#Younghoon x you
mingtinys · 3 months
back in the game
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pairing : kim younghoon x gn!reader
maverick!au , angst , hurt / comfort
warnings : mentions of fire , blood , and death
word count : 0.7 k
requested ? no
a/n : maverick and tbz lore has always been so interesting to me, SO expect plenty of lore-based boyz fics
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Younghoon still dreams on the brink of suffocation. With smoke twirling in the orange glow of his world burning around him. Infiltrating the makeshift inferno trapping him and filling his lungs.
Every night, for nearly two months, the memory plagues his sleep. Forced to relive every excruciating second down to the very last detail.
It always starts the same, with you lying slumped in his arms. Short, sputtering, gasps escaping your red-tinged lips as he cradles you against his chest. His left hand is warm, coated in dark red as it desperately clamps down on the gaping wound in your abdomen. But no amount of pressure can stop your blood from pooling on the dirty cement below. At this point, it's a race to see what kills you first. The rebar through your stomach or the fire spreading through the compound.
The collapsed steel around him moans as it bows from the heat. The sound akin to the weathered wood of an old house bearing its final storm. Ash flurries around like snow from above. Each flake hissing as they singe his clammy skin.
"Please!" He cries, between fits of coughs. His throat too parched for his vocal cords to produce anything but a hoarse whimper. "Someone! We're down here, please..."
But in his dreams, Eric doesn't find him. Doesn't hear his tattered screams through the rubble. Doesn't tear through the remains, piece by piece, scorching his hands on the hot metal in the process. Sangyeon doesn't pull him from his prison and rush you to Jacob for treatment just in the nick of time.
In his dreams, you go limp, and Younghoon spends his final minutes on earth alone. Left to choke on the stench of iron and smoke. Those eight neon letters burned into his brain.
A sick, twisted, game.
It's not fair.
How could any of what happened ever be justified in their eyes? The inhumanity. All that training just to treat them as expendable tools. Like–
"Younghoon," you call softly. Like anything louder would shatter what's left of him. "Younghoon, love, it's too cold to be out here at this hour."
Younghoon can't remember how long it's been since he awoke from his personal hell. All he can recall after waking were the four walls closing in on him. The sweat drenched his back and hairline. Dread flooding his veins, mind, and lungs. Panic lighting every neuron ablaze until it propelled him into the crisp night.
He thought he could escape it out here. But his chair creaks against the wooden porch as he rocks. Creaks like steel beams. The stars litter the sky like ash. The rain pipe drips and pools like your blood–
"Hey," gentle fingers tilt his chin up to your worried gaze. "You're not there." It's times like tonight, when you tether Younghoon to his reality, that he finally feels safe enough to let his emotions catch up to him.
"Was it the same nightmare?" You ask even though you already know.
His answer comes in the form of teary eyes and an outstretched hand that tugs at the hem of your shirt. A silent plea for comfort. Certainty. Confirmation you won't slip away when his eyes shut. Shaky fingers dip under the soft fabric and ghost the scarred skin beneath. You shudder, no doubt with your own memories of that night. One's you've refused to speak of since. Younghoon doesn't know just how much of it you remember, just that the nightmares find you at this hour as well.
Strained sobs break the silence of the night. You cradle his head against your stomach to muffle them. Delicate fingers comb through his hair in an attempt to soothe, though they do little to quell his tears. Younghoon clutches at any part of you he can grasp. Refusing to let death rip you from his arms once more.
"I can't..." He gasps, "–I can't breathe."
You assure him he can. "Just follow me, okay? In–" you trail a finger up his spine "– then out," and back down. You breathe with him, letting your finger be the metronome to guide him. A few more and the tension in his muscles melts away into exhaustion.
Finally, Younghoon feels the smoke clear from his lungs.
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sanaxo-o · 5 months
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One for me (Kim Younghoon)
Warnings/Genre: so the reader is very very very insecure about herself, fluff (kind off), hurt/comfort, Younghoon is there for the reader all the damn time 🥺 and yeah that’s it.
Sana: um so I just wrote this when I was very insecure about myself and just wanted to let it out because I am someone who does not know how to express her feelings to someone else despite being very close. I just needed to let these feelings out and I chose to write something about it, and to someone who feels this way I hope you know that it’s okay to feel this was but just know that there are people who are more then glad to be with you and to be your friend :) A huge thanks to @o-onikix Nara for reading this for me and then comforting me :) I love you bitch
Tagging: @cloverdaisies @mosviqu @kimsohn @deoboyznet
Word count: 1162
You know how you get that unwanted feeling from time to time? Like as if you were just a piece of junk and you did not deserve anything? How your stomach start churning and you feel like you wanna throw up?
That is what you were feeling right now. Everyone was out there, enjoying the time of their lives. It was the 1st of January so everyone was obviously happy, happy that now there would be a new start to their lives, maybe new year means new memories, new opportunities but it was different for you.
You were huddled up in your small corner of the room with thoughts flooding your mind, unwanted thoughts. The ones you always despise from the core of your heart because whenever they came back you would always seem to get insecure about yourself.
Hell you get insecure about everything, about the way you talk, the way your voice is, the way you look, the way you behave. It does not help the fact that you get this constant sinking feeling as if you’re not enough. As if you’re just a burden to everyone you love.
If you ask someone ‘Am I a burden?’ They will obviously say no and whisper sweet words to you, to comfort you but that won’t do anything. It won’t help the fact that you would still continue to feel that way.
Maybe some would say that you should interact with others more, maybe then you would feel this was less but that’s not how it works. Despite being surrounded by people who love and cherish you, you’re a human after all. That jealousy, where you envy others for having better relationships with people you want to get close to but never do because they’re just so hard to approach, the envy you hold for others getting close with the people you have known longer but the new person just immediately got closer to them.
This feeling was like a devil in disguise for you, it would strike you at the most random time of the day and you cannot help but let yourself get sunk into it as if you were just a mere object.
“Y/N, are you in the room love?” You heard a voice call out your name from a distance which made you snap out from your train of thoughts.
Looking up you noticed Younghoon entering the room with a soft smile on his face, a cup of hot chocolate in his hands as he walked towards you “Why are you in here all alone love? We all are out in the backyard together.” Younghoon says softly as he places the cup on the bedside table and gently enters in the warm sheets of the bed beside you.
Intertwining his hands with yours he started playing with your hair soothingly as he hummed to a song, his gentle warm voice filling the room but that did not help with the thoughts which continued running in your mind.
“I just don’t feel like going out there..” you tell him, your voice coming out small as you place your head on his shoulder before you get comfortable against him.
Hearing your answer, Younghoon looks down at you, “And why is that love? What’s bothering you?” Younghoon asks as he leans down and gives your forehead a kiss as he starts patting your head comfortingly which provides you a sense of comfort and warmth.
“I don’t know..it just feels like I don’t belong there, with you guys.” You say as a tear rolls down your cheek making you sniffle. “Like even if I disappear none of them would notice and that just sucks because I know that I am not much of an important person.” You say as you snuggle closer to Younghoon, hating the fact that he has to listen to your negative thoughts on such a special day.
“That’s not true. You’re very much important to all of us, love.” Younghoon whispers in your ear as he continues patting your head with his hands softly as he listens to you speak.
“No you don’t get it. I always get this unwanted feeling inside me suddenly and I hate it. I hate it so much. I start getting insecure about everything I do and I start feeling as if I am just a burden and I just close everyone out. I know that my true nature is just me messing around but when I get this feeling inside me, as if I am just disturbing others by my presence itself I even start questioning my behaviour. I start thinking that maybe I am crossing the boundaries by joking around too much, maybe I bully them too much with the way I behave even though I truly love them and it hurts me knowing that maybe I might have hurt them by something I said. I hate the feeling I get from time to time. It’s frustrating and because of this I cannot even get myself to socialise more. I am afraid that if I approach a person first they will get annoyed, I am afraid to even text someone first because it just feels like I am disturbing them. I hate this feeling so much.” You say as you let out a sob, “Maybe it’s just better if I don’t talk with them again because what if I hurt them? I am sorry.” You whisper the last word as you bury your face in Younghoon’s chest before you let out your sobs, not holding them in anymore.
Younghoon does not say anything as he just pats your back and gives you occasional forehead kisses. He knew that what you needed right now was just someone who would lend you an ear to listen to your worries and a shoulder to cry on and that’s what he would do.
Younghoon could feel his stomach churning the more he heard your cries but he did not know what to do, because all he knows is that this feeling is something you always experience and all he can do about it is be by your side and assure you that you deserve everything.
Pulling you closer to his body, Younghoon drapes the blanket over you and wraps you in it comfortably, “I hope you know that you’re really special to all of us. No matter what happens, there are few people out there who worry about you all the time and think about your well being.” Younghoon whispers in your ear as he picks you up from the bed, “Now come on. Everyone is waiting for your appearance out there.” Saying that Younghoon starts walking out of the room with you in his arms.
Maybe, now that you have people who are closer to you, you will finally get rid of these feelings? Maybe not, but at least you know that there is someone who is always there to comfort you.
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blizzardfluffykpop · 3 months
Broken Belts
Summary: Of course, the one day you decide to take it out for a spin, your classic car decides the repairs you were avoiding need immediate maintenance. Leading to you needing to head to a garage to fix them.
Fluff, Strangers to Dating, Fast burn?
Possible Warning?: Referring to a car as ‘Baby’.
Word Count: 4,956
‘Old-School’ Mechanic! Younghoon X Reader
[Long a/n w/info to go: If you’re changing your serpentine belt when it’s past due as you will do here, pls change the pulleys too- but rn you will not do that :) Very simplified car terminology: crankshaft: rotates pistons which runs the engine, alternator: keeps the battery charged, power steering: helps you turn easily, idler: keeps the engine running while it’s ‘sitting’, and water pump runs water throughout the system. Serpentine belt: The belt that keeps all the pulleys (that are attached to above terms) in time with each other, can be one or multiple. In this fic there will be two: A power steering serpentine belt & an air conditioning belt. Lastly, the two cars featured are a: ‘70 Boss 302 Mustang and a ‘71 Maverick. Lastly but not least; a special thanks to @jinkoh for helping inspire another Younghoon fic.].
You knew better. You swore you knew better, but even with the loud squealing of the serpentine belt, you still kept driving it. Because, of course, it wouldn’t break before you had time to change it. After all, it was just the first few days of summer. You wanted to enjoy the weekend with your Boss 302 Mustang, whether or not it was screaming. You’d replace them during the week when you had the time, but this was the first weekend, so it’d be fine. Your air conditioning had been malfunctioning recently, but in your mind, it was because the car was fifty-some years old. You just rolled the windows down and enjoyed the weather. Maybe, if it was a newer car, the computer would be screaming at you now to see a specialist. But that was the pleasure of older cars. You never had to deal with extra lights telling you the exact mileage when to do things. You could do it at your leisure, and like the serpentine belt, you’d fix it at your leisure.
So, with that thought in mind, at the turn of the green light, you slammed on the gas, the car roaring as you sped down the route ten miles over the speed limit. Your car needed to feel the breeze, even if it meant a ticket. You laugh as you continue down the sunset strip. It feels good to be behind the wheel after two seasons of waiting. You make it through two more green lights before hitting another red light. You pout and wait for it to turn green as you notice you're the only one waiting at the intersection. When the light changes, you get on it again, flying through the intersection. 
You start turning your wheel to follow the curve when you hear a ‘snap’ sound over your radio. Your eyes widen as you lose power steering. Maybe it was good that your daily driver told you when to change things. “No, no, you promised me a nice weekend. Come on, baby.” You gulp as the wheel gets harder to turn. You make it past the curve, throwing your four-ways on, and a hundred feet after it, manage to pull it over onto the side of the road. You check it’s clear before popping the hood, getting out of the car, and shutting the door. You slip your fingers between the grill and opening and move the latch to the side, lifting up the hood, praying it isn’t one of the belts. You raise it until you can put the prop inside the slot. You let the hood rest on it before looking over the engine before locking eyes with the two-belt pulley system. It was the reason why you were avoiding repairing it this weekend. It was rotten to deal with one, but two? That's nightmare fuel. You look at the air conditioning belt and see it’s intact even though it’s dry-rotted. You sigh in relief before checking the power steering belt and watch as it falls off and onto the ground. You look up to the sky before shaking your head, “Well… I definitely can’t make it home, but I can get it to a garage at least.” 
You get on your knees and grab the fallen belt. You check it over to see the clean snap and dry rot. And shake your head again, “There goes my nice weekend.” With a sigh, “I know, I know it’s my fault. I should have fixed you the second I heard your squealing. But I’ll fix you now, baby. It’s okay.” You look for the dimension numbers as you listen to the soft breeze. You hum as you type them on your phone as someone zooms past you reminding you you're still stuck on the road in the middle of nowhere. You lift the hood off the prop, locking it in place. You lower the hood down gently and let it drop the rest of the way. It clicks in place, and you get back inside your car. 
You look up the nearest garages, looking for one with spaces to rent and a mechanic experienced in older automobiles. And luckily, the closest happens to be Younghoon’s Garage, an automotive repair shop. You read further to see he specializes in classic car maintenance and dabbles in the newer stuff. And that he allows for people to rent out garage spaces to work on their car. You sigh in relief. It was going to be okay. You didn’t have to deal with an inexperienced mechanic telling you how to work on your car. Nor did you have to worry about letting someone work on your baby, either. 
You call up the garage and hear the voice of a person around your age answer, “Younghoon’s garage; what can I help you with?” You gulp your nervousness back; it's probably just the mechanic’s son taking the call. “Uh, I need to rent a garage today.” He hums on the other line, “Okay~ I have three available. Feel free to bring your car down any time today before six, or I won’t be able to let you in.” You thank him and tell him you’re two miles away and you’ll be there soon. “Okay, I’ll be waiting!” You hang up and place the belt on the floor. You turn your car over, pressing in the clutch, scolding your car, “Now, don’t give me any more troubles until we get to the shop, baby.” You shift it down to first, release the handbrake, and give it some gas before checking to see it’s clear. You grit your teeth as you turn the wheel to get it on the road before heading to the garage. 
You couldn’t be happier to see the old-fashioned neon sign saying, “Younghoon’s Garage.” You groan as you turn the wheel, putting everything into it just to make it turn left. As you pull in, you see someone leaning against the entryway of a garage door. His hair is slightly in his eyes as he looks down at the ground. He looks up as you get closer, and you see him for the first time. You’ve never seen someone make a gray denim overshirt and white tee look so good. You huff out a breath as he waves you in, walking to the back of the garage. He guides you onto the lift, and if you weren’t struggling behind the wheel, you would have been stunned by his pretty smile. When he motions for you to stop, you tiredly put it into park, putting the handbrake down before turning it off. You shake your hands, getting the feeling back in them after gripping the wheel tightly to maneuver it. 
You open your door and get out to see him waiting for you. He greets you with a warm smile, and you smile back as you shut the door behind you, “Hi, I’m (Y/n).” And he smiles, “Nice to meet you, I’m Younghoon.” You stop your jaw from dropping and tell him it’s nice to meet him, too. You didn’t expect him to be the owner. He looks at your car, “Your belt was squealing.” You sigh, “I know…” He shrugs as he laughs, “Don’t worry, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Did the power steering belt snap? It looked like you were struggling to turn it.” You nod, and he pats your shoulder, “I’m glad you got here safe then.” You sigh, “Me too.” He smiles and tells you, “Anyways, the garage is all yours to use! If you need parts or anything. Feel free to see my office.” He points to the door that leads out of the garage. He gives you one last smile before leaving, and you smile back.
You roll down the garage door, not wanting to deal with the slight breeze blowing inside while you’re working. You prop the hood up and head to the toolboxes, looking for the sockets and wrenches. You take the socket wrench with you and test the sockets against the bolt until you find the right size. And with ease, you loosen the idler pulley. You ratchet it back into place after removing the belt. You read the dimensions and write it down on your phone before heading to Younghoon's office. You open the door and find he’s nowhere to be found. You look down at the counter, trying to figure out what to do. When you see a ripped sheet of notebook paper, “(Y/n), if you need me, I’m in the garage two doors down!” You smile, not expecting his penmanship to be so pretty. You walk out the front door and hear the loud sounds of an air ratchet. You follow them to the garage he told you he’d be in. And see him pulling a back tire off of a Maverick. You take the sight in momentarily before reminding yourself that you’re here to work on your vehicle, not admire the shop owner. You come up to him, and before you can say anything, he rolls the tire up against the wall and sees you first. “Hey, (Y/n)! Whatcha ya need?” You smile, “My belts, but I can wait for you to finish this up.” He shakes his head, wipes his hands off on a white towel, and gets off the roller, “No need! I have another hour to replace the brakes on this Maverick.” You laugh and shrug, “If you say so.” 
He leads you back to the shop, and that’s when you catch the smell of his cologne for the first time. You shake your head; of course, he smells good too. He holds the door open for you and lets you in. He runs his hand through his hair as he asks, “What sizes?” You tell him, and he nods, “I’ll go get them from the back.” You watch him disappear behind the shelving units. He peeks his head out for a second, and you resist smiling about how cute he is as he asks, “Anything else?” You shake your head and tell him, “No, I’m good.” He comes the rest of the way out, and you have to remind your heart that even if looks cute, he’s just doing his job. You thank him as he gently puts them in your hands. He heads out the front door while you head back out the side door to your garage.
After setting the new ones down, you take and toss the old ones into the rubber disposable bin. You find a clean rag and wet it with soap and water to clean off the pulleys. One dirty rag later, everything is cleaned and ready for its new belts. You head to your glovebox and pull out the modified diagram you made when you last replaced the belts. You mutter to yourself, “Next time, I’m getting a serpentine kit, so I only have to fix one belt.” You sigh as you look over your notes before slipping the new power steering belt out of its packaging. You fold and put it away, having already memorized the modified diagram. You slip it underneath the crankshaft pulley, before pulling the belt up to the alternator pulley, and slipping it over it. The easy part is over. You slide it underneath the water pump before moving the belt to where the power steering pulley is to wind it around. You work the belt up to the pulley, and it starts giving you a hard time. It takes two tries before you can muster all of your strength in your hands to force it up and over. You let out a breath of relief and take a break for water, sitting on the shop chair, knowing that the worst belt was over.
You take your time before heading back to the engine. The last step would be easy. All you had to do was get this over and out of this garage, and you’d be set for the next forty to seventy thousand miles if you’d play your cards right. You sigh as you pull the big belt out of its packaging and play with it, debating if your car was worth the trouble. You shake your head, deciding to do it, checking your diagram one last time before slipping the belt under the crankshaft pulley. After several minutes of struggling, you finally get the belt over the idler pulley. You grumble at it before attempting to push it over the a/c pulley. You try several more times but continue to come up short, just getting it to skim the top of it, not being able to push it over. You decide to let it go, thinking it’ll rest on the idler, and you watch as it slips right off both and onto the ground. 
Having enough, you yell at it, “You gotta be kidding me!” You get down on your knees and pull it off the floor as you hear the office door fly open. You look to see Younghoon rushing out, “I heard you yell! Are you okay!?” You glare at the belt, “I’m okay… just mad at an inanimate object.” He chuckles, “You had me worried there.” After a moment, he gently asks, “Can I help?” You give him a look, “Wouldn’t that cost more…” He shakes his head with a laugh as he tells you, “You’ve already spent three hours here. I’ve got my money's worth.” You chuckle, “I guess so. And only if you want to.” He smiles and comes around to the front beside you, “Which belt are you working on?” You pull your diagram out showing him, “The air conditioning belt.” He nods, looking over it as he memorizes it, “Okay, let’s do it together.” 
He rolls his gray sleeves up before holding his hand out for the belt. You hand it over, and he has you switch sides. He reaches his arm down and slips it under the crankshaft pulley. When he lifts his head, he compliments you, “You did well on the other belt!” You thank him, and he lets you pull it over the idler, and with a struggle, you push it over. His arm brushes yours as he reaches for the belt, “You hold it tight on the idler, and I’ll try to push it over the AC, okay?” You nod and clasp your hand over it so it doesn’t move off of the pulley. And with a grunt, he shoves it over, and your jaw drops before you go, “I loosened it up for you.” He looks over at you, and he winks, “Sure.” You look away to hide your fluster making a show of picking up your socket wrench. And he asks, “What size do you have so we can make this job go quicker?” You tell him, and he walks away as you start tightening down the bolts. He leans down beside you, putting his arm inside to tighten the crankshaft pulley. As you bump his side, you look over at him and give him an awkward smile, and he laughs as he does the same. You both continue bumping into each other until it’s all set in place, exchanging little smiles each time. 
Once it’s all seated in place and perfect, he goes, “Start ‘er up!” You grin, and he backs up from the front as you hop inside and turn it over, giving it some gas until it roars. You pop out, and he goes, “Well, it hasn’t come flying off yet. So I think we did a good job.” You smile, “I think so too!” You both get closer, looking over the engine, watching the two belts spin around the pulleys. You step back, and he raises his hand up, you smile as you give him a high five, and he smiles back. You head back inside your car and turn it off. When you pop back out, he asks, “What do you say to takeout?” You blink at him, “Huh?” He tells you, “You’ve been here for almost three and a half hours and haven’t eaten. And I’m quite hungry for dinner. So, what do you say to takeout?” You shake your head, “You don’t have to-” He shakes his head back at you, “No, you’ve worked your ass off to get this thing here, and then you had to struggle with these belts. So what would you like?” You smile, “Something delicious.” He nods, “I know just the place. You get everything cleaned up, and I’ll order, okay?” You nod, “Sounds good.” 
He heads to his office while you put all the tools you’ve borrowed away into their proper places. Throwing the dirty rag into a bucket for rags before heading back to your car and lifting the hood up off the prop, setting that down first before you shut the hood. You head to his office to see him bringing a chair in for you to sit on and hold your hands out, “Got anywhere to wash my hands?” He nods, “Yeah,” he moves from behind his desk and shows you to it. “Feel free to use it how you like.” You nod and give him a small, “Thanks!” You make your way back just as he’s placing the bags of food down. He hears you walking towards him and goes, “Just in time~” You smile and walk over as you figure out whose box is which. 
As you eat, you think about what to say to him. When it hits you, you tell him, “You know, I thought you were an old man.” He tilts his head at you as he leans back, “Why’s that?” You laugh, “You pretty much work only on classic cars. And when you answered, I thought I was talking to the owner's son or something.” He runs his hand through his hair as his lips press together, “Oh, I hope it was a pleasant surprise.” You laugh, “Yeah, it was nice.” He smiles, and after a pause, he says, “You know, we’re a little odd?” You ask, “Why’s that?” And he tells you, “We both like working on old cars.” You shake your head, “I guess we are a little odd.” You both giggle, and he claps his hands together, which makes you laugh even harder. Finding it endearing, the words, “So cute,” slip out before you can stop them. Your eyes go wide, and you quickly look down, digging into your food, acting as if your food made you say it. You don’t see his ears turn red, but you feel his stare on you as you eat, yet he doesn’t say anything. So you figure he just brushed it off. After a few moments of silence, he says, “You know I’ve never worked on a Boss until today.” You gasp, finally looking up at him, “What about ridden in one?” He shakes his head, “Never. Only ever seen them at car shows.” You smile as you tell him, “I guess we’ll have to change that. What do you say we take my car for a test drive after this?” He grins, “I’d like that.” You eat another bite, and he asks, “What do you say to ice cream?” You smile, “I’d like that. It'll be my treat for helping me.” He smiles, “Okay, and I’ll guide you to it while you show me what your baby can do~” You grin, “Okay!” 
When you’ve both finished eating, you clean up your trash and toss it in the can. He clicks the button for the garage and leads you out, “I’ll have to shut from inside, but I’ll guide you off, okay?” You nod and head to your car. Hopping in, you turn it over, checking the door is fully up before you start easing the car off the lift, looking over to the side to see him motioning you. You gulp as you hear your back tires hit the ramp, and he smiles at you, encouraging you to keep going. You get your car off the lift and onto the pavement outside and watch as the garage door shuts in front of you. He comes out of the shop with his keys in hand, and you pop the door open for him, “Hi.” He smiles, “Hi.” You watch as he sinks into the seat, his knees practically to his chest. And you both laugh before you say, “You can put the seat back.” He scoots the chair and leans it back. And with a sigh, he says, “That's a lot more comfortable.” You shake your head, still laughing, “I bet.” Making sure his seatbelt is on, you ask, “Ready?” He smirks, “Born ready.” 
You reverse until you can spin it around and drive onto the main route. Instead of hearing the squealing, you hear the gentle roar of your motor. And he tells you, “It already sounds better.” You smile at him as you shift into first gear, “It does.” You smoothly transition from second to third gear as you get up to speed. He relaxes in the seat as he watches you drive, and you feel excitement as you race down the road. You pat the wheel, “That’s it, baby~” Out of the corner of your eye, you see him smiling at you, “What?” He shrugs his shoulders, “Nothing.” You ask, “You sure?” He smiles, “You just look good behind the wheel.” You blush, “Is that so?” He hums, “Yeah.” He doesn’t say anything else, and you both listen to the radio, unsure of what else to say. 
You shift it into fourth as the speed limit finally reaches seventy. And he lets out a little cheer, and you grin over at him, and he asks, “How fast can it go?” You smirk, “Wanna find out?” He nods excitedly, and you check behind you to see an empty street. You look at him with a smirk before slamming down on the gas and taking off. You watch as you fly up to eighty, quickly hitting ninety. You grin as you push a hundred, “It can go faster if you’re up for it?” As you take a glimpse at him, you see his sparkling eyes, “Hell yeah!” Your grip on the wheel gets tighter as you watch the road more intensely, and just as you hit 110, you see headlights coming towards you. You ease up on the gas as you pout, “We could have hit a hundred and thirty…” Your speed quickly drops, and he says, “Well if it’s any consultation-” You look over at him as your gauge drops back down to a safe seventy, “Hmm?” He grins, putting his hand over your other hand that’s now resting on the shifter, and links his fingers through yours, “That was the coolest experience I’ve had in months!” You giggle at him, “I’m glad you enjoyed it~” He smiles as he tells you, “And we’re about an intersection from the ice cream place.” You grin, “That’s even better news!” You slow down further as you get through the intersection. You notice his hand still over yours and squeeze his fingers as you shift down. He tells you to turn left as you shift into second. With one hand, you spin the wheel left and pull into the ice cream stand. You pull in, put into park, and look at his hand. He gasps as he quickly removes it from yours, and you resist your pout until he says, “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was-” You shake your head, “I liked it.” 
You get out of the car and offer him your hand, and he smiles as he links his hand in yours. You order your ice creams and pay for them before heading to the pickup line. You both talk quietly as you wait in front of the window. The person behind the window asks, “One cone and one sundae?” You both nod and take yours and some napkins before walking away, “Where do you want to sit?” He looks at the tree close to the car, “Underneath the tree?” You smile, “Sounds good to me.” You sit side by side underneath the tree while the sun slowly starts setting in the sky, and you ask, “So, what do you like to do for fun?” He smiles, “Watch movies and play video games.” You nod as you eat another bite of ice cream, and he asks, “What about you?” You smile as you tell him before asking, “Got any pets?” His eyes twinkle as he tells you about Bori and shows you photos of her. You grin, “She’s so cute!” He smiles, “The cutest.” 
You two continue talking until you finish your ice cream. You get up together and throw away your trash. “Since you’ve never worked on one or rode in one before. Have you driven one?” He shakes his head no, and you ask, “Do you want to?” He blinks, “Seriously?” You hum before you ask, “You’ve driven a manual before, right?” He nods, and you smile as you hold your keys out to him, “I trust you.” He takes them in his hands, “You sure?” You agree as you head to the passenger side, “It’s not often I get to sit over here.” He looks at you over the roof, “Well, today’s your lucky day then.” You grimace before you say, “Overall, yeah.” He laughs, “Maybe not entirely. But how about right now?” You smirk, “It's better cause you're here.” He laughs as he sits down and shakes his head at you. He has to push the seat back again as you adjust your seat to have a straighter back. You both shut your doors and put on your seatbelts before he looks over at you and turns it over, giving it a little gas before it roars to life. 
He lets up on the handbrake and engages the clutch, letting it slide into first. You watch him as he sticks his tongue out while he pulls out of the parking spot to concentrate. You giggle as you look at him, and he looks over at you and winks. You shake your head, and he pulls onto the road and shifts into second, quickly changing into third, then fourth as he gets it up to seventy. When he’s comfortable driving, no longer concentrating, you bump his hand that’s resting above the shifter. He grins over at you and takes your hand in his, interlocking your fingers. 
You look at your joined hands and wonder how today went from rotten to wonderful. But as you trail your eyes up to his, “It was because of you.” He gives you an odd look, “Huh?” And you smile, “You made my day go from rotten to wonderful.” He squeezes your fingers, “My day was boring before you showed up.” You laugh, “Is that because I gave you something to do?” He shakes his head, “No. It’s not often someone as pretty as you walks into my shop.” You pout, “How often is not often?” He smiles, “Well, considering I’ve only seen you once? Once.” You roll your eyes, “Smooth,” but grin as you watch the streetlights fly past you. 
You let his hand go so he can shift down when you see the shop in the distance. And before your hand can completely part from his, his pinky catches yours. You giggle as he shifts with your hand still partially in his. He slows down and parks in front of the garage you were in before. When you have to get out of the car, it’s his turn to pout as he shuts off your car. “What?” You ask as you shut the door behind you, “I still want to hold your hand.” You laugh as you hold your hand out for him to take again, “Okay.” He takes your hand in his and leads you to the shop door. He unlocks it and turns the light on before walking to his desk and sitting on his shop chair. 
He asks you to sit down in yours, and you do, before you ask, “So, how much do I owe you?” He looks back at you, “I don’t feel like it’s right to charge you after we just went on a date…” You roll your eyes, “Before that, I was just a regular customer.” He shakes his head, “Regular customers are old gearheads…” You laugh, “So does that make me special, or do you invite them to eat dinner with you too?” His face twists up in disgust as you cackle, “Ew…” You ask again, “Anyways, what’s the total?” He sighs, “$80…” You roll your eyes, “The real total…” He shakes his head, “I only charge $27 an hour.” “Really? Even for the parts?” He shakes his head, “I can’t charge you for them when I helped you.” You give him a confused look, “But you only helped me with one…” He shrugs, “And?” You blink at him, “Why?” He grins, “Because you’re cute.” You shake your head at him, “I don’t know how you stay in business.” He smirks, “Probably because you never came in before.” You blush, and with your free hand, you fish out your card and shove it into the card reader. “What if I want to charge you something?” He blinks at you, “What do you mean?” You grin as you ask, “A date with me on Friday?” He gives you a small smile, “I would go on a date with you for free…” You shrug, “Okay, so free of charge, what do you say to date with me on Friday?” He grins, “I’d love to.”
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milkybonya · 2 years
you're doing so good _ 김영훈
❕️happy birthday, Younghoon❕️
#: highschool!au, boba shop!au, fluff, <1k words
summary: it's your first day at your after-school, part-time job and you mess up, but Younghoon is there to tell you that you're doing well :>
[💌: i never write for idol birthdays but i wanted to try doing that,, and then i remembered so late that it was Younghoon day ! enjoy this inspired by by own boba shop training antics <3 and happy birthday, Younghoon!]
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you blink at the cash register screen, finger hovering over it while your mouth is slightly agape.
"i'm so sorry, just give me a second," you tell the handsome boy in front of you, who happens to be wearing your school uniform, as you try to find where the hell 'taro milk tea' is on the system.
failing to find it, you excuse yourself and ask your supervisor to help you.
"excuse them, it's their first day on the job," your supervisor tells the boy, who nods with a reassuring smile.
once you find the 'taro milk tea' button, you look up at the boy again and ask him which toppings he wanted.
"it was pearls in the milk tea, right?" you confirm.
"that's right!"
"regular sugar and ice?"
"less ice, 50% sugar," he clarifies.
you nodand then spend another 5 minutes trying to punch that in.
"i'm really sorry," you mumble.
the boy shakes his head and waves his arms around, his hair neatly flowing from side to side.
"don't be sorry, it's okay! you're doing so good. boba orders can get so complex," the boy says
"thank you.. and here's your order number!" you say before handing him his receipt.
he thanks you before taking it and waiting to the side, and you manage to catch a glimpse of his nametag before you look at the cup you're reaching for.
Kim Younghoon.
that's right, the school's angel! a lot of people crush on this boy, and you know now that it's for good reason. he's just as nice as he looks!
once your coworkers finish preparing the drink, you take it out of the sealing machine, dry it and call out Younghoon's nunber.
"number 29, taro milk tea!"
he waves his receipt at you, taking the drink with a smile. suddenly, you stop him.
"just a second," you say.
you don't even know what you're doing, acting on a whim like this as you write your number on the side of his cup in sharpie. it makes you feel flustered as your heart races but also somewhat proud.
you're making a move on your school's most popular boy. well... it would be a lie to say you didn't crush on him even the tiniest bit before this.
"thank you for being my first customer," you say shyly, handing him the drink.
"it was my pleasure. really, you're doing so good," he responds before taking the drink and leaving.
once he's gone, you give your attention to the next customer, not feeling your phone vibrate in your pocket just moments later.
Younghoon saves your number to his phone the second he leaves the boba shop.
???: hi, this is Younghoon
???: i don't know when you'll see this, but you're doing so good and good luck for the rest of today!
???: i hope you won't give up or feel discouraged
???: you'll be seeing me around a lot more often to cheer you on :)
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from-izzy · 4 months
"what do you think of flowers/bouquets?" | tbz hyung line
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you mean what i think about you?
​PAIRING » the boyz x gn!reader (not proofread 😭 are we surprised?) TROPE/AU » established relationship au!, non-idol au!, smau! (text messages) GENRE »​ FLUFFY BOYFIE TBZ HYUNG LINE, with some angst, sangyeon is a very thoughtful boyfriend (and when's it my turn?), jacob to the rescue!!, younghoon is crying (I'M SORRY---), hyunjae's really...maximum comfort and hurt/comfort honestly (i love that man) WORD COUNT » 389​ ESTIMATED READING TIME » ~2 mins (for all) WARNINGS (lmk if i missed anything!) » none!
navi/masterlist!! 🤍 98 line 🤍 maknae line 🤍 part of 'especially to you...'
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it's hard to explain how this is part of the 'especially to you...' series but the tl;dr is that flowers are very related to me and i've always thought about them as a being and how similar i can be to them and so, this was born!
also these took way longer than i thought 😭 and this is what i call: dunning-kruger effect in full motion 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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navi/masterlist!! 🤍 98 line 🤍 maknae line 🤍 'especially to you...' tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️ @kflixnet 📺🍿@heemingyu
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cloverdaisies · 6 months
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⋆⁺₊❅⋆ ⁺₊❆⋆𐙚 {🧣 } ➸ description: a late night stroll through the xmas markets with boyfriend!younghoon, carols being sung in the distance, the smell of freshly baked gingerbread men and children building snowmen nearby; the feeling of christmas. ⋆⁺. ︶꒷꒦︶ ︶꒷꒦︶ ︶꒷꒦︶ ₊❅⋆ ⁺₊❆⋆𐙚
➸ member: younghoon x you ⋆⁺₊❅⋆ ⁺₊❆⋆𐙚.
➸ genre: fluff ⋆⁺₊❅⋆ ⁺₊❆⋆𐙚.
➸ word count: 800 approx. ⋆⁺₊❅⋆ ⁺₊❆⋆𐙚.
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⋆⁺. ︶꒷꒦︶ ︶꒷꒦︶ ︶꒷꒦︶ ₊❅⋆ ⁺₊❆⋆𐙚
♫ it’s beginning to look a lot like christmas, everywhere you go… ☕️ ₊❅⋆ ⛸️ ♫
Snow fell from the sky above like soft stars drifting down to the ground, glistening over the pavements as a choir all wrapped in wooly scarves sang songs of a traditional christmas with ruby red noses and jovial smiles. The bakers had lined up goods from christmas cakes to mince pies, as small businesses brewed hearty soups and sold hot chocolates to a crowd smothered in whipped cream and marshmallows.
You looked up at Younghoon, the cold air nipping at his cheeks making them glow with a shade of rosy pink as his eyes lit up with the rows of fairy lights reflecting his dark brown iris. He’d noticed you staring, turning to look at you with a smile and a laugh - his breath turning to a white smoke in the cold air.
“You put that whipped cream to shame.” He poked fun at you admiring his features, squeezing your hand in reassurance as he made the horrendous joke.
“That is possibly fighting for the worst thing you’ve ever said.” You choked on your words in shock, at just how appalling his jokes were, despite you secretly loving how cheesy they could be.
Younghoon quickly took a diversion spotting a particular small cabin-like stall amongst the rows of similar builds, selling snow globes that lit prettily. He tended to have an eye for things that were sentimental, littering your home with decorations that reminded him of your favorite times together.
“We can put this on the mantelpiece.” He smiled at one that depicted father Christmas and his reindeers flying soundly above a small village - when he shook it the houses lit up and snow whirled around the scene.
“We can!” You laughed at how cute the gesture was, he took so much pride in the mantelpiece above the log fire where he’d bought expensive frames for all your pictures and placed them all neatly divided.
Once he’d bought everything pretty he could find from each stall, picking out everything you’d looked at twice - despite you telling him not to. He took your hand and brought you to the small café that had been set up. There was a wood burner fire set up in the corner next to two armchairs, where you both sat with hot chocolate warming your hands around the sides of the ceramic material.
“So I was thinking, home alone 1 and 2 when we get back in?” Younghoon asked causing you to look up from your prettily decorated cup, you couldn’t help but noticed the dot of whipped cream sat on his nose and giggle. He looked at you confused, before you reached across to wipe it off as he chuckled in embarrassment.
“I think you’re the one that’s whipped now pal. Anddd… absolutely.” You both laughed at the joke before letting a comfortable silence fall across the scene, as you both looked at each other across the table.
He looked at you across the table with a smile, his hair parted in perfect curtains and his smile lighting up the entire room with a pure kind of joy that couldn’t easily be replicated. The blues sounds of Frank Sinatra filled the room, the blissful lyrics filling the cozy room. Everything was just perfect this year, he was perfect.
He leaned across the table gently gesturing a kiss on the lips, reminding you of how unrescuseably in love you were with him. Younghoon was your place of safety, your feeling of home. As the snow feel around you, the room filled with laughter and joy, everything just felt as if it froze in time - for just a moment as your lips touched his, light as a feather it was if the sound of a camera snapping in your mind preserving the memory forever.
At home you’d build the Christmas tree and listen to all the iconic festive tunes from over the decades, as Younghoon swayed and hummed along to the music - not forgetting to lift you up so you could put the star on the tree. You’d watch both the good home alone movies and cuddle warmly beneath the blankets until you both felt sleepy and eventually fell asleep sprawled out across the couch as the credits rolled in the background. It was moments like these that made Christmas so special. He made everything so special.
⋆⁺. ︶꒷꒦︶ ︶꒷꒦︶ ︶꒷꒦︶ ₊❅⋆ ⁺₊❆⋆𐙚
a/n: hello festive daisies! it’s been a while since i’ve written some absolutely disgusting fluff & writing this made me feel so warm stg deserving of day 1 of my tbz calendar! ik very short but if im gonna survive 24 days this what we’re going for <3 enjoy!!
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ericshoney · 29 days
My Professors ~ The Boyz (Yandere)
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warnings: Mature language, yandere!tbz, manipulation, gn!reader, professors!tbz, suggestive themes/language, oblivious!reader.
It seemed as if it was a normal day at college. I had left my dorm room and started my first class of the day. I was sat listening to Hyunjae talk, many of the other students were zoned out, or giggling at every other word he said, the cheeky smile permanent on his face.
Many people talked about the eleven professors of the college. Some loved them, some feared them, some hated them. I liked them. They are always friendly and kind. But I still didn't understand the rumours going around. Some students had said they were all dating the same girl at once, another said it was a guy they were dating. Some had said they were violent towards anyone who would say no. I had yet to see any of this, as every time I saw or talked with them, they were always smiling.
"That calls it for today, I shall see you all tomorrow." Hyunjae spoke, making many students whine. The older male laughed as they slowly left.
"Y/n, can you hold back a moment please?"
I froze hearing his deep voice. I was slightly confused. I hadn't done anything wrong, had I? I grab my bag and walk over to his desk, making him smile as all the other students finally left.
"How are you settling in?" He questioned.
I had joined later than most students, which made me think I wasn't going to get into a college this late, but somehow I got in, only missing the first month off.
"I'm doing okay." I answered, making him nod.
"What about with your other students?" He asked.
"Um, I haven't really spoken to many. Maybe the odd polite conversation, but nothing personal." I said with a shrug.
"You know you have me and the others, correct?" He called.
"As....As in you and my other professors?" I questioned, making him chuckle.
"Yes darling, we may be your professors, but we're only a few years older than you. How about you join us for dinner tonight." He suggests.
"I....Umm....is that allowed?" I asked.
Hyunjae smirked and walked closer to me, his face inches from mine. His hot breath on my cheeks.
"I won't tell if you don't." He whispered.
"The others really want you to join as well." He continued.
"Um...s-sure." I stuttered.
"Lovely, see you later then." He said, grabbing his bag and leaving the room. I swallow the lump in my throat. I'm having dinner with my professors.
The day went on with a flash, all of my other professors had seemed to act different around me. Eric, the youngest, was very jumpy, which confused me a lot. He was never like that. He was a cool, chill professor. As my day finished, I returned back to my dorm to take a shower and get dressed for dinner. I was still in shock I said yes to Hyunjae. Is it wrong to have dinner with your professors?
I suddenly flinch as my phone rings. I place my hairbrush down and answer it, wondering who was suddenly calling me.
"Hello?" I called.
"Y/n it's Sangyeon here."
"Oh hi, um how did you get my number?" I asked.
"On your contact file. I know your about to leave to meet us for dinner, but I also know Hyunjae was a dumbass and didn't tell you where and what time." He answered.
"Your.....right." I said, suddenly thinking that.
"I know. So if you leave your dorm room now, I'll be waiting in the car park out front for you. Come now." He said.
"Okay, bye." I said, hanging up the phone.
I quickly grab my purse and leave my dorm room, heading outside to see Sangyeon in a car. He gave me a wave as I slipped in the car.
"Hello darling, you look very good tonight." He said, looking me up down, my black dress suddenly feeling too short.
"Th...Thank you." I mumbled, making him chuckle as he drove.
I stayed quiet as he drove, the soft music from the radio playing in the background. I had zoned out and soon realised we arrived at a large house. I saw a few other cars parked up, clearing belonging to the others.
"My lady~" Sangyeon said, holding a hand out to me as he opened my door. I took it gently as he led me into the house, where I was soon greeted by the others.
After a short chat, I was shown to a large dining table, food was laid out already along with plates and drinks. I was about to sit down, when a large hand settled on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Changmin. He gave me a smile as he pulled out my chair for me. I softly thanked him and sat down, letting him slide my chair back in.
"We are very happy you agreed to have dinner with us, sweetheart." Younghoon said, as they all sit down.
"I, um thank you for having me. Do...Do you have all your students for dinner?" I asked.
"Only the special ones." Juyeon answered, giving me a wink.
I blushed as we started to eat, the guys making sure I had loads to eat. I smiled gently as I took a sip of my drink. It made my throat tingle and I must have pulled a face, because Chanhee smirked at me.
"How does that taste?" He asked, making the others turn to me.
"It's....good. What is it?" I asked.
"Lemonade with something extra." Jacob answered.
"It makes my throat tingle." I said.
"It's alright darling, it's just to help you relax." Sunwoo replied.
I looked at him but nodded, as I continued eating. After a while, I felt my whole body relax and slowly go numb.
"I...I should probably go back to my dorm." I said slowly.
"Oh sweetie, your in no state to leave, plus you can't." Kevin said with a giggle.
"What..." I mumbled, looking at him with droopy eyes.
"Your ours darling, you can't leave. We're not letting a pretty little thing like you go free." Sangyeon confessed.
I tried to sit up, but it was hard, my whole body was numb and I couldn't feel anything. I felt panic set in as they all laughed. Hyunjae coming over to pick me up.
"Let me go!" I shouted.
"Do not shout at us baby. We'll let you off this time only, next time won't be so good." Changmin ordered.
"Let's get you to bed and relax sweetheart." Hyunjae said softly.
I tried to fight but it was no use, my body was numb and tired. Hyunjae carried me with ease to a bedroom. He placed me on the large double bed before pulling out a large t-shirt from the drawers. He came over holding it up.
"I'm going to get you changed, then you'll sleep." He said.
I stayed quiet as he came over, pulling my dress off. I whimpered slightly as he reached for my bra, making him smirk as he pulled it off and slipped the t-shirt over my head.
"God I just want to fuck you right now. It's not like you can fight back." He said with a smirk.
He must have seen the fear in my eyes as he chuckled and kissed my head. He pulled out a set of handcuffs and attached one side to my wrist, the other to the headboard.
"Sleep baby, we'll talk in the morning. I'm so happy you said yes." He whispered in my ear, before kissing my cheek and leaving.
I laid on the bed, feeling numb, tired and cold. I curled up as my eyes slowly fell shut, hoping this was a horrible dream.
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mirisss · 6 months
Symphony of Souls
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The Boyz OT11 x afab! reader
Wordcount ≈ 8.1k
Warnings: None I think, a little angsty but barely, 
Thank you for the request! I hope you like it!
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Third Person POV
In the dazzling realm of K-pop, where talent and charisma converge, there exists a phenomenon that transcends the boundaries of mere musical synergy. Among the stars that illuminate this celestial stage, The Boyz stands as a testament to the extraordinary connections that fate weaves. Comprising eleven exceptional members, this group has captured the hearts of fans worldwide with their unparalleled performances and undeniable chemistry.
What the world may not yet comprehend is that beyond the mesmerizing choreography and harmonious melodies, The Boyz share a bond that goes beyond the surface—a bond forged in the fires of destiny and illuminated by the radiant glow of love. They are not just a group; they are soulmates, intricately linked by threads of fate that tie their destinies together in an ethereal dance.
However, amidst the cosmic harmony that envelops these eleven souls, a poignant emptiness lingers. As fate would have it, there exists a twelfth soulmate yet to be revealed—a missing piece in the intricate puzzle of their lives. Together, they navigate the boundless cosmos of stardom, seeking the one who will complete their constellation, filling the void with a celestial love that transcends the ordinary.
In the effervescent landscape of K-pop, where talents bloom like vibrant blossoms, a new luminary emerged—(Y/n), a freshly debuted actress and soloist whose ethereal presence bewitched hearts from the very first note. With her debut album, she painted sonic landscapes that echoed in the souls of many, capturing the attention of an adoring audience eager to embark on a journey through her musical realm.
What set (Y/n) apart wasn't merely her vocal prowess, but also her ability to weave tales with emotion and authenticity. The music video accompanying her debut single was a cinematic masterpiece, a visual symphony that showcased not only her musical prowess but also her flair for the dramatic. It was in this enchanting audio-visual tapestry that (Y/n) unveiled a multifaceted artistry, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those who witnessed her debut.
As if destiny itself were orchestrating her ascent, whispers of (Y/n)'s imminent foray into the world of acting began to circulate. The stage was set for a new chapter as it was announced that she would be gracing the small screen as the lead in a highly anticipated drama. Anticipation rippled through the industry, and fans eagerly awaited the convergence of her musical and dramatic talents in what promised to be a spellbinding performance.
With every step, (Y/n) was proving to be a rising star of exceptional luminosity, illuminating the K-pop world with her presence. The world eagerly awaited the unfolding chapters of her journey, both in the studio and on the screen, as (Y/n) embarked on a path destined for greatness in the realms of music and acting alike.
As the excitement swirled in the vibrant cosmos of The Boyz, a particular star within the constellation burned even brighter—Younghoon, the charismatic and talented third oldest member. The news of his successful audition for the male lead in the same drama that (Y/n) would be gracing was met with jubilation that echoed through the corridors of destiny.
Younghoon's joy radiated like a supernova, illuminating the faces of his fellow members—Sangyeon, Jacob, Hyunjae, Juyeon, Kevin, Changmin, Chanhee, Haknyeon, Sunwoo, and Eric. The air was charged with electric energy as they came together to celebrate this momentous occasion, recognizing that their constellation was expanding to encompass not only the musical realm but also the boundless horizon of acting.
Amidst the revelry, laughter, and shared excitement, Younghoon stood as a beacon of inspiration, a testament to the dreams that could manifest when talent, dedication, and opportunity converged. Each member, a vital thread in the intricate tapestry of The Boyz, contributed to the celebration, forging a bond that transcended the stage and studio.
As they raised a collective toast to Younghoon's triumph, the stars of The Boyz shone with pride and anticipation for the spectacular journey that lay ahead. 
As the first rays of dawn painted the sky in hues of soft pastels, (Y/n) awoke with a giddy excitement that bubbled within her like a fizzy elixir. Today held the promise of a meeting that stirred butterflies in the depths of her being—she was to meet Younghoon, the charismatic third oldest of The Boyz. The thought alone sent a delightful shiver down her spine, and she couldn't contain the joy that danced in her eyes.
A devoted deobi, (Y/n) had been a steadfast fan of The Boyz since the very inception of their journey with the effervescent anthem "Boy." Through the highs and lows, the stages, and the milestones, she had stood by them as a beacon of unwavering support. The music, the performances, and the camaraderie of the eleven stars had woven a tapestry of memories in her heart, and today marked a chapter where her path would intersect with one of those shining stars.
The excitement, palpable in the air, manifested in a radiant smile that adorned (Y/n)'s face as she prepared for the day. She felt a sense of kinship with Younghoon, a connection forged through the melodies that resonated in her soul. Today, that connection would take a tangible form, and the prospect thrilled her beyond measure.
With a heart brimming with anticipation and a deobi spirit ablaze, (Y/n) stepped into the day, ready to embark on an adventure that promised not only the joy of meeting Younghoon but also the continuation of a journey she had cherished since The Boyz's first notes had captivated her heart. 
The sunlit morning found Younghoon's eyes blinking open with an infectious excitement that mirrored the fluttering anticipation within his heart. Today held a special rendezvous with (Y/n), and the prospect of working together on the drama set ignited a joy that painted his smile with an extra layer of radiance.
As he shuffled through his morning routine, Kevin couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy, his eyes narrowing playfully as he teased Younghoon.
"Younghoon-hyung, you lucky guy! Getting to work with (Y/n) and all. I'd kill to be in your shoes," Kevin exclaimed, a mock pout on his face.
Younghoon chuckled, understanding Kevin's playful envy. "Come on, Kev. It's just work. But I get it; (Y/n)'s music is amazing. I'll make sure to tell her you're a big fan."
Kevin's eyes widened, a mischievous grin replacing his faux pout. "You would do that for me? You're the best, hyung! Hey, why don't you bring me to the set? Just for a day, please?"
Younghoon laughed, shaking his head. "As much as I'd love to have you there, Kev, it's not up to me. The schedules are tight, and you know how it is. But I promise to share all the juicy details and maybe get an autograph for you."
Kevin feigned a dramatic sigh. "Fine, fine. Just make sure to ask for an autograph on my favorite album, okay? And tell her I said hi!"
Younghoon nodded, already envisioning the playful banter he'd share with (Y/n) about Kevin's admiration. As the day unfolded, he carried with him the shared excitement of The Boyz and the knowledge that, while Kevin might not physically be on set, his enthusiasm would undoubtedly be present in spirit.
In the bustling pre-dawn hours, Sangyeon, the venerable leader and eldest among The Boyz, sought out Younghoon with a warm smile. As he approached, he clapped a supportive hand on Younghoon's shoulder, his eyes gleaming with genuine encouragement.
"Younghoon, you've got this. Knock 'em dead on set today. We're all rooting for you," Sangyeon said, his words carrying the weight of camaraderie and shared aspirations.
Younghoon nodded, grateful for the leader's words of encouragement. "Thanks, hyung. I'll do my best."
However, before Sangyeon could linger in the exchange, the distant sounds of a lively dispute reached their ears. With a knowing look, Sangyeon excused himself, patting Younghoon's back once more.
"Break a leg, and remember, we're a family. We've got your back," Sangyeon assured before heading towards the source of the commotion.
As he approached, the scene unfolded before him—Sunwoo, the mischievous troublemaker, had evidently found another opportunity for mischief. Chanhee, caught in the crossfire, looked more exasperated than angry as he realized that his clothes had fallen victim to Sunwoo's impromptu prank.
Sangyeon sighed, adopting a tone that blended authority with understanding. "Alright, boys, let's not turn the house into a battlefield. Sunwoo, give Chanhee his clothes back, and let's focus on supporting Younghoon and working today."
Sunwoo grinned, mischief dancing in his eyes, but he complied, returning Chanhee's clothes with an exaggerated bow. Sangyeon, with a bemused shake of his head, continued to play the role of the wise elder, smoothing out the ripples in the group dynamics before wishing everyone well for the day ahead. The drama both on and off the set promised to be as entertaining as The Boyz's performances themselves.
The film studio hummed with the quiet anticipation of creativity as (Y/n) stepped through its entrance. The air crackled with the promise of a new venture, and her senses were heightened, attuned to every nuance of the surroundings. Amidst the bustling activity, one figure stood out—Younghoon, his tall and commanding presence catching her eye.
As (Y/n) approached, the symphony of butterflies in her stomach played a melodic tune that mirrored the gentle thrumming of her heart. She couldn't help but feel a magnetic pull toward Younghoon, a force that drew her closer with each step. The air seemed charged with an unspoken energy, and when Younghoon turned around, their eyes met in a collision of fate.
Time seemed to slow as recognition sparked in Younghoon's eyes. In that moment, the world around them faded into the background, leaving only the two of them in a shared, suspended reality. The soulmate bond that connected their destinies clicked into place, resonating with an invisible force that enveloped them in a cocoon of connection.
(Y/n) felt as though only they existed in that singular moment. The studio, the crew, and the world beyond blurred into insignificance as their gaze lingered deepening the unspoken understanding that transcended the ordinary. It was a moment where souls touched, and the universe acknowledged the serendipity of their meeting.
As their hands touched, a subtle electric charge surged between Younghoon and (Y/n), and in that moment, an unspoken realization passed between them. Younghoon, his eyes gleaming with happiness, couldn't contain the bubbling joy within him. He took a step forward, his heart dancing with newfound lightness.
"Hi, I'm Younghoon," he grinned, the happiness radiating from him like a warm aura. "And, well, I guess I can't help but feel incredibly lucky to be your soulmate."
(Y/n)'s eyes widened, a mix of surprise and delight coloring her features. "Really?" she chuckled, charmed by Younghoon's sincerity. "Well, I'm (Y/n), and I guess that makes us quite the pair, doesn't it?"
As they shared introductions, the atmosphere around them seemed to shift, as if the universe itself acknowledged the significance of their meeting. The air buzzed with an unspoken connection, and the studio, for a fleeting moment, felt like their own private world.
Younghoon chuckled, his gaze holding a playful sparkle. "The Boyz are known for their visuals, but I have to say, meeting you in person, you're even more beautiful than I imagined."
(Y/n) blushed, a genuine smile gracing her lips. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Younghoon. But seriously, it's a pleasure to meet you. I've been a fan of The Boyz for a long time."
The exchange of words became a delightful dance, a symphony of laughter and connection that echoed within the studio walls. The shared recognition of their soulmate bond added a layer of magic to the encounter, setting the stage for a journey that promised to be as enchanting as the melodies sung by The Boyz themselves.
The enchanting moment shared between Younghoon and (Y/n) was abruptly punctuated by the discreet but pointed clearing of throats from their managers. The spell momentarily broken, they exchanged a sheepish glance before refocusing on the task at hand.
"Alright, let's get back to work," one of the managers announced with a businesslike tone, gently steering the atmosphere away from the lingering magic of the soulmate encounter.
Younghoon and (Y/n) nodded in unison, the shared understanding of the professional setting settling in. As the managers guided them back into the rhythm of the shoot, the studio once again hummed with the orchestrated movements of actors, crew, and the intricate dance of storytelling.
Despite the interruption, the connection forged between Younghoon and (Y/n) lingered in the air, infusing the set with a subtle warmth. They approached their roles with newfound energy, a shared secret glinting in their eyes as they delved into the world of their characters.
The managers satisfied that the brief interlude hadn't derailed the proceedings, observed the unfolding scenes with a watchful eye. As the cameras rolled and the drama unfolded, it was evident that the encounter between Younghoon and (Y/n) had added an unspoken layer to the narrative—a behind-the-scenes tale that would forever remain etched in the shared history of The Boyz and their newfound soulmate in the world of acting.
Seated together during a break on the bustling set, Younghoon and (Y/n) enjoyed a moment of reprieve. The camaraderie between them felt effortless as if they had been friends for much longer than the brief encounter suggested. As they delved into their lunch, Younghoon couldn't help but smile at (Y/n), his eyes reflecting the genuine connection they shared.
"By the way," Younghoon began a playful glint in his eyes, "I have a favor to ask. Kevin, one of our members, is a huge fan of yours. Mind signing an autograph for him? I promised I'd get one."
(Y/n) laughed, the gesture light and infectious. "Of course! I'd be honored. Just let me know where I can sign, and I'll make sure to add a little note for Kevin."
Younghoon, grateful for (Y/n)'s willingness, pointed to a corner of his script. "Right here should be perfect. Thanks a bunch, (Y/n). Kevin's going to flip when he sees this."
As (Y/n) took the script to jot down the autograph, Younghoon couldn't help but steer the conversation toward the unique bond they shared. "You know, (Y/n), being soulmates with me means you're soulmates with all eleven members of The Boyz. It's like a package deal."
(Y/n) chuckled, charmed by the notion. "A package deal, huh? I'm starting to feel like the luckiest soulmate in the world."
Younghoon grinned, a warmth spreading through him. "Well, you've got ten more awesome guys waiting to meet you properly. Who knows, maybe we can all hang out sometime."
The prospect of a shared connection with The Boyz beyond Younghoon added an intriguing layer to their budding friendship. As they continued their meal, the studio buzzed around them, but at that moment, it felt like the universe had carved out a little corner where soulmates, both singular and collective, could share laughter and camaraderie amidst the magic of filmmaking.
The door to The Boyz's shared residence swung open, and Younghoon entered, his face radiant with an unmistakable joy that couldn't be contained. His fellow members, gathered in the living room, turned their attention towards him, their curiosity piqued.
Sangyeon, the ever-watchful leader, couldn't help but grin. "Well, how was the first day on set? Spill the details, Younghoon!"
Younghoon practically beamed, unable to contain his excitement. "Guys, you won't believe what happened today. (Y/n), our soulmate is amazing! She's not only talented but also incredibly nice and down-to-earth. It's like we've known each other forever."
The room fell into stunned silence as the realization of Younghoon's words settled in. The members exchanged wide-eyed glances, and then, almost in unison, erupted into a chorus of exclamations.
"(Y/n) is our soulmate too?" Changmin questioned, not believing his ears.  
"No way, you're kidding, right?" Eric exclaimed loudly as he jumped up and down. 
"Younghoon-hyung, you've got to be messing with us!" Kevin shouted, he was certain he was dreaming. 
Younghoon laughed, reveling in the infectious astonishment of his fellow members. "No joke, guys! We're all connected through our soulmate bond. It's like fate brought us together in the most unexpected way."
Hyunjae, always quick with a teasing remark, chimed in, "So, what's she like? Is she as pretty in person as she is in her music videos?"
Younghoon nodded enthusiastically. "Even more so. And she's genuinely kind. I got her autograph for you, Kevin," Kevin took the paper from Younghoon’s hands, jumping with joy. 
As the news settled in, the members couldn't help but exchange excited glances. The living room buzzed with animated conversation as they eagerly delved into the details of Younghoon's day and looked forward to the possibility of getting to know (Y/n) better. Fate had woven another unexpected chapter into the tapestry of The Boyz's journey, and they embraced it with open hearts and wide smiles.
Haknyeon's playful interruption cast a brief shadow over the jubilant atmosphere, his mock teasing tone injecting a touch of humor into the room. "Come on, Younghoon, it's not fair that you get all the quality time with our soulmate. What about the rest of us? When do we get to meet her?"
The room erupted into laughter, the members playfully nudging Younghoon as if he held the secret to unlocking the mysteries of their shared soulmate bond. Jacob, the second oldest, decided to respond with a good-natured smile.
"Well, Haknyeon, it's all part of the cosmic plan, isn't it?" Jacob mused, his tone light. "Younghoon's just the trailblazer, paving the way for the rest of us to follow. Patience is a virtue, my friend."
Haknyeon exaggeratedly sighed, his hand on his heart. "Patience? Jacob, you make it sound like we're on a quest for some mystical treasure. I just want to meet our soulmate!"
The banter continued, the members exchanging banter and teasing as they navigated the uncharted territory of having a shared soulmate. Despite Haknyeon's faux complaints, there was an underlying excitement that permeated the air—an anticipation for the day when all of them would finally get to meet (Y/n) and discover the unique connection that fate had woven among them.
In the meantime, Younghoon, the unwitting pioneer, grinned amidst the good-natured ribbing, knowing that the shared joy of their newfound connection would only deepen as the days unfolded. The living room echoed with laughter, forging another chapter in The Boyz's journey, where friendship, fate, and a shared soulmate awaited on the horizon.
Younghoon’s POV
As I stepped onto the set the next day, my anticipation mingled with a sense of surreal wonder. The bustling activity around me seemed to fade into the background as my eyes landed on her—(Y/n), radiant in a beautiful pink dress that accentuated every curve. The makeshift wind from the fan tousled her hair, framing her like an ethereal halo, and the lights seemed to converge upon her, casting a gentle glow that transformed her into something beyond human.
Time froze for a fleeting moment as I watched her, the breath caught in my throat. She looked like a goddess, a celestial being gracing our earthly set with an otherworldly presence. The delicate swish of her dress, the way her hair danced in the invisible breeze—it was as if the universe conspired to enhance her beauty, painting a picture that transcended the ordinary.
I found myself frozen in my step, my heart pounding in awe. The world around me blurred as my gaze lingered on (Y/n), capturing every detail—the sparkle in her eyes, the grace in her movements. In that moment, she wasn't just our soulmate; she was a vision, a muse that could inspire the most enchanting tales.
As I approached, a profound appreciation settled within me. How lucky was I to have this incredible woman as our soulmate? The soft rustle of her dress, the way the lights caressed her features—it was a scene etched into my memory, a living masterpiece that only added to the magic of our shared connection.
With each step closer, the set transformed into a canvas where destiny and art converged. And in the presence of (Y/n), I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty that fate had woven into the tapestry of our lives, forever etching her as a celestial muse in the story of The Boyz.
Third Person POV
As the weeks rolled on, the culmination of their shared venture approached—MAMA, the prestigious award show (such a lie lol) that promised a dazzling celebration of talent and achievement. The drama had wrapped, leaving behind a trail of memories and a connection that had grown stronger. Now, fate had orchestrated a meeting on a grand stage—the convergence of (Y/n) and The Boyz at MAMA.
(Y/n), adorned in an elegant gown that radiated confidence, was nominated for Best Female Artist. Her heart swelled with a mix of excitement and hope, believing that The Boyz, who was nominated for Best Male Performance, truly deserved the recognition.
The Boyz, equally thrilled and ecstatic, was bubbling with anticipation at the prospect of finally meeting their soulmate. However, they knew the importance of playing it cool to avoid sparking unnecessary rumors. The camaraderie they had shared on the set, the unspoken connection as soulmates, now held the promise of being unveiled on a stage where dreams took flight.
As they walked the red carpet, the air was charged with an electric energy, a mix of nerves and exhilaration. (Y/n) carried herself with grace, a nominee and a fan in equal measure, secretly hoping for The Boyz to take home the trophy they so rightfully deserved.
Backstage, the members exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them. They were about to meet their soulmate, the artist who had inspired them and shared a unique connection with them. The challenge lay in keeping their excitement in check, their smiles were genuine but tempered to avoid any premature speculations.
(Y/n)’s POV
As I settled into my seat at MAMA, the air humming with anticipation, my heart began to race with the excitement of what was about to unfold. Glancing at the reserved seats beside me, I couldn't help but feel a surge of joy. This was it—the moment I had been waiting for. The moment when I would finally meet all eleven of my soulmates, The Boyz.
The auditorium buzzed with energy, but my focus was drawn to the approaching figures, each face etched in my memory from the countless times I had watched their performances. There they were, all eleven of them, their handsome faces unmistakable in the sea of people.
As they passed by, a wave of warmth enveloped me. Some of them waved, their smiles contagious, while others offered a quick hello. It felt surreal, as if a shared secret between us had now come to life in the most spectacular of settings. The casual greetings, the friendly waves—it was as if we were old friends finally meeting after a long-awaited reunion.
"Hey there, (Y/n)! We're so excited to finally meet you in person," Hyunjae exclaimed, the genuine enthusiasm evident in his voice.
I couldn't help but return the sentiment with a beaming smile. "Likewise! It's incredible to finally see you all face to face."
The brief exchange carried with it a sense of familiarity, a connection forged not just through the shared soulmate bond but through the journey of their music and performances. As they continued on to their seats, the excitement lingered in the air, a prelude to the unfolding night where destiny, music, and shared joy would intertwine in a celebration of their unique connection at MAMA.
As Juyeon and Changmin left their seats and ascended the stage, my eyes were immediately drawn to the two of them. The atmosphere shifted as they joined the other groups for a powerful dance performance, their presence commanding attention from every corner of the auditorium.
Changmin, with his ethereal grace, moved across the stage like a dancer in a dream. His every movement seemed to carry a poetic elegance, each step a testament to the artistry he brought to the performance. I couldn't tear my eyes away, captivated by the way he expressed emotion through his dance, the intensity in his eyes adding depth to the mesmerizing spectacle.
And then there was Juyeon, a force of nature on the stage. His powerful aura radiated confidence, and as he showcased his muscled body, every movement exuded strength and control. The energy he brought to the performance was palpable, and the audience was swept away by the sheer force of his presence.
Despite the other talented dancers surrounding them, in my eyes, Juyeon and Changmin were the only two up there. It wasn't just the technical brilliance of their movements; it was the way they infused each step with emotion, making the dance a powerful narrative that transcended the physicality of the performance.
As the music swelled and the dance reached its climax, I found myself caught in a spell woven by the artistry of Juyeon and Changmin. 
Sangyeon’s POV
As the leader, I stood there watching (Y/n) with a swelling sense of pride. Her unreleased song echoed through the venue, and I couldn't help but marvel at the depth of her artistry. Her vocals carried emotion, and the way she moved on stage was nothing short of captivating. It was a moment that transcended the stage—a promise fulfilled and a testament to her commitment to her craft. She was more than just a soulmate; she was an artist, a star in her own right, and seeing her shine on that stage filled me with a profound sense of joy.
Jacob’s POV
(Y/n)'s performance was like a dream unfolding before my eyes. Her unreleased song had a haunting beauty that lingered in the air, and her dancing was a graceful expression of the emotions woven into the melody. I couldn't help but be moved by the authenticity of her artistry. It was clear that she poured her heart into every note, every movement. As an artist, I felt a deep connection with her on that stage, and the cheers from the audience were a chorus of acknowledgment for her talent. It was a moment where the boundaries between performer and audience blurred, and I was privileged to witness it.
Younghoon’s POV
Watching (Y/n) take the stage was an experience that transcended words. The air in the auditorium seemed to change as the opening notes of her unreleased song filled the space. Her vocals carried a haunting beauty that resonated with every corner of the venue, and her dancing was a graceful embodiment of the emotions woven into the melody. As our soulmate, I felt a unique connection, a shared journey through the artistry of her performance. Her presence on stage was nothing short of enchanting, and I couldn't help but be captivated by the genuine smile she wore throughout. It was more than just a promise fulfilled; it was a moment where destiny, music, and the bond we shared converged into a beautiful symphony. The cheers and applause from the audience were not just for her talent; they were a celebration of the connection we all felt in that magical moment. As a member of The Boyz and her soulmate, seeing (Y/n) shine on that stage was a memory etched in my heart, a testament to the enduring power of music and destiny.
Hyunjae’s POV
(Y/n)'s performance was a revelation, and I found myself utterly captivated by her presence on stage. Her vocals resonated with a soulful quality that tugged at the heartstrings, and her dancing was a mesmerizing display of skill and emotion. The way she connected with the audience, with us, went beyond the mere performance—it was a shared experience, a moment of communion through music. As an artist, I couldn't help but be inspired by her, and the genuine smiles in the crowd were a testament to the impact she had on everyone present.
Juyeon’s POV
Watching (Y/n) on stage was like witnessing a celestial being sharing her magic with the world. Her unreleased song held a melody that seemed to echo through the very core of the venue, and her dancing was a powerful showcase of artistry. What struck me the most was the authenticity of her smile. It wasn't just about hitting the right notes or nailing the choreography; it was about the joy she found in the performance. It left an indelible mark on me, a reminder of the pure, unbridled passion that makes music so enchanting.
Kevin’s POV
(Y/n)'s performance was nothing short of breathtaking. Her unreleased song carried a melody that lingered in the air long after the last note, and her dancing was a beautiful expression of the emotions woven into the music. What struck me the most was the way she connected with the audience and, by extension, with us. It was a shared moment of celebration, and the cheers and applause were a testament to the impact of her artistry. As a fellow artist, I felt a kinship with her on that stage, and the experience was a reminder of the transformative power of music.
Chanhee’s POV
(Y/n)'s performance was a spectacle of talent and grace. The unreleased song she shared had a haunting beauty, and her dancing was like poetry in motion. I couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for her artistry. Her presence on stage was magnetic, drawing everyone into the narrative she created with her music and movements. It was a moment that transcended the boundaries of language, where the universal language of music spoke volumes. As a member of The Boyz, I was honored to witness her shine on that stage.
Changmin’s POV
(Y/n)'s performance was a testament to the power of her artistry. The unreleased song she presented carried a unique and soulful melody, and her dancing was a masterclass in expression. What struck me the most was the way she commanded the stage with an effortless elegance. It was more than a performance; it was a journey through emotions, and the connection she forged with the audience was palpable. As an artist, I felt a deep resonance with her work, and her performance left an indelible mark on the canvas of MAMA.
Haknyeon’s POV
(Y/n)'s performance was like a symphony of emotions unfolding on stage. Her unreleased song resonated with a haunting beauty, and her dancing was a visual representation of the music's soul. What stood out to me was the genuine joy she exuded. It wasn't just about hitting the right notes; it was about sharing a piece of her heart with the audience. As a fellow performer, I couldn't help but be inspired by her passion, and the cheers from the crowd were a testament to the impact she had on everyone present.
Sunwoo’s POV
(Y/n)'s performance was a moment of sheer magic. The unreleased song she unveiled carried an emotional depth that resonated with everyone in the venue, and her dancing was a captivating display of skill and grace. What struck me the most was the connection she forged with the audience. It wasn't just about entertaining; it was about creating a shared experience through music. As a member of The Boyz, I felt a sense of pride watching her on that stage, knowing that she was not just a soulmate but an extraordinary artist.
Eric’s POV
(Y/n)'s performance was a revelation of talent and emotion. The unreleased song she presented was a melody that lingered in the air, and her dancing was a poetic expression of the music's soul. What resonated with me was the authenticity of her presence on stage. It wasn't a performance for the sake of performance; it was a genuine sharing of art and emotion. As a member of The Boyz, I felt a sense of connection with her on that stage, a shared journey through the language of music that went beyond words.
Third Person POV
The viral moments from MAMA featuring (Y/n) and The Boyz sparked a social media frenzy, capturing the attention of fans and onlookers alike. However, instead of fueling dating rumors, the prevailing narrative among most people was grounded in the belief that (Y/n) and Younghoon were simply friends who had shared the screen in the same drama.
The footage showcased heartwarming interactions between (Y/n) and The Boyz, moments that transcended the boundaries of celebrity camaraderie. Whether it was the genuine smiles exchanged, friendly waves, or shared laughter, the clips depicted a connection that went beyond the usual dynamics of actors and fellow artists. The audience's collective interpretation leaned towards the idea that the bond between (Y/n) and The Boyz was rooted in genuine friendship.
As the clips circulated on social media platforms, the comments section became a testament to the prevailing sentiment. Fans and casual observers alike celebrated the idea that (Y/n) had found friends in The Boyz beyond the confines of their professional collaborations. The absence of dating rumors was a testament to the maturity and understanding of the audience, who recognized the richness of platonic connections in the entertainment industry.
(Y/n) and The Boyz continued to navigate their newfound friendship in the public eye, and the viral moments served as a delightful reminder that genuine connections can flourish amidst the glamour of the entertainment world without necessarily giving rise to romantic speculations. The supportive responses from fans further solidified the understanding that sometimes, the most beautiful stories are those of friendship, shared dreams, and the magic of soulmates extending beyond the realms of on-screen narratives.
The break following MAMA brought a long-awaited opportunity for (Y/n) and The Boyz to meet up and forge deeper connections away from the public eye. Determined to enjoy each other's company without the scrutiny of prying eyes, they orchestrated a secret gathering, a clandestine rendezvous where the bonds of friendship could be nurtured without the weight of public expectations.
Choosing a secluded and intimate venue, (Y/n) and The Boyz gathered, relishing the freedom to simply be themselves in the company of newfound friends and soulmates. Laughter echoed through the air as they shared stories, dreams, and anecdotes, solidifying the connection that had begun to flourish during their collaboration on the drama and at MAMA.
The setting allowed for genuine interactions, unburdened by the external pressures of fame. Away from the spotlight, they could revel in the joy of camaraderie, discovering shared interests and quirks that transcended their roles as artists. The shared laughter, the ease with which conversations flowed, hinted at a bond that went beyond the constraints of the public gaze.
As the day unfolded, the secret meeting became a sanctuary where friendships deepened, and the foundation for a lasting connection was laid. The Boyz, each a distinct personality within the group, welcomed (Y/n) into their circle with open arms, and (Y/n) found herself embraced not just as a soulmate but as a cherished friend.
The break provided the perfect backdrop for this clandestine gathering—a chapter in their shared story that unfolded away from the glare of cameras and public scrutiny. In the warmth of their shared laughter and the genuine exchanges that took place, (Y/n) and The Boyz discovered the beauty of friendship that could thrive in the quiet moments, away from the orchestrated chaos of the entertainment industry.
Underneath the soft glow of fairy lights, Sangyeon and (Y/n) found themselves strolling through a quaint garden. The air was filled with the delicate scent of blooming flowers, and as they meandered through the winding paths, Sangyeon gently took (Y/n)'s hand in his. Their fingers intertwined naturally, and without saying a word, they reveled in the tranquility of the moment, basking in the shared warmth of their connection.
On a quiet rooftop overlooking the city, Jacob and (Y/n) sat side by side, their laughter blending with the distant hum of the urban landscape. As the evening breeze played with (Y/n)'s hair, Jacob's gaze met hers, and in that unspoken exchange, the world around them seemed to fade. With a tender smile, he reached for her hand, intertwining their fingers as they shared stories and dreams against the backdrop of the city lights.
In the soft glow of candlelight, Younghoon and (Y/n) found themselves sharing a quiet dinner. The ambiance was serene, and as their eyes met, a subtle understanding passed between them. Younghoon reached across the table, his fingers delicately tracing circles on (Y/n)'s hand. In that intimate exchange, time seemed to slow, and the flickering candles bore witness to the unspoken connection that continued to deepen between them.
Beneath the canopy of twinkling stars, Hyunjae and (Y/n) sat by a crackling bonfire. The warmth mirrored the connection between them, and as they exchanged playful banter, Hyunjae couldn't resist reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair from (Y/n)'s face. Their eyes locked, and in that fleeting moment, the crackling flames seemed to echo the warmth blossoming between their hearts.
On a moonlit beach, Juyeon and (Y/n) found solace in the gentle lull of the waves. The sand beneath their feet felt cool, and as Juyeon extended his hand, a silent invitation passed between them. Their barefoot steps created imprints in the sand, and with the rhythmic sound of the ocean as their backdrop, they danced under the moonlight, a serene and intimate moment etched in the canvas of the night.
Amidst the soft melodies of a private acoustic performance, Kevin and (Y/n) shared a quiet corner of a cozy venue. As the music wrapped around them, Kevin's eyes held an unspoken promise. With a gentle touch, he cupped (Y/n)'s cheek, his thumb tracing a gentle path. The world faded away, leaving only the tender notes of the guitar and the shared heartbeat of a moment steeped in quiet intimacy.
In the heart of a bustling city, Chanhee and (Y/n) found refuge in a rooftop garden, a hidden oasis above the urban chaos. Surrounded by lush greenery, Chanhee's eyes held a soft warmth as he handed (Y/n) a single flower. With a bashful smile, he tucked it behind her ear, a subtle gesture that spoke volumes in the language of shared secrets and unspoken feelings.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, Changmin and (Y/n) found themselves in a quiet bookstore, surrounded by the comforting scent of old books. The hushed atmosphere invited a sense of intimacy. Changmin, with a twinkle in his eyes, handed (Y/n) a book—a shared favorite from his collection. Their fingers brushed in the exchange, a gentle reminder that sometimes, love could be found in the simple act of sharing a story.
In a playful escape to an amusement park, Haknyeon and (Y/n) found themselves atop the Ferris wheel, the city lights stretching out beneath them. With a lighthearted grin, Haknyeon reached for (Y/n)'s hand, intertwining their fingers. The world below became a blur as they ascended into the night sky, their laughter dancing on the breeze—a carefree moment etched against the backdrop of twinkling lights.
In the serenity of a lakeside cabin, Sunwoo and (Y/n) found refuge from the demands of the world. The crackling fireplace cast a warm glow, and as Sunwoo strummed a gentle melody on his guitar, (Y/n) leaned against him. The quiet notes resonated in the cozy space, creating a haven where their souls connected through the shared language of music and unspoken emotions.
On a secluded balcony overlooking the city, Eric and (Y/n) found themselves wrapped in the soothing ambiance of a quiet night. The city lights below sparkled like a sea of stars, and with a gentle touch, Eric draped a soft blanket around (Y/n)'s shoulders. As they leaned against the railing, the world below seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them—partners in a moment of quiet intimacy that transcended the bounds of ordinary romance.
The tranquility that (Y/n) and The Boyz had cherished in the private moments they shared was abruptly shattered when unauthorized pictures of their time together surfaced. The images, captured within the sanctuary of The Boyz's apartment, ignited a storm of controversies that swept through social media and news outlets. The invasion of their privacy fueled public discontent, and the narrative surrounding their friendship and bond as soulmates took an unexpected and unwarranted turn.
The public, hungry for sensationalism, expressed their displeasure at what they perceived as an intrusion into the personal lives of both (Y/n) and The Boyz. The comments sections became a battleground of opinions, with some condemning the breach of privacy, while others indulged in speculative discussions and criticisms.
The Boyz, known for their close-knit bond with each other and (Y/n), found themselves grappling with the unwanted attention. The camaraderie that had been celebrated just months ago was now scrutinized and distorted by public perception. (Y/n), too, faced the brunt of the controversy, as her genuine connection with The Boyz was overshadowed by the invasive snapshots that had made their way into the public domain.
The joint statement from (Y/n)'s and The Boyz's respective companies aimed to set the record straight, revealing the profound connection that bound them together—soulmates. The revelation of their shared destiny shed light on the authenticity of their relationship, turning the narrative away from invasive speculations to the undeniable force of fate that had brought them together.
The statement emphasized the importance of respecting personal boundaries and understanding the impact of invasive media coverage on artists. It called for empathy and acknowledgment of the unique connection shared by (Y/n) and The Boyz, urging the public to view their relationship with the same admiration and respect that soulmates inherently deserve.
For a portion of the general public, the acknowledgment of their soulmate bond transformed the narrative, adding a layer of beauty and depth to the relationship between (Y/n) and The Boyz. The realization that fate had intricately woven their destinies together resonated with many, fostering a newfound appreciation for the genuine connection that existed beyond the lens of public scrutiny.
However, as is often the case in the world of celebrities, a segment of the public remained resistant to change. Some individuals continued to direct hate and criticism towards (Y/n) and The Boyz, seemingly unaffected by the revelation of their soulmate bond. The dichotomy in public opinion underscored the complexities of navigating fame, personal relationships, and the constant gaze of an audience.
In the face of both support and adversity, (Y/n) and The Boyz stood united, finding strength in the shared understanding of their soulmate connection. The journey they embarked on together, from the serenity of private moments to the turbulent seas of public controversy, became a testament to the resilience of genuine connections in the face of external pressures.
The revelation of (Y/n) and The Boyz as soulmates ignited a fervor among their dedicated fanbases, with Deobis and (Y/n)'s fans eager for interactions that showcased the genuine bond between them. However, the intensity of the requests, including demands for displays of physical affection such as kissing, raised ethical concerns.
Both (Y/n)'s and The Boyz's agencies, recognizing the importance of maintaining respect for personal boundaries, released statements urging fans to appreciate the soulmate connection without pressuring the artists into intimate displays for public consumption. The agencies emphasized the need for a healthy and respectful fandom culture, where the artists' personal lives could be cherished without crossing the line into invasive requests.
Despite the agencies' pleas, the demands persisted on social media platforms. Some fans, in their enthusiasm and desire to see the depth of the soulmate connection, inadvertently contributed to an environment that pushed the boundaries of privacy and respect.
In response, (Y/n), The Boyz, and their agencies maintained a delicate balance, continuing to share glimpses of their relationship and collaborations in a way that celebrated their connection without compromising their personal boundaries. They reinforced the idea that soulmate connections were rooted in a deep understanding and shared journey, transcending the need for explicit public displays.
Navigating the delicate balance between fan expectations and personal privacy, (Y/n) and The Boyz found themselves at the center of a unique situation, where the genuine appreciation of their soulmate bond was sometimes overshadowed by the demands of an enthusiastic yet boundary-pushing fandom. The journey to strike this balance became a testament to the complexities of navigating fame and personal connections within the ever-evolving landscape of the entertainment industry.
A candid snapshot captured Juyeon enveloping (Y/n) in a warm embrace backstage after a successful joint performance. The genuine smiles on their faces radiated a shared joy, and the image quickly became a symbol of the affectionate camaraderie between them.
During a casual stroll through a park, Hyunjae and (Y/n) were photographed walking hand-in-hand. The simple yet heartwarming gesture showcased a connection that extended beyond the stage, resonating with fans who appreciated the authenticity of their friendship.
A video snippet from a behind-the-scenes moment at a music show revealed The Boyz surrounding (Y/n) in a spontaneous group hug. Laughter echoed as they playfully squeezed in, creating a heartwarming tableau that fans couldn't help but gush over on social media.
Changmin was spotted offering (Y/n) his hand to help her navigate a slightly uneven surface during an outdoor event. The small but chivalrous act became a viral sensation, highlighting the caring dynamics within their friendship.
In a lighthearted moment during a variety show appearance, Sunwoo playfully stole (Y/n)'s hat and placed it atop his own head. The teasing banter and infectious laughter that ensued quickly became a favorite among fans, showcasing the playful dynamics within the group.
On (Y/n)'s birthday, Jacob took to social media to share a heartfelt message accompanied by a picture of them sharing a laugh. The sincerity of his words and the captured moment of joy became a viral sensation, with fans celebrating the warmth of their friendship.
During a live performance, Sangyeon was captured giving (Y/n) an encouraging smile from across the stage as they shared a meaningful duet. The genuine expression of support resonated with fans, symbolizing the deep connection they had forged through their shared artistic endeavors.
In a quiet moment backstage, Younghoon was seen offering (Y/n) a reassuring squeeze of her hand before a crucial live interview. The quiet support and connection shared in that simple touch touched the hearts of fans, who admired the camaraderie between them.
A fun-filled video showed Chanhee engaging in playful banter with (Y/n) during a variety show appearance. Their easygoing dynamic and infectious laughter created a delightful atmosphere that resonated with fans, highlighting the carefree and enjoyable moments they shared.
A snippet from a special live performance captured Kevin and (Y/n) engaging in a heartfelt duet. The chemistry between their voices and the genuine smiles they exchanged became a viral sensation, with fans expressing admiration for the seamless collaboration between the soloist and The Boyz.
A candid moment backstage captured Haknyeon engaging in playful antics with (Y/n), showcasing their lighthearted friendship. The shared laughter and carefree gestures became a viral sensation, offering fans a glimpse into the joyous dynamics within The Boyz and (Y/n)'s interactions.
In a competitive game during a variety show, Eric was spotted cheering enthusiastically for (Y/n), embodying the spirit of camaraderie and friendly competition. The genuine encouragement and shared excitement became a favorite among fans, emphasizing the supportive dynamics within the group.
These moments, ranging from sincere gestures of support to playful interactions, contributed to the endearing narrative of (Y/n) and The Boyz's friendship. As these instances went viral on social media, fans celebrated the authenticity and warmth that defined the bond shared between the soloist and each member of The Boyz.
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jinisnuggets · 3 months
ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏʏᴢ
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The Boyz hyung line types of doms & subs
❒ Smut
The Boyz maknae line types of doms & subs
❒ Smut
Empty for now....
Empty for now....
Empty for now....
Empty for now....
It's called Karma
❒ Angst, Smut
Empty for now....
Empty for now....
Random texts with boyfriend Q
❒ Smau, fluff
Empty for now....
Empty for now....
Empty for now....
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moonandsunwoo · 2 years
tbz reaction to you still sleeping with a teddy bear
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# — pairing: bf!tbz x reader
# — genre: fluff
# — warnings: none
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→ this was requested. i hope you like this and it was somewhat like you hoped~
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🧸 | sangyeon
he just finds it endearing, plain and simple. wouldn’t make a big deal out of it bc why would he, it’s just a plushie! and if you like to keep it around then you shall! he’s easy like that.
🧸 | jacob
would ask for its name and then give it a soft pat before going on about his day. he’d make sure you wouldn’t forget to pack it from that moment on and always double check the floor to see if it didn’t accidentally fall in your sleep.
🧸 | younghoon
his new fave thing is immediately to hold you whilst you’re holding the teddy. probably has a picture of you holding it set as his wallpaper (with your consent ofc). he just thinks it’s so cute and so soft and very much like how he perceives you
🧸 | juyeon
juyeon! would! ask! you! about! them! he wants to know if it/they (if you have more than one) have names, where you got them from, why they are so important to you ect. he would also like to contribute to the expansion of your collection if he may…👉👈
🧸 | hyunjae
he was the one who gave you the plush in question so 🤨 u better sleep with it. but don’t forget to hold him too once in a while, bestie we know he’s a soft boy
🧸 | changmin
“So THEY can stay but my chUCKY-“ prepare to argue with him about this. he demands equal rights for his horrid doll and your cutie everything else is blaspHEMY- (he’s totally cool with it, would probably get your teddy and Chucky matching outfits WAHAHA)
🧸 | chanhee
never mentioned anything to you about it. he saw it one evening and then that was it. or you thought. guesss who put the silky bowtie on it (Chanel ofc🙄) or the pearls or the hello kitty addition- yes so he was that.
🧸 | kevin
the man with the army of plushies would just love it. you can put it to his soft friends when you’re out too! for safekeeping yes. you both just have communal mountain of plushies nearly placed on the bed 💗
🧸 | haknyeon
he: 🧐🧐 I tHouGht yOu liKe hOldiNg mE- he’s absolutely joking but he’s also haknyeon so he will also be stupid about it. it’s his duty as a bf oki thanks.
🧸 | sunwoo
tease. you should smack him with a pillow perhaps. (guess who resorts to holding the plush when you’re gone hmmm ew he’s a simp for u bestie there’s no cure)
🧸 | eric
“is that yours? can I touch it?” he’s careful around it bc it must mean something to you if you have it with you when asleep! and he pats the teddy’s head when he leaves the room, every time. but shhhh that’s a secret
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© moonandsunwoo
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sanaxo-o · 1 year
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Their S/O getting anxious [Hyung line]
Warning ⚠️: it isn’t really yandere I guess. More on the fluff side. Mention of abusive household.
Getting home you dropped your bag on the floor as you went in the kitchen to cook something for yourself. You just took out a packet of ramen as you didn't have any energy to cook. Your boss has been giving you a lot of work lately. Staying over at your workplace to complete it only to get more the next day has been taking a toll on your physical and mental health. You were exhausted. As you were almost done with making the ramen you felt a hand on your waist. Knowing it was Sangyeon you just smiled.
"Why don't you go and sit? I will bring the food and also make some dumplings for us. Go now. You must be exhausted."
You just nodded your head as you went to sit down. In awhile Sangyeon came back with food and set it on table.
"Is anyone troubling you at work?"
He asked as he placed some food on the table. You shook your head as you took a bite of the ramen.
"No one is troubling me. Just...there has been a lot of work lately. It's taking a toll on me that's it."
Sangyeon listened to your talk the whole time as he thought about what to do about your boss. He should know his limits.
Massaging your neck you looked at your laptop screen with no thoughts in your mind. You still had a lot of work left to do. Your professor gave you guys last minute work few days back. You already had a lot on your plate with this added to it. Despite the due date is a day after tomorrow you wanted to complete it now only just incase. As you were in your thoughts, your room door opened as Jacob came out of the room. Glancing up you gave him a small smile as you went back to your work.
“When are you coming to sleep?"
Jacob said as he massaged your tensed shoulders.
"I don't know. There is still a lot left. Maybe I will have to stay awake to. You should go to sleep."
"How can I sleep when I know you're stressed with your work. Why don't you come and sleep now? I will have a talk with your professor tomorrow. I will convince him to reduce your work."
Sighing you switched of you laptop as you stood up. Jacob knew exactly what to do to make your life easier. And less the work, you spend more time with him. How can he miss this opportunity?
Hyunjae (Jaehyun)
You were exhausted. Your groups comeback was in a month and you just finished your solo activities a few days back. Your company has been making you work like a dog since you were one of the popular members. Getting home all you wanted to do was go and lay down on your bed. Turning on your bedroom lights you saw Hyunjae sleeping. You immediately went beside him and lay down staring at his face as your eyes got droopy. Before you could sleep you felt a hand caressing your face. Opening your eyes you saw Hyunjae staring at you, you slightly smiled as you gave a quick kiss on his lips
"Is it Hard?"
Hyunjae asked as he scooted closer to you and scooped you in his arms
"A bit...but I get it. I just wish they would let us all have some day off and let us go on a vacation. Everything is taking a toll on all of us."
You mumbled the last part as your eyes started closing and you went of to sleep. Meanwhile Hyunjae knew exactly what to do to make you feel better. A little threatening here and there and that's all he needs to do to make you feel better.
I sighed as I stared at myself in the mirror. Looking at all the bruises made by your father you couldn't help but shed some tears. Despite leaving that abusive household with Younghoon's help the scars were still with you which would never stop haunting you. You slid down the floor as you got your knees close to your chest and started crying. You did not even have the time to process when someone came in the room and hugged you. Slightly opening your eyes you saw Younghoon hugging you as he caressed your back while giving light kisses on your forehead.
"I will make him regret Y/N. I can't look at you living like this anymore always hiding your pain and living in fear. Have faith in me. I will be all you need."
He said that as he picked you up.
Tagging: @deoboyznet
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blizzardfluffykpop · 4 months
The Boyz Masterlist
Everything unmarked is plain fluff
Updated: 5/16/24 
Main Masterlist
Partners [Mafia au]
Broken Belts [Mechanic au]
Puzzle Pieces [Slights Angst w/Happy Ending]
Little Surprises
Jaehyun (Hyunjae):
Love Letter
Chanhee (New):
Changmin (Q):
Just a Bad Dream [Drabble] [Hurt/Comfort]
Scared? [Smut]
Haknyeon (JuHaknyeon):
Youngjae (Eric):
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cafeseoulmate · 1 year
{11:11 PM}
exes au; wc: 577
The dance floor inside the reception hall should mostly be empty by now, judging by how ABBA’s Dancing Queen’s played for the sixth time time now before being followed by a muffled announcement from the DJ and a string of slower songs.
While you and Younghoon wait for your shared Uber to arrive on the orange-tinted sidewalk, many of the remaining guests from both the bride’s and the groom’s sides have also passed by in pairs, solos, and groups over the past 15 minutes, bidding the two of you goodnight before heading to the parking lot across the beachside events place where your best friend and Younghoon’s college roommate just got married.
It’s also nearing midnight on your gold watch, the only accessory of yours in the blue and silver Maid of Honor ensemble you’ve been put in today, and the tiredness is starting to catch up on you despite all of the iced coffees and wine glasses you’ve drank since yesterday.
What an eventful 48 hours it’s been. While it’s been undeniably fun, meeting your friends and watching your own best friend finally get married to the love of her life in the colorful island of Jeju, you’re also excited to just go back to your hotel and sleep the rest of your work leave off.
“Y/N?” Younghoon suddenly speaks before you doze off, gently nudging the back of your hand with his own.
You hum, blinking twice before looking up to meet his gaze under the streetlights. After two days of running around to do last-minute errands and standing next to one of his closest friends at the altar, he’s endearingly boyish in his slightly crinkled navy suit and tie and messy brown hair.
And when you trail down to his hand, it’s outstretched now towards you with his palm facing upwards.
“Let’s dance.” He offers, more as a statement than a question.
The rational answer is to say no. Though you’ve been civil with him throughout the entire six months of making your friends’ wedding happen and spent most of the actual ceremony and the reception by his side today, the wedding’s technically over now and, as you’ve previously agreed on, you should return to how things were.
But then, you’re also not even supposed to be sharing the Uber you booked with him, not when another groomsman staying in the same hotel also offered two hours earlier.
So you heave a sigh under your breath and place your hand on his, letting him guide your other free hand up to his shoulder before resting his on your waist.
“One last dance.” You warn, feeling silly already after having said the exact same three words at least a dozen times previously.
He nods, intertwining your fingers together and pulling you close. “One for the road.”
In the distance, the very last song of the night plays muffled but Younghoon sways you to the beat effortlessly—just like how he used to in your kitchen.
And it could really just be the tiredness of your hectic 48 hours but you make the bold move of resting your head on his chest, closing your eyes as soon as you manage to isolate the sound of his heartbeat from all the ambient sounds around you.
You’re not supposed to, you know as much, but just for this short moment as your Uber takes an unusually long time to arrive, you let yourself think that he’s in love with you again as much as you still are with him.
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from-izzy · 8 months
[02:04] | tbz lee jaehyun | hyunjae
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» ​PAIRING: tbz lee jaehyun (hyunjae) x fem reader​ » TROPE/AU​: friends 2 lovers (mentioned from backstory!), non-idol au! established relationship au! marriage au! » GENRE​: fluffy fluff, slight angst (?), ​husband hyunjae, he's super patient and understanding, hurt/comfort, wedding vows (it's so cute, i love it) » WORD COUNT: ​3743 » ESTIMATED READING TIME: ~14 mins » WARNINGS (lmk if i missed anything!): mentions of pregnancy, insecurities, mentions of a broken family/childhood (reader's side), proofread once
my second timestamp story! thank you for all the love on the first one! (pst! it's sunwoo! 🦝) hopefully, this one lives up to your expectations! (if there are any uwu). sorry for my weird, unscheduled, random posting times > <
shoutout to my mum who (i bet) went through a lot to make sure i would grow up well. thank you for always reminding me that you don't regret having me and loving me with all your being. love you mumma! 💗
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You remembered when you tucked yourself into bed alone after reminding Jaehyun to come to bed soon. He was so close to finishing his work that you didn’t want to force him out of his zone, understanding that he would feel more peaceful if he finished it sooner even if it meant ruining his internal body clock a little bit for it.
Opening your eyes and taking a deep breath in the calming darkness, you smiled at the arm that rested across your now flat stomach. During your whole pregnancy stages, especially when that wicked pregnancy pillow put a physical barrier between you and your loving husband, he would at least reach out and hold your hand (or particularly your stomach bump), a huge downgrade from how his chest would completely be on your back and he hushes you asleep with his soft snores. 
You knew as soon as you turned your head to the right that Jaehyun managed to finish his work, a neutral smile on his face as compared to the slight pout and the subtle crease between his eyebrows as he sometimes grunts in his sleep from the past few days. An affectionate gaze falls upon your eyes when Jaehyun grunts and scoots over to your side of the bed, his unconscious mind telling him to move closer to his wife after he throws the pillow away to the other side of the room in excitement as soon as your new family arrived home three days ago. You chuckle at the way his right hand past the top of your stomach to hook your waist and pull you closer to him. Now half awake, Jaehyun made himself comfortable by burrowing his nose and lips into the crook of your neck and you immediately looked up towards the ceiling to let him do so.
A satisfied hum comes out from the man beside you, “This is nice.” He brushes the warm skin of your neck with his colder nose and his soft lips press multiple kisses from your jawline to your right shoulder.
“Jae.” You chuckle at his playful nature, “Go back to sleep, hm? You have work tomorrow.”
Jaehyun groans at the grim reminder. He’s been at home ever since you came back home, using up some of his leave days to take care of you and your newborn child. He was about to use it all but you stopped him, convincing him that you’re able to take care of yourself and your child, moreover to save those days in case a ‘real’ emergency does occur. Every day and every moment, you look at your husband who you treasure so much and you can’t help but think about how much you love this man with all your heart, mind and soul.
“Don’t remind me of that, bubs.” Finally opening his eyes, he relied on the subtle moonlight that seeped through your curtains and looked at your side view with ‘that’ gaze. 
‘That’ gaze that reminds you every day that you’re worth it for you. ‘That’ gaze that he kept even after ten years of meeting each other. ‘That’ gaze that was plastered on his face when he went down on one knee to propose to you. ‘That’ gaze that was present when he read his wedding vows and wiped the tears on your face when you read yours. ‘That’ gaze (mixed with immense happiness and excitement) when you told him you were pregnant. 
It holds many meanings and you were sure that the list would continue, building from all the blessed experiences so far.
Only chuckling at the way that he pouts cutely at you, you turn your body to face him, creating a small gap between you both as you press a peck on his lips, “Thank you for using your leave days to take care of us.”
“Of course, I would.” Jaehyun shook his head slightly to validate his point, “You both are my whole world. I can’t afford to lose you or baby.” It was the way that your eyes slightly pooled with tears that he replaced the pout and shushing the soft whimpers that left your now shaky lips, “Hey…what’s wrong?”
Your once small cries amplified drastically and Jaehyun’s eyes widened in shock, quickly pulling you into his embrace. He slips his left hand under your neck, bringing your tear-stricken face into his chest as you sob in his arms. Jaehyun comfortingly whispers sweet nothings into your ear, patting your head and pressing occasional kisses on your forehead. You stayed wordless for a while, enjoying the company and how close your entire body could be now after you gave birth.
“Catch your breath. I’ll be right here.” Jaehyun reminds you between your tired gasps for air, “I’ll always be here next to you, waiting for you, loving you more and more with each passing day.”
You couldn’t do anything but just nod, your heart melting at the sincere words, “I’m scared.”
“Of what, bubs?”
“Like,” You started, audibly voicing out the thoughts that have been swarming and eating you alive inside and out, “what happens if I mess up?”
It isn’t the first time that you had this kind of conversation. The very first time was when the adrenaline from your system was drained after announcing that positive pregnancy test to Jaehyun. You voiced out your worries as an upcoming parent, worried that you would accidentally pass down your problems, anxiety and worries to your child. Out of everything you want the most in the world, all you want is for your children to grow up without your traumas and problems affecting them because that’s not the kind of life that they deserve. Of course, that’s unrealistic. Children are indeed a slight depiction of their parents and how they would act around other people outside the family says a lot about how their parents raised them.
You can just imagine a situation where your anxiety takes over, you crouch down to be eye level with your extremely young child, giving them a lecture about what they should or shouldn’t do, extending that talks to both extreme sides of ‘what if’s and how they should just be more careful, less daring and---
“Jae, promise me that you’ll make sure she doesn’t grow up like me.” It was a desperate plea, almost as if you would walk out of their lives in the next second. The anxiety completely took over your body as you clenched Jaehyun’s shirt in your fist as a physical response, looking up at him desperately and Jaehyun’s eyebrows crashed together, “She doesn’t deserve that, Jae. Those silent cries, hating everyone around me, feeling like no one loved me and wanting to just end---”
“Don’t.” It was stern yet it still held a lot of patience and love. Jaehyun smiles sadly at the words that he has heard multiple times but even so, he would never stop reminding you of all the things he loves about you. He would never stop hugging you, holding your body and pulling you towards him, giving you all his love and company, “Don’t say that about yourself when you’re the reason why I wake up happy every day, bubs.”
“But Jae---”
“You know,” He whispers into the silent yet wavering night. Jaehyun takes a deep inhale of the air, tilting his head to rest his chin on the top of your head, “I was so scared of losing you as time went on.”
You calmed down, shutting your eyes as you focused on his heartbeat to pull you back to the present time. Jaehyun just smiles at the slightly open door of your room and he reminds himself of his newborn child on the other side of their bedroom door. When you hummed confusingly at his words, your husband just nodded, “Why were you scared?”
“Well,” If it wasn’t for the fact that your face was hidden into his collarbone, you would be able to see the blushing mess that Jaehyun was. A deep red blush was on his face, spreading to his ears; but you did feel the warmth on his neck as you kissed his skin delicately and it made Jaehyun more of a mess, “of course if it didn’t work out and you didn’t feel the same way, it would become awkward and even though we were such close friends, I knew that if I was rejected, I wouldn’t be able to spend as much time with you anymore. I really could’ve lost you.”
You never really knew this about Jaehyun. Whenever you asked about the day that he confessed to you to be his girlfriend, he only talked about his plans and how your mutual friends all pushed him to confess to you. You also told him about how the same mutual friends pushed you to confess back to him, yet you were a coward that you became used to telling yourself that if you ever ended up with Jaehyun, it would only hinder him in life; because who would love a broken girl when they could love a perfect one instead?
And so when he confessed, asked for a chance and promised to love you dearly after two years of mutual pining, you didn’t realise that time flew by so quickly that on the sixth year when Jaehyun kneeled and asked for your hand in marriage two years ago, a sudden hit of ‘reality’ (or so you called it) crashed into you. 
You really did find love when you thought for the longest, most tiring and hardest times when you didn’t think anyone would love you as you are. Seriously, how could anyone love you when you were still so stuck between believing and convincing yourself that you are enough? 
“I knew I had to take a chance,” Jaehyun continues his thoughts, “because when I closed my eyes and realised that if I didn’t at least try to make you mine, you might just completely slip from my life. Selfishly as well, I didn’t want to see you smiling in another person’s arms and kissing that person every time you wake up and go to sleep.”
The thought of you two doing just that ever since you moved in together five years ago suddenly made you blush and you couldn’t help but let out a string of complaints. Jaehyun just laughs (and quietly lets out a sigh of relief) when you finally release his shirt, wrapping your small hands around his bigger build instead, “I’m sorry that I didn’t realise that you went through all that.”
“No, it’s alright.” He reassures you again for the nth time in the last hour, “I have you now. You are all I ever wanted.” Pulling away and reaching to cup your wet cheeks, his thumbs swipe your almost dry cheek, offering you that familiar warmth that only he could give, “It’s all worth it in the end.”
“Really?” Another tear managed to slip out of your eyes and you couldn’t help but stare at him apprehensively as the devil inside your mind managed to manipulate your thinking, “I’m such a high-maintenance person, Jae…I really wouldn’t blame you if you wake up one day and decide to just…” He shakes his head throughout your small speech, knowing the similar words that you would say to him once in a while, “leave…” It came out quieter than you thought, maybe because he already knew anyway, hence saying it again and again, the red-horned creature in your mind rejoices as your childhood traumas reminded you of how worthless you are to the world.
Usually at this time, Jaehyun would rebut your words immediately but the silence had your heart dropping and for a while, you thought that you had taken the words out of his mouth. Jaehyun kept his tired stare and suddenly you were aware of your dry mouth as you waited for any sort of words from your husband. He removes the hand that was on your cheek, reaching behind to grab his device from the bedside table, “Hold on, okay?”
For a second, you really thought this was it for the both of you. During these moments of much-needed comfort, Jaehyun has always given you his undivided attention but now as the blue light reflects on his squinting eyes, you couldn’t help but let the tears flow down your eyes once again. Did he finally give up on me? Were the only thoughts that swarmed your mind as you watched how his thumb scrolled and colours reflected on the smooth surface of his dewy skin, “Jae?” Time made you desperate for a response and you were about to clench on his shirt again when he let out a small ‘aha’ and played the video on his phone.
You recognised the scene on his phone immediately without looking. The familiar scene, cheers, whooping and excitement radiating off the background noises had you sobbing again. Jaehyun sets the volume, puts his phone back on the bedside table and gives you his attention again, “My mum was sorting videos on her phone when she came across this and sent it to me.” He presses a comforting kiss on your lips and calms your shaking body, “I’m sure you remember this right?”
You just nod and Jaehyun pulls your face into his chest once again, letting the sound from the video consume you both into your worlds.
“As soon as you stepped into those classroom doors, all eyes were on you and undoubtedly mine too.” You were already starting to tear up just from the first few sentences, “Ah…I only just started…” You scanned your next words, just sniffling from the longer sentences that you didn't know how to not cry to while the audience let out words of encouragement and small laughs. 
Your soon-to-be husband steps towards you, kissing the side of your head, “Should I go first?”
“Do you mind?” You laugh, feeling embarrassed. 
“Not at all.” Jaehyun takes out his paper from his suit, taking the microphone from you, “I already knew this would happen guys.” He announced to the audience and you rolled your eyes jokingly, “Ok…I’ll start.”
You knew very well that your eye makeup was most probably ruined and you looked some sort of a mess at the moment so you couldn’t help but stare down at the floor. Jaehyun gives you a quick kiss on the crown of your head, swooning the audience with his romantic gesture making him chuckle before clearing his throat and starting his vows.
“I remember the day I walked into that classroom on my first day of school. No doubt, I didn’t want to be there. Not just at that school or at that classroom: I just didn’t want to be in Seoul. The sudden move because of my dad’s work made me leave all the memories I had in Incheon in a month and as an innocent young child who was already happy with everything, I didn’t want to leave.
Alas, even my mother told me we had to go and that’s when I knew that moving was inevitable. School work was already hard as it was and I had to move to a big city where I knew no one, having to start all over again from the ‘Hi. My name is Lee Jaehyun. I hope we’ll get along well.’ really made me reach the peak of my mood swings during puberty.”
Jaehyun alternates his eye contact between you and the audience who reacts to the groom with happiness, and laughter as some of his closest friends give him encouraging, funny body language. He points them out and the said friends complain whilst the audience just laughs at the group of boys on the side of the stage. However, it was how you finally raised your head and laughed along that made Jaehyun join in as well.
“For the first few weeks, I didn’t make an obvious effort to fit in. As you know, I joined clubs and did after-school activities. Studying was still my priority at this point but even that became so mundane and boring that I crashed and burnt out after a while. But maybe, the burnout was just what I needed because that was how I first met you. Had I not cried in the corner of the library in the ironically ‘health and wellbeing’ section, would you have even spoken to me? Would you have crouched down and tapped on my shoulder to ask if I was okay? Would you have sat down next to me silently as you read your book, waiting for me to answer your question?
The answer is: yes. Or at least I would like to believe so.
Why? Because no one will fully ever understand how much I love you. Maybe if it wasn’t that day in the library, I would’ve met you later. How much later, nobody knows and nobody will ever know because I’m about to marry that girl who made my day so much better in the library. But what I do know is that no matter when, where, why or how we would’ve met, I would have still fallen in love with your smile, your pout, your laugh, and the way you cutely complain about how I mess up your bubble tea order,” Jaehyun gives you a cheeky smile and you just scoff with a smile on your face, “the way you would cry in my arms when you had a bad day, the way you would drop everything when I have a bad day, the way you would try your best to stay awake until I’m done with my other priorities. 
But bubs, I hope you’ll always know that you’ll forever be my first, most top priority.
Even as we fight, cry and shout at each other words that we don’t mean, I hope you’ll always be able to go to sleep thinking that I’ll still love you. I’ll still be right by your side when your insecurities come by and pass. I’ll always remind you that you’ll always be enough no matter what you do. Your best will always be enough and I hope I’ll always be that person who can be your safe, happy place.”
No doubt now that you’re sobbing and when you look at your parents sitting down not far from the stage, your heart does clench a bit as you’re reminded of your childhood. Seeing them cry over Jaehyun’s words does seem a little bit strange to you as they never really minded your words whenever you were struggling with life. But then you remind yourself of what Jaehyun said to you a few seconds ago.
“I know for sure that you’ll always be enough for me.” Jaehyun continues, taking your mind off your parents as he looks at you understandingly, “I love you and I know I’ll continue to love you until the day I take my last breath. I’ll take care of you even when you’re not sick or feeling well, cherish all of you and be there for you even after death because I love you so much, sweetheart.”
The recording ended there and Jaehyun relished in the way that your body stopped shaking, your arms around his waist securely and your breathing back to normal. He knows instantly that you feel better just from those small actions. He also didn’t miss the smile that grew on your face even though you were literally cuddled up against his body, “So,” the deep whisper from your husband only made you push your face even further up his body, now burying your face into his collarbone, “I just want to tell you that she will grow up beautifully just like her mother. Also, we’ll get through this together. Parenting isn’t supposed to be a one-person job after all.”
Nodding and burrowing yourself into the crook of his neck, you appreciate the way his words reminded the devil in the back of your head as it stomps off in defeat. The words supported the angel that finally won and it replaced the red creature, kicking the red light away to replace your body with a calming, soothing feeling that soon takes over your whole body, “I love you, Jae.”
“I love you too.” The warmth of the night overpowered the chilly night and the two of you held each other so lovingly that the weight of your eyelids eventually became too heavy for you to hold. Jaehyun waits patiently until sleep fully takes over you, fighting his yawn from escaping his mouth. Quietly, he just continued to stroke your exposed waist delicately, kissing your lips one last time before reminding you once more, “Always.”
It’s all very fortunate that your mind is now at ease and that you both were able to sleep after. But parenting duties call about half an hour later when cries are heard from the other side of the house and both your eyes open instantly. You were the first one to untangle your body from Jaehyun and you looked over to your husband who was still stirring himself awake again for the second time of the night as you both sat up on the bed, “I’m sorry.” You kiss him on the lips, cradling the back of his head and pushing his chest back down on the bed, “I’ll get her. Get back to sleep, Jae.”
“No no, I’ll go.” You disapprovingly groan at your husband who managed to push his sleepiness aside and sit up once again, his head hanging down in exhaustion, “Wha---bubs.” Instantly, you pushed him back down on the bed, pulling the blanket over up until his chin.
You adamantly tell your husband to try and go back to sleep. Jaehyun fakes his nod and closes his eyes, an idea popping up in his head as he plots to joke around with his wife. When you swing your legs over to the side of the bed, ready to stand up once more, Jaehyun quickly hugs you from behind, pressing a kiss on the back of your ear where you’re the most ticklish and sensitive. 
You froze at his actions and even though his sleepy voice was still evident, you could also hear all the love that he could offer you in this world with his playful tone, “Race you there, bubs.”
Jaehyun called in sick the next day.
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tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️
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onef1lm · 2 years
a/n: this is pretty self-indulgent, thus not proofread :) and yes im finally back LOL thank you sm for the support on my sunwoo post! <3 here's another one for yall, this time u can insert whoever u want c:
you've been trying to sleep for the past 20 minutes. tossing and turning, you couldn't seem to get into a comfortable position.
to make things worse, every time you finally able to drift off, something would always rattle your consciousness.
the clashing of pans. a dog barking. your neighbours' muffled cheering as they watch a soccer match. everything was holding you back from a good sleep.
tears prick at your eyes from frustration and you feel yourself going insane. i just want to sleep, i really need it right now, you thought. it was almost depressing how you pleaded to no one in particular. just as you were about to sit up, arms snake around your waist and pull you towards their chest.
at first, you were startled and ready to attack them. the smell of his perfume made it to your nose and you relaxed in his embrace.
"can't sleep?" his voice sounded like a lullaby, tone gentle. you mumble something along the lines of 'everything is disturbing me, i'm this close to ripping my hair out'. he chuckles softly, tightening his arms around you. "try sleeping with me hugging you, it should work. just focus on me,"
you don't know if he could see you blushing from his last sentence, but you turn around and bury your face into his body. his scent engulfs you whole, giving you a feeling of security.
he hums a familiar lullaby, combing through your hair to try to get you to relax. the male smiles as he realises you're finally sleeping.
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dootiexcupcake · 2 years
The Boyz m.list
A = angst | S = suggestive | F = fluff | H = horror | D = dark | P = potential trigger warning | TW = triggering content | R = romance | PL = platonic | AU = alternate universe | SM = social media au | M = mini series | O = random | C = collab | Q = request
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
Request are: open
Chanhee // New
Ji Changmin // Q
Ju Haknyeon
Main m.list
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