Discover Vaseline Aloe Vera Body Lotion Moisture (200ml) at Vita Point
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Experience the hydrating power of Vaseline Aloe Vera Body Lotion Moisture (200ml) from Vita Point. Infused with the soothing properties of aloe vera, this lotion deeply moisturizes your skin, leaving it feeling refreshed and revitalized. Its lightweight formula absorbs quickly, providing instant nourishment for dry skin. Elevate your skincare routine with this essential product. Shop now for soft, supple skin!
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oldtimesnew · 4 months
Vitapointe - 1986
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thebeautyscientist · 1 year
Vitapointe - the secret of a classic brand
Brands are like people. There have a lifespan and eventually die. And when they are gone they are often remembered fondly. One that has recently passed on but which is still being mourned is the cult conditioner Vitapointe. This was the ultimate product for dry and frizzy hair. It was big in the seventies, as indeed was hair. If you wanted to be funky you needed serious hair to match, preferably…
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edyson13 · 3 years
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Presentes de aniversário, da mana @nete.ribeiro.1004 e sobrinhas @nathaliaribeiroaraujoo , @nicoly_ribeirah e @nathielegabriele 🍷🔪 . . . . @jolimontvinicola @tramontinaoficial #PhotoOfTheDay #Presentes #Vitapoint #Londrinando #LondrinaOfficial #aniversario #Food #Londrina #Motivation #Londrinero #LondrinaDeAaZ  #InstaFood #Londrina  #CrenteMaromba #FitLife #Running #ReeducaçãoAlimentar #Gastronogram #FitFam #DietaSemSofrer #MasterChef #Nutrição #Fit #VidaSaudavel #InstaFit #InstaFitness #Determinação #Instapic #Disciplina #NathallyBarbosa (em Londrina Parana Brasil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKbugotjP0A/?igshid=u9zwem4893p5
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sarasmallmanwrites · 4 years
A-Level Playing Field
Nobody wanted my opinion on this, but it’s hard growing up poor. 
1988. It’s that damp kind of evening outside, clouded by condensation on the single glazed windows, and the smoke from my Nan’s Benson and Hedges. We’ve just had tea – this is North, of course – and everything is accompanied by slices of springy bread heavily lacquered in ‘soft spread’. The gold foiled butter is, usually, saved for my grandad, who works at a fibreglass factory. It’s a very long way away (actually 3.7 miles) and he leaves on his bike every evening with three rounds of tinned ham sandwiches in his bag. Tonight, my mum is out until half nine, working in the care home in the next town, picking me up at ten-ish, depending on how fast she walks. My mum is 27. Five years out of a loveless marriage, living in a council house, she has no qualifications but is working for her City and Guilds and her English ‘O-Level’, GCSEs haven’t hit our vocabulary yet, and won’t until my second cousin Mark does his two years later.
Tonight is Thursday. Nan goes out on a Thursday, which means she will leave the house at half seven in a haze of Vitapoint, Elnett and Lily of the Valley, to play Bingo at the local club. I am being looked after by Alan, my mum’s younger brother, living at home, working in the Mill that overlooks the town below like a stern Victorian overseer. He’s always grumpy, stuck in a town that has no opportunities, and no visible exit. The eighties have been cruel to young, working-class men. The vehement cry of ‘get the fuck out’ hasn’t reached our town but will do in eight years time, on a wave of Britpop, New Labour, cigarettes, and alcohol.
My uncle looks to the television for nightly escape. Thursday is Blackadder, it’s Not The Nine O’Clock News, it’s Comic Strip, it’s A Bit of Fry and Laurie, it’s Red Dwarf, it’s shipwrecked and comatose, and me engrossed on the couch, not sipping mango juice, but milky tea (the North!), as my uncle laughs his head off in between cigarettes. My mum returns, smelling like TCP and the outside, with salty, vinegary chips, and we eat them as we walk the newly tarmacked paths under the orange street lights. I ask her what a goldfish shoal is. She tells me to shush.
I decided that weekend that I wanted to be funny. I mean I could make people laugh when I did my Cilla Black impression, so surely that was a start, and thank to Carry On films I was brilliant at ‘Infamy, Infamy!’, I knew this because my grandad (the cleverest man I knew) had told me so. Even though I was only in Junior One, I knew that you had to be taught how to be funny, that there was definitely some kind of class that you would have to take to learn it, because I had never really been a natural at anything; apart from whistling, which I did with gusto in shrill, high- pitched tones wherever I could.
I read a lot, especially the paper – particularly the Daily Mirror, which probably explains why I am always heavily weighted to the left, and not just because of my ineptitude in heels – and found out that Hugh Laurie, who is obviously the funniest man I have ever encountered, went to Cambridge and was in something called ‘The Footlights’. Then was it, I decided. I was going to go to Cambridge and join ‘The Footlights’ and be funny like Victoria Wood and Dawn French. I imagine ‘The Footlights’ to be a rag-tag theatrical group living on their wits, humour, and more importantly, Pot Noodles. I tell my Grandad that I want to go to Cambridge. He tells me not to be daft.
Now, when I think about it, wanting to go to Cambridge was not a preposterous idea for any child at the age of seven; you are at the start of your education journey. There is plenty of time to get better at things, to practice, to be coached, to improve yourself; but for a working-class girl, who would eventually be the first member of her family to go to university, I might as well have said that I wanted to fly to Mars on fairy wings. But, children who attend private schools are told from the age of four that Oxford or Cambridge are the end goals for their education, with any of the higher-performing Russell Group universities being something that they could settle for, at a push. I didn’t even know what a Russell Group University was until about three years ago, and why would I? For me, in my small artsy primary school with forty children across four year groups, a dismissive attitude towards formal English education, and a liberal fancy for devoting the whole of the summer term to the end of year show, this was not something that was even thought about. Oxford and Cambridge were places printed on the back of books, they weren’t places that you went to university. In fact, most of my primary school teachers hadn’t even been to university but received their qualifications at the local teacher training college; the only exception is a brown jumpered gentleman with a penchant for using cupboards as a disciplinary technique. 
We’ll skip forward a few years later, and high school is a vigorous mixing bowl of talents, it takes until at least year nine before anyone even notices who I am amongst the squall of kids churning about in KS3. Dinner is pink sausage meat wrapped in a translucent puff pastry duvet, a treat even on the hottest days when the fat sticks to your lips; and the terms pass in a haze of cheap cider (the kind that tastes like sick), the floral pout of Cherry Lypsyl, and Chris Evans on the Radio One Breakfast Show; who is hastily snoozed every morning before I smell the lukewarm coffee my mum has left by my bed before she goes to work.  At this point my mum is a newly qualified nurse at the hospice two towns over, her fingers raw from hand sanitiser, but with rolls of antiseptic scented micropore tape that I use for a cacophony of projects. She is on nights right now, spooning gravelly granules of instant coffee into a mug, blurry from sleep, I am cobbling together a mask out of old Cornflake packets, stuck together with nursing supplies and painted with nail varnish that went past its best around the same time as the Thompson Twins. It is 1995, and the country feels like it is on the cusp of something.  I don’t know what, but I’m looking forward to the Year 2000 because I will be fully grown. Well, nineteen.
But what about Oxbridge? Well, for starters, if you attend a state school you have to be so immediately impressive to your teachers that they discuss you in the staffroom. It’s not enough to be good at one particular thing, you have to excel across the board. You have to be so amazingly shiny, that even the most jaded teacher in the school cannot fail to be dazzled by your brightness. For state school kids, Oxbridge is not something that they suggest to the average 10 A*-C kids, it’s not something that they even dangle in front of 10 A*-B kids who are pretty good. At state school, you have to be exceptional for your teachers to even consider you as a candidate, and then you have to achieve enough A*s in your GCSEs that you might as well open a Planetarium. Even then, all they can really do is say ‘I think you could go to Oxford or Cambridge, you know’, or flag you up to the local authority careers service as ‘potential Oxbridge’. There is no Oxford Fast Track programme in state schools, even for exceptional kids.
In a recent social media fracas, one lady proclaimed that if you gave kids a level playing field then poor kids would always triumph because they were more resilient - all those Crispy Pancakes, surely? But for children from a working-class background, we’re not even on the playing field yet; we have to borrow trainers with non-marking soles, scrape around for a quid for the bus. By the time we get to the playing field, we have already been running around for half the day trying to get there, we miss the warm-up because we were late and, honestly, by this point, we’re just knackered because we’ve had to work so much harder just to get there in the first place.
The warm-up is a given to those whose parents have been able to pay for their education – they even get complimentary orange slices for afterwards, just for extra pep and vigour. There are Oxbridge prep classes, extracurricular activities slanted towards the Oxbridge admissions interviews, and chances to take unpaid internships during the summer using family connections. It’s not just that though... it’s little things like knowing it’s pronounced ‘Barkshire’, not Berkshire, it’s when you use a napkin, it’s spending a week skiing at Courchevel. It’s olives. 
In 1998, I don’t know any of these things and, even if I did, my accent with its flat vowels and its Lancashire intonation would give me away in a heartbeat, because I sound like I’ve fallen off a pit pony on my way back t’mill. Things change quickly though. My mum has a baby. A screaming, mewling little boy born during The Simpsons on a Friday evening in October. Now there is absolutely no money for luxuries, and when our TV gets nicked, we end up using the small portable from upstairs. My Nan lends me money here and there to get to college, but it only covers the bus fare, and the small endowment that I receive  - supposedly to cover driving lessons - gets swallowed up with everyday things that seventeen-year olds shouldn’t have to pay for. I’m working for 4 hours a week in Woolies too, £3.10 p/h to stand around the toy department in a slippery polyester blouse the colour of synthetic mint ice cream, before skulking off to the bookshop to spend that money on things for college.  Nothing fancy but, by this point, I am well on my way to being a ‘Funny Girl’, studying a raft of ‘arty-farty’ A-Levels and English thrown in for good measure. The Cambridge Footlights hardly crosses my mind anymore, because Oxford and Cambridge are reserved for the kids doing the hard sciences, maths, law, politics, things that you need a calculator for. You don’t get into Oxford with A-Levels in Theatre Studies, Media, and Performing Arts, despite what they tell you about diversity.
Oxford or Cambridge do not offer a typical British university experience, and how can teachers who have never passed through the rigorous and exhausting Oxbridge admissions procedure be expected to offer any kind of advantage to their gifted and talented students? If you are a working-class parent relying on underfunded, underpaid and overworked FE lecturers to help coach your child through this, then you are immediately on the backfoot compared to a child whose parents can afford private tutors, admissions booklets, and interview coaches. This is no reflection on sixth form teachers in FE establishments across the country, who do all they can to nurture the kids with Oxbridge potential, but when some classes haven’t received new textbooks for two years, where students are encouraged to photocopy their own materials to save costs, you can see where the class difference begins to draw attention to itself without the need for neon yellow highlighters.
My UCAS book arrived in September; an impressive, thinly papered tome with a glossy black and white cover, University Colleges and Admission Services stamped across it in orange. It smells like a cross between the Argos catalogue and a phone book, which I feel is rather apt given that it contains the codes of institutions and courses that will break me out of this godforsaken town: a cypher that I etch out on the application form in black biro.
I don’t want to go to any of the bottom three, of course, far too close to where I came from to be relevant.  My second cousin Mark’s stint at Sheffield Hallam seemed to be an excuse for his mum to visit his ‘digs’ once a month with catering sized tins of Nescafe, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t quite looking forward to edging the lid off with a knife and stabbing through that ridged foil. My mum writes a cheque out in her secondary modern handwriting, crossing her fingers that they won’t cash it until after payday.
The discrepancies between low-income working-class families and those with a better income also show here too - this can be something as simple as slow internet connection, not having a working laptop and doing work on smartphones, access to transport, costs for travel to visit universities. Things like this are not included when factoring in costs for students from low income. How can you visit all the different university campuses, with all the travel costs and maybe even overnight accommodation, when your parents can barely afford to keep the lights on? There was only one institution that I wanted to go to. London Institute, a glamourous collection of art colleges that included the London College of Fashion, Central St Martins, and, more importantly for me, The London College of Printing.  The competition was fierce, but I was shortlisted for an interview in the capital with a former editor of the Daily Mirror. My house was showered in happy expletives that day. Even in 1999, tickets from Wigan to London were over £50 for a pre-booked return. My mum cashed in all of her Clubcard points for the ticket. But, just for me, because she hadn’t bought enough milk to cover the cost of two tickets. However, I must have impressed Tony Delano in that office in Clerkenwell, because he gave me an amazingly lowball offer meaning that my A-level results became a terribly graded self-fulfilling prophecy.
Oxford is different from usual universities in that there are colleges, thirty-nine in total. You might have seen them on University Challenge – Balliol, Trinity, Emmanuel, Brasenose – or from reading the Wikipedia pages of any of our last three Prime Ministers, including the incumbent Boris Johnson, who graduated with a 2:1 in 1987. That’s the other thing – you don’t study something at Oxford, you read it – you don’t start your studies, you matriculate, for which you need a robe. Now, I have been told by helpful and obstinate alumni via social media that Matriculation Robes are £25, ex-hire. However, I have also been told by a current Oxford student that the robe cost is £50 minimum, and no-one would dare wear a secondhand robe as ‘everyone would know’. It’s immediately singling yourself out as a Weasley in a room filled with Malfoys.
The accommodation costs are comparable to London prices; however, this does not cover the Christmas break, which means everything needs to be packed up and stored. Not only do you pay for the storage, but you pay for the boxes too. Much to my disappointment, no-one nips out for a Pot Noodle either, students are expected to dine ‘in hall’ (again, more cost!) where you can choose between an informal and a formal sitting – where your gown is required. I imagine for a working-class kid attending Oxford or Cambridge is very much like cosplaying on a Harry Potter set, but without the magic of a bottomless purse. There are balls too at the end of each term, formal affairs with ticket prices over £50. Again, said the former alumni, you don’t have to go! It’s not obligatory!
But let me tell you a harsh reality. Nothing ostracises a poor kid more than not being able to join in because they can’t afford it. Nothing. And we might have great friends who would all chip in and pay for our ticket, or lend us the money, but there is something very working-class about not wanting people to know that we can’t afford it. Surely we should not be asking these young adults who have studied and worked against all odds, to have a second class university experience because they know their parents won’t be able to help. You can’t even get a job to supplement your income either; the majority of colleges stipulate this, and as someone who had to work two term-time jobs at a much less prestigious university to live (even with the glorious student overdrafts of pre-austerity Britain), this really hit home at how much I would have struggled financially if I had gone to either of these institutions.
Recently my daughter applied for university. We get in the car and visit a university each week, driving miles up and down and across the country. We fight over choices and analyse each course based on employability, and whether or not she would like it. The process is completed in clicks and feels much more clinical than twenty years earlier, but rather than heading into unchartered waters, I have a map. It might be old and tattered, but I have a much better idea of where we are going now. My daughter believes that the meritocracy is a lie, and she tells me this in sharp, pointed tones as we receive her A-level results on a rainy Thursday morning. She goes to University in September and spends the autumn sending me videos of the Minster, or tutorials on how to swear in Japanese. She is only the second person in our family to continue on to higher education. I don’t just mean in her generation. I mean in total. We are the exception, not the rule.
One of the first questions someone at Oxford was asked by a fellow student last year was ‘private or state’, she replied ‘private’ and was met with a smile. There was no need to ask who the state school entrant was, as she queried the partridge and asparagus served for dinner – ‘this chicken is tough. Is that grass?’- and arrived for the formal sitting with her gown covering a denim skirt and shimmery top underneath. Private school teaches these things, no desperate faux pas for Isobel or Jeremy, whereas state schools do not have the resources or the knowledge to run classes on etiquette for the small number of their students that make it through the intense application procedures. This is not saying that low-income children should be discouraged – not at all – instead, it is saying that there is something inherently wrong with the system. At private school, you are disappointed if you don’t get into Oxbridge, whereas the state school child who gets in is an extraordinary anomaly talked about for years in hushed tones of reverence by the faculty.
And this is the issue with saying that children are on a level playing field, that everyone is measured on their own merit; because it is not true. For children on very low incomes, the odds are unfairly stacked against them, and the issues such as 2020’s disastrous A-Level results just add more bricks to an already near-insurmountable wall.
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artofpat · 4 years
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I have a jovial gigglely eruption inside watchin @coffeezlife plat @kidskullcrusher 's hair. She mad and he's ass hurt. And Laila the Boxer lickin Vitapointe. But it's all natural and creamy. #DaddyStories #FamilyofSteward #QuarantineDreams https://www.instagram.com/p/B_LQhcCAeop/?igshid=1t9yaai0c0ohq
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arrybarry06 · 4 years
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Don’t stop until you get glamorous. Vitapointe is the starting point. Vitapointe Hair Conditioner is suitable for all hair types but is specially formulated to help prevent dry and dull hair.
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rediscoverthe80s · 7 years
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Vitapointe - 1986 by rchappo2002 on Flickr.
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itsblackasme · 6 years
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Offtop, there's a few from my childhood missing and that's Vitapointe (I used that at my Grandma Fennell's & G-Ma Joann's🏠) and TCB Coconut Oil or Sta-Sof-Fro/World's of Curls/Carefree Curl, if u had a curl...lol. The ones that were used at my Mom's & Dad's 🏠 was #2, #6, #9 & #15 and virgin coconut oil/honey rinse. As a teen to young adult, I was doing my own hair or getting it "did", as we say, so I started using #1, #5, #7 and #10. Now I don't use anything except the oil/honey rinse, essential oil mixture and Natural/DIY hair creams/gels unless I go to the shop for a lightener, trim or quick-weave like about 3 times a year.
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Dove Body Wash Nourishing Silk 225ml | Vita Point
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Experience luxurious skin care with Dove Body Wash Nourishing Silk 225ml. Available at Vita Point, this body wash deeply nourishes and leaves your skin silky smooth. Shop now for fast delivery!
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unfriendlybitch · 6 years
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February 8, 2018 2 Months of Growth (unbrushed, freshly washed and moisturized) Products: - Jason tea tree oil shampoo and Shea Moisture JBCO shampoo (I haven’t really been using conditioner. I’m not sure why. My out of shower conditioning and moisturizing have been sufficient) - Shea Moisture transition milk - Vitapointe creme hairdresser - Natures Blessings hair grease - Jane Carter nourish and shine (only a few times because SOMEONE used mine up) Struggles: - styling…
- LINT. the amount of lint my hair attracts is ridiculous! Notes: - PLEASE grow faster!
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kulk21 · 6 years
Vitapointe Creme Hairdress & Conditioner, 8 Ounce
Vitapointe Creme Hair dress & Conditioner, 8 oz . This product is Manufactured in United States. This Product is Easy to use. Vitapointe Creme Hair dress & Conditioner, 8 oz .
This product is Manufactured in United States
This Product is Easy to use
Vitapointe Creme Hair dress & Conditioner, 8 oz 
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edyson13 · 3 years
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Mais uma entrega realizada com sucesso. 🍷😍👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 @evino ❤ . . . . . #Wine #Vinhos #Evino #PhotoOfTheDay #Beer #Vitapoint #Londrinando #LondrinaOfficial #VinhoTinto #Food #Londrina #Motivation #Londrinero #LondrinaDeAaZ  #InstaFood #Londrina #Importados (em Londrina Parana Brasil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKWYCaODiQZ/?igshid=7o684vd28uy2
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Discover the Sweet Relief of Carmex Cherry Lip Balm
Why Your Lips Deserve Carmex Cherry Lip Balm
We all know the discomfort of chapped lips—the constant dryness, the painful cracks, and the persistent irritation. What if there was a solution that not only soothed your lips but also provided long-lasting protection with a delightful scent? Introducing the Carmex Cherry Lip Balm, available now at Vita-Point.
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The Perfect Blend of Care and Convenience
Carmex is a name synonymous with lip care, trusted by millions worldwide for its effectiveness. The Cherry Lip Balm Pot is a perfect blend of Carmex's classic healing formula with a sweet, fruity twist. Here’s why this product should be a staple in your daily lip care routine:
1. Healing Ingredients
The Carmex Cherry Lip Balm is formulated with a unique blend of ingredients designed to heal and protect your lips. Menthol and camphor provide a cooling effect, while lanolin, cocoa butter, and petrolatum lock in moisture, ensuring your lips stay hydrated and smooth.
2. Protection Against the Elements
Whether it’s the scorching sun, biting wind, or dry indoor air, Carmex Cherry Lip Balm forms a protective barrier on your lips. It shields them from harsh environmental factors, reducing the risk of chapping and irritation.
3. Sweet Cherry Flavor
The addition of a refreshing cherry flavor makes applying this balm a pleasant experience. It’s not overpowering but gives a subtle hint of sweetness that lingers, making it a delightful treat for your senses.
4. Compact and Portable
The Carmex Lip Balm Pot is compact and portable, fitting easily into your pocket, purse, or bag. It's perfect for on-the-go application, ensuring you can keep your lips moisturized and protected no matter where you are.
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Why Choose Carmex Cherry Lip Balm?
Long-Lasting Moisture: One of the standout features of Carmex Cherry Lip Balm is its ability to provide long-lasting moisture. Formulated with a unique blend of natural emollients, it helps to lock in moisture and prevent your lips from drying out, no matter the weather.
Healing Properties: If you’re dealing with chapped or cracked lips, Carmex is your best friend. Its medicated formula contains camphor and menthol, which help soothe irritation and accelerate the healing process. This makes it perfect for those harsh winter months or after a day in the sun.
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Sun Protection: Speaking of sun, this lip balm also offers SPF 15 protection. It’s an essential feature that helps shield your lips from the sun’s harmful UV rays, preventing damage and keeping your lips looking youthful.
Delicious Cherry Flavor: Unlike many medicated lip balms that have a strong, medicinal taste, Carmex Cherry Lip Balm is infused with a delightful cherry flavor. It’s subtle yet delicious, making the application an enjoyable experience every time.
Compact and Convenient: The Carmex Lip Balm Pot is compact and easy to carry, making it convenient for on-the-go use. Whether you’re slipping it into your pocket, purse, or makeup bag, you’ll always have access to instant lip care.
How to Use Carmex Cherry Lip Balm
Using Carmex Cherry Lip Balm is simple. Apply a small amount to your lips using your fingertip. Reapply as needed, especially in dry, cold, or windy conditions. For optimal results, make it a part of your daily skincare routine.
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Carmex Cherry Lip Balm Pot is more than just a lip balm – it’s a comprehensive solution for anyone seeking healthy, hydrated, and protected lips. With its effective formula, pleasant flavour, and added sun protection, it’s a staple in any skincare routine.
Ready to give your lips the care they deserve? Head over to Vita-Point and add the Carmex Cherry Lip Balm Pot to your cart today. Your lips will thank you!
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Boost your energy naturally with Power Kick Tablets from Vita-Point. Our caffeine and glucose tablets provide sustained energy and enhanced focus without the crash. Perfect for busy professionals, students, athletes, and anyone needing a reliable energy boost. Available in packs of 40 tablets. Shop now and stay energized all day!
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