#about hubble
deep-space-netwerk · 10 months
Y'all, I'm getting emotional.
One of my absolute favorite astronomical bodies is the Crab Nebula, or Messier 1. The Crab Nebula is a "planetary nebula", which means it's the enormous, beautiful corpse of a once-giant star. The star that formed the Crab Nebula went supernova and exploded in 1054, and was so bright at the time of its death that you could see it from Earth during the day - for almost a month. For that month, it was brighter than every single thing in the sky except the moon and the sun. Some of you have probably heard of it, or have at least seen this Hubble picture:
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But how many of y'all have zoomed in?
Inside all of those lovely rainbow clouds is the supernova remnant - a neutron star. A neutron star is made of the densest possible material that we know of - any denser, and it'd collapse the rest of the way into a full-fledged black hole. Neutron stars are so unimaginably dense that they're not even made of an element, not really. The star at the center of the Crab Nebula is one, single atomic nucleus 12 miles in diameter, made entirely of close-packed neutrons. One teaspoon would weigh 10 million tons. Imagine taking a passenger jet, condensing it down to the size of a mote of dust, and then filling a spoon with that dust. And it spins too - 30 times a second. That spinning causes huge jets of material to eject from the poles at half the speed of light. The incredibly powerful magnetic field traps any stray particles and accelerates them in circular paths through the nebula. Just LOOK at this shit! See the ghosty shadows of the jets, stretching from the top left corner to the bottom right?
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But what's really making me lose it is this Hubble timelapse. The star is making ripples. Its moving. Its been dead for almost a thousand years, but its still putting on its final, spectacular show.
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It never ceases to amaze me that the things we call "dead" stars are some of the most dynamic, energetic, and awe-inspiring objects in the universe. Normal stars are downright STAGNANT compared to what these so-called "stellar remnants" get up to. Maybe we shouldn't be thinking of them as dead stars, but as the next phase in a star's life. Just as caterpillars "end" their mundane lives and metamorphose into something new and strange and capable of flight, these stars destroy themselves to leave behind something far more exotic, playing at the edge of the laws of physics in ways we still don't fully understand.
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A comparison of the Hubble and James Webb images of the “Cosmic Cliffs” of the Carina nebula
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wolfsnape · 2 years
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Just saw the James Webb pictures
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squuote · 10 months
thinking about if they ever had a voice chat that realistically juice would be the only one that would sound most human while nine and ten would most likely have IBM 7094 sounding voices hehe
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hubblespacemission · 2 months
Sleep Zones!
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look at them!! they're the qpr ever (id under cut :3)
First image: A comic page, all drawn in pencil. On the right side, Lizzie Lafayette from Just Roll With It: Riptide is floating, in her bra and underwear, with her eyes closed with a sign reading "Sleep Zones" under her. There is an arrow pointing up to her on this sign, and pink areas are colored on her hips, belly, shoulders, and head, highlighting the "sleep zones". The panels warp around this drawing of Lizzie. The first panel of the first page has Lizzie yawning and laying on her side with her eyes closed. The second panel is Caspian from Just Roll With It: Riptide, leaning over and looking in Lizzie's direction. He says, "Do you want me to help you undress?" The next panel, Caspian is leaning into Lizzie, who has cartoonish squinting eyes. Lizzie says "Hmphh...". Caspian says, "Then you can go to sleep right after you finish your work. In the next panel, Lizzie says "Fine..." while looking disgruntled. The next panel is Caspian looking off to the side and talking while he removes Lizzie's shirt, and his hand lands on one of the Sleep Zones, Lizzie's hip. This is highlighted in pink. The next panel has Caspian pulling off Lizzie's shorts, and his hands land on Lizzie's hip and belly (both sleep zones and highlighted in pink). Lizzie looks much more tired in this panel, and her eyes are closing.
Second Image: The second page of the comic. The first panel of the second page has Caspian rubbing Lizzie's shoulders (sleep zones, in pink). The next panel is Lizzie yawning loudly, and Caspian giggles with one hand still on Lizzie's shoulder. The next panel has Lizzie yawning even louder; Caspian and Lizzie are both drawn very small while the word "yawn" is very large above their heads. The next panel has Lizzie with her eyes fully closed and Caspian sitting next to her, saying "Sleepy?". At the bottom of the page is a bigger drawing of Caspian and Lizzie. Caspian is petting the top of Lizzie's head (a sleep zone, highlighted in pink) and smiling. Lizzie says "I know what you're doing...", and Caspian asks, "Is it working?" Lizzie then says, "Yes...". Below this speech bubble is smaller writing, speech from Caspian, saying "Why don't you sleep then, darling?" The words "The End" are written next to this drawing.
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hubbleablubble · 13 days
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Lathlyria fullbody for artfight! I finally have (mostly) decided on a design for his jacket...
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enby-ralsei · 6 months
you guys gotta get more abnormal about star and zamia (has no fics to read about them)
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"Figures" (1970s - Magdalena Abakanowicz) / "Hubble Deep Field" (1996 - Hubble Space Telescope)
FIGURES: I love this piece because at first glance it's so "whatever", right? like it's just some paper mache dudes? but I think that the more you stare at them (I haven't seen it in person), the more they evoke this slightly unsettling sense of hollowness, almost like there used to be something more to them that got taken away. There's this uncomfortable deadness paired with the imperfect uniformity to them, like it's trying to be cold and regular and lifeless, but instead it's still human and dead. (anonymous)
HUBBLE DEEP FIELD: This photo is kind of only incidentally art, but it is one of my favorite photographs ever. It is the visual byproduct of scientific and technological advancement. Honestly, its not even the most visually impressive Hubble (or other deep space telescope) photo. But I don't think there is anything else in the entire world which can so clearly and deeply impart the existential, incomprehensible vastness of the universe. (travelingsmithy)
("Figures" is an installation piece done by Magdelena Abakanowicz, a Polish artist. The figures are made of burlap, laminate, and resin and the entire installation is housed in Museum Kampa, Prague.
The Hubble Space Telescope took this photo in 1996, and it was the first picture ever taken of deep space. "Hubble Deep Field" was originally imaged by the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2, a camera initially installed upon the Hubble Telescope.)
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lizardzap · 8 months
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Newwww space blorbo just dropped
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avengedbiologist · 4 months
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My lame ass forgot I had OCs 💀,,, soz Siobhan and Xavier 😔
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deep-space-netwerk · 8 months
please please please PLEASE share more on your Thoughts about gas giants!! i'd love to learn in a way that doesnt leave me baffled and half my brain leaking from my ears! you explained things so well in the psyche post and also i think things are generally more fun to learn from someone who is Excited To Share than from Published Research Papers where everything has been dried out For Professional Reasons- understandably so, mind, but i am not In The Field and dont know the terms lol
Okay it's taken me forever to get back to this but I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED.
Like other planets, it all starts with a disk made of gas and dust orbiting an infant star, called a protoplanetary disk. Like these in the Orion Nebula, discovered by the Hubble!
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To form terrestrial planets (rocky planets with relatively thin atmospheres like Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars), the gas in the protoplanetary disk coalesces to form hundreds and hundreds of rocky bodies called planetesimals, about a kilometer across. These planetesimals collide, and form dozens of protoplanets about the size of the moon. The protoplanets then collide as well, and stabilize to form the solar system as we know it today.
But, in the case of gas giants, colliding protoplanets don't form fully-finished planets. Instead, they form a core, or a seed.
We think the only thing that determines whether a planet will be terrestrial or a gas giant is simply how far away from the sun it forms - that's it. As a new sun warms its evolving solar system, it heats up the material in the protoplanetary disk. Close to the sun, the disk gets hotter, and things like water and other ices melt and evaporate into gas, making them difficult for the protoplanets to gravitationally capture. However, further away, the icy compounds stay cold enough to remain solid and coalesce along with rocky particles.
That boundary in the solar system - where ices evaporate to gas on the sunward side, and remain solid on the other - is called the "Frost Line". In our solar system, the Frost Line is right between Mars and Jupiter.
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The protoplanets that form past the Frost Line turn into gas giant seeds, and are able to (kinda literally) snowball, picking up both rocky and icy material. With all that solid ice available, they grow far larger and far faster than planets in the inner solar system, and their gravity gets stronger and stronger. More gravity causes them to collect even MORE material until they're heavy enough to capture extremely lightweight elements like hydrogen and helium. Which, of course, makes them get even bigger and even heavier! Runaway growth!
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But weirdly, as we study more exoplanets (planets that orbit stars other than our sun), we keep finding these huge gas giants incredibly close to their stars! Like, even closer than Mercury is to ours, which is insane. These "Hot Jupiters" break so many rules - gas giants "should" only be able to form where ice stays frozen, but here they are up close and personal with their stars, like this artist's concept!
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It's possible that these planets are in the process of migrating closer to their stars, and we're managing to see them before they evaporate, but we just! Keep! Finding them!
One of my favorite parts of planetary science is how much we still have to learn. We'll think we have a pretty good idea of how things work out there, and then suddenly we'll find something that we can't explain. And there's an entire universe of weird shit - we've barely begun to scratch the surface!
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spacingstars · 2 years
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Observations of DART impacting Dimorphos, from Hubble and Webb respectively.
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helljunker · 10 months
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illiana-mystery · 2 years
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Meet Mike Hubble! 
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hubbleablubble · 29 days
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Some more artfight refs for Venny, this time for how he looks like with all of his makeup and no makeup at all!
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