#UGHHH……. grandmothers……
comradekatara · 1 month
You have thoughs regarding Kanna & Katara's relationship?
SO MANY <- please do click on that link bc i think it’s actually one of the best posts i’ve ever made, but also my whole kanna&katara tag slaps bc it’s secretly one of my favorite relationships in the entire show. like there’s just something so fascinating to me about the way that kanna is established to have been exactly like katara when she was a kid, and yet now she embodies the repressive paradigm that forces katara to do gendered domestic labor and limits where she can go and what she can do. and also that dynamic is pretty subtle, because our last scene with kanna (in the present) is her giving katara her blessing and telling her that she gave her hope after all these years. like it’s not that she wants to be this overbearing nag who forces katara to tire herself out with chores all day, but she also knows exactly how katara thinks because she once was her, so she’s like “if she goes outside she will get IDEAS and RUN AWAY to the NORTH POLE.” and then she does. chiasmus moments!!!! clapping and cheering for chiasmus!!!!!
kanna is SUCH an important presence in katara’s life, and I think before katara learns about what kanna did and how she grew up (from yagoda, from pakku, and from hama) she kind of just takes her for granted because again, she’s just her overbearing nagging grandma who always takes sokka’s side and clearly thinks she should also act like a miserable boring adult. but what’s crazy about that is that katara is also so obviously her favorite?? like sokka is the golden child (not that katara is the scapegoat, to be clear, sokka is just The Good One to katara’s untamable rebellious spirit) but katara is still her favorite. specifically because she loves katara’s passion and drive and desire for adventure and revolution.
kanna is struggling between her desire to indulge katara in her wild fantasies and her need to keep her safe at all costs. she’s the one who tells katara the stories of the avatar in the first place. she is the one who first forms that inexorable spark within her. katara is the spitting image of kanna, in every way. she has her drive, her sense of adventure, her conviction and determination, her love, her hope, her sense of justice, her penchant for telling stories. katara gets it all from her, including her necklace. and there’s something just so undeniably lovely and poignant about that, the strength of the bond between women across multiple generations who have lost so much and struggled due to imperialist violence, but have also resisted, and fought, and passed down stories they told themselves to survive, and given each other hope.
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witchcraftingboop · 2 months
Sometimes talking to my dad is like trying to grab a small, stubborn child by the shoulders and shake them into a new consciousness. Mans had the audacity to sulkily ask why it felt like I didn't want to talk to him anymore this morning and then was genuinely offended when I responded that I had to go and couldn't talk anymore. This was, mind you, after he asked how I was doing and I let him know that I was not feeling too great since my friend's death was revealed to be due to her boyfriend murdering her yesterday, and my dad proceeded to go "oh, well I just left the store because this couple was fighting, and I just do not want any negativity around me today" and then, without taking a breath, proceeded to ramble on for 20+ minutes about buying himself some much needed socks and then some shoes to match said socks because why not they're right there... Like, bro, my guy, homie, why would that god awful immediate topic change make me feel like continuing to talk to you?? Gtf off my phone
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indouloureux · 2 years
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steve voices his disdain through a low groan of protest when you sadly break away from the comfort of his loving embrace. he frowns deeply, like he'd been berated for accidentally hurling a ball at your grandmother's urn.
(oddly specific, he thinks. he so did not do that when he was eight. and he so did not accidentally inhale the ashes of his beloved grandma and choked on them and thought that she now lived inside him.)
"babe," he pouts. "wher' you goin'?"
his speech is almost of a drunken slur when he reaches up and makes grabby hands at you. you laugh lightly, pulling down at your shirt. "i'm gonna pee, stevie,"
"can i come?"
"what, why?"
"don't wanna let you go," he rolls to his front and drops his hand on your space that's suddenly cold. "and i miss you already. wanna be with you in the bathroom and watch you pee,"
it's your turn to frown, though much more in slight disgust than dismay. "sweets, i'm not letting you watch me pee."
the look on his face makes it seem like he's about to cry if you didn't say yes. oh, steve harrington always gets what he wants– whether it be the ways of his handsome charm or his puppy eyes with disheveled hair and a small, almost bratty pout.
steve doesn't ever want to let you out of his eyesight, lest of you suddenly disappearing into thin air like his nightmares had taunted him. he knows his clinginess was starting to become suffocating, but he couldn't blame himself, could he?
but you don't mind his nightly throes and his doting clinginess. you understand where he's coming from and steve loves you for that — you love him and his frantic screams and untamed chest hair and wide heart.
"ugh, fine," you agree to avoid a (playful) breakdown, moreso for the reason of you also wanting him to be wherever you go. steve beams like the star on a christmas tree and hops of his king-sized bed (the irony). "but you're looking away, alright? 's weird enough you have to hear the broken sounds of my piss."
"yay," he wraps his arms around you from behind, waddling your way to the toilet with his chin on top of your head. "baby's gotta pee. gotta give her the toilet paper. i'm the paper man,"
"please don't say that again."
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reblogs and feedback are appreciated <3
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daniifanz · 1 year
I don’t see people discussing Zion’s parents and just how supportive they were prepared to be for him, Ginny, and Georgia. I know they aren’t shown much in the show but for the moments that they are, I was very elated. They literally embraced 15 year old, homeless, Georgia into their family and set up a solid support system with a QUICKNESS!!! And even thought it’s not what Zion or Georgia wanted, their proposal for legal guardian ship was smart and considerate! That way the kids didn’t have to technically give up custody, all 3 of them would have been supported into getting they’re lives on track for a better future and Ginny would’ve grown up in a structured, stable, and loving environment. (And when Zion and Georgia were no longer teenagers and had gotten on their feet then the legal guardianship that Zion’s parents would have had, would have ended!) Even after Zion wanted to go back on the agreed terms of his gap year with his parents, they still pulled through, ready to be there for their son and this poor 15 year old girl and their coming grandchild. Plus it’s very rare to see black family dynamics in media portrayed in a positive light where the family isn’t struggling with poverty or missing one parent or riddled with stereotypes of drugs, abuse, and gangs etc. It’s nice to see a black family doing well for once and literally no one is talking about it.
EDIT: just wanna say I wrote this post about season 1 and I’m so glad they touched on the topic in season 2 . It was nice to see more of Zion’s family and hear about their feelings on Georgia’s decision to leave in the past. And we got to see Georgia reflect on it too! Lots of hurt, pain, and anger on both sides but no hate. I really liked the added conversation between Ginny and her grandmother where she clarifies that she doesn’t hate Georgia just that she’s still angry with her. I think the writers accomplished a pretty genuine and realistic representation of how Ginny’s grandparents and Georgia would be feeling. The tension, regret, and anger and worry… even Lynette’s petty jabs at Georgia at Christmas dinner! Like we get why she’s upset and provoking Georgia a little bit she doesn’t hate her (to me i would say that Zion’s parents do still care about Georgia and love her as a person). And GOSH it hurt to see Georgia getting roasted like that IN HER OWN HOME, that she had to excuse herself to check her emotions. Because we know Georgia was just in survival mode and and we know Georgia kind of regrets putting her kids through all that. Ughhh the writers really popped off this season and I hope we get a season 3 because I would love to see Georgia and Zion’s parents have a heart to heart about the past, hug it out and see each other’s perspectives. Maybe even talk about being more involved in Ginny’s life in the future (and Austin’s life because YES I did see how they interacted with him and I think they’d be a positive influence on both kids. They’d benefit from the stability.) I’m loving hearing everyone else’s thoughts so please continue the conversation 🥹🫶🏾
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margareturtle · 9 months
APRIL 2015
Livvy: Ty! I was spying on the cohort again and I heard something big
Ty: What? Is it about their plans?
Livvy: yeah they were talking about their plans and it was kinda unclear, but they said they were somehow communicating with the Seelie Queen and she said that she would help them if they got her the first heir. And that the first heir is some kind of big power over the courts and that she needs them and she might use them or kill them.
Ty: you know what this means Livvy
Livvy: we need to find the first heir and protect them before the cohort does
Ty: yes! I need to tell Anush and we’ll start researching right away
Kit: alright Mina show your parents the song you just learned!
Mina: yeah!
Kit: ready? 1-2-3
Mina: 🎵the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate hate Shake it off Shake it off 🎵
Jem: oh bravo Mina mine, Kit what composer was that?
Kit: Taylor Swift, Mina ask your parents about what you want to do
Mina: nineteen eighty—
Kit: nine
Mina: 1989 tour in London!
Jem: oh Kit I don’t know, it’s a big crowd and being out in London, I don’t know if it’s a good idea
Kit: yeah exactly! It’s a big crowd, I’d be glamoured and no one will recognize me as the first heir if I blend in with the crowd!
Tessa: well Kit we’ll think about it, maybe we’ll ask Magnus.
Dru: Ash, are you ready? We’re going!
Ash: I don’t want to go
Dru: ughhh, Thais help me out here!
Thais: Ok! I don’t know what your deal is Ash Morgenstern but we’re running out of time so you need to get your ASS IN GEAR cause otherwise you’ll just be abandoned and ALONE
Ash: I won’t be alone, my family is here
Dru: By the angel 🙄 your family of what? Psychotic Jace Herondale and an evil ancient queen who wants you for your power? Look come back with us and meet your real family! You have a lovely Aunt, and REAL Jace Herondale who run the New York Institute, plus you have a grandmother and your step grandfather is part of running Shadowhunter Academy and none of the will use you for your power!
Ash: I’ll never fit in with the shadowhunters
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catindabag · 11 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (38)
Festus: Yo, guys, do you want to sneak inside the school kitchen and cook something?
Persephone: Sure. I’m kinda hungry.
Coryo: Count me in, Creed.
Felix: Yeah. Besides, this stupid assignment- I mean, punishment from Dr. Gaul is draining me to death.
Apollo: True. Writing a 12 page essay on why I should be turned into a mutt is quite difficult.
Diana: And weird.
Clemensia: And illegal!
Coryo: This assignment shouldn’t even exist!
Urban: But the “penducks” and the “pongaroos” should.
Pup: “Capysels” forever!
Clemensia: What the heck are you guys talking about?!
Juno: Our cute new pets.
Pup: Our adorable new friends.
Dennis: My new illegal business.
Festus: The new meat menu.
Coryo: Well, I think the “Boa Pup” is still the cutest mutt in theory.
Io: Ughhh! Who cares about your cat-dog creature! My hand hurts! I can’t do this anymore!
Livia: You’re all just jealous because I’m already done with mine.
Sejanus: No way, Cardew. How is that even possible?!
Livia: Obviously, I’m a genius.
Coryo: Obviously, you just wrote down the lyrics of ✨Material Girl✨ to fill in the blanks.
Livia: How did you-
Coryo: Your paper doesn’t even have a single word of “mutt” or “Dr. Gaul” in it.
Livia: Shut up, orphan! Your accusations are making me hungry!
Festus: Finally! The rich banker has spoken! To the kitchen we go!
Lysistrata: Wait a minute, does anyone even know how to cook? I mean, no offense, but just look at us.
Palmyra: I do! I know how to cook! I can even-
Florus: Except you, Palmyra. You’re not even allowed to cook in front of me, unless the government or the President says otherwise.
Gaius: And thank Panem for that.
Palmyra: Why?🥺
Everyone: You know why!
Palmyra: You guys are so mean!
Florus: Says the one who refused to pay our outrageous hospital bills.
Coryo: I can’t even afford to stay in the hospital while my family’s drowning in taxes and debts.
Palmyra: Oh, c’mon! You guys only stayed there for a month!
Festus: A month of torture!
Felix: And humiliation!
Coryo: I’m freaking poor, Monty! Do you even know how hard it was for me to pay them back?!
Palmyra: Oh, please~. It wasn’t that hard, was it?😗
Coryo: Try saying that again when you’re forced to go on a blind date with a drunk Strabo Plinth and the ever creepy Mr. Heavensbee by your own evil grandmother and cousin!
Lysistrata: Oh, Panem! Strabo Plinth was your other date?!🤣
Hilarius: My creepy old man did what?!
Coryo: Creepy Mr. Heavensbee even asked me to invite Felix to come over and hangout with him the next time around.
Felix: Which is never, right?
Coryo: Don’t worry, Class Pres. I told him that you’re too busy dating someone from the outer Districts.
Felix: Who?!
Coryo: Honestly, I just made it up.
Clemensia: Imagine Felix freaking Ravinstill dating someone from the Districts.
Arachne: True. Seeing the President’s favorite grandnephew holding hands with a District born will surely give his family the greatest heart attack of all time.
Felix: To be honest, I would rather date someone from the Districts than spend an hour or two with creepy Mr. Heavensbee Sr.
Sejanus: Ughhh! I still can’t believe my evil dad tried to steal my gorgeous boyfriend from me!😩
Coryo: To be fair, my love, your father was already drunk and high as the moon when we met that night. And also, he genuinely thought that I was the ever gorgeous Crassus Xanthos Snow.
Sejanus: Oh, thank Panem!
Hilarius: How about my creepy old man?! Was he drunk as a clown on wheels when he met you that night?!
Coryo: Mr. Heavensbee wasn’t drunk at all. He was sober AF.
Hilarius: Oh, thank Panem-
Coryo: However, he did offer to pay off all of my family’s debts if I gave him my skirt and a kiss on both cheeks.
Hilarius: He said what?!😱
Sejanus: Did you?! I mean, did you kiss him, my love?🥺
Coryo: Ew. No. Of course not! He was a freaking creep and I was already dating you, Babe!
Sejanus: My Snow Bae really does love me!🥹
Coryo: Of course I do, you idiot! Those sandwiches you gave me were freaking delicious!
Hilarius: And nothing happened after that, right?
Coryo: I kind of “accidentally” punched your creepy old man and knocked him out when he tried to touch my face.
Hilarius: That’s fine with me.
Coryo: Also, I secretly stole his expensive gold encrusted wristwatch and his exclusive diamond shaped wallet.
Androcles: Nice one, Snowy!
Hilarius: Bro, I’m not even mad.
Sejanus: At least my scheming dad didn’t remember that night.
Lysistrata: Imagine going out on a blind date with your gorgeous future son—in-law.😂
Coryo: Even worse. Mr. Plinth was always bringing up his past romantic relationship with my super hot dead dad.😔
Festus: What’s so bad about that? I mean, who wouldn’t want to date the ever gorgeous Crassus Snow? Even my dad wanted to-
Coryo: Oh, shut up, Creed! I don’t want to hear another word about my super hot dead dad!
Sejanus: My father’s just jealous that I’m gonna marry my lovely Snow Bae~.😘
Felix: Try saying that in front of Dean Highbottom.
Sejanus: Sure! I’ll even-
Festus: Can we go back to cooking already? I’m still hungry, ya know!
Androcles: Oh, yeah! Sejanus, you know how to cook, right?😀
Sejanus: Honestly, cooking and baking are very different things. Just ask my boyfriend~.😘
Coryo: Wait, what?! No! I just know how to cook cabbages and beans! I can’t even afford my own groceries!
Festus: To be fair, your iconic cabbage cake was delicious.
Coryo: Thanks, but I think Iphigenia knows more than me-
Iphigenia: Oh, no. My talent for cooking is kinda bad.
Dennis: That’s impossible! Your family runs the freaking food industry!
Iphigenia: Seriously, I only know how to fry carrots and potatoes.
Coryo: Gaius, do you-
Gaius: Me?! Cook?! My precious hands haven’t even touched a stove yet! Besides, I only know how to “cook up” jokes.
Persephone: Well, if you can provide me a maid-
Coryo: How about you, Class Pres?
Felix: I’m not even allowed to enter my own kitchen without ten to twenty servants watching my every move. Maybe Hilarius-
Hilarius: No, not me! Do you want the school to accidentally explode because of my stupidity?!
Urban: Vipsania?
Vipsania: Don’t even ask. I only know how to make protein shakes.
Felix: How about Andie-
Androcles: Stealing eggs for breakfast is very different from cooking them, Class Pres!
Juno: Well, don’t look at me. A Phipps would never ever get their hands dirty-
Dennis: Nobody asked you, Juno~.🙄
Juno: Shut up, Dennis! Go suck a di-
Sejanus: How about you, Domitia?
Domitia: Milking cows and selling butter is all I’m good at. However, Lizzie-
Lysistrata: You are asking the wrong person, Tia. I only know how to “cook” dru-
Felix: And for legal reasons, let’s just ask the next person! Festus, do you-
Festus: Nope. I only dumpster dive for food. How about Florus-
Florus: Shut it, Creed! I’m not touching or cooking anything!
Coryo: Well, Urban-
Urban: My anger issues banned me from cooking. How about Io-
Io: Don’t test me, Canville. Do you want me to accidentally create another mini nuclear reactor?!
Coryo: Apollo? Diana?
Apollo: Unfortunately, I only know how to make purple tea.
Diana: And I only know how to cut and fry onions for fun.
Sejanus: Pup?
Pup: Nobody likes my soup.
Felix: Ugh! forget it! Let’s just order takeouts and be done with it!
Clemensia: What the heck, you guys! Nobody even asked me if I can cook!
Arachne: Can you?
Clemensia: No.
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I'm supposed to be asleep but I'm really hungry but I can't get anything to eat cause its 1am and Ik that my grandmother will get really mad if I do cause it's so late ughhh
I can't win
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thisonewhocanbreathe · 2 months
(thanks for the tag @bowergirlwitch — croissant twin xD 🫶)
Are you named after someone ?
well if we’re referring to our usernames i guess i’m named after someone who can breathe, which is a huge responsibility in itself as well as a lot of pressure on my shoulder because— who even does that?? lmao 
buuuuut if we’re referring to our actual names actually yes!! i’m named after my mom’s great grandmother (that makes her my great great grandmother but yeah) 
When was the last time you cried ?
i don’t remember?? lmfao
Do you have kids ?
no and i’m definitely not planning to x)
What sports do you play/have played ?
i played football, rugby and handball all at different points in my life when i was younger. now i’m trying to get into jogging because it’s healthy and shit but ughhh honestly 
Do you use sarcasm ?
lol who even uses sarcasm? (yes. all the time.) 
What is the first thing you notice about people ?
whether they’re comfortable interacting with new people or not. i don’t even know why but when i’m gonna meet someone new i’m immediately going to try and guess whether they feel at ease or not 
What is your eye color ?
green (i use it as a flex xD)
Scary movies or happy endings ?
scary movies all the way, duh
Any talents ?
ah i wish!! (i play the guitar and the piano, and i write— not sure if i’m so talented tho but i do sometimes impress myself)
Where were you born ?
in the south of France 
What are your hobbies ?
omg— um, reading, writing, playing video games, playing guitar, playing piano, 👏 watching 👏movies 👏 (and shows) and i guess that’s pretty much it
Do you have any pet ?
i don’t but my roommate does have a cat named cookie if that counts 
Favorite subject in school ?
it was english buuuut i really liked history too
Dream job ?
don’t even ask me i wish i had a hundred lives so i could try every job ever but it would also take capitalism to stop being a thing for me to actually enjoy it lol
tagging ppl : i’m gonna tag @im-the-son-of-rage-and-lov3 and @my-castles-crumbling (as always, no pressure tags, it’s up to you, if you come across this and don’t feel like doing it don’t even worry abt it 🫶) 
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I hate being so insecure about my body. Being chubby and insecure is just ughhh. Especially when I'm sitting down and just doing whatever on my bed and then I feel the need to just cover my thighs because I hate how I am. It sucks some days. And what sucks more is just how I've become the type of person to just hate any photo I'm in. It could be a nice photo but then I'll just mentally start hating how my body looks.
It really sucksss!!! I try so hard to just love my body for how it is but my self hate and self esteem issues just go "Hey, Fatass! *smacks my tummy*"
Especially the tummy smacks my family does sometimes. Like, not smacks but for some reason I have some family members that are fixated on my belly fat. Which makes me very much insecure. And my grandmother if very fixated on squeezing some skin on my thighs or arms whenever I eat at the dinner table. I just want them all to just stop, but I never say a thing because it's hard to tell your family members when you feel uncomfortable.
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UGHHH I have two rings that were my great grandmother's that are shaped like tulips, one with ruby petals and one with sapphire petals and I cannot find them anywhere. I always put them in a little dish next to my bed and they aren't in any of the places I keep my jewelry. I am so upset about it. I don't know what could have happened to them. All my other jewelry is accounted for which makes me feel less worried that they've been stolen, though still a little worried that they've been stolen. We have house cleaners? I don't see any reason that they would steal them though! I just don't know where they are!! I am hoping they'll turn up and everything will be fine. I don't wear them all that often bc they are tall off your finger so I can't wear them in the winter bc of gloves. I'm hoping I just took them off and put them in the pocket of a purse or something and all will be well. ughh I feel sick.
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In fake girlfriend AU How Mikasa and Eren finally become a couple?
ughhh this is so hard, anon you do not know how many times I've tried to write this, so here's hoping this time I actually post it 🤣 Also i apologize I can't quiteee remember my timeline of events for this so we'll see how it works out, I know it all took place over the christmas/new years holidays so lets see what i can work in here.
The straw that breaks the camel's back for Eren is New Year's day.
Mikasa is stunning, standing in the morning light, giving him that shy sweet smile because she was his New Year's kiss, because they'd done a fuck of a lot more than that last night while Zeke was passed out in the wine cellar. She looks away, blushing as his mom enters the dining room and Mikasa is quick to excuse herself, citing that she'd like a quick refresh before they head out for brunch. A brunch that Eren very explicitly hadn't been invited to, and one that includes Zeke's mom, Dina.
He can't shake this feeling, this dark cloud over his mood, looming over everything, this knowledge deep in his bones that he might lose her.
He doesn't plan it, and he has absolutely no good reason for how indignant and righteous he is about the entire ordeal, but as he watches his dad pull out one of the family rings, grandmother's diamonds, a bomb goes off in his head, ears ringing.
Now, he understands the brunch.
Zeke is beaming, he's never seen his brother so happy, eyes lit up, the crinkle around his mouth as he smiles real and full for the first time in so long, finally receiving the approval he craves.
It's too bad he has to ruin it.
Eren has always gotten everything his brother wants after all, why would this be any different? His father holds out the ring, grandma's prize diamonds and before Zeke's outstretched hand can reach for it, Eren's there, claiming his prize like he deserves it. As if he's not about to tear apart their family because he stole his brother's girl.
"Eren?" Grisha questions him curiously, and Eren shrugs, steeling himself for what's to come, taking few steps back towards the doorway, and examining the ring in the light. It's perfect for Mikasa really, too bad his brother won't be the one to give it to her.
He will.
"Eren, thats for Mikasa." "I know," he shrugs, blase, and his mom looks him over suspiciously, she can tell something is off.
"I think it'll look great on her," he pauses to look up at his brother, "I'm just sorry it won't be you proposing brother."
"Eren what?" His mother whispers, horrified and Zeke and his father are staring as they try to compute what he's just said.
"You heard me. I'll be the one proposing to Mikasa."
His brother is at a loss for words, and Grisha is in pure disbelief, "Are you saying you've been with your brother's girlfriend?"
Eren hums, throwing the ring box up in the air casually, "Yup!" There are gasps of horror around the room and Eren's eyes thin to slits finally as the rage takes over, all the times Mikasa was neglected.
He scoffs, "Can you blame me? It was so easy." Like leading a lamb to slaughter, except instead he's stealing this lamb and she's now his prized possession.
"How many times did you leave her alone Zeke?" His brother's mouth parts in horror as he realizes, but Eren cuts him off before he can speak, "You most certainly weren't warming her bed older brother, because I was." "Eren," his mother admonishes in horror and Zeke's face is turning red with rage but Eren goes on. "How many times did you neglect her Zeke and for what?" Eren laughs humourlessly, "So you could get daddy's praise instead of treating her right?"
Mikasa chooses exactly this moment to enter the room, sweet and unassuming, a new coat of lipgloss applied to her full pink lips, a smile on her face, ready for the day. Her entire expression changes as she realizes the situation, the tense atmosphere and Eren turns to her casually, this isn't how he wanted to do it, but it has to be done. He can't let her leave him, can't let Zeke propose like his entire family seems to be planning. "Shit," she curses as she realizes what she's walked into, just as Zeke rushes at him, all of his pent up rage coming out in one go. Zeke gets one solid hit in, a punch that almost knocks Eren to the floor and for a moment, as his head whips back from the impact Eren is reluctantly impressed, assured his brother has broken several bloodvessels, and possibly drawn blood.
Although Zeke is bigger, Eren has always been scrappier and he returns right back with a harsh punch to the face, his hit landing true and he can hear the crack of poor Zeke's nose. Oh well, Dina has friends in plastic surgery, his brother will be fine. Eren gives him no time to retaliate, drinking his knee up into his brother's stomach.
His parents are yelling, Zeke is cursing him, screaming about how unfair it all is as he drops to the floor limp. Mikasa just barely drags him away and he thinks he realizes how his brother has felt all these years as Mikasa pulls him to the corner of the kitchen away from Zeke. Watching his parents tend to Zeke instead of him, it hurts in a way, knowing he's now probably the family disappointment. Mikasa is the only thing he has and that's if he's lucky.
But as she coos at him, her hand finding his eye, worrying over how it'll heal before she whispers that they should make a run for it, he thinks he realizes something else that Zeke didn't. Mikasa is more important to him than anything else, his parent's approval, his family, any of it, he'd burn the world for her, he already is, and he doesn't have a single regret. Even less as he pulls her in for a long kiss, and it tastes like blood from the gash on his head and her strawberry lipgloss, but he doesn't care, he loves her. She curses as she pulls away, looking him over with exasperated affection, "You just couldn't wait till we went home could you, for me to explain?" He shakes his head, vision blurring slightly as the ringing in his ears intensifies, Zeke got him good.
"We should get married, you know I just stole the ring." She kisses him again, a quick press of her lips to his, "I'll say yes later Eren, for now lets get out of here before your family goes ballistic and Dina gets here for brunch"
His mother is crying when he leaves, there is blood all over the kitchen floor and his dad is yelling not to come back. But as he looks over at Mikasa gunning it out of their long driveway, bypassing Dina's car on the way in, he thinks it's all worth it.
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hannah-the-small · 1 year
“Pier and Preen? I was a friend of theirs. Pier passed away about fifteen years ago, Preen left Gluttony after. Didn’t like the quiet and her son and his wife were terrible to her after Pier died.”
“Terrible how?”
“Well... she told her son about Pier passing away and she started getting harassing mail about the will, that she was a horrible mother and grandmother, that her grandkids hate her and vomit at the thought of her... it was a lot for the old girl.”
“Yeaaah that sounds like Gillian. Any idea where she went after?”
“Well she would of gone to Pride but the exterminations were too risky for her, so she went to her son and his wife’s second most hated ring. Lust.”
“Why Lust?”
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“She had an old succubus friend who was looking for a roommate, Preen’s never been judgmental of anyone so they offered it to her so she could take her mind off of Pier and so her son wouldn’t know where she was. She asked if her grandson’s ever turned up in Gluttony looking for her if I’d let them know where she was.”
“Did she ever want to see her grandkids?”
“Of course, Pier and her tried for years to find a way to see them, even take them away from her son and his wife... but they were a little more savvy than them. After she lost Pier and all the abuse was hurled at her she just didn’t have as much fight left. They even had people come to her home to break in and wreck her home.”
“Thats terrible... do... you have her address in Lust?”
“Depends, why do you want to find her?”
“Her grandkids, they don’t have anything to do with Gillian and Peckrin anymore. They don’t have any family other than each other and... well I guess me too. They don’t remember her, so... they don’t hate her. I want to find her, see if maybe they’d all want to meet each other again.”
“... ughhh okay. I’m a sucker for ‘family found’ arcs. I won’t give you her home address but I will give you her roommates work address. She works at Ozzies, helps coach the dancers there.”
“Thanks Pudge.”
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thatone-aroace-friend · 2 months
man I was passed earlier cuz I've been with my grandparents this past weekend and we were in a restaurant and my grandma was looking out the window and there was a boy who maybe 10 was wearing a yellow dress and he looked great he was running around with his sister like clearly having fun but my grandmother made such a big deal about it for no reason and even my dad who's like a little wary about but that's mostly cuz he doesn't know much about was telling her to chill and just let him be cuz he was clearly having the time of his life like ughhh I'm so done with my grandparents shit .
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hospitalterrorizer · 4 months
we went to target today.
it was okay. fun, actually, i like going out w/ my gf. we ate at five guys, after, my first time. the fries are really good and the burger is like, just okay. i guess you really have to get a lot of stuff on it but i am not like that, and i don't think they'd have a lot of what i'd like/care for, to put on a burger. like, they don't have kewpie mayo, my palette is like, prissy.
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like look at this, i did this the other day. i am like, turning into my grandmother with these tiny portions of treats on the smallest pieces of tableware we have. it's good though, when she would cut the tiniest pieces of poundcake, little squares, and eat them with toothpicks off of tiny plates, she was right to do that. i learned something important there. the relative tininess of things can make them taste better.
also, that little dish has a panda in it, it's for soy sauce, when you pour it in, it colors the panda differently because it's got the imprint in it, it's really cute.
i also worked on music today, doing the listen thru, got the first song that's an issue out of the way roughly, there's an issue still, the vocals sound a little too saturated and that's from the master, something i'm thinking of is a send where i do a saturation, and everything is sent there except the vocals, and everything is through that return into the master, that should be pretty easy, and it might open up some new possibilities on a lot of these tracks. a little exciting even, actually, cuz maybe i can push the saturation on most tracks harder and give them some gain, so it's more up front, could mess w/ vocal balance but i am noticing often that these songs feel quiet / weird, and that might help me get the sound i always liked out of the blue yeti routing i had everything going through, but without sapping low end and stuff. i like also that it might add a bit more of a 'sound' to the album, not that there isn't but it feels idk, transparent to me right now? it's weird.
the album frustrates me kind of, maybe for that reason, but also my ears feel a touch off rn, sinus pressure and whatever, so maybe i need to wait on evaluating it fully. all i really know is i'm thinking about ways to maybe get synthy-er sounds in, in a sleeker/better way, to really get like, harajuku noisecore across, androgyne apocalypse, idk, throwing things at a wall to imagine how to get it across. some images to help me/that i've posted prior, in some cases:
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gyula batthyany
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suehiro maruo
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usuno taro
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amano katan
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ilona jurgiel
so i have to do the freakish, and get all this to work in conjunction with fucked up whitebelt-y hardcore synth noise stuff...it's easy, i just say:
it does already,
and it will.
but idk, before i can say:
it does, already.
i need to convince myself, it's just the tiniest bits now, it's like
i need to get back to reading. i like having a lot to say because of reading, in these, and it'll help me get back to writing my longer thing i think. maybe on the 3 day weekend coming up i'll work on that or something, one of the days.
i also feel as if i am getting sick. stuffy nose and stuff, ughhh. the kids at work probably have given me a disease. i feel like i have been getting so sick lately, it's awful, it's never been like this in my life.
i guess i'm healthy normally , except in my head, cuz i'm crazy, lol.
anyway i need to freakinggg sleep soon, it's5 am but i work at 6 to 9 pm tomorrow so like, i can be a bit late getting up. but it sucks to do that too much. sooo
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aajjks · 6 months
😂😂 i saw the tally. seems like people want them to work it out AGAIN
“is he gone?”
“yeah. how you holding up?”
“i’m alright. it was awkward and i didn’t need to be around”
“yes you do. he mentioned his son having a birthday party”
“i’m okay, jorja. i promise…so what were you going to say to me earlier?”
“uhhh…it was nothing. we can talk about it later. c’mon. let’s go home”
jorja pays for the tab and threads your hands with hers before leaving the coffee shop and heading back home. since you’re both not working today, you both laze around all day and watch movies like mean girls, cheetah girls, and other enjoyable movies.
“we should be the cheetah girls next halloween”
“or mean girls. i wanna be regina george ” you say as you take your medicine in the kitchen while jorja looks for another movie the two of you could enjoy together.
“aw maaaann, we ran out of pineapples jo!”
“noooo” cried jorja who rushes in to see the empty pack of pineapple. “you wanna get more?” she asks giving you a side eye and you can’t help but giggle since you know she wants you to run to the store and grab some.
“ughhh, okaaayyy. i’ll be right back”
“whatever. i’ll be back” you say grabbing the keys and heading out in the car to drive to the nearest store to grab some pineapples for jorja and maybe a few more things for the home.
you arrive at the grocery store and browse around a bit before finding the pineapples and looking around for more things.
while you’re shopping around, you hear a baby whining not too far from you. actually, they’re directly behind you and you hear a lady telling the baby to calm down but the baby keeps whining and whining.
this baby is jaemin who is reaching for you and when you don’t look at him, he begins to cry until his grandmother puts him on the floor to walk around to which he walks directly towards you.
“jaemin, no! that’s not daddy” ji-ae says until she sees that it’s you he walked to.
“jaemin?! look at you! you’ve gotten so big!!” you say and you’re hesitant to hold him so you just let ji-ae take him from you and the 11 month old begins crying which makes jungkook check on his mother to make sure everything was okay until he sees you.
“i-i’m sorry” you say bowing before speed walking away from them which only makes jaemin cry harder for you.
“y/n wait!”
“y/n wait!” Jungkook says before he can stop himself, and it takes him by surprise because he didn’t expect to see you here and let alone Jaemins reaction.
He can’t see his baby desperately cry for you so he calls out for you to stay, and you stop in your tracks, Jungkook takes the opportunity to pick Jaemin up and he brings the fussing baby to you.
It’s so obvious that Jaemin wants to be in your warm familiar and maternal embrace. “He-He wants you to hold him yn.” Jungkook says, coughing mid sentence, he doesn’t know how to go on about this.
It’s so awkward especially because of the way his heart is fluttering so much, Ji-Ae doesn’t speak another words but just greets you, smiling ever so gently.
Jungkooks holding his child right infront of you, hoping that you’ll take him, “please!” Jungkook almost begs, Jaemins cheeks are flushed from crying.
He sees your eyes soften and you take Jaemin in your arms. Jungkook scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, while Ji-Ae excuses herself to go to the dairy isle.
It’s just you, Jaemin and Jungkook. And the baby giggles adorably when you hug him, and Jungkook smiles at the interaction because Jaemin settles his chubby little hands around your neck.
“Ahh look at him.. you make him so happy yn.”
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milo-is-rambling · 9 months
Saw my dads parents. It was weird. My grandmother is just so sad and lonely and distraught and she has to take care of my grandfather and he’s a mess. It’s just. Ughhh. It sucks a lot and it’s really hard and I have been wanting to cry all day and my body doesn’t want to let me feel it for real and I’m just tired and pmsing and stressed and sad and upset and I miss my dad god I just miss my dad I turn into a little kid again like I just miss my fucking dad and I can’t do anything about it he’s just gone
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