#acro rambles
christine-ye · 4 months
I'm definitely watching Acro Trip when it comes out later this year since Toshie Kawamura (Yes 5/GoGo, Smile, and Hugtto PreCure) is doing the character designs and the trailer looks very interesting 👀
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gemharvest · 8 months
Girl help one of the dogs walked on my laptop again last night (I know it has to have been Psycho) and now it's not behaving properly.
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lampfaced · 5 months
man I sure love getting a photo album compilation of myself through the years for Christmas from my parents (they did it for all us kids) and then having to see how I look Now at the end of it, and in the candid photos they tried to snap of us
like... I'm generally fine with how I look when I look in the mirror. I can recognize I've aged and am not in my early 20s anymore and it's fine.
but the second I see myself in photos, let alone photos where I'm next to other people... it's a whole different story.
I will start by saying I've always had body issues. always. even outside of gender issues. I've always looked at myself in photos and had dysmorphic issues and felt like I looked amorphous and Too Big, even though i look at those photos now and am shocked at how different I perceive them now versus back then. I was fine. I was in the ideal weight range for my height. I looked pretty much the same from the second I went through puberty at 13 through my mid-to-late 20s.
my family has always instilled this notion of Having To Look A Certain Way through constant diet talk and gossip of other family that has "let themselves go". even my 20-something-year-old brothers, who are gym bros, worry about being "fat". my sister has always had these "teeny tiny" nicknames because of how small she has always been, and she's almost always been a size zero. I got my dad's genes where I'm stocky instead.
I think part of why I recoil so badly when I see myself in photos is how much I now look like my father, and also my grandfather. who are short stocky people, and that's not a bad thing! I actively look at people who are also short and stocky to remind myself that they are beautiful and I have that same body type, and that it's okay. and yet... aside from my dad Nobody Else Looks Like That in the photos when I see them. everyone else has borderline magazine-quality bodies, proportioned in all the expected ways. and then there's me, notably thicker and doughier and not photogenic to begin with.
I'm not even that big!!! I'm not small by any means, either. my BMI is like... 27. I don't know my exact weight at any given moment bc I avoid obsessively weighing myself, but it's anywhere between 154 and 157 lbs. I'm 5'3" or so. I am a vet tech so I am on my feet and do a fair amount of physical labor daily.
I can't tell if the way I see myself in photos now is just more of that body dysmorphia nonsense, but I can definitely see that I am bigger and the number I see on the scale now vs. five-ish years ago reflects that. I don't like that the clothes I've had for so many years are tighter now or just don't fit anymore. I don't like that even if I do make myself miserable with dieting (I've tried and failed a few times now; between living in a place where fresh food is a) expensive and b) the "fast food" options have VERY little variety and c) I'm so worked-to-death that I have a very hard time prepping things on a regular basis it's very difficult.) or exercise (once again, I work at least ten-hour workdays and I am very tired and sore after work a lot so trying to find the time to exercise in the 3-4 hours after I get home to when I go to bed is not very feasible, and not even taking into account how horribly self-conscious I am about being perceived exercising even by my own spouse. I could flail around in the tiny living area for however long making gross physical exertion noises when it was Just Me but when there's another human being around, nope. can't do it.)
in the past I would get on the scale sometimes, see a certain number, and dial back on this or that and get back to where I wanted it. but now that I live where I do, versus before where I was minutes away from numerous options for grocery shopping and fresh healthy take-out any any moment's notice; not to mention how much more time I had in a day to myself... I don't think I can.
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apollo-cackling · 9 days
won an A20 Silent run where I took Acrobatics on floor 1. I'm going to get so much worse at the game bc of this <3
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art3mixx · 2 years
i think i might have sprained my toe??
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magiccath · 6 months
5 times the Doctor loved you, and one time he actually did something about it
tenth doctor x GN!reader
Summary: as it says on the tin!
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The Doctor slammed the door behind you, the booming footsteps of the Cybermen closing in. 
“What’s the plan?” You asked, slightly breathless from running. 
The Doctor didn’t know what to say. He didn’t have a plan. He couldn’t think of a single way out of this situation. 
He had told you traveling with him was dangerous, but you always insisted on coming. The only thing he could do was promise to keep you safe. To keep you alive, no matter the cost. 
As the footsteps neared, he began to fear he couldn’t keep his promise. 
He hoped his eyes didn’t show the panic he was feeling inside. 
“Do we have a plan?”
He shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut. A small part of him hoped it might shut everything out. 
The Cybermen neared your hideout, their metal fists banging on the wooden doors. Between the thick wood and the metal lock, the two of you had minutes at best. 
“The Cybermen are all connected through a network, correct?”
The Doctor opened his eyes, looking at you in confusion. 
“And if I can get into that network…” you scanned the room quickly, your eyes instantly settling on a computer. 
“It’ll be practically impossible,” the Doctor argued.
“They could have it under lock and key, and there would still be a way to break into it.” You smiled. “You just have to know what you’re doing.”
The Doctor watched in awe as your fingers danced across the keyboard, typing endless strings of characters that he couldn’t understand. 
“See, I already hacked into the database,” you leaned closer to the computer, absentmindedly chewing on your bottom lip. The Doctor tried not to let his eyes linger on your lips too much. 
“I just need to hack into the executive level.” You turned to look at the Doctor. 
He couldn’t think what you would need him for. You knew how computers worked, he didn’t really. 
Silently, you held out your hand. 
Confused, the Doctor took it. He wasn’t complaining. Your hands were soft and warm. He’d make any excuse to hold them. 
You laughed, the sound like music to his ears.
“No, silly.”
The Doctor blushed, but he didn’t remove his hand from yours. 
“I need the sonic,” you explained. 
Embarrassed, he slid the object into your hands. 
You handled the sonic with expertise. The Doctor didn’t think you had been listening all of those times he rambled on about the machine. 
Sure enough, you flicked to the correct settings in a matter of seconds. Using it appeared to be second nature to you. 
“Done!” You clapped your hands excitedly. Sure enough, the commotion outside the door halted, silence settling between the two of you. 
The Doctor’s eyes darted between the door and you, trying to process what had just happened. 
Once he did, he wasted no time scooping you into his arms. 
You laughed and wrapped your arms around his neck happily. 
The Doctor was practically buzzing with joy. He swung you gently from side to side as he hugged you, your feet dangling from the ground.
He didn’t want to let you go. 
“Brilliant!” He grinned, “You’re brilliant!” 
He pulled back slightly, planting a firm kiss on your forehead. 
In the end, you didn’t need him to save you. You could more than do that yourself. 
The Doctor was plagued with thoughts. Endless, troublesome thoughts swirled about his head. 
Almost nothing was certain. Except for one truth the Doctor held close to his heart. At the end of the day, it was just him. 
The last of the Time Lords. Floating through time and space, alone. 
Always alone. 
In his head, it was only a matter of time before you left. No one ever really stayed. Be it sickness, life, love, or fear, his companions always left him. 
He raked his hands across his face, hoping the action could silence the incessant chatter in his head. 
Truthfully, he didn’t have the strength to fight it off today. Why even bother? 
You bounded into the control room, a smile plastered across your face. You had a way of bringing light into any room. Most days, it was impossible for the Doctor to be upset in your presence. Today it was just too much for the alien to handle on his own. 
He tried to hide his hurt, plastering a sad smile on his own face. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked, catching on instantly. 
“I’m fine,” he lied. 
You frowned, not falling for his lie. 
His hands clutched the console, his knuckles white from the force. Gently, you ghosted your fingers across his hand. Convinced he wasn’t going to run away, you placed your hands over his. Almost instantly they eased up, suddenly aware of the force in which he was clutching the console. 
“What’s going on up there?” you asked, your gentle hands moving to cup his face. You gave his head a light wiggle, the action causing the corners of the Doctor’s mouth to curve upwards. 
“How long are you going to stay with me?” He whispered, almost too scared to say the words aloud. 
You furrowed your brows, not out of anger, but rather confusion. 
“I’m not going anywhere.” You smiled, your thumbs rubbing circles against his cheeks softly. 
The Doctor didn’t really believe you. They never wanted to leave, until they did. Perhaps you were happy at the moment, but that wasn’t going to last. 
He forced himself to pull away from your grip. The sooner he let you go, the less it was going to hurt. At least, that’s what he told himself. 
You grabbed the sleeve of his coat, tugging lightly. The Doctor closed his eyes, trying to demonstrate some level of self-restraint. You weren’t making it easy. 
Without warning, you wrapped your arms firmly around the man. Your grip was unwavering, your hands clutching at his clothes desperately. 
The Doctor was taken aback at first, unsure what to do. Eventually, he relaxed into the hug. Giving in, he allowed his arms to wrap around you, pulling you closer to him. If he had it his way, he would stay like this forever. 
“I don’t ever want to leave,” you gasped, your breath hot against his neck. You buried your face in his shoulder, attempting to get as close as possible. 
For a second, the Doctor allowed himself to think that you might feel even a fraction of the way he felt about you. 
“Yeah,” you beamed, pulling back to look at the Doctor. 
Your eyes were mesmerizing up close. Their color glistened in the TARDIS light, and he found it impossible to look away. 
“You can’t get rid of me that easy, Spaceman,” you laughed. 
“The name’s Captain Jack Harkness,” The dashing man in front of you smiled, holding out his hand confidently. 
You took it warily, exchanging your own name awkwardly. You didn’t exactly share the Captain’s confidence. His smile clearly had you flabbergasted, a scarlet flush creeping onto your cheeks.
He flashed you an overly cocky grin, his hold on your hand unwavering. 
“Stop it,” the Doctor growled from behind you. 
“I’m just saying hello,” Jack said innocently, practically batting his eyelashes.
“It’s never just hello with you,” the Doctor continued groaning. He was used to Jack’s antics, the man flirted with anything that moved. He usually had no issue with it. That was, until the flirting was directed at you. 
“I don’t mind,” you grinned, looking up at the Captain sheepishly. You seemed to get lost in his eyes. From the Doctor’s point of view, you practically had heart eyes bursting from your head. 
Jack smiled back, charming as ever. His eyes traveled across your face, taking in each and every feature. 
“You’re gorgeous,” he whispered. 
You let out a nervous giggle, clearly taken aback by the compliment. Had the Doctor never called you that before? He was almost certain he had. You had never reacted that way when he did.
“T-thank you,” you stammered. It was clear to just about anyone that you were interested in the Captain. Between the way you looked at him and the bright red of your face, you were practically screaming it. 
It drove the Doctor crazy. He couldn’t express how badly he wanted you to look at him like that. Yet here you were, ogling over none other than Captain Jack Harkness. 
“Do you want to grab coffee?” Jack asked, his words pulling the Doctor from his thoughts. 
The Doctor had to suppress a scoff. Of course, the captain was asking you out at a time like this. The world could be crumbling and he would shag the nearest complying individual. 
The Doctor didn’t want to think about you and Jack together. In fact, he didn’t like to think about you with anyone but him. Maybe it was selfish, but a small part of him wanted you all to himself. 
He didn’t stick around to hear your answer. It would only break his heart more to hear you say yes. 
Unfortunately, the Doctor didn’t know that you never said yes to the Captain. If he had stuck around, he would have found that out. 
That was the only thing coursing through the Doctor’s mind as he pointed the gun at the woman in front of him. Pure, unbridled rage. 
His hands shook as he cocked the gun, fully preparing himself to pull the trigger. He could do it. He had every means to take the woman’s life. 
He didn’t need to move his gaze to know you were by his side. He could feel the gentle pull of your fingers on his coat. 
“Go back to the TARDIS,” he growled. 
“Doctor,” you repeated, hurt riddling your voice. 
He couldn’t bring himself to lower the gun, but at the same time, he couldn’t fire it either. 
The woman before him was an awful person. She had killed hundreds and didn't even feel a shred of remorse. Even further, he had killed your friend. He should kill her. You should want him to. But you didn't. 
“Doctor.” Your hand crept towards his. 
He shook his head. He wanted to scream, he wanted to cry. But instead, he just stood there. 
“She doesn't deserve this,” you pleaded, your hand closing around his own. 
“Yes she does,” he said, shakily. He wasn’t sure if he fully believed himself. 
“If you kill her, are you any better than her?” You asked, guiding the hand holding the gun away from the woman. 
The Doctor didn’t stop you, but he didn’t agree either. His eyes remained trained on the woman at his feet. 
You eased the gun from his hand and disarmed it before throwing it across the room. 
You took his face in your hands gently, pulling his gaze towards you. 
“You are better than this,” you reminded him. 
The Doctor was fighting back tears. It was all he could do to shake his head no. 
“Yes, you are,” you reiterated, resting your forehead against his. 
The TARDIS was cold. Realistically, it was the Doctor’s fault for breaking the heater. In his defense, he didn’t intend to. 
It wasn’t an issue for the Time Lord, temperature wasn’t really an issue for him. He could wear a suit in the desert or shorts in the winter, it didn’t really matter. 
You, however, were obviously cold. 
“Are you going to fix the heating?” you asked, clutching your arms for warmth. 
It wasn’t that he wanted you to suffer. Quite the contrary. He couldn’t figure out how to fix the heater. He just didn’t want to admit it. 
“If you go up the stairs and to the left, you’ll find yourself in the TARDIS closet,” he explained. 
“I hardly think an 18th-century dress that smells of mothballs is going to fix the heating.” 
The Doctor chuckled. 
“No, but there are sweaters and other normal clothes in there.”
While you went searching for something warm, the Doctor continued his banging under the TARDIS console. It shouldn’t be this hard to figure out. 
He sat cross-legged on the floor, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He ducked his head downwards so he could read the book that lay open on the floor. 
“How to fix your spaceship at home!” wasn’t much help at the moment. He slammed the book shut and resumed his pointless banging. He was probably doing more harm than good, but he figured if he hit enough stuff the ship would fix itself. 
The TARDIS groaned in protest. 
“I think this will work,” you interrupted, walking back into the control room. 
You were rolling the sleeves of a green sweater up so you could use your hands. 
His green sweater. 
“It doesn’t smell like mothballs!” You jested. 
The Doctor turned his gaze away from you, hoping you wouldn’t notice the bright red color creeping into his cheeks. 
“It actually smells a bit like leather and sweets,” you continued, smelling the sleeve.
“That used to be mine.” 
“Yours?” You asked, almost as if you were shocked. 
“Well, it didn’t belong to this face,” he shrugged. 
“But it was yours.” 
“Yeah.” The red was taking over his face now. There was no way you hadn’t noticed. 
“You can have it back,” you said, interpreting his silence for displeasure. 
“No! I don’t wear stuff like that anymore. You can have it,” he rambled, scratching the back of his head anxiously. He wanted to say so many other things. How you looked infinitely better in it than he ever did and how happy it made him to see you in his sweater. 
“Thank you!” you grinned before bounding back down the hallway. 
The Doctor smiled to himself. He’d completely forgotten about the heating. All he could think about was how much he liked you in his clothes. 
The one time he did something about it.
You threw the doors of the TARDIS open, rushing into the open field. 
“It’s beautiful!” You laughed as you danced through the tall sapphire grass. You stopped to examine every strange and new plant littered throughout the meadow, encountering each with a new kind of enthusiasm.
The biome in front of him could be the most magnificent thing ever, and he would still be looking at you. Especially when you were this happy. 
You bounced around the meadow, picking up flowers you liked as the Doctor followed behind you. 
You rambled on about your day happily as you moved about. You were more than content to just be in the Doctor’s company without an imminent threat looming over you. 
He stopped your ramblings suddenly with an utterance of your name. 
“Yes?” You asked, wide-eyed. 
“I love you,” he whispered. He couldn’t hold it in anymore.
Wide-eyed, you blinked at him. 
“Please say something,” he said, pained.
You remained silent, still processing the Time Lord’s words. 
The Doctor began to panic. Thoughts tumbled about his head, doubt seeping into his mind. 
Then, without warning, you dropped your flowers and threw yourself into the Doctor’s arms. 
He fell over from the force, landing in the cushion of the plush foliage. 
“I’m sorry,” you laughed, a grin taking over your face. 
“There’s nothing to be sorry for.”
The Doctor brushed a stay strand of hair from your face, tucking it gently behind your ear. Color flushed into your cheeks from the simple action.
His eyes darted between your eyes and your mouth, silently asking permission to kiss him. You nodded your head lightly, inviting him to do so. 
Slowly, he brought his lips to yours. You smiled against his kiss, relishing in the warmth. 
When he pulled away, you pulled him back. Plastering a series of kisses against his mouth, you demanded his attention. 
This made the Doctor laugh, his arms snaking comfortably around your waist, truly securing you against himself. 
You drifted from his lips to his cheek, planting one final kiss there. 
“You love me!” you laughed, poking him playfully. 
“I do,” He laughed, resting his hand against your cheek.  You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes in tranquility. 
“I love you too,” you whispered against his palm, your breath warm on his hand. 
Truthfully, that was all the Doctor could have ever asked for.
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angeart · 9 months
Could totally do au rambles you say?? Tell me about this forest curse au? 🤲🤲🤲❤️
CURSED FOREST AU!!! yesss <3
i will warn, this might be a long ramble. (edit: it is a VERY long ramble) this is the au me and @stiffyck are insane about. i will also say, this idea was thrown out as a horror au. aaand as such, the most important content warnings are body horror and animal death. please be aware.
it's set in a fantasy setting, and the forest isn't actually cursed. it's the people who come there, each bearing their own unique curse, then choosing to stay there with the others (found family boatem <3)
i'll put the au ramble under the cut here.
It all starts with Scar, who is a necromancer. Now, necromancy is scorned upon, it's a forbidden magic and people hate it. Which then means they hate Scar.
Necromancy works in two ways: one is raising human corpses/skeletons, in which case, Scar would need to focus and consciously manipulate them, like a pupeteer. They do not move on their own. However, animals are a different story. Resurrected animals continue behaving as if they were alive, independent of Scar. They are technically not alive, though. If they get hurt, their bodies will not heal. (Jellie is a resurrected cat. Yes, there's a whole story behind this.)
So, Scar is hated and he has nowhere to go and maybe he raises dead just because he's lonely and desperate to understand himself. Down the line, he gets cursed by someone, and his curse is one of shapeshifting, which might sound cool, but here's the thing: Scar doesn't know. He doesn't know he could willingly change shapes, he doesn't know how to control it, and even if he knew how, it'd be an incredibly painful process. But not shifting isn't an option—the curse, when idle, lashes out. What this means is Scar's bones just randomly snap and break. They do heal quickly enough, but it doesn't take away from the pain of it.
In the end, Scar finds himself settling in a forest. Away from everyone. There's nobody who'd care about him and he's so tired of being hated. So he settles in an isolated forest. And he raises dead animals for company.
Now, enter Grian.
Grian, unlike Scar, has a nature magic. He used to be an animal healer. One day, someone's pet died in his care. Not to the lack of trying—he did everything he could. Still, it wasn't enough, and it didn't matter. On top of his own guilt and grief, Grian got cursed by the pet owner.
The curse causes Grian to randomly pass out/fall asleep. When this happens, his mind gets transferred into a body of a random nearby animal. He gets to be the animal for a bit, but once he wakes up, that animal dies. Every time. There's no way around it. He can't stop himself from passing out, he can't stop himself from controlling the animal, he can't stop them from dying.
Needless to say, he's not having a great time.
He doesn't stay as an animal healer. He can't handle the possibility of hurting the animals he's supposed to take care of on the off chance that he passes out near them. He goes away, but it doesn't matter how far he goes, the curse follows.
That's when he finds Scar's forest.
He stumbles upon Scar reviving an animal, and it startles both of them in different ways. Scar is used to be hated. To be judged. To be hurt. He feels like he needs to hide. Like there'll be backlash, any second now. But... it doesn't come. Instead, Grian looks relieved. He watches Scar do his magic, watches the animal start to move again, and for the first time in a very long time, he feels something akin to hope.
So he stays. He lingers.
This surprises Scar, because nobody ever stays around in this forest. He doesn't even know where Grian is sleeping. There's no place for him to sleep, no other houses, no bed. Does he just, sleep outside?
Scar doesn't know Grian avoids sleep like a plague (he has nightmares), and his "naps" always happen inconveniently (passing out), so yes, at this point, Grian sleeps outside in random places.
One day, Scar comes across Grian sleeping in a meadow in the middle of the day. Oddly, he can't seem to be able to wake him up. Later on, Grian comes to him, holding a bundle of something furry in his hands. He looks wretched.
He presents Scar with the dead animal, asking if he can "fix it".
This is when things properly start. Because even though Scar is confused—why is Grian so upset about this random dead animal, if it doesn't belong to him? What is he even doing here, why has Grian nowhere to go back to?—he's impossibly, desperately drawn to the idea of having someone around. Someone who doesn't hate him.
So he invites Grian to stay.
There's only one house at this point, so they make Grian a bed and they sleep in the same room.
Well, sleep. Grian avoids sleep. (At some point Scar catches on.)
And when Grian does sleep, he has nightmares.
Scar sometimes wakes up screaming too. In pain. When his bones break in the middle of the night.
They're both a mess, okay? But now they have each other there. For tentative comfort. For attempts at softness and safety, even though they still don't know about each other's curse.
They learn eventually, of course. At some point, when Grian feels like maybe Scar won't send him away (he kills animals after all, he's so so scared to admit it), they talk.
Scar doesn't send him away. Grian keeps bringing dead animals to him, and Scar does his best to revive all of them that he can. (This means, over the time, the forest fills with undead animals—random travellers who stumble upon this give the forest its name, the cursed forest, and attach a warning to it.)
Sometimes, Scar can't save Grian's animals. As they don't heal once they're dead—for example, if a bird falls when Grian wakes up, and it breaks its wings? It's more merciful to leave it be. They have a collection of graves like these. Scar carves skulls of the animals into the stone to mark them. Grian sometimes sits there, heart full of apologies and guilt and grief.
I'm going to move on to Mumbo now. And Stiff's idea here is so very interesting! Mumbo is a potion maker. He loves to try things, to tinker, to improve. He likes his craft. But. People don't.
People don't like potion makers. It's seen as a last option. Because the transaction involves trust. Because it's something they don't understand and they can't confirm. They have no way of knowing if the purchased potion actually does what the potion maker claims it does. Does it really heal? Is it a poison? Is it a truth potion? Is it just an overpriced drink that does nothing? Is it something harmful that will force them to come back and buy another potion to fix it?
So people are distrustful of potions. There's no real way to know if what you're getting is what you need. But Mumbo finds them intriguing and it's the one thing he's good at, and he doesn't want to give it up.
Mumbo's curse is hypnotising people, taking control of them in a way where they'll do what he says. It happens when he looks them in the eye. It makes him dizzy.
When Mumbo stumbles upon the forest, he's nervous. He's a travelling potion maker, never welcome anywhere for too long, and there's this scary forest with a terrifying reputation and Mumbo has to pass through.
He's so anxious about it—only to find that two animal-loving idiots live there. And Mumbo pulls himself together and goes to check if they need potions. Fully expecting to be turned away.
They don't turn him away. Scar's bones keep breaking and they could definitely use some potions for easier healing.
It's Grian who begs Mumbo to stay. He begs him to stay for Scar.
And Mumbo stammers an agreement, caught off guard. For the first time in his life, he feels wanted and useful. Appreciated. Trusted, even, on top of that.
They also find use for his hypnotising curse—when Scar's in too much pain, he asks Mumbo to hypnotise him, because it helps numb the pain.
So Mumbo makes his home in a forest that is a little bit weird, a little bit spooky (Scar has a strange sense of humour and leans into the rumours; he decorates the trees with skeletones and bones). But Mumbo figures, he's a little bit weird, too. So maybe that just means he finally fits in somewhere.
Then we have Pearl. Pearl used to be a healer. She helped people when they were hurt or sick, but sometimes she also recognised when people were beyond saving, suggesting "letting them pass on peacefully" (or in other words, "putting them to sleep"). Similar to what happened with Grian, this made some grieving people very unhappy, and led to Pear getting cursed.
Pearl's curse makes her extremely tired, in a way where she can only gain energy from other people. But it causes the other people crash from exhaustion—so she literally puts them to sleep.
She doesn't know how to fix herself or where to go with this. She's aimless, a little bit lost. Alone. Tired. So, so tired from being driven away from everywhere.
Until she reaches the cursed forest. She doesn't expect much. Maybe she'll just pass through. But she is so weary, and she finds houses, and maybe she could rest for a bit?
They find out what she does, and she expects yelling and threats, she expects them to be mad, to tell her to go away and never come back, but— They don't. They don't do any of that.
They look at her, take it in, and they don't send her away.
Instead, Scar begs her to stay. Because Grian needs sleep. Grian needs help sleeping safely. He's been avoiding it, due to the nightmares, but it's edging a limit and Scar is worried about him, and this could help.
So Pearl stays. And she's bewildered and it takes her a while for it all to sink in: that they want her here. That she can maybe help them.
That first nigtht when Scar and Grian spontaneously come over to her, asking if they can take a nap there? She's so startled, because usually people hate that she puts them under, that she can control them and make them pass out like that. But these two just came willingly to her doorstep asking her to do it to them.
She doesn't know what to think that first time.
But they keep coming back.
Later, they make sleepover parties at her house. It's all of them curled up around her, and she's still flabbergasted by the trust, by the way they let her do this.
The fog of exhaustion hanging over her finally starts to relent. And she thinks maybe she can be herself after all. Maybe it's okay to be who she is. Maybe it doesn't actually have to hurt or scare anyone. Maybe she can actually help and be a proper part of this little community they're building here.
Then we have Impulse! Impulse is a devil spawn or a half demon or something like that. He has horns, which gives him away. He's never done anything bad, never intentionally hurt anybody, but being good is not good enough, because people take one look at him and expect him to be evil. So he didn't do anything bad, but he got cursed anyway.
The idea of the curse is to warn people away from him. To "show his true nature" before people have a chance to get tricked. Basically, it distorts the perception of people around him—sort of like hallucinations (auditory, visual, the whole package).
It happens more often than not when Impulse feels strong emotions. It just unfolds in an area around him, and anyone who's near enough gets to experience something personally tailored to their own fears. It's disturbing. It's terrifying. Impulse can't control it.
When he comes to the forest, he doesn't get sent away for what he is (which is the first for him), and he's so scared that they'll send him away because of his curse instead. And it's this building anxiety that actually makes the curse flare out for the first time in the forest.
Impulse scrambles to soothe them, to calm them down, hurriedly explaining through his (and theirs) panic what's happening.
They still don't send him away. They know how it feels to be relentlessly followed by a curse and by hate. They promise him they'll figure it out.
Over time, they mostly learn to recognise where the hallucinations start and end—so that they don't have to always be afraid around him. They also recognise that they happen the most when Impulse is distressed, so whenever things start looking scary, they go and find Impulse to check up on him and make sure that he is okay.
(This is from the discord rambles: imagine them being enveloped in a very dark, disturbing hallucination. and instead of cowering or running away or panicking, they'd search through it, find impulse, and beeline straight to him. gently take hold of him and ask if he is okay. and how can they help)
The hallucinations add a nice flavour to things, because they can trigger other curses—think Scar panicking and breaking a bone, or seeing something and raising a dead creature to defend himself. Think Grian with waking nightmares thrown into the mix. Or him passed out, transformed into a small animal, already defenceless and vulnerable, when everything around him starts distorting into terrifying things.
Also, it's harder to know it's a hallucination when they don't know that Impulse is nearby.
They're still trying to work though it. To be there for each other.
Now, Boatem, right? And this is silly, but listen.
One evening, Impulse tells the others a story about a boat. It's a random silly story. His voice is fond when he says it. Everyone listens intently. (They all like stories.)
Both Grian and Scar like crafting items, and once when they have a sleepless night, they decide to distract themselves with crafting. They think of their new friend, and boom, suddenly a bunch of boats have been made.
They wonder how tall the boats would be if they stacked them on top of each other.
"Would they be taller than Mumbo?"
Others joke that maybe Scar and Grian need a different hobby, because making a pile of boats in the middle of a forest where nobody needds boats is a bit bonkers. (They don't care and make another boat.)
Impulse loves it, because it means they all remembered his story. It's very nice.
Then they all come together to decorate the boats. Grian uses nature magic—flowers and vines and moss. Scar decorates with bones. Mumbo uses his potion skills to stain the wood and make it colourful. Pearl carves into the wood and Impulse draws on it, creating little stories. (Jellie pitches in with her claws and mice offerings.)
Now, we do have a lot of different little scenes and ideas for this au. I think one of my favourite ones are the dancing scenes.
Scar used to dance with skeletons when he wanted some comfort. A gentle sway, being held. That kind of thing. But he's also good at dancing overall.
Grian doesn't know how to dance. So Scar teaches him—using a skeleton puppet. Think Grian huffing "When can I dance with you?" and Scar laughing under his breath: "When you stop stepping on the skeleton's feet."
Think of the first time Grian gets his steps right. He beams at Scar and bounces over, all excited, "Now will you dance with me?"
Think of Scar not used to actual soft warm hands on him. Not used to the firmness of human touch, the way it sends sparks across his skin. He's not used to this. It's making his head spin. It's making his knees weak.
Scar, who is expert at dancing, stumbles through his first dance with Grian, helplessly distracted by Grian's touch, by the body under his own hands, by the actual warmth of a living person. By the way it feels to dance with someone who looks back at him, who grins at him, wide and toothy and overjoyed. The way Grian wants to dance with him, not because Scar made him want it. He just does.
Scar has to stop midway through the dance. He feels so overwhelmed.
Grian teases him for stumbling when Scar's the one who's supposed to know how to dance. And Scar admits he doesn't remember the last time he danced with someone actually living.
Grian smiles at him fondly—so gentle and soft—and he suggest they take it down a notch. They can just slow dance.
And that's something Scar used to do with skeletons to self-soothe—he used it for comfort for so long. And now he's being held by Grian. He's no longer alone. There's someone who doesn't shy away from him. Someone willing to hold him gently.
Scar sways with him and he buries in face in Grian's shoulder and sobs as they dance.
ANYWAY, that all being said. Art!!
You've probably seen my art of the cursed forest au - with Grian being upset over a dead animal, and Scar coming over to cheer him up. There's little details there—the flowers in Scar's hair were gifted to him by Grian, and they're kept fresh by nature magic. They're made to last. The bone necklace Grian wears is a gift from Scar. He was nervous to give it to him, but death and bones are the only things he knows, so he did it anyway. And Grian wears it happily, and it makes Scar's heart ache—he feels accepted.
Stiffy also made art for this au!! It's Scar dancing with a skeleton and IT'S ABSOLUTELY AMAZING PLEASE GO LOOK AT IT but also before you do, cw bright colours, eye strain. HERE IS THE LINK.
I think that's. Uh. Enough from me for now.
@stiffyck if you want to add anything go ahead <3
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shikisei · 4 months
based on your reactions to aa2, especially how you enjoy that the cases more relate to and help develop pre-existing characters, I’m INCREDIBLY excited to see you play aa3. it’s a fantastic game and I’m happy for you to experience it yknow!!!!!
i'm really excited too! i don't have any idea what to expect, so i'm kind of scared, but it seems like a lot of people are excited for me to play it, so i'm sure i'll have a good time!
aa2 very much had its good and bad moments; 2 really good cases kind of bracketing a pretty... lackluster one, and especially because it started off with a silly scenario for the tutorial case it had this down-up-down-up timeline to it in terms of how serious i took it. (not to say that in a bad way, i still had fun! ...mostly) however both 2-2 and 2-4, as well as That One Specific moment in 2-3 were very strong points and definitely gave me a lot to think about. overall, i had a really good experience.
like you said in the ask, i really noticed the character development in everyone since aa1, and that's one of my favorite things about this game. observing brand new dynamics between characters we just met and even characters we already knew created a really interesting and wonderful narrative. just as an example, my friends have already heard my rant about how the reason we were able to succeed the final trial of 2-4 was because edgeworth was the prosecutor; if it was anyone else, phoenix would not have been able to stall it long enough, i think. they've established that they worked well together in 1-3 and 1-5, but we don't know if it's possible again, because this time there was another new layer added to it that tested that dynamic, being that edgeworth was gone for a year and phoenix's resentment towards him for it. so having that test of separation and meeting again almost as strangers shakes their ability to work together at first, but they eventually still find that the trust they had in each other held strong and were able to re-establish that dynamic from the first game, but with... more. i have more thoughts on that and the whole case itself, but i dont want to talk too long because i have a lot, so i'll save it for another time...
i may have talked about it before, this series has a lot of emphasis on family and it's importance, how other people regard it, and how far they'll go for those they consider family, whether it's good or bad. it was very present in the first game, but the major cases of this game really emphasized that idea also. (morgan trying to project her desires through pearl, mimi using ini as an escape, acro trying to get revenge for his brother, franziska and edgeworth and how she views him as someone she has to chase after <- airport conversation made me cry and cry so much btw, and this one is kind of projecting but phoenix and pearl doing everything they can to save maya). it's really important and i think it's good.
the line between selfishness and self-preservation is a thin one to walk on.
i'm sorry for rambling. thank you for the ask. here's a sketch for you! we will start aa3 soon!
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faithfulcat111 · 11 months
Stonathan Sundays
I'm thinking of this as a spiritual predecessor to one of my Stonathan week fics in which you'll learn more about just why Jonathan hates the dark. Till then, enjoy this on-the-spot Stonathan Sunday ficlet! @stonathanweek
"I'm not a big fan of the dark."
Steve looked up from where he was trying to piece together the map that Dustin had given him before he headed out on patrol. Jonathan sat on the other side of said map, looking blankly through the slats of the boarded over window beside them. The little shack of a house that the two had found themselves taking shelter in was long abandoned like most of the area around Hawkins, but you could still see the glowing red sky above what was formerly town center. It was growing and none of them were certain how much longer their rag-tag group could hold back the worst of the things crawling out of the cracks before they had to evacuate like most of the town already had.
"I don't think any of us are. Even with that thing lighting the sky every night," Steve gestured towards the glowing sky, trying to smile through dirt and muck he knew he was covered in. Their patrol had been a bit of a mess, and they might have been a bit lost, hence the taking shelter in the abandoned shack.
"No, I mean," Steve didn't think it was possible for Jonathan to sound frustrated like that, not after finally getting to know the guy, but he clearly was as he turned away from the window. "I mean from before all this. I hate it. Literally will go into a panic attack because of the dark or being closed in. And I'm telling you this because I know I'm already close to one. And I don't want to deal with that and you don't want to deal with that, so I'm letting you know." He finished off that little ramble with a shrug.
Steve frowned. It was hard for him to read Jonathan's face with the shadows growing across the room, but that ever-present stoicism plastered onto Jonathan's face and voice was undercut with a hint of growing fear. Steve looked around the room, spotting the pile he had seen of old yellow books and newspapers that had been left behind. "Okay, then we'll make it not dark anymore," he said, getting up to grab the first few pieces off the pile before walking over to the old wood stove in the corner. "Do you know how to light one of these?"
There is a hitch in Jonathan's breathing and Steve hears him move closer more than sees him, "Yes, but we need more than just that to get it going."
It took some scavenging, mainly done by Steve, to find some kindling and wood to add to the newspaper, but he looked over at Jonathan when he could, watching the soft glow of the fire that was growing light up his features as he used the lighter he always carried to help get it going. When Jonathan finally deemed it enough, Steve sat back down next to him, watching his face as Jonathan's eyes were trained on the fire before them.
There was something warm and strong in the air that didn't come from the growing heat. Something that Steve realized came from this thing between him and Jonathan. Steve couldn't pinpoint when it started, if it was new or he'd been oblivious to its existance all the way back to that day three years ago when Jonathan punched some sense into him and then saved his life causing Steve to do the same. But he knew that he definitely noticed it now that the two were stuck in such close proximity all of the time. To the point that Steve wanted to choose Jonathan as his patrol partner rather than the girls and be around him more. Have him shyly grab his hand again and maybe more.
"Is that better?" Steve congratulated himself when Jonathan didn't startle from his voice. He so easily did and was so naturally quiet.
But he didn't this time. Jonathan turned to Steve, a slight smile on his face as it glowed red in the firelight. "Yes," he quietly murmured before shifting, surprising Steve as he leaned into his side. Steve couldn't suppress his grin any longer, feeling it spread across his own face as he moved his arm around Jonathan to pull him in closer. "It's perfect."
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allieangel44 · 1 year
So, my brother and I played Turnabout Big Top, and we keep making jokes about how we would enjoy it more if Max was dating Bat AND LIKE
It would get rid some of my main issue with the case, being the creepy love thing with adults having with a LITERAL MINOR. Max and Bat have each other, after all (and Ben & Trilo will either not have interest in Regina or be more of an uncle figure like Moe. Have the ring be a gift instead of a proposal and have Max smashing the bottle over Ben's head be about them pushing each others' buttons while Max has a comatose bf)
It would also tie into the grand symbolism of grief that Justice for All had. Grief in this game is heavy and mainly used as a way to show sorrow and hatred and revenge, but if we kept Max's original personality with his arrogant yet happy and encouraging ideas, grieving can still be shown, but also a person coping with it in a (mostly) healthy way, because Max seems a whole of a heck lot better than Acro is emotionally "I'm trying to live my best life because that's what he'd want me to live like."
I have also had the (not so) amazing thought of Max and Phoenix bonding over their boyfriends, one in a coma, one "dead". Them just understanding each other and grieving, it just... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
I know I'm rambling but GOD I hate Turnabout Big Top. It's not my least favorite, but it's just so... Eck.
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alynnl · 1 year
My Objection. (Ace Attorney: Justice for All Ramble)
What I’m about to say is my opinion based off my gaming experience in Ace Attorney. My very biased opinion ahead.
So I have seen one opinion that have been shared by a great deal of the Ace Attorney fandom that I respectfully disagree with.
“Justice for All is one of the worst and/or weakest entries into the series.”
I have been around the internet enough to know that a great deal of the fandom doesn’t like this game as much as the others.  However, I see its value as a bridge between Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations.  And I also see the overarching themes Justice for All was going for, and acknowledge the efforts to try and show it.
It’s about grief.
Phoenix Wright experiences the apparent loss of his dearest friend Miles Edgeworth and he struggles to cope with it, being unable to even speak his name.  Maya Fey learns that her aunt Morgan was behind a conspiracy to frame her for murder and that her innocent little cousin, Pearl is the only living family she has left.  Franziska von Karma takes out her anger on Phoenix in the courtroom, finding no other way to cope with the empty void left behind by her father Manfred and adopted brother Miles than to secure an absolute victory.  Mimi Miney, Acro and Adrian Andrews all go to extremes (committing or planning to commit crimes) because they lost someone near and dear to their hearts.
It's about purpose.
Phoenix has to really think about who he is, what he's doing with his life, and why when his resolve is tested. Edgeworth states with his words and actions why he stands in the courtroom after a whole year of being absent. Franziska has to rethink her own life in the ending scenes, when she's clearly shown that there is no such thing as a flawless trial. Detective Gumshoe chooses to keep investigating the final case despite (temporarily) losing his job because that's what he feels is right.
It’s about loyalty and trust.
Gumshoe is willing to help Phoenix and Maya on all their investigations, despite being on the prosecution’s side.  Maya trusts Phoenix both times she ends up in trouble. Phoenix trusts the advice of his mentor, Mia as she speaks through Maya and Pearl.  It’s a small moment, but Gumshoe is the first person Edgeworth speaks to, letting the detective know he’s alive and he’s been watching the events that play out in court from a distance.  There’s a major moment where Phoenix meets Edgeworth outside the courtroom, and they cooperate inside of court to make the trial as long as possible to help Maya when she’s taken hostage. Even Franziska comes through for Phoenix and Edgeworth when all seems lost, and they trust that she has brought important evidence to court to truly turn the trial around.
With themes like these (and possibly others I may have overlooked, as I am going completely by memory), I can say that Justice for All is a solid entry in the Ace Attorney series. It shows character and relationship development that was interesting and made sense for the situations the cast was faced with. It was a great story to follow in my first play through of it, and I'm actually curious to see how well it holds up in a later replay where I know all the plot twists.
If you read this far, thank you for hearing me out. What was about to be a rant of fiery passion turned into my gushing about just one part of my newest gaming obsession. I will probably have many more thoughts going forward, since Ace Attorney's writing lends itself to that so well!
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Hii!! I saw your requests and was hoping to jump on the train:>
Could i get matchups for sk8 the infinity and/or genshin impact? (I'd love to see both, but please know just one is okay!! I'm grateful for any work you're willing to put in)
My pronouns are she/her & I'm pansexual!! If it helps any i do tend to prefer more dominant/intimidating types
My zodiac is Capricorn & my MBTI is INFP:> (a goofy mix, right? Hehe, it often throws off a lot of people, saying i don't seem like your stereotypical capricorn.)
For my appearance, I'm 18 so pretty young XD
My hair is long and a light dirty blonde, reaching down to my lower back, I prefer to keep it down. I'm white, and my eyes are hazel (green and brown mix, since I know theres a few options there).
I'm pretty tall! I'm 5'8, and I'm also really slim! I can't help it, my metabolism is very high and i also dance a lot. I have a lot of piercings too! For facial piercings, i have snakebites & my left eyebrow pierced, all with small silver jewelry (if your curious to my jewelry, my lip has small silver horseshoes, and i have a small silver barbell in my eyebrow.)
My ears are, of course, pierced too. On the left side i have two piercings in my earlobe and on my right side i have two ear lobe piercings and a cartilage piercing near the top. (Fun fact! I had an industrial bar on the left, but after it came out one time i never put it back in. The reason being a keloid scar i have there.)
If you'd also wish to know my typical daily wear, i usually wear leggings and a comfy tee. I usually only have my facial piercings & cartilage piercing in lately because I don't have any discreet jewelry for my ears:> no makeup here!
Personality is pretty cheery, as you could probably guess lol. I actually have really bad social anxiety though! Luckily, with my new meds & years of therapy, I'm starting to be a little better. Unfortunately, I'm still essentially agoraphobic.
Once i get to know someone though I'm super happy to chat! Whether that be me rambling to fill the silence (i do this a lot, i can enjoy a comfortable silence but i often find myself sharing small, insightful stories.) I get pretty silly once we're close, too. Although, only within the other persons comforts (eg. I might play fight more with someone who isn't sensitive to touch than someone who is, although i don't actually play fight much lol just needed an example.)
I'm stubborn too! My thoughts are my own and i will not allow someone to force their opinions on me (yes, i will still take advice and criticism, just not a senseless "the way I feel is the only right choice.")
Another note is that I'm often told I'm very kind! I care deeply for those around me, and if i think it's warranted I'll easily lend my help, even to a complete stranger. I also often choke down my anxiety/panic to compliment people when I'm out, just to brighten their day a little
On mental illnesses that may provide you insight on my personality: i also have ADHD! i forget stuff a lot, and i get distracted easily when something catches my eye
For likes/dislikes, I've been doing ballet since i was 2! Now, I'm also doing so many other styles, including lyrical, jazz, hiphop & tap! I'm also teaching acro to young children:)
I write as a hobby, and i enjoy drawing/art!
For dislikes, I'm super sensitive to others emotions, an empath. Large crowds are easily overwhelming, and i can become overwhelmed if too much is happening at once too
My hobbies also include reading! And playing the flute, i think I went to about pre- professional level classes. Now, i play in my free time for fun
Sorry if this is really long!! And tysm if you get to this🙏
Have a good day/night!! Be sure to rest lots and eat well<33
Hi Ilayda! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like your matchups!
In Sk8 the Infinity, I match you with...
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Joe likes that you’re talkative and cheery. He deals with Cherry’s stoic attitude so much, you’re a nice change of pace.
Also likes play fighting with you. He banters with you the same way he does Cherry and doesn’t mind gently roughhousing on occasion. He won’t go much further than hair ruffling though. The last thing he wants to do is actually hurt you.
Since you’re good with kids, please help him out with Reki, Langa, and Miya. Sure, they might be a bit older than the kids you’re used to dealing with but they like you and Joe isn’t going to say no to having a bit less on his hands.
Please play the flute for him sometimes. He would love it if you provide the musical ambiance for his restaurant but won’t pressure you if you feel too shy to. He’s more than happy to have you play just for him as well.
Joe will help you avoid large crowds. If you want to watch him at S, he’ll find a nice quiet spot for you where you can watch the race.
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Social anxiety? Itto’s never heard of it. Please explain to him what makes you anxious and how you feel so he can better understand how to help you avoid those situations.
He certainly understands what it’s like to be easily distracted. But you have different things that distract you so most of the time, if one of you gets distracted, the other will be able to pull them back on the right track.
Please teach him how to dance. Itto has shocking rhythm and he’ll never be great at dancing but he wants to dance with you so teaching him the basics will help with that.
Dancing with Itto would be a wild time. WHat he lacks in rhythm and coordination, he more than makes up for in enthusiasm.
Loves that you like helping others. He’s got a tough exterior but in his heart he’s a sweet boy and he’s so glad you’re the same.
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christine-ye · 1 year
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I'm trying to get used to being on here but hi! I'm Christine, nice to meet you! 🎶 Basic info 🎶 -She/her -20 (ADULT) -Ace/asexual -Autistic
🌺 Things I like 🌺 -Magical girls in general (mostly Sailor Moon and PreCure/Pretty Cure nowadays with some other titles sprinkled in like Magic Knight Rayearth, Tokyo Mew Mew, etc.) -Evangelion -Super Mario (and occasionally other Nintendo series like The Legend of Zelda) -Tokusatsu (mainly Kamen Rider and Super Sentai) -History and mythology (currently majoring in history with a classical humanities minor in college) -Music (mostly anime and video game music)
🌈 Favorite characters (💙 means main/current favorites) 🌈 -Shinji Ikari (Evangelion) 💙 -Hibiki Hojo/Cure Melody (Suite PreCure) 💙 -Kazuma Kenzaki/KR Blade (Kamen Rider Blade) 💙 -Misato Katsuragi (Evangelion) -Umi Ryuuzaki (Magic Knight Rayearth) -Luigi (Super Mario) -Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn (Sailor Moon)
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♠ Media I'm currently watching (will update as I go, * for shows currently on hold) ♠ -Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch: started 7/7/23 -Kamen Rider (1971): started 8/25/23* -Kamen Rider Hibiki: started 8/27/23* -Kamen Rider Ryuki: started 8/28/23 -Kamen Rider Gotchard (latest Kamen Rider): started 9/2/23 -Star Twinkle PreCure (rewatch): started 10/1/23* -Kamen Rider Geats: started 11/10/23 -Choujin Sentai Jetman: started 11/22/23 -Metallic Rouge: started 1/10/24* -Kamen Rider Fourze: started 1/19/24 -Kamen Rider Kiva: started 1/19/24 -Wonderful PreCure (latest PreCure): started 2/3/24 -Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger (latest Super Sentai): started 3/2/24 -Kamen Rider Faiz: started 5/5/24 -Yes PreCure 5 GoGo: started 5/5/24
⚡️ Plan to watch (TBD, may change) ⚡️ -Hana no Ko Lunlun -Kamen Rider Kuuga (after I finish Fourze and Kiva, will watch alongside OOO) -Acro Trip (upcoming, October 2024) -Revolutionary Girl Utena (been wanting to start it for a while) -Kamen Rider Revice (next Reiwa KR series after I finish Geats, date unsure) -Kamen Rider OOO (after I finish Fourze and Kiva, will watch alongside Kuuga) -Ultraman Arc (upcoming July 6, 2024)
🍃 Tags (may add some if needed) 🍃 -#christine's ramblings of the day: for general talk and/or random thoughts -#christine watches/rewatches [show name]: for shows I'm currently watching/rewatching (not necessarily actual liveblogging) -#christine reviews stuff: for media reviews -#christine answers: for answering asks -#christine's rant/vent: for any time I vent/feel negative (I suggest muting it if you don't want to see me be pissy on main) -#shameless self reblog: for self-reblogs (don't use often) -#incorrect quotes: for any incorrect quote posts I come up with based on my interests
⚠ Important things to know ⚠ -I'm very sensitive and shy, so don't be too worried if I don't respond quickly, misunderstand a joke, or don't follow you back -Please DO NOT INTERACT if you're the following: bigots of any kind (racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.), weirdos in general, pr0sh1ppers, Zionists, and crypt0/EnEffTee/A.I. supporters. GET AWAY FROM MY BLOG OR GET THE BLOCK -If I mess anything up or if I'm feeling down, please let me know privately if we're friends -Ask me stuff! I don't mind answering asks :) (but I will delete certain asks that make me uncomfortable for any reason) -Yes, I am that idiot on Twitter (username is @/Christine__Ye if you want to follow idc) who won #1 Cure Melody fan back in October 2023 before you ask
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I'm generally nice and trying my best (most of the time lol) so hello again and welcome! ✨
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superpixie42 · 1 year
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I posted 9,641 times in 2022
225 posts created (2%)
9,416 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,000 of my posts in 2022
#asks are always open - 53 posts
#inukag archive - 22 posts
#writing exercises - 15 posts
#my writing - 15 posts
#give one word get 99 free - 13 posts
#signal boost - 12 posts
#pixie has a baby ama - 11 posts
#spotify - 10 posts
#wip game - 9 posts
#inuyasha fandom - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#so does this like... invalidate a bunch of marriages too? and folks can get remarried without approval since the other marriage wasnt real?
My Top Posts in 2022:
Friendship: Miroku and Kagome
HELLO HELLO HELLO FEENY! Both you and @shikonstar requested a Miroku and Kagome friendship ficlet, so I hope you guys like this Modern AU for ENVY/RED
Kagome loved house parties. She loved the chill atmosphere, she loved the variety of people, she loved the cliche selfies with red solo cups stacked up in the background. She loved being able to socialize and wear sweatpants at the same time. And best of all, she loved that house parties were always at Miroku’s place, and not hers, so she didn’t have to deal with the clean-up.
That was, of course, until Miroku got a new housemate. 
But now that her best friend and her boyfriend were roomies, Kagome found herself spending more time there than at her own apartment, and with unofficial tenantship came host duties. As she walked around the firepit picking up empties and pouring out not-so-empties she jumped a little at the sudden weight of something soft and warm dropping down onto her head.
“I can see you shivering from there,” came Inuyasha’s soft grumble. Kagome smiled into the floppy sleeves as she started to roll the red too-large hoodie up to her elbows. She’d just finished adjusting the cord to protect her ears from the bite in the midnight breeze when her vision was suddenly filled with two glaring purple eyes. 
“Why are you blushing more red than that jacket?” asked Miroku, his breath reeking of lime and tequila. “Between him giving it to you- and you stealing it - it's probably yours legally at this point. And yet here you are giggling to yourself like a schoolgirl.”
“I was cold?”
“And that’s all it takes?”
“Takes to what?”
“To win a girl over.”
Kagome frowned, but Miroku continued at an impressive clip considering his BAL, “Inuyasha is the grumpiest old bulldog I’ve ever met and yet the two of you are so loveydovey and you basically live here now and I try and I try and I try to show her how beautiful she is and how smart I think she is and talk to her all the time and and and… all she seems to remember is the one time I touched her butt and it was an accident anyway I thought it was you and she did not like that answer and that grumpy asshole who won’t even hold your hand in public gets giggles for a sweater?”
Kagome blinked up at him, slowly working her way through his ramblings. It all finally clicked when she realized that, just out of earshot, sitting in one of the lawn chairs next to the back door, was one leftover party guest. 
Sango; dressed to the nines and likely freezing her nearly exposed butt off. 
Miroku had spent weeks trying to woo her and felt like nothing had worked. And yet to everyone’s surprise she’d shown up to the party with legs for days and eyes only for Miroku…if only he had been sober enough to see it. 
Kagome took pity on her friend who had finished a whole bottle before Sango even got there that night. She adjusted the hoodie and tried to speak as slowly and clearly as she could without raising her voice. 
“Well it… it shows he cares. That he’s paying attention to the little things. It wouldn’t hurt to show Sango that you care ya know? She can’t see your affections while she’s sitting there shivering can she?”
It took a moment for the gears in Miroku’s head to start, but finally a smile of comprehension spread across his face. “You think that would work?”
“Best way to warm someone’s heart is to warm their hands first!”
With a confident nod Miroku adjusted his own jacket and walked past Kagome with a confidence she hadn’t seen in weeks.
Kagome’d just started picking up bottles again when a loud CRACK of a slap echoed through the yard. Kagome turned so quickly she nearly fell over and saw Miroku standing where Sango had been sitting, jacket still in place, but sweatpants off and hanging from his extended hands.
“THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT!” she shouted as she sprinted back to the house to find a very embarrassed Sango.
57 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
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@inukag-week​ Day 6: Teasing
NGL this was my favorite to write so a huge thank you to @monimuasblog for the concept :)
Living with a two year old some days felt less like parenting and more like being a professional translator for a language he didn’t speak. But Inuyasha would usually work it out - not as quickly as Kagome but he was getting better. The hard part was he never knew what things would stick and what words seemed to disappear from Toru’s vocabulary as soon as they appeared. While sometimes this was good (personally he thought an exasperated toddler mumbling fuck it was hilarious, but if it had happened more than the once Kagome probably would have kicked his ass) sometimes it was incredibly frustrating (when did three different movies all become known as mouse!?).
One lexiconic constant, though, was Yaya. Ever since Inuyasha became enough of a staple in Toru’s life to be graced with a name, he had always been Yaya. When he first moved in and again when the topic of adoption came up, Kagome had asked him if he wanted to push for Toru to switch from Yaya to Dada but Inuyasha had absolutely no interest in making the change. Anyone can be a dada, but there was only one Yaya.
Of course, it wasn’t until after he’d become emotionally invested in the nickname that he learned it means Grandma in Spanish. 
But he didn’t care. He could suck-up the teasing from the new waiter who called him Mrs. Doubtfire and the confused side eye from Rosa at daycare when he was added to the authorized pick-up list. 
He was Toru’s Yaya and he - and the name - weren’t going anywhere.
60 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
Sorry to everyone who sent in questions today that I didn't get a chance to answer! I will post responses tomorrow, for now I'm a little distracted
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63 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
We are officially looking at re-homing two 10(ish) year old cats due to my infant son's allergy. The cats are not bonded, so they can go to different homes. They are clean, healthy, good with other cats and kids. No exposure to dogs, though.
Currently in Raleigh, but willing to drive for either drop off or a meet-up. These are much beloved family pets, and we wouldn't do this if we didn't have to.
Photos and info below the cut.
Sunny: Female, fat, loud, playful, independant.
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See the full post
73 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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143 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
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laurathegreatest · 3 months
Story 💙🌊🩷
"he's jealous"
-Jon, come here. -Thomas grabbed Jhon by his arm and pulled him closer. He even had the audacity to place his arm acros Jon's shoulders.
Rex felt obviously jealous, since he had never been so close to Jhon as Thomas was at the moment.
-What?- Jhon asked without minding Thomas at all.
Thomas gave Rex a quick smirk and started rambling to Jhon about how he was now a part of their group of friends, and had to promise to do x, and that they'd had fun because they would go to y, and yada, yada, yada...
He still wasn't letting go of Jhon. And even though Rex knew that it was harmless, that neither Thomas nor Jhon had any romantic feelings for each other, he still felt frustrated about the situation.
Thomas was such a good flirt, touching people and giving them attention, creating closeness between them in a flash, and without making the other person uncomfortale in any way...
He knew he was good and that smirk was a "you wish you could do this, huh". In Rex's face. Ah, he wanted to punch that fucker.
-Okay, dude. -Jon finally pushed Thomas away. - Feel free to call me whenever you want, I am always up for anything.
He was already moving his body towards te other direction of the way. He was obviously eager to go home, but he was still friendly and polite. None of them knew if hi offer was genuine, and Rex was afraid everything was gonna fall apart and this chance of getting closer to Jon was going to fade away.
-Your contacts! - he exclaimed abrupetdly. Jon looked surprised for half a second, but then he smiled as always. -give me your whatsapp and I will add you to a group so we can all hung out.
- ah, alright.
And just like that, he got his number....
"it is impossible for him to like someone like me."
-now you, John. -Thomas waz absolutely wrecked already, and Rex knew that meant troble. That is why, when the group suggested to have a drinking party, he made sure to stay more sobber than anybody. By that time, even his little sister knew about his crush on John, and that only meant the group was gonna have fun with them tonight.
-me?? -John smirked. Oh, he could stare at him all night. Since Rex stopped worrying and accepted his feelings, he enjoyed whatching every second of John.
Out of respect, he didn't let his mind wander to anything sexual, but he enjoyed finding the guy beatiful, handsome, and amazing. He loved his way of talking, thinking, behaving, and just being...
Thomas scoffed. - Who do you like?
- don't make me those kinds of questions, you know I have nothing for you, dude! - John laughed, and grabbed his glass. - i hate these drinking games. -he had a sip of his vozka with apple juice. Even he was already drunk. His playful smile gave him away. Rex just thought he looked sexy with his confident aura.
- what? Are you a virgin? -Thomas found his own joke so funny, he ended up tussing and taking another sip of vozka to cure up the burning sensation. He was havin fun!
- right, laugh all you want, Thom. Not everybody is a horny slut like you.
- hey, don't call me slut! - he smiled back at John. - unless you mean something by that - he winked
- you're straighter than Jesus Christ, Thom. Don't make suggestions you can't keep up with!
Everybody in the room laughed. By that time, the three Ms and the rest of the group had turned their attention back to the table, and everybody was reunited.
- but I would appreciate a kiss from a guy, if it were from you, my little gummy bear. -Thomas extended his arms and made cringy "kissy" sounds with his lips.
-you couldn't handle a kiss from me, and you know it.
Melanie slapped away Thoma's hand and directed her body towards Jhon. By then all the attention was over her. They knew, she was gonna ask the hot questions to the new guy in the group. And not in a playful manner, like thomas.
The little room filled rapoidly of a diferent mood, and Rex felt his cheecks blush, as he anticipated Melanie's questions. Ugh, why was he such an open book to his friends?
- so, you like anybody?
- do you? - that comeback came faster than sound, and Melanie could just smile proud. John was showing to be witter than they thought.
- i'll say it if you do.
- you're the one who asked, Melanie. You should do the honors.
- okay, but you must say it, if I do. - John nodded and Melanie smiled like a winner. - I love my girlfriend Minni.
John's reaction was impeccable. All the group started laughing. His side eye was enormojs as he pretended to be mad at Melanie. - that's playing dirty.
- Quit complaining, new guy. It's your turn.
- I..
"does he like anyone? Maybe...?" Rex's heart was filling up with hope at seeing Johns face get more shy as the seconds passed. His expectating heart was as loud as it ever was.
- i don't have anybody like that right now. - his awkward but firm smile was back on. And it meant he wasn't gonna let himself slip up anymore. Rex's hope was stopped right away.
- you sure? You had us in the first few secconds... You sure you don't have a crush, not even someone your time near you?
- you watch too many romecomes, Melanie. Even if I liked somebody, even if I found someone who was perfectly my time of guy, I don't think they'd like me. That's why I don't care anymore.
- hey, don't be pessimistic. You're a great guy.
- you don't know me, Melanie. It's impossible for me to get a boyfriend. Nobody would ever like me. Sorry. But it's true. You're all much better than me and I understad how your partners can love you, but it is impossible for me. As I am now, I am not good enough for anyone. And that's okay. I am fine, I know I won't stay like this forever. And even if I do, If I have given my best, it's okay if I never find a boyfriend. It will be alright.
He just trauma-dumped the party. Oh, the awkward mood was thiiiick. Even Melanie didn't know what to say.
- come on, dude. You're bringing the mood down! Get over your high school dramas and let's play a ga-
- what if someone said they liked you?
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hissi-oil · 4 months
Okay today I am inspired to, sit down and look over all my pets across my accounts... and look over, all my wearables....! construct some themes, ponder on the pairups and who should go where, divvy out items (I have like, 80 gift boxes on my main but 0 on sides.. wish i could, put gift boxes in gift boxes to send them around LOL)
creature inspiration era <- still needs to cook something
rambling on some pets under the cut
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side account 4...
Janra... very cute name, but at a loss of character ideas or insp for her atm...! drew her a couple times 10 years ago, I think original vague idea was, she was completely greyscale.. wandered about... that's it, LOL. for now she will continue to sit serenely until I get some sort of idea for her name, or perhaps rehome her...
Acro.... another aisha girl i drew a couple times, but never really got a vibe for, motivations story personality etc... LOL.. adopted her as an alien from a random UFQA board. thanks to her I somehow have, 4 pairs of alien aisha clothes across two accounts... The name is clunky to me but apparently a real word that means "the statue or ornament that stands on the pedestal." etc... so same as Janra, she simply sits and waits for me or someone else to have some sort of idea for her....! Someel.... new!!! was charmed by the name, so cute... might end up becoming a bori, or something sort of inbetween a bori and a blumaroo, maybe with mutant insps... sort of Big, sleepy... walk on all 4s. hope to expand more soon as i sketch and draw, unsure what account you will end up on...!
Aisha... ditzy confused amnesiac !!! i had wanted a wocky, (I used to have an aisha named Kacheek, and think think pets named after another species was cute lol) i found i like to dress them up... may end up on whatever account i end up designating as my "closet". was apparently created on "26th August 2000", ah the sights you have seen!! Will expand more on you!!!
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