thecollectibles · 1 year
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God of War -  Alfheim Light Shaft by Abe Taraky
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geekynerfherder · 1 year
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Cook & Becker, in collaboration with Santa Monica Studio, have added new prints to their collection of official giclée fine art prints featuring art from the video game 'God Of War: Ragnarok'.
Each print in the collection is of concept art of the locations and characters in the game and is hand-numbered and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.
On sale now through Cook & Becker.
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gebo4482 · 1 year
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God of War: Ragnarok by Abe Taraky #2
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akiraeffect · 1 year
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duckiemimi · 7 months
versobooks has made six e-books on Palestine free to download on their website (click), including:
• “Ten Myths About Israel”
By Ilan Pappe
• “Palestine Speaks”
Edited by Mateo Hoke and Cate Malek
• “Blaming the Victims”
Contributions by Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, Janet L. Abu-Lughod, G.W. Bowersock, Noam Chomsky, Norman G. Finkelstein, Muhammad Hallaj, Rashid Khalidi, Peretz Kidron and Elia Zureik
Edited by Christopher Hitchens and Edward W. Said
• “The Case for Sanctions Against Israel”
Contributions by Ra'anan Alexandrowicz, Merav Amir, Hind Awwad, Mustafa Barghouthi, Omar Barghouti, Dalit Baum, Joel Beinin, John Berger, Angela Davis, Nada Elia, Marc H. Ellis, Noura Erakat, Neve Gordon, Ran Greenstein, Ronald Kasrils, Jamal Khader, Naomi Klein, Paul Laverty, Mark LeVine, David Lloyd, Ken Loach, Haneen Maikey, Rebecca O'Brien, Ilan Pappe, Jonathan Pollak, Laura Pulido, Lisa Taraki, Rebecca Vilkomerson, Michael Warschawski and Slavoj Žižek
Edited by Audrea Lim
• “The Punishment of Gaza”
By Gideon Levy
• “The Palestine Laboratory”
By Antony Loewenstein
they were very easy to download; just input your payment details and it’ll cost you nothing.
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once you receive the confirmation e-mail (like the picture above), press on “download e-book.” for apple users, once the e-book has downloaded, press on the ↓ arrow on the bar at the bottom of your screen:
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then press “downloads” and press on the e-book file. this will take you to this app:
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then it’ll automatically take you to the cover page and the rest of the book. all the books you’ve downloaded will be on this app.
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remember, the enemy of fascism and its propaganda is the thirst for knowledge and knowledge itself.
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cloud-rooom · 2 years
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Tee I designed for Taraki :)
Link to purchase
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rhoselynpadsiko · 1 year
Work Immersion Journey in working at Dropby
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Work Immersion- work immersion is where students of grade 12 are going to work to have experience and ti gain knowledge about the work that deployed to them
I first heard about this work immersion to my sister that is grade 12 4 years ago. They work 10days straight and that's where I got the idea about work immersion.
During the work immersion I act so nervously because it's just my first time to work and it's a restaurant so it is expected that i will encounter/ meet many people.
I had many thing learned from the work immersion like; dealing with other people, learn to be more "taraki". I also learn to cook deferent menu of beef not only vegetables. And in managing time because in a restaurant especially every lunch we must not waste time.
I can use all the learning I gained in working at Dropby when I start my own business in the future so that I know how to deal with my customers and other people around me. And know to manage my business well.
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The Challenges that I encountered during the work immersion is in my first day the work that they giv'n to me is to get order from customers where I encountered a grumpy and stubborn customer. I solve that challenges by explaining to him what my point is. Second is when I serve an order in a wrong table because of the cause that there's a lot of customers that time so I take back and give it to the right table.
If we are giv'n the chance to redo the said event the things, situation and experience I want to change the experience that I'd made mistake in getting order it must be explain well because not all customers has finished there studies.
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Day 1 May 15, 2023
I didn't catch up because I need to attend my medical at Benguet State University
Day 2 May 16, 2023
Unluckily my medical at BSU is not yet done so I decided to go home. And that day it was my first day day at Dropby, first I help in washing plates and after I learn to take orders for the first time
Day 3 May 17, 2023
They taught me to cook sisig and other menu of beef, we also learn to slice.
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Day 4-5 May 18-19, 2023
I stayed at the counter to take order, wrapping spoons with fork, serve foods to customers, dish out the tables and clean floor of the restaurant.
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Day 6 May 20, 2023
I came there to replace my 8hours absent. I help in washing so many plates, also in serving foods, dish out tables, and help in slicing.
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Day 7-11 Monday- Friday
My work is serve foods, dish out tables, cleaning, slicing, wrapping spoon and fork.
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In my 10 days of working at Dropby in doing my work I act more responsibly and i take it more seriously because in working at a restaurant is not a joke, standing all day in the counter, returning to the tables if they have additional order. The ending is we are very tired when going home.
The only advice or takeaways that I will share to the next student that will undergo work immersion is they must be responsible and serous in their work, and must be ready in all the possible thing to happen when working.
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
The CIA Engineers "Islamic Terrorism" in the Philippines, Forming Abu Sayyaf
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Background on Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines and the Mujahideen in Afghanistan
Abu Sayyaf is an Islamist militant group based in the Philippines. Established in the early 1990s, the group is known for its terrorist acts, including kidnappings, bombings, and beheadings. 
Today Abu Sayyaf likely has around 20 members. Maute or the Islamic State of Lanao, another Jihadist organization targeted by the Philippine government, has less than 50 members. That said, in 2017, the Philippine government led a 5-month long bombing campaign of Marawi City targeting these groups, with support from the U.S. military, including weaponry/equipment as well as advising and offering strategic guidance, and support from the UK, Australia, China, Russia, Israel, and Singapore. 95% of the structures within the 4 square kilometers of the battle were heavily damaged, with 3,152 buildings completely destroyed. This so-called "battle" left over 200,000 civilians homeless to this day. 
Though these groups had a presence in Marawi City, they were never a popular movement or recognized as integrated among the masses, and lacked the numbers to effectively wage political struggle in Marawi City, let alone in Mindanao.
Abu Sayyaf also has its own organizational origins in the CIA-funded/organized mujahideen in Afghanistan. By 1978, when the "People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan" took power through a military coup with Soviet support, establishing a "Marxist-Leninist" Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, Maoists had effectively organized popular support throughout Afghanistan. The new government sought to crush these organizations and murdered thousands of Maoists during its existence.
A year after the establishment of the "revisionist" government of Afghanistan, the muhajideen were forming as scattered armed Islamist organizations.
The Soviets invaded Afghanistan following Nur Muhammad Taraki, the pro-Soviet leader, being deposed and assasinated. By the end of 1979, the Soviets invaded Afghanistan.
Though some Maoists and Communists joined the mujahideen over time, most did not and instead waged struggle against both Soviets and mujahideen. Hundreds of prominent Maoist leaders were murdered from 1978 through the 1980s, leaving the revolutionary movement often without leaders.
Through the 1980s, the United States, through the CIA, provided support to the mujahideen in Afghanistan. This assistance included funding, training, and weaponry. Many from all over the Arab Middle East, including Osama bin Laden, joined the mujahideen to combat the invading Soviet forces. 
Abu Sayyaf's origins can be traced back to some members of the mujahideen who returned to their home countries, including the Philippines, after the Soviet-Afghan war. 
While the U.S. government and its allies/lackeys have made it difficult to establish direct links between the CIA and Abu Sayyaf, figures like Senator Aquilino Pimentel have fought tooth and nail for the truth around Abu Sayyaf’s origins in the CIA. In 2001, Pimentel led an inquiry into the links between the CIA and Abu Sayyaf which shed light on the group's origins, funding, and training. While the inquiry did not conclusively establish direct CIA involvement, it highlighted the complexities of the situation and the need for further investigation. 
Jihadists prey on the oppressed people of the world, convincing devastated and desperate people that it is through their dead-end, metaphysical ideology that the evils of U.S. imperialism can be destroyed, instead of the tools of revolutionary ideology and organization, which can genuinely, materially liberate and emancipate the people. 
For generations, revolutionary women have been organizing in Afghanistan, running schools, advocating for those abused, trafficked, enslaved, etc., even taking up the gun to defend their people from the U.S. and/or Taliban, and yet women in Afghanistan continue to endure horrendous violence and human rights abuses from the patriarchal political system.  In fact, there have been generations of revolutionaries from all over Afghanistan, initiating and advancing peoples’ struggles and joining the armed struggle, taking the place of martyrs who came before them, because they believe that it is worth seeking an Afghanistan free from fascism and imperialism, even if it costs them their lives and even if it is not their generation who sees it.
And yet, the U.S. has continued to repress the Afghanistan at all costs, ensuring that women remain powerless in Afghan society, ensuring that progressive movements are terrorized and destroyed, believing it can somehow stamp out the people’s resilient and undying struggle for justice and liberation, through supporting of the mujahideen to their occupation and horrendous war crimes in Afghanistan.
It makes sense why people both in Afghanistan and the Philippines link up with these struggles, as their people have endured mass violence and even genocides under U.S. rule. As pointed out in another WIOTM post, “A recent study shows that, apart from the million direct casualties of the War(s) on Terror, over 3,000,000 people died from the conditions created by those wars.”
Jihadism has never led to the people being liberated, but has only led to further oppression and the post-Cold War bloating of the US and its allies’ Military Industrial Complex. In a very big way, Jihadism has been engineered by the U.S. government and the CIA.
Below are three articles that reveal the CIA origins of Abu Sayyaf. These articles come from varying sources, though they include information that can be easily verified and researched. One article is from the bourgeois, reactionary PhilStar, one from the progressive, pro-people Bulatlat, and one from the US-based The Socialist Worker, a newspaper of the International Socialist Organization’s, a now disbanded Trotskyist organization known for a number of abuse scandals.
These articles establish real connections, figures, and history that validate the long-held beliefs of the Filipino people in struggle, who have known of Abu Sayyaf’s imperialistic origins since near its inception. 
The Philippines "terrorists" created by CIA - Eduardo Capulong -  January 4, 2002 - The Socialist Worker
The 26 U.S. military advisers who were sent to the Philippines last year to "fight terrorism" will be targeting a group that the U.S. government helped to create.
According to various sources, Abu Sayyaf, the Islamic fundamentalist organization notorious for kidnapping tourists in southern Philippines and Malaysia, was formed and trained by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and the Philippine military.
Philippine Senator Aquilino Pimentel called for an inquiry into the link between the CIA and Abu Sayyaf--which he called a "CIA monster"--as early as May of last year. "There are now emerging bits of information that Abu Sayyaf was indeed the creation of probably the CIA in connivance with or with the support of some select military officers," he said at the time.
Meanwhile, the links between Abu Sayyaf and military and police authorities are well documented. In the recent book Under the Crescent Moon: Rebellion in Mindanao, journalists Marites Dañguilan Vitug and Glenda Gloria document the bloody collaboration--which is also corroborated by former hostages.
Last September, a number of former hostages charged that Abu Sayyaf was a front--a "creation of the military's 'dirty tricks' department." They testified that army checkpoints would allow their captors to pass unmolested repeatedly.
This is the real story behind the talk of the "fight against terrorism" in the Philippines.
Pimentel: CIA may be behind creation of Sayyaf - May 9, 2000 - PhilStar
Is the Abu Sayyaf a creation of the Central Intelligence Agency?
Sen. Aquilino Pimentel yesterday sought a Senate inquiry to answer the question.
Pimentel, who is from Mindanao, told a press conference that "bits of information" have been reaching his office indicating that the American spy agency had a hand in forming the Abu Sayyaf -- ironically, in cahoots with covert units in the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).
He said he had been cautious in discussing the possibility, not wanting to indiscriminately implicate the CIA in the country's political upheavals.
"Piecing bits of information together makes out a case, at least pro tanto, that the Abu Sayyaf might indeed be a creation of the CIA and had been covertly supported by select military officers during the administration of President (Fidel) Ramos," Pimentel said.
In the early 1990s, the CIA recruited members for the Abu Sayyaf, Pimentel claimed, who were then trained in Sulu and Tawi-Tawi by an elite Philippine military unit.
The Abu Sayyaf was later sent as mujahideen (holy warriors) to fight in America's proxy war against the Soviet Red Army in Afghanistan. Weapons for the Abu Sayyaf came from Saudi financier Osama bin Laden, now wanted in the US for allegedly funding terrorism.
An elite Philippine military unit now operating outside the AFP's chain of command is a conduit between the CIA and the Abu Sayyaf.
For some unknown reason, CIA funding for the Abu Sayyaf was later cut off, prompting the rebels to resort to banditry, kidnapping and other crimes.
One of these criminal acts, Pimentel said, was the April 1995 Abu Sayyaf raid on the town of Ipil, Zamboanga del Sur.
If the Senate does conduct an investigation, Pimentel said they will ask former President Ramos and top military officials to testify. Although he believed that the Abu Sayyaf had already lost contact with their CIA benefactors, Pimentel said the truth must be ferreted out.
"Parenthetically, there is a new book, Browback by Chaimers Johnson, that may justify a deeper study into the affairs of the CIA in our country that have a direct relevance to the problems that the Abu Sayyaf is causing us today," Pimentel said.
Abu Sayyaf: The CIA’s Monster Gone Berserk - EDMUNDO SANTUARIO III - Bulatlat
The Philippines is under watch by America’s “anti-terrorism” network. This is so not only because of the presence of active Moro and Marxist guerrillas but also because of its special concern on the Abu Sayyaf. In the ‘80s, just as it was waging its last surrogate wars against the Soviet Union, the U.S. was also engaged in new forms of covert operations -- the training of Islamic militants to fight the Russians in Afghanistan and elsewhere. A product of this war – the Abu Sayyaf – was once hailed by American presidents as a group of “freedom fighters.” It was an exaltation that would haunt them for years.
To those who have been following the Abu Sayyaf’s exploits, the offer of military assistance by the United States government in tracking down the extremists in Mindanao (southern Philippines) has sent a chilling effect particularly among the patriotic sectors.
Related to this, similar concerns have been raised as to why despite government’s “total war” policy on the small group of bandits – whose hostage-taking spree is a purely police matter - not one of its active ringleaders has been caught. Previous suspicions that the Abu Sayyaf enjoys the protection of some top Armed Forces officials have surfaced again.
In a surprise operation last May 27, Abu Sayyaf gunmen kidnapped three Americans and 17 Filipinos from the world-class Dos Palmas resort just off Arracellis in Palawan. It was not immediately known where the new hostages were taken but the gunmen reportedly operate from the southernmost islands of Sulu, Basilan and Tawi-Tawi.
Abu Sayyaf spokesman Abu Sabaya on Saturday said they also took 10 fishermen hostage on their way to Basilan. The kidnapping was pulled off just barely two months after their last hostage – American Jeffrey Schilling – was freed after nine months of captivity.
In declaring a “no ransom, no negotiations” policy to the Abu Sayyaf, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo ordered military assaults on the group’s suspected lairs and offered a P100 million (US$2 million) reward on the ring leaders’ capture, dead or alive.
Meeting Arroyo in Malacañang on May 30, U.S. Rep. Robert Underwood offered military assistance to the Philippine government’s pursuit operations against the Abu Sayyaf. Underwood, who was accompanied in his visit by U.S. Charge D’Affaires Michael Malinowski, is a member of the powerful House Armed Services Committee and was in the country to explore how military relations between the two countries can be enhanced. Malinowski had earlier pledged continued American military support to the Arroyo administration.
On the same day, U.S. State Department spokesman Phil Reeker demanded the immediate and unconditional release of the hostages, particularly Americans Guillermo Sobrero and missionary couple Martin and Gracia Burnham. Among the 17 Filipino hostages is construction magnate Reghis Romero, said to be the front man of former Estrada crony Mark Jimenez in the purchase of The Manila Times. The latter, who has just been elected Manila congressman, is himself wanted by U.S. authorities.
Since the Dos Palmas abduction, at least 12 American warplanes had been seen hovering over Puerto Princesa City in Palawan. Then on March 31, two U.S. destroyers – the USS Curts and the USS Wadsworth -- and the landing ship USS Rushmore arrived in the country with 1,200 American troops. Philippine armed forces officials squelched speculations of U.S. intervention in the hostage crisis, claiming that the American troops’ presence was in connection with ongoing war games in Palawan and Cavite.
Efforts to downplay reports that U.S. military assistance has indeed come into play in the latest hostage crisis were of no effect, however, when Press Secretary Rigoberto Tiglao himself revealed that military contacts between the two governments are ongoing. The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) – whose agents have been in and out of the country in connection with “terrorist” cases – was also placed on alert. Former Philippine Ambassador to Washington Ernesto Maceda also revealed that in last year’s Sipadan hostage crisis where 20 tourists were held hostage by the Abu Sayyaf, the Americans backed military and police operations through the use of high-powered satellite surveillance equipment.
‘CIA monster’
U.S. military efforts to intervene in the Abu Sayyaf hostage crisis appears to be a turnaround from their reported links to the Mindanao extremists several years ago.  In May last year, Senate President Aquilino Pimentel Jr. described the Abu Sayyaf (“Bearer [or Father] of the Sword” in Arabic) as a “CIA monster.”
Abu Sayyaf members, Pimentel said, were initially recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency as mujahideens to fight the U.S. proxy war in Afghanistan in the ‘80s. Before their deployment, they were trained by AFP officers in Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, Basilan and other remote areas in Mindanao. But the arms and funds came from U.S. covert operations connected with the CIA, Pimentel said.
The mujahideens returned to Mindanao after the Afghan war to constitute the core of the Abu Sayyaf, the Senate president added.
In his revelations, Pimentel cited the book, Blowback by Chalmers Johnson. But it was American writer John K. Cooley in his book, Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, American and International Terrorism, who made “the most direct statement regarding the training and funding of the (Abu Sayyaf) by the CIA,” he said. Cooley was the Middle East correspondent for the reputable Christian Science Monitor and ABC News.
In his “Ghosts of the Past” report for ABC News in August last year, Cooley said the Abu Sayyaf, like many “international terrorists,” has its origins in the 1979-89 jihad or “holy war” to expel the Soviets from Afghanistan. Wanting to tie down the Soviets to their own little Vietnam war, the CIA recruited and trained thousands of Islamic militants to support the Afghan resistance against the Soviet invasion forces. The American quarterly Foreign Affairs reported that some 35,000 Muslim militants from 40 countries -- including the Philippines -- took part in the Afghan jihad. Related historical accounts said among the recruits was Osama bin Laden, now the U.S.’s No. 1 “terrorist enemy.”
‘Freedom Fighters’
“The CIA orchestrated massive arms shipments via Pakistan, including state-of-the-art Stinger surface-to-air missiles,” Cooley said. Three American presidents – Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George Bush -- hailed the mujahideens as “freedom fighters,” he said.
The Abu Sayyaf, Cooley said, was the last of the seven Afghan guerrilla groups to be organized late in the war – in 1986 or three years before the Soviets withdrew. It was founded by an Afghan professor named Abdul Rasul Abu Sayyaf. And like Osama bin Laden, the group was financed by Saudi Arabia’s wealthy elite and influenced by Wahabism, an ultra-conservative form of Islam that dates back to the mid-18th century and is espoused by the Saudi royal family.
“Some of the original veterans of the Afghan jihad, and their sons and grandsons and those trained by them, have been operating with destructive effect since the 1980s from Egypt and the Philippines to Algeria and New York,” Cooley wrote.
With the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989, the CIA’s powerful Pakistani partner, the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI), lost control of the Afghan fighting groups. The Abu Sayyaf had established a training camp north of Peshawar, Pakistan, “to train terrorists in the methods taught by the CIA and ISI,” Cooley reported. Some 20,000 volunteers were trained in the “Peshawar university” to “look for other wars to fight” including in the Middle East, North Africa, New York and the Philippines.
The Abu Sayyaf moved its operations to the Philippines ostensibly to support the war for a separate Islamic state. Emerging from these operations were two leaders – the brothers Abdurajak Janjalani, who was an Afghan war veteran, and Khaddafi Janjalani.
Early Operations
In a privilege speech in July last year, Pimentel named former Interior Secretary Rafael Alunan and then Southern Command chief Maj. Gen. Guillermo Ruiz as knowing about the group’s early operations in Mindanao. He also asked the Senate to summon former President Fidel V. Ramos and ex-Defense Secretary Renato de Villa to shed light on the matter.
Pimentel also cited revelations by a police asset, Edwin Angeles, who has since died mysteriously, that the military equipped the Abu Sayyaf with vehicles, mortars and assorted firearms for its raid of Ipil in April 1995. In the raid – the group’s first large-scale action – 70 people died while 50 teachers and schoolchildren were kidnapped.
Following its “split” with the MNLF in 1991, the Abu Sayyaf resorted to illegal logging, kidnapping, bombing, looting, burning, killing and other criminal activities for its logistics and operations. So far, they have kidnapped at least 32 foreigners, including five Americans, Europeans and Asians. This does not included hundreds of other Filipino hostages, a number of whom were Catholic and Protestant priests and nuns. Some of them, including priests, were killed.
The metamorphosis of the Abu Sayyaf from “freedom fighters” in Afghanistan to sheer bandits in the Philippines is a new dark spot in the U.S.’s covert dirty tricks operations throughout the world. The CIA has created not just one Frankenstein’s monster in the mold of the Abu Sayyaf but hundreds of others who are now wreaking havoc in other parts of the world – including right in the belly of the United States itself.
But in war and in modern “counter-terrorism warfare” – which the U.S. now is eager to wage in the Philippines – there is at least one advantage that can be drawn. The anti-Soviet Afghan “resistance movement” promoted the U.S. arms industry. The U.S. may as well be doing the same thing as it embarks on a new crusade to destroy one of the “monsters” it created.
More related notes and links below about U.S. imperialist counterinsurgency in the Philippines and Afghanistan, as well as the role of the Unification Church’s network
The occupation of Afghanistan: terror without end - Dem Volke Dienen
Contrary to the regular invocations that the Afghan puppet government should be able to cope without foreign soldiers in the future, the German Armed Forces are investing another 50 million in their local infrastructure.
Minister of defence Kramp-Karrenbauer and foreign minister Maas are simultaneously criticizing Yankee imperialism for ordering its troops out of the country too quickly. The so called parlamentary opposition is again in complete agreement with the governement. "A headless, uncoordinated withdrawal of the troops would cause severe political and military damage," says FDP's Bijan Djir-Sarai. While the government is still attempting to further conceal the crushing defeat of imperialism in Afghanistan, it has recently admitted quite openly in state television. In this worthwhile report, an ARD reporter travels to Taliban areas and, to his surprise, shows girls' schools and Taliban who are not out to kill him.
The fact that the face of this occupation is not girls' schools and well-drilling has been illustrated in the twenty years of its existence by ongoing war crimes. Most recently, the Australian army had to admit that one of its special units murdered at least 39 prisoners and civilians. In this unit, the murder of a prisoner was a rite of passage for new members. According to australian officials the families of the victims are to be compensated in cooperation with the "Afghan government". However, since this government only rules over a small part of the country and corruption is commonplace, it is extremely doubtful that this money will reach victim families in Taliban areas.
Afghanistan Maoists Unite in a Single Party - a history of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan
The new communist movement of Afghanistan initially was inspired by the formation of RIM in 1984. The Committee for MLM Propaganda and Agitation (at that time understood as Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse-tung Thought, MLMTT) was formed in 1985 and started publishing Shola. Another group of comrades split from SAMA and obtained, read and discussed the RIM Declaration. They went on to call themselves the Revolutionary Nucleus and adopted the RIM line. These developments were a slap in the face to SAMA's leadership, who accused the newly organising Maoist forces of being a "KGB front". RIM used these forces to make some initial efforts to deepen its understanding of the situation in Afghanistan and begin to bring together the genuine Maoist forces.
The anti-terrorism act in the Philippines in relation to the CPP and the revolutionary movement -  a 2020 piece from Jose Maria Sison
In the course of political rivalry for global hegemony, the imperialist powers themselves accuse each other of terrorism and expose each other’s acts of terrorism. States are presumed to be responsible for respecting human rights in their own countries. Thus, quite a number of them have in fact been the proper target of criticisms and appeals by UN human rights agencies regarding people’s complaints of systematic human rights violations by state or state-sponsored forces, which amount to state terrorism. The only instances when the UN comes out strongly against “state terrorism” is when the US and its allies in the UN Security Council succeed in making resolutions against states denounced as “rogue states” chiefly by the US, such as Iraq under Saddam Hussein or Libya under Muamar Qaddafi. Otherwise the US and its imperialist allies and client-states wish to limit the label of terrorism to revolutionary movements that they oppose. They make it a point to conceal US culpability for creating terrorist groups like Al Qaeda, Salafi, Al Nusra and the Islamic state in the Middle East and the Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines and other Southeast-Asia-based groups like Jemaah Islamiyah that also operate in the Philippines.
Denounce arrest of Moro women “potential suicide bombers”  - 2020 statement from Marco Valbuena, Chief Information Officer of the CPP
The claim by the military that bombs and bomb-making material were discovered in the homes of the arrested women flies in the face of military and police standard operating procedure of planting evidence against supposed terror suspects. Observers are incredulous that the women would keep explosive materials in their homes with their children.
The attacks were clearly carried out with Islamophobic prejudice where people are stereotyped by the military as “suicide bombers” or in this case “potential.” The women were targeted for arrest and suppression by the AFP on the mere basis that they are wives, sisters or daughters of leaders of the Abu Sayaff.
Two excerpts from 'Drugs and death squads: The CIA connection' from the Freeedom Socialist Power / Robert Crisman - published June 1989
The ideological tie binding all these high-level arms smugglers and dope dealers together, of course, is anti-communism.
John Singlaub is head of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), the world’s premier neo-fascist lobby. WACL’s membership ranges from U.S. reactionaries, Taiwanese drug magnates, and Latin American death squad leaders to Afghani mujahideen and unreconstructed old-line Nazis scattered in exile throughout Europe and the Americas.
WACL is the most sophisticated political expression to date of fascism’s global agenda and methods, and is the mask under which the face of U.S. ambition increasingly shows itself. WACL’s history vividly reveals the fascist essence of empire-and pinpoints the source of the Empire’s addiction to drugrunning.
Founded in Taiwan in 1967 by CIA and Taiwanese intelligence personnel, WACL has roots in the old China Lobby, which urged the unleashing of Chiang Kai-shek against revolutionary China in the ’50s. The Lobby’s leading lights — E. Howard Hunt and William Pawley to name two — were instrumental in stitching together the CIA’s Cuban exile and Kuomintang networks.
China Lobby/WACL bigwigs and their associates — Hunt, Pawley, Secord, Singlaub, Shackley, et al. — lodged themselves tightly in the postwar U.S. intelligence, military, government, and business establishments. They were the drumbeaters and spear-carriers for stepped-up anti-Castro warfare and the Vietnam war. They were responsible for coups, counterrevolutions, and the formation of death squads from Mexico to Brazil; CIA/DEA “anti-drug” torture and counterinsurgency; the Chilean slaughter; support for the Shah and rightwing Afghani “freedom fighters”; and the contra war.
The WACL and CAUSA’s Role in the Ruthless Violence of US-Philippines Counterinsurgency
Covert Operations and the CIA’s Hidden History in the Philippines
Cardinal Sin, the Catholic Church, & the Unification Church: Partners in Organized Anti-Communist Violence
Death Squads in the Philippines by Doug Cunningham
How has the Moon network played a role in the post-9/11 U.S. Imperialist strategy?
Kishi Nobusuke’s Bandung of the right
The US is complicit in war crimes in the Philippines
Grapple with Imperialism. Come to Terms with Yourself
Those Spared in Duterte’s “War on Drugs” May Go to Moonie Rehabilitation
Ideology without Leadership: The Rise and Decline of Maoism in Afghanistan - Afghanistan Analysts Network
Some words on the Moonies’/Hak Ja Han’s Relationship to the “Revisionist” Maoists of Nepal
The Complex, Dynamic, and Opportunistic Relationship of Moon and the DPRK’s Kim Family
UPF Played Major Role in Republic of Korea-Nepal Relations
Stop US and Chinese aggression in the Philippines! Turn imperialist wars into wars against imperialism!
Neil Salonen on the Freedom Leadership Foundation’s influence on society (1971)
Suggested books: Revolutionaries for the Right: Anticommunist Internationalism and Paramilitary Warfare in the Cold War by Kyle Burke, Philippine Society & Revolution by Amado Guerrero (Jose Maria Sison), Soldiering through Empire: Race and the Making of the Decolonizing Pacific by Simeon Man, Gangsters of Capitalism: Smedley Butler, the Marines, and the Making and Breaking of America's Empire by Jonathan M. Katz, The Bullet and the Ballot Box: The Story of Nepal's Maoist Revolution by Aditya Adhikari
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ducatif1 · 1 year
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GPM Taraky Racing?
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palmiz · 2 years
Un po' di chiarezza per tutti coloro che la storia non l'hanno studiata o l'hanno studiata sui libri di regime:
L'unione Sovietica non invase l'Afghanistan ma andò in aiuto della Repubblica Democratica dell'Afghanistan.
A seguito della "Rivoluzione del Saur del 1978" guidata dal generale Taraki che depose il generale Daud venne fondata una repubblica democratica di stampo socialista e alleata dell’Unione sovietica.
Taraki fece diverse riforme molto importanti per appiattire le differenze sociali e modernizzare il paese, ma nel 1979 venne ucciso e sostituito dal generale Amin che era sostenuto dagli USA, durante i 104 giorni del suo governo vennero massacrati i sostenitori del socialismo e per questo il Comitato Rivoluzionario Afghano chiese aiuto all'URSS. Nel periodo di influenza sovietica tra il 1979 ed il 1989 le donne si laureavano, erano libere, la società era stata laicizzata ed erano stati fatti forti interventi economici per migliorare scuole e sanità. L'URSS non ha certamente portato solo rose e fiori ma sicuramente non ha depositato sul paese la pietra tombale che oggi è sotto i nostri occhi.
Femministe, riformisti, democratici prendete atto di questa verità storica e fatene tesoro.
Il vero nemico dell'umanità è lo zio Sam con la sua implacabile sete imperialista.
Yankee go home. (foto e info tratte da internet)
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hariofkingpin · 2 months
"Ni isang peklat sa puso ko ay hindi galing sa kalaban."
isinulat ni taraki habang nagyoyosi break, 2024.
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a-tale-never-told · 7 months
From what everyone has said and what you mentioned in the posts before about the USSR, one of the big divergences in this timeline is that they never invaded Afghanistan, and thus weren’t wasting their resources trying to conquer a country nicknamed the graveyard of empires. Maybe we can go more in depth on that
//Ah yes, Afghanistan, the infamous shit show that we commonly know today. It is perhaps one of the "better" aspects of this blog, without that conflict even existing. So let's talk about it in a brief summary, shall we?
//So the main reason as to why the Soviets entered Afghanistan was because the communist government in charge of Afghanistan at the time urgently requested Soviet aid. Afghanistan by the year 1979 was in severe turmoil, with riots by the general population against this man, Hafizuallah Amin.
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//Amin, a radical and a madman, was already in absolute control of the party, and had disposed of the previous leader of the nation, Nur Mohammad Taraki, the General Secretary of the party from 1965 to 1979. After a power struggle that had ended with Taraki being executed and Amin completely in control, systematic issues began to rear its head. But that would be a disastrous mistake, as Taraki was the former head of the Party, and had forged close relations with the Soviet Union around this time.
//The Soviet leadership were already not fans of Amin for killing Taraki, an act that shocked and angered General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, who was the head of the Soviet Union since 1964. By 1979, the same year that he died, Taraki was trying to convince the Soviets to militarily intervene in Afghanistan and destroy the Islamic rebellion that was raging across the country. And when I say that, I'm not talking about just sending military aid in the form of arms or military advisors, but actual Soviet soldiers on the ground in Afghanistan.
//The Soviets admittedly refused every offer the Afghans tried to make, but by 1979, with Amin's regime collapsing all around him, the rebels starting to achieve incredible success, they decied to hold a special commission meeting to discuss about what to do in Afghanistan. The reasons for this are not entirely clear: some say that it was the political instability in Afghanistan under the regime that caused an intervention, while others cite the Iranian Revolution (which happened the same year) and the rise of Islamic extremism to be the main motivating factor for the invasion.
//Brezhnev, being an indecisive idiot, wavered in the fact of how to conduct and give an appropriate response. The main three decision-makers that pushed for intervention were Andrei Gromyko, the Soviet foreign minister and a significant player in deciding foreign policy for the state, Dmitri Ustinov, the Defense minster who was an absolute Warhawk, and our good old friend, Yuri Andropov, by then head of the KGB. They believed that an Islamic takeover would create a regime hostile to the USSR, and also believed that the US and Pakistan, an American ally, were openly funding the rebels. After much debating, a decision was made: On December 27th, 1979, the Soviets launched an invasion of Afghanistan. They killed Amin and replaced him with a moderate leader.
//I don't want to go too in-depth, but basically, the entire invasion backfired massively for them, and all the invasion really accomplished was uniting all of the other Islamic groups together to fight against a common enemy. So the main difference here that prevents the invasion is that the communist revolution in the 60s that brought the Afgan communists to power simply doesn't happen, or at least doesn't happen until a few years later, like in the late 80s. By that time, the problematic issues that had been there since the start of Brezhnev's reign would now be so high that an external war was completely out of the question. It also greatly improved diplomatic relations with the rest of the international community, as the invasion resulted in every nation opposed to this placing sanctions on the USSR, and disowning them from the rest of the world with the exception of their own allies.
//As for Afghanistan, it would still be a relatively poor nation. It may have governments that are certainly not democratic, but otherwise, it would be a relatively stable nation. The Soviets would end up having better relations with the US and the rest of the world until Regan eventually gets elected, and then we go back to the status quo of anti-communism and the prevention of it spreading anywhere else.
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gebo4482 · 1 year
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God of War: Ragnarok by Abe Taraky #3
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Events 9.14 (after 1940)
1940 – Ip massacre: The Hungarian Army, supported by local Hungarians, kill 158 Romanian civilians in Ip, Sălaj, a village in Northern Transylvania, an act of ethnic cleansing. 1943 – World War II: The Wehrmacht starts a three-day retaliatory operation targeting several Greek villages in the region of Viannos, whose death toll would eventually exceed 500 persons. 1944 – World War II: Maastricht becomes the first Dutch city to be liberated by allied forces. 1948 – The Indian Army captures the city of Aurangabad as part of Operation Polo. 1954 – In a top secret nuclear test, a Soviet Tu-4 bomber drops a 40 kiloton atomic weapon just north of Totskoye village. 1958 – The first two German post-war rockets, designed by the German engineer Ernst Mohr, reach the upper atmosphere. 1960 – The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is founded. 1960 – Congo Crisis: Mobutu Sese Seko seizes power in a military coup, suspending parliament and the constitution. 1975 – The first American saint, Elizabeth Ann Seton, is canonized by Pope Paul VI. 1979 – Afghan leader Nur Muhammad Taraki is assassinated upon the order of Hafizullah Amin, who becomes the new General Secretary of the People's Democratic Party. 1982 – President-elect of Lebanon Bachir Gemayel is assassinated. 1984 – Joe Kittinger becomes the first person to fly a gas balloon alone across the Atlantic Ocean. 1985 – Penang Bridge, the longest bridge in Malaysia, connecting the island of Penang to the mainland, opens to traffic. 1989 – The Standard Gravure shooting where Joseph T. Wesbecker, a 47-year-old pressman, killed eight people and injured 12 people at his former workplace, Standard Gravure, before committing suicide. 1992 – The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina declares the breakaway Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia to be illegal. 1993 – Lufthansa Flight 2904, an Airbus A320, crashes into an embankment after overshooting the runway at Okęcie International Airport (now Warsaw Chopin Airport), killing two people. 1994 – The rest of the Major League Baseball season is canceled because of a strike. 1997 – Eighty-one killed as five bogies of the Ahmedabad–Howrah Express plunge into a river in Bilaspur district of Madhya Pradesh, India. 1998 – Telecommunications companies MCI Communications and WorldCom complete their $37 billion merger to form MCI WorldCom. 1999 – Kiribati, Nauru and Tonga join the United Nations. 2000 – Microsoft releases Windows Me. 2001 – Historic National Prayer Service held at Washington National Cathedral for victims of the September 11 attacks. A similar service is held in Canada on Parliament Hill, the largest vigil ever held in the nation's capital. 2002 – Total Linhas Aéreas Flight 5561 crashes near Paranapanema, Brazil, killing both pilots on board. 2003 – In a referendum, Estonia approves joining the European Union. 2003 – Bissau-Guinean President Kumba Ialá is ousted from power in a bloodless military coup led by General Veríssimo Correia Seabra. 2007 – Financial crisis of 2007–2008: The Northern Rock bank experiences the first bank run in the United Kingdom in 150 years. 2008 – Aeroflot Flight 821, a Boeing 737-500, crashes into a section of the Trans-Siberian Railway while on approach to Perm International Airport, in Perm, Russia, killing all 88 people on board. 2015 – The first observation of gravitational waves is made, announced by the LIGO and Virgo collaborations on 11 February 2016. 2019 – Yemen's Houthi rebels claim responsibility for an attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities. 2022 – Death of Queen Elizabeth II: The Queen's coffin is taken from Buckingham Palace, placed on a gun carriage of The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery and moved in a procession to Westminster Hall for her lying in state over the next four days with the queue of mourners stretching for miles along the River Thames.
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honeyleesblog · 1 year
July 15 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality
They believe that everybody should know them and gain general appreciation, yet they act modestly, as though they wouldn't fret drawing in the consideration of others. Thrifty, exceptionally moderate in their perspectives, they solidly stick to their standards. Heartfelt and frequently profound individuals, their minds are bizarrely created. In spite of the fact that their impact draws in others, they don't generally live together as one with their current circumstance. They are fairly bizarre naturally, and others can't necessarily comprehend what they endlessly don't need, which makes them mistaking for the climate. They appear to be viewed as an enigma, yet nothing could be further from reality. They are extremely delicate individuals who get profound effectively, exceptionally close to home, removed, to some degree bashful yet exceptionally joined to their objectives. Its most trademark include is its alterable mind-sets. They can likewise show huge peevishness, responsiveness, and apprehension, as long as they don't figure out how to control their impulses and temperaments. The weaknesses of this birthday: When such an individual isn't grown, then, at that point, his spirit turns into an assortment of insignificant impulses. Then, at that point, she becomes shaky and hesitant, particularly in everything connected with her sentiments and encounters. Be that as it may, when he arrives at a higher moral level, he starts to figure out how to control his emotional episodes and creates incredible resolution. These individuals seek after their objectives with industriousness and steadiness, and they accomplish them through politeness or ability or through applause and conviction, which they apply masterfully. [subtitle id="attachment_19058" align="aligncenter" width="612"]July 15. Schedule Symbol with long shadow in a Level Plan style. Day to day schedule separated on blue foundation. Vector Representation (EPS10, very much layered and assembled). Simple to alter, control, resize or colorize.[/caption] Zodiac sign for those brought into the world on July 15 On the off chance that your birthday is July 15, your zodiac sign is Malignant growth July 15 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality
  character: respectful, earnest, able, abominable, forceful, discourteous calling: secretary, orthopedist, performer tones: orange, green, yellow stone: emerald creature: coyote plant: hackberry fortunate numbers: 29,39,44,46,57,59 very fortunate number: 34 Occasions and observances - July 15 World Youth Abilities Day July 15 VIP birthday celebrations. Who was conceived that very day as you? 1905: Enrique Laguerre, Puerto Rican author (d. 2005). 1909: William Cochran, Scottish analyst (d. 1980). 1913: Darrell Spat, American author (d. 2001). 1915: Manuel Giდºdice, Argentine soccer player (d. 1983). 1917: Juan Bonet, Spanish columnist and author (d. 1991). 1917: Nur Mohammad Taraki, Afghan scholarly, progressive and legislator (d. 1979). 1918: Bertram Neville Brockhouse, Canadian physicist, 1994 Nobel laureate in physical science (f. 2003). 1919: Argimiro Gabaldდ³n, teacher, painter and Venezuelan guerrilla (f. 1964). 1919: Iris Murdoch, Irish essayist and thinker (d. 1999). 1921: Robert Bruce Merrifield, American natural chemist, 1984 Nobel Prize victor in science (d. 2006). 1922: Leon Max Lederman, American physicist, Nobel laureate in material science in 1988. 1923: Anilda Leao, Brazilian artist, essayist, women's activist lobbyist, entertainer and vocalist (d. 2012). 1925: Philip Carey, American entertainer (d. 2009). 1925: Josep Mussons, money manager and Spanish games pioneer. 1925: DA Pennebaker, American movie producer and narrative creator. 1926: Leopoldo Galtieri, Argentine military and despot (f. 2003). 1927: Luis Dდ¡vila, Argentine entertainer (f. 1998). 1927: Carmen Zapata, American entertainer (d. 2014). 1928: Carl Woese, American microbiologist. 1930: Jacques Derridდ¡, French savant (d. 2004). 1930: Stephen Smale, American mathematician. 1931: Clive Cussler, American author. 1932: Josდ© Antonio Echeverrდ­a, understudy pioneer and Cuban progressive (d. 1957); killed by the Batista autocracy. 1933: Julian Bream, English guitarist and lute player. 1933: Guido Crepax, Italian artist and illustrator (d. 2003). 1934: Harrison Birtwistle, English author. 1935: Vდ­ctor Female horses, Mexican entertainer (d. 2000). 1937: Horacio Garcდ­a Blanco, Argentine games writer (f. 2002). 1939: Anდ­bal Cavaco Silva, Portuguese lawmaker. 1941: Rodolfo Fogwill, Argentine author (d. 2010). 1942: Mil Mდ¡scaras (Aarდ³n Rodrდ­guez Arellano), Mexican expert grappler. 1942: Vivian Malone Jones, American social equality dissident. 1943: Jocelyn Chime Burnell, Northern Irish astrophysicist. 1944: Millie Jackson, American vocalist. 1946: Muda Hassanal Bolkiak, Bruneian king. 1946: Linda Ronstadt, American vocalist. 1947: Peter Banks, English guitarist, of the band Yes (d. 2013). 1947: Trevor Horn, English performer, of the band The Buggles. 1949: Carl Bildt, Swedish lawmaker. 1951: Jesse Ventura, ex-grappler and American lawmaker. 1951: Gregory Isaacs, Jamaican artist (d. 2010). 1952: Terry O'Quinn, American entertainer. 1952: Johnny Roars, artist and guitarist, of the band New York Dolls (f. 1991). 1953: Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haitian progressive lawmaker and minister, leader of his country. 1953: Alicia Scaffolds, American artist. 1954: Mario Alberto Kempes, Argentine footballer. 1955: Carlos Iglesias, Spanish entertainer and chief. 1956: Ian Curtis, English artist, of the band Satisfaction Division (d. 1980). 1956: Antonio Fernდ¡ndez Garcდ­a, Spanish lawmaker. 1956: Marky Ramone, American drummer, of the band The Ramones. 1956: Joe Satriani, virtuoso American guitarist. 1959: Vincent Lindon, French entertainer. 1961: Woodland Whitaker, American entertainer and producer. 1963: Brigitte Nielsen, Danish entertainer. 1966: Amanda Foreman, American entertainer. 1966: Irene Jacob, French-Swiss entertainer and vocalist. 1966: Jason Bonham, English drummer, child of drummer John Bonham. 1967: Adam Savage, American TV have. 1968: Leticia Calderდ³n, Mexican entertainer. 1970: Chi Cheng, American bassist for the band Deftones. 1971: Iosu Olalla, Spanish handball player. 1973: Buju Banton Jamaican reggae vocalist. 1973: Mario Kempes Argentine footballer. 1973: John Dolmayan, Lebanese drummer, of the band Arrangement of a Down. 1976: Jim Jones, American rapper. 1976: Diane Kruger, German entertainer and model. 1976: Marco Di Vaio, Italian footballer. 1977: Lana Parrilla, American entertainer. 1977: Beam Toro, American guitarist, of the band My Synthetic Sentiment. 1978: Josდ© Antonio Delgado, Spanish artist lyricist. 1979: Travis Fimmel, Australian entertainer and model. 1979: Alexander Frei, Swiss footballer. 1980: Erika Sanz, Spanish entertainer and artist. 1981: Josდ© Marდ­a Calvo, Argentine footballer. 1981: Issa Gadala, Dominican artist lyricist. 1981: Peter Odemwingie, Nigerian footballer. 1981: Taylor Kinney, American entertainer and model. 1982: Jerდ³nimo Figueroa, "Momo", Spanish footballer. 1982: Aდ­da Yდ©spica, model and character on Venezuelan TV. 1990: Olly Alexander, English entertainer, artist and musician, of the band Years and Years. 1992: Koharu Kusumi, Japanese voice entertainer and artist, of the band Morning Musume. 1992: Watchman Robinson, American DJ and electronic music maker.
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Jane Buri Nazar Khatam Karne Ka Wazifa
Agar aap khoob mehnat karte hai par apne man mutabit kamyabi hasil nahi kar ppa rahe to aap par kisi ne buri nazar lagai hai. Agar apki tamam koshisho ke baad bhi apko man chahi kamyabi nahi mil paa rahi to aap buri nazar khatam karne ka amal kare. Kayi baar hamare darmiyan kuch aise log judte hai jo hamari taraki se hasid karte hai. Wo hamare hare bhare aur khushnama ghar ko dekh kar jee nahi…
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