#Tsukino Ikuko
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Vintage official(?) chibi artwork of my blorbos!
Source unknown, artwork found at: http://chibiland.dearchibi.com/chibiothers.html
Thanks to @kunzoi-archive for helping me find these! I knew the Shitennou chibis existed, but that site has many more season 1 characters:
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My main desktop computer is broken, and I'm having trouble getting Blender to work on my laptop, so it may be a bit longer before I get more artwork done. I am still working on my story, and working on writing notes, so hopefully I can still get something done! In the meanwhile I wanted to share these here.
If anyone knows the original source for these let us know!!
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real-life-senshi · 9 months
10 (Mostly) Spoiler-Free Reasons to Watch Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 2003 Live Action
A countdown to the 20th anniversary of Act 1 air date!
Reason 3: The side characters!
The love the screenwriter put into building the PGSM main cast - Senshi, Shitennou and Endymion is something to always celebrate as a fan of the series. Still, they are not the only ones who benefited from the live-action writing.
Many recurring side characters in the manga/anime had their characters further fleshed out / altered to have their personalities shine in the show. And even better, instead of being a background character most times, most of them actually have significant contributions to the brilliant storytelling PGSM gives us!
Tsukino Ikuko
Speaking of PGSM humour in part 2 of this series of blog posts, it is impossible for one to not discuss one of the most iconic changes and side characters in the live-action series - Usagi's mom!
In the manga and anime, Tsukino Ikuko is a sweet, caring, and typical mother in a Japanese household, except she has questionable lavender hair...
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In the live-action, with the exception that Ikuko is a brunette which is quite a normal hair colour, everything else about her is... well, anything but normal. For lack of a better word, she is... eccentric, and is actually the person responsible for many of the shenanigans that occur in the Tsukino family. After watching PGSM, you can definitely tell from where Usagi inherited some of her traits...
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Tsukino Ikuko, the yoga practitioner and creator of questionable omelette sauce, is great fun to watch. Her time on screen is not long, but whenever she appears, she SHINES and steals the show with hilarious antics and an amazing grasp of comedic cues worthy of a professional comedian! Not a minute of her screen time is ever wasted!
Tsukino Shingo
In the manga and anime, Tsukino Shingo is basically a smartass brat who loves butt-heading and teasing his older sister Usagi.
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In the live-action, Shingo retains the smartass personality, but not much of a misbehaving brat. Instead, his character is further fleshed out that he is actually intelligent, sarcastic, sassy and... perpetually so done with Usagi and Ikuko.
Seriously, this kid is the responsible AND sensible one in the Tsukino household and the holder of all Tsukino brain cells. It is absolutely glorious and a wonder to see how all the sass could fit into his tiny body!
With Shingo and Ikuko together, any scenes of Usagi's home life is bound to leave you in stitches watching the chaos that goes on within its walls!
For a taste of live-action Tsukino family dynamics, please enjoy the following two scenes:
Present day the actor of little Shingo - Takeshi Naoki is (of course) all grown up, and an acclaimed and prominent stage actor in many musicals and stageplays, especially in the 2.5D world. (Manga/Anime adapted stage productions.)
Some examples are:
Hyper Projection Play “Haikyuu!!” - Nobuyushi Kai
My Hero Academia The “Ultra” Stage - Iida Tenya
Black Clover the Stage - Yuno (main)
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Furuhata Motoki
Motoki in the live-action takes in both roles from the manga and the 90's anime, where not only does he work in the location that doubles as the Senshi's secret base (manga), but he is also Mamoru's best friend from school (90's anime). But otherwise his involvement in the story kinda just ends there.
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In PGSM, Motoki's character is more fleshed out in that besides being a pretty face (because let's be honest, Kikawada Masaya is good-looking!), but he also provides some ongoing comic relief for being a huge turtle fanatic.
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BUT! He is so much more than just comic relief! His easy-going, kind and caring nature also helps him become a buffer/translator and insight-provider on certain aspects of Mamoru's character for Usagi when it comes to his best friend. He helps Usagi see past Mamoru's tsundere tendencies, getting past the prickly exterior and seeing the caring side of her eventual fated lover.
... And that's not even the main involvement when it comes to our Senshi team. He has a much more significant role late series. But I shall not say more to keep this spoiler-free!
For long-time Tokusatus fans, Motoki's actor Kikawada Masaya has also continued his tenure in Tokusatsu in other well-known franchises:
Kamen Rider The First (film) - Hongo Takeshi (main)
Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger - Master Red
Ultraman Decker - Captain Murahoshi Taiji
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Osaka Naru
Across the manga-verse and anime-verse, Osaka Naru is well-known to be a Youma-magnet, rumourmonger extraordinaire, and Usagi's best friend outside of the Senshi team.
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In the live-action, Naru continues to play both roles! But her character is a lot more three-dimensional, where she is both sweet and empathetic, but also territorial when it comes to holding her position as Usagi's best friend. So much so, she got bitchy and possessive and caused some teenage drama when she felt her position as Usagi's friend got threatened as Usagi becomes more and more embroiled in the Senshi business. Personally, that was one of my favourite storylines, where it just feels so much more personable and relatable regarding highschool drama and friendship issues. It is one that's close to my heart!
On the other hand, when Usagi encounters adversaries in her school life or love life, Naru is always here as a protector or to cheer Usagi up!
For those who don't now, another fun fact is Naru is played by Sailor Mercury/Mizuno Ami in one of the original Sailor Moon musicals!
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The original side characters & villains
There are 2 other original side characters that have recurring appearances and an original villain character that is exclusive to the live-action that I'd love to introduce. (Well, technically there are 2 original villains, but one I'll actually introduce later). But since I said I'll make this mostly spoiler-free, I'll leave them out for now. haha
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In my humble opinion, all of them are very well written. They are either there to cause drama - which the live-action has done well to amp up on the angst in the storyline, or there to cause chaos, which frankly is absolutely entertaining and a joy to watch!
And for the record, I especially ADORE the character with the sparkles in the middle. :P
You can watch the subbed versions of the series at:
Miss Dream Fansubs
Sea of Serenity Fansubs
The series is also on other online streaming sites, but be cautious to only visit them with good adware and firewall installed.
8 days till the 20th anniversary of Act 1 air date!
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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sailormoonrewrite · 1 year
Mama Ikuko's Approval
Usagi: Bye, Mama! I'm off to Mam-Mako's apartment!
Ikuko: Alright, be sure to tell Chiba-san I said hi.
Usagi: Will do...It's not what you think mama! We're just going to eat chocolate and watch movies! Not anything naughty!
Ikuko: It's fine, Usagi. I trust you. Just make sure to come home before 11 or else your father might have another stroke.
Usagi: Okay, mama!
Ikuko: But...if you are going to do that, you might want to take a couple of these. Wouldn't want you to have a little bunhead in the oven right now.
Usagi: MAMA!
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ayellowbirds · 2 years
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Yasushi looked out the door, confused. “He was an idiot,” Shizuka sniffed, water running down her face. It must have been water, because it was pouring out. “Shizuka-san, why aren’t you wearing a raincoat?” It was the stupidest, most obvious question he could ask, but it was the only thing that Taiin Yasushi could make sense of in the picture before him of the beautiful woman with the soaking-wet long black hair, the sad gray eyes, the dripping cardigan over the now nearly-transparent short dress that combined into an outfit that definitely wasn’t appropriate for the edges of a hurricane. “Because he was an idiot, Yasushi-san! Because you’re the best father in this whole miserable world, the bravest man I’ve ever met, and my answer is yes!” “Papa?” Usagi called from within, as he tried to make sense of what Shizuka was saying. “Your answer to what?” Yasushi asked her, barely able to hear his own voice amidst the sound of rain on the roof above the second-floor landing.
He didn’t remember asking her anything important enough to risk coming out to their apartment in this weather, dressed like that.
illustrated by @beedokart, a scene from Past is Prologue, Princess, the first part of a fanfiction series set in a universe where manga/anime characters share a world with the heroes of DC comics... and in the case of Usagi, certain other, more overt changes take place earlier in her current reincarnation. For example: in other worlds, Ikuko stayed with Kenji and took his last name. In this one, they split... and the parent who birthed adorable little Usagi realized that he was happier as a man. And then, he meets a very lovely woman with a strange connection to his only child....
Read it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40849236/chapters/102360219
(and psst! Patreon subscribers get to read new content three days early, and special patron-only access on our Discord server)
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kasienda · 2 years
You know I’m going to be the one who asks about #10: SM Motherhood Reveal🙃🙃
It’s actually perfect that you asked me about this one because it was my goal last year to finish it by September 12th… for some RANDOM reason! But this last year sucked, and that didn’t happen. (Sorry! But you know I love you!!!)
But anyway, this is supposed to be the fourth part of the Tsukino family reveals. And it’s sort’ve a reverse reveal! Where Usagi learns that her mother knows. And they get to talk for… real. (I also have a part five where Ikuko and Kenji get into a fight about it and I think that will conclude the series).
Here’s a snippet:
“Usagi!” Ikuko exclaimed, throwing her arms around the girl the second she returned. Her eyes searching for any sign of injury. “I’m so glad you made it down the mountain trail! When we had to split I was so worried.”
Usagi eyed her mother. “Uh… yeah, it was the long way around. But I got away.”
“Usagi-chan! Are you alright?” Kenji demanded.
“Just scraped up my leg. Mama, maybe you want to take a look?”
Ikuko didn’t answer the question blazing from her daughter’s eyes. She couldn’t. Not in front of her husband and son. “Of course dear. Let’s head to the bathroom.”
“That was so cool!” Shingo was saying.
Ikuko closed the bathroom door, and then every one of her senses was trained on her daughter as she did a more thorough seearch for wounds. “Are you okay? Any injuries?” she asked, not bothering to hide the urgency with which she needed to know.
Usagi ignored the concern. “How long have you known?”
“Almost from the beginning,” Ikuko admitted, her fingers ruffling through hair long golden hair, looking for scrapes or bruises on Usagi’s scalp.
“Luna is not as quiet or as subtle as she thinks she is. And I’ve always been a very light sleeper.”
“Why have you never said anything?!” Usagi demanded, pulling away from Ikuko’s reach.
“I always hoped you would tell me one day,” she said softly.
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alevolpe · 6 months
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flaim-ita · 1 year
Dreams of Gleaming Pearls
Kenji Tsukino & Usagi, Queen & Princess Serenity, 600+ words
“Where did you learn that hairstyle?”
Tsukino Kenji pauses, looking down at his young daughter. Usagi looks back up at him, her wide blue eyes blinking.
“I don’t know,” he says.
Two tight yet comfortable buns wrap their daughter’s naturally fast growing hair up, the excess spilling out in small pigtails. They make her look even more like the rabbit she was named for.
“I’m surprised she even sat for it,” Ikuko says tiredly, sighing. “We must be spoiling the girl, she’s so fussy.”
Read more
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sailormoonandme · 2 years
Summary: At 24 weeks pregnant, Ikuko Tsukino is not a happy bunny. Her husband missing that week’s childbirth class does not improve her mood. Manga canon. Pre-canon. Written for the 30th Anniversary of Ikuko, Kenji and in celebration of the Senshi’s parents.
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42929286
FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13853665/118/Sailor-Moon-Anniversaries-Anthology
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This is part of an anthology series I’m working on. 2021-2022 are significant years for the world of Sailor Moon, marking the anniversaries of both the series as a whole as well as specific characters, stories and aspects of the SM universe. it. This series of stories is intended to celebrate those anniversaries one fic at a time! This series also includes fics for the birthdays of specific characters.
Author: AlEvans26
Beta(s): Lin Lamont
Rating: Teen
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom(s): Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Anime & Manga)
Relationships: Tsukino Ikuko/Tsukino Kenji, Mizuno Saeko & Mizuno Ami's Father, Hino Risa/Hino Takashi, Aino Minako mother - Relationship
Characters: Tsukino Ikuko, Tsukino Kenji, Mizuno Saeko, Mizuno Ami's Father, Aino Minako's Parents, Hino Risa, Hino Takashi, Hino Rei's Father, Tomoe Souichi, Tomoe Keiko, Chiba Mamoru
Genre/Tags: Manga & Anime, , Canon Compliant, Canon - Manga, Short, Short One Shot, One Shot, Parenthood, Pregnancy, Fate & Destiny, Fate, Destiny, Marriage, Strained Relationships, Pre-Canon, Prequel
Words: 3107
Ao3 Series/Collection(s): https://archiveofourown.org/series/2240628
Just to let you know I am involved in a discord called 'Moonlight Legends' which is dedicated to sharing all sorts of Sailor Moon fanworks, including other fanfics. If you would like to join so you can share your own work, get help with your current projects or just connect to other fan creators shoot me a PM and I'll send you an invite. All are welcome!
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moonlightsdreaming · 5 months
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iiyasbssmdoodles · 28 days
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soulspark · 9 months
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Ikuko Itoh
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fairygeek777 · 3 months
Just a psa:
Ikuko Tsukino is a gorgeous character and Cosmos really highlighted that.
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real-life-senshi · 1 year
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Okay legit the food looks awesome! Shingo, stop complaining. I want your food. It's almost New Year anyway. lol
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Oh... Oh my god????!!!! I forgot about this. Ikuko's gag! LOL For this alone, they should have left this scene in Act 14.
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Shingo's definitely the kid that tries to be cool that would rather all sorts of festive traditions be demolished, while Usagi's the bubbly one that's excited to do every festive things. lol
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I love this scene, so entertaining, and another good presentation of the Tsukino family's dynamic! Especially appreciate how this scene ends with Usagi and Shingo butt heading and staring daggers at each other.
I just had a semi-epiphany! Obviously, Ikuko's presented to be a highly entertaining and humorous character with very exaggerated actions and sometimes outrageous responses. I usually find such kind of characters annoying, but Ikuko has clearly made me fell in love with her in PGSM, and I think I figured out why... It's because of how intentionally designed Ikuko's exaggerated actions seems to be; it's chaos with reason, not messy and random.
While everyone acts on TV as they're meant to and look relatively natural, Ikuko's actress almost moves on-screen with exaggerations as if she's actually doing theatre work in front of an auditorium of the audience! As an example, her walking to the right and left around Usagi is something I've seen intentionally used in theatre to keep the audience's attention drawn and not bored during non-action heavy scenes.
I have to wonder if this is Moriwaka Kaori's own decision and adlib to make Ikuko like this, or if it was intentionally planned or staged from the start. I wish we knew.
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celticcatgirl2 · 8 months
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“Oh so my daughter “calls you mommy” too huh…how odd!!! What can that mean!!!”
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Chibiusa: Are there any pizza rolls left? Ikuko: Usagi ate them all. Shingo: All twenty-four. Usagi: I was peckish.
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sailorsenshigifs · 1 year
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