#about these silly stickfigures
midnightsnackblog · 2 months
Alright, I'm back in the stick figure hyperfixation and here's one thing. My hc's!
Purple's real name is Periwinkle. Green so far is the only one who knows his real name. He changed his name after his father left the family and his mother died afterwards. Walks with a limp thank to an old injury that didn't heal right.
Yellow and Blue are twins, best buds that almost do everything together and are the ones to end up in trouble.
Red is the youngest out of the color gang, though he's the strongest among his siblings. often spaces out sometimes.
Yellow has terrible eyesight and often gets headaches thanks to him trying to see. He once accidentally broke the pc thanks to his bad vision.
Green is the oldest among the color gang and the tallest, he likes to look around and observe before doing anything. Would love to go to an orchestra or a concert one day but for now he just settles with learning music his own way.
Orange (TSC) talks in his sleep and sometimes sleepwalks. There was once where he managed to sleep fight the others and won, the others still don't know how he did that, but they tried to keep his door closed so he doesn't wonder off, but he still somehow manages to get out.
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clockvenn · 2 months
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Oh look a new oc !!!! Guess who's stickman did he drew :3c [@pixel-moss167's oc !]
I thought I needed a more cool and original oc before joining Hyun's Dojo [which might not happen rn but most likely will soon !!] and I thought of this guy :3
Been wanting to make an oc that is an artist as well for so long dawg UURGH AND NOW I DID YYAAAYYY
The day where I have enough space for my drawing tablet and my computer and animate stuff it will be so over ❤️
But yea !!! Agender btw, she goes by any pronouns :3
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aannonn · 3 months
this was only supposed to be a silly dipsy doddle why did it take me the whole day to finish this
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secgreen waaawaw im so normal about them
(lil' note: also! i think im accepting art requests now..? only ava/avm (or oc) related, though. i can only draw stickfigures at the moment;3 lol (idk if anyone will actually send me art requests but ohwell (~ ̄▽ ̄)~))
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tricerapor12 · 10 months
It is done! My little art about them being raptors just bc of a silly idea that i had, now is turned into an AU. I calling it Raptor AU (if I can think of a better name I will change it later) where the stickfigures are different kind of dromaeosaurid species like the hollow heads, MT, Gold, Navy, Orhid, Purple are Utahraptors, YRGB and agent Smith as Dakotaraptors, Pixel is a Deinonychus, Paelo as a Austroraptor and Sign is a Achillobator.
(Also my original plan was to post all my AUs at once and I had the motivation for it...until I didn't so I kinda stuck with the one that I already started which was this AU)
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Oke so heres a quick explonation about the story of this AU. Its not 100% but at least its a start!
The hollow heads, MT, Gold, Navy, Orhid and Purple is one pack where Vic (as the oldest) is the leader ( MT second oldest, he becomes leader later on after an accident with Vic [everyone thought he died]).
Victim(oldest), Chosen(midle child, older by 10 minute), Dark(midle child, younger by 10 minute) and Second (youngest) are brothers. They joined King's pack later on.
MT was a lone raptor taking care of Gold, until Navy and Orhid (already a copule) joined (they were the first to join, Purple arrived few months later).
There was an earthquake that separeted the pack:
1. Chosen and Dark
2. Second
3. MT and Gold
4. Navy, Orhid
5. Purple
While Second searched for the rest of the pack he finds YRGB, a young dakotaraptor pack. They did accepted him later on but not quickly, there were some trust issues but it was resolved.
Dark finds a pack of compies that he befriends whith and now they wont leave his side, Chosen is not a amused. (compie bites are not pleasent, but its more bearable than your own brother claws in your flesh)
Purple is also alone but unlike SC he wasn't that lucky. (its easy to avoid danger, but the hunger is unbearable)
Navy and Orhid tries to find the others to, but there is an illnes that Navy can't ignore so they had to stop so he can care for Orhid. (it was to late)
For MT it wasn't new the he and Gold were separeted from the pack, it reminded him before he even had a pack. But the two did look for the others. (what went wrong?)
(The one that everyone thought was dead is now have a new pack that are lost or effected by the earthquake)
So this au is not 100% done, im still working on it (and the other ones).
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shamythelazypotato · 6 months
Nocturnal Bonds
Fandom : Animator vs Animation (AvA)
Word count: 1109 words
TW: Mention of blood and violence
Notes: this fanfic takes place before the showdown, I saw this idea somewhere a year ago and now I could finally write a fanfic about it, hope you like it :3
It was late at night for Chosen and Dark, these two stick figures were sleeping peacefully. Dark, with a gentle snore, lay sprawled on his back, one arm casually thrown across Chosen's face. Meanwhile, his leg, seemingly intertwined with Chosen's, created an unintentional yet oddly comforting connection.
Dark was sleeping peacefully, dreaming of violence and fighting as much as you can expect of someone called The Dark Lord.
However, unlike their usual success, Dark found himself trapped between two guards that easily doubled his size; he was weak and overpowered, and so his partner who was pinned to the wall with a knife in his throat and being threatened by an unknown teal stickfigure with a wicked smile on his face, he looked like the type of maniac who wouldn't hesitate to kill someone for their own gain and recognition...
The Dark Lord has never found himself in a situation like this, his eyes were wide and full of a mix of emotions ranging between confusion, anger, frustration... and a new feeling he hasn't felt in a long time since he was created:
But this time, it wasn't the fear of getting killed; it's the fear of getting his only best friend and partner in crime killed.
The one who always puts up with your temper
The one who doesn't hesitate to defend you
The one who forgave you even though you tried to kill him
And the one who is now sacrificing for you...
Dark's breathing quickens, his desperation increases so does his fury and anger, he tries to kick, punch, crawl and bite, anything possible just to save his friend from this horrible fate, but at seeing that he lacks the strength to free himself, he tries to use her only weapon left.. his sharp tongue.
"Don't you dare to touch him!" Dark snarls with full hatred, his glowing red eyes piercing through this navy stickfigure soul and flesh. Even in the face of death, Dark wouldn't beg but he's willing to even murder only for Chosen.
The teal stickfigure only scoffs as a small smile tugs at the corner of his lips, the knife dangerously moving tantalizing against Chosen's neck.
Chosen's face goes through several stages, from anger to sadness in a few seconds, as he accepts his only fate he gets to say slowly in a few words.
"I'm glad it's me and not you, I love you Dark" a small smile shows in his face before...
Lots of Blood.
And then a piercing bloody scream
"CHOSEN!" His name leaves Dark's lips as soon as he woke up from his vivid nightmare.
just... a nightmare, only that, right?
Dark had to make sure it was, he turned his head at his side of the bed only to find a startled Chosen sitting on the bed, looking at him concerned and surprised, he has never heard screamed his partner that way before..
"Dark? Are you okay?" Chosen whisper his question, his dark eyes looking at Dark through the night. "What happene-"
A tight hug cut his words, The Dark Lord, was hugging The Chosen One with such determination and desperation he hasn't seen since they escaped noogai computer.
"...Dark?" Chosen asks, not able to hide the hint of surprise for this sudden affection. Dark's breathing quickens in response, but he lets some words spill from his dry lips.
"I thought I lost you"
And without further words Dark let out a strangled sob, and threw himself around Chosen, unable to hold back the tears of relief. Chosen was fine, he was okay, but even most importantly, he was alive.
Chosen looks taken aback for Dark's tears, the red and villainous stickfigure doesn't often cry over silly things such as a nightmares...let alone about the thought of him being murdered
Chosen doesn't let his thoughts wander on why, the only thing he needs to know right now is how to comfort his usually unafraid and bold partner so Chosen awkwardly yet genuinely wraps his arms around Dark's shoulders, pressing slightly against his chest in an odd way of comfort. Years of conquering worlds don't prepare for something like this!.
The black hollowed head just sighs tiredly, yet remains at Dark's side wordless, afraid to say something that could make things worse, Dark just keeps sobbing until his tears drift into soft sniffles against Chosen's shoulder, without meeting his partner's calm yet concern gaze he says barely above a whisper.
"I thought I lost you.." Dark repeats again in a hollow and sorrowful voice.
"What? Like in your dream?" Chosen says as he looks at his companion with a hint of sympathy in his eyes. "What...what happened?" Chosen asks tentatively, begging inside it's the right time and question to make in this sensitive situation.
Dark takes a deep breath before looking at Chosen's eyes, vulnerability showing through yet also a bit of bashfulness at being seen so..weak even for himself, he says in what he prays is his usual steady and confident voice "I... dreamed we were in a fight, and a strange stickfigure somehow overpowered you while I was just.. trapped on the floor.." Dark's breath gets heavier, he fights against the tears and says with his head bowed "And I saw how you sacrificed for me" There, he said it, Dark just keeps up his strong facade as much as he can, enough tears already!
Chosen remains silent for a few long seconds, and then a small chuckle
"And you believed it?" Chosen can't help but say, in a mixture of amusement and sympathy evident in his tone "C'mon Dark, you know I'm better than that, but I guess even in your dreams you see me as weak" Chosen jokes lightly, Dark looks up, slightly surprised yet quickly recovers,he growls but he simply nudges Chosen's arm roughly "Hey! I can't control what I dream y'know?" Dark says slightly annoyed, yet also relieved when Chosen decides to not acknowledge his brief vulnerability.
"But y'know, maybe you got something right after all" Chosen continues, not flinching slightly at Dark's punch; he leans closer as he says "I would sacrifice my life for you" Chosen says bluntly and earnestly. Dark is at loss of words for a few seconds, and then he shakes his head and finally says
"You're such a dumbass if you think I'm letting anyone kill you that easily, you're mine to deal with " Dark retorts back sharply, yet also slightly touched by Chosen's words. Chosen lets out a small yet amused chuckle
"Whatever you say Dark, I'm the one protecting you, y'know that?" Chosen's words are as close as he can pass through as an "I care about you"
Dark responds with the same level of subtlety "Not as long as I breath, Chosen one" and with that, another vow was made for tonight.
Little did they know how easily those vows would turn to ashes in a matter of months...
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navy-leader · 7 months
With all the doom and gloom ava6 has offered us so far i now want to talk about the AUs id made for victim pre-ava6
So for starters i characterized him as a pottymouthed, angry, and very confused. Pottymouthed bc he is canonically the only stickman to cuss, angry because he was treated very poorly by the animator and subsequently Killed, confused bc hes only existed for less than 2 minutes and has yet to explore the world.
I also made him an artist, similar to Second, but he lacks the ability to make them come to life and sticks mainly to drawing machinery, weaponry and artillery, (as a reference to how many stickman animations often use guns, tanks and the sorts) the way young boys have a fascination for the things. He has extensive knowledge about how they work and Very autistic about it, that was his thing. He does not draw figure drawings like animals or people, that is Second's thing.
I also gave him a lot of self worth issues. It came from multiple reasons,,,being named 'victim' for starters, having his fate sealed to be nothing more than just a test subject, collateral, something to use and then dispose of. Second being that he had no special powers like the other's made like him do. Third being that,,,Second is just So Much Better than him in every way,, Second gets the love he never got from his creator, he never got the life the others were let to live, he never got to explore the world, none of that. He got None of that.
Also he has a lot of trauma pertaining his death but i think thats obvious.
With that in mind i present you the first AU. The premise is that victim finds a way to come back to life and ends back on Alan's desktop, the newer desktop, where the color gang and Second now live in. The way he appeared was never properly Made, hes just There now. He mightve crawled through the code and ended up here, he mightve come from somewhere deep in Alan's files, he mightve come from an external source, who knows but victim is Here now. The color gang gets curious and welcomes this strange new stickman with open arms, they show him around and quickly became friends, and everything was Fine. Until Alan comes online do to work and victim FREAKS at the sight of the cursor, he quickly tries to eradicate said cursor by creating weapons and bombs, and threatened to nuke the PC, whilst the color gang frantically try to stop him and talk him down.
Eventually they do and they reintroduce Alan to victim and vice versa. Victim is still discomforted and LIVID about the discovery that he'd gone back to his MURDERER'S desktop, but for the sake of his newfound friends he will back down. Victim and the color gang will then live in relative harmony, although victim is still Very cautious of Alan and yet to let go of the iron fisted grudge he has on him (who can blame him?) but they live, together.
In this AU is actually where most of my old doodles' interactions between victim and the color gang came from. They just vibe forever together,,, its a nicer beginning for victim. This is where the cowboy victim, rambo victim, and whatever else silly little costume and roles ive put him in take place, theyre just playing!! Just as they do in the actual shorts!!
The second AU takes place right before the ending of ava3, Dark and Chosen are doing their blackhole destruction of Noogai's PC and are running away from the crime scene. Then suddenly a foreign stickfigure comes running at them through the hole Chosen had made to escape, they all fall through the hole and speed through the cables. Only then they could properly assess their unfamilar company, it was a black stickfigure with the same hollow imperfect circle heads as themselves, they'd look practically identical to Chosen. After they get to the other end of the cables they were baffled by the stickfigure that had joined them in their escape.
So victim finds itself tagging along Chosen and Dark during their destruction spree, having no powers like they did it tended to sit back or cause minor destruction of its own. And eventually the three of them live under one roof, though not without problems. They had their problems and fights often break out, mainly between Chosen and Dark, and since theyre both superpowered assholes they cause more than necessary destruction to their home and surroundings. Victim, being Not Superpowered, often leaves before things get messy and he gets caught in the crossfire. He comes back home to their home thoroughly wrecked and is less than pleased (hes pissed) at the state of it, and makes them clean it up.
Before you ask i have No Idea what this'd mean for the events of ava5 but thats something we can always think about now or later!!
In the middle of writing this i realized i only had 2 major AUs for victim so i guess thats the end of it LOL
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mary-games-and-arts · 2 months
OC's Masterpost
Well, here are all of my OCs and my Sona and some info about them
Rivalry Of a Creator And a Creation
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Mary (She/They) - 15 y.o. | An unfortunate victim of being tortured by a cruel creator April. Successfully escaped from her in 2018(a week after Showdown) and was taken care of by Chosen. Now she just chills with Chosen and Dark and has a bestie Lenny (I know Mary's my Sona but I gave her a different backstory cuz yes)
April (She/her) - 19 y.o. | Mary's cruel creator that had no empathy for her own creation. She googled every life-threatening thing to test them out on that poor stickfigure. Gladly she suffered consequences from her actions
A Relationship Of A Human And An Enderman + MT's Boyfriend
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Hazel/Henry (She/They) - 16 y.o. | A teenager who ran away from their strict parents to find a better life. Lives with their girlfriend Ellie who is a kind Enderman that accepts them as who they are
Ellie (She/They) - 19 y.o. | An Enderman with unique abilities of being immune to water and turning into a stickfigure. Jacob is her best friend. She's the one who found Hazel and decided to help her. Now Hazel is her girlfriend
Jacob (He/him) - 21 y.o. | A silly boi and MT's husband. He's an ordinary Enderman, but also can turn into a stickfigure. His bestie is Ellie. Likes adventures
From Enemies to Besties
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Pinkie (She/her) - 16 y.o. | A caring girl that has her abilities from her necklace. She's (non-canonically) Yellow's twin sister and after finding each other she visits her. Cyan was her enemy at first cuz of different teams, but now that everything's over and teams have been disbanded, Pinkie gave him a chance to get better. Now they're besties and they share a blog called @pinkie-and-cyan
Cyan (He/him) - 15 y.o. | Pinkie's past enemy that became a better person and let go of the past. He still has flashbacks, but rarely. Has power thanks to Pinkie
The Games Sisters
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Anita (She/her) - 18 y.o. | An older sister who specializes in Minecraft. She enjoys that game and also lives in it. Likes adventures and her sisters are Alice and Mia.
Alice (They/them) - 17 y.o | Middle sister who enjoys playing Roblox's different experiences and games. Sometimes visits her sisters Anita and Mia
Mia (She/they) - 13 y.o. | A younger sister that adores Geometry Dash. She's a silly fella who just hates dual portals. Is a really curious kid, but gets into trouble sometimes. She also has a special ability to turn into a cube and a stickfigure or a human, depending on an environment. Sometimes forgets that she has 2 sisters
The Guardian of The Galaxy and A Nightmare + The Sealer
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Vivian (She/her) - 24 y.o. | A guardian of the Galaxy who observes everything in the cosmos. Sometimes she would come into someone's dreams to warn them about something bad that would happen to them soon
Nightmare Mary (She/They) - 15 y.o. | An evil version of Mary, created by April. She's (non-canonically) a team of the Victim's Rocket Corporation. Her goal is to find Mary and bring her back to April so that she would continue her suffering.
The Sealer (She/It) - ?? y.o. | (An OC inspired by The Keeper by @/thedeservedone). A monster that lives in a cave and considers it her home. She would seal anyone who dares to enter her place
The Anon Duo
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Prankster Anon 2/Lenny Flower (She/her) - 24 y.o. | A silly prankster and Mary's bestie. She's also friends with Andrew and his friends (@pranksteranon) Loves adventures and sometimes is overprotective over Mary. Has a separate blog @prankster-anon-2
Minty The Anon (She/They) - 16 y.o. | Eh, just an Anon sona who enjoys drawing and can sometimes visit someone's blog
Smol Kids Trio
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Glace (He/him) - 13 y.o. | A little shy boy but is super overprotective when it comes to protect his little sister Janet and his friend Cotton
Janet (She/her) - 11 y.o. | An energetic girl who would spend all day having fun with her brother Glace and her friend Cotton
Cotton (She/They) - 8 y.o. | A child who was mistreated in the orphanage and died in a car accident. She was in a void for a long time before she could escape it and become alive again. She got the ability to see ghosts after she escaped the void. Now she's living with Glace and Janet
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rigatoniiiiiiii · 1 year
sorry. thoughts on alan becker as a character
OH ok
When i first got into avam (which was about year ago now, in a couple months. Man) i started watching the first ava episodes and i HATED alan he was so mean. Personally if i was drawing a stickfigure and it suddenly came to life i would be ecstatic. It would be my silly little guy and i would treat it so well.
But currently with second and the cg, he’s a really good caretaker! He plays with them and is kind to them! It’s very heartwarming to see. Like that part in AVA S2E1 where he’s sparring with them? Lovely.
The thing that’s confusing to me is figuring out what motivated him to change? Maybe it was when he created dark for a single purpose, and then that purpose was defied and that was the first time it occurred to alan that sticks might be living sentient beings. But then he attacks second when he comes alive, and it seems that the ONLY reason alan stops is because he realizes that second is a good artist, and says he’ll let second go ONLY if they help him draw.
Bit of a ramble but overall i like his character and it’s nice to see his interraction with the sticks! I wish i had a better grasp on his character and what motivated him to change, but i doubt we’ll get a lot of insight into that since the series is mostly focused on the stick’s adventures.
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totaleclipse573 · 6 months
7, 12 & 20 for every guardian except Doleon, please
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening!!
Also, good morning!
7 : Favorite music genre?
They didn't exactly have music to listen to? They first appeared centuries ago (the Black Arms canonically existed before Tikal, so yeah, physically, THEY'VE BEEN AROUND FOR A WHILE,) and even then, they were pretty much trapped in this area of land. If they were alive now, though? I have a few ideas. Erebus would 100% listen to Evanescence lmao that's just his vibe. I could see both Orpheus and Lorcan being into rap too. Heavy metal for Ragnar (he really shouldn't.) Not too sure about Akmad and Kieran
12 : Are they good with Chao, Wisp, or any other sort of creature?
I think it would be silly if they had run into some Chao a few times over. Obviously, they're all curious and want to know more about it. Akmad wouldn't be too good with chao, I think. WHY does it keep running off? WHY isn't it doing what he tells it? Ragnar wouldn't be very good with them either, he'd get frustrated too easily. I think the ones who would be best with chao are Kieran and Erebus. Orpehus and Lorcan would do fine, but they'd probably end up scaring the chao away at some point.
20 : What are their hobbies?
Akmad : He's mostly training his abilities, making sure his brothers uphold the Supreme's Will as well. But he's also rather studious, wanting to learn more about just about anything he discovers. Sort of contradicting with his beliefs of the Supreme and all this simply being "destiny," but you know. That's him.
Erebus : He mostly just lurks around, watching and listening in silence (he has a reputation to uphold 😤) but he also has times where he actually enjoys his powers of foresight. If he's feeling particularly mischievous one day, he could even tell a silly little lie or two and watch the chaos unfold. He also just examines things for hours if he finds them interesting?? Its like he's unblinking, even. It creeps his brothers out sometimes.
Orpheus : Punching rock solid walls to try and break them. But also sneaking up on his brothers and starting play fights. He also likes to draw little pictures with a stick in the dirt or sand or whatever's around. Not to brag, but he's quite the artist (stickfigures)
Ragnar : He loves his fiery abilities. Using them for everything IS his hobby. Ah yes, you're cold? Here I can set you on fire maybe. Oh wow that thing looks pretty explosive now that I think about it. Aren't I so cool? With my awesome fire powers? Yes, yes I am. (He also has a notoriously terrible temper)
Lorcan : Playing pranks. That's his most favorite hobby. Making mischief, causing chaos, it doesn't matter just so long as he can cause problems on purpose. He also likes to just wander around, though, exploring this strange land they were just put on one day. He and Doleon specifically do that a lot.
Kieran : Kieran spends a lot of time trying to figure out his own abilities. Everyone else has one, so he must too, right? It never works, though. Sometimes he gets a few small sparks of something purple, but nothing much. That's really something he wants to get better at. But when he's not doing that, he's taking mental notes on everything around him! (Mainly because Doleon has dragged him to INSANE PLACES on this land and he needs some way to mentally recover from the horrors /hj)
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luizastarry · 1 year
unhinged character bingo COMMENCE
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this guy
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fedoraspooky · 2 years
Just wanna mention that you weren't like. Breaking any rules? Afaik there's no concrete rules for stickman OC's, and getting up in arms about 'proper' anatomy and clothes is kinda silly, and I feel like your OC fits in fine. I'm not trying to bring arguments to you blog, so feel free to ignore this but I feel you're good, anon's being a bit of a stickler is all. 👍
I guess? .w. Like... idk I'm confused because I've seen other artwork in that tag with clothed characters, and with humanoid bodies with like fingers and stuff. Would it be based on level of detail? I talked to my friends and they said they consider him a stickfigure type character, and there aren't really any solid rules for what qualified, so I'm not really sure what to do. If it only bothers the one person I'm fine with them blocking me if they'd rather not see my posts, I just worry about bothering like, everyone in the tag xnx I know I draw him a lot since he's genuinely fun for me to draw and one of my simpler-designed characters, and searching the tags he does kinda show up a lot because of that...
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thsc-sexymen-poll · 1 year
do u promote other poll blogs?? If so then uh we got a silly over at @the-stickman-ever-comp which is about a more varied cast of silly little stickfigures :D if u dont promote othr poll blogs then sorrie
Usually wouldn't but this is worth it! Go check em out
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aannonn · 4 months
Talking about the ColorGang! because thinking about them makes me happy;3333
aaand because I have no ideas what to do lol (+ I want to do a lil' bit of character study! Even though I'm kind of bad at analyzing things.. xD)
This will also contain some headcanons that I have for them btw! ;3
- ,, // Next Part ! \\ ,, -
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1. Forgiving
They are all so forgiving it's insane.
Like- I get it. Both Purple and King had a tough childhood/was still in terrible grief which made them do the things that they do, but that doesn't justify their actions????
They are legit really forgiving towards someone who abandoned two(2) of them to die and betrayed them twice + towards someone who almost destroyed an entire dimension and almost got them all erased from existence...
(I have no hatred towards Purple or King, btw!! I love them;33 /gen i just don't really agree with their past actions ofc)
This whole "forgiving" thing makes me think that they would probably forgive The Dark Lord, too... (After some very well-deserved apologies, of course loll and if he's still alive- uh)
Actually, though; I have some doubts about that, but who knows.
Honestly, I think them being really forgiving kinda makes sense to their characters... In a way.
I mean- RYGB were all created for the sole purpose to fight. They are the 'fighting stickfigures', which means that they probably have no other choice but to forgive and move on.
What's the point of holding a grudge, after all? They are just gonna punch and kick each other repeatedly without pauses nor breaks anyway.
I think it's just.. A habit, or part of their codes, or they just feel like they don't really have a choice. (Old habits are hard to break)
Orange probably just goes along with them… Or, perhaps, his truce with Alan has made him more open to forgiving? Purple betrayed them twice and King almost destroyed an entire dimension, but I don't think any of that compares to the pain of having his friends deleted (literally killed) without any mercy nor remorse shown.
Perhaps it was the influence of his friends' forgiving nature, or it was just the truce he had made with Alan that made him more open to forgive and move on.
They are all so quick to forgive and move on.. It's a nice character trait but also pretty much a flaw.
Being able to forgive and move on it's great, but when you are so easily forgiving...
Good thing King and Purple actually genuinely changed for the better- (。・∀・)ノ゙
2. Bond!
Their bond is literally my favorite comfort thing in the whole world... ❤
Like- They are so close. So comfortable with each other. So huggy and clingy and happy and loving and caring and silly and so. sticking. casual-
They are literally the very epitome of Found Family.
And, even if I do ship PolySticks a whole bunch, I prefer much more their Found Family bond, to be honest. ❤ They give me so many siblings vibes aaa They are such a family, honestlyy.
Orange has known them since it's creation. RYGB have known each other since their creation. And, even then, they are all still together and as close as before even after so long. (And, I must say; they keep getting closer and closer as time goes by.)
They are all like a small lil' family; A family that, even after many fights, would never hold a grudge towards each other for too long.
They are like siblings who fight and compete and may be angry at each other at certain times, but who will still do anything to protect the other because they love and care and are a family.
I also like to think that the whole Animation vs Minecraft series is really what really brought them all together to have a really close and loving bond. It's already quite noticeable that, with each passing AvM season, their bond becomes stronger and they become even closer and protective than before.
If we compare their friendship in previous seasons vs now, you can see that their friendship has developed and each of them has grown a lot since then. (so proud of them aaaa)
Their bond is just.. ❤❤❤
3. Each Different Bond!
Can we just talk for a moment about how adorable Yellow and Blue's friendship is?? They are literally so- aAAaaaAA
I fully understand why a big part of the fandom ships them, to be honest... They are so close and affectionate and literally understands each other the most. They are very often always seen together, either just doing their own lil' things, enjoying each other's presence, or going through adventures together. ❤
The thing that makes me happy the most is; Their bond is not meant to be necessarily taken as romantic. It can very well vary of each person's own perspective of their relationship and I absolutely love that.
You view them as siblings? Awesome! Their relationship could very well be from very close siblings; maybe even twins! (Gotta love some healthy sibling relationship rep. too fr fr)
You view them as romantic? Incredible! They are so loving and affectionate, that if they were dating they would be the cutest couple in the world. /vpos
You view them as best friends? Amazing! Having a best friend is like finding a long-lost part of yourself; Kinda like a sibling, maybe even a twin. The relationship of best friends is really something very special. Their relationship genuinely gives me the vibes of 2 best friends, to be honest. (Especially since my friendship with my bffs is pretty similar to those 2's relationship. ;3)
Should I also say that these two are the ones who bring the group the most comfort?? Yellow is always the one who comforts Blue, and Blue is also seen comforting others as well. (Green!!)
They are both like the parents of the group, always being there for their friends and being a shoulder to lean on.
They are so comforting and literally the cutest duo ever... I love them sm❤
Oh! And I cannot forget about Green & Orange's friendship, too!!
They are canonly confirmed to be the closest out of their group of friends, and words literally cannot tell you how happy I was once I heard about this information. xD
They vibe with each other so well; Honestly speaking, Green can vibe with literally anyone so well. lol
They are both pretty chill, and very passionate about their favorite things; (Art! Music!) They are so equally competitive, too.
Their friendship is so cute and casual. <33 They are not as affectionate with each other as much as Yellow and Blue are, but that doesn't make their friendship any less healthy or adorable.
Their friendship is, to be honest… pretty lighthearted to the soul, honestly. I love when they're both on screen doing things together, because their friendship is so…
I don't know. There are no words to properly describe how I feel about their friendship. xD
But their bond probably has to be my second favorite (Yellow&Blue being my first!) They vibe so well together, their personalities mesh so well, and they're just so casual and relaxed and so passionate-
Both are artists, it's worth remembering! Of course, they are not the same types of artists; One is an artist while the other is a musician, but it's still something in common.
And with that in mind… I like to think that when Green isn't disturbing Orange with his loud music at three(3) in the morning and/or Orange working with Alan, I like to think that they both help each other with their passions.
(Orange canonically knows how to play guitar, and Green is quite meticulous, so that's a bonus! Orange helping Green write a song and/or Green helping Orange with the art block by giving him ideas for sets, details, etc.... ❤)
Their friendship is so cute and lighthearted aaa i love them ❤❤❤
Red and Reuben... Just. Adorable. ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
Honestly, Red's friendship with all of his animals is adorable; It's like she's a big sibling to them, in a way.
There's not much to say about these two's friendship, unfortunately… Since Reuben doesn't appear as much as he used to. :'v
But their bond in previous seasons was just so heartwarming. &lt;3
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1. Trust Issues
A random thing that I thought of while listening to Bad Feeling (Oompa Loompa) - Jagwar Twin, but..
What if, after that whole AvA4 fiasco, RYGB decided not to trust Orange, Alan, or even the outside of their website because they were afraid of being deleted again.
Like- Think about this; They just met Orange; From the way they acted at first, they had certainly never left their website before (or, at least, had never entered computer territory before).
And right after they left their website - probably the only place they knew and were familiar with…
They were immediately deleted. Ended Process. Dead.
And with that… I think that's reason enough for them to be at least a little skeptical about Orange, right? (About Orange and especially Alan.)
After all.. Orange is the one who introduced them to the outside. Orange is the one who brought them out. Granted, Orange obviously didn't intend to get them deleted, but it's not like they knew that. It's not like the fact that they were killed for some reason could suddenly be forgotten just because they were revived.
And, with that thought in mind… I like to think that Green was the first to forgive and give Orange a second (heheh) chance, since they both hugged before he was deleted, and they both canonically have the closest bond. (Maybe that's why they are the closest? Because Green was the first one to see Orange's side and give them a second chance, which later led for them to have a very close bond.)
And also because Green is definitely the one most inclined to give people(sticks) a second chance, hear their side of the story and be the first to forgive them. (GrapeDuo moment!! xd)
They slowly, but carefully and certainly. started trusting Orange and leaving their website more (Until it got to the point where they literally live on their PC now, instead of their website. Probably because of flash ending in 2020-)
That's such a headcanon I will forever embrace. It's character development right there and I love it.
2. Genders & Pronouns!
Hmm! Not really that important, but I like to headcanon them with some genders & pronouns... It's just- really fun and makes them a lil' more relatable, I think..? xD
! . Orange Agender ; (He/They/It)
! . Blue BiGender (It/They/She/He)
! . Red Juxera (She/Them/He)
! . Green TransMale (He/Him)
! . Yellow ApaGender (He/It)
3. PolySticks
Is it just me or shipping PolySticks just hits different than shipping other ships...?
Like. They are all so canonly affectionate and loving and caring towards each other that it's just so- casual. Inconsequential. The love is there.. It's there and it's not a big deal.
Shipping PolySticks just hits different because there is no things being changed nor removed, they all love each other and shipping them would just make that type of love different, but the love is still there and it's inconsequential and it just. hits so much different.
They are just a small group of friends who is really casually affectionate and loving towards each other, shipping them feels like it didn't change anything, it's just that it's all romantic now. Shipping them hits different, but It didn't make anything different at the same time.
They are just a small group of friends who definitely kiss each other's foreheads and cheeks and proceeds to act casual about it because they've always been like that and there is nothing wrong with it. It's casual, it's inconsequential, it's love.
Other ships hits different because there is development there, slowburn, falling in love; PolySticks hits different because the only thing that actually changes it's the type of love.
They all already have developed, they already have a very close relationship, they already are honest, have mutual respect and care and trust. Communication is slowly being built, but it is there. Their relationship is already pretty developed, shipping PolySticks just means that the type of love they have towards each other it's romantic.
The love they feel for each other canonically neither diminished nor increased when switching to a romantic one. They continue to love each other as they always have, the only difference is that it is a different type of love, but other than that, nothing else has changed.
The love is still there, as inconsequential and casual as it always was. PolySticks' relationship isn't any different from canon, it's just a different type of love now. ❤
I talked way too much about my feelings about this ship and now I felt like most of you probably won't understand my rambling.. My bad- (っ °Д °;)っ My feelings are quite difficult to understand even for me. lol
4. Unusual Bonds
Unusual as in like. We wasn't shown much about certain interactions on-screen, you know..? So we aren't much sure how exactly certain duos are like when only the two of them.
And it's- Kinda frustrating- lol (/opinion)
Orange has so much admiration for Yellow aaa and Yellow seems to respect him a lot and when they are both together- it's like they are just enjoying each other's presence and I find that so satisfying and touching and aaaaAAaaa /vpos (they seems to be very close, too!! Not as close as Green&Orange, or Blue&Yellow, but still close! ;3)
Red and Green give me so many sibling vibes- dwklswakljdswa They are both often seen together and they just get along so well and are so cheery and bubbly and determined and- sssighsssssssss /vpos (Their bond is so lighthearted aaa they are just teens being teens arghds /pos)
The whole arc with Blue and Green was sooo- aaAAAAAAaaA(/vpos) They don't have much in common but they still?? Can get along so well?? They are so different from each other and they just. embrace these differences and are able to have mutual respect and affection for each other and I just- ❤ (Never forgetting when they hugged as they were literally ready to die together aND aAAAAA/vpos)
Yellow has a certain rivalry with Green but still cares deeply for him and Green cares deeply about Yellow too aaaa- Unfortunately, we weren't shown much of their interactions together, which is sad. :'v Their bond remains adorable, though. xdd
When I said that Green could vibe with just about anyone, I wasn't lying. lol (They are so different but they still care deeply about each other aaa/vpos)
Man.. How I wish Orange&Blue's bond was more focused.. The latter's abilities always manage to surprise Orange and I think it's so cute- aaaldawsdlçadsw (Orange dreaming so much about Blue being so helpful and proactive tells us a lot about Orange's perspective on Blue. &lt;;3)
They both may not be the closest of the group, but they still care deeply for each other and still manage to have fun together!1 yayyayy /vpos (I feel like this season will focus a little more on their bond and I love it yayyyay (*^▽^*))
In the very few.. Very few for sure.. Rare even… Interactions between Red&Yellow and Red&Blue… Both interactions are adorable, although we haven't seen much of them. >︿<
Red and Blue are very similar when it comes to their love of nature; Blue has a love for the nature world, while Red has a love for animals. I feel like this could be explored more which could strengthen their friendship. ;o (They both also give me vibes of being the youngest ones in the group, so that's a bonus. xd)
They're both also the most emotional of the group… Man, they have so much in common, now that I think about it. xD
Their personalities are so different, but they still manage to have some things in common, which I find pretty nice. ;3
Red and Yellow are practically opposites; One is reckless, the other is rational. But they still manage to care deeply for each other even though they don't have many interactions… Which makes me really curious as to what their bond really is like. (Texture Pack showed that they can still have equally fun together despite their differences, so I'm quite curious to see more about their bonding! (o゜▽゜)o☆)
Red and Orange… The best for last of course (/lh) ♪(´▽`)
Their bond… It's a complicated thing. Or, at least, it was a complicated thing; Orange loved all his friends, that's for sure, but if we compare his bond with the others vs his bond with Red… I feel like he had a certain… I don't know. Bitterness? Towards Red.
Red is the one who inspired and motivated him to really want to fight with them, to really break the wall of their website and join their little group.
And yet.. Red is the one Orange gets along with the least compared to the others.
This is why Lush Caves was so needed; That's why the fight between them felt so much deeper and different than the others. They were letting it all out, all the emotions, all the bitterness.. Everything was finally being taken out in this fight.
The development of their friendship is so beautiful and precise. If we were to compare their friendship Pre-Lush Caves vs Post-Lush Caves, you can see how much their friendship has evolved. How much their bond has been strengthened and how much they seem to understand each other a little more. (While their characters have changed considerably since that episode too!)
The lack of communication between Orange and Red was exactly what led them to Lush Caves… And Lush Caves is exactly what led them to have a better communication and an even stronger bond.
I love every single bond of this group.. But SecRed is probably one of my favorite friendship (and character) developments, honestly. ❤
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There were originally another (draft) post like this.. One that it's pretty old, indeed (probably made in either pre-2024 or the start of the 2024.. I don't remember. welp) But certain things happened so I just ended up deleting it. lol (I copypasta'd everything, though!)
(And I just recently noticed that tumblr removed the color Yellow... welppp- Time to use this site then!1! xD)
And, yet; My opinion about these dorks stays the same. ;3 (Made some changes during all of these, though! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~)
Also!! Sorry for being kinda inactive these past few days. I have been trying to work on other projects, and I didn't really felt like drawing at the moment. lol
lil' edits; made some changes, corrected some things.. lol
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aghadbeenhere · 24 days
Life, one step at a time, with breakfast lasagna.
Heyoooo, folks!
It's me, AG here once again to kinda just blab on about things, kick back and have a good time, all the totally tubular and radical things any cool dude does, or whatever.
I feel like I've been kinda NEGATIVE with these last few posts, and don't get me wrong I more than welcome venting and letting your feelings out onto the world, but I think a positive note thorought the darkness is really what we need right now, so I'm here and all.
Before you ask, no, I'm not a clown (contrary to popular belief) so I sadly can't do silly hijinks or pull out my gang of 25 from my tiny little wagon, but I can try and keep you entertained by just blabbin' on about things I do and all, because why the hell not? it's my life and my blog, sooo..
I am having lasagna for breakfast.
Now that's good, very important news right? Very fantastic, spectacular, bravo, blah blah.
I like lasagna because who the hell DOESNT??
Lasagna is a good food, but believe it or not, when I was younger, I kinda had to come around to appreciate it like I do now.
Me, being the picky eater I was (and very much still am) wasn't a fan of the gargantuan and near-horrific mix of so many layers of food, it SCARED ME, well- It didn't, but for the narrative's sake we can say it did to give me a more tragic backstory.
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Me, cowering before the allmighty lasagna overlords, colored.
But whatever, back to it.
I'm very glad to have lasagna as my breakfast, it's a great start to a great day, and before you even ask: "But ag, you charming fellow, what's so great about this day?"
Simple! I'm gonna give animating stickfigures a try!
I always have been and always WILL be a big fan of stickfigure animations, I practically grew up with them (alongside madness combat) and for that I really want to try getting into it, I've been out of the animating groove for a while and I've kinda begun feeling guilty for it, and I want to stop that!
Yeah, hey, I'd say this is all I gotta really say for today and all, I just wanted to put us on the more positive track, because I do welcome these thoughts and concerns about life and the world, and I do want to talk about them more often, I also want to talk about silly stuff like breakfast lasagna, because I am having breakfast lasagna, and you're probably not.
So take that, HATERS.
With love, yours forever and ever and ever, aghadbeenhere.
-aghadbeenhere, 2024.
<3 -> lasagmna
0 notes
shamythelazypotato · 2 months
Welcome to my blog! 🤍
My name is Shamyla! You can call me Shamy or Sham, I love drawing and I'm obsessed with stickfigures<3
I'm from Mexico 🇲🇽 but I also speak English! (Tho it isn't perfect but I try)
I'll be posting my silly fanarts or ideas here, I hope you guys like it!
Also I'm currently working on a short series of AvA
My "Going Back" AU
Here's the link if you wanna check it out>>>
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
My box is open if one of you wants to chat or ask anything! I also take drawing requests about AvA, AvM, Sander sides, South park or hazbin hotel <3
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bytedykes · 9 months
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[ID: Four stickman memes. They are: a crying stickman laying on its back in a pool of tears, hands over its face. A stickman grabbing another's cheeks and screaming in their face. A stickman biting its own arm bloody. A red-eyed teary stickfigure grimacing and holding up a thumbs up. /end ID]
^ just finished twatf moodboard. my thoughts under the cut
genuinely so good. i am sick. i am wailing. i am going to throw up.
ok i lied it wasnt like, groundbreaking, but i did enjoy it! and it did give me new kinds of mental illness. im not typically into the "overpowered protagonist" trope at all but i feel like in this case it was more of a vehicle for the philosophy of the novel than the actual. point? im not a literature analysis person haha
i doubt i would have read this novel if it weren't by singshong. it is just generally not my thing. but im glad i did! i liked the character and i thought it was quite clever and funny, the world building was interesting (despite how overly complicated it is) and some parts made me so. oughhhbg. tearing my hair out
i also really enjoyed looking at this from a "how it compares to orv" standpoint (that's also the main reason i decided to read it). i liked seeing the "prototype" ideas in here that resemble parts of orv that were more developed/refined. and i liked the most specific messages that resembled orv's! there were a few bits regarding walls and connection that made me want to erm shrivel up and die
i guess i didn't really understand the ending but i don't think it was awful. those last 3 chapters are honestly what was worst to me, if i had stopped reading on chapter 244 i might have been happier with the openness of it. seeing all of jaehwan's friends dying and sirwen being left alone in the world was depressing as hell and didn't really feel necessary
orv is known for having everything in it and managing to pull off the most unhinged plots and details so i enjoyed seeing that same principle in twatf dsdjskks it threw a lot of things that i didnt expect at all and a lot of them were absurd but all together i think it made it work
goddd some parts just hit very close. maybe not the overall themes but some specific sections made me put my phone down and stare into space... the fall of time arc... the conversation jaehwan has with the long lived race after he's figured out the unclothing... what andersen tells him before she chooses to fight myad... many such cases
some of the criticisms for it that ive seen online are about the bad translation which is fair but i dont think that necessarily reflects the quality of the actual novel? idk the crappy translation and many typos did make it harder to read but i was still able to mostly understand what was happening and i got used to it pretty quickly. i do wish that the side characters were more developed, i was really interested in them and it felt like a lot of their development was dropped or forgotten, but i did love what growth was shown
i liked jaehwan!!! he is such a sopping wet silly guy. guy who is in the horrors forever. guy who is a billion years old but not actually but yes he is. guy who is so autism eyes incarnate. i liked him as a character and i liked following his journey even with his at times repetitive ideas and simple op solutions to everything. it was fun!
i enjoyed the characters in general, karlton grew on me for some reason lol... i liked anderson and runald a lot also... i liked how despite his identity as a lonely existence that works alone, jaehwan did actually forge so many bonds with people he met and did reciprocate them! him and yoonhwan, him hiring claire and meikal for govt positions when he became master of gorgon, him training with chunghuh, his care for runald and anderson, him verbally calling the fallbringers his friends when they reunite, even eventually his friendship with beastlain! i wasn't expecting him to make so many connections because of how set he is on doing everything alone, so i was really happy to see that he does consider them friends and isnt just coldly moving through the world alone, despite what his actions say
really liked the whole lore about [clothes]. i thought that was really cool. did not like the repeated instances of sexual harassment and pervy lines throughout the book
ive been telling people to read orv left and right, but in contrast twatf is a kind of novel that i dont think i would necessarily recommend to anyone (especially not to anyone who wasn't already an enjoyer of this genre and/or more "out there" plots in general) but i did enjoy reading it myself. however i would say that it provided some cool/valuable/fun insight into orv and singshong's writing in general so maybe i would recommend it to someone who has already read orv and wanted to expand on that
overall i did like it!!! i dont think ill be rereading it any time soon but i had fun reading and stewing over it :)
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