#aelfwynn / techpopstar on ao3
apocalyp-tech-a · 2 months
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Hello! This is my Bad Batch XReader Exchange gift for @deezlees for the @cloneficgiftexchange run by @ghostofskywalker!!! 💜
Prompts: Learning to ride a horse || Going on a vacation together || His first time at a history museum || Confident reader persona
Words: 2500
Warnings: None except flirtation maybe
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55173340
A/N: Having background in public history and having already written Tech at museums, this was a perfect matching!!! Hope you enjoy it! 🤓 And thank you to @cloneficgiftexchange for running it!
The sun shone through the early morning commute of speeders and ships traversing Coruscant's sky, its pale blue color muted by smog that even the planet's filtering system could not alleviate. Towering skyscrapers of grays in every hue passed by as you navigated to the Grand Army of the Republic's base.
Upon pulling up in your speeder, a bright millaflower red Mustang XD38, you saw your future passenger salute you by casually flicking three fingers from his brow. You brought the speeder to a stop and flirted. "Hey good looking. Looking for a ride?"
"That depends," he said as he hopped into the passenger side with one dexterous and confident move.
"Depends on what, Tech?" You raised an eyebrow at him.
"On if I can be the driver." He adjusted his goggles hopefully.
"Can I pilot the Marauder?"
"Then you can be my CO-pilot. Just remember, I am the Captain here." You winked at him playfully.
You revved up the engine, but it wasn't loud enough to cover Tech's large sigh of frustration. You chuckled to yourself proudly before shooting him a grinning glance. "Aw, don't be like that, maybe you can drive back."
"That is exactly what you said on our previous two outings." Tech held up a pointed finger in a very casual, yet disgruntled manner.
"Yes. Hence the word "maybe."
Tech's propensity for arguing about who was driving dissipated as the museum came into view. His eyes were wide with excitement, though you knew he was trying to keep that emotion at bay. You had seen him go on one of his excited know-it-all rants before. You found them amusing, endearing, and most of all impressive. He was the smartest person you knew, whether it was from Kaminoan meddling or not, didn't matter.  You loved listening to him, and he loved to talk. And you didn't just like listening to him because of the pleasing sound of his voice and looks, but because he actually did talk about things that were interesting. 
After parking, you both walked to the museum's main entrance. Tech adjusted his goggles as his head tilted back to take in the much larger than necessary doors adorned by a full arch of sculpted marble, stone, mythological figures from all over the galaxy.
"Shall we?" You suggested with a smile.
Tech nodded in the affirmative. "After you, Madame." Tech took note of the strange face you gave him upon being called 'Madame.' Perhaps it was a little old fashioned, but he still had not figured out what else he could use in place of your name without being too forward or disrespectful. Sometimes you called him 'Hot Shot' or 'Ace' which were exceedingly better than the names his brothers called him.  
As for you, his brothers were not without suggestions. Crosshair suggested 'Doll,' Hunter suggested 'Sweetheart,' Echo suggested 'Dearest,' and Wrecker suggested 'Booboo-tooka.'  
None of those monikers were quite sufficient, however, but Tech knew a solution would eventually present itself.
Since you had already purchased tickets as a surprise for him since he had not only repaired, but upgraded and heavily modified the repulsor system for your speeder, you were able to acquire visitor badges quickly and began your mosey through the museum.
With twenty levels, there was no way you could see everything in one day let alone a few hours, but you knew Tech had marked out an itinerary on his datapad to follow at your suggestion. You knew he only had so much leave to see what most piqued his interest. Even though he wanted to see everything, you finally convinced him to whittle it down to four floors.
"Let's start with the Paleolithic and Neolithic," he said with a tweak of his goggles. He started walking toward the lifts as if he had been there before, but you knew he had simply memorized the entire museum's layout.
"Sounds good to me," you said walking beside him. As you stood in the lift, you tilted your head up to study his profile as he continued to look down at his datapad. You wanted to blame the movement of the lift tube for the slight buckling in your knees, but you knew it was all due to his handsomeness. 
Your heart pitter-pattered the moment you had seen him at 79s three months ago. You weren't one to go pick up guys at bars, but there was something unique and enticing about him. You thought little of it or him, figuring to never see him again until he came into your electronics shop in search of a capacitor.  
Apparently your knowledge of computers made an impression because he came in the next day looking for a hyper-regulator. With fate on your side, you asked if he wanted to meet you for a drink and after some adorable awkwardness, he agreed.
The lift doors slid open and you stepped into a carefully curated world of wood and stone. Dioramas with the first humans, the first Trandoshans, the first Rodians, Twi'leks, and Pantorans were set up along one corridor.  
"It is fascinating, the similarities between different species as pertains to the genesis and evolution of technology," Tech marveled as you came to the exhibit of like tools from all over the galaxy. "The Twi'lek arrowhead is quite similar to the Devaronian and Human. The same goes for ax-heads and needles. But once you get to items like beads and pottery vessels, you see the cultural trajectory lose conformity and develop based on materials available by individual local environment and customs."
"I had never really thought about it like that. I'm used to technology and more recent history I guess."  You shrugged.
"Indeed. One can hardly expect the modern mind to memorize all of the information whether historical or technological. Though I do try."
"You have some 'exceptional' advantages that the rest of us do not," you teased. You had not known him three rotations when he went on a detailed explanation of he and his brothers' 'defects' which did not sound like defects at all to you. Then he continued to explain how those traits made them more deviant than defective. You certainly understood that side of him as he often met with you when he should have been attending to GAR duties.
Satisfied with your visit to the 'stone' ages, you next traveled through time and to the fifth floor to the rise of cities and nation states.  
Tech stared at the first exhibit with fascination.  "The agricultural revolution varied by planet. Those that did not have crops that could be mass produced could only sustain small settlements, whereas those with large crops could maintain large cities that grew exponentially into kingdoms and nations."
"And wars and starvation."
"Yes," Tech turned to you, his brow furrowed with concern at your statement. Did you not find history as fascinating as he did? He knew your views on the war and cloning. He dared not ask, but all he could do was agree with you.
When Tech continued to stare at you, you realized maybe you had gone too far and put a damper on an outing that was supposed to be fun. "I'm sorry, Tech. I didn't mean to rain on your parade."
He adjusted his goggles thoughtfully. "I have seen plenty of rain on Kamino," he said understandingly. "You need not apologize. That is an unfortunately correct assessment of civilization. With growth and progress comes conflict and suffering. The two seem to go hand in hand, but I think rather to have faith that intelligence and good intentions have the advantage."
"In that case, it's almost as if sentient life is collectively "defective." You smiled, grateful for his understanding and wisdom. For being a clone maybe a third your age, if that, you can not but admire his calm and collected approach to situations and problems. The only thing he seemed to ever be nervous around is you, but that was understandable because you knew the clone troopers didn't exactly get lessons in romance in the GAR.
Tech merely pushed his goggles up the bridge of his nose with a knowing smile. He was never quite sure how to take your sarcasm, probably because he was self aware of his own and that of his brothers, Crosshair in particular. But the affectionate twinkle in your eyes and gentle flourish of your smile made his heart beat a little faster and the tips of his ears feel a little warmer.
He had not expected to become interested in a female. He was engineered to be a soldier, nothing more. Yet, you made him feel like he was more than that, that he wanted more even. He found himself returning to your shop even though he really did not need to.
And yet he did 'need' to.
Tech found himself smiling back at you. "Indeed. I must apologize. We have been to two floors of exhibits that I wanted to see. Is there something you would like to see?"
"No, Tech. This was all for you."
"I should very much like to learn about what interests you."
"Well, there is an atrium level. Gardens and ruins from other worlds. I remember being taken with the one from Naboo when I was a child." You felt a little weird saying that considering Tech was technically the same age as you were at the time. "You can actually sit there and relax. Or meditate like a Jedi." You shrugged.
"I would very much like that."
After browsing the garden exhibits of Kashyyyk, Chandrila, Selonia, and Old Coruscant, you settled in the Naboo section. A small waterfall splashed down a rock cliff before flowing through a makeshift river that encapsulated the area and then recycled back to the top of the waterfall. Lush green grass spread across one half before melding with a more tree and moss covered rocky area that housed some Gungan head statues. But what really amazed you not only as a child, but as an adult as well, were the guarlara statues that guarded the Naboo area.  
Tech studied you as you gazed upon the statues, content to witness your own fixation with something in the museum since you put up with his. "The guarlara, a quadrupedal mammal native to Naboo, having evolved the physical trait of speed on that planet's grassy plains and also a long mane of hair. Used as transportation before the speeder was invented and now only used for official royal business such as coronations."
"Sadly, I don't think I'll ever get a chance to ride one."
"No. They are reserved for royalty," Tech said a little too bluntly. But you knew he didn't mean anything by it and that he for the most part sympathized with you.
"Indeed," you echoed a word he had a habit of saying. "Let's sit over on that fancy stone bench. My feet are a little sore from all of the walking we've done."
"Indeed," Tech said in reply with a grin. He forgot you were probably not used to walking five or ten klicks or more as he was.
You both sat in silence as the sound of the waterfall drowned out the low chatter of the museum. You took extra satisfaction because Tech is sitting right next to you, so close that your arms and legs were touching.  
You knew he was a little nervous because he continued to look down at his datapad rather than enjoy the soothing sound of the waterfall, but maybe water just wasn't his thing.
“Hey Ace. What cycle are we heading for next?”
There it was. 'Ace.' One of your pet names for him. He wanted so badly to find one for you as well, but he wanted a special name, not the usual. He knew you liked driving and piloting as he did, but Ace could not work for both of you. He knew you also liked guarlaras, but there were not many equus related monikers that seemed suitable. Guarlara itself did not roll off the tongue very well. Pony was not very romantic. And mare simply sounded unsuitable.
Tech's eyes went from studying his datapad to studying the floor. He was disappointed that he could not find an ideal solution to this very simple quandary.
He now turned to you, studying your delicate features, so content to be in your favorite part of the museum, yet you were so colorful as well, not like anyone he had ever met before. When you turned to him, he took to studying the sparkle in your eyes, that seemed to represent everything he admired about you.
“What is it?” you asked, noticing Tech staring at you strangely.
He took your hand in his. "I was simply thinking about what an extraordinarily colorful woman you are. You remind me of the rainbows on Kamino. They were always so vibrant after a storm. And you are a vibrant beacon after all of the missions we go on. You are like a rainbow to me, albeit in adult human female form."
“Awwww...” You squeeze his hand and place your other hand over your heart. "I think that might be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me."
Tech could not help the large smile that spread across his face. “Then it is settled, Rainbow.”
You could not stifle the huge goofy smile that was spread across your face, beaming with happiness at Tech, whose eyes reflected your contentment. “You know, Ace, I think you might have earned the title of Captain.”
“That is not possible. Hunter is our Sergeant and first in line for that- Oh. You are referring to your speeder. You are going to let me pilot it?” Tech asked with a hopeful tweak of his goggles.
You laughed at him. “Come on, Captain Tech. Let's finish out the rest of the museum, then you can take me for ride.” The sly wink you gave him gave you exactly the fumbling reaction you desired.
Tech pushed his goggles up the bridge of his nose nervously and cleared his throat. “Yes. I shall take you for a ride in your speeder.”
After you were all done at the museum, you took note of Tech's excitement to sit on the pilot side of your speeder while you took the seat he had earlier.  Before you knew it, you were speeding away from the museum, up into the sky at a breakneck, but controlled speed, but it didn't matter, you knew he was a skilled pilot, and you trusted him with your life, and your heart.
Tech looked over at you, a huge smile spread across your face as the speeder breezed through the bright, neon signs and beaming lights of the other vehicles in the skylanes and shining through the windows of the skyscrapers.  All of the colors of the Coruscant evening did not compare to the lovely colors of you, his own personal Rainbow.
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apocalyp-tech-a · 2 years
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Hello there... I am Aelfwynn on Ao3.  I write mostly Tech-centric and Bad Batch fan fiction. I also make amateur art/memes, links below the cut if you’re so obliged.  :)  -Photo from Hunt for Red October when he says: “You’ve lost another submarine?” Lol, what I think of because I keep writing Tech series. 🙃
CX-2 / Tech is Alive Reasons for and by the fandom community
WRITING on AO3 as Aelfwynn:
An Unusual Alliance - M - Slowburn between Tech and Female OC Layna, Imperial atrocities and the birth of the Rebellion in the background (Andor vibes). Some additional awesome OCs and some canon guest appearances. Angsty, heartfelt, and humorous.  Certified Bingeworthy!  [64/64] AUA Art: Layna Xenton Imperial OC Sheet                 Tech petting a baby goat                 Grenth and Hallee                 Dovok and Tyka                 Telda and Numi
Apocalyptech - G - Ten years after Order 66, Tech has watched his entire world crumble.  He searches desperately for something to live for.  Certified to make you cry!  [11/?]
Interview With A Clonetrooper - G - Tech is interviewed by a historian after the fall of the Empire to tell the history of the clones that they deserve to be remembered for.  Guest clone appearances and more!  [2/?]
Observations and Analysis in the Galactic Empire - G - Tech’s inhibitor chip activates instead of Crosshair’s and to process the events before and after, he decides to record his observations in a personal journal. [8/?]
Tech or Treat - A Bad Batch Halloween Special - G - The Bad Batch celebrate Halloween and have some fun and spooky shenanigans. [1/1]
Activated Mind - G - What If Tech’s chip activates on Bracca? [6/6]
Technically in the Crosshairs - G - What If Tech’s chip activates on Bracca and he joins Crosshair in the Empire? A battle for superiority ensues with a bit of a twist and a lot of mudslinging.  [3/?]
Mayday, Mayday - G - What if Mayday survived? [2/?]
Unfinished Business - G - Tech and Phee have one last chat. [2/?]
TECH-OLOGY - Volume I - G - (Short story collection)[12/12]:
Fare Thee Well, Crosshair - Thoughts on Kamino’s secret platform.
T-Ech-o Taungsday - Cafeteria food fight shenanigans.
A Regular Meadow - Contemplation of the war.
Now TECH is Podracing! - Tech enters a podrace.
An Interview With a Clonetrooper - Tech is interviewed by a historian.
It’s Always Tech o’Clock Somewhere - 79s shenanigans.
Tech-I Mind Trick - The BB learns about Jedi.
Refresher My Memory - Toilet shopping!!! No, seriously!
Just Deserters - Contemplation of desertion from the GAR.
Cross My Hair and Hope to Die - Crosshair haunts Tech.
Home is Where the Squad is - The BB relax in their barracks.
Teching Around the Life Day Tree - Life Day celebration.
TECH-OLOGY - Volume II - G - (Short story collection cont’d)[12/12]:
Tech-tonic Rift - Cid persuades Tech and Echo about Serenno.
WHERE’S OMEGA!?!? - Omega wanders off...again.
Phee-no-Tech-ic - Tech learns something about Phee Genoa.
Cu Next Taungsday - Tech & Wrecker get a bad copper coupling.
Sacrifice and Serendipity - Tech calculates the survival of his sacrifice.
Hunting For a Solution - Tech and Hunter discuss the squad’s future.
A Gaggle of Goggles - Tech teams up with Hondo Ohnaka.
Caught in the Crossfire - Tech convinces Crosshair to escape Tantiss.
Doppel-Huyanger - Tech repairs Huyang.
The Clanking - Tech faces a great fear.  The Raven inspired.
Purrgiltory - Tech and Omega end up in a purrgil pod.
A Life Day Gift - Tech and Phee exchange Life Day gifts.
READERS on ao3 as Techpopstar: Command and Respect - M - Imperial Tech does not like you, or does he? [26/26] Force and Sensitivity - M - You are a Jedi and have a bond with Tech [24/?] Over the Rainbow - G -You take Tech to a Museum.  The Bad Batch Exchange 2024 [1/1]
Techles tooka doll from An Unusual Alliance Tech and a tooka cat Garfield style Tech and his podracer from Tech-ology story Imperial Tech complete with cap 79s Graffiti by Tech from Tech-ology story Imperial Tech and Crosshair Tech playing Limmie (a soccer/football like sport) Echo Scissorhands and Omega Tooka Topiary Clone Force 99 Jack O’ Lantern Crosshair and AmberOwl24′s OC Luvari Ulren  Tech making a PB&J for Omega Tech dapper and undercover fixing cufflinks B2EMO & Pit Droid Pickle Tech Crudites Crosshair The Hutt Batch Deviled Echo Phee holding Tech’s goggles Tudor Tech Tech and Phee Genoa as Moon-yos Cloudy With a Chance of Tech Black and white Tech sketch portrait Tech Chiss Grand Admiral Thrawn style Tech Vampire edit Tech and Phee and Crosshair’s reaction Tech and Phee and Crosshair and Wrecker Holiday style Gonky and AZI holiday song Crosshair as ‘Pickhead Hellraiser style CX-2 Bike Messenger CX-2 Nothing Burger
Tech Snoring Tech Twister Champion Tech and Hondo Ohnaka Goggles idea Stefan and Milk! Uncle Owen and Tech Oh, hi Tech. Anakin Attack of the Pornbots Spaceballs “Tech, please!” Gamorrean clown with Tech is Alive sign Bad Batch Fandom Woes Tech’s Alive Young Frankenstein style Omega Part of a Plan Starlord GotG Tech Falling for 180 Rotations Loki style Tech Mostly Dead Princess Bride
Happy to chit chat about Star Wars/Tech/Bad Batch or answer questions about my art or writing if you want to message/ask.   Please do not feed my stuff to ai or whatever that’s all about.
Thank you so much for taking a gander and reading!!!  💜💜💜 ☕
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