#What are some upcycled fashion ideas?
bookhoarding · 1 year
Upcycled Fashion 101
An intro to upcycling clothes. This is based on some of the most searched for questions around the topic in the hopes it helps folks looking for answers. What are upcycled clothes? The definition of “upcycled clothes” is highly subjective, but it ultimately means remaking or revamping textiles into something wearable. It’s used for everything from folks remaking old prom dresses into something…
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descendants-extended · 6 months
AK & VK's Hobbies
A lot of the AKS probs do horse-riding too cause rich kids and their parents have pet horses mostly in canon stuff.
Also hanging out with pets for VKs and AKs since they all have pets galore. Though no one has more than Aladdin, Jasmine and their kids’ massive menagerie.
Everyone sings (probs various degrees of good)
Harriet: Likes doodling (not coherent usually & just for her eyes only) and reading.
Harry & CJ: They like to read but mostly for the dramaticness & extraness. And because they are Hook’s kids so classical literature and stuff is easy for them. It’s probably a hobby that surprises people the most!
^ the hook kids’ hobbies are also inspired by chats with @panthera-tigris-venenata
Hook kids may also play some instruments cause their dad does (piano, harpsichord and from jake and the Neverland pirates: the trumpet)
Ben:  Headcanon that he can do some ‘tinkering’ with things. Not full on inventing like his grandfather, Maurice or like Carlos. But it’s a talent he has from spending lots of time with his grandad during his childhood.
He is probably a great assistant/helper! His mode of doing things is trial and error! Though he probably does know the basics pretty well. It helps him relax and calm down. It transports him to simpler times with his grandad and the stories he used to hear.
Audrey: Swordfighting, fencing & jousting with & cause of her parents (mum too cause in one disney picture book Aurora does joust! which is cool of Disney to give us content for. Also Aurora uses a sword in concept art).
Spending time with woodland creatures, hearing stories from her ‘great-aunts’-the 3 good fairies and gramma. She likes foraging. Embroidery and stitching too maybe. Probs likes reading stories too. She also writes her diary.
Gil: possibly woodworking/carpentry? But he values detail, style and elegance and likes engraving it with art unlike his father who only cares about its functionality and just generally leaves it like bare and crude. People also hc he likes gardening which is cute!
Hunting responsibly? A take I heard once. Like he only takes what he needs and sometimes just enjoys running after animals and not actually hunting if that made any sense.
‘Uma’s wicked book for VKs’ said he made Uma and Harry’s outfits for em I think so he’s a fashion designer too? Or maybe they gave him special instructions that he followed. Good for him. Cause dude can still sew then.
Jay & Jade: Practicing disguises (Jafar & Nasira both got disguises in canon so like just a family thing). Practicing magic when they get to Auradon (Jay is 1/4th Genie in mine. Plus Jafar & Nasira do have some magic of their own so do Jay & Jade).
Anthony: reading, upcycling outfits & accessories (because a line in the 1st book saying his outfits look regal & tailor-made somehow though they’re made of the same materials other’s outfits are made of. He generally makes any outfits work but further elevated by him tailoring stuff).
He likes spending time with his mum, siblings, cousins, pet(s) & his bestie, Eddie Balthazar! Loves throwing parties (based on the 1st ‘isle’ book again, saying he throws great parties)- he just enjoys the effort, the pay off & it helps him unwind (good for him. ambivert vibes).
Thinking up business strategies, accounting & book keeping! (Why are these in his hobbies? He finds it pretty fun when it all works out. So generally ‘plotting’? Yeah. Likes things organised), being a taste tester for his sibling’s food creations (they’re just good at it), dignifiedly sassing annoying isle people (mostly villains, some won’t get it sometimes) & learnin‘ stuff like languages!
He can play the piano but not really something he likes as much (wind instruments aren't his thing just like they weren’t his mum’s thing). Probs likes the idea of dueling but not exactly good at it?
Hadie: Likes rock & roll music like his dad, maybe he likes giving himself new piercings as a hobby? (met someone who did this irl! sounds cool but be careful). Likes to be a pest to the villains who are horrible parents and people (like him bothering Frollo to do his fortune quite regularly- @panthera-tigris-venenata made a post bout this! Give it a read, it's such a treat).
is the prince of the underworld so he likes to practice magic with his dad though you don’t really see results on the isle cause of the no-magic nature of the barrier (I suppose other magic users also found it very hard learning magic without well, magic! His irises glow yellow sometimes & his blue hair lights on fire so some magic still is kinda visible.)
Likes hanging out with his friends! Oh and his cousin, Freddie (if one hcs Freddie being Ursula’s daughter which I adore) and by extension Celia (who isn't Ursula’s kid in mine so not his blood cousin but he still treats her like one)
Chad: Dude won’t ever admit it but doing chores helps him clear his head and he likes cleanliness cause his mom wanted to still know some responsibility (never forced him to do it though).  Likes sports and also shopping! He can sew but like only repair stuff. He can cook some basics but not a hobby of his and not something he ever has to do.
Jenna, Rafi, Salima, Aziz (& their two lil siblings in mine): Hanging out with family, friends and pets.
All love going on long magic carpet rides. (‘Borders? Air traffic? Aw, bless your heart.’ They have like no need for passports on carpet rides & Agrabah’s got it as a clause in their agreement. The royal family doesn’t need those. (reminds me of how irl the British royal family’s head doesn’t need a passport). They have passports though. This is a new idea I just had & yeah. Can have a lot of exploration).
They love travelling. Probs try different modes of travel.
Aziz can Skateboard (based on Jasmine skateboarding in an Aladdin console game XD. Can't remember which game it was rn. But ‘Nasira's Revenge’ maybe? Feel free to correct me if I remembered the wrong game. While trying to find a pic, I found a doll of Jaz with Carpet as a skateboard so interesting.)
Anxelin & Ruby: Too many cause of their mom, Rapunzel's many hobbies and how it inspired them. They love trying out new stuff and are pretty adventurous. Their favourite book series is obv the 'Flynnigan Rider series'.
inspo from this post from @dragoneyes618: here
This is it so far. Maybe this is a part 1? Depends.
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bunnakit · 2 months
Kpop Bias Meme ask thing: 8,10,12,15 and 19
8. The first word that comes to my head when somebody mentions my bias 🌸
not one word but "shorty in the blue" every fucking time
10. My favourite fact about my bias 🌸
ok picking my second fav fact since i answered this in another one, i love that he upcycles and repurposes old clothes. in the age of fast fashion its so nice to see clothes get a second life and he always does such creative things with them
12. If I could buy my bias a gift, I would give them _____ 🌸
i mean theres nothing i could really give him that he couldn't give himself so i think i'd give him like.. some really pretty or cool fabric or something, or maybe something hand made and meaningful
15. If I could get a tattoo of something my bias said, what would it say 🌸
i've really been playing with a 'shine on my own' tattoo idea from turbulence with a little paper airplane
19. Who, if anyone, I’m most likely to ship my bias with 🌸
this is a set up, kali. you know the answer to this. you know that every day i am plagued with thoughts of seongjoong/matz
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practically-an-x-man · 11 months
For the ask meme. (Secret) formal, roots, alternate
Ooh, thank you! I'll answer this one about Christina Carver (my Daredevil OC), Veronica/Citron (my Bullet Train OC) and Lydia (my Witcher OC)
Character Design Asks
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
Chris: She doesn't really enjoy dressing up since she finds formal clothing restrictive and it's a difficult sensory experience for her, but she does try to dress up when she goes into court. I imagine her in a nice maroon dress, flatteringly cut but professional, with a loose feathery skirt.
Ronnie: She dresses up fairly formally on a regular basis, matching up with the fruit twins and their looks when they're out in the field. I don't really see her in a blouse or dress, more likely a suit, especially since the jacket could help her conceal a weapon. Outside of missions, I think she'd enjoy wearing a sundress once in a while, and she'd be more likely to wear a nice dress when out on a date.
Lydia: she doesn't really have a formal set of clothing, for two reasons. One, she can't afford it (fabric is expensive, and this is the Middle Ages), and two, she's a siren and the water would ruin it.
roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
Chris: she doesn't really have a set style, but I feel like she'd usually wear a lot of muted colors since she already feels outcast and would want to "disappear". However, once she meets Matt and he helps her get a handle on her prophecies, a bit more color begins to make her way into her wardrobe. And of course, it starts with red.
Ronnie: definitely inspired by the idea of the well-dressed "gentleman spy" trend. There might be some slight feminization there, but she'd still be in a suit and would still be immaculately dressed out in the field. In her daily life, she mainly just falls under usual modern fashion-casual looks
Lydia: Largely based on the Middle Ages/Medieval styles of clothing, since that's the time period it takes place. Aside from that, she mainly sews her own clothing based on what she can find, since she generally tries to stay away from people and towns, so it's a lot of upcycling from scrap and some very... unique looks.
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
Chris: Maybe a fantasy AU would be cool, where she's treated more like a prophetess. Though I think she'd still be viewed as a Cassandra, prophecies unbelieved, so she wouldn't exactly have riches and fame. But I think it would be neat to place her in an Ancient Greek or Roman setting, and have that play into her look.
Ronnie: I'd want a gentleman spy AU, really leaning into her usual sense of fashion. We're talking James Bond meets film noir, and I'd give her some very nice suits mixed with classic 40's hairstyles.
Lydia: ooh, okay, I'd love to see a modern AU where she's the lead singer in a band called Siren, and Jaskier has his own band that competes for venues or something. I'd want to see her all punked out: spiky dyed hair, dramatic makeup, leather jackets and bright blue stiletto boots. Overall it would be a very, very extreme look, since her ostracization would come from her being an "acquired taste" rather than her literally being a siren.
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quill-of-thoth · 1 year
Having some thoughts about "upcycling" clothing As someone with a lot of interest in crafts and fiber arts but basically no interest in fashion (largely because I'm an outdoorsy lab gremlin doing my best to ignore fashion's insinuations that I'm built wrong to be ladylike) and someone who essentially went to school for four years to learn about why capitalism needs to die, I do see a lot of clothing related content. Some of it is useful! Some of it is silly, and knows that it is silly. Some of it is greenwashing: no, you are not IMPROVING a perfectly fine T-shirt by making it a flimsy little wrap top, throwing out half the fabric in the process. Like don't get me wrong, wear what you want. Make over what you want when you don't want to wear it in that format anymore. But there's something pernicious about the idea that making clothes last involves making them less sturdy and less able to be used for a variety of functions, and less able to be passed on to someone else.
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porcelain-rob0t · 1 year
what are your top 20 fashion history facts
aw yesss i love this question
let's go 20 fashion history facts. most of my knowledge is primarily from western countries and 19th-20th century, just as a little disclaimer. also this is stream of consciousness infodump so you can fact check and tell me if i got stuff wrong. some may be well known, others more obscure, im just happy to talk
in the 1940s, a lot of traditional beauty products were in short supply bc of the war and rations, so people had to get creative. one example is that fabric was being rationed so shorter simpler dresses and less hats. thats why the 1940s is known for all the really elaborate hairstyles.
a lot of things that we call corsets aren't actually corsets. if it's before the 19th century, support garments were called stays. also corsets weren't evil torture devices, they're just like bras that distribute the weight of the bust through the abdomen rather than the shoulders. they were only dangerous when worn incorrectly or ill-fittingly, kinda like wearing the wrong bra size.
bellbottom pants had their roots in older navy uniforms. the idea is that if you go overboard, you can tie off the ends of your pants to be used as floatation devices. my grandfather was in the navy and during my 70s fashion era, he told me that cool little fact.
a lot of makeup throughout the ages was made using what you had available. one of my favorite examples is carmine, a red pigment that was used in rouge, lip products, and blush. carmine is made from bugs!! isnt that cool?
pretty much everything that has ever trended has trended before, we call this nostalgia cycles, usually it's every 30 years but it can be as short as 10 years. for example, the 2010s was interested in replicating some 80s aesthetics, the same way we're seeing that with the 2000s now.
my favorite fashion subcultures in recent history is the mod look from the early-mid 1960s. it was built around rebelling from the restriction of 50s. this came from less structured dresses, shorter skirts, bright colors, and expressive eye makeup. if you think about it, the mod look is kind of a 30-40 year nostalgia cycle with the flapper movement of the 1920s.
speaking of subcultures, theyre all started by marginalized people working with what they have. prime examples are the punk and grunge movement being very proletariat in origin, most of the fashion staples are what people could get secondhand/cheap. this is your reminder that you dont need to buy from "punk" brands to dress punk, work with what you got! have fun, get creative, tear shit up, upcycle it, decorate how you want, add pins and stuff!!! :D
tight-laced corsets were not common during the Victorian/Edwardian. in the photos of women with seemingly tiny waists, those were often created with padding the bust and hips. photo editing also existed, it's always been there, it was usually painting in parts of the photo. setting the subject up in front of a dark background, using lots of contrast, and then you can use a bit of black paint on the photograph to make the waist smaller.
Christian Dior was the guy who popularized fake pockets in women's pants, so if hell is real and i end up there, i will hunt him down.
in the late 19th-early 20th century, models were called "living mannequins"
i only have 10 so far but expect a part 2
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flora-summers · 1 year
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— INTRODUCING: flora summers.
aisha dee & she/her cis woman ‷ watch out , flora summers has crash-landed into roswell !! they look twenty-eight years old and celebrate their birthday on the twenty-first of june. they are from roswell, new mexico, reside in aurora apartments and are currently working as a clerk and seamstress at better off duds. one thing you should know about them is that she won’t be caught dead wearing boring clothes and has her own little side project as a freelance textile designer called to dye for where she designs prints and patterns, creates her own custom pieces to sell online and happily takes commissions‷
The Basics.
Full Name: Flora Summers Face Claim: Aisha Dee Pronouns and Gender: ciswoman (she/her) Birthday and Age: June 21st, 1994 (28) Zodiac: gemini ☉ sagittarius ☽ pisces ➶ Hometown: Roswell, NM How long have they been living there? All her life. Sexuality: bisexual Neighborhood: Aurora Apartments Occupation: Seamstress at Better off Duds & Freelance Textile Designer Family: Harold Summers (father), Louane Summers (mother)
The Personality.
A lot of people poke fun at Flora’s name, mostly because she really does live up to it. She’s a bright, warm presence that is usually both empathetic and level-headed. That doesn’t mean that she doesn’t pack a punch though, considering that every now and then she can crack a joke to break the silence or make a snarky remark that seemingly slips out. Overall, Flora is a loveable dork that will go out of her way to help those out who need it and always makes time for an extra job or two. On her bad days, Flora can be a bit too in her head, overthinking every little choice she’s ever made and beating herself up over not being enough. Yet, she tries not to give into it and tries to face herself with the same humor and enthusiasm she has in store for her friends and loved ones.
The Biography.
Flora’s parents own the local thrift store Better Off Duds and are known as a warm and kind presence in the town. They used to be big fish in the fashion industry - her mom’s a fashion designer, her dad’s a tailor but they realized that it was never quite what they wanted from their life and decided to move back home and start anew.
From a young age, Flora knew that fashion was the field she wanted to get into as well, considering she was always so curious about her family’s work and what they did to help resell the clothes they got, tailoring and fixing them before doing so and creating something new out of something old
thanks to that idea, she’s never liked buying new clothing - she’s very much into the sustainable kind of lifestyle and does a lot of re- and upcycling in whatever capacity she can
in fact, she’s been doing so since she was a kid! She was always obsessed with making her clothes more personalized and eventually started sewing on patches of colorful fabrics onto her torn up clothes, drew on her jeans or dyed them if her mom let her get away with it
school was never really what she wanted to do either. she was a good student and liked to learn new things but she knew she’d probably be better off not going to college
instead, she worked at the store and helped her parents as much as she could and in return had time to take courses (ranging from pattern making, to design and sewing) to improve her skills. Before she knew it, she traveled across the country to attend textiles trade shows for inspiration
over the years, she got better and better at her craft and with her parents’ help and a lot of practice, she’s now a self-taught seamstress and freelance textile designer
her interest in the latter eventually resulted in a pipe dream of hers - an online business called To Dye For which is rather popular around town. It’s where she designs prints and patterns and creates her own custom pieces. She sells some at the store in her very own little section but takes on commissions as well!
It’s easy for her to win clients over by being friendly and not afraid to talk and connect to people - she got that from her dad who is a very kind presence and considering she grew up in the store, she picked up on it quickly and adapted it to her everyday life
Today, the Summers still upcycle clothes in their spare time and have their own little extra section in the store.
Ultimately, Flora wants nothing more than to make parents proud and continue her life in the town, yet she’s constantly torn between wanting to pursue her business growth and planning on taking over her parents’ store one day.
She doesn’t want to disappoint them but also doesn’t know how to combine her dream with the vision she had for herself ever since she was a kid
Her life had always been very structured and planned but nowadays, she has the need to break free without leaving her roots behind - a constant struggle she’s still learning to deal with.
The Connections.
friends (childhood friends since she's a local, new friends, fellow fashion enthusiasts,...)
someone who helps her pack her online business orders and will listen to her rants about design choices
anything really!
There's a more descriptive connections page here.
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celinefoh · 16 days
Week 7: Social media influencer and slow fashion movement
Welcome back again! So in this post, I’m going to walk you through social media influencers and the slow fashion movement. As usual, we are going to start with some questions. Let me know your answer in the comment section so I can go and take a look too. Did you go on social media to search for certain influencers for fashion ideas? 
So what is the slow fashion movement? Compared to the fast fashion industry, the slow fashion movement promotes more ethical and ecological ways of producing and consuming clothing. An important part of the affordable approach is using environmentally friendly materials such as hemp, organic cotton, recycled fabrics, and other sustainable sources. This reduces the environmental impact of clothing production. Recycled fabrics, such as using jeans to recreate a new item, are often seen nowadays; they could be a bag or clothes. You may think that using recycled jeans and making them into a bag may sound weird; in contrast, it has become a fashion trend. Some of these traditional methods are returning to the slow-fashion world. At first, it prompts us to sit back and consider whether we truly need a new item or if we could look through our closet for a forgotten item that could only require a minor fix. It therefore motivates us to purchase fewer clothes less frequently and, whenever possible, get used ones.
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We can also see more and more thrift stores on the street. Thrift stores like 2nd Street allow everyone to sell their clothes to them, and then they will choose those good-quality clothes and resell them at a low price. This lets those old clothes find a new owner and give them value again. So if you have any old clothes that you want to throw away, why not sell them to 2nd Street and let them help those clothes find a new owner? Furthermore, thrift stores receive different types of fashion-style clothes, and people can manage to find clothes that suit their fashion style better than in a shopping mall. Wearing used apparel is an environmentally conscious way to support others in becoming more sustainable (Atelier, 2023). 
Or if you plan not to sell it, then why not donate it and help those in need? (tyoub.com.au, n.d.) No matter how big the charity is that you decide to support, your contribution will have an impact. Charities can carry out their essential work because of the kindness of people like you. Even though you might not need your old clothes, someone most likely will. Many people require more reasonably priced, reusable clothing. 
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In conclusion, ethical and environmentally friendly clothing uses sustainable materials such as hemp and recycled fabrics, promoted by the slow fashion movement. This encourages buying lower-quality products and helps thrift stores like 2nd Street, which share used clothing to reduce waste. Donating used clothing to charities benefits the less fortunate and promotes sustainability. Embracing slow fashion fosters a community that is more aware and supportive. of.
Atelier, D. (2023). What is Upcycled Clothing? Slow Fashions Biggest Trend for 2023. [online] Daines Atelier. Available at: https://dainesatelier.com/upcycled-fashion-2023/  (Accessed: 18 May 2024). 
tyoub.com.au. (n.d.). Why You Should Donate Clothes Instead of Throwing Them Away - Tyoub Swimwear. [online] Available at: https://tyoub.com.au/blogs/news/why-you-should-donate-clothes-instead-of-throwing-them-away  [Accessed 18 May 2024].
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doved-icelebrity · 2 months
What Not To Wear
Sustainable Fashion, Second-hand Shopping, and Social Media’s Sway
As an internet user and a Gen Z resident (on the cusp, at least), I find myself affected by fast-fashion everywhere I turn. I am often overwhelmed by the onslaught of passing trends and the virtual urging to participate in the current wave of whatever is fashionable. I am grateful to have been taught to seek treasure in the realm of second-hand shopping from an early age. Born out of necessity and becoming something of a passion, the world of “thrifting” is a vast one that contains a few key lessons on sustainable approaches to fashion. Though there have been periods of my life when being on-trend seemed vital to my survival, I came to learn about the concept of a capsule wardrobe and have not longed to look back. The idea of investing (whether in time or money or a combination of the two) in pieces that speak to your soul and fit your life perfectly can save endless time and frustration (not to mention the clothing-waste prevention) is a brilliant thing to adapt to. I see this idea coming into the public consciousness via social media more and more as time goes on and it is fantastic to witness. What one deems essential will differ person to person, and will allow the individual to truly consider their style and the structure of their life in a way that fast-fashion prevents.
When I have a special occasion coming up or I want a change of pace, I like to have clothing swaps with my friends. That old tee shirt / pair of trousers / dress from the back of your closet that you haven’t worn in a bit can be given a brand new life in the hands of a pal. And it’s free! When I need something more specific, I head to local second-hand shops with a vision in mind. Shopping aimlessly leads to buying aimlessly, which of course leads to clothing waste. The avoidance of these things is my goal. I consider myself a crafty individual. When I have a garment that is met with rips or tears, I am not afraid to attempt to “upcycle” it with amateur alterations, personalized patches, and a bit of luck. There is an undeniable beauty in being truly committed to the pieces you know and love, the articles of clothing that have gone on journeys without you throughout your life, have hugged all of your favorite people and seen your favorite places. I have had coats and jeans in my life for nearly a decade, and they existed on this earth long before they came into my possession. Though some of my garments occasionally go into periods of retirement, the thrill of moving them back into my outfit rotation when the time is right is my favorite sort of shopping spree.
Taken in my favorite local second-hand clothing store “Other People’s Clothes” in Ridgewood, Queens :
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Photos taken of my favorite second-hand and vintage store (now closed, heartbreakingly) The Eclectic Contessa, where I shopped for the entirety of my adolescence in my hometown in Pennsylvania :
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In terms of eco-friendly material viability, I feel that it is the same as any other kind of societal shift in the forward direction. Everything seems impossible until we do it. With enough inspiration, experimentation, funding, and demand- anything can be done. I think of the current universality of reusable grocery bags. Alternative material straws. It takes trial and error (paper straws weren’t as beloved as other materials for example) but making the toxic materials less accessible (and less popular) causes massive shifts in society, where the past can be nearly completely phased out.
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Many fashion brands (including those considered fast fashion) do indeed engage in the practice of greenwashing. This process of exaggeration and false advertising around the environmental cost of one’s practice / process results in confusion, disappointment, and distrust within consumer bases. This well-earned skepticism can cause consumers to be more conscious about the brands they suppose. This push to engage in more research when shopping results in a more thought out purchase, and a slower want-buy-discard cycle. Internet-popular societal shifts (particularly among Milennials and Gen Z) towards sustainable fashion has caused a number of luxury brands to make genuine efforts toward environmental responsibility.
A photo I took on the set of a photo shoot a few years ago for a friend’s upcycled fashion brand “For Good Luck” , hand-dyed second-hand and vintage wedding dresses and various formal wear are given new life :
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A brand that I see widely popularized on social media, and I myself am a fan of, is SAYE. They are a (primarily) sneaker brand crafting shoes from bio-based and recycled materials. Their website boasts a manifesto with a purpose to promote “a conscious lifestyle by offering high quality vegan sneakers that are kind to the planet and its people” and promises of impact compensation and total transparency. SAYE is partnered with BCome, a platform for global sustainability management, and shares their Eco-score insights clearly and directly on their website for all shoppers to see. The eco-friendly footwear materials consist of corn leather, bamboo yarn, organic cotton, apple leather, cactus leather, mango leather, recycled & synthetic rubber, recycled PET yarn extracted from water bottles, recycled polyurethane from mattress factory excess, and Seaqual yarn in collaboration with international fishing communities. SAYE also strives for responsible packaging and ethical manufacturing practices, making it a company with values throughout the entire process from design to doorstep. As a full cherry sundae on top, SAYE also funds the growth of two trees for each pair of sneakers sold and collaborates with a number of social projects. This example of a brand that is both popular, stylish, and genuinely doing good for the world is exactly the sort of product that deserves all of the praise it receives. I came to know this brand from social media posts and admired the look of the shoe before I even was made aware of the beautiful benefits behind it… this is to say that eco-friendliness and style can coexist peacefully.
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This week’s post contained a number of stats that truly struck me. It is devastating to come to terms with the hard facts around waste creation in this world, but we must face reality in order to grapple with it and make changes. The staggering concept of 25 million pounds of clothing ending up in landfills/incinerators each year is enough to make anyone look at their closet a bit differently. I was also struck by clothing waste being the fastest growing category of waste in the UK. In an age where everything seems more and more replaceable I suppose the idea of discarding thoughtlessly follows behind closely. The idea of 300 million pairs of shoes being discarded yearly is incomprehensible… I don’t mean to sound ancient but this makes me feel that not enough people know about the wonders a cobbler can craft upon a beaten up pair of shoes.
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Of course, not everyone can commit to keeping their wardrobe forever, whether it be due to changing life circumstances or style preferences. While I still feel that more of an effort should be made in being sustainable within your very own home, I am grateful that clothing producers are making strides to mitigate environmental impact. This is when the concept of fashion rentals and sustainable/recyclable materials is gorgeously good news. I found myself positively stunned by the wide variety of alternative materials on the market, and I imagine more are being created as time goes on. We are always making progress, however slowly, but it is important to remember that real progress is being made. A combined effort consisting of prior research, wardrobe / product sustainability, and brand impact transparency can make the weight our earth is carrying a little lighter.
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alyandval · 3 months
Turn Old Tees into Stylish Crop Tops with These DIY Makeover Ideas
The world of fashion is constantly evolving, and the resurgence of crop tops for women has taken the style scene by storm. If you're eager to revamp your wardrobe without breaking the bank, there's a fantastic solution right in your closet—old tees waiting for a new life as trendy crop tops.
In this DIY guide, we'll explore creative ways to transform your worn-out favorites into fashionable wear crop top creations that not only breathe new life into your clothes but also make a statement.
1. Unleashing Creativity: The Art of Cutting
The first step in your DIY crop top adventure is unlocking your inner designer. Take out those old tees you've been contemplating discarding and envision the possibilities.
Whether it's a vintage band tee or a plain white shirt, the canvas is yours to transform. Channel your creativity by sketching out the design you want or dive straight into freehand cutting.
Use a pair of sharp scissors for precision, cutting along the hemline or opting for a stylish asymmetrical look. Experimenting with different necklines and sleeve lengths can add a personal touch to your wear crop top collection.
Don't forget to wear crop top creations are all about showcasing your unique style, so feel free to experiment with cuts that resonate with your personality.
2. Embrace the Power of Tie-Dye: Adding a Splash of Color
Once you've mastered the art of cutting, it's time to infuse some color into your DIY crop tops. Tie-dye has made a triumphant return to the fashion scene, and what better way to incorporate this trend than with your revamped tees? Grab a tie-dye kit and follow the instructions to create vibrant patterns on your crop tops.
Whether you opt for a classic swirl or a trendy ombre effect, tie-dyeing adds an extra dimension to your wear crop top repertoire, making each piece a unique work of art.
Transforming your old tees into tie-dye crop tops not only breathes new life into your wardrobe but also keeps you on-trend with the latest fashion crazes.
3. Embellishments and Embroidery: Elevating the Ordinary
For those seeking an extra touch of glamour, consider adding embellishments or embroidery to your DIY crop tops.
Raid your craft supplies or local fabric store for sequins, beads, or patches that speak to your style. Use fabric glue or a needle and thread to attach these elements to your wear crop top, creating a customized and eye-catching design.
Whether it's a subtle detail near the neckline or a bold statement across the front, these additions elevate your crop tops from casual to chic.
Embellishing your crop tops allows you to express your individuality and create wearable art that stands out in a crowd.
4. Upcycling with Accessories: From Drab to Fab
Take your DIY crop tops to the next level by upcycling with accessories. Raid your jewelry box for old necklaces, bracelets, or even earrings that can be repurposed as stunning embellishments for your wear crop top creations.
Sew or glue these accessories strategically onto your tops, turning plain tees into fashion-forward pieces. This not only adds an extra layer of sophistication but also ensures that no two crop tops are the same.
Upcycling with accessories is a sustainable way to breathe new life into your wardrobe, creating unique and fashionable pieces without contributing to fashion waste.
In conclusion, the DIY journey of transforming old tees into trendy crop tops is not only a creative endeavor but also an eco-friendly way to revamp your wardrobe.
Embrace the power of cutting, tie-dye, embellishments, and upcycling with accessories to create wear crop top masterpieces that reflect your personal style.
The beauty of this DIY project lies in its versatility—each crop top is a canvas waiting for your unique touch. Share your own DIY crop top transformations in the comments below, and let's inspire each other to create fashion magic from the comfort of our closets. Wear crop tops proudly, and let your creativity shine!
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artariumindia · 6 months
Create a Budget-Friendly Yet Stylish Home With These Easy-To-Follow Room Ideas
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The year is nearing its end, and it is time to present your living space with the much-needed refurbishment that it has been yearning for. Revamping your space instils a sense of contentment and prosperity as you await a new change. From painting your interiors, placing new curtains, purchasing new room decoration items, to bringing home new furniture — there are countless ways to adorn your house with chic yet affordable options. Reflecting your personality through interior design doesn’t require you to completely break the bank. And, when it comes to choosing the perfect room decoration items, Artarium’s exceptional collection certainly needs to be mentioned.
This blog will cover diverse approaches to making your home elegant and that will also include some of the best pieces from the house of Artarium.
Explore Different Ways to Make Your Home Refined at Budget-Friendly Options
Your home is a direct representation of your personality. However, the struggle begins when you try to fit in creativity with a limited budget in hand. The good news is, that adorning your home is possible if you have a proper sense of aesthetics. To add to your help, check out the following ways.
Repurposing and Upcycling Furniture
Upcycling and reusing furniture is one of the most affordable methods to improve the aesthetic of your house. Consider updating worn-out items rather than spending a lot of money on new ones. Reupholster chairs in a chic fabric, paint and sand that old wooden dresser, or turn crates into chic shelving. Accept the flaws in antique furniture since they give your room personality and distinction.
DIY Wall Decor and Art
Unfinished walls might be like a blank canvas just ready for your artistic embellishments. Try your hand at creating DIY wall art rather than purchasing pricey artwork. Arrange affordable posters, artwork, and framed photos to create a gallery wall. Create your own wall hangings or abstract paintings to explore your artistic side.
Greens and More Greens
What is the simplest, most convenient, and most cost-effective way of beautifying your house? It is nothing other than getting plants and chic planters. Biophilic designs are making their way to both commercial and residential spaces because of numerous reasons. Greens are worthwhile for both your mind and eyes. Moreover, flowers have a distinct sense of vibrancy that instantly brightens up the space and also puts a smile on your face. Opt for small pots or ceramic vases on your centre tables, dining tables, and also on your kitchen counter’s corner.
Charming Yet Economical Room Decoration Items from Artarium
Artarium boasts of its remarkable yet pocket-friendly home decor pieces ranging from God’s Idols to car accessories. But when it comes to decking your room with elegance, the Warrior Elephant truly enlivens your room. This resin statue is created by skilled artisans who have perfectly infused the cultural heritage and meaningfulness. This piece has a rich story, it is edified by the intense war elephants used by kings and emperors in the bygone times.
For someone who is eyeing a subtle yet riveting home decor piece, Artarium offers the Geometrical Finch in a gripping turquoise colour. If you have a pastel-coloured or white/beige background, this piece will appear immensely aesthetically pleasing. It is impressive and has a vivid blend of bold lines and delicate curves.
Swap Out Hardware
Changing the hardware in your home is a small but effective method to give it a more modern look. A more contemporary and fashionable option should be considered for outdated doorknobs, drawer pulls, and cabinet handles. A little yet impactful alteration can give your house a modern, well-coordinated appearance without breaking the bank.
Mix and Match Decor Styles
To own a stylish home, you are not limited to a single decor style. Try combining various styles that speak to you to embrace the eclectic look. To make a room feel carefully chosen and distinctive, combine modern and vintage components. A great place to acquire reasonably priced items that can give your house personality is a thrift store, garage sale, or online marketplace.
Create a Statement Wall
Willing to create a statement wall but unwilling to go crazy with the spending? The most convenient ways to address this concern are by using removable wallpapers, painting a lively accent colour, or arranging a gallery of framed mirrors. An ergonomic statement wall will not only act as an eye-catcher but also allow you to display your quirky side.
Shop Secondhand and Vintage
Check out antique and secondhand stores to find new homes for pre-owned goods. The furniture and décor items that are both reasonable and unusual will wow you. One-of-a-kind finds that can enhance the aesthetic of your home can be found in vintage stores. Be willing to recognise promise in things that might just require minor upkeep and have an open mind.
Utilize Affordable Lighting Solutions
The atmosphere of a space can be quickly changed by well-lit areas. Seek out low-cost lighting options like elegant fixtures from thrift stores, floor lamps, or string lights. With items like mason jars or woven baskets, consider creating your own DIY pendant lights. Well-lit areas allow you to highlight the other chic features you’ve included while also creating a more welcoming atmosphere.
Invest in Versatile Storage Solutions
Spaces free of clutter are by nature more fashionable. Invest in multipurpose storage options that fulfil practical and decorative needs. Find affordable floating shelves, storage ottomans, or bookshelves that can be used to showcase ornamental pieces, books, and sentimental souvenirs in addition to serving as useful places to store stuff.
Embrace Minimalism
There are instances when less really is more. De-clutter and concentrate on what’s important to adopt a minimalist style. Keep only the things that are functional or make you happy and simplify your decor. Not only does this make the room look better, but it also enables you to spend your money on a select few classic, well-made pieces that will not go out of style.
Making a gorgeous yet affordable home is not only doable but also quite satisfying. You may add flair and individuality to your living area without breaking the bank by implementing these simple room ideas. Recall that the secret is to be imaginative, resourceful, and open to seeing the possibilities in every area of your house. You may have a fashionable home that expresses your distinct taste and personality with just a little creativity and frugal living.
Source URL : https://theartarium.com/blogs/news/create-a-budget-friendly-yet-stylish-home-with-these-easy-to-follow-room-ideas
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decorworks · 6 months
Simple, Effortless and Heartfelt Christmas Decor Ideas
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When it comes to the holiday season, we think of extravagance and expensive, bold decorations and gift-giving. With less than two weeks to Christmas, what are your choices if you prefer simple, small touches? What better way to revel in the festivities than by adorning our homes with uncomplicated yet tasteful Christmas decorations? There’s no need to splurge on expensive gifts or intricate DIY projects. Here are some easy and stylish ideas to infuse your home with the spirit of the season.
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Embrace Nature: A Touch of the OutdoorsCelebrate the beauty of nature by incorporating earthy elements like pinecones, twigs, and fresh greenery into your decor. Whether arranged in vases, fashioned into a centerpiece, or transformed into a rustic garland, these natural accents not only bring a hint of the outdoors inside but also envelop your home in the delightful scents of the holidays.
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Twinkling Magic: The Allure of Fairy LightsSimple yet enchanting, fairy lights are a surefire way to cast a cozy Christmas glow. Drape them over mantels, wind them around banisters, or nestle them into glass containers for an ethereal radiance. The soft luminescence instantly turns any space into a magical winter retreat.
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Handmade Ornaments: Craft Your Own TraditionsInvolve your family in a delightful session of ornament crafting. Using materials like salt dough, felt, or upcycled treasures, you can fashion unique decorations that not only adorn your tree but also tell stories and create lasting memories for seasons to come.
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Candlelight Glow: Set the Atmosphere AlightCandles, with their warm and intimate glow, are a timeless addition to holiday decor. Mix pillar candles, tea lights, and candlesticks in festive hues. Arrange them thoughtfully on tables, mantels, or windowsills for a soft, flickering ambiance that instantly elevates the festive spirit.
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Fragrant Delights: DIY Simmering PotpourriEnhance your home's holiday atmosphere with a potpourri of seasonal scents. Simmer ingredients like cinnamon sticks, cloves, and citrus peels in a pot of water for a natural and inviting aroma that captivates the essence of Christmas.
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Textile Comfort: Blankets and PillowsIntroduce a touch of festive coziness with holiday-themed blankets and throw pillows. Opt for patterns and colors that seamlessly blend with your existing decor, creating an inviting space that encourages friends and family to gather, relax, and relish the warmth of the season.
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Eco-Friendly Upcycling: Giving Life to Old TreasuresTransform forgotten items into festive delights through upcycling. Convert old sweaters into charming stockings, repurpose scrap fabric into DIY garlands, or repurpose unused mason jars into delightful snow globes. Not only does this add a sustainable touch, but it also infuses your decor with a unique and cherished character.
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Cuteness Overload: Festive Food GaloreThe colors, smell and taste of festive goodies holds endless creative possibilities. It’s the time of the year to treat your senses to a feast from simple baked goods, hot cocoa, sweet cocktails to luxury family dinners. Festive food is a significant aspect of holiday celebrations, as it brings people together and evokes memories of past gatherings. During the Christmas season, traditional dishes and flavors are often associated with the festive atmosphere, and people enjoy a variety of dishes, from roasted meats and vegetables to delicious desserts and beverages. Some popular Christmas Eve dishes include fish pie, baked ham, and spiced beef, which reflect diverse culinary traditions and backgrounds. The season's flavors and aromas are so evocative that they can transport individuals to a world of nostalgia and warm memories, making the holiday season a time for people to come together and enjoy the simple pleasures of good food and company.
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chloeunitfive · 6 months
Upcycling fashion:
Here shows my board I created to understand upcycling garments to make them more fashionable and quirky. I wanted to research some ideas before my trip to the Barnsley Hospice where I will pick up 5 pieces of denim and one garment. I thought I would have a better understanding and ideas to upcycling certain types of fabrics and clothes. I wanted to have a basic understanding of how to change and modify to chose a better suited garment for my new upcycled piece. I wanted to see some ideas for inspiration and see how different garments can create something inspiring and unique but still look great. I specifically looked at thrift shopping and upcycling as they explain what to look out for and ideal pieces to upcycle. I hope to pick up an excellent garment at the Barnsley Hospice where I will have large fabric to experiment with and make a high quality final piece from my collection.
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thrifton12 · 6 months
TOP 5 fastest delivery online thrift shop
Thrift shops are retail stores that sell second-hand or inexpensive clothing, furniture, and other goods. These shops are typically run by charities or non-profit organizations in order to raise funds for their causes.
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1. Bodements
Bodements originated in the fashion industry, with a mission to promote the idea of loving pre-owned clothes. They believe that these pieces of art deserve to be cherished again and that we should adopt a responsible and ethical approach towards fashion. Recently, they have expanded to India and now offer handpicked upcycled clothes from all around the world to add to your wardrobe. You should definitely check out their vintage collection and fall in love with their unique pieces.
Ngahon Tungshangnao started a thrift store in Manipur that sells amazing pre-loved fashion pieces, both chic and casual. The collection includes bags, winter clothing, hoodies, dresses, casual tees, and more, all of which are sustainably sourced and super fashionable. You can check out their Insta store and order from their incredible collection.
3. Bombay Closet Cleanse
I am absolutely in love with this thrift store that is run by women. They have a stunning collection of pre-loved bodysuits, skirts, crop tops, and more that make a bold fashion statement. What's even more impressive is that they regularly donate a significant portion of their earnings to NGOs in need. Check out their Instagram handle and treat yourself to some sustainable and stylish additions to your wardrobe!
4. All Things Pre-Loved 
I recently came across an online thrift store called All Things Pre-loved that promotes slow and sustainable fashion. The founder, Pritika Rao, was an avid thrifter before starting her own small business. Her store offers a wide range of beautiful secondhand clothing items like coats, hoodies, bags, and dresses. Pritika's mission is to reduce cloth waste and mass manufacturing by providing pre-loved items that are still in great condition. She even organizes small garage sales and allows customers to sell their own clothes. You can check out her Instagram page to see her collection and get inspired!
6. The Vintage 
If you're looking to achieve that vintage look but don't want to break the bank by buying expensive brands, then there's a sustainable online thrift store that you should definitely check out. This store sells fashion that is both ethical and on-trend with the vintage styles. Their classic pieces on Instagram are simply stunning, so why not head over to their page and start shopping?
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housespecialists · 8 months
What Are Some Ways to Practice Upcycling at Home?
Did you know that you can turn your household waste into unique and useful items for your home? Upcycling is a sustainable and creative way to repurpose old materials, reducing waste and giving them a new life. If you're interested in practicing upcycling at home, here are some ideas to get you started.
Furniture Makeovers
Upcycling furniture is a fantastic way to breathe new life into old pieces and promote sustainability in your own home. Whether you have outdated furniture that you'd like to give a fresh look or you're seeking unique and budget-friendly pieces, upcycling can be an enjoyable and fulfilling project.
To begin, start by assessing the condition and potential of the furniture, then explore different techniques such as painting, distressing, or reupholstering.
It's essential to choose eco-friendly materials and keep the overall design and functionality of the piece in mind. With a bit of creativity and effort, you can create stunning and personalized furniture that adds character to your home.
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Garden and Outdoor Projects
Upcycling offers a fantastic opportunity to promote sustainability and undertake exciting garden and outdoor projects right in the comfort of your own home.
Rather than disposing of old items, you can give them a new purpose and transform them into something both useful and aesthetically pleasing for your outdoor space.
For instance, you could convert an old ladder into a vertical garden or repurpose an old pallet into a trendy outdoor coffee table.
By engaging in upcycling, you not only contribute to waste reduction but also infuse your garden and outdoor areas with a personal touch. So, let your creativity run wild and start exploring the boundless possibilities of upcycling within your own home!
Additionally, if you're looking to enhance your outdoor space, consider professional roof repairing services to ensure your home is in excellent condition and ready to withstand the elements.
Clothing and Accessories
Upcycling at home is an excellent method to promote sustainability and unleash your creativity. Instead of discarding old clothing and accessories, you can breathe new life into them by repurposing them into something fresh and distinctive.
There are numerous ways to upcycle, including converting old t-shirts into trendy tote bags or revamping an outdated pair of jeans into a fashionable denim skirt.
This activity is both enjoyable and fulfilling as it allows you to minimize waste while producing a truly unique item for yourself or as a thoughtful gift.
Repurposing Glass Jars
Repurposing glass jars is a fantastic way to engage in upcycling at home and minimize waste. Instead of disposing of empty jars, you can assign them a new function and prolong their usefulness.
There are countless imaginative ways to repurpose glass jars, including utilizing them for storage, arranging small items, crafting DIY lanterns, or even employing them as flower vases.
By repurposing glass jars, you not only decrease your ecological footprint but also infuse your home décor with a distinctive flair.
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Creative Lighting
Upcycling is a great way to repurpose old or discarded items in your home and give them a new purpose and a fresh look. One area where you can practice upcycling is with lighting fixtures.
You can use your creativity and some basic DIY skills to transform everyday objects into unique and stylish lighting pieces. This not only helps reduce waste and save money, but it also adds a personal touch to your home décor.
Home Décor with Salvaged Materials
Upcycling is an excellent method for practicing sustainability and adding distinctive elements to your home décor. By utilizing salvaged materials, you can craft unique pieces that highlight your creativity and personal style.
Seek out materials like reclaimed wood, old windows, or discarded furniture that can be repurposed into new and functional items.
Upcycling not only helps save money and reduce waste but also imparts character and charm to your living space. Find inspiration by browsing online for upcycling ideas and begin transforming your home using salvaged materials today.
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Book and Magazine Upcycling
Upcycling old books and magazines is a great way to practice sustainability at home. Instead of throwing these items away, you can repurpose them into something useful or decorative.
There are many creative ideas for upcycling books and magazines, such as making unique wall art, creating handmade notebooks or journals, or even transforming them into stylish furniture or home decor items. Upcycling not only helps reduce waste and conserve resources but also allows you to showcase your creativity and add a personal touch to your living space.
So, the next time you come across old books or magazines, consider giving them a second chance through the art of upcycling.
In conclusion, engaging in upcycling at home is a fantastic method to decrease waste and explore creative ways to repurpose items. By envisioning and transforming old or discarded materials into fresh and practical products, you can actively contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.
Some popular upcycling ideas include repurposing old jars into candle holders, converting wooden pallets into furniture, and crafting artwork from scrap materials. The possibilities are limitless, and by exercising a little creativity and DIY spirit, you can effortlessly incorporate upcycling into your daily routine.
So, take a look around your home for items that can be given a new lease of life, and let your imagination soar!
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thekeytoz · 8 months
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BOO! Welcome back! my gen z's lovers!!!!!
The key to z focus on Gen Z  highly conscious of the environmental impact of the fashion industry and actively seeks sustainable alternatives. This generation values ethical fashion practices, such as upcycling, thrift shopping, and supporting eco-friendly brands.
Priscilla Santana, Maggie Smith, Brooke Erkson!
With Halloween just around the corner, consumers are planning costumes, filling candy bowls and putting up decorations to get ready for the “spook-tacular” holiday. 
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Halloween is once again a massive social media extravaganza that’s all about having the perfect cozy home / fashion aesthetics, most unique costumes, and hosting fun “spooky season” related activities. Gen Z plan on celebrating Halloween this year—and social media shows they’re well underway.
On TikTok, the hashtag #Halloween2023 currently has 2B views and over on Instagram, the same tag has over 110K posts. And while some trends come back around each year, these young gens are known for innovation and fun surprises. This year, these are three of the top trends circulating their feeds.
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Young consumers have been sharing their Halloween finds from Target, Amazon, Home Goods, and Trader Joes (because of the pumpkin spice section of course). Whether looking for seasonal décor, foods, or even clothes / accessories they’ll keep in their wardrobe after October 31, every creator on social media wants to be the one to find a new item first (especially to get it before it’s sold out).And as data shows that two in three young people say they get decoration and costume ideas from social media, these shopping hauls will majorly influence viewers’ Halloween buys. And for brands, Halloween is a marketing opportunity to reach these gens by joining in on festivities and “event-izing” the holiday. 
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Costume TikToks are a huge thing, again—but this year the theme is “not basic” 
Despite social media users collectively agreeing they’re dressing up as various versions of Barbie this year, the search for costumes that stand out is on the rise, too. While we’re sure to see everyone’s unique take on the #Barbenheimer mania that seems to live on through the fall, TikTok creators are back to their yearly sharing of inspiration and tips on how to build the perfect non-basic costume. This now annual trend is run mainly by young women on TikTok, who pull together dozens of costume suggestions with everything from inspiration pics to individual item listings on Amazon. 
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Particularly geared towards college students, whose Halloween festivities typically go on for a minimum of three to four days (often dubbed Halloweekend), videos under the hashtags #HalloweenCostumes2023 (over 16M views) and #NonBasicHalloweenCostumes (over 45M views) show an array of costume ideas that stray from the traditional ghost, witch, or black cat vibe.
Gen Z is looking to create looks based on the features they already have, rather that needing to shell out on a wig or all new wardrobe pieces—and most of them have to do with particular characters from iconic TV shows or movies.   
For example, @kattttttzingoneeee created a video with costume ideas for brunettes, showing references to Anne Hathaway from Ella Enchanted and Vanessa from the live action The Little Mermaid. Other videos show look-books on how to build these unique costumes for friend groups and couples as well, even sharing where to buy the specific pieces.
Another example, @lindseykoster posted non-basic costume ideas for besties based on the Men in Black duo where she inserted screenshots from Amazon of each piece of clothing. And by going for a general idea, rather than a perfect replica for a costume, this gen is making each look match their usual style items, so new buys don’t go to waste come November.   
XOXO Gen Z lovers!!!
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