#Tfp dreadwing
Soundwave’s files have to be WILD
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botmilf · 16 days
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tfp dreadwing doodle to wind down from working on commissions today.
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umaia3aurart · 3 months
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Practice drawing twins!
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spiritshaydra · 3 months
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”Fuck you” ponifies your gay evil robots
Why? Idk I was shitposting and it just,,, went downhill from there.
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Twelve year old me is THRIVING
may or may not do the Autobots too 🤔
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novafire-is-thinking · 8 months
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Transformers: Prime Decepticons - Hands
So, I was looking at hands, as one does when they’re bored, and I noticed a few things:
Every single ‘Con has claws, except Soundwave and Breakdown.
Megatron, Starscream, Shockwave, Dreadwing, Skyquake, Knockout, and Airachnid have 5 fingers.
Soundwave, Breakdown, Insecticons, Predaking, Darksteel, and Skylynx have 4 fingers.
Vehicons only have 3 fingers.
Predacon claws are flawless in form and aesthetic.
While I know Soundwave has spindly fingers for practical reasons, it’s the perfect symbolic representation of how he declawed himself for the sake of the Cause, giving up much of his power to follow Megatron.
Kudos to the character designers for crafting each Decepticon’s hands to match their function:
Megatron, Dreadwing, Skyquake: Sharp and wide for various combat situations
Soundwave: Thin and straight for work with computers and tech
Starscream: Light and “bony,” perfect for a flight frame
Shockwave, Knockout, and Airachnid: Sharp and delicate for scientific and/or medical work
Breakdown: Wide and blunt for brute force attacks
Vehicons: Useless
Insecticons: Wide and curved for digging and slashing
Predacons: Sharp with additional armor plating for evisceration (help I love this word so much)
The Autobots could only dream of having hands this masterfully crafted ✨
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devilart2199-aibi · 9 months
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Some blushy faces with the TFP Decepticons! (u v u)
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mariacrow · 10 months
How would tfp cons react to their human female s/o got captured by Airachnid?
Sorry for typos or any kind of mistakes 😭 I lose my darn concentration while writing this long
Hope you like it! 💜
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✦ TFP Decepticons x reader ✦
2nd person
female reader
AU where the reader has joined the Decepticons and mostly works in the lab or helps with repairing
reader is captured by Airachnid mostly because of her envy
kidnapping, possessiveness, threats, heated arguments/fight (physical)
injuries, blood, rescue, comfort
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Airachnid would hunt you down, wrap you in that sticky web-like substance of hers and bring you to lord Megatron with an excuse that you sabotaged a project and set the whole lab on fire while in fact it was her doing
Accusing you of unloyalty while standing before Megatron's feet, you'd scream and beg him to listen to you, claiming Airachnid is lying
She would shout as she'd seal your mouth with the sticky substance
Your lord would observe, doubting you'd do anything like that. As he'd look into your pleading, innocent, tormented eyes, his spark would ache. Not that he expressed it. He'd rather perish than express his vulnerability for you
Then he'd look into Airachnid's eyes full of hope that he’d tear you into tiny pieces of young flesh as he’d get struck by her tiny, devilish grin
Airachnid: my lord. Your wish is my command. I can inflict indescribable pain on her if you let me. She deserves it.
Megatron: no. She does not.
Would be all he'd say before he'd walk to you and free you. You'd start desperately trying to explain yourself but he'd nonchalantly interrupt you:
Megatron: accidents happen. You shall proceed. Shockwave awaits your assistance back in the lab.
He'd give an order and wait for you to leave. Then he'd walk back to Airachnid who'd be in pure shock
Megatron: if you want to terminate her, lying to your leader would be the unwisest way to do it.
Airachnid: my liege-
Megatron: SILENCE! Do such thing again and you shall be the one torn to pieces by my own bare hands. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?
Airachnid: yes, my liege... *as she'd reluctantly bow*
Megatron: and stay away from her. She is far more useful than you are, Airachnid.
Naughty you would stay close to the door and listen. You'd giggle to yourself as you'd hear your master play favorites
Airachnid is not oblivious though. She noticed he cares for you which she'll use against him. She would already start making new plans on how to get rid of you, lord Megatron's pet.
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He’d be in shock when he’d get a report from the vehicons that you’ve been attacked by Airachnid
He’d order his soldiers to show him where you are as he’d call for backup
When he’d find you wrapped in a cocoon upside down in a storage room, being threatened by Airachnid, he’d order her to stay down as he’d aim his rockets at her
Airachnid: oh please, Starscream. Like a couple of your cloned servants could stop me.
Starscream: you fool! Free her this instant or perish.
Airachnid: so it is true~ commander Starscream has a new pet human~
Starscream: I do not care for… a human! I am simply fulfilling my duty! We need her for the project!
Airachnid would hiss and threaten to slice your throat
Airachnid: and why would that stop me from getting rid of this infestation!
Starscream: Megatron will have your head! And so will I.
An evil smirk would grow on Screamer’s face plate as they’d charged their weapons at her. She’d reluctantly and angrily release you, making you painfully drop on the floor and yelp
Airacnid: until next time, rodent.
She’d say as she’d crawl her way out of the storage room, disappointed that her plan of getting rid of you had failed
Starscream would slice the cocoon open and free you as he’d emotionlessly tell you to get up.
You’d thank him as he’d walk you out and say:
Starscream: not a word to anyone about this, got it?
Totally into you but his dignity and ego can’t allow him to admit he fell in love with one from the species he hates the most
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Knockout: YOU WHAT!?
Airachnid: relax, Knockout~ No one will even notice she’s gone~ and we both know everyone dislikes her-
Knockout: I DON’T- I mean- WE DON’T! Lord Megatron needs her to complete this project! She became one of the key members of the lab, I-
Airachnid: indeed. Indeed she did. She’s taking your position. Soon, lord Megatron will replace you with her.
Her cunning aft would try to manipulate him
Knockout: the only one who can be replaced on this ship is you! You’re afraid of her. Now tell me where she is before I cut you into pieces!
He’d say as he’d get his saw out and aggressively rev it at her to which she wouldn’t even flinch, bluffing
Airachnid: calm down, doctor, it isn’t a big deal. Just a little game I like playing with her. And my my~ so it is true~ doctor does have his favorite assistant after all~
Knockout would groan and go look for your. He’d turn the whole ship upside down until he’d find you somewhere well hidden with tied limbs
He’s dramatically scream and free you carefully as he’d baby talk to you
Knockout: look what that wretched femme did to you! Nt nt nt… Don’t worry, little one, I won’t let that creepy spider lady get near you ever again, no no~ Doctor’s promise~
Y/N: don’t say that ever again-
Knockout: what I thought it’s cute-
As he’d carry you back to the lab and shower you with kisses
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She knows how much he cares for you and how easily distracted he gets which she’d cunningly use against him in battle
She’d capture you and make you hang upside down a thick tree branch the moment he’d attack her
Airachnid: are you sure you want to play this game again, Breakdown? Because we have a new contestant~
Breakdown would freeze as he’d see you desperately trying to scream with your mouth sealed
Airachnid: I think she wants to say hello to her precious boyfriend~
She’d say as she’d free your mouth and let you scream for Breakdown. But instead you’d encourage him:
To which he’d frown and power up, get his hammer out and roar like an animal as he’d charge at her
You’d watch the epic boss battle and keep encouraging him until all of your blood would flow down to your head and make you feel unwell
Airachnid: hurry up, boyfriend~ You chose a very delicate being for your lover~ She will die if you don’t get her down in time~
She tried distracting him more but instead she only made his anger grow. His helm boiled as he kept mercilessly hammering her
The moment he knocked her out and yeeted her somewhere, he rushed to get you down. He panicked a little but managed to rescue you on time
Breakdown: you’re the best life coach even when you’re dying~
He had to pull a cheesy joke
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She’d pull the same trick on him like on Breakdown
She’d use you as his biggest weakness - fear of losing his closest ones just like he lost his brother…
Both of you would have your limbs tied as she’d make you face each other
Airachnid: now that we have the whole scene set~
Dreadwing: Airachnid, do not be a fool. You are playing with fire. Release her this instant!
Airachnid: or what!?
She’d say as she’d give you a big, deep scratch across the back and make you yelp
Dreadwing: NO!
Airachnid: watch her suffer.
In a blink of an eye she’d stab your torso by the side with one of her eight unsettlingly long legs and make you bleed badly
Dreadwing would scream as he’d desperately try to free himself. Filled with fury, he’d manage to rip the sticky substance that was tied around his wrists
He’d jump her and obliterate her, making her run away with deadly wounds
As he’d kneel next to your wounded body, he’d free you and gently pick you up and request an immediate ground bridge.
He’d watch your fragile, almost lifeless body curling in his servos…
Dreadwing: do not fear, my love. I shall take care of you. You will not leave this world. Not while I stand…
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She thought she could just snatch you from the lab while you were alone and get rid of you that easily
She forgot Soundwave, that has developed strong feelings for you, is the eyes and ears of the ship
He’d cut her off in one of the hallways and have a stare down
You’d scream for help
Airachnid: silence! And stand down, Soundwave. Her playtime with big robots has officially come to an end.
He’d launch his tentacles at her and try to zap her which she’d avoid while running towards him
He would maneuver wisely and swiftly while trying to snatch you from her servos
You’d get slightly injured due to their “doll snatching” game
The moment he’d managed to get his servos on you, he’d create a ground bridge right underneath her
As she was about to fall into it, he’d grab one of her creepy legs and speak:
Soundwave: Soundwave superior. Airachnid inferior.
Before he’d let her fall into the portal and teleport somewhere, precisely above the ocean
Y/N: you… you can speak?
To which he’d just look at you and put his index finger across the lower part of his face plate, gesturing this shall stay a secret
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Shockwave: I find your behavior… illogical.
He’d say in his usual monotone voice, trying to calm the situation down as he’d catch her wanting to preform torturing experiments on you in the lab
Airachnid: don’t be naive, Shockwave~ You and I both know she’s nothing but an infestation on this ship!
Shockwave: that statement is illogical as well, Airachnid. She is my assistant.
Airachnid: oh curse your assistant!
Y/N: Shockwave! Please!
The moment he’d hear his secret lover plead, he’d charge his blaster at her
Shockwave: do not test me, Airachnid. You clearly are not aware of my abilities.
He’d say as he’d start slowly approaching the berth she held you captive on
Airachnid: oh no, dearest Shockwave. Clearly it is you who isn’t aware of our common enemies!
And there comes another epic boss fight. To your surprise it was quite short
Shockwave broke two of her spider legs with ease as he’d throw her around the lab
He did completely or mildly damage some of his equipment but at that point he couldn’t care less. All he cared about is your well being
Shockwave: take advantage of this situation and leave with dignity before I call reinforcements and inform Megatron of your disgraceful act.
Sometimes words can hurt more than actions. She hissed at him and crawled out of the lab
He released you and earned heartwarming gratitude from you
Shockwave: I have always found her way of perception… illogical.
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Dividers belong to @kiwicidios , @firefly-graphics and @kimjiho1 💜
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arson-jellyfish69 · 3 months
I slowed down and cropped that background fight between Dreadwing and Optimus
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kusakichan15 · 5 months
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Here's my gift for @hoursgoneby for the @secretsolenoid-revived 🥺👉👈
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dragoncarrion · 5 months
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oh my fucking god i drew this last year and completely forgot to post it erm. here you have it now
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staticnonapus · 25 days
OH do u ever draw TFP porn.. all good if not im more than happy with just keeping my dreadwing obsession to asks pfff
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Starscream to Knockout every time he comes up with a new plan to offline Megatron:
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
How would the tfp cons react to finding a pod fill with small and squishy sparklings (I headcannon sparkling looking like mashbellows blobs untold they grow giant size)
Love the concept of little bean sparklings!
Hope you enjoy the Cons reactions to the little beans.
TFP Cons reacting to finding a bunch of sparklings in a pod
For the sake of the story, the pod full of the beans conveniently landed on the Nemisis flight deck one night. A couple Vechicons had retrieved the pod at the orders of Megatron. He is fully expecting a magical relic of the past or some more Dark Energon… not a bunch of sparklings inside the pod.
Oh, this is not what he is expecting… not at all.
“What in the Pit is this?!”--Megatron
“Those are sparklings my liege.”Starscream
“I know what they are!”—Megatron
His honest reaction would greatly depend whether or not he is on that space coke, I mean Dark Energon.
If he was on Dark Energon, the chances of all the sparklings surviving their first night would be slim to none. Not caring if they even survived. The only chance the sparklings would have of surviving is if the grace of one of the higher officials decided to keep them. Sadly, few would truly be up to the challenge.
If he isn’t on Dark energon, then he would be a bit concerned in why the sparklings are in the pod. But it is war after all and sadly this isn’t too out of the ordinary.
He would assign different Vehicon’s to different beans and have them all sent to Knockout and Breakdown for a checkup. He might think at first that this could be a waste of resources. But after a few days of seeing his troops with the sparklings, Megatron sees a boost in morality and a strange sense of hope in the ship. Hope that caused the movement in the first place. Hope that didn’t seem to come by so often on the ship.
He has ‘stolen’ a bean from time to time. Not even the Mighty Megatron can bend to the power of The Bean Eyes.
“Lord Megatron! I’ve been looking—what are you...?”--Starscream
Megatron mid cooing at a laughing bean.
“… You saw nothing Starscream.”--Megatron
“Understandable my liege. I will be taking my leave.”-- Starscream
He is concerned about the sparklings, not that he shows it outwards though. Starscream had plans before the sparklings came along. He was on his way to try and overthrow Megatron and now he must do sparkling duties. The universe must be playing some cosmic joke on him.
“Pitiful thing. You probably don’t even know the first thing about being a Decepticon.”--Starscream
Giggling bean noises
“…Well, I suppose I could teach you. Yes, then you will pledge your loyalty to me!”--Starscream
“Starscream who are you talking to?”--Knockout
“None of your business Knockout!”—Starscream
As Second in Command he helps oversee the sparklings needs overall. As in the statis of their health, possible predictions for vehicle mode, who is their favorite Decepticon on aboard the Nemesis...
Like Megatron, Starscream has taken a habit of ‘stealing’ a Sparkling or two. Except when he has the beans, he tries to instill some sort of loyalty in preparation for his reign as Leader of the Decepticons. Which doesn’t seem to work well on Starscream’s part.
“Now repeat after me. Hail Lord Starscream.”--Starscream
Laughing Bean noises.
“Wow not even they take you seriously.”—Knockout
*Adoption papers processing*
While he also oversees the sparklings as Third in Command, Soundwave knows how to take care of others. He has been known for stealing the most sparklings out of the entire Nemesis.
“Soundwave do you have the reports taken—”--Megatron
Soundwave carrying five beans in his tentacles and two in each servo.
“… I’ll come back later then. Carry on.”—Megatron
He often plays funny little noises to make the beans laugh. Most likely the first on board to get attached to them. When he misses some of the beans, he will deploy Lazerbeak to go see if they are okay in their caregivers’ arms. Primus help the poor soul who decides to be mean or hurt the Sparkling. That is a one-way ticket to the moon.
“Soundwave! Respond! As Second in Command of the Decepticon army I order you—”
Recorded giggles plays
“… I give up.”--Starscream
Knockout and Breakdown
Oh… oh…
Why? Out of all the places on this planet, did that pod have to land on the Nemesis?! The ship isn’t exactly known for being a welcoming place, much less for sparklings. It’s not that the pair hate the sparklings, on the contrary.
The love seeing a bit of Cybertron untainted by the war. But now they have come into the war whether they liked to or not. Knock out while prides his finish, will put it aside while dealing with the multitude of messy sparklings.
“Hey no! Put that down! No! No! How did you even get up there!?”—Knockout
“Lighten up a bit Knockout. They’re just fine.”--Breakdown
“…There’s one about to fall off your servo.”--Knockout
Breakdown has no problem getting dirty for the sparklings, hut is extremely anxious around them. He could accidentally crush them! He really doesn’t want that.
They don’t part take in the ‘stealing’ of sparklings, as they regularly come and go in the medbay. The pair both genuinely care for the sparklings and are a bit protective, especially if they come in hurt.
“Oh, Primus what happened to them?!”--Knockout
“I don’t know. I accidentally bumped into them—”--Starscream
“You bumped into them!”—Breakdown
Oh, he loves these beans.
He is one of the few Decepticons with some kindness left and is not going to let bots like Starscream take advantage of them.
“I will be taking them today.”--Dreadwing
“It is my shift to look after—”--Starscream
“Consider this me taking your shift then Starscream.”—Dreadwing
He loves his time with the sparklings. He does a descent job in taking care of them. Makes sure all under his care are well and takes regular trips to the Medbay if something doesn’t seem right.
Besides Soundwave, probably the second in the ‘stealing’ sport. He tells stories to the little ones of life before the war and how the war would be over soon so they could all go home together.
“We are missing 5 of them.”--Breakdown
“Have you checked with Dreadwing.”--Knockout
“Not yet.”--Breakdown
“He probably has the rest.”—Knockout
He doesn’t do much with the beans.
Probably didn’t even know they were around until Soundwave came to the lab with some in his servos.
“… Explanation.”—Shockwave
Won’t interact with the sparklings much, not even if he has duty with them. Shockwave most likely built a crib to contain the little beans.
Does not partake in the ‘stealing’ of the sparklings.
It is illogical.
What is this bean? Why is it so small?
He is confused at first seeing the sparklings, but once educated about the basics, he is ready. Does not matter if he is in his bi-pede mode or not, he is making sure all these beans are protected with his huge limbs.
Does not let them anywhere near Starscream.
“I order you to hand over the Sparklings beast!”--Starscream
“Did you hear something my tiny warrior? It sounded like a little pest.”--Predaking
“How. Dare—”--Starscream
Starscream is now shrieking trying to avoid the flames of Predaking.
He also plays and ‘steals’ them away. He is close ranking to Dreadwing on how often they get stolen.
“We are missing 7 of them!”--Dreadwing
“Where could they—”--Knockout
“Found them.”--Breakdown
Predaking napping in his dragon form cuddling a bunch of beans.
Soundwave snaps a picture that no one knows about.
Okay even if Megatron was on Dark energon, there is no way this Spider is going anywhere near the sparklings.
Point blank. She will not go anywhere near them.
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fishleeks · 2 months
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Quake and Dread in TFA!!
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its-elioo · 29 days
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Our last Cons - Dreadwing, Airachnid and Predaking
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magicalmousey · 3 months
I’m not immune to Dreadwing’s wiggling eyebrows.
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