lokisflame · 4 months
Genuinely, how are the Alastor takes from the finale SO. BAD.???
media literacy is truly dead y'all
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confused-disaster32 · 4 months
Hi! So you can call this a rant or a vent or whatever I don't rlly care - I just wanted to put some of my opinions out there bc it is eating me inside out to keep my opinions on Alastor's sexuality and all of the discourse about him being shipped to myself.
Also i'd like to state that I'm writing this as someone who is aroace but has no actual wish to be in a romantic relationship and actually struggles to so much as picture what that's be like for myself. I would also like to state how I'm not speaking for the whole community and others will have different opinions to myself.
Firstly - aroace is a spectrum (as someone who is on the aroace spectrum btw) and I completely agree with ppl who say that it is a spectrum and shipping has always existed and you can't rlly stop an entire fandom. My only problem is when ppl completely ignore that he is aroace while doing this, bc to me it seems like there's so much potential to having him have to go through those types of emotions and to write him off as if he's completely allo not only can make some people feel unseen but also just isn't as fun.
Also I kind of believe that he'd possibly date someone for the entertainment - like even if he didn't exactly feel romantic attraction maybe he'd be willing to be around someone closely bc he might like the reactions he'd be getting. (example: he might've stayed in a relationship with Vox maybe not out of pure attraction but if he found out that affection could make the TV short-circuit? He'd be interested)
Adding to that, I personally do not actually ship him with anyone romantically due to his character + the fact that I am projecting my own distaste for romance on him but you do you ig.
Also, on the note of nsfw around him - sometimes you cannot stop a fandom, rule 34 exists and some people who are asexual sometimes may want to have sex and all of that stuff. Personally I think he'd probably be sex-repulsed due to the fact that he canonically has issues with being touched.
ALSO, i personally think that way too many people are brushing over the idea of putting Alastor in a QPR - like that would literally be so awesome.
Alastor x Rosie? Cute af (to me Rosie gives of aro vibes too, but more romance - favourable) like they're already besties and honestly I think that Rosie would defo help him figure out about his identity considering that he's quite obviously not all that sure about slang and stuff.
Vox x Alastor - It has the potential to be SO FUCKING FUN like, you get to experiment with how they feel for each other, maybe what Alastor's got going on bc he died before being aroace was rlly a thing and he'd be confused about how he felt about Vox for sure.
Lucifer x Alastor - I quite like it, ik that Lucifer is supposed to be with Lillith but she did take an extremely long hiatus on her family up in heaven so i think it's okay. Plus the idea of them bonding and becoming close due to Charlie is wonderful.
Even angel and Alastor - maybe after Val Angel doesn't want a super sexual relationship - maybe he's not all that interested in something purely romantic either and though I love huskerdust this would still be pretty cool.
Really all I'm saying is; be considerate. Incorporate the fact that Alastor is Aroace, even if you do ship him - in or out of QPRs - and ofc sometimes writing someone who is part of a group ur not in is difficult (coming from someone who often struggles in writing especially when it comes to romance) but taking a crack at it might actually turn out to be rlly cool.
But please don't ignore his aroace-ness, there's not a huge amount of aroace characters out there and acting like someone isn't can be annoying for ppl who want to find rep around their identity, esp if they haven't seen much before (I can relate and he was one of the first aroace characters I was introduced to after I found out what it meant).
So yeah, that's my piece.
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neonross · 1 month
hello there, sorry to barge in but i was wondering if i could ask a few questions about your royalty welcome home au? i've tried to find certain answers for them but can't find them so i thought i'd just ask here
where is home in this au? i haven't seen or found anything about where or what they are, im really curious (especially if they have to do with the spades)
are there other sets of kingdoms? such as a chess kingdom? if they exist, would they be across seas? and would the card kingdoms know about them?
whats your opinion on people adding fanmade content and ideas to your au as little side 'what if's?
take your time replying to this (if you do lol) and thank you for the effort! your arts really good :>
heres a funky skeleton image as an appreciation for you
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Ight, well the reason why ya can't find em iz cause' they're piling on my ask box and I haven't rlly been inclined to answer them,
Yes, I've seen y'all's ask and as much I want to answer them, im still building up stuff and I don't want to just spew out all my thoughts like that
and yeh im still working on yeh ik I look like I've moved on, im a multifandom person, I jump to multiple interest and back all the time,
1. As per ur questions, home is there, that's as much as I'll say
2. And we'll currently be on the map the 4 kingdoms are the only ones visible which the 4 symbols of cards
There are other kingdoms over sees but they basically unknown, but idk silly fact, Eddie isn't from any of the kingdoms and neither is sally
3. I don't have a problem with it lmao, I kinda find it endearing that ppl come up with their own ideas, (I mean proly cuz I barely share my info but yeh)
Doesn't rlly bother me, as long as they clear up that's it
Their ideas and not smthn I stated to be canon to royalty, I don't want to discourage people, but I don't want people to get confused
(side note: sorry if I sound a lil blunt, just tryna be clear with stuff and well- a lil tired while replying to this)
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lilyfreshwater · 11 months
hiii i noticed in one of your posts you mentioned that you were premed and i wanted to ask you for some advice!! im an incoming premed freshman (majoring in biochem but im debating on switching to neuro) and im kinda nervous lol. do you have any tips on how to stay on top of things and balance classes with clinical work and research? thank u <3
omg omg omg IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY ok so i have a ton of advice but i'll try to be brief
1) im putting this paragraph first because this is the most important advice i can give you. like seriously if you listen to nothing else listen to this:
you can't know everything
this isn't high school where you just have to memorize where the 50 states are on a map. this is college where you have to know the entire krebs cycle after it's only been explained once and that's like only 10% of the info on the exam. so the best thing you can do for yourself is accept when you've hit a plateau and move onto something else. for example, say you've got a bio exam and a psych exam coming up. it takes you 20 hours of genuine study time to master 93% of the the material in bio. it would take another 20 for you to get to 95%. but with that other 20 hours, you could master 96% of the material for psych. your brain wants to say "well i'll just spend 60 hours studying then" but believe me i know from experience that you can't do that without serious harm to you mental and physical health. it's so so SO much better to study the 40 hours and accept a 93 on bio and a 96 in psych. and then you can use the extra 20 to get more sleep, hang out with friends, volunteer, work in a research lab, or he'll study for another subject. you will love college and being a premed so much more if you do that
2) im a neuro major so ur an anon after my own heart. idk what the major is like at ur school but at mine it's really flexible and has a lot of cool opportunities attached to it so i would definitely reccomend it. the cool thing is tho you're just starting out so, provided you don't have to swap to a different school (engineering, arts and sciences, etc.), then you can definitely take time to figure out what you want. i came into college wanting to do neuro and bio double, switched to a single major in a completely different area, and then added on a neuro major recently so the most important thing at this point is to keep your options open
3) time management depends a lot on the school you attend. i attend a fairly good university, so i spend a shit ton of time studying and don't have as much time left over for volunteering/research. luckily med schools generally account for that stuff, so just keep that in mind if you're getting a little bit of imposter syndrome. anyway, the best advice i can give you right now is to just get involved. don't assume that because you're a freshman that people won't value your input or enthusiasm
4) organization is your best friend. i use an app/website called "my study life" to track my homework and classes and have found it to be super helpful, but there are tons of other homework apps out there. it's also worth having an up to date calendar for any non-curricular things you need to keep track of, like volunteering. i just use the reminders app and make sure it's synced across my devices. you can't manage your time if you don't know what assignments you have to do or what you have scheduled that day
5) keep your priorities straight. what matters most to you will change from month to month, so making sure you're confident in what you're prioritizing and why is huge. for example, say you have finals in 4 weeks. if you want to start studying 2 weeks prior to your exams, put in extra effort and time with your research/volunteering in the 2 weeks prior to that and make sure your supervisors/primary investigators know that you won't be able to dedicate as much time during finals. you should still keep up with your responsibilities, but you need to dedicate the majority of your energy to finals because unfortunately grades do matter here.
6) it's ok to take breaks, it's ok to take a lighter semester, it's ok to hang out with friends, and it's ok to fuck up. everyone has to figure this shit out and there will be lots of things that look like failures but are actually blessings in disguise. for example: i got a C+ in gen chen and a B in bio my freshman year. some people would have retaken the class but i kept going, and in the process i learned a lot about myself and my study habits. i also learned that the purpose of weed out classes isn't to sort out the students who don't do well in classes, it's to sort out the people who will stop after failure. so i took that C+, new study habits, and new perspectives with me through my other tough science classes during my next two years and turned my grades around. now what started as a "death sentence" for most pre meds is an awesome cinderella story of perseverance that i can reflect on during my application cycle (all of those skills will also help me in med school too!)
i hope this was helpful and if you want anymore advice my inbox/dms are always open!
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(1) Good morning/afternoon/evening/night! I hope all is well and that you're doing good^^ I love your writings for Lookism and I don't think you should be so hard on yourself! I like the way you chose to characterize whoever you're writing about. What I like specifically is the way that you 'soften' up characters while also still keeping them in character that makes them feel like 'them' so relax and enjoy writing because I think it's great😊
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caring (gun park x reader)
details: fluffy drabble, gender neutral reader but written in 2nd pov, general canon au, you and gun are coworkers/friends and he's crushing on you
summary: gun is sick and you look after him when you can to make sure he recovers well; he also spends some time re-evaluating how he feels towards you.
a/n: hello, im doing well~ hope u are, too!! also AAAA thank u so much, anon T_T 💓💓 ur words mean the world to me !! next time i feel bad about my writing, i will think about them and any other nice stuff ppl have said about my writing <33 !!
as for ur request; thank u for requesting~ i've decided to try to mix your two ideas (sick gun + realizing he's in love), i hope that's alright!
There were two knocks on the door.
"Come in." Gun didn't have to look up from his book to know it was you who swung open the door. His prediction stayed true as soon as you spoke.
"Are you feeling any better?"
He turned to you to give a nod of acknowledgement. "My state hasn't changed much since you last checked in on me a few hours ago, but I do appreciate your check ins."
It sounded as if you made a sigh of relief. "Ah, okay." Your expression shifted from seeming uncomfortable to an awkward smile. "I mean, at least you're not feeling worse. And thanks for saying that, I was worried I was being overbearing."
"You're not."
The silence that followed his reassurance made Gun realize what he said probably wasn't enough to wash away your worries, so he added with a small smile, "I mean it. Thank you for expressing concern, even if my sickness is mild and nothing to worry about."
His heart warmed at the sight of you brightening up. "How can I not worry about a friend?"
Ouch. He wouldn't have blinked an eye at the word months ago but now that he was beginning to see his developing romantic feelings, there was a lot he wanted to change about the relationship he had with you. He knew better than to rush into things though, so he kept quiet and decided to be grateful that you even viewed him in a positive light.
"I'm sure I'm the last of your friends who needs worrying about, but thank you again," Gun replied with a chuckle.
You just lightly laughed along until it felt appropriate to transition into, "Alright, well, I don't want to disturb your rest anymore so I'll be heading back. Still have work to do, too."
"Is that so? Good luck."
"Thanks!" You started to shut the door but then stopped to ask, "Um, is there anything you need before I go? I can grab you a meal or something."
Gun hummed in thought before shaking his head. "I'm not so sick I can't afford to get up and make a meal myself. I'm just resting in bed because Crystal isn't going anywhere today, therefore doesn't need me around to be her bodyguard."
"I know, but..." He watched in amusement as you struggled to come up with a logical response. "Just... don't overexert yourself, you know? Because you're sick?"
"Right." Gun waved you off, the look of amusement on his face growing into a teasing smirk. "Go on, now. You can come check on me later again like you've been doing if you're that worried, nurse."
"Nurse..." You shook your head as you muttered the title, but a smile was on your lips. "I'll be heading off then."
Gun gave you one last nod before you left. He sighed softly when you did, and turned to the window. As he stared at the clear, blue sky, his mind wandered.
Things like realizations don't exactly come to someone like him. Instead, he took note of everything he saw and made predictions until what he observed could turn into a conclusion backed by evidence. It was a mindset that stemmed from his youth, from almost always being in life-or-death situations; making a mistake or overlooking hints could cost his life.
But this mindset was useful for the simpler things in life, too. Like knowing when Goo was up to no good. Or coming to terms with the fact that he held more than platonic feelings for you.
He wasn't confident enough to admit what he had was a crush on you, but the evidence he noticed was pretty damning. Including when he felt weirdly hurt at being referred to as your friend. But again, he didn't want to rush anything.
It'd take a while before he could confirm anything, so for the moment, he would just treat you the same as always.
...Maybe with an extra flirty comment here and there to see your reaction.
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caelanglang · 11 months
ive noticed that everyone seems obsessed with fem skk and all that so allow this ask to be a breather. im gonna tell u about my newest bsd fanfic idea!!! i mean, i have other ppl to tell it to as well but they're not invested into bsd like i am. this is more or less a small passionate rant from an author so there's rlly no need to make this into one of ur inbox sketches or anything like that but i don't mind it if u do lmao
ok ok so i LOVE pretty much any humanoid creatures who primarily prey on humans (vampires, zombies, etc.) and now ive been thinking about the possibility of a zombie apocalypse au that's kinda kunikidazai based in which kunikida and dazai were separated from the rest of the ADA but still use their office as a shelter in hopes that they'll find their way back and be reunited. everything is normal up until dazai literally dies from blood loss after being attacked by zombies and kunikida, unable to simply toss his coworker's corpse into the ocean or smth even though he KNOWS he's gonna turn, decides to bring him back to their shelter and barricade him into a spare room. the next day, he wakes up to a now zombified dazai growling and scratching at the door, trying to get out. at this point, it's like a rlly good delve into his ideals and morals, and how far he'll go just to ensure that no one he cares about gets hurt/killed + it gives him a moment of irrationality in his otherwise logical mind. he should've gotten rid of his body, he should've left him behind and not have brought a massive burden on himself but he CARES!! it's evident he does even in canon in one of the light novels so i need to make more content for that.
anyways, days pass. he feeds dazai raw meat from his own rations, believing that it'll calm his friend down until he can find or make a cure for him to bring him back. and then he meets ranpo, the sole survivor of the other group of ADA members (yes, even yosano. zombies are undead and aren't close enough to death for her ability to work on but it's like a rlly fine line) ranpo, in short, is rather jaded. he lost his friends and even the person he viewed as a father figure. when he moves into the shelter in the office, he's reasonably upset by kunikida keeping what he likes to refer to as 'dazai's walking corpse' in a spare room that they could easily put to use now. they argue, ranpo says there isn't a cure and that kunikida should just let him go, kunikida asks why, and then ranpo presents The Glasses™, puts them on, then tells him the truth. there is no cure. he'd be the first to know, other than the creators themselves. once kunikida is stubborn enough to still keep good ole zombie dazai around, ranpo states that he doesn't want him eating their rations if he insists on feeding him. there is still a way to feed him, however. cut to them finding the nearest dead body and then tossing it into dazai's room and hearing him feast on it. not a good day for kunikida's values, that's for sure. oh wait hold on did i mention that i also want kunikida to make a endless supply of ammo with his notebook just in case he encounters danger (that would be cool, but he'd probably try to limit his notebook page usage)
ive also considered adding chuuya and akutagawa, as they got stranded when it happened and have been wandering around by themselves for awhile now. i feel like the cast of characters would be an interesting combination, plus they all have connections to dazai and are all upset about his current condition (to some extent). also chuuya could look at ranpo and go "you're that one punk from the agency that trapped me in a damn book!" cue him almost actually punching ranpo this time but kunikida stopping him somehow. everyone's abilities would be so good in a apocalyptic setting though. rashomon tearing into zombies long before they reach them, or for the tainted sorrow crushing hordes of them in emergency situations. great stuff
i haven't decided on the ending yet becuz there are a lot of contenders. kunikida could make a cure, or he could finally decide to deal with dazai, or they could all get zombified, or maybe he could just leave dazai stuck in that room forever while he, ranpo, and the others find a different place, becuz the ADA and PM are no more.
thank u for reading this rant btw! i enjoyed writing it
— dream
It was a wonderful read :)) Thanks for sharing this! I love love the idea of the bsd assemble set in a zombie apocalypse with their abilities intact! (manga spoilers// similar to the bram's vampirism but not induced by an ability kinda) There's so much to work with in that tbh, a lot of adventures and action and cool combos~
And I love the idea that it centers on Kunikidazai with Kunikida not wanting to leave Dazai behind ;w; I think it really fits them well. I remember reading an adorable webtoon similar to this—two best friends getting caught up in a zombie apocalypse, the main character tries to survive as a human and his best friend becomes a zombie that for some reason is not aggressive or attacking (protective bf troupe lezgooo) It's a very cute one, though I lost track of it's update TwT)) sorry if the comparison might sound offensive! It wasn't my intention, I just really like those kinds of troupes in apocalyptic settings hhhh /gen
Whatever route you choose for the plot, I'm sure it would be fun :)) I'm cheering you on for this au! I just hope you don't take the evil angst route /j
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frobby · 3 months
I know I'm the only person who still cares about this but I'm gonna say my "I think I turned my childhood friend into a girl" opinions cuz I've seen enough bad takes.
To preface this: I've read a lot of otokonoko Mangas and queer Mangas are beloved to me. I had been reading this manga since way before it was picked up by sevenseas and I really disappointed when the translation came out.
In case ur seeing this and have no idea what I'm talking about "I think I turned my childhood friend into a girl" is about mido who is a guy who likes cosmetics who one day tries them on his gloomy friend hiura and it makes hiura insanely cute, hiura who has a crush on mido starts wearing makeup and dressing femininely to impress mido finds out he's more comfortable in feminine clothing and gains confidence"
Said controversy was when sevenseas printed the manga with overt trans language that was no present in the original and were pressured into eventually retranslating the first volume to be closer to the original
Now that everything is laid out let's go over 2 facts.
number 1: the author (azusa banjo) during the controversy explicitly stated that was not their intention. This is self explanatory if the author said u did something wrong then u did something wrong, it's their authority those are THEIR characters and THEIR story.
Number 2: the trans edits made make no sense on context of the story. Only volume one was printed and the edits made were pretty minor stuff like using she/her pronouns, and referring to hiura as a girl. Remember, this is volume ONE. I own the original print and there's multiple pages where hiura says "I'm a boy" and then cuts to mido using she/her pronouns for him. Hiura hasn't even had time to have his trans revelation (which would be during the beach arc if u want to claim he has one). It literally makes no sense in story context.
Some crazy shit I've seen people say
"it's transphobic to say that hiura isn't trans" I'll admit I am not transgender. I consider myself not cis but not trans so my word isn't like law but We're talking about character interpretation. The dialog is ambiguous you can't say "it's transphobic to not interpret this character the same way I do"
"Sevenseas localized it" do you think that Japanese people just don't know what transgender people are????? There's a ton of good transgender studies if you look. I could make an argument that hiura was made less complex by erasing the otokonoko aspect of his character. A big part of otokonoko media is expression you don't want to perform masculinity but you aren't a girl, you're in the middle (go read senpai wa otokonoko it does this gender expression so beautifully but even the silly ones have hints of this). Things aren't black and white it's not cis or trans.
"It would have been this way if Japan hadn't censored it" adding on to my earlier statement like I said there's tons of transgender Mangas but also.... censorship from who? It's own author?? We see more infantilization of Japan that the west loves to do where they don't know about LGBT issues. It's own author said that it was not their intention for hiura you have to listen to the author
If u want hiura to be trans? Fine thats your interpretation. I had thoughts of that too when I originally read the manga. But you have to understand the difference between interpretation and the actual text.
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omegasmileyface · 2 years
Of All the People - Ch. 9
journal time! written by @attackradish and me and @ectolemonades. art in chapter 1 by @/toasty-ghosti
whole fic summary: After a stupid dare puts Dash Baxter in the lab at Fentonworks during the middle of a ghost fight, he finds himself a little more spectral than usual. Apparently Danny Fenton’s gone through the same thing (someone has got to call OSHA on these guys eventually), and who could better help Dash than his hero? His lame, stubborn hero?
warnings: Nothing for this chapter! In others, existential crises, and Spectra.
words: 1645
AO3 link
first chapter
previous chapter
next chapter
Star stabbed at her chow mein from her place on Paulina's couch. Her mind was racing trying to sort everything in her life. Between Dash's ghost situation, the hectic state of student council (you can't find funding for two new school dances in one year. You just can't do it!), and a tricky new Government paper, she felt like she couldn't afford to give all her attention to her friends.
"Oh my God."
Well, alright, she could always spare some attention for Paulina.
"What is it, Lina?"
"Dash has been spending an awful lot of time with Fenton recently."
"Huh." Kwan set down his broccoli beef and slowly leaned into the couch. "I guess it's probably a ghost thing. Like, Fenton's got access to a bunch of portals and weapons and stuff. Or at least he did when we went up against those pirate ghosts. How do you think Dash is keeping his secret from the guy?"
"It's more than that. Dash is fully putting up with Fenton. Even though it looks to me like Fenton isn't enjoying it much. If he needed equipment, wouldn't he just go to the guy's sister? She's actually tolerable."
Huh. She had a point. 
Kwan shrugged. "Well, she is really smart. I bet he's worried she'd figure out that he's a ghost."
"Hold on. That might be it, but I think Lina's on to something." She was clearly going somewhere with this, and Star wanted to know where. "I feel like Dash has been following him around like a puppy. Almost like… he's started, like, admiring him, or something."
Kwan's eyes brightened in understanding. "Hey, if Dash has been getting help from Phantom sometimes, do you think maybe they're sharing resources? Say, if Phantom had any help getting into tough places and getting his hands on equipment, I bet Dash knows about it too."
Star liked how this was coming together. "Gosh, guys, have you ever noticed how Fenton seems to leave and take that thermos with him whenever there's a ghost? And that time that we were all over at his house, he certainly knew how to hand out weapons and get us using them."
Kwan smiled back at her, just as satisfied with a mystery solved.
"Wasn't it weird," added Paulina, "when Dash said Phantom had experience with half-ghosts?"
'Oh my God' indeed.
Well… Star could work with this.
Kwan 7:38 PM hey man sorry u missed hanging tonight
Kwan 7:38 PM: dont really want to have this conversation over text but i get why u missed
Kwan 7:39 PM: paulina has this theory that the nerd ure hanging out with is Celebrity Ghost Watch
You 7:39 PM: what hes not
Kwan 7:39 PM: whatever man
You 7:39 PM: shut up
You 7:40 PM: you cant tell ANYBODY!!! u guys super were not suposed 2 find out
Kwan 7:40 PM: yeah i get it i read spider man
Kwan 7:40 PM: we would never do that to him or u
Kwan 7:40 PM: dont worry
You 7:40 PM: thanks.
"Hey, Fenton."
"Star. What's up?"
"I know you're Phantom."
"And it's just them?"
"Looks like it. Paulina and Star swore themselves to secrecy.  Kwan did some kind of intricate bro handshake with me that ended in a pinky promise. Dash wasn't even there."
"I wouldn't trust a word out of their mouths."
"I don't know, Sam. I, for one, think we could use this to our advantage."
"Of course you would, geek."
"I'm so fucking sorry my friends found out about your thing!"
"Don't call it that."
"I swear I didn't tell them."
"I know. They already told me. I'm still trusting you to keep them in line, though, alright?"
"Of course! I'll try not to let them bug you too much either."
"Good luck."
"What's up with the sudden interest in ghost culture?"
"Well, really, Danny, it's such a fascinating topic. But there wasn't really anyone we could ask about it before we knew you were, you know, not a massive loser!"
"Thanks. My reputation is saved. Hallelujah."
"So? You've got to have something you can give us a lesson on."
"Fine. Get prepared to dive right in, though."
"Specter Speeder is ready. Everybody got your bags secured?"
"This is going to be a fun new form of Hell."
"Don't I know it, chica."
November 19
I didnt realize how long its been since I journaled. Shit's just been so hectic lately I kinda forgot to be honest haha. Well for one thing my friends know about Dannys secret now. Paulina just sorta put it together. Shes always been good at problem solving and that kind of stuff, apparently I've been hanging out with him way more now and that was enough to make a conection? When Danny found out he insisted his friends and him get to talk to them to make sure they don't rat him out to the G I W or whatever but honestly it looks like their getting along pretty good after that. My friends wanted to see more stuff about how ghosts live(?) so we got to go on a trip Danny and his friends wanted to take me on some time anyway. It was Ok so apparently when Danny got ice powers he had to figure out how to use them and also not freeze to death (am I gonna get ice powers?? is he gonna have to teach me? or would I learn straight from these guys) and when he did that, it was these like sasquach guys who had to train him for a bit. So now their like buddies. They live in an ice tribe called the Far frozen and that's where we went today. That's in the ghost zone!!
It was really scary worrying tbh. The ghost zone is super not designed for humans to be in it so it was kinda like we where going to space or something. Aparently people can breathe and stuff but their organs will get all fucked up from the weird gravity and radiation if theyre out there for too long. Danny said I'd be fine though. So anyway we had to wait untill the fentons weren't home, and Dannys' friends got this spaceship car thing out and told us a bunch of safety prep like we were going on a roller coaster. Do they really think we were just gonna fuck around and put ourselves in danger in a new dimension? It was like listening through the instructions before the C A T. ugh. But it was cool becuz after that we got to go into the ghost zone! The portal kinda sucked to go through, it reminded me of when I the bazooka. But when we got in it was super cool, it was like you could taste the air without opening your mouth… it was like when you drink an energy drink to stay awake and it actually works and doesn't feel like shit.
When we were driving there was all these doors and islands and stuff just floating everywhere. Danny started talking about it, and there was so much cool stuff I didn't know about ghosts!! The doors usually go to ghost's lairs which are like there personal homes (do I have a lair or is it just my house? I should ask Danny what his lair is) but sometimes they just go to diffrent time periods and places in the normal world?? There was this sick ass island that had a giant skull on it. Some Junglanji shit. But Danny said we couldn't get close cuz the island belonged to that Skulker guy. I don't see what the issue is when I've seen Phantom take him down so much before but there was too much other cool stuff to put up a fight. One time it looked like we were gonna run into a school of fish, but they were little green blob ghosts. I've seen those in town a couple times but theyre never in swarms like that back home! Blob ghosts are SO CUTE. Maybe I can have one as a pet some day.
So when we got to the Far frozen it was cold as hell. What a surprise huh? The whole place was just this massive plain of snow. It was like those pictures of Canada. But as soon as we got off the ship, the main chief guy Frost bite greeted us. He was this yeti sasquatch polar bear thing and he was HUGE but once my friends were done being scared he shook our hands and offered to carry us and oh my god he was so soft. Also his arm was like made of ice and it had bones showing thru it, which is just wicked. He took us into the town, and they had igloos and furs and stuff like those Alaskan tribes but there was also electronics and stuff? I didn't even think ghosts had towns let alone made tech. Everybody was super nice and they had all this great art made out of ice. I get that they have ice powers but oh my god?? Oh yeah and everybody kept calling Danny great one like he was the guy in one of those midevil romance flicks. I don't think he wanted them too but when we asked why, Frost bite told us he saved everybody from that viking dude who put the town in the ghost zone freshman year. God I didn't even think about how it was Danny who did that.
Yeah. We got to eat some of their food when we knew it was human safe and then we went home. I could sleep for a day but it was sooo cool. (Heh that was kind of a pun)
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Can I share a story somewhat simillar to Lilly's abuse record and Mikayla situation? It's not LO related and abuse hints are more explicit, but it keeps bugging me with disturbing parallels at nights.
I won't provide links, names, etc. 'cause I have reasons to keep them anon.
So, there are two queer ppl living in homophobic state, not much is known about them. Mx R, a skilled artist who draws ordinary stuff. And Mx L, R's manager and lover. There are debates among fans whether this pair is fake or real. One thing is undeniable - they made a spectacular perfomance out of their relationship which draws way more attention then just drawings (and it worries them to the point they regularly ask audience for money they believe should earn through art). How R&L present their pair seems loving and open-minded, both practice poliamory and teach fans how important it is to discuss their feelings and preferences. A little paradice in the middle of homphobic hell - it seemed.
First bellring for me was L's humilating and strait up devaluating public(!) comments about R, which R would defend as "family inside jokes" and L would always rage out on fans who dare to say "why are u so rude toward ur loved one?" - only to then complain why fans won't interact much with R&L content. Later a thought stroke me that poliamory was more an L's thing while R is more focused on art work. I mean, when they were close to break up, R made an entire comic as an apology! It felt like R had no one to turn to if they were really to part ways. And yes, there was a honeymoon 'til another "you're worthless without me" comment came from L. One more disturbing thing is that L uses their mental problems as an excuse to both their behaviour ( a.k.a. "I'm afraid R would turn away from me like others before, but R should improve on communication, not me") and their rage towards fans (a.k.a. "don't you dare poke an ill person that I am!").
It's such a shame R got stuck with L - I really like their artwork, but their relationship as a brand blends into drawings to the point I can't enjoy them knowing how L behaves and that R defends them. I really hope L doesn't controll R's finances (there was a hint, yikes) and I shamefully admit I want them to break up despite whatever problems L had in their life. It's not an excuse to be so shitty, it never is.
Even that it's happening in homophobic state isn't an excuse not to break up! (L won't shut up how they fears die alone if R leaves and that both will get in trouble looking for another partner. Excuse me, how da f*ck u found poliamoric partners then!?) I'm not queer myself, but even I'm aware how to find a close queer society to try and meet someone else. Gosh.
P.S. Speaking of Mikayla and her rushed art for Mummy video - I believe a couple more vids like this and she'll start suspecting same thing that Lilly's former partners came up with. It's the hard way, but effecient. Unfortunately, I'm not expecting same progress in R&L relationship for reasons -_-
Part of me can't help but wonder if the online world makes it harder for some victims to leave, especially the public ones.
You spend time building a "brand" together. The abuser leverages your public image to their "fans", making you the "good" one, or the one™. Everyone is just going on about how perfect you guys are, adding another level of pressure to stay together.
And then you see people saying that the relationship is toxic, and that the partner seems to be abusive, and I feel like that can cause victims to want to double down. They don't want to prove the "haters" right. Everything is fine.
Sometimes I worry that Mikaila will refuse to leave just to spite a bunch of random internet users, and discussions like this just add fuel to the fire.
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aladybetween2majors · 2 years
I agree with u that so much is left out in the drama but no visual media can cover all that is in the book, so most times be it this or untamed or even heavens official blessing donghue have nods to the original novel and expect the viewer to know abt the issues that are being discussed. For example tay and time are so vague in the series that I had to look up what their story is like....
So I get what ure saying but I think them not adding stuff is coz they thought only novel fans would watch the dramas, like most novel based bl adaptations and didn't bother adding the background stories to 7nderstand how everything works in the world were dropped into....
Hi there, thanks for the ask.
Is the ask based on my recent post about my problems with Kinnporsche? If it is then I just want to state that I haven't read the book and I have no intention to. So I am coming into the series with nothing but fan spoilers from the books which I read on this site, so I don't really have any expectations from the novel.
And no show should ever be made with the thought that only fans of its source material will watch, no one actually plans a show with that in mind especially not Kinnporsche. From what I've heard The characters were softened and evolved in order to make the show more palatable for larger audiences, so that isn't really isn't a reason why things are the way they are.
I understand that changes have to be made when adapting any work and since I have no book to use as reference I am mostly waiting for the show to communicate to me and give me more on the characters. Right now I am only depending on spoilers I've heard to tell me that some of these characters are worth knowing more about. About Tay and Time, they are side characters so I knew not to expect anything from them, they serve a purpose as Kinn's friends and that's that, the actors offer a good looking sight and if their characters are explored, fine and if not, still fine.
My criticism is one based on personal preference, I am someone who really likes plot more than romance. I actually do enjoy Kinnporsche and it's form of slapstick comedy isn't awful or anything, I laugh a lot whenever I watch it. The thing is the show is meant to have a serious, high stakes plot and I am still trying to find it. There is still time for them to accomplish what they want but I am an impatient person and it is dragging for me.
Still, I am holding out hope that by the show's end I'll be left pleased. It is a flawed show but that doesn't make it unenjoyable or bad. I'll still have things I love about it even when I rant about its flaws.
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s4kasaki · 3 years
hi i love ur blog 🥺 may i request a jun fic whereby the reader made a personal playlist to remind them of him and jun finds out about it and how he would react? thank u in advance 🤍
this is so cute omgawd? Jun is so underrated, I am the new junP's safe place~! •́ ‿ ,•̀
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♡ — musical feeling dilemma.
‣ tws/cws: none
‣ reader: gender neutral - they/them
‣ author's note: I'm proud of this one tbh, you can tell I worked on it hARD
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you’ve been friends with Jun for a while now, hanging out with him was your peak ideal of an interesting time nowadays, after a long day of work. Playing video games together was a thing you enjoyed taking part in every free time/weekend, winning against him and seeing his priceless expression afterward, and the way he congrats you on beating him (for once) is an unforgettable memory you two can look back on. “ha! I'm surprised, you’ve gotten better since the first time we played together” though, you’d be fabricating if you said you didn’t miss him when he was either pulled away by Hiyori or had important businesses he had to attend alongside Eden all of a sudden.
It was 10 in the evening, you were already clocked out for the day by lucky chance: it felt like a miracle, a too good to be true one. And even despite your numerous insistence that you'll be fine walking back home by your lonesome, jun always assists you by calling a ride for you or simply walking with you to enjoy the last minutes together.
“I could've walked by myself you know, it's not like I'm an idol like you.” You reminded him, and your shoulders rising to the laughter that snuck into your throat.
“Hah, you made a point, doncha think?” he chuckled, shaking his head, “but, if people were to see you with me in public. Hiyori's probably gonna be a baby about it.” he began gritting his teeth already in the thought of it. “So I rather not even give him an opening for it, not to mention we have to go abroad again soon.”
Your eyes narrow, giving him your everyday million-dollar smile full of uncertainty, another trip? “Another important trip to attend? So suddenly? Guess that's an idol's life for you.” Releasing a burst of fake laughter to cleanse the silence shared between the two of you which Jun took part in “Yea' it's a hell-load stressful.” He chuckled softly, his reflections asking him if that was a topic to keep the conversation going with.
Then an idea came to mind, music: surely that could clear the atmosphere surrounding the two of you. “Hey, can I use your phone? to listen to some tunes, hah... Mine is out of juice.” his hands made their way to the back of his neck in embarrassment, his music taste was really ... Good, but isn't that what to anticipate from somebody so cool like himself? “I have AirPods, we can share them.” You nod and "Okay", handing over your phone and getting one of his AirPods in return. Sure, It would be fine! He wouldn't notice your playlist that was directly filled with songs that matched how you glimpsed him, it didn't have his name as the title or even had him as the cover of the playlist. It was just a single heart. And to your dismay, he ended up selecting everyone out of all the playlists you'd organized. “aha! We have extremely similar taste in music, I see you know your stuff.”
Confused about his statement, you turn to look at him anyway, with the million-dollar smile you pull with him all the time while listening to the song play, the music vibrating in your ear; clearly, that's when it hits you properly. it's his playlist, the state of panic was quick to creep on you, what if he found it weird? It only takes one button to look at the description of the playlist that had his name written on it. He was staring quite hard at your phone screen, so it added up to the suspicion he had noticed it... and he did, you'd be lying if you weren't embarrassed to the bitter core when he asked; “Hey? What's up with this playlist, it has my name on it, is it dedicated to me or something? Were you planning on me to listen to it?” he grinned.
“No, I was just— I thought making a playlist that reminded me of you was something all friends did... to be sympathetic” What an absurd answer to come up with but by luck, which must've been in your favor because your house was right up the street and there wasn't much need to say a word anymore besides the sound of silence and crickets “T—This is my stop, Jun!” you say, reluctantly pointing to the building next to your left still flustered, yet he still seemed unphased.
“Oh— alright. I'll see you soon— I guess? I'll call you while I'm aboard so maybe sooner than you'd expect~♪” he lets out a laugh, and honestly, there wouldn't be anything more to him than you offering him to stay for the night before he leaves, and not just to make a tease of you for what he saw — and he says, with the way he constantly does with everything and with that exact smug grin, “And, the Spotify thing. it's sweet in a sense... Itttttt's so you won't miss me rightttt? I think I so.”
As you look to the ground, his final words of the day being so unbelievable to believe in this type of situation, it makes you flush to a pink shade in an instant
“I think I'd like to spend the rest of the time that I have today with you, before I leave tomorrow☆ let's go, we have video games to play~!”
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aks3raao1 · 3 years
Me, to Luja: So tell me about yourself
Luja: No
Me: ...ma'am I need to write the story—
Luja: Good luck <3
[now that I do think of it, ALTERNATIVE's main duo that's established right at the beginning is literally a chiller but edgier Katsuki and way worse sUrViVe Nagito genderbends]
Luja Sen, she/her
Anyways, Luja and Romila are friends from middle school (the story starts with the beginning of their high school at AoS (Academy of the Specialised) which was essentially founded by Nyx). Luja gains her Specialisation (Ferrokinesis: The Ability to bend metal) at the age of twelve, so she has it for a lesser time period than Romila.
Luja primarily wants to become a scientist. Her family is happy with that, because it's praised and everything, especially in our society.
She has a gifted child superiority complex. Being a gifted child + Specialised means that she hardly had many friends in school. Her family had tried to get her to socialize....which didn't go down too well.
She believes that most people are annoying because they waste too much time on useless things like gossiping and what not, which she never showed much interest in and doesn't like to be dragged into those nonsense.
She is friends with Romila since they do share the same taste in stuff and were the only Specialised ones in their class. And they kinda stuck together for most of middle school and went into high school.
She has a problem when it comes to seeing Romila since she tends to see her bad parts and is like, "It's a phase" considering that it's not necessarily affecting her. Romila doesn't get too cranky with her since she fascinates her, with her passion™ for science. Also because she isn't all self sacrifice UwU.
Luja cares for her own self above others (but tends to put Romila pretty close to that hierarchy, which is why she's one of the only two Romila trusts during the Mansion of Death (the other person is Kratanos)) however she also does want to keep what friends she has and is generally caring towards them.
She has a genuine love for science and loves to discover how things work and why, and her favourite facet is Physics. She does want to invent things and honestly just make stuff easier for the Specialised who face a LOT of issues, especially when it comes to amenities since the government is an ass about accomodations and they gained the Fundamental Rights like ten years or so ago in the ALTERNATIVE timeline. And they gain an additional right ("The body won't be harmed for science") when they graduate from school, after signing a contract that they dedicate themselves to helping the government when called upon. (The whole contract is stupid and basically oppresses them more especially the punishment for not abiding by it).
With her goal of becoming a scientist, she wants to use her talents to make accomodations specifically for them so that she could have done something.
The things she fears the most is failure. Failing as in being unable to accomplish her goals. She is afraid of it because it's an unknown variable that's constantly haunted her and she's working hard for it to never reach her.
I suppose there's a way for her to confront that fear during the Mid terms at AoS where she essentially "loses" in the practicals due to her......teamwork issues.
Everyone thinks of her as stuck up and isn't interested to listen to her much and since she views the others as annoying people with annoying habits, she tends to fail to regulate them, causing Romila to win instead (yes, it's THAT unfortunate of a situation) in their match, which causes her to review a LOT of things and she tries to see what caused her to lose after having a severe breakdown.
She develops an inferiority complex in respect to Romila and then spends a long time wondering where she went wrong.
Rena (who somehow clung to her) tries to cheer her up but gets turned back halfway, but she still stays on and Luja is like, "Wtf" until she sees Romila going entirely off the deep end (she presents an interesting contrast to how Koldin sees Romila as well, she sees Romila's behavior and considers it as a justification for her own self....she uses Romila to justify herself a lot (since if you asked Romila, Luja was more or less fine according to her since she wasn't being a doormat and stood up for herself) while Koldin sees Romila as the reason he should cling onto his own stuff) and realises that she could be on the path to destruction herself and accepts Rena's help and tries to be more open to others which leads to the Mid terms parallels in the Archenemy of Society arc where she "succeeds" instead and manages to get the class together enough to escape the situation.
However it doesn't mean that her fear of failure has entirely vanished into the blue, she just reviews the ways she can fail better now and works around it to avoid it and has more confidence in her own self. But she is still scared of failing and would love to avoid that more than anything. However she's chiller after that.
Her intelligence is more or less on par with both Romila and Kratanos, making them the three main strategists in the final battle against the bigots (which is basically a rerun of the Mansion of Death situation but way way worse and fucked up and has different leads to it).
The thing is that, no matter what I do, she winds up feeling like one dimensional/repetitive, which is something I am trying to amend about all the characters (I mean, I had to revamp a lot of characters so it will probably take me a long long time to actually get to writing.........sigh besides she stands up like a cardboard amongst people (I mean, you have Romila and Kratanos with extremely complicated storylines and then you have her. Just there))
So the main question is how to make her more interesting as a character and on par with the rest while still keeping her character flaws and personality?
I think the easiest way to go abt this is to view her as a sassy Bakugo. They have the main points in common. They're salty, don't like to socialise, feel inferior to a certain someone while still having some semblance of confidence and a terrible fear of failure
Now as much as I hate to compare your character to another one, it makes it a lot easier to have them become - as my English teacher would say - more. So I am sorry if this comes off as offensive-
For Bakugo, he became interesting by playing a big part in the mc's main story and we do get a few scenes where his vulnerability is shown. I assume it's the same with your character but...what rlly ties the knot for me when it comes to Katsuki is the fact that his problems...are more than just an inferiority/superiority complex. His whole thing stems from background especially (*cough* abusive mom *cough*) and the fact that he's not the main character (or rather that the story isn't being told in his perspective).
These facts make us over think and want more of him. The mystery draws us in which is why I think Luja's character is so perfect for someone in the background. She doesn't like to reveal things abt herself and is pretty dismissive to most things on top of that (plainly just salty). Her character rlly draws you in and the best way to portray those kinds of characters is through another character. Ofc, you'd have to get to their POV eventually but it's important to note that most of the details should come from someone else's POV (an observer, if you will) instead of info dumping and starting straight with hers. A character that's mysterious with a very simple yet relatable story attracts a LOT more attention and interest when seen from someone else's perspective than when you kickstart it from theirs.
Ofc, if u are planning (or already have) started the story from her POV, that would be a bit problematic in terms of interest. But not a train wreck. This is where my other point comes in. The point of making a character have more than one problem
Different ppl as well as characters have a main problem but also different ones, no matter what way you look at it. It seems that even you are confused with all ur character's ins and outs (dw, we've all been there... I am still there tbh) and a solution to that is backtracking a bit and looking at their life from the very beginning in HEAVY detail (like more than u already did). Think abt what other trauma could have been caused, what doubts and fears could have slowly crept it's way to her heart and head (I am a sucker for long-lasting doubts that develop over time) and anything you can even so much as GRASP on. If you look at it and see it as a possibility, try to fit that into her character and add it subtly in different places (as subtext or a creative pattern, wordplay, doesn't rlly matter as long as it's not openly stated bc, remember, the key thing to these types of characters is mystery).
For example, a fear of failure can stem into anxiety before the character has even lost smth later in their life. They probably get rlly anxious when evaluating smth but don't show it much or at all so no one notices. This adds even MORE to the character bc you can build it up after other events. Like once they have failed, they could probably get even more anxious and then develop a bad relationship with the person who beat them (double the points if it was a friend). You could build all that up and turn it super toxic instead of jumping right to the healing. It makes it more interesting, doesn't it? Plus, reevaluating almost everything including world views after 1 loss is...kind of hard to believe even with anxiety (no offense)
Adding a lot of little problems and thinking abt how Luja's behaviour can impact other characters helps a terrible lot if ur doing most of the story from her POV. Especially since she's probably the most relatable character (from what I've heard anyway). I have a certain saying... it goes like, "It's better to have a relatable and connecting character than one with a problem that is too big for normal people to fathom."
I like characters with heart-wrenching problems that I would never be able to relate to (take maybe Shigaraki as an example ig?) But my favourite are the ones that make me feel as tho I made a real connection
Also, I would like to say...if ur looking to progress her character even further, I would debate on whether it's the complete end to the novel or if there'll be a second part. If it's a second part, keep some of Luja's issues. Make her get better but not completely "YAY, I AM DONE BEING TORMENTED". If it's the end of the novel/series/etc., make it so that she's resolved most of most of her issues. They don't have to be completely gone but they have to be a lot better compared to how they started. And how i would work that out is a mind map but knowing ur a scatterbrain...lets talk it out where everything is all over the place
Luja's main thing is to gain confidence in herself and be finally ok with losing, right? If you ask me, that's a tough one but not impossible. I think to get her from point A to point B is to put up a bunch of events like:
Get her super anxious when doing smth
Lose to *insert person*
Have a breakdown and over think on what she could have done better (on the project or whatever she lost at)
Get even more anxious and totally mess up the next thing
Lose once again (double points if it's the same person as last time)
Overthinking abt how she's not good enough
F i g h t i n g f r i e n d s c o z d r a m a
"YoU'rE nEvEr GoNnA gEt BeTtEr If YoU kEeP tHiNkInG aBoUt YoUrSeLf"
Over think abt no. 8 bc out of options and ideas and ✨a n x i e t y✨
Try listening to others more and become b e t t e r
Win smth (bc creator forbid 3 losses in a row to start depression)
Lose again (there is gonna be a bit of back and forth but is necessary for development)
"I tHoUgHt I wAs FiNaLlY dOiNg SoMeThInG rIgHt AnD nOw LoOk"
"Losing is not th3 3nd of th3 fucking world, you lunatic"
*insert psychology somehow idk*
Another loss
"I'm angry...but I'm ok"
Note that idk where bullying would come in and these are only how I would think it to go-
A character like this isn't rlly my strong suit when it comes to them resolving their problems but they are fun to write and think abt-
................................did I just give you advice on how to traumatize? I-
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cdmodule · 2 years
You know what I don't know much about CD collections but it's nice to hear about collections. What's a CD from your collection that you are proud/happy to own and do you have a CD (or a few of them) that was very expensive when you bought it? -Food anon
First of all trust me my CD collection isn't anythin fancy It's really just a bunch of CD's in the corner of my room that I Love Very Much My favorite part of the collection (not necessarily my fave album overall) is Ab 18 (18+) by Die Ärzte which is an EP that was made as a result of 3 of their songs being "banned" at the time - I'll explain that in a sec - and a few more songs added that weren't banned per se but definitely questionable or Weird. Nowadays only one of the songs and therefore also the Whole Album is in the so called "index"
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^^^Said album btw (It says "Warning! Sold only to teenagers over the age of 18") All offers I saw on ebay were 40-80€ at the time except for Bids and I got lucky and bid 35€ on one of em and Got It. Most I spent for any Album (usually I try and spend under 10€ for used CDs, a bit more If I have to) I just think the whole history behind some of these songs is fucking Hilarous, won't get into it in detail and I wanna put a Disclaimer that obvs I dont support all of the Off The Wall stuff they sing about (and neither do they) but its like. Sexual shock humor from the 80s I don't think It's worth getting mad over nowadays LOL I just think It's a neat piece of Ärzte Lore. Also one of the songs (instrumental wise) is one of the prettiest songs they have and I'm mad /lh I'll put some more explanation under the cut for whoever is curious about the whole banning thing
Thanks to the Bundeszentrale für Kinder- und Jugendmedienschutz (Federal Review Board for Media Harmful to Minors) three of DÄ's songs were in the Index back in the day, which is a list that collects all media that is seen as harmful to minors. Having your song on there basically means you can't publicly display it, adveritse it, sell it to minors (iirc you have to Ask the seller If they have it) or play it live. They also have movies and video games, however not If It's already 18+ as far as I know. There is a lot more about it, If you wanna read about it you can go here (Just found out they have an english article! Awesome) Fair warning It does mention some sensitive topics A few german punk bands I like such as Wizo got this treatment too for having songs that "encourage violence and terrorism" since the song is basically a huge "fuck the state and blow up rich people" anarchy etc track. The song is called "Kein Gerede" If ur curious The first Ärzte album got that quirky little sticker for having a song on there that ended up on the Index
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Which reads "This product cannot be sold to people under 18 due to Child Safety laws and is not allowed to be advertised publicly" Eventually they removed songs from the albums and rereleased them, funfact when I saw one of their Albums in the store yesterday It had a sticker on it that said the album CAN infact be purchased by people who are under 18 since one of the songs is removed The More You Know!
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
A star above them all
Steve Harrington x henderson! reader
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Summary: there was a time you and steve got along really well now that your world is ending for what feels like the hundrth time you reconnect
Requested by anon: i saw ur taking steve requests lol i wanna know if i can request some after starcourt mall fluff/angst with a steve x henderson!reader? and dustin being kinda protective over the reader? idk, you dont have to do this is you dont want to!!
Warning: swearing
Also a friend of mine actually did this for me and I still have the bead.
Also don't think I did this as good as I hoped.
You remembered very vividly being friends with steve harrington from kindergarten up until sixth grade.
  You also remembered that in. Sixth  grade you went through a rough patch in your life. Steve was there to help.
  It was in the art room just after lunch had started. You were alone crying over a drawing you worked hard on. "Y/n?"  
      "Go away steve!" to him that meant come have a seat. He pulled up a seat next to you and looked at you sadly "What's this?" Before you could stop him He pulled the page from under you and frowned.
   "Who did this? You worked really hard on this!" you grabbed it from his hand and turned away. It was the classes latest assignment. Free hand anything you wanted.
  You took a photo from your family's photo album and painted it You worked so hard you came in before school, during lunch, and after school. When you finished your art teacher told the class that she would be featuring in the art show.
  You were so proud, steve was proud, your family was proud. Until you came in the next week and found red paint smeared across it. The teacher told you she had to pull it from the show. Leaving you here.
   "I'm sick of it Steve...I'm sick of Tammie doing This stuff to me..." he grabbed your shoulder and spun you around on the stool. "Listen to me!" He took the paper from you and slammed it on the table.
  "They really are just jealous! I mean who wouldn't be? You are talented and funny, not to mention you have me as a best friend." You chuckled rubbing a tear away.
   He stopped and got up and grabbed something from across the room. "And here." He took your hand and placed a small handful of beads in it.
   "See this cool glow in the dark star bead? That's you!" he put "you" in the center of your palm.
    "And all these other boring beads they're Tammie and everyone else who isn't you...or me." he held one up to show you before chucking it across the room.
  "Just get rid of them! Ignore them! They don't matter!" you laughed and soon enough joined him in throwing them across the room.
    "Mr.Harrington. miss Henderson!" You turned to each other and laughed and you closed your palm around the single star bead in you hand.
  And that night you went home tore the charm off a necklace you always wore and replaced it with the star.
  It was always a constant reminder to you that no one who put you down mattered.
  Even after you started highschool and steve left you for Tommy h, And Nancy wheeler. You still wore the necklace to remind yourself that it even counted for him.
 You and Robin took lead with Erica beside you as you walked down the tunnel of the Russian base. "So how's you y/n-"
Steve looked at Dustin confused. "What?"
"Listen I know what happened between you and y/n. And I know we're friends and all but it's my job as her brother- "
"Younger brother." Steve stated.
  "As her brother to make sure she stays happy besides you've got robin."
  "C'mon henderson-"
   After everything in star court was over. The flayed dead, the gate finally closed again. You sat on the floor of the upper level next to Steve wanting to cry.
"I can't believe you kept it...after all these years."
You looked over at the boys beaten and bloody face.
   "The necklace." you looked down at the little star around your neck. "Oh huh...yea I do."
 "I'm sorry...for What I did to you in high school…"
  "It's whatever Steve.." you got up and started to head down to make sure everyone else was ok.
 "Hey no it's not!"
He caught up with you and fell into step.
"Steve...really now is not the time to be apologizing for one of many doughy things you've done. And listen it's fine my brother likes you and whatever and it was nice to be able to talk to you again even though our lives were on the line...but I know you'll just go back to ignoring my existence even now that you've got robin."
  You hurried over to will and Lucas who both raced into your arm. Leaving Steve there. After the second time this happened. And You saved his ads from Billy he realized how much he missed You.
  You were all sent outside to ambulances and wrapped in blankets. Steve though he was in conversation with robin couldn't help but look over to the ambulance you say in, he watched with a warm smile as you quickly got up and ran across the parking lot to engulf Dustin in a hug.
 "Are you ok? Are you hurt?"
You both seeming asked at the same time. You both fell to your knees hugging each other.
Dustin got up and came over to Steve. "Hey."
 "Listen you know what I said about staying away from y/n"
Steve nodded and shrugged. "Yea but you didn't necessarily say stay away from her-"
  "I did in not so many words shit head...just shut up and listen…"
Steve nodded And looked at him.
  "I know she misses you and I know that she needs you...so maybe...it wouldn't be the worst if you tried to talk to her again."
 Steve grinned and looked over to you hopefully. "Well are you gonna go or just state at her?"
   Steve quickly got up and made is way over to you.
 "What, Harrington?"
He sat down next to you.
 "I'm sorry...and before you get all pissy just hear me out!" You turned to him with a shocked look.
 "What?" you shook your head and smiled. "Nothing please continue."
 You two sat there the rest of the night. You finally allowed Steve to apologize and the both of you stayed there until it was all over. Just talking and catching up.
 You fell asleep on his shoulder on the way home and he was happy again.
~three weeks later~
"Ya know I'm gonna miss that sailor outfit."
Steve smiled as he turned around to face you. In three you agreed to give him a chance and start dating him. And You had to admit you where happy.
"What? My video store outfit isn't good enough."
You rolled your eyes and kissed him quickly pulling a movie from the stack in his arms.
  "How about a movie at my place tonight, mom's out, Dustin is with the gang.."
He smiled. "Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss being with my star again for a second." You raised your eyebrow at him. "Your star?" he smiled.
"Yea Steve's star? It's...it's got a ring to it font you think." You laughed and he leaned over to kiss you again. But someone launched popcorn at the both of you.
 "You make me sick." you laughed at robin and pulled some from your hair throwing it back at her
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