spennsrs · 5 months
schlatt x reader that loves schlatt when he's put on a couple pounds :(( reader holding him from behind and just kissing his back when he doesn't have a shirt on in the kitchen or smth. "you're so beautiful, yknow that?" i have brainrot ‼️‼️ schlatt not believing reader so reader just has to keep praising schlatt every chance they get so they keep leaving little post it notes around the mirror about his body :(((((
(\ (\ („• ֊ •„) ━O━O━━━━━━━━━ ・:。YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ︳jschlatt x reader drabble ︳fluff ︳self indulgent bc i jst wanna tell schlatt how handsome he is :(( also MY BFFIE REQUESTING <3 /p + reader can cook rly well and they Feed our boy well
the house was quiet, the bedroom dark with drawn curtains. it was late at night... or maybe early in the morning?
schlatt didn't know, and frankly, he didn't care. he couldn't sleep. he didn't even know why he was up still.
it was probably silly. maybe it was the cause of his recent insomnia. there were great things about having a significant other who could outcook even the likes of gordan ramsey. well, at least schlatt thought so. said great things include being well fed and eating incredible food.
but there were also bad things. well, bad thing. he did let his walls down a little when he and [y/n] started dating, yet he wasn't one to voice his insecurities often. his main insecurity was the reason he was staring at the full-length mirror on the back of the door into the bedroom.
his weight.
schlatt stares at himself in the reflective object shirtless, careful to not break the silence the night brought to the shared bedroom. reflections were a weird thing, mirrors in general were weird. maybe vampires were on the right track with the no reflection thing. his hand rests on his stomach, pushing, poking gently... he wasn't necessarily angry or unjustly sad, just as much as he wasn't.. happy with how he looked. with a soft sigh, his hand falls to his side again and his gaze never breaks from the mirror. his eyes over examine every part of his body visible to his gaze, and oddly enough... that's when he spots it, on the corner of the mirror. was that... a sticky note? multiple? his hand reaches up to gently yank the papers down, reading the handwriting.
'you are so absolutely amazing' 'you're beautiful the way you are, inside and out' 'do you realize how incredibly handsome you are?' 'if you could see what i see, maybe you would understand why it is so easy to love you for who you are'
schlatt felt like he was going to cry. no had ever said such... gentle words to him, nor had words ever touched him like this did. he kept reading the words, then rereading... it was almost too good to be true. he knew he was way lucky in the significant other department, scoring someone as fantastic as [y/n] was a mystery he would never understand, and chose not to.
a warm pair of hands draw him from his train of thoughts, jumping a bit as his eyes are drawn to the mirror before him. schlatt could see the familiar arms of his lover wrapped around him, their left wrist adorned with the silver bracelet he had gotten them for their two year anniversary.
"did i wake you, sleepyhead?"
his voice is soft, and it's tinged ever so slightly with emotion as his hand comes up, gently caressing their arm. there's some movement against his back, and he deciphers its his lover shaking their head. that's good, at least he didn't disturb them.
"you're beautiful, jay." schlatt feels his heart constrict at those words. of course they knew. they had a way of reading schlatt like a book, often picking up on his turmoil on certain topics before he even knew himself. a small smile tugs at his lips as he pats their arm. no words came from him, none needed to. "no matter what you look like, what you sound like, or what you do, you will always be beautiful to me, and i'll always love you."
and maybe... just maybe... in that moment, schlatt could let himself believe it was true, because the love of his life said so. who was he to deny their words?
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WAHHHH I LOVE THIS 🥺🥺🥺 the pining and flirting and slowburn of it all… model!satoru and his favorite designer suguru geto, both of them undeniably skilled and born with an eye for fashion….. well-known and adored……..
designer!suguru who gets tasked with showing you the ropes, who’s always so patient and kind despite your inexperience. diligent with his teaching but also so laidback, so easy to talk to… he looks intimidating, but he’s so polite that you can’t help but swoon a little. and he admires your enthusiasm so much…… grows fond of you soooo quickly bc you’re just such a breath of fresh air compared to the divas he’s forced to work with all the time. he thinks you’ve got real potential and he wants to nurture it.
and ofc you end up running into model!satoru eventually…. bc he’s always hanging around suguru whenever he gets the chance. and he’s maybe a little jealous that you’re hogging so much of his personal designer’s attention, but… he also thinks you’re so cute . T_T like a little puppy following suguru around… so excited to be apart of something you’ve dreamed of for so many years……… he looks into your eyes and sees the same sparkle he had before he made it big, and it makes his heart race.
yeah . i’m just thinking abt the peaceful coffee breaks with suguru….. how he’d insist on paying for your drink, ”since he’s your senior” (he wants to be your favorite </3)…… and how he’d just be so protective over his little intern. don’t get me started on the close proximity with satoru when you’re taking his measurements, the glance and smile he sends your way during an impromptu shoot… the way he always calls for you with a sweet coo of ”how’s my favorite intern doing today?”
😔😔😔 yeahhhhhh. they make me feel ill.
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queenofbaws · 1 year
so ive been thinking, in an ending where ashley Does lock chris out and is able to go home at the end of the night, her mum HAS to know right? or at least knows Something happened. and i think given the brown womens history with selfish men.... i cant imagine she'd hold it against her
There were a lot of things that kept Jamie Brown up at night - lists that bordered on the comical when she sat down and thought about it - but if there was one, and only one, constant that she knew she never, ever had to fret over, it was Ashley's ability to scent danger at the first sign.
Maybe that was wrong of her...parents were supposed to teach their children how to connect with other people, after all, not to shy away from them, but after everything they'd been through, everything she'd been through, she'd be lying if she said it wasn't a relief that the only friends Ashley ever brought home were the quiet ones, the awkward ones, the ones who could never quite bring themselves to call her anything but "Mrs. Brown" even though that hadn't technically been true for a long, long time. She didn't have to worry about Ashley's friends, that was the thing - maybe she didn't always understand them, but she didn't have to worry about them.
Or so she'd thought, until what happened on the mountain.
She never got all the details, and she wasn't sure she ever would; what she did know was how tired Ashley had been when she'd run over to her, and how she hadn't stopped crying for days and days, even when the swelling went down the bruises started to fade, and how she stopped talking about Josh (which was sad), and how she stopped talking about Chris (which was heartbreaking), and how she'd taken to gnawing on her fingernails and cuticles until they bled if she wasn't careful, and how strange it was that the one person she ever seemed to want to see anymore was someone she'd only ever heard her mention in passing before.
But if Ashley trusted Jessica, Jamie figured she could, too - her daughter was, after all, an excellent judge of character.
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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voidedjuice · 2 years
SN-EX-8 Abyssal hunters + a Special Quest :)
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ammoniteflesh · 8 months
Flirted with Solas like once and, regrettably, I do get it.
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insecateur · 1 year
i forgot augustine jokes about lysandre being his bride in and with your hands your hearts and this last post reminded me. i want to write them getting married (speaking through my teeth as tears pool in my eyes)
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caughdeighy · 2 years
okay, no, because i saw someone defending joly poly's right to ~write about her trauma~ in re: online harassment and while i agree on principle that yes, online harassment is traumatic and people have crossed the line in threatening violence against her etc etc... what? way to entirely miss the FUCKING point.
the criticism i've seen levied against the book was NOT on the basis of "don't write about online harassment, wah wah, who cares about people threatening you on the internet?!" it was on the basis of like. the horrible ableist caricature of the story's "SJW villain". calling out SPECIFIC DIAGNOSES and pinning them to this ableist caricature, implying that anyone with those illnesses is an attention-seeker?!?!?? trying to make a sympathetic victim out of an artist who is "accused" of being racist, ableist, and transphobic - and isn't that exactly how JK paints herself as well? a sympathetic victim who's only been "accused", never actually done anything wrong, and doubled and tripled down and not apologized or taken accountability even once?
this isn't a criticism of writing about online harassment or about trauma, and if JK wanted to write about either of those things in a way that wasn't so blatantly two-faced, and STILL BIGOTED, i'd support her in that! but the book itself is STILL problematic in all the ways she's been called out on already. this book is just another way of trying to absolve herself, and/or take cheap shots at the victims of HER bigotry, while the #IStandWithJKR squad laughs along and pats her on the shoulders reassuringly. so, no, i don't feel bad making fun of her for writing this thing. it's pathetic and it's too long for a mystery novel and its intention is as clear as a goddamn blue sky.
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sporesgalaxy · 4 months
i need to say something insane so im less likely to forget to draw it later
you know how i am always depicting zoro and sanji being romantically interested in each other like this?
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I need you to know. CRUCIALLY. that this coexists in my brain with Usopp and Sanji being besties like this
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sanji x usopp shippers i think youre so fucking valid and bigbrained but 1) i am a sucker for Usopps cute thing with Kaya and 2) i think acting gay platonically is mankind's greatest achievements.
i think Sanji being shoved totally out of his comfort zones both romantically and platonically (so he has to actually consider his honest feelings and not just keep imatating ideals) is great and his dumb ass deserves it.
I think Zoro being a bit of a fucking weirdo about expressing affection because he's always cared way more about learning how to swordfight flawlessly than learning how to operate by normal social conventions is fantastic.
I think Usopp bonding with Sanji over them both being Pretty Sweet Guys is fucking super epic because Usopp gets to see a bit of himself in this badass strong fighter guy he looks up to, and Sanji gets to see a bit of himself in this kind smart ambitious guy he admires.
do you see my grand vision . take my hand
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howlonomy · 3 months
I wish to present you:
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My attempt to draw Determined Clover (I am not an artist so if things seem out of proportion that is why)
I decided to give them Zenith Martlet's wings and Ceroba/Kanako's mask as a face design to reference the final bosses that they befriend in Pacifist. (Also since Zenith Martlet's wings are (possibly) black on the outside, that's why their black in the colored version.)
I had a lot of fun making this because the drawing you made of Determined Clover vs. No Mercy Clover was very cool and I wanted to try and make it into an actual Undertale Battle Scene (everything in this has been drawn by hand). Enjoy :)
WHHHAAATTT THIS LOOOKS SO COOLLLL!!!! the battle UI looks amazing for it all by hand?!?! and the wings and cerobas mask markings are so bigbrained, i might have to steal those elements for their official design (/lh)
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wilderhyperfoxations · 9 months
Argument/hypothesis: Belos's mouth lines aren't wrinkles, they're actually scars or the curse! (Warning- use of hypothesis and such might be rickety as yoga balls. I'm not a bigbrain, I'm just a guy with a lot of thoughts.) Evidence proving the hypothesis: No elderly character or any character has the same lines, two on top, one on the bottom, and all connecting to the mouth. Gwendolyn has deep cheek wrinkles and forehead wrinkles when she frowns. She also has sagging skin around her jaw. She's around 60/70- Belos is over 400 but doesn't look old. Terra Snapdragon has two lines above her lip, smile lines, lines under her eyes. In the scene where we see all the coven heads together, her two top lip wrinkles connect to her lip, but they do not look like Belos', and otherwise they do not connect, even a few frames later.
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See? None have the same features as Belos, or even similar. Scratches are usually stylized to be some variation of red. Scars are usually pink-ish or darker. But- Principal Bump has a scar/stitches over his eye, and they are black. According to the storyboard of the s2 finale when Belos speaks to Luz, the mouth lines are not present during when he gets his green stripe removed, but appear only when it comes back. Also, in this one, his one mouth line connects to the green scar. Storyboards never depict him as old, moreso withered, tired. Especially this one. Take away that little line and you've got yourself an eccentric twink.
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Okay, sure, the mouth lines are different- but if they are scars, why aren't they like Hunters' or Luz'? Maybe because it would have been tedious to color, or it is just a design choice, based on the black lines being bolder or weirder looking. Or maybe the opposite. He also has no other wrinkles besides the line when he smirks, and lines under his eyes are very dark undereye bags. They look less like wrinkles and more like exhaustion. Belos generally has an ambiguous design age-wise, without his greying hair and or the mouth lines, he could pass for a younger person, even if you keep the under-eyes- no other wrinkles are present, and neither are any signs of age on his body. Counter evidence, disproving the hypothesis: Storyboards often have inaccurate scenes or designs or things that are later removed (see Darius having purple eyes or looking mega weird in some storyboards, or even the scene w Belos where his face melts) and sometimes characters are missing scars in sbs, like Hunter here. So Belos only having mouth lines when the curse kicks in could be that, an omission for the sake of convenience.
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Also it could have been a unique and weirder way to show wrinkles, evidence as to different characters who have different designs. Plus usually scars are red/pink, and these are solid black lines, more like wrinkles. And most older characters aren't extremely old looking. Without Eda's hair color it's harder to tell her age even if she's supposed to look more aged. She just looks 40 but grey, and her design is most similar to Belos' in that regard. In other storyboards Belos has no mouth lines either, while having the green line. Could be design changes or for simplicity.
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Storyboards aren't reliable as evidence. The boards have inconsistent designs or earlier designs, as shown by his eyeball face or egg elf face above, as well as the lack of nose bump. The input of others: I ran a poll on tumblr, and the results were- 78.8% chose wrinkles, 17.5% chose scars, and 3.8% chose curse. There were 80 votes. One person said they were pretty sure they were wrinkles, because Belos is "old as balls" and "some old guys have dry lips". Another said scars because "his whole body seems to be covered by them", and he has "no crows feet" [or other wrinkles]. Another said that they assumed those were scars, because they look too odd and are connected to the lips to be wrinkles. The fandom consensus seems to be that they are wrinkles, and most draw/write/regard him as such. Conclusion: Who the chit knows! Evidence points to it being wrinkles, I say. But I personally believe it's the curse or scars and there's just enough ambiguity for me to hold that opinion. Could I ask Dana or something? Probably, doubt that she would reply, but also I feel like that would ruin the fun. What do you think?
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sulfursocks · 1 year
If you're still taking requests what about Kaiba in one of those corset vests!
Thank you for this ask omg I can't believe I never thought of him in a corset vest you're so bigbrain🙏
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tabooi · 1 month
2, 12, and 20 for Nibbly blease 🐖
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
hes pink i honestly think his whole "can walk on the earth once a year if he has a vessel" thing is SO intriguing why are we not talking about this 24/7. also the fact that in npmd he chose to present as a little pink frilly girly with a giant lollipop hes so silly
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Nibbly is the youngest of the LiB and honestly isn't all that invested in being evil and causing suffering or whatever. hes just hungry and can never be full its not his fault
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Copout answer is that Nibbly and Blinky are besties. Bigbrain answer is that I think Miss Holloway has the potential to get along with Nibbly. I mean she has a diner she could just supply him with pies and pancakes while she vents to him it would be great. Just as long as he doesn't do the whole being evil and causing suffering thing.
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lestappenforever · 7 days
God I am just. So happy. Absolutely buzzing, absolute joy but also it all feels so content? Like yes. The grass is green, sky is blue, Charles Leclerc has won the Monaco GP. Like it all fucking should be. Balance has been restored, the prophecy is complete.
Something about Charles just makes me so bigbrain emotion universe destiny (soulmates predestined in reference to lestappen) thinky. I think the Italian catholic imagery is rubbing off on me hard oooopsies.
Seeing him so happy and emotional and how everyone is so happy and proud of him and and and.
It’s all so much and I love it. Pure joy.
It’s everything he deserves.
I think I’m going a bit insane. (and it’s amazing)
((my last ask post to you because I’d hate to completely spam your inbox w my screaming but thank you sm for responding to them today, it’s been fun to yell about it! 💖)
(this whole post ignores how boring the rest of the race was but that’s okay I’m living on my Charles win high forever)
I agree with all of this, with my entire heart and soul.
Seeing him win today made me so happy, and seeing how happy Max was on his behalf? God, I'm going to be able to live off of this for months.
You are definitely not alone in going a little bit insane; I'm right there with you. Let’s enjoy it. 💕
(Hey, no, don’t you ever feel like that because your asks bring me nothing but joy, and I hope you know I'd love for you to come yell in my ask box whenever, about whatever. I mean that. ❤️)
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shuttershocky · 6 months
So I have Magallan but idk what her purpose is. Everyone else I've asked says just borrow Ling.
If you're a megabrain hyperstrategist you can use Magallan, who, before Ling arrived, was said to be able to 2-OP any stage in the game with just Mayer backing her up. She's still quite effective as both a stall unit with S1 or as a solo carry with her S3's ranged AOE damage, she's just hard as each drone is not as powerful as an operator (and each summon takes up a deployment limit slot).
Ling however, is fucking bonkers and her S3 takes little to no skill to use. Unlike all other summoners where their summons aren't as strong as an operator and you're meant to be clever about using them, Ling's S3 summons ARE that strong, but can also combine to form a Block-4 Super Giga Dragon that's easily the strongest summoned unit in the game, even bulkier than Mon3tr (though without the latter's true damage). She's so broken that honestly once the novelty of Megastatted S3 gigadragons wears off she's honestly quite boring to play. You don't even get the satisfaction of Surtr nukes or Mlynar schwing schwing, S3 just makes them deal Arts damage per second on top of their already huge stats to shred everything in their way steadily.
I'm actually starting to come around to using her S2 more since it actually requires timing and makes her dragons act as ranged cannons that fire on command instead.
So to recap
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For bigbrain clears
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For nobrain clears
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macaronimars · 8 months
how about a laudna in H4 with an imogen in G3? :3
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you are SO bigbrained these are cute af !! i gave them cute boots and boba too bc like,, they deserve it
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lesharl-eclair · 5 months
day 19: 1 fic a day!
show kudos comments love & make someone’s day :)
teeth by @ocontraire (M, 38.9k, 3/3)
The Bond movies lied. This life consisted mostly of transactions more than actions, information in exchange for anything. Once, a little drunk and a little tired, Lando told him about it, the way he got information when other options failed. A little flirting, a little drink, a little bit of that tucked-chin vulnerability, and he found himself with more knowledge than expected. He explained no further. Oscar didn’t want him too.
landoscar (made me cry)
i swear im on some sort of longfic binge this was so so so ooc for me. but. dude i dont regret a single second spent reading this .
this fic is so so so bigbrained tightly woven cinematic almost. writing style is chefs kiss mclaren Spy Agency details are so good. the intrigue of it all. the way all the pieces fall into place (but sike they dont). the rawness of it. the inescapability of duty maybe? or at least of something bigger than themselves. the amount of flavour here im feasting ?..??????...?? the mutual yearning after things they both cant have . cant quote lines here bcs i would run out of space but everything is so mindblowingly lovingly crafted????? like u measureed every sentence for maximum impact. god.
okok ok i need to stop talking but. the fernando here and his list. really got to me. the mythologisation of people, also. the carlando + jealousy hints. aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh sO MUCH details i could scream cry etc etc etc this needs at least 15 more rereads to appreciate properly. downloaded and bookmarked.
thanks for coming to my ted talk guys ... as always, see you tomorrow & happy reading!
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