#act: opening night.
fctyacts · 1 year
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La puesta del sol indica que el día está por alcanzar su fin. La ciudad, apenas iluminada por el cielo anaranjado y las luces que empiezan a encenderse, encuentra uno de sus apogeos de movimiento: gente apresurada que abandona sus lugares de trabajo y camina de regreso a casa por las calles de la Gran Manzana. 
Otra jornada laboral concluye, en especial para les miembres de The Factory. Y esto no es sorpresa, pues el misterio alrededor de la primera reunión fue suficiente para captar la atención de los paparazzi que les siguen a diario. La información del club llegó a las manos de los medios, que se preguntan desde cuándo es que estas personalidades se conocen. ¿Hijes de políticos, gente de negocios, celebridades, modelos e influencers? Estos mundillos tienden a encontrarse, claro, pero cada uno tiene sus esferas bien marcadas y diferenciadas, por lo que esta mezcla extraña ha dado de qué hablar. Acciones en subida, potenciales inversores, propuestas laborales… La notoriedad del club ha encontrado la forma de beneficiar a cada une de sus integrantes. 
Sacando el máximo provecho de que el club va de boca en boca, Xavier García, magnate de los bienes raíces y aficionado al arte, extendió una cordial invitación para todes les miembres. ¿El motivo? La pre apertura de un espacio que funde lo artístico con un merecido descanso post trabajo.  Rockland, ubicado en Dumbo, Brooklyn, está especialmente pensado para que empresaries, artistas y personas de la élite se reúnan al atardecer luego de una extenuante jornada. Jazz, house, bossa nova y una iluminación tenue que invitan a la calma y la desconexión. No solo se ofrece un bar con una ilimitada carta, sino que, en el piso medio, existe una pequeña galería de arte que expone obras contemporáneas y clásicas. En la entrada, fotógrafos te reciben para darle rienda suelta a una noche apacible.
Esta actividad tiene duración de una semana, por lo que concluirá el próximo jueves 9 de marzo.
Otra vez estaremos roleando con starters abiertos. Durante el transcurso de esa actividad, de todas formas, estaremos implementando algunas dinámicas.
No hay un código de vestimenta estricto pues es más que nada una apertura afterwork. Sus personajes pueden llegar al espacio con lo mismo que utilizan para sus ocupaciones. Es casual, no una fiesta. ¡Les invitamos a compartir sus looks!
Rockland está en un edificio ubicado en la costa del barrio DUMBO, en Brooklyn. Desde la terraza, donde también hay un bar, puede apreciarse la vista de Manhattan como también el famoso Jane's Carousel del Brooklyn Bridge Park.
Para mayor inmersión, les dejamos un vistazo al interior del lounge: salón principal, 02, 03, 04, bar interno, vistas a la ciudad desde el interior / x. También les dejamos una playlist de la música de fondo.
Por último, queremos agradecerles el compromiso y el interés demostrado hasta ahora. Ojalá les guste lo que vamos planeando. ¡A rolear y divertirse! Un beso.
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jess-total-mess · 7 months
hadestown really does convince you that maybe it’ll turn out different this time. maybe eurydice wont go. maybe hades will let them go. maybe, just maybe, orpheus wont turn around early.
and then she does go. and hades makes them take a test. and doubt creeps in.
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jinxed-sinner · 13 days
People on Twitter freaking out about Alex Brightman saying Fizz and Ozzie are in an open relationship (which he clarified as non-canon and something he made up on the spot btw) is so funny to me lmao. I'm not saying their relationship is open, but the majority of the claims are that open relationships are inherently less loyal or something.
Personally, I am asexual. I don't experience sexual attraction. I also flip between sex-repulsed and hypersexual. I don't have a parter right now but if I wasn't able to fulfil my partner's desires (whether I wasn't able to fulfil them long-term or short-term), I'd be open to them having other partners besides me. My only ask would be regular STD testing, which is something I think anyone who's sexually active should be doing, not just someone who's in an open relationship.
Aside from the fact that Alex literally clarified that he was essentially kidding about Fizz and Ozzie being in an open relationship, it doesn't inherently make their relationship any less healthy or anything. Fizz and Ozzie's relationship can be just as healthy as an open relationship as a closed one, it's up to them to figure out if it'll work for them (and I can see it working once Fizz works through his self-esteem issues).
I think Ozzie is 100% loyal to Fizz and Fizz is 100% loyal to Ozzie, and as of now the only things I see as barriers to them being in an open relationship is neither of them trusting probably anyone in Hell due to Fizz's celebrity status, and Fizz's self-esteem issues. 100% I think if Fizz were to ever lose his celebrity status and was able to work through his self-esteem issues they'd be able to have a pretty healthy open relationship. I don't think they will though because I don't think they'd ever see a reason to open their relationship.
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karizipan · 1 year
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mew year old orv stuff
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smashboydraws · 2 months
Saying A Lot of Things as Costume (Mario's Madness)
I'm bored. I wanna practise making a impression of Costume. Since I'm an idiot, I thought maybe you guys could give me things to say!
Comment down some things for me to say in my Costume Voice. It'll be The End until I say it's The End.
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helluva-hazbins · 1 month
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calamitydaze · 2 months
long tag ramble below u have been warned
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#ok i feel like i should say Something before i start being active again#but i dont want it to be a Statement which is why i’m putting it in the tags#(also bc i procrastinated doing this for weeks so i know this is a very stale topic by now#but i also haven’t been on tumblr literally at all so this is 100% my organic authentic opinion lmao)#so read if you gaf and ignore if you don’t#anyway: george def could’ve done more to ensure she was comfortable#and as someone who has also gotten in over my head with older men and regretted it#her hurt is valid and i’m deeply sorry she feels the way she does about that night#but with that said i see no reason to believe george Should have known how she really felt#or that he deliberately took advantage of either her youth/inexperience or her discomfort#and that’s the most important thing for me— he fucked up and misread a situation but that doesn’t make him an evil person#and i hope they can both move on and grow and heal#as for my future in the fandom: i honestly dunno how active i’ll be going forward#i was already becoming pretty disconnected so this might’ve just sped up the process? i’m tired of being put through the wringer#but i also don’t really have a fandom to replace this so i might just continue casually participating in the way i have been#either way rest assured i will never become a rabid anti. that shits embarrassing#i got HORRIBLE drolo rsd the other day when tommy’s mom needed clout and vagued him so like if nothing else. droloisms are forever#also as a last thing— this feels kinda silly and self centered to say but i will anyway#sorry for not opening up my blog as a forum for discussion again the way i did with the drituation#i know i helped a lot of people sort out their feelings and that was (and is) really really important to me#but it also tanked my mental health (mostly as a result of the fallout and not the act itself but still)#plus my life irl was pretty stressful at the time when everything was first going down#so i just didn’t feel up to putting myself through that again#but i’m sorry if anyone wanted to discuss w me but wasn’t able to#anyway. i think that’s all i have to say!#i don’t want to turn this into a capital D discussion but as always my askbox and dms are open#love you all tons! i hope you’re having a good day 🫂🫶#bella talks
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almonddirge · 2 years
Another year, another Scara imagine (one shot?) based off of one of my dreams.
You go to the mall one night. You’re not one to go alone, and the place is mostly deserted, but today no one could really spare their time for you. All is well until you stumble upon a strangely-dressed group of people speaking in hushed tones. You back away quickly, but the rest of the night you feel you’re being watched.
You swear you’ve seen the same head of hair a few times, but every time you look back to confirm they’re gone. You brush it off and decide to just get boba. The thought never crosses your mind you won’t be getting it.
When someone covers your eyes and quickly whisks you away, you don’t even scream. Goddamnit, you think. It’s more an inconvenience than anything.
The blindfold is removed and you find yourself face to face with a tall ginger man. Not wanting to open your mouth, you simply glare.
“No hard feelings, comrade?”
When you were blindfolded, you fully expected to be killed or tortured. Instead, you are introduced to eleven eccentric people, including the redhead. The man with indigo hair seems especially standoffish, but you feel like someone who just got kidnapped doesn’t have the right to ask for their kidnapper to be kind.
“You seem cool and all, but I really just wanted my boba. Would it kill you to let me get it?”
Tartaglia, the redhead, bursts out laughing. The others look less amused, but they agree to it. Makes no sense to you, but you’re not about to complain.
They explain that you’ll have to be inducted into their ranks because you know too much. You point out that you didn’t hear shit and that they could’ve just killed you. It’s half-hearted at best; you are glad they’re giving you an opportunity to leave your honestly shitty life behind.
When it comes down to who will take you to get boba, everyone looks pointedly at Scaramouche. Wasn’t he the one who looked most like he wanted you dead? Whatever.
When you arrive back at the boba place in the mall, he finally speaks up. “You should get the matcha one.” It sounds like a command.
“What a coincidence. I was getting that one anyway.”
In the forced proximity, you learn a little about Scaramouche. He intrigues you so much, and you want to get closer yet. It also helps that he’s attractive. Unbeknownst to you, you’ve already caught his eye. Why else, as you pointed out earlier, would you be allowed to live?
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swordmaid · 7 months
I forgot where I read it probably from some handbook but iirc drow hair is one of their symbols of beauty and to cut off someone’s hair is a way to punish and humiliate them. don’t really know if that’s an actual thing - BUT now I am thinking of shri’iia having longer hair throughout act 1 until she becomes an oathbreaker. it is only when she accepts her status as an oathbreaker that she cuts it to the bisexual bob that she usually has <3
#shri’iia is like reverse jaime to me where his hair gets significantly longer throughout the series (in my hc)#but her hair remains short .. like act 1 is her asos era ok ?#also jaime becoming kingslayer (oathbreaker) bc he did what was right instead of following what he was supposed to follow#and shri’iia doing the same thing … failing to follow the tenets of lolth’s paladin (aka being a general menace to everyone) and she did#what she thought was right (followed the group’s consensus / killed minty in a way that she thought she would be praised for#but then she was shamed for it and also indirectly saving the tieflings in the process)#but unlike jaime he is not a girlfail 💔#he did what was right and got judged for it 💔#and shri’iia did what she thought was right but then she gets shamed and forsaken for it … fell out of lolth’s favor#wait now I’m obsessed with shri’iia and the ‘how can such a night be so beautiful? why would the stars look down on such as me?’ line#shri’iia who is slowly falling in love with the vastness and openness of the sky .. something that is so new and foreign to her … but she#has fallen out of the spider favor…. deemed a stain and a source of shame .. she is now worth nothing .. doesn’t even deserve to look at#the stars - something that is not hers to view to begin with since she is not from the surface … hrk hHRK. hrk. gagging.#when I say that shri’iia’s sense of self / self esteem is low.. it’s fucking low … like it has a shovel and it’s digging low ..#100+ years of isolation and toxic codependent relationship where her self worth amounted to whatever she could do for her matriarch will do#that to u I guess …
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cashweasel · 2 months
It was hard to pick,,,,, so, fjskdjsksjs it’s so many (only sort of sorry,,ngl) 😂
5,17 for kiyazan
9,25 for daemon nd karima
8,15 for Gideon and valen loll
29 for all of em 💀
Once again I FORGOT ABOUT A BLORBO ASK but I literally had this in the drafts and everything and today I bring you answers FHRHDJKSSJ
5. How do they comfort each other when they are sad?
Yazan is a big actions guy so if something is bothering her he’d want to take care of it and fix it immediately also kiki loves cuddles and cuddles she shall receive fjskakdjdk will literally do anything to make it better,, holding her, talking about it, dancing it out, ordering her favorite takeout (yazan talking about it is a mix him being sincere and dissing the shit out of the person/situation and I kinda love it djdjskdjdk) leaving kiki’s part for you because I wanna know 😌💗
17. Their ways of expressing their love.
We talked about yazan putting up the shelves that kiara got that have been sitting around since forever and that pretty much what it’s about 😂 he just does things for her, or does things so she doesn’t have to. Pre relationship or pre living together yazan would just go around her house and fix anything that needed fixing fjdksidjdk,, also a big part of why he doesn’t mind doing the chores. To put it shortly acts of service and quality time!
Daemon and karima:
9. How open are they with their feelings?
I know why you’re asking this 😂💀 karima is…. Unfortunately still not the best at it at least in a serious vulnerable context and she bottles up a lot BUT she would sit down with him and be like “can I tell you something homie to homie 😔” and even then she tries to to keep it from getting too deep even when it comes to expressing love she’s not one to get Too sentimental but will let him know she cares about him. But this is mostly when they’re still in the beginning of their relationship (honestly it might take her 2+ years of being like that 💀) but I will say the first time she lets herself cry in front of him…………..
25. Share any headcanons about their relationship.
FHDKSJSKDJ ok so you know karima will just KO whenever wherever and her sleep is heavyyyyyy lol and I just think daemon doesn’t let her sleep in her makeup that’s all 😌 she’s knocked tf out snoring and all and he’s just 🥰 wiping her makeup off and doing her skincare for her
Valen and Gideon:
8. What are their most prominent memories of each other?
PLEASE 😭 valen’s is that he used to keep a pet rat as a kid, everybody refused to acknowledge it because it wasn’t actually a pet it was some rat he found lurking in their gardens and deemed it his bestie and would check up on it every day fssksjdjdj and when the rat died gideon was the one that buried and held a funeral for it 😔
Gideon’s most prominent memory has to be valen punching his dad in a room full of people loll bc not only was it incredibly humiliating and an act of love towards his bestie but it was also the first time anyone really stood up to this bully of a man and he just got wrecked by a teenager fjskaksjdj it was great seeing him hunched over w a bleeding nose until he made a comment about the company his son keeps and then it was both boys vs the guards trying to tear them off him fjdksksjskdn
15. Does their view of themselves differ from their partner’s view?
Sort of lol,, gideon struggles so much with his self image and thinks he’s broken and has nothing to offer or that letting ppl get to know him is essentially a burden on him and them so he just doesn’t make friends or meaningful relationships easily and valen over here just Fails to fathom it because to him gideon’s the most solid friend he’s ever had and literally nothing like all those things he says about himself and so he always makes it a point to let him know all the things he appreciates about him
Valen on the other hand thinks he’s the most interesting and amazing person anyone has the pleasure of knowing and that he’s worth it and because he’s set that expectation for himself any criticism from others or negative emotions from himself is shoved aside in favor of the facade and while gideon agrees he’s amazing and lowkey idolizes him lol he’s the only one actually capable of giving him a reality check that he’ll listen to and seeing him as just valen
29. What are your favorite moments that happen between them?
WAAHHHH LMAO ok to be completely fair my fave kiyazan moment is them throwing up into the same toilet together and kiki tolerating the bugs yazan collects despite hating them bc if this isn’t love idk what is 😂
My favorite daemon karima moment is him kicking the ball in her face when they first met DJDKSKDJDJFN and also ceramics class
And my fave valengideon moment is them going into the city and buying some lame lizard which turned out to be a large dragon they tried hiding in a barn where hay and fire don’t mix very well SGDHFKSKDJDJ rip
[oc romance asks]
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atldiscourse · 7 months
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retro pic of 2018 awg i took at ally pally and have been unknowingly gatekeeping
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greyias · 9 months
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Game. Have you met her?
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biracy · 1 year
Genuinely could not care less about "ao3 discourse" bc I exist in the real world but also like how long is it going to take for Tumblr users to realize that they are almost never in any context entitled to anyone else's money
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helluva-hazbins · 5 days
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Just! Look at my Boy! A little Destruction with his Dessert, he says~! Ah, youth. Why, I remember my younger days, was just like that! An insatiable appetite for recklessness and self-indulgence! Could a father be any prouder? I mean, C'mon!
@flameandindifference mention
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pls post the twelfth night audition info @ area shakespeare company my crops are dying
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missegyptiana · 11 months
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so happy so happy so happy
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