#Zhang Chao
mostlyfate · 7 months
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EMBRACE LOVE 拥抱未来的你 (2023) 1.04 | Don’t you know living with a man is dangerous?
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xinyuehui · 1 year
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My name is Shi Guang. I’m 18 years old. There’s nothing special about me, but I have an extraordinary friend. Our story, that time when I felt like I had help sent from above. It all started in that summer many years ago. That’s when we started to become inseparable.
5/5 Go Day with Qi Hun│Hikaru No G●
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save-the-data · 5 months
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Chinese Drama - 2020, 36 episodes
Episodes | Gaga | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Catalogue
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black-is-no-colour · 9 months
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Harper's Bazaar China June 2016, Editorial "Back To The Future", jacket Maison Margiela by John Galliano, bandeau top Versace, trousers Tod's. Photographer Zhang Chao, Model Lina Zhang, styled by Renty Wu
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amzmt · 1 year
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stellarflex · 1 year
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Man this is hot..
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supercool-here · 1 year
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zl181 · 2 years
Comprehensive Biography of Zhang Chao
Zhang Chao (張超; d. Spring 196), was a minor civil official who was the Grand Administrator of Guangling Commandery. He was involved in a rebellion against Cao Cao and committed suicide upon his death.
See the biography of his brother, Zhang Miao, for it.
Early life
Not much is known about his early life. However, at some point, he served as Grand Administrator of Guangling.[1] He was possibly appointed by Dong Zhuo in order to appease civil officials.
Around 189, Zhang Chao recruited Zang Hong. Zang Hong would become Zhang Chao's most valuable advisor.[1] He helped Zhang Chao manage the affairs of the commandery, which had at least 20,000 people (claimed by Zang Hong) and was prosperous.[2]
Around 190, when Dong Zhuo took control of the capital and later killed former Emperor Liu Bian, Zang Hong urged Zhang Chao to take action against Dong Zhuo, stating,
"My liege, you have received grace from the past generations [of the Han Emperors], and you brothers (Zhang Miao) both occupy major commanderies. Now the royal family is in danger and the traitorous minister has not yet been decapitated with his head shown. This is truly the time where the righteous and courageous of the realm will repay the grace [of the empire] and devote their life [to it]. Currently, our commandery borders are still whole, and its officials and people are flourishing and wealthy. If you sound the war drums, you will get 20,000 people; use it to exterminate and purge the nation's traitor, thereby becoming an exemplar for the world, and such righteousness will become the greatest [of all]!"
Zhang Chao was persuaded by Zang Hong and they went west to Chenliu to gauge the opinion of Zhang Miao. Zhang Miao also disliked Dong Zhuo and agreed to join Zhang Chao. They later met at Shence where Zhang Miao asked what type of person Zang Hong was, adding that he was the one actually governing the commandery. Zhang Chao responded,
"Hong's ability and tact in his strategies is superior to mine. I extremely value him; he is an extraordinary scholar within the seas."
Zhang Miao later met Zang Hong and found out that Zhang Chao was right.[2] They soon contributed his troops to the Guandong Coalition, resulting in him losing his post to Zhao Yu.[3] Zhang Chao sent Zang Hong to try to work with Liu Yu in the north, but due to Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan's conflict, Zang Hong could not advance, and he later reluctantly joined Yuan Shao.[4] After the Guandong Coalition disbanded, Zhang Chao joined his brother.
Around 194, Zhang Chao, along with Chen Gong, Xu Si, and Wang Jie plotted to replace Cao Cao, who was the Governor of Yan Province, with Lü Bu. Zhang Miao also joined them and launched the rebellion. They were initially successful in deposing Cao Cao as Governor of Yan Province, but Cao Cao soon was able to retake his old province within two years.[5] Around Autumn 195, Zhang Miao ordered Zhang Chao to lead their family into Yongqiu and guard it, while he remained with Lü Bu. Cao Cao soon besieged Yongqiu.[6] Zhang Chao told his subordinates that,
"Regarding our current problem, I can only rely on Zang Hong; he will definitely come to save me."
However, one of his subordinates stated that,
"Both the Yuan and Cao are on friendly terms. Hong has been appointed by Shao, and I fear he will not destroy good relations [between Yuan and Cao] by coming here from afar, for that would contradict his fortune and invite disaster."
Zhang Chao replied,
"Ziyuan is a righteous personage of this world. He is someone who will never betray his original [lord]. I fear his power may be restrained, that we will not reach each other, that is all."
Zang Hong did try to convince Yuan Shao to lend him troops, only to be rejected, sealing Zhang Chao's fate.[7][8] The siege lasted about four months, but soon, in early Spring 196, Cao Cao's troops broke into Yongqiu. In response to his defeat, Zhang Chao committed suicide.[9] Cao Cao had Zhang Chao's clan exterminated to the third degree.[6][7][8][9]
[1] - 【靈帝末,棄官還家,太守張超請洪為功曹。】《三國志注•卷七》
[2] - 【董卓殺帝,圖危社稷,洪說超曰:「明府歷世受恩,兄弟並據大郡,今王室將危,賊臣未梟,此誠天下義烈報恩効命之秋也。今郡境尚全,吏民殷富,若動枹鼓,可得二萬人,以此誅除國賊,為天下倡先,義之大者也。」超然其言,與洪西至陳留,見兄邈計事。邈亦素有心,會於酸棗,邈謂超曰:「聞弟為郡守,政教威恩不由己出,動任臧洪,洪者何人?」超曰:「洪才略智數優超,超甚愛之,海內奇士也。」邈即引見洪,與語大異之。致之於劉兗州公山、孔豫州公緒,皆與洪親善。】《三國志注•卷七》
[3] - 【廣陵太守張超...同時俱起。】《後漢書•袁紹劉表列傳》
[4] - 【超遣洪詣大司馬劉虞謀,值公孫瓚之難,至河間,遇幽、兾二州交兵,使命不達。】《三國志注•卷七》
[5] - 【興平元年,太祖復征謙,邈弟超,與太祖將陳宮、從事中郎許汜、王楷共謀叛太祖。宮說邈曰:「今雄傑並起,天下分崩,君以千里之衆,當四戰之地,撫劒顧眄,亦足以為人豪,而反制於人,不以鄙乎!今州軍東征,其處空虛,呂布壯士,善戰無前,若權迎之,共牧兖州,觀天下形勢,俟時事之變通,此亦縱橫之一時也。」邈從之。太祖初使宮將兵留屯東郡,遂以其衆東迎布為兖州牧,據濮陽。郡縣皆應,唯鄄城、東阿、范為太祖守。太祖引軍還,與布戰於濮陽,太祖軍不利,相持百餘日。是時歲旱、蟲蝗、少穀,百姓相食,布東屯山陽。二年間,太祖乃盡復收諸城,擊破布於鉅野。布東奔劉備。】《三國志注•卷七》
[6] - 【邈從布,留超將家屬屯雍丘。太祖攻圍數月,屠之,斬超及其家。邈詣袁術請救未至,自為其兵所殺。】《三國志•卷七》
[7] - 【太祖圍張超於雍丘,超言:「唯恃臧洪,當來救吾。」衆人以為袁、曹方睦,而洪為紹所表用,必不敗好招禍,遠來赴此。超曰:「子源,天下義士,終不背本者,但恐見禁制,不相及逮耳。」洪聞之,果徒跣號泣,並勒所領兵,又從紹請兵馬,求欲救超,而紹終不聽許。超遂族滅。】《三國志注•卷七》
[8] - 【時曹操圍張超於雍丘,甚危急。超謂軍吏曰:「今日之事,唯有臧洪必來救我。」或曰:「袁曹方穆,而洪為紹所用,恐不能敗好遠來,違福取禍。」超曰:「子源天下義士,終非背本者也,或見制強力,不相及耳。」洪始聞超圍,及徒跣號泣,並勒所領,將赴其難。自以眾弱,從紹請兵,而紹竟不聽之,超城遂陷,張氏族滅。】《後漢書虞傅蓋臧列傳》
[9] - 【秋八月,圍雍丘。冬十月,天子拜太祖兖州牧。十二月,雍丘潰,超自殺。夷邈三族。邈詣袁術請救,為其衆所殺,兖州平,遂東略陳地。】《三國志注•卷七》
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potahun · 2 years
this is the one!
Song: Beauty & the Beast (Mandarin Chinese version - “Love is Spreading”) Performed by: Zhang Chao (in red) and Zheng Yunlong (in blue) Show: Super Vocal Season 1
-- aka Zheng Yunlong tries to make eye contact and gets rejected in verse 1 but  suceeds in verse 2
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wh40kartwork · 2 months
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by Zhang Bozi
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mostlyfate · 7 months
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EMBRACE LOVE 拥抱未来的你 (2023) 1.04 | You’re insulting me. Are you insulting me? No. I’m teaching you how to do Kabe-Don. You didn’t do it right. Shall I show you? Show what?
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echo-stimmingrose · 1 year
Jason: *getting dressed up for a date, looking absolutely horrendous*
Nico: No absolutely not! You have no fashion sense, I'm taking you shopping.
Thalia: Um no! You are not taking him shopping! We don't need him looking like you!
Nico: Like me??? I look like you!!!
Thalia: Exactly! We already have two emo kids, that's enough!
Percy: Plus he's a fucking nerd and could not pull that look off.
Jason: I'm right here!
Percy: Hush Jason, the adults are talking!
Jason: Adults?!? Nico is younger than me!
Nico: Okay, but am I?
Jason: I-I uh YES!!!
Nico: I have the back pain of a seventy year old man that says otherwise!
Thalia: Guys! Back to the point! Finding Jason something to wear that doesn't look like he's never dressed himself before. No offense.
Jason: Hey-!
Percy: Hush! We are trying to make sure you don't make a fool of yourself!
Jason: I hate it here.
Thalia: You're one to talk, Percy! I've literally never seen you in any thing other than jeans and a camp half blood shirt.
Nico: And it's always dirty.
Percy: At least I don't look like Hot Topic threw up on me!
Thalia: Don't you dare disrespect Hot Topic like that! You still own a CHB tee that's literally cut in half it's a crop top!
Percy: So? It still fits!
Nico: The sad part is he actually looks pretty good in a crop top.
Percy: Thank you!
Jason: Guys...?
Thalia: I could pull off a crop top way better than you!
Percy: You could not!
Jason: Guys.
Thalia: Wanna bet on that kelp man?
Jason: Guys!!!!
Nico, Thalia, and Percy: *Stops arguing and turns to him*
Jason: I still need help!
Thalia: Sorry bud, we'll find you something that looks good and something you like.
Jason: It's not just that.....
Nico: What?
Jason: I've never been on a date before... I don't know what to expect....
Thalia: Okay... Um....
Jason: What?
Thalia: Well...I mean, I've never been on a date either, I was a tree at twelve then a hunter of Artemis almost immediately after.
Jason:.... Nico.....?
Nico: I got nothing for you.
Thalia: Holy shit, does Percy have the most dating experience out of all of us???
Jason: That's just sad to be honest.
Percy: I will have you know, Annabeth and I are very happy thank you very much!
Nico: It took you guys what? Five years to admit you liked each other?
Percy: How's Will, Nico?
Nico: *glowering* Shut up.
Percy: Look Jason, we all know you two like each other and this date was a long time coming. It is easier said than done, but you need to relax, you don't want to go into a date acting like there's a stick up your ass.
Jason: Jee thanks.
Percy: I'm just saying, you already know that you enjoy spending time with him, this is just spending time with him with a little extra.
Jason: Thank you, I just don't like being unprepared.
Percy: Which makes sense.
Nico: But let's be honest here, this is a date with Leo, no one could prepare for whatever he may have in store.
Jason: *laughs a little* Yeah, it just feels stupid. I've fought in literal wars but I'm this nervous over a date?
Thalia: Hey don't call yourself stupid, this is new for you. You are allowed to be nervous as long as you don't let that anxiety take over.
Percy: Exactly. Plus a date is way different than the battlefield. Most of the time you aren't fighting for your life.
Nico: But you may want to bring a fire extinguisher for this one.
Thalia: It will go just fine. And if he fucks up I'll strike him with lighting.
Jason: Um... please don't.
Nico: And if you're worried about whether or not you both like each other just know you two made it so obvious even Percy figured it out.
Percy: What's that supposed to mean?
Nico: point proven.
Thalia: Plus you two admitted your feelings within a year of knowing each other so you're already doing better than these two idiots *points to Percy and Nico*
Jason: It does make me feel better knowing I'm doing better than Percy.
Percy: *smiling* Watch it, Grace, you're a couple words away from having that date underwater.
Jason: *laughs softly*
Thalia: *hugs him* you've got this bud, now come on let's go find you something other than whatever the hell it is you're wearing.
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save-the-data · 9 months
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Chinese Drama - 2020, 36 episodes
~ Episode List ~ |  ~ Chinese Drama Master List ~
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gabs-books · 7 months
group chat chaos
will: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat? Nico: Will! language percy: yeah watch your fucking language annabeth: OKAY WHO TAUGHT PERCY THE FUCK WORD? leo: 'The fuck word'. hazel: Annabeth, You guys use the f word all the time percy : Oh my gods she censored it leo: Say fuck, hazel percy : Do it, hazel. Say fuck *Frank has left the group chat*
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pippinscribs · 6 months
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My favourite Heroes of Olympus trio
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stellarflex · 1 year
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