#Thoma genshin impact
makelemonade · 2 months
Things they do when they're in love but haven't realized it yet
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Characters; Aether, Albedo, Alhaitham, Ayato, Childe, Cyno, Diluc, Dottore, Itto, Neuvillete, Thoma, Pantalone.
Warnings; GN!Reader, mentions of pretty/handsome, cologne/perfume, the notebook (that movie killed me It's a warning I can't), mentions of crying, mentions of past injuries, annoying kids, lowk stalking in childe's part LOOL
under the cut!
Aether- Notices every physical and mental detail about you more than the average person.
He notices the way there’s a slight limp in your walk due to a past injury, and he can notice when you also try to hide it.
He notices how each day you always try a new hairstyle because you thrive for praise and compliments. Of course because you’re so loved, everyone compliments you, and he notices the way that when he does too, you’re more flustered than usual.
He knows you start to tap your finger down on any platform whenever you’re feeling nervous or even zoning out. He also notices that when you get annoyed, you bite your lip to hold back anything.
He knows that whenever you’re lectured at or given a talking-down to, you try to hide your tears, but the side of your lip trembles. He knows that once your alone within your own privacy, you let the tears fall. He’s literally seen you catch them with your mouth once.
He notices that whenever he gives you some sort of gift, you’re at a loss for words and you don’t know whether you want to make the first move after months of pining.
He notices, so now maybe he can act on it.
Alhaitham- Starts to read books or watch movies/shows he’s heard you talk about.
He spends most of his time in libraries, looking around for anything that piques his interest. He notices the title of a book, something you’ve mentioned before.
You both have complete opposite tastes, but maybe romance books could do him some good.
Since then, he’s been looking around libraries for every book he’s heard you mention. He even starts to write down a list.
Shows and movies as well. On a rainy day that he stays in his home and his roommate isn’t being annoying, he likes to lounge on his couch and watch something.
He notices once again another title you’ve mentioned; The Notebook.
No hesitation, he decides to watch it, and by the end, he’s nearly crying.
“Are you crying?” His roommate asks. 
“Shut up!”
At some point he brings up that he’s watched almost all the movies and read all the books you’ve mentioned and you don’t know if he was genuinely bored and did so or because he really was interested in you.
Your thoughts are answered when he asks if you want to go see a romance movie coming out.
Albedo- Starts to become mesmerized when he watches you study or work
He loves the way you look so focused- the way your nose scrunches up when you get confused at a question or really anything, or how when you feel lost, your hand moves up to your cheek as you just stare down at the question.
You’re so focused to the point that sometimes you forget he’s even there but in fully honesty- he doesn’t care. As long as he can stare at you without you noticing, he’s fine with it.
Sometimes, he forgets about his own work. You just look so pretty when you’re focused- he wishes it was on him.
At some point, the staring becomes too obvious and you look up ti find him just staring at you, and his face comes of one of surprise when he sees he’s been caught.
“W-would you like some help?” He asked, nothing your nose had scrunched up just seconds ago.
You smiled. “Yes, please.”
Ayato- Seeing you with kids makes him feel something.
He sees how you treat kids with such kindness and adoration- as if you’ve met your favourite hero. Whenever you take strolls, you love to stop by the park and push some kids on the swings; It’s to the point all the parents know you and the kids love you.
Whenever you hear a child cry, you get sad. Whenever you hear a child laugh, it makes you smile- It makes him smile too, being honest.
He loves how you’re so attentive to them, that one day when one of the kids falls and scrapes his knee and starts to cry, you’re immediately there comforting them, putting a bandaid on their knee and telling them it’ll be all better.
You pretend to play “shop” with the kids to the point even he is dragged in by one of them.
“Are you two married?” One of the children ask one day, which then causes a bombard of questions from the rest while they all say things like
“Is he nice?”
“Does he treat you well?”
“You two are sooo perfect!”
“Can he play with us more?”
Ayato only smiles at you and you smile back.
Childe- He always looks for you in a public setting
Whenever he goes out, whether it to be to run errands, go somewhere with his brother or just something for work, he always wondering if you’ll be there.
Most of the time you aren’t- it’s a small chance you’d be at a random toy shop that his brother was non-stop talking about, but he’s always on the lookout.
Parties that friends invite him too, he always asks if you’ll be there or he’ll just look for you the moment he arrives, praying and hoping to God that you’ll be there.
Maybeeee it’s stalking, but he starts to go to places he’s heard you mention in hope of seeing you. Even if it’s a place he has no reason to be at, he’ll still go.
For the first time one day, instead of him noticing you and going up to you, you’re the first to notice him and go up to him, starting a conversation.
Cyno- He always wants to make you laugh
He sucks at making jokes- he knows this, everyone knows this, but it always makes him feel warm inside whenever you let out a giggle or a loud cackle at his jokes- even If they were horrible or made sense, something about it always lightened you up.
So, even though everyone else hates it, he continues to go with them, just in hopes of hearing you giggle- it’s so cute!
He’ll even start to think of new jokes, new types of humour just for you, and he’ll always go with the ones that make you laugh the most.
He may update his whole humour for you, but who cares!
Then, he notices that you started using his own jokes, which makes him cackle just as loud as you.
Diluc- Nicknames
If anyone were to ever call Diluc something other than his name, he’d lost his shit. EVERYONE knew this, and not even Kaeya would test him- the closest he’s ever used a nickname was “Luc” and Diluc was ready to fight him.
But you, well, he just doesn’t seem to care. Whether it be Luc, Didi, Lulu, and even pookie, he’s completely fine with it.
Everyone knows he has to has something for you, but he doesn’t even realize it himself. It just brings a warm feeling to his face when he hears a nickname come out of your mouth.
Then one day, he randomly starts to call you nicknames, and you feel the same warmth he does.
Dottore- Drops anything for you
Dottore is a hard-working man. He hardly takes breaks, and he’s always up to something. So, it’s hard to speak to him on most days, that it even makes you upset as his friend.
His coworker mentions something about you being upset and he immediately puts down any work he’s holding and asks where you are. He would never do that for anyone, but you? He didn’t know why, but he just felt the need to be at your side.
He tells you to text him whenever you need something, and he’ll answer. He just won’t answer the other 100 texts from other people and continue to leave them on delivered.
You’re bored? Come work with him. You’re hungry? Go get some food together. It’s to the point that work is no longer his main priority.
You ask him one day if he’d like to go to dinner, and before you could finish your sentence about knowing he was a hard working man and was never free, he immediately says yes.
Itto- Anything that smells like you reminds him of you
Itto has a good nose- it’s a blessing and a curse.
When it comes to smelling something similar to you, whether it be your shampoo, conditioner, body wash, cologne, perfume or mist, he considers it to be a blessing.
He could be anywhere really; In a random shop, and if someone walks by and has the SLIGHTEST smell smilier to yours, he’ll almost think its you and now all he can think about is you.
It’s to the point it becomes his favourite smell, and he finds himself buying items similar.
You notice his efforts, and give him a gift one day. It was full of everything you used to smell the way you do.
He’ll use it everyday.
Neuvillete- The way you act doesn’t bother him
The Iudex was not a patient man. Anyone who acted immaturely, whether it be like a child or an insolent teenager, he’ll became so annoyed.
But you? Act however you want, he does not care. Instead, he’ll just laugh, enjoying your antics.
You’re acting like a child? Okay, not his problem, he’s fine with it. But if Furina came in here acting like a child he’d kick her out in and instant. Even if a literal child came in he’d kick them out in an instant.
He finds himself finding comfort in the way you act sometimes. He doesn’t know how to explain it, but he thinks it’s the fact he knows you’re comfortable enough near him to act the way you do.
Then one day, you decide to be calm for a day, and sit and talk with him normally, and even if it’s a change, he’s still happy nonetheless.
Thoma- Everything reminds him of you.
The flowers? They’re as pretty/handsome as you.
The window? Sometimes he imagines you’re outside.
The floor? He’ll remember both of you hiding out at parties and sitting on floors.
Money? He’ll remember the time you bought him lunch because he forgot his wallet and you refused to let him pay you back.
The sky? It brings him comfort to know you both see the same sky.
The stars? As bright as you.
He gets a gift from you one day, telling him that It reminded you of him, and he could only give a heartfelt laugh.
Pantalone- Whatever you look at, you’ll find it within your belongings in the next week.
He’s a perceptive, rich man. You may only be friends but he loves to spoil you.
He sees you staring at a necklace for over 2 seconds? Bought immediately, and of course he’ll place it around your neck.
Trinkets you think look cool? The next time you both hang out at your hose, you’ll mysteriously find it within your home.
If you have an event coming up and he hears you describe what you’d like to wear, he’ll be looking through every store and buying whatever is similar to the description.
He stares at flowers, wondering if he should give them to you or if it was weird. He’s heard you talk about wanting flowers once, but maybe not now
Yet he is met with you holding out the same flowers to him 2 days later, stating you saw him staring at them for quite a while.
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syruubi · 1 year
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“No wonder you’re coughing so much, your tummy is exposed!“
Also Changsheng got one too Thoma just needed time to make one for her
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liv3laughlev · 26 days
ROOMMATES ch. 1 // ★.⁗☁️⚬☆
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content warnings: unrealistic dormitory.. there’s no way this would happen irl 😭
author’s note: i’m gonna miss the old men from the og but i wanted to try to include some newer characters 😵‍💫 also i feel like i should specify that this is written with a fem reader 😭 mostly just for the plot lmao— also this is so bad for the first chapter i promise it’ll get better i was just trying to get all the men introduced 🌚🙏🏼
masterlist !!
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“do you promise to be safe? you’ll be in a dormitory with a bunch of men, and you don’t even know if they’re safe to be around!” your dad said with a worried expression as he helped you pack the last of your bags.
“i’ll be okay.. i mean it. i packed all the protective equipment you bought me. and i will call you if something happens..” you explained, placing a hand on his shoulder as you looked at him sweetly.
he sighed shakily, looking at you lovingly. “i trust you, honey.. just be careful. and visit me when you can, okay?” he asked as he guided you to the driver’s seat of your car, opening the door for you. “i love you, hon..” he said softly as he hugged you tightly, a soft sigh leaving his lips as you hugged him back.
“i love you too, dad.. i’ll call you tonight, okay?” you smiled a little before getting into your car and buckling up, waving goodbye before you drove off.
today was going to be the day you moved into the dormitory at the university you were going to be attending for the next few years. it was going to be the first day of the semester in a couple days and you needed to be unpacked and ready for the day. there wasn’t any dorms available except one room in one of the group dormitories. six rooms, which you were taking the last one. but you had learned that you were going to share the place with five men. you were told that you’d be able to move to a different dorm once there were more openings.
staying home wasn’t much of an option because the university you were going to be attending was an hour away and you had a couple classes every day so you’d likely be completely drained by the end of the day. you’d rather take this than the other option.
you had pulled into the parking lot and made your way up the steps, finding the door to your new home for the next couple months. you took out your key and unlocked the door, opening the door.
you had immediately met eyes with a blonde guy, cleaning supplies in his hands. his eyes lit up a bit and he quickly put away the supplies before he went to you. “you’re our new roommate, yes?” he asked, holding out his hand for you to shake.
you nodded and shook his hand. “yeah..” you spoke, telling him your name.
“that’s a really pretty name!” he said sweetly. “i’m thoma, i think itto is in the kitchen but everyone else aren’t as social so they’re off doing their own things..” thoma explained. a taller guy came out of the kitchen as thoma spoke to you, a little grin on his face and a lollipop in his mouth.
“hi! i couldn’t help but overhear your little chat with thoma and decided to come and say hello.. i’m itto!” itto said as he wrapped an arm around thoma, his muscles contracting a little.
“it’s nice to meet you two.. there’s six of us total, right?” you asked, looking at the two with a gentle expression that had them glancing at each other knowingly and clearing their throats.
“yeah.. there’s me, itto, diluc, alhaitham, and xiao.. you might have a harder time getting to officially meet xiao especially since he usually sticks to staying in his room.” thoma said softly. “by the way, do you need any help with getting your bags inside or unpacking?” he asked.
you smiled. “you don’t have to.. you only just met me i couldn’t ask you to help..” you said sweetly, noticing the way thoma smiled back.
“it’s okay, really.. right, itto?” thoma chuckled, lightly patting itto on the shoulder.
itto nodded. “yeah! we’ll help! which car is yours?” he asked as he went to put on his shoes, thoma following.
you told them what car was yours and watched as they went out to go get your stuff. now you were alone, and part of you got curious about what the rest of the dormitory looked like. you went down the hallway, seeing a couple doors with names on them. the first one you saw must’ve been thoma’s room, his name written on it messily along with a cute but pretty bad drawing of him. you chuckled a little before moving on. most of the names you saw you recognized but haven’t met any of the people yet. it wasn’t long before you saw itto’s door. and then it clicked. he was the one who made all the nameplates. his had things like “me” “the one and oni” stuff like that along with a drawing of him with his muscles out. it was cute!
the next door you saw didn’t have a nameplate yet, it was the only one missing one. you suddenly heard someone open a door and you turned to meet eyes with a man with red hair. he came out of the room with the “diluc” nameplate.
“hi..” you spoke softly. he was so pretty to you, his long hair resting on his shoulders. you could honestly stare at this man for hours if given the chance.
“hello.. i heard someone was moving in, that’s you i’d guess?” he asked, walking over to you.
“yes that’d be me..” you said before introducing yourself. “and you’re.. diluc?” you asked, glancing at the sign again.
“correct..” he confirmed. there was a brief moment of silence between you two before he finally cleared his throat. “i have business to attend to now.. so i’ll see you at dinner later.” diluc spoke, nodding his head when you waved bye. you watched as he walked away, faintly hearing the door to the dormitory open and shut.
before you could really do anything else you heard the front door open and close once more, thoma and itto coming down the hall with all your boxes in hand.
“oh guys— you didn’t have to grab them all in one sitting!” you said in surprise as itto managed to open the door to your new room.
“it’s okay! this counts as my daily workout!” he grinned as he stepped inside and placed down all the boxes he was carrying carefully.
thoma chuckled as he placed down the boxes he held as well. his face was a little flushed from carrying so many boxes, but he didn’t seem to care. “yeah it’s okay, really! let us know if you need any help with anything else, alright?” he smiled.
you smiled a little, a sigh leaving your lips. “thanks you guys.. i will.” you said before guiding them out of your room, waving goodbye before you closed the door.
itto glanced over at thoma with a grin as they went down the hall together. “you like them.” he teased.
thoma’s eyes widened a little in surprise. “what?! what makes you think that?” he asked, clearing his throat a bit.
itto raised an eyebrow. “all you talked about on the way to the car and back was how cool they seemed and how excited you were that they were moving in!” he laughed.
thoma’s face reddened a little, crossing his arms as he sat on the couch in the common area. “i guess i’ll like them a little.. but don’t tell anyone please. i don’t want to scare them off, alright?” he said as itto plopped next to him, resting his legs over thoma’s lap.
“i solemnly swear to keep my mouth shut, and if not i’ll buy you all the snacks you want!” itto grinned, holding up a hand while the other rested on his chest.
thoma let out a sigh of relief. “thanks, itto.. i really do appreciate it..” he said with a gentle smile.
back to you— you were unpacking in your room when you heard a knock on your door. you opened the door and met eyes with a guy with grey hair, his eyes sharp as he looked down at you.
“hello..” you muttered softly, your eyes flickering to take in his appearance. he was tall, built similar to itto. you honestly had no clue how you were supposed to handle yourself in a home full of attractive men.
“hello.. you’re (name) i’ve heard?” he asked, crossing his arms while he looked down at you with a gaze that almost seemed like he was reading you. “thought so..” he spoke when you nodded. “i’m alhaitham.” he introduced himself.
“it’s nice to meet you, alhaitham..” you smiled a bit, noticing the hint of surprise in his eyes. he didn’t really think you’d show any kindness to him, especially since he was just a stranger you happened to live a couple feet away from.
“yeah.. anyway, see you..” he muttered, walking away to his room as you waved.
you thought he was strange, but you guessed it was just him being antisocial. you didn’t think much of it and went back into your room, shutting the door behind you.
hours passed and it was now night. you had just finished your shower, walking out of one of the bathrooms. from what you knew everyone was already asleep, but to your surprise you saw someone you hadn’t met yet leaving a room.
“oh— hello..” you spoke softly, gaining his attention. he glared at you sharply, scaring you just a little. he was cute, not too tall compared to the other guys. “i don’t think i met you yet..” you spoke as you glanced at the nameplate on his door. “xiao,” it read. “you’re xiao, yes?” you asked sweetly. he only nodded in response. “well it’s nice to meet you, xiao..” you said as you smiled.
“yeah.. you too.” he grumbled. he couldn’t really hold eye contact with you, turning his head away from you. you could see a hint of pink on the tips of his ears. cute, he was blushing.
“i’m going to head to bed for the night, but i hope to catch you tomorrow..” you smiled once more as you waved, heading to your door.
“yeah, night..” he murmured, your gaze on him disappearing as you closed yourself into your bedroom.
he sighed a little, glancing at your door which now had your own nameplate, your name written messily on it with a cute doodle of you that itto made.
“hm..” was all he muttered before heading back into his room.
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genshindsau · 1 year
Summary: With your own work, you haven't had the time to spend with Thoma, much less do a proper scene with him. It was affecting not only him but also you. However, you couldn't push your work back so instead the two of you opted to do a different scene. One that has not been done between the two of you before.
Content Warning: Dom/Sub universe, dom reader, sub Thoma, commands but not necessarily sexual in nature, nudity, bdsm scene but not sexual. mentions of commands during work hours,
Walking into the office at your house, you eyes automatically fell on the desk that was stacked with messily thrown paper and your laptop which you knew had multiple open tabs. A sigh slipped past your lips as you moved around the desk and placed the tray - which held two cups, a tea kettle, and multiple different tea bags - onto a free space on your desk.
Even though you've talked to Thoma about this, you couldn't help but worry. Usually when you go through scenes, you focus solely on him but time has been… hard to come by. With your work extending not just to extra hours at work but also to taking up your personal time at home. The most time you've managed to spend with him are the 45 minutes during lunch. During that time you would be able to give a few commands but they were always innocent in nature since there was little time and you two were still at work.
After talking, you two have come up with a plan where you'll do a play while you work. It won't be completely sexual but it will allow the two of you to spent time together, fulfill your secondary roles, and get some work done. You raised the temperature, and got drinks ready and a comfortable pillow placed by your desk. It wasn't much longer before you heard a knock.
You were greeted with a bright smile on Thoma's face as he practically skipped into your house. "Hello love." You cupped one side of his face as you brought your lips to meet his. It was a chaste kiss but it still left Thoma blushing and beaming. "Hi."
He leaned in for another kiss and you allowed him, only pulling back before he could try and deepen the kiss. You brushed your nose with his before completely disconnecting your bodies. "You still sure about tonight? It wont be like it usually is."
He hummed and couldn't help but the burning of arousal starting to seep into his body at your obvious concern. "I know. I want this."
"Okay," you gave him a small appreciative smile. "safeword?"
"Good," you caressed his head. "Take everything off and then come into the room." You placed a little emphasis in your words, putting forth the obvious command before leaving to go into your office.
As he got the command, the weightless sensation started to form in his body. All he wanted was to follow your words and get praised by you. He stripped off his shirt, and eagerly tugged off his pants (he took his shoes off at the entrance). There was absolutely no hesitation as he took off the last article of clothing. Kicking his underwear aside, he walked to the room where you had entered.
Once he got through the door, he paused, waiting for further instructions. You took him in and your gaze stopped at his cock. "Good boy. You remembered." Before coming to your house you gave him instructions. It was one simple rule, make sure to lock himself up at least an hour before he would come over. "Come here." You waved your hand and pointed to the spot next to your chair. He walked over to you in a daze.
"Kneel." It felt like he there was an invisible pushing him down as his biology forced him - no  forced isn't the right word, rather he wanted to listen to you. You made sure his knees landed on the pillow. As his weight settled on it there was a crunching sound. Anytime he adjusted himself until he found a comfortable position, the crunching would echo through the room. "Hands behind your back." He followed your instructions. Interlocking his fingers.
"There you go," you cooed brushing one of your hands through his hair. "Doing so well." He practically preened under your words and the gentle touch. "You know the rules. You'll sit here while I work - no moving. The plastic underneath the pillow will let me know if you move or adjust yourself. You wont speak anything unless it's your safe word."
You saw his mouth twitch and caressed it with your thumb. "If you have anything to add before I start tell me now."
His cheeks burned. "May I rest my head on your leg while you work?"
"Since you've done so well I'll allow it. Now situate yourself. Once I turn to my work there is no going back."
He shifted his weight and then settled his head on your thigh. He laid on the left side of his face so that he can gaze at you rather than the desk.
With one last caress to his head you took your hand off and redirected your focus to the work in front of you.
The first thirty minutes were easy. Yes, there was a twinge of pain in his knees and the cage around his cock felt like it was squeezing him but he didn't dare move. Luckily he couldn't power through it with the small touched you would give him. It was nothing more than your fingers tangling in his strands or trailing the side of his face but it allowed him to continue to preserve and follow your rules.
When it got to an hour, he was clenching down on his teeth. There was one mistake that he made which was shifting his weight which led to the pillow crinkling underneath him. He froze and was about to apologize when he remembered the rule of not speaking. Since it was the first offense you just gave him a small admonishment and withheld your gentle touched for longer intervals. However, after that he made no more mistakes. You also deemed a small break would be appropriate because you've gotten a good amount of work done.
"I think its time for a break." Even as you spoke, he didn't move. "The rules of staying silent still apply but you can lift your head and get yourself comfortable again - staying sitting though." He lifted his head and you couldn't help the string of arousal at his half-lidded, sleepy look. His hair stuck to the side of his face and you gently pulled it off and cupped his cheek. He leaned into your palm and you couldn't stop the soft smile that built on your lips as he pressed his lips to the skin on your palm. "You doing okay?"
He nodded. "Alright well how about some tea." It wasn't really a question because you had already stood up and grabbed the tray you placed earlier. Turning on the tea kettle, the water heated up. You had laid out multiple different tea bags and sorted through them until deciding on a chamomile tea for him and green tea for you. As you prepped the drinks, Thoma stayed on the pillow with his hands behind his back. You could hear his movement every now and then but he never tried to take his legs out from underneath him or move to a different position beside kneeling.
"Careful with your hands." As he reached for the tea cup he couldn't help the small wince. After almost an hour of not moving his arms and shoulders, the soreness and pain was setting in. Soft coo's escaped you as you saw the flash of pain on his face. "You're doing so well for me darling." You made a note to give him a massage later on.
The pain was quickly dulled down as you complimented him. "Slow down." It was a command as you saw him trying to drink the tea too fast while it was still too hot.
He flushed but listened to you. He blew over the tea a few times and took time while sipping the tea. They were small cups so it did not take a long time for either of you to finish them. You placed both of the empty cups back on the table. Looking down at him you couldn't help but laugh. The wide eyes and happy look caused him to look like a puppy just waiting for a treat.
You should probably let him stretch his legs, you muse. "Can you get something for me." He perked up and you imagined a tail wagging behind him. "I'm hungry. On the counter in the kitchen there are mandarins, get one for me and a paper towel."
When he stood up, his legs shook, pins and needles ran through his legs. He didn't move right away, scared that if he took a step he would collapse. You gave him a minute to compose himself and luckily he pulled himself together before you had to reprimand him. He couldn't have been gone for more than 40 seconds before he was returning with a mandarin in one hand and the paper towel in the other.
You pointed back to the cushion on the floor and he took a seat once more. "Can you peel it for me sweet boy." His hands shook a little as he dug a nail in and pulled back the skin of the mandarin. He placed the skin on the paper towel. He held out the fruit, expecting you to grab it with your hand. Instead you leaned forward and opened your mouth. "Feed me."
He smiled as he place the slice of fruit into your mouth. You nodded as the taste burst on your tongue. "You choose well." He fed you a few more pieces until there was only one left. "You have the last slice." He popped it in his mouth and had to suppress a satisfying hum.
"Good boy," you praised. Grabbing his chin, you guided your lips to him. You ran your tongue over his bottom lip. As his lips parted, you ran your tongue over his, caressing his mouth. "It wont be much longer. Can you hang on a little while longer?"
He weighed the thought. His legs and knees were hurting and his back was starting to ache. However, as he gazed into your eyes he felt himself agreeing. They were so kind and gentle. He knew if it got too much he could say the safeword and you would take care of him. He nodded once more. "You sure, you don’t need to use the bathroom or anything."
He shook his head. "Alright lover. You can rest your head on my leg." He, once more, took his place by your feet. He placed his head on your head and closed his eyes. He wasn't falling asleep but he felt so blissed out and relaxed after following your commands and getting praised by you.
When you glanced down and saw the expression on his face you couldn't help the warmth that spread through your body. Despite the soreness and pain you knew he most likely was experiencing, he always followed your rules to the fullest. It probably been another 45 minutes, plus an extra 5 minutes just staring at the man laying against you.
"Thoma," you kept your voice soft, not wanting to break the comfortable air around the two of you. He took a minute to register your voice and even then he felt so hazy and dazed out, that you had to call his name again. "Thoma, look at me." With the command, it burst through the hazy part of his mind and he followed, lifting his head. You helped him out, placing a hand under his chin. "Were done for tonight," you pushed your chair back and squatted down in front of him.
You cupped his face and rubbed your thumbs over the apples of his cheeks. "I'm so proud of you," you peppered kisses to his face. "Bearing the pain and soreness," he lazily smiled under the feeling of your lips on his skin. "Want me to start a bath, the heat will help."
He nodded, "Wan' you with me." His hands which were now free from behind his back came to hold onto your forearms. 
"I will but I need you to stand up." He put pressure on your forearm as he stood with your help. He was shaky and still in his vulnerable headspace. He easily followed after you and you sat him down on the toilet.
The sound of water falling and filling the tube were the only sounds. He let you maneuver his legs until you were kneeling between them. He flinched lightly at the grazing on his caged cock but the lack of pressure from him being released, left him relaxing underneath you. You ran one finger over his cock and watched as he shuddered. "Want some release?" You didn't want to push him, sometime he could handle an orgasm after a scene other times he couldn't.
He took a moment before shaking his head. While he could image the pleasure that would come from you, right now all he wanted was the relax in the bath and cuddle up next to you.
You smiled and stood up to kiss his forehead. You moved to stick a hand in the tub and make sure it was a comfortable temperature before moving helping Thoma into the tub. You opted to stick to the side of the tub as he washed with your help. He leaned against you, similar to how he did when you two were in the scene, and relaxed as your fingers ran through his long strands.
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maximwtf · 9 days
“Taking a break, or two.”
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Thoma x Reader
Words: 1970
Google Docs Pages: 3
Warnings: adhd having reader implied but not mentioned directly, emotional hurt/comfort, mostly platonic but if you squint it’s implied yall live together
Opening: You’re cleaning with Thoma, but your attention keeps jumping to anything else but the task at hand. After a few light hearted jokes, it really dawns on you how useless you must seem to him. But was that how he saw the situation though..?
AN// Gn reader! Hehe, sorry I disappeared for a while. Literally haven’t been doing anything for weeks, ultimate adhd coma. Maybe making this one self indulgent, but we’re not gonna tell anyone about that now are we :D. First time writing for him so still practising :) (Ironic that this took me ages to write because I can’t focus for the life of me xddd)
“Taking a break, or two.”
Thoma had invited you to come and clean around the Komore teahouse with him. Not that he desperately needed help, especially not you flailing around while he tried to get things done. But perhaps it was your company he needed more than the actual help. So you had agreed to tagging along. 
The sound of Thoma placing something on the table in front of you brought you back from your thoughts. “Housekeeping is something I usually do alone, haha. But I’ll try my best to explain what to do.” He laughed lightly, yet voice still confident. He wasn’t doubting his skills in teaching you, if you happened to need help with anything. “But this should be a simple task either way. Just remember to use this product when cleaning the tabletop. It’s not so strong that it would ruin the shiny coating it has, unlike some other products. Hm, simple?” He smiled, eyes raising back to your form on the other side of the table. One product and one task, can’t be hard. “Yeah! You go and take care of the other tasks. Don’t you even worry about this.” You smiled at the end, repaying his former one. And with that, he was off to get some of the other tasks done. 
You sprayed some of the product onto the table, folding the cloth that’d been next to the bottle neatly. Save the clean side of it for drying the surface at the end. But to your misfortune, after barely having started, a noise disturbs your work. A pair of close by neighbours had stopped by outside and started to chat. The noise from the conversation reached inside the teahouse, catching your full attention and pausing any attempt of cleaning the table. Even with the bits and pieces you were able to hear, you could catch up on them talking about the weather today. Which reminded you, you were all out of tea. 
The men outside had mentioned something about rain, which you remember hearing about as well. It was supposed to start raining later tonight, lasting all the way to the early morning hours. This meant if you wanted tea tomorrow morning, you'd have to make it to the shops before dark. But since you were occupied now, that would take most of your time for this evening. Which then meant you had to think of the fastest route possible to the stalls if you didn’t want to be drenched by the time you got back home. Well, of all the options, Thoma would be the one likely least happy with that outcome. 
But after some time, you were successful in charting the best possible route which shouldn’t take too long. But this thinking session had completely paralysed you, and only the comment from Thoma brought you back to the present. “Excuse me, you over there. Focus please!” A soft chuckle escaped him right after, before he went back to what he’d been doing previously. You shook your head slightly, taking a more firm hold of the cloth in your hand. “Ah, sorry!” And with that you got back to cleaning the table, a crumb of guilt weighing in on your chest after. But doing your best to avoid it and to shine the tabletop. 
After cleaning the table Thoma had asked you to bring a cleaned tea set to the cupboard while he went outside to water a few plants and flowers. An easy task, again. And something that shouldn’t take you ages to do either. Your eyes followed Thoma keenly before he disappeared out the door. You wanted to get up and take the tea set away, but it was as if your seat was pulling you back. But what harm could a small break do? Thoma wouldn’t even make it back before you were done, so you had plenty of time to sit for a moment. Your eyes landed on the pristine tea set, a very fancy one at that. It reminded you of a client who’d passed by earlier and told you about a cup they’d broken by accident. You’d thought of telling Thoma about it earlier but had forgotten because of the list of other things you had undone. A sigh escaped your lips. The next time you saw him, you’d make sure to quickly point it out, if he didn’t already know. 
Your train of thought was interrupted by Thoma walking back in. The tea set sat gracefully on the side of the table, not having moved an inch. You took a quick breath, eyes moving up to Thoma before swiftly standing up. You were about to apologise again but he was able to interrupt you with a light hum mixed with a chuckle. He didn’t seem angry with you, but that didn’t make you feel any better. Not after you watched him take the tea set and bring it to the cupboard himself. If you hadn’t felt useless before, you did now. But maybe if you tried a little harder with the next task, to get at the very least something done instead of having Thoma help you with it. 
You helped him with some minor tasks to get something done, handing him items when he needed them. Nothing he couldn’t have done himself, but it made you feel somewhat useful. 
“Hey, we still have these sets to organise and shelf. Then we’re all done!” Thoma said, catching your attention swiftly in the otherwise rather silent space. You give him a nod and forced a smile to flash at him. “We got it!” You chime before he gave you a cheerful nod and disappeared behind the front desk for a moment. A doubtful sigh escaped your lips before feeling the need to escape for a moment. The feeling of guilt from earlier hadn’t gone anywhere and after following Thoma around like a clueless puppy for the rest of the evening, you didn’t really feel up for much. 
The pressure of knowing he’d return soon from around the corner finally made you crack just enough to slip outside. You walked slowly to the seats outside, sitting down against the wall of the house. Rays of the setting sun hit the very edges of the terrace still, but they didn’t provide any warmth for you. The seat you’d chosen happened to be in the shade, it felt the most peaceful. As if it was the most out of sight spot you could have found to sit with your feelings. 
You leaned your head back, eyes closed to enjoy the fresh air. It felt awful to know Thoma could see how useless you could get, and also know that he wouldn’t have the heart to actually tell you if it bothered him. And it wasn’t like you behaved like that on purpose either, you did honestly try to complete the tasks you said you would. But some days just happened to be like this. At times you feared he’d stop asking you to come along to do things or stop asking for help if you kept disappointing him. Or at least what felt like disappointing him. Especially when this always happened when you were asked to do something, no matter how nicely he asked. 
Some time passed and with it the sun kept slowly setting, last bits of golden light hitting the leaves of nearby trees. It didn’t take long for a certain someone to find you. The sound of his shoes hitting the wooden deck of the terrace echoed lightly, his steps slowing down as he came closer. “Now where did you disappear off to?” He asked before taking a step closer, squatting to your level. “And how come you’re sitting here all alone?” More questions thrown at you, the latter more of an indirect request to join you. “Just taking a break”, you replied with a slight cringe at the end. Who were you to take a break after not doing anything? “Haha, well I wouldn’t have minded joining. May I?” He finally asks, to which you reply with a nod. “Ah, I wasn’t planning on staying for long.” As if you felt like you had any control over the lengths of your breaks when the overwhelming feeling of guilt weighed you down like a boulder. 
A subtle silence fell over the two of you after Thoma settled down next to you. There was a light breeze in the air but it wasn’t cold enough to chase either of you back into the house. Thoma took a breath, though it took him a moment to actually say anything. “Is…everything okay?” He asked, eyes keenly looking at you but not demanding any sort of eye contact. You looked at his lap, not finding the courage to answer his question truthfully while looking at him. “Do you ever think I’m…useless? Or lazy?” You ended up asking instead of answering his initial question. You had just enough time to cast him a look to see the lost expression on his face, eyes a little widened. “No, of course not. Do I have a reason to?” He asks, now more keenly looking at you. Like he felt the need to thoroughly figure this out. “What is this about?” Thoma asked, his brows ever so slightly furrowed in worry. “Well…” You started but had to stop and sigh before rewording your thoughts. “Were you displeased with me today? At any point, did you feel I was just..useless?” And maybe that was just the same question as before, just reworded. But he didn’t fall for this one either, maybe he was being honest…”No, no? I asked you to join me today, I’d never demand anything of you.” He said, the muscles on his shoulders easing out a little as he began to put the pieces together in his mind. “But you said- To pay attention-” You tried to start again but this time he interrupted you. “No, no! I meant nothing with it, honest.” The poor man looked almost frightened at the fact that you even dared to think that way. “Listen, you were a lot of help today. The amount of work you did or didn’t do did not take away from the company you provided. I know how you handle tasks.” He smiled, calming himself at the same time. 
You stared at him blankly for a moment before pouting. “I’m sorry I assumed you- would have thought that way.” You were able to mumble before being brought into a hug. He chuckled lightly, ruffling the back of your head slightly. “Haha, that’s enough. There was no harm done.” He said, pulling back a little. You stared at him for a moment before he asked if you were going to be okay. You both knew the answer was yes but a simple nod never hurt anyone. 
“Maybe we should end the chores for today, hm?” Thoma offered and you took up on it almost immediately. The release from the last tasks eased something in you, allowing you to pay attention to the weather. It was rather late in the evening, but the rain hadn’t seemed to arrive yet. A few dark clouds in the distance, but it would be a while before they’d reach the teahouse. You’d still have time to get the tea if you left now. 
Turning to Thoma you asked if he’d be willing to tag along, if he wanted to. Mostly because you still felt like you had ruined a part of today’s hangout by being so absent, even if he’d deny that. “Of course, come on. I can brew us some when we get home.” Thoma flashed you a gentle smile before standing up and offering you a hand, which you took. And held for most of the walk to the stalls. 
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manic-nova · 1 year
Caught: A Thoma Lemon
Continuation of Where's My Hug?
Summary: Thoma's always put on this perfectly innocent facade, but what happens when the truth finally comes out about his perverted tendencies when it comes to you.
Characters: Thoma, Fem!Reader
TW's: Pervert Thoma, AFAB! Reader, masturbation +being caught (Thoma), voyeurism?, dubcon, mentions of sexual harassment, groping, and PDA.
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Thoma had been so so careful with you up until then. Containing himself around you, your perfect body, your adorably innocent personality was certainly not an easy task, but he got by with brief and inconspicuous touches and hearing you whine out his name in response. You were so perfectly oblivious. That he was certain of, yet lately it had felt like you were testing him, teasing him, trying to push him over the edge. He had become so good at waiting, though. Despite the way that lingering overwhelming urge to ruin you would creep in the back of his mind every time he wrapped his arms around you, he could always save it for when you were out of sight. He could resist the need to satisfy the urges you weren't ready to help him with. The moment had to be right. You were too pure. He could only strip you of your innocence once. He had to wait.
After a couple months of getting very familiar with Thoma, you'd come to accept his nature, and the excess physical touch didn't make you nearly as nervous as it used to. In fact, after a while you began openly inviting it, initiating it too. It was his love language, after all, a certified way of knowing that Thoma cared deeply about you, and who were you to deny Thoma the right to express his feelings? Besides, he was so warm and inviting. You could melt into his frame like butter if you wanted to, but he couldn't know you wanted to. No, that would make you seem desperate, and you weren't desperate, right? It's sort of a question you'd been asking yourself recently. Thoma wasn't treating you like he used to. He was hesitant, withholding, almost like you were to him when you two first met. Thoma had never been shy or nervous. Why now? What changed? I guess you could say you'd been letting it get under your skin just a little. You just hadn't quite realized how reliant you had become of him, how his touch had become your fulfillment, so if he wasn't going to take initiative and wrap his arms around you so tightly like the old days, you would.
Thoma's little charade was basically history the second you walked into Kamisato Estate in that stupidly tight dress. You were the life of the party, and you didn't have to say a word. The dress and its perfectly placed ruching, how it hugged your curves and drew the eye up and down your figure. The second you and Thoma saw each other, you walked straight up to him with the most innocent gleaming smile on your face and wrapped your arms around his torso, doe eyes looking up at him that he failed to catch and the perfectly clear view of the imprint of your ass that had the blood rushing to his cock in seconds... What else could he do but pull away and stammer off down a dark hallway? He was losing his mind, and had you held him a second longer you would've known exactly what kind of dirty pervert he was, and he couldn't have that.
His rushing out like that was only adding to the confusion you felt, and frustration was quick to join and combine with that confusion. You wanted answers, so you followed after him, but he knew the place obviously way better than you did. There were like a million rooms in the place! It's like you lost him the second he left, but no way were you letting him off that easily. Opening doors in a house that's not yours isn't exactly polite, but you weren't exactly in the mood for politeness, so you swung the doors open as you pleased knowing well if they were left open it'd be on Thoma's shoulders.
You had been looking for a while when you finally started to hear his voice. He sounded a little distressed, you thought. You weren't entirely sure. The walls of the place were muting the sound, so you couldn't make anything out, but you figured it was best to drop the "walk in like you own the place method" and opt for quietly poking your head in instead. You cracked the door open and slid into the room inconspicuously. It was dark, so when you saw Thoma's figure hunched over in the corner, you had a hard time making out what he was doing, but he was breathing heavily, groaning as his hands messed around with something you couldn't quite identify. The whole thing was a mystery to you until you heard your name breathily leave his lips.
"Fuck, Y/N... why'd you have to wear that stupid dress?"
Suddenly, things were starting to make a lot more sense after that. Part of you wanted to walk away, knowing well that it was all kinds of wrong for you to be listening in on this, and watching too, but he was moaning your name. The sounds of his whiny voice calling out your name, sandwiched in between an array of curses and declarations that you shouldn't have worn that dress for anyone but him... you felt like you were flying and you didn't know why, and you couldn't possibly explain the burning you felt deep down inside of you. You just couldn't help yourself.
A draft had flooded through the hallway and made the cracked door behind you swivel open, and Thoma spun around in a panic, hands immediately reaching down to cover his erect cock when he saw you. You were panicking as well, trying to evade your eyes and feign a since of decency like you hadn't been watching him touch himself for the last 2 minutes.
"Wha-what are you doing?!" Thoma exasperated as he pulled his waistband up to his stomach, his cock still shamefully pressing up against the fabric.
"Thoma! I just- I was looking for you, and uh... I found you. Haha."
Thoma was shaking his head ferociously, trying to avoid your gaze under the shame he felt, but in doing so he found his eyes trailing down your body, the sight of your thighs pressing together sending a throbbing sensation down to his erection, and he muffled a whimpering moan by pressing a hand across his face. He turned his whole body back toward the corner, ready to bury himself in it if he got the chance. "H-how much did you see?" He asked hesitantly.
You grew silent at the question, but the silence spoke volumes, and Thoma dropped his head onto the wall's surface. You saw everything, he thought. You know everything, and if you bothered to ever talk to him again it would be nothing short of a miracle.
"I- I just wanted to know why you walked away like that," you told Thoma.
He let out a deep sigh. "Well, I guess you found your answer," he said. "You probably hate me for it. I never wanted you to see me like this."
"I could never hate you, Thoma. I just- well, you've been acting different-"
"So have you," he answered back. "You've really found yourself now, haven't you? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you, I'm just not used to this new you, you know... the confidence, the shiny lip gloss, and the tight dresses-"
"Right, because only you should get to see me like that, I know."
"Just how long were you standing ther- You know what? It doesn't matter, because as you can probably tell by now, if the roles were reversed, I- I don't think I could possibly look away," he rambled, his stressed hand sliding down his face. "I'm sorry. I should probably just go," he said, making a push for the door with his head down.
Part of you knew that you should've just let him leave, that you needed some time apart from him to think rationally about the situation, but your heart was beating so fast you couldn't bring yourself to just let him go, so you wrapped your hand around his wrist before he could. “Stay,” you told him. “Please don’t leave me again.”
There was a shaky breath that escaped Thoma, his eyes still glued to the door. "I'm so sorry for being so distant, I really am, but Y/N this humiliating, so if you could just let me leave-"
"No, Thoma!" you retorted, gripping his wrist in your little fingers tighter.
"I... don't understand," Thoma perplexed. "Does this not disgust you? How do you not hate me right now?"
"I told you, I could never hate you-"
"But you're not bothered by this in the least?" He questioned further.
You hesitated for a moment, knowing well he had a point. Being grossed out by him would totally be the rational thought, but you couldn't think of much else than the accelerated beating of your heart, the desperate longing you'd been feeling lately for Thoma, how you'd driven yourself crazy looking for the answer to why he was so strangely withholding. You should've been disgusted by the answer you found, but instead, there was a sort of catharsis you felt, because you thought he hated you. In comparison, this was a relief, a compliment even. "I mean... it's a little embarrassing, maybe, but so are a lot of the things you do to me, and I don't mind all that so much."
With that seemingly harmless confession, a switch seemed to flip in Thoma. His eyes wandered back over to you curiously. “What do you mean you don’t mind?” He questioned, a teasing undertone slipping through his delivery.
“I- I just mean that you’re my friend, and you said that you express yourself physically-“ you stammered are his shift in demeanor.
“Y/N, I asked about you, not me. I embarrass you, but you don’t mind. That’s what you said, right?”
“…yeah, why?” You nervously answered back, removing your hand from his wrist in passing.
Thoma's head tilted in an almost teasing way, like you should know the answer to your own question. He seemed to hesitate with his next point but took a deep breath "Fuck it," he muttered. "Do you... like it when I touch you?"
You felt your chest tighten around your shy heart when he said that. "Like it? Haha, what kind of question is that?"
"A very straightforward one," he chuckled, his usual adoring smile returning with a hint of teasing. "Come on. You're a terrible liar, and it's just me and you, so you can be honest," he encouraged you with anticipation in his eyes.
You suddenly became nervous at the notion, at the intent curiosity Thoma had written all over him. You honestly hadn't thought about that way before. You'd just accepted it for what it was, but the way Thoma looked down on you with his arms folded across his chest and a smug smile across his face, it reminded you that it didn't matter how much he embarrassed you, he always made your heart flutter, and maybe it was the way he embarrassed you that made you that way too. He was right, too. You couldn't lie to him.
"I- I don't know. I mean, you give warm hugs, and your hands-" you stopped. His hands? What were you even saying?! "You know what? This is a stupid question. Why does it even matter?" You objected.
"Y/N..." He sighed dreamily, eyes heavy in lust. "What about my hands?" Thoma asked in a feigned innocence, almost as if he was mocking you.
You looked up at him and felt yourself shrivel under his gaze. This was too much for you, you thought. You should be grilling him with questions in the state you found him, but you were too kind. All you could bring yourself to do was to turn away so you couldn't see that sly look on his face.
"Oh, Y/N, I didn't mean to make you shy..." he cooed, his voice drawing closer. You felt his hands wrapped around your waist and dip down to your hips. He leaned down so his lips nearly grazed against your ear, making you shudder. "You don't just like it when I touch you. Oh no, you love it, don't you?"
Every logical thought you had left was telling you to pull away, and yet you felt trapped- no, entranced was more accurate, absolutely captivated by the way his hands fanned across the front of your thighs and then swam back to wrap around your stomach. Your breaths were heavy, weighted nervously and leaving you quicker than before. This was the place you tried desperately to avoid being, you thought. He was literally wrapped around you, hands exploring you like it was his god-given right, and you couldn't leave because you were wrapped around him in every sense but literal. You always melted into his touch, but he always pulled away before you could become encased by him.
"Do you want to know a secret, Y/N?" Thoma asked, pulling your body ever closer to his so you could feel him, feel his arousal as he pulled one hand up to grab at your chest and the other down to slide between your thighs.
You felt yourself begin to lean into his transgressions, intoxicated by his warmth. "What, Thoma?" You asked in a breathy whisper.
He let off a breath of anticipation against your neck, sending shivers down your body, and smiled. "I like touching you way more than touching myself," he said.
You swore you saw stars when he said that like it was a dream come true for something you didn't even know you dreamt about. You brought one of your hands up to the back of Thoma's neck, pulling him into yours. His lips cascaded over the skin under your ears and you intertwined your fingers in his hair in response. It wasn't long before he was pulled at the edge of your dress, catching glimpses of you guiding his hand down to your panties. Pink panties, he noticed. Lacy pink panties with little butterflies embroidered across the waistband. Even your underwear was just so adorable to him.
"Were you thinking about me... when you put on this dress, this lingerie?" he cooed between kisses.
"Maybe I was. So what?" you told him, little care for shame left in you.
He chuckled lowly. "You're so cute, trying to act like you're not still nervous," he teased. "Your legs are shaking."
"They're shaking because you keep leaving me in anticipation!" You growled, which shocked him quite a bit. You sighed. "Just touch me already. You've made me wait long enough."
"Yes ma'am," he answered, pushing your panties to the side so he could rub two fingers up and down your slit, lapping up the juices for smoother movements. He drew himself back up to your clit and pressed down on it, rubbing against your sweet spot in tantalizing circular motions that made your mouth gape and moan.
He pulled the top of your dress down too until your tits hung off the elastic so he could pull on them and play with your nipples with his free hand, rubbing against the nubs in a way that stimulated you more than the cool breeze already was against your sensitive areas. Your breaths were so quick but heavy there was no way you could try and control the excessive whining moans that continued to escape your lips, a combination of arousal and embarrassment that left you crying out to Thoma, something he found completely enamoring.
"What was it you were saying about my hands?" He asked again. "Could it be something like: oh, Thoma. When you touch me my brain goes numb and I can't think straight. Ya, that sounds about right, doesn't it."
"Ya, something like that," you conceded. "Mock me all you want, you've wanted this way more than I have."
"You know, up until about 10 minutes ago I would've agreed, but now... I'm not so sure."
"You talk too much," you shot him down.
He took your words as a challenge, dipping his fingers down so he could press into you, eliciting a needy whimper from you. "This better?" he asked as he began plunging his fingers in and out of you.
You nodded, thoughts and words completely escaping you. Pleasure was the only thing on your mind, pleasure and Thoma.
He was pushing for a climax for you. He wanted that moment of victory when he saw you cum in spurts onto his fingers in only a couple of minutes. He wanted that validation so bad that it was making his cock strain painfully as it pushed into the plush fat of your ass. The sight of you slicking up his fingers and contorting under him made him impossibly harder and made it impossibly harder to control himself. You were perfect, he thought. He was doing everything he ever dreamed of doing to you, violating you completely, and you liked it. That alone drove him endlessly wild, until he couldn't stop thinking that his fingers weren't enough. No, he needed you to cum on his cock and suck it dry the way your walls were wrapping desperately around his fingers. He couldn't wait any longer for that. He removed his hand from your hole, and you whined at him.
"Hands against the wall," Thoma told you, taking your panties and pulling them down to your ankles, catching a quick glimpse of your dripping wet pussy on the way back up.
"Thoma... why would you-"
"Put your hands. Against the wall," he urged you, growing impatient.
You grew silent turning to look at him for a brief moment to see just how serious he was, and he was.
It was taking everything in him not to press you up against that wall himself, but he waited for you to see how he wasn't kidding, "I'm going to fuck you until my cock is covered in your cum and until I've filled your insides with mine. Understand?"
You nodded both nervously but also excitedly, and no matter how hard you tried to hide it he knew. He knew because you had both hands pressed against the wall but your eyes were turned back on him, watching as he pulled his erect cock back out from his waistband, pumped it a couple times so he could release a bit of precum, then he lined it up against your soaking hole. As soon as you felt the head go in your head immediately snapped back toward the wall, and you cried out in pure ecstasy. Thoma's cock felt so good, better by the second as he let himself sink into you, and he too moaned out in satisfaction as your fluttering walls hugged his cock so welcomingly. You felt him hit the g-spot the first time and fireworks went off in your head. Your whole body felt it. His hands slithered back up your torso, now free to grab at your breasts and play with them like little toys as he slowly pulled himself out so he could fuck you slow and hard. Every thrust was harder than the last as he shoved his cock while pulling you onto it simultaneously. He wanted you to feel him inside you with explicit detail, every curve he rubbed against, every little sensation that made your whole body tingle. He wanted to fuck you in a way that made you remember every move he made, and you knew he was achieving that goal easily. You whimpered with every movement, begging him to keep going without saying any actual discernible words. He knew what you meant. It's why he kept pushing you until you felt that knot building in your stomach come painfully close to snapping.
Then there was a voice down the hall.
"Thoma. Thoma, where did you run off to? You're missing the party. The messes are starting to pile up!" He called out, a voice much calmer than the man pistoning into you that you could recognize anywhere. You turned to Thoma to urge him to stop but he kept going, kept plunging into you even as the voice drew closer.
"What's wrong? Don't want Lord Kamisato to catch you with my cock inside of you?" he teased.
"You-you're evil..." you answered weakly as you tried to stifle your moans.
"Thoma, where the hell did you go? And that friend of yours too, I haven't seen her either-" Ayato called out, his voice echoing into the room.
"He's getting closer... better hush up now or he might walk in on us. Unless, you like being seen in such a compromising state. After all, you've never stopped me from touching you in public before."
"Shut up, Thoma-" you went to chastise him, but you nearly gasped as he began to pick up his pace. He grabbed at your waist and began to ram into you much faster than before, which made your insides impossibly tight. You took your hands off the wall so you could cover your mouth and muffle the loud moans that kept trying to escape you and Thoma used it as an opportunity to turn you proudly toward the door, the door you failed to shut.
"There's been a breeze, tonight, remember?" Thoma teased further against your ear, fucking you at a steadily fast rhythm. "I can see him just down the hall. What will he think if the door just- flies open and he catches us like this?"
You moaned into your hands louder than intended, knowing Thoma would take that as confirmation that you were fantasizing about the extra attention, but really you were just close, really close.
Ayato began to approach the door and you were trying not to think about that door flinging open and the light draping onto you, but all you could really think about was how you were about to cum.
"Is your friend okay, Thoma? Does she need something I could perhaps help with?" Ayato asked into the supposed emptiness.
"I don't know," Thoma whispered. "Is there something the master can help us with?"
You nodded your head no ferociously, a near panic as you felt your climax begin to set on without your permission. Thoma's pace began to grow erratic as your walls fluttered around him and milky cream poured all over his cock. You thanked your lucky stars when Ayato passed the door without a clue and went passed your room. Thoma couldn't hold himself much longer either, and your warm cum spilling all around him had him spurting thick globs into your sensitive hole. He pressed his mouth into your neck to stifle the moans escaping him. He unfolded into a total mess as he reached his release, any sense of composure evading him as he rode down his high. An array of exhausted pants were traded between you as you both caught your breaths.
Thoma soon removed himself from you and went to the dresser by the window to pull out a couple towels. You leaned your back against the wall, unable to do much else. Thoma took the liberty of kneeling in front of you and gliding the towel across your legs after cleaning himself up. You didn't contest to his efforts. Still, you had a bit of a bone to pick with him.
"That was some stunt you pulled," you chastised him. "What were you planning to do if he actually caught us?"
Thoma chuckled, putting the towel to the side so he could stand back up and talk to you. "Exactly what I said I'd do. I'd have invited him to join us. What? It could've been fun."
"Lord Kamisato is about the least spontaneous person I can think of, and he's your boss-"
"He's also a good friend of mine, and for all the time I've known him the one thing he's always done well is surprise people," Thoma explained.
You sighed. "Ayato doesn't want anything to do with me."
"You wanna bet on that?"
A/N: uhhh, hey guys! I know it's been a while and this is very random but hey, I updated the one thing no one was asking for lmao. Happy new year!
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majeoeje · 7 months
Underneath the sheets
Thoma x reader
I'm scared my heart is far too small for you
It's only been 5 months of officially dating Thoma, is it too soon for you to asks such ridiculous thing as cuddling?
You cringed when the word escapes your throat, finding your own sudden request to your own boyfriend weird
"Sure" he says lazily, pulling you to him, wrapping you in his futon sheets before embracing you
Perhaps it was the tiredness of the days work that made thoma more quiet, making him fall asleep instantly when he felt the comforts of your warmth on him
"Thoma-" you tried calling to him before deciding that you didn't want to wake up your tired restless lover
You tried huffed out all the embarassment in your racing heart
You weren't used to these kinds of affections, being so closed to someone so incredibly warm and so effortlessly loving to you.
You could smell the scent of his lavender soap that you bought for him lingering in his skin. The soft feeling of freshly washed sheets that you two just did yesterday. The small snore that erupts from him as he slept peacefully and the weight of his hand on your back, making you stay in place
It all felt so...foreign, being loved that is
The warmth of it all was a lot, you didn't know what to do with all this love that he gave to you. Sometimes... you wondered if your heart was too small for him and that it wasn't enough
You could practically feel yourself sudder against him, you never knew how touch starved you were until this right very moment
The rise of his chest, the breathing that brushes upon your skin, and his heartbeat.
Is it really alright? Are you really allowed to be this comfortable with someone? Are you really worth all this love? Gods. You couldn't breath. You felt like your slightest movement would drift him away far away from you
familliar lump seem form in your throat
Everything of him made you tear up before it becomes a full on cry
"Hey- love? What's wrong?" You could feel the shift of his movements, shifting to you, he was woken up by the dampness on his shirt
You lifted your head to reveal your tearful eyes
"I'm sorry Thoma.. did i wake you up?"
You felt guilty. Waking up your lover in the middle of the night just because you had an emotional outburst. Well, you always felt guilty being with him
"That really doesn't matter now" he cups your face making your cheeks slightly pout "what's wrong?" He called out your name in a such gentle manner that you couldn't help but melt in his touch
"I-... don't know" you couldn't stop the tears that continuesly falls from the corners of your eyes "i just..." the words 'sorry' seem to linger at the tip of your tounge but remembering the countless scolding that thoma gave to you about apologizing too much.
a long paused from the both of you as he waited patiently for you to speak
"I love you"
you heaved despretely
Thoma's eyes widen slightly at the confession. The tired and fatigue on his form was slapped away by your words.
he had always profess his love to you, it was as easy as casually saying it in a midnight stroll, tired mornings, occasional departure or during a simple date
He never thought of it as something difficult to do, he loves you like he does breathing, it came off naturally to him without even trying
Though with every profess of his love you never answered, only casually brushing it off with "i know"s or some dumb jokes just to ease the tension. He told himself to be patient, that you'll say it when you're ready, though he can't say that it doesn't hurt everytime. sometimes he wondered if he really did melt your cold frozen heart or are you just pretending to be in love with him
Though the long awaited moment seem to be more incredible than any of his dreams
Gods.. he could just kiss you all night and it wouldn't be enough to soothe the feeling of happiness that ache his heart
He stayed silent for a moment, enjoying the intimacy of it all
"Okay" he lets out a chuckle as your heart PRATICALLY broke at how he mirrors your cold action
"I..deserve that.....ahaha.." you tried to laugh though tears falls from your eyes even harder
He chuckled some more like the devil. Some sweetheart he is.
Before he pepper kisses your entire face holding it as gentle as he could muttering "sorry"s and "i love you"s
He knows how hard it is for you to express your feelings. Always stumbling on your words, always setting aside what you want, and having troubles with setting up boundries
Your relationship had been paticulary difficult to say the least. with learning to trust each other and rely fully to one another , flourishing in each other's company while on the other hand balancing duties with the current shift of the land of eternity had added itself to the equation
But alas, even just hearing 3 simple words from you made him realize that You were worth it. You were worth all the time, love and effort he put, you were a reward that he earned and hard work that enjoyed every second off
Seems like his long awaited rest can wait
"I love you too" he whispered once again, a confession that he shall utter to you till the end of time
(Just some self indulgent fluff hehe)
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tamrielic · 1 month
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pairing – thoma × gn!reader
fandom | media – genshin impact
word count – 1,595・AO3
summary – you’re feeling miserable, and thoma wants to do everything he can to help!
tags﹠warnings – fluff・hurt/comfort・tooth–rotting fluff・thoma is a ray of sunshine・worried thoma・references to depression・reader is depressed・thoma is here to help
originally posted on – 11/12/2022
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author’s note (11/12/2022) – i wrote this for one of my closest and most beloved besties because they’ve been going through it lately and struggling with life, and i figured i’d post it on here too just in case it’s able to provide anyone else with comfort! hopefully it’s vague enough in most aspects to do so! also this is my first time even attempting to write thoma so i really hope i did our beloved perfect malewife justice!
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The sunset makes the sky appear as though it’s on fire, and you admire the view as you watch the cuihua and aralia leaves flutter through the breeze from the window seat in the room the Kamisato siblings so graciously assigned to you.
Pressing your forehead against the chilled glass, you close your eyes and sigh, your body and mind feeling heavy with fatigue.
You hear the door open and close but don’t bother to turn and look; you know who it is, you’d recognize those footsteps anywhere.
Warm hands come to rest on your shoulders, lightly massaging them as you feel him press a soft kiss to the top of your head in greeting.
“Hi, Thoma,” you murmur, leaning back into him and feeling his warm chest press to your back.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he chuckles, bending over you just enough for you to glimpse his gorgeous green eyes, always full of love for you.
“Done already?” You inquire, surprised that he’s managed to get through all of his usual evening chores and duties so quickly – it wasn’t even dark out yet, and he usually wasn’t finished until after night had fallen.
Thoma hums, nuzzling his face into your hair and breathing you in. “Mhm, I made sure to work extra hard today and hurry so I could be with you.”
Turning to face him instead of the window, you raise an eyebrow at him. “Be with me?”
“Of course, why wouldn’t I want to spend time with you?” He questions, meeting your raised brow with one of his own.
“I don’t know, I’ve been kind of a bummer lately,” you shrug, looking down to avoid his gaze.
His ungloved hand grasps your chin, gently tilting your head back up to meet his eyes.
“I disagree, you’ve just been feeling down, but you should know by now that I always want to spend time with you, bummer or not,” he says, pressing his forehead to yours, a small smile on his lips.
You can’t help but to return his smile, reaching up to wrap your arms around him.
“How do you always know what to say, hm?”
“Oh, you know, just having known you for a while… and maybe the fact that I’m ridiculously in love with you, that may help too,” he winks at you, laughing when you scrunch up your nose at him.
His laugh never fails to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, and your smile grows.
“Hm, I guess that makes sense,” you murmur, eyes shimmering with emotions left unsaid.
Reaching to cradle your face in his hands, he presses a sweet, insistent kiss upon your lips.
“I’m so lucky to be in love with one of the most beautiful and wonderful people in the world, wouldn’t you say?”
Shrugging, you covered his hands with your own. “I’m in love with the most perfect man to ever exist, so who’s really winning here?”
Thoma laughs again, nuzzling his nose against yours and brushing his thumbs across your cheekbones, not commenting on your misty eyes.
“I’m hardly perfect… but I’m glad you think so, sweetheart,” he chuckles, shaking his head.
Inhaling deeply, you slowly stand up, bringing your now clasped hands down between you.
“So did you have plans, or did you just miss me so desperately you needed to hurry?” You tease, tilting your head and trying to hide the small shake in your voice.
Gently walking backwards, guiding you to sit on the plush bed, he brushes your hair out of your face and presses a kiss to your forehead.
“I was thinking, if you wanted to, we could cuddle up with some hot tea and read together?”
You nod, suddenly overwhelmed with emotion.
He smiles softly at you, squeezing your hands before stepping away. “I’ll be right back then, dear.”
It takes every ounce of willpower you have to not start crying as soon as he’s out of sight.
It always gets like this around your birthday, you are always overcome with an intense bout of depression and this year was unfortunately worse than usual.
You scooch back to set up the pillows so you can lean against the headboard comfortably, hugging your knees to your chest as you wait and trying not to get lost in your head.
Sooner than you expected, Thoma comes back into the room balancing a tray of tea with one hand and holding a tin of something in the other.
Nodding at the tin, you raise your brows in question.
Smiling sheepishly, he places the tea tray on the side table and shrugs.
“I just figured you might like something sweet, it’s okay if you don’t though!”
Your bottom lip shakes as you are once again hit with how perfect Thoma is, and how you don’t deserve him.
Suddenly there is a weight right beside you, hands holding yours and lifting them up to press soft kisses to your fingers.
“Hey, hey… what’s wrong? Is it the cookies? I’m sorry, I can get you something else, maybe Miss Kamisato–”
“I’m a failure and I don’t deserve you,” you blurt out, choking down a sob as the tears that have been building up all day finally escape and run down your face.
Thoma just stares at you for a brief moment, seemingly processing what you’ve said before he starts shaking his head, frowning.
“What are you talking about, sweetheart? You’re not a failure at all, and of course you deserve me!” He insists, staring into your teary eyes earnestly.
“I just feel like I should be better by now, you know? I’m happy that the Kamisato’s are willing to house me, and it allows us to be together more, but I…” you breathe shakily, staring at your hands that he’s still holding, gripping onto you near desperately at this point.
“I just feel like a burden, a failure. I should be doing something more with my life than just helping keep accounts straight for the trade routes,” you finish, glancing up at him to find him observing you closely.
Thoma takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly.
“Okay, do you want me to help and reassure you, or do you just need to vent it out?” He asks softly, squeezing your hands in assurance.
You shrug, unable to get more words out through the silent crying.
He nods resolutely, glancing down at your hands and biting his lip before looking back up and meeting your eyes with determination.
“First of all… you’re amazing, and so smart, and you make me feel so proud of you every day for the tiniest things you do,” he murmurs, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“Secondly, you’re not a burden at all, my lord and lady Kamisato adore you almost as much as I do and love having you here, you’re practically family!”
You’ve fully given up on trying to stop crying, tears running down your hot cheeks as you take shaky breaths to try to calm yourself down, now overwhelmed with both despair and happiness.
“I love you, so much that I feel like I’m going to explode sometimes, and so if you’re unhappy we can look into you doing something different!” He insists, caressing your face with his hands and brushing your tears away as his open, honest eyes captivate you.
“I know it’s a lot, and your feelings are very valid, but we can do our best to figure things out together, if that’s something you’d want?”
Nodding, you can’t help but to let out a watery laugh that causes a gorgeous smile to light up Thoma’s face.
Pulling you close to him, he presses light kisses all over your face, chuckling when you groan.
“Ew, Thoma, I’ve been crying!” You exclaim, gently pushing his face away with one hand, trying to cover up your teary and mildly snotty face with the other in embarrassment.
Shaking his head at you with a fond smile, he reaches over to the nightstand and grabs the box of tissues to hand to you.
Immediately grabbing a bunch and cleaning your face as best you can, you finally look back up at him with a flustered smile.
Moving to press up against you as he leans down and goes back to fluttering kisses across your face with a smitten grin, you can’t help but soak in the tiny declarations of love that he’s pressing to your skin.
Eventually he pulls away after pressing a final kiss to the tip of your nose and tucking some loose strands of hair behind your ears.
Sighing, you lean your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat firmly against your ear.
He wraps his arms around you, pulling you to practically be on top of him as he rubs your back with one hand and runs his fingers through your hair with the other, beginning to hum a quiet tune.
“The tea’s gonna get cold,” you whisper, nuzzling your head between his neck and shoulder.
Chuckling softly, he doesn’t move. “It’s not a problem, we can stay like this for however long you need, okay?” He murmurs, and you love how you can feel his voice in his chest when he’s got you pressed to him like this.
“Okay,” you reply, eyes drifting closed as you’re lulled to sleep by Thoma’s presence and the release of emotions you just experienced. “I love you.”
You feel him smile from where his face is pressed to the top of your head.
“I love you too, sweetheart, and I always will.”
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© kaeyaphile | tamrielic – please do not modify, repost, plagiarize and/or claim any of my work as your own and please do not promote any of my works on other social media platforms (tiktok, facebook, wattpad, etc.)
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starg1rlie · 1 year
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮
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⟡ rating. fluff ( general audience )
⟡ prompt. "calla lily" ( getting married to character )
notes. joined ying's lil' milestone event , hehe , hopefully this doesn't botch on me . . . personally , weddings to me are so vv cute and magical !! ( also pardon if the wedding vows don't match the ones that you're used to , i just did it from memory ) reblogs and likes are appreciated ! | wc. 852 words ( 4,742 characters )
⟡ feat. various x fem! reader ( tartaglia, ayato, diluc, alhaitham, zhongli, thoma )
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ㅤㅤWhat a feeling it is to be wed to someone, to be linked to the love of your life, to feel such joy and happiness as you look into your spouse’s eyes and know that your unconditional love is reciprocated, maybe even multiplied by tenfold. Marriage. Wedding. Vows. 
ㅤㅤYou liked to replay that night, the night he proposed to you, in your head as the two of you began wedding preparations. Thinking of the engagement ring sliding down your finger as you made plans for the wedding cake (he preferred a cake with the sweetness level lowered accordingly to match his palette), thinking of the way he swept you up in his arms while you were being fitted for your dress, thinking about the amount of unbridled affection and love in his eyes as you prepared yourself to do a practice walk down the aisle you’d walk on come next morning.
ㅤㅤ“You’re beautiful,” he murmured that night as he wrapped you up in a blanket and pulled you into his warm embrace. “You’re amazing.” He then pressed a kiss to your cheek. “You’re all that I could ever want or need.” He burrowed his face into the crook of your neck, warm breath fanning out against your collarbone, eliciting a giggle from you. “You’re my everything.”
ㅤㅤYou remembered quite vividly how happy you felt in that moment, simply you and him, tangled limbs under the bedsheets, thinking of the future that you two would share together. You remembered linking your hand with his, fingers lacing through his own, and staring into his eyes, his dazzling and mesmerizing eyes. You remembered watching him sleep, head propped up by one hand, the other still clasping your fiance’s, watching his chest rise and fall steadily with each intake of breath, admiring the curve of his jawline, drinking in every detail of his face, his body, his entire being so it would be permanently seared into your brain. 
ㅤㅤAnd so when the fateful day finally came, when you slipped into the wondrous dress your friends had picked out with you one night, when you held onto the bouquet of flowers in your hands tightly, when you adjusted the veil so that it would obscure your face (he’d chastise you for wearing it, covering your beautiful face from him, and you’d simply brush it off with a “it’s tradition”), you felt ready. Actually, scratch that, you felt more than ready. The procession began; someone was playing the wedding march on the piano, a child (no doubt Jean and Lisa’s; they recently adopted an adorable little girl) was wailing before she was soothed by her mothers, and even a few sniffles and tearful gazes. What a wonderful day it was to be married, to be wed to the love of your life.
ㅤㅤ“Do you, (Name), take this strapping young man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death?” the priest inquired, looking up from his book. 
ㅤㅤYou nodded, murmuring the words “I do” as the man proceeded, asking the same question to your soon-to-be husband.
ㅤㅤ“And do you, sir, take this lovely young lady to be your lawfully wedded wife?” 
ㅤㅤHe looked at you for a moment, a smile flickering over his lips, before nodding firmly. “I do.”
ㅤㅤ“And so, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, husband, and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
ㅤㅤA cheer rose up from the people seated within the quaint little chapel he’d picked out, everyone rising to their feet and clapping loudly. You turned from your now-husband to wave at them all, blowing kisses towards everyone before turning back to face him. 
ㅤㅤ“Hey,” he said softly, quick to pull you in by the waist, using his free hand to push up your veil to get a better look at your face.
ㅤㅤ“Hey,” you replied with a small laugh, tugging off the elbow-length gloves you were currently wearing, placing a hand delicately against his cheek, cupping it and rubbing a thumb over the skin soothingly.
ㅤㅤ“So. We’re married now, huh?” He said with a low chuckle, that smirk never leaving his face as he slipped his hand under your chin, tilting you up closer to his face. “Who woulda thought? If someone told me ten years ago that I would marry my best friend, I would believe them to have rocks in their head.”
ㅤㅤYou tittered. “Yeah, I wouldn’t believe them either. But here we are.”
ㅤㅤ“Here we are,” he repeated, fondness clear in his tone. His eyes darted down to your lips, ignoring the ongoing chants of “kiss him!”, instead, initiating the kiss first, turning his head to angle his lips properly, locking against yours. The cheers rose again once more, noise amplified even louder, ringing in your ears as he swept you up in his arms, true bridal-style.
ㅤㅤ“Shall we go, wife?” he said with a grin.
ㅤㅤYou beamed at him, pecking his cheek. “We shall, husband.”
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📮 tagging. no one yet ! fill out this form if you want to be tagged (@i23kazu )
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Trying to rid myself of the Aventio brainrot and I’m already planning a Thoma(Genshin Impact) MerMay drawing but @havanillas Meraventurine AU is tempting to draw as well
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makelemonade · 2 years
Doing the “she’s busy” texting prank on them.
Warnings: fem!reader (full on she/her pronouns), possessiveness, swearing, angst, hurt-comfort (kinda), fluff and assumed cheating
Characters; Scaramouche, Kazuha, Thoma, Ayato
Next; mondstadt boys , Liyue boys , snezhnayan boys (will link once I do them)
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genshin-side-piece · 9 months
Does anyone else randomly think about that one time Thoma threw a spear at Raiden's face and how unbelievably hot it was?
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fakesimp · 2 years
Him having a Nightmare?
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Warning !
Hurt › Comfort !
A/n : lovelies, I'm 3 followers away from reaching 100 Followers (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) I'm speechless, thank you so much for that and I'm glad y'all love my writing (⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ
"Babe?" He whispered to your ears, only earning a small groan from you. "Baby..?" he called out again one more time as he gently shaking you, but the second time he called you, you can't miss that little whimper at the end. "Hm.. what is it?" You slowly opened your eyes and turned over to see his face.
Oh how surprised you are when you see his face, instead of seeing his usual smile you instead getting greeted with his scared face, eyes looking for your attention and reassurance. He immediately engulfed your figure into his arms, you can feel his breath stutters. Your eyes that was heavy is now wide awake, confused on why your lover act like this.
"babe? Are you okay? What's wrong?" You slowly ask your lover, but he didn't reply. Seems to be taken aback on whatever that is going on inside his head, you slip your arms around your lover's figure and gently pat his back. "Well, it's okay if you don't want to tell me what happened.. whatever that you see, it's just a nightmare. I'm here to comfort you babe, okay?" You said and planted a kiss on his temple, his hug tightens as you said those words.
Soon after you felt something wet on your shoulder,
Is he, crying?
"babe.." you can't help yourself but to also tighten your hug around him, whispering sweet nothings on his ears. Spilling your love and attention, your comforting words on your lover.
"please.. don't go..
Don't die without me knowing.. please."
His sentence left you speechless, but nonetheless, you loved him, and you know exactly what to do.
You gently push him away from you, you slowly start peppering kisses all over your lover's face.
"I will never die, especially when I know you're by my side. Because I know, you will protect me from the dangers up ahead..
I love you, and will always do.
Don't forget that okay?"
You said and pecked his lips, making your lover's turn to go speechless. Your lover stared at your eyes, trying to figure out if you're saying the truth or not.
Did you really mean it? Are you really here? Is this yet another dream? Or is he-
"I love you, I will always Love you. Through your darkest time, your saddest time, your happiest time, everything. I'm still going to love you no matter what. And this is not a dream. I'm here, in your arms. Heart still beating for you." You kissed your lover again once more on the lips, and with that he breaks.
He dove back into your arms and cried, oh how hurt it is to see your lover having such a break down. Usually you're the one but today it's his. You're not judging him for being vulnerable around you, you're actually glad because he trusted you enough to actually be vulnerable around you.
"I'm.. sorry,
And.. I Love You too.."
He said and both of you laid back down on the bed cuddling with each other, and not forgetting you kissing his head now and then to comfort your Lover. To reassure him that you're here. With your heart beating every second for him.
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A/n : thank you once again lovelies, I hope you like this writing <3
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idolicons · 1 month
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i'm your new buddy, thoma — as long as that's okay with you, of course!
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heeyaart00 · 2 months
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✨Hoyo Men Beraya✨ Day 4: Thoma
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gabzlovesu · 1 year
╰ ft. thoma
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a/n: i was thinking about thoma's voiceline about running on the ice and somehow came up with this...
warnings: fem!reader, soft smut w/ feelings, friends → fwb → lovers pipeline goes crazy, thoma is a simp idc.
word count: 600 words
It was just a harmless date — a trip to the ice skating rink with your friends. You welcomed the idea of falling face-first on the ice before ever catching feelings.
But how could you ignore those green eyes, connecting with yours across the rink? How could you ignore his warm hands that kept you steady while learning to skate? The answer was that you couldn’t. Not when he placed his scarf around your neck, hands lingering far longer than they should as his gaze dipped to your lips. A glance that lasted for only a fraction of a second yet managed to set your entire body on fire.
Things with Thoma were easy: harmless flirting and teasing but an understanding that you were nothing more than friends. Now, after your lips mesh with his, things would get complicated. They always do.
If complicated relationships brought pure bliss and plenty of orgasms then maybe it wasn’t all that bad, and from the look on Thoma’s face it looked like he agreed. His brows are scrunched together in concentration as he snaps his hips, each one being harder than the last, but those green eyes said it all: you were his. And the dog tag jiggling between your breasts proved it. 
Everything happened so fast. One minute you were laughing and having fun at the rink, and the next the two of you are secretly fucking in the guest room of the Kamisato residence. Oh god, if Ayaka and Ayato heard you…
“Look at me.” A silent but demanding request. You only screwed your eyes tighter and turned away in response. This entire time you’ve been scared to look him in the eye too long because you knew things were different now and couldn’t accept that. You hoped a quick fuck would get rid of the silly feelings that had developed over the last few months. 
A hand gently grabs your chin, forcing your gaze upon him as soon as you peeked out from under your wispy lashes. And his hips stop, leaving him fully sheathed inside of you and earning a small whine of protest at the lack of movement. 
“I can’t be friends with you, Y/N. It’s impossible because I love you too much.”
The guilt sinks in. It’s a cold feeling that puts out the fire that was growing in your core. “Thoma… I can’t be more than —
“Then use me. For sex, comfort, anything. It doesn’t matter, I just want to be the one making you happy.” His head rests against yours, and those beautiful green eyes are half hidden by his lids as he pleads, “Please, Y/N.” As if to convince you of him being worthy, he returns to gently rocking his hips, letting himself go even deeper into your warmth.
You were going to pretend that none of this happened tonight, but that wasn’t what you truly wanted. So there was only one thing to say. You trace the outline of his jaw before cupping his face and saying, “Okay.”
His eyes slightly widen with shock and his rhythm is thrown off as he processes what you said. The expression is quickly replaced with a lopsided grin as he says, “Okay.” He wasted no time pressing a kiss to your plump lips, physically sealing the deal.
It might’ve been a decision you made high off of dopamine but it was the best fucking decision you’ve ever made. Not because of the orgasms he gave you that night, but because it was so liberating to just accept your feelings and let Thoma love you.
tags: @hungrynessforfics @rinhoes @indiecursor @protectpancakes @fight-me-bitch @nneedynymph @po3ticb3auty @haitani-plague  @festive @apollostears @thenerdyrebel @4ngrysgf @daichisbunnybaby @urwifey2 @picayunne @kookieflvr @woahhajime @syomi @chrolloderulo @kutosznn @takemichiluvr @sweeneyblue1 @tyga-lily @jeanslove @getoswhore @thicksimpx @sakurashell @38riku @hyeque @wiserebelpartypie @sleepy3 @lorefaerie @imperatorkhaleesi @sukunas-left-nut-sack @lawscorazon @sailewhoremoon @chaoticevilbakugo @xxrwzy @wh0reforlevi @nekoriots @yeagerfushiguro @chaotic-fangirl-blog @sftbunny-blog @dukina @momoewn @thithesandofferings @justdevine @hyeque @chittakii @breyspage
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