#The Payday Gang
jaydenwerewolf · 1 year
Payday 2 is anti cop and if you disagree you are wrong
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artcupcakes · 2 years
Yo could you give me some advice on Clover's character (how she speaks, how she acts, etc)? It's for a project I'm working on.
Also if you have the time, could you give advice for Houston too?
I can do that however I must put one disclaimer before I go into it: I am not the biggest Clover fan(I don't hate her, and she's a fun character, I just like some of the other characters like Hoxton or Bonnie more) thus I might be the best for advice. I will try my best but @vieridebitchtits has a better feel and passion for the character. So I imagine they might have better answers/answers I might not be able to give! 
As for Houston, well Houston's probably one of my favorites but I started hyperfixating on something else on a different blog(The reason for the delay in the response) so I won't do him now, but I might come back and comb through his character.
With that disclaimer I will try my best under the cut.
Heads up here's how I'm going to organize things so you can just skip and skim to what you might need.
I'm going to start of with telling you how I go about preparing/researching. Understanding the reasons how I did it might be useless to you, but I'm doing it just in case you need context as to how I did certain things. Really I do this before I write any piece surrounding those major characters; and I use said research to make more grey area conclusions. Both about the character's personality and background as well as certain skill sets I can extrapolate from it. This is of course can be seen as a more general tool that can be applied to any character. 
I'm not saying that this way is the best, it's just what I do. If you find this style of research is too much or simply not worth it than try to find something that better works for you. 
Each person's brain is different and not everyone can hyper-focus on a task like this.
After that I'm going to do the thing that you actually asked for aka not my rambly nonsense aka an actual breakdown analysis of Clover. I hope said analyses helps with your understanding of the character. The idea is the more you understand how she works, you can begin to put her in new scenarios based on such. Like plugging in numbers in a math equation!
If any of this seems unnecessarily excessive, that's because it is!
I will make sure to mark each section clearly.
Research Method
Typically I will start with the character's Wiki page. Paying close attention to the FBI file both for things to extrapolate from canon(Though note they are shaky with the gang doing everything to lie, hack, and manipulate information about them. So take them with a grain of salt), from there I go into the character's history section and pair it against the Prior to PAYDAY 2 section.
From there I look through the Trivia as there you can find things highlighted from multiple area's. A good example being the trivia section highlighting crossover characters places in the world and how it connects to their own original continuities canon.
Then I go into the Quotation page.
However keep in mind that the Quotation page often does not have every single voice line and are often missing some due to the amount of voice lines in game(Sokol's page is still missing a voice line that goes along the lines of "Heartbreaker and drag her nails into you, that is pain") thus it's better to listen to all the voice lines in one of the many voice line videos. I personally use this playlist(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDcDPHGUZDo&list=PL20G3IYPDSS0c4NbXUVwo85mTYp1pQ0oC&index=7) myself but there are other options, and you might need other options if you're looking for Bain, Locke or any other such non heister voice lines. 
Of course listing to the voices also helps me personally recognize the character style of speech, or more accurately helps me see how they emphasize words and how they're accent affects their speech. Plus I personally try to imagine their voices reading the lines I write, but I know that not everyone can do that as that is an aspect of imagination. And well not everyone has that nor does everyone have it to that extent/those uh "skills".
From there I go to both other heister's quote pages.
This is to see if they have any sort of character related stuff in order to help visualize the relationships between the characters. You can find surprisingly a lot. Especially the safe house quotes as that also gives you an idea of what they're like outside of their stressful jobs that can pull out their hyperbolic worst and best versions of themselves.(Funfact: Both Dragan and Bodhi seem to have a close enough relationships to Houston to give him advice[that seems unsolicited btw]. This that can really only be seen from the safe house lines).
After that goes the more final deep dive which is outfit and weapon descriptions. Though the latter I rarely do, the outfits do have a good bit of lore. (A good example of this would be the The Vicious, Pasadena Buzzbomb telling us that Sydney, knows Russian, and has given Vlad a bloody nose.) 
If I'm feeling super venturous I might check out their area in the safehouse as people's area's can tell you something about them.(I still want to know who the people hugging are in that framed picture above Dallas's desk).
And that's how I usually go into writing about a character. 
Of course as I said to each their own and don't be upset if this so obviously mentally ill way of doing things doesn't work for you ;).
Either way here's what I've noticed about Clover and Houston using this method.
Clover Character Analysis
According to the FBI files, Clover favors the L-95 assault, something that's only issued to the military. 
You could extrapolate this as a possible background but given her age of joining the Payday Gang at age 24 shows that it's very unlikely. UK minimum Military Service Length might not be the US's hefty 8 minim years(4 active years followed by 4 reserved) but it still something when it comes to Clover's past. As she could've only served after she turned 18. But we also know that she spent a good bit of time mentoring under Hoxton, so her squeezing in those times of service seems unlikely. And of course this is assuming she's from Northern Ireland aka part of the UK's Military derestriction. 
This is of course a lengthy reasoning and debunking of a reasoning that can be occom razor’ed: We know for a fact when she left Hoxton high and dry she stole a lorry full of L-95s. Thus she probably got it there while she and Hoxton did some level of gun smuggling and/or peddling.
These actions also suggests a level of paranoia, disrespect for bounties, and a level of initiative. Combine that with her spy cam room and it's very clear other's failures such as Hoxton's imprisonment has only compounded her issues.
Speaking of initiative based on what we know Rochelle here seems to have been called Clover long before joining the gang, meaning that at least back across the sea, people recognize her name. Her alias and her mask also show a deep pride for her cultural heritage as well as having a lot of colloquialisms. So due your research on Ireland, as it seems to be a big part of her identity unlike say Wick who's got others things that are more important to him as a character. 
Of course her speech patterns match more like Hoxton with her sunshine nicknames and marriage towards the word fuck, amount other things. Her irish accent just like all accents leaves to modifying letters. I would give an example but then again based on where you are you might interpret the verbalization of accent’s via text to be different. Thus making any attempt outside my qualificationgs.
So like measurements in an old recipe, you just gotta feel it out and hope you pass the vibe check.
As seen in The Diamond Heist trailer her care for legends is clear and their are implications that she questions and has a paranoia toward possible history revisionism, though tbf considering what happen to the Irish, that's pretty fair.
Though her fear goes far beyond just paranoia, she’s very guarded. She hates being seen or others that are fearful and weak, which implies some level of self loathing she refuses to show. From constantly threating civis, to trying to play off her pain, to her lines when dealing with downed crew members. She has a tough guy act that unlike Hoxton or Rust doesn't seem to let up even in moment's by herself.
This is probably something that has been with her in childhood due to growing up in a "rough house on the rough part of town in a traditional fighter's family" which also means that she has actual background in fighting unlike some who might just be street styling it or mimicking what they saw in action movies. And she clearly has a love for it. 
Fighting and being in the action, maybe it grounds her, but it's most likely the pure sadism she shows both towards her enemies and allies.
Even still she very much lives in her head, doubts about everyone around her and maybe even herself are scattered all through her words, both light heartedly and not so much. She also is one to gush about her passions, clearly all excited to show off her surveillance system once it's all upgraded. 
This could also be seen as her looking to impress as well.
Of course until you do upgrade her area she is full of classist comments, perhaps hating things that remind her of her own rough up bringing. She also has some more casual anti-Russian views, something she has in common with Houston(though Houston's dialogue clearly implies that thanks to his friendship with Sokol, he's starting to move on from those beliefs)
While not as major to her character at it's core more simpler things about her is her love for comics, as shown with her referencing both The Walking Dead, and Captain America(Which she calls Dallas thus continuing her clear nicknaming habits). She also is a whiskey drinking suggesting using the John Wick method of reliving pain while you revive her. She seems to take the most pride in her killing of dozers and shields, she also seems to scream in fear at them.
Now let’s talk work relationships:
Her major friendships seem to be Hoxton and Bonnie. 
With Hoxton she still shows signs of that old mentorship but now with a jokingly flirty dynamic added. Though interestingly this is only on Clover's side, which is funny because Hoxton is clearly while soft shows more of a prideful older brother/father style dynamics and that's if you stretch what is clearly just a normal long time friendship/mentor dynamic(unlike whatever the hell is up with him and Wolf). 
Meanwhile her and Bonnie seem to have a more destructive drinking buddy enabler dynamic. Both of them causing trouble for everyone else. With their equal levels of craving chaos and being very nosey means that they most definitely are a horrible combo to be a victim of.
Interestingly enough she seems to have some sort of banter friendship with John Wick or at least something friendly enough to make Wick be the one to start and engage in conversation, making a joke by saying "Irish Luck huh?". This could also be a culture inquiry since Wick as shown in his movies seems to have an imply fascination for learning such new things.
Other than that though there's not much to gleam from her relationships with anyone.
And just like her relationships, she doesn't have any clothing lore either, I was hoping there would be something but hey beggars can't be choosers.
All in all, Clover is a very guarded character who opens up just enough for banter but is very allergic to everything else. 
Or at least that's what I could find. I hope this helps! :D
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neomineom · 3 months
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hope you have some romantic Valentine's heist <3
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mashimiyamoto · 8 months
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jacket-enjoyer-69 · 8 months
Dumb thought. NSFW Payday content.
Hoxton standing on a chair while being steadied by Wolf and screwing in a light bulb.
Bodhi and Dragan:
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Duke, Sokol and Houston:
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Jacket to Sokol "By Accident":
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limbobilbo · 9 months
My favourite trivia piece from any game is that the payday gang from payday are all forklift ceritifed because these international terrorists dont have use of a forklift while uncertified in their cannon lists of crimes.
Side not to da gang we’re getting you all certified in case this ever comes up.
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saltyspitoonz · 3 months
THE gang
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mirroredmasquerader · 8 months
I bring to you, Tumblr-dot-com:
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MS paint doodles of payday fellas
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toastpandadraws · 1 year
More chaotic Payday drawings
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Dallas works hard
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pd3thoughts · 8 months
Dallas kept the mask he had in PAYDAY 2…
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But he ends up getting a new one in PAYDAY 3. During the assassination attempt, Dallas lost the mask that Bain handmade for him. He’s lost everything.
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dearest-painter · 1 year
i dont see payday 2 under the list of fandoms you write for, but i saw your platonic concept and thought they were super adorable. Ignore this if you arent intersted in writing 4 them tho!! imagine yan platonic bain with a new recruit, and slowly as they work with the gang the heisters become attached as well. Maybe even too scared to let them out on missions!
OMFG YES! Also thanks for pointing that out,thought I added that but I am interested of writing them.
Bain probably found the new recruit stealing from him after he realize his wallet was gone and saw Reader running. He chased them but while chasing them he probably realize that they’d be amazing for the payday gang. I feel like reader is a 15-17 teenager who lives in an alleyway and will eat anything they can,they’ll steal anything just to sell and get food for themselves. When Bain finally gets to their ‘home’ he realizes why they stole.
He offers them a job which they accept no doubt,They get to steal and keep the money!? Count Reader in! Bain grows found if Reader as he trains them a bit not knowing how good they are at escaping the police. When they finally get introduced as everyone has code names Reader’s was probably made by Bain something to tie it back to him to show that Reader is HIS child!
At first every other heister don’t give a shit because it’s just a random ass kid and another person to take the money. Slowly they get attached to reader. Reader uses themselves as bait when others are about to get in trouble with the cops when they could’ve run away,Reader attacks other people just to keep them safe when they could’ve let them get in trouble,reader allows themselves to get cuffed for the others to be safe when they didn’t have to. They all get attached to this caring and risk taker teenager. They also become overprotective of Reader. Anytime the police even gets near to them the others attack.
Soon the ‘divorce custody battles’ happen. They all fight over you like a fucking divorce couple while reader and Joy eat cake(more like reader devouring it bc they haven’t had good food in a fuck while). Bain is threatening to turn them ALL in while the others are threatening to give the police to know that he’s the boss. Soon it becomes a divorce couple trade off. Everyone has to partner up with someone just to get a week with Reader. Reader has one week to themselves and is usually seen giving money to their homeless family.
I love this idea Anon! If you have any more please do tell! I would love to hear and add my in out!
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Have a few HC if Hoxton and Houston along with Wolf and Jacket played Phasmaphobia  
- Jacket often is left in charge of taking the photos near the end. 
- Wolf Usually does the Spirit Boxes or EMF’s 
- Hoxton mostly fucks around trying to scare Houston (has succeded multipul times) 
-Houston somehow finds the best places to hide from the ghost when it’s hunting (sometimes) 
- One time when playing Dallas tapped Houston on the shoulder to get his attention it cause Houston to freak out and scream loud enough for everyone to hear. (He may of accidently kicked Dallas during it) 
- When everyone had died during a session Jacket just left while throwing the flashlight behind him while playing a tape recording about just leaving and going to vegas. 
- If freaked out enough Houston will start singing or beat boxing.  (Bain has turned this into a mix tape of sorts to play during heist) 
- If Jacket is able to join them they either play with Joy or Bain. 
- Jimmy joined them once never again. 
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ol-blue · 1 year
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He fuckin sillay
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heyyyyyy I strongly agree on (formerly)muscular, cubby Bain and he had hands-on heisting days in the past 😫😫😫 HC about Bain had supported OG on the field at the beginning of the Payday gang started criminal life and this is one of the reasons OG admirers and respects him… he is a good leader but also he was so cool on the scene, but sadly only OG saw Bain on the field and new heisters doesn't believe the fact that he is good at physical too until hell's island. I want to hear about your HC about Bain's past days ◕‿◕
Neom, you are so right <3
It's taken me some time to reply to this because I wanted some time to gather my thoughts... and now I have.
We know from in-game text-lines that along with Dragan, Bain was a cop. My HC is that this is how he learned how to quickly and efficiently negotiate to get his crew free if they ever go into police custody during a heist. He either knows the exact things to say in order to let them walk free, or he has significant leverage on the force which he could release at any time, essentially blackmailing the cops into agreeing to a hostage trade.
... The only part of this that wouldn't make sense is why he didn't release this juicy cop gossip to free Hoxton... maybe the timing wasn't right?
His favourite colour really is blue. This is why the default gloves are blue, so the crew carry a piece of him with them wherever they go.
Bain always had long hair but had to cut it to fulfil some bullshit uniform/dress code/appearance policy to get through police training. As soon as he quit being a cop, he grew his hair long again, and has never looked back since.
I have an occasional HC that he has, in fact, met each of the original 4 crew members at least once. He posed as an... almost an NPC in their lives. He wanted to make sure he was making the right decision in approaching them to form a new 4-man crew (he was, of course, right). Maybe he made some bogus inquiry at the bank and spoke to a smarmy Nathan Steele about loans and life insurance. Perhaps he stuffed some cash into Wolf's harness when he worked as a stripper (but that's another HC for another day). Posed as a new member in one of Chains' running clubs. Approached Hoxton when shopping in the international supermarket section, complaining about how all the chocolate digestives had sold out.
I think he probably owns several safehouses and sleeps in different places regularly.
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chromastatic · 1 year
guys if we try hard enough when payday 3 comes out i think we could make dallas a sexyman
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paygang-lore-professor · 10 months
Possible MAJOR PAYDAY 2 and 3 spoilers under the cut
This video came out and I was stoked! Here’s some screenshots of the Reddit post:
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Sooo is speaking through literal dimensions just a normal thing that Bain can do? I asked op what they thought of my theory:
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There they are!
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My post got deleted within the hour, by the way. Deleted! What would make them do that so quickly if it wasn’t canon??
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The OG 4 is the missing Fourth King :)
you guys thought I was insane but just wait five years 🏃💨
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