#The second thing I did with the dissection microscopes.
cessnati · 3 months
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Oct 20, 2023
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merakiui · 7 months
mera mera did u read the platinum jacket vignettes for jade and floyd??? there’s some new tweel lore that would make good character analysis 👀 👀 👀 👀
>:) my writer brain is bouncing around the confines of my skull!!!!! It's too good. I rambled a lot, but I hope it makes sense. Forgive me. orz I wanted to share my thoughts and write something of an analysis/characterization. >_<
Floyd who plays with things until it's broken and thoroughly in disrepair, whereas Jade prefers to dissect said interesting thing until there's nothing left to glean. The both of them tossing aside these interesting things after they've "broken" them because it's no longer fun or entertaining. The implications of the physical and the mental, which is how I often characterize them: Floyd is more physical in everything he does. Jade is more about the mind. I think this is rather obvious, though. Floyd is very physical, both in affection and in intimidation, within the game. Jade is always so meticulous and calculating. Whereas Floyd would rather execute vengeance right away with his fists, Jade prefers to stall the suffering so that it truly cuts deep (mentally).
To illustrate the hurt: Floyd will break bones, spatter organs, leave you completely, horrifically, bodily devastated. Jade will dig into you with metaphorical scalpel, stir your brain around within your head, and watch you squirm, all with the sweetest smile. The difference is that Floyd is swift, like a hatchet splitting wood, and perhaps there is some level of mercy in the quickness. Jade is not. He's the type who tilts his head at a cute angle and asks, "Does it hurt? I should hope so," all while you're (very obviously) hurting. Jade thrives off of the build-up and the consequent break-down.
Floyd likes the chase, the euphoria of a quick capture. He plays with you, breaks you, and skips off to find something else that'll grab his attention; he doesn't linger or loiter or spend time considering the other ways in which he could have fun with you because he's already lost interest. Jade becomes your second shadow; he dwells in the corners of your mind, the little paranoid parts that spur you to think, "Am I truly alone?" And you're not. He puts you under his microscope and he studies you; turn the scope or spotlight on him, however, and he hates it because there are no shadows to hide within.
These "interesting things," which we can classify as hobbies or fleeting/temporary interests, hyperfixations, or even obsessions, mean that the twins require stimulation from such obsessions (naturally, as most of us don't like feeling bored). When the obsession no longer serves its purpose, it's useless, meaningless, and boring. It makes sense for Jade to have such an attachment to terrariums and cultivating mushrooms because the unexpected almost always happens with plants (which keeps him properly invested) and, as he's mentioned in the game, he enjoys "controlling what lives and dies." Again, the mental implications of control, of getting to pick and choose and be particularly selective when playing with the thing. If Jade likes you enough, you should hope he never tires of you because once he's finished playing with his obsession it's soon discarded. He has no feelings for it anymore. It's nothing to him.
In that regard, Floyd's interests may be slightly more fleeting than Jade's because of how mercurial he is. That, and Floyd doesn't look towards the future as much as Jade does when it comes to hobbies. For Jade, it's a matter of how long will the hobby sustain him, keep his interest, provide entertainment and stimulation? For Floyd, it's a matter of how will this entertain him in the here and now? The present. In his basketball club wear, Floyd remarks how he and Jade once found a ball floating on the surface and they spent time throwing it around. But it was short-lived fun because it soon deflated, which essentially means they were likely whipping it at one another. Both twins play rough and are only gentle when they want to be or when (or if) certain situations call for it. But playing rough is the most fun because that's how they get the most use out of the fun things.
At the core of it, though, they both want to obtain things that are difficult to get or things they can't have. No matter what, at any cost. And when they have it, it's not enough to derive satisfaction from simply celebrating such a success. They have to truly appreciate it until it's breaking, which makes me happy because I love to imagine both of them (especially Jade) loving until breaking. They love their thrills. Life wouldn't be any fun if it was predictable and mundane. They need their thrills. And sometimes it's thrilling to break something. To enjoy something until it's no longer usable or enjoyable must be quite cathartic; there's a level of ownership to that, too. No one else can play with it because it's broken (physically or mentally). Or: no one else will want to play with it because it's broken (physically or mentally). By that logic, it belongs solely to the twins. No one else will ever be able to experience or play with that thing in the way the twins did.
There's so much more I could say, but I fear if I continue anymore it will start to sound like an analysis paper. ^^;;; I'm grateful if anyone read up to this point!!!
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loveaetingkids · 1 year
Arthur and the Minimoys or the nostalgic movie I would not recommend 
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Back when I was little I was a big fan of a cartoon that told a story of a 10 year old boy traveling to the land of microscopic creatures in order to rescue his grandpa.But upon rewatching the trilogy (yes,there are three movies out there) I realized that it has way more problematic aspects then I remember.You may ask:what is so icky about a French cartoon from 2000s with uncanny valley effects that made you want to warn people?Well worry not,for I will explain it to you!
1.Bogo Matassalai
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Bogo Matassalai is a fictional African tribe that the main characters grandfather,Archibald Suchshot,helped build an irrigation system.As thanks,they gifted him a bag of rubies and introduced him to their friends-minimoys.What is interesting though,is that both tribes mentioned moved to Connecticut,specifically to the Archibalds yard or nearby,seemingly without any reason (as it wasn’t mentioned in any film).Bear in mind that Arthur’s grandfather is supposed to be an explorer during the 60s,so now the implications are weird.
Another thing is Bogo Matassalais lack of individuality:we don’t learn about their reasoning behind abandoning their homeland to move with Suchshot,their backstories aside from what others told of them,even their names are unknown.The tribe usually shows up when the plot requires them to,helping the main character and then disappearing.What’s worse is the reaction of others towards them:Arthur’s father,Francis,after first seeing members of Bogo Matassalai,ran away frightened towards home where he tried to call the police,and when he failed,Francis tried to explain that he saw “tall and black” figures.His wife,Rosie,isn’t better in this regard:every time she sees the tribe,she either faints or acts as if they could bite her head off.It seems that the crew behind those films wanted to show the bias of Arthur’s parents and ridicule them, but without devoting enough time to this aspect, the audience only sees the shuddering and gawking at people of another ethnicity for the comedic aspect.
It’s also important to add that in the second film,the tribe wanted Arthur to pass the tests of nature,where he hugs trees and sleeps near wild animals.Aside from cultural inaccuracy I’m not qualified to dissect,we also get-
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It becomes pretty clear that Bogo Matassalai are used either as a narrative foil or some kind of exotic “other”,stripping them of any personality or agency.However,this wasn’t the only instance the trilogy did certain characters dirty.
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Oh boy,where do I even begin?The princess of the First Land was hinted to be Arthur’s love interest from the very start,but upon getting to know her we notice that she’s voiced by a grown actress(Madonna in the eng dub and Myléne Farmer in the french) and is sexualized either through frames that showcase her butt/breasts(like that scene when Arthur took a lace from her top-corset thingy and she had to hold it from falling apart) or through the words of grown men who want to marry her.So aside from objectification of said character,we also get the memo that she’s an adult and Arthur is too young for her.But apparently that isn’t the issue?During their stay with Koolamassai,the princess explains that she’s 1000 years old,but the human equivalent is 10.So now it’s confirmed that Arthur,a 10 year old boy,is considered an adult in Minimoys society and therefore allowed to marry Selenia,a woman who turns out to be a child in human years.So here we have a female character, who,despite being  portrayed by the male gaze,is still implied to be a kid.
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Thus here are my reasons as to why watching Arthur and the Minimoys may be uncomfortable for an audience who hopped on nostalgia train or wanted to see something new.
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libraford · 1 year
Sometimes I think about armchair psychology and it's generally rude to do, but if you're a neurodivergent person you tend to see your symptoms in other people, or the symptoms of people you know in others. And even if you dont say it out loud you're thinking... oh yeah, that's an adhd trait. Or oh yeah, this is similar to my friend that has schizophrenia- it doesnt seem odd. Or hmm... I wonder if I'm seeing undiagnosed DID or if this is more adhd.
Because a lot of us tend to find each other, and we often see others as a mirror to ourselves.
I'm thinking about this lately because although I choose not to interact with terfs for the most part, they sometimes find my posts and theres like... a prevailing tone of analysis where I'm being put under a microscope while they dissect the small bit of my life that they've seen and assigning very sciencey terms to me based on that. Intended as insults, of course.
Previously I got a couple narcissistic personality disorder diagnoses from these people and that's very much incorrect, but that not the point.
I wonder two things:
Though I am doing essentially the same thing, my intentions are different. I'm looking for sameness in strangers. But does this matter? Are intentions enough?
Second: if I am doing this as holding a mirror to myself and my community, is it the same for them? What are they seeing in their community that I am a mirror to?
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sebrrari · 1 year
☕️ sebastidan, talk to me about sebastidan court
WAY underrated. i feel like i’ve said this before but their agenda is unparalleled. two roads diverged in an f1 team and i’m not sorry bc i will be dissecting both and looking at them under a microscope!!!!!
seb got what daniel thought he could, but his heartache came later. daniel watched seb claw at the Big Red Dream until it slipped away quietly. seb watched daniel be unable to grasp his own dream of being The Successor - that golden boy crown instead eventually went to a different unbridled talent. so what does it all mean? what do they have to offer each other?
to me they have the same feeling of a near-miss in their hearts. seb got his world championships, don’t get me wrong, and he’ll always have them. but i don’t think he ever really achieved the dream he truly, truly had. he was a raw, open wound some days, even more so when he did have the pace, because i can only imagine it hurt that much more when it just wasn’t enough.
i think seb’s molded what he achieved into being enough, and that’s not a bad thing. he looks so truly happy these days, and he’s starting a new chapter with his load light and his memories fond.
daniel’s near miss is still a scab that every single interview and grab of his shoulder and just-outside-the-points finish has picked at. it’s one of those injuries you live with to the point that you hardly remember not having it. it’s like when your shoulder twinges when you hoist something onto the top shelf of your closet- a phantom of the way trophies felt weightless when you held them high on the top step.
or when you choke down dinner before you go back to your hotel room that’s on the wrong floor, you were on the 15th floor that time you were here and you came second and were so pissed you lost that you slammed the door so hard it shook the frame and echoed down the hallway. now you’d give anything for second best. and that feels like losing much more than just one race.
so who better to give you perspective, to nurture you and see your pain for what it really is - a need gone unmet for so, so long - than someone who has been there and crawled from the wreckage and planted flowers and joy at the scene? who better to hold you and not go stiff with nerves if you cry on their shoulder, but instead hug you tighter and whisper “i know, i know,” in your ear- and you believe them, is the thing. you’re pretty sure they do know, as much as anyone can.
who better to lay there with you, and keep you together with their lips and teeth and tongue, who better to open up and trust enough to be inside of without losing yourself? who better to cradle afterwards and thank, whether with words or with breath and sweat alone, and feel their trust wrap around you and carry you to breakfast the next morning where you ask, non-chalantly, staring at your chalky protein shake and your wobbly, unsalted egg scramble, “what would you do if it were you?”
and who better to answer with enough warmth and gentleness to make you tingle from your curly bed head to the soles of your tired feet, “i’d keep going, daniel. i’d keep going.”
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mrs-gauche · 2 years
So, on the new cinematic that was published yesterday, without going into a deep analysis here (because people have already done an amazing job at dissecting every piece of visual/symbolism, like the Golden/Black City, what appears to be the origin of the Blight, the recurring symbols in the seven semi-circle spheres/Evanuris imagery in Trespasser etc etc), I just want to write down some of my general thoughts that I had already put in the tags under the video, but there are also a few things I'd like to add. 🙂
Ok, so generally speaking, this cinematic is basically a recap for anyone who hasn’t played Trespasser/ is new to the series / doesn’t remember every single detail from a game that came out almost a decade ago. I always wondered how they were going to (re-)introduce new people to the lore and the big revelations that were sadly concealed in a DLC and after giving it some thought, I’m actually very pleased with the way they’re doing it. 😁
So in regards to Solas, this is everything you need to know before going into the game. (Though I still try to look at this from the perspective of someone who’s only played the DAI base game and therefore only knows the after credits scene with Solas and Flemeth.. So you would still be kinda lost about as to how Varric even knows about all this stuff with the creation of the Veil/what Solas plans to do and all that, so.. I would hope this still gets addressed in some form, especially if fan speculations turn out true and there will be a ten year timeskip since Inquisition, so regardless of Trespasser, in any case, it would be nice to learn what the Inquisition has been up to these past ten years. lol)
So for anyone who is now like "Ugh, another trailer about Solas?? Don't we had enough???", I get it, I really do, but I also need you to understand that this is *not* another trailer, it's an in-game cinematic, probably part of the very beginning of the game and I feel like people tend to forget that the majority of players will NOT be people like us, who have been sitting here analyzing every single frame and syllable of new content under a microscope for the past eight years. 😂
Most people who've played Inquisition maybe once or twice a decade ago will maybe have a vague memory of who Solas or the Dread Wolf are and what his story is. Of course we know all this stuff, but that's the point, it's supposed to be a recap of everything you need to know before going into the game.
Though I can understand why you would be frustrated that they chose to show this as yet another part of marketing that's solely centered around him. (Heck, even I as a fan of his character am honestly surprised how much focus there is 😂) But even though BioWare’s blog post ended with the phrase "close out this year with a little treat", the fact that this was now a general "reintroduction" to the lore, gives me a little hope that they might not wait another couple of months now to show something new, since this is still fresh in people's minds. They're building momentum and I would hope they would use this to kick off the marketing for a wider audience (and the Game Awards are by far the biggest platform to show something).
That being said, let’s talk about the visuals for a second!
Simply put, they’re drop dead gorgeous! As expected from the great Nick Thornborrow, who also did Solas’ frescoes in DAI (and who sadly left BioWare some time ago). The art style and the way it’s presented/animated reminds me a lot of DAO’s intro or those transitional scenes between acts in DA2 or even those little animation bits from the Keep (which were also narrated by Varric!). So it’s definitely true to the DA formula/getting back to the roots even. lol
So even for those of us who knew about all this stuff, it was still amazing to see it visualized and summed up in such a beautful way. And additionally, it contained hints and symbolism that seem to confirm everything I’ve been thinking for the past seven years. lol (Again, not getting into details here, because people have already done a far better job than I could do to explain all that. 😂) I loved how the visuals transitioned seemlessly into the each other with gorgeously smooth animation! I also love how you’re getting almost blinded by the way it’s portraying the destruction of the Veil. lol Like, it get’s all dark and quiet for a second and then BOOM, spotlight ON lmao, I was instantly reminded of Sandal’s prophecy in DA2, when he’s like “The shadows will part and the skies will open wide, when he rises”.
But we also need to talk about the music and the sound design, because GOSH, this was so GOOD!
I would highly recommend listening to this thing with head phones, because WOW, there are so many different little components build into this one minute track, it’s amazing!! I looove how the music starts off with this anticipation and a single violin and then shifts into this more ominous melody supported by these faint “marching to war” drums when the visuals transition from sun to moon/Solas to Fen’Harel, like the music perfectly encapsulates this feeling of ambiguity, like he’s neither a villain or a hero, and it’s up to you what to believe.
Then there’s that beautiful wolf howling in the back right as Varric says “Dread Wolf”, before the music gets more sinister, followed by this big booming “shutting the gate” sound when the Veil is formed and whatever you call that sound of magic as the gods are sealed away and this creepy whispering as the shadows are slowly spreading from the Black City and consuming everything, when it gets all quiet. And then, if you’re wearing head phones, you get knocked off your feet by that enormous explosion sound as the Veil is shattered, like you can practically FEEL the impact of this wold-altering magic in your bones. lol And then the music culminates in this grand dramatic orchestral piece that is SO reminiscent of Inquisition’s main theme??
And as the title is shown and the music breaks up, there’s that simple melody again played by this traditional string instrument (I’m no expert, but it reminds of like, ancient greek?) that was also in the 2020 teaser trailer!
Like, huge props to whoever did the sound design and I can’t wait to find out who does the score! <333
Lastly, can we talk about how Varric’s talking in the PAST tense, when saying “But now, he wanted to tear down that Veil, and destroy the world”??
It almost sounds like whatever Solas wanted to do, something happened, but as always, it didn’t go the way he intended and now we have to deal with the consequences? lol It sounds like that line was cut off too soon there, like Varric was going to add something like "But now he wanted to tear down that Veil and destroy the world.... but he f*cked up spectacularly (again) and now we have to clean up his mess." 😂
So are we maybe already playing in a post-Veil world right from the start? I hope not, because I would have loved to actually SEE how Solas tore down that Veil? 😂 It makes me think that maybe this narration isn't the final version and it will end up being different in the game, like this was edited for marketing purposes/to avoid spoilers? lol
Also, again like in the 2020 teaser trailer, I wonder who Varric is even talking to? Who is "we"? And why are WE "the only ones who can stop him"? What is it about "us" that's able to stop him?
Also, I've seen people saying he's holding a wand in that last visual? 😂
Guys, for seven years I've been trying to mentally (and emotionally) prepare myself that Solas (like all returning characters in any BioWare game) is going to look significantly different in a sequel that’s released a decade from the previous one, and my biggest fear remains that he's gonna look like Voldemort with a nose, so I can't say I'm overly thrilled at the prospect of seeing him walking around with a damn wand. 😂
Though I’m curious if it’s like some other people are saying and it could also be a weapon/blade like the one that was produced by the red lyrium idol in Tevinter Nights/the Blue Wraith comics? 👀
(But to be completely honest, my main takeaway from this whole thing was actually “OMG, they kept the CAPE for Solas’ ancient elven armor design from the early concept art???” lmaoo I was sure they got rid of it after seeing the 2020 teaser trailer. lol I’m sorry, but for those who don’t know me, I’m the biggest sucker for capes and coats in character design 😂 Give me ALL the capes! All of them!! Edna Mode hates me. lol)
Anyway, this is all I’ve got for the moment, I’m super thrilled! Even though I totally get everyone who desperately wants to see something other than Solas lol, if only to finally get a sense of confirmation after such a long time that there’s a game that’s actually.. real and playable, you know. 😂 Though tbh, I think I’ll only be able to fully realize this the moment we get an actual cinematic trailer with in-game footage and stuff. lol Fingers crossed (and clown wig ready) for the Game Awards! 😁
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hoodedchishiya · 4 months
“When I look in your eyes, I don’t see a monster. I see someone in pain.”
for those who feel like a monster … sentence starters
“When I look in your eyes, I don’t see a monster. I see someone in pain.” Kuina’s words were enough to have his shoulders tense, his gaze which had previously been cast upward at the full moon above shifting with uncertainty to finally meet her stare, his own stare having softened in bewilderment as opposed to its usual intimidating nature.
Where had that come from all of a sudden?
It was as though she was staring right into his very soul.. able to pinpoint the parts of him he wished to keep concealed away from the world as a means to protect himself. Those doe-eyes sure made it seem that way, so intense and yet so full of kindness and warmth. A certain warmth that had him feeling a certain type of vulnerable he hadn’t felt in a while. And oh, how he both loved and loathed those words. It was as if she were trying to study him under a microscope, carefully dissecting and digging deep enough to pick out the sections of him that were still human.. unlike the stone cold facade he put on in the company of others.
How could one person make him feel like this..? Whatever this was. The blond couldn’t quite define it, feelings and emotions a thing of his past. In the silence that followed, Chishiya found himself getting lost in mahogany orbs. Had he finally found somebody who understood him..?
Just as quickly as his guarded walls had came crumbling down, they shot right back up around him the second he zoned back in and realised that he’d been staring at her for a little too long. Once softened gaze turned mischievous again, and before he knew it an amused puff of air sounded from his nose. “Just goes to show how little you really know me then, hm?” With a Cheshire-cat smirk tugging at the corners of his lips, Chishiya lay back on the cold surface of the roof they currently resided on. “I don’t feel pain anymore. And I don’t need your therapy sessions, thank you very much.”
Was that a tad bit too harsh? He didn’t care, nor did he wish to be analysed by anyone. Besides, what pain could she possibly be talking about? Nothing hurt him anymore, pain of the past long since buried six feet under.. or so it was easy to play pretend and believe that rather than have to address the poor state of his mental health.
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morphlingunderscore · 2 years
also legally speaking i have to ask everyone for honeycomb hcs
Rassel's Shop originated as them to have a legal excuse for all of the incredibly dangerous tools and machines they have. (Did you know brass melts at over 900°C?) So they started making small, somewhat useful machines anyone could pick up. Not long after, though, that became backseat for a talent they were surprised people sought after, and the name of the store was changed to Rassel's Raggedy Readings.
Their storybook had them as the antagonist. It couldn't be helped. When you are born into the world hungering so much, never satiated, seeing exactly where the seams are to rip, to pull apart something element by element until you understand, until the knowledge is swallowed down whole, until that hunger dulls from a roar to a hum. It couldn't be helped. They're ravenous. It couldn't be helped. They didn't know they could feel every second.
Occasionally, people will come to their store bearing jewelry they've purchased, worried they've been ripped off. Rassel holds it in their hands and looks and sees and makes a show of putting it under a microscope, even though it isn't necessary. They tell them the percentage of gold to copper down to the third decimal, smirking wide as they storm off, prepared to give some shitty salesman an earful, or worse. Vindictively, they polish their brass goggles, a perfect 66:34 ratio of copper and zinc.
The Forest doesn't scare Rassel. Maybe that's hubris talking- it often is, their friends snark, earning them a glare. But whether or not its hubris, it's true. The Forest made a mistake, creating them, nurturing that drive for knowledge until any day not started with a documentary or wiki-dive leaves them shaking and dry-heaving on the floor. They lived in the Forest for soooooo, so long. Given half the chance, they'd find its heart and dissect it so thoroughly no sapling could grow there until the next ice age. ("I can tell you're thinking too hard," Echo warns not unkindly, smacking their shoulder. They snap out of it, a flash of guilt and revulsion rolling through them like thunder. "Eat your food. I didn't take you out to brunch for you to let those pancakes go cold.")
Rassel's shop operates somewhat like a crystal ball, though how townsfolk figured that out is beyond them. Perhaps it was offhandedly mentioning things they shouldn't know, watching cortisol and vitae surge in equal fractions as a customer startles. Whatever the means, people come to them to be flayed apart- verbally, but willingly! They willingly let them read through them like a book, like ones and zeroes and ordo and vacuos. Hell, they pay them for it! So, perhaps more of an "energy vampirism" slash "knick knacks" slash "jewelry certifier" would be a more accurate store name? It'd be so long though, probably not worth the effort...
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
3 from the kiss prompts for our faves E&O 🥰
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Da Capo
Pairing: Ethan x F!MC (Odette Hall) Rating: Teen+ Word Count: 1.2k  Summary: The next day after their surprise kiss, Odette’s confused and ignoring Ethan. Until she doesn’t anymore.  Trope: Office; Friends to Lovers
#3 “A breathy demand: “Kiss me” - and what the other person does to respond” from the 50 types of kisses list.
A/N: 🤷‍♀️
“I am so sorry,” she says as soon as she hears his receiver pick up; barely gives him a second to breathe before she’s apologizing for how she left things. 
The wires of disappointment and embarrassment twining in her stomach are released when she recognizes his chuckle; then, “Had me worried there for a second.”
She leans back and can’t help but smile into the phone. Her green eyes cast down at her patent leather heels and her body still pressed to her bedroom door. “I... I’m stunned,” she says. 
It’s true. Truly. Odette cannot find the right words to encompass all that she feels with his kiss still lingering on her lips. 
“Sorry. I can’t believe...” she trails when Ethan doesn’t say a thing.
Then he does. 
“If I crossed a boundary, Odette, please tell me.” 
The grave vulnerability in his voice cuts her deep. Her heart beats rapidly in her chest and she’s frozen in place but the emerging thoughts that she has messed everything up keep rolling. 
“No, no - No,” she’s quick to assure him, her free hand moving about as if he can see her. 
Then they both seem to take a sharp breath. 
It’s up to her to remedy this. 
She tries again; 
“I...” but the words aren’t coming. Her mind unable to comprehend anything with the thunderous thoughts coursing through her. She doesn’t know what is happening now. All she can manage is, 
“Wow...” Odette sighs, her fingertips brushing her lips. 
And he speaks. Finally! 
“I did not plan on it happening. Though I’d be lying if I said I regret it.”
“I know.”
Simple words bring silence between them. His admission gives her enough confidence to kick off her shoes and sit on her bed. She can still hear Ethan’s light exhales into the microphone and the tires on pavement. She checks the clock on the nightstand - he’ll be home soon. 
When the silence becomes a third party in such a private conversation, she speaks. 
“What does this mean?”
Though she’s not sitting beside him, she knows his simper as he matter-of-factly notes, “This is something I hoped we would speak about in person.”
“Sorry,” she mutters.
“I have feelings for you, Odette. I have for a while now.”
Last nights conversation still plays on a loop in her mind. Every sentence, every word, every pause for breath dissected. Analyzed. Pressed under a microscope between the plates of indecision and doubt - Did she do the right thing? Will they go up in smoke? Was this all one big mistake?
Odette couldn’t avoid him all day, no matter the maps she made around their schedules. How she’d take the long way around hoping not to catch him at a quiet moment outside a patient’s room or the nurse’s station. She wasn’t ready to face what’s to come - what they tried to work out last night after dinner. After that kiss. After she kissed him back and ignored him the whole cab ride home. After they spent 42 minutes on the phone...
They work together. He’s her most dear friend. Her favorite companion. A partner and go-to date whenever one needed. And she’s all that for him, too. Every moment of the last three years that gave them this close friendship could fall to rubble with this new... relationship. 
At least Ethan was not pushing it - pushing her into talking about all this. Like always he’s letting her set the pace - letting her make this happen in her own time. 
Oh, she’s never met someone like him before. Never liked someone with even a fraction of the new feelings she’s found with him before. 
Odette saw the way his features lit up when she walked into the office this morning; wonders if he has always looked at her this way. With blue eyes clearer than the early summer sky and boring down on her like she’s the center of everything. The subtle creases at the corners, edges of his mouth up upturned, and his body angled her way. That look brought goosebumps to her skin and she couldn’t look him in the eye, shy for the first time after stepping into this room. Throughout the meeting indecision coated the air between them twisting her tongue. 
As soon as it was over she fled. Threw herself in her work and tried to make sense of last nights events once again. They didn’t leave things open, of that she’s sure. Ethan made his position and his hopes quite clear. And she agreed. Didn’t she? Odette recalls returning the sentiment. Or did she only mutter an agreement? It all happened so fast... Just like that kiss. 
His full lips soft and dreamy between her own. Champagne and strawberries and smokiness in the crisp night where he anchors her in time with fingers in her hair. The way she felt lighter than air, like a star hanging high in the sky. A feeling and a taste so potent yet dwindling in memory. The most defining moment in their friendship fading as the hours moved on and she tried to recall and recall and recall it all. 
She wouldn’t need to revel in the feeling if she could do it again....   
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Later when their shifts are over, Odette finds herself in his office; couldn’t really remember when she consciously ditched her meticulous plans and made her way to him. She steps one heel across the threshold, her breath held in her chest, to see Ethan’s packed up, dressed down, and halfway to the door. 
The only light streaming in the darkened space is from the lamp in the corner and the fluorescent lights of Boston. He’s standing there in front of her. A dark eyebrow raised, messenger bag on his shoulder, tie loosened just a tad and no white coat in sight. Just Ethan Ramsey in his once-pressed suit with fourteen hours worth of work crinkled in.  
Odette doesn’t register anything except that they’re both off the clock and the blinds on the glass walls are pulled as she moves further in, closer to him.
“Kiss me,” she breathes. It’s the only thing she couldn’t make sense of all day - it’s the only way to really know. 
If he’s shocked, he doesn’t show it. Her emerald eyes are wide enough for the both of them. 
Ethan lets his leather bag cascade to the floor, his gaze on her and her alone. 
“Are you sure?” 
She nods. Pink painted lips parted. Ready. All her breath still held captive. 
Gingerly. Gently. With all the care of carrying fine porcelain, Ethan’s lips touch hers. Chaste. Reserved. A brush of uncertainty. Once. Until she lets all the air out of her diaphragm and her knees buckle as the weight leaves her suddenly and his hands keep her rooted. As everything in her body is alight for his kiss. 
It’s just them. Odette and Ethan. This is real. 
It’s over too soon. 
Her eyes flicker open to see just one question in his gaze; 
“Can I drive you home?” 
“Can I buy you dinner?” she asks instead, a private simper on her light pink lips. 
That garners a chuckle from the stoic man. With a motion of his hand he lets her lead the way. 
a/n: i realize there is very minimal correlation to the motivation behind ode asking for it. oh well 🤷‍♀️
@openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
> ode and ethan masterlist <
> complete masterlist <
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bananaofswifts · 3 years
For Women's History Month 2021, GRAMMY.com is celebrating some of the women artists nominated at the 2021 GRAMMY Awards show. Today, we honor Taylor Swift, who's currently nominated for six GRAMMYs.
When we met Taylor Swift in 2006, it was immediately apparent that her songwriting approach was like ripping a page out of her diary.
"Just a boy in a Chevy truck/ That had a tendency of gettin' stuck/ On backroads at night/ And I was right there beside him all summer long/ And then the time we woke up to find that summer gone," she lamented in the first verse of her debut single, "Tim McGraw(opens in a new tab)." The way the then-16-year-old Swift could turn personal anecdotes into instantly memorable hooks mirrored the prowess of an industry veteran, appealing to more than just the teenage girls that could relate to a short-lived high school romance.
Now, nearly 15 years later, Swift has introduced another layer of intrigue with a foray into indie folk, unveiling a pair of albums, folklore and evermore, last year. Recorded entirely in isolation after the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020, folklore has been widely acclaimed(opens in a new tab) as Swift's best album, touted for its intimate songwriting and cinematic dynamics; evermore has received similarly glowing reviews(opens in a new tab).
folklore was 2020's best-selling album(opens in a new tab) and earned Swift five GRAMMY nominations at the 2021 GRAMMY Awards show, including her fourth Album Of The Year nod. (evermore will be eligible for the 64th GRAMMY Awards in 2022.) As her 10 previous GRAMMY wins suggest, though, this new chapter isn't an abrupt departure for the star—it's a masterful continuation of her evolution as a singer/songwriter.
If there's one thing that Swift has proven throughout her career, it's that she refuses to be put in a box. Her ever-evolving sound took her from country darling to pop phenom to folk's newest raconteur—a transition that, on paper, seems arduous. But for Swift, it was seamless and resulted in perhaps her most defining work yet. And folklore’s radiance relies on three of Swift’s songwriting tools: heartfelt balladeering, autobiographical writing, and character-driven storytelling.
While there was always a crossover element to Swift's pop-leaning country tunes, her transition from country starlet to pop queen began with Red. The album’s lead single, the feisty breakup anthem "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together(opens in a new tab)," was Swift's first release to reach No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 (and, ironically, scoffed "indie records much cooler than mine"). She declared a full pop makeover with 2014's 1989, but the response proved that her bold move was the right one: Along with spawning three more No. 1 hits, the project won Swift her second GRAMMY for Album of the Year.
From there, 2017’s Reputation, a response to media scrutiny, and 2019’s Lover, an often bubbly exploration of all facets of affection, followed. Although they shared similarly grandiose production, Lover featured a handful of poetic ballads, including "The Archer(opens in a new tab)," a self-reflective love song that teased Swift's folk sensibilities through storybook lyrics and ambient textures.
Swift’s ballads are key in understanding the full essence of folklore. They’ve regularly marked standout moments on each of her albums, both thanks to her poignant vulnerability and rich tone. Fearless standout "White Horse" earned Swift two GRAMMYs in 2009; Red's painstaking "All Too Well" was an instant fan favorite; 1989's "This Love" and Reputation's "New Years Day" provided tenderness amid otherwise synth-heavy sounds.
The raw emotion she puts into her downtempo songs comes alive on folklore, introducing a new wave of neo-classical sonics that elevate her fanciful penmanship to an ethereal level. Whether or not Swifties saw a full indie-pop record coming—at least not yet—the shift isn't all that surprising. Folklore’s romanticized lyrics and relatively lo-fi production are arguably what many fans have been patiently waiting on.
Lyrically, the super-personal nature of Swift’s music has always captivated fans and naysayers alike; diehards and critics dissected each of her albums for its real-life subjects and hidden meanings. While she played into those conspiracies at the time—whether she was revealing names in titles like "Hey Stephen(opens in a new tab)" and "Dear John(opens in a new tab)" or scathing the other girl on "Better Than Revenge(opens in a new tab)"—even Swift herself admits that her teenage method had an expiration date.
"There was a point that I got to as a writer who only wrote very diaristic songs that [it] felt unsustainable for my future moving forward," she told Apple Music's(opens in a new tab) Zane Lowe in December of 2020. "It felt like too hot of a microscope ... On my bad days, I would feel like I was loading a cannon of clickbait when that's not what I want for my life."
That realization is what helped make folklore so memorable: Swift stripped away the drama to let her artful storytelling shine. Sure, there are occasional callbacks to personal happenings ("invisible string(opens in a new tab)" references sending her exes baby gifts and "mad woman(opens in a new tab)" alludes to her legal battle with Scott Borchetta and Scooter Braun). Still, she largely shies away from her autobiographical narratives to make way for her imagination.
"I found myself not only writing my own stories, but also writing about or from the perspective of people I've never met, people I've known, or those I wish I hadn't," Swift wrote in a letter to fans(opens in a new tab) on social media the day folklore arrived. "The lines between fantasy and reality blur and the boundaries between truth and fiction become almost indiscernible."
folklore might be her first full project dedicated to creating characters and projecting storylines, but Swift has shown a knack for fantasy from the start. Tracks like "Mary's Song (Oh My My)(opens in a new tab)" on her self-titled debut and "Starlight(opens in a new tab)" on Red saw Swift craft stories for real-life muses ("Mary's Song" was inspired by an old couple who lived next door to Swift in her childhood; "Starlight" was sparked from seeing a picture of Ethel and Bobby Kennedy as teens). Even when songs did pertain to her real life, Swift often had a way of flipping memories into whimsical metaphors, like the clever clap-back to a critic on Speak Now's "Mean(opens in a new tab)" or the rebound relationship in Reputation's "Getaway Car(opens in a new tab)."
To think that we wouldn't have folklore without a pandemic is almost surreal; it's already become such a fundamental piece of Swift’s artistic puzzle. There was no telling what may have come after the glittering "love letter to love itself” that was Lover, but it seems isolation made the singer rethink any plans she may have had.
"I just thought there are no rules anymore because I used to put all these parameters on myself, like, 'How will this song sound in a stadium? How will this song sound on radio?' If you take away all the parameters, what do you make?" she told Paul McCartney in a November (opens in a new tab)Rolling Stone(opens in a new tab) interview(opens in a new tab). "And I guess the answer is folklore."
Even if she hasn’t been making indie music herself, Swift has shown an affinity for the genre over the years through curated digital playlists(opens in a new tab). Those included four songs by The National including "Dark Side of the Gym," which she references on folklore single "betty(opens in a new tab)," and "8 (Circle)" by Bon Iver, Swift's collaborator on folklore's gut-wrenching "exile(opens in a new tab)" as well as evermore’s title track. (“Exile” is one of folklore’s GRAMMY-nominated cuts, up for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance.)
The National’s guitarist Aaron Dessner co-wrote nine and produced 11 of folklore's 16 tracks, soundtracking Swift's imaginative tales with sweeping orchestration and delicate piano. Their partnership started with "cardigan(opens in a new tab)," a melancholy take on teenage love(opens in a new tab) that's up for Best Pop Solo Performance and the coveted Song of the Year. The team-up was a dream come true for Swift, a self-proclaimed National superfan and a career highlight for Dessner, who shared in an Instagram post(opens in a new tab) about folklore that he's "rarely been so inspired by someone." He sees the album as a pivotal moment for both Swift's career and pop music.
"Taylor has opened the door for artists to not feel pressure to have 'the bop,'" Dessner shared with (opens in a new tab)Billboard(opens in a new tab) in September. "To make the record that she made, while running against what is programmed in radio at the highest levels of pop music—she has kind of made an anti-pop record. And to have it be one of the most, if not the most, successful commercial releases of the year that throws the playbook out.
"I hope it gives other artists, especially lesser-known or more independent artists, a chance at the mainstream," he continued. "Maybe radio will realize that music doesn't have to sound as pushed as it has. Nobody was trying to design anything to be a hit. Obviously, Taylor has the privilege of already having a very large and dedicated audience, but I do feel like it's having a resonance beyond that."
Swift's other primary folklore collaborator was Jack Antonoff. He has been her right-hand man since they first paired up on 2013's promotional single "Sweeter Than Fiction(opens in a new tab)" (Swift referred to him as "musical family" in her folklore announcement(opens in a new tab)). Even after years of creating stadium-ready pop smashes, Antonoff said in his own folklore Instagram post(opens in a new tab), "I've never heard Taylor sing better in my life / write better."
As Swift recognizes herself, folklore ushered in a new way of thinking for the superstar that not only brings out her best, but sets a promising precedent for what's to come. "What I felt after we put out folklore was, 'Oh wow, people are into this too, this thing that feels really good for my life and my creativity,'" Swift added in her interview with Lowe. "I saw a lane for my future that was a real breakthrough moment of excitement and happiness."
Her enthusiasm is tangible on both folklore and evermore. Dubbed folklore’s sister record, evermore further expands Swift’s newfound mystical atmosphere. Much to the delight of many Swifties, the follow-up also calls back to her country beginnings on tracks like the HAIM-assisted “no body, no crime(opens in a new tab),” as well as her pop expertise on more uptempo cuts like “long story short(opens in a new tab).”
Together, the albums are a momentous reminder that Swift is a singer/songwriter first. Her wordcraft is some of the most alluring of her generation, and that’s never been lost on her music, regardless of the genre she’s exploring. But now that Swift also feels she's at her best, it’s evident folklore was just the beginning of Taylor Swift in her finest form.
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valdemart · 4 years
Hide and Seek ValdemarxReader
No warnings, just fluff  😘
A person could only be expected to take so much.
There were certain concessions you had made with Valdemar because, well, that’s just the way it had to be. They weren’t going to hold your hand as the two of you walked down the marketplace, and they weren’t one for candle lit dinners, and that was fine. However, as you stared up at the ceiling above your new huge, empty bed, you decided that enough was enough. Valdemar was going to have to take a science break and give you some attention.
You winced as your bare feet hit the cold floor, but you squared your shoulders and made the long walk from the bedroom down to the basement laboratory where your lover undoubtedly was.
Sure enough, there they were, bent over a microscope. You waited in the doorway for them to acknowledge you, but when they didn’t you cleared your throat.
“Did you need something, Duckling?”
You sighed and walked over to them, wrapping your arms around their slender waist and resting your head against their back.
“You haven’t been to bed with me in three days. I have needs, you know.”
“Oh, I’m very aware of how needy you are, Little One.”
“Then how come I’m here begging?”
Valdemar sat up slowly and turned around. One hand went up to hold your chin while the other rested on your hip. You shivered at their cool touch, making them smirk.
“Your begging sounds awfully close to whining.”
“Oh, come on. When you asked me to move in, I thought I’d see you at least a little bit more. Now I feel like I see you even less.”
It was true. Valdemar rarely even snuck up behind you now, which you had thought was probably their favorite thing to do. But now that you were actually in their home almost every night, you were still sleeping alone. Even if Valdemar didn’t need to sleep, they could still come tuck you in.
“I’m lonely.”
Valdemar slid their hand up to your cheek and pinched the flesh, making you scowl.
“I suppose I have been neglectful of you.”
You brightened a little at that admission. Finally, they were using their scientific brain to see reason.
“Are you going to make it up to me?”
Valdemar grinned, then, their sharp teeth gleaming as brightly as their eyes.
“How about a game, Dear One?”
A game? With that smile? This felt more like a portent to run than a chance at some quality romance. What games did Valdemar play? Dissect the Annoying Human? Strap the Human to My Exam Table? Well, actually, the two of you had played that one a few times and it was really fun.
“Ok, I’ll bite. What game?”
“Hide and seek.”
“Yes, really. Do you think you can hide from me, Little Mouse?”
You pretended to think about the offer as they stared at you, not blinking once.
“You’re not just going to send me off to hide and then go back to work, are you?”
“Oh no. I want to hunt my Little Mouse.”
That declaration caused your heart to flutter.
“Ok. What happens if you find me?”
“When I find you,” they corrected.
Talking about a game of hide and seek shouldn’t have been stirring you up as much as it was, but suddenly you couldn’t wait for them to find you.
“I don’t know. I’ve found some really good hiding places while exploring. And you never leave your lab.”
Valdemar stood up then, suddenly and silently, and guided you to the door with their arm wrapped around your waist.
“Well then, Little Mouse, the game is afoot.”
They moved to stand behind you, holding you still by your shoulders. Their cool breath blew over your ear as they leaned down to whisper to you. “Run.”
You were off like a shot, your bare feet slapping against the stone floor, your eyes darting around wildly in the near dark as you tried to think of the perfect hiding place. There was nothing down here, so you climbed the stairs to the main floor of the estate. How much of a head start were they going to give you?
You started into the kitchen, before realizing there wasn’t really anywhere to hide other than the stove, and you didn’t want to try squeezing in there. That’s when you remembered the discovery you had made earlier in the library. You grabbed a ladle off the counter and threw it to the other side of the kitchen, hoping that the clattering it made would throw Valdemar off your trail as you dashed into the library down the hall.
There was a desk you could hide under and heavy, draping curtains to hide behind, but those were too obvious. You approached the large, ornately carved grandfather clock clicking away off to the side of the room. Wrapping your hands around the edge, you pulled and the front opened.
You had approached the clock when you realized that, unlike other clocks of its kind, you couldn’t see the pendulum through the front. You were admiring the carvings of bears and deer when you discovered quite by accident that the clocked opened to a hidden compartment. There were notches in the wood, and you realized one was meant to store hunting swords inside. Valdemar, of course, didn’t have any hunting swords, so it was empty.
It was a snug fit, but you made it. Now all there was to do was wait. There was no way Valdemar had cared enough about their furniture outside of the lab to know about this clock. You were giddy with the thought of outfoxing the doctor. You took slow, quite breaths and waited.
Minutes later, you finally heard the click of their shoes in the hallway. Valdemar could be completely silent when they wanted to be, so you knew they wanted you to hear them approaching. No doubt they were trying to make you apprehensive, but you had to stop yourself from giggling. They were never going to find you. Sorry, Doctor, but maybe you need to spend more time outside the lab.
Then they were in the library. Valdemar stopped at the large globe and spun it hard so you could hear it whir as it spun. Nice try, but you were too confident to be psyched out. You knew they were walking around the room because you could hear them drum their fingers across the desk and throw back the curtain. But they walked right passed the clock without a second glance. You had really pulled it off.
“Come out, come out, my Little Mouse. Wherever could you be?”
You didn’t answer and Valdemar stood in silence for a moment before walking out of the library and down the hall. You waited for a while after you heard the last of their footsteps before peeking your head out of your hiding spot. Leaving it open for you to easily escape back into, you snuck out and tiptoed to the door. Looking down the dark hallway, illuminated only slightly by the moonlight through the windows, you grinned smugly. You’d wait for them to search all over the rest of the estate before you made your grand reveal, asking them what your prize was for beating them so soundly.
As you turned to creep back into the clock, you hit what felt like a brick wall. A brick wall that suddenly reached out and wrapped its arms around you.
Your scream could have no doubt been heard well on the other side of the estate.  Your legs gave out from the unexpected terror, and you would have dropped to the floor if you weren’t being held up. You looked up at Valdemar, their red eyes shining though the dark as you tried desperately to catch your breath.
“Got you, Little Mouse.”
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chierafied · 4 years
Operation Lost Smile
For @inuvember​, Day 17.
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It was in the midst of the most mundane of tasks when Sesshoumaru suddenly realised something highly out of ordinary.
His clawed fingers came to a halt, tangled in the silver-white hair he was washing.
A frown creased his brow, his golden eyes narrowed, as he focused his mind to his most recent visits to Edo, trying to prove his disquieting notion wrong.
But his memory failed him, only serving further proof of what he had observed but which his mind had not truly registered until this very moment.
The miko had ceased smiling.
Try as he might, sharp as his memory was, he could not recall when he had last seen that bright, wide smile both curving on her lips and twinkling in her eyes.
The few smiles that he could recall from more recent occasions had been strained and wan. They certainly had not reached the blue depths of her eyes, which these days always seemed to remain darkened by pain.
Sesshoumaru's fingers curled, pulling at his hair while he scowled.
He didn't like it.
He did not know why it concerned him so, but the thought of the miko's vanished smile resonated with wrongness so deep it echoed in his very bones.
Sesshoumaru could also make well-educated guesses as to the reason of the miko's drastic change of mood.
Three months back, one of the regular visits he paid to Kaede to see how Rin was faring had turned very awkward indeed, when an argument had erupted between the half-breed and his miko. Their tempers had clashed to such degree that the row had quickly deteriorated into a vicious shouting match that the entire village, Sesshoumaru included, had been forced to overhear.
And although the miko’s reproofs had been cutting, Inuyasha, in particular, had not minced any words.
The next time Sesshoumaru had gone to the village, the entire atmosphere surrounding it had seemed muted, and he hadn’t been able to sense his half-brother’s presence anywhere in the vicinity.
And then, shortly before he had taken his leave, Rin had made mention that the miko had moved out of her and Inuyasha’s hut.
Based on all of that, it was rather clear to Sesshoumaru that the miko's relationship with Inuyasha had come to an end.
Although Sesshoumaru wasn't well-versed with relationships, he had experienced loss before.
He knew first-hand what a crushing blow it was to lose someone important to you.
And for the miko, it must have been all the more devastating, because she had lost more than just Inuyasha.
From what Sesshoumaru understood, it was for the hanyou that she had returned those couple of years ago, leaving behind her home and her family.
It was something women of the higher classes all experienced upon entering a marriage, of course.
But in the miko's case, it was more extreme: with the magic that had once enabled her to travel through the Bone Eater's Well exhausted, she could never meet her family again or write to them.
Sesshoumaru untangled his claws, squeezed the water out of his hair and straightened, ignoring Jaken puttering about the clearing.
It truly was no wonder why the miko's smile had disappeared.
Only one question now remained.
What could be done – what could he, Sesshoumaru, do – to bring it back?
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 Something was wrong with Sesshoumaru.
In Kagome's opinion, the inudaiyoukai worked in absolutely bizarre ways on a regular day – not that she had ever spent much time in his company.
Still, this was weird even for him.
Sesshoumaru was hovering.
Ever since Kagome had returned to the Feudal Era, she'd noticed the regular visits Sesshoumaru made to Edo.
Every few months, like a clockwork, he would stroll into the village and sit awhile with Kaede and check up on Rin.
It was rather sweet that even though he had left Rin to grow up among her own kind, he remained in her life and would look after her in his way.
But now, in just two weeks, he had already shown up in Edo five times.
And he was no longer sitting with Kaede, either.
Oh no.
For whatever reason, Sesshoumaru was seeking her out.
Early one morning, not at all hungry and foregoing breakfast, Kagome had left her hut and the village behind to go on a stroll. Feeling particularly heartsick and nostalgic at that moment, her feet had taken her to the Goshinboku.
She had simply stood in front of the all-too-familiar tree, looking up at its slowly swaying branches, when Sesshoumaru had silently walked out of the forest like a ghost.
He'd nearly given her a heart attack.
He'd stopped there, a short distance from the treeline, and hadn't made any effort to approach her.
Neither had he said anything.
Kagome had quickly discovered that it was impossible to feel sorry for oneself and reminiscence over a tree when one's shoulder blades kept itching under the weight of a level stare.
It had honestly been a bit creepy.
She'd snuck the occasional glance over her shoulder.
Sesshoumaru hadn't moved. He still hadn't spoken a word. He had done nothing but stand there and stare.
Kagome had left soon after she had begun to sympathise with those minuscule bugs being dissected under microscopes.
Fortunately, Sesshoumaru hadn't followed, and the rest of her day had been spent in solitary peace.
Less fortunately, that had only been the first occasion when Sesshoumaru had made a sudden and inexplicable appearance out of nowhere when Kagome had found herself alone.
The second time, she'd been sitting outside her hut and doing some mending while enjoying the warm early autumn sunshine. Again, Sesshoumaru had appeared, only to hover nearby, staring at her in silence.
The third time, she'd been down at the stream, collecting water and the same thing had ensued: appearance, silence, intense scrutiny.
The fourth time she'd gone to look for mushrooms to pick in Inuyasha's forest. Instead, she had found Sesshoumaru, who had proceeded to stare at her while the silence around them grew super awkward.
Kagome had no idea what he was on about and why he had suddenly picked stalking her as his new hobby.
Yesterday had been the last straw.
Thinking about it, Kagome still felt a bit guilty.
Sesshoumaru’s peculiar behaviour might have creeped her out… But he hadn't exactly done anything bad either.
Other than the awful staring, he hadn't bothered her in any way.
Kagome did not believe he had any intention to do her harm – not after the multiple times he’d saved her life! And even if he did have some nefarious motive driving him, by now, given all the times they’d been alone together, he’d had ample opportunity.
But this last time, he had caught her at a really bad moment.
Because yesterday, Kagome had not left the village on a mundane errand or so she could mope in peace.
She’d left because she’d needed a good cry.
And the absolute last thing she had wanted when she had been ugly sobbing while sprawled on the ground half-leaning against the Bone Eater’s well, had been a shadow suddenly falling over her.
Even with his hovering, Sesshoumaru had kept his distance from her each time – except now when Kagome longed to be alone.
Suddenly he was crouching beside her.
He was not staring this time, which was a small relief.
His frown was so deep that Kagome could see the expression even through the haze of her tears.
And then, Sesshoumaru had broken that invisible boundary of his former stalking sessions altogether.
The touch had been soft and fleeting, but so unexpected that Kagome had flinched. His finger was cool against her cheek for a fraction of a second. Then he pulled it away, and his scowling face turned from her to regard the single tear he had captured, glistening on the tip of his claw.
And just like that, Kagome had had enough.
Her voice had been hoarse and broken, but the words had been clear enough and their effect immediate.
“I need you to leave me alone. Please.”
Sesshoumaru’s shoulders had stiffened. His scowl had vanished as his face had smoothed out, leaving it blank, void of any emotion.
Wordlessly, he had stood up and left, his steps silent and swift.
Tears had welled anew in Kagome’s eyes.
She’d been left alone. She had got what she had wanted.
So why had she felt even worse then than she’d had before?
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 Sesshoumaru brooded over his mistake for all of the following day.
His intention had been merely to observe. He’d needed to ascertain that the miko’s smile indeed remained gone.
And he could not do anything to try and bring that smile back before he could figure out ways to make her smile.
For that, he had needed to make a study of her, in a way he had never done before.
Of course, he had subjected the miko to much scrutiny from the very first instance that they had met.
How could he have not, when this fearless human woman, dressed in a garb the like of which he had never seen, had not only pulled free his father’s sword but also refused to perish under his attack?
But he had always studied the miko from afar, and he had never spent much time alone in her company.
He’d had to remedy both of those things to make the most of his observation.
He had still endeavoured to keep a respectful distance. He’d only wanted to learn to know the miko and her habits better, and he had no desire to be discourteous or in any way be a hindrance to her daily tasks.
But during that last encounter, he had failed his mission miserably.
Even though the lost smile was the whole reason for this current undertaking of his, he had not expected to find the miko in tears.
He hadn’t known what to think so he had simply reacted, forgetting and forgoing all his previous courtesy.
He wasn’t sure why the crying miko had distressed him to such a degree, why the sight of her grief and pain had unsettled his very soul.
He’d very nearly felt an ache in his own chest, as he had looked at her pale face, silently willing those tears away.
For a moment he had felt utterly helpless.
And then Kagome had told him to leave.
He could not fault her for that; he had behaved crudely and crossed a line that he should not have.
But to have upset her further when his intention had been to soothe was unforgivable.
In the dead of the night, recalling the sorry scene, he had almost abandoned his quest to return Kagome’s smile to her altogether.
As the day had dawned, so had his resolve grown and settled.
He’d gazed into the light in the horizon with grim determination and knew what had to be done.
To atone for his wrongdoing, he would have to pursue his quest with more dedication and perseverance.
Carefully, he recalled the tasks he had seen Kagome engaged in and then set forth to fulfil the next step of his plan.
First, Sesshoumaru travelled to the west. While Kamakura might have been closer, Kyoto was the larger city and would offer a better selection.
As Kagome certainly deserved the best, Sesshoumaru made the trip to Kyoto without complaint. He didn’t even need to listen to Jaken’s griping, as he had left the retainer behind with instructions to keep a discreet eye on Rin.
He travelled as quickly as possible, taking to the air, and was strolling the streets of Kyoto, perusing the shop fronts with a critical eye before noon.
Sesshoumaru’s first purchase was a pair of bamboo-woven baskets, which he deemed as practical as they were decorative, with the carefully handcrafted patterns crisscrossing the surface.
His second purchase Sesshoumaru chose with even more care, visiting several shops until finally finding something that passed his scrutiny.
The kosode was nothing fancy, wholly by design. It was no silken piece of art but a sturdy, enduring piece of clothing that had been expertly dyed. The deep indigo colour would match with Kagome's eyes.
He also bought a quilted overcoat. It was still September, but the winter would arrive inevitably and eventually, and humans were more susceptible to cold.
Practical, everyday items that would be helpful to Kagome, that was what Sesshoumaru was after.
He added a well-crafted knife to his pile of items, as well as a sewing kit, an assortment of dried herbs and spices and a handful of arrows of the best quality.
Wholly on a whim, Sesshoumaru also bought something utterly frivolous; a hairpin. Although the hairpin was of a simplistic style, it was a beautiful and delicate thing of dark lacquered wood, with ornamental gilded patterns adorning the stem. At the end, it curved resembling a tree branch, and a lone, decorative flower sat there, just starting to bloom, a small pearl gleaming in its middle. It was somehow… hopeful.
It reminded him of Kagome.
Finished with his shopping, Sesshoumaru carefully packed all the items he had bought for Kagome and started his long trek back to Edo.
This time, he chose to travel on foot.
It would cost him more time, but he was not in a hurry.
Besides, he had no intention of bringing those two baskets he had first bought to Kagome's door empty.
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 One morning Kagome stepped out of the hut she’d moved in after the disastrous end of her romance with Inuyasha and nearly ran into two baskets neatly placed at her doorstep.
All thought of her routine task of fetching water disappeared in the confusion that filled her.
She stared at the baskets, uncomprehending. One of them was full of pears and persimmon and other fruit that was currently in season. The other was filled with mushrooms.
They had to be intended for her, as they been left right at her door where she’d almost trampled them.
But who would have brought her two baskets of food? And more importantly, why?!
A familiar tingle skittered across her skin and Kagome shivered. Her throat suddenly dry, she knew what she would see before she even turned her head.
The weight of his stare was too recognisable, after all the times she'd borne it of late.
There, at the end of the village, stood Sesshoumaru. Silent. Staring.
And after she had held his golden gaze for a moment, he inclined his head, turned, and walked away.
Kagome blinked.
One of her questions at least seemed to be answered.
Although, this answer had only confounded her further.
Sesshoumaru had never done anything like this.
So why now? Why her?
As the week progressed, however, it became clear that the two food-laden baskets had only been the very first of the bizarre offerings.
On the second day, she almost stepped on a sewing kit. Instantly, her head snapped to the side, searching out Sesshoumaru's still form. Once again, he bowed his head to her in acknowledgement, then left. Kagome picked up the sewing kit, not knowing what to think or to feel.
On the third day, she let out a gasp at the sight of the kosode. The deep blue colour seemed exquisite, and it seemed more finely crafted than most other clothes she owned. She bent to pick it up, then cradled the folded cloth to her chest as she turned to look to where Sesshoumaru was waiting.
This time, it was she who bowed her head to him. Gravely, he returned the gesture and walked away.
On the fourth day, an increasingly baffled Kagome found a quilted winter overcoat waiting for her. She blinked at the sight of it, suddenly feeling a little overwhelmed by it all. Meeting Sesshoumaru’s waiting stare, she called out to him for the first time.
“Thank you.”
He did not reply, simply inclined his head as always, and left.
On the fifth day, there was a bundle of arrows and one silent daiyoukai waiting for Kagome. As she carefully tested the point with the pad of her finger, scrutinising Sesshoumaru’s retreating back, a sudden and horrible thought struck her.
It was an absurd idea. An impossible idea. A laughable idea.
But it was an idea Kagome was unable to shake and so she went to visit Sango and Miroku, and tried to casually steer the conversation towards youkai courting rituals.
Sango and Miroku had heard rumours of Kagome’s surprise gifts.
They, too, were completely astounded when Kagome told them that it was Sesshoumaru who’d been leaving them.
Kagome was, however, quickly reassured by the couple. Some youkai courting rituals did incorporate giving presents, but all of the gifts Kagome had received so far had been perfectly ordinary and practical things. There was nothing very romantic about a sturdy kosode or a sewing kit or a bundle of arrows.
Inclined to agree, Kagome walked back home, her steps light from the vast relief buoying her.
The next day, Kagome found another not-at-all romantic gift, a knife.
Confusion seemed to be her perpetual state of mind, these days, but none the less she bowed her head to Sesshoumaru in return and watched him leave with a puzzled frown.
The last day of the week, Kagome’s gift was an assortment of dried herbs and spices. She felt absurdly pleased and a little awed at such a valuable present and bit her lip.
Everything she had received from him had been high quality. Even the baskets from the first day were finely woven with a pretty lattice pattern – both decorative and practical.  
How much had all of this cost? Where had Sesshoumaru got the money?
There were too many questions to which Kagome did not know the answer.
But the one she kept returning to was why.
She would probably never know, Kagome mused to herself the following morning.
The weird week of gifts was now over, but she still had no answers.
Kagome shook her head and picked up the empty bamboo water container.
Soon enough, she was sure, life would return to normal and this all would become one very strange memory of Sesshoumaru taking a leave of his senses by leaving her assorted gifts.
Kagome stepped outside and was already turning towards the rainwater barrel resting by the wall of her hut when something glinted in the early morning sun.
Kagome froze, and the bamboo water container dropped with a dull clatter from her numb hand.
Her heart in her throat, she coaxed her trembling fingers to pick up the hairpin.
She had not been expecting any more gifts.
Never one so exquisite as this.
Loud as thunder, a single word rolled through her head.
Her eyes wide, she saw Sesshoumaru standing in the distance.
And before the thought had even entered her brain, she was walking.
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 Sesshoumaru clenched his jaw as he stood at the edge of the village. His back was rigid, his shoulders tense and stiff as he stared at Kagome’s hut.
He had failed.
All but one of his gifts had been delivered.
Kagome had acknowledged him, thanked him.
She’d been pleased to receive some of his carefully selected items.
But she had not smiled.
Sesshoumaru’s lip curled, his hand balled into a fist.
He did not know what more he could do, what other way he could pursue in order to bring back what Kagome had lost.
Sesshoumaru stood straighter when the door opened.
He heard the gasp clearly, even across the distance. He saw her drop the bamboo container, bend to pick up his final gift.
Her eyes were impossibly blue when she finally met his gaze.
And then, taking him completely by surprise, she started striding towards him.
Sesshoumaru stayed rooted to his spot, unsure as to what he should do.
Their last interaction had not ended well and he hoped he had not inadvertently given her further offence.
Why had he purchased something so whimsical as the hairpin?
Kagome stopped only a foot away from him. She looked up, carefully cradling the hairpin to her chest. Her eyes seemed to search his, their soft blue mesmerizing Sesshoumaru.
“Why?” she blurted out, her voice shaking. “This one’s different.”
That latter addition had not been a question. It was a statement; and a true one at that.
Sesshoumaru could only nod.
The hairpin was very different from the other gifts. It always had been.
“Why?” Kagome asked again.
Sesshoumaru cocked his head, spent a couple of silent seconds composing his reply.
But in the end, he told her the simple truth.
“It reminded me of you and I thought you would like it,” he said.
Kagome bit her lip and blinked.
Something that looked alarmingly much like tears glinted in her eyes.
The ache unfurled in Sesshoumaru’s chest.
Had he truly failed her this profoundly?
Helpless, he looked into those suspiciously shiny eyes.
“Please do not cry,” he implored.
Kagome inhaled sharply and before Sesshoumaru could grasp what was happening, she had already closed the distance, was wrapping her arms around him and burying her face into his mokomoko.
Sesshoumaru stood more still then than he ever had in his life.
Slowly, he wound one arm around her and hesitantly patted her back.
“I still don’t understand,” Kagome said, her voice muffled by the fur.
She looked up, her blue eyes alight.
“Thank you.”
The smile was slow and soft and the sweetest thing Sesshoumaru had ever seen.
His heart soaring, Sesshoumaru plucked the hairpin from Kagome’s slim fingers and tucked it into her raven tresses.
“You are welcome,” he replied.
The corners of his lips twitched, curling up in response.
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darkroom-wildlife · 4 years
The Demon Brothers As Science Lab Partners
Disclaimer: this is based off my experience in various science subjects so there will be various science courses and situations. Enjoy!
- THE responsible lab partner
- if you’re doing it wrong, he’ll scold you
- often makes you wash the glassware since he claimed most of the work during the experiment
- it’s not that you didn’t want to do work, it’s because he didn’t trust you to do any
- always has a complete set of lab materials
- his lab gown/coat is always spotless
- what science course ISNT he good at?
- the irresponsible lab partner
- not only is he not helpful, but he’s the cause of so many experiment setbacks
- always sets fire to the cotton plugs in Microbiology Lab
- always has control of the alcohol lamp or bunsen burner for some reason ??
- what is wrong with you, this demon is a walking accident, please get the lighting apparatuses away from him
- also leaves you to wash the glassware at the end of the experiment because he claims to do most of the work
- did i mention he breaks a lot of glassware? why in hell he isn’t banned from science labs at this point is beyond me
- lab safety whomst
- always forgets to bring his lab gown/coat
- your average nervous student
- you have to instruct him because he would be too paralyzed with fear of breaking anything
- kind of a drag but leagues better than Mammon
- will share workload with you, including washing glassware
- injects too deep during gel electrophoresis due to nervousness
- lab gown/coat is a little dirty, but that’s because he forgets to wash it
- not the most attentive student, with his head always in front of a videogame. Will rely on you for instructions
- calls every animal you two dissect ‘Henry’
- probably the best lab partner you could ask for
- not only does he communicate with you well, but he also shares in the workload of the experiments with you
- the king of Comparative Anatomy and Botany
- his drawings of plants in his workbook are phenomenal
- also shares in washing the glassware afterwards
- lab gown/coat a little messy but that’s because he’s very hands-on
- too busy talking with the other students to help you out
- has definitely flirted with the professor. did he succeed? you don’t know, you were doing the experiment by yourself
- won’t do work that could ruin his nails
- will offer to lend you moral support as you wash the glassware
- will take a ton of selfies instead of helping you out during your fieldwork down at the beach both in Invertebrate Zoology and Ecology
- his lab gown has his initial sewn onto it, fancy
- his lab gown is also pretty clean because he doesn’t really do much
- called the frogs “unsightly, ugly little things”. please don’t hurt the frogs’ feelings, Asmo, they’re already dead
- second best lab partner out of the brothers
- you use his strength to carry the materials you need for the experiment
- is helpful (thank Diavolo)
- but always munches on some snacks despite food not being allowed in the laboratory
- was tempted to eat the frog legs because he heard they taste like chicken
- his lab gown is pretty dirty because he always does his best
- always waits for your input so he knows that you’re in this experiment together
- will offer to wash the glassware for you since you’ve done enough
- will share his snacks with you
- the sleepy science partner
- is always asleep when the professor gives instructions on the experiment ahead
- sometimes . . . he doesn’t even show up to class . . . because he was asleep in the dorms
- when awake, can be quite helpful, albeit a bit slow in movement
- washes the glassware . . . slowly
- best partnered when you two took up Invertebrate Zoology together
- lab gown/coat of average cleanliness
- surprisingly good at Embryology
- great at adjusting the microscopes
- forgets to bring his lab coat/gown sometimes
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firebunnylover · 3 years
LoSH S2 discussion
I love Legion of Superheroes. And i love season 2, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think about how it could have been improved. In terms of quality, it varies more than season 1. Some parts are top tier while others… eh.
Season 2 is darker than season 1. And there’s the inherent stigmatism that darker means better. But it’s not true.
A horror schlock film is not inherently better than an animated film.
I don’t blame the staff on all its shortcomings. Kids WB was on its deathbed, so they probably had less time to work and iron out ideas. And executive meddling.
The second season had a lot of good elements, but there are things that weighed it down. I am here to discuss how to improve said things.
Heads up: ended up editing part of this post after rewatching the episodes.
This first bit is more of a personal preference, but instead of the 41st century, maybe move the original source of conflict to a farther region of space, one that the UP doesn’t interact with, and has been growing in terms of turmoil until they finally resort to bringing the Legion over. In other words, it has just been put aside by everyone else to the last minute.
Parallel to Brainy’s relationship to Brainiac. He doesn’t want to deal with it. He never brings it up. But maybe if he did, he wouldn’t have gotten corrupted.
This place still has plenty of old documentation of the original age of superman, so Kell is disillusioned with the ideal glory days. Keep Kell Edgy.
Kell’s home and K3NT still gets destroyed - reflects Krypton’s own destruction.
Make his story more apparent that it’s one realizing that kindness is not an inherent weakness. And neither is being soft. He was raised for fighting and killing Imperiex, and was taught to think that they were weaknesses. Have him realize his identity can be beyond the Clone of Superman made to kill Imperiex. Or rather, have him react more to realizing that he’s moving beyond his given identity.
To clarify; they do address his development in the show a few times, but I want more continuous development instead of the rapid nods we get. Have him try to interact in a more humane way with others. Especially with other members of the Legion. Where they have to take a double take in seeing him acting not that edgy. Maybe offer more flashback of him fighting Imperiex in comparison, and how he treated allies then.
Also put K3NT’s story under the microscope. I doubt Imperiex just came out of nowhere with his attacks. Plus the fact they went far enough to send a hitman after a fucking child? That screams yikes and maybe we need to double check the story.
And an overall issue to be addressed is what rights do robots have and what conditions need to be met? Because let’s face it, we make robots to do complex work for us. But Colu is a culture where the main people ARE robots. Like in Transformers. What line do we draw between non-sentient robots vs the sentient ones in the 31st century? And what about cyborgs/people who give up their original bodies for robotic ones?
Plus Imperiex himself came to be because of the perfected combination of organic tissue and robotics. This topic of robots and individuality/personhood could have been a fun topic to explore.
Don’t sideline the girls. Leave TG alone. 
Don’t put SG in a coma for nearly the whole season - seriously it’s the reason why the guys make one bad decision after the other. Although with that said, it’s because she’s not around we got the majority of s2 plots. She’s the goddamn mom of the squad. Just make her busier and unable to keep an eye on her idiot boys for the plots based on bad decisions to happen. 
Or have her deal with after-effects of what Esper did to her. Maybe after a whole season of being the emotional support character, have her be the one in need of emotional support or not being able to help directly, especially when the group needs emotional support. Emotional support paradox.
Maybe don’t make Cosmic Boy appear as much as a dick in the episodes where he does show up. He’s trying to hold this goddamn team together, and there’s a goddamn tyrant trying to conquer the galaxy. HE’S FUCKING TIRED AND STRESSED. AND IM SURE THERE ARE A BUNCH OF JERKS WHO WANT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT TO DISSOLVE THE LEGION. Better yet, throw in some more backstory with him and his little brother Pol!
And in regards to Imperiex… The dude has a lot of potential. I like his voice actor, Phil Morris. The guy voiced Dr. Sweets from Atlantis.
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But his writing needs help.
In the original DC comics, he’s the embodiment of Entropy. Anyone who’s seen Madoka is probably familiar with what that is. But if you're not, here’s a definition: “ the measure of a system’s thermal energy per unit temperature that is unavailable for doing useful work...” He’s the embodiment of that energy that cannot be used for anything. And Entropy grows over time.
Another definition of what Entropy is “lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.”
In the comics, he’s more of a cosmic being as a result of him being an embodiment of unusable energy. He’s been in existence since, well, the beginning. He had destroyed the universe and recreated it multiple times. Okay, so that lines up with how the show portrays him. And technically, he does get the universe to reset itself in the 41st century when he alters the 31st century enough.
But I personally feel that making him a cosmic being is kinda… meh?
I personally prefer more personal villains most of the time. Don’t get me wrong, an Eldritch being done right makes a great character, but I can’t see Imperiex as one. At least not LoSH’s version.
Plus I like it when the protagonist sees the villain has a point and has changed as a result for the better.
You know, over a year ago, I used to think that it was impossible to make a tyrannical villain who’s presented as real evil seem complex.
And then… I was introduced to TFP Megatron.
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Now for you LoSH fans who haven’t watched Transformers Prime, Megatron was once Megatronus. A low caste member who worked in the mines and Gladiator games. He wanted to fix the growing corruption of Cybertron. To make things better.
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But his worse personality traits took over, and he lost that good motivation. Now he’s just fighting to win and defeat Optimus Prime. 
But despite the change of goals and ideals, he doesn’t want to simply abandon his relationship with Optimus. He and Optimus, or as he used to be called, Orion, were fighting for the betterment of society. And they meant something to each other. Megatron doesn’t want to just get it over with. He wants fanfare for his victory over Optimus. And he doesn’t want anyone else to rob him off that. But he isn’t opposed to getting Optimus/Orion back on his side. It’s because of this you can still argue that there is a remaining shred of good in him.
They were the best young lovers anD NO I AM NOT CRYING OVER THEM!
Also, the fact we know he was part of a minority group in the form of the lower cast  that was enslaved can make us sympathize with Megatronus of the past, as well as understand how he came to be.
It doesn’t mean we forgive him for his actions - and he has done a lot of shitty things. And I mean a lot.
But his history is more understandable. TFP Megatron’s a fall from grace.
OK I’m done dissecting TFP Meg’s writing.
We know Imperiex was a slave, and was originally organic, who’s from a society where his purpose is literally just to fight, and was gradually stripped of his original body. He was originally stripped of any agency before then though.
But he says this was a good thing. Calling his original body a weakness. And refers to his old self as a pathetic slave.
He gave up whatever softness he had.
Also, this is where K3NT’s story needs to be reexamined. Imperiex was made during what K3NT described as “A Time of Extended Prosperity”. That time had freaking slaves. And K3NT says that when Imperiex did rise up, they were unprepared. So… they were prosperous, but lacked defense to prevent anything like that happening? Or perhaps those who were in charge were that unpopular that it was easy for Imperiex to start the war.
What made him decide conquering the galaxy was the next thing to do after he had every bit of his original self stripped away? Why go as far as destroy it?
What I’m trying to say is that they could borrow a few pages from the Megatron book. Maybe he was once trying to better the society he was part of, but he decides to play the violent card at some point. And somewhere along that strategy, he starts to lose sight of the initial goal. With that, being the victor and in control becomes the main one.
Or perhaps he has grown cynical of the galaxy as it is and decides it just needs to go all together, and then start from scratch.
Like the second definition of Entropy, he gradually declines in predictability and descends into disorder.
Maybe to juxtaposition the fact that Brainiac became the main threat at the end, make him the opposite or foil to him. Rationality or logic do not serve as first-or-second influences to decisions under pressure. Emotions and his own perceived ideas do.
Speaking of Brainiac, maybe offer more of the OG Brainiac. Give us more of that smooth-voiced Corey Burton. 
Or TFA Megatron.
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Seductive Bastard.
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I’m sorry I have fallen for the shady-business-mafia-boss-but-morally-grey robot.
Also, the members of the legion that only get one episode focus? Give them more screen time. You can’t just introduce superman’s new adopted son Karate Kid and just not bring him for another speaking role again!
Actually, that brings me to another point.
As @spandexinspace​ pointed out, his episode is not the best, and is arguably the worst written of the whole series. Things that are issues do get brushed off to the side.
So a proposal on potential rewrite:
First, have the legion look over its current rules and what exceptions/changes they need to make.
Explore the subject of kids having to participate in these fights.
To clarify, kid shows are meant to be escapism for kids.
Shocking, I know.
So it makes sense that some characters would be the same age as the viewers. 
But while this is good representation, as you get older, you find yourself going “WHY WOULD THE ADULTS LET THEM ENDANGER THEMSELVES?!”
Kids having to fight at that age does have consequences. Batman Beyond certainly addressed it. So did Steven Universe Future.
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Steven ended up being responsible for so much, that when he no longer needed to take care of things, he was unsure of who he was. And then there’s the fact he ended up with PTSD because of him having to fight so much. Then you have the fact that Greg and Rose never intended to raise him like their caretakers did... but as good as their intentions were, they still caused damage. Rose for… all the gem stuff. And look, Greg is a great dad, but not enforcing anything for Steven when he’s growing up still has it’s cost.
With Batman, he’s obviously going to do his damn best to keep kids safe, including the Robins. But sometimes, it’s not enough. He wasn’t able to keep Tim safe in the event with the Joker in Batman Beyond. Where he was held captive and tortured.
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But the Batkids are never expected to resolve this stuff by themselves. Because Batman knows how much you can get screwed up as a kid. He fucking cares.
And to be fair, in most continuities I’m aware of, the other sidekicks came out pretty okay overall.
Except Jason Todd.
So my proposal?
Have Val originally with Grimbor, as a sort of Protege. But have the legion capture him, only to go “uhhh this is a child with no powers”. And Superman, being the good, wholesome paragon we all love, takes him under his wing.
In all honesty, I want Superman pulling a batdad for Karate Kid in his intro episode the whole time. That was the best part of the episode for me.
Plus after the events of “Cry Wolf”, the Legion should examine the no-killing rule. Because they do need to kill Imperiex to save the universe. But that goes against the code. But they can argue it’s a necessity. But Mar Londo is also a monster. He’s the everyday monster some of us have grown up with.
When do you need to make exceptions to kill someone?
And my final main suggestion:
Add more Mekt.
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What the heck were you guys expecting? You all KNOW me by now. I LOVE MY GARBAGE BOY.
Joking aside, here’s what I would do.
Have the Chained Lightning episode pushed back, but have Mekt with Imperiex earlier. Most of us would yell “Why the heck would you join the guy whose main goal is to destroy the galaxy?!” But this is one of the easiest things to address.
Explore more of his past. Use the comic sources with him being outcast for being a solo on Winath. With that in mind, him deciding to side with Imperiex can make sense.
Why try protecting something that has done nothing but hurt you?
There’s actually a pretty good reason why he would side with Imperiex, as seen in Champions and Lightning Storm. Remember, Mekt was willing to cheat to get ahead of the sports competition he was introduced in. And also was thrilled when fighting Garth and was beating him on his own. He likes being in power.
Imperiex offers him that.
As for why Imperiex would bother with Mekt? That’s a little harder to answer. He knows that Mekt has a soft spot for his brother, and in turn sister, which proves to be the reason why the Tachyon Cannon fails. You’d think Imperiex would remove a huge fatality.
But he doesn’t.
Maybe he could hold another type of value for Mekt. Perhaps... nostalgia?
I’m still sold on the idea that they were sleeping together.
Also, give us a conclusive answer on where Mekt stands with the LSV. In the comics, he was the leader, but that role was given to Tyr in the cartoon more or less.
OK I think this has been polished enough for me to post now. What you guys think? Feel free to add on!
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whatissleepeven · 4 years
Uh...I don't know if you're accepting asks based on the thing you reblogged, but it seems like you could do some really cool things with, "Your full of fury, aren't you? More rage sits behind those eyes than anyone knows."
I had fun with this prompt not gonna lie -
Fandom: Obey Me!
“You’re an interesting demon, you know that?”
Beel didn’t stop eating, but he did look up at the question. Solomon was currently sitting across from him at Hell’s Kitchen, elbows resting on the table and chin propped up on one of his hands as he stared.
Beel finished off his backstabbing sandwich, glancing over at your vacant seat. You had gone back into line once you noticed that his plate was nearly empty, a habit that you picked up since you ventured out with him often.
“...I don’t know what’s so interesting about eating.” He said carefully, recalling Lucifer’s advice about Solomon.
“Do not trust that sorcerer. He’s a rather troublesome being, one that I don’t want any of you getting mixed up in more than you already have.”
The human in question chuckled, but his eyes were merciless in their scrutiny. “I think we both know that this isn’t about you indulging in your sin.”
Beel furrowed his brow. “What do you mean?”
Solomon hummed. There was a smile on his face but it wasn’t like yours, it wasn’t nice; this one reeked of mystery and judgement, and Beel got the vague feeling of being put under a microscope, of being poked and prodded and dissected. “I wonder?”
The Avatar of Gluttony frowned, taking a sip of his drink. Warning bells were blaring in his mind (and they vaguely resembled a stern Lucifer), but his hunger and curiosity won out in the end. “I’m asking for a reason.”
Solomon shifted to take a sip of his own drink, drawing out the silence between them. “I’m saying that you don’t play with your full deck showing.”
Now Beel was confused, looking down at the table in thought as he munched on a cheeseburger. He had an inkling of what Solomon was getting at, but...what prompted him to think of it in the first place? “Nobody does, though. I don’t understand why you’re bringing this up.”
He tensed when your name fell from Solomon’s lips, his tone blunt as the single precious word fell flat onto the table. “They think you’re someone to be protected. I may not know the whole story myself, so I can’t say for certain whether that’s true or not; however, I can tell that there’s more to you than just that.”
Solomon was approaching dangerous territory. Beel took another bite of his burger, trepidation rolling off of him in waves. “You think?”
“I know,” Solomon said with utter confidence, and Beel didn’t doubt him for a second. The sorcerer knew more than he lets on, and he wants others to recognize that. “Yet I can’t seem to quite put my finger on what makes you so interesting in the first place. There’s something about your aura...”
It was one of Solomon’s most powerful weapons: The ability to see what he wasn’t privy to, and on the off-chance that he doesn’t know then he will do whatever it takes to know.
The demon settled for a shrug, ignoring the prickling feeling running across his skin. “You’re better off telling Asmo that. He likes compliments, and he’d be over the moon if you of all people tell him.”
It was a safe response, and hopefully it would deflect the conversation fro-
“You’re full of fury, aren’t you? More rage sits behind those eyes than anyone knows.”
Beel froze. For once, he actually set down his food.
“...What did you say?”
Solomon was smiling again, looking as pleased as a child who got to eat their favorite dessert. “It looks like I hit the nail right on the head. Now, tell me; what could have possibly happened to make you like this? Or, rather, who caused this? I assume that you even hide that side of yourself from your brothers, doubly so with our mutual friend here.”
The sorcerer nodded his head towards your spot, but Beel wasn’t paying attention; he was too busy reliving the past, where he was created with a purpose and ended up failing the one single task he was assigned.
Beel lost someone close to him, he couldn’t help Belphie when he needed him the most, and he wound up becoming one of the people who Lucifer protected instead of him protecting Lucifer. It was like someone poured salt onto an already festering wound, rubbing it in with little to no remorse.
Solomon was wrong. He wasn’t full of rage at someone else; he was full of rage at himself.
The demon raised his gaze to meet Solomon’s, his eyes taking on a dangerous glint to them. His expression shifted into a murderous one, and he noted the subtle widening of Solomon’s eyes at the display.
“Please stop talking about this, and let’s go back to eating.”
It wasn’t a suggestion, but Solomon smirked. Beel knew that he was going to end up exploding if he was prodded any further - he was uncomfortable and he just wanted to eat with you and you alone, but this sorcerer had to tag along for who-knows-what reason and even had the gall to start prying answers out of him - but you ended up returning to the table at that moment, balancing more food than you could handle in your arms.
“Sorry for the wait, the line was pretty long! Here’s your food, Beel.”
Beel sent you a happy smile, all traces of anger gone from his face as you set down the tray in front of him. “Thank you for the food.”
You glanced over at Solomon. “You sure you don’t want anything?”
Solomon stood up. There was a smile on his face, an aura of satisfaction exuding from his person. It made Beel glare at him before he stuffed his own face with the new meal, finding it better to not comment. It wouldn’t help his case. “No, I’m quite alright; I already ate before I came here, after all. Now, if you’ll excuse me...”
You sighed as you took your seat next to Beel, watching the sorcerer walk out of the building with an amused stare. “If he already ate, then why did he come here...?”
For future blackmail, He thought sourly, but on the outside he merely frowned. His stomach was growling again, which brought his attention back to his half-eaten burger. “He didn’t even order anything...”
You laugh, nudging his shoulder. “Oh well. More for the rest of us am I right?”
Beel smiled. Leave it to you to bring him out of his rage-filled guilt-induced thoughts.
“I always feel better when I’m eating with you.”
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renaxwrites · 4 years
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.04  -  18
synopsis: the number Eleven had always appeared in milestones of your life. it was a constant, and you didn’t know why. but you would soon find out when you study abroad in japan and meet Him.
pairing: tsukishima kei x fem!reader
warnings: none!
masterlist: here :)
a/n: more introductions! English will be in bold. Hope you enjoy this one <3
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We made a start. Be it a false one, I know.
“Oh. It’s you.”
You turn to see the one and only Tsukishima towering over you. But that didn’t shock you.
His jersey number was Eleven?
Why the hell did he have that number? Is this supposed to mean something? I could be safe to call it a coincidence, but there was no way. Your whole life that number had appeared, so it should be a sign of something, right?
But what?
Millions of questions dashed through your mind as you stare each other down. The split second of intense eye contact felt like an eternity of wavelengths flowing between the two of you. That split second was all it took for everyone in the gym to dissect this interaction.
Hinata, always being the one brave enough in awkward situations, spoke up. “Uh...so you guys know each other?”
His inquiry broke the tiny trace between you and Tsukishima. You glance at your feet, the team, the net. Anything but him right now.
“I guess you can say that,” you admit shyly.
Tsukishima grunts. “She’s staying at my house for the time being. Not a big deal.”
Gee, he’s so nonchalant about it. You weren’t sure how to feel about that, but seeing at the confused looks being exchanged between the players, you felt the need to give a quick rundown of what the deal was. Better to prevent any wrong ideas.
You pipe up after Tsukishima, “It’s really not. I’m originally from the United States, but I’m studying over here now. Mizuki, Tsukishima’s mother, generously offered hospitality while I was over here in the country. Nothing more than that.” You smile assuredly, trying to avoid the need for any more pressing questions.
Too bad that didn’t work.
The two boys that high-fived, who you discovered to be Nishinoya and Tanaka, burst out, “So if you’re from America, you know English, right? Say something in that language!”
Not surprised, you ask, “What do you want me to say?”
A dark-haired boy, who quickly introduced himself as Kageyama, had been quietly observing the entire time. However, he was lightning-fast to give his suggestion:
“How do you say, ‘Hinata, you dumbass’ in English?”
You pivot toward Hinata’s voice and find him staring daggers in Kageyama’s direction.
“Sorry Hinata, but Kageyama thinks you’re a dumbass. Sorry Hinata, but Kageyama thinks you’re a dumbass.”
Nishinoya and Tanaka whisper to themselves, and you only catch phrases like, “Who knew foreign languages could sound hot” “The way she could flawlessly switch between them bro oh my gosh”. You felt like a bug under a microscope. Especially with Tsukishima’s negative vibes rubbing onto you. It’s so weird how just his presence has been taking a toll on you.
A blonde man, probably in his twenties, strides up to the huddle, redirecting the team’s focus to him. He seems a little intimidating, but not too much. This must be the coach then.
He announces, “Alright guys, the ride to Tokyo is in a MONTH. Just some food for thought, so I would suggest you guys get cracking on your drills sooner than later.”
Daichi claps twice. “Alright! Starting with dives! Let’s go!” And with that, the team narrows their attention to the court.
The coach hums and finally acknowledges you, in a warmer tone opposite to the stern voice he just served his team. “Hey there, seems I missed introduction time. I’m Ukai Keishin, coach of this team. You’ll meet our team advisor too. He should be coming in soon, he just went to get something real quick. So, what brings you here?”
You explain the same spiel you gave the team, and he gives a curt nod. “I see. This might actually be perfect timing then. We were actually going to begin to evaluate each player to find their strengths and weaknesses, so we know what to tweak before Tokyo. You know what, think of today as a trial. Maybe you’ll be able to give us a new perspective we could miss.”
Your eyes glisten at the thought of being legitimately helpful for the team. You felt you were meant to be here.
The doors burst open, and in scurries what looks to be the advisor with multiple packets in his arms. You sense his distress, and you dash over to help him, managing to catch one as it fell off the pile.
“Why thank you! Can’t lose that at a time like this!” he smiles in appreciation.
The two of you carry the papers over to the rest of the staff. More introductions were made on your behalf, and soon Ukai and Takeda, the advisor, catch you up on their latest tactic of evaluating the team. They give you an extra copy of their packet, which lists every player’s strength and weakness.
“Your job, (y/n), is to capture their weaknesses in action. This way, they can physically see what they’re doing, and go from there. You can throw in some cool ones of them too, if you want. So their egos can get a little lift,” explains the coach.
You get to work.
                                    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You only have the essentials of your photography setup with you wherever you went, while your more professional add ons were in your room. This meant you had to get a bit closer to capture the range of certain angles, but you didn’t mind. You’ve been on a football field, basketball court, and a whole bunch of other arenas where you were drowning in a sea of giants. You’ve definitely seen worse situations.
Practice ran pretty smoothly. You were surprisingly able to shoot everything needed within the players’ packet, so once the team was officially done, Ukai had them all line up. One by one, each player would be able to look at their action shots, and the coach would explain to them what was working, or what can be improved. The players were, to say the least, super hyped at seeing themselves in action. (Nishinoya: “SHE GOT MY ROLLING THUNDAAA!” Your ears rang for a couple minutes after how closed he yelled) You weren’t too familiar with the sport itself, but you made sure to slide in a compliment for every player. It really made all the difference in the world to see their face light up, knowing someone else is motivating their hard work.
But a certain someone has been very difficult to read so far.
Tsukishima approaches you for his turn. What if he doesn’t like his photos? What if the angle you shot his blocking wasn’t good enough?
Why are you suddenly self-conscious?
You show him the first photo burst. A simple serve. Shouldn’t be too much.
Ukai begins explaining volleyball gibberish to Tsukishima, and you’re just trying to focus on not doing anything irrational. Just stand. Breathe. Click through photos. Repeat.
Usually, you’re able to tell what a player is thinking once they see their plays in action. But man, this guy was just so monotone! The only ounce of emotion you were able to detect was the tiniest glimmer of awe in his eye when you clicked through one particular block of his. This was the best from his series in your opinion. At least he recognized it. Your chest felt warm for some reason.
Before Tsukishima was dismissed, you slip him a quick confidence booster. “You’re really good at blocking. You look like you manage to catch anything, it’s awesome!”
He half-heartedly turns your way, looks at you dead in the eyes, and hums as a thanks.
So much for interaction.
                                    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Practice ends, and the gym gets locked up, much to Hinayana and Kageyama’s dismay.
Everyone begins to go their separate ways. Tsukishima was still conversing with Yamaguchi, so you weren’t sure if you should wait for him or not. Playing it safe, you start to walk, but slowly. Eventually, you hear footsteps crunching behind you, signaling him catching up.
“You shouldn’t walk alone in the dark. Can’t have mom’s favorite getting hurt or lost now, can you?”
It seemed more like a rhetorical question than one you should answer, given the way he has his headphones on. You decide to give him the benefit of the doubt, by trying to keep up with his pace. Metaphorically, anyway. Man, he sure walks fast!
“I know the way back! Plus, there’s streetlights, so it’s not that dark,” you muster out.
He sighs, then takes off his headphones. “You’ve been here one day and you know you’re way around? Seems like a stretch.”
You bounce back, “I mean, it’s literally down the street. The only way I would get lost at this point is trying to keep up with your long ass stride. Chill dude!”
He finally looks at you in the eyes.
He smirks.
Then slips his headphones back on.
You couldn’t tell whether or not this was his way of playful banter, or if he was genuinely trying to get a rise out of you. Either way, he had you feel a certain way. Good or bad, who knows?
The rest of the way continues in silence. And all too soon you both arrive at the house.
At dinner, Mizuki is excited to hear how your first day played out. “You came home along with Kei, so is it safe to assume you’ve already found a club or some sort to be in?” she innocently inquires.
You animatedly nod in response. “Actually, I was with his team. Hinata has shown me around the school, so he’s the one who invited me to their practice! One thing led to another, and basically I’m the team’s official photographer!”
Mizuki smiles and grasps your hand in exhilaration. “That’s great (y/n)! It’s a good thing Hinata was your guide then. Maybe it’s fate! I feel good knowing you and Kei will be around each other often. Isn’t this great, Kei?”
He looks up from his bowl. “As long as I don’t have to carry her from a concussion or something.”  He goes back to his dinner.
Even though you retort, “I’ve been surrounded by pleasures of almost every high school sport, including volleyball. So I’ll be fine,” it still didn’t stop the evident blush that was resting on your cheeks. Why were you blushing? Stop blushing!
Once the kitchen was cleaned and you all were in bed, that’s when your thoughts started to stir. What exactly was the universe trying to tell you with his jersey number? Why did everything he did make you feel a certain way? How was he attractive without even trying? He wanted nothing to do with you, so why him?
Little did you know that he was thinking the same about you.
Why you? With the dumb way your face looks, all cute when it’s flustered? How you were able to flawlessly match his sarcasm and comebacks? He hasn’t even known you that long, so why are you making him feel something he hasn’t felt before?
While you both were drowning in each other’s thoughts, you both were staring at the same wall. The one wall separating your rooms.
It was Eleven o’ clock.
Let's split the night wide open. We'll see everything. We can live in love, in slow motion.
taglist: @jiminslonglostjams @fantasymirror @shewastheriot @lukes-princess @iamthepenguinwhosearseisonfire @its-bnha-babe @desi-studys​ @shootooooo​ @noya-senpai-imagines​ @animefan7420 @anpancari​ @tsukkx​
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