#Underswap Blue stays
hey blue im new here and can you turn a fresh!blueberry?
Uhm....Well Welcome friend! Happy to have you--- As for turning into someone I’m not....Uhm...No.
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#1 “nature” with Underswap Sans
Blue: “Lost? Together!? Alone!!?”
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How would the bois react to a sudden random kiss from their crush?
Undertale Sans - He lets go a soft "oh.", so surprised. Uh. He didn't expect that. Welp. His face turns bright blue as he is slowly melting in the couch, unsure what he's supposed to do about this. That's crazy man.
Undertale Papyrus - He gasps loudly. You just unlock him. That's months he's waiting for this! Without any other thoughts, he jumps at your face to kiss you. Man, he's eager. You're a bit overwhelmed.
Underswap Sans - He freezes, too scared to look you in the eyes. What... was that? He's so in shock right now. He wasn't sure you liked him that way too. Well, he guesses that means you do? ...Right? He needs some time to think about all of this.
Underswap Papyrus - He giggles like a teenager, before gasping loudly when it hits him you just kiss him. Like KISS KISS him. His brain can't take and he faints in your arms. You kinda panick with the big skeletons in your arms now.
Underfell Sans - He didn't want to hiss. It's just a natural reflex. He's mortified as you're wondering if you should feel offended or not. He's just staring at you like this, screaming internally he messed up BIG, very BIG:
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Underfell Papyrus - He's not sure if he's dreaming or not honestly. He was pretty sure he wasn't before you did that, but that doesn't make any sense because no one likes him. Not like that. ...Right? Yeah, he's totally dreaming right now. Maybe he should go back to bed. And to your very surprise, he just stands up and leaves, letting you blink in confusion on the couch.
Horrortale Sans - His purr turns a bit louder as he smiles softly. He just instantly forgot it's the first time it's happening. It's too natural to be the first time. Must be his memory imagining it's just the first time. You're clearly a couple and he will start to act like you are out of nowhere lol.
Horrortale Papyrus - S-stop making fun of him. It's not funny. He's blushing furiously, his mind racing 300 miles an hour, wondering if it means something or not. He's having a bit of a panic attack right now. He didn't expect this to happen out of a conversation about your favorite type of dessert. Some warning would be nice next time.
Swapfell Sans - He just blinks in confusion, wondering what the hell was that. Well, it was nice, he's not going to lie. But what the hell was that? Are you finally falling for him and definitely not the other way around because clearly he's way too clever for this? Finally time! He almost got scared you didn't like him back and didn't have anxiety about this for weeks obviously.
Swapfell Papyrus - Uh, trying to shock him? You think that's enough? He'll show you how it's done. He sweetly comes close to your face. Then just. Licks your face. You scream in shock and pulls away, as Rus starts to chuckle hysterically at your expression. Gosh, you hate him so much.
Fellswap Gold Sans - .... What. He just stays there, staring at the emptiness. You can't possibly have fallen for him, right? He's horrible with you, and an asshole, and clearly not someone you want to stay with. Why are you even laughing at his face? Are you mocking him? That's not funny you know. He's really traumatized now. You can't just kiss him and pretend there's nothing wrong with this??? Yeah, Wine is not ready to accept his feelings yet. But that's a first step to force him to think about it. You just start loading an existential crisis.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He flops on your laps. More please. He's not moving from there before he gets more. He needs attention and affection and you just took the first steps so now it's too late to back down. Give him affection this instant.
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Infection au part 4: Outbreak
the infection is no longer confined. you all get a little writing blip to enjoy as well :D pictures are at bottom. Tw blood/gore and disturbing imagery. also implied death. because of the amount of blood.
It had been several days since Dream, swap and Ink Found Cross lying on the ground. Several days since one of their enemies started pleading with them to help with something. Cross had been an emotional wreak the entire time. It almost hurt for Dream to be near him.
The panic and terror was overwhelming. Of course that didn't stop people saying this was some elaborate plan by Nightmare to do some sort of evil. Dream knew this wasn't true though. The emotions where real enough.
Right now though Dream was making his way to the room cross was in. It was really a glorified prison cell but at least it wasn't as bad as it could have been, considering Cross was a part of the most feared gang in the entire multiverse.
Dream stopped to greet the guards and was let in. The room wasn't lavish by any means but it had a bit of coziness to it, or maybe that was just his hopeful thinking. Cross was sitting on the bed picking at the magic canceling cuffs.
He looked up and spotted Dream. A mix of emotions always came from him whenever he was aware of the guardians prescience. There was an immediate sense of distrust and wariness but also a bit of reluctant hope. Even if he disliked dream he was aware that he was more likely to help than others.
"hey Cross" Dream said, his voice friendly.
Cross nodded in response. "what does the council say.."
"They still think it's a trap Cross." Dream sounded regret seep into his voice. He had to admit his story was rather hard to believe.
A look of anger Appeared on Cross's face. He looked like he was about to scream something in frustration but was interrupted by a guard opening the door. "Dream, we have reports of Nightmare and his team attacking underswap." Dream was confused. Normally he could sense the presence of his brother outside of wherever he his his base. Dream was then aware of the sudden increase of negativity in his friends au. Nightmare had never attacked such a positive au, doing so might have weakened him enough to risk capture or defeat. "I'm Coming, where is Blue and Ink?" Dream said heading to the door with a sense of urgency. Cross grabbed his arm making the guard step forward. "Dream please, Don't... just... Just you have to help Them- Don't let them get You. You can't help them if you end up infected- " The guard pressed the spear against cross's chest threateningly. He let go of dream and backed off. "Please- " Dream Nodded and left the room not fully understanding what exactly cross was asking him. The feeling of unease grew in his soul as he also felt the negativity in under swap rising. He found Swap waiting for him with Ink. The skeleton was obviously impatient to get going. the only thing stopping his was likely the fact he couldn't fight Nightmare's gang on his own. Dream made a portal and stepped through with his teammates. The terror dream sensed once he walked through was enough to make him stumble. It was so strong- "Dream..." Blue sounded shocked and fearful.. Dream looked up he wished he hadn't
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btw there are more infected atm. several actually. The gang didn't stay in the castle very long after cross left this is just the first big attack. I couldn't draw all the infected currently attacking and they aren't very big to the story. The Infection has been spreading a bit under the radar.
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magic-hcs · 5 months
*climbs out of a manhole* hello!, a few minutes ago I got hooked on a song called “be around me”, and I think if ut sans, ht sans, uf sans us sans called s/o baby by accident, kinda they still aren't dating...yet ;)
Thank you for the ask! I've listened to the song and I hope this scenario is what you had in mind. its short.
Bear; Horrortale Sans
Red: Underfell Sans
Sky: Underswap Sans
Time to cast some magic and see what we'll get!✨
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Sans: You’re very lucky if he didn’t shortcut out of there the second you said “what..?”. You’re also lucky if he did stay and didn’t just deflect and avoid the topic like he avoids picking up his sock. 
In a perfect scenario Sans openly will explain why he called you that. But this isn’t a perfect scenario. So your best bet to get any answers as to why Sans called you that is to ask Papyrus. And what you’ll do with the information you’ve acquired is something only you can decide.
Bear: Perfect copy of that meme that goes:
He could’ve gotten away with it if his bone cheeks didn’t slightly flush that faded blue and if he didn’t sweat like he always does when he feels like he wants to be everywhere except here. Please help the poor Bear. 
Red: Man is sweating bullets internally but looking smug on the outside. You see, Red has an advantage, and that advantage is that he always flirts. He’s flirty, even with friends, using nicknames like ‘doll’, ‘darlin’, ‘snack’, etc. He just hadn’t used ‘babe’ before.  It just slipped to be honest. So if he just pretends that it's just another nickname he’ll be in the green…As long as you don’t mind the nickname that is.
Stars, Red really wants to shortcut the fuck out of this conversation, but it will be suspicious if he does. So stuck toughing it out it is. 
There won’t really be any change to the relationship between you, unless you mention it. 
Sky: Sky is committed to what he says, he made his bed and he’s going to lie in it. And hope for the best mainly. If you missed it, he’ll just go along with that. But if you did hear it, Sky won’t deny what he said. 
He’s the only one you’ll be getting an honest confession from without needing to prod. Sky leaves the ball in your court. 
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction.
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thewonderingbard · 7 months
How are the skeletons with a cuddly S/O? Like, S/O shows love though touching like kisses, hugs, cuddles ect. How are they with him?
Undertale Sans - Vanilla
He too is cuddly! He loves it when his S/O cuddles into his sternum, his skull blushes a light blue! When it comes to kisses he prefers them to be done in private but who is he to deny smooches. What he loves most is when he and his S/O are at Grillbys and his S/O just naturally leans into him and when he finds out it is how you show love? He loves it even more!
Undertale Papyrus - Paps
This man is a very hyper boy! But when his S/O cuddles/hugs him he can't help but relax into their arms. This helps when he has had a particularly overwhelming day, his S/O's kisses, cuddles and hugs will always make him feel better. Also, be prepared for surprise hugs! He is the self-proclaimed 'MASTER SURPIZE HUGGER'.
Underswap Sans - Blue
He doesn't mind his S/O being cuddly but he can't stay still for the life of him. He has to be doing something. When he inevitably crashes from exhaustion he still struggles to sleep, his S/O wrapping their arms around him and pulling him to their chest, kissing the crown off his head instantly knocks him out. Unfortunately, this is really the only time he cuddles his S/O, he does however give Hugs and kisses as a reward. You found him in "hide and Seek"?Hugs and kisses for you!
Underswap Papyrus - Honey
This is a match made in heaven as he is the same! Because of this, Honey and S/O are always seen touching each other in some way. There are designated movie nights where you and he just cuddle and watch a movie or two. Kissing S/O on the forehead is now his way of greeting them. There have also been nights where his anxiety gets really bad, a slow song is put on and Honey and S/O are hugging while swaying gently, his head in S/Os hair and S/O on his Sternum. That is his way of calming down.
Underfell Sans - Red
It takes him a bit of getting used to but after about a month he is completely fine with S/Os kisses, cuddles and hugs. It doesn't stop him from being as red as a tomato for up to a minute. He has also gotten used to casually wrapping his arm around your waist when walking or sitting down somewhere. He is also completely fine spending the day on the sofa with his S/O lying on him, Cuddling and kissing him.
Underfell Papyrus - Edge
He is.....fine.No you did not see his S/O wrap their arms around his waist.No you did not see his S/O beckon him to be face to skull to give him a kiss. And you definitely did not see him and S/O swaying in each other's arms. He may not like to admit it be he is willing to do anything if it means he gets to be in your arms and subject to kisses, He actually is not a fan of PDA, only when it is extremely busy he will hold your hand."ITS JUST SO YOU DON'T GET LOST' Edge says but in actuality, your touch stops him from lashing out at every person that bumps into him.
Horrortale Sans - Seaweed
This relationship was meant to be. Now he knows you show love through kisses, cuddles and hugs, he wants all of those things. All the time.24/7.365.At a million per cent. His S/Os cuddle, hugs and kisses ground him, they stop him from spiralling, they stop him from getting overwhelmed and most of all they stop the pain his skull hole causes him. Physically and mentally. He will constantly be touching S/O.Whether it's his hand on your back or him literally walking around with his head in S/O's shoulder. In fact, I dare say if you were not cuddly then the relationship would not work out.
Horrortale Papyrus - Papaya
Because of how his spine is now, he can not bend down properly. So often if he wants to give S/O a hug he will bring their head inward to the bottom of his ribcage near his pelves, while caressing S/Os head. He does get all gooey and blushy when his S/O kisses his hands. In the morning he is happy to be awoken by a storm of kisses and even peppers S/Os face as well. In public, he prefers your hands to be on him or his mobility aid as it gives him that extra support he needs.
Overall, all the skeles enjoy having a cuddly S/O.
You can tell I rambled on a lot. :)
Thank you for requesting!
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thecluelessdoctor · 1 month
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Woohoo!! 500 followers let's go guys!! :DD
Genuinely I thank y'all sm.
For this occasion I have art I took 7 hours on
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I completely removed the whole ship kid shit. It's just weird. Instead, I thought I would be a cute idea if the papyrus's were caretakers instead! So yeah sans and pap age swap fr/hj idk just role with it. Doing this made me realize how weird the concept of the original version was lmao
And they don't just take care of little sanses. They also take care of au frisk, charas, asriels/flowers, MKs, and various other characters and AUs!
So from right to left let's give names or smt idk
First up is UF pap/ Edge- the most stern and loud of the caretakers. He is the rule enforcer of the papyrus's, but despite his rough exterior he is rather soft. He is Redz older brother
Little horror tale sans/ Chompers- the youngest of the 4 other sanses, and the most bitey. When he's not sleeping he's probably 'hunting' as he calls it. Don't let him around the frisks or charas.
Little Underswap Sans/ blue- the most energetic and hyper of the sanses here. Despite his hyperness he is very smart and passionate about everything he does.
OG papyrus/ Papyrus- the main caretaker, and the most stressed. He always keeps track of everyone in some way, and seems to know everything about all the children in the daycare, even if it's their first day. He is the older brother to Sans.
Swap papyrus/ Honey or stretch- the laziest of the 4 papyruses, he's usually the one who takes care of nap time (as well as taking a nap himself). He is the older brother to Blue
Little fell sans/ Redz- the grumpiest of the kiddos, he's always seen picking a fight when not asleep. He is around the same age as blue, and has a unlikely friendship with blue.
Og sans/ sans- the oldest of the kids by far, but also the most tired. He sleeps for a disturbing amount a day.
Horror tale papyrus/ Cookie- the daycare 's main cook! Although looking disturbing, he's quite a sweetheart. However the kids seem scared of him, so he normally stays in the kitchen. And if he's not staying in the kitchen, he usually wears his scarf over his mouth. He is Chompers older brother.
And that's it for now <3 bye bye
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glitching-time-bomb · 2 years
Okok- Dealers choice. S/o never takes naps? If they tried, they would probably just lie there for hours not being able to fall asleep. The only time they do take a nap is when they sick, have a migraine or just hella tired. And even then their naps only last for like- 30 mins. Then they fall asleep again, repeat cycle. So, if the skelly wants to nap S/o will cuddle with them, and read,watch tv (on soft so it doesnt wake up the skelly), or play on their phone? Thanks!
UT, UF, and US Skeles With an S/O That Never Takes Naps
To be entirely honest, Sans doesn't exactly understand how or why you can't take naps
I mean, have you seen him? He can fall asleep practically anywhere!
But he'll do what he can to make you as comfortable as possible if you two are napping together
He'll make sure you have something entertaining to do while he sleeps for a bit, and he makes sure to tell you that you can wake him up at any time for any reason you need
On the rare occasions you are able to nap, he immediately knows something's up
He'll do what he can to make sure everything is alright, and that includes giving you any kind of pain medicine for headaches or anything you might need if you're sick
Papyrus understands what you mean, he can't sit still for long enough to take naps
He'll find other ways for the two of you to unwind, such as watching some kind of show/movie, or anything else that you think would help you relax for the day
On your off days, or days that you do end up takings naps, Papyrus will try his best to sit still and lay with you while you sleep
When he sees you waking up every half hour, he'll try his best to help you back to sleep if you want to
(By that I mean he pulls you into a skeleton hug and keeps you there until you wake up again-)
Red just sees it as something that's unique to you, even if he doesn't exactly understand how you can't nap easily
He really appreciates that you're still willing to stay and cuddle with him while he naps for a bit, even if you don't end up falling asleep yourself
He'll say he just likes having you around him (which is entirely true), but really he just feels so much safer when you're around
After being stuck in the underground for so long, in constant fear, he really appreciates being able to be vulnerable and safe with someone
(Not that he'll ever tell you that, though-)
On the days that you aren't feeling well and decide to take a nap, he's more than happy to nap with you
Edge doesn't really notice that you have trouble napping, mostly just because he absolutely refuses to let himself nap during the day
He's perfectly fine with going about his day without resting at all (even if he needs to slow down and rest), and he just... assumes you're the same way
On one of the days that you aren't feeling well, he might be a little bit confused as of why you're taking a nap
After you tell him that you have a headache, or are sick, he'll go into a 'oh no, my human is sick and needs help' mode
Expect him to make you your favorite kind of soup, and grab any kind of cold medicine or pain killers that you might need
He probably won't be able to stay still while you rest, so he'll likely be out of the room and doing his own thing so he doesn't wake you up
I see Blue as someone who's willing to take naps if he's exhausted or absolutely needs to get some more sleep, so him napping is a rare thing
Once he notices that you don't nap either he'll likely ask you why you don't
Once you explain to him he understands quite a bit, but mostly because he feels the same way
On days that you do nap he'll make sure that you're comfortable before doing his own quiet thing in the room so he doesn't wake you
If you're sick, or need anything on an off day, Blue is glad to help with anything you might need or want
You want more blankets? He'll go grab some from the closet, you just stay there and rest
Stretch somehow manages to take more naps than Sans, they're just much shorter and spread out through the day
He can fall asleep practically anywhere in mere minutes, but he'll wake up before even fifteen minutes have passed
So seeing that you don't take any kind of naps at all might make him a little bit worried, especially if you didn't sleep very well the night before
He'll try his best to make sure that you get proper sleep at night so there's little need to be tired during the day
On days that you do take naps though, Stretch is eager to cuddle with you and nap
Even if it's only for a little while, any time he spends with you is well spent in his eyes
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zu-is-here · 2 years
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The full artwork from To The Bone Zine! (ㅅ´ ˘ `)☆
Underswap by popcornpr1nce
To be honest, I had this idea before the zine—even before I started drawing! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
I used to write a lot, and although those works didn't find public recognition, they're still dear to me ♡
Allow me to share the one this artwork was inspired by...
Getting on the moored boat, Papyrus looks up at the river person.
“Tra la la,” he finally says. “I hope you're not wasting my time.”
The skeleton clicks his tongue and looks away. Sure he knows a shortcut, but Papyrus has other intentions for this trip.
“Can't I have some family time?” he asks with a touch of irony.
The river man is silent, but this silence is, actually, enough.
“Tra la la,” he suddenly breaks it, and Papyrus hears a familiar note in his voice. “Your family stayed overboard.”
The skeleton smirkes. Sans doesn't have to know about his brother's sentimental impulses.
Papyrus hesitates before getting in the boat that is approaching the shore. He just can't find the strength to look up.
“Tra la la,” the river person hums dryly under his breath. “Now you're the elder.”
The skeleton clenches his fist with the blue scarf in it.
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darkpetal16 · 1 year
Play as a customizable Chara who has fallen into a hidden monster kingdom under Lake Ebott.
This is a browser-based IF game you can play here: link
In this story you play as a customizable Chara who has fallen into a monster kingdom under Lake Ebott.
This is a very normal Undertale AU fan game.
Everything is fine.
Nothing is wrong.
You can definitely trust the voice.
Adopt a goat dad today
Meet a helpful flower
See Read about beautiful scenes
Date a skeleton
Go through mazes
Solve puzzles
Play in the snow
Date a second skeleton
Make a lot of friends!
Or don’t, you can ignore them. That’s cool.
Boss Fights!
Date a third skeleton?
Uh ignore that last one
And most importantly of all
Die! Have fun!
Friendship: Who needs romance when you have the power of friendship on your side?
Flower power: Meet & date a nice flower who does not try to kill you at all nope no sir-ee.
Lt. Blue: Meet & date a super cool dude who just loves to have a fun time please ignore the ax behind him, he is such a nice skeleton.
Punny: Meet & date a humerus monster that always stays chill because nothing gets under his skin.
Skeleton 3: Why would you do this to yourself?
Undertale (c) Toby Fox
Underswap is an Undertale fan AU created by Popcorn Pr1nce on tumblr
This version was written & programmed by Darkpetal16
Music by HeatleyBros on YouTube
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voidandabyssal · 14 days
Ello! I am back!
I loved what you did with my last request, and I wish to add another one!
In this can I ask for undertale papyrus, underfell papyrus, underswap sans, and horrortale papyrus?
In this scenario, they are married to reader (Separate unlees together if it makes it easier to write), and it's their 5 year anniversary. Reader wanting to do something sweet for them wakes up at like 3am. since the boys already wake up early. They try to make breakfast, but the boys wake up to the fire alarm going off, and they find reader in the kitchen. There's like broken eggs on the floor, flower everywhere, 3 pans in the skink, and reader was trying to put out the mini fire on the stove. Reader can't cook for shit. Even if their life depends on it.
How will the boys react, and what will they do?
I say this overtime and it dosent change. Take you're time and stay safe!
Papyrus is jumping off the bed and practically flying by into the kitchen the second the fire alarm goes off
He has been with you for five long years, and every year your cooking somehow only manages to grow more and more chaotic
Luckily Papyrus has an infinite amount of energy and doesn’t mind helping you clean up at 3 in the morning
Though he does try and remind you to please avoid using the kitchen in the dark, or spraying cooking oil over a lit flame
He sends you to bed and when you wake up you find Papyrus has actually cleaned up and made you breakfast
Edge (uf paps):
He wakes up when you get up at 3
He’s suspicious at first, what on earth could you want to be doing this early
And although Edge greatly treasures his sleep schedule he gets up after you to make sure your okay
Edge nearly gets blasted with a flame as the stove bursts into bright blue flame
How?? Did you even manage that?? It’s a magical stove designed specifically for low flame??
Edge is very annoyed, like, he’s just about to throttle you annoyed
He makes you clean up the mess all by yourself (somehow you managed to nearly destroy the kitchen in the five minutes Edge had left you alone for)
Be prepared for a very long lecture. Edge has warned you time and time again about the dangers of mtt ovens
He does relent though when you admit it was supposed to be an anniversary gift. Edge softens up just a little and lets you go back to bed before he’s done lecturing you
Blue (us sans):
Blue wanders up to you in the middle of the night as your trying to start cooking his breakfast and he drags you away as you drop the first egg
It’s 3 in the morning, Blue just got off a very long shift and all he wants is some peaceful sleeping with you
Luckily he pulled you away before the stove could be set alight like last time
Probably one of the few times Blue won’t be bouncing around with energy
Crisis averted. Now you and him can enjoy a much more rested start to your anniversary
Once the two of you are rested and it’s not some forbidden hour you and Blue will get to make breakfast together
(You still end up setting the fire alarm off. Love may win but your horrible cooking skills always manage to come on top)
Crooks (ht paps):
Again, like Edge, Crooks is a very sensitive sleeper and he stirs pretty quickly when he realises he can’t find you in bed
Crooks trusts you enough not to be doing anything stupid
Rip Crooks, how wrong you were
The second those eggs hit the ground he’s awake
Its like a third sense or something
He lets out a tired groan as he just anxiously focuses on how you’ve managed to waste more food this time and so early in the morning!
You are completely oblivious to Crooks as he appeared behind you and when you do turn around you scream and drop the pan
More eggs drop all over the floor. Crooks’s face has gone blank so you nervously stand there and wait for him to give a reaction
Crooks is so, so tired, his back hurts and now his precious eggs have gone to waste. You and him clean up the mess and he wordlessly drags you back to bed
He’s not mad, Crooks just hates wasting food and prefers spending his nights sleeping.
When you both wake up at a more reasonable hour he gives you a pretty big lecture.
Then you both make breakfast together (or really, Crooks makes it and you just hand him the ingredients)
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skelesunderthetale · 15 days
How about what they would do on a date? Like activities and stuff like that
What they would like to do with you
Characters: Blue, Dream, Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Goth
Underswap (Blue) Blue would love to share his passion for sports and exercise with you! Going on a walk, at the gym, at the beach to play some volleyball and then cool off by getting in the water… Not only are they good habits, but also they are some things that he likes and wants you to enjoy just as much. If you aren’t used to sporty activities, if you had bad experiences, it’s okay! If you are willing to try stuff out, he’ll be empathetic of your experiences and make sure to be attentive and guiding. If you aren’t ready and prefer to stay in, he’s also fine with watching action movies, comedies, or even cheesy romance with you. At least he can cuddle with his favorite person meanwhile! Dreamtale (Dream) Dream doesn’t have much time on his hands, it’s obvious. When he has enough time, and when he can actually put all his attention on you, he likes to either stay inside your home to fully relax together, do some puzzles, cross stitch, read, or even watch documentaries. He only likes TV when it makes people learn things, good luck making him watch reality shows (he’s old). If you actually want him to take you out, he’d propose a nice dinner somewhere calm and cozy, or go on a walk in a special garden place. Dreamtale (Nightmare) Nightmare being himself, he hates going out during the day, or at least when it’s sickeningly sunny and pretty. He likes foggy weather, when it’s dark, and when you can look up and see the clouds almost hiding the moon. Speaking of the moon, that’s probably one of the calmest activities you can do with him: star gazing. If you are sleeping, he would bother waking you up so you guys can watch the sky together through the big window of your bedroom. Honorable mention to: reading! He’s an old soul (if he still really has one?) and can give you easily any definition you need if you have a hard time reading some of the classics he has in his bookshelves (you saw one that dated from… like… 1798…)
Something New (Killer) Killer loves cats. His hobby is to bring a new cat everytime he comes back from a mission at this point… So to cope with his lack of time that he can spend with you, he simply makes you take care of them with him. Feed them, make sure they are okay, pet them and play with them until they are all sleeping from exhaustion. If you are allergic… Well, he’ll have to think really hard to think about something else to do with you… Actually, he has a very enjoyable sport in mind :) He’s kidding! Unless…
Dusttale (Dust) Dust is a homebody, it takes him an enormous amount of willpower to actually get out of bed each morning to do whatever jobs he needs to finish before sunset. He loves you though, and his brother wants him to do what he can to make you happy. Thank his hallucinations, because they are probably the reason why you didn’t die during your first encounter… If you want to chill at home, well good for him! I mean… you guys! He’s not really doing anything though, he’s kind of just watching you do things. Will it be drawing, dancing, singing, watching a show or video, he’s silently watching. No judgment behind those eyes though, so don’t feel silly or embarassed. If you want to go out, well he just hopes it’s not somewhere like a festival or anything.
Goth (JessyDS comic version) Goth is funny to be around, and like his name can lead to think… he’s goth, and metal, and likes anything that sounds a bit louder than usual. He’s edgy, and it shows. If he was rich, he’d buy you guys tickets to every concert of bands he likes that isn’t a 10 hour drive away. And merch! IT’S EXPENSIVE. The number of times you saw him beg his dad for 10$ then beg his other dad for 100$ (Reaper understands his passion a bit more than Geno does…) When you go to a concert, it’s loud, people stink, the lights blind you, but it’s fine: at least you can feel his wings brushing your back. --- Author note : Im not a poser, and also comments are very welcome! Requests too! I love interacting with the community
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lavvys-headcanons · 2 years
AU Bros If You Got A Pet Cat!
Sans: Another excuse for him to stay in bed! He’ll basically bribe the cat with treats to lay on him in the mornings.. and afternoons.. and evenings.. you get the point! He absolutely adores the mornings when he wakes up to you both basically laying on top of him.
Papyrus: He doesn’t really like dogs because of the one that kept taking his special attacks! He’ll try to take the cat for walks, which you know will end up being the funniest thing ever! I feel like he would want to get another one, his excuse will be that he doesn’t want the first one getting lonely, but we all know he likes seeing you happy about the cats.
Red: Smuggles that little dude in his hoodie whenever Edge makes him go out to work. He absolutely MELTS when he sees you snuggled up with the cat. Will 10/10 times join you two. Edge likes cats so he won’t really bother Red when he’s with the cat instead of working.
Edge: When you first of all get the cat, he’s surprised. He already has Doomfanger, so as long as both cats get along, he decides it’s his cat now too! He’s like a dad that always says he doesn’t want any pets, but then ends up loving them the most.
Blue: New companion! Will definitely decide it’s his job to take the cat for walks. He’s the type to get clothes for the cat; be it costumes, little sweaters, onesies, etc! He builds up a room for the cat and its cat towers, yet there’s still like 3 in the living room.
Stretch: Another one who will smuggle the cat! This time, in his hoodie. When you notice both of your beloveds are in the hoodie, he’ll invite you in. So now you’re sandwiched between the two for ATLEAST 2 hours. But also if he ever got scratched and clawed up by the cat, his only reaction would be “This is fine.”
Nox: Another cat person! He’ll mostly to sit around and relax on the couch with the cat. But, he does quite like those little red laser lights. And, to be frank, the cat also likes it too. If the cat sheds a lot or is white and fluffy, he’ll buy a lint roller for every room and closet of the house. He loves the cat, just not the fur as much.
Rus: It’s basically y’alls cat now. He’s a papa. Whenever you two decide to have a dinner date night inside, he’ll also set a tiny plate out for the cat at the table. He then calls it a “family dinner.” The cat has learned to sit on the table. Well, this is life now, but who’s complaining?
Ash: Since they’re usually calm, he’ll be okay with it around. He probably wouldn’t be able to handle something big like a dog. He would be the happiest skeleton if it decided to lay down on his lap. His favorite pastime ends up becoming gardening while you lay out on a lawn chair with the cat on your lap. It’s quiet and calm, just how he likes.
Poplar: He has his cat, Chicken! This man is a cat LOVER. He will gladly cuddle up with you, your cat, and Chicken! Really the sweetest sight anyone has ever seen so his brother and everybody else in the house will snap pics of it to send to you both later.
ᰔHey, how many times did I say the word “cat”, huh?ᰔ
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Skeleton's toddler runs excitedly to him with a flower to give him. By the time they get there, the flower lost all its petals. The child is shocked and looks at his dad in complete confusion. Main 10 reaction?
Undertale Sans - It's so hard to resist chuckling seeing their baffled expression. Sans still thanks the child and he will even dry the poor dandelion stem so it stays a memory. He can't stop chuckling every time he sees it.
Undertale Papyrus - Oh... He comforts his child saying it's fine, but the kid is determined. They throw the flower and run to pick out another... Which lost its petals as well on the way back. The kid throws it away. Papyrus just sits on the floor. It seems it's going to take a while...
Underswap Sans - He jokingly tells the child that it's a good illustration of how much he loves their father. Except the kid takes it the wrong way and starts to cry. Blue panickily tries to calm them down before his S/O notices lol.
Underswap Papyrus - Uh.... He thanks the kid for being so thoughtful about his allergy by only bringing the stem of the flower! Truly a hero. The kid is a bit skeptical at first, but Honey insists the child just saved his life and eventually the child believes it and starts to celebrate. Honey isn't sure what to do with the stem though. He's pretty sure his kid will ask to see it again lol, he can't just throw it away.
Underfell Sans - "the hell you want me to do with this?" The kids burst into tears. Red rolls his eyes. Listen bud, it's not his fault you can't even pick a flower correctly. What do you want him to say? You're a big loser just like him, it's hereditary apparently. Stop crying and accept it. The earlier the better.
Underfell Papyrus - ..... Uh... This is... Nice... He guesses.... ?????? He's in reality as confused as the child but not for the same reasons. He actually didn't see the kid pick up the flower. Just the moment they gave him some kind of ugly grass. He read in a book that you have to encourage children and accept any gift to not hurt their feelings, but still... What the hell is he supposed to do with this? Oh well, it's fine. He's going to let him at home on something Doomfanger can easily reach so the cat destroys it and so he can next blame the cat lol.
Horrortale Sans - Aw. He tells the kid it's ok and that the flower is still beautiful even though it stays not so much of it. Oak doesn't mind, only the gesture is counting. He's happy his child wanted to gift him a flower.
Horrortale Papyrus - He comforts the kid and says that's fine, before going with them to pick up nicer flowers in the nearest flower shop. Willow is happy he can share one of his interests with his child. He loves flowers.
Swapfell Sans - He rolls his eyes and encourages his child to go pick another one. It took 15 flowers before one managed to keep at least one petal, which Nox decided was good enough so that they could finally leave this place. At least the kid has his sense of perfection which is kinda of good?
Swapfell Papyrus - He can't help but laugh at their misery. And dies of laughter after the kid's third attempt. The kid takes that personally, and suddenly kicks him in the pelvis as revenge before running to his S/O crying like HE hurt them. Rus can't believe it. He will remember that. Just wait.
Fellswap Gold Sans - "WELL NEXT TIME YOU'LL THINK TWICE BEFORE PICKING SOMETHING OFF THE FLOOR. A DOG PROBABLY PEED ON THAT." Yeah, he's totally neutral in this and not at all a cleaning freak. The kid is getting their hands washed three times when they get home.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Oh... That's fine! Look! He picks one dandelion and makes all the petals fall to make his child feel better. They're both clumsy, that's life. Tomorrow will be a better day! What about an ice cream now?
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itchingdreams · 1 year
this is a lot. i am so sorry.
you live in the underswap universe. and one day, you meet a skeleton by the name of papyrus. papyrus is a chill guy who seems both really lazy and really funny. you two become friends quick, and best friends even quicker. you then meet sans, papyrus’ very cool and magnificent older brother, who you gain a crush on fast.
you met the rest of the gang. alphys surprising you with her fascination of anime, undyne being wary of you but loosening up thanks to pap, asgore giving you a big old dad hug when you met him, and ex queen toriel gifting you a slice of butterscotch pie. and then finally you meet the human who helped the monsters reach the surface, they were an absolute sweetheart (you wish you could say the same for that dog cat hybrid - she threatened you when you first met the two of them).
the six seven of them became an important part of your life and quickly. the skelebros more than anything.
you’d spend all day talking to papyrus, in many different ways. whether you both are texting each other all day, sending dumb vines and laughing at the most ridiculous puns that stretch could find. or when you’re both on discord vc with each other first thing in the morning, talking about things and just staying on call all day doing your own things until late at night, where you both fall asleep when you two planned on staying up. or when papyrus comes over to your house and vice versa.
he likes to tease you about your crush on his brother all the time. especially when you pop up to their house unannounced, the smirk that papyrus gives you always makes you glare at him to stop so sans won’t notice. you don’t want him to find out, especially since it’s just a teensy little crush.
there’s something about blue that just drives you to him. one, he’s cute. but his personality is what got you falling for him. he was fun, expressive, caring, a little bit of a daredevil, and many other things. he was your type and you loved talking to him. he had so many hobbies and you had a fun time playing along, even if you personally wasn’t a fan of one or two.
like said previously, they all became an important part of your life that almost every day of the week was filled with silly and fun activities with the seven of them. you grew so close to the skelebros that their house even became like a second home to you. might as well be your first one as you barely sleep over there anymore.
but eventually, things start to get a bit... weird.
sans had a job. he told you he was a guard somewhere but he never really explained further than that, which was fine with you. it wasn’t important where he worked so it didn’t concern you much. you assumed he was a security guard for some kind of mall or even for the queen, seeing as he referred to himself as part of the royal guard multiple times.
he attended work every sunday. any other work days depended on various things but he was always mandatory for sunday. his hours were a little interesting. sans leaves for work at around 6 AM, sometimes even 5 which puzzled you plenty. he told you that he’s finished with work around 6 PM, and that riding back takes about an hour which means he’s home by 7. 
but sometimes he gets back later than that.
sometimes he gets back at 10 PM. and then other times, he doesn’t come back home until monday near 12 AM which at that point just means that he’s coming home at tuesday. his excuse would be that he was at a friend’s house which you find weird but don’t question. he’s allowed to have other friends, and what he does with them is none of your business.
but recently, sans would be out the house early sunday morning and then he’ll come back 5 days later, tired and scuffed up. the first time that happened you were worried sick and you texted him any second you could, asking if he was okay - which he would respond to whenever he could.
paps never seemed worried about it which bugged you a bit. when you brought it up to the guy, he shrugged and just promised you that he would know if something bad happened to sans.
so when 5 days past and sans stopped responding to your messages, you began to grow antsy. on the 8th day of waiting, you decided to go back to your actual house, promising papyrus that you’ll come back and that you just need a couple of days by yourself to distract yourself - which he understood.
you had a hard time doing that though. every second, you were worrying about sans and whenever you’d think of something else, sans would just find himself right back in your thoughts. 
you slept that night terribly. you usually slept with no issue, with no dreams or anything, but that night you had a terrible nightmare. which showed with great haunting detail, sans, papyrus, and the rest of your friends getting hurt by some dark figure - the area around you covered in darkness with some parts appearing to be glitching as if in some video game or hazy and red?
on the 9th day of waiting for sans to come back or at least answer your texts, you went back to the skelebros house, hoping that seeing paps with calm you down. and that night you slept worse. your dreams filled with you being wrapped up in something tight and constricting, all while a dark figure different than the previous one laughed at you with a snarl as he - it - they choke you.
you shoot up from your bed, heaving and gasping for air, coughing hard as if your nightmare was actually real and you were actually being choked. your head is pounding and you can hear your ears ringing and oh god, how your throat hurts so much. you try to make it in the kitchen to get yourself some water, papyrus seemingly in his room seeing as he’s not laying down on the couch where he usually naps. but once you walk into the kitchen, your fragile human body gives up - hitting the floor as you pass out.
you’re gifted this time with uneventful slumber, no nightmare or weird dream for you now. but eventually, you feel something rubbing against your cheek. or someone.
trying to wake up your body and convince your eyes to open, you can hear the hushed whispers of people around you. the person who was caressing your cheek - who you noted wasn’t speaking - moved to play with your hair, either making an attempt to braid it or curling it with their fingers. 
this wasn’t paps. who’s messing with your hair? they feel familiar but they still don’t at the same time. the hushed whispers continue and that’s when you notice that one of them sounds like sans! but wait, that means that sans wasn’t the one touching you.
that’s when you open your eyes and you are faced to face with a skeleton that looks a lot like sans but isn’t. he’s a totally different skeleton. he looks taller than sans. he’s shaped softer than sans - which is a weird observation to make seeing as this guy is still a skeleton. his whole color palette was purple and sans wasn’t a huge fan of purple. then that’s when the skeleton spoke.
“hey blue, your friend is awake.”
confused about what’s going on, you raise your head up from their lap - because yes you were in their lap - and are shocked to see two more skeletons, one being sans and the other looking just like him but not him at the same time. unlike the purple one, he wore yellow and blue and he seemed to wear more comfortable clothing, your eyes landing on his spacey themed jacket.
turning your attention back to sans, he made a move to speak but you quickly shut him up, rushing to him and wrapping your arms around him and squeezing hard. which he returned just as. 
once you two finished with your hug, you stepped away from him. looking at the other two again, the one whose lap your head was laying in, standing up from the bed and making his way over to the spacey one. the four of you stared at each other and just when you opened your mouth to ask something, a puddle of ink appeared on the floor and you watched as someone quite literally jumped up from it.
he, like the other two, looked just like sans except he was shorter than sans. and you noticed a splash of ink that was on one of his cheekbones which you questioned was permanent or not. his outfit choice was less.... fashionable than the others but you weren’t here to judge. he also seemed to be holding this big brush which confused you but once again, not there to judge.
he introduced himself as ink, apologizing for taking so long as he had to take care of something first. and when you squinted your eyes at him in confusion, he asked if you guys had the talk yet.
turns out. that the multiverse exists. damn it, you should’ve watched spiderverse because this was all so confusing. sans and papyrus and the rest of everyone else were apart of some alternate timeline. you were apart of an alternate timeline. and something in the multiverse was happening? some weird glitched skeleton guy that was heavily known for destroying universes was planning on eradicating yours and others and for the past few days, blue has been gone that long because he was fighting with the other hims in hopes of stopping the guy’s plan. or at least prolonging it.
once they got that out of the way, they each took to introducing themselves to you. even sans. the one who was playing with your hair was named plum, the spacey one named comet - go figure - ink already introduced himself but chose to do so again, explaining who he was with great detail. and then finally, sans turns to you and says his name is blue - which you are going to have to get used to. they mention that there’s someone else but he will be there eventually.
a few hours pass and you watch as the four of them interact with each other, paps - who told you he was nicknamed stretch - being there to help you understand their dynamics.
eventually, it begins to grow dark outside. and right when one of the others make a comment on how it’s getting late and they should probably leave is when a small burst of light appears in the room and there appears another skeleton. who looks a lot like sans blue except he’s taller. taller than the other sanses, but still shorter than paps stretch. but he looks almost identical to blue. which was weird because plum, ink, and comet still looked different from blue, but this guy didn’t. the only difference was their height and clothes.
he apologizes for being late, saying that he had to take care of some things in his timeline that couldn’t wait. he then sets his eyelights on you and introduces himself as dream, giving his full title and everything. you are a little flustered at his appearance, and it takes stretch elbowing you for you to snap out of it and introduce yourself as well. 
one of the others speak up from behind dream and ask dream what exactly took him so long. to which dream announces that his brother and the rest of his gang are looking to cause trouble again in the multiverse.
and now, you’re awkwardly shoved into this multiverse drama that you never wished to be apart of.
lucky you.
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callmemeelah · 1 year
I can see how many fingers are you holding up. [S/O with glasses.]
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: ̗̀➛ A/N : You know what's funny? Classes are about to start, and i just got motivation, lovely.
: ̗̀➛ Pairing[s] : Main 6 x S/O (Separately) [Undertale, Underswap, Underfell.]
: ̗̀➛ Format : Headcannon
: ̗̀➛ TW/CW : tiny weeny bitsy little bit of cursing
: ̗̀➛ Word Count : 461 words.
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Ut Sans
He would think they're pretty neat ! [He's doing the fingers thing, absolutely.]
If your eyesight is very badly he would put them on the kitchen table just to see you looking around confusingly [he would stop if you got hurt tho.]
If it isn't that bad he would always remind you to keep them on, because he doesn't want you to end with a worse eyeslight.
Overall, a pretty chill dude about it, sometimes an asshole [in a lovingly way [mostly] ]
Ut Papyrus
He would think you're smart, because the only people he know with glasses are Toriel and Alphys and..they're smart.
He would ask you shit like, "WHAT'S THE POWERHOUSE OF THE CELL?" or ask your help with puzzles.
No but really he would think you're so incredibly smart, imagine his face when you do something stupid.
His hopes for your wisdom shattered.
Us Sans
He would also think you're smart, but not like Papyrus, he would think you maybe read a lot or something?? [No blue it's because of the damn phone.]
But still, he won't ask any life changing questions, just the usual like "HOW DO YOU TURN THE STOVE OFF?" or "HOW DO YOU STOP A FIRE?" or "HOW DO YOU CALL THE FIREFIGHTERS?"
He would also always clean your glasses......and end up staining them with his dirty gloves.....it's the tought that counts.
And he would also remind you were they are, because he loves you but he won't love you more with a bruise in your head, don't worry.
Us Papyrus
Oh, ok.
He just, doesn't really care ????
It's a part of you so he loves it but like, it's just glasses.
He would clean them if they were very dirty, and scold you for walking around with them like that. [S/O you can't see already, and with this much dirt in your glasses you can't even see at all!]
Overall he wouldn't really care much ? Just, acknowledge it.
Uf sans
"How many fingers am i holding up??" *middle finger.*
He will steal your glasses and he WILL not tell you were they are.
Fucking dipshit.
Will laugh if you bump into something.
[If you got actually hurt he will worry tho...if it's just a scratch he will laugh.]
Probably accidentally broke them once...or twice.
He payed them tho! [He got you red frames, forcefully.]
Overall: asshole [lovingly.]
Us papyrus
He thinks you are weaker because you have bad eyesight, so he always stays by your side "just in case" [he worries you'll end up losing them and get lost.]
He kind off likes them? He likes square shaped ones. ["THEY MAKE YOU LOOK SMARTER."]
Will definitely love is you get red frames because now you're matching with his scarf [he will NOT tell you that.]
Overall..pretty nice, but still a bit of an asshole.
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© Callmemeelah. Do not repost, steal, or translate the content that i make.
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