#adventures in parenting
dignitywhatdignity 2 months
I just had to play a drinking game with 3.75yo.
He's got a fever, and he was getting tired and achey and just miserable. And I had mixed a dose of Children's Motrin into his juice, as that's the only way he'll take it, but he was kind of ignoring the juice unless I prodded, and the constant prodding was starting to irritate both of us.
So when he asked to to read him a long Thomas the Tank Engine book, I said, "Sure, but we're going to make a game of it. Every time I say the word 'engine', you have to take a sip of juice."
By the third or fourth "engine" he started finding it hilarious, and by the end of the book he had drank almost all the juice. His temperature dropped and his spirits rose not long after.
I am either an amazing or a terrible parent.
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deadmomjokes 2 months
The internet is a gross place sometimes so I'm not posting pics to prove it, but y'all are just gonna have to believe me when I say that my 4 year old is proportioned like Goth Anime Legs Uncle and it's both hilarious and deeply frustrating.
Frustrating because nothing that fits her in the waist will come down to her ankles and it refuses to not be winter outside. But dresses don't work because any of them that fit decently enough in the body will only come down to mid-thigh and again, eternal winter. Not that summer will be better because the child lost the genetic lottery and is as pale as mass-produced mayonnaise but also allergic to most sunscreen, so it's not like we can just slather her up five times a day when summer comes. We need to cover that sunburn-and-cancer-prone skin. But all the dresses that come down to her knees are, no joke, the sizes for 10-13 year olds and hang off her like a chihuahua trying to wear a human sized t shirt. Girl is just 70% leg.
Which is where the hilarity comes in because anytime she does anything remotely 4-year-old-like, it just looks like an adolescent giraffe doing the Charleston. Big long bony legs everywhere. She bends at the waist and can't touch the floor with her fingertips until she's nearly folded in half like an olympic high diver. She's just Mostly Legs and it looks so goofy on a child whose cheeks still jiggle when she runs.
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peggingeddiediaz 1 month
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118 funny tweets 32/?
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ussjellyfish 8 months
It's a long weekend, so I had today off. I signed up to go read to Felix's class at pre-K, because they have mystery reader, and that sounded cute.
And his classmates are indeed adorable. They're all lovely kids.
He hated it. Wouldn't go in the room, sat by the door and cried and then cried for about an hour. He wanted to go (we weren't going to go) and was just inconsolable for the whole time. I got there at 10 and didn't leave until 1140 when eventually he cheered up.
He couldn't tell me what it was, and he couldn't settle himself down. Eventually he worked it out,but it was a lot. His classmates are sweet and his teacher is great, it's so hard to feel completely out of my league as a parent.
I didn't have anything to do. I can wait. I can try to make him laugh but it's like there's a wall there.
We have a meeting with tiny child special ed next week, and hopefully we'll get some things to work on, but it was hard.
I'd been looking forward to it as a fun thing, but instead, it was hard.
and I don't know who else to tell, so it's you, tumblr. Thanks for listening.
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sunmontuewrites 3 months
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Thanks for the memories FB... People are amazed at how my kids cook one meal a week each (at least). Not just help, they do everything. They're 13 now and these photos are from 8 years ago. (It's just Wax in these photos - Max was apparently at A&E with Hubs...)
This is how you make kids confident in the kitchen. You start early, when they aren't afraid of making mistakes, when they are super excited about being in the kitchen with you and wanting to help (even though it's going to take 2-3 times as long because they'll be slower...)
It's also fascinating because I talk with M&W now and they're starting to take note that their friends CANNOT cook, that their friends are suddenly magically 'old enough' to be doing their own washing and cleaning... And on top of starting highschool and puberty their parents are giving them more responsibilities around the home. And the number of times their parents show them once and then expect them to know it. 馃檮
Those are some sudden sharp changes and steep learning trajectories right there. That's a lot to take in when your brain is also effectively rewiring itself.
So we've been having conversations and they're glad that they already know how to cook, and clean, and do their own washing, and know how regularly these tasks all need doing. They also know that none of us particularly like doing them, but it doesn't make them any less important. That our health (mental and physical), and also inter-personal relationships rely on these tasks getting shared and done.
I was never a super clucky woman who wanted to be a mum, I was hanging out for when I could have conversations with them.
Another 8 years and these young men will be 21 years old and... Well, I'm far from perfect but I'm feeling like I've not fucked up majorly either.
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wondariadreamparade 2 years
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[Image description: a digital drawing showing a pair of drawings of Clawroline and Elfilin. To the left Clawroline is curled up and sleeping with Elfilin also resting beside her, and to the right Clawroline is on all fours, holding Elfilin by the scruff of his neck in her mouth. End ID.]
tiny elfilin and mom clawroline
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uefb 1 year
Processing more feelings with fic this week. A new oneshot set in the 1950s. Probably will be picking at this one for a while but it鈥檚 entirely self-indulgent and fun for specifically me
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dignitywhatdignity 1 year
Me: So! Good news/bad news!
Husband: Oh?
Me: Good news, [6.5yo] got an award at school today!
Husband: Hey, that's great! What's the bad news?
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Me: [2.5yo] tasted it.
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digital-corruption 2 years
Jake: This is a PSU, or Power Supply Unit. This provides power to our computer. Can you say PSU?
Jake Jr.: Blah bah bah dah!
Jake: Close enough. Now let's go through all of the cables. This one is a SATA connector. What do you think it connects to? No, no, don't put it in your mouth! It's not edible! Not edible!
MC: Jake, he's 12 months old. Can we give him at least another year before trying to teach him how to build his own computer?
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lifeinkinder 10 months
My child, who was at daycare from 7:15 to 4:15, only had 1 dirty bottle when he came home. But according to his sheet, he ate twice.
The math ain't mathing because they don't wash bottles.
Also, he's supposed to eat every 3 hours. So he should have eaten 9:30, 12:30, 3:30 because he ate at home at 6:30. All things his daycare knows.
He can't have surgery until he's gained at least 7 lbs. I dont think he's even gained .5lbs since he started daycare 2.5 weeks ago.
Like guys, help meeeeee
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bigbadfrostwolf 3 months
Y'all, Tater is gonna be a year old tomorrow. It doesn't feel like it's already been a year. I am not okay. 馃槶
Was gonna take the boys to the zoo to celebrate, but Bean's been sick and my husband's car needs to go to the shop so he has to take mine to work. I'm going to attempt to make a cake and just have a chill day with the kids instead.
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sweet-s0rr0w 11 months
My four year old, on transitioning: But I don't understand how a boy can turn into a girl, wouldn't they have four arms?
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sunmontuewrites 4 months
Told my kid he could watch ONE movie while he is home sick and his brother is at school.
His movie choice: LotR - Return of the King
Well played child, well played.
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azraeldoesnotdispute 2 years
my 13 yo medium human: please tell me I'm not the only one who simps for Westley
me: son, everyone simps for Westley
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wondariadreamparade 1 year
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in love with @ceragolor鈥檚 lorelia, so here鈥檚 taranza being the tired but happy parent
[Image description: a digital drawing of Taranza in a green robe, holding Lorelia wrapped in a blue blanket. Taranza is smiling with his eyes closed, and Lorelia is squinting with her tongue sticking out. End ID.]
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shallanspren 8 months
Do you think you'll have more kids, or are you done? How do you decide how many is enough?
The answer is we don't know! Before we got married, we discussed kids, I wasn't about to marry someone who wasn't okay with the possibility of adopting all our kids. I've always wanted kids, but i knew with my history with an eating disorder, I might not have been able to handle being pregnant. Originally, we both wanted four kids. We both have three other siblings, and liked that dynamic.
However, I think it's important for partners to be partners when discussing kids. Your original number might not be realistic for a number of life reasons. Maybe the person giving birth has serious complications and it would be dangerous to have another, and then maybe adoption (or other methods of having kids) is just too expensive an option. Also too, maybe your family feels complete already before you hit the original kid quota.
We knew with our first kid pretty soon on we were not a complete unit. Now? Nether of us have sat down and given it thought, we're still adjusting to having two kids. Maybe in a few months we'll feel complete. Maybe we won't. maybe we'll adopt or foster if we don't feel complete.
Kids, if you both want them, should be an ongoing discussion, I think.
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