#Yandere Talia x Reader
blughxreader · 2 years
Platonic Yandere! Talia al Ghul & Damian Wayne x gn!Reader
Summary: Talia al Ghul is curious about the person who makes her son so at-ease. [Established platonic yandere relationship with Batfam]
TW: None. <3 Meet-cute with Talia (ie terrifying)
WC: 1,300
The Wayne Manor was a beautiful prison. No one gets in or out, in theory.
You notice the breaks in the tight security as the house members come and go. Last week it took Alfred 20 minutes to repair the lock that Jason broke. And yesterday, over the phone, you heard Tim tell one of his friends to swing by to pick up their stuff.
The Manor is formidable, but not impervious.
It had been over a year since you were kidnapped. You tell yourself you're biding your time until you escape, but you've slowly stopped believing yourself.
Life is... okay. You missed your family, but all things considered, this isn't the worse situation.
You were safe, and that's all that mattered, right?
You breathed heavily beneath Damian's weight. He was snoring without shame and complete deadweight on your chest, limbs splayed across you and the couch.
It was a calm night. Not a sound in the manor, yet your body was paralyzed in terror.
A woman sat in the corner of the room, almost entirely enveloped by darkness. One leg was propped up on the other while her shiny, black shoe caught the window's light as it swung back and forth.
Her green eyes cut through the dark like arrows, the intensity burrowing deep beneath your skin.
How long has she been watching you?
You were clutching the blanket so tightly your hands shook. You prayed Damian would notice your tenseness or the woman's stare, but he kept snoring.
What the hell should you do? You've never seen this woman in your life, and there's no feasible reason why she was here. She looked like she might be another vigilante judging by her age and stealth, but Bruce refuses to let you have any contact with hero-work.
No, you can't fool yourself. The Batfam has never let you interact with a guest before, so the only explanation is that she's an intruder.
You studied her more closely, ice-cold sweat pricking the back of your neck, when you noticed the shade of her eyes. They were nearly florescent green, so sharp that she looked extraterrestrial.
You've seen the same intensity and color in Damian's eyes.
Damian shifted in his sleep, pulling the blanket closer to his body. He nuzzled his face deeper into your shoulder before his soft snores continued.
The woman's gaze drifted down to Damian, expression becoming pensive as she took him in. It made your heart clench in fear.
Was she going to kill him first? He might be a trained assassin, but he was still 13!
Your arms were resting over his back, fingers trembling. You could shake him awake, but would that do any good? You gripped Damian tighter, your throat constricting as a thousand outcomes flashed in your mind.
The woman's gaze flitted back up to your face. She squinted her eyes and tilted her head, gloved fingers thrumming her thigh.
Bruce's name was on the tip of your tongue. The woman would probably silence you before the first syllable ended, but a small, young part of you longed for someone older and stronger to help. Your eyes darted to the nearest door, wondering how far your voice would carry down the hall.
The woman uncrossed her legs and stood. There was no sound when she moved, as if she were levitating and only imitating the motions of walking. Your extremities grew colder the closer she got.
When she was several feet away, she stopped. Arms folded and adjusting her weight on one leg, she peered down at Damian with a raised eyebrow.
"Damian, son of the Demon and the Bat," she drawled, voice low. Damian stirred, face pinching. "Where is your training?"
Damian's eyes snapped open, and he shot up with unmatched speed. He was slack-jawed and bleary-eyed, gaping at the woman with unconcealed surprise.
"Mom?!" he gasped.
Talia's expression was a blend of unimpressed and amused. She didn't move as Damian flung the covers off and got to his feet, putting himself between you two.
"I..." Damian wiped the dried spit off his face, face heating up. "Forgive me. I didn't realize what day it was."
Talia frowned, looking over his shoulder at you. You wanted to die from fright. Not even the stack of blankets over you made her gaze any less searing.
"You didn't realize much of anything, did you, Dearest?" Talia scoffed. "I've never seen you sleep so soundly."
Damian grimaced. "It won't happen again."
Talia's posture loosened, her expression softening at his warm cheeks. She extended a hand and brushed his messy hair back, fingers caressing his face.
"No," she said quietly. "It was nice seeing you look your age."
Damian pursed his lips, eyes widening before he dove into his mom's arms. Talia wrapped herself around her son, bending down to rest her cheek on his head. They hugged in silence, lost in their own world.
You felt wrong for watching. The breath you were holding made your chest shutter, yet you kept on for as long as you could. Any slight attention your way might bring on their wrath, so you sat like a statue.
Soon, Talia let go and Damian stepped back.
When their eyes turned to you once more, you realized that maybe you should have taken that chance to call Bruce.
Talia placed a hand on Damian's shoulder, head tilting back as she regarded you. "Is this why?"
Damian looked up at the ceiling, too embarrassed to make eye contact with you. He mumbled a yes. "This is (Y/N). Father took them in a year ago."
"Hello..." you managed, sounding as puny as you felt.
Talia leaned down to Damian and said, "A civilian, then?"
Damian nodded sharply, emotion unreadable. They hummed in sync, examining you with the same glint in their eyes.
Watching them would be very eye-opening if you weren't so scared. All the missing pieces in Damian's character clicked into place. His actions echoed the teachings of another mentor, someone outside of the Batfamily, and Talia slid perfectly into place.
"I see," Talia sighed. "Then I'll need to call a driver."
Damian perked up. "We're celebrating this year? Where are we going?"
"We?" you asked meekly, pulling the blanket further up. And celebrating what?
They ignored your apprehension. Talia took out a phone and gestured for you to rise, before turning towards the window.
Damian's excitement made him rough. He placed a knee on the couch and pulled at your arms with only enough strength to jostle you. "Get moving before the others notice."
"Damian," you whisper-shouted. "This is a bad idea. I don't want to go anywhere that could get me in trouble."
"It's just Mom's birthday dinner," he said, waving an exasperated hand. "Father will figure it out."
You looked at Talia, who pressed an 'end call' button on her phone. She stood by the window with a hand on her hip, finally letting the moonlight illuminate her body. She was wearing a green evening dress, the color so rich it looked black, that clung to an expanse of muscles. Talia was sharp in a different way than Bruce or Dick. Lithe, illusive, poisonous.
Talia let her head roll to the side when she felt your stare, locking onto your gaze. She seemed to pick you apart and weigh each piece. Your mind screamed at you to divert your gaze, but your survival instincts told you she would attack the moment you weren't looking.
Your stare held firm, making a wry smile slide across her face.
Damian wrapped his arms around you as if it were a hug, then dragged you to your feet. You bit back a yelp, fruitlessly writing in his hold until you were on your feet. Damian kept his arms around you.
Talia extended a hand and beckoned you two forward.
"Ready, Darlings?" she cooed, eyes squinting in amusement.
Damian squeezed you tighter, his jittery excitement pouring off him in waves. "Yes, Mom."
You tightened your arms around your chest and let yourself be pulled forward.
Notes: Talia is both fun and boring to write for because she takes zero shit. Like, "What's your name? Lovely. You're coming home with me *knocks you unconscious and kills all witnesses*" This was mostly an indulgent fic between Damian and Talia. I love that she's evil but also loves her vigilante batchildren <3
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It's Not Over, Is It?
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{Where a silly game of blooming romance, becomes tangled in a spiders web of jealously and rivalery.}
Cast: (Y/N) (L/N), Bruce Wayne, Talia Al Ghul [Rule 63], Catwoman [Rule 63].
Au Synopsis:
(Y/N), having been chosen as Bruce Wayne's manager/secretary for his "playboy act". Controlling over the media and press that had anything to do with Bruce Wayne or Batman.
(Y/N) is in love with Bruce and is a mother figure to Dick. But Bruce has never once tried to express his love for the reader. Afraid to ruin the little peace and normality he had in his life with you, Dick and Alfred.
So, he finds "comfort", in other's embraces unknowingly.
(Y/N) knows everything about Bruce, to his coffee, to the names that he slept with or fancied when in his "playboy persona".
Has helped create every file and notes or each vilian or other in his rouge gallery.
Talia Al Ghul, the son of the Demon Head: Ra's Al Ghul.
Knows of the little game of "hopeless lovers" when he sees a pair. Instead of waiting for the other to fall, he instead makes his move. Finding (Y/N) under the guise of friendship and a random civilian that happened be at the right place and right time.
Yet. He toys with the Detective, that he and his father had found quite intriguing.
Though he is not seen as a worthy enough successor in his father's eyes. He doesn't mind, finding Batman much more of a worthy advisory and leader.
Ra's sees you as the perfect bride for his son. Along with carrier for the perfect successor.
Catwoman: Selina Kyle
Selina adores poking fun at the Bat when knowing somewhere you could be listening. Often stealing Batmans communicator to converse with you.
He too plays the civilian card with you, wanting to charm you with his real self instead of the sleek cat burglar he dressed as.
He found you gorgeous, more precious than any jewelry he could've stole.
But you know his true intentions (?) and identity.
So often leading him astray with words of formality and obliviousnsss.
"You know, I think it's weird.." The young Grayson started, watching you clean up Bruce's wounds carefully as he stares at you. Doing his best not to flinch or show any signs of pain. Failing terribly, but you didn't seem focused on it. More wrapped up with placing bandages over his ribs.
"What is odd to you, young master Richard?" Alfred questions the little Robin.
Dick looks away from the two, giving Alfred a stern look.
"Mom's been busy as of late..." The sidekick kicks his legs back and fourth on the small chair.
"In what way?" Alfred rose a eyebrow.
"I've noticed she's been getting flowers or little notes. I think, she thinks, there from Bruce." Dick sighs, "but I know there not. But also, I saw this guy follow me and her to the nice bakery she takes me too when I get a good grade on my tests."
"Yeah, the desserts are good. But not as good as your's Alfred."
"Why thank you, Master Dick." Alfred smiled at the young lad. "But I must say, a strange fellow following the two of you around sounds concerning."
"Don't worry, I kept glaring at him and told mom about it. So we left in a hurry. I made sure they didn't track us!" Dick said pridefully.
[Just a small idea I had at 3am, hope you like it!]
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Tightrope (Damian Wayne x LOA! Reader)
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Warnings: Heavy mentions of abuse, a few curse words. I made this more hurt comfort rather than angst, I'm sorry :<
Summary: Ever since the both of you were younger, you taught Damian the importance of hope and - even if it took years - he was more than happy to help you believe in it again. 
Word Count: 4085
Hope; it was the essence that life was built upon, the attribute that humans cling to in times of despair and grief. It was the shining light at the end of the dark tunnel, the soldier who - with gritted teeth - flipped off the dictator of life and continued to fight, bloodied, bruised and all. 
All you ever did was hope: hoped for a brighter future, hoped for control, hoped to explore and create rather than neglect and diminish. Whether it was in the middle of training, while you were sleeping, or studying, hope was the hidden deity you worshiped with every fiber of your little body. 
As you grew older, it was apparent that you were not born in the correct body. Your mother was a top assassin in an organization called The League of Assassins. She was taught to be a ruthless killer in order to serve the League’s higher purpose - to achieve balance in the world and create environmental harmony through slaughtering most of humanity. Instead of crafting, she helped to steal the lives of thousands, ripping them away from the world with precision. 
It was a responsibility of your mothers to be “the fang that protected the head,” which now meant it was your responsibility as well. From an early age, you were shaped to be a weapon. Your mother’s hands carefully molded your clay body, her expert hands knowing what ridges to smooth and what areas to sharpen. 
But the clay was too stubborn, too hard for her to mold perfectly, and resulted in a dull clump that was useless. One could imagine the disappointment of your mother, who served to be Talia’s right hand woman. When you were born, everyone expected you to have the same instinctual skill as your mother - the ability to contort into the shadows like a lethal chameleon with the ease of a slithering cobra, not to be some mindless dreamer. 
You were useless in combat compared to your mother; the grip on your weapon would always waver and your feet would sway at the thought of killing someone. You always ended up being one of the first spotted in the League’s version of Hide and Seek and subsequently faced harsh punishment. Logically, you weren’t the most competent war strategist either. Sure, you weren’t an idiot, but planning a tactical win against a horde of ninja’s was not your forte. 
And you would never be able to calculate the trajectory you would need to throw a shuriken in order for it to slice someone’s neck. 
A people pleaser at heart, you certainly tried your best to be who your mother wished you to be. Despite your heart wanting to hurdle itself away into the night sky so it could be at peace with the stars, it was trapped in this monstrous clay construction, doomed to kill - doomed to serve. 
Wake up. 
Life was a broken record, repeating its meaningless tune to an empty audience. So you hoped. You eagerly wished for some sort of reprieve, searched for a meaning more than destruction with frantic hands and wild eyes until you struck gold. Soon, your hope bloomed into a boy. 
Damian was the son of Talia Al Ghul, with a soft face and forest green eyes, the raven black hair atop his head swooping to the right. He shouldered the weight of his family, his legacy and it showed. His confidence was as lustrous as an emerald. By the age of nine, he could easily take down every single member of the league (with the exception of his family) and had the tactical brilliance of Sun Tzu. 
Damian was not known for his kindness, no one in the League was. You were all raised to be merciless killers, mercy would only display weakness and get yourself killed. Damian seemed to detest everyone in the League, so it puzzled you as to why someone like him decided to show you kindness. 
Due to your inept nature, most leaguers often mocked you for your incompetence in battle. Their insults were displayed on your body like intricate cave paintings. Damian was the only exception, the radiant diamond that made you feel like the luckiest person. You weren’t sure if it was out of pity or sympathy, but he quickly became your one and only friend. 
His touch was delicate, as if he were grasping at the stem of a dandelion in order to preserve a wish. Words fell out of his mouth like an uplifting melody. Damian made it his personal mission to train you himself, if not to serve the League, than to at least protect yourself properly. You made it your mission to instill the same hope that burned through your bloodstream.
Training sessions that were filled with monochrome decay suddenly overflowed with special secrets and inside jokes between you and Damian - stories shared, wishes whispered, and dreams dreamt in the massive room that instantaneously felt too cramped. It felt like stealing bits and pieces of your childhoods back, simultaneously feeling enough yet not enough at all. 
The first genuine smile Damian gave you felt like you were just given the keys to a whole kingdom. There was something so uniquely special about it, as if you just discovered the end of a rainbow. He had a couple of missing teeth that you assumed would grow back in a few months, eyes crinkling for what seemed to be the first time ever. 
You expressed to him your desire to leave behind the legacy of your mother, to become a leaf swept up by the wind instead of being the bark that stubbornly grew its roots in one spot since at least the leaf would experience more of life than the tree ever will, even if it becomes brittle rust within a few days. 
More than anything, you wished to be swept away by the wind, the tide, anything would do really. 
He confided that he, deep down, wished to spend his days painting and growing a menagerie of rescued animals instead of living in the shadow of his mother and grandfather. But unlike you, he was also committed to proving himself and making a difference. He was the very best of the best, and his talent would be wasted if he were just a measly painter. 
Just as he trained you to fight properly, you encouraged him to pursue what he wanted, even if it went against everything else he was taught. 
After a few years of growing with each other, blossoms of a strong admiration and affection began to develop. Despite knowing loving him would face scorn, it was hope that made you believe you had a chance.
“I promise you, when I am in charge, you will be able to leave this place anytime you please.” He said to you, giving you that wicked smirk he always did when he was awfully proud of himself.  
  Damian covertly fashioned a simple promise band that day. It was made of softened branches, braided with the delicacy of hair. Tangled between the braids were small baby’s-breath, winking at you as the sun illuminated their features. He slipped it on your ring finger, as if it was a proposal, as if the two of you had a choice all along. 
The ring used to be a sign of innocent childhood romance, the physical embodiment of your hope. You used to clutch it tightly, wearing it with pride wherever you went, not knowing that life was sneaking up behind you to violently snatch it away with its bony hands and cold grasp. 
Now it just hung loosely around your neck, tucked underneath your clothes and hidden from the sunlight. You had walked the fine line between hope and delusion and it was only when Damian left that you realized you had been worshiping gods who would never hear your pleas. 
Gotham city twinkled under the guidance of the waxing moon, and for a moment, it almost looked beautiful. But it was a city where crime never slept, where screams echoed and smog filled the air. It was a constant reminder of why Damian will keep fighting, even if his body aches, even if he is beaten down time and time again. 
His purpose was to protect and save people, and he would do so even if it killed him. He was so eager to succeed, to strive and be better that it sometimes blinded him. But it was better than facing failure; it tasted of rotten fruit and bitter mugmort and he was not jumping at the chance to taste it again. Letting someone die was worse than making the choice to kill someone. 
Perched on one of the gargoyles, the stone withering from the constant downpours, Damian allowed himself to be consumed by the thought of you. You never belonged somewhere like the League of Assassins, and Damian used to find it amusing. A group of highly skilled killers and one girl who only longed to be a professional dreamer, to soar the skies instead of being trapped in a steel cage - a girl that reminded him that there was more to life than just fulfilling a legacy. The last time he talked to you was almost a decade ago. He recalls the exact way your smile disappeared, the way the sunlight in your eyes was swept away by dark, foggy clouds. 
Remembers how he swore to come back for you, only to be told you were killed right before he came back. Heartbreak consumed him then and it only worsened with time. Despite lashing out on everyone, Damian knew deep down it was his fault. 
That is why he fights. 
But tonight, Gotham was mostly quiet. Damian’s shoulders fell as he let the rain wash over him, letting the tension melt away. The night was growing old and since there was nothing amiss, he decided it best to retire for the night. 
Making sure not to misstep, Damian got up and lifted himself onto the rooftop of the industrial building, gripping the grappling hook and preparing to swing himself to safety. 
The hook latched into the darkened building, allowing Damian to swing across. Tainted air filled his lungs, settling into his body with a delicate sting, wind whipping angrily through his hair. It was the closest Damian ever felt to flying, to touching the same blue canvas you wished to be a part of. 
A loud snap ripped through the air, and before Damian could react, he was rolling on the floor and bumping into a putrid dumpster. Damian grimaced. The pavement sweated with grime, making it more of an  inconvenience for him to jump back up and assess the damage done. 
The cord of the grappling hook had split in two but the cut seemed too precise with the frayed ends sticking up equally, meaning that the rope did not just snap; it must have been cut with something sharp enough to slice through enhanced nylon. 
Damian dropped the rope and slinked back into the corner, his eyes squinting through the dark. He watched the shadows cautiously and slowed his breath to a faint whisper; the grip on his sword tightened until his knuckles turned a pale white. 
There was a faint scurrying to his right, almost like a rat or another small rodent but the weight of each step did not match. The light steps progressively got louder, allowing Damian to step into the correct fighting stance. 
He caught the small shuriken between his fingers as it whirled towards his face “Tt, whoever you are, you are absolutely terrible at sneaking up on people.” He tossed the weapon to the grimy floor. “Reveal yourself.”
A person languidly stepped out from the darkness -  a walking shadow - with the only light reflected being from the glint of a palm sized weapon, most likely a dagger. Judging from the person’s curves and movement, he assumed they were a woman. If this was his mother’s doing, this would have been the first time she sent a woman after him. 
“Who are you?” He inquired, voice coarse and echoing across the walls of the alleyway. Instead of an answer, he was met with the sudden charge from the inexperienced assassin who’s blade barely grazed his cheek. Damian grabbed the woman’s forearm and twisted it, using his other arm to keep them at a safer distance as she tried to swing the dagger (incorrectly) at him like a magical wand. 
The woman grunted in pain, letting the dagger drop to the floor with a deafening clank. Letting her forearm go, Damian lightly kicked the person to the floor, pushing a fraction of his weight onto the solar plexus. He glared down, his eyes scanning the slick, black material and immediately recognized it as the one he was forced to wear when he was younger.
So his mother did send this person after him. 
“P-please…” It was a hushed mumble mixed together with the person’s frantic breaths. His eyes scanned again and he noticed the way the woman’s eyes were thin and constricted, examining him as he was her. The terrified look on her face seemed familiar, like something from a hazy dream or an old scrapbook. For a split second, Damian thought the person looked awfully similar to you, only for the thought to be immediately swept away as soon as it appeared. It couldn’t be you, you died. 
“Who are you?” He asked again, lightening the pressure of his foot. “Why did my mother send you after me?”
She continued to thrash around and murmur incoherent words, causing Damian to grumble. “If you aren’t going to answer me, I may as well dispose of-”
Before he could finish the empty threat, the hair of the woman, which shifted out of the shawl covering most of the face, leaked out like a tube of acrylic oil. The shade…it was similar to yours as well…
His heart began to leap in the air, long-forgotten hope pumping from his heart to his brain. He completely shifted his weight off of the woman and slowly leaned down. 
Of course, this could have been chalked up to wishful thinking and mindless absurdity. But he, deep down, wanted to believe, to hope. 
“I won’t hurt you…” He said softly, reaching out to the shawl. He tugged at it to reveal  a mess of hair the color of his wishes, prayers, and dreams combined. 
A few tears ran down the cheeks of the stranger, the fabric of the mask covering their mouth absorbing the liquid almost immediately. “D-don’t…shouldn’t…shouldn’t know who I am…”
“Why not?”
“I-I…you…” She paused, averting her eyes up to his once more. “Your mother wants you back in the League.” She finished, her gentler voice turning rigid and empty like a robot. 
“I’ve told her once that I do not wish to be part of her League. I’m not sure how many times I need to make this explicitly clear to her.” 
“No!” She suddenly pounced on Damian, voice quivering as she pressed another shuriken to his neck. “You can’t do that! Please, Damian. You don’t understand, t-the League needs you, I-I….I need to take you home o-or…or else…”
Damian felt his soul tear itself from his body, felt as if every single wound he tried desperately to cover was unearthed and drenched in lemon juice and salt. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to break out into laughter or crumble into tears. 
Dangling between the two was an old and battered ring, decayed with age. Everything began to click together. The hair was the same beautiful shade, the voice was almost the exact melody, even the combat reflected the same clumsy style.
It was you. 
Your eyes wandered down, widening once they saw that the ring escaped the confines of your shirt. You hastily ripped it out of Damian’s view, quickly dropping the artillery and scrambling off of him, your chest heaving. 
“Y/n…” He hesitantly reached for the warmth of your hand, not wanting to let you slip through his fingers again. It was a miracle, a shooting star in the palm of his hand, twinkling with the fiery hope of a phoenix feather. He already lost you once, broke his promise, and he will never let that happen again. 
“You left me…you left me there to die…” You nudged his hand away, refusing to turn towards him. 
“I would never leave you there to die! I came back for you a few months later once I convinced my father and I was told you died on a mission! They said your mother did not want to revive you because you were useless!” He argued. 
Damian reached for you again, desperately, the need to see you smile for him, because of him overrunning every sense of logic he normally abided by. Your shoulders were tensed as the rest of your body trembled, managing to break Damian’s frigged heart even more. 
“I looked for you everywhere. I almost killed every single person in that fucking building when they said you were murdered, as if it did not matter.” He said in a broken mutter. Damian let his arms wrap around your neck loosely, resting his chin delicately on your head. “I’m sorry, Y/n…I…I failed you.”
You placed your jittery hands on top of his and clutched them just as you did when you were both younger. The sleeves of the assassin attire fell down to your elbows, exposing branches of lighter skin, twisting and curling like cruel birthmarks. “What happened to you?”
Damian couldn’t help but trace the scars with his index finger, counting how many he noticed. Blood trickled down his lip as he tried not to let rage cloud his judgment. 
“When you left…m-my mother…she…” As tears slipped down your cheeks, Damian couldn’t contain the urge to gently kiss them away the same way he did the day he left. “Training became more intense…I was sent on more missions and…and every time I failed…”
Your voice trailed off, replaced with painful cries. “I-If I don’t bring you back…if you don’t rejoin the League again she might actually kill me…” 
Damian watched as you erratically took off the first layer of clothing, revealing a plethora of scars along your arms and neck, down to your clavicle.Whatever restraint Damian clung onto vanished as easily as a swift slice; a bomb ticking down to its demise would have been more nimble. 
“They won’t be getting away with this.” Damian got up, dusting off the filth on his pants, a plan formulating in his mind. He could call up Jason who would definitely not mind killing off some Leaguers who stepped out of line. He will call his father as well and they’ll discuss negotiations for your release. You could be safe with him, with his family. He would be able to grant you your every wish and desire, exactly how he promised. 
You tugged on his sleeve. “Damian…I can’t…I have to take you home. Please, I already know I can’t fight you.”
“I am not going anywhere, Y/n, and neither are you. I told you I would free you from the League when I was nine, and I plan to keep that promise.” He managed a soft smile, hoping that it would ease away the creases on your countenance, to paint over your frown and replace it with moonbeams and sunlight. He wanted to restore the hopeful blaze in your eyes.
Your frown only deepened. “Damian, you don’t understand, I can’t. I can’t run, I can’t escape.”
You shook your head, attempting to wipe away the tears in vain. “The happy ending that I wished for, it was stolen from me, Damian, and I will never get it back. I was wrong to hope.”  
“If you believed that, then you wouldn’t be wearing the ring I gave you. Y/n, you were the one who told me that I wasn’t tied to my heritage! That I could be whoever I wanted to be and do whatever I wanted to do even if it went against my family's wishes.” He fought back. “I won’t allow someone to throw your life away, Y/n. You have a choice. I can protect you.”
Palming your cheek, Damian pulled you into an embrace. The thought of you going back to someone who would only torture you, kill you, hurt him more than he would ever be able to admit. 
“They’d come after me, Dami. They will hunt me down and off me the moment I let my guard down. I would never be truly free, there would be no point.” You lightly pushed him away from you again, hands resting on his chest. For a moment, he wondered if you could feel the drumming of his heartbeat, the way it raced faster than his mind could keep up with. 
“And you don’t think I can protect you?” He replied, voice softening as he urged his legs to step an inch closer, and then another inch. “I would never let anyone hurt you, not ever again.”
Your eyes met with his own, and Damian hoped that the small glimmer he saw meant he was getting through the years of brainwashing, tugging at the strand of hope he knew you had left in you. Your lips parted slightly only to close a few seconds later. With your shoulders slumped, nose bright red, and cheeks gleaming with tears, you slumped into his arms and began to fully weep. 
It caught Damian off guard to see the intense emotion but it did not make him uncomfortable like it usually did; no, instead he felt a pang of sympathy coiling in his stomach, growing into vines and clawing up his throat and daring him to speak. 
“I’m so scared.” You whimpered, clutching onto his cape as if he were as fair weathered as a butterfly. “I-I…I…”
“I know. It’s alright.” He said. “I’m here.” 
Damian made a mental note to thank Dick for teaching him how to comfort others. He pulled you out of the disgusting alleyway and out into the quiet street. Getting you somewhere safe was his first priority and there was no safer space than Wayne Manor.  
“Where are we going?” 
“My family home. My father will be there and so will some of my siblings. It is absolutely the safest place in Gotham for you.”
The cold air seemed more bearable when the comfort of your hand rested in his. The stirrings of a former childhood crush resurfaced the more he looked at you. Despite that though, he knew it would not be fair to push his feelings onto you. If he did, Damian would be no better than the people who controlled you your entire life. 
“I thought you would have forgotten me by now.” You turned towards him, the edges of your mouth twisting into the first smile he had seen from you in years. 
“Forgetting you would be like forgetting how to paint.” He remarked.
A feeling of calmness wrapped itself around the two of you like a snug quilt. Damian could sense that you were still nervous if the constant swerving of your head at any sudden noise was anything to go by, but every time he made sure to pull you closer to show he was not going anywhere. 
By the time that the both of you reached the Manor, your breath managed to settle into a slower rhythm. Damian watched as your lips formed into an O as you stared up at the daunting Victorian-esque building. 
“I’ve always wanted to visit a castle…” You mumbled under your breath, tipping your head curiously the same way you did when you sneakily read the banned fairytales your mother was avidly against. 
Damian chuckled at the response. “And I always said I would take you to one.”
As he guided you through the Manor, the smile on your face began to appear more vividly. His family was surprised, but once he explained the situation, they eagerly welcomed you with open arms. Damian made sure to have Alfred fetch you some nicer clothes for resting while he held you in his arms. 
Ever since the both of you were younger, you taught Damian the importance of hope and - even if it took years - he was more than happy to help you believe in it again.
Did I reread this again before publishing? NOPE
But did I figure out the read more thingy? HELL YES
I consider this a win lol
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bittersweetcreep · 11 days
Talia Al Ghul and Red Luna Part 1
It was a quiet night in Gotham City. The crime rate was (at the moment) low, so Luna's patrol was peaceful, which was rare. Although Luna wasn't patrolling alone tonight, Nightwing is accompanying her. Nightwing is usually a chatterbox, talking about various topics in one breath, but he's quiet and alert seemingly on edge.
Luna isn't a fool she knows they're being followed, but unlike Nightwing, she knows by who. Letting out a sigh, she started to tap on the closest surface to her, which was a light pole.
°You can come out Talia°
Confused Nightwing asked, "Talia?". Stepping out of the shadows was a woman with high cheekbones, long brown hair, and green eyes. Nightwing took on a defensive stance, but Luna didn't. She calmly walked up to the woman with no hesitants and started to sign
°Talia, I'm on patrol still°
"I know dear, but your patrol is coming to an end. And I thought about picking you up for our ladies' night. "
Bewildered, Nightwing cleared his throat in an attempt to draw attention towards him. "Luna, who's this?"
°This is Talia she's my friend..... I think.° Placing a dramatic hand over her heart, the brunette playfully said, "Luna, I'm hurt you would question our friendship."
°You did try to assassinate me when we met, but now you've been trying to set up me up with your son ever since then, so I'm inclined to think you have some ulterior motive°
With a horrified expression, Nightwing screamed, "SHE TRIED TO WHAT!?" The man is close to having a freakout, and what Luna signed next didn't help him at all. °Talia and a number of her assassins ambushed me on one of my patrols, but I took care of them.°
"You took down 30 of my men and permanently put them out of commission. It was quite impressive." Talia said this with a fond expression while stroking the girl's hair. Luna took notice of the look Nightwing gave her.
°Do not fret, they're not dead. Just paralyzed or become amputees.°
Before Nightwing could say or do anything, Batman was calling him through his earpiece. He was asking for both vigilantes needing backup. Answering him with a quick "We're on our way." and just like that, they were off. The ravenette couldn't help but think 'talk about being saved by the bell.'
Talia watched them run off in the distance. She made sure they were long gone before she spoke. "There's no point in hiding from your mother, Damian." Jumping down from his hiding spot, Damian gave his mother a hostile look. "You have no right trying to assassinate her!" Turning to look at her son Talia asked. "So... are you two dating?"
"No, but that'll change soon. Got a problem with that mother?"
"A problem? Yes. The problem is that you're not dating her." He was taken aback by his mother's response, not expecting this turn of events. With a surprised tone, Damian asked "You support me?"
"When I first found out you've become infatuated with someone it didn't matter who it was I wouldn't support it, but when I saw her fight and having fought her myself I can see why you've become smitten."
The brunette let out an amused chuckle and continued to speak. "Yes, she did, and I lost." Damian's eyes were the size of dinner plates while also sporting a massive grin. He couldn't help but feel smug and was proud of his girl. "I should be going. I can't keep her waiting."
Skeptical of his mother's motives for having these ladies' nights knowing they're not for her getting to know Luna. "So what are these ladies' nights for really?" With a smirk, Talia clued Damian in on her motives. "I'm gathering info that'll be useful to obtain her heart. I've been at this for 2 weeks now and have sent my men in my stead when I'm unavailable." This has piqued Damian's interest. "What have you gathered so far?"
"You have my number, right? I'll text you what I know. Oh, and before i go, you should try seeing her as a civilian."
"Why? Got some plan?"
With a smirk, she turned away while saying, "Yes, I do." and then she left.
Bonus Scene
The police shoved The Penguin in their truck, and then they took off down the road. Luna turned to look at the older men behind her. °Please excuse me, I must be off.° bidding a farwell to both men, the (h/c) took off. Nightwing shouted after her, turning to look at him he was wearing an anxious expression. "Be careful." With a nod of her head, she turned back around and took off.
Batman gave Nightwing a hard look. "Spill it." With a deep sigh, he answered the Dark Knight. "She knows Talia." The air between them became tense. "How?"
"She tried to assassinate Luna. Luna fought a number of her men and won. Now she's trying to set her and Damian up." With a deep sigh, he continued. "Why would she even want them to date?"
"She wants them to have children." Nightwing didn't have to ask why Talia chose Luna.
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yandereorg · 1 year
Temperance judgement and strength for the girlboss herself, Talia pls
Temperance - What made this person yandere for their darling? 
Perfect or what she believes to be close, she'd probably be with an s/o who she can rule over, someone to dominate, she loves it.
Judgement - Would this yandere ever open up to their darling? 
Yes, she loves telling you about herself and her plans, she thinks she's right and that she's perfect for you so she's won't hide from you, at least no later on in the relationship.
Strength - How outwardly passionate is this yandere around their darling? 
Very, anyone comes looking for you murdered, she might even murder you and bring you back via the pit. She doesn't want to but she'll break you to fit into her mold. Honestly she probably also murders your family and friends so if you ever do escape you have nothing to go back to.
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So this is basically just a thought I come up after watching the movie, I haven't got a chance to read the book but I'll try to when I have free time.
So short summary this might be headcannons I've come up for the time being before making a whole series about this.
This series might end up as Yandere Platonic Batfamily x Nimona!Reader
Nimona!Reader headcanon:
Reader is gender neutral since they can shape-shift into anything and anyone, the concept of being a girl or a boy is confusing to them, They are Y/N simple as that.
Y/N's power is like Nimona's minus the magic sparkles you see in the movie, their body shifts each cell to anything they want but like her or even Beast Boy they have telltale signs that it's not just any animal or person.
When Y/N shifts into any animal they have the hint of red on the skin, fur, scales or feather while if they shift to a person they have red stripes of hair on their head.
I would like to keep Nimona's red/pink-ish hair because why not? it's Iconic and I love it, really pops out in Gotham that Y/N is a the main character.
The rest of the other physical description is up for the readers to decide.
The setting of their origins goes back to the mid-early Gotham days, where the corruption is it's highest, a perfect plot to explain why they became so hateful to the city and later to the world.
Batfam Headcanon:
Bruce Wayne
Let's start with this bat pajama wearing vigilante
As I told before Y/N is already a citizen of Gotham at the beginning ahead of Martha and Thomas Wayne time and few generation of Wayne's and the original known influencial families in Gotham.
When Young!Bruce met Y/N it was the day Bruce fell in a cave/well at the back of the Wayne mansion
Except instead of Thomas rescuing Young!Bruce it was Y/N who did
Y/N save Young!Bruce and calm him down, he still became afraid of bats but the memory was tied together with their first meeting making it hard for him to forget Y/N
Young!Bruce and Y/N (who shifted to a young child) became friends behind Thomas and Martha's back
The two loving parents would always listen to their son telling stories about his new friend who can shape-shift
They only smile and encourage him to talk about his new friend because they thought Y/N was an 'imaginary' friend he made up after the traumatizing event.
Then here comes the canon event, I got two scenarios with me first is that Y/N was there when the death of the Wayne's happened and they shifts into a large deadly bat after the trigger was pulled and killed the mugger making Young!Bruce traumatized and call them a monster.
Second that Y/N was gone and came back after that night and Young!Bruce blames them for not showing up when he needed them because they promised to protect him.
Fast-forward to the present Bruce became Batman and already when through Dick, then him now as Nightwing Barbara from Bat-girl to Oracle (still in the process of healing), Jason, Jason's death, adopting Tim and making him Robin, Stephanie to Robin before Spoiler as well as adopting Cassandra before Damian came after Talia introduce and told Bruce to 'get to know his son' unfortunately no Duke yet because in order for him to be introduced everything in the batfam should have settled in including Jason but I will put him later on the series and He'll have his own introduction to Nimona!Reader.
Reread that again Jason's death but no reconciliation with him and here comes the next part I love.
Imagine this setting, it was raining in Gotham and Bruce as Batman was in pursuit of the Vigilante named Red Hood.
After finally cornering him, Bruce found out about Red Hood's true identity being the revived Jason Todd, his late Robin and son.
But before he could apprehend Jason, the younger male only smirk and whispered something before a pair of red blood bat wings emerge behind Jason.
A person rose up from Jason's back having a that familiar her color and a pair of glowing eyes looked directly at Bruce's as the mysterious person's with uncanny features that stood behind his son tickled the back of his brain.
Before he could utter a word he was cut off by a one strong flap of wings, soon Jason and the figure was up in the sky, the large bat wings flew up in the middle of the moon's form and their large wings spread open as if to mock the symble of the Batsignal before disappearing.
Headcanon for Nimona!Reader relationship with Bruce
At first I was planning on making Nimona!Reader as Young! Bruce's childhood first love before making it a sibling relationship
Still open to a romantic one if people are ok with it but I'm more fine with a sibling dynamic
You already see Young!Bruce as your Brother and you still do even after the harsh fall out the two of you had.
You already knew he was Batman by scent but never bothered with telling him or showing yourself
It's fun to wreck stuff at Gotham and making the big bad Bat frustrated and angy.
The only thing he's glad about is you never interacting with the Joker
for the Yandere part is that you being a big influence to his younger days being his only friend and literally the one who save him from the well/cave accident.
You became one of his fears and inspiration to become Batman
and seeing you again made his feeling from before come back and resulted to needing to find you and to reunite with you again.
Jason Todd/Red Hood
I'll pick him as second since I think I should put the order of how close the members of the Batfam are to Y/N
I can imagine him as Ballister to Nimona!Reader but more dark and is actually a villian that Y/N is going to join and become his sidekick
I was planning on mixing two version of Red Hood/Jason Todd maybe Arkham!Red Hood/Jason and Young Justice League!Jason Todd? weird but I need to this two version of him to connect for the plot I have in mind so stay with me
So Jason died by the Jokers hand at Arkham and his dead body was snatched and revived by Ra using the lazarus pit and became the League of Assassins puppet for a few years before escaping and became the Arkham Knight
He started a few solo missions, killing criminals and making a name -remember not Red Hood yet- first before moving on the recruite people not yet joining forces with the scarecrow
Y/N saw the Gotham news and found out about The Arkham Knight and was like
News reporter: He's a criminal
Y/N: He's awesome
News reporter: He blew up a building and killed people
Y/N: He's fucking metal
News reporter: He's Evil
Y/N: He's perfect
After that they broke into one of Jason's secret hideout and tell him about becoming his sidekick making Jason's ptsd come back about being a robin and Batman's sidekick
Jason threaten you with a gun since he's still angsty and depressed because of Bruce but you're more stubborn than him
First time you ever shape-shift he asked you if you were Beast Boy/Garfield's relative but you genuinely don't know who that is
He freaked out a bit but warm up to you little by little since your actions remind him of his kid days and unfortunately when he was Robin as well
As Arkham Knight he needed you for escape plans, distraction but most importantly on stealth missions seeing that your shape shifting powers was handy
But stealth missions are the ones you hate so when you end those missions You.Break.'Some'.Shits
He was pissed of course but quickly shut his mouth when you already had everything covered, now he doesn't even get bothered by your 'metal' moments
Then the whole Arkham happened, Gotham City was still fixing and healing but then the criminals still came back, Batman is still alive (Scarecrow didn't get to expose his indentity as Bruce Wayne because Jason save him in time) but didn't make up with Bruce and after that he finally became Red Hood
Headcanon for Nimona!Reader relationship Jason
When you met him you already smelled Bruce's phantom scent on him
It's smelled normal like a lingering scent but enough to tell you that Bruce is not Jason's biological father but still somewhat close with him, how you have that skill? I'll call it a weird mutation you have being a shapeshifter
You call him Boss but you actually treat him like a younger brother or act like mother/aunt-ish around him most of the time
Jason always think you could as well be his younger sibling but we all know your older than him by a few decades.
I kept Nimona's red colors since I think it'd be fucking awesome that two of the person that hated Bruce or became Bruce's nightmare and pain in the ass are both wearing or have the color red in their character palette. (Tim......is orange? Idk fckn know some of the fandom give him the orange color)
Damian Al' Ghul-Wayne/Robin
Before anybody say 'why jump to him quickly?' Well Lemme tell you something, Lemme tell you something
Damian's origin is connected to Y/N's origin story, remember when I told that Y/N existed early mid-Gotham days?
Well guess what Y/N was the connection of Ra to the Lazarus Pit and they became one his inspiration to use it.
Damian's grandfather speak highly of you, how you were the perfect being in this world that could widthstand the force of the Lazarus and continue to live forever.
Damian became influence by his grandfather's, mother's teaching and stories about you that deep down he wished to see you face to face
He still is an annoying brat from time to time but after staying at the Wayne and finally experience the life of living instead of surving he tone down for a bit
Ra's words still linger but now he has his own morals he keeps.
The first time he meet you might actually be pretty normal, him in his civilian Identity and you guys being you.
I guess maybe at the park? him just looking out for Titus and taking for a walk and you were just in the grass or the swings chilling.
He wouldn't care for the first minutes but when he saw Titus getting pretty close with you and he just watches as Titus let's you pet him.
He was intrigued and decided to introduce himself since he was in the midst of getting lessons about 'making friends'
Headcanon for Nimona!Reader relationship to Damian
How about like Mother-ish Aunty as well? and Damian also thinks you have a caring moments since you usually care even though you act crazy
Crazy? I was crazy once, they lock me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room with rats, Rats makes me crazy, crazy? I was Crazy once-
and casually talk about killing and blood, lots of blood, buckets of blood.
He has alot of respect to you since you're this high being his grandfather talks about everytime
Likes that you can shape-shift into animals more
Follows you around after discovering your real identity and doesn't mind your 'metal' moments as well
This is not the last of headcanon but I might add more in the future for now I'm just gonna put this in before I forget.
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giorno-plays-piano · 10 months
Tumblr media
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x mage!reader
Warnings: allusion to yandere, canon-typical violence, mentions of murder, exhausted and crying Aemond, hurt/comfort.
Words: 2k
Summary: Quiet, you stand together, leaning on the balcony and watching the dead sea, each left to your own thoughts. The silence between you is not strained but comforting, an indication of peace and, perhaps, some sort of unity. In the end, you are on his side.
P.S. Well, here we are! Hope you enjoy my first HOTD story!
Your continous lack of sleep is slowly making you delirious. Tossing and turning in bed for hours, you can almost imagine stealing the sword of your guard and going on a rampage inside the Red Keep: this is how hopelessly tired you feel.
You take a breath. When you close your eyes, you are back home. You see the blinding light shine through the vast windows, the ancient walls made of sand and magic, and so many embroidered red and yellow pillows on the floor they nearly cover it all. Young girls and boys sing incantations that sound like music in the courtyard. If you turn your head to the east wing, you can smell barley bread baked in the kitchen along with sweet date cookies that will be served tonight as they have been for centuries.
But when you open your eyes, you see only the darkness of the room that isn't yours; a foreign castle where it's so painfully hard to breathe, to think; a gloomy, hostile world you are being held as a prisoner. Nothing here reminds you of home. You are a stranger to these lands, these people.
Nevertheless, you can't leave. Not yet. Not until the new King is crowned and your promise is fulfilled.
You stumbled upon this world by mistake, the new spell taking you in a completely different direction from where you were supposed to land. You were awaited in Turas, a place with the densest population of witches and warlocks, but you landed here, in this godforsaken little world with almost no magic left in it sans some dragons and a very few ancient priestesses who are impossible to locate. Without a great source of magic, you can't travel between dimensions, your coiffers empty from your last attempt. And although there is some great force in the dragon's fire, you need permission of its owner to have their pet shooting flames at you. Enraging Vhagar and having her blow fire at you for a minute or two doesn't work since she does it for far too short, and the spell needs more time. You tried.
But Otto Hightower will sooner stuff his mouth with glass than let you go and miss an opportunity to have you aid the Greens.
So you stay. You pretend to be the Queen's niece, a daughter of her older cousin, eager to come to court and serve the Crown. You do almost exactly that, to be precise: hunt down the spies like Talia and a few other maids, force information out of people with the help of your spells, and sometimes murder someone who's notoriously hard to kill.
Not Rhaenyra, though. Alicent forbids.
You hate it here with all your being. This realm is a cage. There are no good sides in the court - neither green nor black. Regardless of who wins, people will suffer. This place is doomed, and you ache to get as far from it as you can, back to the ancient Tower of Babylon on the crossroads of the worlds, the only place you call home. Every single day spent in Westeros, you miss it along with your people.
Finally, you realize you can't sleep. Laying on this ridiculously uncomfortable bed, albeit quite lavish, in hopes of falling asleep is silly, and you stand up, searching for your dress. Perhaps it is worth taking a stroll before returning to bed. Maybe the chilling air will clear your head and your heart.
Slipping away from your room without guards noticing is as easy as taking a candy from a child, your magic clouding their mind, lulling them in the false sense of security. You can't make people do what you want directly, or frankly, you wouldn't be here, but your spells are most helpful to obscure the mind and blur the vision, and you luckily evade a few servants and more guards on your way as you unlock the door to one of the numerous balconies, usually deserted both during the day and at night.
But you're not alone. You walk in only to stare at the sharp features of Aemond who looks like he wants to skewer an intruder on his sword, his expression both painful and enraged.
When he recognizes your face, he softens, though.
"Cousin," you smile at him anxiously, playing brave as you stroll closer, pretending you are glad to see him.
He relaxes his tightly clenched, thin lips, and you see how tired and utterly exhausted he seems, his eye bloodshot as he stands in his full day attire as if he didn't event attempt to go to bed, knowing he won't sleep. Perhaps Aemond seems malicious and fiery to others, standing tall among other Targaryen siblings, but to you, he is only a boy. A mutilated, desperate to survive youngest son with no one but his mother on his side. Otto molds his abused grandchild into the perfect dragon warrior and a vicious protector of the Greens, expecting him to be there when Aegon is made king, and it makes you sick to keep watching them.
Still, it is not your story. Not your place to change things, however wrong they are. You will be gone soon, and you should leave these people to their fate.
"You don't have to call me that when we're alone," he mutters, a ghost of a smile on his lips.
"Would you prefer my Prince?" You let out a snicker in hopes to get him to smile wider, but he doesn't, turning back to face the darkness above the sea, his hands on the stone rails.
He doesn't look good. The shadow beneath his eye intensify, eyelid droopy, and his lips are cracked and dry, but it is his expression that worries you most of all. Aemond looks like he is barely holding on, slowly being buried under the pressure of Otto's expectations and Alicent's maniac fear for his life. He lives on a knife-edge, and you wouldn't want to trade places with him even under a promise to rule the whole Westeros.
Quiet, you stand together, leaning on the balcony and watching the dead sea, each left to your own thoughts. The silence between you is not strained but comforting, an indication of peace and, perhaps, some sort of unity. In the end, you are on his side. Despite how much you dislike being entangled in the intrigues of the court, you have compassion towards Alicent and her children. You wish you could take them away from this place and let them discover what a true life behind the castle walls is.
Besides, over the course of many months spent here, you grow surprisingly fond of Aemond. You are unsure if it is his spirit, perhaps, or his passion that draws you towards him, but he is fascinating, one of a kind. The only one who keeps trying over and over again; who keeps pushing forward, paving the road for his mother and siblings despite the unfair treatment. It is attractive, isn't it?
If only people stop messing with his head.
Suddenly, Aemond winces, and the spell is broken between the two of you when you stare at him, anxious again. Unsurprisingly, he turns away, but this time, you are too concerned to leave him alone.
"Aemond, what is it?" You ask, planting your hands on his shoulders to stop him from moving away from you.
Stubborn, he turns his head, nonetheless, and doesn't speak a word like he's a kid all over again, pretending everything is fine. You catch a glimpse of his swollen eye, the veins in it so red you realize he is hurt.
"Are you in pain?"
He says nothing at all until you grab his face between your hands and make him look at you, forcing him to bend over to you because he certainly has blood of the giants in his veins. Looking him straight in the eye, you feel him trembling in your hands, panic surging through you. What is it? Did he get hurt during one of his endless trainings? Is it something else? A slow poison? An old wound?
"It can't hurt in there," he whispers angrily, tears rolling down his cheek as he looks to the side, hopelessly trying to evade your eyes. "I don't even have it anymore."
It takes you a second to realize what he means. He is talking about his other eye.
Letting go of his face, you bit your lips, wishing you could do anything at all to fix it. Were you there the night he was mutilated, you could have saved the eye, make Aemond whole again, but it's far too late. You aren't capable of recreating limbs or any other body parts out of thin air.
"We call it phantom pain."
Swallowing, you raise your hand to his eyepatch, and he flinches, refusing to let you lift it. You voice softens as you take him by the hand. "I promise, I won't take it off."
Aemond looks like he'd rather have you put a red-hot poker in his mouth, but he stills, tears still streaming down his chin while you murmur incantations, your palm covering his eyepatch. Perhaps your voice soothes him, or perhaps the spell works swiftly, but he quiets down fast, unmoving as you numb his pain. It is one of a few things you can do just for him, not because you are serving the Greens, and you wish he'd tell you when he's hurt. You wish he'd seek your help.
It's been several minutes: the spell should have fully kicked in, you believe. Slowly taking your palm away from his eyepatch, you observe your prince carefully, watching for any signs of discomfort to patch him up further, if needed. As you take his face in your hands and ask him to please let you examine him, make sure he feels better, Aemond suddenly sniffs again, his shoulders shaking violently.
You pull him into your embrace without even recognizing what you are doing. It is a reflex of sorts, a simple reaction to someone's distress. Back at home, your teachers would always tease you for your relentless desire to comfort people, calling you a wannabe therapist. But that was back there, in a safe, kind place where people don't fight for the thrones, power, and money. This world and its inhabitants are painfully different.
Maybe not in everything, though. Because the next thing you know, Aemond is bending over to lean on you, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, his hands around your back. He shakes like a leaf, like a child who had known no comfort, no safety. It is the first time you see him like that, so defenseless and bare, because Aemond is fearsome even in private with his family, and he made you nervous on numerous occasions with his intense stare or a strained, disturbing smile. It feels almost unreal to have him here, in your hands, crying like a human being.
But he is real, and he is human.
"You'll get better," you promise him, gently whispering words of comfort in his ear, suddenly thankful he doesn't see you tearing up yourself. "I'll make the pain go away."
Those are hollow words: you can only treat him again and again, not make the pain disappear forever, but it should suffice for now, and he will be able to sleep.
How many nights did he spend here, standing and trying to overcome pain in something that can't heal? He would never tell his mother not to antagonize her again about not protecting her child. Otto, undoubtedly, would simply say something along the "deal with it" lines, you think, feeling distressed. This must have been going on for years since Aemond was a child. You can't possibly leave him alone with his pain.
Clinging to you, he shudders silently, not a sound coming from him as if he learned how to cry noiselessly over the years on a balcony. When you try to move a little, he presses himself to you even tighter, not letting you go, but you don't plan on pushing him away. In this moment, you are ready to give him anything he asks.
You don't know the sort of emotion it awakens in him when he feels it, too.
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pastel-nature · 1 year
Yandere!Damian Wayne x Reader
A/N: All characters in this fic have been properly aged up to 18+. Please forgive spelling or grammar mistakes, English is not my first language.
TW: abusive behavior, stalking, breach of privacy, implied noncon at the end
You were a classmate and good friend of Damian for years. At first, you were oblivious to his romantic interest, and only saw him as a friend. However, the constant stream of praises, romantic assurances, and mountains of gifts opens your eyes to his true intent.
You were happy at first, who wouldn't? His gifts were personal and sentimental at first.
Over time it grew more and more lavish, you had grown more and more uncomfortable upon receiving them.
The line was drawn when he gifted you a diamond studded necklace that must have been worth a fortune.
When you confront him about it, he broke down and admit that his gifts and lavish presents are a desperate attempt to win your affection and prove his devotion. After all you would never like him without it.
That's not true! You said fervently, you valued him as a treasured friend even without all these gifts.
And so that is how you agreed to become his girlfriend.
And you were happy, for a while. You are his beloved, his habibti, his hayati. It means my life, he said. You are my life.
Damian became increasingly jealous and possessive of you -his hayati, and he was willing to do whatever it took to keep her for himself. He was convinced that they were meant to be together, and he became increasingly controlling and manipulative in an effort to keep you to himself.
Needless to say, he was obsessive and possessive.
Extreme jealousy when it comes to anyone who tries to get close to you.
The tendency to become violent or aggressive when he feels his relationship is threatened.
Willingness to do whatever it takes to protect this relationship, even if it means hurting others.
Manipulation and control became his love language.
Healthy boundary, privacy, and autonomy are thrown out of the window.
But despite his best efforts, you eventually broke up with him, citing his controlling and manipulative behavior as the reason for the split. Damian was devastated by the breakup, and he became even more obsessed. After all you are his hayati, his life.
He turned to his mother, Talia al Ghul, for help. She was aware of his yandere tendencies and did not see anything wrong with them. As a member of the League of Assassins, she sees Damian's willingness to protect his loved ones as a positive trait. She might even encourage his behavior, seeing it as a natural extension of his training and upbringing.
Skilled in the arts of deception and subterfuge, Talia helped Damian to plan and execute your kidnapping, providing him with the resources and knowledge he needed to hold you captive.
He did not even need to hire private investigators or other professionals to track you. You are smart but you are no genius-billionaire-vigilante smart. Damien managed to find you with several clicks from the comfort of batcave.
Instead, he will use his wealth to manipulate people around you. Made them bendy to his will and influence his hayati back to him willingly.
To fund his training and equipment, allowing him to become an even more formidable opponent if anyone were to threaten his relationship (his father, brothers, and sisters came to mind).
To buy or rent a safe house or other secure nests where both of you could live together, away from the influence of the outside world.
Eventually, you were kidnapped and taken to a secure location, held against your will. Damian was convinced that if he could just keep you with him and prove his love and devotion, you would eventually come to see things his way and they could be together forever. But you were terrified of him and the lengths he was willing to go to in order to maintain their relationship.
Damian might keep you in a hidden location at first, such as a remote cabin or underground bunker, where you would be isolated from the outside world. This would allow him to keep you close to him at all times, without having to worry about anything else.
Over time, with good behaviors and promises to never leave his side. Damian might move you to a location that is familiar, such as your own home or that condo near your work place or university. This allows him to maintain a sense of normalcy, while still being able to keep you under his control.
In some cases, Damian might even take his hayati to public places, such as malls, cafes, or restaurants. Places that would allow him to keep an eye on you at all times, while still maintaining the appearance of a normal relationship.
Damian might not see marriage as a necessary step in this relationship. Especially if it might rock the tranquil -and docile, relationship he has you in right now.
After all, what good is a piece of paper when he has his mother's special brew in hand? It is only fitting that you -his hayati, bear a new life soon.
Damian Wayne - Al Ghul learned from the best.
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Headcanons: Yandere Damian Wayne x Reader : Reader escapes him.
Damian Wayne x reader. Yandere!Damian Wayne x reader/ Yandere Damian Wayne x Reader
Word count: 1460 words
TW: GN reader, Yandere, kidnapping, adult Damian Wayne (inspired and mostly based off of Damian in Batman beyond & Injustice 2: Gods among us), toxic family relations, obsession. Also, I have a friend that informed me that at the end of the Bruce and Grayson chapters the last sentence is cut off for phone users, I've tried to fix it by just rewriting the cut-off part below the original sentence.
First of all, it would have to be by some incredible stroke of luck that you managed to escape his grip. I imagine that if Damian turns yandere, he’ll indulge more in his “evil” side, so to speak. By that, I mean that he would probably return to his grandfather’s side and retake his place as the heir to the demon’s head, as the Al Ghuls’ less strict moral codes allow him to better keep you to himself. But let’s say that you somehow managed to sneak out without his knowledge, (likely with the help from Bruce and his brothers). Damian would stop at nothing to get you back.
Does anyone remember that glimpse we got of Damian as Batman in Batman #666? Yeah…That is how I imagine Damian would be if his beloved ever escaped. He would see you being away from him as an attempt on your life. He’s your protector…At least in his mind. To take you away from your protector is a not-so-hidden attempt to endanger you, right? Well no…But Damian certainly thinks so. So, if you got help from anyone… Good luck to them. Because Damian would blame them for your escape, and he has never been known for being superbly generous to his enemies. They’ll suffer. He’ll make sure of it.
But let’s say that the person helping you escape is one of his brothers or his father. How would he react? Well… It depends on who:
If Bruce is the one helping you, Damian realises that he has a relatively low chance of winning a hand-to-hand combat with his father. That doesn’t mean he’ll give up on you, though. Damian would at first try to negotiate with his father. Explain the reasoning behind his actions. He would attempt to invoke his father’s sympathy. As pathetic as Damian finds the entire thing, he is willing to put down his pride momentarily if it means he’ll get you back. 
If Bruce cooperates and Damian gets you back, you might gain more freedom. Damian would feel indebted to his father for giving him another chance, and he’d attempt to pay his father back by trying to treat you more like a normal lover would.
If his father refuses to give you back to Damian, despite his downright begging, Damian would go ballistic. I’m pretty sure he’d either ask his mother for help, (unsuccessfully since his mother is borderline yandere for his father and doesn’t want him to hate her for aiding in their son’s unhealthy attachment). When that doesn’t work. He’d simply kill his father using underhanded tricks, (probably use one of his brothers as bait to lure his father into a death trap). He won’t like it. No. He’ll despise himself for having done it for the rest of his near-eternal life, but it’ll be worth all the self-loathing as long as he can have you back in his arms. That’s not to mention Talia, who will forever blame you for Bruce’s death. She may or may not attempt to kill you... as retribution for her one true love's death ...
(death ... ) - (for phone users)
If it’s Grayson who helps you, which is probably the most likely as I can imagine Damian informing his oldest brother of where he, (and subsequently you), is, in case he wants to visit. So if Grayson takes you. Damian still rages, but he’ll be more inclined to listen to reason than he would have been otherwise. 
Damian has never hidden the fact that Grayson is his favourite brother, probably his favourite family member, (except you). He can’t bring himself to kill him. But…That doesn’t mean that he won’t extort him. Yeah… He’ll kidnap Barbara, (or Koriand’r, if you’re a Starfire fan), and propose a tradeoff with Richard. If his brother doesn’t bite, he’ll just up the gamble. He’ll kidnap Tim as well, maybe even the rest of Grayson’s old Teen Titan’s/Young Justice team. With all of his friends’ lives in danger, it’s unlikely that Richard will keep protecting you. Even if he does, Damian will fight him. Not to the point of lethality, but hard enough so his brother doesn’t become suspicious. While Grayson is distracted, Damian will have one of the assassins bring you back to the league.
(bring you back to the league.) (For phone users)
If Jason is the one who took you from Damian. Damian would downright cut his brother’s legs off. He really likes Todd, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. Damian doesn’t want him dead, even if Jason took you away from him. He won’t go to the same lengths as with Grayson to keep from killing, but he’ll sooner incapacitate Jason than end his life. I see the whole thing going a little like this:
Jason takes you from the league. (He knows Talia well, and I can see Jason convincing her to let him take you with him. She probably never thought you were quite good enough for her son. It’s nothing personal. She doesn’t dislike you more than anyone else. She just doesn’t think that anyone could ever be worthy of her son).
When you’re back in Gotham, Jason will hide you in one of his many safehouses while waiting for Damian in another. He couldn’t lead his younger brother straight to you by staying with you, so you’ll have to sit tight.
Damian finds Jason. He already knows that you won’t be with his brother. Damian knows Jason isn’t stupid despite having the same muscle mass as Batcow.
The two of them fight, but Damian doesn’t play fair. He probably brought a crowbar or enlisted the help of the Joker, (as stupid of a move as that might seem. Damian knows that the clown is only craving chaos. So chaos is what he’ll get. Joker has no interest in you. He wants to torment Batman, and what better way to do that than to work with Batman’s youngest son to kidnap someone). Jason takes one look at either the crowbar or the Joker, and he feels himself fall back into the memory of the warehouse. He’s horrified, and no matter how hard he tries to push it all away, it’s too much. 
Jason is weakened by Damian’s tricks, and the younger Wayne promptly breaks his brother’s legs beyond repair. Thus making sure that he won’t be a future problem. He’ll interrogate Jason about your whereabouts, but Jason doesn’t break.
In the end, one of Damian’s assassins finds you and brings you to him. Jason is devastated. He failed you, and all he can do is yell profanities at Damian as you’re carried away, out of his sight.
If it’s Tim who tried to save you… Oh, dear… Damian won’t care about what happens to the “replacement”. Damian will find Tim and if you’re with him, Damian will simply take you, kill Tim and go back to the League of Assassins’ base. If you’re not with Tim, Damian grows furious. Not only did his most “useless” brother take you away from him, but he also let you out of his sight. You could’ve hurt yourself! Damian’s ire only grows as Tim prepares to fight him. For Damian, this is not just a question of Tim taking you from him. It’s also a fight to prove whether Tim was really ever worthy of his position next to Bruce, his position as the former Robin and his current position as Red Robin. With Damian’s rage and his lack of morals, he easily wins the fight. Perhaps Tim let his brother win to show Damian that he actually follows Bruce’s rules and would never kill, as opposed to Damian, thus mocking the green-eyed warrior one last time. Damian draws Tim’s final moments out. An assassin has already found you. You were hiding nearby, having followed Tim’s instructions, which turned out to be faulty due to Damian arriving sooner than expected. A last “Demon spawn” leaves Tim’s bloodied lips as Damian slowly drags his katana out of Tim’s chest, cleaning it with an old handkerchief, which is left stained red.
No matter whether you escaped on your own or with the help of someone else. Damian will lock you in your shared bedroom whenever he isn’t available, putting twice as many guards near you at all times. He might even have you sit next to him or on his lap while he commands the League by his mother and grandfather’s side, (if he isn’t already the head of the league at this point). He won’t punish you too harshly, but he might smack you to the ground once when you get home. That’s only if you escaped on your own, though. If someone else helped you, he’d delusionally think that they simply kidnapped you against your will and that you honestly love being with him.
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lady-ashfade · 3 months
The Rookie Masterlist
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Request for this fandom: figuring the out
Angst: blue
Fluff: Pink
Both: Orange
Comfort: purple
A little bit of everything or nothing: green
Yandere: Red & green
*on the first season*
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Tim Bradford
Chenford x fem!chubby!reader
Lucy Chen
Chenford x fem!chubby!reader
Talia Bishop
<non yet>
John Nolan
<non yet>
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cookiesncreamlover17 · 11 months
Yandere!Damian Wayne x Reader Pt.1
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⚠️Warning(s)⚠️: Mention of a Gun, Swearing, & Murder
🇺🇸Word Count🇺🇸: 509
Damian Wayne was strange. Not in the sense of unusual or surprising, but unsettling. Talia Al Ghul and Bruce Wayne must have had that affect on him. Both of the Robins parents seemed to have beautiful features on the outside, but both had something more sinister on the inside. Talia was like a breathe of fresh air. She produced light chocolatey flowing hair, and dark emerald eyes that could peirce through anyone’s soul. Her hips curved in all the right ways, and her ass and boobs always seemed to push outwords. Every peice of her physical appearance would make any guy with good taste fall to her knees in seconds. Though, on the inside she was far from beautiful. Talia was trained from birth to be able to protect and kill. She could kill from slitting someone’s throat to make it nice and quick to leaving someone to be starved and beaten daily, only to die a few days later. But Bruce Wayne was no better. Sure he might be against killing and all, but that doesn’t mean he is much better than Talia. Bruce Wayne hasn’t had the best experience with woman. Selina, Talia, Vicki, Silver, etc. All of his past experiences have changed him and made him more controlling over his family. Bruce Wayne was a sharp looking rich male with hair that always seemed to be touched by gel. His muscles only made him look more attractive. Despite all the things Damian had to go through, he still remained sharp and organized. Damian went through a rough life like his mother, and he began to change into his father. When you two first met it was rainy day with clouds overhead of Gotham. Joker decided to keep a few poor girls on the street hostage. You were unfortunately one of them.
“What do you want?!” A blonde girl shouted
“Shut your mouth you ugly bitch” Joker replied
One of the Brunettes started screaming her head of and that caused Joker to shoot one of his bullets through her brains without a care in the world.
Suddenly the blonde screamed and fainted hitting her head in the process.
Someone defiantly should have herd that. Sure it was late at night, but there were people in the area at the time.
Suddenly the window had bursted open, and in came five people. Red Hood, Robin, Nightwing, Batman, and Red Robin. Another brunett girl screamed for them to help her. Suddenly Joker started shooting the blonde girl that had fained and the other brunette who screamed. Suddenly there was only two people left. You and an Asian girl. Joker put the gun up to both of your heads.
“Pick” Joker said
“What?” Batman said
“Pick which one lives. If you refuse to answer I shoot them both”
All five of them were to far away to do anything, and the only thing they could think about was how the hell they we’re gonna get you both out?
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bad4amficideas · 1 year
Hi! I hope you're doing great! I have an idea for damian in earth t18 au. Sorry for my bad English!
Let's say during bat's time in the LOA, she liked one of the assassins. Maybe that assassin is in a somewhat similar situation as her, as in forced to be in the organisation and they bonded over that fact. Eventually they started a secret relationship (talia and ras won't be happy about this) and Damian was conceived from this relationship.
The assassin decided to take Damian and run away from the organisation (a decision that was supported by bat's bcs they're under extremely tight surveillance than their partner and wasn't skilled enough to escape) I have this idea that their partner shares a lot of resemblance with talia (the tan skin and green eyes maybe they're related) But they were killed and Damian was hidden from bat's and bat's was forced to consume meals that had medication to make them forget about the partner.
And Talia and Ras decided to raise Damian as their own and said that he's an artificial baby made from Talia and Bat's dna. But Talia's dna is so strong so he looked the most like her but he has the personality from bat's partner (stubborn but is a sweetheart)
Your english is perfect dear and your idea is not bad either!
I know it was not your intention. But you totally reminded me of that yandere! LOA! Damian x reader where Reader "falls "flirts" with Dusan (Talia's albino older brother, but like a hot version) and Damian kills him. I mean, that would totally make more sense with fem!Bat!Reader, and Ra's wanting as heir a child of the first child so misantropy and all of that.
Anyway, even though I did think about something like that, I think our bat!reader is too cautious (and too busy) to, out of two years in the League (as I already said), spend at least half on romance/fornication and get pregnant and then carry on said pregnancy. Also I do not believe in "slips" with a paranoid bat!reader who also takes poisons on a regular basis, would miscarry.
What I mean by all this nonsense is that I think bat!reader, romantically, needs time to open their heart.
All this being said. Rape? Totally could be. By someone chosen by the Al Ghul. Or artificial impregnation with genetic modification of eggs creating the perfect child (that's our Damian). OR Steal said eggs from Reader, modify them and implant them in Talia or another uterus. There are options.
But totally between training-torture, the DNA to create Damian, and with the funds of the League, they could have been obtained in two years.
And another option than drugged to forget. I would put bat!reader in a coma throughout the pregnancy, so as not to realize what had happened.
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bittersweetcreep · 2 months
How I See Yandere!Red Luna!Damian: Like Mother Like Son
The tldr
Damain Yandere Type
Overly Jealous
Talia Yandere Type
Puppet Master
I see Damian being like his mother, so let's talk about Talia first. I see her being the type needing to own and dominate her love Bruce, and becoming aggressive if her ownership is threatened. Will exercise her control and influence over him by using his secrets and weaknesses against him.
Will inflect suffering upon Bruce by bringing about emotional or physical harm to him. She derives pleasure from doing this. She's the type to let her darling escape only to dash his hopes by recapturing him. She's fascinated with the physical, mental, and emotional limitations of her Bruce and how far she can push those limitations. All in all, she just wants to watch her beloved squirm.
Most yanderes rush with their plans to obtain their darling, but she's a lot slower and is more methodological with her approach in obtaining her love. This involves overly complicated schemes that will eventually get her Bruce. Everything she does tends to have an overarching logic to it. She'll do anything for Bruce, She'll do anything to have him in the pawn of her hand.
Now Damian isn't the sadistic or puppet master type, but he is possessive and manipulative. He doesn't like Luna making independent decisions. He wants her dependent on him and will remove all of her safety nets to do so, but their relationship will appear normal to others around them and even Luna herself. He will use Luna's trust to create wedges between her and those that will get between them. Damian is always encouraging co-dependence in any form, to small things like him brushing her hair or getting groceries for her to things not so small like supporting her financially.
Damain gets jealous over everyone, even random strangers Luna will likely never see again. Like that college student working the register? Jealous. That nice elderly man recommending a pastry? Jealous. The librarian helping Luna find a book? Jealous. He even gets jealous over Batman and Nightwing, aka Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson, two adult men.
He's selfish, satisfying his own desires and whims without restraint. Acting according to what he wants rather than thinking what's best for Luna or others. He wants Luna to pamper him and gets annoyed when not given praise. Has an "I come first" attitude towards Luna. Imagine having impulsive behavior mix with all of this selfish behavior. Acting in response to his emotions, not thinking or caring for those around him, or how his actions would affect others. He's prone to erratic mood changes, to possessiveness, jealousy, overreacting, kidnapping, and murder.
He likes to keep tabs on Luna. Like the places she would go, what she's doing, and who she's associating with. One way he keeps tabs on her is by following her around without her knowing. Another way is placing a mini microphone tracker on her person and once again without her knowing. He'll also place cameras around her "house" so he can observe her 24/7.
Damian wishes to know everything possible about Luna in the hopes he can catch her eye, like when she sees the cover of the book he's reading and what do you know she's read that book too! Or Damian what's to pick up art but doesn't know how to draw, what you'll teach me? Thanks! Another reason he wants to know what she likes is so he can shower her in gifts that she'll like. He would write all he's learned in a journal so he wouldn't forget a single detail.
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yandereorg · 3 months
Ok Talia having a crush on a person who is very spoken for (like married)
theyre getting kidnapped either way but I think talia is obsessed with tempting s/o into breaking their vows, like its long and drawn out and at first shes a good friend and you confine in her and she prays upon that
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reareaotaku · 2 years
Yandere! Lolirock Headcanons
Reader uses she/her pronouns [Reader is a female]
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She's the life of the party
She always wants you to go out and have fun with her
When she gets jealous, she'll give you this puppy dog look
She's always energetic and up for anything you want to do
Beach? She'll get her bathing suit and yours! Stay home? She'll grab some blankets and some movies! Window shop? She'll get her wallet, in case you want anything
She hates that whenever you both cuddle together Amaru jumping inbetween both of you and finds it super annoying
She loves when you do her hair, even if it's bad
She won't get you involved in her hero life, but she wants to take you to her home, just so she can show you
She loves PDA and giving you attention
She'll sing you songs to get you to sleep
She loves taking photos with you
She always says you both look so cute together
If you say you look ugly in a picture, she'll compliment every single part of you that is shown in the photo
She wants you to know that every part of you is beautiful
You'll never be insecure with a girl like her lifting you up 24/7
She loves sweet things, but she loves sharing them with you more
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She's possessive and controlling
She doesn't always understand your 'sarcasm' and 'metaphors'
Like "Hold your horses," she'll respond "But I have no horse to hold?"
She'll teach you to fight and spar with you
She didn't understand why she felt this way for you
She thought it was just friendship
But when she saw you hug Iris, she glared at Iris, not knowing why she [Talia] was mad at her [Iris]
She doesn't beat around the bush and tells you what she wants
Whether it's to kiss you or go on a date
She loves reading with you
^It's one of her favorite pass times
She'll let you brush her hair and even put it up if you like
She was attracted to you, because of how you sweet you are and when you smiled at her
She doesn't want to lose you like she lost her sister
She will do anything to protect you
She was immature then, but now she's mature and knows what is best
Though sometimes you don't agree with her
She'll show you that she knows best
You'll learn
She thinks you're very pretty
Has an almost Hero Complex and feels that she needs to protect you
As stated previously, she's very overprotective over you
If one of the twins threatened you, she would be livid
"How dare you! Leave her out of this!"
She gets super blushy thinking about/talking to you
She'll stutter when talking to you and Auriana and Talia think it's cute
She loves singing to you, just like she used to do to children
Before she knew she was a princess, when she'd sing, things would float and your eyes would shine and she'd get so embarrassed
^ Begged you not to mention it or talk about it
Man, this woman can get jealous and god she's scary
One time she saw another women touching your elbow, and she could tell you were uncomfortable with it, but didn't want to be rude, so she did it for you
"Get your hands off Y/n or I'm going to punch you"
You and the girl looked straight at Iris [You more surprised, because Iris is usually so nice, kind, and overall as sweet as sugar]
The girl smirked, and leaned her chin on her arm, "Why are you so mad? Do you like Y/n?"
Iris blushed heavily, because she hadn't told you how she felt about you yet and this wasn't the way she wanted you to find out
Lucky [or unlucky] Iris, Talia came and got her, telling you she needed Iris' help
You were the one to confess to Iris
Her heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest
Oh my god you're so close
Oh my god, are we going to kiss?
When your lips touch, Iris feels sparks
And that was the moment she realized she can't ever let you go
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He met you in one of his many disguises
He had seen you in the corner of his eye and chased you down
Praxina finds Mephisto's crush on you slightly annoying
Anytime he sees you when they're fighting the girls, he'll leave the battle to talk to you
Though she's not surprised by her brother's incompetence
When he realizes he really, Really, REALLY likes you, he gets blushy around you and his face goes bright red
He's quite protective over you and will catch you if you ever trip
He loves listening to you ramble
He'll make sure he's always the center of your attention
He's always ditching his sister in favor of you
If fact you didn't realize he had a sister, until they both ran into you one day
"Hi- uh Y/n," he awkwardly waved, his voice cracking, with Praxina glaring at you both
"Who's this brother?"
He blushed, quickly answer, "That's Y/n!"
She rolls her eyes, before grabbing his arm and dragging him it off
She reprimands him for gaining feelings for someone
When she realizes that he really likes you, she says that he could potentially be putting you at risk
He knows he has to stay away from you
But he can't
You're just... well... Amazing
How could anyone avoid you?
It'll just have to be his little secret
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His first motive against you was betrayal
As he was betraying you, he saw you cry and he realized he didn't want to hurt you
You just saved him, why would he do this to you?
He flirts with you a lot
He tries to show off in front of you
He wants all your attention 24/7
If you give your attention to anyone else, he'll become passive aggressive towards you and won't be nice to you, until you apologize
And you will eventually apologize, even if you don't know why you're doing it
He's so very arrogant and it's high to cover for his insecurities
He's a huge gaslighter
He'll tell you that only he'll love you and no man will love you like he likes you
He constantly degrades you, but not to the point where you'd threaten to leave
At least not yet
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He loves taking pictures of you
and videos
He practically has a shrine dedicated to you
You are his muse and everything you do, inspires him
He loves going places with you and is very affectionate
He's pretty clumsy, so watch out
Whenever you see him holding something he's about to drop, you'll quickly take it
He tells you everything and doesn't keep any secrets [minus his shrine]
Though if you don't do the same for him, he'll be upset
How could you?
He loves you so much!
He never keeps anything from you, so why would you do that to him?
His favorite place to go with you is to the beach
Though he hates when people flirt with you
Can't they see you are taken?
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He's the sweetest man to have
Well, until he gets jealous
He's not really an aggressive person, but he can become quite passive aggressive
Might say some things that you don't even realize are rude, until you listen to his tone
He loves PDA, cause it feels like he's telling the world you both are together
He knows your favorite drink and your schedule down to a T
He has like this 6th sense of when you're near and will make your drink and have it ready right as you enter the door
Doug didn't believe that Nathanial really knew when you were near, so Doug sent you on a goose chase, to make you late and caught wind you were late really quick, but right when you were around the corner he got started on your drink
Doug was jaw dropped when he saw you enter and Nathaniel handed you your drink
"I couldn't find a 'Flashing Hammer.' When I asked some employees they laughed at me?"
"He sent you on a goose chase Y/n. All that for me to be right"
"Right about what?"
"Nothing," Nathaniel remarks, caressing your hand, making you blush
He loves cuddling with you and making you blush
He likes knowing that he does that to you
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ultraxavbo · 2 years
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Sooooo maybe this can be an inspiration to someone how make fanfics sooooo can plis someone make talia and batmom be basties and talia has feelings for bamom and bruce get jelouse of talia because she likes batmom
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