#That was just Mr. Bennet being shocked and worried
bethanydelleman · 2 years
The Wickham Fund
According to Darcy, he paid Wickham 3000 pounds instead of his inheritance.
According to Mrs. Gardiner, Darcy paid approximately 3000 pounds to secure the wedding of Wickham and Lydia.
Obvious Conclusion: Mr. Darcy has a 3k Emergency Fund that he keeps having to use for Wickham.
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Impressions of Bride and Prejudice (2004)
I finally watched this movie as it is currently free on YouTube! It's a really interesting "modern-day" adaptation (specifically a Bollywood musical) of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice which takes place in Amritsar, India, London, England and California, USA instead of the English countryside. It stars Aishwarya Rai as Elizabeth Bennet (now Lalita Bakshi) and Martin Henderson as Mr. Darcy (William Darcy).
Bakshis = Bennets
Jaya Bakshi = Jane Bennet
Lalita Bakshi = Elizabeth Bennet
Maya Bakshi = Mary Bennet
Lakhi Bakshi = Lydia Bennet (Kitty isn't included here)
Kholi Saab = Mr. Collins
Balraj = Bingley
Chandra Lamba = Charlotte Lucas
Kiran = Caroline Bingley
Darcy's mother (Catherine Darcy) = Lady Catherine de Bourgh
The Casting:
Aishwarya Rai as Lalita Bakshi. She's captivating and beautiful as Lalita, with intelligence and wits to match. The film understands why Elizabeth Bennet is one of literature's greatest heroines: she has a lot of self-respect, speaks her mind, and refuses to compromise on her values. What's most important is that she achieves the balance between the two clashing cultures: she cares about her family and respects Indian traditions yet is also a strong individual who keeps her dignity.
Martin Henderson as William Darcy. I don't like that Darcy is an American in this movie because (in general) Americans are usually less reserved than British people, so it takes away a key part of Darcy's character (his repressed emotions). He's much more sympathetic than book Darcy because he seems to be more open-minded towards Indian culture the more he learns about it (unlike book Darcy, who is stubborn and insists that his "good opinion once lost is lost forever"). In the book, Darcy's pride has several characteristics (belief in the correctness of his opinions, belief in his social superiority, bad treatment of others he thinks is beneath him). I don't like how the film simplified his pride into imperialism/ethnocentrism, which he lets go of pretty quickly. Plus his "rudeness" can easily be perceived as discomfort in a new cultural environment because he hasn't been exposed to Indian culture, whereas in the book it seems to be intentional (and Darcy acknowledges to Elizabeth that he was taught to treat others beyond his own social circle meanly). Overall I had rather too much sympathy for him because he's too easy to read; he's experiencing a lot of culture shocks which he isn't prepared for, and his imperialistic beliefs (which come from his mother) don't help. One of the reasons book Darcy is interesting is because he's mysterious; his emotions remain hidden and the only sign of his growing love for Elizabeth is his staring at her. This Darcy is just a typical white American boy who is in love with a woman far superior to him in terms of intellect and cultural awareness.
Nitin Ganatra as Kohli Saab. Mr. Collins is one of my favorite cringe characters ever and never fails to disappoint. In this movie, he's an accountant who lives in the Beverly Hills area in Southern California and is very arrogant because he thinks he's a big shot living close to celebrities in a one-of-a-kind colonial home (when in actuality he lives in a cookie-cutter house in a suburb). He peppers his speech with Western slang to show off how "American" (and thus wealthy) he is, yet still clings to outmoded beliefs that women should be submissive housewives. He represents the very worst of Western culture in that he's materialistic and looks down on Indian culture as beneath him. In his quest for riches he has lost his Indian identity and become greedy.
Notable Scenes:
The first dance. Balraj is happy to have fun and show off his awesome dancing skills. Darcy, meanwhile, observes that the mothers are eyeing Balraj for the marriage market and is worried that his friend may be trapped by gold-diggers. He's clearly uncomfortable and out of his element here, so Kiran helps translate the songs for him. It's interesting seeing Kiran as a translator here because it would explain why she's one of the few people Darcy hangs out with; she's a cultural intermediary here to help him acclimate to a strange new environment.
Darcy snubs Lalita. This part in the book where Darcy insults Elizabeth by proclaiming her "tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me" is significant in forming Elizabeth's hatred of Darcy. Not only is he impolite in refusing to dance with Elizabeth, he also shames her by criticizing her looks. In the movie, Darcy excuses himself from dancing with Lalita by saying that he's busy preparing for a conference (in this version, he's a rich businessman who operates luxury hotels). I wish they had kept the original insult in because without it, Lalita's dislike of Darcy has less merit. While it was impolite of him to not dance, he did use a proper excuse and didn't insult Lalita, so unlike in the book, it doesn't make sense why she would hate him so intensely after that one meeting.
A Marriage Has Come to Town song. In this song-and-dance number, Lalita and Jaya are preparing for the wedding to Balraj. The whole town is excited for the wedding and Lalita wonders if life for a woman is all about getting married to be a mere wife: "It seems they had nothing in their lives before today / and why are they so happy to give a daughter away."
Darcy and Lalita conversation #1: Lalita points out most Amritsar residents can't afford to stay at Darcy's luxury hotels; Darcy says standards are necessary, justifying the high price. Darcy says he finds arranged marriages strange and "backwards," hinting at an affinity with Lalita as they are both "romantics." Lalita, still thinking that Darcy is attempting to insult Indian culture, says that arranged marriages have evolved and may not be so evil as he thinks it is.
Lalita and Darcy "accomplished woman" scene. So they have the part from the book where they have Darcy's unrealistic list of the characteristics of his perfect woman and then it becomes a culture clash. Lalita says Darcy's whole hotel business is imperialism (the tourists visit without appreciating Indian culture and the jobs created only benefit the well-off). Darcy replies: "But I'm not British" ("American exceptionalism" is just another form of imperialism).
Dinner with Kohli Saab. I love watching all the "Dinner with Mr. Collins" scenes from all Pride and Prejudice adaptations because it reveals Collins' great arrogance in assuming himself to be of greater importance than he is, as well as his bad manners. This movie does not disappoint; Kohli Saab literally eats with his fingers, shoving rice into his mouth while talking at the same time. Meanwhile, he spews out misogynistic views of women, stating that he came to India to find a "traditional" wife who will serve and obey him; after all, there is "no life without wife." He notes that the Indian-American girls have "a conceited sort of independence" (not what he actually said in the movie, this is a quote from the book which really fits here) and that some of the Indian-American girls "have turned into the lesbian." Lalita later recalls that watching Kohli Saab eat is like observing "a Jackson Pollock painting."
"No Life Without Wife" song. An accurate reading of Kholi Saab: he's "crude and loud" and came to find a wife by flashing his "green card, new house, and big cash." The song reveals what a hypocrite he is; he's lonely and pathetic because there is "no life without wife" yet he won't respect his wife as his equal. I love the "Kohliwood" fantasy sequence where Lalita pictures herself unhappily serving Kohli as a submissive wife. After the song ends Lalita imagines herself marrying Wickham in the English countryside before it turns out Darcy is the groom; she runs away from him.
The Cobra dance. Maya shows off her dancing skills in an awkward dance. Kholi criticizes Indians for being "unsophisticated" (what an arrogant person) while Darcy, in a change of heart, praises how highly they value family.
Kholi's proposal. I love how he tries to train himself to power walk because it's trendy and before proposing stretches himself clumsily, knocking over a pot (he definitely isn't husband material). Lalita mocks Kholi's obsession with physical health, pointing out that many people are physically healthy but don't exercise their minds.
Visiting Kiran. Kiran is arrogant and takes the Bakshis over to her fancy apartment where the mother tries and fails to show some cultural knowledge. I find it interesting that the movie made Lalita and Kiran foils of each other. They are both intelligent women who are "multicultural" in that they can navigate both Indian and Western culture, but they use their cultural knowledge in different ways. Kiran uses it to belittle others and demonstrate her own superiority, while Lalita uses it as a means of gaining respect for herself and others.
Darcy ends up on the same airplane flight as Lalita. This is a cute scene where he gives the first class seat to Mrs. Bakshi just so he can sit with Lalita in economy class (he's totally in love with her!).
Kohli Saab's epic house tour. Love how he pays great attention to the jet tubs and the closets.
Meeting Darcy's mom. She's totally ethnocentric and possibly racist. The first thing she asks Lalita is "tell me about India" and she expresses her disappointment at Darcy's decision (because of Lalita, it's so obvious he's in love) not to buy the hotel in India because "everybody has their hand on India these days" (brings to mind spheres of influence/colonialism since the mother sees India as a place to make a profit). Then the mother reveals that she really isn't interested in India and only knows about its stereotypes: "well, with yoga, and spices, and...wonderful Eastern things here there's no point in traveling there anymore." Meanwhile Lalita retorts that "people haven't stopped going to Italy because Pizza Hut's around the corner."
The first proposal. Darcy's conflicted feelings for Lalita are effectively summed up (perhaps better than in the book, where he begins well but ends with a long account of the inferiority of Elizabeth's connections): "he loves her in spite of the fact that he tried to forget about her, he still wants to marry her in spite of the fact that his family (specifically his mom) will disapprove." Unfortunately, the emphasis on the social inferiority of Lalita's family is left out; Darcy doesn't say anything else until Lalita claims that he thinks her family is inferior and blames him for separating Jaya and Balraj. I don't like this because it seems like the separation of Jaya and Balraj was the only reason Elizabeth rejected Darcy. Also Elizabeth's admission that she did try to overlook her prejudice of Darcy doesn't make sense, because only after the first proposal does she do so.
Plot Changes. The major plot points are all included but the "order of events" has changed:
Lalita and Darcy become friends and she meets his family before his disastrous first proposal. There's a montage where they are traveling alone together, visiting the Grand Canyon and sharing a moment on the beach. I don't like this change because Darcy's separating Jane and Bingley wasn't the only reason Elizabeth rejected him, it was because she hated him (arrogant, proud, doesn't treat others nicely). By showing early on that Darcy is a good person, Lalita's prejudice against Darcy makes less sense because she now has a glimpse of Darcy's true character which in the book doesn't happen until the Pemberley visit.
Their early friendship disrupts Darcy's character journey because it reduces the significance of the first proposal to his character development. In the book, he doesn't start to reform himself until Elizabeth tells him that he needs to behave in a "more gentleman-like manner."
The first proposal is the consequence of all the miscommunication and false perceptions affecting Elizabeth and Darcy, and it motivates both characters to change. Elizabeth rightly scolds Darcy for being inconsiderate; he did the proposal for the selfish reason of purging his feelings so that he wouldn't have to suffer anymore and assumed that she would say yes. Elizabeth rejects him because of his rude manners and lack of consideration, and his defensiveness (where he portrays himself as the victim of feelings and implies he's such a good boy for wanting to marry her in spite of her horrid family) doesn't help. After realizing the extent to which Elizabeth hates him, Darcy writes The Letter to set things right, and Elizabeth realizes that she is not the best judge of character. Thus, giving us a fuller picture of Darcy's character and letting him charm Lalita before the first proposal reduces the significance of the event to the plot and character development.
Wickham and Lakhi have a connection early on, making Lakhi's attempted elopement inevitable. Right after the failed first proposal, Lakhi runs off with Wickham and Lalita and Darcy find out about it at the same time that Darcy comes to apologize and tell Lalita that Wickham is bad. I love that Wickham was punished really badly; after Darcy fights him, he gets slapped twice, once by Lalita and the second time by Lakhi. Even better is that Lakhi doesn't end up with Wickham.
The film uses the culture clash between India (Eastern) and Western cultures to examine what makes a good marriage.
Indian culture as presented by the film is more collectivist ("we" over "I"). It also promotes traditional gender roles, with women expected to be "meek and submissive" wives. In contrast, Western culture in the film is more individualistic and aspirational (careers and love are possible). But at its worst it condones exploitation of others for profit and cultural intolerance.
In the book, there are different kinds of "culture clashes:" traditional nobility versus new money (the Bingleys made their fortune in trade and Caroline is hoping to be an accomplished woman to make up for this), country versus city (Darcy offending Mrs. Bennet by claiming that the society is "confined and unvarying") and arranged versus romantic marriages.
The misunderstandings that propel the story (Darcy's dismissing of Elizabeth as "tolerable," him falling in love with her even though she still hates him, her belief in the legitimacy of "first impressions") are emphasized through the culture clash. Many of the conflicts in the film are a result of cultural stereotypes and conflicting beliefs.
Interestingly the film doesn't resolve the question it raises of how best to appreciate India and its culture. Lalita raises a lot of points about not oversimplifying Indian culture to a few stereotypes, but one could argue that India as represented by the film might be stereotypical. With the exception of the resort scenes and Goa beaches (which are tourist traps according to the film), the scenes in India heavily emphasize the "developing country" aspects of India with lots of pastoral scenes (cows crossing the road unharmed, farmland, dirt, shacks, dirty motorcycles fighting each other in traffic). Plus the "culture" as represented by the film's dance sequences seems to be the dominant Hindu culture with lots of elephants and saris and curry. Yes, I know this film is a romantic comedy, but the assertion that India is a complex, diverse country is contradicted by what we are presented. Presenting the rustic aspects of India would explain why the characters want to get out of India and go to the richer Western nations, but it harms the premise of the story that we shouldn't judge based on first impressions because the India scenes seem to confirm a Westerner's stereotypes of India (exotic people living in a primitive land).
Changing views on marriage: In the film, as in the book, we are presented with traditional and modern views on what makes a good marriage. Mr. Collins' marriage represents the traditional view in which marriage is a practical "economic proposition," much like a business deal where the marriage is made for the securing of material wealth and happiness comes last. Lady Catherine and other members of the aristocracy view marriage as a means of producing heirs (and bringing large amounts of money through dowries) to keep the property (source of power and wealth) in the family. The modern view of marriage is a partnership of equals who love and respect each other; happiness rather than material wealth/power is the priority. It threatens the power of the traditional nobles as it provides the potential for social climbing. Finally, it becomes another part of the culture clash, as it also ties in with the Western value of individualism, putting it at odds with the more collectivist Indian culture as presented by the film.
Elizabeth and Darcy in the book and in the film are united by their belief in a marriage based on love (the modern view). In the film, Darcy says he wants to look forward to starting each day with his wife, while Lalita says she wants a man who is a romantic and respects her for her mind. For instance, Elizabeth states that "only the deepest love will induce me into matrimony" and that Jane and Bingley should have some time to get to know each other before being rushed into marriage. To Elizabeth, mutual love and respect are essential for a marriage to succeed.
As for book Darcy, when Caroline catches him admiring Elizabeth and asks if he will marry her right away, he jokingly rebuffs her for making that assumption: "A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment. I knew you would be wishing me joy." Significantly, he mentions love needing to come before marriage, hinting that he shares the same belief about respect (admiration) and love being necessary for a good marriage. In fact, a big reason he separated Jane from Bingley was because he feared that Jane did not love Bingley in return. In short, love in marriage is just as important to Darcy as it is to Elizabeth.
Bride and Prejudice, as shown by the title, focuses heavily on the theme of marriage and uses the culture clash between India and the West to emphasize the importance of first impressions in our treatment of others.
Even if you aren't into Pride and Prejudice, the movie is worth watching for the Bollywood dance sequences. I also liked the songs because they effectively developed the marriage theme.
The characters are mostly true to the book, except for Darcy, who isn't proud enough and is quick to reform his character.
Last but not least, the real villains of the story were imperialism and ethnocentrism.
Tags: @thatvermilionflycatcher @appleinducedsleep @princesssarisa
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A disastrous incident at a ball in St. Jude threatens to undo Alexej Sauveterre, and his protective adoptive family whisk him off to San Marco, a mythical and romantic city in the water. Born sickly, young Alexej has grown up resigned to the fact that only his family’s immense wealth makes him barely palatable to other gentlemen seeking partners.
The family’s sojourn in San Marco at first promises a much-needed distraction to Alexej when his older brother introduces him to an aristocratic inventor of automata as well as an old school friend who now tours the European continent as a classical pianist. Baseless hope and heartbreak, however, seem to follow Alexej everywhere.
Alexej’s fascination for automata and his hopeless infatuation with Briant Cousineau draw the attention of an entity from the otherworld, one that’s been wandering the globe for unwary souls to claim through cursed wishes. San Marco’s winged lion summons the city’s supernatural guardians in answer, and in the midst of glittering balls, magical clockwork puppets, and lonely dreams, a terrifying fight for Alexej’s soul darkens the streets of a fading city.
Extensive List from 2018 Even more for 2019
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jaskiersbeloved · 3 years
Luck is what we make it, not what is thurst upon us
Summary: There is no such thing as a bad luck, and Albedo was sure of it. To bad that Bennett didn't get the memo.
Author's note: Hello, I am very sleep deprived and maybe I am projecting on Albedo BECAUSE SOMEONE NEEDS TO HUG BENNETT
    “Wait, are you serious about this?” Timaeus’ voice ranged through the room, making Sucrose jump. Albedo sighed.
    “Dial your voice down, please” he said. “And I don’t see why I shouldn’t be serious about this. It’s a simple commission, and all three of us are too busy to gather those flowers. Commissioning was the most convenient way to get them on time, no?”
    From his position at the table Albedo couldn’t see Timaeus but he was sure that the alchemist rolled his eyes.
    “I’m not talking about you making the commission. I’m talking about who you commissioned to do this.”
    Now it was Albedo’s turn to roll his eyes.
    “Bennett was the only free person, as Katheryne informed me. Besides, I have overheard Fischl talking about how short on money he recently was, so I would have commissioned him even if there were other adventurers free.”
    “But… Sir, don’t you think that he’s rarely commissioned for a reason?”
    Albedo huffed, annoyed. 
    “You are talking about his bad luck, right?” he said, finally turning around to face Timaeus. The man crossed his arms and nodded. Albedo snickered. “Well, forgive me for being a bit snarky today, but as an alchemist you should know that there’s no such thing as luck.” His lips quirked up smugly, when Timaeus physically took a step back. In the corner of his eye he saw how red Sucrose’s cheeks got. Ah, so the thought of the young adventurer’s bad luck crossed her mind as well.
    It wasn’t his intention to truly scold any of his apprentices but to be honest, he was getting a little bit sick with people in Mondsadt being so superstitious about Bennett. 
Albedo himself didn’t know him that well, and he wasn’t the kind of person who would listen to mindless gossip. But this boy was somewhat Klee’s and Razor’s friend, so he heard a thing or two about him and his apparent “bad luck”. 
Like the time when he got struck by lightning on top of the mountain. Or how he somehow ran into four ruin guards at once. Or how a particularly vicious boar pushed him on his own trap. But that was also what other people have heard as well.
What they did not think about, though, was how often the lightning would strike this particular mountain. They also haven't heard that this particular place, with those guards, was the ruins of an ancient palace. They also haven’t noticed that the boars in the Whispering Woods were at the time more jumpy than usual, and even Razor wasn’t so keen on hunting that day.
People missed the logical explanations, and Albedo sometimes wondered if they did so on purpose. Sure, it was easy to call some inconveniences bad luck, but to do so every time when Bennett was involved, seemed simply cruel. 
And the reputation of a bad luck charm seemed to stick to Bennett so much that the poor boy rarely had any commissions. Not only that but, according to Klee, he also looked lonely. When one day Albedo asked Klee about this, the little girl just said, with a disarming honesty, that even if he hangs around with people like herself, Fischl or Razor he does get such “weird”, as she put it, looks that he quickly would find excuses to go outside of town. Klee even said that he looked very sad when it happened, but when she’d ask about it, Bennett would quickly smile and reassure her.
And that did pull Albedo’s heartstrings. He knew how it felt to be an outcast, and while he didn’t get exacly bothered by that, it was obvious that it bothered Bennett. So he would sometimes commission the boy to gather some herbs or substances that he was running short on. And while he never made this a secret, today was the first time when both of his apprentices noticed. 
“If I were to be honest, Bennett has been our sole provider of resources for a while now. And if I recall correctly, nothing seemed amiss, hm?”
Albedo had to press his lips to hide a smile, when a clearly shocked Timaeus stared at him. “Anyway. We have only so much of the daytime left, and if we chat any longer we won’t get any work done. So, Timaeus, don’t think about that now, and let’s focus” he said, and turned back to his table.
“Well, let us hope that the Deaconess will be back earlier than expected” murmured Timaeus.
    Albedo was right. When they finished, the sun was already settling down, so they started to clean up. Timaeus was first, so he said his goodbyes and left, without even waiting for Albedo's usual nod, but the alchemist didn’t seem to notice it at all.
    What he did notice though, was that Sucrose had already cleaned as well but still lingered. 
    “What is it, Sucrose?” he said, packing his last things to the bag. He could practically hear her blushing.
    “I- I know what you have said about Bennett is true, but…”
    He looked up at her. The girl nervously fixed her glasses. He held the urge to sigh, as he didn’t want her to get even more nervous. Timaeus could handle Albedo’s snarkiness, but Sucrose was more… Delicate.
    “But?” he prompted, standing up.
    “I just… Can’t shake this um… bad feeling…” she stuttered, and aimlessly looked around, when her eyes landed on the clock. She furrowed her brows. “Wait! Mr. Albedo, shouldn’t Klee be already back?”
    Surprised by the change of topic, Albedo looked at the clock as well. Sucrose was right. It was nearing nine o’clock, and Klee should get to his lab around eight.
    “She might have forgotten,” he said, trying to calm Sucrose down but she shook her head.
    “No, she was getting better at grasping the concept of time. It would be the first time in weeks since she’s gotten this late.”
    Albedo scratched his head. He didn’t want to admit it, but he did start to worry.
    “I’ll go where she said she would be” he decided. “Worst case scenario, she simply got lost. It won’t be difficult to find her though.”
    “But… Shouldn't Bennett be back as well? Windrise isn’t that far away and the windwheel asters aren’t difficult to find…” Sucrose noted. As soon as she said that her eyes winded in a sudden realization. “Oh no, do you think something bad happened to the both of them?!”
    “Sucrose, calm down, please. It is rather unlikely. Klee went to the Whispering Woods. She couldn’t get so lost that she got to Windrise. She would have seen the city at least five times before she could do so anyway” he interrupted gently. “But you are right, Bennett should be back as well, and from what I know he rarely ever gets lost…” he shook his head. “I’ll look for both of them.”
    “I can help!” Sucrose perked up. “As you had said, it is unlikely they’ve crossed paths so it’ll take you longer to look for the both of them. Together we’ll cover more ground!”
    Albedo nodded.
    “Truly Sucrose, what would I do without you.” A faint smile appeared on his lips, as  Sucrose blushed. “Okay, where do you want to go?”
    “I’ll look for Klee in the Whispering Woods” she stated. Albedo raised his brow, which made her blush even more. “It’s not like I don’t want to look for Bennet! It's just that I know the Woods better, and I know Klee’s habits so…”
    “I didn’t say anything,” he said pointedly. “Anyway, let’s get going. We'll meet up at my place when we’re finished”
    Sucrose nodded, and with that settled, they left the lab.
    Albedo sighed. 
    He got to the Statue of the Seven quicker than he thought, which was surprising as he  chose the longer way on purpose, hoping that he’ll meet Bennett in Springvale in case he got badly hurt, and decided to stay. But people in the village said that they hadn't seen the boy since morning. And when Albedo got to the Windrise, judging by the lack of windwheel asters, Bennet had been here already. So he must have gotten stuck on his way back. But where was he now?
    Albedo ran a hand through his hair. He only hoped that Sucrose had already found Klee.
    He touched the ground near the place where the petals of windwheel asters laid and closed his eyes, trying to focus. His vision glowed as he tried to find any traces that would tell him where the boy went, when suddenly he also felt two other presences. One familiar, the other more sinister. He furrowed his brows, focusing harder on those feelings and when he finally recognized them, he felt his blood run cold.
    It was Klee. And the other presence were definitely Abyss Mages, two if Albedo felt right. And judging by the traces that they left, they were royally pissed.
    Albedo quickly got up and just as he was about to run he heard an explosion coming from the other side of the river. Oh good Archons, please no, he thought sprinting in that direction.
    Nearby the old column he finally saw them. Two Cryo Abyss Mages, one of them with an already broken shield, no doubt by one of Klee’s bombs. The little girl quickly stepped back, while Bennett charged his sword with flames, presumably to strike the mage down. But then the second mage pointed his staff at Klee.
    “Klee, watch out!” shouted both Albedo and Bennett.
    The girl had time to only turn around when she saw an ice shot coming at her. Albedo forced himself to run faster, but he knew he wouldn't be able to reach her in time.
    “Get out of the way!” he heard Bennett yell and when he looked at him, the boy was already in front of Klee, shielding her. Right after that he fell to his knees, and then face first to the ground. The Mage laughed.
    “Now it’s only you, child” Albedo heard him snicker. At this moment he saw the ground light up in red and the Mage’s shield broke down. That’s his chance.
    Albedo called his sword, and focusing the power in his hand he quickly summoned the Solar Isotoma, sending both of the Mages away from Klee and Bennett. 
    “Feel this ancient power” he said with a vile smile on his lips and let the Geo crystals finish his job. 
    Once he made sure that neither of the Mages would be getting up, he hurried over to the children.
    “Albedo!” Klee yelled, throwing her hands around him. He gave her a quick hug, and kneeled in front of her.
    “Are you okay?” he asked, frantically looking her over. The little girl nodded. She brushed away her tears and said:
    “I am, but Benny…”
    At that, Albedo gently turned the boy around, noticing how cold he was to touch. There was blood on his head, but it looked like it was from a scratch rather than a serious injury. His arm, however, looked worse. 
It wasn’t something that Albedo had seen before. Judging by the hoarfrost surrounding it, it was where the Mage’s shot landed. The alchemist touched it lightly, and Bennett groaned but didn't open his eyes. The man could feel a bruise forming under all of that hoarfrost, but that was all that he could gather. Barbara would be able to tell him more when they get to the… Oh no.
Barbara was away, and the sisters left weren’t that skilled with elemental induced injuries to help Bennett out, and from what Albedo remembered, Jean also was outside of the city, so he couldn’t ask her for help. And that left only him and Sucrose.
He got pulled from his thoughts by Klee’s worried voice:
“Albedo? Is Benny okay?”
“No, Klee” he said, forcing himself to stay calm. He already knew where it was going. “But we will get him to be okay, all right?”
    Just as he suspected, tears appeared in the girl’s eyes. She desperately hugged Dodoco.
    “It’s all my fault” she muttered sadly.
    “You couldn’t have predicted it, Klee” Albedo softly interjected. “Besides, worrying won’t help us. We need to get Bennett to Mondstadt.” he added and furrowed his brows. He noticed how Klee swayed slightly on her feet. The girl must have been exhausted. Albedo smiled sympathetically. “I know that you must be tired, but I can’t carry you, I have to focus on your friend, okay?” Klee nodded, and her face hardened, like she was forcing herself to get her energy back. “Just stay close to me, we only need to find the right teleport”.
    Seeing as Klee obediently stepped closer to him, he gently got Bennet on his back and they started walking.
    Fortunately for them, the teleport got them right into the center of the city. Albedo quickly walked to his home, Klee hot on his heels. By the door they saw Sucrose, who at first looked relieved when she saw them, but her demeanor quickly changed when she noticed who Albedo was carrying.
    “Archons! What happened?” she said, opening the door for Albedo. The alchemist was about to explain, but Klee beat him to it.
    “I was playing in the Woods, when the two Ma… Mages saw me and started to flow to me so I ran to the teleport and fell on Benny! And I thought I was safe, but they ran after me and Benny tried to protect me and…” she stopped, hugging the Dodoco closer to herself. Albedo knew she was forcing herself to not cry.
    “It really wasn’t your fault, Klee” he repeated, and then raised his eyes on Sucrose. “He got hit by one of the Mages, but not with something I had seen before.”
    The young woman quickly got into her alchemist mode.
    “Mr. Albedo lay him on a couch. We’ll see what’s wrong”
    Albedo did as she said, and let her try her methods first. He trusted her abilities with healing more than he did with his. He knew that at this moment the roles were reversed, and this was the time where all he could do was to assist her. But right now, judging by her looks, that wasn’t necessary.
    He turned to a still very distressed looking Klee and lightly patted her on the shoulder.
    “Come on now, missy. It’s late, you should go to bed.”
    “Sucrose got it, all right? If we stand here and hover, we won’t be helping her, and you need to rest” he said but Klee only furrowed her brows harder. Seeing that she still was not convinced, Albedo kneeled in front of her and lightly patted her on the cheek. “Hey, don’t worry. I know this looked scary, and if I were you, I would be scared as well.”
    “Really?!” Klee whisper-shouted. He smiled reassuringly.
    “Really. But at the same time I know that worrying will do me no good. I know that Sucrose can help Bennett, you do as well. So maybe focus on how can you thank them both later, okay?”
    He felt relief washing over him, as he saw Klee finally smile.
    “Okay! But… Um… Do you think I can leave Dodoco with Benny? He’ll watch over him.”
    Albedo couldn't help but smile.
    “I’m sure it won’t hurt, but ask Sucrose first. And then straight to bed with you, okay?”
    Klee happily nodded and entered the living room. Albedo leaned on the doorframe watching as the little girl tugged at Sucrose carefully, and then whispered something to her ear. The young woman smiled softly and nodded her head, while lightly petting Klee’s hair. He sighed. Now they could only wait.
    Sucrose has left the room past midnight, looking exhausted, but with a proud smile on her face. Albedo looked at her.
    “How is he?”
    “Stable. I’ve managed to extract the essence of the shot from the wound so we could study it later but from what it looked like, its aim was to efficiently knock out the victim by making him freeze on the inside” she sighed, sitting across Albedo. “And you were right. It is something new.”
    “Then the Knights, or at least Kaeya, should be informed about that” Albedo thought out loud. Seeing as Sucrose stood up he quickly added: “Not tonight though. I think it is fair to say that we are all tired. Will Bennett need something else?”
    Hearing his question, Sucrose lost her confidence in a blink of an eye.
    “A-Actually he is awake. I- I was about to tell you that he asked for you but um...”
    Albedo nodded absentmindedly.
    “Okay. You should go to sleep, Sucrose. I have already prepared the guest room for you.”
    The girl blushed.
    “Y- you didn’t have to…” she whispered, looking at the ground.
    “Oh I had to. You really saved the day, and you need to rest as well. Don’t worry, it’s not bothering me in the slightest.”
    She flustered.
    “Okay then… Um… Goodnight, Mr. Albedo.”
    “Goodnight, Sucrose” he said, biting back the comment about calling him mister in his own home. It was a talk for another day.
    He got up and knocked on the doorframe, and when he heard a meek “go in” he entered.
    Bennett laid awake on the couch under at least three blankets, that Albedo had no idea from where they were. He wasn’t all that surprised though. It wouldn’t be the first time when Sucrose proved to know his house better than him.
    He sat on the chair that was beside the couch. Despite his tiredness he mustered up a smile.
    “You wanted to see me, Bennett?”
    The boy nodded vigorously.
    “Yes, Mr. Albedo! I…” he hesitated, clearly trying to gather his thoughts. “I…”
    “Take your time. You’ve taken quite a hit there.”
    “Wouldn’t be the first time,” Bennett said with a cheerful voice. “It comes with being the unlucky adventurer, you know!”
    Albedo sighed. It was way too late to have a talk with the boy about placebo, but he promised himself that they will talk about it some other time.
    “I guess I just wanted to… To thank you, I guess?” Bennett said, scratching the back of his head nervously. Albedo raised his brows.
    “Like… Not only you saved my… My life today, I guess, but you are also almost the only person in the town, aside from maybe Ms. Mona, to often commission me! And this really helps me, you know! And… And you let me watch over Klee, despite me being a possible danger to her, and… And um… I know you sometimes pay me extra and just I… I wanted you to… To know that… It means a lot. To me, I mean. And um… Thank you?”
    With every word, Bennett’s talking got quicker and quicker. Albedo smiled. He lightly patted him on the shoulder, stopping the boy’s frantic speech.
    “There is nothing to thank me for, Bennett. Today got dangerous, I admit, but it was my duty as the Knight of Favonius to help you. And you showed that instead of being hm… a danger, as you put it, for Klee, you rather focus on protecting her, which shows to me, how responsible you are. And that is also the reason why I commission you so often. I trust your ability to complete it.”
    Bennett’s lips hung open. The poor boy looked absolutely stunned, and it quickly downed on Albedo, that the young adventurer probably didn’t hear much praise coming from anyone, aside from his dads probably. He felt both anger and sadness washing over him.
    Anger at the people of Mondstadt for treating him so badly, that the poor boy got genianly stunned by hearing praise and sadness that it got to this point. Feeling his big brother instincts taking over him, he ruffled Bennett’s hair, just like he would to Klee when she was upset and added:
    “I also believe that one day you will be the greatest adventurer to walk on Tevyat, luck or no luck. You, Bennett, are one of the most determined, responsible, goal-oriented, coragues and optimistic people that I ever had the pleasure to meet.”
    Bennett’s lips started to quiver.
    “Mr. Albedo…” he whispered in disbelief. Albedo just smiled, and that seemed to give Bennett the corague to meekly ask: “Can I… Can I hug you? Please?”
    “Of course” he answered, already opening his arms. Bennett practically fell into him, trying to get as close to the alchemist as possible. If his arms shook a bit, Albedo decided not to mention it. He simply settled on rubbing the boy’s back, similarly like he did to Klee when she woke up from a nightmare.
    They sat like that for a while, until Bennett decided to pull away. He rubbed a fist under his eyes and smiled hopefully.
    “Mr. Albedo?”
    “Would you be willing to join Benny’s Adventure Team?”
    “Oh…” he sighed. He had heard about the misfortunate team and knew how important it was to Bennett, but still… “Unfortunately, I have to decline your generous offer. I rarely leave Mondsadt, so I wouldn’t be much of a valuable member to your team, I’m afraid.”
    “Oh… Y- yeah, you’re right I guess…” Bennett’s smile slightly faltered but just when Albedo opened his mouth to reassure him, he looked at him again with slightly pleading eyes. “What about an Honorary Member? We could go out together when you would need to go into the wild! I know the best ways to some secret spots, you know!”
    At that Albedo couldn’t help but smile earnestly.
    “Well then” he said calmly “In that case, it would be my absolute honor.”
    A few days later a very frantic looking Timaeus all but burst into the lab.
    “Sir, tell me it’s not true,” he said. Albedo, completely unphased by his sudden coming in, started a fire under the vial.
    “What isn’t true?” he asked.
    “That you are an… An Honorary Member of Benny’s Adventure Team!” Timaeus exclaimed frantically. Hearing Albedo’s soft chuckle, he felt his blood run cold. They are doomed.
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nickysurfer28 · 4 years
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Summary: it’s heating up between Dr.Nicky Ransom and Chris,Judith questions Nicky about Chris,Denise is finally home resting. Halloween party ?....
Word count: over 1k
Warning ⚠️: 18+ adults only.
Characters: Dr.Nicky Ransom x Chris Evans,Denise Ames (cousin),Judith (landlord,volunteer)
Chapter 6:
“Now, about you and Chris...”Judith answered.
You feel yourself blush.
Judith is way more perceptive than she has any right to be.
“Judith...there’s nothing going on between us.” Nicky answered. “He’s just helping me with Denise. That’s all.”
“Is it? What a shame. He seems very taken with you.” Judith answered with a smile.
“He does?... I mean- I don’t care.” Nicky answered.
Judith chuckles, shaking her head.
“Anyway, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Nicky answered blushing.
“Cone on, honey. I’ve known you for some time now, and I wasn’t born yesterday!” Judith answered laughing. “You like him. I can tell.”
She doesn’t know the half of it. Especially since I’ve been having wild sex dreams about him lately...
“He’s quite a catch, isn’t he?” Judith answered smiling.
“Chris...really is a catch. I mean, I barely know him, but he seems pretty great.” Nicky answered blushing.
Judith grins wide, and you can’t help but blush.
“He is.” Judith answered with a smile. “So, are you going to ask him out?”
“Judith!” Nicky answered with shock.
“What? Denise is safe and sound now, and I know for a fact that you’re single.” Judith answered.
“Like I said, we barely know each other.” Nicky answered.
“So?” Judith answered.
Her smile softens into something kinder. “I’ve worked with Chris for some time now, and I can tell you that he’s a great man” Judith answered. “And it’s obvious that he likes you, too.”
You duck your head bashfully.
“I just can’t believe it’s taken us so long to meet.” Nicky answered. “Given the shared connection with you and Denise, I’d have expected our paths to cross much sooner.”
“He’s a private man. Keeps to himself quite a bit, bless him.” Judith answered.
As if on cue, Chris joins you and Judith in the kitchen, a frown marring his handsome face.
“She’s sleeping now.” Chris answered.
“What about her kidnapper? Did she remember...his name?” Nicky answered with shock. “We could look him up.”
He shakes his head sadly, sinking into the chair across from you.
“Nothing.” Chris answered sadly.
“This is all my fault. When she told me she was dating this guy, all I did was question her life choices.” Nicky answered sadly. “If I’d just been supportive, maybe she wouldn’t have-“
“No, Nicky. No part of this is your fault.” Chris answered with concern.
He takes your hand in his. Your heart clenches painfully...
Chris really is a sweetheart.
You lace your fingers through his. You breathe deeply, focusing on Chris’s warm, supportive presence.
“That’s very kind of you to say.” Nicky answered.
“I’m not being kind, Nicky, just honest.” Chris answered.
The tenderness in his blue eyes makes you own begin to water.
“Nicky...”Chris answered with concern.
He cups your cheek softly, wiping an errant tear away with his thumb. You let out a watery laugh.
“Thank you, Chris. I guess sometimes I forget that I can’t live Denise’s life for her.” Nicky answered.
“Lord, if that isn’t the truth.”Judith answered.
Judith pats Chris’s shoulder fondly. “All right, you two. Get on out of here and let my girl sleep.” Judith answered.
“Of course. Come on, Nicky. I’ll take you home.” Chris answered warmly.
Denise sleeping peacefully under a crocheted blanket on the couch as you file out of the kitchen. You feel a powerful urge to take her home with you so you can watch over her, but you tamp down.
She’ll recover faster in a familiar environment, Nicky. You know this.
You pull the blanket up to her chin and tuck it snugly around her.
“Please get better, Denise.” Nicky answered softly.
I can’t lose you,too.
Chris touches your shoulder softly.
“Ready to go?” Chris answered warmly.
His eyes look exhausted, and you feel a fresh pang of sympathy for him as you nod.
“As ready as I’ll ever be, I think.” Nicky answered.
“Judith will take good care of her, Nicky.” Chris answered.
“I know she will.”Nicky answered with a smile.
You follow him outside, praying that Judith’s care will be enough. Chris reaches the SUV first and opens your door for you. Despite your worries, you can’t help smiling.
Okay, no guy’s ever opened my car door for me.
“Why, Mr. Evans, I’m beginning to believe you may just be too good to be true.” Nicky answered with a smile.
Chris laughs, and your heart flutters as he takes your hand, helping you up into the SUV.
“I’m also beginning to suspect you consume as many historical romances as I do.” Nicky answered smiling.
Chris places a hand over his heart.
“You discovered my shameful secret!” Chris answered with his brow raised. “I’ve had a terrible crush on Lizzie Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. It’s consumed my life since I was a boy.”
“Nerd.” Nicky answered smiling.
“Says the woman with a Ph.D.” Chris answered smiling.
“Oh, shits fired!” Nicky answered laughing.
You both laugh together. Chris slides into the driver’s seat, and you’re off.
“So. Why didn’t you mention you knew Judith before?” Nicky answered.
Chris shrugs.
“It didn’t seems relevant at the time.” Chris answered.
“Fair enough.” Nicky answered. “How long have you known..Denise?”
“Two, almost three years? We met back when she applied for the Dreamseekers Foundation. She needed an apartment.” Chris answered. “I got her in contact, with Judith, and we’ve been friends ever since.”
“Wow. I had no idea.” Nicky answered.
It wasn’t just luck, then, that had gotten Denise’s life turned in the right direction. It was Chris.
Affection swells inside you.
“I can’t believe Denise never mentioned you. Well, no- I can believe it, actually.” Nicky answered. “Denise always been reserved. She’s never been super comfortable letting anyone know all the details of her life. Me included.”
“She’s not alone in that. We all have things we’d rather hide.”Chris answered.
There’s a melancholy note in his voice. You lean back in your seat, gazing out the window in contemplation.
“Now that I think of it, I’m pretty sure you’re the only person I’ve ever told about my sister. It’s funny, isn’t it? There are things you’ll tell a stranger that you’d never admit to a friend.” Nicky answered.
“Are we strangers?” Chris answered.
The question catches you off- guard. You consider it.
We’ve only known each other briefly, but... Chris is so easy to be around. I fell like I’ve known him forever.
“No. I guess we aren’t, are we?” Nicky answered.
“Then, are we friends?” Chris answered.
“I think we just might be.” Nicky answered smiling.
A dazzling smile lights Chris’s face, so genuine and open that you’re taken by surprise.
“That’s good.” Chris answered warmly.
You remember what Judith said about him keeping to himself.
It sounds like Chris doesn’t have many friends. He such a charming guy, I’d have expected him to be popular. But then, I’ve treated my fair share of lovely people who have trouble making friends.
“I’m glad to have you as a friend, then, Nicky.” Chris answered warmly.
“Right back at you.” Nicky answered with a smile.
You give his right hand a squeeze where it rests on his thigh.
“To hear Judith tell it, you make a pretty great one.” Nicky answered.
“Well, even Judith has her blind spots.” Chris answered.
His expression is playful, and yet...
There’s that hint of sadness again.
“...why do you say that?” Nicky answered.
“Hm?”Chris hummed.
“You just said Judith has a blind spot regarding you.” Nicky answered. “ you said it jokingly, but on some level, that’s how you really feel, isn’t it?”
Chris laughs. “Dr. Ransom, are you shrinking me?”
“ I am, aren’t I?” Nicky answered “...sorry, force of habit.”
“No, go ahead.” Chris answered with a smile. “Tell me about yourself.”
“Wait, you want me to whip off a psychological analysis of you?” Nicky answered with shock.
“Why not? Call it morbid curiosity.” Chris answered with a smile.
“Chris, that would be...way too awkward. I know you personally, not as patient.” Nicky answered. “I couldn’t possibly be objective.”
“Oh, come on.. Just for fun.” Chris answered. “Humor me.”
You mull it over for a moment.
“And you swear you’ll take it with a grain of salt?” Nicky answered.
“Cross my heart.” Chris answered.
You sigh, then consider him.
“You need to be in control. Not of other people, but of yourself and whatever situation you’re in.” Nicky answered. “When you aren’t, you find it uncomfortable, which I suspect is why you were so adamant about taking the lead on finding Denise. This is likely informed at least in part by resentment of your medical condition, which you can’t control.”
Chris’s mouth twitches, but he remains silent. You press on.
“You’re incredibly handsome, and you know it, but you spend your nights at a coffeehouse, so I don’t imagine you date much.” Nicky answered.
“Ah...no. I don’t.” Chris answered.
“Chris, do you want me to... stop?, I know you thought this would be fun, but if it’s making you uncomfortable...”Nicky answered.
Chris shakes his head.
“No, you’re fine. Please , go on.” Chris answered.
“You’re friendly-“ Nicky paused.
Chris chuckles.
“Let me finish!” Nicky answered with a smile. “You’re friendly, but you have more acquaintances and business associates than actual friends. And something tells me it’s possible you feel that’s all you deserve.”
An unreadable expression comes over Chris’s face.
However, he quickly exchanges it for a cavalier grin as he parks outside your house.
“I guess you have me all figured out, don’t you?” Chris answered.
He’s deflecting.
“..maybe a little. But there’s a lot more to uncover.” Nicky answered. “You’re a complicated man, Chris Evans. Though I must say, you do wear that sexy air of mystery well.”
“Really?”Chris answered.
He leans in, draping his arm over the back of your seat.
“Do you find me sexy,Dr. Ransom?”Chris answered with a raised brow.
His eyes sparkle with mischief. You remember your dreams, then. Each and every vivid detail. You shift in your seat, your skin suddenly feeling too tight for your body.
“Chris...yes, I think you’re sexy. You have...a certain appeal.” Nicky answered blushing.
“Do I,now?” Chris answered with a grin.
Your breath quickens as he leans closer. Your eyes drop to his lips. You redirect your gaze, but not quickly enough.
“Nicky...”Chris answered.
He runs his knuckles along your jaw.
“Chris...” Nicky answered blushing.
You part your lips, your eyes fluttering shut as he closes the distance between you...just as a car alarm wails, scaring you half to death. You spring away from Chris , who looks flustered as you feel.
“I, um. I should get inside.” Nicky answered blushing.
“Right. Of course.” Chris answered.
“Chris..I’m glad you helped me.” Nicky answered.
“I’m glad I could be of help,Nicky.” Chris answered.
You thank him for the ride and shoot out of the car, practically sprinting into the house.
Once inside, you fall back against the door, your cheeks blazing.
Yeah. This is going to be SUPER inconvenient.
You shake your head and walk into your home office.
All right, Nicky. Get it together. Your first patient will be here in an hour. Thankfully, that’s plenty of time to get a cold shower in...
When Judith calls at the end of your workday, it’s a welcome distraction.
“Judith! How’s Denise?” Nicky answered .
“Perking back up by the minute.” Judith answers. “She ate an entire pizza an hour ago! Now she’s sleeping it off.”
Tears of relief prickle behind your eyes.
My sister stopped eating..before she died. But Denise... Denise is going to be okay.
“Judith, you’re seriously my hero.” Nicky answered.
“Oh, I don’t know about all that, honey.” Judith answered.” I am glad she gave me your number, though. The Dreamseekers Foundation’s annual Halloween ball is right around the corner, and I’d love you to attend.”
“Oh! I’ve never been to a masquerade ball before, but I’d love to...get all dressed up. I never do anything fun on Halloween any,ore. A masquerade sounds amazing.” Nicky answered.
“Oh, it is. It’s spectacular every year.” Judith answers. “And it’ll be a perfect opportunity for you and Chris to spend more time together.”
Your pulse quickens.
Down, girl.
“He’ll be there?” Nicky answered.
“Oh, of course. He’s on the board, and he’s a trustee.” Judith answers. “And I know he’d just love to see you there.”
She gets your mailing address for the formal invitation, and you say goodbyes.
Apparently, I’m going to a ball.
Tags: @denisemarieangelina @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @daliaevans @pine-fresh-kirk @patzammit @shellbilee @wintrcaptn @thatgirly81 @thatsxamericasxass @americasass91 @amazon-x @kailyndavillier @katiew1973 @shellbilee @shotsbyshae @shortacouplebuckys @what-is-your-plan-today @whiskey-cokenfanfic @captain-rogers-beard @captainevans @captainchrisstan @captainchrisfics @nbarnes @shadowcatsworld @littlefiercequeen @nomadevans82 @star-spangled-beard-burn @tropicalcap @trottae17 @et-lesailes @jtargaryen18 @mizcaptainphoenix @deidrashouseofpain @denissjmaddox @comebackandhauntme21 @norcula @ohmy-captain @jms358 @brilliantkey @bellaireland1981 @kelbabyblue @chris-butt @kirstie-evans-writes @branflakes82 @trishevans @stephanysgzz @my-favorite-fics-and-imagines @oddsnendsfanfics @enigma2112 @twittytelly
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The anchor #17
Y/n was Home Mystic falls. Even though she really was home just in a different time. But she was happy to be back. Y/n went to her apartment that she got before She was trapped in the Prison world. 
She walked into the 2 bedroom apartment. She walked into the bathroom and got a shower. After she got a shower she walked into her room and got dressed. She looked at her reflection and saw she had Dark circles under her eyes. She needed some blood ever since she got back she hasn't had any. She walked to her closet and grabbed a pair of shoes. She put them on then walked out of her apartment. 
It was night time so she walked to Whickery bridge and laid in the middle of the road just waiting for someone to come by. She wasn't going to bleed them dry but she knew a little bit of animal blood wouldn't do CRAP for her. She was actually in pain from not having any blood. What she really wanted was to find kai parker and drain him of his blood. But she soon stopped thinking that when someone in a red car pulled up.
"Oh my god, Are you okay?" The red headed man asked. Y/n stood up and looked at the man. She walked up to him slowly. "Hold still and don't scream." Y/n compelled him then started to drink his blood. After she felt his blood start to slowly stop coming out she pulled back. "Forget everything that happened, You went to a girls house and She bit you." Y/n compelled him then she left.
Y/n went back to town and went to the grill to get some food and Pick at her brother. She walked in and saw Matt talking to Elena and Damon. Stefan was seated at the bar with Caroline. "Hey Y/n!" Elena called out once she noticed her friend enter the grill. Y/n walked up to them and sat beside Elena. "Hey guys, What's up?" Y/n asked looking at Elena and Damon. "Nothing much, You got a little something." Elena said pointing to a bit of blood that was on the corner of her mouth. Y/n took her finger and swiped it off. 
"So you and Kai?" Damon asked as soon as Y/n had drink in her mouth. Y/n started to cough horribly. "What?" Y/n asked confused, she wasn't thinking about the burn in her throat she wanted to know what the hell he was talking about. "Kai told us after the switch thingy he had feelings for you. He hadn't found you so he was going around looking for you to talk. But do you like him?" Elena Asked looking at Y/n. "I don't Know I mean kai left Me to die at the Prison world. But I do like him, He is a hot psychopath." Y/n said as she took the shot of Vodka Matt had put in front of her. "Well I think you should talk to him." Elena said as she pointed to Kai that was behind Y/n. Y/n turned around to see Kai looking over at them with a smug smile on his face.
Y/n got off the bar stool after leaving Money down for her drink and walked over to Kai. "We need to talk." Y/n told Kai as she looked into his blue eyes. "And what do you want to talk to me about, The way you think I'm Hot and you Like me." Kai teased making her blush a little bit. "Yup, now come on were going to talk outside away from them." Y/n said pointing to the many Vampires listing. Kai and Y/n was outside walking. "So you like me, Huh?" Y/n asked Kai, as they walked further from the grill. "Yea, I do but I didn't know where you were to tell you, And I like really like you, I want there to be something with us." Kai rambled quickly.
 "Kai I like you to but you left me to die in the prison world." Y/n said looking at kai. "Well technically you wouldn't have died in the prison world. But I want to be with you. Like together, But I understand if you don't." Kai said looking at her with sad eyes. She didn't answer him. She grabbed his face and kissed him. At first Kai didn't react he was shocked. Then he melted into it. He licked her bottom lip as a motion for her to open it and she did. Their once innocent kiss has turned into a hot Make out. 
Y/n pulled back and looked at kai. He had a smile on his face and he leaned in and kissed her again. Like the kiss before it once again became heated. But it was soon stopped by Bonnie Calling Y/n.
"Bonnie I'm a little busy." Y/n said into the Phone a little mad.  "Well I need your help, My magic isn't working and your the strongest witch I Know and I wanted to talk to you about you being a siphoner." Bonnie said sounding Like a mom who was getting after a child who had done something wrong. I'm on my way." Y/n said and hung up. 
"So where are we going?" Kai asked as Y/n hung up her phone. "I am going to Bonnie and I don't know where you are going but I know she doesn't want you to come. So if you want you can go by my apartment." Y/n offered Kai, Kai looked at her before giving her another kiss. "I'll see you soon." Kai said then they both separated.
"So your telling me you can't use any magic?" Y/n asked looking at the Bennet witch confused. 
"Yes, I can't even do a simple Locating spell, do you think its because I'm not the anchor anymore?" Bonnie asked Y/n. "I don't know, Maybe its because kai scared you and you put it in a safe place. Kinda like what joe did with the hunting knife." Y/n told Bonnie as she looked at her. " Where would I put it though?" Bonnie asked mostly her self but it just came out. "Your teddy bear. The one you found at the prison world." y/n said as she grabbed her car keys and Bonnie and they went out and got the bear. 
~ Few minutes later~
"So are you going to tell me how your a siphoner?" Bonnie asked Y/n as they walked into the woods with a shovel for each of them. "When I switched with you to save your life, you becoming the anchor took away my powers but not all of them I could only siphon stuff. That is why everyone's nose had bled when I Saved you." Y/n said as she started to dig the hole to find the stupid bear. "Got it!" Y/n said as she picked up the dirty old bear. "Mr. Snuggles!" Bonnie exclaimed as she looked at the bear with a happy smile. Caroline buried the bear when she was mad at Bonnie, back when they were little kids. "I know, do you feel any magic?" Y/n asked Bonnie as she looked at the Young witch. " I think I got it back." Bonnie said as she put the bear under her arm and closed her eyes. She started to mumble some words then the leaves came off the ground. "You got it back!" Y/n exclaimed and gave Bonnie a hug. "Okay now lets get back before the others start wondering where we are, and worry." Bonnie said then they left. 
~ ( At the boarding house ) ~ 
"So your telling me that Y/n is only going to be with Kai so we can kill him?" Elena asked Stefan as she plopped down onto the sofa in the living room. "Yes, Elena he is a danger to all of us. No matter who cares for him we have to get rid of him. He killed Joe and he almost Killed Bonnie!" Stefan exclaimed his face getting a little red. 
"You're not killing him." Y/n said as she walked into the boarding house. "You're not stopping me I don't care if I have to kill you he is dying one way or another." Stefan said calmly. "I would like to see you try to kill me." Y/n teased with a smile as she got closer to him. "You see Stefan I'm not just a normal witch. I'm a fucking hybrid. Not even a hybrid. A tri-brid if you will. I have powers and I'm a vampire, and unlike you I can control the blood lust so try me." Y/n said getting in the younger Salvatore's face. "Nobody is killing anyone." Damon said as he got into the house.
"And why is that?" Stefan asked Damon. "Because I already got rid of Kai." Damon said making Y/n's heart beat faster and her blood boil under her skin. "He's dead his body is in the trunk of my car." As soon as he said this Y/n looks up and see's kai beside her. She starts to cry seeing him. 
"Your dead." Y/n said as she had tears coming down her face. "I can bring you back." She said but kai stopped her. "I'm okay I'll be back, just let me go first." Kai said then hugged her whispering He loved her and left. Y/n looked up at Damon her eyes becoming Blood shot, her fangs coming up and veins are now shown on her face. "I'm going to kill you and its going to be nice, Long and Painful." Y/n said as she vamp sped over to the oldest Salvatore and grabbed his Neck she shoved him against the wall and banged his head on the wall multiple times making him groan. "Y/n, stop!" Elena yelled, But Y/n was pissed. She was going to kill him one way or another. "Y/n!" Bonnie said then  Y/n felt her neck break, Great, this is just great. 
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theworkofxanderking · 4 years
The Hunter Diaries
Volume One
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Warnings: I do not own the original content to “The Originals”, “The Vampire Diaries” or “Legacies” or any of the characters from the television shows.
15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.
Dear Diary,
I returned to Mystic Falls to protect my sister Elena from a darkness she never understood but it was me who never truly understood it and now I stay while I try to work out if the Salvatore brothers are allies or enemies.
My name is Hunter Gilbert, and this is my story.
Episode 3: Hunter Gilbert, Tomb Raider
Weeks had passed since Hunter returned to Mystic Falls and he was beginning to start to enjoy being back home except for the numerous deaths he suffered at the hands of one Damon Salvatore. In the past few weeks Hunter had endured several different types of poisoning, gun shots, stabbings and most recently being set on fire all of which killed him but much to Damon’s dismay none killed him permanently.
Hunter knew his permanent death wouldn’t come easy for any vampire and he knew each time the Gilbert ring brought him back that he’d be closer to the last time it would work on him but he never admitted the ring’s weakness to Stefan or especially Damon.
Hunter had become used to the idea of dying young and besides he found each death valuable as he seemed to come back to life with more strength, faster speed and reflexes every time so although Damon was merely experimenting with death and trying to be a nuisance of sorts he was actually helping Hunter in a weird sense that Hunter would never admit.
“I say it’s a bad idea,” Stefan said to Hunter while they stood in the woods of Mystic Falls fight training before launching a punch at Hunter which Hunter managed to swerve. “The tomb vampires are very dangerous and very old vampires.”
“Exactly more training practice for me,” Hunter replied before punching Stefan several times in the face and kicking him to the ground. “No offence but vampires on bunny blood aren’t exactly the best trainers.”
“Offence taken,” Stefan responded before vamp speeding a kick to floor Hunter making Hunter fall to the ground next to where Stefan lay. “Trying to set free any vampire for practice is a crazy idea bound to end in disaster.”
“You may have a point, but I’ve never once claimed to be sane.” Hunter said as Stefan rose to his feet and held out a hand to pull Hunter up off the ground. “If we can even break out just one vampire specifically the one who was best friends with Katherine before being entombed we might be able to learn more about your vampire ex and in doing so learn more about her current doppelganger who you just so happen to be dating.”
“Why must you always bring that up?” Stefan asked while laughing at Hunter’s words.
“Because it’s weird,” Hunter admitted. “Albeit no weirder than your twin sister turning out to be the good twin of a centuries old self-serving vampire.”
“Did someone say my name?” Damon asked as he vamp sped his way to stand beside Hunter and Stefan. “So, this is where you two love birds spend all your time.”
“We’re going to free Pearl from the tomb and then interrogate her until we get some information on Katherine’s whereabouts who knows she may even know something about Elena.”
“Finally, somebody has an idea actually worth following through,” Damon said with a smirk. “Good on you little Gilbert.”
“Please tell me my brother agreeing to your plan is all the proof you need to know that this is far from a good idea.” Stefan said to Hunter who just ignored the younger Salvatore brother’s advice.
“I guess we better find ourselves a witch!” Hunter replied to Damon with a sly smirk of his own.
“I’m just saying before you go and ask Bonnie’s grandmother to reopen a tomb that took a lot out of her the last time she did it for Damon only to find out Katherine wasn’t there you’d at least consult with your aunt and see what she thinks about this idea.” Stefan said to Hunter as the walk down the streets of Mystic Falls, attempting to talk Hunter out of his latest decision.
“Haven’t you got a girlfriend you should be pestering instead of me?” Hunter asked him as they continue walking down the street. “Sheila Bennet is one impressive witch and as far as I know Bonnie’s still in the dark about her magical lineage so Sheila’s our best bet besides, she always preferred me to Elena growing up.”
“I don’t think you’ll still be her favorite when you drag her into vampire business she wasn’t exactly pleased when Damon forced her hand before.” Stefan replied.
“In my defense I’ve got a lot more charm than Damon.” Hunter stated. “She’ll be eager to help me out.”
“You actually think your charming?” Stefan laughed.
“You haven’t seen my charm, yet I can be quite charming.” Hunter argued.
“Clearly I’ve just been missing it,” Stefan joked before being hit on the shoulder by Hunter as the two laughed at each other. “Don’t use that approach to convince Sheila Bennet your charming or you might end up with a hex.”
“See this is why I never normally talk to vampires.” Hunter replied while rolling his eyes at him.
“Well consider me well and truly privileged.” Stefan sarcastically said as the two stopped outside of Sheila Bennett’s home. “Now is the time to back out if your having any second thoughts.”
“First step in the hunting guidebook is learn as much as possible about any possible target,” Hunter stated while staring at Mrs Bennet’s home. “Learning about Katherine will teach us about Elena and by doing so make us prepared if her evil twin ever plans a return to Mystic Falls because something tells me she’s going to be pissed to see her two ex-lovers lusting over her doppelganger.”
“I suppose I can’t argue with that logic,” Stefan responded as he placed his hand on Hunter’s shoulder. “After you Hunter Gilbert.”
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Elena knocked on the front door of the Salvatore home eager for Stefan to answer having felt him growing distant over the last few weeks and hoped that they could spend the day together to calm her nerves about their relationship but much to her dismay it was Damon who answered the door without a shirt on not exactly shy about his impressive chest.
“Do you ever wear clothes?” She asked him.
“We both know I’m a lot more likable to most people when I’m wearing as little clothes as possible.” Damon replied rather smugly.
“I wasn’t aware anyone found you likable,” Elena said sarcastically. “So is Stefan in? We’re meant to be spending the day together.”
“Sorry my little brother is already outside playing with your brother I’m sure if you search high and low you will soon find them, but I doubt they want to be found.” Damon proudly revealed.
“If your trying to make me jealous about my brother’s friendship with your brother then you clearly don’t know me very well at all I’m happy Hunter’s made a friend.” Elena replied.
“Wasn’t he real friendly with Tyler Lockwood too?” Damon asked ironically. “Wonder what they got up to.”
“Clearly you have a problem with Stefan getting close to another guy maybe someone’s ego is a little hurt that Stefan’s not chasing after you as much since my brother came to town.” Elena stated before reluctantly sighing. “Look I don’t want to spend all day going back and forth with you.”
Elena quickly pulled her phone out of her jacket pocket dialed Stefan’s number and held it to her ear as it rang and rang until it went to voicemail much to Elena’s frustration and Damon’s amusement.
“It’s not like Stefan Salvatore not to answer his phone to you straight away.” Damon mocked.
“He probably just missed the call,” Elena replied before dialing Hunter’s number which went straight to the voicemail making Damon laugh. “Hunter’s phone is always off I swear he doesn’t know how to use it.”
“Or maybe he does.” Damon retorted before seeing Elena being clearly upset about being ignored. “You may as well come in someone’s got to tell you the truth can’t have your pretty little head fretting over the small stuff when there’s much bigger stuff for you to worry about.”
“What is that supposed to mean Damon?” A clearly confused Elena asked him.
“Come on in.” Damon repeated while rolling his eyes.
“Absolutely not!” Sheila said without hesitation upon being asked to reopen the tomb holding many vampires under the ruins of a church in Mystic Falls as she stood at her open door with Stefan and Hunter on her doorstep.
“I know this sounds like a crazy idea Mrs Bennet but it’s kind of the only idea any of us have.” Hunter explained to her.
“I’m sorry Hunter but those vampires are there for a reason and I will not risk any getting out it’s beyond miraculous none managed to escape the last time I opened the tomb in search of Katherine Pierce before.” Sheila replied making it clear where she stood about Hunter’s mission. “You can’t begin to understand how truly sorry I am the you wound up following in your father’s footsteps one should never meddle in vampire business never mind being forced to make it their own.”
“Nobody forced my hand Mrs Bennet I did what I knew was right and that’s what I need you to help me do again.” Hunter responded adamant to change Sheila’s mind. “I know Damon forced you hand with threats and violence before, but you know that’s not my style. This is my sister we are talking about your granddaughter’s best friend I just want to have as much information as possible to keep her safe.”
“This entire town won’t be safe if even of those vampires get out, they have been trapped in that tomb for centuries without any blood if any got loose, they’d waste no time in slaughtering everyone they came into contact with.” Sheila warned Hunter while standing her ground. “There is no way you can convince me that opening that tomb again would be a good idea under no circumstances will that tomb be opened.”
“I guess if there’s really no convincing you then I’ll have to turn to Bonnie herself I’m sure she’d be more than willing to cast a simple spell to protect her best friend.” Hunter revealed shocking both Stefan and Sheila in the process. “And if she’s reluctant at first then I guess that’s when I’ll have to get Damon himself to persuade her.”
“Hunter!” Stefan snapped, shocked to see Hunter’s darker side.
“Are you really threatening my granddaughter Hunter Gilbert?” Sheila asked while clearly furious. “I have known you since the day you were born and that makes me reluctant to put you in your place but if you ever threaten my granddaughter again, I’ll do just that.”
“And you would be right to do so because Bonnie’s your family,” Hunter said. “Just like Elena is my family.”
“You really are your father’s son.” Sheila stated while glaring at Hunter with a death stare.
“Thank you.” Hunter replied with a smile on his face.
“That was no compliment,” Sheila revealed. “Your father and his brother were ruthless hunters in their day far more cruel than any creature they may have hunted however your father softened when he found love with your mother your uncle however remained a cold hearted monster with the kind of look in his eyes I’m starting to see in yours.”
“Mrs Bennet I’m only trying to protect my sister.” Hunter tried to explain himself.
“Elena Gilbert is merely just a pawn in your hunt it is the hunt itself you live for it’s even in your name.” Sheila told him. “I will help you temporarily break the tomb spell but only because I know a hunter never lets anything or anyone get in their way despite the casualties but you Hunter Gilbert are never to step foot on my doorstep again you hear me.”
“I understand.” Hunter admitted with a sigh of sadness knowing that his mission to protect his sister had in that very moment just cost him a friendship of a woman he deeply admired.
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Hunter, Sheila and Stefan had found underneath the ruins of what was once a vibrant church and a vital part of the community of Mystic Falls as Sheila drew a pentagram in the dirt while looking through a large and clearly ancient grimoire while Hunter and Stefan stood in front of the cave where inside the tomb vampires were trapped.
“I still can’t believe you threaten somebody you grew up with just to get somebody you said you liked to be forced into doing what you wanted of them.” Stefan said to Hunter making it clear he was far from impressed with Hunter’s earlier actions.
“She may not be my sister by blood Stefan, but she’s been my sister all my life and I don’t care if my actions turn the entire world against me as long as she stays safe.” Hunter admitted. “I can’t lose another member of my family; I won’t lose another member of my family.”
“I don’t want to lose Elena either and trust me I will stop at nothing to ensure she’s safe but threatened her best friend and her best friend’s grandmother is not the way.” Stefan told him. “I had hoped to have came into your life soon enough to stop the hunter mentality being your only way of thinking, but I’m started to worry Sheila may have been right about you.”
“You really think that of me?” Hunter asked clearly wounded by Stefan’s painfully true words.
“I fear your humanity is just as in trouble and just as fleeting as my brother’s and I’m sorry Hunter, but I can’t save you both my loyalty is to him and your sister.” Stefan explained. “After this you’re on your own or better yet maybe you should find a new partner in Damon you two are clearly more suited.”
Sheila began chanting in Croatian and within moments each candle located in each corner of the pentagram was lit.
“I’m ready.” She said breaking the boys’ awkward silence.
“Use didn’t really think you’d be tomb raiding without me now did you?” Damon said upon vamp speeding into the underground cave holding Elena by his side. “I may have also got a little bit too gossipy with my girl talk but you know me the only thing looser than my lips is…”
“Elena!” Hunter said in shock, not expecting to see his sister and knowing what her presence meant.
“Damon told me everything,” Elena admitted to Stefan and Hunter while pushing away from Damon. “He told me about vampires, about doppelgangers, hunters and that I’m adopted.”
“Whatever he told you…” Hunter tried to deny.
“Is the truth.” Stefan interrupted unable to lie to the woman he loved any longer. “All we were trying to do is protect you from it.”
“We’ll talk about everything later,” Elena replied to Stefan. “But right now, we have a tomb vampire to break free.”
“Wait you want to go along with Damon and Hunter’s plan? You can’t be thinking straight clearly you’re in shock by all the revelations it’s completely understandable.” Stefan said to Elena as he walked over to his girlfriend.
“I’ve known about Bonnie being a witch for quite some time now,” Elena revealed before looking at Sheila. “And that you were one too after adjusting to that vampires, hunters and doppelgangers aren’t really much of a stretch but yeah I want to know why the hell I’m connected to a centuries old vampire.”
“Then I guess I shall begin the spell.” Sheila responded before beginning to chant in Croatian once again.
Hunter and Damon stood side by side silently watching as Stefan took Elena over to one side of the underground cave they had all found themselves in a bid to explain some rather unexplainable things both too busy eavesdropping to speak to each other while Sheila stood in the middle of the pentagram she had drawn continuing to chant in Croatian as the flames on the candles in each corner of the pentagram grew longer, wider, harsher and more powerful by Sheila’s chants.
“Why are you dating me Stefan?” She asked the youngest Salvatore sibling. “Why would you date someone who loud exactly like your ex-girlfriend?”
“It’s not like that at all what I had with Katherine was never real I was a human under her compulsion and then she turned me and my brother only to leave us like some cruel game.” Stefan explained to her. “My feelings for you are what is real, Elena yes I may have been drawn to the mystery of you and your connection to Katherine, but I fell in love with the amazing person you are.”
“I wish I could believe you Stefan I really do but you’ve lied to me the entire time you’ve known me, and I don’t know if I can ever trust you again.” Elena admitted to him.
“What does that mean for us?” Stefan asked her, fearing the answer.
“I honestly have no idea.” Elena revealed much to her own heartbreak as well as Stefan’s.
Hunter and Damon just stood there, Damon looking at the hurt on Elena’s face and wanted to do anything to make her feel better while Hunter looked at Stefan feeling the same way about Stefan in that very moment there was no denying that Damon Salvatore was madly and deeply in love with Elena Gilbert just like Hunter Gilbert had just realized he was in love with Stefan Salvatore.
“The seal is temporarily broken.” Sheila revealed in between her Croatian chants.
“I guess that’s my cue then.” Damon said before vamp speeding into the cave in which the tomb vampires were trapped without hesitation clearly eager to escape this painful for moment for all involved.
“I suppose this means we’ll probably have our answers soon.” Hunter told Elena and Stefan in a bid to break their awkward silence towards each other.
“And then later we can have a talk of our own.” Elena replied to him, her very words striking fear in her brother fearing she wasn’t happy with his secrecy.
“Not to be the guy who blames ghosts, but I was just simply following my parent’s orders.” Hunter mumbled awkwardly. “Then aunt Jenna’s orders so if your mad at anyone you should totally be mad at her.”
“Hunter I’m not mad at you,” She responded while walking over towards her brother. “What you must’ve been going through the last two years only to come back to this madness I mean I can barely get my head around all this and it’s been your life for two years.”
“It’s definitely been an interesting two years but trust you to one up me over being a vampire hunter with having a vampire doppelganger.” Hunter joked as his sister hugged him.
“You need to fill me in on everything,” She told him as she broke off the hug. “No more secrets.”
“No more secrets.” Hunter repeated accepting Elena’s more than fair demands.
Suddenly Sheila let out a loud scream as mysterious figure after figure vamp sped out of the dark cave and quickly out of sight before Sheila returned to chanting in Croatian raising her voice louder while clearly in a lot of pain.
“Mrs Bennet!” Elena screamed clearly concerned for her best friend’s grandmother.
“Something’s clearly wrong.” Stefan said clearly worried for his brother.
Hunter could sense what Stefan was about to do and quickly tripped Stefan as Stefan began to vamp speed towards the cave snapping the Salvatore vampire’s neck before his body hit the cold hard ground.
“Hunter what the hell are you doing?” Elena asked her brother confused by his sudden act of violence.
“I’ll be right back.” Hunter said in a bid to reassure his sister before running into the cave after Damon.
“Hunter!” She screamed. “Damon!”
“I can’t keep this seal open much longer.” Sheila warned Elena as more human figures vamp sped out of the cave.
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thephoenix-hq · 5 years
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☞ NAME: Emmeline Vance. ☞ AGE: Twenty-One (04.02.1958). ☞ BLOOD STATUS: Halfblood. ☞ HOUSE: Former Ravenclaw. ☞ GENDER: Cis-female. ☞ FACECLAIM: Chloe Bennet.
Emmeline Vance was born deep in the Irish countryside. She was an only child and spent most of her formative years entertaining herself among the expansive fields of her family’s pasture. Farm land was all she had known until she went off to Hogwarts in 1969. Sorted into Ravenclaw for her bright imagination, she met Alice Fortescue and the two were quick companions. Sharing a room with Alice lead Emmeline to Frank Longbottom, the other girls life long friend. With Frank came his roommates, Fabian and Gideon Prewett. Emmeline was fascinated by these people.
Their camaraderie, their connections, their love that ran bone deep. For a while, she felt no less alone around them. She couldn’t help but think she had missed out on something wonderful, being confided for so long. As if sensing this about her, Fabian and Gideon Prewett took her in and made her one of their own. For the first time in Emmeline’s life, she belonged to a group. She loved them all so fiercely and deeply that graduating from Hogwarts was a devastating blow to her. She cried as they said their goodbyes, familiar with the empty promise to stay in touch.
They still lettered back and forth as frequently as they could, but the twins were involved in something they couldn’t speak of and Frank and Alice were busy with the auror program. So Emmeline threw herself into her healer training. She got a house in London, walking distance from the hospital, and set to work. Three years later, she is a sought after, dedicated and heartfelt mediwitch. She works hard without fail, and has settled comfortably into her life there.
- J U N E 1 9 7 9 -
As things steadily grew darker in the world around them, Emmeline was one of the first to notice. The magic with which people showed up at Saint Mungo’s was growing darker, her job more harrowing by the day. When Dumbledore came to her, she already knew about the Order and everything it stood for. As far as she was concerned, she was already a part of it. She nodded, a single, determined bob of her head. “I’m there.”
← C O N N E C T I O N S →
→ Gideon Prewett
Emmeline had just entered the front gate to her home on that rainy October evening when she noticed a slumped figure on her front porch. They dim light by the door did nothing to illuminate them, so she pulled her wand out and cast the spell. She was cautious as she approached, back straight, wand held defensively, until he came fully into view. Gideon Prewett. Drunk. Curled against the side of her house. There was a chair turned on it’s side like he sat in it and toppled over onto the wood. Frightened for her friends well being, Emmeline hoisted him up and managed to get them both through the threshold of her house. It was at the kitchen table, tea kettle between them, that he told her everything. The Order, the missions, the rush, the fighting, the deaths. Fabian’s death. Initially, she was in shock. These words swam around and around inside her head, making her dizzy. She felt the need to be strong for her friend who just lost his longest and deepest connection to the earth. Emmeline had gotten up to grab some milk for the tea, however, when Gideon’s fingers wrapped around her wrist. She looked down at him, but he had his head bowed, eyes on the untouched cup in front of him. For a moment neither of them moved, until he finally pulled her in and buried his face deep in her dark hair. It had been the first time Emmeline saw him cry and she knew without any words being pass between them that he was asking her to mourn with him. So she cried. Into the night, the morning, and the next afternoon; they cried together. Three nights in a row they got properly sloshed, and on the fourth day, hungover and dejected (“just the way Fab would’ve wanted,” he joked - which Emmeline took as a very good sign), they attended his funeral. She took off work for two weeks and helped her friend through it all. They faced his family together, Mr. and Mrs. Prewett and the Weasley’s didn’t really understand and they couldn’t. Not at that time, anyway. Gideon started staying at her house night after night, knowing that he couldn’t return to his own place, the place he’d shared with his brother. So she let him. Emmeline didn’t exactly know what to make of it, but Gideon needed her friendship and she would give it until the end of time - she owed him that.
← Edgar Bones trigger warning: overdose
Edgar liked to party. Everyone knew that. For years, it had been seen as a harmless thing. It didn’t take over his life and he seemed good at balancing it with everything else going on around them. In hindsight, perhaps this should’ve been a red flag. Emmeline had been on hour nine of her fourth ten hour shift in a row when she had been paged by healers that she was needed in the emergency room. Her job was second nature to her now. She put on her coat, steadied her emotions, and hurried to where she was needed. There was an unconscious man behind a curtain who had collapsed right outside the hospital, apparently in a frightened stupor. When Emmeline drew back the curtain, an audible gasp escaped her and she set immediately to work. Edgar Bones had shadows under his eyes, a grayness to his skin she had never seen before. He was too thin, too frail-looking. It took several spells to wake him up and, after that, it took a number of potions to clear his system. It was a messy process and for a moment, Emmeline feared he was going to be lost. In the end, he came to. When he awoke, clearer than he likely had been in several weeks, he began pleading with her. He didn’t want anyone to know of this incident, especially not his sister. He told her he would get help, he would work on himself. Emmeline, though skeptical, agreed not to call any of his emergency contacts as long as he truly wasn’t going to let this happen again. Part of her worried she was making a mistake. So she kept tabs on him after that, wanting desperately for him to succeed. They would owl back and forth, sometimes meeting up for tea to talk about how things were going. He didn’t know much about her, but she didn’t mind. Whenever he was around, she wanted very much to talk about him.
← Frank Longbottom
Emmeline would be lying if she said she hadn’t been perfectly aware of the level of love that passed between Alice and Frank, even when they were very young. She wouldn’t necessarily say she was good at reading people, but it was so palpable. And as someone who wasn’t wholly familiar with connection throughout her life, she could recognize when one was different than others. Frank and Alice together were special. They tended to have eyes only for each other, but it was so pure Emmeline couldn’t even mind it. Her relationship with Frank had never been personal. They were friends because their friends were friends. Complicated. When left alone together in a room, the uncomfortable silence was thick. However, Frank had come to Emmeline on one particular occasion that brought her a respect for him she never knew she needed. It had been at Fabian’s funeral. He and Alice stood together on her right, Gideon on her left, his mother on his other side. They all had their heads bowed in quiet reflection. When the crowd parted, Gideon went over and sat on the ground with his many nephews. “Oi,” Frank had said, bumping her shoulder with his. He did this casually, but Emmeline could tell he held a heavy mind. He proceeded to thank her for being there for Gideon, telling her how much it meant to him that she was taking care of his friend. It occurred to Emmeline that he felt guilty. The auror training, getting married, settling down and getting a handle of adult life had resulted in the drifting of his friendship with the Prewett’s. His conscience was telling him he was a bad friend. Emmeline assured him that he wasn’t, he was held to very high esteem in Gideon’s mind and nothing had changed that. Life happens. Leaving the conversation, Emmeline had a new appreciation for Frank. His love for the people in his life was so powerful. She hoped she could give even a portion of that, herself.
→ Alice Fortescue
Emmeline didn’t actually meet Alice until she was showed to her dorm after all the excitement of the day had ended in her first year. She was unpacking her trunk, bouncing around the room like a little ball of sunshine. She remembered seeing her in the entryway. She hugged who Emmeline would later find out was Frank tightly, promised to meet him for breakfast first thing in the morning and skittered off with the group of herded Ravenclaws. Frank watched her go with a fond smile on his face and turned to head up a different staircase with a bunch of students sporting maroon and gold. She seemed to light up the whole dorm room with her smile, Emmeline noticed, and this was something that would continue to shock her until she finally got used to it some two years later. Alice was the kind of person Emmeline would lay down her life to protect, knowing full well that Alice would likely save her from her own stupidity first. She put all other Ravenclaws to shame with her incredible problem-solving skills and her mind like intricately designed gears. Frank was her best friend and her life partner. Emmeline would always respect that, but the two girls could confide in one another in the areas Frank and Alice’s relationship lacked. She would always appreciate Alice’s inclusion.
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thisisemilysfault · 5 years
Go Set a Watchman Liveblog: Part Five (pp.85-113)
So, literally four years later and long past any modicum of cultural relevance, the liveblog continues! Mostly because I’m tired of seeing this book on my floor and thinking, “Oh, I should finish that.” If you followed me for this, I am so, so sorry. I’m pretty sure that only applies to one person, but still.
On to book Part III!
- Ooh, Jean Louise is in trouble. Aunt Alexandra found out about the “naked” swimming (they were not naked; Henry shoved her in the river, and she took him down with her), which means everyone knows, and she was already decidedly not Team Henry.
- Jean Louise gives no fucks and says people should mind their own business, along with a sarcastic comment about how she now HAS to marry Henry. Don’t let Henry hear you say that, Scout. (Sidenote: I just looked back at the previous chapter to remind myself what’s going on, and in amongst Henry’s casual racism is a bit of foreshadowing about someone being killed in a hit-and-run, I think. We’ll see.)
- Jean Louise and Atticus have secret signals for when Aunt Alexandra is being ridiculous, which reminds me of Bridget Jones and her dad (or, more highbrow, Lizzy and Mr. Bennet).
- Atticus makes a joke about Scout flashing her boobs and gives Aunt Alexandra a nickname, very cavalier for first thing in the morning.
- Aunt Alexandra knows the truth, but is no happier about it.
- Unintentionally (?) saucy Atticus: “I can think of several more interesting things to do in the middle of the night than pull a trick like that” (88). 
- Weird digression about Scout only wearing hats to Jem’s funeral. Dead Jem is getting a lot more play in this story than I expected.
- Uncle Jack is a “bone man” who retired to Maycomb at 45 to study Victorian Literature (89). Going to go ahead and name him our third character of dubious heterosexuality, after Dill and the unfortunate Francis.
- “[H]e was a bachelor but gave the impression of harboring amusing memories” (90). Yeah, I’ll bet.
- Nice mythological allusion to Nereus, and I like that it isn’t explained via narration. I appreciate when authors trust me to know things.
- You are in church, Scout, stop thinking about how your uncle doesn’t look like your dad.
- Aunt Alexandra might kill Henry right here in the Methodist church.
- Was not expecting the pastor to be described as “butt-headed,” but here we are (95).
- Explicit callout of the title here in church
- Ooh, a Yankee has told them to speed up their church music to make it more fun, Southerners in a tizzy
- Jack is snarky about the Supreme Court...please don’t let it be the decision I think it is
- The Yankee’s a “sissy,” so that makes 4 characters of dubious heterosexuality
- Jean Louise’s sudden desire to tidy the living rooms smacks of plot convenience. But I guess she has to get heavy-handed hints that Atticus is a racist somehow?
- Aunt Alexandra is unsurprised by racist pamphlet MacGuffin, and won’t let Jean Louise throw it away because...it’s rare? I am confused.
- Ooh, wheeling out the Nazi comparisons. Aunt Alexandra has drunk the racist Kool-Aid and doesn’t care.
- Calling it now: Henry is in the Klan
- Jean Louise’s sarcasm is strong and I am HERE FOR IT. Drag her!
- Ooh, spoke too soon, dubious historical accuracy on the whiteness of the Egyptian pharaohs, fix that please
- Scout’s dissociating already, apparently to Gilbert and Sullivan tunes. This conversation is going great!
- Maycomb County Citizen’s Council. Nice euphemism you got there.
- Ooh, yep. Henry is “one of the staunchest members” (103).
- I don’t think “You don’t know how bad things are down here” is working as a persuasive point, Aunt Alexandra.
- Jean Louise has gone to have an existential crisis figure out what this racist literature and mysterious community meeting could possibly mean in Southern Alabama in the 50s. I’m going to assume that’s denial, right there, rather than a sudden loss of brain cells.
- “ignorant, fear-ridden, red-faced, boorish, law-abiding, one hundred percent red-blooded Anglo-Saxons, her fellow Americans - trash” (104). Vicious, I love it.
- Oof, the denial is strong. This is going to end badly. Still, at least I won’t have to worry about her marrying Henry, dockside makeouts notwithstanding.
- Lots more detail on the political corruption of Maycomb here.
- Time for racist rant by a character I’ve never heard of!
- Oh no, it is the case I thought it was.
- Interesting change; Atticus wins Tom’s case here, which...apparently somehow leads to him chairing the Klan? The cognitive dissonance is strong for both of us, Scout.
- Other changes: Mayella is 14 (rather than 19), Tom’s other arm is completely chopped off, and rather than trying to prove that no assault happened, Atticus...proves consent? ...Just...what?
- Racist rant adds in some anti-Semitism, just for spice
- Oof, Scout is in shock. Father and sort-of boyfriend are suddenly not who she thought they were.
- Oh, there’s Miss Maudie! In theory, anyway. and Mrs. Dubose, mysteriously not dead
- Oh, Jaunty Ice Cream man, this is NOT THE TIME.
- The disillusionment is strong with this one.
- Little bit worried about this nausea business. Don’t be knocked up by a married New York boyfriend, Scout.
The more it diverges from TKaM, the more interesting I am finding it. I really, really hope Scout doesn’t just let them off the hook for this, but I’m worried that might be the case.
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Lady Susan Readthrough: Character Analysis, Catherine Vernon
By the way, not sure if I'm actually analyzing these characters or just talking about them, but I'm not getting paid or graded so whatever.
Catherine is set up as the main antagonist to our titular character, Lady Susan. At first, Lady Susan seems sure that she can win Catherine to her side, but she quickly realizes that her sister-in-law will not be easily swayed. Catherine maintains her sanity the entire book and emerges triumphant in the end.
Catherine doesn't really make me think of any other female characters in Austen, in the same way that Lady Susan and Frederica do. Catherine is prejudiced against against Lady Susan from the start, but unlike Elizabeth Bennet, clinging to that prejudice is her salvation. Also, even though Catherine fears that Frederica will be wild and vulgar, she changes her opinion rapidly when faced with the truth. So she does have the ability to be open-minded
Interestingly, Catherine seems to be both happily married and more intelligent than her husband, kind of like Elizabeth Bennet married to Charles Bingley. Mr. Vernon doesn't seem deficient, but he's not picking up on Lady Susan's machinations at the same rate at his wife. However, while she is somewhat annoyed by his good nature, everything points to them loving each other. Their relationship may be like Admiral and Mrs. Croft, who each have their strengths in different areas and rely on each other in them.
Catherine's major flaw is thinking that other people will be a clear-sighted as she is when it comes to Lady Susan. She invites Reginald to meet Lady Susan without fear and then is shocked when he falls for her wiles. By the end she has grown as a character, she is far more wary the second time Reginald frees himself from the spell of Lady Susan and far more wary of her in general.
The trait that comes through most strongly for Catherine is protectiveness. She's worried about her children being influenced by bad relations, her bother falling for the wrong person, and then she is fiercely defensive of Frederica. She also is trying to protect her sick father from learning about Reginald's affair. I admire her for going out of her way to help Frederica, even going to London to try and bring her back to Churchill. She is definitely a woman I would want on my side. Reminds me a little of Mrs. Jennings and her defense of Marianne.
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owlways-and-forever · 6 years
A Christmas Delivery
Summary: It's Christmas Eve, and Darcy is away at the annual Netherfield Christmas Party, leaving Elizabeth alone in a snowstorm, and expecting their first child.A little bit of Christmas fluff to kick off the Christmas writing season. Links: AO3 Wordcount: 2143 A/N: This is my first attempt at writing P&P (or at least finishing & posting it), and I hope I do the characters justice. But I just needed a little bit of Christmas fluff today, so this was begging to be written.
Elizabeth stood by the window, watching as snow fell softly to the ground, enveloping the world in a blanket of silence. Darcy should have been home by now, and she was beginning to grow worried. It was possible that the snow had just kept him at Netherfield with Jane and Charles, but Elizabeth thought it was far more likely that Darcy had insisted on making his way home to her. He hated leaving her alone overnight, and Elizabeth was not overfond of it either. They’d hardly spent a night apart since they were married. What if something had happened to him? His carriage could have been run off the road, or gotten stuck in the snow. He could be sitting and freezing as she stood there, waiting. She hated the waiting. Her whole life seemed to be waiting now. Waiting for Darcy to return home, waiting for this baby to arrive. Elizabeth ran her hand over her large belly, crossing the room and sinking into the large armchair by the fire.
She had begged Darcy not to go to Netherfield. She was far too close to her confinement to travel so far, no matter how much she wished to, and she didn’t want to be left alone at Pemberley. But he had insisted that they had presents for little Charlie and baby Henrietta from their trip to Paris two months ago, and they needed to be delivered. Besides, several of Darcy’s colleagues would be at the Christmas party, and he had business with them that needed attending.
Elizabeth groaned, the stress of worrying over Darcy giving her pains, and for a fleeting moment she thought her mother might not have been crazy with her smelling salts after all. She tried to close her eyes, hoping that the warmth of the fireplace might lull her to sleep, but her body had no such plans. Her stomach clenched painfully, and Elizabeth gritted her teeth until it passed, knuckles white against the arms of the chair she was sitting in.
“Mrs. Reynolds!” she called when the pain had subsided somewhat, and she pushed herself up from the chair with great difficulty. “Mrs. Reynolds!”
“Yes, ma’am?” the housekeeper answered, appearing in the doorway of the library. How she always seemed to hear Elizabeth no matter where she was in the house, Elizabeth would never understand.
“Please send for Dr. Whitby,” Elizabeth directed, struggling toward the door. “I’m a bit anxious about Mr. Darcy’s journey, and I don’t want to upset the baby. I would be most appreciative if he could bring me something to calm my nerves a bit. I’m afraid it’s rather urgent.”
“As you wish, ma’am,” Mrs. Reynolds replied, sweeping from the room.
Moments later, Isabella, her lady’s maid, appeared, taking Elizabeth by the elbow and offering as much support as she could.
“May I assist you ma’am?” she asked, although she had already taken the initiative to do so.
“Yes please, Isabella, to the bedroom if you will,” Elizabeth said, leaning on her as much as possible.
They moved down the hall together, slowly, every now and then stopping so Elizabeth could breathe through another pain. The more spasms she felt, the more Elizabeth began to worry about her child, desperately hoping that it would not choose to appear this night, in the middle of a snowstorm and with Darcy missing. They made it to the bedroom, and Isabella made quick work of loosening Elizabeth’s dress, until it slid to the floor in a puddle around her feet. She slid her dressing gown onto her shoulders, and Elizabeth tied it around her belly, before sinking onto her bed. She felt the cold suddenly, despite the fire roaring in the fireplace, and shivered, pulling her blankets up around her shoulder.
It felt like hours passed before Dr. Whitby arrived, holding his little black medical bag. His assistant, Tom, stood behind him, holding a larger bag, and grinning goofily at Isabella.
“I apologize for the delay, Mrs. Darcy,” Dr. Whitby said, and Elizabeth grimaced. In nearly four years of marriage, she still had not gotten used to being called Darcy instead of Bennet. “Let us see what I can do for you.”
He spent several minutes examining her, taking her pulse and checking her belly, before he was ready to issue a diagnosis.
“Mrs. Darcy,” he said with a broad grin, “I think it is about time for you to meet your child.”
“I can’t,” Elizabeth replied almost reflexively, her heart pounding, “not without Darcy, I need him here.”
“My dear lady, babies wait for no man,” Dr. Whitby answered with a wry smile. “Besides, you would not want your husband to witness this anyway.”
“Ma’am, you must,” Isabella encouraged, reaching out and taking her hand.
Elizabeth nodded, steeling herself for what would come next. Dr. Whitby and Tom began bustling about, occasionally recruiting Mrs. Reynolds or Isabella to assist in the preparations. She felt as though she were in a daze as they whirled around, whisking in and out of the room, and she tried to focus on preparing her mind. Yet two thoughts kept running through her mind – first, that it was too soon, and her child would be unwell, and second, that she needed Darcy with her. She could not help but worry that this night would be the end of their little family.
“Mrs. Darcy, are you ready?” Dr. Whitby asked at last, taking Elizabeth’s hand with a reassuring smile.
Dr. Whitby and Tom helped lift Elizabeth from her bed, escorting her to the birthing bed that they had purchased some time ago, the first time they had thought she might be with child. She had nearly cried when the table had arrived, by which time she had discovered that it was not to be. They had offered it to Jane to use, though neither family’s wealth necessitated that they share – it had seemed only fitting for two sisters so closely bonded. Now it was her turn to climb onto the birthing table and labor to bring her child into the world.
Isabella squeezed Elizabeth’s hand as she pulled her shift up above Elizabeth’s large belly, and Elizabeth hugged her knees to her chest as best she was able, feeling the urge to push her child out. But it was slow going, and the child did not seem to want to budge, despite her best efforts, crying out with the strain of it. After over an hour of laboring, Elizabeth pushed herself up and onto her knees, not caring what was dignified for a lady of her station.
“Listen to what your body tells you,” Dr. Whitby advised, though his tone of voice clearly exposed his shock.
Her fingers dug into the edge of the table, knuckles white as every muscle in her body seemed to clamp down, urging this child out. She could not see, but she felt as though finally she were making progress.
“Nearly there, ma’am,” Isabella spurred, and Dr. Whitby repeated the encouragement.
It took only a few moments longer, and then Elizabeth knew that she had done it. Relief flooded through her that the ordeal was finally over, but it was swiftly replaced by concern. She had not heard the baby cry yet, and she feared for the worst. She dropped her hips to the table, turning to face Dr. Whitby, and wincing in discomfort as she attempted to sit up. She could see a bundle in Mrs. Reynolds’ arms, with Tom attending it, while Dr. Whitby attempted to get Elizabeth’s attention.
“My child –“
“Mrs. Darcy, we still must deliver the placenta,” he argued, but her focus was solely on the bundle in Mrs. Reynolds’ care.
“Tell me, is my baby –“
“Mrs. Darcy, please –“
Cries sounded from the bundle of blankets, and Elizabeth dropped backwards in relief. Her child was alive. She felt weak from the effort of labor and the relief that her baby seemed to have been safely delivered, and she hardly noticed that Dr. Whitby was still at work between her legs, trying to extract the placenta. Jane had been able to deliver it naturally, which was preferred, but Elizabeth did not feel strong enough for that, and she was glad that Dr. Whitby had taken the initiative.
“Ma’am?” Tom said, hesitantly, approaching Elizabeth’s head. “You have a daughter. She is perhaps a bit small, but on the whole appears to be fighting fit.”
“Can I see her?” Elizabeth asked, tears of joy streaming down her face.
“Once you have both been cleaned up a bit, ma’am,” Tom reassured her. “We’ll get you back to bed and then you may hold her to your heart’s content.”
Isabella helped Elizabeth change into a clean shift and climb into bed, getting settled softly amidst the mounds of pillows. She looked over to Tom expectantly, and he drew nearer, gently laying her baby girl in her arms. Elizabeth sighed happily as she felt immediately more complete. Her daughter was beautiful, smelled beautiful. She had pink skin and a layer of dark fuzz atop her head, little rosebud lips opening in a tiny little yawn. Elizabeth stroked her daughter’s small hand, letting the baby’s fist close around the tip of her finger, and smiled wistfully. Darcy should have been there to see this, he should have been there for his daughter’s birth. Once more, Elizabeth was struck with concern that he would not make it home to her, and a tear slid down her cheek. This time, she was unsure whether it was a tear of joy or sorrow.
A door slammed somewhere in the house, and Elizabeth could hear footsteps pounding across the marble floor of the sculpture room. Her heartbeat quickened to match the footsteps, and she sat up a little bit straighter, praying that whoever it was had news of her husband.
She heart the voice and knew at once that it belonged to her husband, tears of relief falling fast. Somehow, he was safe, and though he had missed their daughter’s birth, he was there now.
“Elizabeth!” he sighed, bursting into their bedroom and rushing to the bed, where she reclined, their baby in her arms. “What is it, what’s amiss?” he asked when he saw the tears on his wife’s face.
“What’s amiss is that you weren’t present at your own daughter’s birth,” Elizabeth sighed, teasingly reprimanding her husband.
“My daughter,” he sighed, turning his attention to the baby for the first time. “Our daughter.”
“Would you like to hold her?” Elizabeth asked, but Darcy looked at her with trepidation. “Oh, don’t be silly, you’ve held a baby before, you won’t break her.”
“I know,” he admitted, moving to sit next to her on the bed.
Elizabeth twisted slowly, handing their daughter to Darcy, and she watched as his eyes grew wide with amazement and affection. He seemed to stop breathing as he looked at his soundly sleeping daughter. Seeing them together, Elizabeth thought that the baby had much more of Darcy’s looks then her own, but she didn’t mind that one bit.
“My love, she is positively perfect,” Darcy breathed, barely tearing his eyes away from the baby.
“You’re not disappointed she is a girl?” Elizabeth asked, though she had little anxiety about the matter. Darcy was not the type to cast aside his child just for being a girl.
“Not in the least, she is the best Christmas gift I could have hoped for,” he answered, meeting her eyes. Elizabeth could see that he was already so in love with their child, and her heart swelled.
“She needs a name,” Elizabeth said quietly, resting her head on Darcy’s shoulder, and reaching out to draw a finger lightly across the baby’s soft cheek. “I was thinking Anne, after your mother.”
Darcy wrinkled his nose, ruffling the baby’s hair. His disliked the name Anne, even if it was his mother’s. He associated it more with his cousin and her hateful mother, and he didn’t much want the baby to have that burden.
“Perhaps Jane, after your sister?” he suggested, but Elizabeth shook her head.
They both thought in silence for a few minutes, trying to think of the right name for their beautiful little girl.
“Alice,” Elizabeth said at last, looking fondly at their daughter.
“Alice Anne Darcy,” he replied, smile spreading.
“It’s perfect.”
“You’re perfect.” He pressed a kiss to her temple, and Elizabeth yawned, the exhaustion of the night catching up with her at last. “Rest, my love, I shall stay with Alice.”
Elizabeth adjusted until she was lying down, still snuggled close to Darcy and keeping one hand on her new daughter. As she drifted into sleep, she heard her husband talking softly.
“Hello, my darling Alice, I am very pleased to meet you. I am your papa, and I love you very much, you and your wonderful mama.”
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veneataur · 6 years
Whumptober day 18
Prompt: Hostage
Fandom: Salvation
Title: An Eye for an Eye
A/N: I don’t quite remember where I left on with posting stories, but I do have them in the works. Most of them are half-finished thanks to a really busy and terrible week. I will get them posted as I’m able to finish them, however. This one here isn’t the best and I’m not happy with the ending, but it’s complete. Enjoy.
Darius still isn’t quite sure how he came to be in this predicament. He’d just finished a press conference concerning the new nanotech his company is releasing when he found himself manhandled into a room. It’s been weeks since his last encounter with Bennet supporters and a few months since they’d captured and tortured him. Since then, Harris personally ensured that he had better protection and more than the usual secret service agents than past former presidents. His first thought when being roughly gagged is that it’s them again. They’ve been persistent he knows though much of it has been stopped by the secret service and additional protections he’s placed around Tanz Industries.
He comes to sitting in a chair with Kyle, one of the secret service agents assigned to him, standing in front of him, staring down, arms crossed. The agents aren’t known for their friendly appearances, but the look Kyle has is much sterner than usual.
“Wh… What’s going on,” Darius asks, feeling the muddledness of regaining consciousness.
“Shut up and listen. There’s a bomb strapped to your chest. If you do anything, I don’t have any qualms with setting it off. Now, there are about a hundred or more people out there. And not just reporters. There’s some that you care about out there.” Kyle gestures towards the door. “If that bomb goes off, it’ll take them out too. Tanz Industries will be dust as will everyone inside.”
“What do you want?” Darius hides the growing panic. Grace and Liam were at the press conference and Alycia is working elsewhere in the building. With his disappearance, the numbers have probably increased with law enforcement coming to resolve the situation.
“You’re going to go out there and take responsibility for all of the deaths you’ve caused. And then you’ll take this.” Kyle holds a vial three-quarters full of a milky liquid.
“Let me guess, that’ll kill me?”
“Watch the cheekiness or everyone will die instead of just you.”
“When will you people understand that the decision was out of our hands. Bennet was involved in criminal activities and was the illegal president. Nothing that happened as a result of that was mine or McKenzie’s fault.”
“My family’s dead,” Kyle yells, choking back a sob as he takes a step forward, the trigger for the bomb moving into Darius’ sight. It’s a deadman’s switch.
“I’m sorry. A lot of people died in the last several months as we thought the world was coming to an end.” Darius is capable of being diplomatic, but he wishes Grace were here. She’s much better at forging connections and de-escalating situations.
“I know. I’m not the only one. Half of the reporters out there have lost family and you’re going to pay for what you’ve done.”
“Look, I’m sorry for your loss but this isn’t the way to get your satisfaction.”
“We’ve tried other means and been denied. We won’t let our families have died without retribution. Now, take this and get up and if you try anything, remember they’re all dead.” Kyle hands Darius the vial and pulls him to his feet. Standing, Darius feels lightheaded but keeps his balance. As he’s pushed out of the room, roughly nudged forward he considers how he’s going to get out of this mess.
All too soon he’s on the same stage as before, to the shocked gasps of those in attendance. He hears the snaps of cameras and clamoring of voices as Kyle pushes him to the podium. And then it’s silence as everyone waits for him to speak. Out in the crowd, he spots Grace and Liam. The whole room is held at gunpoint by the agents assigned to Darius for protection. Outside, through the tall windows, he sees the police he expected and he thinks he can spot Harris, but that might be hopeful thinking. He has a photographic memory, not perfect vision.
“Remember what I said,” Kyle whispers to him from where he stands behind Darius. “You have five minutes before I take the decision out of your hands.”
“Look, perhaps we could come to some kind of alternative arrangement. Compensation, perhaps,” Darius speaks lowly, hoping that no one can hear but Kyle.
“You think my wife and kids are worth whatever sum you can offer? You think their families can simply be replaced by money,” Kyle asks, voice loud enough now for everyone to hear.
Darius swallows heavily, looking down at the podium counter for a moment before looking up. He licks his lips as he thinks. Back when the asteroid was coming, he had no problems flying a suicide mission to save the planet but he does now. It’s not that he would so easily sentence so many to die but it’s the situation and lack of guarantee that everyone will be safe after he dies.
“Answer me one question,” Darius says, looking down again. “What promise do I have that you’ll let everyone go after I do this?”
“A risk you’ll have to take, I’m afraid.”
“No, I want a guarantee that my death will save them.”
“You’re not in the position to make demands here. Now, sixty seconds or they all die.”
“You can still walk away from this and I’ll make sure that nothing happens. No charges.”
“Thirty seconds, Mr. Tanz.”
“Fine,” Darius says tersely. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sure that some of you know why you’re already here. Time, unfortunately, is brief, so I’ll make this quick. I have chosen to accept responsibility for the deaths that occurred over the last several months as related to the asteroid. I am very sorry for your losses and only wish that there was more I could do.” Darius is as kind as he can manage in his words, hoping that he can prevent any additional loss of life. He hears gasps and murmurs and camera clicks. He sees the puzzled looks on Grace and Liam.
“Now, take a good, last drink,” Kyle says. Darius looks at the vial in his hands. Early death has always been in his cards but not this early. Still, as he looks out to Grace and Liam, seeing their worried, teary expressions, he thinks that if he can save them and Alycia, then this will be worth it. And so, with a slight smile to Grace, he drains the vial. It’s a bitter taste and he wants to gag but forces himself to keep swallowing. The effect is quick but it doesn’t kill him right off. He collapses first, to the side, his eyes open as he sees the flashes of cameras capturing his last moments. He feels his body seize and pain radiate through as he lays there, unable to move or call out. He hears himself make pitiful moans, noises that sound more animalistic than human. He’d rather see Grace in his final moments, but instead, there’s the face of a young woman, Macie. She’s just out of school, he remembers from reading the reports of the approved reporters. She’d moved across the country for the job, leaving behind her family. And there she stands, crying as she completes her first solo news assignment. Macie is the last person he sees.
Waking up is unexpected and painful. He doesn’t, can’t open his eyes but he does have the sense of movement around him. Someone touches him but it burns and he can’t get away. They hold on tighter and the pain explodes as he fades back into unconsciousness.
How many times he wakes in partial awareness he doesn’t know. But he does have a fuzzy feeling which he attributes to heavy doses of drugs when he finally does wake with some level of greater awareness and no pain.
“Darius,” someone asks.
He mumbles something as he turns his head to try to find the speaker. His vision is fuzzy as he’s losing consciousness again but he thinks that it’s Grace and calls out to her. He feels her soft hand in his as he falls asleep.
They eventually tell him that’s it’s a full week after the incident before he wakes long enough to converse, though his mind remains muddled thanks to the drugs that he’s still on. Without them, he’d be in unbearable pain and plagued with seizures as the drug works its way out of his system. Still, he doesn’t like the fog that’s consumed his mind. It makes talking, thinking difficult and leaves him searching for words or pausing as he processes what’s been said. The others have helped a lot, especially Harris as he still is listed as a proxy for medical decisions. It was something done years ago when his Huntington’s diagnosis was first made and he let Harris know. The two had talked and Darius made him aware of his wishes for his last years.
“When can I get out of here,” he asks. He’s awake for at least a few hours at a time now and has been up on a few occasions, though his balance was off.
“The doctor said a few more days at least. She doesn’t want to send you home so drugged up,” Liam says. Once they saw that he was improving, they moved to a rotating schedule. Liam and Alycia are there most often given the flexibility of their schedules as department heads and CEOs in training.
“I’ll be fine. I just want out of here. Can’t you get Harris to override them?”
“Harris is refusing. You have to stay in here, Darius. You didn’t see what we did. You were lucky the dosages were wrong in that vial.” Liam leans back in his seat as he talks with Darius. The urgency of the past week has thankfully faded as Darius has stabilized and become more alert. It unfortunately also means that he’s itching to get out of the hospital.
“I’m not so sure about that.” Darius vividly recalls the pain.
“Would you rather be dead?”
Darius pauses for a moment as his mind drifts. Then, when he remembers what Liam said, he answers, “No, no, but this isn’t fun either.”
“I expect not, but at least Kyle and the others will have to answer for what they’ve done.”
“No… D…” Darius stumbles for his words. “Not their fault.”
“Not their fault? Darius, they tried to kill you and held that entire room hostage all because their loved ones committed suicide in the face of an asteroid and blamed you for it.”
“They are dis… dis…” Darius shakes his head, growling in frustration. Liam stays quiet, having learned that finishing Darius’ words only serves to aggravate him. “Dis’rauh’.” The word is slurred but Liam understands it.
“It doesn’t excuse their actions. And I know you don’t want to press charges, but it’s out of your hands. You are a former president and what they did was a serious crime.”
Darius sighs. He’s had this argument with Grace and Harris and both told him the same thing. Still, he can’t help but think that if he could just get out of here he’d be able to do something. They’ve kept him from any electronic devices save for the TV.
“You should get some more rest,” Liam says.
“That’s all I do.”
“You’re still recovering, Darius. It’s only been a couple days since you’ve been able to stay awake for more than a few minutes and not much more than that since we figured out how much pain you were in each time you woke up and got it managed. Just rest. Alycia and I have everything in order.”
“I know and I tr… trust you two.”
“But you’re a control freak,” Liam says.
Darius smiles. “Watch it.”
“Darius, rest. Everything is taken care of. Your only job is to, for once, look after your own health. If you’re not going to do it for your own sake, then do it for ours. I don’t think any of us could take seeing you hurting so much again.”
“It was bad, Darius,” Liam interrupts him, concern clear in his voice and face, “and I don’t want to see it again.”
“Alright.” Darius finally gives in. “But I want to get out of here soon.”
“There aren’t any guarantees, Darius. But maybe in a few days if you behave. That means, eat and sleep when you need to. Okay?”
“Can you at least set up the TV so I can watch s… something more in… inter… better than soaps?” Darius can’t hide his frustration.
“Missing your Doctor Who?”
“I’m sure you can set some’ing up.”
“Between me and Alycia, I think we’ll be able to get you your fix. But you have to rest here.”
“It’s a deal.”
“Get some sleep then and I’ll start working with Alycia on what we can do.”
Liam texts with Alycia while watching Darius fall asleep. The man has been fighting sleep for much of the day, forcing himself to stay awake after dozing for an hour here or there. Though he’s recovering, the drugs and damage to his body make him tired and the doctors have warned that without proper rest Darius will face long-term consequences. Even with rest, there’s no guarantee that he won’t have some effects. Getting the man to sleep, though, is difficult. Still, the battle has been won for now and Liam has a promise to fulfill.
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jiminies-ahmee · 6 years
Scenario: Kim Seokjin
Scenario: You caught me off-guard...
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“May I request for office au scenario where Seokjin is a new exec and is put in the same dept as the reader?”
Requested by @charlie-bennet, hope you like it!
Seokjin cleared his throat, adjusting the tie around his neck as he tapped a pen on his desk. He’d been escorted to his pod only a few moments ago, and already he had no idea what to do with himself. Sighing, Seokjin stood up, glancing around the office in hopes of finding someone to help, or something to do.
Honestly if the secretary hadn’t left him here in the first place, he wouldn’t be sitting here bored out of his brains. But Seokjin guessed attending to the business of the corporate’s boss, Mr Choi, was of much more importance than a new marketing manager. Seokjin moved away from the cluster of pods, trying his best not to look so ‘new’, but everything backfired on him when he heard someone call out his name.
“Mr Kim! Ah, what a coincidence, I’m a Kim too.” A tall, blonde haired man brought out his hand to shake as he bowed slightly in Seokjin’s direction. “My name is Kim Namjoon, I’m the director of this department.” Seokjin nodded in understanding as he shook Namjoon’s hand.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Kim Seokjin.”
“It’s great to finally have you on the team. I’ll introduce you at lunch break, it gets a bit hard to round everyone up, but for now, I can show you what we do here.” Namjoon guided Seokjin around the office, the pair walking past a meeting room which was in use. Namjoon stopped by the door which was glass, allowing Seokjin to see inside. And that’s when he first saw you.
“The woman speaking has been working here for a few years now. She’s a good friend of mine, I’m sure the two of you will get on.” As you were speaking to co-workers in the meeting room, you caught sight of Namjoon and who you assumed was the new intern. You looked away quickly, carrying on with your presentation as pair walked away.
Within 15 minutes, Namjoon had explained the business’ purpose and what the department did. And then came Seokjin’s workload. Perhaps he wasn’t cut out for this. He leaned back in his chair, pouting in thought as he looked across him to see you sitting at your desk typing away. He grinned to himself, thinking it’d be a good time to get to know some of his co-workers and give a good impression. He cleared his throat loudly to grab your attention, and you looked over to him with a frown.
Seokjin waved in your direction, flashing a wide smile in greeting. You looked away immediately, a blush creeping on your cheeks as you had no idea what to do. You were the team supervisor of the department and really the only time you ever really spoke to people was to tell them what they needed to be doing. The only person you were close with in the department was Namjoon and even then you’d known each other before working. You shook your head slightly, mentally scolding yourself for being so damn embarrassing.
Seokjin frowned as you turned away, his heart sinking slightly at the thought of a beautiful person such as you turning away from him without hesitation. Seokjin had been known as a friendly figure to all, no matter who they were or how they knew him. He just had that aura, that smile, that face. You reacting to him in a negative way had left him shocked, but Seokjin was never one to give up. And now was certainly not the time. Clearing his throat and adjusting his tie, Seokjin got to his feet, tucking his chair in before making his way over to you.
On his way, a person who seemed to be in quite a rush collided into Seokjin, sheets of paper wafting in the air as the other person yelped. Seokjin rubbed his forehead before looking to the person who’d crashed into him, a look of concern on his face.
“I’m so sorry, the boss wanted me to get these papers to him and I completely forgot. I’m sorry, sir.” The man bowed in apology, immediately crouching on the floor to pick up the papers. Seokjin followed, helping the flustered stranger gather the white sheets.
“Don’t worry about it. Where do you have to take these? I’ll help you.” Seokjin explained, helping the other get to his feet as he did the same.
“A-Are you sure? It’s this way.” The boy moved past Seokjin, towards the entrance of the department Seokjin had walked through less than an hour ago.
You sighed, stretching your arms as you leaned back from your computer. You’d only been at work for three hours or so, but you were already exhausted. Just great.
“Hey, Y/N. We’re going out to lunch with the new marketing manager of the department, care to join?” Namjoon asked, leaning over your pod. God, how was he so tall? You thought to yourself before getting up.
“Is that even a question? I’m starving.” You grinned, grabbing your purse, phone and blazer before following Namjoon out of the building.
“Have you met him yet?” He asked as the both of you walked out into the lobby.
“The marketing manager? No, I haven’t.” You frowned, before looking up to see the same man from before talking to Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook. The pair had only recently joined your department, and it was an understatement to say they were a bit of a handful. But they did what needed to be done at the end of the day and that was all the mattered to you.
“Seokjin, this is who I was talking about before. Y/N, this is Kim Seokjin, our new marketing manager.” Namjoon introduced and you awkwardly shook Seokjin’s hand, the memory of the events that had occurred a few hours ago now fresh in your mind.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N. I’m sure we’ll get on well.” Seokjin greeted politely. All you could do was nod. To top off your embarrassing moment before, he was good-looking. Handsome at that. Black hair falling over his eyes slightly which you were sure were a pretty shade of brown, a bright smile on his face.
“Alright, well, let’s get going.” Namjoon suggested, obviously sensing the tension between yourself and Seokjin, who Namjoon took the lead with in the group, the two tall men walking towards the front. And that left you with the two rascals.
“Y/N, Seokjin is such a cool guy. You know he’s got two sugar gliders as pets?!” Taehyung laughed as Jungkook nodded in agreement.
“Really now? And how did you get to personally meet the marketing manager before I did?” You joked, knowing it was certainly on your part for being so damn awkward.
“I accidentally bumped into him on my way to the boss’ office. So he helped me out.” Taehyung explained. “He tells bad dad jokes though, stay aware of that.” You laughed at that.
You walked sandwiched between Jungkook and Taehyung until your group had reached its usual destination for lunchtime. As the five of you walked in, Seokjin held the door open for you to which you thanked him for. In a quiet, hushed voice.
And it seemed god was not on your side as you found you’d need to sit next to Seokjin in order for all of you to fit at the table. Glancing at Namjoon, you sat in your seat, ordering your usual before Seokjin tapped your shoulder gently.
“I haven’t been here before, but it seems like you have. Do you know what’s good to eat?” Deciding it was time to get out of your shell, you pointed to the meal you’d ordered for yourself.
“I get this one all the time, the place is basically famous for it. But it depends on what you like. Are you more of a seafoodie or?” You tried your best not to laugh at the stunned look on Seokjin’s face. He was probably thinking ‘she speaks’ to himself, and that he was.
“I eat anything if I’m being honest.” Seokjin chuckled.
“Ah, you’re like me then. You should get what I ordered then, it’s really worth it, I swear.” Seokjin agreed without hesitation, watching as you ordered for him.
“I don’t know whether it’s awkward to say this to you or not, but I apologise if I made you uncomfortable before in the office.” Seokjin spoke in a hushed voice, keeping the conversation between the two of you as the others chatted away about the food.
“Oh, god no, that was my fault. I’m the team supervisor so I have to have this persona of a leader and whatnot, so not a lot of people do that to me. I’m rambling, I know. Sorry.” You laughed, shrugging your shoulders, “It just caught me off guard, that’s all.”
Seokjin’s eyes were now opened. As he watched you converse and joke around with Taehyung and Jungkook, he realised you were just as he had imagined you to be. If not, even better. You were kind, had a great sense of humour (maybe even a little better than his, but Seokjin wasn’t about to admit that to himself), you were just a beautiful person. Not simply in looks, but personality and character wise, you made his heart warm in a way he couldn’t explain.
After you’d all eaten your meals, tummies full, Seokjin again opened the door for you to exit first and you thanked him graciously. As you stepped out into the warmth of the spring day, you turned to Seokjin, a bright smile on your face.
“Are you ready to get back to work?” You asked. Seokjin scrunched his nose in disgust, shaking his head enthusiastically.
“I know I only started here, but after all that I can’t bear to go back.” Seokjin chuckled, putting his hands into his pant pockets as he walked alongside you.
“I’ll give you some work to do so you won’t be bored.” You laughed, enjoying the almost offended look on Seokjin’s face.
“Oh, thank you. I’d certainly appreciate that. So very much.”
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Dear Friend - Part 5
Dean x Reader
Summary: Dean meets a girl on a new hunter website and begins an online romance. The only problem is, they don’t know who the other person is. Could their love for one another last only in the confines of the computer screen or will their desire for something more lead them to finally meet?
Warnings: Dean’s kind of mean, but the reader’s kind of mean back. It’s another slow burn. Sorry
A/N: This is part 5 of my “You’ve Got Mail” tribute. I’m really loving this series and everyone’s reactions to it. Thank you to everyone who’s taken the time to read it and a huge thank you to those lovely people who’ve given me feedback in replies/reblogs/asks. You’re all such lovely people.
Once again, a big thank you to @hannahindie for being the beta on this series. Here are some of her thoughts from this chapter: “Ah geeze. Dean. Dean dean dean.” and “Awww baby angel noooooo.” So enjoy! :)
Series Masterlist
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“Well, if you don’t like Y/N Y/L/N, I can tell you right now, you aren’t going to like this girl.”
Dean stopped the little dance he had been doing and turned to his brother in confusion, “Why not?”
“Because it is Y/N Y/L/N.”
Dean took in his younger brother’s words for a moment then bolted up the steps to join him at the window. Inside sat Y/N fiddling nervously with a napkin.
“Well, what are you going to do?” Sam asked.
Dean thought on it for a moment, thinking back to their last encounter. He turned back to Sam, “Nothing.”
“Nothing?” Sam said in confusion. “You’re just gonna let her sit there alone?” His hand stretched out indicating the window.
“Yep,” Dean said as he began to walk back down the steps. “I’m gonna go for a walk around town. See ya later, Sammy.”
All Sam could do was scoff as he watched his brother retreat. He gave one last look at the young hunter waiting at the table, internally debating whether or not to go in himself, but deciding, in the end, to take his own leave.
Dean walked down the sidewalk as he attempted to process what he just learned. HellsBelle25 was Y/N, the annoying girl from the hunt in Galveston. He continued up the street as he thought on how much she clearly hated him. “I hope I never see you again,” she had said. But she was also the woman he had fallen for over the past few months. His head hurt. He stopped in his tracks and turned to look back at the twinkling lights outside the cafe. Part of him screamed to walk back and talk to her while the other part wanted to just continue walking.
Y/N sat at a small table for two facing the door. The bell on the door jingled and she looked up expectantly, her breathing stilled. For a brief moment she thought she saw a familiar face, but it was gone just as quickly. She sighed in disappointment when she saw the two patrons that entered were two elderly ladies in red hats. She was starting to feel foolish. She glanced at her watch – eight fifteen – still no sign of BabyDriver67. Her leg began to bounce involuntarily, and she nervously fiddled with her copy of Pride and Prejudice, making it flush with the edge of the small table. Then she began to fuss with the red carnation. Setting the petal end farthest away from her, pointing towards the door, then turning it and having the petals closest to her, then turning it diagonal across the cover of the book. That seemed to be the best placement, she thought. Maybe now that the arrangement was perfect, he would come.
A man came over and started to take the still empty chair. “Do you mind if I use this?”
Y/N was brought out of her thoughts. “Yes… I mean, no… I mean…” she sighed and looked at the man, “I’m expecting someone, sorry.”
The man gave her a pitying look as if to say “we both know he’s not coming,” but turned to find an unused chair elsewhere.
A little jingle came from the door and Y/N’s heart stopped again as she looked up. Her eyes widened in abject horror as she took in the faded flannel that stood on familiar bowed legs. Dean Winchester.
In quiet panic she tried to figure out how not to be seen. She slouched in her seat for a moment, but that felt too awkward, even for the situation. She started to reach for her book at the edge of the table but didn’t want it to not be seen if BabyDriver67 showed up behind him. Instead she clumsily reached for her menu and held it up high covering her face.
It was a second too late, though. From the other side of the laminated sheet she heard, “Y/N Y/L/N. What a coincidence.” She looked up over the menu to see Dean giving her a lopsided smile. “Mind if I sit down?” he motioned for the empty chair.
“Yes, I do. I’m expecting someone,” she said as she placed the menu down on the table.
He took the seat anyway and noticed the book that was now in front of him. “Pride and Prejudice, huh?” he picked it up to examine it.
“Do you mind?” she grabbed it from his hands and placed it back on the table with the flower resting inside the pages, giving an extra second to make sure the book was flush with the edge of the table like it was before.
“I didn’t know you were a Jane Austen fan. Not that it’s a surprise. I’m sure you’ve read that book hundreds of times. I bet you just love Mr. Darcy and your heart beats wildly every time you read it hoping that he and…” he waved a hand in the air, “what’s-her-name will get together.”
“Would you please leave?” she scanned the front of the café again, worried she’ll miss BabyDriver67. She looked back at him, “Please?”
Dean gave a little frown. “I’ll get up as soon as your friend comes. Is he late?” he looked down at his watch.
Y/N ignored his question, “The heroine of Pride and Prejudice is Elizabeth Bennet, and she’s one of the most complex characters ever written. Not that you would know.”
“As a matter of fact, I’ve read it. Well, parts of it. And seen the movie,” he added after a beat.
“Well, good for you.” She was genuinely surprised at this fact.
“I think you’d discover a lot of things about me if you really knew me,” he gave another lopsided smile.
She leaned in closer to him, “If I really knew you, I know what I would find – instead of a brain, a lore book, instead of a heart, a gun.” It took a moment for the words that came out of her mouth to register in her brain. As soon as they did she sat there in shock. Her mouth fell open and she brought a hand up to cover it.
“What is it?” Dean asked.
“I just had a breakthrough.” She looked back at him, “And I have you to thank for it. For the first time, when confronted with a horrible, insensitive person I actually knew what to say and I said it.”
“I think you have a gift for it. It was a great mixture of poetry and meanness.” He picked a little at the tablecloth.
“Meanness?” she frowned and pointed a finger at him, “Let me tell you –”
“Oh no, don’t misunderstand me,” he held up a hand and interrupted her. “I’m trying to pay you a compliment.” He picked the book and flower back up from where it sat near him.
She tried to grab it from him but he jerked his hands away. “Why are you doing this?”
He brought the flower up to examine it closer and gave a quick sniff. “What’s this? A single, red carnation, tucked between the pages? No doubt something you read in a book. I’m sure one of those books with a lady in a nightgown on the cover about to throw herself from a cliff.”
Y/N held her hand out for the book, “Please give it back to me.” Her voice sounded weak and tired. Dean instead placed the flower in between his nose and mouth like a mustache and gave a little pout. “This is a joke to you, isn’t it? Everything is a joke to you.” She grabbed the carnation and placed it back in the book. “Please leave, I beg of you,” she sighed.
Dean stood up from the table and sat down at the one right behind her. They were back to back now. The little doorbell rang again and Y/N looked up hopefully. A handsome man walked in and stood for a moment – her heart stopped – only to be joined by an equally beautiful woman and a little girl with a teddy bear. Y/N’s heart fell. She felt as though the wind had been knocked from her sails.
“You know what that teddy bear reminds me of?” she heard a bit too close to her ear. “The day we first met.”
She turned to find Dean’s face close to hers. “You mean the day you lied to me?” she gave him a look.
“I didn’t lie to you.”
“Did too. ‘I’m Agent Tyler,’” she said mockingly. “I thought you were so charming.”
“I never lied about it. What was I supposed to say? ‘Hi, I’m a hunter, here looking for a ghost’?”
“’Agent Tyler,’” she mocked again. “I’m sure that’s for Steven Tyler. Wow, you’re so original. I bet you use rock aliases all the time. Plant, Young,” her mind was drawing blanks on other names. “I bet all sorts of women swoon at your charms. Girls with names like Kimberly or Rachel. A whole generation of cocktail waitresses falling for some version of yourself.” Her point was becoming more and more lost as she continued to speak.
Dean stood up from his seat behind her and moved back to the one across from her, “I’m not some lothario.” He gave her a long stare.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” she said quietly.
“And when I said those things at the hotel, I didn’t mean that either.”
“Oh, poor Dean, I feel sorry for you,” she bit back a little too sarcastically.
The bell rang again as an elderly man shuffled in, hunched over a cane. Dean took in the sight and smiled as he turned back to Y/N, “I’m going to take a wild guess and say that this is not him, either.” He took a beat then widened his eyes, “or maybe it is.” Y/N gave him a long look, but he continued. “Who is he, I wonder? Will you be mean to him, too? Will you start out sweet and then suddenly, out of the blue, hit him with that sharp tongue of yours?”
Y/N turned her nose up. “No, I won’t. Because the man who’s coming here tonight is completely unlike you. The man who’s coming here tonight is kind and funny,” she thought about it for a moment as she snuck a glance back at the door, “he has the most wonderful sense of humor.”
“But he’s not here,” Dean waved his arms around him.
Y/N leaned towards him again, “If he’s not here, there’s a reason, because there’s not a cruel bone in his body. I can’t expect you to understand something like that. You’ve nothing but a trunkful of guns,” she whispered the last line so as not to cause mass panic among the other patrons in the café.
Dean tapped his fingers on the table for a moment, studying her face. She was very beautiful, he thought. The mouth those cutting words flowed from was perfectly shaped and delicate. It was the same one he imagined smiling coquettishly at him – ‘You’re bad for business, BabyDriver67.’ But none of his feelings mattered now, he knew that much. He gave two final taps on the table and stood up. “That’s my cue. Good night.” He stole one last glance at her before turning to leave.
As he headed down the steps of the café he fished out his own red carnation from his jacket pocket and looked at it in his hands. It was now crinkled and frail looking, much like he felt. Crestfallen, he pocketed the flower again and continued back to the motel.
Y/N waited for BabyDriver67 until the café had to close. She felt foolish and broken. He must have a good reason, she kept reassuring herself. He was a hunter, after all. Still the thought of being stood up ate away at her. She gave one final sniff of her carnation before dropping it in a nearby trash can.
Back at her motel room, she kicked off her shoes and turned on her computer. As she waited for her favorite site to load, she changed into her pajamas. Much like the theme of the rest of the evening, there was nothing in her inbox. No messages from him, let alone anyone else.
Coincidentally, only six rooms down, Dean was lying in his bed, staring at the ceiling, still fully clothed in that evening’s outfit. Sam was droning on in the background about something, most likely a case, but that did not matter to him right now. His thoughts were, once again, on HellsBelle25, only this time they were also on Y/N. Somehow, in this small world of hunters, the two were one and the same. The woman who he had spent almost the past year falling for was the same one who clearly only saw him as a dumb hunter; a grunt with a gun. He turned over on his side and let sleep finally take him.
I’ve been thinking a lot about you. Last night I went to meet you and you weren’t there. I wish I knew why. I felt so foolish.
And as I waited, someone else showed up, a man who has made my life a misery, and an amazing thing happened – I was able, for the first time in my life, to say the exact thing I wanted to say when I wanted to say it. And of course, afterwards, I felt terrible. Just like you said I would. I was cruel, and I’m never cruel. I mean, I’m sure what I said hardly mattered to this man – I’m just some girl who gets in his way on hunts – but what if it did? No matter what he’s done to me that is no excuse for my behavior.
Anyway, you are my dear friend, so I wanted to talk to you. I hope you have a good reason for not being there last night, but if you don’t, and if we never really connect again, I just want to tell you how much it has meant to me to know you were there.
Dean sat in the bunker library as he read over her message once more. His face felt hot and the room suddenly felt more closed in than it already was. He shut the laptop and walked to the kitchen to get a drink. He mulled over excuses in his head as he gulped down some orange juice directly from the carton. “I was on a hunt…” he muttered to himself. He placed the carton back in the fridge and leaned against the counter. “And there was no signal…” he shrugged. “There was a chupacabra…” he thought for a moment on how stupid he sounded. “Fuck me,” he sighed as he walked back to sit in front of his computer.
Dear friend,
I can’t tell you what happened to me last night, but I beg you from the bottom of my heart to forgive me for what happened. I feel terrible that you found yourself in a situation that caused you additional pain. But I’m absolutely sure that whatever you said last night was provoked, even deserved. And everyone says things they regret when they’re worried or stressed. You were expecting to see someone you trusted but met the enemy instead. It’s my fault.
Someday I’ll explain everything. Meanwhile, I’m still here. Talk to me.
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book-pirate · 7 years
Happy belated Valentine’s Day? Idk man I’m overworked and underpaid, i.e. not paid at all.
Elizabeth paces the bedroom in her apartment, trying to decide what to do. On the one hand, she desperately needs to talk to her best friend. On the other hand, Charlotte will almost certainly be mad at her. She could call Jane, but something tells her that her sister is too busy making up with her boyfriend to be of much use.
She sighs, accepts defeat, and dials Charlotte’s number.
Her best friend picks up with a yawn. “Hello?”
“Char?” Elizabeth flops on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. “I need to talk to you.”
“It better be important,” Charlotte warns. “I have to be up at eight.”
“I promise it is,” Elizabeth assures her. “But first, I need you to promise me you won’t be mad that I haven’t told you this sooner.”
That seems to wake Charlotte up. “What is it?”
Elizabeth launches into the whole story of what’s happened with Darcy, picking up after what had happened once Charlotte agreed to be work with Collins on the Rosings project. She starts with the love declaration Darcy had made at Hunsford University, which earns a gasp from Charlotte, who otherwise doesn’t interrupt, before moving on to the email, and then to seeing him again at the Pemberley Gallery, and meeting his family, and how that interfered with Lydia and the drug scandal, before ending with his appearance with Charles, as the latter came back to apologize to Jane. She’s a little out of breath by the time she ends, but Charlotte doesn’t seem to mind.
There’s silence on the line while Charlotte tries to work through it. Finally, with a sigh, she says, “Well, I want you to know first that I love you very much and you’ll always be my best friend.”
“Thank -” Elizabeth tries to say, but is cut off.
“But! You should have told me. I know I’m stressed out trying to get this program off the ground, and teaching these new classes, but I always have time for you.” Charlotte’s voice is gentle, but still definitely chastising.
“I know, and I’m sorry.” Elizabeth sighs.
“So, what do you want me to give you my input on? It seems like things are back to normal.”
Elizabeth groans in frustration. “But that’s just it! When I visited his gallery, he was so friendly and sweet. I mean, he insisted I meet his sister! Like, to the point where I was a little alarmed about it. But then, when he shows up with Charlie? It’s like I’m not even there!”
Charlotte makes a noise of exasperation. “Yeah, but, you were in a bar, right?”
“I don’t know what that has to do with anything.”
She sighs. “He might not have been comfortable with talking with you in a place like that. Remember how he acts at parties?”
“How could I forget,” Elizabeth grumbles. “Then why come at all, if he’s just going to sit there and be nervous the whole time?”
Charlotte sighs again. “I don’t know, babe. I’m sorry. Maybe he just wanted to make sure you were okay?”
“This is all too confusing. I hate feelings.” Elizabeth frowns at the ceiling. “I’m sorry, I should let you go to bed.”
“It’s fine,” Charlotte says. “I do have to go, though. Talk tomorrow? That way I can try and wrap my head around this a little more.”
Elizabeth sighs. “Good luck with that.”
They don’t get a chance to talk, however, because the next day, as Elizabeth is stacking books in Mrs. Long’s bookstore, she’s accosted by a customer she never expected to see.
“Mrs. De Bourgh!” Elizabeth is shocked to see the dean of Hunsford University standing in the too small aisles of the store. “What are you doing here?”
“I wish to talk to you,” the older woman says stiffly. “I suppose your boss can give you a break.”
“Um,” Elizabeth cranes her neck to look around the store, but Mrs. Long is nowhere to be seen, “sure, I can take fifteen minutes.”
Mrs. De Bourgh nods curtly, and leads Elizabeth out of the store. Thankfully it’s late enough in the afternoon that there’s not too many people in the street. Elizabeth really doesn’t know what Mrs. De Bourgh wants to talk to her about, but, knowing her, it can’t be good.
Once the door has shut behind them, Mrs. De Bough turns to Elizabeth sharply, her cool mask melting into fury. “How dare you date my nephew.”
Elizabeth blinks in surprise. “Excuse me?”
“You, who are so beneath him. He’s destined to become dean at Hunsford, and how can someone who will be one of the richest men in America date someone of your social standing? I know how much debt you’re in, Miss Bennet, and I’ve come to the conclusion that you’re after my nephew for his money. What do you have to say?” Elizabeth can feel her blood pressure rising. “Excuse me? My life is none of your business.”
Mrs. De Bourgh turns red, and Elizabeth has a distant sense of victory. “You insolent girl. How dare you think that you are my equal? Especially after everything that’s happened with your family lately. I need you to promise me that you will break up with my nephew.”
“I absolutely refuse.” Elizabeth has a sense of calm wash over her. She knows that Darcy will probably never speak to her again, and if his aunt talks to him about this conversation, he’ll likely brush off her answer as something she said to spite the old bat. He knows her that well, at least.
“You’d think that with the recent outing of your druggie sister you’d be a little more aware of your situation in life!” Mrs. De Bourgh says with a sneer. “You have no money, no connections, and enough shame in your family to last you a lifetime.”
That snaps Elizabeth into action. Without thinking, her fist swings out and lands squarely on Mrs. De Bourgh’s nose. The woman shrieks as blood spurts out of her nose. She staggers back and lands on her ass. Elizabeth has never felt so satisfied, even though her knuckles have cracked open and hurt like hell. It was a strong punch.
Unfortunately, she hadn’t tried to assess her surroundings before throwing the punch, so it’s a complete surprise when she’s approached by two police officers, hands steady above their guns. “Is everything okay, ma’am?”
“No! This young woman has assaulted me! I demand you arrest her!” Mrs. De Bourgh shrieks, voice thick and blood still pouring out of her nose.
Before she knows it, Elizabeth is thrown in the back of a police car and taken to the station for booking and processing. After having her things taken away, and making her one phone call to Jane, who doesn’t pick up, she’s dumped into the holding area. She spends the whole ordeal in shock, and sits down heavily on the bench in the room. After about fifteen minutes of panic, she forces herself to calm down.
At least the jail doesn’t seem too crowded, she supposes. It is just her in the cell, after all, so she can lean back and throw an arm over her eyes, and maybe try and get some sleep, since she is exhausted after everything. Besides, she realizes with a sudden clarity, there’s no use in sitting up and worrying about what’ll happen, not when it’s not likely Catherine will drop the charges, or that when the bail is set she’ll even be able to afford it. Honestly, even though her life may be ruined, she still doesn’t regret the punch.
The bruising and bleeding of her knuckles, maybe, but not the punch.
She’s able to doze off for what she guesses is ten minutes, but doesn’t actually know for sure, since there’s no clock and she’s not wearing a watch, before the cell door is being swung open. One of the guards is standing there, looking bored. “Miss Bennet?”
Elizabeth sits up, and rubs at her neck. “Yeah?”
“You’re free to go. You can collect your things at the front desk.” The guard ushers her out.
She feels like she should be demanding answers, like Why the fuck am I being let out, or Did that old bitch drop the totally justifiable charges or what, but the guard looks so apathetic to everything that she figures she shouldn’t question whatever fluke has her out.
Well, until she sees the answer to all of her problems standing at the front desk, hands in his pockets, looking at the ground. She stops walking, completely shocked. “Will.”
Darcy looks up at her, and manages a wry smile. It doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Hey.”
Suddenly, she’s furious with him. “What did you do? How much did you pay to get me out?” She looks at the officer standing behind the desk. “How much of my bail did he cover?”
The officer looks a little taken aback, but Darcy saves her from answering. “Nothing!” He raises his hands in a peacekeeping gesture. “Aunt Catherine dropped the charges. I ah,” he runs a hand through his hair, “I thought you might want a ride back, but I can call you a cab if you’d rather.”
Just as suddenly as she angered, she deflates. “No, sorry, it’s just been a,” she pauses, thinks for the right word, “a long day.”
His lips quirk up. “So I’ve heard.”
She bites her lip and tries hard not to look at him as she signs her things out, and whatever other paperwork they ask her to. It’s hard to function when her brain is in a state of ?????, so the finer details of what exactly she’s signing slip her mind.
They’re both quiet on the way to the car, and it’s not until Darcy has pulled out of the parking lot that he speaks. “Is your hand okay?”
“What?” She looks at her hand in confusion, until she’s realized the knuckles on her right hand are still caked with dried blood and bruises. “Oh. It looks worse than it feels.”
“It should still be looked at.” He glances over at her. “I can take you to a hospital, if you want.”
She has to fight to suppress a snort. “Will, it’s really fine. I’ll just wash it off when we get back.” She closes her eyes and presses her head against the seat. “Thanks.”
He sounds confused as he asks, “For what?”
She forces herself to open her eyes and look at him. “For getting your aunt to drop the charges. For coming to get me. For Lydia. Fuck, you probably got Jane and Charlie back together, too, didn’t you?”
He turns bright red, and pulls off to the side of the road. After he turns off the engine, he turns to look at her. “Lizzie, you don’t have to thank me for that.”
She sits up straighter. “Of course I do! You think my family could afford Lydia’s rehab treatment? Or my bail?”
“That’s not why I did it.” He looks at the steering wheel, runs his fingers through his hair in agitation. “I didn’t even want you to find out.”
She looks down into her lap, idly rubbing at a dried spot of blood on her jeans. “I know, I had to bribe my aunt to even find out about it. But why?”
He sighs. “Because I did it for you, and I didn’t want to make you feel guilty about it. I just want you to be happy, Lizzie.” He shuts his eyes and rests his forehead on the steering wheel. “This is probably a bad time, but I still love you. I’m sorry if this makes things awkward.”
She went from thinking he hated her guts to knowing he loves her so fast tears started spilling out of her eyes before she could stop them. “You’re such an idiot,” she tells him, fondly, as she tries to wipe the tears off her face.
He winces, and sits up to stick the key in the ignition. “I know, and I won’t bother you again, I promise.”
She laughs, feeling truly happy for the first time in a long time. Possibly since Pemberley. She stops him from turning the key, laying a hand on his forearm, squeezing gently. “Will.”
He looks at her, with something like hope behind his eyes. His eyes widen as he takes in her smile, and opens his mouth to say something, before she leans forward and presses her lips to his.
It’s a little salty, because of her tears, but he kisses back so firmly that she doesn't care. It’s easy to get lost in the sensation of being kissed by someone who does it like they want to do nothing else, like Darcy does. She wraps her arms around his neck so when they break for air he doesn’t go far, though he does pull back a little to look at her.
He frowns as he wipes away the remaining tears with his thumbs. “I’m sorry you cried.”
She smiles up at him. “I don’t care. I love you, too.”
His face is so full of joy she regrets not telling him sooner. He wraps his arms around her waist as he kisses her, biting at her lip in a way that has her moaning. The effect of it is a little ruined, however, by the gear shift poking her in the leg. With a hiss, she pulls back.
He looks down confused, before laughing. “I’d forgotten. We’re in a car.”
“Another thing I don’t care about,” she informs him, reaching to kiss him again.
He keeps it short, however, unwinding her arms to take one of her hands in his. “I should get you back. Your family is probably worried.”
She doesn’t particularly care, but she is tired, so it’s probably better she gets to bed sooner rather than later. “If you insist.”
Her family is worried, which Elizabeth had hoped wouldn’t happen. But apparently Jane had freaked out when she had received Elizabeth’s message, and told everyone, including Charles, who had in turn told Darcy. After about an hour of bandaging her hand, recounting her story, and assuring her family, minus Kitty and Mary, who are still at school, everything will, in fact, be okay, she begs to be excused. Her mother’s hysterics are grating on her nerves, coming on full force since neither Mary nor Kitty are there to distract her, and Jane is too busy worrying herself. 
“Well, Lizzie, I suppose it’s a small blessing Lydia is still at the center, so you can have her room tonight,” her father tells her.
She can already feel a headache forming. “I’d rather go back to my apartment, honestly.”
He frowns. “If you insist. Maybe Jane can drive you.”
Darcy, who has been quiet up until this point, interrupts, “Elizabeth’s apartment is on my way home.”
Everyone looks at him in astonishment. She suspects they had all forgotten he was there, except for maybe Jane, who has been looking at him with equal parts suspicion and surprise. Elizabeth thinks she may have to put up a fight to leave with him, but thankfully her mother has still not given up on her gold-digging ways.
“Oh, no, of course William should take Lizzie home! Jane’s apartment is in the opposite direction, so if he’s heading that direction anyway, it’ll make things easier.” She gives him a smile that’s bordering on simpering.
He looks a little taken aback, which is understandable, since the last time they were in a room together, she had been cold and rude. Elizabeth supposes that Lydia’s very public drug addiction has probably made her rethink pushing away one of America’s most eligible bachelors.
“Well,” Jane says slowly, “if Lizzie doesn’t mind.”
“I don’t,” Elizabeth clears her throat, “I don’t mind.”
Jane looks at her a little strangely, but doesn’t say anything about it. Instead, she hugs Elizabeth tightly, pressing a kiss to her temple before pulling away. “I’ll come over tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay.” Elizabeth gives what she hopes is a reassuring smile, before pressing a kiss to her mother’s cheek, and giving her father a hug. “I’ll call you both tomorrow. Love you.”
Darcy gives his goodbyes much more quickly and quietly, leading her out to the car without speaking. He does, however, take her hand after she gets in, giving her a wry grin. “I actually don’t know where your apartment is.”
She bursts into laughter, plugging her address into the GPS so she doesn’t have to pay attention to the road. “So you don’t even know if it’s on your way?”
“I don’t really care, if I’m being honest. I wanted to spend more time with you.” He brings her hand to his lips for a kiss.
“Well, I was thinking that, if you wanted, you could spend the night,” she confesses. “I don’t know if the car ride will be enough time, since I still can’t believe you still love me, after everything I’ve done.”
He squeezes her hand. “Please, don’t think about it. I love you very much, and anything you've done to me in the past is nothing less than what I deserved. I can’t think about Hunsford without wanting to go back in time and slap myself.”
“You shouldn’t,” she says, sitting up to look at him more properly. “I’m so ashamed of the things I said back then.”
He glances over at her. “Let’s not talk about it right now, okay? We’ll be at your place soon, we can talk about it then.”
She closes her eyes and leans back in her seat, humming in agreement. His hand in hers in a comforting warmth, and she drifts off for the rest the half-hour car ride. It’s a dreamless sleep, and she’s a little disoriented when his touch on her face wakes her up. “Elizabeth, we’re here.”
She smiles slowly, stretching her arms out and around him, pulling him in for a gentle kiss. “Hello.”
He chuckles. “Hi. Ready to go inside?”
“Sure.” She finds his hand again as they enter the elevator, and leans against him as it climbs towards her floor.
“You’re going to fall asleep on me as soon as we get inside, aren’t you?” Darcy asks her, warmth in his voice.
She tries to cover a yawn, but is largely unsuccessful. “Probably. Sorry, I know we should talk.”
“It’ll keep.” He presses a kiss to the top of her head. “I’m not going anywhere.”
The first thing Elizabeth is aware of upon waking up is the warmth at her back. It takes a second for the previous day’s events to come rushing back to her, the stiffness in her hand helping. She turns over with a groan, pushing her hair out of her face so she can look at Darcy properly. He loses five years in his sleep like this, the lines that mark his face, brought on by worry and stress, disappearing and smoothing out.
She traces a finger over his cheekbones and nose as lightly as she can. A part of her still can’t believe that, after everything, she gets this.
Even though she’s being as gentle as possible, he still wakes, almost as slowly as she had, letting his eyes adjust to the light in the room before really focusing on her. She smiles. “Hi.”
His voice is rough and deep with sleep. “Good morning.” His eyes search her face. “Did you sleep okay?”
“Better than I have in a long time,” she confirms. “You?”
“I think your bed is much more comfortable than mine,” he murmurs, resting his arm on top of her side, pulling her closer. “I feel like I can just fall asleep again.”
She hums and tucks her head underneath his chin. “You can, but I have to call my parents, and see what time Jane is coming over. Oh, and I should call Charlotte. She’s probably worried.”
Darcy pushes her on to her back, leaning over her. “No rest for the wicked?”
“Something like that.” She snorts. “Sorry I punched your aunt.”
He laughs, leaning back on his side. “Oh, no, that was brilliant. Trust me, you’re going to get a thank you card from Richard for it. I’m sorry she was so terrible you had to punch her.”
“I forgive her. I got to see you because of it, and I didn’t know when I was going to see you again.” She finds his hand on her stomach and intertwines their fingers. “I was sure you didn’t want to see me, after what happened with Lydia and Wickham.”
He looks confused. “But I came with Charles specifically to see you.”
She laughs, a little incredulously. “Are you serious? But you didn’t speak to me one bit that night!”
“I was nervous, and I didn’t know what you thought of me.” He blushes. “When you left Pemberley, I was sure you were at least a little fond of me, but the more time that went on, the less sure I was of it.”
She releases his hand to cup behind his head and bring his lips to hers. “Is this sure enough for you?”
He groans, shifting so he’s over her properly. “I don’t know, I might need a few more reminders.”
They lose themselves in the kisses, the gentle and soft caresses eventually deepening until Elizabeth feels like she’s going to combust. She manages to get her top off and Darcy’s hands on her, and is reaching for his pants when her phone begins ringing.
He groans and drops his forehead to her shoulder as she picks it up and swipes right to accept the call. “Hello?”
“Lizzie! I didn’t hear from you yesterday. Are you okay?” Charlotte demands over the phone. Darcy shifts so he’s laying next to her again.
“I’m fine,” Elizabeth assures her. “I, ah, well, Char, yesterday was really, really weird. It’s a long story.”
Darcy snorts, causing Charlotte to go, “Who’s that? Lizzie, what happened?”
“Long story short, Darcy and I figured things out.” Elizabeth braces herself for her friends reaction.
She is not disappointed when Charlotte screams, “What? Oh my God, did I wake you guys up? Oh my God, babe, get laid. I’ll call you tonight.”
“Charlotte!” Elizabeth tries to scold her, but Charlotte hangs up without leaving her any room to even say goodbye.
She huffs and sets the phone down. Darcy looks over, laughter behind his eyes. “So, I take it she’s happy?”
“You could say that.” She huffs, before turning to face him. “So, where were we?”
He smiles, and reaches over her to grab her phone. “I think you were going to call your parents, and Jane.” He hands it out to her with a flourish.
“I’m half naked, you realize,” Elizabeth says flatly, refusing to take the phone.
He presses a kiss to her nose before taking her hand and placing the phone in it. “I am more than aware. I just don’t want to be interrupted again.”
“Always the responsible one,” she grumbles. “Fine.” He moves to get out of bed, but she grasps his wrist lightly before he can leave. “Hey, did you still want to talk?”
He smooths a hand over her hair. “I just wanted to make sure we’re on the same page.”
She considers him. “Well, I love you, and I want to be with you.” She leans up to press a chaste kiss to his lips. “And I’m sorry for how I’ve treated you.”
He sighs. “This is why I wanted to talk to you. I learned from you, and how you treated me. You shouldn’t be sorry. I’m sorry for being such an ass.”
“Maybe we should just make a promise to not look back on the past unless it’s with amusement,” she says, flopping back down on the pillow. “We’re both different people now.”
He gives her a wry smile. “We might as well try. Now, call your parents.”
She sighs, finally unlocks her phone to find the contact information, and hits it. She has no idea what she’ll end up saying, but she’ll make it up as she goes along. It’s worked out so far.
“And you’re sure you're happy, Lizzie? This isn’t just some misplaced gratitude?” Jane asks, once they’re finally alone as Charles and Darcy go and get drinks at the bar.
Elizabeth sighs, leaning against her arm as she hunches over the table they’re sitting at. “Are there any other problems you have, besides thinking that I don’t really love him?”
Jane seems taken aback by this question. “No, of course not. He’s Charlie’s best friend, and a good man. You’ve just always seemed to hate him.”
“I don’t,” Elizabeth says, being as serious as she can. “I haven’t hated him for a long time.” She sighs, and looks back over to where the men are waiting for the bartender. Darcy’s back is to her, but, as if he can feel her looking at him, he turns and meets her eyes. She smiles at him, before looking back to Jane. “I really do love him, Jane. I promise.”
Jane studies her face, before sitting back in her seat. “There’s more to this story, isn’t there?”
“More than you know,” Elizabeth admits. “It’s a long one that I’d rather not tell right now.”
“You have to tell me later, but,” Jane smiles, “I believe you.”
Elizabeth returns the smile, and reaches across the table to squeeze her sister’s hand, who squeezes back, before bursting into laughter. Elizabeth is slightly taken aback. “What the hell?”
Jane shakes her head, and laughs for a few moments longer, before being able to tell her sister, “I just thought, you’ll be the one who has to tell Mom and Dad.”
“Oh God.” Elizabeth lets her forehead drop to the table.
She can hear Charles asks, as he approaches the table, “What’s wrong?”
“Just a joke between sisters,” Jane answers, laughter still evident in her voice.
Elizabeth picks her head up and glares at her sister, before turning to the drink Darcy is sliding towards her. “Rum and coke?”
“It is what you asked for.” He quirks an eyebrow up at her. “Is everything okay?”
She leans into his side. “Yeah, it’s perfect.”
He wraps his free arm around her and presses a kiss to the top of her head. Warmth spreads through her body, and, even though the thought of explaining to her parents the fact that she’s dating Will Darcy is terrifying, she’s still really not that worried.
He’ll be there, and that’s all that matters.
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sunshinemiranda · 7 years
First Impressions - Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader (Chapter II)
Summary: Jasmine is invited to Netherfield, but becomes ill. You go to stay and take care of her, resulting in some oddly civil interactions with Mr. Miranda and some, not so civil ones. 
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 2,434 (I KNOW)
A/N: Here it is, the second part to the Pride and Prejudice AU! Since this is a changed up version, this series won’t follow the original storyline exactly but it is inspired by Austen’s novel. Anyway, I hope you like it! (By the way, I do take requests! Don’t be shy!)
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After a night full of excitement, you had thought that the following morning would be deliciously lazy, and slow. To say so now would be laughably ridiculous. Breakfast had only just landed on the table and already Mandy was banging out chords on the piano, your mother had cracked a raw egg for her “slight hangover”, and Lexi had talked so endlessly about the ball that you were surprised she had any breath left at all. The room was filled with a hundred conversations at once.
“I want my bun toasted!”
“Papa, is there something other than syrup for the gruel? It makes it runny.”
“Runny is hardly a problem big enough for our help to run to find you some brown sugar, Sasha.”
“Daisy! Come here, girl! For the last time, stop chasing the cat!”
“A letter, ma’am, for Miss Jasmine Bennet from Netherfield Hall.”
The entire table froze at that. As daughters, your first and foremost goal in life was to marry, and to someone rich too. The notion of Jasmine being sent a request from the Ramos’ sent a thrill of excitement and shock through the whole family, but you were not surprised. You had seen the way Anthony looked at her, and it matched the way Jas gazed at him. It was a rich marriage, yes, but one that included two people who, fortunately, liked each other very much. Carrie, the maid, had a letter in one, outstretched hand.
“Goodness, I need to retrieve my old wedding dress and get it fitted for you, Jasmine, my dear.” Your mother breathed.
A chuckle at your mother’s ridiculousness ran through the children.
“Blossom, one can always count on you to assume the extreme.” Your father remarked drily and you laughed when your mother emitted an offended gasp.
“Go on, Jas!” Lexi was practically trembling with excitement. “Open it!”
And so she did. Her brown eyes skimmed over the page, alight with excitement. The Bennet family held its breath.
“Caroline Ramos has asked me to dine with her.” Jas murmured, a blush encroaching on her cheeks at the very mention of the last name.
Lexi squealed, grabbing onto Sasha’s hand. One could always count on her to assume the extreme, too. She was, after all, her mother’s daughter, and Mrs. Bennet’s favourite of all her children.
“Anthony will be dining out.” Jas’ brow pulled together immediately.
Your mother made a sound of indignation and snatched the letter from Jasmine’s hand immediately, reading it quickly with the fire of scandal.
“Dining out? Well, I never!”
“Mama, may I take the carriage? The walk is too far.”
“Dining out indeed. And how dare she-“
“Mama.” You interrupted, taking charge. “Carriage. For Jasmine.”
Your mother huffed, then glanced out the window, where sheets of rain were falling from the sky, a sky that was covered in grey cloud and not a patch of sunlight. To walk to Netherfield in that weather would be treacherous.
“No, no. She’ll go on horseback.”
“There is no need to worry, I am in such wonderful, caring hands here,” you read out from Jasmine’s letter. It had reached Longbourn a half hour after her leaving for Netherfield. “My symptoms are only a fever, sore throat, and cough.” You stared at your mother in disbelief.
“Mama, this is ridiculous! How could you send her on horseback? She’s caught her death out there.” You clutched the letter as you stood, pacing the small kitchen.
“Yes, precisely as I planned.” Your mother chuckled. “She’ll have to stay the night. After tomorrow, he’ll be half in love with her already!”
The sheer audacity of saying such a thing hit you hard, and your mouth fell open, quite unattractively. This was your mother’s daughter in question, sick in bed in the bed of some acquaintances. Did her compassion really fall short for her lust for finding suitably rich men to willingly give her daughters to? Your resolve steeled with every thought and you turned to face your mother abruptly. 
“That’s it. I must go to her.”
“But Papa has the carriage!” Lexi called as you stepped to retrieve your coat.
“I’ll walk.” You nodded, voice determined enough to stop you from questioning the incredible distance you would have to travel.
“Poor Jasmine. She’ll die prematurely, without knowing that her lovely Mr. Ramos planned to propose to her, this very day! How very sad.” Lexi sighed.
“And romantic.” Sasha added.
“Nonsense, girls.” Your mother chastised. “There is no such thing as dying from a cold.”
“Ah, yes.” You agreed, pulling your coat on. “But death by embarrassment of having such a mother is completely possible.”
The weather had cleared by the time you left for Netherfield, and the sky was peacefully blue. A slight breeze ruffled your skirts, and the mud on the road covered your petticoats, but you paid no mind. The walk, though long, was invigorating and pleasant. You had been needing a while to your own thoughts for a while, and this would be a perfect opportunity if the thought of Jasmine’s wellbeing didn’t weigh on your mind so heavily.
Upon arriving to Netherfield, the butler showed you into a grandly decorated room, and you saw Caroline Ramos, and Lin-Manuel Miranda sitting for a meal; two people you had hoped to avoid for as long as possible.
“Ms. (Y/N) Bennet, sir and ma’am.” The butler bowed, and stepped out.
Caroline lifted a cryptic brow at your dirtied skirts. “Miss Bennet, what a…pleasure. Did you walk here?”
Intent not to rise to her obvious displeasure, you smiled mildly and replied with a civil, “Yes.”
A silence passed through the room and you found that same pair of intelligent brown eyes trained on you. The familiar spark of annoyance that flared to life in your chest when you looked at such a man as Mr. Miranda appeared again, and you stood a little straighter, tilting your chin up, keeping your dignity no matter what.
“I’d like to see my sister, please.”
Before Caroline could possibly comment something else about the dirt on your hems, Mr. Miranda had risen from his seat.
“I will show you to her.” He walked purposefully toward the door to pull it open, gesturing with a hand to let you through first. A little shocked at his offer, you quickly curtsied and walked into the hallway. He fell into step beside you.
You had expected an even worse silence than the ones at the Goldsberry ball, but instead he turned to you with an interest in his voice; or at least, a very good pretense of interest.
“And how is your family, Miss Bennet?” His voice was soft and nothing like the clipped tones you had heard from him before.
“They’re well; but for their worry for Jasmine.” You replied, all civility. You hadn’t meant to sound quite so cold but you were wary that his own coldness and disregard would soon return.
“She is welcome here, on behalf of Anthony and I, as well as Caroline.” He bowed, directing a hand toward a bedroom door. “Stay here as long as you please. If you feel the need to stay overnight, there are many available rooms.”
You turned to thank him, but his long strides had him walking back down the hall before you could even open your mouth. A little shaken and in a whirlwind of thoughts about the moment shared, you pushed through the door to ground yourself with the sight of your sister.
She was covered in a mound of quilts, curly hair spread out on the white pillow. Her face lit up at the sight of you and she moved to speak a greeting but was attacked with a fit of coughing instead. You rushed to sit next to her, handing her the glass of water resting on the bedside table.
“Oh, Jas. I am so sorry our mother has condemned you to this.” You sighed, reaching to lay a hand on her arm.
She smiled weakly, lying back with a sigh. “It is no inconvenience at all. They are being so kind to me.”
As if on cue, a familiar head of curly hair and a pair of green eyes peeked into the room, carrying a tray of tea.
“Hello,” Mr. Ramos spoke sheepishly. “I thought some tea might help. And I am so happy you’re here, Miss Bennet. I’ve been trying my best, but I’m sure you know a thing or two about recovery, which is more than I do.” He chuckled good-naturedly, setting the teacup down on the table.
“Not at all, Mr. Ramos. I have complete faith in you.” You smiled and he returned it, going to leave.
“Thank you, Anthony.” Jasmine murmured, and he blushed a bright pink.
“Of course, of course. It’s a pleasure to have you here. Not that I take pleasure in your being ill!” His words increased speed as he noticed his mistake. “No, not at all. Your presence is simply…enjoyable, is that the word? Ah, um, I will take my leave. Again, it is nice to see you, Miss Bennet.”
With that flustered ordeal, he left the room as quick as possible and you burst into a fit of giggles, as did Jas.
“Anthony?” You questioned, raising a brow.
Jasmine flushed and gave a shrug, turning her head to look at the tea next to her fondly. You responded only with a laugh, and stood, murmuring to her to sleep and left a kiss on her forehead before exiting the room.
You were struck with the utterly alien location as soon as you closed the door. This was not your home, and there was not a chance you would leave before Jasmine was strong enough to travel back home. Your only option was to wander the halls. Sounds of teacups and conversation wafted from an open doorway and you leaned in to see the Ramos siblings having tea, and a sullen Mr. Miranda reading a book in the corner.
“Miss Bennet!” Anthony smiled, standing. Bless him, you thought. He was truly the only good person here. “Come, please do join us for tea.”
You thanked him, smiling and went to sit, a maid pouring you a cup and setting a plate of biscuits down in front of you.
“Is your sister feeling any better?” Anthony inquired, frowning with concern.
“Yes, she is. Rest and nutrition is all she needs to heal. Thank you again for letting us stay here.” You replied.
“Believe me, you are both welcome when you feel the slightest bit ill.” He grinned.
“Yes,” Caroline interrupted with a cold smile. “I do adore your sister’s presence so.”
Fighting the urge to scoff, you simply nodded. Comfortable silence fell for the first time, and you turned your gaze to the quiet man in the corner. His gaze flickered over his book to meet yours and you hurriedly looked away, cursing yourself and blushing badly. Trying to forget the shock of his eyes on yours, you stood and stepped over to the shelves of books lining the parlour. His eyes were still trained on you.
“Are you looking for something specific, Miss Bennet?” He murmured, not bothering to close his book.
“No.” You replied truthfully. “But I couldn’t help but notice all the Shakespeare on these shelves. Mr. Ramos, I had no idea you had a love for the bard.” You grinned, turning to Anthony.
“Alas, those do not belong to me!” Mr. Ramos smiled. “They’re Miranda’s. He is intent on bringing his plays with him everywhere, whether that’s here at Netherfield or at his home of Pemberly. Isn’t that right, Lin?”
Shifting uncomfortably at the sudden attention, Mr. Miranda nodded wordlessly. 
“Oh, dear.” You laughed lightly. “I cannot tease him about that. I’m afraid I have quite the soft spot for him as well.”
Mr. Miranda’s eyes shot to you as you trailed your finger over the selection of books, and he lowered his own volume to leave it on the table beside him.
“I must admit that is surprising.” He said.
All of a sudden offended, you turned, glare cold. “Why do you say so, Mr. Miranda?” This was all said with an unfeeling civility.
“I do not know many…members of your sex who have a taste for his works.” He spoke carefully.
Your flare of annoyance was back and burning brighter. “Then you must not know many women, Mr. Miranda. We are all quite well read and satisfied with our abilities to have such taste.”
Anthony laughed at that, and you felt a triumphant feeling ring through your body, before you excused yourself with the idea in min to visit Jas again.
Your stay at Netherfield lasted two more nights and for both of those days, Mr. Miranda avoided conversation with you as if you were a plague. To say this bothered you would say that you particularly enjoyed speaking with the man, which was completely untrue. It was simply the painfully awkward silences that got on your nerves. He could deign to say good morning at least once, right?
However, there was no need for that. Jasmine was finally feeling better and Lexi, Sasha, Mandy and your mother came in the carriage to pick the both of you up. Outside, Anthony helped Jasmine into the carriage and you saw the way they blushed at each other. Perhaps your mother was right in thinking a wedding was near. After thanking Caroline mildly for her “hospitality”, you reached to step into the carriage and a hand took hold of yours to help you in. Shocked at the sudden contact, you turned to see Mr. Miranda standing at your side. As you sat, he nodded curtly and turned, his long strides leading him to disappear into Netherfield Hall in a second. You shook off your thoughts, but not before your mind managed to over-analyze everything to the point of breaking.
Not even four days had passed back home at Longbourn before Jasmine received another letter from Caroline Ramos. She turned an unhealthy pale as her eyes read through words of script.
“Jas?” You asked, alarmed. “What’s wrong?”
She handed the letter to you mutely and excused herself with a word, retreating to the room you shared. Quickly, you unfolded the letter and read as fast as your eyes would allow it.
The Ramos’ would be leaving Netherfield the next morning. False hope had snatched your sister’s heart under the name of Anthony. You had found a new disdain for Caroline Ramos and yet another trait to abhor in a man such as Lin-Manuel Miranda.
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