoya
He’s kind of like Tanaka. He loves to show off his gorgeous partner. Everyone has to know cuz he brags about you ALL THE TIME. Kiyoko who?
Like I said, he’s like Tanaka. He’ll join whoever’s flirting with you. “Hey sexy! Wanna get outta here?” This prompts the person to ask who tf he is. “Huh? Oh! I’m just flirting with my partner. They’re hot, right? I know.” 
3/10. That, unsurprisingly, fails. Why wouldn’t it? Unlike Tanaka… Nishinoya’s just kinda… cute. He’s not very intimidating. People just shove him away and turn their attention back to you.
Nishinoya’s really in tune with your emotions. Like… it’s kinda weird how well he knows you. He can just feel the second you panic. That really pisses him off. He even scares you sometimes.
He’ll usually grab the person’s arm and tug them back, silently with just fury in his eyes. “Don’t. Touch. Them.” This bumps the effectiveness to 8/10. People get scared and leave but there’s always one. Noya’s already in aggressive mode, so it’s not too difficult to handle this person. He’ll kick their knee. Hard. If it breaks, oh well. 10/10. They’re gone. Either taken away by friends or something, but they won’t ever bother you again. At this point, Noya takes your hand and leads you away.
“Sorry if I scared you, but we should leave. I’m sorry you had to go through that. Some people are just disgusting.”
➺ Asahi Azumane
He doesn't show you off like Tanaka or Noya, but he usually has his arm around you. This proves to everyone you're his, right? Well some people just don’t care. 
If he sees you getting uncomfy, he'll be by your side in a second!! He usually starts off by putting distance between you and the offender. 5/10; Asahi’s pretty intimidating looking, so 50% of the time, people get scared off. But there are some who don’t…
He’s not a fighter. He won’t just resort to kicking ass, so he’ll try to explain that you’re uncomfy. That kinda shows people he’s intimidating on the outside but soft on the inside, so they push him out of the way. That’s when you’ll scream for Asahi to help.
It’s on purpose, actually. Because it kinda sparks something in him. He just… changes. He doesn’t like it when you’re uncomfortable and he hates it when you’re scared. So, he’ll grab the person’s shoulder with a death grip. With one rough shove backwards and away from you usually does the trick. If it doesn’t… we’ll he’s pretty strong and he’s a big guy.
then people realize… yeah no, he’s just as scary on the inside. 10/10 they’re GONE.
“Hey are you ok? I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. Do you wanna go home? We can just watch movies and cuddle.”
➺ Koshi Sugawara
Koshi is attached to you at the hip. He’s always with you and your friends know you’re dating. But he’s not really one for super, crazy PDA. I mean, he doesn’t have an issue with it, he often just finds himself standing next to you. Not touching you. This kinda leads most people to think you’re just friends.
Koshi kinda lets you handle it, but if you’re starting to get really uncomfortable, just look at him. He’ll stand beside you and just ask what’s going on. To which most people tell him to “get lost”. He’ll just smile and explain that you’re not very comfortable and they should leave you alone. 
0/10. It’s never worked and it never will. They usually sigh, roll their eyes, grab your hand and try to tug you away from Koshi.
Usually, that’s what sends Koshi into like… defensive, scary Koshi. Flirting is one thing, being pushy is one thing, but forcefully taking you away…
The second someone pulls you away, he’ll grab their wrist with such a strong grip, it causes bruising. That causes the person to let go and you immediately run and hide behind Koshi.
69/10! The air around Koshi is just suffocating, he’s horrifically intimidating, and with just one look people go rigid. No one bothers him or you if you're still at the establishment. Chances are you’ll leave though.
“Sorry if I scared you, darling. Are you ok? Come on, let’s get you home.”
➺ Daichi Sawamura
Daichi’s kinda like Suga. He’s usually seen with his arm around your shoulders or you attached to his arm. Again, he’s not against PDA- he’ll kiss you in public, no problem- but does he need to? If not, there’s no reason. So again, people have a hard time telling you’re together.
Because of that, he doesn’t become aggressive when someone flirts with you. Maybe they didn’t know and they DID build up the courage to talk to you. So, he’ll just stand beside you and kindly explain you’re taken and you don’t appreciate the flirting.
It’s rare that this works out. Some people will genuinely apologize and leave, which is great. But the chances of that are like 2%. 98% of people scoff and just brush him off, turning back to you and explaining they’d be a better option.
Oh boy. Daichi does NOT appreciate that. He’s caring and sweet and often doesn’t seem like a scary guy BUT HE CAN BE. This lil “scary Daichi” thing depends on you. If you’re ok, just talk to the person, but if they’re really giving you anxiety just ask him for help. There’s just a way his name comes out of your mouth when you’re scared that irks him. He hates it when you’re so scared and vulnerable. So, scary Daichi is the result!
So, the next step is Daichi grabbing the person by the collar and glaring at them. “Maybe I’ll need to beat the respect into you which I really don’t mind doing.” Daichi is NOT bluffing. Anyone who dares challenge him WILL get their ass beat. He doesn’t negotiate when it comes to your safety/comfort.
10/10 NO ONE WANTS AN ANGRY DAICHI! 100% of people who go up against an angry Daichi run off with their tail between their legs. He’s just so goddamn scary. But he understands he can scare you too, so he’ll immediately get that under control. He’ll slowly approach you and try to touch you. Once you hug him, he’ll know everything’s ok.
“Let’s leave. I’ll buy you some ice cream on the way home, that sound good?”
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miyamizuna · 1 month
How about sweet Tadashi Yamaguchi? He's current concern is that all cute girls that come over to talk always just want to talk about Tsukki... How about some girl finally changes it?
this isnt exactly hcs.. i jus thought this would be such a cute mini fic
wait… YOU MEAN ME?
ft. yamaguchi tadashi w.c: 689 warnings: literally none just fluff also female reader
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Yamaguchi Tadashi, many words can be used to describe him; shy, unconfident, and the boy who's always with Tsukishima. It's because of this unconfident nature that caused him to always think that every girl to come up to him does not want to talk to him, but rather Tsukishima. His theory was proved right after girls only wondered where to find Tsukishima. Perhaps he wished it was the other way around; that girls would talk to him instead of Tsuki, maybe even girls talking about himself to Tsuki.
"Um, excuse me!" a voice calls out to Yamaguchi as he stops in his tracks down the hallway. The voice was one of a girl. Taking that into consideration, he used his usual reply;
"Tsukishima is in the library," he stated as he turned around to greet the voice that called out to him.
His eyes meet one of a very pretty girl as he feels his face getting flustered. Yup, this girl is definitely looking for Tsuki he thinks as he continues to look at her.
"huh? Why would I be looking for Tsukishima?" The girl tilts her head in confusion as she looks at him with a questioning look. 
"O-Oh I'm sorry! Is there anything you need?" He replies with a stutter as his. "...Or did you even need anything?" he adds to his previous question out of clear nervousness.
The girl just simply smiled at him, she played with the hem of her skirt with her left hand; her nervousness clear as day.
“Well, I suppose you could say I needed something from you.” she then averts her eyes, from his, as a rose-tinted blush appeared amongst her cheeks. “ I would like to get to know you better.”
Yamaguchi is taken aback by her statement. What girl would want to get to know more about him? Isn’t Tsukishima the interesting one between the two of them? He knew his whole thought process surrounding girls stemmed from his self-confidence issues. Even on the volleyball team. He is the only one of the 1st years who isn’t a starting member. How can someone like him be appealing to a girl?
“Hey! Are you okay..?” The girl says now placing a hand on his cheek to feel his temperature. “Oh no! You’re burning up.” she lets out as her face softens into a worry. 
How long had he spaced out? Did he completely short-circuit? Did he say someone he wasn’t supposed to say?
“I-I’m fine!” he manages to get out after his mini panic. Just then the girl takes her hand off of his cheek and sighs in relief.
“I’m glad that you’re okay! You had me worried for a bit!” she tells him, expressing her worry in her tone of voice. “Oh! I should tell you my name! I’m (l/n) (y/n).” she with her cheeks still rose-tinted, extended her hand out to him as a gesture of a handshake. 
Yamaguchi looks at her hand and then softly smiles and accepts her handshake, relaxing his tense posture for once. “Nice to meet you (l/n), I’m Yamaguchi Tadashi.” 
As the handshake ends, it leaves the two of them steering at eachother for a time. Both seem lost in eachothers eyes. It’s almost as (y/n) can count the freckles on his face, and for yamaguchi, it’s almost like the attention of a girl is foreign to him. 
“(y/n)! Are you coming?” Another girl’s voice called out to (y/n) breaking the silence between the two of them causing (y/n) to jump. 
“O-Oh! Uh! I’m coming!” She replies as she bows to Yamaguchi as a sign of respect. “I-I have to go now. I’ll see you around!” with that, she's off in a flash. 
Yamaguchi wonders if that just happened. He’s not dreaming, is he? Did he truly just talk to a girl who wasn’t looking for Tsuki, rather she wanted to get to know him? He smiles over this mini-victory as he finally gets a cute girl to talk to him. Maybe this was the boost to his self-confidence that was greatly needed.
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©miyamizuna 2024
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tsxkkis · 9 months
tadashi yamaguchi - cooking genius
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a/n = finally found some time to write something with the mess that is school starting last week, and i'm not really the happiest with this work to be honest T-T also i've been reading one piece lately and i absolutely LOVE sanji hence why using his character in this fic
summary = a (not so) secret admirer starts leaving lunches on your desk everyday at school.
warnings = nothing really, pure fluff.
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yamaguchi was feeling gloomy from the moment you turned the tv on.
the two of you had a tradition; two times every week, you would meet up at either your or his house, watching different tv shows and movies together as a way to relax from school, volleyball, and other stressful things filling your lives. it was a perfect deal; you finally had someone to talk to about your current hyperfixations, and thanks to you, he finally had the motivation to watch all the things he never truly picked up.
so when you suggested rewatching your childhood favorite series, one piece, he was more than happy to agree. well, at least at first.
a grimace was almost stuck to his face the whole time since a certain blonde cook appeared on the screen, taking in all of your comments about your favorite character as the episodes went by. he listened as you gushed over the blonde, pupils almost heart-shaped at the sight of him in every scene, mumbling something along the lines of loving guys who can cook well as your hands went to grab the snacks.
but somehow, his lack of excitement went unnoticed by you; your focus being completely and utterly on the screen, invested in the story you already knew by heart. what you did notice, though, was a bento box lying on your desk at school a few days later, with a small note on top of it.
'made these just for you :)'
your head immediately turned towards yamaguchi, a tap on the shoulder being enough for him to turn around to you with a questioning look on his face.
"did you see who left it here?" yamaguchi shook his head in response, a soft sigh leaving your lips as you sat down and opened the box, eyes scanning the food inside.
you barely missed the faint blush and shy smile on your friend's face as he watched you notice all your favorite foods inside, digging into one of them with the happiest look in your eyes.
as days went by, more and more boxes appeared on your desk, the food in each one, to your surprise, tasting better than previous meals you got. each one came with another sweet note; whether a compliment or just something nice to make you smile for the rest of the day. before you knew it, you were stuck wondering who could it be; yamaguchi being the victim of listening to all your (terribly wrong) speculations about who might be behind all of this. 
"ahh, i wish i knew who it is." you mumbled under your breath, pen scribbling little doodles on your english notebook, the empty box lying next to it with a few crumbs of the food inside. "you know, i might just marry them on the spot."
yamaguchi's eyes widened hearing those words, a faint blush on his face as he listened to your rambling, tsukishima's comment of how corny you were being going completely unnoticed by him.
he could hear the exciting squeals from you when the next day at school, the note on your bento box was something completely different than before.
'meet me at the history section in the library after classes, please :)'
when the bell rang, signaling the end of your last class that day, you ran to the place as fast as you could, breath shortening with each passing moment as the adrenaline mixed with stress ran through your body.
the history books section was one at the very end of the library, your steps slowing down as you approached the place. when your head finally turned to face the person hiding behind everything that's been making you smile for the last few weeks, you almost couldn't believe it.
"you came." a shy smile appeared on yamaguchi's face, hands trembling as he took in your surprised expression. "i- i was a bit scared you'd back out last second because you changed your mind or somethi-"
"it was you this whole time?"
your body froze, a thousand thoughts flooding your mind all at once. how did you miss the fact that it was yamaguchi? he was the only one who could possibly know you so well to pull this off.
the only one who could actually put in so much effort.
seeing yamaguchi nod in answer made your body react before your mind could even fully comprehend the situation; arms wrapping tightly around the boy's figure, head hidden in the crook of his neck. soon enough you could feel his hands creeping around your waist as well, unsure movements as he gently pulled you even closer to him.
"you said you liked guys who can cook well," his words were a faint whisper as he started explaining, the lack of eye contact with you in this very moment helping him properly voice his thoughts. "tsukishima said it was stupid and i should confess to you already because in his words, it's obvious you feel the same way."
"well, he was right about one thing, at least."
you pulled away from the hug, eyes locking with his as your hands made their way to his, gently squeezing them. yamaguchi had no idea what made his face more red at that moment; the fact that you could feel just how shaky his hands were, or the fact that you just admitted to liking him back.
"i've always liked you, tadashi." hearing those words, he thought he was imagining things. and yet, this whole situation was really happening; it wasn't another one of his stupid dreams, another dumb fantasy of his. "you've just given me another reason to do so now."
yamaguchi blinked. once, twice. his body was frozen on the spot, and yet somehow he managed to let a few words out, said so quietly that you almost didn't hear them.
"so, does that mean... you'll go out with me?"
you leaned in, placing a quick kiss on his cheek, and you could swear that you heard him gasp as you did so.
"i would love to."
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taglist: @ox1-lovesick @moonswolfie @wyrcan
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lowkeyremi · 11 months
i rlly liked the gyaru post n was wondering if you could write hq boys with a gyaru crush ( like the guys have a crush on a gyaru ) myb a small fic ( tanaka, yams aone pls )
I'm glad you liked the last one! This is such a cute concept tbh, Aone would be too scared to say anything lmaooo
HQ Drabbles: Gyaru Crush 💕 ft. Tanaka, Yams, and Aone.
Content: Fluff, a lil bit of stalking cuz Tanaka's just like that, miscommunication bc Aone isn't good w words, crushes.
Banner credit: gifcities and geocities
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Tanaka Ryu:
"I should have packed lunch today, this sucks." Your best friend nods when she sees your soggy french fries.
"That bald guy is staring at you again." She slurps her yogurt tube in a few seconds. You look around and sure enough that second year was looking at you again.
You're in your third year now, according to Sugawara the 'bald' kid's name is Tanaka, and it's said he has a huge crush on Kiyoko.
"Probably thinks my makeup is weird like everyone else does." He notices you looking and turns away to his short friend... it's Nishi something.
"Or maybe he likes you." You roll your eyes while she wiggles her eyebrows.
"Yeah right, it's obvious he likes Kiyoko." She cringes when you eat a mouthful of soggy fries.
"He might be using Kiyoko as a cover up." You weren't going to keep waiting for him to say why he's always being creepy so you walk over to his table.
"Why are you always staring at me?" His short friend giggles and turns away.
"Staring- me huh?" His face flushes as he stammers for words.
"Yes, is it my makeup? I know it's not normal but starting is really rude." Out of the corner of your eye you can see his friend covering his mouth to try and conceal his snickering.
"Ah- it's not like that! I think your makeup is unique and I think you're really cool!" He blurts out and his friend bursts into laughter.
"Noya shut up!" He elbows him.
"Really? Is this some kind of joke?" He notices your hand on your hip.
"No! C-can we be friends?" His voice sounds like a shy little kid.
"Um... sure?" There has to be some hidden motive behind this...
"Got anything else to tell her, Ryu?" The short fry wiggles his eyebrows.
"Nishinoya I will end-"
"I'm gonna go finish my lunch." Tanaka starts stammering again when you start to walk away.
"Could um... could I get you dinner sometime? AS FRIENDS THOUGH!" He suddenly adds.
He definitely has a crush on you.
"Yeah anytime." He smiles, and you skip back to your table.
Yamaguchi Tadashi:
"Is that all?" You ask politely scanning his cart to see if he's got anything else.
He nods his head yes, "Your total is 870 yen, how would you like to pay?" He hands you 1,000 yen, like he does every time.
"Keep the change." You sigh and look for change.
"That's too much of a tip." Yamaguchi (as you've learned from your uncle), comes in maybe three times a week for the same thing and tries to leave you a huge tip.
"Your hair's really pretty." He notioned to the style you were going for today, you think it brings out your makeup.
"Keishin says I look like a rebellious punk." You giggle right along with Yams.
"It's Uncle Keishin to you, brat! You're lucky to even be getting paid!" Yamaguchi quietly snickers because you rolled your eyes mimicking your uncle. Once everything's bagged up you hand it to him.
"Bye, Yams." He takes the bag, and holds still like a statue.
"Something wrong?"
"When'll you be back to work here again?" There's this look in his eyes that you can't quite determine.
"When ever I get back from school, I can't take a lot of breaks or I'll get behind on my assignments." He frowns.
"Hey, not my fault I'm a college student." You shrug.
"I really wish I could go with you to ward off all the weirdos who think gyaru isn't cool." He's an adorable little third year.
"Gyaru's not for everyone. I get hateful comments all the time, but they don't bother me that much anymore." It's the hard truth, you cannot force people to like you.
"Well can I take you out when you get back?" Oh, he's real brave today. Not once has he asked something remotely as obvious as this.
You can tell he likes you, that much was clear. This is the first time he's been straightforward with you though.
"You can take me out when I get off of work." You lean over the counter and press your glossy lips to his cheek. When you pull away you can see a faint mark of lip gloss from your lips.
"Go on to school now, Yams." He spirals at your smirk and walks out like a drunken man.
You're bonked on the head with newspaper, "Do your job and stop flirtin' so much!"
"Don't take your frustration out on me, I know you don't get any Keishin." He grumbles at your laughter.
"It's Uncle Keishin."
Aone Takanobu:
"Kogane! I'm so going to beat your ass!" Your threat echoes through the gym and no one makes the effort to save him.
"I didn't mean to mess up your makeup and hair, please forgive me!!" He whines.
The idiot thought it'd be funny to spray you with his water bottle, long story short he got a little heavy handed with the pouring.
You raise your fist to hit him but you're stopped by a hand much bigger than yours. A low grunt can be heard and you turn around to see Aone holding your wrist.
"He deserves it! Let go!" He thinks his grip is too tight, so he loosened it.
"H-here." He hands you his team jacket.
"Thank you, Aone. That is so sweet." He nods.
"Um I know how important your clothing and hair are to you." At first you can't tell if he's being genuine or a goody two shoes.
"Um... gyaru right? I thought it was super weird awhile back." At least he was honest.
"How'd you know?" You most likely already know the answer.
"I did some research after seeing your unusual clothing option that one time." He rubs the back of his neck.
"So you're stalking me?" That's honestly what it sounds like.
"No- I just wanted to understand you better." He says with a little more confidence.
"Ah....." His cheeks go red and he power walked away.
Huh... interesting.
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Hey sillies, im tired so ima go to sleep. Also I watched a horror movie by myself for the first time but I didn't get scared at all. Idk I just kept screaming at the main character being so dumb. bye guys 😘
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Headcanons for Yamaguchi Tadashi with a Trans Male Boyfriend
Pairing: Yamaguchi Tadashi / Trans Male Reader + casual friendship with Tsukishima Kei Warnings: dysphoria, casual/accidental transphobia, mentions of substance use
Your relationship with Tadashi begins when you move into the house next door to his in the 3rd grade. You had been far more concerned with making friends than unpacking and latched on to Tadashi since he was the only other kid your age on the block.
A majority of your friendship was beating back bullies and getting into more fights than a "girl your age" should have. And out of all of the fights and potential injuries what bothered you the most was being called a girl.
It feels natural that you tell Tadashi first and he is supportive, even if he didn't quite understand. It was his hand in yours that gave you the courage to tell your parents, he was being your courage for a change.
You both meet Kei in middle school and it was nice, to no longer be alone in helping Tadashi find his courage.
It's Kei actually, that gives you the courage to tell Tadashi how you felt about him, rather, threatening to tell him if you didn't.
Its Kei and Tadashi that correct people about you, and Tadashi surprisingly enough that has to be held back when it turns out to be intentional. You and Kei both know he wouldn't ever win a fist fight, but you at least were still endeared that he was willing to lose if it was your honor involved.
Joining them at Karasuno is the logical next step even though you had no plans to ever set foot on a Volleyball court after how poorly it went in middle school. But you would be there to cheer on your boyfriend and your best friend every step of the way.
You had better things to do than club activities. That and while Karasuno had art classes they didn't have a specific club for it, so your afternoons were free. The days you weren't watching Tadashi and Kei practice you were tagging along with the third years from your art class.
Tadashi confronts you about the smoke he smells on your clothes, and your denial leads to your first real fight. A swirling nasty thing that devolved into a shouting match that ends with Kei acting as a go between for you two for all of a day before giving up and forcing you to sort it out yourselves.
He doesn't back down and for a change you do, agreeing to quit hanging out with that group and wait til college to see if you're still as interested in experimenting with that kind of thing when you're old enough
For the next three years Karasuno goes to the top and stands on the world stage. And every time beside the banner that says "Fly" there was a banner just for Tadashi hand made by you and different each time.
College leads you back to old habits, and Tadashi doesn't fuss quite as much this time.
You graduate and go on to be an illustrator for a sports advertiser, and Tadashi goes into sports medicine and has a list of pros from school that had most others envious.
There were times where you looked back and couldn't help but grin. You never thought persistently ringing the doorbell of the house next to yours would ever lead to this.
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chimielie · 1 year
“Did you ever keep a diary as a kid?” You want to know, rifling through Tadashi’s nightstand to find the book you’d left last time you slept over.
“I mean, I had them,” he says, response slow like he’s trying to remember. “I wasn’t really good at keeping up with it, though. I think I had like five at one point that all had only two or three entries. I just didn’t want to ruin that nice new notebook, you know?”
“Yeah,” you say thoughtfully, pulling out the tome you were looking for with an expression of triumph. “I don’t think I ever managed to do it consistently until like, last year.”
“That’s better than most people,” he shrugs, hauling you back by your hips next to him on the bed, where you settle your head on his shoulder, enjoying his clean, fresh-detergent smell and light touch. “What do you journal about?”
“Kind of whatever,” you shrug. “Mostly what I did that day as a memory exercise. I like going back and rereading stuff from the beginning of our relationship sometimes.”
“You wrote about me?” His voice is soft, shy. You pat his cheek.
“Yeah, definitely,” you laugh, “I think I went home and wrote poetry about you two dates in or something. Yeugh.”
Tadashi looks up at you, and it’s almost alarming how fast the blood rushes to your cheeks. “You’ve written poetry about me?”
“I didn’t mean to say that,” you say, all your breath caught in your chest. “Oh, my God, you did not hear that.”
“No,” a slow smile spreads over his face, putting dimples in his freckled cheeks. You lean back a little as he leans forward, showing you the little gap between his two shiny white front teeth. “I did, actually. And as your muse, I have a right to read it.”
“Nooo,” you moan, sliding from your seat on the bed until you’re staring up at the ceiling and your bent knees are holding you in a bridge position. “It’s not even, like—I barely knew you and I think I was kind of tipsy, when I wrote it, I mean—I’ve written much better poetry about you since then—fuck!”
You slap a hand over your mouth, but it’s too late. He’s crawling over you, crowding you until you’re comfortably laying on the bed, arms up by your ears and deceivingly sadistic sweetheart of a boyfriend hovering over you, his body burning you everywhere he touches.
“I wanna see it,” he says, voice quiet and teasing. “Pretty please? With a strawberry on top?”
You can’t even look away from him, batting his lashes, trying to charm you into giving him what he wants. He’s got a little victorious spark in his eyes, like he already knows he’s won. How are you supposed to say no?
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ya9amicide · 2 months
♡ anime masterlist ♡
pov: your camera roll if you were dating tadashi yamaguchi.
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simp4emo · 2 years
You get them a tamagotchi- Haikyuu edition
Reader : gender neutral
Genre: fluff
Characters: Karasuno first years
A/n: if you don’t know what a tamagotchi is, congrats! You’re still young 🥹 look it up before reading.
☀️Shoyo Hinata🍊:
Freaking loves it! In fact, he loves everything you give him,
You got him an orange one, decorated with lemons and orange slices.
He’d frequently take care of it (whenever he’s got some minutes to spare).
Even if he stops playing with it at some point, he’ll still take it wherever he goes, in his pockets or his bag. After all, it’s a gift from you and it needs to be treated like gold.
Unlike the others, he’s not embarrassed to use it in public. If his teammates tease him, he’ll about how grateful he is to have a partner who thinks of him and shares their interests with him.
🫐Tobio Kageyama🥛:
You couldn’t find him anything with a cow or blueberry design, so you ended up getting him a blue one with an ocean design. (It had bubbles on it 🥺).
He’s confused but he’s willing to make an effort and play with it to make you happy.
“Hey, what is it doing now?”
“Honey… I think it’s dead.”
“WhAt?! They can die?! I thought you said kids played with those!”
“We’ll, when did you last feed it ?”
“I don’t know… six days ago?”
“See, this is why we can’t have a pet. I mean, how can we, when you can’t keep the toy alive ?”
If you want him to use it, might as well make it challenge.
🌙Kei Tsukishima🦖
You looked all over the store to find one he’d like. You ended up finding a dinosaur themed tamagotchi shaped like a cracked egg.
The day you give it to him, he tells you it’s childish and ridiculous, even when you tell him that you and your friends play with yours.
“Fine. Then, I’ll return it.”
“You wish! It’s mine now.”
Even if he barely use it, he’ll hang it to his keys and never take it off.
Okay! Maybe he does use it…
… in the train
… when he’s alone.
🎒Tadashi Yamaguchi 📚
He saw you one day, playing with yours. He doesn’t really get it, though he does think it’s cute.
So you went your way and got him a green one decorated with leaves.
He loves it when you both sit down and play together. Each holding yours and sometimes exchanging them.
Although he loves you dearly, he’s pretty embarrassed to use it in front of Tsuki. Therefore, whenever the blondie’s around, he’ll hide it and pretend it doesn’t exist.
Jujutsu Kaisen edition
My hero academia edition
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moonbeamwritings · 2 years
It’s easy to fall into routines with Tadashi. He fits into your life so easily, so seamlessly you’re certain he was meant to be a part of it. At night, after he dozes off on your shoulder and swears he’s still paying attention to the show you’re currently watching together, you hum and pull him to stand. He trails behind you like a puppy, whining about being sleepy and not wanting to wash up. You tut and tell him he better brush his teeth, or you won’t kiss him goodnight. It’s all the motivation he needs to crowd the space behind you and drop a kiss to the crown of your head, toothbrush in hand.
The bathroom is cramped, the whole apartment is really, but you find comfort in the knocking of elbows and bumping of hips that comes with living in such a small space. You can feel the heat of his body as you bend to rinse your face, the sounds of brushing and running water creating a symphony in the quiet space. You finish your skincare regimen — Tadashi always lets you go first — and disappear into the bedroom, ready to tuck in and read a chapter of your book. Tadashi emerges from the bathroom moments later, hair tousled and eyes half-lidded as he makes his way over to you, every step sluggish.
He collapses into bed beside you, turning on his side and resting a warm palm flat on your stomach, just as he always does. You hold your book in one hand and drop the other to his hair, running your fingers through it in smooth, easy movements. He hums at the feeling and snuggles deeper into his pillows.
You glance at him from the corner of your eye, only to find Tadashi fixing you with a honeyed expression, tender words sitting just at the tip of his tongue. The glow of your bedside lamp bathes him in a warmth you can’t describe, and suddenly your chest feels so full it could burst.
Moving your hand from his hair, book now forgotten, you caress his cheek with your thumb. You coo when his eyes slip closed as he nuzzles further into your palm. “So soft.”
He’s bashful, you can feel the way his skin flushes beneath your gentle touches and sappy look. “S’your moisturizer.”
You click your tongue, pinching his cheek between the pads of your fingers. “So it’s your fault it’s been going missing. You’re lucky you’re so cute or else I might not let it slide.”
Tadashi’s words slur, his eyes growing heavier with each quiet tick of the clock on your nightstand. He’s hanging right on the brink of sleep and your heart only seems to get mushier, if it’s even possible. “Oh, yeah? Special treatment?”
“Mhm,” you hum the affirmation into his hairline, dropping a kiss there, “How does that sound?”
With a cute little noise, something you can only hope is agreement, his eyes slip closed, breathing evening out until he finally falls asleep — right in the palm of your hand. Silently, carefully, you move the book to your bedside table and flick off your light, careful not to jostle the sleeping man pressed into your side.
When you finally settle in, Tadashi’s nose finds a home in the curve of your neck, his breath fanning over your collarbone. Just as you always do, you tug the comforter over to your side (Tadashi is nothing if not a blanket hog), and snuggle your cheek against the top of his head. You fall asleep with ease, ready to do it all again tomorrow.
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uravitypng · 2 years
𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮?
┆彡 tadashi yamaguchi x reader
word count: 700+ words
warnings: fluff, slightly suggestive
summary: yamaguchi is a consent king, always checking beforehand if he can touch you. it started when the two of you started dating.
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yamaguchi is a consent king, always checking beforehand if he can touch you. it started with when the two of you started dating and after a few dates he had walked you home, "can i kiss you?" the kiss was exactly like you imagined between you two, shy and nervous and so sweet.
you're in a busy shopping market one weekend buying food for the two of you to cook together later that day, "can i hold your hand? i don't want to lose you in the crowd." it's everything you imagined, tadashi holding onto you like you're the most precious thing in the world.
"can i take this off?" he asked as he brushes along your sides, asking permission to take off your top. you grant him permission and he touches you so gently, taking his time and making sure you're okay, that you're comfortable and safe and that you feel good.
tadashi's checking in has been in a constant in your relationship, always making sure you are okay after a long day, "how are you feeling, love? do you need me to run you a bath?" it's exactly how it's always been, yamaguchi being the most amazing boyfriend in the world.
his caring and considerate nature is one of the many reasons why you love him. "what would you do if i told you i loved you?" it's the first time you've seen him this nervous towards you in a long time and god your stomach filled with butterflies. "i'd tell you the same of course" you softly smile.
"do you want to move in with?" he blurts out one day while watching a movie together, the movie quickly became forgotten as you became overjoyed and you both started talking about what decor you wanted in your new place together.
yamaguchi took you to the same place he took you on your first date. it was your anniversary and the time you've spent with tadashi has been the best few years of your life. "will you marry me?" he went down on one knee and you couldn't stop crying. you're with the man you love and want to spend the rest of your life with. "yes. oh my god, i've never wanted anything more"
one of the most important questions in your relationship brings you right up to now. you're so nervous, he isn't even home yet and you're still planning how to say it properly, how to get the right words out. you triple-checked and there's no doubt about it, you're pregnant.
you and tadashi never really talked about having kids before, it's been brought up a couple time but you're not even really sure if he wants them. you use to not know if you wanted them that was until you met tadashi and you fell in love and you wanted everything with him, to spend your whole life together. the trouble is you're just not sure if he feels the same. you can't help but imagine tadashi holding a little child that looks just like the two of you, laughing and smiling, you know your husband would be an amazing father.
your thoughts are interrupted when you hear the door close. you're fidgeting and nervous and preparing what to say. yamaguchi shouts a quick hello before putting all his things away and coming up towards you in the kitchen. he kisses your cheek and can see that somethings troubling you. "what's wrong dear? did you have a bad day."
"my days been fine 'dashi but i need to talk to you about something. can we go sit down in the living room?" you ask while twiddling your fingers. he agrees and you both make your way to sit down.
reaching into your pocket you pull out one of the pregnancy tests you took and places it on the table in front of you. "do you want to start a family with me?" tadashi grins from ear to ear and he looks at you like he did when you were walking down the aisle. he rushes to kiss you and whispers against your lips, "i want nothing more, i love you so much. you mean the world to me and i can't wait for our future together"
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genshin-obsessed · 11 months
Who Likes You! | Haikyuu
Disclaimer: I wrote this and posted it on another blog but I'm not there anymore. I want all my writing with me, so I reposted it here. It's all my works. If you've seen it before, it's me, don't worry, but you're welcome to check the name.
I got this idea back then, but I've been desperately wanting to write more of this! It was so super fun back then ;w;
Characters: Kentaro Kyotani, Tobio Kageyama, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Yu Nishinoya, and Kotaro Bokuto
Warnings: angst ahead and maybe some ooc-ness
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♢ Kentaro Kyotani ♢
You’ve been with Kentaro for almost a year now and so you know a few of his… “friends”. Over time, you got to know Oikawa and he got to know you. You didn’t spend too much time with him, there were always excuses he had, classes, practice, whatever. It wasn’t very hard for him to start falling for you. You were just so amazing, how couldn’t he? You don’t know and people can say Oikawa had dropped hints (more like failed to hide his feelings) but you never pay attention. You’re always staring at Kentaro.
Kentaro didn’t know in the beginning, either. Oikawa was constantly surrounded by girls so what was the point of him liking you? You were taken and it… really didn’t seem like it. Until one day, he was going to the club room to ask Iwaizumi for something when he caught their conversation. 
“What did you just say, loserkawa?!” Iwaizumi’s voice came through the open door. Kentaro stopped and waited, kind of curiously.
“Don’t make me say it again- OH FINE DON’T HIT ME! I… I like (y/n), ok?” Kentaro’s eyes widened and his body went rigid. He could only stand outside and continue to listen. 
“How could you?! Kentaro is your… f-friend!”
“I know,” Oikawa said as he slumped against the wall, sliding down to the ground, “I didn’t do it on purpose! I couldn’t help it, ok? I didn’t think it would happen! We don’t choose who we fall in love with!”
“Didn’t you realize you were starting to catch feelings? You should’ve pushed them away.”
“I know.” He knew. Oikawa knew the best thing to do was to get away from you so these stupid feelings would die down, but he found it so difficult. You were just so kind and so magnetic. He was pitifully weak and here was the end result. He never imagined he would fall in love with someone else’s partner and if he could change it, he would.
Or would he? Being in love with you brought him joy. Sure, you may not be his, but his day was always brighter after he saw you. He always felt more confident and secure. When you attended his games, he always did better. His happiness was directly linked to yours… even if yours wasn’t linked to him. 
“I know they’re happy with Kyotani. I know he loves them and the last thing I wanna do is hurt him. Or (y/n). He’s… a better man with them. He’s… he’s really happy with them, isn’t he?” Oikawa lamented, looking at Iwaizumi. His friend could only lean against a nearby wall and sigh.
“Idiot.” Oikawa’s head fell and he stared at the ground between his legs. Tears lined his eyes at Iwaizumi’s words. He really was an idiot.
Kentaro was furious. He already had anger issues and the only thing he wanted to do was go in there and beat tf outta Oikawa. But he stopped because Oikawa was right. You didn’t like it when he fought people, so he worked on it. He worked on his aggression and anger and it was working right now. Instead of fighting, he just left. 
Ever since, Kentaro’s always been defensive around Oikawa. He doesn’t let you two stand too close and he doesn’t like it when you’re alone with him. Kentaro doesn’t want to be controlling and so he’ll reluctantly let you spend time with Oikawa… but you just never do? You prefer Kentaro over Oikawa anyway and that makes him so happy. Cuz no way he could compete with mister pretty boy.
♢ Tobio Kageyama ♢
You and Kageyama have been dating for a little over 4 months. You got to know his friends immediately and it didn’t take long for Hinata to start falling for you. You had no idea because you only had eyes for Kageyama. You never noticed the little things, even if your boyfriend did.
Kageyama didn’t know… but he had a feeling. There was the way that Hinata spoke to you- that dumb little tone. He didn’t use it with Yachi or Kiyoko, just you. The more Kageyama observed Hinata with you, the more uncomfortable he became. Hinata blushed a lot around you and often tried to be near you. So, Kageyama confronted him.
“Hey.” Kageyama called, approaching Hinata one day after practice. Hinata looked up at him and waved, assuming it was a greeting.
“Hey, what’s u-”
“Do you like (y/n)?”
“Wh-wha- NO!” However, the speed at which Hinata answered, the way his shoulders tensed, the redness of his cheeks, they all revealed the truth. Kageyama’s glare hardened as his body moved towards Hinata. The smaller one kept backing up until he hit the wall behind him.
The last thing Hinata wanted to do was talk about his feelings for you. That was his first defense- to ignore it. If he never admitted it was true, then it wasn’t true, right? It was just a dumb little crush and it would just go away overtime. Who would’ve guessed that what Hinata felt wasn’t just a “simple crush”? Who knew these “innocent” feelings would become so painfully controlling? Who knew that the longer you spent around him, the more you took? Before he knew it, he was all yours. But you didn’t want him. No, you didn’t want Hinata, you wanted Kageyama.
“Don’t lie to me.”
“Fine!” Hinata’s gaze fell to the ground as the words started to pour out of his lips. His feelings finally reached a boiling point and after holding it in for so long, they just burst out. He so desperately wanted to stop himself, but he just couldn’t. He was finally admitting something he so frantically tried to avoid. “Say what you will, Kageyama… but I liked (y/n) first. But you… you had to swoop in and just take them right? Like you always do.”
“What the hell are you talking about-”
“Don’t worry about it.” Hinata pushed past Kageyama, walking towards the gym doors. He paused and looked back at the dark-haired boy with a glare of his own, “I won’t do anything. They want you... not me.”
Practice for the next like two weeks was REALLY weird. Not only was Kageyama refusing to set for Hinata, the orange-haired boy didn’t want Kageyama as a setter. No matter what Daichi, Sugawara, and Tanaka did, the two refused to budge. Kiyoko, Yachi, and Nishinoya tried too. Hell, even Tsukishima yelled at them! The only way they started working together was when coach Ukai threatened to kick them off the team. Even then, it really seemed like the two were dead set against working with each other. Honestly, Ukai was a little scared they would quit on their own. Eventually, the two did start working together again. They weren’t ever as friendly (not that they were before), but they did end up working it out.
Kageyama doesn’t like Hinata hanging around you, but after their talk, Hinata just backed off. Kageyama noticed how sad you got when Hinata avoided you, to which he confronted Hinata once more. Hinata explained that avoiding you was a defensive measure. The more time Hinata spent around you, the more his feelings grew and the last thing he wanted to do was get between you and your happiness. Kageyama argued that this would hurt you in the process, since you and Hinata were great friends, but Hinata didn’t back down and claimed he was going to do what he wanted to and Kageyama only needed to worry about himself and you.
♢ Tadashi Yamaguchi ♢
 You and Yamaguchi had been dating for around five months. He’d finally introduced you to his team… and they were shocked to say the least! Some even teased him for “holding out on” them. You were just the cutest and it didn’t take long for you to catch Nishinoya’s eyes. It was actually hard to tell at first, because he used Kiyoko as a cover… but in truth, he was in love with you, not her.
Yamaguchi doesn’t know because just like everyone else, he assumed Noya was head over heels for Kiyoko. Everyone thought so, even Kiyoko herself! There was one day where Yamaguchi had left a textbook in the club room, so he was heading back. Everyone was gone, except for Sugawara and Nishinoya. He was going to say hello… until he heard Suga.
“What do you plan on telling Tadashi then?” Sugawara asked, his tone of curiosity and concern. Hearing his name kind of freaked Yamaguchi out, so he pressed himself behind the door and listened patiently. 
“Nothing!” Nishinoya yelled, almost immediately. “N-No one’s… saying anything.”
“Then what are you going to do about this? I mean, you seriously had us all fooled.” Nishinoya let out a self-deprecating laugh as he fell onto the ground, leaning against the wall.
“If only I could fool myself…” They were both silent, which caused Yamaguchi to get a little impatient. He wanted to know what they were talking about, especially since it concerned him. Finally, after a couple of moments of silence, Nishinoya broke it. “They’re… beautiful.”
“What?” Sugawara asked, as he sat beside Nishinoya and gently patted his shoulder. His words were so quiet, they were barely heard in the silent room.
“(y/n)... is beautiful. Every time I see them my heart beats so fast. I often forget Kiyoko’s face when they’re around and sometimes… I can’t help but just want to wrap my arms around them.” At this point, Nishinoya’s voice was cracking as tears pooled in his eyes. They slowly dripped down to the floor below as his voice died down. Finally, it hit Yamaguchi. As if his body was on autopilot, he moved to stand in the doorway.
“You’re in love with (y/n)?” Both boys’ heads shot up and their eyes widened immediately.
“T-Tadashi…” Sugawara whispered as Nishinoya jumped to his feet.
“W-wait! Tadashi! I-I can explain!”
“Ok… explain.” Nishinoya fell silent, wondering what to do or say. The last thing he wanted was for Yamaguchi to find out. The silence took over the three once more, no matter how much Nishinoya looked for an excuse, he couldn’t find one. “I thought so.”
Oh boy. Yamaguchi started acting REALLY weird since. Nishinoya too. The libero’s normal light was gone and he had become reclusive. He barely talked at practice, barely gave any effort, and started to take days off. Yamaguchi also started skipping practice, making you force him. You tried asking Tsukishima what happened, but unfortunately the blond had no idea. Finally, you were able to get an answer from Sugawara. He told you Yamaguchi and Nishinoya had an argument and things were just really tense. Sugawara told everyone else the same thing, wanting to respect his friend’s wishes as far as he could. Eventually, both of them started attending practice regularly, but it was evident it was never resolved.
Yamaguchi was more upset than jealous. He couldn’t possibly compete with Nishinoya. All he had on Nishinoya was his height, nothing else. The libero was an amazing, talented player, he was outgoing and fun to spend time with. Yamaguchi often wondered if Noya was a better option for you and eventually confronted you about it. He left out the part where Nishinoya was in love with you and simply asked why you wouldn’t just find a better partner. Especially one of his teammates, since they were better. You assured him you wanted no one other than him. No matter what happened. Yamaguchi did end up having a conversation with Noya though, not wanting to leave unresolved issues. Thankfully, they were able to work it out. Unfortunately, things were never the same between them.
♢ Yu Nishinoya ♢
Everyone was so surprised that Nishinoya had a partner that wasn’t Kiyoko! Like his devotion to Kiyoko… then out of nowhere he’s dating someone?! Weird. Just bizarre. He LOVES talking about you, he never shuts up! You spent so much time around the team due to him, it was only a matter of time before Tanaka fell in love with you. You never noticed since you assumed he was in love with Kiyoko, much like everyone else.
Nishinoya had no idea. Tanaka used Kiyoko as a mask to hide his true feelings. But that’s all it was- a mask. Tanaka was always around you and Nishinoya, so it was even more surprising that your boyfriend didn’t know. You didn’t know either, thinking that everything Tanaka did was just because you were his friend. You had heard he had a crush on someone but like everyone else, you assumed it was Kiyoko. That is until Tsukishima decided to tease Tanaka about staring at you too much.
“You’re staring,” the blond commented as he approached Tanaka, who was sitting down. Tanaka immediately looked away with red cheeks, causing Tsukishima to look at the person he was staring at. “No way, were you staring at (y/n)? AND you’re blushing. Don’t tell me you like them.”
“Wh-what!? No way! I was staring at Kiyoko!” Tanaka defended, pouting and crossing his arms.
“Uh Kiyoko’s over there.” He deadpanned, pointing at the club manager who was on the other side of the gym. Tanaka clammed up as his eyes landed on Kiyoko, she was indeed too far away from you. He wanted to respond- to try and argue literally anything- but the words were caught in his throat. It took less than a second for Tsukishima to put two and two together. “Oh my god so you actually like (y/n)!” Unfortunately, Tsukishima had been louder than intended, causing all actions to cease in the gym.
“Wh-what?” Nishinoya asked, looking at the two. Tanaka’s eyes immediately flew to you, only to find you already staring back. An awkward silence fell over the gym and it was almost suffocating as everyone looked at Tanaka for a response. The tension was broken when Nishinoya’s laughter came through, making everyone look at him instead. “I mean can we blame him? I have a crush on them too! Just don’t say anything.” Tanaka stared at Nishinoya for a second, unsure of how to respond before nodding.
“Y-yeah!” Tanaka’s obnoxious laugh filled the gym as he nodded, “(y/n) is gorgeous but nothing compares to our goddess Kiyoko!” Tanaka was at the woman’s side within a second and took her hand. “Don’t worry! I only have eyes for you! Tsukishima was just trying to make you jealous- did it work? Did it work?!”
“No.” Kiyoko answered curtly, removing her hands from Tanaka’s. Small giggles rippled through the gym as everyone returned to what they were doing. The only three not laughing were Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Tsukishima.
Tanaka couldn’t wait for practice to be over, he wanted nothing more than to go home and bury himself under his sheets in bed. That was probably the most embarrassing experience of his life. Unfortunately, Tanaka had received a couple of extra tasks from Daichi for interrupting practice, meaning he was the last one to leave the gym. He was partially thankful since you and Nishinoya were gone. As he made his way to the club room, he felt the anxiety return. He just wanted to go home and NEVER come back. Luck was not on his side, however, because right as he opened the club room door, he saw two people he REALLY wanted to avoid.
Nishinoya and Tsukishima.
The libero had been in the middle of asking his taller friend a question, when both of them looked at Tanaka.
“Well, he’s right there. So why don’t you ask him?” Tsukishima huffed as he crossed his arms. Nishinoya wasted no time and turned to face his best friend.
“What Tsukishima said… is it true?” Tanaka had never heard Nishinoya’s voice like that before. It was low and held hostility, which was really rare for him. Tanaka never wanted to admit it, he refused to accept it, himself. The last person he wanted to be in love with was you. But people never got to choose in situations like this. Tanaka’s gaze fell to the ground and he nodded pathetically.
“Yes.” Nishinoya scoffed and looked away, unable to believe what he was hearing. Earlier, he wanted to believe it was nothing but a joke, that’s why he treated it like one. But as the seconds passed, too many questions started popping up. How many times had Tanaka just… been there to help you? How many times did Tanaka do things for you, claiming it was just for a friend? How many times was Tanaka caught staring at you or complimenting you? Just how much did Tanaka love you? And Nishinoya knew nothing about it.
Things were somewhat tense, since. During the practice sessions that you didn’t attend, the two were fine. They were both goofing off as if nothing ever happened. But for the sessions you were at, Noya was always partially defensive. He would always wonder if Tanaka’s thinking about you or looking at you. During your hangouts (whether it would be with the team or just the two), Tanaka kept his distance, while Noya was often holding on to you in some way. Overtime, you started to wonder whether that outburst in the gym was true or not. After seeing the way Tanaka and Noya acted, the truth was kind of obvious.
In the end, Tanaka and Noya were still good friends but it was never the same. They were too close for someone to tear them apart… but to create a rift, that was very possible.
♢ Kotaro Bokuto ♢
You had been dating Bokuto for about five months, which was surprising due to a couple of reasons. Bokuto was very devoted to volleyball, more than the average player, so how could he potentially have a stable relationship like that? Well, somehow he managed. You eventually started spending a lot of time with him and his best friend, Akaashi Keiji. All was well until Akaashi one day realized he no longer felt the same way a friend should feel toward another friend. It took him a minute, but he finally admitted it. He was in love with you.
Neither you nor Bokuto know because he was really good at masking his feelings. Of course there were slip ups here and there, but nothing to be concerned about. Akaashi found it harder and harder to contain his feelings. There were times where he just felt so uncomfortable, he would physically need to leave. He didn’t hate Bokuto though, how could he? Bokuto was the reason you smiled every single day and your happiness was Akaashi’s happiness. But all good things have to come to and end someday and today just happened to be one of them.
“Isn’t (y/n) so cute?” Bokuto giggled as he showed Akaashi his phone, where there was a picture of you. His dark-haired friend looked over, his eyes glancing over the beautiful picture. You looked so happy, so carefree, so radiant. He could feel the warmth in his chest, yet the happiness didn’t reach his eyes or lips. Akaashi only nodded as he returned to the book in front of him.
Bokuto gushed over you all the time, this was nothing new. Akaashi was used to it, always doing his best to ignore the twinge of jealousy that he often felt. Akaashi wasn’t one to express too much emotion and this was no exception. It’s what made it easy to hide his love for you. Akaashi’s eyes were always on you. Every time you three would spend time together, he would find himself looking at you often.
It didn’t take long before he’d started to pick up on your habits. Cute little things such as fiddling, whether you played with your hair or not, the little face you made when you were concentrating, the way your fingers tapped on the table, or when you would hold Bokuto’s arm… everything.
“(y/n)-chan’s so cute when they nibble their food like that!” Bokuto babbled on, showing a video of you nibbling on a rice ball. “They have such adorable habits~”
“Or the way they clap twice every single time you serve.” Akaashi mentioned, offhandedly, his eyes never leaving the book in front of him. Bokuto paused and looked at his friend.
“Wh-what do you mean?”
“(y/n) claps twice every time you’re up to serve. Not only that, but they also clap twice every time you spike a ball and wave at them. It’s this little habit they’ve developed. I think it’s like a good luck thing now.” Bokuto paused to think about it… he’d never really noticed. But… why did Akaashi know this? Akaashi’s usually on the court with him so when did he have time to look at you?
“That’s weird that you know that. Do you stare at (y/n) a lot or something? It’s cuz they’re so blindingly beautiful, right?” Bokuto’s eyes returned to the phone screen as he let out a little laugh; his words were originally a joke so he definitely didn’t expect Akaashi’s response.
“Yeah.” Bokuto looked at his friend once more, this time with shock written all over his face. Finally, the phone slipped from the volleyball player’s hand as he turned to his friend, ready to ask him something he really didn’t want the answer for.
“Dude… do-do you like (y/n) or something?” There was still a light-hearted tone and Bokuto was begging for Akaashi to just insult him or something, but he didn’t. Finally, Akaashi raised his head, his eyes meeting the ace’s. Bokuto tensed, unable to breathe. The look in Akaashi’s eyes was exactly the look he would have when looking at you. No, Akaashi didn’t just like you, he loved you. “No way… you love (y/n).”
Finally, Akaashi shut the book he was reading and sighed. He wanted to deny it, but he couldn’t. Akaashi didn’t have the energy to deny his immense love for you. He’d been denying it all this time now and he was tired. After standing up and gathering his things, Akaashi stopped at the door and spoke.
“Yeah, I’m in love with (y/n)... but that’s none of your business.” Then he left. Bokuto was left in silence as his best friend’s words rang in his ears over and over.
Things were kind of tense between you three. Bokuto didn’t completely shun Akaashi and the latter pretended as if nothing happened. Bokuto desperately wanted to talk to him about it, but Akaashi never let him. He claimed it wasn’t something they needed to talk about, they were fine before and they should be fine now. Things were left unresolved and you were still in the dark. You confronted both of them, separately, and neither gave you a proper response, claiming it was just a small disagreement.
You did end up finding out, eventually, and asked Akaashi about it. He told you not to worry about it and refused to talk about it afterward. Akaashi’s habits never changed; he wasn’t overbearing, he didn’t flirt, he didn’t treat you any differently. Overtime, both you and Bokuto got over it and things returned to normal. Days went on normally, even if Akaashi was suffering. At the end of the day, seeing the person he loved smiling always brought him some form of solace.
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asena-graywolf · 1 year
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Am I Nothing?
You were lying in your bed listening to music and surfing the social media apps on your phone.
But you had to take a break from what you were doing after a text message came to your phone.
"Look at the window"
The message was from Yamaguchi. Coming all the way to his house was not usually his habit. If he came, there must have been something important.
You did what you said. You approached the window of the room and looked down. You saw your boyfriend in front of your house door looking at your room window
You called him right away and connected your phone's speaker to your earpiece.
“Yamaguchi? What are you doing here?"
"I need to talk to you y/n"
"Sure, let's talk… did something happen?"
“Go down”
Yamaguchi was acting differently today than usual. There was no sign of your shy but lovely Yamaguchi today
"For what?" you asked curiously
“I say go down. Or I'll come to there"
"Okay wait I'm coming"
You took off your headphones. You took your jacket and went downstairs. You met her eyes
There were still thousands of question marks in your head. It had been two hours since he had left school. You dropped him off at practice two hours ago and then wished you luck and went home. What could have happened to change her boyfriend one hundred and eighty degrees in two hours?
“Yamaguchi? Tell me what happened?"
“Y/n. I want to ask you something but please tell me the truth"
"Of course. You know I would never lie to you"
He grabbed your shoulders and looked at you with both serious and depressed eyes.
“Y/n. Do you love me?"
"Where did that come from now?"
You were surprised. You still couldn't understand what had happened to your boyfriend. What had changed so that he was questioning your love for him? Was he not sure how much you loved him?
"Answer my question. Do you love me?"
"I love you"
"Well how much?"
“To die for you”
"Say it again. looking into my eyes"
You frowned and folded your arms under your chest
“Yamaguchi. Talk to me clearly. What is your intention? Why are you questioning my loyalty and love for you as if you didn't know?"
Yamaguchi was stubborn
“Y/n. Tell me to Love Me! Look into my eyes and tell me
You looked into her eyes and said quite confidently that you loved her.
“I love you more than anything in this world, Yamaguchi. You are my only cute and shy Yamaguchi. You are my whole world. Please answer my question. Why are you questioning this?"
Poor Yamaguchi's face fell. Her freckled cheeks were blushed
"I am sorry. I really…oh well, never mind”
“Yamaguchi, please tell me. What happened? I am your girlfriend. When you're bored with something, can you tell me who you're going to tell, not me?"
"Well…I guess you're right."
“Then tell me what happened. Now!"
“Okay then. After you dropped me off for training, we formed two teams and started playing matches. Since I'm also the team's reserve serve, I served Tsuki's place in another round and unfortunately my serve was unsuccessful. I almost gave a point to the opposing team. This is not the first time, you know. Anyway, Tsuki and I got hooked over this issue and I guess, in the moment of anger, his true thoughts about me came out.”
The blood had splattered into his brain. you frowned
"What did he say to you?"
“He said that I would always make the team lose points, that I was too useless to even be in reserve. Besides, I was ugly, I was incompetent. He questioned how you agreed to go out with me despite all this. He said a girl like you would only go out to play with me. The last time he told me I was nothing and left."
"I don't believe you! Did you really believe that idiot's word? Oh that boy! Can't he unable to hold his tongue at all? Dirtbag! No one can say such words to you! No one has the right to hurt you. I'm not going out to play with you! I am with you because I love you. Also, I love your beautiful freckled face and messy green hair. I'm sure if the most handsome man in the world wanted to be with me, I would still choose you. You are never a nobody! You are my only Yamaguchi. They are shallow and ignorant people who do not know what the heart is. Tsuki is one of them. We can't expect him to understand.
“Thank you y/n. Your words really put my mind at ease. Tsuki's words broke my heart so much that I can't explain. I was really sure that you loved me, and now I'm convinced once again."
He glanced at his watch and seemed to remember something he had to do.
“Oh! I have to go. We shall talk later. I will call you. See you later"
"See you later"
As he ran away, he suddenly turned to you and held out both his hands and kissed you.
"I love you"
You sent him a kiss the same way
"I love you too"
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13a07s · 7 days
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My Moon
(Tadashi Yamaguchi)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to craziiwolf]
Requested by: Myself
[Idea inspired by Captain Black Sparrow]
Word Count: 3,454
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Just Yams being a skeptical but engaged and interested boyfriend of a witch
Wicca Practices
Disclaimer; it's been a hot minute since I was swimming in the world of Wicca so my information might be off from mis-memory and Google being a lair. Please (nicely) correct me on any wrong information
Part two?
     "Where's my darling little star?"
     My head instantly snaps up from its lying position on my desk, turning toward the classroom door in search of my girlfriend. "Here I am," I call back, Tsukki's snicker following my eagerness. My eyes stay locked on her, getting more excited the closer to me she gets.
     The sound of her jewelry twinkling against each other mixes with the beating of my heart, the anticipation of her short walk from the door to my desk almost killing me. "There's the light in my darkness," she coos, settling next to my desk. The compliment - and just her in general - makes my cheeks heat up, embarrassment from everyone hearing her swirling in my head.
Her hands are in my hair instantly, petting me and adding to the growing embarrassment on my skin. "Good morning, Tsukki," she adds, taking a moment to greet my friend. Tsukki nods his head in acknowledgment.
     "Good morning, my Moon," I greet back, turning in my desk before wrapping my arms around her waist. I tilt my head, dotting her wrist and forearm with kisses.
Public displays of affection only add to my anxieties, but the small touches and kisses make her happy so I try my best to push my worries down. I always try to overcome them so my Moon can be wrapped up in a fraction of the intimacy she's always showering me with.
"Your jewelry is silver today," I point out, glancing over the bracelets my lips tumble over, the rings sliding through my hair, and the silver triangle earrings she has in.
     "Iron and lead, darling," she corrects, her nails gently scratching my scalp. "My horoscope said that my day 'will be made of the light of happiness. Despite the joys of the day, decisional difficulties will arise, turn toward the skies for wisdom'. So, tin for wisdom and lead for grounding to help hold onto my happiness."
     "And the triangles earrings because?"
     "Triangles help manifest a solid foundation and wisdom as well."
     My girlfriend is 'spiritual'. I'm never entirely certain what that means, but I've caught on to some of the things frowned upon in her religious practices. No blowing out candles, don't touch anything left in window sills, and under no circumstances am I allowed to touch anything on the little table with the red cloth.
     The few times I've messed up on the last one, I've been stuck on my knees, asking what she calls a deity for forgiveness. I don't remember what her deity is called or what deity it is. Roman or Greek or maybe one of the Christian ones. I don't know, but I know better than to cross said godly being though. I also know to greet said deity when I enter and leave the room.
     I've also learned a lot of things she does is for a reason, even if I don't understand the reasoning. She wears certain jewelry and colors depending on what she's trying to manifest. Whatever stones or rocks she has in her bag for the day depend on the same thing. Different things she cooks or weird jars she makes or other random things are more manifesting of my Moon.
     I might not understand but I find it interesting. As long as my Moon is happy I don't have an issue with how she chooses to manifest the things she wants for herself and those she cares for.
     "Want to hear your horoscope for the day?" She asks, a hand falling to cup my chin, the other one twirling the ends of my hair.
     My Moon tips my head up, my sight instantly locking on her sprinkling eyes. The feeling of her rings against my jaw is a nice comfort, one I've grown used to. "Of course."
     "You, my passionate Scorpio, will achieve a goal of yours today. Self-doubt will creep in. Don't let it fright you, for the stars are in your favor," she mutters, excitement to see how my day plays out lighting in her eyes.
     I smile up at her, gently squeezing her wrist as my thumb rolls over the pile of veins there. I'll admit some of her weird things and manifesting do come true, but most of the time I believe it's just a coincidence. However, seeing how the loose prediction aligns with my day is always fun. "Well, a goal I have for today is to pass the math test so maybe that'll be my achieved goal."
     "Maybe," my Moon hums, disapproval mixed with it. "My intuition says otherwise but it's your prediction so I guess your intuition is what matters." Her lips press against my hairline, peppering kisses across it before she lets me go.
     Her hands instantly dip into her bag, scrambling around in search of something. My Moon pulls out a small velvet sack, one that I recognize as the bag she uses to store whatever rocks she wants me to carry in my pocket for the day. I can't help but enjoy her excitement as she dumps the rocks out, preparing to give me a lecture on them.
"Alright, today I focused on luck and trying to counteract self-doubt to help you get to your goal," she starts, fingertips toying with the shiny rocks. Instantly, my hand goes out, waiting for her explanation. "Jade for luck," she mutters, placing a pretty green stone in my palm. "Tiger eye for self-esteem, rose quart for self-love - "
"And tourmaline for protection," I butt in, knowing that rock for sure. It's the only one she gives me every day so I've caught on to what it is and what my Moon thinks it does.
"Yes," she giggles, peaking my forehead again, before snatching her shiny stones back. She carefully places them back in their bag before handing it to me. "I hope you achieve one of your big goals today, Tadashi."
"Me too," I murmur, my heart beating a little faster. I know my Moon would support me in anything I decide to do, but it's always nice to hear her so willing to support me. "I'll see you at break?" I ask, my eyes taking a peak at the clock.
"Of course," she chirps, another big smile on her face. "Remember, positive thoughts manifest positive things. Keep your thoughts positive," my Moon reminds me like she does every morning. "Bye, Tadashi! Bye, Tsukki!" She almost sings, another kiss to my head before she floats out the door, off to her classroom. I swear it feels like all the warmth is sucked out of the room with her.
     "Your girlfriend is weird," Tsukki grumbles, rolling his eyes at himself more than me.
     "Like your girlfriend of the week is any better. I swear she's trying to slide you in every time she's near you. You're just jealous I have a smoking hot witchy girlfriend."
     He rolls his eyes again, a soft grin on his face. "Your girlfriend is just average if even that. What do I care if she gives you dumb rocks like a penguin? Or that she says weird spiritual things to you? It's whatever."
     "Sure. It's whatever," I mock, a prideful smile on my face. Tsukki is rarely jealous of me. Most of the time I'm jealous of him, so it's a nice change of pace.
     My Moon's soft humming filters through the windows, Tsukki and I both looking toward the gym entrance, waiting for her. Some of the other girls are already here; the captain's girlfriend, Kinoshita's girlfriend, and a few of the girls crushing on Tsukki and Kageyama.
     When the humming gets louder, I quickly climb to my feet, making my way to the door. Tsukishima follows me, a few steps behind, and his pace is a lot slower. I recognize the tone as one of the soft lullabies she sings to her plants before bed. It's the one about lavenders and royalty.
When my Moon makes it to the door, her face lights up at the sight of me. "Hello my beautiful star," she coos, stepping forward to wrap her arms around my neck.
"Hi," I whisper, my cheeks heating up from her closeness.
"How was your last class, darling?" She asks, voice soaked in as much admiration as possible. Her arms are loose around me, fingertips barely toying with the cowlick in my hair.
"It was fine," I murmur, my fingers shaky and eyes scurrying around the gym as I rest my hands on her hips. "I'm struggling a bit with the new lesson. It's on trapezoid angles. It's difficult but I'm sure I'll be able to make my way through it."
"I know you will. You're so smart, Tadashi. A little more practice and you'll have it figured out." It feels like I'm melting into a puddle on the floor, my Moon's encouragement and pride in me making my skin sizzle.
My cheeks are stinging from how warm they are and from the grin on my face. This is why she's my Moon because she glows so bright that it makes me shine too. "I made good luck gifts for Tsukki and you," she hums, pulling away from me. "And the team of course, but Tsukki and you have special ones."
     My Moon digs around her bag, pulling out a thick jar no bigger than ten milliliters. Her hands cling to it, shaking a bit as her eyes are caught on the container. "This is the one for your team. I've never done one for multiple people so I'm a bit weary but I'm sure it'll be good enough. I... I, ah... used a yellow candle to seal it for focus and logic and clarity and such. Then... then there's mint - "
     "For protection," I butt in, settling my hands over hers, hoping it'll help calm her down. Mint is my Moon's favorite protection herb because 'it smells the best'.
     "Exactly," she chirps, her eyes settled on me now. "There's chamomile for calm nerves, sage for strength, bay, and rosemary for success, and then stormwater for energy and such. Well, and cause I think it makes it look like a cool globe," she rambles, shaking the jar at the end of her statement.
     A small smile rests on my face as I watch the different herbs float around in the vial. The white petals in the jar dance around with the yellows and greens of the herbs, making the container look like a globe made from a flower field.
     "What did you use to cleanse it?" I ask my usual question. I know it's something my Moon does before every jar of things she makes and it's something she doesn't usually mention, so when I ask about it she tends to get excited. She's always so excited to explain her things to me and I'm always happy to listen to her ramble.
     "Usually I use incense but there's this lullaby called 'Crow's Lullaby' so I cleansed your team's jar with a bell I rang to the rhythm of it."
     That's cute. My little spiritual girlfriend is so adorable and so invested in doing what she believes she can for my team. Tsukki is even touched by the gesture, his arms crossed over his chest, cheeks a bit pink, and eyes looking anywhere except my thrilled Moon.
     "Anyway," she starts, handing me the jar before digging through her bag again. "This one is yours!" She chirps, pulling out a smaller vial, about half the size of the one she made for the team.
     I look over the jar she made me. It's one of about twenty or so I've been given by my Moon. I keep them all unless she takes them back to 'correctly dispose and replace' them.
     There are a lot of things I have or do because of her. One of those things is a little baggy of whatever she has me keep by my bed for 'good dreams'. There's this white solid crystal slab she gave me too that she told me to put the sack on during the day to 'recharge and cleanse' the stones in the tiny satchel my sleep things stay in. Thinking of it now, I haven't had any nightmares since my Moon gave me that baggy.
     "For your jar, I sealed it with an orange candle for confidence. Mint for protection, of course. Then there's flickers of gold for success, black pepper to banish negativity, carnation for strength, cinnamon for luck, and finally, lavender for focus."
     "How'd you cleanse it?" I repeat, taking the small vial from her. I hold it, pressing it between my palms like my Moon has shown me how. As I listen to her answer, I try to manifest like she's been trying to teach me.
     Success and luck for the game. Focus, strength, and no negativity for my mind. Success and luck for the team. Focus, strength, and no negativity for my body. I continuously repeat my wants as I roll the jar between my hands, my focus not fully on the vial like it's supposed to be.
     "Apple Blossom incense, duh. I use Apple Blossom to cleanse everything for you." I know she does. Every witchy spiritual thing she's made me has always smelled like apples.
     My Moon pats my head, plopping a kiss on my cheek before she floats away to give Tsukishima his gift. "Tsukki," she calls, the airiness of her voice gone like it usually is when she speaks to someone who's not me. "Don't think I forgot about you."
"What's the point of giving me a jar of herbs if you made one for the team?" He grumbles, eyes and arms falling the closer my Moon gets to him.
"I have to make sure my boyfriend's boyfriend is taken care of, don't I?" She teases, focusing on her bags again. My Moon dances in her spot, shaking around the jar before holding it out to my friend.
"I'm not Yamaguchi's boyfriend," Tsukki hisses, reluctantly taking the vial. Studying it carefully before his attention falls back down. "What is in this tiny glass?" He asks, shaking it a bit, sights back on the spiritual jar.
My Moon's hands jump up, fixing how my friend is holding his jar. "For your jar, Tsukki, mint again for protection, there's acorn chucks for good luck, borage leaves for strength, lilac for luck, oregano for health since Tadashi says you're fingers get nicked a lot when you block, and sunflower petals for energy. Unlike the others, I sealed it with yellow string to help start the manifesting of a better friendship between us. I'm not used to using string for sealing so be careful shaking it."
Tsukishima doesn't believe any of my Moon's spiritual stuff; even now I can see it in his eyes, but he appreciates the offering. That I can see in the way he obeys her, holding the jar correctly, and the way his cheeks are dusted and huffy from her support of him. His eyes skirt toward me before dropping down again, caught on the vial mixture. "Uh... how'd you clean it?" Tsukki asks, trying to follow my example of the conversation.
"I cleansed it with moon water." My friend's face drops at the answer, his huffiness from not understanding my Moon's rituals and from always wanting answers. "It just felt right using it to cleanse your jar. I'm not sure why but Artemis and Apollo both seemed to agree on it. Let me tell you, it's rare they both answer so I figured they were right."
"Artemis and Apollo... as in... Greek Gods?"
"Ya," my Moon chirps, turning away from my friend. As she walks my way, Tsukki sends me 'she's crazy' eyes, making me grin. "My star," she purrs, her arms settling around my neck again.
     "My pinch server," Coach's voice booms from behind me, startling me and instantly making my cheeks heat with embarrassment.
     "Of course, Ukai-San," my Moon answers, pulling away from me. "I didn't mean to make a ruckus."
     "You didn't. I just don't need Yamaguchi in his head during the practice game. He has a new serve to try and I don't need you psyching him out." I want to crawl into a hole and vanish. I want to crawl into a hole with Tsukki and my Moon, then vanish. This is so embarrassing.
     She giggles, fingertips dancing over mine to take her present for the team from me. "I'm not going to psych him out. I do have a gift for you. Well, you and the team."
     Coach Ukai looks at the vial, confused eyes flickering toward me before he takes it. "This... this a jar of dirt... and water," he mutters, shaking the vial so it swirls like a globe again.
     "Pedals and herbs, actually, but ya."
     Coach looks at her again, slowly blinking as he shakes the jar some more, keeping it constantly on snow globe mode. "Is... the jar of dirt... going to help?" He slowly asks, skeptialness soaked in his words.
     My Moon raises her hand, ready to take the vial from him. "If you don't want it, give it back. I'll dispose of it properly."
     "No," he yelps, holding the present to his chest. "It's the team's jar of dirt now. Sorry, jar of flowers, herbs, and water."
     "Then it helps," she giggles, plopping another kiss on my cheek before she walks away. My eyes trail after my Moon, watching her greet the other girlfriends before settling next to Captain's girlfriend on the floor; the two girls instantly chatting.
     "Your girlfriend," Coach starts, pulling my attention back toward him. "Gave us a jar of dirt."
     "It's... um... a manifestation device for her religion."
     "What might that be?"
     "Wicca," I murmur, eyes cast toward my Moon again. I wonder if she has ever done a love jar or candle on me. Or maybe some other manifestation thing. I should ask after the game.
     "I don't know what that is."
     "Like modern paganism."
     "Like witches?" Coach yelps, clinging to the jar tighter. "Did she curse us? Why'd you piss off a witch?"
     I shake my head at him, a grin painting on my face. "It's a blessing for the team, Coach. She's trying to manifest success and strength and luck and etcetera for us."
     He stays quiet for a moment, the both of us looking at my blinged-out girlfriend. The grey - not silver, as I learned this morning - jewelry looks good on her, but I prefer my Moon decorated in gold jewelry. She insists with the nickname that silver would be better but I still like gold on her wrists more.
     "What am I supposed to do with the jar of dirt or pedals or whatever?"
     "Um... well... I hold my jar between my hands like this, but my Moon says touching it however feels right should work," I start, showing him how I to keep the vial pressed between my palms. "Then she says to just have good thoughts that align with the substances and just do whatever feels right with your hands. I roll the jar as I repeat my thoughts," I finish, twirling the jar between my palms to show him.
     "Am I supposed to do that?"
     I shrug, glancing at my Moon again. She's laughing, head tilted back as she giggles at whatever the third year said to her. "Since it's for the team I'd assume any and all members of the team can use it to manifest if they'd like."
     "What the hell are we supposed to think while we're holding the jar?"
     "Thoughts of calm nerves, strength, and success for ourselves and the team."
     "Then what?"
     "Just keep it under the bench, I guess," I answer, shrugging my shoulders for the millionth time. I'm not the one to be asked these things. "I keep the ones she gives me for about a month before she takes them to do I don't know what and she usually replaces them soon after."
     "If this works you can't break up with her until after the season."
     "I've been with my Moon for almost two years. The only way my terms will let her stop being my girlfriend is when I upgrade her to fiancé."
     "Cute," Coach mumbles, rolling the vial between his hands as I showed him. "Disgusting, but cute. Come on. Let's go do your girlfriend's manifestation thingy before the game starts." My heart skips a beat at Coach Ukai's orders. I don't know how I expected him to respond, but it makes me giddy that he's supporting my girlfriend's rituals. I can't wait to tell my Moon she's glowing for more than just me now.
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
I’m gonna try it. I’m gonna try it.
I’m gonna try to write something small.
A foot in the door is all this anon situation is. One toe at a time.
I’m happy I wrote this. It’s cute and it didn’t make me feel weird writing it.
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𝕆𝕜𝕒𝕪 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕚𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖...
Being childhood best friends with Yamaguchi. The two of you sharing every waking moment together. Your parents being longtime friends and introducing you to each other as young kids. Finally reaching high school and being thrilled to spend even more time together.
Telling each other about anything and everything. From grades, to crushes, to gossip. Never keeping any secrets from one another.
Entering class one day to be met by the class heartthrob bowing before you. His arms being outstretched to offer you a letter and a flower.
Taking it with burning cheeks, and visible confusion as eyes fall upon you. Hearing the cooing and giggles from your classmates.
The rest of the class going on as normal, as if no one had just witnessed what you had. Being unable to help but wonder… was it true?
Fingers toying with the folded half of the envelope, wanting to read it so desperately. However, ultimately waiting for the right moment to read it.
The day ending, walking to the spot where you and Yamaguchi usually meet to walk home together.
“So? Have you read it?” Him asking, suddenly holding onto the lightpost and spinning around to meet you with a smile.
“Not yet… I’m worried.” replying anxiously, hiding your face, “What if it’s a prank? I mean who would believe a guy like him would like someone like me?”
Yamaguchi looking at you with pure confusion as you talk on and on about your self doubts. “I mean how could he not like you?” Him finally barking in reply.
“What do you mean by that?” asking sheepishly.
“And hearing you say all of these things that are totally untrue.” him continuing, plucking the letter from your hand.
“Hey-“ whining as you attempt to
“No! You don’t get to read this until you learn to like yourself like he does!” Yamaguchi snapping back, “I don’t understand why you can’t see what a catch you are!”
Stopping dead in your tracks and blinking a few times. “What?”
The pinch server rambling absentmindedly as you listen dumbfounded, “I wish you could see yourself the way everyone else does, the way I do. You’ve got such a cute and dorky personality, and your eyes I could just drown in them! Your smile just about drags me to the floor every time I see it. And gods don’t get me started on how cute your laughter is. I just-“
“And your kindness is unmatched. There isn’t a passing day when I don’t wish that I could be the one brave enough to finally tell you how long I’ve loved you!”
The two of you both gasping with wide eyes.
“Wait (Y/n) I-“
Not giving him any time to defend his words, or make an excuse. Promptly pulling him close and kissing him with years of bottled-up love.
And the letter? It could’ve quite possibly been a prank, but it was picked up in the wind, alongside the sakura blossoms.
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heavenly-messenger · 2 years
Letter from Yamaguchi
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Check my blog to request custom letters!
Hi! Are you feeling alright? You looked a little down earlier and I was a little worried. I’m probably overthinking it like always, but wanted to make sure you’re ok just in case. If you need to talk, just call me, ok? I’m always free to listen.
In the meantime, have this cute little frog to cheer you up! Isn’t it cute? Hope the rest of your day is nice
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