lemmetreatya · 1 year
i’m sorry but i just have to plague your asks with this
“Come on baby.”
“You can do it for me right, mami?”
“I know you can take it all for me.”
“Just a few more inches and i’m all the way in.”
“Mi amor.”
Just some casual phrases miguel would whisper in your ear as he makes you sink down on him…
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content: afab!reader, smut, riding, petnames, squirting, cumming, size kink
miguel was always so careful with you, always. your importance to him was never questioned — he made sure of that to every conjuring mind and eye that ever perceived the both of you.
but when it came to pleasing you, pleasing him, miguel was careful but in a way that could almost be considered bullying.
“come on, baby”
you wouldn’t even be a quarter way down on top of his cock before he’s cheerleading you on, adamant for your participation and warmness of cunt. your whines would usually be an indicator of how you were feeling — and tonight they still were — but with the way miguel’s eyes glowed with venomous passion, you knew it had no difference whatsoever.
“miguel, i cant.” you whine
“but oh yes you can.” he coos back with the utmost lack of consideration for your capabilities.
and maybe you dont take your capabilities into consideration either because as soon as he says those words, youre letting out kitten like mewls as you sink yourself further onto his cock.
“you can do it for me right, mami?”
miguel bends his head to softly mumble into the dip of your neck, lips already attached to your skin, teeth doing their best to not skim it. he feels you nod as opposed to seeing you do so.
“mhm.” the small breaths that come out your mouth tickle at miguel’s ear but he doesnt care. hes just so enamoured with whatever you’ve got going on and how easy it was to get you to siiiiink.
“just a few more inches and im all the way in.”
and he knows its good enough encouragement because sooner than he thought, your cunt hilts to the near end of his cock, and miguel can only let out a hiss as his body twitches in pleasure.
“shiiiit, you feel good, mi amor.” he finds himself saying and it only makes you glower with pride.
miguel doesnt ask whether you’re adjusted, he’s just so ready to buck into you. hands clambering down your physique, probably remembering your build before they land at your hips. he squeezes them, only slightly, but its enough for you to know his use with you.
lifting you slightly off of him, miguel wastes no time in hitching his ass back against the chair and gripping his feet to the ground so that he can plant you nastily back down against his thick cock.
and you’re whining again. it’s pretty much incomprehensible, but this time the whines sound phonetically a lot like his name. he knows he needs to assure you in this.
“tryna make you feel good tonight, mi cielo. only want you to feel good by me.” he joltedly mumbles.
“only you.”
you say out of continued kindness but miguel doesn’t take it so. as the man licks at your neck and continues to fuck into you, he growls against your skin.
“only you, who?”
“o-only y-y-y-you papi…can…ah!”
the words are so hard for you to get out. with the way miguel is jogging you with his dick it’s borderline impossible to hold any sort of coherent conversation. but the amusing thing is that miguel loves it! he knew he was more talkative than most during sex but he loved how nothing about this was logical or thought out, it was all pure want of the body.
“yeah, solo yo. sólo yo, bebé.”
the sound of slapping skin and the smell of wafting sex fills the air continues to fill the air until the both of you are cumming together, lower halves wetter than you intended them to be.
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RIP Mike Nesmith. He would’ve loved Donald Trump found guilty of 34 felony charges
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I hope there’s an afterlife so Mike Nesmith can finally experience joy 🙏
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yank-a-ton · 11 months
Comissioned @avockado !!!! So damn happy with the result. My favorite bloodied up bank robbin' movie producer
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mizugucci · 1 year
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cinamun · 9 months
I’m not saying Rahul was right in any way with his actions because choices were definitely made and not good ones nor safe ones. BUT his words were loud and fr kinda correct. Now idk how Dira felt about him prior to this whole debacle aside from him being her friend so I can’t speak to him trying to insinuate she has deep feelings for him. What I can say though is, does Dira know any of Ryker’s interests? If her were to ask what’s his favorite color, would she know? We haven’t seen much interaction between them so who’s to say but judging from how she deflected that question…this will definitely serve as a huge eye opener for her but I’m curious to see will she realize she really doesn’t like Ryker or any of the other guys she allows to chase after her (kinda like we saw with Indya…I definitely see the parallel between the two just less extreme with Dira. Darren wasn’t always the nicest guy and did some crazy fucked up shit too.) or will she realize that she does want to be with Ryker because she likes him for him and needs to put in the effort to get to know him better. Will Ryker be patient and want to pick up the pieces that Rah caused to fall out of place or will he do the whole “I’m not the one that hurt you so why are you punishing me for it”? And how would Dira react to that especially after all this?
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Okay fam because the monologue was MONOLOGUING!!! The problem is, at no point was she obligated to answer given the circumstances.
*takes the lemon pepper wings out*
So, basically, I think he had a genuine and valid line of questioning.
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And the one about interests I think is fair; when she started coming around the A/V club, I think their friendship was starting to blossom and even become flirty and Rahul was glowing n shit like that lmfao.
I think if she left him on read for Ryker, he's owed an explanation.
Not, and I repeat, NOT under the circumstances he chose!
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yvmoveon · 9 months
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destinyc1020 · 7 months
You want JE to get an Oscar nod for jacking off in a bathtub? (Saltbur ) I’m sorry, but it’s sounds to me like he’s one film away from an onlyfans account.
Rofl!!! 😅 🤣 😂
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bruiscdmouth · 7 months
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"Why are you fucking looking at me like that?" Theo muttered in irritation as he ran his fingers through his hair. He knew why. The way he'd come down the stairs with that girl he just slept with may be the reason. Their sour look made him grin though. They didn't want him so why would he have to wait around and pine? He'd done all that bullshit. Begged and begged and begged. Theo had to take more drastic measures to get the other's attention. By the look on the other's face it seemed to have worked, at least a little bit, any attention is good attention right? Theo needed a drink, his throat was dry, knew his mouth was red from all the fucking head he'd just given. "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes right?" @cxsmicwrites
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professorllayton · 7 months
she got my heart beating out of my chest like when I have to make a professional email and I have no idea how to sound like a normal person who exists normally
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screamqueened · 2 months
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patience has never been jack's strong suit. it didn't take long for jordan to figure that out; she figured that he was a person so used to getting everything he wanted exactly when he wanted. maybe that was the appeal she had; where everyone else was quick to bow to jack's demands, jordan stood firm. dared to push back where it counted. wasn't quick to fold — for the most part. she's only human, after all, and as infuriating as he was, he could also be incredibly persuasive.
case in point: she's in his office, or rather, his office chair. legs straddle either side of his hips, her hands are in his hair as they take turns kissing each other hard and hot and breathless. the briefcase she had brought in at his request — left behind at her place the last time he stopped by, presumably containing important company documents — all but forgotten. part of her wonders if it was intentional, a ploy all along to get her to walk into his cleverly poised trap. she's a willing captive; his mouth moves to her jaw, then her neck, his hands greedily exploring under her shirt only to discard it moments later. it lands somewhere in the corner — on a plant, she thinks — and then he's back to work kissing at every bit of exposed skin he can reach. she's so close to losing herself in it, except —
' you know one of your subordinates could barge in here at any moment. '
the door isn't locked; she knows it, he knows it. but it's apparent he doesn't care. if the way @hyperionhero grabs her hips and pulls her in closer isn't enough of an indication of how little concern he finds this, his next words are.
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❛ i don't care if someone sees us. i need you, now.
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she can feel just how much he needs her. a moan slips out of her, breathy and needy as his teeth rake over her collarbone and his mouth moves to press kisses against her chest. she needs him just as much, he's made sure of that. she knows she'll give herself over to him just as she has so many time before this. she gains enough composure to articulate her next words in a mostly even cadence.
' if I didn't know any better — ' and she knows she does. the statement hangs in the air for the brief moments it takes her hand to leave its place in his hair, slide down his chest and start rubbing him through his pants. ' I'd swear you want someone to catch us like this. '
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CASS!!!!! hiiiiiii honey how has ur october been so far <3<3
this is so exposing me it's literally nearing May 😭😭 anyways hi hi holly I'm so so so very glad to hear from u via asks! this is such a blessing; I appreciate u so much and I'm so emotional w the simple fact that u came here 2 check in on me running my tiny little blog periodically... 💌💞 so much love. so much! tell me about how you're holding up please!!
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sacredfirmament · 3 months
when stilgar wiped jessica's tear and stuck his thumb in his mouth. that was sexual in nature
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sharinganbitch · 2 years
Hi!!! 💕 Can you do 🍜, 🧑‍🤝‍🧑, ❤️‍🔥 (gai, kakashi, obito) of the ask meme please??
🍜 if you could spend the day hanging out with any character from the naruto universe, who would it be and why? i'm gonna go with kakashi. i feel like we could get up to some good shenanigans. plus, i do want to touch pakkun's paw pads (he says they're very soft and i belive him).
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 which other genin would you want on your team? ahh this is a tough one! i think i'd want neji and naruto. neji because he'd balance out my tendency to get emotional/hyper-protective of my teammates, and i would give him space to ~be soft~. and naruto because i really value optimism and comradery. also i feel like if i got to him early enough i could convince him to drop the whole 'ninja president' deal and embrace traveling the globe w/ sasuke.
❤️‍🔥  fuck/marry/kill (asker picks three characters) aHHHH!!! fuck gai (you just know he's laying good pipe i'm sorry), marry kakashi (yes this would be a nightmare but we could work through our trauma together, no doubt), kill obito (i would fuck him first. sorry obito. love you buddy).
thank u for asking <3 <3
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cinamun · 9 months
I’ve been thinking about the post you made yesterday comparing Indira and Indya (yes the whole name cuz it just adds to the similarities of it all lmao) and in Indya’s story, the guys spoiling her (Juan in particular) ended up being the monsters she couldn’t see because she was blinded by money and material things and Darren who was trying to warn her (granted he was going all the wrong routes to do so and was even hurting her himself) ended up being the good guy deep down that just needed some time, love, and hard work/dedication. I’m really curious to see how Dira’s situation shakes out and how it’ll be even more similar/different.
We have Ryker in the place of Juan and Rahul in the place of Darren. Even down to the point where Darren had money, he just wasn’t flashy about it so Indya didn’t know. Rah’s mom is the mayor and was caught up with Judith Ward and Marcus Flex of all people…that boy is not poor lmao he’s just not loud with his money and knows he could easily get her if he was but he wants her to like him for him…sounds like someone else we know 🤷🏽‍♀️ buuut how will Dira’s story change vs her moms? Cuz as someone stated before, you NEVER do the same things twice. There’s always growth and evolution even if it’s a slow burn.
Btw before I get eaten up, I am NOT saying Ryker is anything like Juan or that Rahul is anything like Darren or that Rahul should be forgiven at all since his intentions in HIS MIND were harmless. It’s still very much so fuck him. It’s just similar framing I noticed between their storylines and you keep reminding us that she’s Indya 2.0 but with some better guidance.
The Ratchet Reading Room™ is officially OPEN!
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Oh it is *VERY* similar framing and is Indira the one to watch because she's Indya 2.0? Perhaps. Y'all know the routine. It's funny because yes, the parallels are parallelling. Like Juan using a gun on Darren.... but I digress.
Let me get the cognac and wings out before I post this next update!
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yvmoveon · 4 months
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gogogobarry · 2 years
oh i love these prompts! fireworks, tomorrow, or return for it! feel free to pick any you want, or go wild and do all of 'em if you'd like! :D
ONE WORD PROMPT DRABBLES! | not accepting (planning to do one a day!)
fireworks + tomorrow + return for @volot !!
“Hey hey, come one, and come all! Tonight, Jubilife Village is the number-one party spot in all of Hisui! Yes!” Barry proclaims, grinning ear to ear as he throws his arms wide open, gesturing gleefully towards the decorated shops lining Canala Avenue. “Welcome to our first annual spring festival, presented by me--Young Oran, tonight’s Magnificent Master of Ceremonies--and the rest of the Gingko Guild! Not bad for a ragtag bunch of merchants, eh? Oh, and hey--don’t forget, there’s gonna be deals, raffles, games...all that fun stuff, all night long! Let’s just have a blast, okay? Oran out!”
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The gathered villagers whoop and cheer as Barry takes a much-deserved bow, some of them already munching on assorted Honey Cakes, fresh-picked Berries, and Beni’s irresistible festival-edition mochi. The entire avenue is strung up in warm lights, with nearly every resident either happily milling about or providing games and wares from their typical wooden stalls. Anthe is all smiles as she shows off her new festival fashions, receiving choruses of oohs and ahhs from an awed audience. Even Dagero seems more energized then usual, his finger flying to the camera shutter as he snaps photos of posing Pokemon, abashed couples, and giggling friend groups against the colorful backdrop. 
For a first-time event held on this scale, everything is going amazingly well so far--and Barry just can’t stop smiling. Even the weather--evidenced by the slew of stars twinkling above his head--couldn’t be more perfect. As he strolls down the crowded village street, hands jammed into the pockets of his Gingko uniform, people pause to offer him words of thanks, maybe even a hearty clap on the back. Yes, Barry can be an absolute nuisance sometimes--his early morning hawking of goods gets old fast--but everyone knows that he’s the true mastermind behind this impulsive festival, working so hard to bring this grandiose vision into reality. Bravo.
“Hey Tules! Everything good?” he calls out, offering the passing Guild member a jaunty salute as they exchange grinning nods. Selling wares isn’t the main point of this event, but Barry still can’t wait for Tuli to crunch the numbers in the morning--the guild is out in full force tonight after all, so a massive profit is inevitable. They were all going to be rich. Maybe grumpy ol’ Ginter would even crack a smile for once...  
Barry’s smile continues to be omnipresent as he rounds on the Gingko camp’s crackling fire, his expression only brightening further once he spots the familiar figure seated at the flame’s edge. Volo had just returned from one of his mysterious regional trips--right on time--so the elder Guild figure understandably seemed a bit out of it tonight, his unwavering gaze fixed on the gaping celestial instability looming over the distant Mount Coronet. Yes, the atmosphere at the camp--somewhat removed from the main festival thoroughfare--is pensive, refreshingly peaceful...until it isn’t. Thank you, Oran.
“Hey, hey...earth to Big Bro! You in there, buddy?” Barry crows impatiently, sliding in right beside Volo and snorting as the older merchant--snapped out of his tired reverie--flinches at his sudden arrival. “C’mon, you’re the one who always tells me to...uh, keep my senses alert, or whatever--what happened to you? Maybe it’s your old age, or maybe I’ve just gotten sneakier, eh?”
“Hm! Maybe you have...” Volo responds lightly, stifling a yawn as he takes stock of the distant festival...and the restless boy who’s eagerly perched next to him, ready to drink in his every word. It’s Volo’s turn to smile now, and the de facto star of the Gingko Guild throws an arm around his wannabe protégé, giving Barry’s shoulder a supportive squeeze. ”I must say, this festival is truly impressive so far, Oran. You should feel very proud, taking the reins to lead something like this all by yourself.”
Barry’s eyes widen, his cheeks almost immediately flushing pink. “I-I had a bit of help. From Tules, Choy, y’know...” he mutters dismissively, clapping an embarrassed hand to the back of his neck. Contrary to his usual all-me attitude, the young blond seems almost flustered as he grins down at his boots, sits up a little straighter. It’s clear that Volo’s approval means so much to him--as usual--even as this rare moment of modesty inevitably fades away.
“...Man, I could’ve used your help with the sales pitch though. Do you know how hard it was to convince Boss Cyllene and Pops that this party was all worth it? Yeesh,” Barry grouses lightly, poking Volo in the ribs. “I kept reminding myself--what would Big Bro say?--and then I just kept talking until both of them rolled their eyes and said party on! Score one for Oran--I learned from the best speaker ever, right? Oh!”
Barry abruptly leaps out of his seat as if zapped by a phantom Thundershock, causing poor Volo to flinch again. “That reminds me! I gotta show you and the whole village something super cool! I know you’re probably pooped, but you don’t even have to move, okay? I’ll be right back!” The overexcited organizer takes a few steps before skidding in his tracks and whirling around. “Oh! And that also reminds me--once I’m done, wanna come down to the Ave and say hi to everybody? I know you’re probably pooped, but I promise the festival’s fun! I mean, everyone wants to see you and hear your latest stories...just think on it, yeah?” But don’t move just yet, Mr. Popular! I’ll be back in a flash--count me down, Big Bro!” 
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However, Barry zips off before Volo can even open his mouth to respond (or even count), leaving a very bewildered Hisuian traveler in his wake. What is even happening right now? Perhaps it’s the spirit of the festival, but Barry seems more frenetic than normal...if that’s even possible.
A loud sound suddenly tears through the evening air, almost causing Volo to pitch backwards off his log stool. His eyes are immediately drawn skyward, mouth dropping open as multicolored lights dazzle the celestial canvas overhead. The merchant hears oohs and cheering from the Village’s center...and then Barry all but reappears in front of him, panting with hands planted on his knees. Young Oran is positively beaming now.
“Did...did you see that, Big Bro? It worked! They actually work!” he celebrates, dancing around Volo’s log with glee. “I present you with...Hisui’s first homemade fireworks! Look, look, here comes another one!”
Another impromptu firework arcs into the sky, prompting yet another majestic flash. Barry is excitedly rambling on about working with Choy to craft the colorful explosives from the fuses of discarded Pokeballs, but Volo isn’t paying much attention, his unwavering gaze fixed on the brilliant explosions. As the dependable Anvin launches the full arsenal of custom fireworks from the farm fields (Galaxy Corps permission for this be damned!), Barry finally runs himself out of steam and and plops down next to Volo again, the two merchants gazing up at the triumphant scene in thoughtful silence.
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The explosions are so bright yet so fleeting, and Barry finds himself wishing that the momentary splashes of color would stick around for just a little longer. He harbors the same feelings towards this festival--this celebration of how far Jubilife has come--and part of him selfishly wishes that tomorrow would never arrive, wishes that he could just capture this singular evening in a capsule and exist in it forever. He lets out a sigh of contentment. Perhaps the fact that he can never return to such a perfect, temporary moment...is what makes tonight so special in the first place. 
Volo’s eyes are also trained on the fireworks, though his gaze lingers on what happens after the explosion, when the discarded, burnt-out embers descend sadly to the earth. He frowns to himself--the fleetingness of this display shouldn’t disappoint him so much, but it does. Inevitably, he finds himself staring at the spacetime distortion portal looming above the Coronet Highlands, the ominous problem that this festival has tried to ignore. Unlike the fireworks, the portal’s light endures. Unlike the fireworks, the portal is only growing stronger, brighter over time. The white light sears Volo’s vision, reminding him of his greater mission. Once he makes his play, there is no returning to the Village, the Guild, anything resembling normalcy. After he’s ascended, he can finally abandon this pointless façade...and become so much more.    
On Volo’s side, Barry sighs again, his hazel eyes twinkling with innocent wonder and big dreams. For someone who’s always rushing towards something new, he is truly content to stay in this moment for once. After all, there’s always tomorrow, and--this time--tomorrow can wait, just this once.
Volo sighs too, turning away from the distortion with a pang in his chest. For someone who always acts so casual and composed, he finds himself filled with an insatiable restlessness, the need to further his own goals preoccupying his mind above all else. The mask he wears is slipping more and more every day. Soon. He is so close. 
Tomorrow can’t come fast enough.    
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