#Temperature conditioning
ppetestingin-india · 1 year
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rexalogy · 2 months
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noelle holiday
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incognitopolls · 8 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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thefugitivesaint · 2 months
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Maurice Greiffenhagen (1862-1931), 'The Sirens', ''The Studio'', Vol. 77, 1919 Source
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It is not like they do not consistently have chocolate week during the hottest times of the summer. The heat has always been an issue during chocolate week. So it’s not like it’s a surprise. You are telling me after over a DECADE, they haven’t modified the tent to make it bearable?!! You have not put in measures for the BAKERS OWN COMFORT?!
It is at this point that it is jeopardizing their health!
Put in fans, put in air conditioning, give the bakers WATER, allow them to REST. Modify the challenges to account for this temperature inside the tent.
I should not be seeing bright red bakers and bakers on the verge of fainting!
Take some of the money off of Paul and Prue’s paychecks and MODIFY THE FUCKING TENT.
Because I betchu that in the hottest days of the year, Paul and Prue are not feeling that heat one iota. They are in their trailers or inside a building and cool as a fucking cucumber.
Don’t deprive the bakers of that same accommodation.
To do otherwise after thirteen fucking years is perpetual, intentional negligence.
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prolibytherium · 3 months
I know I've been making 'we are fucked' posts all winter whenever it crests 50 degrees but the amount of people who are under the impression that climate change just suddenly got 10000x worse from last year to this one is kind of worrying.
I mean I guess it's not a bad thing if it catalyzes increased public reckoning, but we're still going to see 'normal' winters happening throughout our lifetimes, we'll still see abnormally COLD and snowy winters, and that can't be mistaken for things suddenly getting 'better'. It's critically important to understand climate change as a shift in overall trends and not something accurately reflected by year to year variation
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charrchan · 1 month
I am in hospital fellas.
Got admitted on Wednesday, been stuck in a ward ever since.
I've got some kind of infection caused by/via my medical condition. Or at least that's the main theory.
Going for a scan on Monday, but for now I'm stuck in my bed.
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shirozen · 4 months
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Best of both temperatures
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ovaruling · 1 month
god the human spine is such a shitshow. i’d much rather trade back my thumbs and self-recognition for a neutral horizontal spine and pelvis cuz this fucking upright mess is not worth it lmfao worst evolution ever award !
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ante--meridiem · 5 months
My weather app seems to have recently become very confused about what sort of conditions cause rain vs snow.
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I’m tired of “cold-weather heat pumps” this, “extreme-cold-weather heat pumps” that.
How about you make an air conditioner where the compressor doesn’t kick off until it’s 40-fucking-degrees Fahrenheit in my house, okay? None of this “ohhh, it’s 62°F outside. I couldn’t possibly make it any colder inside.”
When I go to bed I want to dream about being locked in a restaurant deep freezer. Do better.
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ivymarquis · 6 months
Ivy rambles about horse things below the cut
Had to rearrange the stalls today and due to one senior mare having whatever is the equivalent of equine dementia and only being able to go in one stall and requiring a specific mare to be stalled next to her, lest she lose her ever loving mind until you rearrange things to her preferences, and other such Stall Politics(tm) I ended up sticking the two alpha bitches in stalls next to each other who I was praying would behave , and then two geldings next to each other who I foolishly thought would get along
The bitches? Happy. Quiet. Munching. Nibbling at each other through the bars in greeting.
The geldings? Chaos. Havoc. I am pissed.
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gramarye · 29 days
it is truly epic when you have chronic migraines triggered by the heat and Also a hereditary heart disease that gets worse in the heat and you cannot afford an apartment with air conditioning. smiling through the pain
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corset · 11 days
Sometimes I just genuinely think I’m a coldblooded animal because of how sensitive I am to temperature change from outside sources. I drink some ice water and my entire body just gets freezing cold. I lay under some blankets and within like 3 minutes I feel like I’m going to die but then I take the blankets off and I am cold again. I turn my fan off and on and off and on constantly because it’s never just the right temperature for me!!!!!
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harmonyhealinghub · 5 months
The Chilling Effect of the Polar Vortex: A Winter Phenomenon Strikes Regina, Saskatchewan, and Beyond
Shaina Tranquilino
January 20, 2024
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As winter settles in across the Northern Hemisphere, intense cold snaps and frosty weather systems are not uncommon. However, every few years, a particularly extreme weather event occurs that captures headlines worldwide – the polar vortex. Recently, this frigid phenomenon has unleashed its icy grip on numerous regions, including Regina, Saskatchewan in Canada. In this blog post, we will explore what exactly the polar vortex is, how it affects our lives, and why it's important to understand this chilling meteorological occurrence.
Understanding the Polar Vortex:
The polar vortex is an area of low pressure situated near the Earth's poles. It is characterized by strong winds circulating counterclockwise around a center of extremely cold air. These winds form a tight spiral pattern high up in the atmosphere known as the jet stream.
Normally confined to the Arctic region during winter months, occasionally these powerful winds weaken or shift southward due to complex atmospheric dynamics. This results in a sudden intrusion of bitterly cold arctic air into lower latitudes — a phenomenon experts refer to as a "polar outbreak" or "polar vortex event."
The Impact on Regina and Beyond:
Regina, located in central Canada's prairies and often referred to as one of the coldest cities in the country, experienced firsthand the brutal effects of the polar vortex. As temperatures plummeted well below freezing point (reaching as low as -50°C), everyday life ground to a halt. Transportation was disrupted or delayed, and residents were advised to stay indoors unless absolutely necessary.
But Regina wasn't alone; other parts of North America also fell under the influence of this winter nightmare. States such as Texas faced unprecedented snowfall and record-breaking low temperatures that crippled infrastructure unprepared for extreme winter conditions. Similarly, Europe witnessed heavy snowfalls and sub-zero temperatures, causing travel chaos and affecting millions of people.
Coping with the Vortex:
During a polar vortex event, it is crucial to prioritize safety and take appropriate measures to protect oneself from the extreme cold. Staying indoors, dressing in layers, ensuring adequate heating, and avoiding unnecessary exposure are all vital precautions. Furthermore, maintaining communication with neighbours, especially vulnerable individuals such as the elderly or those without proper shelter, becomes essential.
Understanding Climate Change's Role:
While it may seem counterintuitive that global warming could cause severe cold spells like the polar vortex event, climate change plays a role in its occurrence. The melting Arctic ice due to rising global temperatures weakens the jet stream, causing it to become wavier and allowing frigid air masses to escape the poles more frequently. As a result, these events can intensify due to climate change but remain sporadic and unpredictable.
The recent polar vortex event has left Regina and various parts of the world shivering in an icy grip. Understanding this meteorological phenomenon helps us recognize its impact on our daily lives while appreciating the importance of preparedness during such extreme weather events. By taking necessary precautions and fostering community support, we can navigate through these frosty times together until warmer days return.
Note: It is important to keep up with local news sources and official guidelines regarding any current or future polar vortex events for accurate information and safety instructions in your specific region.
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daz4i · 5 months
my legs feel like sticks of ice and i refuse to wear pants regardless because! because. i rarely get cold and i want to savor it. variety is important. it's enrichment in the enclosure that is my body
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