chibiutsubo · 7 months
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#たべもの #コーヒー
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coji0117 · 3 months
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heroscans · 5 years
Hero Scans July Status Update
Here we go again, a little update on the state of the scanlators.  We’re busy, haha, and a bunch of staff are mostly on vacation, getting promoted and working hard irl, so, yep, super busy.
Ongoing Series
Megumi to Tsugumi: Chapters 7 and 8 are being cleaned and decensored, and I’m about 50% through typesetting the volume 1 extra. Golden Sparkle: Chapter 5 is cleaned, and waiting for translation.  Makotoshiyaka ni Mau Hana wa: I’m in the process of cropping, dusting, and cleaning chapter 2, it takes a bit of time. Neo will be translating this after Ao no Tsubomi 3. Ao no Tsubomi: Chapter 3 is cleaned, and the translation is pretty much done and ready for proofing. Badass: 2 pages left to clean of Chapter 3.5, 50% typeset. I’ve scanned and cropped chapter 4, and am in the process of dusting and cleaning it, translation is pending. Karasu no Yomeiri: Not much progress on chapter 5 typesetting from me, but its about 60% done.  The volume extra is scanned, but not yet cropped or dusted. Hadakeru:  As mentioned in the previous post, chapter 9 is mostly cleaned, translated, and needs to be handed over for typesetting. Kamisama: Chapter 6 is scanned and being cropped and dusted.   Mobius Strip: Chapter 5 is being typeset and decensored. The volume extra is ready for cleaning and waiting for translation. Akiyama-kun: Chapter 4 is already typeset but needs some corrections, and chapter 5 is being typeset but needs decensoring.  The volume 2 extra is being cleaned. Monokuro Limit: Chapter 5 has been decensored and translated, and I’m in the middle of proofing and cleaning it.  Eyes Speak More Love: Chapter 2 is typeset and going through QC, chapter 3 is mostly typeset.  Chapter 4 is translated and waiting for proofing. Hoshi to Harinezumi: Sigh.  Very little progress of significance on chapter 4, still about half typeset and half cleaned. Sorry everyone. Gift:  Chapter 6 - I’m revisiting the pages where I clearly left the really hard redrawing to finish later and cursing my past self. Past Quietus, you suck. So, chapter 6 work is ongoing, volume 2 is completely translated and awaiting proofing, and the first chapter of volume 3 has been translated.   Yajima-kun: The volume extra is cleaned, translated, and (I believe) being typeset. Warau Oni:  Chapters 5 and 6 are typeset and waiting for QC and corrections, the volume extra and chapter 7 (the first chapter of volume 2) are cleaned and translated, waiting for typesetting. Hashi no XL Saizu: The 20 page extra is cleaned, translated and decensored and currently being typeset, but it’s lower priority right now. Yasashii Pantsu: The extra is currently being typeset, again, lower priority for now.
Future Series
Boys of the Dead:  Not much progress these last couple of weeks, still about 70% done.   Shiawase ni Michita Yoru no niwa:  Chapter 1 is being translated and I’m about halfway through cleaning it. Hotaru wa Ashita Shinu: Chapter 1 is translated and waiting to be proofed.  I haven't scanned the volume yet, so still some time to go before we start releasing. Eden:  Well... this might actually turn out to be the hardest piece I’ve ever cleaned, holy fuck. I’ve finished the manic colour cleans for the first chapter, but the rest is still only about 70% finished.  Given the amount of decensoring every subsequent chapter needs, I prefer to work from scans after that, but... I really hate dusting Be Boy scans, so I might wait for the tanko to come out.  Given the difficulty of the piece and my current workload, it will be out before I get much past chapter 1. *cries into her coffee* Love me love my dog: Chapter 1 is translated, and being dusted.  Koitsu wa dame da to shitteru: Chapter 1 is translated, cleaned, and being typeset.
All other future projects, we haven't yet started.
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coruscatiio · 4 years
▤ goldmine from bob (The Robert Collective days?)
goldmine was fairly convinced that this was how he was going to die — squeezed between bob and porlyusica as on the other side of the compartment, makarov and yajima were studying maps and whispering quietly as rob was reading. if he wanted to, he could listen to every word, but right now, he was more concerned with the way bob had fallen asleep. or more accurately: with how wrinkled bob’s suit was getting.
of course, one could say that bob had been reckless, that there had been no way his suit would not suffer during their journey; in fact, had sica not mentioned that she had never considered suits travel attire in the past? and really, she had been right! not that this was particularly surprising; she tended to be. so it was not goldmine’s fault that with every passing minute, bob’s suit suffered more.
he was entirely innocent — it was not like he had switched bob’s coffee for herbal tea or something similarly wicked. next to him, sica sighed quietly in her sleep before she shifted, resting her head against his shoulder. so much for any plans to move and hope that bob woke up and could do damage control before his clothes were rumpled.
and then, there was a reaction. / accepting▤ = falling asleep on them .
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gruviafan-forever · 5 years
Juvia X Gajeel Brotp one shot
After finishing the week long S-class mission, Gajeel and his exceed partner Pantherlily were returning home to meet his small, cute family which consists of his lovely wife Levy and 4 year old adorable twins whom he missed very much.
He was very much excited to go home and play with his children in the park as it was a bright sunny day in the Magnolia.
As he was making his way home, suddenly the weather changed into heavy down pour much to his disappointment.
“Wasn't it supposed to be a sunny day? But why is it raining cats and dogs?” Lily inquired his friend while flying to a nearby shed to escape from the rain.
As the rain fell on Gajeel, he knew instantly this rain was not natural type but of someone's who he was very well accustomed to.
“Hey this is Juvia's rain. Lily, I'm going to that stripper's place. You go home and inform Levy about my visit to Juvia. Got it.” Gajeel left Lily running towards the Fullbuster's residence.
It's been a month since Juvia got married to her beloved Gray-sama after dating for 4 years.
It took a lot of willpower for Gray to go down on his knees in front of the whole guild to propose his lady-love, something he was against at the start but complied to show the world how much she meant to him in his life.
Of course, Gajeel threatened Gray and took promise from him that he would never hurt Juvia in any way.
But this rain which was pouring down is a sign that Gray failed to keep his promise alive.
For Gajeel, Juvia was one of his true best friends with whom he spent a considerable portion of his life. She was with him during his good and bad days as a morale support.
Now this role is being taken by his wife, then too Juvia didn't stray her relationship with him and helped in many situations.
To him, she was a sister who he didn't have by blood and same goes for her as well.
When he reached the doors of Fullbuster residence, it was unlocked so he went in but none were there in the living room.
“Juvia…. Where are you?”
“Stripper!!! Where are you?”
He called out but was met with no response. He sniffed the air in the house and found out that Juvia was in her bedroom which is in the upstairs.
He entered the room only to see her crawled on the bed crying her eyes out.
She looked miserable as her eyes were red and puffed from crying continously.
Seeing her in this state, his blood boiled and cursed Gray. He took a mental note to beat the hell out of him once he comes back.
Juvia was sobbing so hard that she didn't notice the presence of her bestfriend until he called her out, “Sprinkler, What happened? Why are you crying like this? Where is that stripper? Answer me.”
He got near the bed only to be tackled by her hug and cried on his shoulders.
Gajeel gently patted her back. He knew for now, it was important for him to calm her down as the weather grew even more worse with the addition of thunderstorm.
He asked her the same questions but she remained silent. Once she calmed down a bit after crying for an hour on his shoulders.
“Hey listen, you go and freshen up. As you look miserable with all those tears stains and your voice has become dry and sore.
 So I will go down and make some coffee for you. Then tell me what actually is bothering you?”
He ruffled her hairs after giving her a gentle smile which he began to show frequently after dating Levy.
Sometime later, as he was making the coffee in the kitchen, he heard her voice,
“Gajeel-kun!!! Juvia is sorry for making you worry. You must be tired from your week long mission. Go, sit down. Let me make something for you to eat.”
She entered the kitchen only to be stopped by her friend. Now the downpour has become moderate but didn't stop still. She looked a bit better then before.
“Its okay, anything for my friend. Here take this coffee and go sit down on the couch. Tell me what led you to regain that rain?
 Moreover, where is that Stripper for husband of yours?” He growled at the last part.
Now sitting on the couch, sipping the coffee Juvia told her friend, “Gray-sama, has gone in search of that idiot?”
Gajeel wondered whom she was referring to as Juvia never had the habit of cursing anyone even if that person is her enemy.
Hearing this Gajeel knew someone else is the reason for her rain not her husband.
Juvia saw the confusion in her friend's face then she blurt out the actual name of that idiot whom she was referring to.
“It's Bora-kun”.
Gajeel was engulfed in rage after hearing that name for the first time in these many years. He was the one who broke Juvia's heart when they were still in Phantom Lords.
 When Gajeel came know about this, he took care of Bora in such a way that he was hospitalized for many weeks.
When Juvia thanked him for his concern on her, he just shrugged it off stating he was just passing time by beating the hell out of a random person not that he cared for her.
But Juvia knew what his personality was tough and hard from exterior but soft and kind-hearted from interior. She just smiled and agreed to his answer.
"What did he do this time? Tell me, I will smack him down once again for messing with you." Gajeel gritted his teeth and clutched his fist.
'Juvia met him an hour ago before you came here. She went out for shopping to buy some groceries while Gray-sama was taking nap as he returned today morning from a tiring mission..And.."
Juvia bowed down her head as tears were streaming down her eyes.
Gajeel grew restless as Juvia was beating around the bush without getting to the direct point.
"Sprinkler, get to the point. Why did that bastard trouble you?" He asked in an angry tone. Then Juvia told him everything.
As Juvia was looking for fresh vegetables to make a delicious breakfast for her husband from a whole lot of collections.
Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder. When she turned to look at the person all her sore memories of bitter-past relationship came in front of her eyes.
"Hey isn't this the rain woman I knew? How are you?" He smirked at her.
"Juvia is good,Bora-kun. How have you been all this while? Fine, I guess. Anyways, Juvia is in hurry. See you later. Bye"
Juvia smiled and left without buying the vegetables as she didn't want to associate with this man any longer and in any ways.
Bora grabbed her wrist,
"No!!! Stop right there, Juvia. It's been a long time since I last saw you. Why don't we hang out together for sometime?" He asked.
"Hey Juvia, you look beautiful and sexy now. I guess, you must be single. Come let's resume our love life."
He smirked and began to release his charm magic to allure her into his trap.
As Juvia has found her real love in her life, she didn't fall that devilish trap. She took this moment to escape from his grip.
"Sorry, Bora-kun but Juvia is married. She is leading a happy life with her Gray-sama who showed her the sunshine.
So don't mess with her anymore. Moreover, Juvia is pregnant so leave her alone."
Juvia shouted at him and began to walk.
Hearing this Bora was taken aback but he suddenly devised an evil plan and smirked at her.
Soon he caught her wrist once again,
"Wait you didn't think of giving us a 2nd shot but went to marry someone else, huh!!
        Fine, I don't want your love anyways when we were still in relationship but now I want your body.
      Just stay with me for an hour or two and provide the pleasure I'm asking for."
Bora casted a spell to make her mute so that her pleading and voice couldn't be heard by the passersby which might gather some unwanted attention. Only he was the one to hear her voice.
Due to being pregnant, Juvia is not able to use her magic to defend herself. She tried her best to escape from this death trap.
"Juvia, just an hour is enough. So don't try to resist my offer."
She began to cry to other people it looked like she was being consoled by her boyfriend/husband so none suspected anything unusual.
"No, let Juvia go. You are hurting her and her baby."
"So baby is the matter of your concern. Fine, let me clear that hindrance from our path."
Before he could cast another spell on her tummy, he was stopped by the ex-council member Yajima-San.
Yajima-San warned him and sent him flying with his Titan magic. Juvia was traumatized by this incident as in a split second anything could have happened to her's and Gray-sama's baby. She thanked him for his timely help and made way to her house.
Gajeel was both happy and angry from listening to the stuffs Juvia told him now.
"So you are pregnant? Does that Stripper know about this? Are you and the baby alright?"
He asked in concern for the tiny life which was growing in his best friend's womb.
"Gray-sama, doesn't know about this still. Juvia found out 2 days ago that she was pregnant. She was waiting happily to share this news to her beloved but things took wrong turn.
As soon as she came home, she told him everything what happened in the market but she didn't tell this because if Gray-sama came to know that our baby was in danger because of Bora-kun, he would surely kill him.
  Juvia doesn't want Gray-sama to be portrayed as murderer."  
She began to cry again.
"Juvia was scared that she could have lost the baby before we even got to meet him/her. That's what was bothering her and making her feel worried."
Gajeel gently ran his hand up and down her back to calm her down.
"Juvia, how were you able to cause rain if you can't use magic?" He asked her as he was puzzled.
"Juvia doesn't know about this. But for past one week, she was not able to use magic that's why she went to Porlyusica-San to ask for possible reason and she confirmed that Juvia was pregnant."
Juvia told him as she rested her head on his shoulder still crying her eyes out.
Just then the door opened to reveal Gray Fullbuster without his shirt dripping wet from the rain.
"Oh!!! Its you, Gajeel. Did she calm down? Thanks for taking care of her while in my absence." Gray went upto them.
Soon Juvia hugged her husband and began another wave of crying session on his bare chest.
"Juvia, please relax. I took good care of him. He won't ever mess up with you again. Please stop crying, baby. It is hurting your Gray-sama." He smiled gently and wiped her tears.
"Okay Stripper, now take care of her. I got few works to be done. I'm out of here. Sprinkler, calm down. I will leave, bye."
Gajeel left the Fullbuster couple but was stopped by his friend.
"Gajeel-kun, please don't kill him. Juvia knows you very well where you will go now.
As Gray-sama told you right, he took care of him. Just leave him. I don't want my brother to be a murderer think about your lovely family, you are not alone anymore.
   And come tomorrow night for dinner with Levy-San, Lily-San and the kids. We will waiting for you."
Juvia smiled and advised her friend. All Gajeel could do was smile and left the house.
Due to his good hearing ability, he heard his friend telling her husband about the happy news.
He could make out that the ice devil-slayer was thrilled and was letting out happy tears.
It was quite late at the evening when he reached his small house where his cute family waited for his arrival.
"I'm back" He shouted happily and made way into the living room only to be greeted by tackle hug from his 4 year old twin children and a kiss on his cheeks by his lovely wife.
"Welcome back, Gajeel"
"Daddy, we missed you. Even mommy missed you." The eldest twin girl who looked like her mother with black hairs and personality like her father exclaimed while her younger twin brother who had Gajeel's feature dominant with Levy's hair colour and personality just nodded in response.
Now sitting on the dinning table to eat  dinner,
"Gajeel, Lily told me that you went to meet Juvia from the railway station itself. What happened to her?
I knew something was off balance when it began to rain heavily without no apparent reason."
Levy asked in concern as she was worried about her friend.
Gajeel told her everything what Juvia said to him.
"But why did it take this long to reach home if you left her place after an hour or so?" Levy inquired her husband while serving him some soup.
Even his children were curious to know why their daddy was late home as they didn't get to have some play time with him.
He remembered what happened after he left her place.
He directly went to the market where Juvia went in morning and tracked that bastard's scent by tracing his scent which he luckily found in one of nearby bar.
He went in to see him groaning in pain as Gray has given him thorough pounding for messing up with his wife.
Now it was Gajeel's turn to do the same for messing with his friend again.
He dragged Bora but his collar and led him to a secluded place and began with his merciless action of beating the hell out of him just like how he used to do when he was still in Phantom Lords.
"Gajeel-San, please forgive me. I'm already disfigured by her husband's beating.
Please don't disfigured me even more. I won't mess up with her again. I swear. Please stop."
Bora pleaded the mighty iron-dragon slayer.
Gajeel didn't listen to his pleas and pounded him until he was satisfied. Poor Bora, hope he survives.
Then he chained him on one of the high wall and left. Before going, Gajeel warned him again,
"If you again cross path with my sister, you will not live to see the next sunrise.
Consider yourself lucky, that you are still alive from mine and her husband's beating. Juvia didn't tell him the whole story how you tried to harm his kid.
 If she would have told him the truth, you would have been dead by now.
If you again mess with her think yourself as good as dead." Gajeel glared at him.
If eyes had the power to pierce something then Bora's heart would have been pierced by now.
Gajeel's thought were halted by his children's voice, "Daddy, what happened to Aunty Juvia?" Even his kids were worried about Juvia.
"Hey Kiddos, soon you are gonna have new playmate with whom you can play and spend time." Gajeel smiled.
"But Daddy, we have Nashi and Rosemary to play with." Both his kids were confused.
"No dear, your aunty Juvia is gonna have a baby. It will be very small just like how you guys were. You can play with the baby and once it grows you can teach him/her how to play." Levy explained to her kids. Gajeel smiled at them.
"Gajeel, you still didn't tell me where you want from Juvia's place?" Levy asked him.
Gajeel didn't want his kids to know about his merciless side and feared that his kids might turn up like him.
So did his best to show and behave good and gentle in front of his kids so that the kids can have better upbringing unlike him.
"Levy, let me tell you later at night. And Juvia called us for dinner tomorrow night. So we will go there, okay kiddos." The kids were thrilled to meet their aunty and more importantly to meet the baby.
"Sure Daddy" Both the kids exclaimed.
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kikumerio · 6 years
hq wip (matsuhana)
in which hanamaki takahiro gets scouted, and any resemblance to any persons or productions living or dead is entirely intentional.
* * *
It's just as good as he anticipated. No. Better. Oikawa's face, unattractively contorted in utter disbelief: eyes popping out, mouth gaping open. That handsome profile twisted out of recognition. If the girls could see him now. Matsukawa holds up two hands in a double L shape, framing the moment. It'll keep them both warm all winter long.
Iwaizumi elbows his "best friend" in the side. "Shut up, asshole." To Takahiro: "Congrats, man. Good luck."
"Thanks, Iwaizumi," Takahiro says. "I'll discount your admission to my fan club."
Iwaizumi looks torn between disgust and curiosity. "Are you—really? A fan club?"
"Mattsun's founding member, obviously. But you can get in on the ground floor."
In unison with Matsukawa: "Your loss."
At the other end of the picnic blanket, Oikawa wrenches his jaw shut. "But—but—you!"
"Why not me? Wit. Talent. Charm. And of course—" He strokes his chin with thumb and forefinger. "This face." Matsukawa applauds. Iwaizumi looks mildly repelled, but as long as Oikawa's noisily protesting he won't say a thing. "I think it was mostly the face," Takahiro adds, partly to make Oikawa yowl some more, and partly because he suspects it's true.
"Since when are you an actor!" Oikawa demands.
Takahiro shrugs. "Since spring term."
"Huh," Iwaizumi says. "And you just... got a job? Like that?"
"Signed," Takahiro corrects. "I got signed. Like that."
Matsukawa lays a hand on his shoulder. "Don't listen to the haters, Makki. I always knew you'd make it."
"Thanks, Mattsun. I do have a powerful stage presence and a golden voice."
Oikawa looks suspicious. "I don't believe Makki can sing."
It's like he doesn't know Takahiro at all. Matsukawa smirks, and "Nice going, idiot," says Iwaizumi, as Takahiro opens his mouth.
"I love you baby—"
Oikawa lunges forward and slaps a hand across his mouth. "Mm mmf mf mmm mm mmm—" Oikawa won't budge. Takahiro licks his palm. Oikawa snatches the hand away with a yelp.
Takahiro smacks his lips. "Mm. Tastes like milkbread."
"Anyway," Oikawa complains, "I can't believe you waited until the last week of vacation to tell us, what kind of friends are we."
The obvious answer is You only got home four days ago, so Takahiro says, "Didn't want to upset you." He shakes his head, sorrowfully. "Professional jealousy's never pretty."
"I beg your pardon—"
"I know, I know. You think, it seems so glamorous. And you know what? It is." Oikawa tries to break in; Takahiro talks over him. "But listen, Oikawa – as the great philosopher once said: you can't hurry love. You've just got to wait. And if you like the way you look that much, you should go and love yourself." Oikawa makes a noise like a dying cat. "Then, who knows? The commercials, the interviews, the C-list music video cameos—well, I can't promise anything, but maybe."
It's like a switch is flipped—it always is. Oikawa's expression goes cool and confident, untouchable. The conviction that nearly took them to Nationals. Their captain.
"They'll come," Oikawa says. "When I make the national team. They'll come."
Takahiro trades a disappointed glance with Matsukawa. It takes all the fun out of it when Oikawa gets serious.
Iwaizumi's got his Oikawa Face on, half-irritated, half-proud. All indecent. "You should go to a match," he says. "If you're in Tokyo."
The captain vanishes as Oikawa's face lights up by a thousand watts. "That's right! Me versus Iwa-chan!"
"I'm not a starter yet, dumbass."
"You too, Mattsun! This is perfect, you can be my cheering squad."
"Push it, push it, Trashykawa."
"Hit it, hit it, Trashykawa."
"The two of you are creepy, has anyone ever told you that?"
"What have I said about calling me that!"
"By the way, Shittykawa, your mom's expecting us in thirty minutes."
Iwaizumi lingers a moment after Oikawa's loped off for the nearest recycling bin with a bag of their empty cans in tow. "We still on for tomorrow?"
Matsukawa raises a hand lazily. "Same time."
"Same place."
"Same face."
"Same... alien race."
"You deserve him," Iwaizumi informs them. "Or he deserves you."
"I think we all know the only one he deserves is you," Takahiro says, at which Iwaizumi flushes a bright, unattractive red, growls something inappropriate for family programming, and leaves them alone. Too easy.
Matsukawa tilts the hand still suspended mid-air. Takahiro meets it in an equally languid high five and collapses back on the picnic blanket. It's perfect weather, right on the edge of too hot, sweat beading at the back of his neck. Just how Takahiro likes it.
Matsukawa rolls a blade of grass between his lips. Takahiro closes his eyes and lets the sun beat down on his face.
Matsukawa's lazy voice says, "You serious about this?"
Hard now, basking in the late afternoon sun, insects buzzing over the tumble of water on the rocks, picking up grass stains on his elbows, to explain the itch under his skin all winter. Worse after he quit going to volleyball practice, the slow realization that Seijou had ruined him for casual. Catching sight of a shitty Photoshop flier outside his econ lecture, showing up at auditions on a whim—as a joke on himself.
The moment he opened his mouth and became someone else.
"Didn't know they recruited from college drama circles these days," says Matsukawa.
"Lucky break. Manager's nephew or little brother or something is a TGU alum." Leading Yajima-san to the student production of Whales in the stairwell, leading the poor nephew or little brother to stalking Takahiro on Facebook, leading Takahiro to a strange woman accosting him by the science building and a surreal hour over coffee in Birthday Café and twenty-four hours later a draft contract in his email.
Because Takahiro, half-incredulous half-amused, kept saying Sure, because – why not?
It was sort of their thing. Sure. Why not.
Matsukawa makes a thoughtful noise. "You gonna drop out?"
"Leave of absence." And that only once his parents signed off. "My folks are gonna spot me key money and the deposit and shit. After that I'm on my own."
"Our Hiro-kun, all grown up and leaving home."
"Just following your example."
The words hang there, longer than Takahiro intended, taking on shape, weight.
Matsukawa says, "I knew you were pissed."
"I'm not pissed. Just—"
Just what, anyway.
Matsukawa's waiting. Takahiro can't come up with anything better than a shrug. "I dunno. Didn't expect it."
"If it helps, I didn't expect you to be scouted for your face."
"Guess that's adulthood. Lotta shit no one expects."
"Where's that Tendou dude when you need him," Matsukawa says, but it's halfhearted.
The first real question Yajima-san had asked, after the self-introductions, after the compliments:
Hanamaki-kun, have you ever thought about making this a career?
Sure. Why not.
* * *
To be honest, he'd never bothered to think much about where they'd go after high school. He'd always figured it would sort itself out once the world's greatest love story figured their shit out and got rolling on the path to that Olympic gold medal proposal he had ¥1500 at five percent compound interest riding on. The usual suspects would set out to take on the world; the rest of them would pick universities in Sendai and just—be college students.
So when Matsukawa said he'd been accepted to some international school in Akita, it was a little bit of a surprise.
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10watts-chikuni · 6 years
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音. hark nakamura
朗読. 本田慶一郎
灯. chikuni
珈琲. yajima coffee
写真. Warabino Tomoko
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artsy-alice · 6 years
Wait no ALI you said you had more headcanons about Fraxus, Gajeel and the Dreyars! DON'T STOP!
you asked for it anon. here is the latest edition of Ali Has Many Ideas But Too Lazy To Write A Proper Fic:
*spoilers for WAY, duh*
When Gajeel first moved in the Dreyars’ attic room, he’s just… constantly… confused. Also surprised, and uh a little bit overwhelmed.
It’s so different from living with Juvia in a little flat with just the two of them. Juvia was thoughtful and sweet and usually hovered, yeah. But both of them had their own roles and they only had to worry about the other. If someone was dropping by or coming over, he usually had a heads-up. It was the same when he crashed at Lucy’s, except he had to do some cooking whenever Loke, Natsu or Virgo weren’t there because god forbid he let Lucy burn her flat with him in it.
The thing is, even though Makarov spent majority of the day in his office at FairyGaku, and Erza and Laxus were in Crocus at Fiore U., they were still effectively a complete family with their own routines. Gajeel didn’t really know where to fit in at first.
He helps Makarov do chores around the house and he ran errands for the old man. That’s fine, he’s really glad to be doing something for him.
But when Erza is home on the weekends, Gajeel is often left standing on the side as she took charge, because she knew everything around the house that should be done. When Laxus is the one home, he and Gajeel are left awkwardly hovering around each other and trying to figure out who does what. More than once, they had to call Erza to ask about something. Gajeel was worried that she’ll be annoyed, but Erza was patient and explained things easily.
And then there were the guests. God. EVERYONE JUST CAME OVER EVERYTIME. It’s almost like Cana-and-Gray’s, but worse.
Natsu visits at random with no agenda whatsoever except to hang out with Makarov. Cana crashes in the couch whenever she’s too tired from college or work to make the whole trip home. Yajima-san will stop by unannounced just to drop off pastries. Mira brings pie and gossip. One time Gajeel went home to find Porlyusica stocking up the medicine cabinet - he didn’t even know she had a house key - and she left as soon as she was done.
Don’t get him started with the band. It’s like the four of them are interchangeable. He makes his way downstairs one morning when the door to Laxus’ room opens and Evergreen steps out and greets him sleepily like she didn’t just scare the life out of him. She trails after him to the kitchen and he notes that her shirt doesn’t look like Laxus’ but instead it looks like something Freed would wear. So what even is in Laxus’ closet at this point, right? Gajeel doesn’t want to know. He comes home and Laxus has commandeered the dining table doing homework, or Freed is doing laundry, or Bixlow is sitting with Makarov trying to fix something that went wrong in the old man’s laptop. Or Laxus and Freed cuddling in the freakin’ kitchen while making breakfast like in those honeymoon-morning-after scenes in movies. (Gajeel just grabs the bread, the toaster and the milk carton and runs for it. It’s breakfast in the attic for him that day because nope, he was not going to watch those saps.) And another time he walks in the kitchen one early morning and finds all four of them looking like the tired college students that they are and chugging a deadly mix of coffee and energy drinks.
Erza takes Jellal home for dinner one time and Gajeel wants to die from awkward because the two kept fumbling around how to tell Makarov something. Halfway through the painful display, Gajeel gives up and says: “What these two nerds want to tell you, old man, is that they finally stopped stupidly dancing around each other and decided to bone.”
Makarov cackles, Jellal hides behind his hands, and Erza strangles Gajeel.
It’s worth it because when he video-calls Juvia to tell her the news, he sees Gray in the background spill a tub of ice cream on himself.
Honestly, Gajeel had thought his stay with the Dreyars would be peaceful and uneventful. But nope, it’s days filled with different people coming and going, of old students bringing stories, treats and presents, of family and extended family members hanging around just to spend time with the old man and surprisingly, with Gajeel too.
He would be lying if he said he doesn’t get a little emotional whenever he finds his favorite potato chips stocked up in the cupboard after Erza did the groceries. When Yajima’s pastries include some that the old man said he knew Gajeel liked because Levy mentioned it once. When Laxus casually tells him that the band got him a free pass for their next gig in town if he wants to come. When Natsu comes over and insists that Gajeel join him and Makarov in watching those reality TV cooking shows. When Freed actually knows how he takes his coffee and has it ready for Gajeel on mornings when he was in the house. When Evergreen once took time to help him iron a dress shirt he was going to wear to some formal event someone at work invited him to. When he was too tired to climb all the way to his room in the attic, crashes on the couch instead, and wakes up in the morning with a blanket draped over him. When Makarov says ‘home’ and Gajeel feels - knows - he’s part of it.
Gajeel might complain about how it could be chaotic and crowded in the house sometimes, but he knows that he’s grateful that he gets to call it home.
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fujimon-tumbbl · 4 years
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*** Yajima Coffee * Take Out … and Stay Home * #yajimacoffee #yajima #gifucafe #takeout #stayhome #coffee #coffeebreak #coffeetime #cafe #goodcoffee #stayhomeweek #ヤジマコーヒー #ヤジマ珈琲 #珈琲 #コーヒー #コーヒーのある暮らし #岐阜カフェ #岐阜コーヒー #岐阜 #コーヒーブレイク #コーヒータイム #グッドコーヒー #テイクアウト — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3bVCRIY
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tanimotoamiblog · 5 years
Blog Post Translation: June 6th, 2019: 32。
Enjoy, and please don’t repost without credit!
Engeki Joshi-bu "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 6 ~Tasogare no Kamen~"
We did the first day!!!!!!!
We were always doing rehearsals for this day, And I felt once again that I'm really happy That we can show this to everyone :)
But, when I'm acting, my heart is always like ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump! Lol
We also did a dress rehearsals today At that time, I was only a little nervous but,
Of course, when it was time for the real show, It was totally different lol
By the way,
I'm playing the role of The novelist and information store's "Satoya Murasame"!!
Eveyone who came today, How was it??!
For those who are coming tomorrow and beyond and are looking forward to it, we're waiting for you :)
Next to the Ikebukuro Sunshine Theatre Is Kimura Coffee, and They're doing collaboration drinks for Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 6 ~Tasogare no Kamen~"!
Here it is
The name on the menu is
"Yellow Orange Float (Using butterfly pea tea)"
It comes with a special collaboration coaster!!
Please definitely go and drink it, okay
I got snacks from Kikkawa Yuu-san and Yajima Maimi-san!!
One piece of the grapes was really Delicious!
It's time to rest now, so I'm going to sleep tonight!!
I'll do my best tomorrow tooooo
Engeki Joshi-bu "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 6 ~Tasogare no Kamen~"
Tokyo June 6th~16th Osaka June 22nd, June 23rd For information, go here!! http://gekijyo.net/performance/hrk6-tasogare/
First bus tour! "Tsubaki Factory Fanclub tour 'Camellia Journey' in Nagano" Happening on August 4th~August 5th!!!! Information is here! http://www.up-fc.jp/helloproject/news_Info.php?id=13824
Thanks for the comments! I read them!! I'm happy that everyone is giving us a lot of support And, there were surprisingly a lot of people who like chocolate mint~
See you later
#duringthebreaktime #everyonespentit #watchingtsubakifactory #videos~ #itwasfunandnostalgic
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coji0117 · 4 years
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kannai-map · 9 years
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