#Thanks ! ate :3
cybervom1t · 2 months
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the new overwatch season sucks :(
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httyd-art-requests · 3 months
Oo, i just love the way your drawing these dragons! Could you possibly do the little munchkins Hobgobblers? :))
D-Did you say.... Hobgobblers?! Where?!
Dragon #67 - Hobgobbler
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AAH! No, not again! I can't deal with another infestation!!
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eemamminy-art · 3 months
In my first playthrough I was only taking screenshots from Alex's 10-heart event onward so I can't confirm, but I could swear this dialog is new? 👀 At least the bit about him squeezing the player's arm? aaaaa it's SO CUTE I could explode (I just might)
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I also got this dialog right beforehand which I KNOW has to be new, and aaaaaaaa
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That's right baby boy I've been keeping that kale in the fridge since spring for you too 😂 and bankrupted myself trying to buy amaranth seeds
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caelanglang · 1 year
The Language of Messed Up Kids (who never bothered to talk)
⚠️ blood and weapons
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seo-changbinnies · 6 months
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countdown to @exocean​‘s bday: d-0: glasses!
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never understood the complaint that "women can't decide where to eat." all my life i've known exactly what i wanted to eat, and people complained constantly about this being too "demanding"? I am feeling like award-winning american novelist Joseph Heller wrote briefly on this topic...
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glitchedcosmos · 5 months
so uh I guess we wait for season 4 of sonic prime? I don’t really know what to think at this point i just want more sonadow prime shit
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I know right ! Here have some of this seasons sonadow for da soul 💕
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tangledinink · 6 months
Hi, I really love your AUs, can't wait to see more!
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eEEEE THANK YOU ; w ; this all so sweet and makes me so happy aaaAAAAAA
ask dump below~
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he was 5'3" previously, he's now more like five feet maybe a little bit less. if you were to measure him and mikey back to back, mikey would be a tiny bit taller. you can't really tell yet, though, since donnie currently can't stand, and up until now he was constantly on tip-toes. he's also just very underweight right now, which makes him seem even smaller. as he recovers and gains some weight back, he'll seem a bit less itty-bitty.
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thank you! ; w ; also while i don't think he's ever, like, straight up wiggled his fingers at a boy, i do think he occasionally gets a little fidgety/twitchy with his hands and fingers when he has a crush. maybe also tends to do little arm/shoulder touches with his outstretched fingers as well when he's flirting. u w u
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It's completely gone! his tummy and hips are now just like the other exposed parts of his body, like his arms and legs-- just skin and scales. I don't think it ever actually came up in the main part of the comic, but is illustrated in his reference image in the masterpost! Also don't worry, no ill-effects from being crop-topped. It'll just take a bit of getting used to. (If anything, it's a bit of a boon at the moment for the rest of the fam. A lot of medical care is a lot easier without plastron blocking the patient's entire torso.)
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HEHEHE, thank you <3 i love making them wag their tails I think it's so cute and silly... <3 I think Raph (across all AU's, lol) has definitely accidentally hurt himself wagging his tail in excitement on at least one occasion.
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Oh gosh. It's hard to say because it's such a spectrum... It would have to be a pretty nasty injury for the witchdoctors to not be able to do something about it. But assuming they can't... Big Mama would never outright ask the Gems to perform on a serious injury, but the twins would definitely feel pressure to continue performing for as long as they possibly could, and to keep recovery time as short as possible. If they had to take time off to heal, they would, (and have in the past,) but they'd definitely be impatient to get back on the field. If the injury is truly so bad that one or both of them can no longer perform, they'd probably both retire, (though extremely reluctantly, and doing so would be incredibly heartbreaking for them and cause them a lot of grief and guilt,) because neither would want to go on without the other. There might be some pushback from Big Mama, though, and the uninjured party could potentially be convinced, with enough time and enough conversations, to make a comeback...
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Poorly. It'd probably go about the same way it did for Donnie, except worse the second time around. They'd probably both be in trouble for it-- Leo for keeping things for her, and Donnie because she (correctly) assumes that he's 'influenced' Leo somehow, since he did the same thing first.
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he is being SOOOO brave right now... but he can't NOT. not when his kids are on the line :< though I will say, you're being quite optimistic about how his conversation with Big Mama is gonna go... 👀
lmao april is maybe in a TEENSY bit over her head, bless her. splinter definitely struggled over whether or not to bring her with him to see big mama. he tried to convince her to let him escort her back home once he realized where he had to go, but of course she wouldn't hear of it. thought about having her wait outside, but... is so reluctant to leave her alone in the hidden city... knew she would probably pushback anyway, too, so...
the twins will definitely have a ton of therapy and healing to tackle in the future <3 my poor sweet baby boys....
THANK YOU <3 <3 <3
@11bountyhunters @oh-my-muffins @oneshortlove @khlegacynexus @animal-lover-forever @wings-of-sapphire @devious-little-creature @riseleon
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tinyowlet · 4 months
kuromi and other sanrio characters dni banners for @little-pup-pip !! 💜
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hope you like them!
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a very quick trip to south aus <3
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a-realproblem · 27 days
im gonna take a page from penelope’s book and “I don’t want to die without ever having my first kiss” into my future husbands pants
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jhutchismyl0verb0y · 2 months
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wooldawn · 1 year
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bumblekastclips · 9 months
KYLE CROUSE: And our next question! "Sonic’s dead. Nope, that’s it. He’s just dead. No, Eggman didn’t defeat him. No, there wasn’t some tragic accident or ultimate sacrifice. He died in his sleep. Why? Beats me. Maybe it was cardiac arrest from having one too many chili dogs at Chocola’s birthday bash. Who knows? Regardless, he is dead. What is the reaction from Sonic’s friends, foes, and most importantly Eggman to the blue hedgehog’s sudden and underwhelming demise?"
IAN FLYNN: Well, his friends are devastated, obviously. They're torn out of the frame. This is... not something they would have foreseen, or wanted, or were prepared for. Uh, most of the rivals? They're rather upset too, like... Jet's gonna be pissed that he doesn't get a chance to show up Sonic one last time, establish himself as the true Speediest There Is. It's gonna bother him a lot! Shadow? Uh, you know how emotive he is, but he's extra quiet and broody for a little bit. KYLE: Mhm. IAN: Eggman, I imagine, would seize upon the opportunity to launch a full-scale attack, because who's going to stand in his way now, mua ha ha ha! His friends are- Sonic's friends are rallied to action because they're gonna fight in his memory, and things go on for a little bit as they do, and then Eggman's chutzpah behind the whole thing just kinda peters out. It's just not the same. There's no Sonic, and it's- it's not like the War, y'know, he won that. He beat Sonic -- or at least, his minions did. The point is, it was his victory, he could claim it! KYLE: Mhm. IAN: Now there's no Sonic, there- and he's not coming back. There's no surprise last-minute confrontation, it's just him and the Fuzzy Buddies. KYLE: Yay. IAN: And eventually, I think would just kinda, like, peter out. He's not even showing up to fight anymore. He's just kinda sittin' there going, "Now what? I mean, I wanna do it, but I just- I don't have the drive to do it anymore." So he starts, like, targeting each of the friends, trying to get them to rise up to Sonic's caliber. He needs that challenge! He doesn't have the drive anymore! "Tails, get up here! Prove yourself! ...No? Still too early? Ugh, hurry it up." KYLE: [chuckling] I'm getting very much a Megamind sort of deal here. Eventually he becomes the hero! [laughs] IAN: [laughs] KYLE: I feel like this was a Boom episode. Like, we didn't- it's not a new Boom episode, it's one that already happened. IAN: [chuckles] KYLE: But, y'know... [chuckles]
----- TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It's just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don't like an answer, you don't have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It's all just for fun! ----- Everyone thank @pedanticat for reminding me of this question! Do you want a specific question transcribed and posted? Send the question and the episode date to my ask box! Or if you just want questions about a certain character, send me their name and I will see what I can do!
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justanotherignot · 6 months
More Model Swap Shenanigans, Part 3
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socksandcrocs · 5 months
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