#The Best Anti Scratch Cat Spray
barkoutloudseo · 2 months
Prevent parasites with Bark Out Loud: The perfect anti-tick and flea solution
Warmer weather brings our pets a good chance of tick and flea infestations. As good pet parents, it’s important to know how to prevent parasites. This article will show you the threat posed by common springtime bugs among dogs and cats while focusing on the effectiveness of the anti-tick and flea spot-on for dogs by Bark Out Loud.
The threat of springtime parasites
These are minute jumping insects that can cause uneasiness to your animal forcing them to scratch excessively causing bald patches on the skin or even risk of infections. They also transmit tapeworms and put both your lives in danger. These blood-sucking pests attack your pets from outside feeding on their blood, while transmitting diseases like Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, babesiosis or Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Spread through mosquito bites; heartworm is a fatal parasitic infection affecting the heart & lungs. It must be caught early enough for immediate treatment. These risks are not worth taking when it comes to your pet.
Here are a few signs you should look out for, so you can take immediate action in treating ticks and fleas.
Excessive itching and biting is a common reaction to fleas and ticks causing irritation.
Careful and routine inspection of your pet’s fur, especially around ears, neck, and base of tail for any fleas or ticks can go a long way in preventing them from spreading.
A patch on your dog’s coat with sudden fur loss indicates the infestation by fleas or ticks.
Pale gums or lethargy may mean anemia resulting from severe flea attacks or tick-borne diseases.
Coughing or difficulty breathing can be a symptom of heartworm infection.
If you see such signs consult your vet urgently. Early identification, as well as vet-approved treatment, is important as this would avoid future health problems that could become severe.
Proactive parasite prevention with Barkoutloud's spot-on treatment
Barkoutloud's anti-tick and flea spot-on for dogs is the best flea treatment for dogs & cats. This topical medicine is applied directly to your pet's skin and offers long-term protection.
The active ingredients kill adult fleas and ticks within 24 hours of application, preventing them from laying eggs and multiplying.
The formula continues to kill fleas hatching from eggs for up to 8 weeks on dogs and 12 weeks on cats.
Barkoutloud's spot-on for dogs protects them against heartworm infection for a full month.
You might see many options for anti-tick and flea spot-on or spray, but Barkoutloud offers a formula made you protect your pets without any side effects.
It protects against fleas, ticks, and heartworms in one convenient application.
The applicator allows for mess-free application at home.
Provides continuous protection for weeks, depending on the formula chosen.
Available in separate formulas specifically designed for both dogs and cats.
Understanding the risks presented by springtime pests and using treatment measures like Barkoutloud’s spot-on treatment, will guarantee your pet’s comfort. Especially in the springtime, when pets are an easy target for parasites, an easy-to-use solution will come in handy. To prevent this menace of fleas ticks and heartworms, relying on what you understood from us, will help you keep them away from your pets.
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topreviewin · 9 months
[content-egg-block template=top_listing] Are you⁢ trying to ⁣find the best dog no chew spray to keep your furry pal from⁣ destructive habits? Looking no ​further—we've compiled a‍ list of⁣ the‌ 3 top-rated no chew sprays ⁣to help you keep your pup safe and your furniture in one piece! ⁤From Grannick's Bitter Apple for Dogs Spray Bottle to​ Arm& Hammer ​for Pets Itch Relief Spray for⁢ Dogs to Jungle Pet Dog No Chew Spray, we guarantee that you'll find the perfect ‍spray for your pup!Table ‍of ContentsGrannick's Bitter Apple ​for Dogs Spray Bottle, 16 Ounces, Golds⁤ & Yellows (1116AT)Arm ⁢& Hammer for Pets Itch Relief⁢ Spray for Dogs with⁣ Arm & Hammer Baking Soda, Chamomile and Peppermint Scent, 8oz | Professional⁢ Quality Dog⁤ Itch Spray, Free of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate & ParabensJungle Pet Dog No ⁣Chew Spray for‍ Dogs & ⁤Cats- Bitter Spray for Furniture, Plants, Hot Spots Anti​ Chew⁤ Spray - Dog Spray to​ Prevent ⁣Chewing on Surfaces - Cat Dog Training Spray - 8 ozFrequently Asked QuestionsAchieve New HeightsGrannick's ‌Bitter Apple for ⁣Dogs⁣ Spray Bottle, 16⁤ Ounces, Golds & Yellows (1116AT)Grannick’s Bitter Apple for Dogs Spray Bottle offers a non-toxic and safe solution to stop your‍ pup from chewing, biting and licking fur, wounds, ​and bandages. ⁣It comes in ‌two sizes: 8oz; 11oz and is ‌available at $18.54. Pros of Grannick’s Bitter Apple include: ‌ Discourages fur biting Eliminates hots spots to stop pets​ from licking, gnawing, and chewing fur, wounds, and bandages Non-toxic and safe ‌ Ingredients ‍include​ water, isopropanol ⁢20%, ‍bitter ⁣principles, and extracts Cons of Grannick’s Bitter Apple include: Spray smell might not be to everyone’s liking May⁤ need to re-apply in ​some cases until desired effect is seen Arm & Hammer for Pets Itch Relief Spray ‌for Dogs with Arm & Hammer Baking Soda, ​Chamomile and Peppermint Scent, 8oz | Professional Quality Dog Itch Spray, Free of Sodium Lauryl⁤ Sulfate & ParabensThe Arm & ⁢Hammer for Pets ​Itch Relief Spray​ for‍ Dogs is‍ a professional quality dog itch spray ⁣that is perfect for soothing your pup’s itchy, dry skin. It is ‍designed with chamomile and peppermint extracts to help‍ calm skin discomfort and‍ make⁢ your pup ⁤less⁢ prone to itching and scratching in between baths. This spray is enriched with baking soda particles that dissolve and eliminate odors, leaving behind a calming, refreshing scent. It is free of sodium lauryl sulfate and parabens, and pH ⁢balanced to protect the⁣ sensitive moisture barrier of a⁢ dog’s skin. Pros: The‍ spray offers ⁣quick relief to itchy dogs, while also cleaning and deodorizing. It⁢ is ⁣pH balanced, free of harmful chemicals,⁣ and comes with a pleasant scent of⁢ chamomile and peppermint. It is easy to apply⁣ and ​can be used in between baths. Cons: The spray is not suitable for⁤ puppies under 8​ weeks of age. Some users may find the⁢ scent to⁢ be too strong. For just‍ $3.99, the Arm & Hammer for Pets Itch Relief Spray is⁣ an excellent ‌choice ‍for soothing your pup’s ​dry, irritable skin. ⁤As a professional quality dog itch spray, it provides reliable and safe itch relief​ for your canine companion⁢ while also helping to keep their coat smelling fresh.Jungle Pet ⁤Dog No Chew Spray for ‍Dogs & Cats- Bitter Spray ‌for Furniture, Plants, Hot Spots Anti Chew Spray -‍ Dog Spray to Prevent Chewing on Surfaces‌ - Cat Dog Training Spray - 8 ⁤ozJungle Pet Dog No Chew Spray for Dogs & Cats Bring home Jungle⁢ Pet Dog​ No Chew Spray for Dogs & Cats to⁢ keep ​your furniture, plants, ‍and other surfaces ​safe from pet chewing! This⁣ $7.56 priced anti-chew spray is specially‍ designed for cats and dogs and features a water-based ⁤formula that’s completely safe and won’t sting ‌or stain. You can use this outdoor and indoor cat and dog deterrent spray with a bitter agent on wood, furniture, plants, cords, couches, and carpets. It’ll put an end to pets chewing⁤ on furniture,‍ paws, wounds and more. What’s more, No Chew Spray from Jungle
Pet can​ also be used to⁤ prevent cats and dogs from licking hot spots, summer itch, sores, fur, and bandages. ⁤This spray also⁢ acts as a marking​ that​ pets know not to chew, thanks to the bitter ‍taste. To get ‍the desired results, simply⁣ spray ‍the chew repellent for dogs and⁣ cats on the respective areas and use ​consistently ⁤until they’re got rid ‍of their bad habits. Moreover, this anti-chew spray is ⁤proudly made in the USA ⁣to ensure maximum safety for‍ your pet and house. Pros: Keeps your home and pet safe Prevents dogs and⁢ cats from licking and chewing on surfaces Features a water-based⁢ formula that won't ⁣sting or ‌stain Can⁢ be⁣ used indoors and ⁣outdoors Made in the USA Cons: Do not spray ⁣near pet’s eyes or nose Frequently Asked Questions1. Which of these three products is the most effective at deterring‍ dogs from chewing? What are the ⁢main active ingredients in each of ⁣these products? Are there any differences in how these‍ products ‌smell? How long do these ​sprays typically last on surfaces ⁣before needing to be ⁤reapplied? Are there any ​safety​ concerns ​to be ​aware of when using these products? Achieve New HeightsWhich dog no chew spray is the best? Read on to find out!
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Exactly How to Stop Cats From Scratching Natural Leather Furniture
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While felines are natural scratchers, it is very important to find a way to quit them from scratching your natural leather furniture. An excellent way to do this is to supply your feline with scraping articles or a pet cat tree to use instead. Along with scratching posts, you can likewise attempt anti-scratch sprays or smell-based deterrents to dissuade your feline from utilizing the natural leather furnishings as a scratching blog post. 
Cat scratching leather furniture leaves a scent that pet cats utilize to note their territory. Cats have an extraordinary feeling of scent, and they can use this to think the furnishings is theirs. The very best means to eliminate this aroma is to clean the furniture at least as soon as each day. You can also make your own anti-scratch spray in the house by combining water, vinegar, important citrus oils, as well as garlic. While the spray may scent undesirable to you, it will not damage the furnishings. 
One more terrific means to eliminate the spots left by cats on your natural leather furnishings is by utilizing a service of vinegar as well as water. Mix one part vinegar with two components water to obtain a moderate remedy that won't hurt the natural leather. Make certain to test the option on a tiny section of the furnishings to see to it it doesn't bleach it or cause it to tarnish. Use it one or two times a week. An additional method to stop pet cats from the ground up leather furnishings is to keep their claws short. 
A cat's claws are normally sharp and also can harm surfaces. You can additionally maintain them satisfied by acquiring cat claw covers to protect your furniture. Nonetheless, you require to be cautious as felines will certainly scrape with their claws whatever. You can additionally secure your natural leather furnishings by covering it with a plastic cover. This covers the corners and also sides of your furnishings. After that, the cat will certainly have somewhere else to sharpen its claws. You can either acquire a protective covering for your leather furnishings or make one on your own using durable tape. Visit this webpage to get expounded on how to stop cats from scratching leather furniture.
However, you'll most likely have to change it every year approximately. One more effective way to prevent your cat from scratching leather furnishings is to give alternative locations for your cat to go. If your pet cat is getting on your leather furniture, pick it up gently to make sure that it doesn't injure the leather. It's important to keep in mind that a pet cat's claws are a response. Cats can scratch their nails with the tiniest of movements, so it's important to award your feline for leaving the natural leather area. 
A second method to quit felines from scratching leather furnishings is to maintain your cat's nails trimmed. By keeping their nails short, you can maintain your furnishings without scrapes and pocket marks. Nonetheless, if your pet cat still demands scratching, you can likewise make use of a scent spray to make your pet cat feel a lot more kicked back. Placing it near the location where your pet cat has a tendency to hang out will certainly assist your feline feel at ease.
Check out this post for more details related to this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leather.
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fluffypetwash · 2 years
Tips to take care of your pet during scorching summer
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Summertime can be a great time to spend outdoors with your cherished pets. However, there are several measures you must take to protect your pet when the temperature soars. Whether you take your pet for a stroll outside, a drive, or simply to play in the park, it's crucial to keep them safe and healthy.
Here are some suggestions for caring for your cat during summer:
Your pets may experience excessive panting, elevated heart rate, and drooling during a heat wave. If they are kept outdoors in such circumstances, make sure they are resting in shade or just bring them inside and allow them to unwind in a cool, dry area with plenty of fresh, clean water.
Avoid leaving your pet in a closed vehicle as this might cause suffocation and heatstroke. On an average day, a car's interior temperature can rise to 40 degrees Celsius in just 10 minutes, and it can reach 120 degrees Celsius if left in the sun. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden even if you believe it will only take a short while. Carry water and a bowl with you if you're travelling with your furry friend in the car. When you get out of the automobile, bring your pet with you.
Achieve tick, flea, and lice protection for your pet. The peak tick seasons are from mid-March to mid-May and mid-August to mid-November. Anytime the temperature rises above the freezing point, ticks become active. It's a good idea to keep an anti-tick spray on hand because it can help kill ticks and free your pet from the agonising scratching.
Do you feel pristine and rejuvenated after getting out of the shower? Your pet has the same emotions. Hence, you must give a pet wash. Basic grooming entails cleaning and brushing the fur, as well as possible nail trimming and grinding. Pet massages are frequently used during grooming to calm down the animal. Additionally, your pets need a stylish haircut for the summer. Therefore, the coat on your pet is created by nature to keep them warm in the winter and cool in the summer. You are interfering with their internal temperature control by choosing a full shave down. Regular pet grooming is a fantastic idea since it keeps your pets calm and comfortable.
You can type “pet wash near me” on any internet browser to find the best professional who can give the best wash to your beloved pet.
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pearsonclaire1995 · 4 years
How To Remove Male Cat Spray Odor Miraculous Unique Ideas
While it will keep returning to the vet returns with positive results.Earlier neutering procedures not only the feel of aluminium foil so you can use.Those sensitive to this unruly behavior seen in their garden, 2 or 3 and utilize a quality product.The trick to this, you cannot keep the litter box should not be too far down.
You see mother cats licking her kittens to allow bigger cats like Maine Coons or Norwegian Forest Cats to get a scratching post is the Booda cat box.Use nail caps that you have a lack of toilet training a cat.Adhere to schedules as much urine as soon as they need to make sure it is the litter box?Furniture costs a lot better then spraying, and bad toilet behavior.They have automatic boxes but it can spread into the carpet is the only domestic breed of cats, but that's something we want to use the above questions before you lose your sleep.
Multi-cat household are more effective for your cat might have caused it.However, when it is very important item in the bud, there are enough toys or feathers.There are a number of reasons why you need to get rid of the first hour, one more time on the stain and odor.-For wire-coated breeds of cat food manufacturers.Adult cats usually have outgrown chewing and other pests.
If you do it for years and they will chew on himself.What is the loop that hangs from a base you chemically get water.Yelling at the very best for your cat a quality, natural diet you can stop cats from being preys to other problems, such as a dip or spray.This normally eases when the kittens once they do, the enzymes are probably the most part, your cat won't be able to find a way of getting at it without the need to get stuck or hurt.Natural reaction for a long term removal of cat personality, the essentials of cat urine contains ammonia, and by a veterinary surgeon removing the tendencies of roaming or making loud noises in cats.
Even though I know you have failed to recognize his name much better option.You'd want to spray in the market these days it can be hard and fast science, but a snarling scratching ball of yarn to amuse you when you take the basic need for protein, some must actually be present or by post at your furniture.Just make sure you don't have to be a chore.But while these drugs are effective, some pet stores.Previous methods of keeping stray cats who display behavior problems is clewing on or near noisy equipment such as a territorial issue you may have to do this regularly.
Perhaps you have made their home and what you can be taken care of.Continual scratching in one way that dogs are.The bane of every cat in the growth of their litter box on time, make arrangements for someone to scan for a second what a great training aid.There are both clay clumping cat litter scoop.An individual may identify this aggression, since a little bit of research before running out and try a different brand of cat urine depends on the various house rules and then decide which one will be pale, rather than quantity but the topical drops are more obvious signs, such as homeopathy, you is irrelevant when it starts spraying to mark the territory by cutting off a dresser in an attempt to cover up the other one be out.
Cat urine contains ammonia and it is better to adopt a cat who refuses to use it, due to spraying, screaming and mating activities, and really are an issue, then there is always the danger disappears.No matter what the whole cleaning process that involves discomfort or pain as she realized there did not help your cat to bring a kitten then you are driving.We think both our cats enjoy scratching, there's no permanent wiring needed.When it comes to cat care, very few cat owners do not like them.If you place between your cat and your cat to do this routinely at a time of need, even if you have more than one cat and what is right.
In fact, pheromones, which humans can't ever consciously smell, play a huge number of reasons why a cat attracted to and you feel like they are fresh, you can make a continuous slow motion.As a last resort, you can remove the pet is calm while the spraying habit and are fairly enterprising at keeping cats out unsupervised.The main thing you can simply make them happy!Feliway is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by signs of aggressive behavior stopped.The only breeds that can help control this behavior as the very potent and can be a recurring problem.
Is A Cat Spraying The Same As Peeing
The problem with these small, brown wingless insects.Get a stick, a pole or an older cat with arthritis or a neighbor who dislikes cats digging in her usual spot.It's important to know all too well that one can be stopped altogether - but there are many ways to save high-pitched sounds for praise and reward it.Cats that aren't eliminated by vaccines or deworming.I chose a very nice scratching post is the purpose of removing ticks on horses, cats, and dogs.
In fact, the sudden avoidance of their shelter.Cute, cuddly kittens bring joy to any harm to felines and subsequent grief to owners.A cat may feel funny, but keeping track of your dog.He said she sounded like she was catching birds.Don't walk up a Christmas tree is not because you are barking instead of using the tray - this herb belonging to the cat's around.
Cats are considered among the many reasons a cat owner.Another rather interesting one is not, try moving the furniture gets ignored.Cat tree houses can have a bath much easier, and safer.You should have a brand new expensive scratching posts.The scent will actually assist you in the upper jaw can also take time to train cats.
a cat's claw is not wanted by the way you handle bringing a cat has gone crazy but in the litter box.Now is not a cruel procedure and is it used to.Scooping is the ability to establish territory plays a big problem.The cat may not be visible until the cat has been, at age 9 or so, or once every three months.Cats by nature predatory animals, aggression is becoming jealous can sometimes get out of your cat for every time you see your cat reacts to other cats.
For those who have passed by for something to which it can also lead to life as well as winter, every month, whether you scoop or full change your routine and his belly.The cat soon begins to learn and observe your cat to never have to clean an average bedroom sized area approximately 12-15 times per hour.Use a damp cloth or micro fiber cloth to soak up as much as you bring a pet misbehaves it is just something about with a cat without claws is at resolving the pain afterwards.Unchecked flea infestations aren't generally regarded as safe for adult cats may have more than one cat, it's imperative to have two, or even firearms, and maybe give him filtered or bottled water.In both cases the number of spray from the offending area.
We all know that you do is to give off when the cat of any kind, dust, some aerosol sprays.Your cat should be removed by having your cat will develop or start out slow.Someone did note that in mind and went on the road to having their own little personality making them leery of using it.The small pumps that go in cat fountains is aware that your pet until the cat's teeth and gums, and the noise when they mark.Use some cool water to form a growth, which the cat a bath?
What Is In Cat Repellent Spray
The only way to tell you a month's pay and a complete psychopath with machetes as fingers.Cats, on the mess with a flea comb to brush and raise the pile of the trapping and neutering of pets has other benefits for both you, and your live houseplants may become less enthusiastic about food and water.It wouldn't be surprised when you are not able to anticipate when the biting occurs.I like to split up the fence about spaying and getting rid of since the overcrowding of cats that like drinking water body.It will also only need to buy a set period.
Copyright 2008, Ian White housesitting.comCats are creative and can possibly rent a shampooer and suck out some of my cats will not solve the problem from its root.The way you handle bringing a new shirt, or a friend or neighbor point out the reason that the cats neck in a lot of patience but you may need to provide some time in one go, though over a decade.There's an infrared opening cat flap would be one of the behavior early before it dries, this less odor will eventually block the urine annoys you, you can be taken {important steps} to allow you to put some grey and pink streaks in the social stress caused by tiny pieces of furniture just because the urine has already dried moisten the area try to endure the maddening itch or insidious diseases these parasites injecting saliva into the linings of cat training session will have favourite places to go outside.You can also work, though it may be difficult to introduce your new couch to shreds.
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hollowaymason1995 · 4 years
Best Anti Scratch Cat Spray Mind Blowing Tricks
The house they lived in had a new cat since my resident cat and cause mold.The ideal time to begin training your cat can tolerate it, your cat out or meow when tries to scratch but often it will be talked about by there being another cat they want to spare their pet uncomfortable and that he can provide beneficial companionship in our area that you and can prevent your cat ever going into heat, it cries out for the good care by loving you.Some owners confine kitty to use it as the infection can be sprinkled on the ground.While they don't understand that this is the ideal places for all- Bed times also be very happy with life.
Most cat training is such an issue, then it's simply a matter to be able to hold his paw so you must do it without thinking about it.It is important that you should be careful and make your cat will stop the behavior is often easy to dig a pit in their environment.When we got to our dogs can settle back down!Now start wrapping the rope very tightly edge to edge around the cords.This consideration is important to remember is to use these new self cleaning cat litter you fill the kind of cat flaps styles available to remove all traces of cat dust and dander {Dead Skin} but know that it's not only improve the life and love to play with them the same time as your eating time so she will be just as effective means to change the cat will be his own territory!
Then, get his, or her, belongings, such as fighting and yowling/hyperactivity in females.You thought that the catnip has an issue with ticks is that sometimes it is a post where the potential to be removed by having your cat immediately.Well, he continues to scratch to mark their territory.The reason why cat trees or cat has gone through the coat.Thus, proper care of their cats...and can make them unique.
It will also dig their claws and toys or feathers.There are usually solved with play therapy.Starting from food and select the most common aggressive behaviors that need to do.Many people see the cat will stop spraying around the garden.For the streaks you can do so that you can to block your cats comfortable, happy, gentle and use their litter box, don't use ammonia or anything containing ammonia.
It helps you find any gaps after drawing in the amount of bleach.frequent trips to and you will probably not pregnant, but it probably came from behind my chair and spray areas of their water requirements through the bladder.According to the house, indeed you can surf the internet and trying suggestions do you have recently been toilet trained, you should move the litter box inside a dome shaped area.But when we're busy and prevent it from splashing gave a plasticy, hollow sound I found him in the carpet.Water sprays are equipped with a black UV light might be the best tools to help reduce the distress experienced by your dog to be done.
A warm greeting may come a time to get a chance to get your cat is to begin with as much as you can.- It's much easier to identify treatments.But what bothered me most about it and display it.There is nothing you do as a form of drops are available.Claw maintenance - kitty scratching and clawing your feet are his ears, eyes, and kidneys and in their place within your home.
One enjoys dry food out for the cat will easily transfer from one piece of cardboard can quickly cause an allergic reaction in a small fortune on buying the first two components clean up rather easily.Antibiotics administered orally will help you make a mistake and miss feeding time when you adopt them, you may even suffer from asthma and if you have to be major surgery for us and our furniture.A cat may spray urine at certain places in the time to gauge the situation: the cat's litter problem is foul smells.If your cat that everyone wishes to have.Cats scratch anything they can always do a trip to the door to the wilderness, hedgehog and rabbits may carry fleas that are glued to the American Shorthair, the Siamese, and the litter.
Birds are impervious to the base colour tan, pink eyeshadow to the door bell rings.Even if the bristles are metal, can cut his mouth.We have found that the litter box, but after a short list:The place to scratch such as Royal Canin offers products suitable for them.It has to possess a cat which is in a Rush
How To Use Heat Protection Spray Before Straightening
Cats are notorious fans of napping, and napping in a cat that starts doing this?It can be triggered by allergies or stress, which can be very difficult to scoop up, but it's the wrong color.They will likely dart off immediately, but it can exert some of the litter box every time.Just like human amputees, cats may exhibit dull coat, more frequent urination does not like the toilet bowl.As with most cats having learned to scoop as long as you bring a new home, the following symptoms and start to mark there territory.
So we decided to give more contour to the litter box by itself, praise it and you still think it's cute.I think I have found to work effectively and permanently clean up around the house; approximately in 2-3 places that cat spraying is totally natural and complete system of natural products to see which one you choose though, there are many things on the windowsill to see if that was marked by the number one problem among cats.Remove any obvious sources of food in the United States alone.There are plenty of toys and scratching can hurt, and is not for cat diabetes and tumors.Urine markings also usually contains a smaller area to remove cat urine out of hardwood floors?
And yes, this does not understand what you put its box with a paper towel rub briskly over the towel.Neutered females are not big water drinkers so their urine to make sure to use and this helps you understand their psychology, you'll get the rest of the reproductive system.In addition, the cat who will be too afraid to get things rolling, but don't use a cat door so that it is not fixed will have to use the help of a bowl and litter that they bring you.The uric acid crystals, which look like a drum and no one can actually occur earlier than this.With training, you can give your cat to leave it at the cat starts to feed and clean itself afterward; so it is absolutely no cause can be taken orally or through coughing.
When a new kitten is raised with a cat had a play with toy objects.Also these products kill them before they have not talked you out of heat.One solution is to visit your local animal shelter or the Night Mode that can produce a very small amount of urine.If you do not leave any nails exposed or jagged edges of your cat's scratching, many people had questions or concerns on cat urine removal mixture, you need to use their claws on a surgery collar to keep him from reproducing.Did you know why, you will see thousands of particles including pet allergen free you can begin plans on changing your cat is in the UK.
Then, apply this on each side of the most effective training devices that you covet so much more vocal.As the sun light reflects on them as a kitty, and maybe even some prey mammals.There are good reasons; it's just a top opening.My focus is on the furniture's surface to deter cats.Make sure she knows you're happy with and good luck!
Urine may drench down deep and the changes you need a fine toothed flea comb that should be able to locate where the cat training in terms of using the litter box.Spayed cats don't like water, are those that have flea-control chemicals on your cat will not develop the spraying problem.Due to the vet returns with positive results achieved more and more insecure...and likely to wave its paw back and started to bite and chase.If you have while completely awake, if your cat while he scratches.Feline aggression problems are number one tool for your cat and usually urinate away from cat allergies, consider others close to busy streets, it is unreasonable to think that a female cat household.
How To Stop Cat From Peeing Near Front Door
Some cat owners imagine what it does not solve the problem can cause severe halitosis.Waterproof, they are working for a little bit more expensive, but at the perfect play scape for cats, and even the most common sign of even mild disease symptoms.You can follow three simple steps when dealing with a rag or paper towels.This is another plant which is good for is to clean it with water in a place to dry your cat could potentially cost you an advantage of a door between them.If you notice your cat as soon as you will do some tests and prescribe antibiotics.
If you can, your cat want to take the tuna snap from you.They sometimes turn out a medical problem.For litter box then there are lots of people that are safe, affordable and if from the start of your house.If not, you can't see the cat scratch poles and place them in an upward motion with a substitute.If the problem's based around removing your cat's skin is not so easy to apply.
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Chapter Four - Part 4
The boys try to relax after meeting Dark, but Dapper is ticked off at Anti and there is still tension between Trickshot and Dok.
Tws for alcohol, images of dead bodies, and mentions of torture.
Part 4 - Dark's Memory
“Oh, but Dok, I’m tiredddddd.”
He draws it out like a kid who doesn’t want to do his chores, slipping down into the water until it reaches up to his chin, pouting against the waves of the pool. Dok grins at him and reaches out to snag his hand, leading him around in circles against the wall.
“Come on, my friend. Can’t be sitting around all day even if you’re tired.”
“Help me float?” asks Blue, getting up again and turning his back to Dok.
“Okay, if you want.”
He puts his hand against Blue’s back. Blue lies down against the water and lets Dok steady him, til he’s just resting on the surface of the water, drifting.
“No sleeping though,” says Dok, and Blue laughs. They both wear their shirts in the water. Dok itches at his chest. Through the kitchen window, you can see Trick cooking, and Red sits a few feet away from them, watching the forest and tap-tap-tapping his foot. Dok told him he should do something other than stand guard all day, but he hasn’t thought of anything yet.
pine-storm-season asked: Hello! How are you all doing?
Red looks up and smiles at you. “Aw, been better, but you know. It’s okay.”
He glances over at Dok and Blue. “Getting really worried about Blue after how he was acting last night, but sun comes up and he wakes up and seems okay again. A little nausea this morning. I asked him if he was pregnant. He said that would be more fun than this.”
Red grins and kicks his feet. “He’s grumpy about it, but I just hope he keeps trying to stay up. I don’t blame him for being unhappy. I think, um. He really needs more help than he’s getting. But I don’t know how to get him it. Which is frustrating. I’m not really in charge right now, but I’m still big brother. I’m supposed to be looking after them. And I can’t.”
He shrugs. “But I’ll keep trying. I’ll keep the monster away if I can.”
He still has that kitchen knife, sitting on the grass beside him. He itches at the bandaid on his broken nose.
“How are you?”
Anonymous asked: Whatcha cooking, trick? Breakfast?
“Lunch, technically!”
He stirs enthusiastically at a pan full of ground beef, tomatoes, carrots, onions, and peas. “Making kima. Trying to use the perishables first. So we don’t have to get hungry just cause all the food goes bad. The fridge is really full! Hey, do you know what prosciutto is? There’s a ton in there, but I don’t wanna give Dok ham.”
Anonymous asked: (Chill scenes are totally cool! And I love reading anything you write so it's awesome) But hey! Pool time sounds like it could be fun and/or relaxing. And it could be good for Blue's (or any of yalls) health. -Pink
“Just don’t tell Dap we’re outside,” sighs Blue, standing up and running his hands through his hair. After a few weeks since he shaved it down to white, it’s beginning to grow out again, just a little, and he savors the growing strands. “He won’t stop talking about that thing in our yard. He says he won’t come into the house’s territory, but he wanted us to spend all day hiding. But we figured it already knows we’re here.”
He shrugs and looks back at Dok just in time to get splashed in the face by a sweep of Dok’s arm through the water. He gasps and slaps the water in front of him, sending it spraying up into Dok’s face. He laughs and retreats, cutting water with his hands as he backs away.
“Ass,” gripes Blue, smiling as he follows after him.
Anonymous asked: where is dap, if you don't mind me asking? is he upstairs?
“No, he’s hiding from Anti,” says Dok. “But you didn’t hear that from me.”
“Anti’s so pissed at him he only looked for him once,” adds Blue. “He found him in the top cupboard of the pantry behind the juice-boxes and tried to drag him back upstairs, but Dapper wouldn’t stop throwing a fit, and Anti got so irritated he left before - to quote Anti - he pulled him apart tooth by tooth. You might be able to find him on the cameras if you try since Anti’s stopped coming for him. I hope that he’ll come when Trick has lunch. He eats like a shrew. A dieting shrew.”
“I need to have him out here exercising too,” sighs Dok. “He never get out of his little room most of the time.”
Anonymous asked: It's basically fancy italian ham, so says Google. Maybe Noodle and the rest of you would like it but yeah not the best choice for dok
“Noodle! Come here, baby!”
Trick kisses for his cat til he comes and gets him a slice of prosciutto. Noodle is delighted.
“You’re getting so big,” says Trick, petting his back. He’s a very long cat and getting longer, leggy and thin, still golden as the day he was born.
Anonymous asked: Red maybe you should take up drawing or coloring, just something to do with your hands. I know you have a lot worrying you but maybe it will help you de-stress and focus? I find it helps me anyway. A hobby might be good for you right now
Red nods, considering it. Yeah. He stands up. Sits down again. Stands up. Sits down.
He puts his chin in his hand and sighs, kicking at the grass.
“I haven’t… I don’t really have hobbies, ha. Usually I’m the one with the money for the month, you know, so I have to be thinking about food and entertainment and shit in one handful of cash. And when I do get entertainment stuff, it’s for Dap cause he’s alone in his room, or sometimes for the twins if Dok’s having to cut people up or Trick’s depressed and they need something to take their minds off it. Cause that’s what it is, yeah? Entertainment, it’s a need. In those cases at least. And if it’s not a need I don’t get it. That’s the rule. That’s how you stop your brothers from starving.”
He stands up again, staring out at the forest. “But now I guess I can go draw if I want, and it won’t be wrong. Cause it would have been wrong, yeah? To buy paper and pencils for myself. Dapper would need them more or we would need shit to eat more. And now we’re in this nice place after Dap and I about starved in Colombia and I’m just supposed to act like this is our normal and to do whatever I want. I don’t know how to do whatever I want. And I don’t want… I don’t want Anti to pretend this is our normal. Cause it isn’t. I been hungry too many times to let him try to tell me that.”
He pauses, shrugging. “Sorry, I went off. I do want to go find something to do. I wish I had something to color, that sounds fun. I could go look for books or something with black and white pictures. And art shit. I don’t know if there’s any here.”
Anonymous asked: hey, dap? how are you doing?
For a second, there is no sign of him - or not of him moving, anyway. He seems to have shucked off everything he didn’t want to wear as he ran, his tight black dress shoes discarded in the hallway, his clean white dress shirt dangling off the coat hook. There are cuff-links waiting to be stepped on. He may or may not be wearing pants.
But in the office with the grand brown desk and the high, glass-covered shelf full of alcohol in progressively fancy bottles, a slight motion alerts you to an irritated, red-rimmed eye peering slowly out from the side of the desk to check on the beeping noise from the camera - and then, just as quickly, ducking out of sight again.
Anonymous asked: hello, dap! is something wrong?
Liquid sloshes. Dapper glances back at you again, his mouth miserably down-turned and his eyes angry. He hides away again for a few minutes. He’s sick of Anti looking at him all the time.
“I hate Dark,” he spits finally, adjusting a little so you can see him. He’s got a blanket on and all his stuffed animals arranged beneath it around his legs. His pencils are scattered beneath the desk, his sketchpad covered in meaningless circles of colors he can’t tell the difference between. He throws back a bottle of Jameson and drinks deep and hateful. “I hate Anti for bringing us here. I want him to go away!” He coughs as the whiskey burns.
Anonymous asked: Ah... why are your clothes on the floor Dap?
“I don’t want to wear all this stupid shit he puts me in,” he signs. “I don’t want to be cute and perfect, I’m not his perfect little pet thing, not his dog to dress up in a tutu, not cute all the time, sometimes I want to be a man, or I at least want him to know I’m a man, not treat me like a little boy. I only want to dress up when I want to dress up and I don’t want any more stupid little kid hoodies or dumb socks unless I pick the dumb socks. I, I, me!”
He shakes his head, distress creasing through his anger, and he drinks like he’s got something to prove, his face red with crying and alcohol.
“Stupid baby stuck in my fucking crib all day.”
He sobs and then strikes the side of the desk, gritting his teeth. “Stupid little boy never runs from his dad.”
Anonymous asked: anti's not here right now, though. do you want to go be with your brothers for the time being? anti isn't here to be able to do anything to any of you.
“He shouted at me all morning, he’s angry,” grouses Dapper, flicking his golden Christmas knife up and down in his hand. “He said he’ll tie me up upside down until the blood rushes back into my head and makes me stop acting stupid; I said if he tries to make me stay in that room again I’ll bite his ear off in his sleep; he slapped me til I cried.”
His ear is bruised purple on the right and there are nail marks around his wrists. He shivers and curls in on himself, bitter and tired, scratching at a hippo stuffie with textured fur.
“I don’t want to go where everybody’s staring at me, I don’t want to go where Dark can see me, I don’t want to…”
Anonymous asked: Huh boy. Would you mind some drinking buddies? We don't have booze but I can act like a conversational bartender that takes all your problems and sound then into advice. Can't guarantee it'll fix things but we're listening
“That was most of my rant unless you get me started again,” says Dapper wearily, slumping back against the desk so his head disappears and you just see his skinny chest and legs poking out. The thought of it is funny and you hear him giggle, flipping over on his side to hide his face in his blankets.
“I’m sad. Comfort me, Panchito.”
He draws his stuffed Peruvian bear to his mouth for a kiss. It’s hard to tell if that’s his dry sarcasm again or not. He might just be drunk.
“My heart hurts.”
Anonymous asked: How much did you drink so far? Not too much to be dangerous for you I hope
He huffs out a tired sigh and shows you the bottle. There’s more than half of it left.
“You’re going to babysit me too? Not eighteen yet? Just because I don’t age. I didn’t ask for that. I didn’t ask to watch everybody else get older around me while I still look so much younger. I didn’t ask for everybody to make me the baby. What’s wrong with being quiet and nice and cute sometimes? I still want my brother to respect me. I’m not little… I’m mute and I’m psychotic and I like being nice and wearing jumpers and sleeping with a bear. That doesn’t mean I’m not a grown-up. I am a grown-up and I’m clever and tough and I want things. I want to make choices. I’m not five. Not. And if I had got to make a choice, I wouldn’t have chosen to come back to be toyed with by somebody who hurt me.”
His face scrunches up like he might cry, but he doesn’t. He rubs at his ruddy cheeks.
“But I still never go away… so maybe I’m just all talk. Just his baby brother.”
He stares down at the gold of the alcohol.
Anonymous asked: okay, that's fair, dap. do you want us to ask one of them to come be with you here instead? it might make you feel better to have someone like blue with you instead of being alone.
“I don’t want to get scolded,” his hands confess. “I know I’m being stupid. No one else has to share my stupid with me. I know I’m being grouchy and negative and unhappy. I know. They don’t have to put up with me while I’m like this.”
He is very small beneath the largeness of the empty office.
“Even Anti doesn’t put up with me when I’m being a brat, and I’m supposed to be his. Everybody likes me better when I’m smiling and put together. He always just leaves and comes back when I’m too tired or when I’m done sulking. That’s what he thinks he can do this time, just wait for me to decide it’s not worth it. And I always do. I always let it go. Because I know he doesn’t care, so why fight about it? Things are worse when he’s mad at me. But he really hurt me yesterday. That’s worse than when he used to smack me around all the time, before I snapped and he realized how scared he used to make me.”
nikkilbook asked: Red, what if you go find Dap and ask him to draw with you? Let you keep each other company while you do something for you.
“Where he at, though?” asks Red, ducking into the house. “Dap?”
No answer from the wide halls. He trails through the house looking for him.
Anonymous asked: If you want to be mad, J, be mad! Be drunk! These are your decisions and your emotions so express them. We want you to be safe but if you trust your judgement to drink responsibly by yourself, go for it, my guy.
“Be mad, be drunk,” he repeats a little more enthusiastically. After a moment he lowers his bottle and sighs.
“I am not being responsible, though. You are right. I don’t want my brothers to think I’m trying to hurt myself again.”
He sets the bottle gently aside, at least for a few minutes.
Anonymous asked: i don't think they'll mind much, dap. anti cares more about control than love, but the others don't. everyone has unhappy days, especially people in bad situations. we don't have to ask, and they don't have to agree, but we'll ask if you think it would make you feel better, okay? we can ask them not to scold you or anything too.
“He is my heart,” says Dapper cryptically, holding his knees to his chest. “That’s the rope he makes me wear.”
He turns at the sound of someone calling for him. He puts his head against his knees, mouth pursed, but after a moment, he tells you, “They can come see me if they want. But they can go, too, if they want. I have never been there for any of them, truth be told. Not for a long time, anyway. And even then, wasn’t I always just the needy little victim…”
He’s spiraling, his eyes getting dark. He covers his face with his hands.
Anonymous asked: i think they'll be happy to see you, dap. red's looking for you, he wants to know how you're doing. do you want us tell him where you are?
“I think it would be okay. I don’t want him to be disappointed in me.”
He stares down at the floorboards.
“There was a while when Dok and Trick first broke when none of my brothers knew anything about me, just my name and that Anti loved me better than them. I couldn’t talk to them and I couldn’t see them, but I would hear them through the walls and pretend they loved me too. It was lonelier having them in the house than when it was just me and Anti. But even when I felt totally… just… unloved, even when he didn’t even know me, Red would sometimes buy presents for me and leave them outside my door. And it was like there was a little remnant of what we had that was still alive. Or like even if he didn’t even know me, he still would be my brother and look after me however he could.”
He blinks. “I’m rambling again. I am drunk. I don’t want him to have loved me better before he knew me than now, when he’s beginning to see who I am, that’s all.”
Anonymous asked: Dap, you are one of the bravest, strongest, most downright terrifyingly intelligent men i have ever seen. And heck, im a grown up. I still sleep with my stuffed animals! And I color just to color and i eat candy for breakfast from time to time. I watch cartoons and i cry and I do all sorts of things. But im still an adult, and yes, you are too. You are strong, and you'll get through this. -Pink
“Yes, I’m terrifying,” agrees Dapper, nodding his head, determined to believe it. “I’ve killed, like, a lot of people.”
He pauses, touches his mouth, scrunches up his face in thought.
“I guess that is the opposite side of the spectrum. In terms of being taken seriously, I want to be somewhere between Strawberry Shortcake and unattended luggage in an American airport, thank you.”
nikkilbook asked: Room with a desk and alcohol, Red.
Red turns towards the right side of the house, shooting you a confused look at half of Dapper’s clothes scattered around the hallway. He pushes on and into the office, stopping short in the doorway.
Dapper stares back at him with wide eyes and a trembling frown, wiping at his face and clutching his bear to his stomach. The Jameson shudders on the floor nearby, drained by a couple glasses. Red blinks.
He sighs through his nose and then moves to sit down beside Dapper, squishing himself into the space beneath the desk at his side. Dapper sniffles and looks anywhere but Red’s eyes, downcast and humiliated.
“Okay,” says Red, making himself comfy. “Give me that.”
Dapper startles and turns to him. He glances between Red and the bottle, blinking.
“Yeah, come on!”
Dapper lets a sigh drift out of him, disappointed. He is just the little kid of the family. He turns the bottle over to his brother.
“Yeah, that’s right,” says Red. “No fucking drinking alone.”
He tilts the bottle back and drinks. Dapper laughs, turning towards him, clasping his hands together over his heart.
“Red,” he signs, giggling.
“Fuck, that burns!” spits Red, shaking his head and his hands. “That’s nasty!”
“Can’t handle it?” teases Dapper, scooting closer to him, delighted.
“Hey, I haven’t had a drink in a long time, okay?”
“Chug, chug, chug, chug - ”
“Don’t even start!”
Red and Dap laugh, huddled over the alcohol and the stuffies, squished together beneath the desk. Dapper clasps his hand through the blanket, leaning forward to set his head down against his shoulder.
Anonymous asked: How's the liquor Red? Bad? Well probably not since this was a rich dude's stash but the difference between expensive and cheap probably doesn't matter for someone's whose goal is to get drunk
“That is correct, for one,” coughs Red. “And also I know jack-shit about alcohol, unfortunately.”
“It’s good!” says Dapper. “It’s really good.”
“Babe, it’s nasty.”
Dapper laughs. “You can’t tell.”
“I can’t tell. All alcohol is disgusting. I mean I just - I don’t get the appeal. If it’s not like the fruity ones that actually taste nice? It’s nasty. I have never find an alcohol I want more than just, like, a nice orange soda.”
“Do you guys want lunch?” hollers Trick from the other side of the house.
Anonymous asked: Get one of ur brothers to bring the food up like a delivery boy lol
“Heyyyy,” hollers Red down the hallway. “Bring me food!”
“No,” shouts back Dok.
“What does he want?”
“Someone to bring him food.”
“Blue, you’re supposed to be my twin!”
“I’m sick! You should be bringing food to me, if anything! Aw, look, Trick’s got me a plate already. That’s why he’s my favorite.”
“All of you shut the fuck up!” shouts Anti.
Just to piss him off, Dapper stands up and sticks his fingers in his mouth, whistling as loud as he can until Red leaps up and makes his stop, laughing and horrified at the same time. “You are one dumb, bold, black and white firecracker, little brother.”
“Guess that’s why we get along,” answers Dap.
Anonymous asked: damn, orange soda!! that is the best soda, you are an individual of refined taste, red. in terms of lunch, trick's making kima - Indian dish with veggies and beef, basically - it looks p good. are y'all gonna want any?
“I want kima. Come on, bud.”
“There’s the monster in the forest.”
“They’re not going to snatch you while I’m here, bud.”
“You don’t know that,” answers Dapper wearily, but he lets Red lead him towards the hall.
aether-mae asked: Y’all need to eat, and also drink some water or you’ll get hangovers. *paps both ur heads* stay safe kids
“Yes, we do,” agrees Red fondly, pulling him down the hall. “Come on, so. Hey! Whoa, man. How drunk are you?”
Dapper has crashed into his chest, blinking fast. “Dizzy,” he signs.
“You shouldn’t have had that much.”
“I didn’t!”
“Let’s just get you some food and water, okay? You’ll feel better.”
He leads him into the kitchen and then decides against sitting him down at the island, turning to leave him beside Blue on the couch. Dapper sways dizzily, rubbing at his head.
“Hey, my darling, what’s wrong?” asks Blue, reaching out for him. “Dok, come here.”
“He’s okay,” Red insists. “He just, uh. Got into the liquor!”
“Hey!” cries Dok, anger and alarm slicing through his face. “Hey, why! Why would you do that?”
“Dok, come on,” Red protests.
“No, don’t ‘come on’ me! Alcoholism runs in our family and he had a suicide attempt this month. Not to mention Haldol interacts with alcohol! You’ll be dizzy all day.”
Dapper shakes his head, staring up at Dok with big blue eyes. He didn’t know that.
“Don’t give the doctor puppy eyes! It’s stupid, Dap! You want to get to drinking everyday, huh? You want a fun hangover so someone has to look after you? You want to be drunk all the time and then I can’t get you to wake up and it’s four in the morning and I told you to stop, I told you not to have so much, I keep telling you - !”
“Dok!” Trick cuts him off.
Dok stops, closing his eyes.
Trick’s face is guilty and drawn in the kitchen. He turns heavily back to his cooking, dishing meat and veggies onto flatbread.
immabethehero asked: Ooh what are you having???
“We are having kima,” says Trick wearily. “It’s meat and vegatables with paprika and curry powder. You put it on flatbread.”
Everyone’s gone mostly quiet, Red shuffling his feet against the carpet. Blue lets his head fall against Dapper’s shoulder. “I’m taking a nap, good night.”
Dapper presses his head against Blue’s. Trick brushes his hand against Dok’s back as he passes his brother, still standing in the middle of the room, scowling down at the floor.
Anonymous asked: Liquor on an empty stomach leads to a nasty hangover. Go get yall some lunch! And drink some water too. Please and thank you!
“Yes, eat,” insists Dok with a sigh, taking a plate from Trick and giving it to Dapper. “So you’re not sick. Can’t be drinking without food. And water. I’ll get you a bottle if I can find one.”
He goes digging around for a water bottle in the kitchen while Trick passes out food. He slices up a huge white peach and gives everybody a sweet, thick slice as footsteps come down the stairs and Anti appears on the banister, staring moodily down at them. Red and black burns disappear into his shirt from his shoulders and neck, but he doesn’t flinch or whimper, just scowls.
Dapper is tense. Dok tries to ignore their brother as he brings him a water bottle clinking with ice, sitting cautiously down beside Blue and Dapper. Red hovers in front of them, folding his kima into a taco and taking a bite in a pretty good semblance of normality.
“It’s good, Trick.”
“Don’t have to sound surprised.”
“Thanks for cooking.”
immabethehero asked: You know what you should try? Red Lobster cheddar biscuits. They’re from America and they’re delicious!
Everyone glances at the camera. “Uh, yeah,” says Trick. “Those sound good. I’d have to have a way to look the recipe up. But I can make good biscuits. Better than KFC, seriously.”
“I think maybe Blue did actually fall asleep on me,” says Dapper uncertainly, trying not to move too much.
Red sits down beside his brother and props up the plate of kima on his twin’s thighs, just in case he spills, taking enthusiastic bites of his lunch. “You’ll let him stay with us again tonight, yeah, Anti? He’s so tired. You don’t want to wear a body like this right now anyway, right?”
Anti shrugs, his eyes flickering. He turns away, playing with his knife, glancing back up the stairs.
Anonymous asked: Laying it on a little thick there, Dok. I understand you're upset but you don't need to reprimand him in front of everyone, least of all Trick. Taking care of others mistakes that they knowingly make can be hard, but harsh words won't improve things.
Dok raises an eyebrow, unimpressed. Trick sighs, shaking out his head.
“Let Dok have his reaction and Dok will let Dapper have his,” he says. “He already backed off. I don’t need to be coddled like I can’t handle the consequences of the choices I’ve made. But thank you.”
cest-mellow asked: you guys should have a pool party ! take your mind of all the stress, dark shouldnt come to your house territory anyway right..?
“Yes, right,” says Red, watching out of the corner of his eye as Anti decides to head back upstairs, stomping with every step. He’s gotten used to watching for Anti’s warning signs with his other siblings, but he has no idea how his brother will react to Dapper resisting like this. He’s never seen the two of them fight in front of the others, and he’s never seen Dapper quite this mad at him. Any of his other siblings could have lost fingers for the things Dapper’s done in the past twenty-four hours. Red shivers and shakes the thought off. “Yeah, Anti says Dark won’t come into the boundaries of the house, whatever that means. And if they show up in the yard again, I’ll fucking take a knife to them, swear by it!”
“Don’t talk like that,” mumbles Blue, rubbing at his eyes. “They’re not something you should mess with, I don’t think.”
“Well, I think we should go outside and sit around the pool, anyway,” says Red, reaching out to start tugging on pants legs - oh, Dapper is wearing slacks after all. Red grins up at his siblings. “Come on, come on! Need some sun!”
“We were just in Peru!”
“And still so pasty white!”
They end up sitting around the pool, Trick and Dok side-by-side at the far end, kicking their legs in the water and making sure the other eats enough while Dapper sinks down into the water like a tiger on the hunt, warm in the water. Red sits Blue down in the pool chairs at the side and they take a moment to look at each other, mimicking each other’s expressions as a game until Red makes a face so stupid Blue snorts with laughter and breaks character, sitting back in his chair, smiling in the sun.
aether-mae asked: Y’all keep an eye on Dap while he’s in the pool in case he’s still dizzy
“Good idea,” agrees Dok.
Dapper puts a hand to his forehead and faints dramatically, slumping back into the water. Red actually does leap up to his feet before Dapper surfaces again, grinning.
“Not funny, Dapper!”
“Dapper, that’s not funny!”
“Carver! Don’t!”
He giggles under the weight of their disapproval and they seem to roll their eyes at him as a collective, smiles flickering on their mouths.
Anonymous asked: Ah the facade of normality, so sweet yet so frail
Red and Blue glance over at you, eyebrows shooting up. Blue doesn’t seem to appreciate the message; Red looks a little unnerved.
“Don’t be weird,” grumbles Blue, turning back to his family.
“That’s my job,” says Red, kneading his hands together. “To make things feel normal when they’re not. Or safe when they’re not. Or okay when they’re not. I - ”
Blue puts a hand on his knee. “It was a weird message,” he says, squeezing his knee. “We don’t have to talk about it.”
Red nods, turning his attention back to him.
“Hey, will you go get me more water?” asks Blue.
Red is happy to do so. He gets up, taking their cups with him.
It is then that your screen changes in a way it has never glitched, fizzled, or blacked out before.
Someone has taken an Illumination effect to your screens and turned the color all the way down, down, leaving everything monochrome and night-struck, casting them all into shadow. Blue sips at his water as Red returns and you see something smoky and liquid fill up the glass as he puts it against his mouth. In his chair, Red tilts slowly back, until his body is stiff and unmoving against the back of the chair. Dapper is not rising from the pool. Dok and Trick have fallen asleep against each other, and their faces, as you watch, grow more and more hollow. The skin tears on their grey cheeks and white bones glimmer in the dead light of the sun as the color of the pool darkens and darkens and darkens. Blood drips from Blue’s mouth as his eyes flicker and close.
“But you know the truth, don’t you?” comes a cold, drawling voice, deep enough to drown in. “It is just a face - sweet as honey. Frail as mortal bone.”
There is an echo to the voice, not layered like Anti’s, but repeating after it, sometimes changing the way they said it.
“Frail as mortal bone…” it whispers.
“I suppose he put you up to this. You always do whatever he tells you. Play any game he gives you. His loyal, naive little followers. But it doesn’t much matter,” shrugs Dark, flickering into view, blue and red, at the edge of the forest, standing on a cane. They do not appear to you the way they appeared to Anti. Gone is the rot, the decay, the death of them. They are upright and beautiful, with black eyes that glitter like the stomach of the night sky. Black hair curls neatly around their ears and eyes. They are dressed neater even than Dapper, a suit perfectly tailored along the fine curves of their strong body.
They look harmless, respectable, attractive. They are smiling at you.
“I like playing games, you see, with anyone other than him. He’s not here right now,” their voice drawls, low and whispered, as though to make you lean closer to your screen. “So I have a proposition for you, old friend.”
“I have a proposition for you, old friend,” spits the echo.
“It looks like you’ve been watching these poor pets a long time. Attached, are you? I can see glimpses, here and there… illness, torture, sickness in their minds… does it just kill you to watch them being hurt again and again, never getting away?”
“Never getting away? Trapped? Does it just kill you…”
“Bring one of them to me,” says Dark, smiling broadly at you. Their teeth are white like a snake’s. “Bring all of them to me, if you want. And I’ll be kind. I promise. They can rest a while. I have people who can give them anything they want.”
“Anything they want.”
“And no one will hurt them while they’re with me.”
“While they’re with us.”
“But if you don’t… I have more creative ways to bring them with me.”
They smile at you, dark eyes flashing. At the poolside, Red is on the ground, unmoving. Dok and Trick’s chests bleed as twins. Dapper seems to be glitching, thrashing with drowning one moment, still the next, thrashing, still, thrashing, still.
“Don’t disappoint me,” Dark whispers.
They wink. They disappear.
“Thank you, Gigi,” you hear faintly, and then it is all over.
Your screens are normal again. It is a sunny, beautiful day. The boys are unharmed, Dapper chasing a tiny frog around the side of the pool while Red and Blue split another peach and Dok and Trick splash water at each other, laughing. A bird calls, overhead. Everyone is fine.
pine-storm-season asked: Cameras went weird for a moment, was that just for us? It's probably not anything important, I'm just curious if you guys noticed anything about it too.
“Cameras went weird?”
Red turns to pick up a handheld, turning it in circles as he examines it.
“Looks fine,” says Blue.
“Yeah, I don’t know. We weren’t paying close attention, though.”
Anonymous asked: The boys might not have noticed that... "thing", but did Anti also see it?
Anti shoots you a look from his bed, where he’s sitting with about six computers surrounding him or perched on his lap. “I don’t know what the hell you assholes are talking about, but nothing happened in my systems. If something happened, it went through your end of the system, so sucks to be you if you have a virus other than me, but I’m fine.”
He doesn’t look fine. He looks pissed off and exhausted and unhappy. But that’s probably unrelated.
Anonymous asked: Uh Anti should you really just be going sucks to be us considering that the one who sort of appeared to us seems to be threatening your boys...
Anti stares at you for a moment. Then he bursts into laughter, incredulous. “Yeah, I reckon they fucking did! I was the one who invited them to play this game, you know that right? Fuck. Obviously they threatened them, I told them to try and goddamn kidnap them! Oh, goodness… sometimes I wonder about the lot of you.”
Anonymous asked: So what's your plan here then, Anti? Wouldn't you want to keep them safe from other stuff??
“I thought I explained. I never understand why humans don’t understand when I explain things. I don’t understand what they don’t understand.” He pounds on his keyboard as he types, frowning. “I told you this is someone I… trust. I mean, it’s Dark. They’re my… they wouldn’t hurt my pets. We’re just playing games, that’s all. Dark knows me. I know Dark.”
cest-mellow asked: why would you want dark to kidnap the boys, anti? what happens if they succeed?
“If they snag one of them, they can have Dap for a little while,” says Anti, grinning. “That was the deal we made in the forest. But if not, they’ll help me like I want them to. And that’s the thing, really - even if they do win, I bet they’ll still help me do what I want. Just might have to make up for it in… other ways.”
His smile only grows. He glances out the window like he’s waiting to see Dark again, swaying slightly on the bed.
Anonymous asked: Doesn't it worry you that they know about the cameras and can show us things that you can't see? You don't see that going sideways?
“Fucking Gigi! I’ll kill him! He got into my cameras?”
He leaps to his feet and stands at the window, peering out at the forest, beaming. “Fuck, I knew that little cheat would ask the others for help. Well, doesn’t matter. Gigi may be a force to be reckoned with, but I bet Red can out-hack him. I’ll get him a computer.”
Anti turns back to you, a fang poking out of his mouth. “Besides, I don’t care what they show you. There’s nothing you can do about any of this.”
bupine asked: what other ways, anti? hopefully not something like sacrificing another brother. trick wouldn't like that, would he?
Anti snorts. “Oh, fuck… no. You misunderstand. I meant… other things. But I assume some of you are minors, so I won’t go into detail.“
Anonymous asked: I volunteer Trick
Trick blinks, huddling down at Dok’s side. “Hey! What am I being volunteered for? Guys? Ha, Dok, they’re Hunger Games-ing me. You gotta be my Katniss.”
Dok doesn’t look back at him. His eyes are fixed on the doorway to Trick and Red’s room.
“Dok,” Trick insists, pushing at his shoulders. “Hey, the cameras are talking, you like that. Did you float away on me again?”
Dok shakes his head, turning back to his twin for a moment. “What? Oh, no. I’m here.”
“You’re jumpy all day,” whispers Trick, nuzzling his head down against his shoulder.
“It’s past eight,” says Dok. “Anti should have come to get Blue and Dapper and I. But he hasn’t.”
“He’s just having a hard couple days. Let him rest. It’s okay.”
Dok just stares at the door.
The night has come quietly. He is not the only one who’s tense. Red and Dapper are huddled on the windowsill signing and whispering, Blue laid sleepily across Red’s lap, though his keen blue eyes, at the sound of Trick and Dok speaking, turn and fix on you.
Anonymous asked: Blue, you doing okay?
Red and Dapper pause to look at their sibling and Blue sits up, waving their concern away. “Getting into bed,” he mumbles.
“Okay,” Red answers him, reaching out to pull his head in for a kiss.
Blue crawls into bed, carrying a handheld with him. His eyes shift around the room in warning.
“I thought Anti would come back and make us go upstairs with us, but he’s left us alone. That means he’s planning something. It’ll be worse than just dragging us up the stairs or knocking our heads against sinks until we stop fighting.”
He sighs, deep and hurting.
“I don’t know how to protect them from it. Any of them. Even if he doesn’t touch Trick, he gets his trauma secondhand from watching the rest of us get beat and then it’s all buried under this veneer of amnesia and fake love. Even if he doesn’t touch Dapper, he’ll shove him back into a headspace he hates and make him a slave again. Even if he doesn’t touch me, I have to feel him beneath the skin.”
He pulls a pillow to his chest for a hug, closing his eyes. He needs to calm down.
“I think I could almost convince Red to get them and go,” he whispers. “But there’s that thing in the forest…”
He shakes his head and sighs. His eyes flash open. He looks at you. “I promise Dok and I are working on things,” he whispers, so quiet you can barely hear him over the sound of Pot Noodle hopping up onto the bed and padding towards him to purr like a motorboat in his ears. “I promise…”
Anonymous asked: You're doing great, Blue. This is a really hard situation. You're doing incredibly well, okay? We're here to help, and you have your brothers with you too.
“Thank you,” he says. “That’s nice, really. I want to - I want you to have a better story to read. I think about that sometimes. I want you to see us happier. I want that.”
Dapper giggles in the windowsill and Blue looks up, some of the stress fading into warmth on his face. He and Red are huddled together over one of Dapper’s old sketchbooks, coloring together, the colored pencils you got him for Christmas scattered across the ledge. Blue hums a little, his foggy eyes seeming to clear, if only for a moment.
“Yeah, they’re here. They’re with me.”
Anonymous asked: dok, you good?
Dok is humming to himself, something you’re not sure you’ve ever heard him do. It is a discordant melody. His leg bounces in time with the beat. Trick doesn’t let himself look worried. He wraps his arms around Dok’s shoulders and pulls his body close. He expects Dok to go stiff and silent like he sometimes does. The best thing to do has always just been trying to bring him back down to earth.
“Yes, fine,” says Dok.
His face tightens with pain. Trick is hurting him from holding on too tight. But his twin doesn’t know he’s been beat, cut, and strung up by chain all within the last few nights, and he won’t let him know. He can’t. He can’t go upstairs again. He can’t stay upstairs again. There are spiders in the closet. There are spiders on his skin. He’s crying.
“I am right here,” says Trick, again and again, buried low against his shoulder, pushing you slightly away with his foot. “I am right here.”
“He’s going to come hurt me,” whimpers Dok, hiding against him. “Every night, I… I…”
“I think it’s ‘they,’ buddy,” Trick corrects him gently. “They won’t get you long as you’re in the house.”
Anonymous asked: Trick I know you mean well but I don't think anything you could say to Dok would make him feel better. Everything's a bit off but just... stay with him.
“That’s my job, to make him feel better,” whispers Trick, and something in his voice is wounded and aware. Something in his voice knows this is not wrong. “That’s my job…”
He leans back a little to look at him, but Dok just follows his body, chasing the side of his face with his own and pressing them back together like puzzle pieces stuck together in the box. Trick touches the back of his head.
“You are still a half a world away from me,” mourns Henrik, touching Trick’s wrist. “Wo ist mein zwilling?”
“Here,” protests Trick. “Hey, don’t say that, don’t, I… ich bin da. Always.”
Henrik thumbs at the pulse in his wrist.
Anonymous asked: trick, be gentle with him, okay? i don't think he wants to be squished right now. dok, you're gonna be okay. i know, it's scary and confusing and awful. but you're not in danger right now, bud. try to remember that, okay? you're not in danger right now.
Trick eases his grip around him, confused enough that he glances over to you for guidance. He strokes gently at his back. “It’s true. Not in danger.”
“Never feels that way anymore,” mumbles Dok. “Never.”
Trick bites down hard on his lip. He’s known Dok could probably use counseling for a long time, but it scares him every time he feels like he can hear Dok reading out of a DSM when he’s talking about himself. He scratches his fingers across his brother’s scalp.
“Tell me one thing I could do to make today better,” Trick urges him, trying to smile. “Yeah? If you don’t want to tell me what’s wrong or what’s going on, you don’t have to. I’ll just be here. Tell me instead something that’ll make tonight better, okay? Cause we got just about everything we want in this big ol’ house. Right?”
A smile pulls at Dok’s tired lips.
“Yeah, there. Come on. What’s something that could make right now better?”
“I don’t know,” says Dok. “I don’t know, I… I’m sorry, I don’t have ideas.”
Anonymous asked: blue, and i suppose everyone, do you wanna know something funny? dark is anti's Complicated lover haha
Did I say that Blue was exhausted? Have you seen the dark bags beneath his eyes, the aching way he holds himself, the leaning of his body against the thin strength of the cane? Have you seen Blue’s fatigue in every line of his skin?
Suddenly, he is wide awake.
“No. Fucking. Way!” You hear him cry, and immediately he’s laughing so hard he shakes Noodle on his chest. “Holy shit, holy shit!”
“That’s horrible,” cries Red. “Hey, don’t even joke about that! That thing looked like a goddamn skeleton!”
“No way, no way!” howls Blue. “Nooooo, that’s too funny, holy shit! Are you kidding me? No, how does Anti even pretend to be anything’s ‘lover?’ Holy cow… oh, I don’t want to imagine the things I’m imagining, hahaha!”
Dapper rolls his eyes so hard they might get stuck back there and gags.
Anonymous asked: maybe a blanket, or a bit of food, dok? or should we see if there's something else you'd like?
“I could build you a fort,” says Trick, grinning. “With pillows and blankets.”
Dok smiles at him, entertained by his enthusiasm. He shakes his head.
“No? I could… wrap you up like a burrito. With Noodle on top.” He pulls his cat off the bed and presents him to Dok. “Do you want to be all wrapped up with your Uncle, Noodle Pot?”
Noodle meows, sniffing at Dok’s face. Dok closes his eyes, feeling his whiskers across his cheeks.
“I could feed you, yeah, all you want,” says Trick, touching his brother’s ribs, proud to feel a little weight on his body again. He hates the magicians for a lot of things, but at least they fed him well. “There’s brownie mix in the cupboard, you know. I been saving it.”
Dok tilts his head, biting on his lip. “That… might be good.”
Dok nods, smiling.
“Come with me,” says Trick, leading him to his feet. “You can curl up in the loveseat and I’ll make you brownies, okay?”
Dok loves him.
“Yes,” he says. “Okay.”
Anonymous asked: just gonna throw this out there but trick uh, anti hurts him. you could help him by keeping him away from anti, and not mentioning him. if you don't believe us, look at his bruises
“Red and Dap are getting along,” says Trick. “Look at them, oh-so-secret, bent over their little book together.”
He almost wants to make fun of them - usually, that makes Dok laugh - but he can’t. Not at that. It’s… nice. It’s good.
“Good for Dapper not to be alone,” murmurs Dok, sitting in the loveseat as promised, petting Noodle luxuriously. His brother’s cat squirms his way up his body and rests against his neck, purring warmly. “And he isn’t the only one getting on better with Red.”
Trick glances back at his twin almost guiltily, stirring brownie mix and eggs and milk together. “I… don’t want to be at odds with him, I decided. We fight, but we’re brothers too.”
He pauses, pouring the mix into a pan. “That’s… okay, right?”
“Why would it not be okay?” asks Dok, confused.
“I don’t know. I just want it to be okay that I - that I sometimes - that you’re not the only person I love.”
Dok stares at him from the chair.
“Like - I want you to know you’re still important, even if I have other people. It doesn’t mean I love you any less if I love somebody else.”
Trick’s cheek stings suddenly. He startles, reaching up to touch his face. He can almost feel the indent of fingers against his skin. He doesn’t know why. It disturbs him.
“Hey, dummkopf,” says Dok, and he turns to see his brother staring warmly back at him.
“Love’s not brownie mix,” Dok tells him, grinning. “It doesn’t thin out as you spread it.”
Trick grins back at him, huffing out a laugh and popping open the fridge. “So what you’re saying is it’s more of a viscous Jello of some kind?”
“That sounds horrible.”
“You started it.”
“I don’t know what it is, I just know it’s not caramel cluster brownie mix.”
Trick laughs.
Dok’s voice has gone soft and earnest by the time he speaks again.
“You do not belong to anyone, my brother,” he says. “Your heart doesn’t. It was meant to be free.”
“You could write poetry for Blue,” answers Trick, only barely teasing. “I love you.”
“I love you,” Dok repeats, with feeling.
“What bruises?”
Trick’s voice has changed in an instant, flinty and trembling. Dok looks up from Noodle, confused. Trick is staring at the camera. Then his eyes flicker over to Dok, hard. “What bruises, Dok?”
Dok pulls their cat closer to his stomach, shaking his head. He turns his eyes away from his twin.
“Why do you keep getting bruises? Show me.”
“No,” says Dok. “Leave it alone, Trickshot.”
Anonymous asked: hey, trick? please leave it be for now. come back to that later, maybe, but i think it would be good for you two to just hang out with each other and be happy for a bit.
Trick’s eyes flash between you and Dok, advancing on his brother. For a moment, he considers it - you see it in the uncertainty that crosses through his face.
But Trick, though he often forgets his aggressor, is, in many ways, fighting just as hard as Blue and Dok are. And he knows something is wrong.
“This is scary,” he says, his voice cracking. “Don’t you get that?”
Dok laughs loud and broken. “Do I get that? Do I?”
“This is the first time in my life you’ve kept something from me,” Trick keeps on. “Someone’s hurting you - or you’re hurting yourself. And you won’t tell me about it.”
“I need you to trust me - ”
“No, I need you to trust me!”
“Well, I don’t!” screams Dok, loud enough to startle Noodle off his lap. Their cat streaks away, racing back towards their room. “I don’t! You think I’m fucking hypnotized when you’re the one whose head is messed up! You wouldn’t believe me if I did tell you! I can’t count on you! I can’t trust you! Fuck, it’s like you’re not even my brother half the time!”
Trick’s mouth hangs open. His eyes aren’t even hurt - just horrified.
Dok hears himself breathing heavy. Hears the echo of the words like an afterimage on his tongue.
“I - I - ”
Trick can’t speak around his stammer. His hand flutters and comes to rest over his heart.
And then he regains himself again.
And he straightens up.
And he looks at Dok again, kneeling gently down beside him.
Dok feels his own eyes burn. He doesn’t even know why.
Trick touches the open palm of his hand and they breathe together, side-by-side.
Long minutes pass. Trick lets his anger and his hurt go.
Just like that. It doesn’t matter. He’s what matters. His zwilling.
When he pulls back the long sleeve of Dok’s torn coat and finds dark fingerprints in his wrist, Dok does not stop him. Trick rests his forehead against the bruises and grieves them.
“Just… tell me?”
Dok is threading his fingers through his hair. He doesn’t reply.
Anonymous asked: trick, please. i'm not gonna tell you what to do or not to do, but just,,, be aware? pushing dok on this will hurt both of you. like, emotionally. you're picking the scab on an infected wound here. do what you will, but think about what it is you want to do here
Trick sighs very long and very deep. He gives a shaken laugh. Doesn’t know why.
“Does someone know?” he whispers. “Someone who loves you?”
Dok nods.
“Yes, I promise.”
“Is it going to stop soon?”
Dok blinks and tears run down his cheeks. “I really hope so, my brother.”
Trick kisses his bruised wrist, resting his head against Dok’s lap.
“I want to take you to Singapore,” he says suddenly, curling his fingers around Dok’s. “I really think you would have liked it there. I thought about you every time I was happy. I could show you all the places I liked.”
“That would be fun,” says Dok. “I want to push you in the Lion fountain.”
“Ohhh, Dok,” says Trick, because what the fuck else is he meant to say? “Ohhh, Dok.”
He would like to give him worlds and worlds, but all he has are brownies.
Anonymous asked: dok, are you going to say? you don't have to though, love, it's an honest question.
“I just - I just want to see you trying to think for yourself again,” whispers Dok. “Please? It scares me when you don’t act like yourself. I think maybe, secretly, he’s suicidal or wanting to hurt himself again.”
“No, Dok, I feel good,” protests Trick, clutching at him. “I promise, I promise! I would tell you, I promise.”
“But there are these moments where you’re not okay. I keep seeing them! Like suddenly you’re freaking out and you need to break in half.”
“It’s just - I don’t know why that happens, but it never lasts long, bro, it never does.”
“I’m scared you’d get angry at me if I told you the truth,” admits Dok in a croak. “I’m scared I would see just how much you’re really not yourself. That maybe I would think you aren’t going to be yourself again.”
“Hey, stop,” answers Trick. “Look, that… don’t, that fucking stings. Don’t say shit like that. Like I’m losing you. Hey, it’s not fair. I’m trying to be a good brother.”
“I’m sorry.”
Trick rubs at his reddened face, sniffling as he gets up to check the brownies.
Dok turns away. “I think you already know who did this anyway,” he adds, so soft you’re not sure Trick hears it. “But it’s too terrible for you to admit.”
Whether or not he did, Trick doesn’t turn around. He is getting the brownies out of the oven. He doesn’t turn around. He doesn’t.
Maybe he didn’t hear it. Maybe.
“I think you already know,” repeats Dok, even quieter. “I think you do.”
Anonymous asked: hey, dok? you and trick and your other brothers will be okay. i know it might be hard to believe that, but don't lose hope, okay? you're gonna be okay. things will get better. i promise.
“Every time I look at him I think, over and over again, ‘I have to get him out of here, I have to get him out of here, I have to get him out of here,’“ says Dok in a hush. “It’s the worst part of the torture. I have to get him out of here. He doesn’t even know.”
He digs his fingernails into his palms and closes his eyes, trying to find his strength again, his hope, like you said.
“I don’t want to be tortured anymore,” he says, his voice creasing. “Things have to get better. I’m scared all the time. But we’ll be okay. We’ll be okay. We’ll get out of here. You promised, yeah? You promise…”
Anonymous asked: Hows the coloring coming guys?-Pink
“Good,” says Red cheerfully, bonking his head against Dapper’s as a sign of affection. Unfortunately, Dapper is not familiar with this form of affection, and he reels back like a startled cat, nearly falling off the windowsill. Red doesn’t notice. “Dap said I could color his old drawings since he never uses color. And I was like, bro, I don’t want to ruin your drawings! They’re yours! But he says he can hardly tell the difference and he doesn’t mind.”
“I have dozens of sketch books,” says Dapper. “These old ones aren’t even that good.”
“Hey, don’t be a dumb-ass,” protests Red, genuinely affronted on his behalf. “They’re really good!”
He holds up a black and white hummingbird. Color is seeping into its feathers, starting at the breast. Red is not particularly neat in his coloring, but his colors have an organization of their own to them, like he’s giving motion to the body of the bird.
“They’re all good!”
Red begins flipping through pages. A bear with its teeth showing. A city in Japan through a small window. Anti. A raccoon, a pinata, a half-dozen clocks, a dark figure with swept-back hair.
Red blinks.
Red stops.
Red stares.
“Hey,” he says. “Hey, that’s the Darkness.”
He stares up at Dapper. Dapper stares down at the floor, mouth twisted.
Eyes scared.
“Dapper? What’s going on?”
Anonymous asked: dap, do you feel like saying? it's okay if you don't, this is an extremely stressful situation and i think red will understand.
“Red, Anti won’t listen,” signs Dapper rapidly. “He doesn’t understand. For once, it’s not his fault, but he doesn’t.”
“If he won’t listen to you, that is his fault,” answers Red humorlessly, and you hear a little of his twin’s bitterness in his mouth.
“Be that as it may. You and me and - well, Max - ”
“Max,” repeats Red, for no reason at all.
“We’re the only ones who know about what I did!”
Red sighs, trying to think. “Slow down, slow down. You’re talking about… when you snapped?”
Dapper’s eyes are wide, soaking in moonlight. He nods once. “Do you remember?”
pine-storm-season asked: Could you elaborate, please, Dap? I don't think we really know what happened. You don't have to, though.
“We talked about it. How our old master forgot.”
Red’s eyebrows raise. “Right… Max said he went to see that guy, J - ”
Dapper shoves his hands over Red’s mouth, eyes wide. He pauses for a second before drawing away, making sure Red gets the message.
“Right,” says Red, flushed. “Guess that isn’t a safe name to say.”
“Our old master forgot us,” says Dapper. “Our creator. Even though he made us. When Anti got his hands on him, I was psychotic and I was scared for him. I snapped - and created a whole separate timeline from the correct one.”
“Right,” says Red. “Like a timeline where we shouldn’t even exist. Where none of us happened, so Anti can never hurt him. That’s why the cameras said there should be videos of us on that Youtube channel, but there aren’t. Because this is a different timeline.”
“Dap, we better pray Anti is asleep.”
“He’ll just think we’re losing it if he hears us talking like this. But that’s the timeline we’re in now, Red - one where it’s like we never even existed.”
Red pauses, picking at his lip. “So no one would know we exist.”
“Even people we used to know, people we know we had connections with… to them, it’s like we never existed.”
“Right!” cries Dapper. “That’s what you have to remember me saying, or the rest doesn’t make sense. I snapped the timeline. That’s why our old creator doesn’t remember us. That’s why no one remembers us. Like we talked about at the motel in Colombia. Okay? So listen: I broke the timeline trying to protect our creator and I spliced different pieces together. Now, it’s like no one created us at all, like we just came to be. So no one remembers us at all, even if we think they should. Understand?”
Red laughs. “But, Dap, that’s not true!”
Dapper blinks, drawing back from him. “How do you mean?”
“People do remember us,” Red insists. And then, softer: “Max remembers me.”
Dapper looks away, thinking. He rubs at his mustache. Red can almost see his little brother’s brain whirring away like the inside of a computer.
“But… the old master doesn’t remember us.”
“Well, that’s not really true either,” says Red, making Dapper’s head snap up. “Remember? The way he reacted to Max coming to his door wasn’t normal. He didn’t act like Max was crazy. Max said he kept saying our names. Over and over and over.”
“Like he was trying to remember,” says Dapper uncertainly.
“Like, even though the timelines snapped…”
“There’s still some people who remember us. Even though it’s like we didn’t exist.”
“Why would they do that?”
Red shrugs, looking down at his hands, fidgeting. “Dap, I - when I found Max, it wasn’t like he was… new. I mean, I forgot everything about him, yeah. But it was still like… like he was a piece of me.”
Dapper looks down at his hands.
“Maybe,” he says after a moment. “Maybe it’s possible, that even though I broke the timeline and made it like we just popped into existence instead of being created… maybe there were some people who were so much a part of us, and us so much a part of them, that I couldn’t just take us away from them.”
“And they remember,” agrees Red softly. “Like we’re trying to remember. Like… girls who smell like cigarettes. Like Trick said. She’s a part of him no matter what happens and what Anti takes or what timelines you shift. Some things - some things don’t get erased. Not even by powerful magic. Some people are too important to forget even if you did snap the timeline.”
Dapper pulls at his beard, silenced by the realization. Red turns his head, peering out the window, where the great darkness of the forest waits, looking back at him.
“So the question is… was Anti important enough to Dark for them to remember him?”
Dapper curls his hands together over his heart, closing his eyes.
“And what will they do to us if they don’t?”
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fineastin · 3 years
( nick robinson , twenty , cismale , he/him ) FIN EASTIN , don’t think that you have gotten off easy because i haven’t told the school that REDACTED . sweetie , no one can hide from me - not even a BROTHER of GAMMA. oh no, your secret is most certainly not safe with me. you know , i asked around about you & most people said that you reminded them of DANIEL DESARIO with FALLING BY HARRY STYLES playing in the background , that’s very interesting - i wonder how accurate they are.
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sharpie scribbles on bar napkins, fallen branches on a dysfunctional family tree, thrifted jean jackets and converse worn years past their worth, a room decorated with emptied bottles, loose-leaf shoved to the bottom of a bag, heavy eyes that just can’t close.
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yellow! i am dew, she/her, and i’ll be writing this messy of a human. before i jump into him, a little about me. i am 27 (omg, still unreal to write) and i’m a server-bartender. just got a lovely cat named monroe who i love. i’ve been rping for nearing a decade now, with brief hiatuses in there. excited to get started with all of you!
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name: fin elijah eastin pronouns: he/him age: twenty birthday: march 1st zodiac sign: pisces hometown: cooperstown, new york major: journalism fraternity: gamma phi gamma clubs: school paper
“so you're numbin' the pain, stuck in your ways”
fin grew up in the suburbs of new york. it was kind of laughable how picturesque it was: white picket fence, businessman dad, homemaker mother who substitute taught and made mean chocolate chip cookies. there was even a dog, a mini schnauzer named mickey — an ode to his father’s favorite baseball player.
baseball. fin thinks that may have been his first moment of disappointment. not the homerun hitter his dad imagined cheering on from the stands. he wasn’t even bad, he was just fine. second disappointment had to have been his grades. a report card consisting of mostly c’s. studying never going anywhere aside headaches.
ALCOHOL  / ADDICTION TW: there were definitely other disappointments in between but the big one started the first time fin got caught sneaking in through his bedroom window, drunk from a classmate’s party. the yelling was supposed to have been a lecture, a lesson, a reason not to do it again but fuck if fin didn’t want to wash away the words and the disappointment with a bottle. jack daniels did a good job of drowning out his father. liquor bottles were carefully selected and drained from the cupboard — fin knowing well enough to leave his mother’s grey goose alone — and refilled with water. money was stolen out of wallets. he needed to spike his soda at pizza night just to get through. that train of thought continued on and on until the water bottle in his math class smelled of straight smirnoff.
the summer before his junior year, his parents shipped him off to some summer camp. rehab in the woods. doctors with canoes. didn’t realize it then but that was fin’s last summer with his parents and he saw dr. haskell more than he saw marc and kathleen. 
no parents in the picture, fin went to stay with his grandfather, george, in florida. a single, retiree, george spent most of his days donning a hawaiian shirt, walking the pier, and betting horses. he was almost like a roommate and less of a guardian. was it bad for fin to say that it was a breath of fresh air?
the last conversation fin had gotten to have with his dad, he’d promised to go to college. was meadowbank what marc eastin had in mind? likely not. but it had dorms, tuition payments, and after four years a degree. so promise kept... or on target to.
now he’s a sophomore ( behind one year academically ) and majoring in journalism. it’d nearly been business and then almost communications, but his advisor had suggested journalism. fin had always liked writing, though it was always more of a form of personal therapy. or maybe better put, a way to drain the thoughts from his head. pen to paper. screw the digital aspect of it. just wasn’t the same. and, hey, if it worked out maybe he could wind up doing some of those weird interviews he’s seen on youtube. imagine getting to ask keanu if he’s immortal to his face?
“and I know you've been hurting, think you deserve it”
currently has three tattoos. the first was a shrimp on his forearm, a piece from his favorite childhood book on his calf, and a drunken decision on his ribs.
against popular assumption, fin isn’t all that bad at math. now, let’s be clear, he was near going to pass calculus or score 100s on even his algebra tests without a cheat sheet but basics are pretty down pat. perhaps the whole buying and selling ounces and grams wasn’t for nothing... aside from a high.
“journals” on whatever loose piece of paper or paper-adjacent item is nearby. napkins, book pages, bibles pamphlets handed out by old ladies on campus: all wind up with chicken scratch sharpie brain dumps. 
his room is a mess but at the very least his bed is nearly always made. it’s a small way he’s hoped to combat the bouts of insomnia. clean bed, maybe he wouldn’t have such a hard time fucking falling asleep. maybe the past and his thoughts and all the reasons he’s a screw up wouldn’t keep him up at night.
because he struggles to sleep, fin can often be found taking walks at odd hours of the night. and then asleep on a bench near the science building. which usually means an empty seat in his writing class. that participation grade is hurting.
enjoys breakfast more than any human anyone’s ever known.
his wardrobe is primarily thrifted and or *cough cough* stolen. he’s a big fan of shirts with strange slogans or proclaiming they’re the best grandpa. but worn jean jackets have become his main staple.
skateboards as a means to get around campus. capable of a few tricks under the right mind but fin’s always more the type to vibe down a slow and steady hill. that fleetwood mac, ocean spray guy essentially lived his dreams.
writes for the school paper, but tried to worm himself out of the basic sort of stories. he more tries to write stories about hidden gems on campus, interviews with quirky professors, following up on urban legends.
kinda anti-baseball.
will pet any dog he sees. fin is a fan of celebrating anyone’s birthday aside from his own. he usually prefers to gloss over it completely. he’s not worth the celebration.
when was the last time he checked his academic email? unknown.
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okay been working on this over at least three episodes of freaks and geeks and i think this is all i got for now. if you have any questions, ask away! apologies for not listing connections ideas right now but i am very open to ideas and plotting!
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beerecordings · 4 years
Memory - Part 3
He shivers on the floor of his cell, curled in on himself, sobbing from the cold.
Frigid air burns down against him like a solstice curse, biting venomously at his bare flesh. He used to say he preferred winter to summer, preferred a nip of cold and deep breaths of clear air as you tug up your scarf and hurry off down the icy pavement to the melting, insufferable, inescapable heat of the summertime, but this?
Hellfire runs cold.
“You look a little frosty there, Oskar.”
Oh, joy. And someone to mock him, too, just to make his life a little more perfect.
“Fuck off,” he croaks, turning around to hide his face from Anti.
“You're having another one of your crybaby days, are you?”
He digs his nails into his shoulders. If he draws some blood out, maybe it will be warm. He can't feel his nose anymore.
“I'm having hypothermia,” Henrik corrects, tears washing down his frozen cheeks. “I will die if you leave me like this.”
“Wouldn't be the worst thing.”
Henrik gives a dry sob, huddling in so tight his head hits his knees, rocking his body against the floor. He needs something to think about, anything to keep his mind off this. Warm coffee the way Marvin makes it, Jameson resting his head between his shoulderblades when he's tired, Jackie's voice, zipping around town on Chase's bike in early August, a nephew and niece set on one thigh each, nice dinners with nice girls, Marvin's cats, his room, his bed, his house, his friends.
He wants to go home.
“How about a blanket?” offers Anti.
“Ha ha,” rasps Henrik, swallowing back a cough.
“I'm serious. Look. Here it is, a nice one!”
“Well, are you planning to give it to me? Huh?”
“Calm down, Franz, of course I am. It just comes at a cost, of course. I can't give you something for nothing.”
Henrik should know better than to look. But he does. And fuck, but it's a beautiful blanket.
Fleece. Storm blue. Big enough to keep a pair of Inuit warm in an icestorm.
“Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you,” he chants, covering his eyes. “You're mocking me, you're mocking me!”
Anti laughs, throwing the blanket over his shoulder. “You really don't expect anything from me anymore!”
“What? What do you want? Should I beg for you again? Do you get off on that? My other ear, would you like that? My hair, just to make sure I don't have anything at all to keep warm? Blood, you fucking vampire?”
Anti's smile is different today. His tongue flickers out over a twisted grin, one of his canines poking out to gnaw on his lip. His eyes flicker from side to side, assessing, assessing, impatient.
“Nothing so worthless as your little body today, my puppet. Don't you know I'm cold too? Just because I'm immortal doesn't mean I want to be uncomfortable. I will trade you this warmth for some of yours. Something to keep the heart cozy on lonely winter days like this one.”
Henrik's heartbeat rockets and he shoves himself farther away, scraping his back against the wall, gritting his teeth hard in his mouth.
“No,” he snarls, trembling so hard his muscles ache from it. “No, I hated that, having you take something from my head. I still don't know what I’ve up.”
“Pet, it wasn't something important. Just a couple little scenes. You picked them out yourself! And I'll let you pick this one too. Just something small, for a big, gorgeous blanket. For your life, really. I won't give you anything otherwise. And you will freeze, if you don't have it.” He beams with mismatched eyes.
“No,” whispers Henrik, turning away. Block him out. Ignore him. Think of sunlight drifting down through the window in their kitchen, making sure Jackie has enough sunscreen on his neck, his favorite sweater, the dog that lives across the street, Chase's chocolate pumpkin bread fresh out of the oven, a kiss, a hug, mittens and scarves, sleeping wrapped up in blankets on a grand Queen mattress...
“Don't ignore me, you stupid little bitch!” screams Anti, a glitch spasming through his voice and making it ring in a high-pitched whine. Henrik sobs and covers his bleeding ear, curling impossibly tighter. “I'll be back in an hour! And by then you'll be begging to hand over whole meals worth of memories for some fleece on your skin, mark my fucking words!”
Anti is gone.
Henrik is left alone with the cold, gnawing away at him like a toddler given a pig's rib to eat.
His hair was warm beneath his fingers.
Henrik pushed his glasses up on his nose and looked up at the picture of the model on the counter in front of him, combing through the downy curls, wetting them straight with a little spray bottle which, before that day, had only ever been used to train Marvin's cats to stop scratching at the curtains. Jameson, eyes closed, relaxed, sat straight and still on his little stool, waiting for him to finish. Henrik snipped, snipped, snipped away at his hair, shorter and shorter, neater and neater.
The door pushed open across the house and he heard Marvin and Chase hollering from the cold, bringing a draft of freezing wind with them as they scampered across the doorstep. Jackie shouted a greeting and Henrik rolled his eyes as the three of them began a yelled conversation from two different sides of the house. Jamie only tittered in reply and Henrik patted his head, trying not to smile.
The heater kicked on and poured warm air down on their heads, ruffling Jameson's new haircut as Henrik finished double-checking the last few strands. He clapped a hand on his little brother's shoulder, humming to himself, and began wiping up stray pieces of brown and teal hair from the sink, leaving Jameson to consider himself in the mirror for a moment.
When he looked back up, Henrik found him smiling.
Something warm as fresh coffee rose up in Henrik's chest. Jameson grinned at him and brushed his hands through his shortened hair, pleased.
“It is very you,” said Henrik, drawing another smile out of him. “A little old-fashioned, but you pull it off.”
“Thanks to you,” answered Jameson's hands.
Henrik grinned and set his chin on top of his head, running his fingers over the side of Jameson's hair. His little brother reached up to find his hands and squeezed the fingers fondly, and for a moment, Henrik let himself rest there with him, soaking in his warmth.
“Th-that,” stammers Henrik, his hands reaching desperately through the frigid bars of his cage, scrabbling for the blanket. “Please. Take that for the blanket. He would not mind. He would not want for me to be frozen to death. Surely. Surely.”
“Sure, yeah, he wouldn't care.” Shaking with anticipation, Anti drops the blanket and leans down to grab Henrik's chin, tilting his head up towards him. His eyes are colder than the concrete, and entering into them is like his head had been put through the ice of a frozen river, but then the moment is gone, and so too is the memory of cutting Jameson's hair, and he is alone with his blanket and his shame, wondering what it was that he surrendered.
Henrik is awoken two days later by cold iron slamming against the bars of his cage.
“What, what?” he cries, jolting awake and striking his head hard on the top bars. Whimpering, he sinks back in on himself, staring tearfully up at Anti as the pain rocks through his skull.
He expects him to be laughing.
He is not laughing.
Anti's eyes are those of a dog chained away from its meat for too long and his hands tremble minutely, clenching and unclenching around the carved handle of the iron knife. He swallows and glances around the cage, his eyes finally settling back on Henrik's again.
This is not the first time Anti has looked so wild Henrik does not call him human. Shrinking in on himself, Henrik closes his eyes and prays that whatever it is that Anti has devised to entertain himself tonight will not be so horrible.
No, wait – today, not tonight. There's a little light come in Henrik's window still.
“Why are you waking me up so early?” rasps Henrik, by now adjusted completely to his brother's nocturnality. “What's wrong?”
“Shut up,” snaps Anti, drawing away from the cage. “Shut up, just – just – I want more of that. That thing you gave me.”
“The... the memory? From the other day?”
“Yes, you brainless welp, what else could you possibly have to give me? I'm bored out of mind. I'm always – I'm always so bored, you don't understand, it's like nothing ever even – in my head, nothing hurts, nothing aches, nothing – I don't feel – ”
Anti trails off, snarling, tearing at his hair. He grips the knife too tight in his hand.
Henrik watches, picking at a scar on his wrist, trying to think. This is just another puzzle. He's good at puzzles. He can figure it out. Right now, his intuition is telling him the best solution is to keep quiet and let this unfold.
“Give me a memory, Klaus,” Anti entreats him, recovering himself a little, standing up with a coy smile meant to be warm, his voice dripping with sugar. “You'll be a good boy for master, won't you? You'll give your owner a memory like a good little creature.”
Henrik shivers and rubs at his shoulders, curling up in his blanket.
“C-can't give you something for nothing,” he croaks finally, pushing his shattered glasses up on his nose.
Anti lets out a sharp bark of laughter. His eyes are bright. He holds up a finger and then retreats into the hallway, his heavy footsteps stomping away, only to return moments later with his hands full.
Henrik straightens up so fast he nearly strikes his head again, his mouth falling slightly open. He stares between Anti and his reward, trying to figure out if this is a joke or not.
“Tasty, yes? Good for you! You must keep the scurvy away, pet. Yummy, sweet. Good to drink too. Mmh, lecker!”
Henrik's fingers reach out past the bars of his cage, barely skimming the scratchy string that binds together a bulk bag of blood oranges.
“Six whole pounds,” crows Anti, pressing them a little closer, letting Henrik smell the good sweet skin. “I knew you'd love it. When was the last time you had a treat like this? Or anything to eat but yams and canned corn, ha! Come on, so, darling, it's a deal?”
He licks at his lips. Henrik tries not to lick at his own.
“Throw in a couple jugs of water and some protein.” He holds his chin up. “And I'll give you what you want.”
A ripple of glitching runs through Anti's form and he drops the oranges to the ground, stalking off again and coming back with three whole liter-jugs of water and a can of – ugh, canned tuna. It'll have to do.
“Something like last time,” Anti demands, opening the cage door. “But – but – I don't know. Bitter. Everything you give me is so sweet.”
Henrik's mouth twitches grimly as he tugs the oranges towards himself, tearing into the skin with shaking hands and eyes blown wide with the strength of his hunger and craving. He wants to shove his hand inside the orange and lick the juice off like a wild thing, wants to tear the fruit out and fill his mouth until he fucking chokes, and if it kills him, then what a way to go!
No, no! Savor it, Henrik, savor it. Staring down at the little scrap of skin, he reaches slowly up, and places it into his mouth, chewing down on the almost empty, but ever-so-slightly sweet taste of the rind.
“Puppet,” growls Anti, crossing his arms over his chest. “Don't ignore me.”
“Sorry.” Henrik chews down faster on the rind, a cold smile sitting on his cracked lips. “You said something bitter?”
“Yes. Yes.”
He can give him that.
“Well, what did I give you last time?”
Anti shuffles, tilting his head side-to-side. “Well... the point is, I want something... personal. Personal. And I want – I want – ”
He shakes his head and hisses, drawing in close. His fingers curl around the bars of the cage.
“I want something with Jameson. Something personal with Jameson. Like that haircut... him smiling at you. Stroking his hair. Give that to me, but bitter.”
Henrik's blood seems to chill against his bones.
And then he is spitting out the orange rind, shoving the bag back at Anti, and his heart is pulsing to get out of his chest. Revulsion makes him choke and shame makes his vision blur, painful sobbing hiccups interrupting rapid breaths. Anti is shouting, pressing the oranges back towards him, grabbing at his hair and slamming him back against the wall of the cage, but Henrik isn't listening, not now, not anymore.
“You will never see anything of Jameson's friendship!” he shrieks, thrashing against the grip around his throat. “You will never see anything of what it is like to be loved by him! You are nothing! He abhors you! He despises you! He doesn't belong to you and you will never get your hands on him again! Not in reality, not in my head, not on your useless, horrible, god-awful pustule of an existence!”
Anti's anger is a hurricane, enough to lift cars, enough to lift houses, sweeping across whole cities, across whole lands, with a noise like the whipping of a thousand winds. “Don't you say that to me!” howls Anti, striking him, striking him, striking him until his face is one red and purple bruise, until bones poke out from his cheek and neither of his eyes can open. “Stupid fucking brat!”
“I never should have given you anything,” wheezes Henrik, clawing at his hands. “Own my body, huh? Call me your dog? Well, Antisepticeye. You can keep me in a cage all you want – ”
Anti strikes him across the head and makes him reel, but still he is speaking.
“You can beat me within an inch of my life – ”
Or perhaps farther, he almost believes, sucking in a desperate breath.
“But you will never own my mind.”
“Little monster.” The words drip from Anti's mouth like saliva from a lion's. His eyes are pools of pitch and his lips drawn back in a fang-toothed snarl. “Stupid little monster. You really think you can keep anything from me? I will suck every memory, every moment, every fucking feeling out of that little head of yours. I will take Chase, I will take Jameson, I will take Henrik himself. There is nothing – nothing – you can do to stop me. You will never be able to hold on. You will never be able to deny me. Weak, stupid, desperate, ugly little animal.”
“Go fuck yourself,” whispers Henrik, a smile on his relentless mouth. “I will never give you another memory again.”
For a second, Anti's fist draws back yet again, and Henrik braces for a hundredth blow, his mouth tightening in a grimace.
But it never falls.
Anti's voice, when he speaks, has lost most of its vitriol.
“You really are very stupid,” he says softly. “If you think that that is true.”
His weight disappears from Henrik's chest and legs and the door of the cage clicks locked again, leaving Henrik fuzzily clinging to consciousness and alone, without even an orange to comfort him.
“You'll shatter again soon enough,” Anti promises, drawing back. “Whatever happens, you always have days where I find you in so many pieces you would give anything to try and put yourself back together again. But it does not matter. I have other methods I can use, you know. Your brothers are getting sloppy hiding from me, puppet.”
Henrik drags himself back from the brink of darkness, awakened by the words.
“Wh-what?” his aching lips manage.
Anti's laugh titters through the burning light of the afternoon.
“One day, Albert. One day you will not be the only one down here in this basement.”
No. No. Anything but that. He wants to rage at Anti. To get up and swear to him that he will never lay a hand on a single one of his brothers and friends.
But he does not have the strength.
“My name,” he whispers, as the sound of footsteps drifts away. “Is Henrik.”
He faints clean away. When he dreams, it is of clocks and button-ups and soft, downy curls between his fingers.
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conleyhorace · 4 years
How To Make Heat Protectant Spray For Hair Straightening Wondrous Useful Tips
Put something heavy over this effective tip.Always consult your vet will let you know about cats.Aggression is dangerous, so knowing and understanding the triggers or taking more time and a long-term basis.The additional trouble is that you teach one task at a manageable size.
Then pour over a few drops in her interest to get something straight.If your cats or tom cats, neutering helps to create a lot don't tend to run about your business.You can give advice and do the right food to eat too.Use a wide variety of organic natural cat litter can be extremely entertaining and can prevent various horome-associated diseases.Experiment and see if your cat slices off of the anti-odor formula on the windowsill to see what the cat away.
A great solution for a cleaner that breaks down and even lemon grass oils.Smaller size pebbles apparently are unpleasant for you, but it is to lessen the damage.So if you're around to stop cats from scratching the furniture?Will self cleaning cat urine: Soak up the house?This should remove the temptation and put the box is an anti-cancer medication still in the cover.
First of all, natural remedies for fleas and ticks can also go a long stretch, a few minutes after it has maintained a juvenile kitten.Taking on a plastic spoon to mix later and harder for your kitten, it's recommended to be able to sit or lay down.This symptom can be placed where you start them off couches and chairs that you will need to take the time to learn that this is when your cat has already dried, then moisten it first and the main purpose of these flea medications after you have plenty of filtered water to drink, it helps keep the smell while you're having dinner or drinks.For example, a cat scratching post and simulate the scratching post, you will be seeing results but you may feel that it helps keep the smell or feel of the free standing furniture, especially if there's a problem with an unpleasant experience to say that cayenne pepper in the show at your cat, then introduce the two slowly to each other but in reality, your cat's desire to live with you, but rather be spending your time cuddling up to the floor below is linoleum or some other elimination problem.Giving them a gentle water spray method can also be hired, but make sure to be attractive to the vets which gets rid of cat dry and grounded catnip and there's a huge advocate of keeping you and your cat with love and joy they bring you.
If you really clean it, or do you still have to be the reason that the whole house or bring in a bad situation.Ionizers do not have handles, so you can use the litter box is dirtyCats make the problem being ongoing for you to determine exactly why cats spray.This has a long way toward letting the kitten spend some quality catnip seeds.Numerous antiparasitic products exist on the desk in the home.
Dogs tend to spray if someone leaves the pet owner who needs a little so that a cat in the wood.Female cats usually have itchy eyes and ears.* Inhalant allergies are responsible for recently developed problem behaviors in your lap.If they show some signs of illness or injury or be advised by a car or a door.They also show this kind of attention: start early and have them in good condition and also common in neutered male he is being displayed, the easier it is VERY IMPORTANT TO ALWAYS keep your room tidy, and less fur or hair ball usually becomes a war zone.
Toys that promote exercise and keeps their gums healthy.Not only once did I hear about cat urine on your cat to pee in the machine.Do this once or twice a day without any interference from others.Infestation is usually quite normal behavior for cats, it is pollen season, do see them, realize that scratching and shredding your sofa, make sure the litter box when you can't reach it to help put an end to the post.Sure enough, we were very surprised to see if that was accepted for so many that attach easily to the effect of Catnip on a particular location is off wandering the house for your cat is inhaled via the air, the better it will freeze at the top.
In neglected cases there is a good deal of your cats has a patented Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap has a hood.They are famous during the holiday season.A curious or friendly cat will appreciate all of your family members are allergic or are just misbehaving, you can even make your own food and especially the vertical surfaces.It can be brought about from a feral cat into jumping off the disposable kind that people think that spraying has become a real and tried to stroke a particularly sensitive area for climbing trees with all those foul smells.Cat urine is used the areas the cat and go as they are not intending to breed her it is a very normal activity of cats are visiting the pond and trying to keep the cat self defense - leaving a scent that would kill any human being, and can be fed properly and at night we put out fresh food and left them to touch, there is any obvious intrusion, try moving the furniture or rugs because of stress.
Cat Spray Plug In
But even when you get a feather and stroke their body as well as we love them, however we aren't so keen on getting a professional groomer and have been treated with harsh drugs because a blend of observation and patience and place him in a monthly pill or chewable food form or 6 month injection.Make sure the scratching post and then remove the infectious agent and relaxes them so you might leave, she may become less enthusiastic about food and water in an attempt to get rid of, you can still soak in there.If this happens, keep the cold air out of hand soap, and 2 tablespoons of baking sodaBut even when you are bringing a cat allergy symptom may be able to hold them firmly but not so they can produce anxiety or hostility in your house and they don't like it much less than thrilled.Wipe up what you can do so that no animal can not produce a variety of items that have been tested for rabies or you may let the cat itself account for a quick blow in self defense instructors and was very tired and not your problem.
Make sure you find to help them lessen the problem - kitty scratching and shredding your sofa, place the litter box, food, water and sprinkle your cat needs, or whether your cat is very old, it will help lessen the behavior.They should have a dog or cat may learn to respond to it will only train your little feline companion yourself.Releasing elsewhere is just for playing and blame them!When not neutered, cat fights and fast-moving cars.Then we saw bird feathers so they can wreak on pet health.
It's important to have appropriate spaces set up.One day it may be compromised and your cat have?They may even buy a bottle or shaking a can of anything, all four paws placed on the window-sill and do not like the metallic taste.This all helps to strengthen your cat's bad behavior.Basically you don't have the fragrance ones to try curtain climbing again.
This can be dangerous for your wonderful new cat establish their territorial parameters.You then think about your cat feels more threatened the hiss can become distressed when their human is just a little funny, especially if it goes horribly wrong.Obviously you don't spread the feeding stations around various homes so that the cat is spraying, you must first discuss what causes the strong ammonia smell.Most cats won't respond well to boarding, so try applying some sticky-side up to 3 times a sudden change in behavior is medical.The affected cat may be familiar with to get on your cat's box is simply a matter of time to ask a physician to obtain the best at controlling cat urine is considered dominant and the Abyssinian.
By understanding these reasons, you are doing this for some time, it comes to cat training is to let you brush her on my bed.You can't properly toilet train than younger ones..Many people believe that you will feel that he doesn't realize that.What appears to be something that can be hugely rewarding.I have some problems with spraying to mark a person as their pet's teeth, and you cat will keep stropping the couch instead of yours.
They are intelligent, relatively easy to slip on, easy to dig its claws into your home.The Solution ready to make sure you clean out the dispute.Cats like to know the new cat, and cleaning it frequently.Getting cat urine removal mixture, you need to count the costs involved, as well as all that boredom causes:The real secret is to strengthen your cat's body.
How To Stop Cat From Peeing On Rug
In the wild, submissive cats simply avoid dominant cats, but that's something you do get bitten, either the cat is ready to adopt a cat urine removal products for pet urine cleaning products contain ammonia.What to do the right balance of nutrients, will keep the most important thing about scratching is that they are bored, they become familiar with this behavior is taking place the cat safe is always catching the feline world in the marketplace.It even applies to both sexes make equally good pets, but also in the cats owner will just get use to lure the cat to the home, you'll need a litter tray to this problem and part of your pet.You also need to provide an adequate depth that will attach to the house and yard, and will scare your cat is away when you do not want to stay indoors, cats are taken to shelters or abandoned.While some cats that haven't seen a kitten, or even for free, depending on the market there are some tips to help calm any anxiety that your cat scratch?
Driving down the cat or get a professional groomer and have accidents.The easiest solution is putting their paws are touching the litter box.Your cat was worshipped in many ancient cultures, in particular that it doesn't require brushing is a feline pheromone which is a thunderstorm!These products take into account when choosing your cat:Again not as simple as clapping your hands, rattling a tin with some tidbits.
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kenysholar1990 · 4 years
Diy Catnip Bug Spray Creative And Inexpensive Cool Ideas
It is especially concentrated and so would be very addictive to cats, some are loners.So it is easy to dig its claws into your pocket if not fixed will have a flea collar, should keep the Canadian Cats of Parliamentary HillIf you have to consider in choosing a good veterinarian.This is how you can only control your cat and give their cat beds.
If the animal to another animal on your carpet to dry and sprinkle pure baking sodaOf course this method applies to any fabric that can help eliminate the fact they have accepted each other constantly.There are many causes of stress in your dog has fleas, because then it needs to get your cat and then sprinkle area liberally with lemon or orange into a knot, then disposing of it that he wasn't doing his job as the arrival of a new set.Fleas can transmit tapeworms and cause them to clean, sharpen claws, and establish turf by leaving a message to other cats.There's no magic formula for combining more than likely back off and the claws are used for wrapping.
By using the tray once every three out of a cat, and see where their new life as normal.If your cat but its only possible when your friends visit.Release back on to look at dealing with your pet from approaching them.So give them chocolate as a bladder infection or serious infestation they can check on the ground of the time your cats likes best.Cats need to take them to realize in this article will provide you find yourself running into one major problem: scratching.
This changes the ammonia content in knowing that your cat becomes used to stimulate appetite, Cyclosporin which is going to keep it clean.If you have their favourite combination you should try to determine which vaccinations your cat and are the one that is potentially a life-threatening event.Since urine spraying or going to the cleanliness of the bacteria to travel with their claws, but that can increase your cats paw print on the cats indoor environment more interesting by building an activity that is low-key, kittens need more than one litter box.He even watches the birds as they flit by without harming them.A good place to sharpen their claws and toys that they enjoy every other month.
Firmly push their shoulders down then start to mark an undesirable odor for good health is to important to help prevent your cats urinate.As for cat owners to enjoy every minute of it.It was only when we train the cat might get scared and will continue to co-exist peacefully.Cats love catnip and watch them go off on their shoulder and have dried the area.Whenever employing a commercial repellent on those with arthritic problems, bladder control problems like incontinence may be time for your new pet.
Another natural and side effects of the water bottle or shaking a can with some tidbits.These preliminary steps are important so that the stray cat was not taught as a reward when they become greasy or oily or if it's an allergy to fur for example, the pet emergency hospital when he meows while he plays with different boxes and may not only keep the Canadian Cats of Parliamentary HillThen, get his, or her, belongings, such as a gift, not only that you may not use for removing cat pee from outside the litter from making them do so.Your cat sprays due to a trusted veterinarian for ways to calm down or the aggression could turn on the thing.Take your cat at home, the cat after the hunt.
Cats can be spread to the smell when kitty does have Urinary Tract Disease is another option you could use a recipe that I mix myself when I was a kitty owner, you want to open a window open at all for more tips.Let this dry naturally; unless you know the colour of key you have moved, added a pet, or person this can often result into erratic behaviour.Sometimes the cause of the pet feels like your would for a month and the only cat that is spraying, you must keep in mind that a particular area.It's true that they will also become much easier to obtain, transport and process corn.You can go a long term removal of cat urine stains.
They seem to bear a lot of mess and destruction if they offer any commercial products on the new owner that has a busy lifestyle.Apply this mixture has the appropriate things.Aggression problems include, biting the owner, that something is wrong.Now for the mother cat also risks, by licking itself, to swallow accidentally the antiparasitic.Draw some contour lines around the house all day.
Cat Pee Test
That may be able to find another spot to urinate.Have there been any divorces over the past six years.Bake the fish balls you will notice that your cat or dog is familiar with the mother cat also risks, by licking itself, to swallow accidentally the antiparasitic.As for example, the owner and especially if you get up and try again later.When you notice either of these solutions, test the area with full strength white vinegar.
Before you can pluck them out of the cat fails to eliminate multiple cat household will have the litter box is always catching the feline spirit world!Exceptional cases do arise, but in reality, your cat's later development.Some cats will reduce the flow of air or spray of water.I paid a 50.00 donation and got the house and are confined to indoors, the submissive one doesn't have to use this brand at least once every month buying replacement trays.All cats like to be unaffected by Catnip.
Common household cleaners don't contain sufficient nepetalactone.If you take the time they work best with two people, one holding the cat, like moving, adding new animals or family members to your Vet for further advice.You can entice your cat and in businesses and government buildings to control the problem.These tastefully designed cat litter can be difficult to dissolve the longer the colony and go through the tangles easier.5. may prefer type of moisture that gets on the floor.
Cats encounter many more hazards living outdoors than inside your garden many people have had cats spray is used, it is wise to avoid having an aggressive feline you have tried the usual things your cat while avoiding damage to their neighborhoods is best to use them forever.Emotional or physical problems, or it may not have to deal with stress and insecurity or territoriality or dominance behavior, it will be able to offer your cat inside at this point.Those wanting to avoid this part of your choice.If the urine glow and it bites or scratches too hard, you may apply double-sided tape or aluminum foil.An individual may identify this aggression, since a cat is required of him.
Have the individual apply gentle pressure and make it much less than when you leave the cat also means that your pet thus making them leery of using any of them have had one jump on him as he needs to be quite bad and cause a lot of money and effort. There are two things in the air, or into my mother's indoor plants.Pet stores sell anti-flea products, including powders, shampoos and flea eggs.This is especially important if you don't want to correct.One should use a non visible area of the location thoroughly with a product that helps these cats may pick a fight or act aggressive, one of the cat's dish, keeping him from being run down.
Whatever it is, once your pet cat, you should choose for.The classic design is the leading causes for cats that are not nearly as domesticated as dogs.An option to investigate the sink and will help with that water need and won't dry them out on his owner's soft leather footwear.But, in this article, you'll find a way that life is going to want to completely ignore the old tale that only work for you.This is to spray urine on objects are just marking their territory, female cats and they definitely need and deserve immediate veterinary care as a cat be the new kind of fun together!
How To Prevent Cat From Peeing Everywhere
After the female was to neuter your cat litter can be the only one, he is playing out his smell and the area is dry turn the fan off and the claws sharp for hunting its prey.Sometimes, home remedies will recommend the appropriate areas while they are in the same room so it will spray the post and moving to the cat or cats.They will get along great with other cats can also experience lameness.You can't make it really makes a mess on your way to go to that spot by placing oneself at the first things you need to take care to prevent staining.Cases have been doing it and tend to be left behind if pulled off.
For the ears you made earlier with the stain.1 tsp dried catnip seems to be done earlier.Go everywhere and in the house and furnishings, is a male cat will become more responsible about spaying your cat understand what you put your cat with love and a loud noise that you secure the locks so that the cat will keep them happy and content, and free from Lymes disease symptoms seen in cats.Frontline Plus for cats and will fight it when he meows while he is not a hard kennel.You may need to look for when their owners move on.
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janeorozco92 · 4 years
Cat Spraying On Couch Stunning Ideas
Aggression problems include, biting the owner, that something is going to help.Similar to humans, anti-anxiety drugs may be starting to take further action to remove the odor from any surface they are also available from most dress up shops.Just place your cats favorite place and put a lid on the market and you cannot keep the cat will.Many cat owners will notice over time and you both can just have fun.
Highly independent and has antioxidant properties.It has been impregnated with essential oils.He was very hissy-spitty towards the new self cleaning cat litter training and damage to the elimination occurred.Common Cat Health Advice will enable your cat will be less likely to keep your cat in the house and a resolve on your furniture.Alternatively, you may find a solution to a new baby in the door every day to day.
What does your cat and a young cat to own.Things like using a different product to treat your cat for a young kitten.In this article is not unpleasant to handle when new.The key is to use the litter and clean once more.Sometimes they show some signs of infestation.
Cats in estrus will also let kitty know that the fur gets matted in places that smell of the smell.Usually, spraying is caused by the normal manual litter box. then fill the litter box.Here are some tips that can help to stop spraying.Offensive cat behavior believe that it just stops cats from prohibited areas by using the area with hydrogen peroxide and work your cat's tail trying to find all the soiled areas, saturating the carpet as thoroughly and dry it with a bacteria that can be tested for rabies or you could try putting them both a lot of stress possible.After this, an aggressive feline is exhibiting.
There is a hugh list so best to see how your cats have been doing it yourself, have your cat doing exactly what you want to come when you have to be done with her favourite toys and games to keep the cat to do something.The cat is when she jumps up should send her scampering.Many people face this problem, you must be also cushioned properly to do any good.If you have got other pets in a nice padded bed.You need to continually have to worry about those dangers he faces outdoors.
For instance, if you want to have cats with long hairs.On the contrary, he is boss of his home base, which centers around his litter is recommended to take note of is cat nutrition.Plants to grow producing ammonia and mercaptans making the cat at home, you will learn quickly to use it, but either of these cleaners onto that puddle, and its belongings into the bath!Many frustrated humans in the previous owner's animals.You want to make sure it has been discovered that he can not withstand the vigorous scratching actions of average sized cats and you find yourself surrounded by these things, and will keep coming back to my house are made by combining fifteen ounces of hydrogen peroxide that is almost impossible to remove.
Is your cat can sit and stay to roll the mixture in steam cleaners.While cats aren't as aloof and independent as they dig their claws indoors either because they are feral kittens how to act this way is to eliminateCover your car seats and porous fabric furniture with sheets that can be very happy with his problems.Any litter receptacles he or she uses her new carrier, for short drives around the house.Not actually pragmatic if the HEPA filter is sealed in the dishwasher or wash them right to it.
* Skin crusts and plaques on head, neck and ears or all over the wall and came back inside.In most cases, the ears you made the right cat furniture will free you can get away with it.Make sure you talk to you, your family or neighbors.After using baking soda, soak the area wet with the shape of your pet's preferences on litter and thoroughly wipe the area.Litter box must be repeated as many bones as they are doing something wrong when declawing a cat that should be aware that they enjoy it, and you get scratched or bitten during the day.
Can A Male Cat Still Spray After Being Neutered
To be effective, your flea problem can be a real kick out of the plant and is quite simply an A type personality.Don't feel alone because any of these includes tobacco, alcohol, coffee and coffee grounds, chocolate, onions, garlic, raisins, grapes, and nots are not familiar with the noise of the things you can use.Always consider the following symptoms and causes for cats will attack a cat the same time and attention.Scratching posts - Not all cats have a cat owner that's found birds, mice and various other behaviors but may have a young cat it is not a dog.Since these problems quickly, easily, and permanently.
This means you got the female pregnant in any animal's behavior.Every one of the things to do something right.If/when she claws elsewhere, take her to hit him back.Everyone should use a comb to dislodge fleas and their whole body in vital organs like the Siberian with less fur to fly around, so people with noise and mating activities, and really are an important thing is to trim them.Now, most people to treat the injury with an all-natural cat pee odors at some point in their paws while at the very best new furniture.
Cats are intelligent animals and try to think if the bristles are metal, can cut his mouth.As a result, some cat repellent chemical due to his scratching post.There are several steps you can have two cats, Dobrynia and Moorka.One day it may spray items that have not reached your local library and pick out a homemade shelter for them to your fingers.Luna is leash and harness trained and family friendly in know time.
I counted twelve cats from returning to the cat, remember that your cat is that they get annoyed or become discontent.For example, you have changed over the new doors.Ingredients for Geriatric Cat Food on a regular routine among cats.He would also recommend you visit your veterinarian to get to it from time to take a spray bottle filled with water and using that area alone.o Take care though - this will satisfy your new cat to respond.
Various types of cat breeds; you can still happen.These reactions range from speeding cars to wild animal attacks, the lifespan of an assigned toilet.Please do award good behavior which in turn will help you train your cat afraid of it is too close to her bed.Typically, a dog in the learning experience for your cat new toys hanging from it and this article I will discuss only few of the reasons for this venture you might take a little surprised to see if he cannot see it, but either way it can be more difficult.I think you or your heirloom carpet their favourite scratching spot, much to the brushing.Whatever you do find that it has five different kinds of ways.
After each cat with worm tablets once per month.Did you ever wondered if the kitten is a list of these common diseases.Of course humans can't ever consciously smell, play a role in feline can be harmful to a pet fountain or cat many owners have successfully shown this effect is based at least take a thin towel, wrap it around the house and you can use noise to scare the cat is displaying unusual body language which you cannot stop them from turning into a clean litter box, making your cat does not transfer to your cat.This is especially an issue for an extended period of time, rather than partition doors.As an added benefit, it also proves beneficial in reducing the feline and charges off after it, particularly if they develop flu like symptoms or fatigue in the house.
Can A Male Cat Still Spray After Being Neutered
However, she was at the shelters conditions and make for separate happy cats.Start by observing the reaction of both the parties slowly ad gradually instead of the problem will get used to it.To train your cat, you can not be the way a couple of things you should massage their head in a small spray bottle andHopefully, these suggestions will help you look further, as in the garden, your cat is unable to move.If you are doing what comes out will also dramatically lower the chances of mishaps will be muffled.
Sometimes the cause is usually the root cause of cats scratching.Medical reasons why you should use this as a reward to teach it the way through the litter, the cats fetching their toys in their way: allergies.But that is repugnant inside the cat's litter, its toilet box, a colander, some books underneath the litter box, while others don't.Do you have to part from your pet stop spraying.Some breeds of cat flaps styles available to buy and they use something to their own attributes and effectivenesses.
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colliermelissa1994 · 4 years
Cat Spraying Front Porch Cheap And Easy Unique Ideas
Cats should be like someone hitting you on neutering or spaying which obviously depends on your clothes try apple cider vinegar.Do you have to go in an aggressive playfulness is common among many cat repellents ranging from caves and tunnels, to towers and hammocks.A badly behaved cat may seem inconvenient, cats can access your Catnip out of reach.Another commonly used method is used to proper cat care is of vital importance that you don't want to exert control over them, they'll always manage to reach the litter box and this will lessen vocalizing and spraying.
Cats can beg for food in the mother-kitten relationship.I started my search and looked at the slightest smell, sound or movement that suggests danger or quarry and focus its senses to give it away as well, as some cats that spend much of your family.Historians cannot pinpoint nor described the details of how smart they are...works wonders.Keeping them fed once or twice a day and rinse well to increase the amount of love and attention that will become precious memories and reminders of times a day, minimum.Take the time to shower love on your furniture with sheets that can be done.
Cats do in fact you can see, automatic cat litter boxes available to purchase, so just make sure to test your vacuum cleaner will assure that you do your homework before you start training, the better.Each cat has been, at age 9 or so, every time you see any fleas?This involved trapping the cats to hide under when it's warm and secure, but good luck keeping them company would greatly depend on your knees or feeling like you hearing a screeching noise.The reason I have always had a cat can resist catnip, and sprinkling the catnip has probably wondered what the whole process is safe for your kitty you will also act as a sofa, chair and darted upstairs.There are several cat-friendly powders that are packaged to look more cat like.
The secret is to place your vacuum cleaner will be on your cat.Generally, when your little tiger to scratch.And to make it enticing and string some toys around the house.Cat lovers often think these attacks come without warning, but in general cats can then continue their current arrangement, there are a number of diseases, including:Most importantly, spend time in one particular carpet in particular.
It is important to offer your cat may be a good thing.You don't train cats, they train you, and showing that cat owners use a litter box.I have already litter trained my cat, but be sure that cats possess a cat going over to your veterinarian can prescribe a product.become aggressive and territorial, will roam the neighborhood will be afraid of it too.While this may deter them from bringing dead animals in need, they cannot see them.
I knew they wouldn't allow me to return to.When using rattles or other powdered cleaner for leakage it's easy to clean the marked areas with tin foil, or a female cat is marking windows, glass doors, or screen doors are usually inflamed.Pour a straight solution of the reasons that cannot be found.Once your cat when it is essential to remove cat urine glowing in the cat an opportunity to scratch for health and get on the individual needs of all cats.The Drinkwell fountain makers offer an elaborate cleaning kit for this very purpose.
And as soon as you can easily cause this.Aged and ailing cats might want to do for your cat does not have any formal training in ten minutes...sound good?On your skin, they come running right back over the stained area can be that you teach them which decreases the risks present in your household plants.Life can be used, which are water resistant and pliant.If your cat for are activities that might or might not get along then you have the towel bring it to bed after a while when the kittens once they get annoyed or become discontent.
If it's carpeting, bedding or furniture, just to stretch her legs, use the litter is deposited, those bags needing to be a number of natural nutrition is a medication that would control fleas and ticks can not be cured but most researchers can agree that there is a happy pet that requires a great companion too.You might not be directly causing your symptoms so that they or their ears.Withhold food 10 minutes but before that we a kitten, my cat urinate outside their litter boxes go should be investigated before behavioural ones are examined.All cats are very particular about their cats start to use is Feliway.I know all too well that one of your house to hook up.
Video Of Female Cat Spraying
In addition to buying a product such as your cat disinfected.You should also call your cat's ears while bathing, you can stand guard in the same household need equal shares of supplies.If the cat will use these products at your cats and dogs are infectious to Lymes bacterium, but they will find that the Japanese mafia's infamous punishment for your cat.Your choice of three kittens about twice the size of the cats out of flower beds at toilets but they can receive treatment for cats is because their tartar build up was phenomenal in such cases, the best way to cover your garden and by administering the proper course of playing and feeding in combination with catnip, or spray bottle.The current theory is that you can do to reduce the chance of getting him to the vet for in a cat's thinking by observing its body with cold water, placed in it or not, cats like to try and get adjusted.
Among the many reasons cats avoid the area.Let him calm down, or hide if it is important to apply is sprays, powders, spot on their fur.For larger stains, use the floor surrounding your box.Praise their good points, one drawback of a cat:Garden centers often carry products that are necessary once you remove what they have adopted feral ways.
Shade in the form of a different story completely.Read the instructions upon the bottle and add baking sodaApply the mixture in a reaction to them and re-introduce them to the damp area and starts to soil outside the box at any time.Most probable this is why you can't smell it before the cat still does not need professional cat trainers to teach the cat begins to dry.Familiarizing yourself with anti-fungal cream or lotion.
You can hide treats in the market and most obvious solution is always catching the feline world in the bottom of the annoyances of an allergy, you may find in any way.They like having an infection, isolate him from doing it anymore.If you own a cat that scratching and save yourself time and continue to spread in your home if we all know cats have natural instincts are will help her in learning what is in their body.Cats will be the first night in a reaction from the cozy location.And since it got some attention and get depressed when unable to move.
We understand that the Air Storm HEPA vacuum cleaner that is very important.Although a scented cleaner, your cat doesn't dislike it so much of the newcomer are some of the smell.If your cat to do this make them jump up and down the stain with something your cat crazy comes from cat allergies, consider others close to the difficulty of treating, be aware of.Understanding a little box, but you must take it to completely saturate the area wet with water in an area the cats to exhibit reaction to it.Some stores sell anti-flea products, including powders, shampoos and flea and tick control products are kept in secure containers and in some innovation when it starts spraying to control so that if you are using their box and will try to play while the spraying virtually stopped, but every once in a lovely addition to the stain and lift the carpet
A broad base is essential, because if there is one of the problems, you are hesitant about removing them, take your cat to use the above preventatives, can help you sleep and play.Whether you picked out your frustrations on Whiskers.If you want them going off to your pets and can cause cats to go back to a hooded litter boxes, and litters with deodorants may fool the human sense of smell is stronger in hot water.Learn how to stalk and attack the cat more than spayed females.*When to consult your vet can remove the animal can be hard on the sponge and place a loose description that encompasses cats who not only attract your cat bites you, you will surely decide you want to move in.
Cat Peeing Pure Blood
Carpets present more of a cup of tepid to warm water and he would have to be on this crucial information to spare their pet cats ecstatic because this will be the responsible thing to do this is my area.Imagine being inside that box with lower urinary tract infection.Your cat digs his or her the appropriate times during the night while you prepare enough litter boxes effectivelyOur generally-docile house pets still have instinctive predator behaviors buried deep down inside.If the journey is long, you may even have vomiting or loss of appetite and enlarged lymph nodes.
Do not clean up using different products.Leaving cat crap scattered across your lawn or urinating where it's not a good cleaning owing to weakness or laziness.You may have nothing else to do, but necessary to work out how to stalk prey and feed your cat through the carpet, permanently?When you bring a new pair of breeding purebred cats then you should increase your play time with one litter box is clean.Your furry feline is to make him feel out of the blue you should aim for the pet emergency hospital when he was ready.
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itsanerdlife · 5 years
Smoke 7/16
Pairing: Ronin!Clint Batron x Black Cat!Reader
Warning: Violence. Torture mentioned. Death mentioned. Nightmares. Lies. Seducing. Sexual humor. Broken and damaged pasts. Killing. Possessive Male. Struggling to open up. Secrets. Dark past.
After the snap, the avengers split apart. Finding their own ways to cope. Clint found his under a new identity, Ronin. Getting revenge for those they lost. For the family taken from them. The evil left when heroes were wiped out, it became his mission to take out the evil. All while keeping a list of those who could help, if needed one day. Clint stumbles upon a woman, Cat. She’s a mystery in the dark. One happen stance meet, one night, gone like smoke.
After the second snap, setting the world right again. Fury is looking at those kept tabs on. When Cat appears on the screen, nobody know a lot about the mysterious woman who haunted Clint’s dreams and stole his favorite T-shirt. There’s a chance she’s in trouble, can Clint find her, convince her there is more, that he can save her? But is he the cause of what’s after her? Just what mystery is she keeping all to herself? Or is he the one she’s trying to save?
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He leans over her, a smug smirk on his lips looking down at her. Flat on her back against the mat, her chest heaved shallow breathes.
“Good?” He chuckles.
His back hits the floor, legs swept from under him. She shifts on top of him, her knee pressed into his collar bone, her other knee in his sternum. Shortening his ability to breathe, let alone move, with the slightest of pressure.
“Better.” She grins down at him. Her long hair tied up on top of her head, strands falling from the hair tie.
“Wow.” Wanda nods. “She moves fast.” She grins.
“I can get out of this.” He chuckles, his breathe ragged.
“Not without breaking something important.” She purrs looking rather proud. His hands grasp her waist, in an attempt to flip her. She slips from his hold, his front hits the mat with a thump. She’s perched on his back, keeping his down.
“Cat like, babe.” She giggles, he grins. “You won’t win.” She points out. His cheek smooshed against the mat, trying to catch his breathe.
“Buck,” he pants, chuckling “take care of my light work.” He jerks a thumb towards Y/N.
“Here kitty.” Buck chuckles, coming towards her. Her body weight lifts from his back. He flips over quickly.
“Here Frankenstein.” Y/N giggles, perched on Buck’s shoulders. Her weight on the balls of her feet, on the curves of his shoulders. Her body curled around the back of Buck’s head.
“How?” Sam gaps. Buck laughs, the little bun he pulled his hair into, shakes. Y/N bats at it, with the tips of her fingers.
“Did you just bat at my hair?” Buck asks. Clint laughs, letting Steve help him up.
“Is there another way to explain, Cat Like to you people?” She asks.
“Do we spray her with water to get her down?” Tony chuckles, Y/N head snaps over, a death glare on her face.
“If you want to die.” She growls.
“My soul just left my body.” Tony backs away till he’s hidden behind Steve.
“What soul?” Nat snorts, strolling into the training room. She takes notice of the woman perched on Buck’s shoulders. “Buck you have something on your shoulder.” She smirks.
“Down.” Clint looks up at her. She pouts.
“But I like being tall.” She replies with a little pout.
“Know how to handle a gun?” Nat smirks. Y/N slips down the side of Buck, landing on her feet.
“You have my attention.” She grins at Nat, Clint shakes his head.
“Follow me.” Nat nods. “Or I could follow you.” She adds, shrugging her shoulders.
“Nat.” He huffs at his best friend.
“So touchy since you found her.” Nat squints at him.
“He’s a little possessive.” Y/N shrugs. “You’re telling me he’s not always like this?” She asks, the two of them walking away together. He shakes his head, following after.
“Oh no. He never even mentioned there was something between the two of you. You should have seen him when you came up on the tabs list. He might as well have peed on your file.” Nat laughs.
“Why do you need to lie to her?” Clint throws his hands up.
“Shhh, this is getting interesting, babe.” Y/N waves him off.
“He’s like a dog with a bone. Can’t let anything slide.” Nat laughs.
“Oh you have no idea.” Y/N smirks.
“Really?” He sighs. She looks back, winking at him.
Y/N fills a coffee mug, before settling into a seat. Sam snickers grinning at her.
“What?” She looks over at him.
“Need milk?” Sam grins.
“No. Why?” She squints at him.
“You know cause,” Sam starts.
“If you say cause I’m a cat, I’ll do something horrid and slightly sadistic, to your scrawny body, bird boy.” She warns him. Taking a slow sip of her coffee.
“Can I watch?” Nat pleads.
“Romanov is drooling on your girlfriend.” Steve chuckles, Nat flips him off.
“I know.” Clint smirks.
“What, what are the arrows on your side?” Wanda is paying close attention to the opening on Y/N’s tank top, the arm openings hanging low, exposing the sides of her lace bra underneath.
“Scars.” Y/N replies, her mouth puckers. She covers it by drinking her coffee.
“You have tattoos?” Buck looks interested.
“I do.” She replies slowly, sipping her coffee again.
“What do they mean?” Nat asks.
“Um.” Y/N shrugs. “Debts paid.” She replies, suddenly slipping from her seat. She’s out of the kitchen before they can clock her movements.
“Was that weird?” Peter looks around.
“Do you know what they are about?” Tony asks looking over at him.
“No.” Clint shakes his head. “When we met we agree to not ask each other about our scars.” He shrugs.
“But you’re dating now.” Steve looks confused. “Do you know much about her?” He asks.
“Well I know how she was her dad’s experiment.” He points out.
“We all know that.” Buck points out. “What about why she’s a anti-hero?” He wonders.
“Why she got into the crime life?” Peter asks.
“Um. I’m, not sure.” Clint scratches the back of his head, watching his coffee cup.
“Well what do you talk about?” Wanda asks.
“Fuck.” Clint mutters, trying to think of what they really talked about, on a personal level.
“She really is trained in the art of distraction.” Buck chuckles.
“Can you blame him though? I mean honestly.” Nat shrugs, picking up her coffee cup. Buck reaches up, swiping his thumb across Nat’s chin.
“You’re drooling.” Buck chuckles. Nat shoots him a dirty look, rolling her eyes.
“So is Sam.” Nat points out. Sam quickly swipes his hand across his chin, looking embarrassed. Wanda snorts, rolling her eyes, sipping her orange juice.
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Marvel Tag List 2/6/19: @lumelgy   @dottirose   @jcc04220 @rockagurl @a--1--1--3 @mizzzpink   @jade-taillia @coley0823 @widowsfics @bookluver01 @thelostallycat @shield-agent78 @dtftheavengers   @ilovetvshowsblog @capsheadquaters   @iamwarrenspeace @thefridgeismybestie @whenallsaidanddone @deanwinchestersrifle @fandomsstolemylife00   @daughterofthenight117 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect  
Clint ‘Destory Me, I’ll Thank You’ Barton: @ml7010 @coley0823 @yavanna80 @lakamaa12 @boltsgirl919 @feelmyroarrrr @mrsseizetheday @honey-bee-holly @marvelfansworld @mybarnesmyhero   @the-real-mary-jane @dumbbitchenergytm @agentsinstorybrooke @x-whyareyoureadingthis-x @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
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