#aaahhh I miss it
rainia · 3 months
I think the reason I keep craving DMing, and why every forever DM keeps returning to the ol’ addiction, is that there is nothing more satisfying and brings me more joy than seeing all my friends having fun with the thing I created for them. It makes it so worth the effort and time it takes to learn this skill, and the endless prep and table management. It’s giving your friends that gift and seeing them have joy with it, in immediate real time. At the end of the day, DMing is a labour of love.
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arieswritez · 2 months
yan!mark talks to you this way when you try to escape btw!! 🫶🏾🫶🏾 restraining orders are literally just suggestions when it comes to mark 🥺
mumble mumble predator/prey dynamic with yan!mark mumble mumble
cw; mentions of stalking, yan!mark, no smut but suggestive, just me rambling lolll, mdni 💕
yan!mark who never thought about pinning you until one day you sneak up on him to scare him (joke) and he just completely flips you over his hip and onto the floor. you have to fight back the vertigo from the way your entire world tilted to tell him it's just me! just me!!
and he's got his fist in the air, ready to strike.
his gaze softens when. . yeah. it is just you.
but he still hovers over you because. . you look so alarmed. your eyes wide with fear. your breath picking up. he can hear your heartbeat if he concentrates.
you look like a scared, cornered animal and mark has. . never been harder LMAOO. don't be surprised if he just gets on his knees and starts pulling your pants down <3
good luck trying to break up with him!! stalking you gives him a stiffy!!! xx
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spiegelgestalt · 3 months
Maomao is her own villainess who cares about class and propriety
You know how in a lot of shojo/josei literature there is a villainess (either the mother or a rival) who is deeply offended by the romance between the princley ML/ commoner FL because it's.just.not.done and commoner FL could never be worthy of ML?
one of the more brilliant narrative moves of kusuriya is to combine the person who cares about status and propriety to a frankly unsettling degree with the protagonist.
Because that has a lot of advantages:
First: this conflict between class/person is now an internal one. One of the reasons Maomao has difficulty accepting Jinshis advances is because she sees herself as unworthy of him. She really can't understand what he sees in her.
Second: It's realistic. Of course Mao Mao is aware of the class system. She knows she survives on the good graces of the people in power. She knows she's unfree to a certain point. She knows she has far more to lose. She wields this class system expertly to gain a maximum of freedom. I find it pretty telling how few of the rules Maomao actually breaks while still living the life she wants.
Third: It frees up the villains to have other reasons for their villainy. Even Lakan the person who comes closest to this character cares more about having a relationship to Maomao than about destroying Jinshi because he's not good enough. And he's rightly called a weirdo for his obsessions. The other villains (the Ma-Clan, the white lady, Gyouk-Ou) have other reasons for their villainy who've frankly nothing to do with the romance.
and I find that refreshing
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userdata · 3 months
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some time ago, i'd sent these old pics to a friend, who then told me to watch Severance... so i did.
i remember feeling anxious about doing so, bc it seemed like i'd get too attached to this show – the stills from it looked like my maladaptive daydreams projected onto the screen. but it turned out being not what i expected it to be (still great tho). yeah. & i did get engrossed in that world for a while lol.
anyways (⊙_⊙;) good show i recommend
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marimayscarlett · 7 months
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New favourite picture: Richard in a comfy travel outfit, holding his phone like a proper dad™ 🤍
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damn Shou you live like this?
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sunshinereddie · 9 months
on the downside school started this week (UGH) but on the PLUS SIDE……. that means that now my brain is in Reddie College AU Mode,,,
like i think i’ve made this hc before but imagine eddie going into his first college lecture and he finds the PERFECT spot. not too close to the front, not too far back, not too much in the middle, just the perfect spot. he’s so proud of himself for finding this spot……. until the next class he walks in, and sees somebody sitting in his spot. at first he’s annoyed, but then he remembers that no, it’s not really his seat, he didn’t put his name on it, so really anyone is allowed to sit there, but eddie wants that seat.
so for that class he decides to just sit nearby, and then the next class, he gets there even earlier to claim his seat. as he’s pulling his books out, he looks up and actually notices the guy who sat in his seat before looking at him. eddie feels proud as the other guy finds a different place to sit, thinking that he’s finally claimed this seat as his…..
until the next class, eddie walks in and sees the other guy sitting in his seat already- even though eddie got to class 10 minutes early!!!
from then on, it’s like a little battle between eddie and this unknown guy in his class to see who can get to class earlier in order to claim the coveted perfect seat, until one day… they both get there so early that they can’t even get into the lecture hall because the class before is still going on, and for the first time eddie is forced to face this guy he’s been rivalling for the past few weeks…………. and for the first time eddie gets an actual good look at his face and realizes wait a minute this guy is actually cute
but it’s at this moment, when they’re standing outside their lecture hall 35 minutes before their class starts, that they realize…. maybe this little competition is getting out of hand. and so, the other guy introduces himself as richie, and proposes a truce. “maybe we could share the seat,” richie offers. “one class you take it, then the next class i take it. it’s only fair.”
eddie doesn’t love the idea of giving up his perfect seat for half of the semester……… but even more than that he doesn’t love the idea of messing up his chances with this cute classmate, so he agrees. and for the rest of the semester, they share the perfect seat, become friends…. and more :3c
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its-merrilee · 1 month
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we come for you.
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sunflawyer · 2 months
yawns... good morning everyyawn.... what time is it for you right now!! i just realized i have a pretty different timezone compared to some of you here (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
it's currently 8:47 am here!!! happy morning !!!
i had a pretty confusing dream last night though jsksjfkf
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
The thing that gets me most about shadowpeach, is that even if they were romantic in love (and i do think they were in love), the thing they miss desperately is their friendship
You're speaking to my acespec shadowpeach loving heart.
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rongzhi · 2 years
Dinner struggles
English added by me :)
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elitadream · 5 months
Have a good offline vacation! I hope u have fun and that it’s restful for u! 😊
Thank you! ^-^ 💕 Arkfjhgklr I can't believe I'm leaving TODAY. I'm excited!! 👀😁
I wish you guys a good time too! See you soon everyone~ 🫶
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rosie-tyler · 1 year
I know I'm late to the party but I have finally watched Lockwood and co Netflix and even though I enjoyed it a lot I would like to highlight my main problem with it
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mydetheturk · 11 months
Title: Hell, I'm Dead Anyway
Author: mydetheturk
Rating: M (for safety)
Word Count: 2,710
Warnings: Vomiting, Panic Attacks, Crying, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Wolfwood's Going Through The Horrors, Hallucinations
Summary: Wolfwood cracked too many ampules. Meryl and Vash can only keep him comfortable while he recovers.
Day 3 of @mashwoodweek! I chose "Ghosts" for reasons that will be Revealed in the fic. There's also a sprinkling of the poetry prompt "Tell me every terrible thing you've done, and let me love you anyway."
Title is from The Dark Tower Vol 2: The Drawing of the Three by Stephen King
(read on AO3)
There's some content warnings in the replies, if you're reading in the dash view and want to have some idea as to what's going down.
Meryl worries, when her boys get into gun fights. Vash can dodge anything when he wants to, but Nick… Nick tends to soak up the bullets and crack an ampule and chug whatever serum is in them. And this last gun fight had been. Bad.
It'd been bad.
Nick had cracked the glasses at least twice that Meryl had seen, and Vash admitted to seeing another two, not to mention what might've happened when the three had been separated. When Meryl had found Nick again, he was leaning against a horse hitch and standing over black sludge, surrounded by bodies of some of the bounty hunters after Vash.
He'd thrown up black sludge before collapsing, all before Meryl could finish calling out to him.
Meryl's panicked scream had brought Vash running.
That was a couple of hours ago.
Meryl isn't sure how they got Nick in their motel room without anyone seeing them or Nick getting covered in vile, black goop. Meryl's been holed up in the bathroom with him, making sure he doesn't die. Vash hasn't been allowed back in since Nick looked at him with hazy, half-lidded eyes and stopped breathing out of panic. It took about thirty seconds of stillness before Nick sucked in a ragged breath and vomited up more of the black goop, the tears in the corners of his eyes spilling over.
Vash had bolted, and he's been pacing back and forth in their motel room since, bringing Meryl whatever she's asked for. She's only seen something like this once out of Nick since they stuck together after July. It almost killed him then, and it feels like it's killing him now.
It's been a while since he last coughed up the black, rotten goop, and while his vision isn't totally clear, Nick actually looked at her when she called his name, so Meryl's taking it as a win.
“Nick? Baby?” Nick's so pretty eyes blink at her, unseeing. Meryl puts her hand on his cheek, and he pulls back weakly. “I'm going to have to get Vash in here. I can't move you myself. Okay?”
“Shl'dn' touch… hurt you…” Nick wheezes, and Meryl's heart cracks.
“You can't hurt a kitten right now, baby,” Meryl says. She kisses his sweaty forehead.
Nick's too hot, but they don't have a tub with their room, just the tiny closet that holds the toilet and sink. Meryl and Vash will have to get whatever they can to get him cooled down. She just needs to get Nick on the bed, first.
Nick hacks up another lungful of bile into the toilet, wheezing weakly. Meryl runs her hand across his shoulders until he slumps back.
“'m good. Be good. Won't run again,” he whispers. He's staring out past Meryl, at something only he can see. “'m sorry.” His hands keep clenching and unclenching and small shivers wrack his frame.
“Child assassin, made to grow up too fast,” Nick had told her, drunk on bathtub gin and grief. Meryl's put those words in a little box to examine when she has moments to herself. Trying to demand anything of Zazie doesn't work, but what the Worm's Voice has implied has been horrific.
“Vash!” Meryl calls over her shoulder. She doesn't want to corner Nick in the tiny bathroom, but they've gotta get him cooled down.
Vash nearly runs Meryl over in his haste. He's glowing slightly, whorls flickering into existence from his eyes outward. “Is he–”
“He's too hot. It's making him delirious,” Meryl says. She tries not to think about the couple of pictures of tiny baby Nico Miss Melanie had shown her with golden eyes too old for his soft baby face. She doesn't know how successful she is with controlling her voice, given how Vash pales with her words.
“Will – will he let me touch him?” Vash whispers. He hovers at the door, not wanting to put more stress on Nick.
“I don't think it's gonna be a will he, Vash. I think you’re just going to have to,” Meryl says, just as quiet. Nick's lips are moving but no words are coming out, and he's staring not at her but past her. His whole frame trembles and his breath keeps skipping. “We need to cool him off.”
Vash takes a couple of deep breaths and steps in, deliberately making noise. Nick twitches back, eyes flicking in Vash's direction. He's ashy under his tan, the ever so faint freckles just darker than his normal skin tone standing out.
Meryl doesn't know what ghosts he's seeing.
But she wants to find the remains of Millions Knives and use the Punisher's laser to make sure he isn't coming back. She wants to find whoever Legato is and hurt him for hurting Nick.
“I'm so sorry, Nicholas,” Vash says. He kneels down, and Meryl scoots out of his way. She can't really haul Nick around the way he can her – he's too dense and she's too short. “I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe.” Vash keeps his words low and soft and unhurried as he carefully takes Nick in his arms. Nick tries to get away, flinching and spitting and full of panic, but there's only so far he can get in the confines of the bathroom.
Nick's crying silently by the time Vash gets his arms around his torso.
“I know, I know,” Vash says. “I'm sorry.” He presses his cheek to Nick's. “I'm standing up now, Wolfwood. There we are.” Vash rolls to his feet, dragging Nick with him. Meryl moves up as well, drawn to them magnetically. Nick can barely keep his feet under him, he's shaking so hard. Vash keeps murmuring to him and there's a sound Meryl can feel coming from Vash's chest. “We're gonna walk now. I've got you. I'll let you go in a moment.” Vash backs them out the door, staring forward at the back wall of the bathroom the entire time. He keeps going until the backs of his legs hit the bed and then Vash turns, shifting Nick until he's the one with the mattress in the back of his knees. Meryl helps Vash manhandle Nick into the bed proper; Vash's hands don't linger the few times he touches Nick's skin.
“Can you run water as cold as the sink will get it, Vash?” Meryl says once they've got Nick as comfortable as they can. There's an expression on his face that says he can tell more about what's happening than Meryl can. She's not sure he'll say anything, though.
Vash uses his prosthetic fingertips to shift Nick's hair off his forehead. Nick’s eyes scrunch closed and he tries to pull back, but he doesn’t make it far. Tears streak in varying directions across his face, across the bridge of his nose when he looks away from Vash. “Yeah. Just a second.” With a heavy sigh, Vash grabs up some fabric – a towel, a spare shirt, things like that.
Meryl takes a moment to get Nick's shirt the rest of the way unbuttoned, exposing his torso to the hotel room. Placing her hand over his heart, she feels the way it jumps a little and his breathing catches. He’s scared and verging on passing out from his panic and what he was seeing.
Meryl's breath stutters on an exhale.
He's so stupid.
She lost Vash once, no matter that he came back; Meryl can't lose Nick too. Her breath hiccups and she chokes back a cry.
“Hey.” Vash taps her shoulder with his flesh hand, the glove off so she can see his hand fully when she turns her head to look at him.
“Yeah?” Meryl hates how small her voice is.
“Nicholas is stubborn,” Vash says. “I'm sure he'll pull through.”
Meryl wants to believe him. She does.
But the sense-memory of when Nick killed the man that had been the boy Rollo to save Vash's life rolls through her bones anyway. She doesn't want that for Nick.
Instead of voicing this, she holds out her hands for whatever Vash had taken with him to the bathroom. The fabric in her hands isn't super cold, but it's cooler than the air around them. Carefully, Meryl drapes the smallest pieces of fabric over the pulse points of his head and arms, saving the wet shirt (which is one of Vash’s) for Nick's torso, folding it in half and laying it across his chest.
It's not heat exhaustion or stroke, but she's not sure how else to handle it. They'll have to try getting some water in him at some point so he doesn't get dehydrated.
For now, it's all she can do.
“I'll make sure the bathroom is clean,” Vash says. “We don't want the lady at the desk getting angry with us. Innkeepers talk.” He says this lightly, but there's a look in his eyes. Meryl's sure the same look is in hers.
She pulls her eyes away from Vash's far too blue ones and casts a glance around their room. Something is missing. With a second, more thorough look, Meryl realizes what it is.
“We left the Punisher,” she says with dismay. It's been a few hours – she hopes no one stole it since they retreated to the motel room. Honestly, she's not sure how someone could; the gun so full of what Nick claims is mercy but is in actuality a horrifying number of bullets weighs more than Nick and Vash combined.
Vash's face falls, empty.
“I'll get it,” he says. “Stay here, I'll be back soon.”
“Hurry,” Meryl replies. She doesn't think the hunters who'd been after Vash earlier would strike again, but she doesn't want to risk it with Nick as bad off as he is.
“Of course. I always do.” Vash grabs the coat Nick's been wearing since July, sliding his arms through the sleeves like he never left it behind. Running his hand through his hair, it spikes up slightly. With his hair back and Nick's coat, he doesn't give off “Vash the Stampede.” It should hopefully be enough.
Nick's breathing evens out while Vash is out getting his gun. When Meryl checks on his pulse, it's still a little off, but going stronger than it had been.
Meryl drops her face into the mattress beside Nick's hip. “You're an idiot,” she whispers. She refuses to acknowledge the tears that threaten to fall from her eyes. “You stupid idiot, you can't do this to me.” She takes the closest hand in hers, threading their fingers together. Nick mumbles something incoherent.
Meryl's still refusing to cry when Vash comes back with the Punisher slung over his back. He looks a little worse, eyes red rimmed and tear tracks through the iridescent scales that show up when he starts glowing.
“How's he doing?” Vash asks. The Punisher makes a soft thump when Vash sets it down. The belts aren't quite right, but Meryl knows Nick will want to make sure his gun is fine when he wakes.
“Better,” Meryl says. “His heart though...” she trails off, biting her lip. There's nothing she can do; she's not a doctor, and Vash's 'profession' when he's going undercover is a Plant Engineer. Not to mention whatever he's got going on inside of him isn't going to be the same as Nick, who's definitely got something going on that a normal, unmodified human wouldn't have. There's no scars, but Meryl watches how he stretches his back, and it's unsettling to see how flexible it is. Sure, Nick broadened over the last couple of years, but there's something going on underneath.
Vash furrows his brow and moves to the other side of the bed they have Nick on. He places his ear to Nick's chest, eyes closing as he listens.
Vash blinks up at her after listening to Nick's chest for a moment. “I don't know if I can do anything for this, Meryl. His best bet might be...” Vash trails off.
The doctors at the Eye.
“Fuck,” Meryl says.
“Yeah.” Vash swallows. “That. That about sums it up.” He lets out a little giggle. It sounds about how Meryl's feeling.
Meryl laughs, a little hysterical thing. “It's going to be so fucking hard to make him not drink that fucking serum.” She's not even sure if there's a single member of the Eye that Nick trusts. From what Vash remembers of the fight on the sand steamer on their way to July, they were holding Nick's brother hostage as a way to make Nick work with them. Most of the people experimented on straight up die.
Vash stands back up and walks around the bed to wrap Meryl in his arms. She finally lets herself cry over the whole situation. “We'll let him heal,” Vash says. He's got that blank tone to his voice again. The one that makes Meryl sad and pisses Nick off. “If he gets worse, we'll head Home. Luida might be able to do something.”
Meryl's met a couple of the doctors on the ship. She hopes someone there can help.
At the moment, all they can do is wait and periodically cool the fabric they draped over Nick.
Meryl gets out her stack of reports and settles herself in the chair beside the bed. Vash cleans the bathroom within an inch of its life and then methodically cleans the Punisher before doing maintenance on his Colt. Both of them keep a desperate eye on Nick while they work. Its a little while longer before he finally slides into proper sleep, his breath deep and even. Something in Meryl's chest untangles at that. She hopes he's not having nightmares. Nick had looked at Vash and seen someone else. Meryl's pretty sure she knows who, since she sees blond hair and a beauty mark on the wrong side in her nightmares too.
Setting aside her reports, Meryl leans on the bed, pillowing her head on her crossed arms so she can stare at Nick. She loves an idiot with a sacrificial streak an ile wide and another idiot who has no sense of self-preservation when it comes to the people he cares about.
She closes her eyes. Just for a minute.
A shaky hand petting Meryl's hair makes her jolt up. The hand in her hair falls.
“Ow.” Nick's awake.
Nick's awake.
Meryl dives into his stomach, not giving a damn that she's sobbing all over him.
“Ow. Shortie, what's–”
“Don't do that to me again!” Meryl sobs.
The door creaks open, Vash stepping through. “I'm back,” he calls quietly. “The innkeeper was kind enough to give us something when I mentioned Nick's not...” He trails off, finally processing the scene before him. “Nicholas,” Vash breathes. The bag in his hand clatters to the floor and he joins Meryl in clinging to Nick. “Wolfwood – Nicholas, Nick.” He keeps repeating Nick's name, as though his brain has gotten stuck on Nick and Nick alone.
Nick makes a noise but doesn't shove either of them off of him. Not that he could at the moment, not with the grip Meryl's got in his shirt and the almost bruising clutch Vash is using.
Meryl sobs herself out, Vash close behind. Nick shakily holds on to both of them, bewildered.
“You can't do this to me – to us,” Meryl croaks when she thinks she can talk a little bit without bursting into another round of tears. “You could die and I can't lose you too.” Her voice cracks on her words and Meryl clings into Nick's chest again.
Vash pets Nick's cheek with his flesh and bone hand, thumb going through tear tracks and giving Nick a watery smile. “I can't lose you either,” he says. “Please. Don't make me lose you too.” He buries his face in Nick's throat.
Nick makes a noise at both of them. “'m sorry,” he rasps. “Didn't mean to scare you.” He doesn't say it won't happen again. Meryl knows it might.
He didn't promise her this after that time when they were without Vash, either. As long as people he cares about could be in trouble, Meryl knows Nick will do whatever he has to to keep them safe.
She just hopes it doesn't kill him in the process.
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yume-fanfare · 7 months
have rinne and tori interacted ? i think it could be interesting. tsukasa and him fulfill similar "rich and sheltered kid" roles, but tori has. you know, that heroine loveliness. i think rinne could like him. and well, tori Is more aware of his surroundings than tsukasa, always a small step ahead and all of that
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d4isywhims · 2 months
hiya hun! hope everythings going okay for you. missing your family dynamics challenge on my dash! <3
helloooo my lovee! 🫶🏼 i’m doing great hehe life just got a little busy but im finally back!! 😭 and dw the colebrooks will be returning very soooon ;))
hope you’re doing well too!! i really miss interacting with everyone on here 😭
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