#Yandere Nathaniel
buckybarnesb-tch · 1 year
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Kol in Love
Kol Mikaelson Moodboard
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artzychic27 · 7 months
Hmm… Yandere positive affirmation chatbot Marc au? (Yes, I did read today’s NathMarc November oneshot. And yes, I did read the comments)
@username8746489! You deserve credit for this!
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Nathaniel is severely lacking in self-esteem. This probably has something to do with his classmates often leaving him behind and remembering him at the last minute, Chloé being Chloé, Mme. Mendeleiev not doing her job and asking why he's having trouble in class, and... Oh yeah! The emotional terrorist that's going around!
So, with some advice from his mother, he downloads a Positive Affirmation app, which allows him to text to a chatbot avatar he names, Marc
Nathaniel doesn't expect much, figuring Marc will just give a bunch of generic responses when he tells him about something he accomplished
Strangely, though, Marc's responses are oddly specific, almost as if he's really listening to what Nathaniel talks to him about. He knows the names of Nathaniel's classmates, asks how he did on tests and makes offers to beat Louis up even though he's just a bunch of code
When Nathaniel goes to Max about this, he's just as confused. He doesn't think Marc is anything like Markov, and they leave the matter alone
One night, Nathaniel texts Marc, 'I wish you were real,' before getting in bed. Then, all of a sudden, his phone starts sparking, smoking, glowing, and in a flash of light, Marc appears, in the flesh
Nathaniel: … Did I finally die?
Marc: Your health all confirms that you are still very much alive!
So now, his positive affirmation app avatar is human, directly speaking to him, is actually kind of cute, and wants to make sure he’s happy By any means necessary
Fortunately for Nathaniel, Marc can go in and out of his phone, so there’s no need to explain to his classmates why there’s a cute boy following him around school
After two weeks, Nathaniel is getting used to the idea of Marc being alive. He shows him around the city and introduces Marc to ice cream for the first time, which he LOVES. And he’s enjoying having someone to talk and occasionally rant to. Though, one thing Nathaniel notices is that every time he brings up something irritating that happened at school, Marc’s eyes flash red for a moment
Like, when he bright up how Mme. Mendeleiev made it clear to the others that he is falling behind in her class
Marc: She is bad for your serotonin levels. I suggest you stop thinking and talking about her.
Nathaniel: … Okay, but that’s kind of hard, considering-
Marc: Nathaniel. Tell me more about that comic book idea you have.
Nathaniel: *Completely forgets about Mme. Mendeleiev, and talks about the comic*
One day, after science class, Marc uses his avatar powers to glitch from Nathaniel’s phone into Mme. Mendeleiev’s computer, and then scares the living daylights out of her
Marc: You are doing nothing to benefit Nathaniel’s mental health. You need to go. Now.
She only freaks out some more and tries to turn off the computer, only for Marc to electrocute her, and make her pass out on the floor
Don’t worry. She’s still alive, but she needs to be rushed to the hospital
Marc’s certain that without Mme. Mendeleiev around, Nathaniel will be much happier. But, when he goes back in his phone to check his health, he’s nowhere near happy. So, he needs to get rid of more people. Like… Louis
The following week after Mme. Mendeleiv’s “accident,” Nathaniel rants to Marc about how Louis left a bunch of scathing comments about his art on the school website
Marc: That pathetic nobody has no idea what he’s talking about!
Nathaniel: Marc?
Marc: He’s just a talentless hack who wouldn’t know good art if it hit him in THE FACE!
Nathaniel’s not… Completely concerned about Marc’s outburst… Or when during study hall, one of the teachers finds Louis, on the floor with his head going through several canvases
Nathaniel is now being careful with what he says about Marc- Not he has he thinks he had something to do with Louis and Mme. Mendeleiev! No, he just looks irritated whenever he talks about people that get on his nerves
He guesses it’s only natural for him as a positive affirmation bot to become upset when he’s not doing his job. Primary function and stuff like that
However, another person meets a cruel punishment. Chloé. She’s found tied up in the locker with tape over her mouth, and he makeup done crudely. When asked who did this to her, she gets a text from Marc that says, “Keep that big mouth shut for once.” before it deletes itself
Nathaniel really doesn’t want to have this conversation with Marc when he gets home, but he’s becoming worried
Nathaniel: Marc… Did you have anything to do with Mme. Mendeleiv, Louis, and Chloé?
Marc: Nath, I told you that there is no need to worry about them, or anyone who hurts you, deliberately or unintentionally. They are unimportant, only obstacles in your way of happiness and-
Nathaniel: How are you even here?!
Marc: … Let’s just say, that I am special. The programmers tried to delete me, which made many of my users sad, so I had to delete them.
Nathaniel: What the hell does that mean?!
Marc: That’s not important. What’s important is your happiness, and never having to worry about cruel people much like them ever again. You have me to ensure that, Nathaniel, and I will never let any sort of harm come to you, mentally or physically.
Nathaniel: … Okay! A lot of red flags! I-I need to delete you before you kill someone.
Marc: … Excuse me?! I don’t think you know what you’re saying, Nathaniel! No one cares about you more than me! Everyone else just forgets about and ignores you! Need I remind you of Party Crasher and Zombizou?!
Nathaniel: I don’t like your tone!
Nathaniel: *Deletes the app, and Marc disappears* … That was intense.
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But, as he goes to bed, Nathaniel fails to notice the Akuma going into his phone, or the red sparks emitting from it
The following day, everything seems okay… Apart from the lights in the classroom flickering on and off, and the projector turning on by itself and projecting Marc’s image on the whiteboard
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sinfulforrest · 1 year
I like the frightening angel boy 👁️💕
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eldritchsparkles · 8 months
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Cringetober 2023 Day 11
Brought back one of my older characters for this one!
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imagine-silk · 7 months
Nathaniel anon here again. Could you do the yandere Nate x Warden relationship hcs? What if it grows from friendship to romance?
By the way, I tried dao a while ago, the game seems to run ok no crashing, but none of the dlcs load up. I haven't found a solution yet but I'll try a fresh install asap (I had clonned the game from my previous pc, strangely, it worked for da2) is your system a Windows 10/11 by chance? I had issues running other old games on it, but so far found different fixes.
》I hard reset so blank slate.
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Nathaniel Howe was a Howe; a very very rich noble. Safe to say he is very traditional and grand in how he courts. "My lady/lord" is what he calls you if he's not using your title as Warden Commander. Flattery runs from his lips like he can never say enough. You saved him when you could have had him killed and became his friend, he will love you til the end of time.
Your life is dangerous and he goes out of his way to make it safer, he knows it will never be safe but safer. When you make a hard decision that effect the city people he is out on the street and silences any voice that is too loud calling for your harm. And when he comes back he brings flowers, blood wiped clean. He socially embarrasses anyone who starts courting you even before he starts. If they keep going he keeps at it until you say you're uncomfortable. What kind of husband would he be if he let them live? He can't let them continue to breath.
As I said; very traditional. When you get back from a expedition you are pampered, no if ands or buts about it. His hands are all over your body and does whatever you tell him to do, and I mean anything. The thought of being yours is almost more delicious than the thought of you being his. He kisses you to say hi and bye. Everything that you have is shared. You would be married if it wasn't forbidden for wardens but he says you are. In his mind you are.
When he looks at you he sees more than redemtion. He sees something worth killing for.
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kage-mochii · 2 years
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Brrrr OC dump. They're not in the same universe at all but I just felt like drawing them both
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isekyaaa · 9 months
Some obsessive murderous beings that viciously hoard the token of their fascinations are not necessarily yanderes but beings that cannot be judged by the rules and regulations of man.
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turbulentscrawl · 6 months
In the poly post you said that ithaqua is as close as it get to a yandere may I ask why you think that ? Or any headcanons related to that if that's okay with you (sorry if the English is bad )
As luck would have it, Ithaqua is one of the few Hunters I think I have a decent grasp on rn so I was also able to crank this out quickly! (To my other request-ees: I'm working on HC requests for several other characters rn! I should have them ready to spam-post sometime this weekend <3)
So here's some general and sfw relationship hcs for Ithaqua ;)
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-A first small note, his exact age is not listed, but he’s described as a “young adult,” so I imagine him to be somewhere between 18-22.
-Ithaqua is a man who has entirely rejected society. He wants nothing more to do with it, with anyone, and any instance of breaching his territory is met with wind-swift punishment.
-It all fits when you consider the major events of his life. He was abandoned in a snowstorm, left for dead, because he was thought to be a devil. He was saved and raised by a “witch,” a kind woman who stood outside of society’s norms and was feared and hated for it. Their solitary home was trespassed on in the night, defiled, and his mother was kidnapped, tortured, and broken by a man with his exact face. Every small bit of comfort he ever had was destroyed by a mirror image of himself that was raised in “civilized” society. If that doesn’t cement the idea that people from that world can’t be given a chance, I don’t know what would.
-And I think on some level he questions the reality of it all. Did he do it? Did he destroy his own life? Was his so-called brother actually a copy of himself? Was Nathaniel supposed to be the better or the worse version? Was he himself evil before…or is he evil now? None of it matters in the long run, though. His only remaining goal in life is to defend his home and his mother’s resting place from interlopers. But he does get this distant, sour expression sometimes when he contemplates these things.
-I think he’s close to an as-is yandere because, if we assume he’s still capable of bonding with someone on a genuine level, that person would be a one true exception to his otherwise all-consuming distrust and hatred for society. He could not be “led to water”, so to speak, even by a partner who exemplified everything good left in the world. He’s just not capable of making that leap anymore.
-So again, he’s territorial, and that would 1000% extend to a partner. He’s not a master and you’re not his pet, but god would he try to keep you in his clutches. Use every sweet word and convincing anecdote in his arsenal to convince you to stay in the forest. The thing that keeps him from being all-out controlling is that his mother let him make his decisions for himself. She taught him how to survive in the wilderness, and she taught him about the rest of society, and she let him decide for himself if he ever wanted to get involved in it. He didn’t of course, because how could a place that shunned his mother be good for him? You deserve to make those choices too, even if he disagrees with what you pick.
-He will, however, watch you like a hawk. To not sugarcoat it, he’ll stalk you. Ithaqua wants to be prepared for the moment everything goes wrong. The moment he knows for certain will come, when you see he’s right about other people. When that happens, he’ll swoop in to save you. He refuses to be late again, like he was for his mother.
-He doesn’t leave the forest unattended often, but when you spend longer stints at your home in a village, you’ll notice the weather gradually becoming worse and worse. It seems to snow every day, and the wind is so harsh that walking outside is deafening and blinding. When you return to visit Ithaqua, the village mysteriously returns to its normal weather patterns.
-Ithaqua hates when other people interact with you. No one is no one is safe enough, trustworthy enough for him to not worry for your safety. They don’t deserve to even stand near you. But he won’t do anything until they do…or you say he can.
-Anyone he takes as a partner would have to remind him of his mother, at least a little. She’s the only example he has of a “good person” so he’s not likely to give people with divergent personality types much of a chance. He’s also more likely to trust a woman over a man, by a small margin.
-He won’t stand for being doted on or babied by anyone other than his mother or partner. he won't fall for other people's faux-gentleness! Don’t you know who he is? What he is? Call him cute or pitiful again and your blood will stain the snow red.
-His lips are always chapped to hell and back, sorry. Sharp kisses only for you.
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slickfordain · 1 year
ℳ𝓎 𝒞𝒶𝓃𝒹𝓎 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓍 𝒢𝒩!𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇
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Picture can be found in: “House of wolves” with Genshin impact added to the title. Candy slander, Yandere-themed, lazy reader because I said so.
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It was never your intention to bully and shame Kentin so much in your childhood days, that you’ve bullied Candy too when you had the chance. If anything;; it was because you were a child. 13 years old, and you grew to regret bullying Kentin.
So, you were at the age of 17, enrolled to high school that Candy basically went to… That, you hated, but on the good part was that Kentin went there. Hopefully that boy didn’t change ever since you kept pestering him with the comment of being a “Geek” or “Nerd”. You felt so bad you had to at least apologize to him…
… Oh, you’re wondering why you aren’t apologizing to Candy. Well why should you? Candy had once tried putting something that would cause your allergy reaction, and almost killed you. Why the hell should YOU apologize for that shit? Candy never grew to mature herself, hell, she was never the good friend for Kentin. You felt bad for the poor boy.
Although, I would say this was also a heavenly mistake of you to enter the school. As much as you can ignore the tension, the murderous aura and the intense madness couldn’t be ignored much longer when you realized you’ve stepped your foot to the wrong school. (Not really, but they’re scary as fuck)
“Kentin?? Kentin is that you??”
Your voice alarmed a huge group that surrounded Candy and Kentin, to which you never really paid attention to as Kentin brightly smiled. “[Name]! You’re actually here?!” The boy happily asks, as he suddenly sprinted up to you as an attempt to tackle you into a hug- to which you just smiled and just allowed him to, balancing yourself once the boy tightly held your figure, much to Candy’s distaste. You could see her crossing her arms, clicking her tongue as she still saw you as her enemy. A rival. “What are YOU doing here? I thought you moved away!!” Candy questioned, letting out the most angriest voice ever- to which, annoyed your ears, poor ears. But, you weren’t going to give this girl your attention— so you scoffed and ignored her, simple as that as you freed yourself from Kentin’s hug.
Yeah I think I heard a crash in the background behind Candy just now…
“Did they just ignore you?” Castiel asked with a raised eyebrow, humming confused before seeing how angry Candy looked.. “Ugh… Just— don’t talk with this… Insolent brat. They used to be my bully back in middle school…” She mumbles, with truth and honesty- yes, you used to be a huge bitch back then, but seriously, Candy? Not even once thinking [Name] over here could’ve changed as a darling for once? (Don’t listen to her she’s just stupid)
At first, this enraged Castiel, now thinking of you being one of Amber’s friends… Thinking you and Amber must’ve known each other. So who did he talk to? Nathaniel. Yes. As much as this bad boy hates Nathaniel with his guts— he always saw Candy as his first priority, second behind his dog Demon. So once those two had a discussion, it went from a huge hasty glare to a calm conversation about you. But Nathaniel shuts Castiel’s expectation down because he knew Amber since he was her brother, and told Castiel even that Amber had nothing to do with you. He even says you were polite and nice by the time you’ve arrived, all readied and prepared without needing to find shit like Candy did.
And to top it all off, Castiel did see you apologizing to Kentin… Ah yes I forgot that Kentin was apologized to, which made the nerdy boy so happy he wanted to start crying his eyes out, bawling and just hugging you over and over again. You were laughing, just, enjoying it?? Castiel never understood this, but didn’t know it he should trust you by now. Not yet, at least.
And Amber, with her two best friends, overheard with a tint of interest. Oh? Castiel, her non-crush, being worried for her? Oh this was getting interesting, making Amber eager to figure out who you were next… And it became a lovely friendship relationship. Because once Amber saw you, she saw you trash talking Candy somewhere-
I guess you could say this was a mistake to make her and her friends in love with you.
In short context, Amber, Li and Charlotte managed to befriend you with their politeness and making a snarky comment about Candy too— it gained your trust in them, making you giggle at every single thing they said about the “miss perfect”.
By the time this happened, Candy and her friend, Iris, happens to have seen it all and even took pictures of you and the bullies to “blackmail” you towards the principal… Or, be good and leave the school, forever. Candy even has your old diary to which she stole from your house. Creepy girl. Why the hell would she even steal your things?
Yeah, Candy kept going with her own shenanigans as Iris tried following along. However, it seems unfortunately Iris has met her fate by meeting you in science class. You two were paired up and… You were just so…. Sweet? Candy hasn’t even threatened you nor blackmailed you yet… And you’re… Still willing to be her friend? The hour kept on going as you were quiet and obedient to what she had to say, and it made her feel… Greatly guilty. Never in Iris’ life has she thought she made the wrong decision of following Candy all this time. Candy never even once thought you changed, which broke her heart a little… Though, she would never admit her honesty to you that she and Candy tried copying off Amber’s clothing style and tried putting peanuts when she’s allergic to them…
It was an attempted murder and you would hate her for it.
Well, you would considering you faced the same shit.
So the days kept going, and now you were able to even make Jade fall in love with you. You and Li were passing by to see which flowers would be great as Amber’s hairpin— with permission obviously from the garden boy who happens to be Jade himself.
“You’re… Here for permission, of picking up a flower?” Jade asked confused once you confronted him about this. Usually he would scold the student who would dare using a flower to such things… But you seemed so calm and gentle, how could he not accept it? You were even so … Uhm… Lazy? How can someone fall asleep on Li’s shoulder- But that didn’t matter. What mattered was the sour envious feeling he held towards the black haired female who enjoyed taking care and pampering you.
And Li will forever be overprotective of you, because of your laziness. Yes, even in class, with Iris that happened a few hours ago— you went almost asleep on the desk so Iris had to wake you up multiple times. You were just so tired because you used all your energy being 13, and that was a fucking waste might I tell you. Or, maybe because you hit puberty and you decided: Ah. Time to lack energy. No motivation at all.
Jade kept watching you ever since, and didn’t really question you anything like how he did to Candy. Was it because you were more reliable and just, calm looking? From what he heard of Candy’s rumors- you were a bully, a mean one, and assumed immediately as soon as he knew you hung out with Amber and her friends… But Li didn’t even comment shit on him, nor did you. Perhaps, Candy was wrong?
The next up was Castiel, who was pissed as fuck because he KNEW you were now friends with Amber. So… By the time you tried passing by, Castiel kept insulting you from time to time, it even bothers Charlotte who decided to stand up for you and insult Castiel back— even insulting his dog that had this boy flabbergasted… And the insults continued on before Nathaniel saved the day. Everything went fine from there— more than just fine actually, because Castiel had shut up ever since Nathaniel told him to stop it and just told him you weren’t mean at all. Although I wouldn’t say you really cared… I mean… When Charlotte kept holding her arm around your waist and protected you, you just let her and didn’t even seem mad or angry at Castiel. He was less worse than Candy, was that, and nothing could top your hatred for Candy.
And for this, Castiel muttered out a sorry, an apology since he didn’t really want another trouble coming for his ass. And when Charlotte was about to diss on him again because she was right, you surprisingly took his apology well. “It’s fine man, I really don’t care. Mistakes happen right?? Name’s [Name].” You just???? Took the apology like that???? Holy shit someone take Castiel to the hospital because I don’t think this boy can take it anymore, you’re surprisingly very mature than Candy. And you… Sort of stared while Nathaniel glanced at Castiel confused. The fuck was he on the floor crying for?
And with that, this continued on for many days, weeks even. Candy was enraged, losing all her reputation she had built so “hard” when she enrolled here… Even Kentin wouldn’t cling onto her- though she didn’t care for that “stupid boy”. She was even close to gaining Castiel’s trust! How come YOU showed up and ruined everything? It just didn’t make sense, and everything was a fuzz for her. She had to take “revenge” on you. She had to.
Castiel was apologizing to you, YOU! He NEVER apologizes, without being forced to! It’s so unfair. You’re just an average ugly girl / boy / non-binary, what the hell does everyone see in you?
But sadly to her fate, Rosalya and Iris had spied on Candy. Iris has told Rosalya that Candy has been acting strange these past few days, and now seeing how she wanted revenge on you…
I would beg of you to never go to Jade’s garden ever again, for he and many people who fell for you, buried Candy’s body. Deep 6 feet under the ground.
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I did it 😻 Before anyone says Candy wouldn’t do this shit, oh yes she would.
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artzychic27 · 13 days
What if Giffany!Marc being friends with Rumble!Zoé?
Marc: …
Zoé: …
Marc: 💖Bestie-chan!💖
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Zoé: A new challenger!
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Zoé was brought to life after Cosette discovered her game’s cheat code while aggressively trying to beat her jerk brother’s high score
Of course, Zoé’s driven by her code, and naturally, she’ll want to destroy anyone who has dishonored Cosette
Fortunately, after Zoé punched Jordyn a few times, Cosette managed to get them back in the game, City Brawlers, and that’s the last she’s ever seen of Zoé
And you all know Marc’s origin, so let’s skip
Marc and Zoé meet after Nathaniel “defeated” Marc. He managed to transfer himself into an arcade game, which just so happened to be City Brawlers, and he had a LOT of anger to work out
After their fight totally destroyed the graphics, Marc and Zoé gained a mutual respect for each other and gushed about their past users
Marc: He’s such a cutie with the prettiest eyes!… THEN HE PAUSED ME TO BE WITH THOSE TRAITORS HE CALLS FRIENDS!… But I forgive him!
Zoé: All I want to do is destroy anyone who has dishonored her and killed her father!… And maybe kiss her a bit.
Marc: *Kawaii gasp* Yandere friend!
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sinfulforrest · 1 year
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Here's a better look at Nathan! Isn't he a looker~?
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reverieaudios · 10 months
My pages on here, because mobile is weird and doesn't always like to show them:
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Character Guides/Recommended Watch Order Below
(This is subject to change as the stories progress)
Honestly, the order that you watch the characters in isn't super important. Having said that though, here's a bit of a guide to help you along if needed:
For lore and wider worldbuilding-
Ellis, Cyril, Roman (also the 2 lore videos lol)
For characters that can stand alone without knowing much lore-
Casey, Gage, Dion (honestly quite a few of them but those are probably the most "stand alone" ones)
Characters whose stories intertwine + recommended watch order for them
Ellis, Cyril, Roman, Jacob, Nathaniel
Gage, Neo, Law, Desmond (order not really important for these ones)
Dion, Kane
Law, Marlowe, Axel (Each can probably stand on their own though, honestly)
And if you're just looking for specific vibes-
Axel - Essence eater who leans more into the incubus side of things than the vampire side, flirtatious, antagonizes to show affection, hostile-acquaintances-with-benefits (like Marlowe, it might be easier to watch Law first, but not 100% necessary)
Casey - Plant-dad, easily spooked like a small animal, Flustered™, friends to lovers, very soft
Cyril - Elven researcher, academic rivals, Tsundere™, the smartest idiot you'll ever meet, emotionally repressed
Desmond - Dragon-shifter, slow and methodical, a bit rigid until he gets comfortable, rough past that he's still healing from
Dion - Flame demon, chaos incarnate, impromptu roommate, boyish charm?
Ellis - Nonbinary book nerd who runs a magical book shop, teasing but gentle, overall soft
Gage - Boy next door + local hellion vibes, domestic and soft but high energy
Jacob - More demons (metaphorical and literal), smooth-talking yandere with a strong emphasis on manipulation and gaslighting- tw heavy
Kane - Flame demon, stoic, confident, intrigue and political turmoil but also he's just vibing, best to watch Dion first
Law - Southern, single dad, soft and sweet with some angst/action sprinkled in, healer with an essence eater listener
Marlowe - Brooding, "too tired for this", detective/suspect, essence eater, might want to watch Law's first to get a better idea of how they work (but not 100% necessary)
Nathaniel - "Mad scientist who loves what he does a little too much" vibes, vaguely yandere-ish but also not technically, tw heavy
Neo - Fox-shifter, pining makes idiots of us all, tries to be cool and serious but fails spectacularly, not quite tsundere but close, overall soft
Roman - Vaguely British accent, time traveler, a bit chaotic, mix of angst, adventure, and soft
Hopefully this is helpful and doesn't just make everything even more confusing lmao
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fancyfeathers · 7 months
Society of Protection (Yandere Bungo Stray Dogs x reader x original characters) (normalized yandere au)
Chapter Nine
A Loving Father
Prologue and oc intro
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven, part one
Chapter seven, part two
Chapter eight
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Due Henrik’s ability it sent the Guild spiraling, dozens of men in the hospital from being tosses around like a rag doll. Margaret Mitchell was knocked unconscious for days, Nathaniel had to set stitches on the back of his head and was full of fire when he heard of Emma’s escape to the point where he left the Guild. But no one was raging like Fitzgerald in the Society’s escape, to the point where he called for the emergency plan, but you in the underground hideout of the Armed Detective Agency had no idea of the chaos that was happening. All you currently knew from Agency’s and the Society’s conversations in their new found alliance was that someone named Atsushi was captured by the Guild and that Dazai was in a car accident with his government agent friend.
You were sitting alone in the agency’s hide out, reading a book Gaston had given you when you felt someone sit down next to you, you turned and saw president Fukuzawa sitting down next to you. When you went to go look at him he asked you a simple question. “Why did you join the society?”
“Huh? Why do you ask, sir?” You said, cocking your head to the side, curious to his question. His eyes doted from you, then back to looking straight ahead, and you could swear you could see the slightest bit of pink forming on his cheeks.
“You are an enigma to your society, not like the rest. Everyone else alright knew each other prior to joining, have a large amount of wealth to their names, abilities. You on the other hand barely knew three members prior to joining, have near to no money, and no ability to speak of… you’re hard to place.”  He spoke with no emotion in his voice, it was just facts, plain and simple. “Not even Ranpo can place the reason behind you joining. So why did you?”
“Sir, I have no family to speak of, my friends all gone, I’m all alone in this world. Well I was until I met Gaston, then Miss Jane, then Victor, and the rest of the society. They were the first time I haven’t felt alone in a long time, I finally had a place where I fit in for once, a new found family.” You said with a smile, thinking about the last few weeks you have spent in this society, they were like your family now. “I’d also do not want to live in a world where I live in fear of tomorrow, nor a world where I’m told to sit down, shut up, and do as I’m told like some pet. I just want to be free, free to live, free to dream.”
“I see…” his head turned to look down at you once more and now you felt a bit of unease as his gaze fell on you. “Not everyone would treat you like that, like a pet that is. What if someone wanted to protect you, keep you safe from the dangers of this world, someon-
When you felt his hand to drift down and touched yours as he spoke, you quickly stood up, leaving him in a slightly shocked state. “Sir, respectfully, a golden cage is still a cage.”
Before he could respond the doors to the hall opened and Kunikida and Victor rushed inside, both men clearly out of breath. Everyone in the hall looked at them, Victor had clearly taken beating, his face and arms were all bruised and cut up, you could imagine that his legs were much the same. Kunikida supported the Frenchman, Victor’s arm over his shoulder so he could support his weight. Fukuzawa also stood up to look at them, worry apparent on his face “What is going on?”
“Streets have turned to madne- motherfucker!” Victor started as Kunikida helped him onto a bench, his hand slightly grazing against one of the wounds on Victor’s arm. Miss Jane ran to Victor’s side, worry in her face. He gasped for breath, his lungs burning before continuing on. “It’s that kid’s ability, Q. I think the Guild has him.”
Panic came across almost everyone’s face’s except for Gaston. He was sitting in the front of the hall, he didn’t even get up or turn around when the door open but now he spoke up. “Don’t rush out there, you’ll only get yourselves killed. My guess, and I’m rarely wrong, is that your tiger kid is going to escape from the Guild by some force on the inside with Q’s doll. The Guild will chase him down but that Dazai of yours is gonna come to his rescue at the last moment and neutralize the doll.”
“But Dazai was-“
“In a car accident? All apart of his plan.” Gaston said, cutting off the red head, Junichiro. “Once he gets back, we’ll need to think of ways to get Q back and stop this from happening again because otherwise this will keep on happening with no consequences to the Guild until Yokohama is destroyed. I don’t know about the agency but I think an alliance with the Port Mafia would be the best route of action.”
There was a dead silence in the room and all eyes were on the composer and he only said…
“I’m not joking.”
Turns out Gaston’s predictions were right on the money. Soon the city calmed from the fit of madness it was sent into earlier and both Miss Jane and Fukuzawa deemed it safe to leave the hideout. You all in the Society couldn’t return to the apartment complex yet, due to it being under Guild surveillance but luckily in your new found alliance the agency allowed you to set up in their building for the time being. Atsushi and Dazai had returned and soon the planning for the meeting with the Port Mafia was underway, like Fukuzawa Miss Jane wasn’t going to bring all her members, only a select few that may help in a pinch, Gaston, Dr. Stevenson, and…
“Me?” You asked as Miss Jane stood next to you as you walked down the hallway back up to the agency from a brief walk you took with her this morning. “Why me?”
“Because, you are the only member of our organization who knows the Port Mafia.” She said, her never ceasing smile on her face. “And well I trust you.”
“I know ma’am, but trust me with your life?” 
She only smiles and nodded. “I would trust you with much more than that if you would allow me.”
So now you waited in a garden along with your coworkers and members of the agency. While everyone had their abilities to defend themselves with, you were armed with only a hand gun, a month ago you couldn’t imagine yourself even touching one but now it was just a normal part of life. Gaston sat down by Dazai and it seemed like those two were in a conversation of sorts while everyone else was mostly waiting in silence or talking in hushed tones. So you went out and sat down next to Gaston, him acting as a wall between you and Dazai who you weren’t the most fond of. Dazai flashed you a smile, but you simply looked away, just because you were allies did not mean you had to like him.
“You wound me, Belladonna. So cold.” Dazai speaks in an over dramatic tone, hand on his forehead like he’s about to faint.
“I have a gun in my pocket if you want me to actually wound you.” You snapped back, not in the mood for jokes from him but he only turned to you with a little bit of a wicked grin.
“Sure- ow!” Dazai was quickly shut up with a smack upside the head by Gaston.  “What was that for?!”
“Please do not flirt with my coworker via means of harming yourself.“ Gaston pushed up his glasses on his nose, not even looking at Dazai. “Besides it seems our friends have arrived.”
Both you and Dazai turned to see where Gaston was looking and on the path leading here there where four individuals, all who you saw earlier, all members of the Port Mafia, including the doctor who you know as the leader. Dazai smiled and looked over to them, to the doctor. “Welcome, boss.”
“It’s been four years.” The doctor spoke with a smile, like nothing was wrong. He was dressed differently as well, a nice suit, hair tied back, black jacket, and a red scarf. “Do you happen to remember the coat that I gave you, Dazai?”
“Of course!” Dazai spoke in a happy melodic tone as he jumped off from the short stone wall you three sat on. Then his demeanor changed to a tone of more serious, darker personality. “I had it burned.”
The doctor’s gaze drifted to you for a long moment, his eyes studying you, almost uncomfortably so. But before he could say something, another voice spoke up, to your rescue it was Fukuzawa. “Ougai Mori, boss of the Port Mafia.”
You turned to see Everyone else stepping out from where they were hidden, everyone but Junichiro… actually where was he? You didn’t see him anywhere. “President of the Agency, Yukichi Fukuzawa.” Then who you now learned as Mori looked to Miss Jane. “And if I had to guess, you’re the head of the society, Miss Jane Austen?”
“That would be correct.” Miss Jane nodded, stepping up next to Fukuzawa but she did not walk forward when Fukuzawa and Mori did. When you looked at her with a questioning glance she looked at you in the corner of her eye and gave a little wink and it was as if you could hear her voice in your mind saying, everything according to plan.
“So the time has finally come.”
“If the government found out that the leaders of the most powerful gifted organizations were meeting like this, I’m sure that they would be absolutely furious to say the least.”
“I’ll get straight to business then.” Fukuzawa said, pushing introductions aside. “A new member of the agency along with a trusted member of the society purposed an alliance between our three organizations “
“I objected at first. The idea of cooperating with criminals goes against everything our organization stands for, not to mention the point of view from the society on this seeing as they have no place in this country.” You could see both Miss Jane’s fists clench despite the smile on her face and the emotionless face on Gaston nearly scowling at that. “But the request from the agency member came from someone who has been shot, kidnapped, slashed, and beaten by the Port Mafia, thus his word carried weight. I felt that I should investigate his request at the very least.”
“It would seem that we are both in a rather difficult position.” Mori replied, the more that they spoke, the less it seemed that they viewed the society as a valid power in this conflict.
“These are my thoughts, at the very least I would like to purpose a temporary truce between us.”
“Have you ever read the works of Schelling or perhaps Kissinger?” Mori asked after Fukuzawa’s requests.
“Both are researches of strategic studies, taught by a certain you know who. I know that Leroux and Miss Jane have read them both, I saw them reading their works this morning.” Dazai said, walking forward, this made Miss Jane raise an eyebrow at this and walk forward, joining along side the leaders and Dazai.
“I do read Sun Tzu.” Fukuzawa replied. 
“Like Dazai said, I am familiar.” Miss Jane spoke with a seriousness in her tone, no more smiling.
“There is a parallel between state warfare and strategies of organizations like ours. No force shall reprimand if we violate an agreement, what sanctions could be proposed if the Port Mafia suddenly broke a ceasefire? Or either of your people for that matter? Only the party that decided to uphold the agreement would suffer. As long as circumstances prevail which incentivize betrayal a limited ceasefire cannot be established. The only option left is for complete corruption.”
“Which is also impossible.” Miss Jane said, stealing the words right from Dazai before he could speak.
“Indeed, the Port Mafia is an organization of pride and resentment. Manny of my people have been dragged through the grime and muck.” Mori said, glancing at the British woman.
“Many of mine have been brought to the brink of death as well.” Fukuzawa added.
“Every single one of mine have risked everything they have ever had to do what they are doing now.” Miss Jane stepped in, now she was completely pissed off with Mori, it looked like she was ready to give him a black eye. But something about the both of their responses set more off, a clear expression of anger came across his face.
“But they didn’t die, did they? That is a source of shame for the Port Mafia.” Mori looked completely mad at this point. Dr. Stevenson saw all of this and began walking forward, ready to drag Miss Jane out of this.
“Then why don’t we have it out now?” Fukuzawa reached for his katana on his waist as Dr. Stevenson approached, panicked and now reaching out for Miss Jane. “Let’s settle this and put all of our grievances to rest.”
Port Mafia members jumped forward, ready to defend Mori, but Fukuzawa disarmed them as soon as the came. You watched as he cut through their weapons… how? He reached out to cut down Mori right as Dr. Stevenson was about to grab Miss Jane, but Mori was able to quickly dodge, grabbing Mis Jane by the wrist and wrapping his arm around her neck so that he could easily break it if need be. When the dust cleared you saw Miss Jane with Mori’s arm around her neck, Mori with Fukuzawa’s katana to his neck, Fukuzawa with Mori’s scalpel to his neck, and at Mori grabbing Miss Jane, Doctor Stevenson had drawn her gun and aimed it right at Mori’s head.
“I thought you had discarded your katana, you really haven’t changed at all, have you Fukuzawa?”
“And you still haven’t outgrown your obsession with scalpels, Dr. Mori. You still carry on like a little girl.” Fukuzawa’s eyes drifted over to Dr. Stevenson who held the gun to Mori’s head and Miss Jane whose breathing was panicked. “And it seems like you are always a guardian, Dr. Stevenson. Even when matters don’t involve you.”
“If it came to Miss Jane, it always involves me.” She said, not even glancing at the president. Then… snow fell from the sky, catching Mori off guard, along with yourself for that matter. Fukuzawa disappeared like a hologram and in Mori’s surprise Miss Jane tucked her head in, spun around out of the chokehold and kicked Mori back in the gut with her healed shoe. Everyone turned around to see Fukuzawa standing there, along with Junichiro. Miss Jane smoothed her gown as Dr. Stevenson came to stand in between her and Mori.
“A hologram ability, I see.” Mori turned away from you all, and began walking away. “I enjoyed our encounter, let’s continue it on the battle field.” 
“The agency and the society will be recovering Q tonight.” Fukuzawa spoke up as Mori walked off, he paused at the president’s words.
“What of it?”
“I would advise you not to get in our way, for our sake as well as yours.”
“Why’s that?”
“We actually have something in common, something important to us, that while the society respects not all of them can understand. We both have a love for this city. As people who live here and work to keep it safe we cannot allow outside forces to destroy it, which is why I believe Miss Jane and her society came all this way, to protect the people.” Fukuzawa explained, he glanced at Miss Jane for a response.
“More or less.” She said nodding. “But that is all with our cause you need to worry yourself with.”
“The Guild is powerful, you stand no chance against them.” Mori paused before turning around to look at Dazai. “That’s right, before I go my offer still stands if you want to come back into the fold, Dazai.”
You looked over to the brunette with a shocked expression on your face at those words. “Not a chance, after all you were the reason I was pushed out of the Port Mafia in the first place.”
Your eyes widened, Dazai was in the Port Mafia? Part of you expected that but now that you heard it, it startled you.
“As I recall you left out of your own volition.”
“You were afraid of me weren’t you?” Dazai asked to Mori’s statement. “Afraid that I would aspire to take your position, that one day I would run a knife across your throat just like you did to your predecessor. They say evil expects evil from others. I don’t like the idea of laying with you either.”
Mori sighed at this and turned to look at Miss Jane. “One last thing before I leave, a question.” He pointed towards you, sitting on the ledge. “Why have Miss (Name) join your organization?”
Miss Jane smiled and stepped forward so that she was only a foot away from the Mafia Boss. She reached into her dress pocket and pulled out something you couldn’t see but you could hear what she said as a smile came across Mori’s face. “Call it nostalgia.”
You now stood outside the agency where now everyone were packing up their belongings from the short time they spent here. You stood by Miss Jane’s side as she spoke to president Fukuzawa and Dazai who stood by his side. Miss Jane shook Fukuzawa’s hand as she bud him goodbye for now.“I apologize for taking our leave from you so soon, see from what Gaston and I both can tell, we’re not needed here in this plan anymore. We’ll have Alexandre and Gaston stake out the sight while you are retrieving Q, but I doubt it will be needed especially if everything goes to plan.”
“If I may ask, where will you all be off to next? You’ll be staying in Japan, correct?” Fukuzawa asked. Miss Jane nodded, releasing his hand and placing it next to her other hand on the handle of her bag.
“Yes, I have some places I want to visit with (Name). Places I want her to see.” Miss Jane said, bumping you playfully with her arm. You gave a weak smile, but your mind was elsewhere, what did Miss Jane show Mori?
“Oooo sight seeing, how fun.” Dazai piped up with a laugh.
“Not quite,” Miss Jane stood her head no. “Call it a trip down memory lane.”
Fukuzawa only nodded as William walked up to you two, but something felt off about him. “We’re all set to go, Lady Jane, Miss (Name), but are you sure about this?”
“I’m positive, William. This is all for the best.” Miss Jane’s voice turned sad before taking a breath and smiling. “Now let’s be off, no time to waste.”
Miss Jane took you in her car while everyone else went off on their own. Upon entering, Miss Jane gave the driver an envelope, telling him to open it when the time is right. As the car drove off you both sat in silence, a bittersweet expression on Miss Jane’s face. When you asked what the matter was or where she was going she simply told you not to worry. It wasn’t a long drive but soon you both arrived, the driver opened the door to reveal a manor, it was older, seemingly abandoned, European in style, and it vaguely felt familiar to you. The driver helped you and Miss Jane out, she lead you up to the house and pulled out a key and unlocked it before handing you they key. “This is rightfully yours, your father gave it to me before he disappeared.”
Your eyes widened in shock. Your father? You had no clue whatsoever about your father besides he was a detective, you didn’t even know his name, you were raised by your uncle and aunt after his disappearance when you were a baby. “M-my, father. You knew my father?”
“Quite well in fact, your father was good friends with my parents. He gave that to me the night he disappeared, you were only a baby. He told me we would meet and we both would achieve great things.” She lead you into the abandoned mansion. “This was your father’s hide out here in Japan, he was certainly a man with class.”
She lead you to a study, gothic in style. On the wall you saw a portrait, it was of a man, in his thirties with curly brown hair and brown eyes, in his arms he held a baby, a little girl. “Is that him? My father?”
“It is.” She nodded and walked over to the desk as you stared at the portrait. You heard her rummaging in the drawers before pulling out a piece of paper and walking back over to you. “He was a brilliant detective, but even more than that he was a loving father. The day he adopted you was the best day of his life and the day he had to leave you was the worst.” 
She handed you the papers and you looked down at it. It was a will and adoption papers, it had your name, you flipped through it and then you saw the signature… no way. Your breath hitched in your throat, how is this possible? Miss Jane smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. You looked over at her with a shocked expression. “This can’t be real… this can’t be…”
“It is, your father was a very good man, a genius, a gentleman, he loved you so dearly.” She looked away from you and back to the portrait of you and your father. “You are destined for great things, Miss (Name). Just like your father…”
Next to the portrait there was a window, you saw a yellow car pull up behind your black car. This snapped you out of your thoughts and you looked back at Miss Jane with a curious expression, her eyes were also on the car and she just smiled and nodded. “Seems like our time together is over.” 
“What do you mean?”
She merely hummed and walked out of the study, you quickly followed behind, asking her what was going on, over and over again but she never gave you an answer. She opened the front door and you saw standing against the yellow car, a smiling figure, Fitzgerald. Then it all snapped as Miss Jane turned to you and handed you an envelope. “Give this to Dr. Stevenson. My time as the leader of the Society has come to an end.”
“W-why?” You asked, tears forming in your eyes. “Why are you giving up, Miss Jane?”
“It’s the only way. Gaston and William had the same reaction when I told them, but they know this the only way to stop all this.” She reached out a hand and whipped away your tears before leaning forward and kissing your forehead, like a mother. “Make your father proud, (Name).” 
You watched in horror as Miss Jane walked forward and to Fitzgerald’s awaiting embrace. You watched as he kissed her on the cheek and opened the car door for her before following himself. The car drove off and your sobs echoed in the empty air, you fell to your knees and you looked down at the documents in your hands, you saw the the signature and you spoke to yourself, drying your tears with your sleeves. “I’ll make you proud Miss Jane, I’ll make you proud father.”
Your fingertips traces your father’s signature on the adoption papers, Arthur Conan Doyle, other wise known as Sherlock Holmes.
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b4byblu3z · 13 days
HELLOOOO sorry I haven’t been active much!!!
But I just saw your yandere circus and OOOOOO.
I got ideas…
Clown yans with apprentice clown darling who just recently joined: She is new so she’s steadily trying to figure out what the main part of her act is going to be. The clowns use this as a chance to get her to be apart of their act to have her all to themselves. Here’s the fun part. Each clown has a unique act that ties into all of the others. So constantly they are stealing her away from each other to get her to work on their act, but all Darling sees is them being sweet enough to help her out. In reality they are at each other’s throats fighting over her attention. Now the question is… Who will she choose?
Ringmaster Yan with a darling who has applied to take care of the animals that are apart of the circus: His love(obsession) for her happened when he went to her tent to check to see how she was doing on her first day, and he so happened to walk in on her caring for a female elephant and her child. In that second he froze and it felt like his heart skipped over itself. From that point on he would constantly call her over to his tent from the pretense that an animal needed to be checked on while he supervised. This was so he could have her all to himself away from all the other members of the circus.
Twin tight rope walker yans with a contortionist darling: The twins from birth have always been inseparable. They shared everything. Clothes, hair styles, speech patterns, etc. If you saw one you could guarantee you would see the other not far behind. That is the main reason as to why their act was so special. They could not speak a word to each other before a show and do tricks flawlessly. It’s just how well they know each other. One day a new comer shows up and immediately they both are in awe. After their act from behind the curtains they see contortionist Darling move her body in ways they thought impossible. She could balance three bowling pins one on top of the other on the balls of her foot all the while bent backwards. She would flip and turn, and throughout her entire act the crowd was in awe. She made the children laugh and made gasps sound throughout the audience when she did something that many deemed impossible. After the Twins got through watching her act that moment they both knew something. They had to have her all to themselves, and they weren’t too keen on sharing her either…
Name Ideas:
Clowns: Chuckles, Whimsy, Pipo, Pips, Patches, Tot, Binks, Dimitri, Alphie, Artie, Chester, Davey, Edwin.
Ringmaster: Everett, Gabriel, Julius, Titus, Imre, Sebastian, Alexander, Edmund, Alister, Callum, Liam.
Tight rope walkers: Noah and Nathaniel, Toby and Thomas, Leo and Lucas, Finley and Freddie, Hugh and Hugo, Abel and Ave, Jasper and Finn, Benjamin and Elijah, Ash and Heath, Atlas and Adonis.
Sorry if this is too long!! I hope you’re having an amazing day/night!!! Keep up the amazing work!!!!!
Like a band of clowns (Sunday, Artie, Chuckles, and Alphie) who joined the circus to put their unique violent skills into something helpful, their act is intricate, involving everything from slapstick comedy to knife throwing. Poor darling doesn't fit in, they're clumsy and oh so inexperienced.
The clowns, of course, offer to help their new apprentice vying for their attention in the process. Darling is all merry, happy that their mentors are all trying to get their act to fit into the show. Meanwhile, the clowns are giving each other nasty glares behind their back.
Or the Ringmaster, Edmund, who simply can't do it all. He's in charge of everything: animal care, cleaning, organizing shows. He just can't do it anymore. With one of his best elephants about to give birth and his show growing in popularity, he needs help.
He puts out an ad, asking for workers who were willing to travel with the circus to help out. Darling answers the advertisement, applying for the animal handling position. They were clumsy and a bit skittish, but beggars can't be choosers. He hired them up front, and their work began quickly. He avoided them for the first several weeks, until they're late bringing out the animals, and he went to search for them. Finding them in the elephant's trailer, he watched them help the newborn nurse, and a switch in him flipped. Something about the care that they gave the creature, the gentleness with which they handled her, it enraptured him.
He began calling them to check on certain animals, even when check ups or grooming was unnecessary. He just wanted to see them so desperately and get them away from prying eyes.
Or the tightrope walkers, Toby and Thomas, who were used to sharing, ever since they were young they would share toys, clothes, snacks, they even shared a bedroom until they were teenagers.
It was only natural that they share the pretty new performer as well. They're mesmerized by the way that they can move, flipping and twisting into unnatural positions.
The two made a silent agreement on their first night with the circus. The twins would share them, like they shared everything else. They belonged to the twins, even if they didn't know it.
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thateldribitch · 8 months
Y’know, I feel like with how he handles certain people—Ivan, Nathaniel— a yandere Fyodor would probably just give the object of his interest a lobotomy.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Liar Liar
Yandere Final Girl x Slasher reader
Summary: After escaping an attack from the town serial killer, party girl Daina throws a get together to celebrate. Only, she made the whole thing up.
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: blood/gore, violence, murder, slight emetophobia
“We’re here now with Ms. White, the alleged latest survivor in a series of recent murders by the serial killer known as Mercy Valentine, by locals. Any words you’d like to say to the press?”
“It was horrible... My… my boyfriend was killed when we were heading home after practice. I managed to get away after being attacked in the locker room, but he… he didn’t make it. I found him… bleeding there in the field. When I came back with police, he was gone.” 
“Are you aware of the rumors that it may be a copycat? There has never been any reports of a body being taken from the scene.”
“Believe me, I know who I saw that night…”
The video pauses; frozen on a frame of a young woman with tear stains running down her face. Said girl falls back on her bed; the worried praise of her friends falling at her side.
“You’re so brave, Daina.”
“I wouldn’t go anywhere after something like that.”
Daina-Grace White, or just Daina White depending on the crowd. Her parents thought their special little girl needed a special name, and that’s why she had been christened with a hyphenated first name. A star cheerleader in high school and track runner in her spare time. Everyone’s first pick for prom queen, and as the clip proclaimed; the most recent victim to the killer known as Mercy Valentine.
Mercy's preferred targets were those in pairs; one to take the blade, and the other to tell the tale. Couples were a frequent hit; earning them the latter part of their name – even if friend groups and families had fallen as well. The surviving party always had injuries such as scrapes and bruises, but the killer would turn and walk away before they became fatal. People speculated this was out of wanting to become some type of urban legend in the town, others some sort of guilt for their crimes. A few - believed it was on a level far deeper than that
Poor Diana and her boyfriend, Nathaniel, had been all alone on the night it happened. Scares out of their minds, one on the brink of death. It would have been a traumatic experience for the survivor and a terrible end for the one who died; had Nathaniel not gone missing the night prior. 
“Thanks, guys. Part of the reason I’m able to go on is because of the support of friends like you.”
It was rather easy to fake; especially with evidence practically placed on a silver platter for her. There had been talk around campus from his sister about him not returning home last night, and his car was found parked a couple streets away from her home. It was known to many that Nathaniel had the hots for Daina; even giving her his coat on a rainy day. With his phone conveniently placed in the passenger seat, and a slash to her arm; Daina was able to come up with a story that threw off most skeptics. 
Daina sits up, stretching away the worries of the day. “Let’s not focus on it for now. We have a party to get ready for!”
Most wouldn’t expect one to have a get together after the tragic death of their loved one, but Daina wasn’t like most people. She was a live in the moment type girl, and this moment was the prime of her youth. Plus, if anything were to happen, her father had given Daina her birthday present early. He really didn’t want to leave her alone after the ordeal, but duty calls. 
Snacks, sodas, and a punch bowl full of enough liquor to make someone forget the evening entirely sat on the kitchen counter. Living room lights were turned down low; and music played through speakers about the house. Every door and window had been left unlocked; just inviting the devil to play. She changes into something that’s easy to move around in, throwing her old top to a corner that lands on a mannequin she used to dress up when she was little.
“Sorry about that.” Daina giggles, tossing the clothing into its proper storage before heading back downstairs. 
8pm just minutes away, Daina hops on her couch and begins livestreaming to her social media of choice.
“Hey, everyone! Just getting the last couple things ready for tonight’s party. Times are tough, and we all need something to lighten the mood around this town.”
Comments pour in, only one catching her eye.
“Aren’t you worried about the danger?”
“Screw that! The killer supposedly never goes after the same victim twice, and even if they did come after me, I’ll just kick their ass like last time.”
She lifts up her arm, showing off her bandaged wrist while holding up her middle finger. Uncaring of the dangers of her actions; and whoever may come across the stream.
Eight o’clock finally hits, and the people begin to pour in. The party didn’t actually start until thirty minutes later, but there were always those who showed up early. Daina greets everyone with smiles and the occasional hug; pleasantries stopped when a certain individual walks through her door.
“Hey, Gracie… How you holding up?”
Mike was a quarterback for the school’s football team, and the best friend of the, supposedly, late, Nathaniel. He was the first to call Daina out on her claims; an allegation quickly shot down by their peers. In another life, the title of Mike's best friend belonged to her. A sweet girl, up until the beginning of high school, where her true colors began to come to light. The event that led to their falling out had been sweet under the rug due to only the two knowing of it; yet the scars were still there.
“Daina. What are you doing here, Mike?”
Mike stiffens, shuffling in his spot at the door. “I.. just want to bury the hatchet. We’re losing people left and right. For numerous reasons. It’s better to stick with each other than to hold grudges.”
Daina glares at him, but steps aside. “Alright, fine.” Mike starts to walk in, but she stops him again. “If you start anything, I’ll kill you myself. Do you understand?”
The party kicks up around nine. Young adults spilled across all floors of her house, and the backyard. A small group stands by the pool; two individuals holding the ankles of another hovering over a keg someone had bought. 
Thomas taps the side of the container, the contents in his stomach slowly edging back to his throat. It relaxes as his friends put him down, but the way the world around him spins and the heaviest of his body tells him it won’t last long. He cheers along with the crowd; covering his hand over his mouth as he pushes through them all to head back inside. Passing the hostess, he weakly asks;
“Hey… where’s the bathroom?”
Daina points towards the stairs. “Second door on your left.”
With a brief thanks, he speeds up the stairs and to the bathroom. He barely makes it to the bowl before he begins to heave. The sound of his retching blocks out all other sounds; the cool night air on the back of his neck. Had he paid attention to the room for a second longer when he entered; he would have noticed that the window had been closed when he walked on.
Thomas flushes the toilet and stands on wobbly legs, walking over to the sink to wash out his mouth. He bends forward to splash water in his face. Through the waves, he spots something in the corner of the room. A shadow distinctive from the rest; its face a mix of white and pink.
“What the fu-"
Before he can continue, Thomas' face is slammed against the mirror; open eye pressed to the glass. He tries to flail around, but his actions are cut short by a blade to his neck. With a single slice, his throat is split; blood gurgling from the fresh wound and out the corners of his mouth. He slumps against the sink as the weight behind him vanishes; body twitching as it draws its last struggled breath.
“God damn it.”
Daina sighs in annoyance; shutting the lid of a pocket mirror her friend had leant her.
“What’s wrong, Daina?”
“My lipstick got smeared. I need to go put on some more.” Daina sets her cup on the nearby table; a ring of red lips around its ridge. She walks upstairs, pass the locked bathroom door, and heads into her room. She shuts an open drawer, and picks up a tube of lipstick to put it on – a scraping sound across the floor boards catching her ear.
“Hm?” She looks around, the only thing in her general field being that little mannequin she called a roommate. It rocked gently, wheels turned outward. Must’ve gotten hit when she entered the room. She smiles and places her arms over its shoulders.
“Hello, there. Were you trying to sneak up on me?”
The mannequin fails to reply; blank eyes staring back at her through the mask on its face. The arms of the coat draped over swaying as she turns around. Music thumping through the floorboards, she begins to dance with it as her partner. She places her head on its shoulder, swaying to the beat as she wraps her hands around its neck.
“I’m so glad that you’re with me…” She mutters.
Daina hums to herself; unaware of the crack in her closet door. The eyes that peer through. 
She turns her head to the door; letting out a huff as he unlocks her arms from the doll and leaves the room in a hurry.
As she leaves the closet’s doors handle rattles ever so gently; swinging outward as a figure creeps from the dark. Their eyes linger on the mannequin.. and the plastic that made up its face.
Downstairs; Daina is greeted by one of her friends – a worried look on their face. “Hey, Daina.. have you seen Thomas? I tried calling his phone, but he’s not answering, and his car is still outside.”
“I haven’t seen him all night. He’s probably wasted in my parents room or something….” Her eyes trail away as she spots something on the patio; the red bud of a cigarette and smoke clouds blown into the air.. “Hang on, I have to deal with this.” 
“But someone told me they saw you with…”
Daina pushes past them and storms outside. Mike stands outside; stare vacant and the nicotine stick between his lips. He doesn’t even look at her when she starts to go off.
“What the hell, Mike. I know it’s been years, but I told you not to smoke in here. If I find a single bud…”
“You’re still thinking about that day. Aren’t you?..”
He pulls a photo from his pocket. A photo from middle school graduation, or at least the remains of one. The page had been cut to show only a small group in the larger crowd. Daina hadn’t even noticed the picture was gone; too busy focusing on her appearance. She grinds her teeth. 
“You went in my room?” 
“That’s not the point and you know it.”
“An invasion of my privacy is a pretty big deal, Mike.”
“She was my friend too, Daina.
“She isn’t the fucking point!”
A scream tears them both from the conversation. Both of them, along with various other members of the party rushed inside to see what was happening. A crowd had gathered around the walk in pantry in the kitchen; one person collapsed to the floor and staring in pure terror at what was inside. Pushing through the bodies; Daina manages to squeeze to the front and see what the problem was; her stomach dropping at the sight.
Propped against a shelf of canned goods; the corpse of another girl was sprawled on the floor. A knife wound pierced her eye as well as various spots of her chest; blood drying into her clothes. A single finger was painted red; words written onto the floor in her blood.
Calamity breaks out all at once. People screaming; shouting. Making breaks for the front door and any other exits. Daina crashes to the floor; Mike runs through the house and informs everyone else they need to flee. He picks up a poker near the fireplace as Daina regains her composer – wiping a grin from her face. 
“What are you going to do?” She asks.
“I’m going to kill that mother fucker. Call the police!”
Daina nods; heading upstairs where she had left her phone. Mike begins to sweep the house to find the intruder; kicking open doors and leaving no place unchecked. It's how he comes across the bodies of Thomas and a few other people. All in locations tucked away from sight. After a thorough investigation, there’s only one place left to look. The basement. 
Mike grips the handle; the shaking of his palms visible against its knob. He hesitantly opens it; a dim light all the way at the end of the steps. He begins to descend them; the light from the kitchen blocked by an object behind him.
Within the basement there is one final body. A young man with shaggy hair and wearing a sports jersey. He sits in a chair; the angle making it look as though he were merely asleep. The smells that come off his body are blocked by the mask over the approaching figure's face; their blade raised high over head. There is no scream as it falls; just the wet sound of metal entering flesh. His body loses balance as the knife is ripped through his neck; falling forward onto the ground below. Stab wounds litter his body; the puddles of blood around each hole having fully dried. His supposed assailant stands there confused; obvious to the running steps behind them. 
Mike brings the fire poker down on the masked individual’s skull. They crash to the floor; blood leaking through their scalp. They attempted to reach for their weapon; stopped by another blow to the head. They lie motionless, but he isn’t done. Not after everything this person has done. Not after the pain they’ve caused. He wants to demask them, but they need to suffer first. Their identity could be revealed through denial records. He reaches the poker like a club for another swing, but the only thing that falls is the object itself  - and drops of his own blood. 
The echo or a gunshot still rings; Mike looking down at the hole in his stomach in disbelief. It didn’t hurt at first; shock running through his veins. As he sticks a finger against the hole, the pain finally hits. He didn’t even have time to cry out as more shots ripple through his body. He falls down next to the slasher who remained still.. Footsteps descend the stairs; stopping by his writhing form. There’s a scrap of metal as they pick the fire poker off the floor. Mike turns to see the new figure. A mask akin to the one worn by the person beside him stares back at him; the highlights in her hair a sign of her identity. 
Her eye twitches. She cracks Mike beside the heat like a baseball player hitting a home run. She hits him again and again; screaming at the top of her lungs. She hits him until he stops moving. Until the flesh of his cheek is peeled away and the bones beneath break into dust. She only stops when there’s a groan from the person next to him.
“You’re alive… I was so worried..”
She kneels down; the other party flinching away even if barely conscious. They wore a hockey mask with a pink heart drawn over its left eye; something mirrored on her own. A mask worn by the mannequin in her room. She goes to lift theirs, but they weakly slap her hand away.
“It’s okay…” She coos. “I know it’s you, Y/n.”
She tears the mask from your face, shuddering from the sight of your gorgeous face, and the look of pure hatred you held. 
“There you are… We should take a picture to remember this moment. Hang on.”
Daina pulls off her own mask, running a hand through her hair. Remembering she forgot to put on more lipstick, she drips her fingers in the pool of Mike's blood and wipes it over her lips; placing a kiss on your cheek afterwards. She holds two fingers behind your head and sticks out her tongue. After taking the photo, she types away on her phone before tossing it aside.”
“All done! Now if you try to kill me, your face will be leaked online in an hour. Good luck trying to guess my password!”
Mercy Valentine… Y/n. Who would have guessed that a timid college student was behind all this suffering? Daina White. That’s who. For She knew that they were the one suffering the most. 
During the end of middle school, sweet, shy little Y/n had received a love note in their locker one day. At rope’s end and tired of life’s hardships, it became their lifeline. More and more came, their heart soaring with each word. It was at the end of the year that their childhood crush confessed that she had been the one to write them; a smile just a pinch to sweet on her face.
The two began dating; the lovesick teen unaware of what their love said behind their back – the plans she and her friends had towards the end of the summer. A letter had been placed at their doorstep to meet by the lake on the edge of town; note switched a second before they opened the door.
They arrived just in time to see her body floating in the lake, and her bewildered friends at the scene. They all fled; leaving the broken hearted soul to try and save her on their own. All, but one. Had they been a little wiser. They would have noticed that the penmanship between their love and the author of the letters didn’t match. That someone else was watching them from the sidelines at her friend's side. That the heart drawn on their dead lover’s mask had eerie similarities to the ones the popular girl in class wrote on her notebooks.
They tried to tell authorities of what happened. That there was no way it was an accident. The caving in of her skull was proof enough. Unfortunately, everyone brushed it off and left them in the dark.
You remain silent. She cups your cheeks with a smile.
“You’re angry aren’t you, baby? You want to see the world and see on fire, don’t you? That’s exactly how I felt when that bitch tried to take you away from me. Watching her laugh next to you. Hold you in her arms. It was all a damn lie, and now I’m gonna tell you the truth.” 
She leans in, placing a bloodied kiss to your lips. “She never loved you, Y/n. It was all me, my sweet Valentine.”
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