#Walking Rugby
insidecroydon · 29 days
Old soldiers enjoy their rugby stroll around Hamsey Green
Grandstand view: Chelsea Pensioners were at Warlingham on Saturday for the venue’s first walking rugby festival, which included a team from the Royal Hospital We’ve had walking football. There’s walking cricket, too (if it ever stops raining). Now, up at Warlingham rugby club and at Old Whits, they are playing walking rugby, and a visit at the weekend from some old soldiers from the Royal…
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I was walking along talking on my phone when a guy snatched it out my hand, got a few paces only to realise it's a rubbish model and then smashed it against York city wall. I rugby tackled him and he turned into a small domestic dog.
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divinekangaroo · 9 months
Peaky blinders modern high school sports AU:
Arthur - everything track and field. Throws a mean javelin. Could be good at more but is too competitive for team sports, fights his own teammates for the ball
Tommy - nothing. Absolutely nothing. Smoking under the stacks or behind the toilet block. Teachers sometimes talk him into umpiring the football so he won’t fail a unit, then he’s absolutely fucking brutal like it’s a game of Tommy Shelby vs both football teams
John - generically good at all team sports, nearly always first pick. Always takes on too many sports commitments and juggling clashes. Prefers football
Finn - squash and badminton. Stays indoors.
Ada - tennis. Likes the way it’s like a verbal tactical battle with a single opponent. Not good at doubles because can’t teamwork with her partner. (Ada in a white short tennis dress. At least one brother makes an effort to go every time she plays and glares at the crowd)
Lizzie - cross country running. Practices in the streets. Wears earbuds and ignores catcalls. If the uniform requires short shorts and sleeves, always wears full length Lycra leggings and long sleeves under
Alfie - lurking under the bleachers with Tommy. Will also umpire if pressed but takes sides and has no shame in it. Used to do rugby and wrestle until he was banned and expelled due to an Incident in the Locker Room
Esme - lurking with Tommy and Alfie behind the toilet block because she’s nearly always pregnant.
May - chief competitive cheerleader, organiser, fundraiser, etc
Grace - excellent at anything involving a bat and a ball, amazing pitcher, has knocked people out with a softball and no one sure if she meant it (her aim’s too good to miss?) or an accident (she’s too perfect to be malicious). Tommy watches the dynamic with interest
Michael - touch rugby. *only* touch. Mum worries too much otherwise. Uniform always immaculate
Jessie - netball, goal defence or centre
Linda - netball, goal attack or wing attack
Freddie - look, teachers keep trying and he keeps trying but the lanky dude’s so uncoordinated he’s dangerous and they let him sit out. He refuses to join the gang behind the toilet block so sits somewhere and sulks and sometimes Tommy comes over and passes him over a durry. Always at Ada’s matches and gives her detailed commentary on what she could’ve done better afterwards.
Gina - competitive ballroom. She’s teaching Michael
Sabini - 100% crazy arsehole PE Teacher vibes. No one understands him. Is he Australian? Is he Italian? Is he English? Is he Czechoslovakian? No one knows. Nearly gets into a fistfight with Tommy trying to force him to participate until administration intervenes
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oscar-piastri · 1 year
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The Stade Toulousain players and staff jump on Romain Ntamack to celebrate their win against La Rochelle (and also to celebrate the legend that Romain is)
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andromedasummer · 1 year
the experience of watching bondi rescue on youtube vs piha rescue on youtube is that on bondi rescue theres a continuous cast and funny little moments and events interspersed between rescues on surf boards and medical events and then with piha rescue its a constant fucking stressful nightmare (esp if youre a new zealander who knows what piha is like) where they have less lifeguards over miles of deadly beaches, sea so rough they can only do rescues in irbs or boats, cops always showing up either for illegal fishing or a missing persons report that, 85% of the time turns into a case of one/multiple people (children to adults) drowning each season and the same percentage chance of their body being recovered because of the strong currents
like. bondi rescue shows you what work is like at a popular sunny beach that is almost always safe to swim at as long as you know what youre doing. piha rescue shows you what work is like at craggy, overcast and rough water beaches no one should be entering regardless of experience
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vimbry · 1 year
I don't usually like publicly circulating stuff that was just ill-thought-out to point & laugh at, but the tweet's long deleted and the account gone too I think and this pops into my head 9 times out of 10 when I go for a walk, so ironically romanticised my life
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lupismaris · 7 months
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killerhailsuffers · 10 months
been feeling extra butch this week grr
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qouboo · 1 year
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Hey kids? Always remember to roll your ankles out before sports. (I Am In Pain)
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retrocgads · 2 years
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UK 1991
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farcillesbian · 2 years
just realized I've always downplayed myself as unathletic but .... hold on a minute. I'm literally a jock dyke. I was doing gymnastics when I was in elementary for a bit + dabbled in ballet too, I did swimming for a while and a few triathlons as a kid, then did soccer and ringette and eventually swapped the soccer for rugby & I did cross country for some god damn reason in late elementary (even tho I hated running until a few years back??), I did recreational dodgeball a bit in undergrad & I would be playing ringette & rugby in an adult league right now if there was one available to me. also I might pick up curling .... lmao ?! and the whole reason I've always said I wasn't sporty or athletic was because I was never like. the best at any of the sports, never some AAA all star player, but I did my best and showed up to every practice I could and really enjoyed everything. fuck that I'm athletic and I love sports
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politedemon · 2 years
would like to be able to go a day without getting myself into an incredibly stupid yet inescapable situation please
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did-u-say-cake · 2 years
Hi maddie!!! it's me.. Casper the friendly ghost
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dieschwartzman · 16 days
if a car beeps at me i think the driver should be legally required to send me a letter stating their name & intentions
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catinfroghat · 6 months
My mom says she can't pick me up from the bus stop next week so I have to walk home 😭 please please don't rain or snow or get icy I'll die
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