amigoways · 4 months
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What are the main tasks you use Gemini AI for?
A. Answering questions B. Generating text C. Translating languages D. Coding
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jjbizconsult · 6 months
GPT3 who? Google's Gemini AI just dropped & it's BLOWING MINDS! (Is it the future?)
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puzzlax · 8 months
🤖✍️ Have you experienced the magic of Chat GPT for content creation?
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Delve into our revelations about the prowess of artificial intelligence in the realm of text manipulation:
🔍 Unerring translation of single words and text fragments into English
📝 Fashioning succinct text snippets from the ground up, tailored to your theme
🔁 Rephrasing, resizing, and metamorphosing text, adapting its original essence
📰 Summoning an array of headlines on demand, each with its unique flair
💌 Crafting emails that span the spectrum, from marketing campaigns to heartfelt cover letters
📚 A grammar maestro, reaching its zenith in the realm of English
📅 Masterminding content blueprints for social media jaunts or grandiose marketing escapades
Does the prospect of weaving novel services into your workflow captivate you? 🚀 Together, let's amplify our wisdom and sculpt triumphant narratives! Be part of our journey: sign up at https://puzzlax.com and engage in a streamlined onboarding rendezvous. 📩👋
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aiexpressway · 9 months
Create STUNNING AI Text Designs With Ideogram: From Posters To Logos
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mysocial8one · 10 months
Explore the potential of Platypus, the state-of-the-art framework for refining large language models. Platypus can improve the quality and diversity of the LLM’s outputs, as well as reduce the human effort and time required for the refinement process. Learn how it improves LLM performance on specific tasks using a small amount of data using human feedback and model merging techniques.
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productre · 1 year
Did You Know That ChatGPT Can Write Like a Human? Are you curious about it, Check out here 📷 📷 📷 ⠀ https://promptigo.com #ChatGPT #ArtificialIntelligence #ContentCreation #TextGeneration #WritingLikeAHuman #Chatbot #Copywriting
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alinagentry90 · 1 year
What are the Benefits of Using ChatGPT
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There are several benefits to using ChatGPT, including:
Access to vast amounts of information: ChatGPT has been trained on a huge amount of text data, which means it can provide accurate and reliable information on a wide range of topics.
Improved language learning and practice: ChatGPT can help users improve their language skills by providing real-time feedback and correction, as well as suggestions for vocabulary and grammar.
Increased productivity and efficiency: ChatGPT can help automate routine tasks, such as customer service inquiries or scheduling appointments, freeing up time for other important tasks.
Personalized recommendations and support: ChatGPT can be trained on user data to provide personalized recommendations and support, making it a valuable tool for businesses looking to provide personalized customer service.
24/7 availability: ChatGPT can be available to users 24/7, which means that users can access information and support at any time, without needing to wait for business hours or a response from a human representative.
Overall, ChatGPT offers many benefits to users, including increased access to information, improved language skills, increased productivity and efficiency, personalized recommendations and support, and 24/7 availability.
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finance-pro · 1 year
Unlocking the Potential of ChatGPT: How to Monetize this Advanced Language Model
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ChatGPT, a large language model developed by OpenAI, has the capability to generate human-like text on a wide range of topics. This has opened up several opportunities for individuals and businesses to make money using the model.
One way to make money using ChatGPT is by creating and selling chatbots. Chatbots are computer programs designed to simulate conversation with human users. They can be used in a variety of industries such as customer service, e-commerce, and entertainment. With the help of ChatGPT, one can train the chatbot to understand and respond to natural language input, making the interaction with the user more human-like.
Another way to make money using ChatGPT is by providing text generation services. The model can be used to generate a wide range of text, including articles, blog posts, product descriptions, and more. Businesses and individuals can use this service to generate content for their websites, social media platforms, and other marketing materials.
In the field of research, ChatGPT can be used to generate large amounts of synthetic data. This can be used for training and evaluating other machine learning models, and this is a paid service that can be offered to companies and research institutions.
Finally, one could use ChatGPT as a tool for content creation in the entertainment industry. For example, ChatGPT can be used to generate script for movies, TV shows, and video games. With the help of the model, one can create unique and captivating stories that can be sold to production companies or studios.
It's worth noting that the above-mentioned opportunities are just a few examples of how ChatGPT can be used to make money, and there are many other possibilities as well. If you are interested in learning more about how to make money using ChatGPT, we recommend watching videos and reading articles on the topic. There is a lot of information available online that can help you understand the potential of the model and how it can be used in different industries.
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socialimagebuilder · 1 year
Raise your hands if you agree
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saudmuzaffar · 1 year
Unlocking the Potential of Chat GPT: My 30-Day Experiment
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Chat GPT is a pre-trained language model by OpenAI that can understand and generate text like a human. In this article, I share my experience using Chat GPT for a variety of tasks such as answering questions, generating text, language translation, text summarization, and generating social media content ideas.
I found that Chat GPT excels in answering questions and holding conversations on various topics, with its vast knowledge base from the internet. However, the language syntax it uses can be generic, and the model is only updated to 2021. To get the latest search results, I recommend downloading the chrome extension and toggling the "search the web" button.
I also used Chat GPT to generate text, such as summaries and articles, and found that the output was good but not perfect. I recommend using it as a writing assistant and not copying and pasting the generated text.
In terms of language translation, Chat GPT performed well but not as good as dedicated software like Google Translate. Text summarization also worked well but make sure to review the answers it gives as it may miss important details.
Overall, I found Chat GPT to be a useful tool in my business, and I continue to explore new ways to utilize it. However, it's important to remember that it's not a replacement for human intelligence and should be used as an assistant rather than a primary source.
Some of my projects with help of chat gpt:
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startappzblog · 1 year
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GPT-3 chatbots are programmable artificial intelligence applications built on development work by OpenAPI. The advanced application relies on deep learning, NLP, operator tutorials, and a vast knowledge base from an online training data set to generate natural conversations with customers.
GPT-3 chatbots use this data to provide relevant and accurate answers to customer inquiries, allowing businesses to increase customer satisfaction without needing to hire additional staff.
The bots can also gather pertinent information before escalating concerns to live agents, allowing customer service associates to prioritize requests. By leveraging GPT-3 chatbots, businesses can reduce customer service costs, respond faster to inquiries, and reduce the time their customers spend waiting for an answer.
GPT-3 technology provides the tools to analyze and understand customer queries and carry on a human-like conversation. The pre-trained technology makes it easy for customer service departments to launch it quickly without needing their own AI and ML resources.
It can identify a keyword in a phrase, determine how often the words occur together, and then use the prediction to generate an appropriate answer. GPT-3 technology is also able to learn and evolve from its interactions with customers, providing more accurate and efficient customer service
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jjbizconsult · 6 months
Gemini AI: Google’s New Generative AI
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sunburnacoustic · 1 year
He wrote a fucking French poem?? He’s definitely autogenerating these, isn’t he? Matt Bellamy did not write a longform poem for Montreal in French. (I mean as someone who was in the crowd for those gigs I’m honoured nonetheless but)
Dans la ville de Montréal, Deux nuits nous ont éblouis, Sous les yeux d'un public joyeux, Qui s'est joint à nous sans bruit.
Thought Contagion a séduit, Les paroles ont été reprises, Et le public a bougé aussi, Au rythme de nos mélodies promises.
Won't Stand Won't a embrasé, Les corps ont été libérés, Les mouvements se sont mélangés, Dans une ambiance de liberté.
Ces deux soirées restent gravées, Dans nos souvenirs enlacés, Le public et nous avons fusionné, Dans une communion musicale assurée.
Dans la ville de Montréal, Deux concerts inoubliables, Un public chaleureux et fraternel, Nous ont porté vers l'irréel.
Très bien Matt, si tu l’écrit 😂
The lighting of the picture he posted makes it look like his hair is red, so for everyone curious:
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digitalnaiv · 1 year
Wieviel taugen ChatGPT & Co als persönliche Assistenten?
Wieviel taugen ChatGPT & Co als persönliche Assistenten? Aufgabe 1: Was sind die 5 wichtigsten IT-Magazine für IT-Entscheider und CIOs in Deutschland? #KI #AI #ChatGPT @YouSearchEngine @OpenAI
Was sind die 5 wichtigsten IT-Magazine für IT-Entscheider und CIOs in Deutschland? Das ist die Frage, die ich ChatGPT und auch YouChat gestellt habe. Lieben Autorinnen und Autoren von heise online: Ihr wurdet von beiden Chatbots zuerst gar nicht genannt. Erstaunlich. Warum habe ich diese Frage gestellt? In vielen Beiträgen wird über die Fähigkeit von ChatGPT und anderen vergleichbaren Systemen…
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View On WordPress
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sophia-williams5 · 10 months
Different Types of Fancy Fonts
Indeed, the world of typography boasts a rich tapestry of diverse and captivating fancy fonts, each possessing its distinct personality and charm. Script fonts, characterized by their fluid and handwritten appearance, bring elegance and sophistication to designs akin to a beautifully penned letter. These fancy letters gracefully flow, adding a touch of timeless refinement to wedding invitations or high-end branding materials. On the other hand, serif fonts, with their small decorative flourishes at the end of letter strokes, exude a sense of tradition and formality. Their structured and classic demeanor lends itself well to academic publications or prestigious certificates, evoking a sense of credibility and reliability. Venturing further, decorative fonts ignite a playful spirit with their artistic and imaginative designs, often featuring embellishments, curls, or thematic elements that infuse a sense of whimsy. These fanciful letters can enliven children’s book covers, themed party invitations, or artistic posters, instantly capturing attention with their creative flair.
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For a modern and minimalist aesthetic, sans-serif fonts step into the spotlight. Their clean lines and absence of embellishments radiate a contemporary vibe, making them ideal for sleek website designs, tech-oriented presentations, or cutting-edge product packaging. Display fonts, known for their bold and eye-catching nature, seize attention with their larger-than-life appearance. Perfect for headlines, banners, and attention-grabbing text, these fancy letters make an impactful statement and underline the content's core message. Handwritten fonts, embracing the imperfections of human penmanship, bring a personalized touch to projects, fostering a sense of intimacy and relatability. Such fonts enhance the authenticity of greeting cards, journal entries, or any design that aims to establish a warm and approachable connection.
In fantasy and the extraordinary, gothic fonts conjure mystery and intrigue with elaborate and intricate designs. Often associated with medieval manuscripts or the arcane, these fancy letters cast a spell of enchantment, making them ideal for fantasy book covers, role-playing game materials, or themed event invitations. And not to be overlooked, retro or vintage fonts take us on a nostalgic journey through time, mirroring the typography trends of yesteryears. With their distinct quaint charm, these fonts infuse a sense of nostalgia into branding projects, event promotions, or any endeavor seeking to evoke an understanding of the past.
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mysocial8one · 1 year
Have you ever wondered how to generate texts from images, audio, video, or text? In this article, we introduce Macaw-LLM, a multi-modal language model that can integrate different modalities and generate natural language texts across domains and tasks. Learn how it works and what it can do.
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