#a LOT naked in fact
existential-labrador · 4 months
I’m not sure Eric Martin thought things through when he said the words “Mobius is somebody that Loki can actually be a little naked with”
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ancientbygone · 8 days
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the lazarus of westlake
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letteredlettered · 29 days
We’d all like the rest of your butterfly facts, please.
I have SO MANY; I'm not even sure how to share them all.
Butterflies and moths are not taxonomic or cladistic groups; they're colloquial terms to refer to lepidoptera (the taxonomic order butterflies and moths belong to) that have different characteristics and behaviors. That said:
Moths tend to be nocturnal
Moths tend to have fuzzy bodies, butterflies are sleek
Moths tend to have fuzzy antennae, butterflies just have straight plain ones
The additional fuzz on months allows them to sense what's around them, which is helpful because they're not seeing as much because they're nocturnal
Moths tend to build chrysalises with silk but also leaves and mud, etc. These are known as cocoons. Butterflies only use silk and don't have cocoons (either are known as chrysalis)
The Atlas Moth has the biggest wingspan of any lepidoptera
The Atlas Moth usually emerges from its cocoon without a mouth. It can only breed and die
The Atlas Moth caterpillar lives for months. It's generally in the cocoon for months! But it only lives as an adult moth for a few days (because it can't even eat!)
Inside their chrysalises, caterpillars don't just grow wings and longer legs. They liquify completely and reform.
Caterpillars have six legs called "true legs" that mirror the six legs butterflies have. Then they have additional nubs farther down their bodies that help them move around.
Butterflies taste with their feet. If they land on you, they're tasting you!
Butterflies can only eat liquid. They primarily eat nectar and juice from fruit. Rotten fruit is easier for them because rotten fruit is juicy.
The butterfly mouth is called a proboscis. It curls up when not in use and uncurls when the butterfly eats. It's like a straw.
The word "proboscis" can sometimes refer (as a joke!) to nose, but butterflies can't smell with their proboscis. They smell with their antennae!
Like many insects, butterflies have faceted eyes. But unlike the movies, they probably don't see the same image over and over, because their vision isn't refined enough for that. What faceted eyes allow them to see are big patches of color, which is useful considering they eat fruit and flowers. If you want a butterfly to land on you, wear something colorful.
Butterflies don't have lungs. Like most insects, they breathe through holes in their bodies called spiracles.
Incidentally, this is why insects are so small. If they were giant, these holes would have to be bigger or there would have to be many more of them, and that would mean their exoskeleton was not stable!
Oh, yeah, butterflies do not have bones. Like all insects, they have an exoskeleton.
Butterflies do not have blood. Like all insects, they had a fluid that moves most nutrients through their bodies. It's called hemalymph. It carries hormones, nutrients, and waste. It's blue!
Male butterflies tend to be smaller and more colorful than female butterflies. This is the same style of sexual dimorphism present in most insects. Also in birds!
Male monarch butterflies have distinctive dark spots on the lower wings that female monarch butterflies don't have. The spots are scent glands that help them attract mates.
Most butterflies migrate. Like birds.
Monarch butterflies in North America east of the Rocky Mountains have one of the most impressive migration patterns of any animal. They may travel up to 3,000 miles from Canada to Mexico, but what is most spectacular about it is that almost all of them end up in just a few spots relatively close together on some mountain peaks in Central Mexico. The monarchs are so dense that you can't see the trees.
Butterflies are great for studying evolutionary adaptations in coloration and appearance because they are so striking. Camouflage is the adaptation present when an animal blends in with its surroundings. Mimicry is the adaptation that makes an animal look like a different animal.
The owl butterfly is a great example of mimicry because it has two big owl eyes on its wings. The Atlas moth wing tips look like snake heads.
"Batesian mimicry" is named after Henry Walter Bates, who studied mimicry in butterflies. Batesian mimicry means that one species who is harmless looks like another species that is not harmless. Mullerian mimicry is when several species that are harmful all look like each other, so the warning to predators is stronger. Butterflies have great examples of both types of mimicry.
Monarch butterflies and viceroy butterflies were once thought to exhibit Batesian mimicry, because it was thought that vicroys weren't toxic, but it turns out both butterflies are poisonous and so the species have evolved to mimic each other in an example of Mullerian mimicry.
Monarch butterflies are poisonous because the milkweed caterpillars eat is poisonous
The best way to attract butterflies is to grow native plants.
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asgardian--angels · 2 months
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So it was completely overcast here in central New York during the eclipse but it peeked through the clouds here and there, and we got to see at least a little bit of the totality. What an incredible experience.
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thedaythatwas · 11 months
still not over the fact that akechi’s idea of charming banter curated to gain akira’s trust included telling him about his dead mom and his desire to take revenge on his father while they were bathing together in a public bath. I mean logistically that works, but… really? you jumped there pretty quick man.
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cartridgeconverter · 2 months
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synthaphone · 2 months
dream i just woke up from:
i was taking a bath in a relatively small bathroom, and there was also some kind of party happening in the bathroom, with at least 5 strangers hanging out in there, all while im sitting in the bathtub. there was music playing, and a bunch of songs i recognized turned out to be by kendrick lamar. i was like “wow, a lot of the hits of the early 2010s were by kendrick lamar!” and a guy standing next to the bathtub was like ‘i know, right?’ and was so excited to talk to me about this that he got into the other end of the bathtub and sat down, fully clothed. and then instead of talking about kendrick lamar we talked about homestuck. ????
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clonerightsagenda · 9 months
As I've said before, the other 'ridiculous contrived scenario' from Wolf 359 that is entirely valid is every time they have to cram into an enclosed space because of a toxic leak or depressurization. One time on the ISS the ammonia leak alarms went off and everyone had to blockade themselves in the Russian section before they confirmed it was a false alarm. Also in the event of an ammonia leak you're supposed to strip naked before getting into the safe area since it might be on your clothes, although irl they didn't do it. Minkowski is extremely by the book, so that may be another reason everyone is so annoyed in "Constructive Criticism".
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simptasia · 3 months
in 2 months i've gone from my average being around 71 kilos (record 73) to my new record: 83 kilos. whoa
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mournmourn · 8 months
Opening the app and seeing that my blog is flagged as 'explicit' but no flagged posts and no additional info about why and how i'm flagged as that :)))
I had concert photos on queue but those arent being seen by anyone rn
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faerociousbeast · 11 months
anyways where i am we just got officially introduced to eridan and feferi and also why is equius like. that
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sysig · 1 year
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Me, looking at Charm: Mm, she’s not deranged enough Me, looking at [Purple Text]: Mm, they’re not deranged enough!
Ft. an old idea (Patreon)
#Doodles#It's been too long since the last sona and I had an Idea#Actually pulling from a lot of my favourite angel interpretations!#DQIX's Celestrians and Fantasia's Cherubs#And my own AGE angels <3#Still need to decide on a Center but I have decided the Concept so that's a start!#The caption may seem a bit funny since Clearly That is An Angel - I've only been talking about angels so far! Obviously!#Well ♪#I was also thinking about Fallen Angels which both AGE and DQIX have! In a few different ways each in fact :D#Fallen Angels can be as deranged as I want lol#Maybe justification of why they look kinda normal too? Pulling from DQIX on that one - Fallen Celestrians appear almost human#I guess Corvus' second form would be his Demonic form? Not quite to that level here - yet - but the possibility remains!#A good base for a Biblical Form as well - or my headcanon for ''baby'' Angels! Both AGE and DQIX got effectively the same idea lol#(Their baby form would just be a pink ball of light/halo btw lol)#As for the Cherubs it's more of a utility thing - normally I wouldn't be cool with any of my sonas being naked but there's literally nothing#Utterly sexless and genderless - just how I like it lol#That said the clothing really does pull it all together - I was specifically thinking of an old Flash dressup game I played ages ago#I'll have to see if I can find some screenshots sometime#Also another reason to not make them a Biblically Accurate is 'cause [Purple Text] kinda already has that covered lol#I've still never shown off their eyes but I promise you they do not have two haha#I do want to work on this design more so maybe as I get further away from the base I'll be happier anyhow lol
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kiunlo · 1 year
character design pet peeve but like. every single time i see a character with wings or a Wing AU I'm like. okay but how do you put shirts on though. how do you comfortable wear a lot of clothing with a chracter that has wings. why does the shirt seemingly wrap around the whole body even though the wings, which are based off a bats wings, seem to literally be in the way and now you have some weird fucking paradox going on with the wings and the shirt (i have been guilty of this but only because my brain wasn't working at the time).
like. i don't wanna hear "oh just don't think about it it's not important lol" actually it is important TO ME. there is a reason my character baphomet doesn't wear anything besides a loin cloth: HE LITERALLY CAN'T WEAR ANYTHING ELSE. He would need somebody to help him custom design a shirt that he can put on his body himself that he would inevitable end up not wearing because it would be too much of a hassle and probably be uncomfortable for him since he's never worn a shirt before in his life. i'm just like. maybe the body parts that alien and/or fantasy creatures have would make clothing a fucking stupid hassle that's not worth the effort? do we care at all about what they would actually experience or proper world-building or are we just too absorbed in our human experience which includes wearing clothes a lot.
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aceofvase · 2 years
For the horror asks! Nightmare on Elm Street, Final Destination, Rosemary's Baby!
A Nightmare of Elm Street: top 5 favorite songs right now? …You sure you wanna do this one? Okay…I’m gonna lie a little bit because I don’t just wanna put 5 songs from the same artist on here though…Spotify links under the cut
5. Meds - Vore Aurora
4. Touch - KANGA
3. Kill All Your Friends - My Chemical Romance
2. Blood in the Wine - Aurora
1. Utena - Reol
Final Destination: what’s something everyone else hates, but you love? It actually took me an eternity to think of a good answer to this one. So in Monterey there was also this underground wax museum that was from like…the 70s? I’m sure it was alright when it opened, but ever since I’ve known it, it was…horrible. The figures were falling apart, the recordings and stuff didn’t work properly, sometimes the lights were out. But I loved it, I made it a point to go every time we were in Monterey, even though no one else liked it (isabell once described it as “oppressive”, and I believe said it felt haunted). Seeing as I was the only one repeatedly going in by this point, it’s no surprise that the wax museum eventually closed, and the whole floor it was on was cleaned out, but the guys clearing out all of the junk let us take home to sign for the entrance, and now it lives in our room.
Rosemary’s Baby: what’s something everyone else loves, but you hate? Okay this is a very specific “everyone”, but I absolute hate Fallout 3. I think it’s a bad game. I don’t like the story or characters, I think the capital wasteland is boring, the vaults all suck (ESPECIALLY 108), the late-game enemies are way too bullet-spongy, and somehow almost all of the DLCs make it worse? Yes, even Point Lookout, in fact I actually specifically hate that one with a passion matched only by my fury for michael buble and mark wahlberg.
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rosicheeks · 29 days
I'd feel like the luckiest man alive to buy a beautiful girl like yourself a bunch of flowers! What are your favourite kind of flowers?
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honeybittersweet · 1 month
My brother broke up with her girlfriend and says it's my fault bc I didn't say hi to her nicely enough all the time + I didn't make her feel welcome by putting on a good face when she was around. Girlie, I'm sorry to tell you this, but in my house, I'm not gonna put on a nice face, I've been doing it all day and I'm not gonna do it in my own home just bc you're gonna cry if I don't.
#for context she is a very sensitive person. has anxiety and depression.#and i may be an asshole. but i'm not gonna change my whole demeanor just bc of that. i'm not gonna treat you like a delicate flower#which was how my brother was acting. he even say it so. that he watches the things he says or does as not to make her have a break down#which makes sense if your partner is like that but what the hell do i have to do with that?#listen. i've been in love and friends with people who have both anxiety and depression. and it was exhausting.#i will never put myself in that situation again. no matter with who. idc#also. funny how it was me the principal factor and not the fact that my brother literally told her he didn't have life plans with her#a bit more of context: me and him have never gotten along and we've been living together without parents since 2021#and he has annoying attitudes#he takes like a week to do the dishes and pots. he leaves his towel wet on a wood furniture. invites ppl over. treats me badly#he also tends to insult me. we fight a lot.#and on top of that he was inviting her over all the time#i'm someone who likes to be home alone. i love it. my brother leaves work at 8pm. she gets out at 7pm. i get home at 7pm and she's there#up until last year she would eat the food my mom would buy especifically for me and stopped bc i literally had to hid the food in my room#also both of them were like !!! but gf locks herself in (my bro)'s room!! so she doesn't ''bother me''#and it's like. honey. idc where tf you are. i'm still not home alone. i don't get the same freedom#+ when i'm truly home alone i spend time in the kitchen. go around semi naked. sing out loud. do you really expect me to do those things#when somebody else who doesn't even live here is staying over?
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